How to determine how old a cat is by human standards? How many lives do cats have? History and facts.

How many lives does a cat have and some other interesting things?

Have you noticed that in the mythology of many peoples, cats are attributed magical, sometimes mystical properties and abilities? How is a cat depicted, for example, in children's cartoons? Of course, as a magician and wizard. Moreover, soon we ourselves become confused, completely and irrevocably. Where is the truth and where is fiction - how to determine this?

A cat has nine lives: is this a metaphor or a feature? Alas, cats have only one life, just like you and me. Of course, cats are truly distinguished by their phenomenal vitality and ability to extricate themselves from many unpleasant life collisions. Perhaps this is where such a statement came from! Well, in life it should be a little different: a sick animal should definitely be shown to a veterinarian. And so your furry pet should have plenty of everything - high-quality, balanced (and moderate!) nutrition, the owner's care and affection - and then he is almost guaranteed to live to a ripe old age, decorating your home with his contented, sweet purring.

Trimming a cat's whiskers will discourage him from wandering. For a long time people quite seriously thought so: trimming the mustache means the cat will be somewhere nearby, otherwise he will not find his way home. In fact, cats need whiskers to better “feel” their surroundings, the path. Another thing is that you can monitor your pet’s mood by using its whiskers! By the way, never trim a cat’s whiskers: along with the tail, they are needed to maintain balance and equilibrium when walking.

Cats shake their tails when they're happy! In fact, it is difficult to reliably say whether this is true or not. Cats have a rather complex and intricate body language, with the same gestures and movements in different cats can be deciphered and interpreted in different ways. Look at domestic cat sitting on the windowsill and watching the birds through the glass. From a feeling of “powerlessness”, out of frustration, she can shake or even beat her tail. If you are an observant and loving owner, you will soon learn your pet's body language! And this will mean one thing: a close relationship has been established between you, you understand each other!

Human breast milk is extremely beneficial for cats. We don’t know who first came up with this idea, it seems like there was such a cartoon. But the belief has gone down among the people! Certainly, breast milk won't kill the cat, but many of our furry friends are lactose intolerant. IN best case scenario, this is an attack of diarrhea! In general, choose milk that is adapted to the needs of the cat’s body!

Garlic is a natural anthelmintic. Again, a common misconception; to this day many caring owners trying to feed their cat garlic. In fact, garlic (and onions too) contain something... common name N-propyl disulfide. The substance is extremely harmful to cats, as it actively destroys red blood cells, and this is a direct path to anemia. Please don't feed your cats garlic!

Cats don't need classes or exercise. Yes, cats are distinguished by their indifferent and independent behavior. They are on their own! But this does not mean that their mental and physical activity develops on its own and does not need any push from the outside. On the contrary, such activity should be constantly stimulated, especially for cats living indoors. Boredom often breeds behavioral problems, and lack of activity leads to excess weight.

Cats eat grass because that's how they heal. Let's tell you a secret: no one, not even the most advanced scientists and cat behavior gurus, know the whole truth! Maybe one will open soon! In the meantime, based on the results latest research, experts come to the conclusion: cats simply like the taste of this or that herb. They also warn that if you notice that your pet is consuming too much grass, like rabbits, it is better to show it to the veterinarian as soon as possible to make sure there is no serious problems with health.

Brushing cats' teeth is funny! Never felt bad smell from your pet's mouth? But it may indicate problems with his teeth and gums. Go to the nearest pet store and look: there is an assortment of chewable and at the same time therapeutic and prophylactic treats that help you care for your oral cavity and keep your teeth in good condition. You can help your pet brush its teeth yourself, but in this case it is better to consult a veterinarian. He will tell you how to protect yourself from possible bites and scratches!

So these are interesting creatures, our beloved cats. In principle, there is nothing magical here and there cannot be. Love your pet and watch him more often - and he will reveal all his “secrets” to you!

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Through time and space, a light magical haze tirelessly stretches behind the cat. Many legends surround these graceful animals, who did not want to become slaves to the “Crown of Nature”. One of these mysteries is related to the fantastic endurance of cats. In ancient times, people even believed that magical beauties were capable of reincarnation. Why does a cat have 9 lives? Who gave so generously to the mustachioed hunters? We can only guess, trying to see the answer in the eyes of the mysterious beast, shimmering with precious stones.

Twenty seven gods Ancient Egypt conditionally divided into three groups of nine “responsible” for water, earth and heaven. The Egyptians always considered cats close to the gods, endowing them with the powers of messengers or even believing that the gods themselves come to our world in the form of mustachioed impatiens. Perhaps the myth about cats originated in Ancient Egypt. Some believe that this is a gift from the god Ra himself, who is often depicted in cat form. Or maybe it was the ruler of the nine worlds, the goddess Freya, who thanked the cats that drive her chariot across the sky?

Devil's machinations

The souls of people who lived in the Middle Ages were filled with horror of Satan, the devil and all his forms. It was believed that a witch could turn into a cat in order to enter the home of pious people. Having died, the cat took on its true appearance. A sorceress could perform this “trick” nine times during her life.


Why exactly nine lives, and not ten, for example? The number 9 has been considered magical since ancient times. It closes the cycle: 1-9, 19, 29, 999. It reproduces itself when multiplied by any number: 9x7=63, 6+3=9; 9x156=1404, 1+4+0+4=9. According to the writings of the ancient Greek philosopher Pluto, Atlantis included nine kingdoms. By the way, the Greeks also have nine muses. In Orthodoxy, angels have nine ranks. Ancient symbol The Holy Spirit is a nine-pointed star, on each ray of which is inscribed a symbol of one of the nine gifts. Bach's Ninth Symphony was the composer's last work. The ninth wave is a sailors' nightmare.

Read also: Cat colors: general information

Ideal proportions

Perhaps 9 lives thanks to Nature itself, which “hit the mark” the first time. The prehistoric ancestors of whales lived on land and looked like otters, only their legs were slimmer and longer. The ancestors of horses walked on the balls of their feet and resembled rough-headed foxes. But the cat was already recognizable 50 million years ago. These animals have changed remarkably little over millions of years of evolution. Apparently, the cats were so perfect from the very beginning that they only required light “retouching.”


Expensive computer equipment, a plastic box, a cat hung with ultra-sensitive sensors and a person gently caressing it - this is how scientists around the world study the purring of cats. It is known that rumbling accelerates tissue regeneration, especially bone. Why this happens is unclear. Many researchers are even trying to create a device that will imitate this sound; experimental developments already exist. It has been proven that the purring of a healthy pet is the most “effective”. Some zoologists are sure that 9 lives are the result of her ability to self-heal.

Vestibular apparatus

Cats not only have a magnificent physique, but also a unique sense of balance. Falling from a height, these animals always manage to land on their paws, taking the desired position while still in “flight”. Even kittens who have barely begun to walk will land on their tiny paws. In addition, due to the size of the cat and the ratio of muscle density to body weight, a mustachioed acrobat, falling from the roof of a high-rise building, will get off with a slight fright. The 9 lives of cats are often explained by this very phenomenon.


Endowed with high intelligence, the cat is able to find a way out of any situation and adapt to any conditions. Wherever cats live, in the steppes or dense forests, in the mountains or on the streets of a metropolis, they always manage to find warmth and food. Cats have learned to live next to humans, although it is not in their nature to be part of a pack. They even came up with a unique language to communicate with slow-witted bipeds - meowing. This is an amazing phenomenon! Not a single animal ever “thought of” inventing a special language for conversation with humans.


Sometimes the 9 lives of mustachioed pets are associated with their autonomy and independence. A cunning cat, having learned to use the benefits of people, remains a full-fledged animal. Most domestic animals, when returned to their natural habitat, are unable to survive or survive at the cost of tremendous effort. But not a cat. It’s as if she keeps in the depths of her consciousness all the experience of her ancestors, quickly turning from an affectionate mug into a wild predator. For this reason, many zoologists consider cats to be only partially domesticated, since these animals too easily run wild once in their natural habitat.

Courage, but not recklessness

Perhaps a cat has 9 lives also because these animals are excellent analysts. Take, for example, a dominant terrier with a pronounced territorial instinct. What happens if you bring him to his house? Caucasian Shepherd? The terrier will rush at the intruder, although it is obvious that he has no chance of winning. But the cat has cold prudence. A cat that is not twice its size will easily give the cat a hard time, and a large dog will run into a tree. Cats also rarely fight among themselves, preferring “loud” confrontation: for hours, cats are able to hiss and yell at each other, without using their teeth and claws. For what? After all, the slightest scratch can lead to death if an infection enters the body through the wound. The cat cannot understand this, but it senses in its gut when it makes sense to openly fight, and when it is wiser to retreat.

Despite the incredible vitality of these amazing animals, a cat has only one life. The owner should not rely on the gods, or on nature, or on the intelligence of the mustachioed pet. Legends are beautiful, sometimes you really want to believe in myths, but you shouldn’t tempt fate.

How many lives does a cat have - 7 or 9? Now let’s figure out where the fact about the multiplicity of life of these animals comes from in our worldview. Why are the numbers different? Africans are the most generous. Their cat has 9 lives. Europeans call the number 7. Muslims say six. Let's find out how it was invented.

Cat with 9 lives

Ancient Egyptian scrolls mentioned twenty-seven gods of Ancient Egypt. During the Fifth Dynasty, there was a clear reference to the division of the pantheon into three groups of nine divine entities each. The gods of the first main group are Ra, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, Shu, Tefnut and Nephthys. Nine was considered a divine number.

Bastet is the daughter of the god Ra. The goddess of love and joy was depicted as a cat.

The Scandinavian goddess Freya, ruler of the nine worlds, rode across the sky in a chariot drawn by cats.

The Greek god Apollo created the original lunar year, which had nine months. Diana, sister of Apollo and goddess of the moon, often took the form of a cat.

Ancient mythology has created a strong connection in people's minds linking the moon, the cat and the number nine. This is where people's faith in such a myth came from. Therefore, when asked how many lives cats have, many answer nine.

Cat with 7 lives

In the Middle Ages, minstrels (storytellers, narrators, singers and poets) appeared. They brought culture and education to the masses. Crowds of townspeople and peasants enthusiastically listened to the fascinating poems, which allegorically described the resourcefulness of medieval lawyers, the cunning of court intriguers, the greed of money changers and solicitors, and the charlatanism of doctors. All characters were depicted as animals.

The ironic poem “The Romance of the Fox Reineck” was extremely popular. It is in this work that there is the character Tybalt. He was a cat who bore the title of king and had a nasty, cocky character. He had seven lives.

All this has firmly settled in the minds of the masses. This is how the belief in such a myth arose.

Cat with 6 lives

Muslims revere the number “five”, since their religion is based on the same number of inviolable concepts (faith, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, prayer). Namaz is performed five times a day.

In the biography of the Prophet Muhammad there is a legend about his beloved cat. Her name was Muetsa. The Prophet loved his pet very much. The cat even saved Muhammad's life once. The Messenger of Allah gave the cat the ability to be reborn. But she could not be equated to a person and endowed with a soul. Therefore, the prophet gave the cat 6 lives. This is such an interesting legend.

So how many lives does a cat have - 7 or 9? Or maybe 6? And really, who can answer with accuracy how much? Biologists calculate the lifespan of a cat, of course, based on scientific facts and the animal's lifestyle.

wild cat

Her living conditions are the most extreme, since the question of obtaining food is constantly on the rise. The main food is rodents, mice, gophers, birds, and sometimes even insects. Difficult conditions to preserve offspring, which is why 70% of kittens do not live to see a year. In her life there is a struggle for territory. It's hard to count how many lives cats have natural conditions. Naturalist researchers have calculated that one of them lasts 6-8 years. And 12-year-old cats are already considered long-livers.

Homeless animals

At every step, danger lurks for these animals (wheels of city transport, cars driving in the most unexpected places, dog fangs). These cats most often feed on public landfills, food that is not suitable for human consumption. Such an animal can easily become poisoned or contract an infection. And let's not forget about another wild and unpredictable animal - man. Because of all this, evidence shows that those living on the streets rarely live beyond 8 years of age.


These are cats that live in favorable conditions. No one will attack them at home. The animal is surrounded by care and love. As a rule, it feeds well. The right food selected by a veterinarian. Regular visits to the doctor protect your pet from diseases and help prevent their occurrence.

Animals are great at feeling sincere and sensitive. Love is paid for with love. IN home environment the cat is least susceptible stressful situations. Loving owner I don’t think about how many lives cats have. He is interested in the pet living as long as possible. It is worth knowing that sterilized cats and neutered cats have a longer lifespan.

On average, pets at home live 15-17 years. Some live up to 18-20 years.

If you bought a kitten

The appearance of a cute fluffy ball in the house is always a significant event. And when you first go to the vet, ask the question, how many lives does a cat have? 7 or 9? The answer will be - one. And you are responsible for it.

Don't forget that a living being is completely dependent on you. Read more information about the characteristics of the breed, character traits, habits, and behavior of the future pet.

Now let’s figure out how long a cat’s life year is. In the feline family, 1 year is equal to four human years. Only this concept is relative. A one-year-old kitten will not be the same as a 4-year-old child. In terms of development, he will be like a 16-year-old teenager. A two-year-old cat is like a 24-year-old girl. Only after 24 months does the four-year countdown begin to work.

A three-year-old cat is like a 28-year-old person. Then you can continue the calculation yourself to understand exactly how long a cat can live. You try to make your pet’s entire life comfortable. But it is impossible to say exactly how long the animal will live.

If you decide to adopt a cat from a shelter...

The noble act is to adopt a cat from a shelter. Of course, the first question will arise, how old is she?

The first thing that tells you about a cat's age is its teeth. In kittens, the incisors are the first to appear within 2-4 weeks. At the 3rd or 4th week, fangs grow. Molars appear in 5-6 weeks. But these are baby teeth. They may become loose or fall out. U one year old cat All teeth are mature, white and without signs of wear. By the age of two they have a slight yellow plaque. At the age of five to eight years, yellowness will be noticeable on all teeth. And by the age of ten, the cat will already show signs of wear and tear.

The second sign is the eyes. In young cats they are bright and transparent. With age in eyeball a slight cloudiness appears.

Another sign is the cat's fur. But it is quite difficult to navigate. Young cats have bright, shiny, and thick fur, although this may vary depending on the time of year or the pet's health.

When adopting a cat from a shelter, you are unlikely to worry about how many lives the cats have left. After all, if you forget about myths, then you can say with confidence that your animal has one, and he will live it next to you. Don't forget, your pet is weaker than you. And there are a large number of factors that can cause a cat to lose its only life.

To the question How many lives do cats have? given by the author chevron the best answer is 7 or 9 =) although this is just a myth

Answer from ELENA[guru]
I'm a cat.
I will heal these wounds.
There may be scars left.
I'm a cat.
I look into your eyes without blinking,
And I twitch my ear - it’s alive. .
Only a cat.
I sigh quietly
And I nervously draw patterns with my tail.
I'm a cat.
I am tiredly silent,
I yawn, I purr, I know.
I'm a cat.
Let's play?
I always land on my feet.
Let's jump off the roof?
Are you afraid?
Or maybe higher?
Fall and break
Can you handle it?
I will remain silent again...
I'm a cat.
Lives are over.
Today I'm playing ninth.
Ninth - back on paws.

Can you hear?
I'm disappearing...

Answer from Bystrova Julia[guru]
a cat only has one life

Answer from Cut your hair[newbie]

Answer from Device[guru]
Actually there is only one, but according to myths - 9!

Answer from ^^Sweet Girl^^[active]
They say it's 9!! in fact it's 1)

Answer from Gennady Zakharov[guru]

Answer from (not) Karenina[guru]
alone, sadly...

Answer from GRINDERS[guru]
one but everyone thinks it's 9

Answer from ??? Mikhailovna???[guru]
Don't conduct experiments. Porridge has one life!! if she dies. then he will not be resurrected. In any other situations, the cat survives thanks to its flexibility and resourcefulness.

Answer from Olessya[guru]
9 lives

Answer from Millie Seven[guru]
There is an opinion among occultists that 9

Answer from Mila[guru]
The books say that a cat lives 9 lives. But who was actually convinced of this? These are just assumptions and myths.

Answer from SABINKA[guru]
Despite their frequent falls from heights, they result in far fewer fatalities than in humans. The record holder is a kitten named Sabrina, who fell onto the sidewalk from the 32nd floor and received minor injuries - a knocked out tooth and a slightly wounded chest.
Unraveling the secrets of feline survivability, which is the focus of pasemotology, could help reduce high-altitude injuries. Feline high altitude syndrome was first described in 1976 by Dr. Gordon Robinson, veterinarian New York ASPCA Hospital. Every year, about 150 owners brought him fallen animals. Most of them jumped from a height of 4 or more floors. Most of the victims hit the concrete sidewalk. Of all the victims, only 20 died. All the rest remained alive. Thus, recovery occurred in 90% of cases.
Falling cats are at greater risk in many ways. less people. Light weight provides less impact force, less stress and lower terminal velocity. All this is achieved by the following: they always fall downwards with their feet, and not with their heads, by the flexibility of the limbs, which distribute the load over the joints and muscles, and, finally, by their ability to assume the flying squirrel pose after reaching maximum speed.
An old English proverb says: “If there is a black cat at home, it will never run out of lovers.” A cat (especially a black one) plays the role of a kind of symbol of sexual attractiveness. Several times a year she manages to gather admiring cats from all over the area. Therefore, the mistress of the house where Murka lives can break the heart of any man. In the Middle Ages, when black cats were feared and hated, another belief arose. If a cat crosses a person's path and he is not subsequently harmed, then he is incredibly lucky. In some miraculous way, he earned the favor of the dark forces, which will help him in difficult situations for a long time.
If in a hotel in Tunisia a cat crosses your path, the tip of its left ear is cut off, it means that this is a psychotherapist cat. It is believed that these animals can cure even severe mental illness, let alone relieve stress, depression, improve
mood is a piece of cake for them. They are under state protection.
Every hotel in this country is home to a whole colony of tailed healers. They are fed and looked after according to their high mission as healers. human souls. A truncated ear is a sign of the animal’s caste, its qualifications, as well as information that the cat has all vaccinations and is under the constant supervision of a veterinarian. So anyone in need of treatment can safely take the four-legged doctor in his arms, since he is practically sterilely clean. Guests are even allowed to bring cats into their rooms, provided that no one harms the furry employee.
I'm a cat.
I will heal these wounds.
There may be scars left.
I'm a cat.
I look into your eyes without blinking,
And I twitch my ear - it’s alive. .
Only a cat.
I sigh quietly
And I nervously draw patterns with my tail.
I'm a cat.
I am tiredly silent,
I yawn, I purr, I know.
I'm a cat.
Let's play?
I always land on my feet.
Let's jump off the roof?
Are you afraid?
Or maybe higher?
Fall and break
Can you handle it?
I will remain silent again...
I'm a cat.
Lives are over.
Today I'm playing ninth.
Ninth - back on paws.
I throw immortality into the mouth of the asphalt,
Can you hear?
I'm disappearing...

How many legends, mysteries and stories exist about these graceful and gentle creatures - cats. One of these mysterious secrets is their incredible endurance. In ancient times, people generally believed that these animals were capable of reincarnation.

Why does a cat have nine lives? Who gave such a generous gift? We can only guess the answer.

The gods gave the cat nine lives

In ancient Egypt, it was believed that there were twenty-seven divine entities, which in turn were divided into three groups, nine of which were responsible for the earth, nine for the sky and nine for the water. Well, everyone knows the attitude of the Egyptians towards cats, some believed that they were messengers of the gods, some that it was the gods themselves who appeared in the form of mustachioed and striped cats. Maybe the idea that a cat has nine lives came from Ancient Egypt. Maybe this is a gift from the sun god Ra himself. Or maybe such a gift was presented by the ruler of the nine worlds, the goddess Freya, for helping to transport the chariot across the sky.

Devil's Intervention

In the Middle Ages, people were horrified when they saw a black cat; they believed that all witches could turn into cats and thus enter the homes of righteous people. A witch could perform such transformations nine times in her life.

It's all about the numbers

Why exactly nine lives? Not 8 or 10? Since ancient times, nine has been considered magical. According to the writings of the great Pluto, Atlantis consisted of nine kingdoms. IN Orthodox religion Angels have nine ranks. The most ancient symbol of the Holy Spirit is the nine-pointed star. Bach's last symphony was his ninth. The worst thing that can happen to sailors is the ninth wave.


We all know that cats can purr (why does a cat purr, do you know? No. Then follow the link above), although it is being studied, there are no big results yet. It is only known that rumbling has a positive effect on tissue regeneration. There were even attempts to create a device that would reproduce such a sound, but alas. So they believe that she can heal herself nine times.

Sense of balance

The cat not only has a wonderful body, but also an excellent vestibular apparatus. Jumping from a height, she always manages to land on her paws, and groups herself up during the flight. Even kittens that cannot really walk always land on their paws. Maybe that’s why they are given nine lives for such cases – falling from a height.

Ability to adapt to any conditions

Such a highly intelligent animal as a cat can adapt to any living conditions and get out of any situation. Wherever she lives: in the forest, steppe, mountains, metropolis, she will find housing and food everywhere. Although a cat is not a herd animal, compared to a dog (by the way, do you know why cats fight with dogs, no, then we’ll definitely follow the link), it gets along well with humans, and even invented a special language for communicating with this “two-legged creature” - meowing . That's how smart they are.

Courage and prudence

Maybe they have so many lives because they know when to attack and when to retreat. Well, for example, let's take a small terrier with a fierce sense of defense of territorial integrity. What would happen if you brought, well, a shepherd dog into his home? Of course, he will rush to defend the territory, although the chances of victory, to be honest, are very small.

What will the cat do? She will first, calmly, assess the situation. If the enemy does not exceed her in size, then she will push quite a bit; if the dog is healthy, you will remove it from the closet or from the tree. They don’t even fight among themselves often, sticking more to a psychological attack, in the form of hissing and yelling. Such an action of “who will win” can last for hours without moving into a more aggressive stage - claws, teeth. Why, because even a small scratch can lead to bad consequences - contamination, infection, death. Although the cat cannot understand this, he is still an animal, but he instinctively senses when it is possible to hit him in the face, and when it is better to hiss.

And yet, even though a cat is a very tenacious animal, it only has one life. Legends are good, myths are sometimes very true, but you shouldn’t experiment with a cat and tempt fate.

She has exactly 9 lives.