Food for cats and cats. What food is better to feed a cat: advice from veterinarians

Many people now prefer to have cats and cats as pets. They do not need special care and do not cause much trouble. But these animals, like people, need a balanced diet. What a pet eats affects its health and appearance. That is why it is necessary to carefully approach the preparation of the diet of pets. But what kind of food for cats is better, how to feed and what to feed? Answers to these questions can be found in this article.

To correctly compose a menu for a pet, it is better to contact a zoo doctor. But many owners prefer to decide for themselves what is better to feed a cat, starting from the cost and preferences of the animal. But this is wrong. So, let's find out what kind of food for cats exist.

natural food

Natural food is prepared by the owners themselves. For this, meat, fish products, vitamins and supplements are purchased. Such feeding is most useful for cats, as you can be sure of its naturalness, as well as adjust its composition to the characteristics of the pet. Some people prefer to give pets leftovers from the table, but this can harm the health of the animal, as the needs for various substances in humans are different from those of cats.

Unfortunately, not everyone finds time to cook food for their pets. In this case, you have to resort to the help of purchased feed.

Purchased food

To date, 2 types of purchased feed are known: wet and dry. Dry food is the most useful, as it is more concentrated and the animal gorges on it faster. The risk of poisoning them is minimal, because the granules do not fade in the bowl. Such food supports the microflora of the stomach and intestines, contains all the elements, cleans and strengthens the teeth. The manufacturing process consists of grinding products, distributing them into granules and completely drying them. Dry food provided as whole food, that is, you do not need to give the cat other products besides him.

Wet foods contain pieces of meat and fish. They allow you to support water balance. They can be combined with other foods. But wet food quickly deteriorate, which threatens problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To choose the best wet cat food, you need to study the composition: it should contain enough meat in pure form.

Cat food classes

All feeds will be divided into several classes in terms of quality, products included in the composition and other factors: economy, medium, premium and super-premium. To choose the best cat food, you need to know which class it belongs to.


Answering the question: what is the best cat food, it cannot be said that this is an economy class food. These feeds can be easily purchased at any store for a small amount. Most of them are very popular thanks to advertisements: Whiskas, Kitekat, Frieskies. They possess pungent odor which stimulates appetite in cats. But these feeds consist of harmful substances and practically do not contain natural products.

The constant use of it by a cat leads to a malfunction of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, and a decrease in immunity. It is also only half assimilated, which indicates that the pet will have to be fed such food very often.


Medium class feeds contain a certain amount of natural products. They are somewhat more expensive than economy class feed. You can only buy them at pet stores. These include Sheba, Heinz and others.


If the question arose: which cat food to choose, then you should pay attention to. They are rich in all essential trace elements and vitamins. Regular use their cat will strengthen his health, improve his appearance.

Despite the high price this product, it is very economical, so it is almost completely absorbed.

Super Premium

If we were to make the top food for cats, then its top would be occupied by super-premium class food. These feeds have been carefully developed by experts. They are great for pets rare breeds, animals with poor health. These feeds cost a lot of money and can only be purchased by order. The super-premium class includes Profine Adult Cat, Cimiao, Nutram.

What should be the composition of cat food?

To keep your pet healthy, you need to know how to choose cat food, and many people do not think about it. The first step is to study the composition: the first place should be occupied by meat and its content in good feed is at least 20%. It should not be replaced by by-products.

Mandatory components are protein and taurine, since the body of cats is not able to produce amino acids on its own, and they are necessary for normal life.

The food is also based on various cereals and vegetables. Contains the best food for cats in its composition, various vitamins, as well as meat meal. Feeds containing E-additives, flour, salt and sugar should be avoided. Cereals should not be in the first places, since a large number of fiber is harmful to the health of cats. Foods with colored granules contain various harmful dyes, so it is also better to bypass them. The composition should not include general concepts e.g. "vegetables". It must be clearly indicated which vegetables have been added to the feed.

Feed varieties

Premium and super-premium feeds are made taking into account the characteristics of pets. You can compare cat food specialized with conventional.

For kittens

Kitten food contains more calories, various components, vitamins. After all, in childhood, the animal needs energy for growth. What food for kittens is the best can be judged by the content of fats, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates in it. There are many more of them than usual. It is strongly not recommended to feed an adult animal with such food, as this can lead to obesity. Kitten food also has smaller kibbles for comfort when eating. Read about Royal Canin kitten food.

For animals with health problems

On sale there are special feeds for pets with poor health. For example, it is a food for cats with problems of digestion, kidneys and other organs, with a weakened immune system. They have a composition adapted to maintain health. So, in the feed for cats with obesity, there is a low energy value, and the composition of the feed for cats after castration includes a smaller amount of protein than in the usual one.

For cats and cats over 7 years old

Feed for aging animals helps prevent signs of aging, improve health and immunity.

For different breeds

Each cat breed has its own characteristics of anatomy and physiology. Some brands produce food adapted to certain breeds. This is the best food for cats, as it perfectly takes into account all the characteristics of the pet.

Famous brands of cat food

How not to get lost in the variety of pet food? Let's compare different brands and find out what kind of food is better to feed a cat without harm to health.


One of the best is Savara's super-premium cat food. Savara is an honest and open project that produces products for cats and dogs. The feed has an excellent natural composition. All of them are hypoallergenic and are made on the basis of fresh meat and rice, does not contain dyes and GMOs. Manufactured in the UK using the latest technologies. The price is about 1000 rubles for 2 kg.


Another high-quality premium product is Pronatur cat food, which does not contain grains. When creating it, culinary features were taken into account. different countries and secrets of all generations. The food contains one source of protein, as some pets do not digest grain. Pronature produces three lines: Mediterranea, Asiato and Nordiko. average price for a package of 2.72 kg - 1150 rubles.


Wet gourmet cat food is presented in a large assortment: pate, meatballs, pieces in gravy, fillets. Natural meat and fish are used for cooking: beef, salmon, trout, chicken and others. A package of feed weighing 85 grams costs from 30 to 50 rubles.

Perfect Fit

Wet or liquid food Perfect Fit for kittens ensures the healthy development of the pet. All products of this brand are adapted to different lifestyles of pets: for active or couch potato and others. For a package of 650g, you will have to pay a little more than 200 rubles, and for a serving of pouches - about 30.

To eat healthy, you need to follow some rules. Country of origin plays important role. So, for example, Italian cat food may not be made in Italy at all. Thus, a fake can be calculated. When feeding dry food, it is necessary to give the animal plenty of water. It must be clean, which means it must be changed regularly. If purchased, it should be reheated before serving.

It is necessary to monitor the freshness of the product and do not store it for more than two days, even in the refrigerator. Dishes also play a big role. For food and water, it is better to use ceramics, as plastic can accumulate unpleasant odors, and metal utensils - distracting reflection, which will lead to poor absorption. Now we know which dry and wet cat food is the best, as well as how to choose the right food.

Not a single advertisement contains the phrase: "Buy our food." Manufacturers have a different policy - you yourself will buy this product if it is shown "face". In the store it is even more difficult - the windows are lined with bags and jars so spectacularly that most often we do not buy what we planned. And it is important for owners of cats and cats to choose the best food suitable for their pet. In order not to make a rash purchase, you need to study the features of different feeds in advance.

Types of cat food

The owner of the cat can feed his pet in one of two ways:

  • store (industrial) feed.

Each way of feeding a cat involves several types of food.

Natural nutrition is cat food prepared by the owner from good quality products. This is not about people's homemade food, but about dishes prepared specifically for the animal (taking into account its age, body characteristics, breed and health status).

Industrial feeds are divided into several categories by types and classes. Types can be as follows:

  • (in the form of granules);
  • wet food (canned food in the form of pastes, jelly);
  • (for cats with special health conditions);
  • (special treats that do not carry a calorie load).

All store-bought cat food is divided into 4 classes:

  • economy class (these are budget products that contain almost no meat);
  • premium class (they contain natural meat, but there are also artificial additives);
  • super premium (expensive, contains practically no dyes, contains a lot of meat);
  • holistic class (the most expensive, up to 90% meat, do not contain dyes and preservatives).

What food to choose for a cat

Spiders are designed for one complete feeding of a cat

mix feed different brands highly not recommended. But for cat nutrition, you can combine wet and dry food, if we are talking about products of the same brand.

Many of my friends leave cats dry food in a bowl for the whole day (while they are at work) and a full bowl of fresh water. And in the evening they pamper their pet with wet food. Yes, mustachioed pets prefer wet food. But dry during the day is best option. Firstly, cat owners can calculate in advance daily allowance and leave everything at once (and the cat will distribute this food for the right number of times). Secondly, dry food is good for teeth. Familiar cat breeders who feed cats with pellets never complain about the health of cat teeth.

The composition of the feed can tell about the quality of the feed. The food should be well balanced - a lot of meat, little carbohydrates. The word “meat” does not necessarily mean pieces of veal pulp or a lamb rack tenderloin, these are animal proteins:

  • natural fresh meat;
  • dehydrated meat and fish;
  • by-products and products of meat and fish processing;
  • bone flour.

When a cat owner asks the veterinarian what kind of food to choose, most likely there will be only one advice - the more expensive option. The fact is that veterinarians often encounter cat diseases that arise due to improperly balanced food. Dyes, artificial flavors, allergens - all this leads to various ailments. Therefore, professionals are trusted by high-quality feed, which simply cannot be cheap.

In addition, one of the recommendations of the veterinarian may be a warning about the diet itself. After all, no matter how good the store food is, the owner of the animal can adversely affect the health of the pet by violating the rules of feeding.

Choose among the expensive ones and feed only them, you do not need to dilute or alternate with natural ones.

DOCTOR-VeT, forum user, veterinarian

Most often, veterinarians advise feeding pets with industrial feeds.

Experts often advise transferring pets to special (medical) nutrition. Our family hasn't had to go to the vet for cat nutrition, but my sister's cat is suffering urolithiasis. A couple of years ago he had a severe exacerbation, the veterinarian said that this was due to a metabolic disorder. Indeed, my sister fed Donut both meat and fish, but he never ate milk and dairy products. A lot of phosphorus accumulated in the body, but there was not enough calcium, so stones formed. The veterinarian advised them to switch to medicinal food(Urinary) - several brands have such a line.

For a cat who has given birth, I advise you to switch to feeding Hills for kittens, it is more high-calorie and will replenish the energy that is spent on feeding kittens and recovery after childbirth.

Vikki-Vikki, user, veterinarian

According to veterinarians, it is better to immediately refuse the food if it contains one (or more) of the following ingredients:

  • potatoes (this is a product with a high glycemic index, which means that it can lead to diabetes mellitus);
  • the liver of any birds and animals - it is believed that it is capable of for a long time retain toxins, so its use is potentially dangerous;
  • soy protein concentrate (it is an allergen, there are cases when soy in the feed is GMO);
  • animal mixture (may contain hair, claws, hooves, feathers) - very allergenic;
  • corn and products of its processing, wheat, flour from it, gluten are allergens;
  • any artificial additives (letter E will help to detect them);
  • salt in any quantity;
  • yeast.

By memorizing this list, you can choose the most healthy food for cats even from an inexpensive series.

Video: Farmina veterinarian's opinion on cat food

2019 cat food rating

Economy feed

The following brands have been favorite economy class feeds for a long time:

  • Felix;

Table: comparison of economy class feeds

NameType of feedThe presence of protein inartificial componentsRangePrice
Purina OneDryUp to 34%Flavorings (flavoring additives)
  • for kittens;
  • for adult and older cats;
  • for animals with special health needs;
  • prophylactic lines.
200 rubles (600 g)
"Night Hunter"Dry33%-36% There are no artificial additives, as well as vitamins (food is incomplete)
  • for kittens;
  • for adult cats;
  • specialized feed.
70 rubles (400 g)
WetAbout 50%For kittens and older cats (over 7 years old)From 25 rubles
Kitekat7% Not specifiedFor adult catsFrom 14 rubles
Dry28% 56 rubles (350 g)
Whiskas4% BHA Antioxidant
  • for kittens;
  • for adult and older cats;
Wet26% Not specifiedFrom 17 rubles
FelixWet15,4% Thickeners and dyesFor adult animals and cats with a whimsical taste29 rubles
  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • antioxidants.
110 rubles (300 g)

Photo gallery: the best economy class feeds in 2019

Kitekat is a cheap food that can be found in any supermarket Although Purina One is an economy class food, vets often recommend it to their patients.
Veterinarians and breeders of purebred cats are dissatisfied with the quality of Whiskas, but the animals themselves simply adore this product. Felix food is more budget option Purina One

Video: examination of popular cheap cat food

Premium segment products

Popular premium foods include:

  • Brit;
  • Pro plan;
  • Iams;
  • gourmet.

Table: comparison of the most popular premium feeds

NameType of feedThe presence of protein inUnwanted ComponentsRangePrice
Royal CaninDry42%
  • dyes;
  • flavors.
  • for kittens;
  • for thoroughbred, adult and elderly animals;
  • for cats with special needs.
From 250 rubles (400 g)
  • preservatives;
  • linoleic acid.
From 50 rubles (85 g)
  • salt;
  • yeast.
Dry32,5% AntioxidantsFrom 260 rubles
Brit34% Brewer's yeast
  • for kittens;
  • for adult domestic cats;
  • for animals prone to fullness;
  • for spayed or sensitive cats.
WetUp to 33%From 36 rubles
Pro plan
  • flavoring feed additive;
  • yeast;
  • antioxidants;
  • preservatives.
For kittens and adult cats (including those with sensitive digestion)From 55 rubles (85g)
  • daily nutrition for adult cats;
  • veterinary line.
From 200 rubles (400 g)
ShebaWetUp to 30%- From 15 rubles
IamsDryUp to 45%-
  • for kittens;
  • for adult, aging, pregnant and lactating cats;
  • veterinary line.
From 255 rubles (300 g)
  • for kittens;
  • for adult and senior cats.
From 85 rubles
GourmetWetFrom 14%DyesDaily nutrition for adult cats (over 1 year old)From 29 rubles

Photo gallery: premium cat food

Veterinarians trust Royal Canin as they offer a wide range of veterinary products
Sheba is only wet food, but this brand has many lines Hill’s brand has many food with different tastes and for animals different ages
Even with a limited number of Gourmet foods, you can choose the right variant with the right taste
Pro Plan is one of Purina's products, which has long been popular among Russian consumers.

Super premium food

The most popular super premium food among buyers:

  • Pronature Original;
  • Gina;
  • bozita;
  • flatazor;
  • 1st Choice;
  • Bosch;
  • Britcare;

Super premium foods are harder to find than their cheaper counterparts. Some cat owners have to order them from suppliers (this also guarantees quality). In addition, now you can place an order through online stores, in which case you can receive the goods at home.

Table: popular super premium food

Photo gallery: super premium cat food

1st Choice super premium food cannot boast of a large number of types Pronature Original food does not contain dyes and flavors Gina super premium food is very much appreciated by veterinarians for its high quality
Unlike many other foods High Quality, Cats love Bozita Bosch products do not contain soy protein, all protein comes from animal products

Feed segment holistic

The best holistic foods, according to cat owners, include:

  • Innova;
  • Almo Nature;
  • Pronature Holistic;
  • Barking Heads;

Table: comparison of the best holistic foods

NameType of feedThe presence of protein inPrice
InnovaDry, wetUp to 50%From 120 rubles (370 g)
AcanaDryUp to 75%From 370 rubles (340 g)
Almo NatureDry, wetUp to 33%From 85 rubles for 70 g
Farmina N&DDryUp to 44%From 410 rubles (300 g)
Pronature HolisticFrom 30%From 340 rubles (340 g)
Gina EliteFrom 32%From 739 rubles (1 kg)
GrandorfDry37% From 370 rubles (400 g)
Barking HeadsDry, wet35% From 110 rubles (100 g)
Go!Dry, wet46% From 120 rubles (100 g)
NowDry31% 250 rubles (230 g)

Photo gallery: popular elite cat food

At the time of buying wet food Almo Nature pack (for example, 12 cans), their price will be lower Not all cats eat expensive feed, such as Pronature Holistic, because they are free of flavor and odor enhancers Food like Innova can even be eaten by humans Go! can only be ordered directly from the manufacturer Lesser known holistic foods such as Now can be purchased at the price of a premium product

Foods with different flavors

As soon as manufacturers do not invent, so that the food is more attractive to the buyer and useful for cats. To do this, recipe developers and veterinary nutritionists create products with different tastes. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the feed contains exactly the meat that is indicated on the label. Most economy, premium and super premium products contain fragrances. Of course, some owners understand this trick very well, but what can you do to please your pet.

The following flavors are available:

  • chicken (Whiskas for kittens with chicken, 1st Choice Vitality);
  • beef (Kitekat beef in jelly, Almo Nature Beef & Rice);
  • rabbit (Monge Rabbit);
  • beef tongue (Sheba from veal and tongue, Dinner Menu No. 7);
  • lamb (Acana Grasslands);
  • ducks (Innova Evo 95 Duck, Sheba mini, Monge Duck);
  • turkeys (Sheba with turkey in Bechamel sauce);
  • liver (Brit Premium with chicken and chicken liver);
  • salmon (Sheba mini, Whiskas for kittens salmon stew);
  • tuna (Monge Tonno Del Pacifico Con Salmone);
  • shrimp, seafood (Monge Fantasia Di Mare Con Pollo, Schesir with chicken and shrimp);
  • trout (Sanabelle Adult with trout);
  • anchovies (Monge Anchovies);
  • combinations of meat / fish with vegetables / fruits (Farmina N&D fish and orange, Pronature with turkey and cranberries).

Some manufacturers produce food with "rare" flavors (shrimp, seafood, fruits, etc.)

Best Specialty Cat Foods

Specialized feeds are those products, the formulation of which was developed taking into account the characteristics of cats:

Under physical condition animal, not only diseases are implied (food still cannot cure them), but also a predisposition to any ailments. There are currently products for baleen pets with the following diseases and states:

  • diabetes mellitus (Monge Diabetic, Royal Canin Diabetic DS46);
  • urolithiasis (Hill's series K/D or Urinary Care);
  • diseases thyroid gland(Hill's y/d);
  • tendency to be overweight (Monge Obesity, Hill's Metabolic);
  • skin diseases (Monge Dermatosis);
  • orthopedic problems (Hill's j/d series, Royal Canin Mobility MC28);
  • prone to dental diseases (Royal Canin Dental DS029);
  • liver pathologies (Monge Hepatic, Royal Canin Hepatic HF26);
  • recovering from surgery (Hill's a/d);
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or sensitive digestion (Bosch Sanabelle Sensutive Lamb, Go! Sensitivity + Shine);
  • poor appetite or capricious taste (Royal Canin Savor Exigent 35/30).

Many cats develop urolithiasis in parallel with weight gain, for such animals the Metabolic + Urinary food from Hill’s is suitable

A separate specialized line is food for pregnant and lactating mothers. It is important that the cat gets plenty of vitamins and nutrients that will be beneficial.and her, and future kittens. Most major manufacturers develop baby food lines in such a way that this food meets the needs of the expectant mother:

The best and most popular

Nutrients for sterilized animals and fattening cats have similar compositions - this is a low-calorie diet

Video: how dry pet food is made

An important issue for the good maintenance of cats is the choice of food. What is the best cat food according to veterinarians, how often should the animal be fed? If you know the answers to these questions, pet will please the owner with its activity and health for a long time.

Veterinarians are divided into 3 categories industrial feed for cats:

  • Dry.
  • Wet.
  • Canned food.

In addition, there is a division of feed into classes - holistic, super premium, premium, economy.

Many furry owners feed their pet food "from the table." But this is a different category of feeding. The food that industrial manufacturers offer for feeding cats takes into account the necessary need of the animal for vitamins, proteins, trace elements, depending on the breed, age, and the presence of diseases.

According to veterinarians, if the owners fed the cat prepared feed, then it will be difficult to transfer the animal to food "from the table".

Self-provide for a cat full set essential substances impossible.

The best views among dry brands

This category is most popular with breeders and amateur owners. The advantage of dry food is that this type of food is convenient as it does not require cooking and is cheap. Dry pieces well clean the surface of the cat's teeth from plaque. In addition, they can be stored for a long time without loss of quality. True, next to the container for dry food should always be water.

The best cat food according to veterinarians in this category must be determined in its class. For the full development of a cat, beautiful wool, professional breeders use holistic class food.

hallmark such a choice is a high cost. This is due to the fact that the composition of the feed includes natural components of high quality, high energy calorie content. For a cat, 100-150 g of granules per day is enough to make him feel full and cheerful.

The composition of the holistic class feed includes additives that improve performance digestive organs cats, the components are absorbed by the body almost completely. Besides, artificial flavors, flavor enhancers are excluded from the composition, which are present in cheap samples. For the correct feeding of a cat, natural food, according to veterinarians, is the ideal solution.

The best brands of holistic dry food veterinarians include:

  • Akana (Canada).
  • Chicken soup (USA).
  • Artemis (USA).
  • Eagle Pack (USA).
  • Felide (USA).
  • Gow (Canada).
  • Howe (Canada).
  • Power of Nature (Germany).
  • Innova Evo (USA).
  • Orijen (Canada).

Super premium class dry granules are also completely balanced feed for a cat. They do not contain harmful impurities, the components are selected taking into account the needs of the animal - proteins, carbohydrates, fiber. This is usually chicken, turkey, lamb, as well as fish, eggs. These feeds are inferior in price to the previous class, but this does not mean that such food loses significantly in quality. Veterinarians note the high quality of super-premium nutrition and recommend it to cat owners.

The best super premium food according to experts:

  • Almo Nature (Italy).
  • Test of the Wild (USA).
  • Nutra gold (USA).
  • First Chase (Canada).
  • Pronature Holistic (Canada).
  • Bosch Sanabel (Germany).
  • Leonardo (Germany).

Premium meals should be chosen carefully. Among it there are high-quality, well-chosen components, but also feed, the manufacturers of which wanted to save on raw materials.

In some brands, poultry meat is replaced with cartilage, low-quality rice, and corn. Such components are either not absorbed by the body of cats at all, or are poorly absorbed.

At the same time, the composition of the feed does not include components harmful to the animal. These feeds fully compensate for the cat's need for nutrients, are cheaper than super premium class food, but more expensive than economy class. This is the best option for economical owners of cats. who are following proper nutrition your pet.

Veterinarians name the best premium food:

  • Eukanuba (Canada).
  • Advance (Spain).
  • Bosita (Sweden).
  • Nutra Mix (USA).
  • Royal Canin (Russia, France, Poland).

This is a good inexpensive cat food that ensures the normal development of the animal.

Economy food

Economy class food does not include natural ingredients. This is dictated by the establishment of a lower price for the goods. But to stimulate the cat's appetite, the composition of the feed includes chemical components - flavorings, flavor enhancers. Veterinarians believe that the animal should be fed with such food carefully. The only advantage of such feeds is their cheapness. If you constantly feed a cat with economy class food, you can disrupt the functioning of its digestive system.

Among the best dry food of this class:

  • Gourmet* (France).
  • Friskes (Russia, France, Hungary).
  • Kitiket (Russia, EU, USA).
  • Whiskas (Russia, EU, USA).
  • Purina Van (Russia, Hungary, France).

*this food is considered the best of the economy class. Experts put it on a par with premium food, so it is not surprising that veterinarians recommend it among inexpensive dry food.

Wet types - which one is the best

Manufacturers produce wet food in jars, special packages equipped with a zipper, in trays, etc. A distinctive feature of such food for cats is their consistency. These are pates, pieces of meat in jelly, stews, in sauces and broths. This food is not required. plentiful drink, as in the case of dry food. But, unlike dry food, this type of food deteriorates quickly if it is not used immediately. Therefore, food for cats is packed in small containers designed for one meal.

The cost of such food is much higher than dry food. The best wet food according to veterinarians is quite difficult to determine. But still there are a number of companies - leaders in this part of the production of cat food.

Among the class holistic recognized as the best:

  • Appleus.
  • Almo.
  • Moonlight Dinner.

There are lines of food for cats suffering from certain diseases.

The best of the super premium class:

  • Brit Care.
  • Bosita.
  • Gina.

Such food does not have components for sick animals. These are universal feeds, which include natural meat - turkey, rabbit, chicken. As well as vegetables - carrots, peas. Does not contain harmful ingredients.

In the premium class it is:

  • Hills.
  • About the Plan.
  • Royal Canin.

Premium food is cheaper than previous options. But it is considered complete, and veterinarians speak of it quite flatteringly.

The best canned food for cats

Food for cats, which is produced in the form of canned food, can hardly be called everyday. It's more of a treat. The reason for this is simple - the high cost of food, as well as the composition.

Some canned foods contain a limited list of ingredients, so it is not wise to regularly feed such food to a cat.

Usually, canned food for cats produce the same firms as other types of food. Therefore, many cat owners and breeders regularly feed domestic cats a cheaper form of food. Canned food is used as complementary foods or a kind of encouragement for fluffy. It is convenient to use one brand, but options for combining food from different companies are also quite acceptable.

  • Almo Necher Alternatives.
  • Leonardo.
  • Appleus.
  • Evanges Signeisha Series.
  • Petit Quizin.

Almo Nature Alternative

The composition of these canned food includes natural meat of animal origin or fish - tuna, sardines, seafood - crabs, shrimp. The first position is 95% of the main product, the last is 60%. The rest is broth, vegetables, which are also good for the development of the cat.

The advantage of this type of food is its composition - completely natural. In addition, the packaging is designed for one application. Therefore, there is no danger that the food will stand in the refrigerator and spoil over time. This food has many lines designed for various situations– for kittens, for old cats, for sick cats. Veterinarians recommend the inclusion of such complementary foods as a special dietary food for animals suffering from digestive problems.

The disadvantage of this food, veterinarians consider its soft texture. It does not clean the cat's teeth, as it does with dry food.

natural nutrition

Many cat owners start feeding animals by offering the animal the same food that they eat themselves. This approach is not correct. Cats require a specific set of vitamins and minerals that ordinary food cannot provide. You can often hear complaints - they fed their cat with natural food, but she often gets sick, behaves restlessly.

The problem is nutrient deficiencies. A cat is a predator, so an abundance of meat and fish is a must for such an animal.. Provide your pet with a complete set of necessary useful substances almost impossible. Therefore, the best option is balanced diet approved by veterinarians. This is the diet offered by companies that produce special food for cats.

But if, nevertheless, a decision is made not to spend money on industrial food, then for normal development a cat needs to diversify the menu, include meat, vegetables, fish in the diet.

Nutrition for kittens and sick animals

All companies that produce food for cats produce lines designed for feeding kittens. They are selected components that are as close as possible to cat's milk.

Do not feed kittens natural cow's milk.

The purpose of milk from cows is to feed calves. Biologically, it is designed for the weight and digestive system of the calf. In its pure form, such milk is dangerous for a small kitten, which is several times smaller than even a newborn calf. For the normal development of kittens, the ideal option is mother's cat's milk.. If such feeding is not possible, use special feed for kittens.

Every cat breeder wants his pet to grow up healthy, playful and active. And in order to achieve these indicators, you need to feed quality food.

At present, few non-professional cat breeders will think about how good the food they feed their pet is, and that it contains all the useful trace elements that a cat needs so much.
Below we will look at the most common feeds that exist on the market, see rating of dry cat food, and find out which one is good and of high quality, and which one should never be given to your animal.

To begin with, we will create a scale by which we will measure our feed in terms of quality.

9-10 points - these foods are the highest quality on the market, but also expensive. Dry food of this class, with its high cost, is very economical. For an animal of average build and weight, 3 kilograms of feed is consumed in 1.5, -2 months. Also, all food is digested and perfectly absorbed by the body, which leads to less fecal excretion. You yourself will notice this if you feed or start feeding with such feeds. With constant feeding of these foods, cats stop shedding so much, they become active and cheerful.
For cats with various diseases or any other problems, you can individually select food. All premium food manufacturers have developed food lines for adult cats, for cats with urolithiasis, for long-haired, for short-haired, etc. You can find out what kind of food your cat needs from your veterinarian or other competent specialist in this matter.

7-8 points - feed of this category is also good, but slightly cheaper than the first category. If you have been feeding your animal with these foods for a long time, then continue further, it is not at all necessary to switch to the above feeds. If a kitten has just appeared in your house, and you are ready to feed a little better, but expensive food, then class 1 food will be preferable for you.

5-6 points - these feeds are inexpensive in their price category, but also of lower quality. The daily requirement for food of this class in an animal is higher than in the previous two. The animal with food will not receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. You will need to splurge on an additional vitamin complex, which in my opinion will come out at the same price as if fed a higher quality food.

3-4 - economy class feed. Manufacturers of this class of food do not particularly choose the ingredients, the food is not balanced. With the constant use of purebred cats with such feeds, various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, purebred cats have better health and serious problems does not occur. With this diet, it is necessary to give an additional complex of vitamins daily. These feeds are mainly fed to animals in shelters or families with below average incomes.

1-2 - this class of feed is cheap and of low quality. There is practically no meat in the feed, mainly meat production waste, bran, offal, and millet are added. Not essential vitamins and trace elements that are necessary for a cat are not each. Would not recommend feeding this food. Have pity on your animal if it is dear to you.
0-1 - You can feed this food if you want to get rid of your pet. Your cat's diet looks like it would if you ate chips, doshirak and other chemicals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Such feeds are not very cheap and are highly advertised, which leads all cat owners astray.
In no case do not feed these foods, they contain a drug that is addictive to these foods and the cat, having tried it once, will refuse other normal food. In the process of feeding with these feeds, diarrhea, vomiting often occur, the animal loses weight, sheds and does not look very healthy.
With the description finished, now let's get down to the feed itself:
1. Hills - 10

2. 1st Choice - 10

3. Eukanuba - 10

4. Eagle Pack - 95. Bosch - 9

6. Iams (Yams) - 9

7. Biomill - 9

8. PRO PLAN - 9

9. Royal Canin (France) - 8

10 Nutra Gold - 8


12. Pro Pac (USA) - 8

13. Flatazor (Flatazor) - 8

14. Leonardo Cat Food - 8

15. Belcando (Belkando) - 8

16. Diamond Pet Foods - 7

17. Royal Canin (Russia) - 7

18. Gimpet (Jimpet) - 7

19. Gourmet (Gourmet) - 620. Sheba (Sheba) - 6

21. Purina Food Pro Plan - 6

22. Dr. Clauder (Dr. Clauder) - 5

23. Friskies - 4

24. Oscar - 3

25. Four-legged gourmet - 3

26. Max - 2

27. Vaska - 2

28. Perfect Fit - 2

29. Whiskas - 1

30. Kitekat - 1

To answer this question, decide whether the food is being purchased as a supplement to the main diet, as a treat, or as the sole source of food.

Usually canned food for cats upper class 75% or more meat such as Applaws, Leonardo, Almo Nature are very good and can be used as a treat or as an addition to the main diet. But they are not suitable for cats for constant nutrition, although they are made from the best natural ingredients. Cats are predatory food types, but pets should also have grains and fiber in their daily diet. Therefore, it is better to supplement canned meat with natural or dry food (preferably from the same manufacturer, at the rate indicated on the package).

As a main diet canned cats such as Hills, Iams, Brit and Petreet can be used. They contain all the necessary components and satisfy the needs of the cat in nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Treat the choice of canned food for a cat carefully. Since wet foods cannot retain vitamins as well as dry foods and have a significant amount of moisture in the composition, the chance of acquiring an empty product with low nutritional value increases.