Strange mythical creatures. Demons and Demons

Now it is difficult to imagine that people believed in the existence of such animals as the platypus, gorilla, giant squid and many others relatively recently. Travelers talking about them, showing sketches and photographs, were accused of lies and hoaxes. New species of animals are being discovered in our time, mostly small or leading a secretive lifestyle. We count the creatures in the pictures below as this moment science fiction at the time, but who knows how our descendants will feel about them?

1) Mutant fish caught in Japan and appearing after the Fukushima accident:

2) In Brazil, local residents on the banks of a river photographed something strange. They claim it was a mermaid:

3) And this is what sea creatures look like after death. This creature was photographed after it was discovered by fishermen on the ocean shore. It was subsequently confiscated by the FBI:

Another similar full-length creature:

4) This fish with a human face was caught off the coast of Japan:

5) Photo from an airplane over Loch Ness. The circle shows the outline of a body that would be quite suitable for a dinosaur:

6) Another mutant fish, this time from Australia, without even fins.

7) Another miracle from the Green Continent - a poisonous pink jellyfish of an unknown species

8) This gnome-like creature was photographed under streetlights at night in South America:

9) We are at a loss as we look at the strange flyer in the cloudy sky of Nuremberg:

10) This is a figure depicting a Japanese water kappa in one of the local museums. The limbs in the box are a kappa arm and leg, officially on display as exhibits. Some Japanese still keep such artifacts at home, because, in their opinion, the kappa is still alive, but now it is not so easy to find it. Kappa is also depicted in many Japanese watercolors, ancient and not so ancient:

11) Are orbs living entities or just a trick of light? Here we see orbs in the cemetery:

12) The most famous photograph Bigfoot. As its authors later admitted, this is a common hoax, made by them for entertainment and to earn money from the sale of photos to newspapers. Below it is a much less famous one, in which a bear is visible, but who is visible at the top right?

13) What is a Chupacabra - the result of genetic experiments or a guest from a parallel world? In each case of the discovery of a Chupacabra corpse, it is seized by FBI specialists, who claim that the body belongs to a sick coyote. The photo shows a baby chupacabra. Please note: there are five toes on the paws. Below is the head of a Chupacabra, which was killed by local residents in South America:

14) If such a creature, as the author of the photo suggested, really existed, its existence would be recorded:

15) Could this roe deer stalking caught on camera at night be the mysterious Jersey devil?

16) Mothman, the progenitor of Batman comics:

17) Looks a lot like a harpy, doesn't it?

18) A mummified fairy handed over to official authorities. Below is a cheerful flock of living fairies:

19) Strange, ridiculous creature filmed in Florida:

20) A creature similar to him, filmed many years ago in London, but with a head resembling a human:

21) Many people have probably seen the video with Slenderman on our website. The photographs below with this character are also very interesting:

22) There is quite a lot of evidence that one of the alien races, the so-called “grays,” is not only actively involved in the life of earthlings, but also in politics:

23) The monster shown in the photo waves his hand at the camera. To assure us that there are mermen?

24) Giant shark monsters may not be a fantasy from the movie Jaws. Zoologists who studied this photo taken off the coast South Africa, confirm: this is not a whale, but a shark:

25) Japanese cameras have captured an animal resembling the megalodon shark, thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago:

26) The discovery of mummified remains of an animal unknown to science in South Africa:

27) Who is this creature caught in the frame? night camera— vampire or alien?

28) During archaeological excavations, the remains of a huge human skeleton were found. Perhaps the Titans are not a Greek myth after all.

29) Is the mysterious creature sneaking along the hedge completed in Photoshop?

30) The corpse of a toothy creature, similar to extinct sea creatures, was found on the beach and baffled experts:

31) We continue the theme of dead animals unknown to science found on the beach, such as this strange snake that seemed to rise from the depths of the sea:

32) Another creepy and apparently dangerous toothy fish:

33) Scientists invited to identify this find suggested that it was a mutant sturgeon. But somehow we don’t really believe them:

34) And this four-meter monster, thrown out Indian Ocean, apparently a mutant megajellyfish:

35) Who is this wonderful creature - a hybrid of a pig with someone else?

36) The creature, which is impossible to look at without disgust, probably escaped straight from the island of Doctor Moreau:

37) Who is this mysterious mollusk?

Creepy creatures, aren't they?

When we have nightmares with terrible monsters, we understand that this is just a trick of the imagination: monsters come out of the darkest depths of the subconscious and embody our secret fears (special thanks to the movie “Aliens”!). However, there have been many cases where people actually believed that a certain creature actually existed. Everyone has heard about Bigfoot, but there are others - so evil and scary that some people are afraid to even mention them.


Yowie is the Australian equivalent of Bigfoot. He was spotted in different areas of Australia, most often in the area Blue Mountains west of Sydney. Reports of encounters with strange creatures began shortly after European settlers settled in the area, and continue to this day. Australian Aborigines also have many legends about encounters with Yowies. At first it was called “yahoo”, which means “evil spirit”. And although there have been no recorded cases of a direct attack by a yowie on a person, this creature itself is terrifying. They say he stands and looks at you intently, without looking away, and then disappears into the thicket of the forest.


Rumors of a giant anaconda living in the jungle South America, have always existed. It's about not about an ordinary giant anaconda, but about an unknown reptile of truly monstrous size. Witnesses claimed that this snake was larger than anything they had ever seen, and its length reached 40-50 meters. The natives gave her the name “mother of water.” They say that the head of this snake is almost two meters wide. She can cut down trees in her path, let alone large animals or humans - if they meet this monster, they are doomed.


Brownie is a creature from Slavic mythology, devilry. He looks like a small man with a big beard. It is believed that every house has its own brownie and that brownies love cleanliness and help maintain it. These creatures seem to be not evil, but on the contrary, useful in the household, but if the brownie doesn’t like something, he can begin to plot evil intrigues and ruin your life. It’s definitely better not to mess with him. If he loves you, he will help you, and if he suddenly dislikes you, he will pinch you at night until you bruise, lean on top of you in your sleep and press so hard that you can’t breathe. In general, the brownie is an ambiguous figure.


The bunyip, also called the kianprati, is an Australian sea devil, or evil spirit. This creature is large in size and has a rather peculiar appearance: it has the head of a crocodile, the face of a dog, fangs and flippers like a walrus, and on top of that horse tail. The bunyip lives in swamps, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. There have been no reports of sightings of him since the mid-19th century, but the natives still believe in his existence. Bunyips are bloodthirsty: at night they go out hunting, devouring animals and people, and especially love to feast on women.


Almost everyone has heard of Bigfoot. But in case you don’t know, this is a large creature that has been seen in many areas North America. It is known that bigfoot is very tall, has thick brown or black fur, and also stinks terribly. There are reports that he kidnapped people and kept them in his hiding places in the forest for long periods of time. Whether this is true or not is not known for sure. They say he likes to watch people, looking into the windows of houses at night.


Jikininki is a very peculiar mythical creature. This is a Japanese evil spirit, a goblin, that eats human corpses. It is known that they were once human, but for their sins after their death they were turned into terrible spirits. If you are a bad and greedy person, you will be cursed and after death you will have to wander the Earth forever in the guise of a jikininka, endowed with insatiable hunger. They say that in appearance they look like a decaying corpse with a very bright eyes, whose gaze they can immobilize you. So it's better not to catch their eye.


Yeti - Himalayan big Foot. They say that it comes from Tibet, from where it later spread to the surrounding highland areas. Witnesses claim to have seen a yeti carrying big Stone and whistling an eerie tune. The Yeti walks on two legs, is covered with white fur, and also has huge fangs. Yeti should not be taken lightly, because... in Tibet there are many recorded cases of people encountering it.


Chupacabra is a legendary goat vampire. This creature is quite modest in size, but very evil. The first mentions of the Chupacabra came from Puerto Rico, and then there were many reports of encounters with this monster in both South America and North America. Chupacabra translates to “goat sucker.” She kills animals and sucks their blood. There is not a single serious evidence of the existence of the Chupacabra, but people still believe in it.

Beast of Gevaudan

In the period from 1764 to 1767, the French province of Gevaudan (now the Lozère department) was terrorized by a creature that looked like a huge wolf. It is known that over three years, the ruthless man-eating wolf, whom everyone considered to be a werewolf, committed 250 attacks, 119 of which resulted in death. The killings continued for several years, and even King Louis XV sent hundreds of professional hunters to round up the beast, but their efforts were unsuccessful. They say that he was eventually killed by a local hunter with a blessed silver bullet. And human remains were found in the beast’s stomach.


Wendigo is an Indian bloodthirsty cannibal spirit. It is said that if a person is cursed, they can turn into a wendigo, especially if that person has practiced black magic and cannibalism. And also if he was cursed by a witch doctor or bitten by another wendigo. The danger is that the Wendigo is always hungry and loves human flesh. This creature is three times taller than a person, it has translucent, but at the same time very hard skin, which no weapon can take. You can only kill him with fire.


The Sumerians were an interesting people. They built such a highly developed civilization that they rose above the rest. Their epic, like the epic of other ancient peoples, tells about various strange creatures, gods and goddesses, including very bloodthirsty ones. One of the most famous mythical monsters of the Sumerians is Gugalanna, the celestial bull from the Epic of Gilgamesh. This creature killed thousands of people in search of the city where the great king lives, and it was also looking for him in order to kill him. We managed to deal with this bull, but not without losses. Gugalanna was a terrible heavenly punishment that one of the gods sent on people.


These creatures, the legends of which are common in the Philippines, are similar to vampires. They also love blood very much, but they have features that set them apart from other vampire-like creatures: these monsters love to feast on the hearts of babies and know how to split their body in half. They say that at night they do this - they leave the lower half of the body standing on the ground, and the upper half releases membranous wings from its shoulders and flies away to look for prey. Mananangals fly into houses, grab pregnant women, drink their blood and steal the heart of their child with their long proboscis tongue. Good news is that they can be killed. To do this, you need to sprinkle salt, crushed garlic or ash on the lower half of the monster’s body.

Black Annis

Black Annis is known to every Briton. This is an evil witch with bluish skin, long sharp teeth and with claws and a frightening smile that roams the countryside and steals small children. It is necessary to protect not only children, but also animals from it, because it eats children and small sheep, tearing off their skin. She then makes belts from this leather and wears them. She lives in a cave called "Black Annis's Dwelling" and is scratched by witch claws into the roots of an old oak tree - the only tree left from the ancient forest in Leicestershire.


A dybbuk for Jews is the same as for Christians a demon or spirit that inhabits a person and which Catholics expel through exorcism, and Orthodox Christians exorcise with prayers. The dybbuk is the soul of the deceased bad person. She cannot rest and is looking for someone to inhabit. They say that a dybbuk can attach itself to a good person and make him possessed. It seems that the dybbuk is desperately seeking help and support in this way, but in the end it brings only evil, completely taking over the person. To expel a dybbuk, one righteous man and ten other members of the community, dressed in burial shirts, are needed.


The tale of Koshchei the Immortal is widespread among Slavic peoples. This is a powerful and strong sorcerer who is always plotting intrigues and is considered one of the most terrible precisely because of his immortality. Looks like a tall, thin old man or a skeleton. He likes to kidnap other people's brides. He has a weakness - his soul, but this soul is enchanted and turned into a needle “Koscheev’s death”, and the needle is very well hidden. We know this by heart: a needle in an egg, an egg in a duck, a duck in a hare, a hare in an iron chest, a chest buried under an oak tree, an oak tree on a magical island. Not The best way spend your vacation.

The world is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. And many scientists today insist that there are parallel worlds in which various entities live, previously unseen. And fairy tales and myths are not fiction at all, but rather even epics. That is why this article will present a list of mythical creatures that may have once lived, or may still live somewhere else at the moment.


This list will examine both positive and negative representatives. If a good list is considered, a unicorn must be opened. What is it? So, most often it is a beautiful white horse with a sharp horn in its forehead. This is a symbol of chastity and the fight for justice. However, if you believe the esotericists, the unicorn should be a creature with a red head and a white body. Previously, he could be depicted with the body of a bull or goat, and only later - with a horse. Legends also say that unicorns, by their nature, have an inexhaustible supply of energy. It is very difficult to tame them, but they obediently lie down on the ground if a virgin approaches them. If you want to ride a unicorn, you will have to stock up on a golden bridle.

The life of unicorns is also very difficult. They feed exclusively on flowers, drink only morning dew, and swim in the cleanest forest lakes (in which the water then becomes healing). Moreover, all the power of these creatures is contained in a single horn (it is also attributed to healing powers). Today they say: meeting a unicorn means great happiness.


The list of mythical creatures similar to horses can be supplemented by the winged horse, the son of Medusa Gorgon and Poseidon. His main function is to be on Olympus and give his father lightning and thunder. However, while on earth, Pegasus with his hoof knocked out Hippocrene - the source of the muses, which should inspire everyone creative people for useful deeds.


Separately, you can also consider mythical female creatures. The list will be replenished in mandatory Valkyries. These are warrior maidens who are companions and executors of the will of Odin (the supreme god in These are some symbols of honorable death in combat. After a warrior has fallen, the Valkyries on their winged horses take him to the heavenly castle of Valgala, where they serve him at the table. In addition, Valkyries can predict the future.

Other female mythical creatures

  1. Norns. These are spinning women who determine the birth, life and death of people.
  2. Parks, or moiras. These are three sisters, daughters of the night. They also predetermined the life of every person. Clota (first daughter) spins the thread of life, Lachesis (second daughter) guards it, Atropos (third daughter) cuts it.
  3. Erinyes. These are goddesses of revenge, who are depicted with torches and whips in their hands. They push a person to take revenge for grievances.
  4. We continue to consider female names mythical creatures. Dryads can join the list. These are women tree guardians. They live in them and die with them. And those who planted and helped the tree to grow were the wards of the dryads. They tried their best to help them.
  5. Graces. These are mythical creatures that personify youthful charm and beauty. Their main goal was to excite such a feeling as love in the young hearts of girls. In addition, they brought joy to everyone who met on their way.


The list of mythical creatures must be supplemented by various birds. After all, they also occupied leading places in popular beliefs.

  1. Phoenix. Today many will say that this is the bird of happiness. However, previously she personified the immortality of the soul and the cyclical nature of the world, since she could give rebirth and was reborn herself, burning herself. The phoenix appears in the form of an eagle with golden and red plumage.
  2. Anka. This is a bird from Muslim mythology, very similar in its functions and presentation to the phoenix. It was created by Allah and is inaccessible to people.
  3. Ruhh. This is a giant bird, which in its claws (huge and strong, like the horns of a bull) can lift three elephants at once. It was believed that the meat of this bird restores lost youth. They called it Nog or Fear-rah.

Griffins and similar creatures

The list of mythical creatures can be continued by monsters, which are the result of crossing two or more powerful animals.

  1. First of all, these are griffins. These are winged creatures that have the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. They are the guardians of the gold and treasures of the Riphean Mountains. The scream of these monsters is very dangerous: every living thing in the area dies from it, even humans.
  2. Hippogriffs. It is the result of crossing a vulture bird (the front part of the creature) and a horse (the body). This creation also had wings.
  3. Manticore. This is a creature that has a human face topped with three rows of teeth, the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion. His eyes are bloodshot. It moves very quickly and feeds on human bodies.
  4. Sphinx. This is a creature that has the head and chest of a woman, and the body of a lion. It was called upon to protect Thebes. The sphinx asked a riddle to each person passing by. Anyone who could not guess it was killed by this creature.


What other mythical creatures are there? The list can be supplemented by monsters that are somewhat similar in appearance to dragons.

  1. Basilisk. This creature has the eyes of a toad, the head of a rooster, and wings. bat and the body of a dragon. In other legends it is a huge lizard. From the gaze of this creature, all living things turn to stone (if the basilisk looks at itself in the mirror, it will die). His saliva is also poisonous, and it can also turn you to stone. Lives in a cave, eats stones, comes out only at night. the main objective his life: protecting unicorns, since they are “pure” creatures.
  2. Chimera. This is a creature with the head and neck of a lion, the tail of a dragon and the body of a goat. This is a symbol of a breathing volcano, as this monster spewed fire. Some people believe that modern stone chimeras can come to life and do things.
  3. We continue to look at mythical creatures. A monster with the body of a snake and nine heads of a dragon can be added to the list. She lived in a swamp near the city of Lerna and ate entire herds. Hercules saved the city from the hydra.
  4. Kraken. This is a certain sea ​​serpent, Arabian dragon. He could capture an entire ship with his tentacles, and his back protruded in the middle of the ocean like a huge island.

Russian mythical creatures

Let's look separately at the mythical creatures of Russia. This list can be opened by evildoers. They were also called Khmyri, or Kriks. They live in swamps and pester people. They can even inhabit a person if he is old and has no children. They personify darkness, poverty, poverty. In the house, the evil spirits settle behind the stove, and then jump on a person’s shoulders and ride him. Another mythical creature is the hukhlik. This is a mummer, a water devil. This is an unclean spirit that comes out of the water and loves to play tricks on people, playing various dirty tricks on them. Particularly active during Christmas time.

Greek mythical creatures

Separately, I would also like to present a list of mythical creatures of Greece, the cradle of human civilization.

  1. Typhon. This is a monster that has about 100 dragon heads with long black tongues on the back of its head. Can scream with the voices of a variety of animals. This is a special personification of the destructive forces of nature.
  2. Lamia is a demon with a female appearance that kills babies.
  3. Echidna. An immortal and non-aging woman with the body of a snake who lured travelers and devoured them.
  4. Grai - three goddesses of old age.
  5. Geryon. This is a giant, a monster, on whose belt three bodies are fused. He owned beautiful cows that lived on the island of Erithia.

Movies about mythical creatures

Fans of everything unusual can watch films about mythical creatures. The following films can be added to this list:

  1. “Jason and the Agronauts”, 1963.
  2. "The Lord of the Rings", several films that were released from 2001 to 2003.
  3. Cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon", 2010 release.
  4. "Percy Jackson and the Sea of ​​Monsters", 2013 release.
  5. 2001 film "Horror from the Abyss".
  6. "My Pet Dinosaur" 2007 release.

Having considered complete list mythical creatures and demons, I would like to say that all these monsters are fictitious. And so it must be assumed until facts are presented indicating the opposite.

The human imagination, especially in nightmares, can generate images of terrible monsters. They come from the darkness and inspire inexplicable fear. Throughout the millennia-long history of existence, humanity has believed in enough a large number of similar monsters, whose names they tried not to even pronounce, since they personified universal evil.

Yowie is often compared to the more famous Bigfoot, but he is credited with Australian origin. According to legend, Yowie lived exclusively in Blue Mountain, a mountainous region located west of Sydney. The image of this monster appeared in Aboriginal folklore to scare away European immigrants and settlers, although there is evidence that the myth has a longer history. There have been people who have spoken of encountering this creature, which is considered an "evil spirit", although official confirmations there is no mention of Yowie attacking people. It is said that when meeting a person, Yowie stops and stares, and then disappears into the dense forest.

During the era of colonial wars, many myths appeared or gained new life in different parts of the world. For example, in regions of South America they began to talk about the existence of giant anacondas. These snakes reach a length of up to 5 m, and their body, in comparison with ordinary anacondas, is much more massive. Fortunately, no one has ever encountered such a snake, either alive or dead.

If you delve into the mythology of the Slavs, you can believe in the existence of such a creature as a brownie. This short stature a bearded man who can live in a pet or even inhabit a person. They say that in every house there lives a brownie, who is responsible for the atmosphere in it: if there is order and harmony in the house, then the brownie is good, if there is often swearing in the house, then the brownie is evil. An evil brownie is capable of causing constant accidents that make life unbearable.

With the head of a crocodile and the face of a dog, with a ponytail and fins, and large fangs, the Bunyip is a fairly large monster that is said to live in the swamps and other parts of Australia. His name comes from the word "devil", but many other qualities are also attributed to him. This monster was most often talked about in the 19th century, and today it is believed that the creature still exists and lives on parity with the locals. The Aborigines believe this most of all.

Everyone knows the Bigfoot creature. This is a large creature that lives in different parts USA. He is very tall, his body is covered with black or Brown. They say that when meeting him, a person becomes numb in the literal sense of the word, being under the influence of hypnosis. There were people who testified about cases when Bigfoot took people with him into the forest and kept them in his den for a long time. Whether this is true or not, the image of Bigfoot inspires fear in many.

Jikininki is a special creature born from Japanese folklore. In the past, this was a man who, after death, transformed into a terrible monster. Many believe that this is a ghost that feeds on human flesh, so people who believe in this deliberately avoid visiting cemeteries. In Japan, they believe that if a person is very greedy during life, after death he turns into a jikininki as punishment and experiences an eternal hunger for carrion. Outwardly, the jikininki is similar to a person, but with a disproportionate body and large glowing eyes.

This creature has Tibetan roots. Researchers believe that the Yeti crossed into Nepal following the footsteps of the Sherpa migrants, emigrants from Tibet. They say that he wanders around the surrounding area, sometimes throwing huge stones and whistling terribly. The Yeti walks on two legs, its body is covered with light fur, and its mouth has dog fangs. AND simple people, and researchers claim to have encountered this creature in reality. They say that it penetrates into our world from the other world.

The Chupacabra is a fairly small creature, but capable of causing a lot of problems. This monster was first talked about in Puerto Rico, and later in other parts of South and North America. "Chupacabra" means "goat blood sucker." The creature received this name as a result of a large number of unexplained deaths of livestock of the local population. The animals died from blood loss through bites on the neck. The Chupacabra has also been spotted in Chile. Basically, all evidence of the existence of the monster is oral; there is no body or photograph of it. No one managed to catch the monster alive either, but it is very popular all over the world.

Between 1764 and 1767, France lived in great fear because of a werewolf, either a wolf or a dog. They say that during the period of its existence the monster made 210 attacks on people, of which it killed 113. No one wanted to meet him. The monster was even officially hunted by King Louis XV. Many professional hunters tracked the animal with the aim of killing it, but their attempts were in vain. As a result, a local hunter killed him with a charmed bullet. Human remains were found in the belly of the beast.

In American Indian mythology, there was a bloodthirsty creature called the Wendigo, the product of curses. The fact is that in the myths of the Algonquian tribes it was stated that if during life a person was a cannibal and ate human flesh, then after death he turns into a Wendigo. They also said that he could inhabit any person, taking possession of his soul. The Wendigo is three times taller than a human, its skin is decaying and its bones are protruding. This creature is constantly hungry and craves human flesh.

The Sumerians, representatives of an ancient but quite developed civilization, created their own epic, in which they talked about gods, goddesses and their Everyday life. One of the most popular epics was the Epic of Gilgamesh and the stories of the creature Gugalanna. This creature, in search of the king, killed a large number of people and destroyed cities. Gugalanna is a bull-shaped monster that the gods used as an instrument of revenge on people.

Like vampires, this creature experiences constant thirst blood. It also devours human hearts and has the ability to detach top part his body and enter people's houses, especially houses where pregnant women live, to drink their blood and steal the child with the help of his long tongue. But this creature is mortal and can be killed by sprinkling salt on it.

Black Annis, as the embodiment of evil, is known to everyone in Britain, especially in rural areas. She is the main character of local folklore of the 19th century. At Annis of blue color skin and a scary smile. Children had to avoid meeting her, as she fed on children and sheep, which she took from houses and yards by deception or force. Annis made belts from the skins of children and sheep, which she then wore on herself in dozens.

The most terrible of the worst, the Dybbuk, is the main character of Jewish mythology. This evil spirit is considered the most cruel. He is capable of destroying the life of anyone and destroying the soul, while the person will not be aware of what is happening to him and will gradually die.

“The Tale of Koshchei the Immortal” belongs to the mythology and folklore of the Slavs and tells about a creature that cannot be killed, but which ruins everyone’s life. But he has weakness- his soul, which is at the end of a needle, which is hidden in an egg, which is inside a duck, which sits inside a hare. The hare sits in a strong chest on the top of the tallest oak tree growing on a fabulous island. In a word, it’s difficult to call a trip to this island pleasant.