How to train a pet: the secrets of successful dog training. How to make a dog obedient and well-mannered - all about pet training Self-training

Initial training is always homework, in a calm environment, where nothing distracts or frightens the pet. Dog training at home is a start, during which the pet will master the main, vital commands. How to teach a dog to understand you? How to praise a pet? What mistakes are often made by inexperienced owners?

There are no stupid dogs. Just believe and accept as a fact - it will be easier to work with a dog. Of course, you should start as soon as the puppy appeared in the house. The age of two months is quite suitable for mastering simple skills, and it is during this period that the baby absorbs knowledge at an incredible speed. Sometimes it even seems that dogs become stupid with age, but this is not so - it’s just harder for adult pets to learn new information. Although the training of adult dogs at home is also sure to bear fruit if done correctly. So, remember the indestructible dogmas:

  • the first classes last no more than 10 minutes, two or three times a day;
  • we always start classes with a repetition of already learned commands;
  • before training, the dog must be allowed to throw off excess energy;
  • does not exercise on a full stomach, immediately from sleep or late in the evening;
  • we punish the dog only with a voice, saying reproachfully "Ai-ai-ai", "Bad", "It's impossible." We do not shout, we do not grab by the scruff, in no case do we beat for refusing to carry out the command;
  • dog training at home always takes place in the form of a game, in a good positive mood. The pet needs to be interested, “included” in the process without pressure and coercion;
  • say the command once, maximum twice. It is useless to say a hundred times "To me, to me, to me!" - so you just teach the dog that you can execute the command from the tenth instruction, and this is unacceptable (a racing car will not wait);
  • Praise your dog like it just saved the world. Rejoice wildly at every success, speak in a playful, happy voice;
  • practice every day so that your pet does not forget the learned commands. 10 minutes is enough to repeat the entire “course”.

Failure to follow any rule is a big mistake! Pay attention to the little things, it's very important. Dogs catch the slightest changes in mood, intonation, gestures. First of all, watch yourself, your actions, then it will be easier for your pet to understand you. Do not confuse the dog by using different gestures or command options (come here, come to me).

How to interest a dog?

First of all, the owner must sincerely enjoy training. Then the dog will feel that its owner is happy, and with more and more zeal to carry out commands. Do not "turn on" the leader without urgent need (aggression, direct or veiled).

To make the pet interesting, one of the methods of encouragement is used - praise with play, food and / or attention. As a rule, the training of small breeds of dogs at home goes well if the owner emotionally and joyfully praises the pet, fixing the result with a tasty piece. Although any dog ​​will not refuse a treat, it is impossible to overfeed (a tiny piece, only to indicate the correctness of the action). The game as a reward works well with active breeds (hunters, servants).

Give your pet a hint the first time. For example, before training, you can put on a waist bag with a treat that the dog sees only during training and never again. Or to get a favorite toy from the “cache”, which the dog will associate with training and subsequent play. When the pet learns the commands well, it will be possible to do without special prompts.

How to praise a dog?

The dog will associate treats and rewards with petting (voice, strokes) with the correct behavior only if the reward occurs at the time of the command. The main mistake is to praise with a delay, during which the pet performed some action that was not related to the team. For example, the command “Come to me” is being practiced: the dog should receive a treat on the way, as soon as it is at the feet of the owner. Wrong - the dog came up and sat down (or turned around at his feet). In this case, the pet can associate the reward with his last action (spinning around at his feet, sitting down, resting his front paws on the owner's legs, licking his palm, etc.).

When practicing some skills, it is impossible to praise the dog immediately. In such cases, use a clicker - a small clicky keychain. First, the dog is taught to click (click - they gave a tasty one, click - they gave a tasty one, without any commands). A pet quickly associates a click and good emotions. Now the click will be enough for the dog to understand that he is acting correctly.

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Basic commands that can and should be practiced at home

Work from simple to complex - first learn the simplest commands, and then move on to those that not all dogs understand from the first training.

To me- the most important team, without exaggeration, can save a pet's life. At first, the command is pronounced when the puppy is already running towards the owner. Then, using attraction (show a toy, a treat from afar). For the first time, the command “Come to me” is given from a short distance, literally a couple of meters. When the pet understands what's what, you need to gradually increase the distance in order to achieve the execution of the command even when the owner is in another room (i.e. the dog does not see the person). You should always call the dog in a firm, but calm, positive voice. Never call the dog if you are going to do something unpleasant (cut your nails, scold for a puddle, etc.).

Sit is another required skill. This command can be used instead of when the dog needs to be stopped (for example, there is a road ahead). Training of hunting dogs at home necessarily includes the “stand” command, and for urban pets, it is enough to be able to sit down on command. The first time the command is pronounced, catching the moment when the puppy begins to sit down on its own. We repeat several times. Then we complicate the task by teaching the dog to sit down on command (voice + gesture - vertically raised palm, see photo) when the owner requires it. We hold the treat between the fingers and show it to the dog, slightly stretching the hand with the treat forward (do not lower the palm, the dog should not reach the treat). Say "sit" at the same time. Perhaps the pet will try to jump to the hand, will spin at the feet, wag its tail, etc. We stand like a monument, without moving, without changing our posture. When the dog gets tired of begging, it will sit in front of the hand, i.e. will execute the command - praise!

These are the two most important commands that the dog must follow the first time, "without question", in any mood and in any situation. Without mastering these skills, the dog should never be let off the leash for a walk!

By the way, about the leash. After all, this is also a kind of skill! Definitely before the first walks. Walk around the apartment, at least 5 minutes three times a day. Do not let the dog pull you, you must manage the pet. If the dog is walking in the wrong direction, pull the leash briefly and gently (two or three short jerks). This is a signal, not a coercion! The pet must go voluntarily, and not be dragged along, because he has no choice.

Regardless of what kind of pet you have, you need to know how to train a dog. The problem with the poor upbringing of four-legged friends can lead to sad consequences. And if you decide to get an animal for yourself, remember that it must obey the commands of the owner, unquestioningly fulfilling them. This will help with proper training. And this is exactly what will be discussed in the review and attached videos.

The minimum set of required commands

You need to know not only how to teach your pet commands. You also need to understand exactly what orders you should teach your pet. Where to start learning?

  1. "To me!" and "Near!". One of the most important skills. Often, restless pets run away from the owner, simply not understanding the orders. Teaching these commands will prevent such troubles by achieving unquestioning obedience. If the pet does not know such simple commands, then even a stranger can take him away.
  2. "Ugh!". Today, there is a lot of rubbish lying on the streets. And if the dog starts to gnaw or eat it, then it will not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is important to wean her from this with the help of the “Fu!” command. Also the order "Fu!" required if a stranger caused a manifestation of aggression on the part of the pet.
  3. "Sit!" and "Lie down!". Just standard commands that will calm down an active pet. In addition, as numerous videos show, the Sit! and "Lie down!" often featured at exhibitions.
  4. "Place!". Of course, the dog can sleep wherever he wants. But she still needs a certain place in the apartment, which she must occupy on the first order of the owner.

The standard set of popular commands can include “Aport!”, “Give!”, “Voice!” and "Fas!". The last order is necessary if a stranger attacked and protection is required.

Who should teach?

How to teach a dog commands? This, of course, is an important question, but you need to know who to entrust this task to yourself or a professional. Immediately it should be noted that one should train one. If a stranger is constantly nearby, he will distract the pet.

Do not forget that much depends on the nature of the four-legged friend and caregiver. It is important that the trainer is distinguished by patience, good willpower.

If it is impossible to achieve obedience from a pet on your own due to lack of time, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. In addition, service dogs should be trained under the guidance of specialists.

As numerous videos show, they are able to convey a variety of commands to pets, and not just the standard “Sit!”, “Fu!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”.

How to teach a dog commands?

Before you start training, you need to remember some rules of behavior during the training procedure:

  1. You cannot repeat the command twice. Such an attitude will lead to the fact that the pet simply will not accept the orders of the owner on the first try. Accordingly, the four-legged friend simply will not sit or give a voice.
  2. Periodically, it is required to change the commands for dogs in places, the order of requests. This will improve the efficiency of training.
  3. You should not show excessive zeal, even if you are trying to teach to perform the simplest commands (“Sit!”, “Fu!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”, Etc.). Remember that dogs tend to get tired, which prevents the best possible memorization of orders. In addition, this attitude towards learning can be counterproductive.
  4. Too often to voice commands for dogs is not worth it. Make pauses between them so as not to confuse your four-legged friend.
  5. It is advisable to let the pet play enough before starting the training, to load it a little physically so that it is not distracted during the learning process.
  6. It is not recommended to raise your voice, punish, beat your pet. By doing this, you will achieve a manifestation of aggression, fear. Training will lead to such a situation backfiring. And if a strange, aggressive person suddenly attacks, then protection from your pet is unlikely to be provided.
  7. Puppy training should be reward based. Treats can be a great incentive for a four-legged friend.
  8. Do not allow commands to be dictated by a stranger, a simple passer-by. Because of this, the effectiveness of education will suffer.
  9. Try to conduct interesting workouts, and not just memorize words such as “Sit!”, “Fu!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”.

Location selection

It is important to understand where the training will take place. Dog training at home is not very effective. This can lead to the fact that the pet will only take orders from the owner at home. And outside of it, any stranger or strange animal can cause aggression.

Therefore, it is important to train outside. The place should be quiet without distractions and a large number of passers-by. A stranger will only interfere with learning.

If the training is correct, then the dog will become well-mannered, disciplined. Over time, the choice of location will not play an important role. Dog training at home in such a situation will also be effective. But it shouldn't be permanent.

It is important to deal with time. Outdoor training should be given attention at least twice a week. At home, you can train your pet every day for 10 minutes.

Raising an adult pet

There is an opinion that it is possible to train only at a young age, and it is almost impossible to accustom adult animals to execute commands. However, this statement is not entirely true, as evidenced by numerous videos.

How to properly train a dog in such a situation? First of all, it should be understood that the attitude towards the pet on the part of the owner should be good. Shaggy animals love their owners. And if there are reciprocal feelings, they will try to please in all available ways. You must always demonstrate that you are not a stranger, but a loving owner.

It is necessary to train an adult pet more diligently. It will take more time, as well as patience. However, with maximum effort and diligence, the owner will be able to achieve good results.

The main thing is not to show excessive zeal, do not raise your voice and do not forget to encourage your pet for the commands executed. In addition, interesting training will help to increase the effectiveness of training.

How different breeds are trained

Naturally, if the owner decides to conduct a general dog training course on his own, he will think about which breeds are easier to train. However, as numerous reviews of experts show, it is not the breed that plays the main role in the upbringing, but the character of the owner.

If you firmly decide to train your pet, show desire and determination, you can succeed, regardless of whether you have a Labrador or a Bull Terrier in front of you. In addition, you can not even get a pet if there is no self-confidence.

When to start?

It is immediately worth noting that it is best to start training a pet from an early age. How to teach a puppy commands? First of all, it is recommended to surround him with love and care. Sensing positive emotions on your part, the pet will begin to better execute commands, trying to please the owner, feeling that he is not a stranger in front of him.

From an early age, you can teach simple commands (“Sit!”, “Fu!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”, Etc.), gradually making the education program more complex. Kids will perceive this process from the position of the game, and absolutely all puppies love interesting activities. It is better to start the general course of training from one and a half months.


As already mentioned, it is recommended to start the general training course with the simplest commands (“Sit!”, “Fu!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”, Etc.), gradually teaching the pet more complex orders. It must be understood that from the first minutes of education, the dog may not understand what is expected of it.

How to teach a dog the command "Next!"? You can start with the order "Come to me!". At first, this command should be given from a short distance so that the pet understands what is required of it. The voice of the owner during the voicing of commands must be firm. Numerous videos clearly demonstrate the training of these orders.

You cannot call a four-legged friend with this command if you are going to perform some unpleasant procedure (for example, trim your nails). Over time, you can teach your pet to walk nearby, encouraging him to follow orders well.

How to teach a dog the command "Lie down!", "Sit!". The first training should take place when the pet begins to lie down, sit down on its own. After several repetitions, you can complicate training by trying to teach your pet to lie down using gestures. At the same time, the voice must be firm, otherwise, the requests will not make the pet either sit or lie down.

The video course will show how to get your pet to unquestioningly fulfill the order “Sit!” or "Lie down!". Guided by this video, you can figure out how to teach a dog the command "Die!".

In addition to these commands, at home, you can study “Voice!”, “Barrier!”, “Fu!”, “Give!” etc. Also, the “Aport!” command should not cause difficulties. However, it should be noted immediately that the training of service dogs or future guards, hunters should take place under the guidance of professionals. Otherwise, the protection on the part of the pet from the actions taken by a stranger, an aggressive person, will not be of high quality.

Learning to bring things

How to teach a dog to fetch a stick? It should be noted that this command can be considered more complex. This order includes both service dog training and pet training.

At the first stage, it is necessary to pronounce the command, slightly opening the mouth and putting the required thing in the teeth. Slightly holding the jaw, it is necessary to say the command "Give!" and pick up the item. This must be done until the four-legged friend can independently take things and bring them into the hands of the owner.

When learning the “Give!” command, it is necessary to gradually increase the distance from the object to you and the dog. The entire learning process is demonstrated in numerous videos.

Video "The process of training"

Not sure how to teach your dog the "Face!" command? Or want to figure out how to teach a dog to give a paw? Video (by Mirta Professional) will tell you how to teach your pet to perform commands such as "Sit!", "Fu!", "Voice!", "Give!".

It does not matter that the puppy appeared in the house not so long ago, and one of its appearance is tender. Emotions should not distract from the main thing - raising a pet from the first moments of meeting him. Not all inexperienced dog breeders know how to train a dog at home correctly. The dog handlers recommendations below will help you understand the basics of a broad question.

Dog training performed by owners usually serves several purposes. Starting an occupation, the owner must set himself a specific goal, which he intends to achieve in the end. In general, any training of a four-legged friend is based on the following "whales" of training:

In the learning process, motivational means are used that play the role of some kind of gratitude for work. The maximum returns from the four-legged are achieved if he is immediately rewarded after the action done by order. Since it is correct to train a dog - it is not to make excessive hitches in actions, all the attributes involved in training are prepared in advance.

Restraining methods are called objects that attract attention. Why use things that extract a sharp sound - whistles, rattles from tin cans with stones, a bunch of keys. If the pet does not comply with the master's order, deserved attention is excluded for him - praise, stroking. They send him to the place, uttering the order in a stern voice.

When punishing a puppy, it is better to use the method of ignoring, which is recognized as more effective than punishing with physical force. Spanking is regarded by the dog as a game signal.

Since training a dog is considered a rather laborious task, the owner can also motivate himself for the training process. It is important to realize that it is always easier to teach a dog to proper behavior than to correct behavioral deviations later.

Preparing for training

For the first lesson, a collar with a leash and a favorite delicacy of the four-legged are prepared. In no case can dishes from the master's plate be considered as such. For this it is appropriate. For fussy eaters, you can buy “snacks” in pet supplies that are intended for training classes.

At first, it is advisable to conduct classes in an area familiar to the pet thoroughly. But there should be no distracting objects on it. In unfamiliar territory, the puppy is given time to get used to it.

An important principle of training is the absence of strangers and animals during training lessons. This makes the task easier, allows the puppy to concentrate better.

Teams for initial acquaintance

Training from the first minutes of mutual residence of the puppy with the owner is extremely necessary.

With a well-bred puppy, it is easier to organize walks and you do not have to be upset by his domestic pranks. First of all, it is important to teach the pet to know and respond to its name, not to respond to the order “Come to me!”, To know the place.

Before accustoming a dog to a nickname, they try to pronounce the name of the four-legged more often aloud in a tone in which favorable emotions would be heard. The regular naming of a nickname should serve as an incentive for the development of a response to recall to one's own name. After the appearance of such a reflex, the pet must be thanked at the initial stages.

Primary orders for training

"Near". Since teaching a dog to walk nearby on a leash is just as important as the previous command, they train it systematically, conducting 4-5 sessions.

"Ugh". Means the order given to the dog when it is necessary to distract from the collected garbage. The implementation of the formulation allows you to save the health of the four-legged and the mass of nerve cells of the owner.

Exposure begins to train from the age of four months. This quality is useful at all training events with a pet and contributes to the control of the dog, the development of obedience in him.

In addition, important in the first training lessons are commands, the observance of which they certainly try to achieve from the puppy: give, sit and lie, stand, fetch, place, face.

"Give". The command is useful for any trained dog. This technique is of particular importance for service guards, whose purpose in life is solely to protect their master.

This team achieves not so much the ability to neutralize the attacker, but to release him upon arrest.

"Place". The dog must know about the existence of its own corner in the home. And by order of the dog breeder, an obedient dog must immediately go there. A puppy can fall asleep anywhere, but he must know his own.

"Aport". With the help of the wording, service pets are sent to search the area. That allows you to make their walk more active.

"Fas". Dangerous wording, it is categorically not recommended to teach it to a naughty animal. Before an adult dog can be trained with this command, it must diligently execute the commands noted before.

These orders reflect the list of commands for the basic four-legged pet training course.

Introduction to the elements of ammunition

Since it is recommended to accustom a dog to a leash and a collar, when it reaches 1.5-2 months of life, taking the puppy home, they immediately start the educational process. It is much easier for a pet to adapt to unusual objects of ammunition at this time. They put them on the baby after the initial acquaintance and after the fall of interest in them.

First, ammunition on a small pet is left for a few minutes. At the same time, they try to distract the baby with a game maneuver. Teaching moments are made short, but regular.

Before you teach your dog to a leash, the animal must already be familiar with the collar. When the baby gets used to the idea of ​​wearing the first, you can move on to fastening another element - a leash. It is necessary to ensure its free hanging, trying to distract the quadruped.

Introduction to the place and booth

Some are interested in whether it is possible to train an adult dog, how to do it competently. You can teach something, but not everything. But you will have to stock up on a lot of time and remarkable patience. Therefore, it is recommended to attach a pet to the place from an early age. The main thing is to constantly keep the puppy's behavior under control, not to allow him to be in the house wherever he likes.

The task of the owner in this situation is to organize the place. Here it is allowed to place anything - a pillow, a rug, a blanket or a special soft house. The puppy is introduced to the place in advance. After falling asleep, the baby is transferred there every time. In this place, it is forbidden to do manipulations that provoke and leave unpleasant memories in the pet's memory - cleaning the ears, combing, for example, if he is not a fan of these actions. All toys after the games are returned back to this corner. We must try to inspire a four-legged friend that this space is the most comfortable and safe of all in the apartment, belonging to him alone.

If you plan to keep it outdoors, you need to know how to accustom a dog to a booth in the yard.

You should not immediately put the dog on a chain. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to experience new living conditions and get used to them.

You can not immediately close the puppy or adult dog inside the booth. So the animal can develop a phobia for dark spaces.

It is necessary to choose suitable weather conditions before accustoming an adult dog to a booth or to a cage near the entrance to the dwelling. For example, pouring rain will help teach a dog to go inside on its own.
Whereas in the heat, nothing will make the animal do it.

Finally, this exciting day has come: the puppy has crossed the threshold of your house. He is still just a child, and I just want to squeeze and kiss this baby! I would like to tell you about how to properly build your relationship with the baby from the first day, how to train a puppy so that a little unintelligent naughty grows up to be a true devoted friend. This is for anyone who loves their dog. It is only important to learn to understand it.

Alone in an unknown world

A puppy needs to comprehend a lot of secrets until he becomes an adult. If you establish uniform rules for his whole life from the first day, it will be much easier for him to get used to the order in the house, and in the future you will no longer need to torment the dog's nerves. Imagine for a moment that you were torn away from your family, and you ended up in a foreign country, where they speak an unfamiliar language and live by rules that are incomprehensible to you. Today you did something, and you didn’t react to it in any way, and the next day you scolded for it. How to get comfortable in such a situation? Or they took you by the hand from the very beginning and showed you where to sleep, explaining daily what you can and cannot do. Here you like it or not, but you will try to adapt to local traditions, and over time you will learn to understand what has been said and adhere to the rules.

The same thing happens with a puppy: human logic is incomprehensible to him. There are no stupid dogs, there are unscrupulous people. You are a person, an owner, and it depends only on you how smart and understanding your dog will grow. Now there is a lot of different literature on how to train a puppy, read a few books. Think over as many clear rules as possible, be able to convey them to the dog in an understandable form, do not be afraid to spend a lot of time on this. Your work will not remain meaningless, be patient - the dog will remember all the lessons and in the future will do the right thing in various situations.

When should you start training your puppy?

Those who are seriously thinking about acquiring a dog are concerned about the question of how to properly train a puppy. Here, training is intertwined with education with a thin thread. Yes, puppies, like children, need to be educated. And it is necessary to start from the very first days, as he appeared in your house.

Opinions on when to start training a puppy are often divided. Some say that not earlier than six months, others suggest starting at the age of one. As you know, 1 year of a dog is equal to 7 years of a human. Imagine that a child is absolutely not limited in anything, everything is allowed to him and nothing is taught until he is 3.5 or even 7 years old. Is it easy to catch up later? Therefore, we repeat: take care of the puppy from the first days of its appearance in your home. If you do not set your own rules, the dog will most likely try to set them himself, and this is fraught with big conflicts with the owners.

First Rules

The first and most important rule that every novice dog breeder needs to learn is constancy in everything. The puppy should eat at a certain time in a place specially designated for this, and not from the owner's table when he will have dinner. Show the puppy where he will sleep. Let his rug be in a secluded corner where he can retire, and no one will disturb him.

Don't take him to bed with you. Allowing a puppy to sleep with you several times, you are not only doomed to wool in bed, a constant struggle for a place (even the smallest breed can push around great), but also lower your own authority. The animal must be accustomed to the "Place" command. Every time a satiated puppy looks for a place to lie down to rest, pick him up and take him to his place, while saying the command. If he tries to escape, hold him, repeat the “Place” command again, and when he calms down, stroke and praise. If after the exercise he still tries to escape, repeat all over again.

Every day, several times a day, you will have to work out commands and rules until they are fully mastered. We repeat: no matter how you train a puppy, what commands you teach him - be consistent in everything. If, for example, a puppy is not allowed to jump on people, then this should not be allowed even during the game. Gently push him away, accompanying the command "Fu", "No". If any game should stop at your command, then at the end you should not succumb to tenderness, looking into pleading eyes, and continue fussing.

What you need to know a puppy at the age of 1-3 months

Consider how to properly train a puppy at the age of 1-3 months. He has already managed to get used to you and the rest of the family, to his place, nickname, feeding. At this age, he still needs to master a lot of things: calmly treat the collar and leash, endure cleaning and washing, approach the owner (command “Come”), leave him (“Walk”), stop unwanted actions (“Fu”, “You can’t”), communicate with other dogs and behave properly on the street during walks. The initial training of a shepherd puppy, like any other breed, is a very exciting and responsible process. At this age, puppies easily develop positive skills associated with various activities, especially if the execution of the required commands is encouraged with treats. Little puppies are very inquisitive, active, they are interested in learning and working with the owner. But their skills based on inhibitory reactions are still being developed with difficulty.

How to teach a puppy to a collar and leash, the “Come to me” command

Before you make the necessary vaccinations to the puppy, you have time to prepare him for going out into the "big world". When practicing commands, do not forget to accustom the puppy to the collar and leash in advance. Put on the collar and immediately distract with a toy or treat. When the puppy forgets, quickly fasten the leash, again try to switch his attention, let him be like that for a while. Then remove everything, let him run freely. By doing this from time to time, you will ensure that the puppy stops paying attention to ammunition.

The command "Come to me" plays an important role, because it is most often used in everyday life. Regardless of the age at which you start training your puppy, pay maximum attention to mastering this skill. Be patient, because usually puppies have a lot of things to do that distract and prevent them from approaching the owner on demand: you need to bark a cat, run up to a passerby and sniff a peacefully crawling beetle. Yes, and having played too much, the puppy can easily get lost. The team begins to study immediately after establishing contact with the owner, accustoming to the nickname and place. Unquestioning execution can be achieved if the puppy associates the command with subsequent rewards. When he runs away from you for 6-8 steps, say the nickname, only after the attention is focused on you - give the command. As soon as the pet runs up to you - praise him and give him a treat. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times daily.

Commands that a puppy needs to learn at the age of 3-6 months

During this period, you need to not only continue to consolidate the basic skills, but also begin to study commands such as “Next”, “Lie down”, “Sit”, “Aport”, teach the puppy to show teeth, overcome low obstacles, climb stairs and go down with it, calmly endure travel in transport. The necessary skills are developed not only through treats, but also under mechanical influences (light jerk or tension on the leash, palm pressure, etc.). By the age of 3 months, the puppy is already able to ask for a walk in a timely manner, however, misses can still happen quite often, having played too much, he cannot always correctly interpret the signals of the body. Take the puppy out after every meal, after waking up, or when you see that he is worried, hesitating and as if he is looking for something. It is important for your pet to communicate with peers as often as possible in order to avoid further mental problems, take care of this.

How to teach a shepherd puppy the "Fu" command

It is not enough to want to raise a puppy, it is important to know how. It is necessary to train a German Shepherd puppy, as well as dogs of other breeds, throughout their life, but the older they get, the more requirements are placed on the execution of commands.

To develop the skill to stop unwanted actions, proceed as follows: as soon as the puppy tries to pick up food waste from the ground, starts barking or throwing itself at the cat, chewing on shoes - say the command “Fu” loudly and menacingly, then fix it with mechanical action (by hitting the area with a twig). croup or jerk of the leash). Both the command itself and the subsequent mechanical impact should be moderate, not traumatic for the puppy's psyche.

Teaching commands "Aport" and "Give"

Do you want to know how to train a shepherd puppy and accustom it to the "Fetch" command? There is nothing simpler, because shepherd dogs have in their blood to give objects. Encourage your pet to play with their favorite toy. Holding it in your hand, say the command "Aport" and drop it a couple of steps. If the puppy does not want to approach the toy, run up yourself, dragging him along with you. As soon as he approaches the toy and grabs it, run back and give the command “Come to me”. Seeing that you are moving away, and having heard an already familiar command, the puppy will rush after you. When he approaches, say the command "Give" and take the toy with your hand. If the puppy does not want to give the toy, show the treat in your left hand. After the toy is in your hands, encourage the baby with a treat and the exclamation "Well done, good." Repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day.

How to train a husky puppy: what you need to pay attention to?

The Siberian Husky is a very intelligent and hardworking breed. These are self-confident, balanced dogs with steel nerves. Huskies are completely unsuitable for protection, since from time immemorial they have acted as sled dogs in distant Siberia.

If you are an active person who loves to travel and spends a lot of time outdoors, this breed is for you. Huskies are highly trainable, but they are leaders by nature and can show their temperament. Even if you want to have your dog trained by a specialist, remember that you will also have to train it. Due to the good exposure of the husky, you can train it in any weather conditions, you should also set aside time for long walks in the fresh air, morning jogs.

Behavior and training of Labradors

The Labrador is a companion dog and is great for families with children. In order for you to grow up a wonderful friend, you need to have basic knowledge of how to train a Labrador. A puppy can be taught all the necessary commands at home. Dogs of this breed completely trust the person, they do not expect any nasty things from the trainer, so they can practice for a long time and with great pleasure. They are very fond of communicating with a person, so they will gladly accept a stroking or an affectionate word instead of a treat as a compliment. The Labrador is a very peaceful dog and will be less distracted during training on other animals than fighting breeds. These dogs have an excellent temperament - they can not be called lethargic, but they are not impulsive, moderately mobile, with healthy physical activity - just what is necessary for successful training.

From personal experience

  • you should not start training if you are in a bad mood, dogs are excellent psychologists, and your depression can pass to them;
  • both puppies and adults copy the owner in everything, a loving dog will try to be with you always and everywhere;
  • dogs are still those manipulators - they are able to find an individual approach to everyone in order to satisfy their own whims.

In general, there are no two identical puppies, adult dogs, each of them has its own character, various habits. Something is laid down by nature, and something is acquired during life. How you train a puppy will, to some extent, determine its character in the future. It depends only on you whether your pet will grow up as a cheerful and devoted friend or a nervous unsociable creature.

Techniques for teaching basic commands to puppies.

If you have been dreaming about a puppy for a long time, and suddenly become the owner of a soft and plush animal, you should think about the socialization of the animal. This means that the dog needs to be trained in certain skills, this will help eliminate aggressive or overly active conduct.

In general, from the moment the baby was brought into the house. Initially, it is worth educating the dog, explaining to her where to go to the toilet, and what not to do. There are many problems with toilet training a puppy. The dog should get used to what time you walk it. Try to take your dog outside at the same time every day.

As for training, it is worth teaching the dog commands and gestures from the age of three months. By this time, the dog should know where his place is and not shit at home.

There are two approaches to training:

  • Punishment
  • promotion

The reward doesn't have to be a treat. You can just pet the puppy, praise him and play with him. Don't punish your dog often. To understand if the dog learned the lesson after you punished the dog, look at him. If the puppy lowers its head and adopts a submission pose, then all is well. If the dog grins and is indignant, it is worth continuing to punish the dog.

You can’t beat a puppy, if you want to punish, express your displeasure in a strict voice. You can take the dog by the scruff of the neck and lift it up. Express your dissatisfaction in a harsh voice. After that, put the dog on the floor and send it to its place. Do not punish the dog for anything, or 2 hours after Skoda. In this case, the dog will not be able to understand why he is being punished, and will grow up aggressive.

The first principles of training:

  • Train your puppy on a collar and leash
  • Get used to the nickname
  • Teams: place, come to me, fu

What treat to give a puppy during training?

As a treat, you should use a product that you do not give your dog often. That is, it should not be dry food. It is best if it is something sweet, for example, biscuit cookies, drying. It is also allowed to give small pieces of sausage. Do not overfeed your pet with harmful products. Remember, what is used for training should be rare in the dog's diet.

As soon as the puppy was brought into the house, 5-6 days after adaptation, put a collar on the dog. He can pull it together and whine. Don't give in. You can remove the collar only before going to bed. Attach the leash the next day. The puppy can grab the leash with his teeth and try to pull it out of his hands. Do not give in, despite the discontent of the puppy, take him out for a walk on a leash.

If your puppy is 1.5 months old, he has successfully mastered his nickname, got used to the leash and collar, it's time to teach him the simplest commands. There are several command blocks in total. Approximately 3 months are given for each block. That is, in 90 days the dog must master all the commands from the first block.

List of commands from the first block:

  • To me
  • Place

This is a fairly common command that can be mastered as soon as the puppy has learned the simplest commands and obeys them unquestioningly.


  • Take a treat and call the puppy. Let the treat sniff and gradually, slowly lift the treat above the dog's nose.
  • After that, as the yummy rises, the dog will have to sit down on his own. You can help the animal a little by patting its bottom.
  • Then say "sit" and praise the dog, pet it and give it a treat. The command is considered learned when the dog quickly executes it and sits down as directed. At the same time, he does not get up until the owner says.

How to teach a puppy at home the “sit” command: training and gestures

The order of learning is similar to the “sit” command. However, the principle itself is different.


  • Grab a treat and give a friend a sniff
  • Now slowly lower the yummy, put it on the floor, but don't let the dog eat it
  • Press down on your dog's shoulder blades until he lies down. Give me a treat and praise

How to teach a puppy at home to the “down” command: training and gestures

It is not difficult to teach a dog a command. However, there are certain rules to be aware of. You should be especially careful on the street when the dog picked up something and brought it to you. Do not immediately select the prey and shout at the animal. It is necessary to say “fu”, even before the dog grabs some nonsense.


  • As soon as you notice that your pet is misbehaving, shout "fu" and take the dog away.
  • You need to prevent the action, it is better to do this before committing an offense. Beating the dog after and screaming is not worth it.
  • This also applies to the toilet, it is not necessary to punish the dog 2 hours after the Skoda, he will not understand why he is being scolded. As soon as you see at home that the dog is going to be naughty, pull him away.
  • If the dog chews on slippers, take them away and punish the dog. Shout "fu" and chastise the animal. You need to get your pet to hang its head and assume a guilty pose.

The nuance is to teach the dog not to pick up anything on the street, because it can be a poisoned piece of bait. To do this, put a piece of treat in front of the dog, he will try to grab and eat it. But your task is to prevent this. Shout fu and slap lightly in the face. You can also use a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper. Next, repeat the procedure until the dog learns to ignore the treat. Then take a piece and give it to the dog from your own hand.

How to teach a puppy at home the “fu”, “no” command: training and gestures

The team is easy to teach, it will allow you to keep the dog in sight and instantly return him to you.


  • Conduct a lesson after a walk, when the dog is a little tired. So he will be more willing to follow commands.
  • After that, when the dog is at a distance, call him by name and give him a treat. Say "to me". Clap the dog.
  • Gradually move away from the dog, that is, you need to increase the distance between the animal and yourself. Now shout the name and "to me." Show a treat. Give it to the dog and praise it.

How to teach a puppy at home the “come to me” command: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy at home the “voice” command: training and gestures

This command is rather complicated to master and optional. Dogs that are engaged in patrol or search service are required to bark on command. That is, the dog gives a voice when he finds something or when he sees a stranger approaching a person.

The easiest way is to teach the “voice” command to dogs with a sanguine or choleric psychotype. Such dogs tend to bark a lot, but it is necessary to teach the dog to be quiet and bark only when necessary. It is considered a sign of lack of training if the dog barks for no reason. The video shows how to quickly teach the dog the “voice” command.

VIDEO: Teaching the "voice" command

This is one of the very first commands that a dog must learn. Don't let your dog sleep anywhere. This is especially true of the hostess's bed. As much as you love your dog, you shouldn't let him sleep on the bed.


  • The “Place” command is mastered immediately after the puppy enters the house. You must bring the puppy to his mat, lay down and say "place".
  • In the evening, you will see that the puppy goes to bed where it is convenient for him. Take the puppy in your arms and take it to the mat. Say "place" in a low voice.
  • You should not put food there, in this case, the principle of encouraging food should not be used. The dog may misunderstand you.
  • Over time, the dog may begin to carry food to this place. Therefore, the associations "place" and food should not be.

How to teach a puppy at home the “place” command: training and gestures


  • After saying "nearby", with the help of a leash, bring the animal to your left leg, at the same time slapping it with your left palm, and position it so that its head touches your leg.
  • When he is in this position, give the puppy a treat. It is critical for a service dog to follow this command, bypassing the owner in a circle in a clockwise direction, so it will be easier for her to take the right place.
  • Help the dog with this leash. A mongrel can not be taught to bypass the owner in a circle. She should just walk up and stand on the left side.

How to teach a puppy at home the “near” command: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy at home the “give paw” command: training and gestures

The command is optional and has no special value or meaning. Teaching a dog is pretty easy. Watch the video for more information on how to teach a dog to give a paw on command.

VIDEO: Command "give paw"

The "fetch" command is performed in combination with the "give" command. The dog must learn to obey you. For this home, when the dog is playing with his toy, say "give" and pull the toy. For the dog to give it to you, distract him with a treat. After that, when the dog releases the toy, praise it.

Next, you should teach the dog to give you a bowl of food without resistance. This is a kind of indicator of "who is the boss in the house." Remember, you are the master and do not let the dog command you. When the dog is eating, take the bowl from him. If the dog resists, growls and grins, press on his shoulder blades, pressing him to the floor. Do not release the pressure until the dog stops growling and baring his teeth.


  • Most often, the command is carried out on the street and after the dog has mastered the “give” command. You need to take a stick or your favorite toy and throw it away, shouting “fetch”. The instinct of the dog will tell you that it is worth grabbing the object.
  • Call the dog to you and on command “give!” make him release the object from his mouth. Give treats and praise.
  • The training of service dogs follows approximately the same algorithm, only they are looking for a certain object. Small dogs are usually not trained in the "fetch" command.

How to teach a puppy at home the fetch command: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy at home the “stand” command: training and gestures

The command to stand or lie down is a way to develop endurance in a dog. That is, do not get up from the specified position without a specific command and action. Initially, you need to teach the dog to lie down. The command is given when it is necessary to force the dog to spend 5-10 seconds in a stationary state. You must press on the pet's shoulder blades or back while repeating the command. Ideally, the dog should be able to lie down or sit or stand for up to 30 minutes. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Teaching the “stand” command

How to teach a puppy at home the command "face": training and gestures

This is one of the most responsible and complex teams. Ideally, you should achieve complete obedience and submission from the dog. When the pet stops resisting, gives you a bowl, does not growl, bring a stick for a walk, and gives it back, you can start learning the “face” command. This command is required for guard breeds or guards.

It is worth starting training at the age of 10-12 months. This is best done in a training center that has special costumes and bondages. You must understand that after giving the command, the dog can harm another person, so all responsibility lies with you. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Team "fas"

Any owner of a four-legged friend should understand that not all dogs are well trained. It depends on the temperament of the dog and the breed. For some, it’s enough to say the command once and the dog does it, while someone needs tedious and constant training.

The best trained German Shepherd and Caucasian. These breeds themselves are very smart and ready to serve the owner. Smaller breeds, such as Yorkies or Spitz, are the hardest to teach teams. The nervous system of such dogs is excitable, so you have to spend a lot of time and effort to train the dog.

Simple enough with poodles and labradoodles. All dogs should be taught commands from a certain age. Three months of age is considered ideal. But learning the simplest skills should be done from the moment the puppy is in your home. Commands vary depending on the breed of dog. It is not necessary for such dogs as a Yorkie or Spitz to learn the “voice” command. But as practice shows, these dogs love to bark constantly and just like that. Therefore, so that barking does not annoy you, and you want a restrained pet, it is still worth teaching the “voice” command.

It is not enough to get a dog and enjoy a plush friend, you need to spend a lot of effort and time on adapting the dog in society.

VIDEO: Dog training