How to call a cat in different countries of the world. How cats are called around the world How cats are called in Japan

The first time I saw this cat at the bridge in the park. Shcherbakov, at the beginning of the summer of 2012 ... He walked with a graceful gait along the bridge and sometimes looked down at the water, where drakes swam, and their duck spouses ... There were few people ... The weather was warm, the sun smiled, and a light breeze caressed his face and hands ... The cat approached me cautiously and fawned ... Gray and white ...
- How pleasant you are! You are so huge! What is your name? Kotey! Love me!..
I had food, He treated himself with pleasure, smiled and went somewhere about his business ... People were reluctant to weigh themselves ... although it seemed to be Euro 2012 ... But sometimes, even people from other countries stood on the scales ... though I tried not to take money from them -guests all the same ... On the day it came out when 40, when 60 UAH ... Strange, it would seem such a holiday, but alas ... I tried to bring food every day ... called:
-Kisyunechka ... Come to me, kitty ... puss ... puss ... puss ... He ran out either from under the thickets or came up later and sat next to me, and when I needed to move away, he guarded my scales and backpack - a kind of “fluffy partner” ... Sometimes I went to the boys and girls in the rope park, which was located 50 meters from me, where his name was Vasya ... when He came up to me - I so wanted to take him in my arms - to feel my own creature ... but he didn’t like it - He slapped me on the cheek with his paw and was angry: - I am a Cat. ... You don’t need to take me in your arms ... I am an animal ... in different ways.… Summer is over… September was still warm… What to do next? No one will weigh himself already. ... How to live? I was walking past the park, it was the beginning of October... I called Kotey... but he wasn’t there... I called him again... I look - He runs and wants me to follow him... He led me through the thickets and we went to the Parallel gas station... where he worked part-time, apparently, where he was called "Kesha" ... They brought him Bavarian sausages ... and if the visitor had any delicacy - He, inquiringly, looked into people's eyes, luring out something meat ...
I had English material - tables, phrases on various topics, and I tried to find someone who needed it. ... All autumn I came and fed the cat almost every day ...
The spring and summer of 2013 were very rainy, and it was possible to weigh people only a few days a week ... In good weather, Kotey, as before, was located near me, from time to time jumping on the scales - they say, look how big I am! .. - You, very beautiful, Mister Universe! - I told him ...
The children happily stroked the cat, and the adults treated them to what was meat with them ...
At the end of the autumn of 2013, a wave of popular unrest of a political nature swept ... Maidan in Kiev ... rallies and dissatisfaction with the President's failure to sign an agreement on the European Union ... (only with time it will become clear who is right and who is wrong, but when two honors collide, a conflict arises) New the year was greeted with tension… the Maidan lasted for several months… a militia was born in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions… the authorities were changing… a civil war began… where innocent children were suffering and dying… because of shelling people had to sit in basements and shelters… May, June, July 2014 for a year I worked piecework in an Internet company ... and then back in September we went to Zugres ... we returned late and they took me only to Maria Ulyanova St., which was about 35 km from my house ... there was a curfew ... I rushed with all my might to to catch at least some suitable bus, it was about 20.00 pm on September 10, 2014 ... on foot I reached Lenin Square, where two people approached me and began to demand documents, they would whether in a state of intoxication and did not let go, they said that I would go with them now ... I thought this was the end, they probably intended to abuse me ... no-o-no - death is better ... I started to stop the passing by with my hand - a huge one stopped, a powerful car ... two representatives of the New Power came out of it - tall, prominent, in military uniform, about 40 years old. One of them asked: - What's the matter? I replied that they wouldn’t let me go home ... they let me go and figured it out with “these two”… that’s how I found out that there are real people in the militia and that they are not criminals, but family comrades who are in power… The war continues… Shells fly into gardens and people’s houses… destroy their homes… The airport is shelled every day and they destroy it to the ground… it burns to the ground… the corpses of the soldiers lying there cannot be taken away from there due to constant shelling… a shell hits a trolleybus on the Boss, where innocent children die… drivers at the Center bus station die from shells, their buses burn down - terrible pictures ... at home on Astronauts Street, near the Airport, residents leave ... broken windows ... destroyed infrastructure, do not allow life to continue there, as well as in the Oktyabrsky village and other places ...
I didn’t weigh it all the year 2014… In the summer of 2014, there was a shortage of water due to the destroyed infrastructure – even for technical water, which was brought by tanks to the shops, queues lined up… And the cat lived at the gas station with his wife, Musya-Giorgetta, a thoroughbred British… Kotei chose Her, although many local cats sighed for Him… They gave birth to four kittens, two boys and two girls… they were soon taken away by people… Not far from the car wash there were dormitories where refugees from shelled areas and villages found shelter… February 5, 2015 and February 20, 2015 years, shells hit the village of Mirny, Solnechny ... in a house not far from mine, almost all the windows flew out ...
On May 11, 2015, the Donetsk People's Republic was proclaimed…
They sign the Ceasefire Agreement in Minsk (Republic of Belarus), which theoretically should end the war ... but, not in fact ... shelling continues, Gorlovka suffers, shells hit the houses of villages near Gorlovka, destroying not only dwellings, but also taking the lives of people ...a very scary, heartbreaking story: a shell hits Anna's house, killing her twelve-year-old daughter in front of her eyes, her husband ... rips off her arm ... she survived with two children ... such a thing to survive !!! Horrible! Mother of many children! For what!?
We need to help people - I went through the markets, collected things, money ... I never appropriated anything from someone else ... you not only won’t earn money on someone else’s grief, but there won’t be happiness either ...
Kotey didn’t come anymore ... He now got a job at the Tire Service car wash, where they called him Boris, found another wife, since some family took Musya-Giorgetta and they became victims of fascism ... I heard him cry when I passed by - he was sitting in a clearing among the local cats. I handed him the food, but he gave it to his girlfriends, he hid in the basement of the house opposite the sink, where he howled and cried ... He is a Cat, but it was clear what he wanted to say: -How hard it is to live! How painful it is to lose love!

Cats are the subject of adoration for many people, which is not surprising at all. These fluffy and graceful creatures look incredibly beautiful, and sometimes it is simply impossible to resist without calling an animal you meet on the street. But the catch is that the sound a cat will respond to depends on its country of residence.

How cats are called in different countries

Cats living in Russia most often respond to the sound "Kys-kiss!". Although it is possible to use such variations as “Kiss-kiss!” and "Kit-kit!". The second and third options sound more gentle and are more often used when communicating with kittens.

I don't really like the standard way of calling a cat, so I decided to do without it. And why is it “Kys-kiss!” If you can refer to your pet more respectfully using his name. And I also developed a reflex in the cat, and now he literally comes to me at the snap of his fingers. Previously, in this way, she attracted him only to sweets, but now he is not against the call and, with the usual invitation, to get on his knees.

It is believed that cats respond to hissing and whistling sounds, so the short "Ks!" can also attract the attention of a pet

It is quite possible that you will accidentally be able to call a cute cat in England if you call him a small cat. In this country, fluffies are called by the sound "Pusi-pusi!"

But it is preferable for Italian purrs to hear "Michu-Michu!"

It is also easy to remember how cats are called in China. To do this, use the syllable "Mi", which is automatically associated with something cute and attractive.

Great Britain is one of the few countries that was lucky enough to see the most ancient cats that were worshiped in ancient Egypt

Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun also have an interesting way to attract cats. In Japan, fluffy purrs are called by saying: "Shu-shu-shu!"

In the Czech Republic, the repeating syllable “Chi!” is used for this purpose.

For the sake of interest, I tried to call my cat with these sounds. He was puzzled, or rather a little alarmed. Apparently, Japanese and Czech are not for him.

Maneki-neko - a symbol of good luck, happiness, home warmth, comfort and well-being in Japan

Lithuanian cats prefer to be called "Kats-Kats!"

In France, fluffy purrs willingly go to “Mina-mina!”, which is similar to the “Minka-minka” sound used in Latvia.

The first cat in space was a French kitty named Felicette (translated - "happiness")

An interesting way of calling cats is used in Bulgaria and Serbia. To do this, use the sound "Mats-mats!" In these syllables, one feels not only the desire to look at the cat closer, but also how to cuddle it. In Germany, similar sounds are used to attract the attention of cats, namely, "Mitz-Mitz!"

In Georgia and Romania, cats are called with the sounds “Peace-peace!”, which the inhabitants of Russia, for example, may not immediately understand correctly. Another thing is the cats living in these countries. They immediately run to the familiar sound in anticipation of goodies. In Azerbaijan, the “cat” sound is similar and is pronounced as “Pish-pish!” In Holland - "Push-push!", In Australia - "Push-push!"

There are no homeless animals on the streets in Germany

In Hungary, to address cats, they use the sounds “Tsits-tsits!” It is interesting that Russian cats, hearing such a combination, are most often frightened and run away somewhere to a secluded place.

It may puzzle the way cats are called in India. For these purposes, the inhabitants of this country use the sound "Meow!" Although, of course, it is quite appropriate to call a cat in the same way as she herself tries to address people.

Residents of the United States are accustomed to calling their pets with the sounds of "Kitty-kitty." This is consonant with the word kitty, which means "kitten" in English. Thus, in the United States, even serious and adult animals always remain little ones a little.

The lightest and smallest pet is the Tinker Toy cat from the USA (its weight was about 680 grams)

Video: how to call cats from different countries

Thus, not every cat will respond to such a seemingly familiar “Kis-kis!” The sound that a pet will willingly go to will depend on the country where he lives. Of course, this does not mean at all that the “foreigner” will never learn to respond to sounds accepted in another part of the world. It just takes a little effort and time to train an animal.

"Calling cats is as useless as calling a hurricane."

(Neil Gaiman)

“You can't fool a cat with empty talk like a dog, no, sir! (Jerome K. Jerome)

“Call the dog - it will come running; cat - take note. (Mary Bly)

"Women and cats do not go when they are called, and come when they are not called." (Prosper Merimee)

Summer is a long-awaited time for vacations. Thousands of cat lovers begin to travel intensively in search of vivid impressions. Do you know how cats are called in different countries?

How to address a foreign purr?

“Kiss-kiss-kiss” is only our Murkas and Vaskas will understand. Well, maybe the Finnish cat will turn around.
Here is a picture to help you, telling you how to contact a cat abroad.

Indeed, in different countries, cats are called in different ways. The most commonly used letters are P, M, I, C, W, U, C. And, their cats hear better.

And an even more complete list:

AUSTRALIA "pus-pus-pus"

AZERBAIJAN "pshit-pshit-pshit" or "pish-pish-pish"
ENGLAND "pus-pus-pus", "mu-mu"
ARGENTINA "mouse-bear"
AFGHANISTAN "pish-pish-pish"
BULGARIA "mats-mats-mats" (from "matse, matska" - cat, kitty)
HUNGARY "tsits-tsits-tsits" (cat - "machka", kitten - "tsits")
GERMANY "mitz-mitz" or "biz-biz-biz"

GREECE "ps-ps-ps"
Holland "push-push"
GEORGIA "peace-peace"

DENMARK "Mis-Mis-Miss"

EGYPT "pys-pys-pys"
ISRAEL "ps-ps-ps"

INDIA "meow-meow-meow"

SPAIN "misu-misu" or "mini-mini",
ITALY "michu-michu-michu"
CHINA "mi-mi-mi" (here, it turns out where it came from!) or "ts-ts-ts"

KOREA "nabiya-nabiya-nabiya"
LATVIA "minka-minka-minka", "mitsi-mitsi-mitsi"
LITHUANIA "kats-kats-kats"

MACEDONIA "mats-mats-mats"

MEXICO "bishito bishito"
MOLDOVA "peace-peace-peace"

NEW ZEALAND "kitty kitty kitty" or "pus-pus-pus",

POLAND "pshe-pshe-pshe" or "kicha-kicha-kicha"
RUSSIA "kis-kis-kis", "kis-kis-kis", "kis-kis-kis"

SERBIA "mats-mats-mats"
USA and CANADA "kitty kitty kitty", CALIFORNIA "kiri-kiri-kiri"

TUNISIA "besh-besh-besh"

TURKEY "pisi-pisi-pisi", but where there are many Russian tourists, they respond to "kis-kis"
UKRAINE "kyts-kyts-kyts", "kytsyu-kytsyu-kytsyu"

FINLAND "kiss-kiss-kiss"
FRANCE "min-min-min"
CZECH REPUBLIC "chi-chi-chi"

SWITZERLAND "Mitz-Mitz-Mitz"
ESTONIA "kisyu-kisyu-kisyu"
JAPAN: "shu-shu-shu"

The call that a cat will willingly respond to will depend on the country where it lives. Of course, this does not mean at all that the “foreigner” will never learn to respond to sounds accepted in another part of the world. It just takes a little effort and time to train an animal. She needs to learn a foreign language

And a few jokes on the subject 😀

The psychiatrist asks the patient:

- And when did you begin to respond to the call “kiss-kiss-kiss?

“Even when I was a very small kitten.

Dad yelled at mom. The mother yelled at her son. The son yelled at the cat. The cat put everyone in slippers. Moral: disenfranchised does not mean safe! And you need to treat cats gently and with respect! 😀


When I say “kiss-kiss-kiss” to a cat, the probability that I want:
feed the cat - 5%
check if the cat is working - 95%


Two-legged nonentity, you were created for the sole purpose of serving me, your furry master! Obey me, or I will destroy you and your entire race!
- Kitty, kitty, what are you meowing there, do you want to eat? Come to me, kitty-kitty-kitty!


- Well, let them say that using the name of your cat as a password is bad form! RrgTt_fх32!b, kitty-kitty…


“Darling, it’s already getting colder, I would like something white and fluffy on my collar…

- It's high time! Kiss-kiss-kiss!


Listen, why does your cat obey you and come home? What are you calling him?

- "Kiss-kiss-kiss" has not been active for a long time! Now I call this hairy fat brute "meat-meat-meat." It works. For now... I'm learning to imitate the rustle of a pack of food...


And here is what the word "CAT" looks like in some languages ​​of the world.

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