East European Shepherd Dog: description of the breed. East European Shepherd Dog - the hero of the USSR East European Shepherd Dog the first dog

Unknowing people often confuse the East European Shepherd Dog (VEO) with the German. They have common roots, but VEO is a breed bred in the USSR, a true and reliable friend.

The breed is not recognized by the International Cynological Union and the International Cynological Association. All characteristics are given from the standard of the Russian Cynological Association.

Male height at withers: 66-72 centimeters,

The height of the bitch at the withers: 62-72 centimeters.

Male weight: 35-65 kilograms,

Bitch weight: 30-60 kilograms.

Color: black-and-black with a mask on the main, lighter, background. Interspersed zonal color is allowed. Sheepdogs usually have a transition from beige to tan or dark brown or gray to black. This color will reduce the points at the show, but let's do it. Black color available.

Important: zonal coloring is characteristic of wolves. With this color at the root of the hair, the color is lighter than at the tip.

Additional characteristics: eyes only black, almond-shaped, with edging. The ears are erect, form an isosceles triangle, set high. The nose must not be any other color than black.

The tail is long and looks like a wolf, otherwise disqualification threatens. The muzzle should also have a resemblance to a wolf. The physique is strong and muscular. The length of the body slightly exceeds the height at the withers. The photo shows the difference between a VEO and a German Shepherd.

History of the East European Shepherd

In the 1930s, they were brought to the USSR to serve in the police. Russian cynologists began to carry out selection, crossing the "Germans" with local dogs. The most talented puppies were left, the role was always a priority service dog. Those who quickly found drugs, weapons and explosives were selected. The selection went on for about thirty years, after which in 1964 the Soviet Cynological Association developed the first breed standard.

It must be said that East European Shepherd Dogs not only expose crimes, these attentive and sensitive dogs have become wonderful guides. In Russia, about 60% of guide dogs are VEO.

Character and temperament

East European Shepherd - calm, and her character is an indicator of the perfect balance of strength and restraint.

it bodyguard squared: VEO manifests itself as a relaxed dog, but can attack the enemy at any time with a light jump. The reactions of this dog are not always even fixed by the gaze of a person: we are not able to respond to such speed.

East European Shepherds do not show aggression except when it's really necessary. Such cases include an attack on the owner or violation of boundaries.

In childhood, this is an ordinary playful puppy. Even after the dog has grown up, he retains an attachment to children's toys. Leave with her those plush creatures that she played with in her youth, otherwise, instead of toys, VEO will start chewing on shoes or furniture.

dog and man

Large dogs need physical activity, you can not force such an animal to walk on a diaper and sleep all day. You must be prepared for the fact that in any weather your shepherd needs walking at least twice a day.

VEO is suitable active and mobile people. She will be happy to keep company on jogging walks, when riding a bike and on roller races.

East European Shepherd good with children and usually has nothing against other animals. Puppies and kittens will become the object of tender love for your pet.

The East European Shepherd is best kept in the house, but not on a chain or in an aviary, but on free range. She will not run away from her beloved owner anywhere and will not let a thief pass by her. It is also possible to keep such a dog in an apartment, but you should prepare in advance for the inconvenience due to the large size of the pet.

You need to walk twice a day, no less than 40 minutes.

Shepherd dog in autumn and summer sheds a lot and she needs to brush her hair once a week. The rest of the maintenance is minimal. If the dog's claws are knocking when walking on the floor in the house, then you need to carefully cut them off.


You need to feed the shepherd either premium dry food or natural food.

If you feed a dog with natural water, then an approximate diet is as follows:

  • Protein- share in the diet of 50%. Meat or fish. The meat is pre-frozen for a couple of days, then it is treated with boiling water or boiled. They do the same with river fish, and sea fish is allowed to be served raw. You can not give pork and lamb.
  • Cellulose- up to 20% in the diet. Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, cucumbers.
  • Fats- up to 1 tablespoon per day. Vegetable oil: olive, pumpkin, sunflower, linseed.
  • Additionally: rice porridge, buckwheat. Semolina is served only in the recovery period after an illness.

Include in your pet's diet regularly fish fat and vitamin complexes.

It is strictly forbidden to give animal bones to a dog.


You need to establish contact with the East European Shepherd Dog. This is a smart breed that loves its owner and wants to please him. VEO understands everything quickly and assimilates clearly.

The training must be firm, yet full of love and patience. She will be rewarded, not punished.

Health and longevity

The main reason for the selection of East European Shepherds was the susceptibility of German Shepherds to dysplasia. With VEO, this was avoided. It was also possible to exclude ear diseases typical for Germans.

VEOs are exclusively susceptible to infectious diseases, which they often cope with on their own, thanks to their strong immunity.

Representatives of the breed live in good conditions 12 to 14 years old.

How much and where can you buy

The National Club of the East European Shepherd Dog operates in Russia, there are contacts of all reliable breeders.

Price per puppy: 15,000 - 35,000 rubles.

Photo of the breed

Photos of beautiful and strong East European Shepherd Dogs.


She earned sincere honor and respect of millions of people. The animal is hardy by nature, easily adapts to any conditions. It can also live in small "Khrushchev" houses, and on spacious areas intended for keeping animals, in the yards of country houses. But do not forget: this is a working dog, which requires long walks and solid physical activity. The strong-willed, balanced, stately shepherd dog has a very interesting "biography". Many are sincerely curious about the features of breeding, rearing, caring for these extraordinary animals. In general, there is something to understand.

In the service of man

You can hear that the East European Shepherd is a type of German Shepherd "in the Russian way." The breed was formed in the USSR as follows. At the end of World War II, the winners returning from Germany to the Soviet Union brought many trophy large dogs - German Shepherds and their lesser-known relatives. On the basis of the motley four-legged guard, from the late forties of the XX century, they began to breed animals capable of accompanying military personnel on patrols, serving at barrage checkpoints (roadblocks), guarding temporary detention facilities for persons under investigation.

The need for a myriad of guard and escort dogs was dictated by the need to unswervingly uphold the gains of socialism and strictly control the intrigues of external and internal enemies. The selection was aimed at obtaining large massive individuals. In the course of a painstaking selection of the best representatives, they received such a well-known breed as the East European Shepherd Dog.

Tall, with a wide body and strong bones, the dog came to the court both in the NKVD units and in the Armed Forces (it is impossible to imagine, for example, the border troops without it). In the internal affairs bodies, where every day is connected with patrolling, escorting, searching for criminals, protecting the territory, it can be said that she has become an indispensable employee. VEO also came in handy in civilian life: sensitive, responsive, well-mannered guides are the “eyes” of the visually impaired.

Practical and cute

There is an opinion that modern Fashion for Dogs dictates its own canons. Citizens who are knowledgeable in cynology today are increasingly willing to have a pet from among the descendants of “herd” dogs (German Shepherd). They are smaller. People who are far from cynology are often interested in: how do East European and German Shepherds look in comparison? What is the difference between these breeds? It is not surprising to get confused: there are even cynological atlases, which indicate that this is one breed.

But is it? VEOs are larger, their back line is not so sloping. As a result, the movements of the animals are not similar: the trot is smooth as if squatting "Germans"; the forward movement of the "easterners" is sweeping. The latter win when running for a long time and when you need to go the distance quickly. In the course of the "tedious" way along the trail, the "foreigner" works better.

What about temperament? In this, too, the East European and German Shepherd are different. What is the difference, having once compared the dogs, everyone will learn: the “easterner” is balanced, thoughtful, the “westerner” is choleric, fidgety, sociable. There is an opinion that in the USSR, with its harsh morals, they deliberately "cut off" unnecessary canine "freedom of morals", selecting the most serious representatives. Russian border guards and other military people prefer to have an East European Shepherd dog next to them in military labor. In the course of exhibitions and sports competitions, the easier-to-train "Germans" often shine (another difference is that they ripen earlier than VEO).

For help to the people

If you delve into the distant past, you can find evidence that Russia met German Shepherds as early as one thousand nine hundred and four. Along with people, dumb "orderlies" saved the wounded when the Russo-Japanese war thundered. Since 1907, they have mastered the service in police stations. In 1924, dogs from the German side filled the enclosures of the Central School of Dog Breeding of the OGPU, the School of Sniffer Dogs of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD).

Breeding in certain circles was not puzzled, therefore, along with representatives of the best factory lines (large individuals, proportional head, good build), there were unremarkable, but strong and reliable "workhorses". From the first days, an attempt to breed German Shepherds was accompanied by a number of problems: the lack of cash injections, the meager knowledge of the breed, the almost complete absence of specialists who would thoroughly know this breed of dogs affected.

However, the East European Shepherd Dog could not fail to appear, no difficulties could interfere with breeding plans. To move things forward, they appealed to the masses. In the USSR, the OSOAVIAKHIM school existed to involve the people in solving the burning issues of defense, the army, the navy, etc. In 1927, the doors of the section were opened there, where dog breeders who were engaged in business on an amateur basis were invited en masse. They were asked to render every possible assistance in increasing the number of trained dogs with good heredity.

The East European Shepherd Dog as its own, national breed was still just a dream. In the meantime, caring citizens took care of the "German" pets, raised their puppies: each "growing" was included in the sectional mating plan. However, the quality of the resulting livestock left much to be desired. There were no rules for selecting manufacturers. This sharply reduced the efficiency of breeding work.

Papa Edu, mother Binet, son Abrek

Not only did the breeding involve a sea of ​​random and trophy dogs, the quality of whose origin was simply impossible to trace, the Federation of Service Dog Breeding of the USSR also had a hand in it. Decrees were issued to reduce "breeding requirements". As a result of such an "overlay", defects in appearance, color, and features of the nervous system were transmitted.

State nurseries, as best they could, helped voluntary helpers, providing sires for mating. To increase the number of amateur dog breeders, we have developed a system of exhibitions. But the main goal of the regular breeding of four-legged "into the light" was the selection of the most thoroughbred representatives of the future "servicemen". At the same time, we analyzed which manufacturers are better, what are the combinational successes and failures.

The first Moscow exhibition was the one that delighted participants and spectators in 1925. The furore on it was made by the male Bodo von Teufelsfinkel, exported from Germany, with a height of 70 cm at the withers. The German specialist of the highest class V. Katzmair noted that the elite dog is the best of all producers. To obtain offspring, a number of excellent males with exquisite "baronial" nicknames were singled out. The first Soviet line of shepherd dogs was headed by a male with a more mundane name - Abrek - the son of Edu von Geizenhof and his partner Binet von Brigoff. In other variations, none of them succeeded in special puppies.

Fog and Kare

Abrek had an expressive appearance: the middle part of the back is black (black-black color), correct, slightly weighted build, the head in the skull is slightly wider than necessary. There was something to work on: the East European Shepherd Dog, whose ears are an important feature of the breed, had erect hearing organs directed to the sides. They are called hung, they have weak cartilage. There were also folds under the larynx (“raw” neck). The growth of the newcomer went to Edu - 69 cm. Being the most successful sample of selection, the handsome man “grabbed off” the Diploma of the 1st degree at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSHV). His person was entered in a special list (VRKSS) at number one. Large, dry, well trainable Abrek is the ancestor of many excellent dogs. It was widely used for breeding. The selection continued: it was necessary to increase the working capacity of the dogs.

Ingul (the grandson of the couple Dewete von Furstensteg + Dux von Herzoghem) and Degai (their great-grandson) appeared. The appearance and build (a set of exterior qualities) of males approached the norms of such a widely known breed today as the East European Shepherd Dog. The standard seems to have been found. True, Ingul had a defect - an undescended testicle in the scrotum, and since 1964 cryptorchidism has been included in the number of defects that lead to disqualification.

Males with a genetic anomaly, like Ingul's, were still used for mating until 1968. For a long time they turned a blind eye to the fact that some individuals have a defect in the dental system. Until 1974, complete liberalism in color reigned. There were all sorts of colors: straw (fawn), white, reminiscent of brindle ... Plus, they unjustifiably raised the bar of growth, making 72 cm at the withers the standard.

After the Great Patriotic War, political motives were strong. They even affected the breed in which the word "German" sounded. The "Iron Curtain" made it almost impossible to leave such a name ("German Shepherd" then the people called all evil and nasty people). For a very long time, the phrase was almost synonymous with fascism and evoked negative memories of the horrors of the fiery years. Public opinion was categorically against the "German evil spirits".

Deserved Success

When the breed was renamed Eastern European and singled out as an independent one, the situation became completely confused: they did not find their own standards, the world ones were already abandoned. But the process has begun. First, a subtype of the German Shepherd appeared in our country. It later became a separate breed (officially named VEO in 1951).

Another Soviet line is considered to be the one that starts from a dog named Edi von Blumenduft. A little over eighty years ago (in 1935-1936) they received offspring from him and the daughters of the first Abrek number. This offspring has become the main, basic. The son of Tuman had a classic, without shades, silver and brown blotches color (black and tan). His descendant Kare in 1940 was recognized as the All-Union, and in the first post-war year - the Moscow leader. Even during the years of the struggle against fascism in the occupied regions, dogs were destroyed. The nursery of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR, where the selection import was located, was empty. After the Victory, cynological centers in Russia (Leningrad), Ukraine (Kyiv), Belarus (Minsk) and other cities started from scratch. The East European Shepherd Dog has experienced a rebirth.

They worked together for almost half a century. The titanic work was crowned with success: a new East European type of shepherd dog was devoured, which was noticeably different from the Western European. The dogs looked large, well-built, strong, muscular. They were distinguished by harmonious constitution, dryness and muscularity. The first standard, describing the breed type in detail, was adopted in 1964, then it was changed more than once, supplemented, and divided into lines.

As for the cover, many are sure: long-haired East European Shepherds are nonsense, this does not happen. Indeed, in the description of the axial hair, it is indicated that it is straight and hard, reaches a medium length, close fitting, with a well-developed felt-like undercoat. Limbs in front, ears, head are covered with an even shorter "fur coat". You can read as many descriptions of the lines as you like - nowhere is such a feature officially recognized as "a fleece from which you can weave braids."

Well fed and educated

And although long-haired East European Shepherds are found, adherents of strict criteria are convinced that this is a deviation from accepted standards (ranked as marriage). The result of uncontrolled actions of some modern breeders-"inventors". German Shepherds "increased shaggyness" - from the same opera. Animals of the 1920s ("old-type") were only semi-long-haired.

A high level of intelligence, especially in animals, is always captivating. It is precisely this quality that distinguishes the clever-beautiful East European Shepherd Dog. Training this dog is difficult, but rewarding. Looking at how zealously the four-legged ones carry out the orders of the coach, we can conclude: they like this activity. Ideal performers in the name of friendship with the owner, who is considered the undisputed leader, are ready to give themselves without a trace.

Therefore, when listing the features of developing behavioral skills, the first point is the friendly, trusting, sincere relationship between the puppy and the owner. In addition, an eared teenager must understand what is required of him, then he will complete the task without a flaw. And, finally, you need to alternate between “tasking” and affection, but make sure that severity does not border on cruelty (after all, the owner wants to raise a proud daredevil, and not a coward or aggressor).

There is no doubt: many people have a smart and kind East European Shepherd in their house. And the children love her, because, by virtue of her "protective" character, she reminds them of a parent, an older brother. But you should not deceive yourself. The animal is not ready to endure any tricks of the children and is able to fend off impudence. Teach your baby from a young age to treat a pet living in a family with respect. Then it will be possible to avoid many problems that cannot be called comic. Subject to the rules of treatment, VEOs are sincere: they carefully “graze” little people, calm them down if they cry, make friends with the grown-up master’s cubs.


They say that the East European Shepherd Dog feels great both in Kamchatka and in Kazakhstan. In Karaganda, one of the regional centers of the Kazakh Republic, there are traditionally many nurseries. A catalog has been compiled, which contains not only names, but also phone numbers for communication, characteristics of dogs available. The list of achievements is a kind of quality license. Read the data carefully, specify how far this or that place of breeding and cultivation is located from the city (if it is important for you).

The first clues to determine if you are about to make a good choice are easy to remember. If the owner has been on the market for a long time, cordially invites you to visit his penates in order to personally get acquainted with the animals, does not “ashamed” to show a license, most likely you are dealing with a reliable partner. It is noteworthy: a consistently large number of puppies is not the best signal. As a rule, the number of individuals varies.

Ask how many champions the breeder has brought up, how he cares about the health of the wards. All these little things are very important. All living creatures must be groomed and vaccinated, and most importantly, the East European Shepherd Dog. There are many owners in Karaganda who can be called trusted. They will not slip you a “bulldog-rhinoceros mix”, they will give you the right advice on caring for a dog. They say that beginners can register in a single list of breeders. Monobreed exhibitions are held in Kazakhstan. This is not a show, but a zootechnical event. Refereeing is the strictest. It's hard to win. But successful participation increases the prestige of the animal by several points.

There is a choice

There are other regions where East European Shepherd puppies are raised in kennels. In Blagoveshchensk, among private ads, you can see the sentence: "I'll give it to good hands." True, we are talking about hybrid specimens. But if anyone needs a good guard, you can safely take it. Most ads - with a detailed description of the pedigree and appearance of four-legged babies. Many puppies for sale came from parents from Moscow and other well-known kennels.

In the south of Russia, there are also many nurseries in which the East European Shepherd Dog is bred. There are breeders in Sochi, you can buy pretty decent VEO puppies, even from champions with an elite pedigree. But more often there are ads for the sale of German and Caucasian shepherds. The Sochi Kennel Club holds mixed exhibitions.

Despite the formidable past of the breed, there are people who doubt: is the East European Shepherd Dog suitable as a watchman? To protect the territory, some want to take a more angry, independent dog. But VEO fans are sure that no one can do a job better than a calm, vigilant “Eastern”. She acts thoughtfully, which is especially impressive. You do not have to wait for flashes of "automatic" aggression, which is present in the character of some other breeds.

Some lyrics. There is a winged aphorism that happens to be heard from the lips of those who happened to face human ingratitude, cunning, adventurism. Recognizing their surroundings from the bad side, someone once again sighs: "Dogs are better than people - they do not betray." But these are all emotions. When choosing a nickname for a thoroughbred friend, they are not guided by them, but by specific rules. Although there is no consensus on the classification of breeds, it is impossible to name Thoroughbreds simply at the behest of the heart.

What would you think, buddy?

The approach to choosing the nickname of the East European Shepherd Dog is as follows: one litter - one letter at the beginning of the nicknames of newborns (the full name is made up of letters or syllables borrowed from the "full name" of the ancestors). The consonance of the obligatory factory prefix is ​​required (how the names and surnames of people are combined). But the essence is not only in the letter. It is recommended to stay on topic. If “natural phenomena” are chosen, Blizzard, Buran are suitable, if geography is Venice, Palmyra, etc. For boys, it is better to choose short and sonorous, and for girls - magical, musical nicknames. They say that this is a special breed of dog. The East European Shepherd understands even the nickname that she is called at home. At the shows, a clear, “to the point” name is a sign that the owner correctly understands the “policy of the cynological party and government”.

In Moscow Lyubertsy there is a social club of animal lovers "Maximus". The East European Shepherd Dog is a constant participant of the traditional Charity Exhibition "My Shepherd Dog". The event is attended by German, Central Asian breeds, represented by various cynological federations. The collection goes to help and support dogs in trouble. During the exhibition, animals left without owners often find another family. The tribal prefix "Maximus" contains the passport data of many eminent VEOs, who confidently won not only All-Russian, but also international competitions.

It is also possible to purposefully acquire and simply accept as a gift puppies and adults in St. Petersburg. The East European Shepherd Dog is passed into good hands by those who leave the country, move (there are many reasons). As mentioned above, for the most part these are mestizos or old, sick animals. But those who dare and take them into the house love four-legged friends with a difficult fate no less than prosperous thoroughbreds, receiving boundless devotion in return.

Color distribution factor for East European Shepherds

The need to study colors and their inheritance when working with the breed is dictated by their close relationship with pigmentation, and, consequently, with the constitution, nervous system, anatomy and physiology. The Domestic East European Shepherd Breed Standard and the International German Shepherd Breed Standard provide for THREE BASIC COLORS: zoned, black-backed, black, which have many variations and tones, often characterized as separate types of colors. Identification of the genotype of a particular manufacturer is not difficult, it is enough to know the inheritance pattern of traits according to the simplest Mendel's Laws. Let's move on to a detailed description of each of the colors of the East European Shepherd Dogs.

ZONAR color. In various sources, this color has a different name: “wolf”, “gray”, “gray”, “agouti”. All these names, in general, correctly reflect its essence. The zonal coloration is characterized by an overall gray tone with a relatively light undercoat and base of the guard hairs and darker tips. In addition, the coloration is most intense in the back, on the tail and on the muzzle, with a gradual weakening down the body, with lighter limbs. While maintaining the structure of the color, its variations are still very significant: from light gray, almost smoky or yellow to dark brown. Dark tones are characterized by black “strokes” on the fingers and metatarsus of the dog. Puppies are born zoned. With age, the structure of the color does not change, but it is characteristic that after molting the general background of the color darkens significantly.

The zonal color of the East European Shepherd Dog is dominant over all colors. This explains the fact that when a zoned color is laid in the genotype of a breed, it necessarily manifests itself externally, suppressing the effect of other colors that remain in a recessive (unmanifested) form. It can be formulated the other way around - never, not a single black or black dog will have a zone color gene in its genotype, because. in a recessive form, it simply does not exist. If we assume that zoned sires suddenly disappear in the breed, then this color will be lost forever - it is impossible to restore it on the basis of black and black dogs. From here it becomes clear why zonar puppies are born only when at least one of the parents has this color. When mating two zoned dogs, puppies of both black and black-backed color may appear in the offspring. If in a litter from two black-backed or black dogs a sable puppy was suddenly born, there is no doubt that the female was also bred to a sable male. The zone color itself counteracts the weakening of the pigment in the breed, so the use of zone color sires in breeding is very advisable and justified.

BLACK color .There are black-brown, black-yellow and black-gray black-and-black color, depending on the color of the dog's tan. Preferably darker, saturated tones of tan. What matters is the degree and distribution of the “saddle”, and the background of the color. The VEO must have a "saddle" of at least half of the body area, covering the upper part of the neck and tail, back, sides of the dog. Be sure to have a “mask” on the face. The weakening of pigmentation in the black-backed color should be considered, first of all, gray tan, regardless of the degree of distribution of the “saddle”, as well as a weakly marked “saddle” and the complete absence of a “mask” on the muzzle. Black-backed puppies are born almost black, with light markings around the anus, under the larynx, on the limbs and abdomen. The darker the pigment of the future adult dog, the smaller and darker these marks in the puppy. With age, black-haired puppies brighten significantly. The black-backed color is recessive (repressed) in relation to the zonal, but dominant (predominant) in relation to the black colors. The birth of black-backed puppies is possible from the following combinations:

  • black-backed + black-backed;
  • black-backed + black;
  • black-backed + zonal;
  • zonal + zonal (provided that one of the parents of these sires was black-black);
  • zoned + black (subject to the same conditions)

BLACK color. This color does not require special characteristics. With this color, the dog has a uniform, without any marks and shades of glossy black. In the presence of white spots on the chest and (or) paws, which is a lack of conformation, the color is also characterized as black. Dogs of a pure black color with light eyes, with a penetrating brown or gray undercoat, with penetrating tan or white spots, are insufficiently pigmented, and the inheritance of weak pigment in such dogs is more persistent than in black-backed or sable dogs. Puppies are born black and do not change color. In genetic terms, the black color is the least stable, since it is the result of the fusion of two recessive genes. This also explains the relatively small number of black dogs in the VEO population in relation to black-backed and zoning dogs. The birth of black puppies is possible from the following combinations:

  • black+black;
  • black + black-and-white;
  • black-black + black-backed (provided that each sire from the pair has black ancestors in his pedigree);
  • black + zonal;
  • zonal + zonal (because the zonal color itself is a carrier of dark pigment)

There is also the so-called BLACK AND tan color , which cannot be considered as an independent type of color, as it is derived from other colors.

FIRST - this is a variant of the black-backed color, darker in the head and neck area, with a “saddle-tail” going down to the chest, shoulder area, forelimbs, thighs and lower legs. The color is contrasting, but the contours of the "saddle" are blurred. In fact, this is a black color, but with the presence of a gene responsible for a darker tone. This black and tan variant is desirable, is inherited as black and is the source of the dark pigment in the breed. Puppies with the laying of such a gene are born almost black, but with obligatory light (red, fawn, gray) stroke around the anus and barely noticeable marks on the limbs.

The SECOND variant is a black color variant, signaling a weakening of the pigment. Puppies are born pure black, but over time they have a brown or yellow undercoat, enlightenment on the limbs, sometimes forming a very beautiful black and golden tan. But the impression is deceptive. The inheritance of this color is very unstable and contributes to the weakening of pigmentation in offspring. Even when mating with dark-colored dogs of other colors, the offspring is much lighter.

The third OPTION is the so-called “Doberman” color, in which the dog has light gray or yellow symmetrically located marks on the limbs, chest, under the larynx. The pattern of the head is specific, forming light marks above the eyebrows, on the cheeks and even on the front of the head, often with an almost complete absence of a “mask”. The color is very contrasting, with marked contours of tan. The color is not characteristic of the breed, it is, fortunately, extremely rare, and although it is not rejected at exhibitions, the use of dogs of this color is impractical.

CONCLUSION. The breed standard does not give preference to any of the colors. In the East European Shepherd breed, it is very important to keep all three basic colors. In a population where the color of the Shepherd Dog is not fashionable, the ratio between the standard colors should be 3:3:1 (zone:black:black). There will always be fewer black shepherds, unless you specifically select for this color. If in the population there has been a tilt towards any one of the colors, the weakening of pigmentation is inevitable. Moreover, in this case, lightening is often accompanied by such signs of degeneration as a weakening of the skeleton, lengthening of the shape of heads, loss of working qualities, etc. As an example, we can cite the current state of color in the German Shepherd breed, where the number of zoning dogs is no more than 5% of the total number of dogs . Accordingly, the state of pigmentation leaves much to be desired.

HERITAGE OF COLOR IN A SHEPHERD DOG in accordance with Mendel's Laws. A gene is responsible for the manifestation of color in a shepherd dog, let's call it 'A'. This gene has several modifications. For shepherds, the following are important:

‘A’ - zonal color,

‘at’ – black-backed color

A' is black.

In relation to each other, they are in the following relationship: A>at>a.

On the diagram it will look like this:

Zone color dog

1) AA the first option will give only zonal

2) Aat > puppies, second zonal and black-backed

2) Aat > zonal

3) Aa > black

Black-backed dog

1) atat the first dog will give only black-backed puppies,

the second - black and black 2) ata

Black colored dog

1) aa this dog can only give a black gene

When knitting, we get :

1) zonal X zonal a) AA x AA P1 AA - only zonal puppies

B) АА х Ааt P1 AA , Aat – only zoning puppies

C) AA x Aa P1 AA , Aa - only zoning puppies

D) Aat x Aat P1 AA , Aat , atat - zoned and black-backed puppies

E) Aat x Aa P1 AA , Aat , Aa , ata - zoned and black-backed puppies

F) Aa x Aa P1 AA , Aa , aa - zoned and black puppies

2) zone X black-backed

A) AA x atat P1 Aat - zoning puppies only

B) AA x ata P1 Aat , Aa - only zoning puppies

C) Aat x atat P1 Aat , atat - zoned and black-backed puppies

D) Aat x ata P1 Aat , Aa , ata - zoned and black-backed puppies

E) Aa x atat P1 Aat, ata - zoning and black-backed puppies

F) Aa x ata P1 Aat, Aa, ata, aa - zoned, black-backed and black puppies

3) zone X black

A) AA x aa P1 Aa - zoning puppies only

B) Aat x aa P1 Aa, ata - zoned and black-backed puppies

C) Aa x aa P1 Aa , aa - zoning and black puppies

4) black-backed X black-backed

A) atat x atat P1 at - only black-backed puppies

B) atat x ata P1 atat , ata - only black-backed puppies

C) ata x ata P1 atat , ata , aa - black and black puppies

5) black-backed X black a) atat x aa P1 ata - only black-backed puppies

B) ata x aa P1 ata, aa - black and black puppies

6) black X black a) aa x aa P1 aa - only black puppies

Having mated any two shepherd dogs, you will definitely find a combination in the scheme, as well as all possible color options for puppies.

HERITAGE OF COLOR IN OTHER BREEDS In most other breeds, the black color is dominant and is determined by another pair of genes. For example gene 'B'. Those. in the dominant state, it provides the black color of the dog, and in the recessive state, any other. Accordingly, a dog with genes ‘BB’ or ‘Vv’ is black, and with genes ‘vv’ - any other color, but not black. In shepherds, the 'bb' genes are in a recessive state, and the coat color is determined by a pair of 'A' genes STUDYING this issue is simply necessary! Breeders MUST know the characteristics of each color, the genotype of the animals with which they have to work, be able to regulate the inheritance of colors and avoid unwanted mating. Then the appearance of the so-called “regional phenomena” in the VEO breed, when a zonary daughter “suddenly” appears from a black and black-backed dog, will be simply impossible!!!

In old domestic films, large, powerful white-gray dogs with an expressive muzzle were often shot. Most often, four-legged actors played the roles of border or police dogs, brave and smart, who can handle any criminal. In reality, everything was like that: East European Shepherd Dogs not only guarded the borders of the USSR and looked for thieves and murderers, but also guarded industrial enterprises, were guides for the blind and lived in the families of ordinary citizens. The breed was so popular and recognizable that even children knew the sheepdog, and the breed was surrounded by an aura of respect.

In the thirties of the last century, in the face of the need for a tough fight against crime and the protection of the state border along the entire perimeter of the USSR, the task was set to create a new, domestic breed of dogs. It was supposed to become universal and multifaceted and work successfully in various climatic zones: from the Far North to the southern deserts. They decided to take the German Shepherd as a basis, and by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the army and in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there was a diverse and heterogeneous, but numerous population of German Shepherds of the East European type.

The war exterminated a huge number of breeding animals, however, several purebred breeding animals of the desired type, taken there at the beginning of the war, have been preserved in the Urals. Already in 1946, at the Moscow dog show, the attention of experts was attracted by a large, bright and beautiful male Ingul. Breedings with him produced puppies very similar to him, that is, he was remarkably prepotent and passed on his traits to almost every pup in the litter.

The Ingula line was the main one in domestic breeding, and very soon, by 1964, the breed of German Shepherds of the East European type had changed so much that experts started talking about creating a new, domestic breed. Dogs have become much higher at the withers due to the elongated bones of the limbs, their body weight has become higher and movements have changed, as well as mental characteristics.

Important! In many ways, such a rapid modification was the merit of inbreeding, as well as official permission for the breeding use of cryptorchid males.

After the beginning of perestroika, in the nineties, the breed experienced a time of extermination; it was banned in many dog ​​breeding clubs. The efforts of enthusiasts from Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the best representatives of the breed remained, only after ten years gave little fruit and the breed began to revive. Today, the livestock of East European Shepherd Dogs, although not of the same type, is gradually coming to a single standard, showing its best qualities.

The main differences from the German Shepherd

The East European Shepherd is very different from the German Shepherd, so much so that typical representatives of the breed cannot be confused with each other. These are two completely different breeds. having not only different anatomical features, but also different properties of the psyche.

The East European Shepherd differs from the German Shepherd in height, weight, behavior, movement and other qualities.

The East European Shepherd differs from the German Shepherd in the following main ways:

  • The height and weight of the animal. VEO is much larger, the minimum height of the bitch is 62 centimeters, the desired height is not less than 65 centimeters. The maximum height of a German bitch is not more than 60 centimeters.

Important! Males of both breeds are much larger and more masculine than females.

  • The size and shape of the head. The skull, the fullness and length of the muzzle, the shape and color of the eyes are absolutely different in anatomical structure.
  • Animal composition. In VEO, the angles of the limbs are less pronounced, the metacarpus is more steep, the neck is higher, the back is straight, and the tail is shorter.
  • Pigment or coat color. Most East European Shepherds are light fawn, gray or almost white tan. The German Shepherd's paws are all shades of red, and a more saturated color is welcome.
  • Wool cover. German Shepherds have a more elegant covering coat, it is longer, especially on the neck and hind limbs.
  • Movement. The famous creeping trot of the German Shepherd is not available for the VEO due to a different body structure.
  • Behavior. The prudence and calmness of the East European Shepherd is strikingly different from the fiery temperament of the German Shepherd.

Appearance, standard and photos

East European Shepherd males are larger than females.

The East European Shepherd gives the impression of a self-confident, proud and intelligent dog that looks at the world with philosophical calm. A large, beautiful animal above average height, with a wide, powerful skeleton and free movements. Males are always more powerful and courageous than females, they have a larger head.

  • The body of the animal seems to be slightly stretched in length, with a strong straight back, a wide, convex loin and a rounded, long, smoothly descending to the tail, croup. The chest is deep, fairly wide, with rounded ribs. The neck is strong, dry, the withers are well defined.
  • The forelimbs are long, the shoulder blades and shoulders are muscular, the forearms are parallel to each other, straight, strong. The pasterns are slightly sloping, strong. The hind limbs are straight forward, with muscular thighs and long shins. Hocks well angulated, flat and dry. Paws are large, rounded, with large fingers.
  • The head is massive, wedge-shaped, with pronounced cheekbones and a broad skull. The forehead is flat, the transition to the muzzle is smoothed out, but noticeable. The muzzle is pointed, well filled, equal to the length of the head. Jaws strong, lips dry, close fitting, scissor bite, full set of teeth. The ears are set high, medium in size and triangular in shape. The eyes are almond-shaped, obliquely set, the eyelids are dry, the color of the eyes depends on the color, dark brown or hazel eyes are preferred, light eyes are allowed in light-colored dogs.
  • The tail is thick, saber-shaped, in a calm state it is lowered to the hocks, in an excited state it can be raised to the level of the back.
  • The coat is hard, thick, the undercoat is well developed. The color can be black, black and tan, black-backed or zoned. In black, a small white blaze on the chest is allowed. The zonal color can be zonal gray or zonal red. Black and tan and black-and-black colors necessarily have a mask, while tan can vary from almost white to rich brown.

Vice are: in behavior - cowardice, unrestrained aggression, lethargy and indifference. In the exterior - all sorts of deviations from the standard, preventing the normal use of the animal in work and reducing its endurance.

East European Shepherd in the photo

Characteristics and nature of the breed

The East European Shepherd Dog is an exceptionally smart, loyal and courageous dog that can become exactly what its owner wants to see. Dogs of this breed can guard the house or be an excellent nanny for small children, be a faithful companion and friend to a teenager and serve as eyes for a blind pensioner.

Important! They have a calm disposition, are quite patient, get along well with any pets.

This is a truly versatile dog breed, in which devotion and desire to please the owner prevails over aggression towards strangers. With the East European Shepherd, you can safely leave children, she is careful and attentive to people who have some kind of health problems. At the same time, a dog of this breed can be relied upon in an emergency. She will fearlessly meet intruders and protect her home from intruders.

East European Shepherd matures late, only by the age of three does the dog reach its full physical and mental development. But even during the period of puppyhood, and then growing up, a pet of this breed is not inclined to show destructive inclinations, loudly express their feelings or seek to dominate family members. Of course, like many puppies, a baby can chew on his favorite shoes or gnaw on an abandoned magazine, but he is not capable of destroying an apartment in two hours, as they can do.

The subtleties of training

The East European Shepherd Dog lends itself well to training.

Training an East European Shepherd is quite simple, because dogs of this breed simply love to learn. They literally look into the eyes of the trainer, trying to understand what is required of them. Their reactions of excitation and inhibition are balanced, the pet learns commands that require an instant reaction and commands for endurance equally well. You can train an East European Shepherd Dog even at home, without resorting to the help of a cynologist.

Until the quarantine is over, the baby is taken out into the street in his arms, not allowing him to communicate with other dogs. As soon as the quarantine is over, the baby is taken on a leash and led through the streets, introducing them to the outside world. You should constantly change places for a walk, enter entrances, walk along crowded streets, carry in a car or on public transport. As a result, an adult dog will calmly and reasonably perceive any changes in the environment, it will be easy and calm with him in any conditions.

The East European Shepherd is trained in almost the same way as the German one, read the article on our website, as well as.

Important features of care and nutrition

The East European Shepherd Dog can be kept both in apartment conditions and in an aviary. The excellent adaptive abilities of dogs of this breed to any climatic conditions make them immune to cold or heat. But still, it is necessary to equip the animal with a canopy to protect it from the sun and precipitation, and also build an insulated booth.

Important! Caring for a dog of this breed comes down to regular combing of dense wool, and during periods of molting, it is necessary to scratch the pet daily, and hygienic care for the eyes and ears.

The East European Shepherd needs regular walks. combined with physical activity in the form of jogging or cross-country, swimming and walking uphill. These exercises, as well as running in shallow water or shallow snow, perfectly strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the animal. Joint walks and activities also strengthen the friendship between the dog and the owner, which teaches both the animal and the person to understand each other at a glance.

It is necessary to feed a high-calorie and balanced diet.

A large animal that takes a long time to form needs a high-calorie and balanced diet. The East European Shepherd can be fed with natural food, while it is desirable that seventy percent of the diet is meat products, about twenty - dairy products and cereals, and ten percent - fish and vegetables. Be sure to give adolescents after the change of teeth calcium preparations in order to properly form the backbone.

Health status and what diseases the breed is prone to

The East European Shepherd Dog is a fairly healthy breed of dog, averaging ten to thirteen years of life, but it has some hereditary diseases and is also predisposed to certain viral and bacterial diseases.

Important! which can only be detected by X-ray examination.

Mating of the East European Shepherd Dog should be carried out only after careful selection of pairs, since the breed is still heterogeneous, it is still being restored. Most often practiced by hand knitting.

How to choose an East European Shepherd puppy, kennels and prices

Before you buy a puppy, you need to carefully study all the offers, phone the nurseries that deal with this breed. It is unreasonable to take a puppy from random breeders without RKF or SCOR documents. Yes, the mother bitch of puppies may look like an East European Shepherd, but not be a purebred, and the father is known only from the words of the breeder. In this case, there is a high risk of acquiring a baby with a bunch of hereditary pathologies and mental defects.

A photo. East European Shepherd puppy

If everything is in order with the documents, and the moment has come to choose a puppy, then you need to ask the breeder to give you the opportunity to watch the kids a little. An active, cocky naughty, pestering littermates and merrily jumping on the rug, will grow up to be a bold and intelligent dog. A loner, sullenly sitting aside and not wanting to leave his corner, is most likely sick or afraid of a guest, and no matter how good he is in appearance, it is better not to take such a pet.

A good East European Shepherd baby can be purchased in nurseries:

  • In Moscow: nursery "Silver Style", http://veo-stil.ucoz.ru, cost from $400.
  • In St. Petersburg: "True friend" nursery, vdveo.ru, price from $450.
  • In Yekaterinburg: My Pride nursery, https://vk.com/club90267003, cost from $400.

How to name a pet

The pride of domestic dog breeding, a dog of the East European Shepherd breed, should have a sonorous, proud nickname. It is most appropriate to call a pet a name, a synonym for the words "courage", "courage", "strength", you can use the names of great rivers, elements as a nickname.

  • For a male. Typhoon, Nord, North, Lord, Corsair, Genghis, Akbar, Icarus, Yariy, Dnieper, Leader.
  • For the bitch Kama, Blizzard, Vesta, Utah, Anthea, Darina, Thunderstorm, Storm, Normandy, Medea.









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


Security and guard qualities


Representatives of the East European Shepherd breed are not just a pet and a devoted friend of man. Such dogs are capable of real feats, at the cost of their own lives they are ready to save people and their property, find ammunition, and accompany the blind.

They make reliable defenders and accompanying disabled people. Initially, the mission of the WEO consisted only in security and guard activities and in military service. Now shepherd dogs are very popular as a companion and pet.

The history of the breed

The birthplace of the East European Shepherd Dog is the USSR. The formation of the breed took place in the twenties and thirties. To be precise, in 1924 in the capital of Russia it was decided to seriously engage in breeding work on a breed whose representatives would be ideal guard, guard, military dogs. To do this, a special nursery was created in Moscow, where cynologists were engaged in breeding and improving VEO.

The breed that is the direct ancestor of the East European Shepherd is the German Shepherd. These animals were taken out of Germany and became the base breed for the creation of service dogs, which were used for military service. The differences between the German and East European Shepherds are that the VEO is less active, mobile and aggressive. The Easterners could serve as guides, watchmen of the national economy. In breeding work, only purebred German Shepherds were used.

breed standard

The Eastern European is distinguished by its large size, its muscles are extremely developed. Males are much more powerful than females. Adult weight 30-60 kg., growth 62-76 cm.

A massive head rests on a strong neck. The ears are triangular, not too large, erect, pointed at the ends. They are considered a hallmark of the breed. Dark eyes are oval, not very large. The back of the nose with a slight hump. The nose is big. The lower jaw is powerful, scissor bite. The fangs are large.

The croup is long, the loin is slightly convex, powerful. The back is long, the stomach is pulled up in a beautiful line. Legs are straight. The thighs are wide, muscular. Profitable fingers are removed. The movement is a typical gait. The tail is saber-shaped.

Coat of medium length, dense. The undercoat is well developed. On the hips there are not too lush fringes. Color black and black. At the first color there is a mask on a clarified background.

Such a dog can be kept in an aviary, in a private house or in an apartment. Wherever the pet lives, it is necessary to create some conditions for it. For example, when living in an apartment, the dog must have its own place with a bed, the same applies to a private house. This place is arranged away from drafts and heating appliances. It also shouldn't be passable. In no case should you forcefully pull the dog out of its place.

When kept outdoors, a large and warm booth with bedding is installed in a spacious enclosure. The floor in the aviary is preferably made of wood. In any case, the shepherd dog needs daily walking outside the house or aviary in order to be able to run outside the fences.

During walks, even in cold weather, you don’t need to dress a shepherd dog in clothes; its dense coat reliably protects the dog from cold and rain. Under the scorching sun, you can not walk the dog. If VEO was trained as a bodyguard and protector of the owner, a muzzle is put on the pet in crowded places. The fact is that a too vigilant dog may react incorrectly to sudden movements of people passing by. Just walking at a slow pace is not enough. Sheepdogs need exercise. Therefore, try to give your pet the opportunity to run around, for this, come up with active games using the ball and other toys.

A beautiful appearance, a healthy body and a good mood - all this will be in the dog, provided that it is properly cared for. The owner should carry out the following procedures if he wants the pet to feel comfortable and look well-groomed:

  • It is not difficult to care for the coat of a shepherd dog. The coat of this animal species quickly self-cleansing. Combing is recommended with a comb and a brush made of natural bristles. This procedure is carried out 2 times in 7-8 days.
  • We bathe the pet every 6 months. Such water procedures using detergents intended for dogs with a hard coat are recommended in spring and autumn, when the period of heavy molting passes. In the summer, try to visit water bodies with your pet more often; in hot weather, a shepherd dog will be happy to splash in a river or lake.
  • The teeth of a service dog must be in perfect condition. Dental health depends on heredity, maintenance and care. They need to be cleaned regularly using pastes. It is also recommended to give your pet natural veins, carrots, apples or special rubber bones.
  • Wipe your eyes, if discharge accumulates, make sure that there is no inflammation.
  • Clean the ears and inspect for excessive discharge or inflammation. If you notice these symptoms, consult a doctor, this may be the beginning of an infectious disease.
  • In most cases, a shepherd dog erases its claws on its own on the road surface during walking. But if they are too long, you need to cut them off.

In the diet of VEO should be about 60-70% of protein foods. Meat for a large service dog is vital. Nutrition is balanced, portion sizes are determined depending on age and health status. As they grow, the diet increases, adults are fed twice a day. It is important that the shepherd eat both dry and wet food in turn. The food should be warm, after feeding the dog should rest. Cool water in a clean container is always available.


With proper care and proper nutrition, the East European Shepherd Dog can live 12-14 years. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by good health and strong immunity, but a predisposition to certain diseases is observed:

  • Conjunctivitis- This is a fairly common inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye in dogs. It is difficult to treat, which often leads to a complicated chronic form.
  • hip dysplasia- joint problems cause severe pain, if not taken care of, the dog can become immobilized.
  • Obesity- a serious ailment in the modern world, therefore, if the dog is fat, then you should resort to changing the diet and proper diet.
  • Arthritis- inflammation of the joints causes severe pain to the animal. This disease is more common in older animals.
  • eczema is one of the most common skin diseases. Because of the coat, especially if the coat is thick, eczema in dogs goes unnoticed for a long time. The owner must be careful to notice and stop the disease in time.


By nature, the East European Shepherd Dog is cold-blooded, self-confident and balanced. These qualities are essential for a service dog. VEO is very devoted to his master, if he or his property is in danger, the dog instantly reacts and rushes to the defense. Due to distrust, the shepherd dog does not allow familiar relations with strangers and with dogs of other species. VEO can completely relax and have plenty of fun only with the owner, with family members or with dogs of his own breed.

A special trait of the character of the European Shepherd is the ability to adapt to any living conditions. Representatives of this species are distinguished by attentiveness, efficiency, endurance, ability to learn, guard instinct. They get along well with children and with the animals they grew up with.

They use the East European Shepherd Dog during rescue, search, during military operations, as guides for people with disabilities. These dogs make ideal guards. Also, VEO in many families are simply faithful, pets, wonderful companions. For merits in the army service, a monument was erected to shepherd dogs and more than one.

Training and education

A serious working dog requires serious training. The East European Shepherd is one of these breeds. From the first day, as soon as they brought a little puppy to their home, it is necessary to educate him. The pet must learn the rules of behavior in the house, in the yard, in public places. Also at an early age, socialization is carried out, acquaintance of a young dog with the outside world.

VEO is very smart and quick-witted, the main thing is to establish a trusting relationship with her pupil. The first commands to teach a puppy are the simplest: place, sit, not allowed, come to me, etc. Then the shepherd must undergo a serious training course, preferably under the guidance of an experienced dog handler. If you plan to make a service, guard dog or guide dog for a blind person out of VEO, you will need an additional, special course in the chosen direction.

The shepherd quickly remembers commands and tries to fulfill them conscientiously. Serious training of such a dog should be started from the age of six months. The owner must achieve complete obedience from the pet in the course of training. At the same time, physical punishments are unacceptable, only consistency, calmness and perseverance. For success, be sure to reward the dog with treats, kind words, and stroking. It is worth noting that VEO is not afraid of heights, attacks by a helper, walking along the boom is not a problem for them.

  • East European Shepherds often become movie actors.
  • In Moscow, a beautiful sculpture of a border guard with a shepherd dog of the indicated type was created. The locals came up with a belief, according to which one has only to rub the nose or paw of a shepherd dog, after such a ritual, life will go only along the white stripe.
  • The VEO breed is recognized as one of the patriotic breeds.

Pros and cons of the breed

Decided to buy an East European Shepherd puppy? To get started, check out the main pros and cons of this breed. To decide if this breed is right for you or not:


1. Devotion, fearlessness.
2. Endurance, performance.
3. The ability to quickly get used to any conditions.
4. Ideal security and guard qualities.
5. Loves children.
6. Easy to train.


1. Excessive aggressiveness, if the shepherd shows it unreasonably, it is very difficult to correct such behavior.
2. Expensive content.
3. Stubbornness and willfulness. They like to show character and disobey.
Prejudice against strangers.