What a cat's 17 years. How to find out how old a cat is

Often, cat owners wonder how old their pet would be if she were a person. Is it possible to convert a cat's age into a human? Table "Cat's age by human standards” will allow you to find out at what stage of growing up the animal is, and help you better understand it.

How to determine the age of a cat

The owners of a cat do not always know its exact age. Often the animal gets to new owners from a shelter or from the street. If you got a completely baby or teenager, then determine approximate age even a non-professional can. But most often, such questions arise when a fully mature animal enters the house.

The age of an adult cat with an accuracy of one year will be able to determine experienced breeder or a veterinarian. To do this, you need to examine the teeth of the animal. In a month-old kitten, teeth are just appearing, in a six-month-old, milk ones are replaced by indigenous ones. Next, look at the erasure of the incisors of the upper and mandible, fangs. The more worn the teeth, the older the animal.

How to draw analogies

How is the correspondence between cat and human? The intelligence of man and animal cannot be compared, according to physiological development they are just as different. Therefore, when comparing ages, first of all, emotional and social characteristics are taken into account.

For example, both a feline and a human baby are a helpless creature that is completely dependent on the mother. The teenager is active, but has little experience. And the old man gradually loses interest in life, becomes passive, loses the sharpness of feelings.

According to this principle, scientists have compiled a comparative table "The age of a cat by human standards." There are several various systems age translation. The simplest is to multiply the age of the animal by 7. It is easy to see the uselessness of this method. Is it possible to compare a one-year-old, already mature and independent cat with a seven-year-old child?

Therefore, the table "Age of a cat by human standards" has been improved. In it, a one-year-old cat is compared with a fifteen-year-old teenager, and a two-year-old animal is compared with a 24-year-old man. In the future, 4 human years are given for each cat year.

According to another system, until a cat reaches the age of five, each year is considered seven human years, up to twelve - four, and after - three. The most accurate system uses a series of complex coefficients. To better understand the development of an animal and compare it with a person, consider the stages of maturation of a cat.


A cat develops and matures much faster than a human. The infancy period of a kitten lasts only a few weeks, while the baby takes a big step in its development. A cat child is born absolutely helpless, deaf and blind.

Within a week after birth, the film that protects the baby's delicate ears disappears. The eyes open on the 5-10th day after birth, but vision is formed gradually, and it is normal to see the world the kitten will start in just a few weeks.

Two-week-old kittens start teething. For comparison: in human children, this stage occurs only at the age of 6-8 months. Already monthly kittens run, actively study the surrounding space. Children behave like this at 1-1.5 years. The table “Age of a cat by human standards” shows that a one-month-old kitten is developed like a six-month-old child, two cat months are equal to ten human months, and a three-month-old animal can be compared to a two-year-old baby.


Cat cubs develop so rapidly that during this period it is most difficult to compare their age with the age of children. After the age of three months, the kitten actively communicates with his brothers and sisters, establishes contact with the owners. Recognizes own and others. He can take care of himself, clean his fur, absorb certain rules mother-centered behavior. The kid eats on his own, knows where the bowls are, sleeping place, tray. He already has an idea of ​​what to play with and what items should not be touched.

The age of a cat by human standards (a table by months is presented in the article) indicates that in the first year of its life the animal goes through stages that a person will go through for 18 years.

Compared to humans, cats short period in two or three months they mature for several years. If a three-month-old kitten is compared with a baby of 2-3 years old, then a six-month-old kitten already looks like a fourteen-year-old teenager. Therefore, it is important not to miss this short period and actively engage in raising a pet. Right now he learns the rules of behavior that he will use all his life.


Inexperienced owners may treat kittens like little three-year-olds. They forgive them pranks, aggression, puddles, damage to things and expect that with age bad habits will disappear by themselves.

The table "Age of a cat by human standards" shows that in fact a five-six-month-old kitten is comparable to a developed teenager. Serious changes appear in the character of the animal. He becomes active, playful and sometimes really resembles a teenager in adolescence.

The fluffy kitten looks cute and bad behavior often forgiven. However, the young animal is experiencing the limits of what is permitted. The owner must be firm and stop rebellion.

At this age, cats begin puberty. Kittens begin to "flirt" at the age of 5-7 months, they begin their first estrus. Cats can also mate. Pregnancy may occur. However, such young animals are not yet ready for parenthood, so mating should not be allowed.

So, the age of a cat by human standards (a table up to a year is given below) will look like this.


The table "Age of a cat by human standards" shows that a one-year-old animal can be compared to an 18-year-old person. It is this age that corresponds to the psychological and physical development. The cat seems already mature and serious, but often behaves like a child, plays a lot, hides, etc.

The cat has already grown to an adult size, has lost its childish fluffiness of its fur, its movements no longer seem funny and clumsy, grace and rapacity appear.

The speed of maturation also depends on the breed of the cat. For example, oriental breeds early formed and fully developed in a year. But large breeds can reach maturity only in 1.5-2 years.


How to calculate the age of a cat by human standards? The table indicates that a cat at 18 months (1.5 years) corresponds to a 20-year-old human. Youth is coming, the heyday of a cat's life. It lasts up to 5 years, which corresponds to 36-40 years in human terms.

During this period, the cat is stronger than ever, dexterous and tireless. It is the animals of this age that most often become the winners of exhibitions, they are optimally suited for breeding. At the age of 7, purebred pets are already taken out of breeding, as the risks for mother and offspring increase.


When does a cat come by human standards? The table states that the period of maturity is 6-10 years, which corresponds to the age of 40-56 years in humans. An adult animal can also play and fool around, but most time behaves solidly and sedately.

The activity and playfulness of a cat depends on its origin. There are breeds that behave like kittens until old age. But regardless of the activity in adulthood, flaws in the content begin to manifest themselves, the first bells appear chronic diseases. Failures in the work of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract begin. Animals that have not been spayed suffer from hormonal imbalances.

Old age

Veterinarians consider an elderly animal at the age of 10-12 years. However, it does not mean the approach of death. Much depends on the conditions of detention and heredity. Cats living on the street usually do not even reach 10 years. But pets often step over the 16-year milestone. Many cats live to be 20 years old, which is the same as the 100th anniversary in humans.

Therefore, do not be afraid of old age, equaling the age of a cat by human standards. Photos show that even twenty-year-old pets look and feel great. Older cats require special care. Do not expose the animal to unnecessary stress, change the position of the bowl, bedding, tray. Keep your pet safe when he gets clumsy.

A table by years will help determine the age of a cat by human standards. Photos of fluffy handsome men will prove to you that they look charming at any age.

Long-lived cats

It has been documented that a cat can live up to 29 years. However, there are centenarians whose age was determined by the testimony of their owners. These are outbred pets that did not receive documents at birth. So, the cat Fluffy from Texas lived for 38 years, and Lucy, a resident of Foggy Albion, celebrated her 40th birthday.

It is always interesting to know how old a pet would be if it were a human. Similar comparison allows owners to better understand the tailed friend and provide age-appropriate care.

Loving hosts do everything to keep them home pet remained healthy and active: fed only wholesome food, arrange a comfortable house for him, invite the best veterinarian give a lot of warmth. If you know the age of a cat by human standards, it is much easier to create for an animal right conditions, correctly distribute the necessary loads and make a diet. This is necessary because with age, the needs of a cat, like a person, change significantly.

How to determine the cat's age?

To determine the age of a kitten, it is necessary to assess the condition of his teeth. The first milk teeth in kittens appear at one month, and by 6 months they fall out. Method for determining life expectancy by the teeth of an animal considered the most accurate and reliable, and it is widely used in felinology (the science of cats). This method guarantees accuracy up to 1 month.

You can also determine the cat's age by the time of their puberty, ending at 6-8 months. But one should not confuse puberty with physical, which is finally formed only by one and a half years.

You can know the age by teeth not only in small kittens, but also in animals throughout the entire period of their life. If you carefully consider the condition of the teeth, you can determine the degree of adulthood of any individual.

From how worn out the teeth of the animal, can be determined quite accurately. how old is the cat:

  • if the teeth on the lower jaw have uneven edges, then the animal is about 2 years old;
  • when there are irregularities and wear of teeth on the upper jaw, then the pet is already more than 3 years old;
  • if pet worn fangs, then his age is 5 years;
  • if the animal is more than 10 years old, then his teeth begin to fall out;
  • incisors can be preserved until the age of 15 years, after which the fangs begin to fall out.

Thus, you can accurately determine the age of any cat.

Many owners are trying to figure out how old their pet is. this moment, if we translate it into human age. To accurately determine it, you need to multiply the cat's age limit by the number seven. However, this formula is optimal for animals no older than 4 years.

In this way:

  • by human standards, a one-year-old animal is already 7 years old;
  • A 2-year-old individual corresponds to a 14-year-old human;
  • 3-year-old pets catch up with the age standards of a 21-year-old person;
  • when an animal turns 4, by human standards it is already 28 years old.

Then, a coefficient of "four" is added to such a table of the ratio of the age qualification:

  • A 5-year-old cat corresponds to a 32-year-old adult;
  • 6 year old - 36 year old human age, etc.

T Thus, an animal at the age of 12, by human standards, has already turned 60. After that, a factor of "three" is added to the cat's age limit.

That is, three human years are added to every cat year of life.

Such calculations determine not only the equivalent for comparing human age, but also help to understand the behavior of the animal at various times in her life. Carefully following the habits of the pet, you can determine it real reasons and motivation. You can already meaningfully accept the playfulness and playfulness of a small kitten, as well as the wisdom and calmness of adult cats.

It is clear to everyone that the life expectancy of cats is much less than that of humans. However, calculated by human standards their life equivalent is comparable to human parameters by duration.

On average, pets live 13-15 years. Using the calculation, you can determine that it corresponds to the age of 63–69, and this is a pretty decent experience. Often pets live up to 20 years. The record holder is a cat who lived to be 34 years old.

Thinking about these numbers, it is easy to understand why pets at the age of 9 become calmer and less active. They try to rest more, and not frolic, as young animals do. It is rare that a person at the age of 60 is completely healthy, and pets at the age of 12 require special treatment for them. That's why do not move the feeding cup to another place, rearranging a tray or a house somewhere - for an aging cat, such changes lead to severe stress. Also, do not change your diet unless absolutely necessary.

However, often cats aged 12-15 actively catch mice and show energy in various life situations.

Every animal needs care proper nutrition and comfortable conditions residence. In order for a pet to live as long as possible, it needs to be given more attention and love. Average cats live only 15-17 years, so do not put off care and attention until later.

Many owners are interested in the question: how old is a cat by human standards?

With age, the behavior of the pet changes greatly.

From a small playful kitten, he turns into a calm cat, who devotes more time to sleep and less time to outdoor games.

Cats have time going faster than in humans.

To determine the age of your pet, you can refer to the correspondence table.

The first option is a calculation with a coefficient

To find out how old a cat is by human standards, a coefficient is often used.

This number determines the number of human years a cat lives in one year.

For each age group have their own characteristics

The calculations are based on social and emotional characteristics.

After all, it is not entirely correct to compare the logic of a person and a cat.

Of course, this table contains only approximate data.

In the case when the exact age of the cat is not known, the veterinarian will help to approximately determine it.

At the same time, he will evaluate the health of the pet's teeth and the condition of the body as a whole.

Important! Reliable data on the level of intelligence in cats is extremely difficult to obtain, therefore, all methods of converting from age to human are only approximate.

Although the coefficient gives a general idea of ​​how old a cat is in human terms, it cannot be argued that this is an accurate number.

You should not think that at two years old the cat is fully formed intellectually and socially adapted.

Such a table rather shows the aging of the body, its wear and tear.

Older cats are calm and measured

Option two - age ratio

Moreover, each year equates to several years of human life.

  1. The first year of life is considered as 15 human years.
  2. Second year - by 24.
  3. Each next year adds 4 years to the age, this figure remains unchanged until the age of 16.
  4. After 16 years, each lived year is equal to 3.

With this calculation system, a two-year-old cat is perceived as a 24-year-old girl, and when she reaches 12 years old, as a 64-year-old lady.

Using this recalculation option, a number of analogies can be drawn.

For example, up to 1 year (like a person under 15 years old), a cat learns to take care of itself, get along with the owner, and so on.

At the same time, the animal goes through puberty.

At two years old, the cat already has a formed character and knows how to demand from the owner what she needs (or just wants).

Her behavior at this stage really resembles young man or a girl at the age of 24.

If we continue this calculation, by the age of 15 (which in human terms will be 76 years), a cat, like an elderly person, can develop diseases.

Yes, and her behavior can change in accordance with age.

To age characteristics the following points apply:

  • decreased interest in games;
  • the emergence of features in the behavior characteristic of adults.

Breed affects age characteristics

Important! The appearance and nature of age-related changes depend on the breed of the cat.

Option three - elementary arithmetic

In this case, every year of life fluffy pet will be equal to 7 years of human life.

The result is not the most accurate.

A cat that has reached the age of one is much more independent than a 7-year-old child. After all, she is driven by instincts.

At the same time, many more animals live up to 20 years old than humans - up to 140.

These kittens are still very small.

The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not allow comparing the stages of development in humans and animals.

Therefore, this method is less preferable for calculations.

What to do if the age of the pet is unknown

If a cat was picked up on the street, then it will be difficult to determine how old she is at the moment.

However, age is important to know in order to find out how old a cat is by human standards.

Age determination can be entrusted to a veterinarian

If the cat's diet contains enough vitamins and minerals, the process of erasing and losing teeth noticeably slows down.

Dental health says a lot about a cat's age.

Does breed affect life expectancy?

Actually the answer to this question is "yes". Can live much longer:

  • outbred cats;
  • animals of natural or long-bred breeds.

In addition, the following factors affect the life expectancy of cats:

  • heredity;
  • presence/absence of genetic diseases.

It is worth noting that spayed cats and neutered cats have a higher life expectancy than those involved in procreation.

The absence of stress during the mating season has a positive effect on their condition.

Spayed cats live longer

Interesting! According to the observations of veterinarians, the life expectancy in most cases in cats is from 10 to 15 years.

What can the owner do

Sometimes it is interesting to know how old your beloved cat is by human standards.

To prolong its life, it is important to properly care for it. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Monitor your cat's diet. Her menu should be balanced.
  2. Provide your pet with everything essential vitamins, the use of special additives will prevent beriberi.
  3. Take into account the recommendations of veterinarians for the care of a particular breed.
  4. Make sure the cat leads active image life - to play with her, if possible, go for a walk with her.
  5. Keep her healthy. This includes timely preventive measures regular visits to the veterinarian. If your cat is sick, seek immediate medical attention and do not try to treat it yourself.

Together with all these measures, the importance of attention and care that a cat feels every day cannot be underestimated.

Host love in a positive way affect longevity.

The conditions for a comfortable life are also important: suitable, in case of travel.

Interesting! Among the centenarians is the cat Ma from the UK, which got into the Guinness Book of Records. She lived for 34 years!

Babies are more playful and mobile than adults.

Calculating how old a cat is by human standards is not so easy.

In fact, the psyche, thinking and habits of furry pets are very different from the thinking and behavior of people.

Thanks to the coefficients and tables, you can only roughly imagine at what age the pet is now.

At the same time, a number of factors affect the life expectancy of cats.

How old is a cat by human standards - three ways to calculate

How old is a cat in human terms? This is interesting to know for every owner, and for calculations they use a coefficient or simply equate several human years to one cat's year.

If you are an exemplary owner and take care of your pet, then the question of how to find out how old a cat is should not interest you, you already know this. Well, if for some reason it happened that this information passed you by, then you will be interested in how the age of cats is calculated.

It's not about the fact that you are an irresponsible owner or something else, it happens different situations and you, for example, could pick up a kitten on the street, or a fluffy asshole nailed to you when you returned home from the store or work. Anything can happen and no one is immune from it. In such cases, a number of factors are provided on the basis of which it is possible to predict at least the approximate age of the pet.

By the way, the most known ways to prolong the life of your pet are: proper care for cats, as well as her.

How to determine the age of a cat by teeth

It will not be easy to conduct such an experiment, since an adult pet is unlikely to allow you to admire its mouth. for a long time. The method allows you to determine the age of a cat with an accuracy of two months.

Determining the age of a cat by teeth

  1. At the age of 1 month, milk teeth appear in a small kitten.
  2. A 5 month old pet has a change of teeth.
  3. If the central incisors are worn out, then the approximate age is 1.5 years.
  4. When the middle incisors are erased, then the cat is already about 2.5 years old.
  5. At 5 years old, the canine teeth usually wear out.
  6. At 6 years old upper jaw undergoes changes as the incisors begin to wear out.
  7. The rubbing surfaces of the jaw change at the age of 7 to 9 years.
  8. If the incisors began to fall out, this may indicate an age of 10 to 15 years.

There is no point in sticking to the measuring scale, because each cat has a different lifestyle. For example, if the cat's nutrition was of inadequate quality, then the teeth begin to deteriorate earlier.


This method is applicable only for small kittens. Puberty age for cats can vary from 7 to 9 months. However, due to the characteristics of the breed and its lifestyle, this age can come both earlier and later. And this means that if you expect to accurately determine the age of a cat, then this method is not for you.

Puberty age of a cat

Under the best set of circumstances, the error will be 1 month, under the worst case, it reaches 4 months. Especially if you consider that cat years are different by human standards, then such uncertainty will not give you anything.

Cat age by coat

This method, like the previous ones, does not give a 100% guarantee, but many focus on it. So, if a cat has a soft coat, then it is likely that she is not yet a year old. But, there is such a flaw that with proper care for a pet, he always has soft fur, so it’s stupid to focus on such an indicator.

Cat age by coat

In addition, depending on the breed, it turns out that it is generally impossible to determine the age by wool, since there are those in which it is hard from birth. These include:

  • American wirehair cat;
  • Bohemian Rex;
  • Dutch Rex and others.

If you notice that your cat's hair is falling out in tufts, this is clear sign disease and it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Can you tell the age of a cat by its eyes?

The older the cat, the more likely it is that her eyes will see worse and outwardly it will be given out as clouding. These cloudy areas are visible to the human eye, so if you notice the appearance of such, it is best to go to the veterinarian.

It is difficult to determine how old a cat is on this basis, but it has a place to be. However, the appearance of a cloudy look may well tell us not only about old age, but also about such a disease as blindness.

Age of a cat by human standards - table

The limit for many breeds is different, below are the most common:

It is difficult to say unequivocally how many years cats live at home, since each breed has its own period of life. The ratio of the age of a cat and a person is often interpreted in different ways, but this does not mean that it is impossible to look closely at this. If this ratio is not taken into account, then normal age for a cat, this is 70-90 years old, which, by human standards, equates to about 17-20 years. If the pet lived less, most likely there were health problems.

If we do not take into account the cat's age, but only the human age, then 18 years in our world is very small.

Cat age by human standards - table

Life span of a cat

We have already figured out how to find out how old a cat is. Now you need to determine how long the pet will live approximately based on his routine and the owner's care for him. There are 6 rules, the observance of which will allow your pet to live happily ever after:

  1. Balanced diet. The absence of this directly leads to a deterioration in the quality of life and, as a result, a decrease in its duration.
  2. Relieve your cat of stress. On the background psychological problems A household can develop various diseases.
  3. Cats need freedom. No need to lock your family member in a cramped cage - this violates his freedom. In addition, he may even be older than you, if you remember that the cat's age by human standards is much greater, then you should understand that at 7-8 cat years old, in principle, a pet is considered a bit old.
  4. Visit your veterinarian regularly. This precaution will help protect your pet from unexpected infections. It is recommended to vaccinate cats according to age in order to ensure a decent and healthy life.
  5. Love the cat. Weasel has never done harm, but always went only for good.
  6. Make sure that the castration is timely, because if you delay this matter, you can injure the cat's psyche.

Some people are interested in how to determine the age of a cat by human standards, the table of the ratio of years of life will help with this.

Some people are interested in how to determine the age of a cat by human standards.

Knowing and understanding the feline age, lovers of furry, smooth and hairless purring creatures will be able to provide best care and create comfortable conditions for pets, track age-related changes and take timely necessary measures to support animal health. However, curiosity is also of no small importance for cat lovers. Finding out cat years in terms of a human age is a fun topic for discussing a pet with family members and guests.

When determining the age of an animal and making calculations of how old a cat is by human standards, the following factors matter: breed, living and nutritional conditions, personal physical data of the pet and heredity. Consider how zoologists determined the correspondence of human years to the age of cats.

Knowing and understanding the cat's age, lovers of fluffy, smooth and hairless purring creatures will be able to provide better care and create comfortable conditions for their pets.

It is far from always that pet owners know the exact age of a cat or cat that has settled in their home. Expensive thoroughbred animals are supplied with passports, but often a kitten gets into the family from the street or from the bird market. Fluffy lumps are brought by children and with tears they beg to leave them. The exact age in such cases cannot be determined. Veterinarians may indicate an age range based on the condition of adult pets' teeth and general physical condition kittens.

Pet owners do not always know the exact age of a cat or a cat that has settled in their house.

The average life expectancy of healthy animals is 14-18 years, but a lot depends on the breed and lifestyle. Outdoor cats live an average of 5-8 years. Active thoroughbred Persians, Maine Coons, Siamese and Siberian cats at home, with proper nutrition, they easily cross the 20-year threshold. A fluffy living in the house, but leading his family tree from the surrounding basements, will fit into the average value. Improper nutrition, previous diseases can shorten the life of a pet to 10-11 years or less. Null-parous cats may develop oncological diseases, walking cats often receive from their street partners various diseases and infections.

Like any living creatures, cats have long-livers. The record holder is the cat Puffy from Texas, who lived 38 years and 3 days. The age of the cat by human standards far exceeded 100 years. Her owner, Jake Perry, also raised a cat who died at the very respectable age of 34 years - the Sphynx Granpa Rex Allen. Another cat from Devon, UK, has died at the age of 37. The not officially confirmed longevity champion is the famous Lucy from South Wales. Witnesses claim that the cat was at least 40 years old. The number of feline Methuselahs who have lived for more than 25 years is large.

The age of a cat by human standards (video)

Age Matching Principles

Often, 1 year of a cat's life is equated to 7 years in humans, but such a simplified calculation can be applied (and even then with a stretch) only to animals that are 3 years old, but old age has not yet come. Old cats are considered after 10-11 years of life. Indeed, a teenager at the age of 14 does not correspond in any way in his physiological and mental development an adult cat or cat at the age of 2, which is no longer only able to live independently, but often has kittens. At the age of 14, the cat is still full of energy and bears little resemblance in its emotional and psychological state for a 98 year old woman.

Refined calculations are carried out, taking into account age periods, according to the following principle:

  • up to 3 years difficult to install constant coefficients A 3-year-old cat is accepted as a 25-year-old human;
  • up to 5 years, each cat year is considered 7 human;
  • from 5 to 12 years 1 lived year is 4 years in humans;
  • for cats over 12 years old, 1 year would mean three years for a human;
  • over 20 years old, the coefficient is also difficult to determine; by human standards, a cat at this age crosses the 90-95-year-old threshold.

A more correct comparison is carried out using special coefficients based on research and observations of specialists. It is more convenient to get acquainted with the results of such studies using the table below.

Life periods of cats

When comparing ages, zoologists and breeders proceed precisely from the physical, psychological and emotional state, in which the compared animals and people are located at different periods of their lives.

For cats, as for humans, the following age stages are characteristic:

  1. Infancy, which takes the four-legged first month of life. Kittens acquire teeth 3-4 weeks after birth, after which they can already be fed with solid food. At the age of 1-2 months, fluffy lumps actively explore the surrounding area, move independently, and react to external stimuli. Such properties begin to appear in 6-8 month old children. At 3-4 months, a kitten is similar in development to an 8-year-old child. At 8-10 months, this is already a 14-16-year-old teenager.
  2. Childhood, adolescence. A one-year-old kitten in human terms lives through the stages of childhood and adolescence. The development of kittens takes place at a rapid pace, so in 1 year they manage to go as much as a person in 18 years. During this period, puberty occurs, the character and lifestyle are finally formed. Since cats are quite self-confident and independent, changing the habits acquired by the animal into more late age will be problematic. This age of cats is characterized by increased activity- tailed playful, with interest in the world around them, begin to flirt with the opposite sex. appear and hunting instincts- rat-catchers and bird-catchers can boast of their first successes. The size of animals approaches the size of adults.
  3. The second year of a cat's life opens the period of youth. At the age of two, animals are full of strength and energy, but at the same time they are already fully formed physically and mentally, able to exist independently. Naturally, leave the house and go to permanent place caudates do not gather residence in the basement, but individuals prone to partying break out by all means. As a rule, after resting in nature, the animals return home on their own after 3-4 days, in order to go back to new friends and girlfriends after a while. The way of life of animals is very diverse. Many cats like to leave in the morning and return home for the night, some are able to disappear long time and then, hungry and walking up, they return to their native dwelling for a long time. There are especially impudent individuals who can equally well spend the night and feed themselves with compassionate neighbors, but in the end they still prefer their home. Isn't it true that all this is very reminiscent of the behavior of young people?
  4. Maturity occurs at the age of 6-10 years, which corresponds to 40-60 years in humans. The number and duration of parties decrease, animals like to sleep in comfortable conditions, sexual activity decreases. Outwardly, the four-legged become more sedate and calm, candy wrappers and shreds no longer attract their attention, although many cats remain playful to their own. last days. At this age, the development of age-related diseases is possible, unsterilized animals and nulliparous cats are at risk.
  5. Old age comes to cats after 10 years. Animals become less active, sleep or rest more. At this age, you need to be more careful with pets - do not stress, provide stable and high-quality nutrition, do not let children annoy them with games and excessive caresses. Cats no longer have their former strength and agility, if necessary, they need help climbing to their favorite place on the closet, not changing their diet, not moving bowls of food and water. The appearance at this age of other pets, especially puppies, will cause the animal stressful condition. In old age, four-legged animals may need the help and supervision of a veterinarian, feeding with vitamins and special supplements. All this is typical for people of the same age. With proper care, the animals will remain cheerful and continue to delight you. In any case, even older animals remain the same graceful and cute creatures with exorbitant pride and a sense of superiority over everyone around them.

How old is your cat (video)

Summary table of correspondence between human and cat ages

Results may vary slightly from source to source. The differences are explained by the properties of the breeds, the peculiarities of care.

The table below reflects the average values ​​and gives a visual representation of the age of cats in relation to the human:

Cat Human
1 month 1 year 8 months
2 months 3 years 4 months
3 months 5 l.
4 months 6 l. 8 months
5 months 8 l. 4 months
6 months 10 l.
Seven months 10 l. 10 months
8 months 11 l. 8 months
9 months 12 l. 6 months
10 months 13 l. 4 months
11 months 14 l. 2 months
12 months 15 l.
2 y. 24
3 y. 28 l.
4 y. 32
5 l. 36 l.
6 l. 40 l.
7 l. 44
8 l. 48 l.
9 l. 52
10 l. 56 l.
11 l. 60 l.
12 l. 64
13 l. 68 l.
14 l. 72
15 l. 76 l.
16 l. 79 l.
17 l. 82
18 l. 85 l.
19 l. 88 l.
20 l. 91

In conclusion, I would like to note that love and sincere concern for our smaller brothers- a guarantee not only of longevity and health of the pet, but also the opportunity to receive in return even greater affection and love, positive emotions. Of course, a cat walks by itself, but even if she is absolutely touchy and does not allow herself to be caressed and stroked, does not rub her head on her legs and does not purr on her knees, she will still find an opportunity to show her feelings and demonstrate her attitude towards a person who is cute to her .

Even the very presence of this amazing creature in the house creates a favorable atmosphere. Watching the smooth and dexterous movements of a small predator, graceful postures, condescending attitude towards others is a pleasure.

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