What foods do veterinarians recommend? Which cat food is better: the right diet for a meowing pet

Food for kittens should take into account the factor in the formation of bone tissue, muscles, and animal fur. Therefore, it is important to know what is the best food for a kitten and provide the baby with good nutrition.

All baby food is divided into age categories. You should start with nutrition designed for 1 age group. It includes the age of pussies up to 4 months. The second category - from 4 to 8 months, the third - from 8 months. up to 1 year.

Experts do not advise feeding kittens with the usual food that the family consumes. For the growing organism of the mustache, the intake of all necessary substances is especially important., which will have a beneficial effect on the development of the animal - the formation of the skeleton, the normal functioning of all internal organs, muscle tissue, hair growth. Therefore, it is important to choose high-quality cat food.

Also, as for adult cats, lines of dry, wet food, canned food are produced.

Dry food for kittens

The specificity of dry food is that the food is in the form of pieces or granules, in which there is practically no moisture. Therefore, the animal gnaws food, cleaning the surface of the teeth from plaque, sharpening the teeth, which is important for predators. In the case of babies, this type of diet can hardly be called appropriate.

Digestion of kittens is not yet sufficiently established, teeth are just being formed. Therefore, it is very undesirable for them to resort to a dry type of food.

If there is a need to use dry feeding, then this should be done from the age of 8 months, when the fluffy has already formed, and the use of this type of food will be tolerated by the animals calmly.


Top 5 best holistic foods for babies:

  • Akana (Canada).
  • Chicken soup (USA).
  • Artemis (USA).
  • Eagle Pack (USA).
  • Felide (USA).

These are the highest quality feeds that are produced in dry form.

Super premium

According to experts, among the superpremium class nutrition, the best foods are:

  • Brit Care.
  • Bosita.
  • Gina.

They are somewhat inferior in quality of raw materials, but are quite suitable for a balanced diet of an adult pet.


In the premium class, the most favored were:

  • Hills.
  • About the Plan.
  • Royal Canin.

Royal Canin Kitten

Such feeds are cheaper than super premium, but are made from raw materials of satisfactory quality.

It is not recommended to feed the baby dry food of economy class. In the production of this type of food, many chemical additives are used, which can cause significant harm to the developing body of a young animal.

wet food

This type of nutrition for kittens is divided into age and breed of animals. The marking on the packaging of the product indicates the age for which the food is designed. Some firms make separate species, focused on the specificity of the breed. This approach satisfies the requirements of strict breeders. Animal lovers with less requirements can feed their pets with age-appropriate food.

Many cat owners who fed their kitten wet food from an early age were satisfied with the results. The baby adapts well to the new diet, as it takes into account the needs of the growing organism as much as possible.

Features of wet food in their composition. These feeds include natural products - meat, fish, vegetables. Jelly or broth, in which there are soft pieces, makes it possible for young, still forming teeth to cope with food without effort. In addition, the packaging of feed is designed for 1 meal. This is convenient, since the contents quickly deteriorate during storage. Wet food does not contain preservatives or other chemical additives. This type of food is safe for the health of the animal.

The wet food rating is the same as the dry food rating. All companies produce separate lines of nutrition for animals, designed for the age of the animals.. But still the best wet food according to veterinarians is Akana. He deserved the most flattering reviews of breeders.

canned food

This is an expensive pleasure, rather this type of food can be defined as high-quality bait for a kitten. Canned food is the most expensive type of food on the market. This is due to their composition. Often, they include from 90 to 60% natural meat - animal or fish.

Advantages of canning:

  • High calorie. It is enough for a crumb to eat 100 g of such food to satisfy hunger for a long time.
  • High quality raw materials used in production.
  • Disposable packaging.
  • Well-thought-out composition - if vegetables and meat are included, then they complement each other as much as possible.

Canned Disadvantages:

  • High cost.
  • Small list of components. It is not uncommon for a package to consist of 1 or 2 components. Such nutrition can hardly be called completely balanced.

Many veterinarians consider canned food a delicacy for pets. The top best canned food for kittens looks like this:

  • Almo Necher Alternatives.
  • Leonardo.
  • Appleus.
  • Evanges Signeisha Series.
  • Petit Quizin.

Almo Nature Alternative

Is it worth it to feed a kitten natural food

This is not an idle question. Many generations of animal lovers fed their kitten natural food. Now this approach also exists. At the same time, owners of fluffies who prefer this type of food for their pet should take into account the specifics of the animal. Cats are natural predators, so they need meat, fish. In addition, the formation of wool is an important factor. With improper feeding, she begins to climb profusely. This creates a lot of inconvenience.

Not all owners can completely balance the nutrition of a small mustache. Even if you feed your baby homemade food, a number of nuances must be taken into account.

Do not feed raw fish to a kitten. It may contain worms, eggs of worms, worms.

Without heat treatment, all this “charm” will enter the stomach and then it will be difficult to fight it. In addition, it should be borne in mind that there are many small bones in the fish. A baby (and even an adult cat) often suffers from the fact that the bones dig into the throat, palate, etc. Therefore, feeding with fish should be very careful.

You can not feed a kitten with cow's milk. It is poorly digested by the stomach of kittens and can harm the health of the baby.

Many experts advise feeding your pet a balanced diet, which is offered by various companies. The choice of food is large and is designed for various financial possibilities. The best food for a kitten according to veterinarians is wet selected according to age and breed. It will help the baby to normally transition from breastfeeding to denser food, to develop, without damage to digestion.

Owners who have chosen natural food for feeding a kitten should take into account the specifics of the growing organism. It is good to allow the pet at least occasionally a special dietary food in the form of canned food.

Quite often, for cat owners, finding quality food is a serious problem. Some prefer natural products, some listen to the recommendations of the sellers in pet stores, and some follow the lead of intrusive advertising.

In order to provide for your pets, you should also understand what dry food is, what rating they have and what it is based on. After all, it often happens that expensive food does not mean at all that it is one of the best, and food of an acceptable price category is bad.

There are several categories of cat food.

By type they can be:

  • natural;
  • industrial;

In the first case, the owner of the animal independently determines what to feed his pet, but the big difficulty lies in the fact that he does not always have all the necessary knowledge and will be able to provide the fluffy with all the important substances and trace elements.

In addition, cooking always takes a sufficient amount of time. In the case of eating ready-made food, these problems disappear, it remains only to choose a quality one, based on the advice of experienced breeders and a reliable rating.

All industrial feeds are divided into 2 types:

  • dry;
  • wet.

Dry, in turn, are divided into types, which are characterized by the quality of the composition. This is:

  • economy;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistics.

Most cats are quite happy to eat dry food, both economy and premium, but this should be very important for owners, since poor quality food can significantly reduce the number of years a cat lives.

What are the benefits of dry food?

Some cat owners are afraid to feed their pets dry food. This is due to the myth that they allegedly cause kidney stones in animals. Such conclusions are unfounded, however, kidney stones can indeed appear when using cheap food. Also, when using dry food, the animal must drink clean water.

Among the positive qualities of dry food are the following:

  • can be stored in a bowl for a long time;
  • thanks to the granulation technology, a lot of vitamins are preserved;
  • feed, starting from the premium category, is covered with beneficial bacteria that promote high-quality digestion;
  • dry food is concentrated and lasts for a long time.

Many catteries in Russia prefer dry cat food, however, you should choose from premium, super premium and holistic categories (if possible).

How to choose a good cat food?

In order to choose the best food for your pet, it is not enough to look at the packaging and the name. Trademarks lure with various marketing moves, however, the rating of dry food cannot be deceived. Even kenguryatin in the composition will not be able to guarantee that this food meets the standards and requirements.

So how do you choose the right and complete food for cats and not fall for the bait of marketers?

Cat food rating scale

The rating of industrial food is created so that the owners of mustachioed pets can easily navigate what they can feed their kitty and what not. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main positions of the brands and names of food, which today is in Russia on the shelves of supermarkets and pet stores.

7th place

The worst indicators in terms of composition for such brands of economy class:

  • Acti-Crog, All cats, Bab'in (cereals and poultry, meat and carrots);
  • Catchow;
  • Clauder;
  • Friskies;
  • Kitekat;
  • Pro tail;
  • Whiskas;
  • 5 stars;
  • Vaska;
  • Terra cat;
  • feed, which are produced by hypermarket lines at their own facilities.

Analysis shows that it contains too much cereal, namely corn, as well as low-quality offal, preservatives and dyes. These foods can cause urolithiasis (urolithiasis) in cats, allergies and intestinal dysbacteriosis.

6th place

Also, the following brands cannot be used for daily nutrition:

  • Club 4 paws, Purina one, Best choice, Darling, Josera, Porta 21, Oscar, Skif, Stout. They contain a high percentage of flour and preservatives;
  • Mera cat, Perfect fit (unspecified meat);
  • Katinka, Lara (poor-quality by-products and preservatives).

5th place

For cats that are not active in exhibition activities, you can use premium food from the following brands:

  • advance affinity;
  • Animonda;
  • Ardengrange;
  • Bab'in (duck; salmon);
  • Best friends Bilanx;
  • biomill;
  • Blitz;
  • Brit Premium;
  • Caliber
  • Farmina Matisse;
  • fitmin;
  • flatazor;
  • Guabi Sabor And Vida;
  • Grau, Iams;
  • Hills Natures best;
  • Hills science plan;
  • Katz;
  • Nativia;
  • Nutram;
  • Monge;
  • Optimeal,
  • optima,
  • Organix;

The products of these brands contain a large percentage of meat, and also contain corn, wheat and other cereals. The disadvantages that the rating describes are usually minor: not a pleasant smell, small granules.

4th place

Slightly higher in the positions offered by the premium feed rating:

  • Bosch;
  • bozita;
  • Defu;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Frank's pro gold;
  • Gina;
  • Greenwoods;
  • Guabi,
  • Husse;
  • Mera Cat;
  • Nutro;
  • Nero gold;
  • shesir;
  • trainer.

These brands represent premium quality dry food. They are designed for the middle price segment and are quite consistent with the price-quality ratio. Suitable for daily nutrition of all cats.

Most owners of pet cats do not have the opportunity to cook their pet a balanced full breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.
According to veterinarians, the most ideal food for cats is small pieces of meat or fish. But in addition to such a diet, a mustachioed pet must receive the minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. Therefore, it is much more convenient for owners and healthier for cats to purchase ready-made cat food, but which ones are better than others? What to choose?

Choice of food for cats

In the wild, the feline family are carnivores that get all their valuable nutrients from the raw meat and stomach contents of their prey. A domestic cat must also receive a certain amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that any living organism needs for a comfortable life. For a caring owner, it is very important to choose the right type of food for your mustachioed pet.

Types of cat food

There are three main types of food for domestic cats. They differ in the way of preparation, serving, shelf life and other properties.


Some owners still do not trust feeding their pet with food from bags and prefer to prepare cat food on their own. The menu is selected individually: for fluffy and smooth-haired, for young and adults, for thin and well-fed cats.

It is important to remember that food from the human table is absolutely contraindicated for a pet. Delicious sausages, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes will do no good to a cat.

Benefits of natural food:

  • Accurate knowledge of the composition of products;
  • No hazardous chemicals or harmful additives;
  • Food is closer to natural conditions.

Cons of natural food:

  • The need to frequently prepare new dishes so that the food does not spoil;
  • It takes a lot of time to prepare;
  • It is desirable to have certain skills and knowledge in the field of pet nutrition.


Many owners believe that dry food is the most versatile and balanced food for a domestic cat.

Pros of dry food:

  • Saving money compared to natural nutrition;
  • Saving time;
  • It does not spoil for a long time both in the package and in the cat's plate;
  • Good dry food is properly balanced.

Cons of dry food:

  • Lack of water in dry food can lead to kidney and bladder problems in cats if used incorrectly;
  • Dry food does not give enough load on the pet's teeth;
  • Cheap dry food is likely to be high in carbs. Its use can cause diabetes in a cat;
  • Some feeds contain special additives that are addictive.

Wet food (liquid food)

Wet cat food can be used as an alternative to dry cat food when you want to properly care for your pet, but do not have time to cook for him separately. It is often made with "liquid" cat food.

  • Saving time;
  • Saving money compared to natural nutrition;
  • Sufficiently long shelf life in the package;
  • Close to natural composition, properties and taste.

Cons of wet food:

  • In bad feed, ingredients are added that are addictive in animals;
  • Wet food does not retain vitamins in its composition, compared to dry food;
  • A large amount of liquid in poor-quality feed leads to poor saturation of the animal;
  • If you leave wet food in the air, it will quickly dry out and lose its nutritional value.

Cat food classes

Cat food is divided not only by type, but also by other parameters. Food classes are a rating system that distributes food according to composition, benefit and price category.

Economy food

The class of food most often seen in TV commercials. Such food is suitable exclusively for muffling the hunger of the animal. There is nothing useful for cats in it, and there is certainly no meat in its composition. Solid soy, by-products, preservatives, cellulose, flavor enhancers and food additives are not at all what mustachioed pets need.

The only plus is the cheap price. Veterinarians do not recommend using economy class food as the main menu for domestic cats.

Watch the following video, do not pay attention to the quality of the picture, the main thing is information!

There are also feeds of the so-called "commercial" class. Their composition is no different from the economy, and the cost increases due to the promoted brand. Good hosts shouldn't rely on commercials for tips, they're just a good marketing ploy.

Manufacturers: Darling, Meow, Whiskas, Doctor Zoo, Kitekat, Frieskies, Felix, etc.

Medium class food

Medium class feeds have a correspondingly average product quality.

Compared to economy, this feed contains less soy, grains and flavors, and no chemicals. The composition already contains a small amount of meat and a balanced vitamin and mineral complex. Also, medium-class food is already divided into categories: for sterilized cats, for kittens, furry animals, for adults, etc.

Manufacturers: Bozita, Happy Cat, Perfect fit, Belcando, Eukanuba, Iams, Brit, PRO PAK, Karma Organic, Natural Choice, etc.

Premium food

Premium food is not seen in TV commercials. They contain an almost perfect balance of micro and macro elements necessary for the animal. Almost no vegetable protein. The price differs markedly from feeds of a lower class, but everything that is written on the packaging about the ingredients included in the composition can be trusted. After all, each feed of this class has its own quality certificate. You can buy it in special stores for animals or in veterinary clinics.

Manufacturers: ProNature Holistic, Royal Canin, 1stChoice, Bosch SANABELLE, Pro Plan, Hills, Nutra Gold, Leonardo, Cimiao, etc.

Holistic food

Holistic food is the perfect professional food for your mustachioed pet. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a line of these feeds. They can only be ordered directly from manufacturers in online stores. This best food is used mainly for show and breeding animals in special nurseries. All animal and vegetable components of Holistic feed are grown on special farms without the addition of pesticides and hormones. Only natural natural ingredients are also used as preservatives.

Producers: Orijen, Acana, Wellness, Innova, Natural&Delicious, Evo, Felidae, Almo Nature, Golden Eagle, Earthborn Holistic, etc.

Liquid cat food

Quality wet (liquid) cat food can be compared to real meat or fish. The only difference is that the food contains additional nutritional components necessary for a properly balanced pet diet.

You should not save on the health of your pet and buy food below the medium class - these are the recommendations of veterinarians about dry food. If finances allow, it is better to purchase healthy premium dry food, it has more meat and an excellent set of trace elements necessary for old and young cats for full development. That is, the rating of the feed is not as important as its class. Well, then it all depends on the individual perception of the cat to a certain dry food.

Which food is better dry or wet?

Until now, among both veterinarians and caring cat owners, there are discussions about which food is better for cats, dry or wet. Research scientists have shown that these types of feed have their pros and cons, but, in general, do not differ from each other in nutritional value and composition. Some veterinarians advise balancing your cat's diet by including dry food as the main ingredient and wet food as the complement. Many, on the contrary, do not recommend mixing different types of food, as this can have a bad effect on the cat's stomach. Therefore, the owner will have to choose the optimal nutritional diet for his pet and depends on his desire and capabilities.

Each cat is unique. When choosing a diet for her food, it is necessary to take into account the age of the animal, its weight, health, gender and other individual characteristics.

Which cat food has more meat

The largest amount of natural meat is, of course, found in holistic class feeds. Most foods in this class contain about 70 percent meat or fish. There are some producers in whose products the percentage of meat reaches 95%. These feeds, thanks to special processing, retain all the useful substances necessary for the cat's body.

High percentage of meat in premium feeds. This is enough for optimal nutrition, excellent health and good activity of domestic cats.

Popular medium class foods should contain at least 20 percent meat in their composition.

It’s not worth talking about the economy class - you won’t find meat or fish in these feeds.

A loving owner, as soon as he gets a kitten, tries to provide him with maximum comfort and care. With regard to nutrition for a domestic cat, it will not be out of place to consult with veterinarians, as well as look at reviews of various feeds on the Internet.

Veterinarians advise first of all to provide the cat with constant access to fresh water, especially when feeding dry food. We must not forget about the daily norm of cat food, which is prescribed on each package, it is not advisable to exceed it. The food of a mustachioed pet should be two meals a day. This is enough for the full development of the animal's body.

You should also not save on your pet, because cheap ready-made feed not only does not benefit the animal, but can also be harmful.

It is also impossible to change food often, because it is not easy for a cat's stomach to change from one food to another. If it is nevertheless necessary to do this, then it is necessary to gradually add new food to the old one, increasing portions over a period of at least ten days.

You can chat on the forums with a request: "advise a good cat food." But no one knows their pet better than its owner. In order to properly organize the diet of your pet, you need not only to listen to the advice of breeders and veterinarians, but also take into account the degree of activity, health status and other individual characteristics of your cat.

Friends, welcome to the page of our "educational" project, which brings together professionals and animal lovers, experienced cat owners and beginners. We love our graceful, fluffy, funny and at the same time fragile pets and we are sure that you do too.

Everyone will probably agree that spending a few minutes on a free analysis of cat food is much faster, easier and, most importantly, more humane than spending money on expensive tests and treatment of the pets themselves. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, the correct selection of food for cats and cats lays the foundation for the health of the animal and, to a large extent, is the prevention of many chronic diseases.

Rating Purpose: Cat Food Analyzer

We bring to your attention a rating of cat food - yes, not simple, as they say, and not even golden, but honest, convenient and, we hope, informative. We immediately warn you that we are not interested in the marketing classification of food: for cats, such definitions on food packaging as “premium”, “super premium”, “holistic”, etc. mean nothing. What is more important for animals is what is inside - the composition of dry food and, accordingly, their lunch. We think you do too.

Our resource was originally created as a full-fledged cat food analyzer. As the project develops, we will add a variety of filters for users, but currently you can sort the feed database by overall rating, brand or diet name. The last two options are more convenient for those who have already bought or are planning to buy a particular food and want to check it out.

How it works?

If your goal is to find the best cat food for these adorable predators, we recommend sorting by overall rating in descending order. Then, first, you will see those products that, according to the results of an objective analysis of the main ingredients, scored more points (max. 50). You can read more about how components are evaluated in our Criteria section.

The busiest and most devoted readers, of course, can limit themselves to this information only when choosing a food, we invite everyone else to click on the product name below the picture and get an in-depth analysis of cat food. It includes: a list of ingredients (each item can be “expanded” in more detail), a guaranteed analysis and a general expert opinion.

Cat food comparison

Comparing cat food, if necessary, will not be difficult. No need to memorize, write down or print out information on the products you are interested in (although the print function is also implemented). Simply click on the "Add to Compare" service while in the description section of a particular feed. The number of positions for selection is not limited - all of them will be stored in the "Delayed feeds" tab (always available at the top and bottom of the page).

We are waiting for your response

If our review of cat food was not useful to you: you did not find what you were looking for, or you still have some questions, wishes, additions - you can always tell us about an error (button at the bottom of the page), leave a free request for analysis your feed or contact us for other questions (button in the upper right corner of the page).

Anastasia Korableva

For proper nutrition of cats, the main types of feed are produced - dry and wet. But, unlike dry food, in which moisture is about 10-15%, wet food is more similar in composition to natural food, and is considered more physiological. For convenience, the food is available in pouches or canned food and in appearance resembles jelly or pieces in sauce.

The advantages of wet food are convenient dosage, natural consistency and long shelf life in sealed form. The disadvantages include a rather expensive cost, lack of protection against the formation of tartar and a short shelf life after opening the container.

To understand which wet food is better to feed your pet, we have compiled a rating of popular brands by class: economy, premium, super premium and holistic.

What is the rating based on?

For ease of ranking, wet food is divided into categories - classes, the most affordable of which are economy and premium. Feeds are much more expensive - super premium, and the most refined - holistic.

The latter are recognized by veterinarians as the most suitable in terms of balance and nutritional value for feeding cats, economy class and premium feeds are inferior in price and quality, but their advertisements are shown daily on TV, which increases consumer demand.

Veterinary advice! It is recommended to focus on who is indicated in the manufacturer's column on the food packaging. The fact is that the manufacture of many brands is organized in Russia, so it is not advisable to overpay for the declared “French” quality.

The significance of each of the parameters in the ranking in descending order (the first positions have more weight):

  1. Product quality(the use of raw materials - natural meat or offal, the balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, the presence of dyes, preservatives and flavors).
  2. Ruler width(pedigree, dietary, medicinal feed).
  3. Price(one of the most important parameters for the modern consumer).
  4. Opinions of veterinarians and reviews of owners make the final contribution.

All of the brands listed below are present on the Russian feed market and differ in composition and price.

wet food rating

Table to jump to a specific feed review at the end of the article.

Packing photo and name Taste Price for 1 piece Link
Assorted fish 53 rub To the store
Beef 62 rub To the store
Lamb 66 rub To the store
Meat platter 55 rub To the store
Turkey 73 rub To the store
Meat and fish assortment 112 rub To the store

Hen 89 rub To the store
Rabbit 146 rub To the store
Tuna with squid 90 rub To the store
Hen 83 rub To the store
Meat platter No prices
Hen No prices

Economy class

The greatest demand is provided for feed of this particular class, and all thanks to their availability and overactive advertising. For the most part, such feeds contain an excessive amount of cereals, cellulose and offal, the volume of preservatives and flavors is also overestimated, the meat composition does not exceed 5%. The food also contains a considerable amount of thickeners and dyes that are not allowed to be contained in food products (which cat food is not).

Attention! In Russia, regulatory authorities do not exercise strict control over economy-class food manufacturers, which frees the hands of some unscrupulous manufacturers.

1. Whiskas. The most popular wet food is Whiskas, which made a splash in the early 2000s with its appearance. At the beginning of its existence, Whiskas food sold out at lightning speed - the appetite of the pets was excellent, and the price suited the owners quite well. Only after a while, not without the help of veterinarians, the breeders learned the true truth about the composition of the feed and the negative consequences of its use.


  • Prevalence.
  • Affordable price.
  • High nutritional value.


  • Questionable origin of components
  • Virtually no meat.
  • High content of wheat (allergen).

2. Darling. Economy class feed from the well-known manufacturer PURINA. It has mixed reviews, the composition of the feed leaves much to be desired, which is generally typical for all economy class brands.


  • Attractive scent for cats.
  • The presence of omega fatty acids, which is good for wool.
  • Diverse assortment (two forms of release - dry and wet in the form of canned food).


  • Insufficient content of natural meat.
  • Harmful effects on the health of the animal during long-term feeding.
  • The presence of flavoring additives and preservatives.
  • The presence of bones and offal.
  • Strong flavors.

3. Our brand (NM). Food that can be attributed to both economy and premium class.


  • Affordable price;
  • Availability in almost all stores.
  • The food contains taurine.
  • Wide range of flavors.


  • Pretty poor composition.
  • The abundance of offal of dubious quality (poultry meal).
  • Presence of food allergens (corn, wheat)

Premium class

Often, the difference between economy and premium feeds is almost imperceptible, only the amount of meat contained is increased (most often it varies from 10% to 20%). Due to this, the content of by-products in the premium is reduced, the amount of cereals is increased. The food is of a more decent quality, but with a slight difference in a positive direction.

When choosing a wet food for a cat of this class, it is recommended to carefully read the composition of the labels, because there are also dyes, thickeners and preservatives.

1. PRO PLAN - Purina's most widely used premium food. Presented in sufficient variety, the brand has active adult pets, sterilized individuals and for cats with health problems. Pro Plan contains the optimal amount of fats and proteins, balanced in trace elements. It has a wide range of flavors - with turkey, liver, salmon, chicken and duck. Complete feed review.

Positive sides:

  • The content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • High quality protein (eggs, chicken).
  • The presence of a medical line.
  • Diverse assortment (canned food, pouches, pates).

Negative sides:

  • Increased content of grain crops.
  • The content of allergens.

2. Hill's - food manufactured by Hill's Pet Nutrition. Medicinal feeds of this brand, in contrast to the daily nutrition series, belong to the super premium category.


  • High quality ingredients.
  • The manufacturer provides detailed information about the composition.
  • Extensive range (wet food: canned food and spiders).
  • Hills products are available in many pet stores.
  • Democratic price.
  • Medical series of higher quality.


  • A large percentage of vegetable proteins.
  • Spiders and canned food are inferior in quality to dry food from the same manufacturer.
  • The possibility of allergic reactions to certain products.

3. happy cat well-known food made in Germany . Sometimes food is classified as super premium.


  • Rich in minerals and vitamins.
  • A wide range of flavors (lamb, duck, sea fish, beef, venison);
  • Affordable cost.


  • The presence in the composition of products of dubious quality.
  • Sometimes causes allergic reactions.

4. Royal Canin - French-made feed, which began its history in 1967. Now it is especially popular with cat owners in Russia.


  • A good alternative to natural food.
  • Balanced veterinary line.
  • financial availability.
  • Available in almost any store.


  • Everyday feed of this brand is of lower quality.
  • Most of the feed sold is now Russian-made, which has led to a deterioration in quality.
  • The content of preservatives.

5. Animonda- German feed company Animonda, whose main priority is to maintain the high quality of its products. The food can be classified as premium/super premium.

Positive sides:

  • A wide range of flavors (turkey, trout, chicken, duck, salmon, shrimp, beef, rabbit, etc.).
  • Fats and proteins of natural origin.
  • The line is designed taking into account the age division.
  • The food is highly nutritious.

Negative sides:

  • A high content of carbohydrates contributes to weight gain.
  • The price of the product is above average.
  • Not available in all stores.
  • By-products included.

Super premium

The nutrition of this class should be considered practically the best: it includes natural meat and cereals, a low content of offal. The content of harmful substances in the feed of this class should arouse suspicion, so you should carefully read the entire composition indicated on the package.

Important! If meat is listed as a super premium food, there should be an explanation of that ingredient.

1. Leonardo. It should be considered the best brand in the feed line in question. Many canteens will envy its balance, because good meat products are used for production and high-quality meat is selected. The basis of the feed is almost always chicken (about 70-90%), the rest is additives (seafood, offal, fish oil and fish). According to the recommendations of veterinarians and breeders, Leonardo's wet food is best combined with the dry food of its series.


  • Natural composition.
  • High meat content.
  • Excellent value for money.
  • Enriched with vitamins and minerals.


  • Scarce product, hard to find in regular stores.
  • Due to the abundant content of meat, it is not recommended for animals with gastrointestinal problems;
  • Suitable only as an additional diet (delicacy) due to the imbalance of the composition.

Important! A pet that has a mixed diet (dry + wet food) must have the same food class. When combining two different classes (for example, economy and super premium economy), the pet will give preference to the economy class due to the content of special flavors and flavor enhancers in it, thereby worsening its well-being.

2. Applaws- made in UK. Some classify this brand as holistic.


  • High meat content.
  • Absence of by-products, dyes and preservatives in an increased amount.
  • Variety of flavors.


  • Fairly high price.
  • Not available in all stores.
  • Unbalanced composition.

3. bozita production Sweden. The food passes state control, which can guarantee the absence of substances hazardous to the health of the cat.

Main advantages:

  • Natural meat and fish in the composition, no by-products.
  • Saturation with useful elements, minerals and vitamins.
  • The absence of dyes in the composition.


  • High price.
  • Insufficient decoding of antioxidants.
  • Corn and wheat (possible allergens) are the main sources of carbohydrates.

4. 1st Choice- manufacturer Canadian company PLB International.


  • Optimal composition of fats and proteins.
  • The presence of probiotics (provides the pet with excellent digestion, healthy coat).
  • The absence of products - allergens in the composition.
  • The food is approved by the Canadian Veterinary Association (CVMA).


  • High price.
  • Not common in general stores.


Designed specifically for small predators, holistics are considered the next generation of premium food. They contain the highest quality products approved for human consumption. Do not contain harmful additives, dyes and flavor enhancers, GMO products, vegetable proteins. Due to its ideal “naturalness”, the price of feed is quite high.

1. Almo Nature - food of European production .


  • High quality ingredients.
  • No dyes, preservatives or flavorings.
  • A wide range (the best lines are Rouge Label, Green Label, Legend, Classic).

To negative parties include:

  • High price.
  • Not available in all stores.


  • For production, the best varieties of meat and fish are used.
  • Protein exclusively of animal origin.
  • Free of allergens, fragrances and preservatives.
  • High nutritional value.
  • Prevention of ICD (urolithiasis).

To negative moments include:

  • High price.
  • It is very difficult to find for sale in pet stores, you must place an order via the Internet.

3. Grandorf- Made in Italy (MONGE & C. SpA) and Belgium (United Petfood Producers NV).

Main Benefits:

  • Use of natural meat.
  • Lots of minerals and vitamins.
  • No chicken protein ingredient (some cats are allergic to this)
  • Free of soy and grains, hypoallergenic composition.
  • natural preservatives.

disadvantages stern:

  • Not common in stores.
  • Very high cost.

Useful video

Wet Food Overview Grandorf on the video below:

To choose the best food for your pet, it is important to understand what it will be used for: as a main diet or treat. Wet food should not be used as a main meal for a cat, despite the good composition and high content of meat products.