Autohemotherapy algorithm. Autohemotherapy procedure: indications, features, who should not

Autohemotherapy is safe procedure, which is the injection of blood into a person from a vein into medicinal purposes. This provokes the activation of nonspecific functions of the body, due to which the source of the disease is destroyed.

The technique began to be used in the last century after the surgeon A. Beer successfully used the procedure to accelerate the healing of bone fractures. Autohemotherapy helps strengthen the immune system, fights infections and speeds up the healing process. It is actively used in medicine and cosmetology.

The treatment method requires preliminary testing. Before prescribing the procedure, the doctor will issue a referral for biochemical analysis blood, hepatitis B and C, as well as HIV infection. Examinations are required to obtain complete information about the state immune system patient and developing an optimal treatment regimen.

The list of diseases for the treatment of which autohemotherapy can be used is extensive:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • ulcers;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • herpes;
  • skin pathologies (dermatitis, psoriasis);
  • acne;
  • viral skin diseases(polyp, condyloma, papilloma);
  • infections in the genitourinary system;
  • inflammation of the appendages and uterus;
  • adhesions in the peritoneum and pelvis;
  • menopause;
  • infertility;
  • immunodeficiency.

Treatment with autohemotherapy helps fight allergy symptoms and improves the condition of patients bronchial asthma. Cosmetologists actively use the procedure in courses to prevent early age-related changes in the skin and to eliminate inflammation.

In gynecology, treatment is used if chronic women's diseases not amenable to standard therapy. After several courses of autohemotherapy menstrual cycle returns to normal, adhesions dissolve, active production of hormones occurs. It is this procedure that can help a woman become pregnant if she has reproductive problems.

On a note! Autohemotherapy in combination with ozone can be used to treat toxicosis. This makes it possible to eliminate the use of medications.

Severe skin diseases, such as psoriasis, are not completely cured by the procedure. However, autohemotherapy can relieve symptoms and speed up recovery.

Attention! Autologous blood treatment is not used as the main method. It is effective only in combination with physiotherapy and medication treatment.

The small number of contraindications and effectiveness make autohemotherapy a popular prescription, which is prescribed in clinics and cosmetology centers. After a course of blood injections, the body’s defenses are activated, fast healing damage, normalization of emotional state.

Autohemotherapy can be prescribed when necessary:

  • boost immunity;
  • improve metabolism;
  • cleanse the body;
  • restore strength after illness;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • start tissue regeneration;
  • normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.

The procedure is not difficult, so it can be performed not only in the hospital, but also at home. The worker who will give the injections must have a medical school diploma and experience.

Detailed description of the procedure

There are several ways to carry out autohemotherapy. The classic procedure is considered the most common. It involves injecting the patient with venous blood into pure form subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Most often, blood is taken from a vein from the patient and immediately injected into the upper quadrant of the buttock.

The standard regimen involves introducing 2 ml of blood into the body in the first procedure. Every few days the volume of liquid increases by 2 ml until its amount reaches maximum dose in 10 ml.

Attention! Blood from a vein is injected under the skin or intramuscularly immediately after collection. You need to act quickly to avoid blood clotting.

The course of treatment consists of 10-15 injections. The duration of autohemotherapy is determined by the doctor, depending on the problem. Not only the number of injections may differ, but also the volume of blood administered to the patient. In addition to the classic one, there are other variations of the procedure:

Table 1. Types of autohemotherapy.

Name of therapyDescription of the procedure
SteppedThe blood is diluted with a homeopathic remedy. When step therapy blood with homeopathy is administered intramuscularly once
Autohemotherapy with ozoneThe principle of the method is a combination of blood and ozone, which enhances it medicinal properties. Often this procedure is prescribed to eliminate gynecological diseases
BiopunctureThe author's method of treatment, which consists of introducing venous blood into certain acupuncture points. This allows you to enhance the effect of treatment and reduce its duration
Treatment with autologous bloodBefore blood is administered to the patient, it is treated with laser, ultraviolet light or frozen

On a note! After injections, you can apply a heating pad or apply an iodine mesh to the injection site. This will remove discomfort and speed up resorption.

At home, autohemotherapy is carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  • injections should be done by a specialist with medical education;
  • should only be used classic method treatment;
  • do not exceed the dosage specified in the doctor’s prescription;
  • The room must be kept sterile.

Before performing the procedure at home, you need to consult a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications to autohemotherapy.

It is advisable to take a course of autohemotherapy no more than twice a year. In some cases, the therapist may recommend repeating the procedure every three months.

Table 2. Use of autohemotherapy in combination with medications

Drug nameImageAction
If established cause furunculosis is an infection in the body, the autohemotherapy procedure can be carried out with additional introduction antibiotic. Penicillin is injected into the muscle
Calcium improves bone health, strengthens the immune system, and improves skin condition. The main condition for this type of therapy is compliance with the dosage. Excess calcium can negatively affect the functioning of internal organs
The effect of a course of procedures can be enhanced through the use of aloe. This remedy improves the natural quality of blood, helps the body recover and accelerate tissue regeneration.
The wound healing process is faster if the method of stepwise autohemotherapy with homeomedicines and nosodes is used

Contraindications to treatment

In order not to harm the formation of immunity, autohemotherapy is not prescribed to children. The procedure is also not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation. The list of contraindications to treatment includes the following items:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • chronic diseases in the active stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • renal failure;
  • nervous disorders.

Video - Methodology for performing major autohemotherapy with ozonized saline solution

Side effects

In some cases, the use of autohemotherapy causes the appearance of an infiltrate at the injection site. Local is less likely allergic reaction, chills, muscle pain and hyperthermia. If the above side effects you need to stop injecting blood and make an appointment with a therapist.

The complex composition of the blood means that resorption after injection occurs slowly. A compaction remains at the injection site, which can be felt upon palpation. There may be soreness at the injection site for several days after the injection.

If the procedure is performed taking into account all the rules, there are practically no side effects observed. If sterility is not maintained, infection may occur.

Attention! Before the procedure, many doctors recommend that the patient follow hypoallergenic diet and taking probiotics. This reduces the risk of side effects.

Fighting acne with autohemotherapy

In cosmetology, the autohemotherapy procedure is most in demand for solving problems. acne. Some patients have to try many remedies before they can get rid of their acne. This various drugs For external use– masks, lotions, creams and products that need to be taken orally – antibiotics, herbal medicines. Autohemotherapy is a modern alternative to tablets and ointments.

With acne, it is necessary to stimulate a person’s protective abilities with the help of waste and toxins entering the blood, which in most cases are the main source of the problem. As a result of treatment, the patient’s immunity increases, which makes it possible to defeat pustular infections.

The effectiveness of the procedure is enhanced when combined with daily skin care activities. In 80% of cases, autohemotherapy provides positive influence on the condition of the patient's skin. In addition to acne, the indication for the procedure may be the need to rejuvenate the face and body.

Besides quick results and a minimum of contraindications, autohemotherapy has another advantage over other methods of treatment - low cost. This makes the method accessible to any person without contraindications for whom other health options have proven ineffective. The procedure is widely used in many medical areas. The dosage of blood, the injection site and the number of injections are determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

The autohemotherapy method allows you to influence the body’s immune system without the use of expensive medications. Blood transfusion helps get rid of many diseases: gastrointestinal tract, gynecological diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, purulent skin diseases, rashes, juvenile acne, neurological diseases and mental disorders.

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    The essence of the method

    Autohemotherapy is a treatment method various diseases, which is based on transfusion of the patient’s own blood. The latter is administered to a person intravenously or intramuscularly. Often the gluteal, femoral and abdominal areas are used for blood transfusion.

    The method was first used in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Doctors have identified the beneficial properties of the healing procedure, which include:

    • Increases the activity of the immune system against bacteria, viruses and fungal infections.
    • Activation of the synthesis of new blood cells, which occurs when blood is taken from a patient. Bone marrow receives a signal about the lack of formed blood elements and begins to synthesize them again.

    Blood transfusions are now widely used in dermatology to treat rashes and skin blemishes.

    Indications for testing

    The procedure is absolutely harmless and painless. Autohemotherapy is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

    • Recurrent viral respiratory diseases associated with the persistence in the body of cytomegalovirus, herpes, influenza, noravirus, adenovirus, enterovirus infections.
    • Sluggish bacterial infections which are caused by pneumococcus, meningococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus.
    • Inflammation of the uterine appendages: ovary, fallopian tubes, suspension apparatus of the uterus.
    • Endometriosis, vulvovaginitis and adhesions in the pelvic organs.
    • Infertility.
    • Acne vulgaris and pimples, purulent furunculosis and psoriasis.
    • Arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, etc.


    Blood transfusion is not performed in the following cases:

    Scheme of implementation

    Under no circumstances should you carry out this procedure at home, as the patient must be under strict supervision medical personnel. Only a dermatologist or hematologist can prescribe autohemotherapy. About allergies or anaphylactic reaction on medicines You must inform your doctor before the procedure.

    The most important thing in autohemotherapy is gradual increase doses of administered blood. The classic blood transfusion regimen should begin with 2 ml, then increase the volume of injected fluid by 2 ml every two days. It is necessary to increase the blood dose until the injection volume is 10 ml. This will take about ten days. On the twelfth day, you need to administer 2 ml less than the previous dose, and so on until the volume decreases to 2 ml. If a person shows signs of intolerance to the procedure, autohemotherapy should be stopped. The duration of the blood transfusion course is about twenty days. In extreme cases, when the patient cannot easily tolerate the injection of blood, the interval between injections can be increased to three to four days. Then the duration of treatment will increase to four or five weeks.

    Blood is drawn from veins upper limbs. Before the procedure, the patient undergoes a series of examinations, among which they must pay attention to the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells. If their number is below acceptable numbers, then autohemotherapy is postponed until these indicators increase. A week before the procedure, the patient must take a prophylactic course with an antibiotic (penicillin). There are others treatment regimens transfusion of biological fluid:

    • Staircase or step. This method involves diluting blood taken from a patient with various medicines depending on the cause of the patient's illness. If a person seeks help for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then anti-inflammatory drugs are added to the biological fluid. When the reason for autohemotherapy is intoxication or purulent diseases, it is mixed with adsorbent drugs. The mixture is administered to the patient in one session, usually under the armpit in the thigh area.
    • Using blood with ozone. This method consists of mixing the patient’s biological fluid with ozone, which increases the beneficial properties and improves the therapeutic effect of the procedure. Widely used in the treatment of gynecological diseases in women, as well as for the treatment of skin rashes. Some clinics practice injecting blood with aloe extract. The method activates the body's immune system and is used in gynecology and urology.
    • Autohemotherapy and acupuncture (biopuncture). In this case, the patient’s biological fluid is injected not into the muscles or under the skin, but into reflexogenic zones, which are actively used in acupuncture. For example, to points on the palms for treatment infectious diseases respiratory organs. Or to the plantar region for the treatment of epilepsy.
    • Blood transfusion with calcium gluconate. Widely used in dermatology for the treatment skin diseases. Only the attending physician can choose the correct dose to avoid seizures.

    Autohemotherapy in pediatrics

    Blood transfusions in children are used in rare cases when other methods do not affect the immune system and the child continues to get sick frequently. Autohemotherapy to get rid of juvenile acne allowed only from 14 years of age and with parental permission.

    The procedure differs from that for adults: for children, the procedure begins with a volume of 1 ml. Gradually increase the intake and administration of biological fluid to 5 ml at a time, and then slowly reduce it to 1 ml. The entire course of autohemotherapy lasts about fifteen days, the break between injections is two to three days. In children, only the classic transfusion scheme is used, since in pediatric practice Side effects associated with the administration of drugs are more common.


    There are many misconceptions about the procedure:

    • "Autohemotherapy helps to get rid of acne forever." There are many reasons for the appearance of a rash on the face, and a transfusion only allows you to activate your own immune system. If acne on the face occurs as a result of local exposure Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, fungi that get on the face when touching the skin with dirty hands, blood transfusion only helps to get rid of the rash. In other situations where acne occurs as a result systemic diseases intestines, intolerance to certain foods, allergies, autohemotherapy is useless. It is necessary to treat the underlying disease with special medications.
    • "Blood transfusion improves hormonal levels"Many women and men feel younger after a course of autohemotherapy, which is due to the influence of the immune system on the body. But such a procedure will not replace the need to take vital important drugs hormones for patients with hypothyroidism or diabetes. To avoid complications, you should consult your doctor before performing autohemotherapy.
    • Transfusion of ozonized biological fluid - 2000 rubles.
    • Biopuncture - 1300 rubles.
    • A blood transfusion with calcium gluconate costs 1,500 rubles.

Autohemotherapy is medical procedure, based on the science of treating diseases by injecting a person with his own blood. Blood is taken from the patient’s vein and can be administered to him either intramuscularly or subcutaneously. This therapy has been known for a long time, but it does not lose its relevance in our time.

Her method is good both for its safety and effectiveness - the introduction of venous blood into the patient’s muscles or under the skin is aimed at stimulating the body’s own forces. Therefore, this method of combating ailments is considered a natural remedy.

Autohemotherapy is carried out under sterile conditions and in a specialized medical institution, otherwise there is a risk of getting more harm from it than good. It can only be used at home with the assistance of a doctor or nurse. For all its effectiveness, this therapy also has contraindications and side effects.

Features of autohemotherapy and indications

Its spectrum useful application wide - from strengthening the immune system to accelerating the healing of fractures. Autohemotherapy is also in demand among cosmetologists, as it helps in the fight against age-related changes skin and in eliminating its inflammation.

First of all, this method of treatment requires preliminary testing. To obtain the most complete information about the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes a biochemical test of his blood with examination for the presence of hepatitis B and C, as well as HIV infection.

Also the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells is detected, and if it is below acceptable levels, autohemotherapy is postponed until hemoglobin and red blood cell levels increase.

Indications for the procedure:

  • dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin pathologies;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • ulcers;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • herpes;
  • polyps, papilloma, condyloma and a number of other viral skin diseases;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • adhesions in the pelvis and peritoneum;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • premature aging skin;
  • metabolic problems;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • menopause;
  • infertility;
  • wounds that do not heal for a long time after injuries and operations.

This list of indications is not exhaustive, since autohemotherapy has wide range of applications, in which, as the modern research New medical recommendations are gradually being introduced.

Contraindications to the procedure

Autohemotherapy not suitable for children- it can harm the formation of their immunity. It is not recommended for women to use it during pregnancy and lactation. There are other temporary contraindications to this therapy, including the patient being in a state of alcohol intoxication, feverish and severe conditions body, as well as some other cases remaining at the discretion of the doctor.

Scheme of implementation

After passing all the preliminary examinations of the patient, the question remains about choosing a method of therapy, since there are several of them. The most common procedure, considered classic, is the introduction of pure venous blood to the patient.

Blood is collected from the veins of the upper extremities, after which it is immediately injected to avoid clotting. It is introduced subcutaneously or intramuscularly, most often in top part buttocks.

By standard scheme 2 ml of blood is injected into the body during the first procedure, and every few days its volume increases by another 2 ml. These injections are carried out until until the dose volume reaches 10 ml.

In addition to the classic autohemotherapy procedure, there are other variations:

  1. Stepwise, the essence of which is to dilute the blood taken from the patient with various medications, depending on the reasons for his use of autohemotherapy. For example, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anti-inflammatory drugs are added to the blood, and for intoxication and purulent diseases blood mixes with adsorbents. The entire mixture is administered to the patient at a time, in one session. This is usually done in the thigh area.
  2. Biopuncture method. When using it, the patient's biological fluid should be injected with an emphasis not on the muscles or skin, but in those reflexogenic zones that are used in acupuncture. For example, to get rid of infectious diseases respiratory organs injections are made into points on the palms. For epilepsy, injections are given in the foot area.
  3. Mixing blood with ozone. This method aims to increase useful properties and achieving the best therapeutic effect from the procedure. It is often used to treat skin rashes and gynecological diseases in women. Injecting blood with ozone stimulates the immune system well.
  4. Blood transfusion with potassium gluconate. Used in dermatology to eliminate skin problems. To avoid seizures, the dose should be selected only by the attending physician.

Typically, the course of treatment includes 10−15 injections. The duration of autohemotherapy depends on the patient’s problem and is determined by the doctor. This is also influenced by the degree of neglect of the problem. The volume of blood administered at a time and the number of injections are individual for each case and are selected only by a specialist.

It is undesirable to resort to autohemotherapy procedures more than twice a year. In some cases, the therapist may recommend repeating it every three months.

Use in pediatrics

Autohemotherapy is prescribed very rarely for children. It is advisable only when other treatment methods do not have the desired effect on the immune system. To get rid of teenage acne Only children under 14 years of age are allowed to participate in this procedure with mandatory parental permission.

For children, the scheme of this therapy has some differences. It begins with a blood transfusion of not 2 ml, as in adults, but 1 ml. Gradually, the collection and administration of blood is increased to 5 ml per injection, and then gradually reduced to the original 1 ml.

Breaks between injections are from 2 to 3 days. Treatment is acceptable for children only by classic scheme autohemotherapy, that is, without mixing blood with additional medications, as side effects are more common due to their use in children.

Side effects

When the procedure is performed according to all the rules, side effects are practically eliminated or hardly noticeable. But if sterility has not been maintained, there is a risk of infection. There is a danger of other side effects:

If a combination of side effects occurs, you should interrupt the blood supply and consult a physician.

Combination with medications

Autohemotherapy has a rich arsenal of drugs with which it combines. Among them are:

Autohemotherapy (blood transfusion from a vein into the buttock): what helps besides acne, indications, procedure

Autohemotherapy was very popular at one time; it had no contraindications for the adult population, but it treated all inflammatory diseases both men and women. By the end of the last century this medical procedure somehow moved back, but has now begun to come into fashion again, mainly among cosmetologists and patients trying to at low material costs rid your facial skin of acne and other minor cosmetic defects pustular origin.

Some people call autohemotherapy a blood transfusion from a vein into the buttock, thereby giving this manipulation special significance - it still sounds! Opinion medical workers to the procedure is ambiguous. Some, arguing that the new is the long-forgotten old, continue to follow the long-trodden path and use this method, along with the traditional ones. Others call autohemotherapy a pseudoscientific direction, citing the fact that it was invented by August Bier (surgeon) in 1905, when they didn’t really know any other treatment. Meanwhile, he successfully treated bone fractures in a similar way.

Now, with a huge selection of immune system correctors, this method is used mainly as aid in the treatment of inflammatory processes, or in cosmetology to combat facial skin problems. How great the effect of autohemotherapy is is for the patients to judge for themselves, however, as the song says: “...and, however, there is no harm either.”

Are there any contraindications?

The classic version of autohemotherapy is a therapeutic process in which a certain amount of blood is taken from the patient’s own vein, which is immediately injected into the muscle or under the skin of the same patient.

Is it true, subcutaneous injections have not taken root very well, people prefer intramuscular ones, which is quite understandable - a hematoma can form under the skin and a local inflammatory process may occur, accompanied by swelling and pain, as a result of which better side general well-being will be disrupted. After the injection in the buttock, everything is simpler - I put a heating pad under the soft spot and everything went away quickly.

It is believed that autohemotherapy has no contraindications. In any case, doctors, using its action in the last century to treat many diseases, except childhood, pregnancy and lactation, when it is highly undesirable to interfere with immunity, they were not noted. Now among the contraindications you can find:

  • , in which the person is most likely in the intensive care unit, where it is unlikely that anyone will prescribe such a procedure;
  • Severe - probably, it would also never occur to anyone to stop attacks using these methods, and even the patients themselves, who often complain of rhythm disturbances, are unlikely to have such a desire;
  • Oncological diseases - these people have no interest in this at all, they are looking for more effective treatment, although, judging by how soda has become fashionable, it is not excluded new life autohemotherapy and in this form. We hasten to warn you that neither soda, nor autohemotherapy, nor anything else invented by the people will help. Only see a doctor! and immediately so as not to miss time!
  • Psychoses and other disorders are a delicate matter, they are within the competence of a psychiatrist, therefore - no comments...

And here What can really affect the psyche of a person who is determined to be cured of acne, blackheads or something more serious is the procedure itself. People who faint at the sight of blood do not like to witness manipulations that resemble a real operation: a syringe, blood, transferring it from one place to another...

Although there are all sorts of circumstances and different patients, therefore, before starting treatment, you need to consult with a specialist who will prescribe therapy, telling your medical history in detail, and with a doctor who constantly monitors, treats and probably knows whether such a method is indicated or whether it is better to bypass it.

The main task is to increase defenses

A similar situation arises with regard to indications for autohemotherapy - overestimating the abilities of this therapy, new advantages are attributed to it, hitherto unknown to official medicine. For example, that it can cure infertility or infections such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV), help with the manifestations of menopause and remove adhesions in the pelvis.

Supporters this method treatments claim that this method has a miraculous effect on a wide range of inflammatory processes female genital area, it helps with furunculosis and other pustular diseases skin, and as remedy for acne - it has no equal at all. And there is some truth in this: autohemotherapy, stimulating one's own immunity to protect the body and improving metabolic processes in it, really helps (but does not cure) many diseases.

example of treatment results: before and after autohemotherapy against acne

Medicine still does not reject the ability of autohemotherapy, but only as a auxiliary, and not the main remedy for the treatment of certain diseases - these are the indications for this procedure:

  1. Sluggish long-term inflammatory processes localized in the respiratory organs, female genital area or on the skin;
  2. Decreased immunity after injury surgical interventions, visiting sites of environmental disasters due to professional duties or living in these areas;
  3. Pustular infections that have settled on skin or juvenile acne associated with hormonal changes in organism;
  4. Poor treatment for a long time non-healing wounds and (at );
  5. To help treat herpetic infections;
  6. Strengthening immunity during menopause.

Autohemotherapy in these cases plays the role of an immunocorrector. How effective will it be in each specific case– it’s difficult to predict, but there is no doubt that it won’t hurt.

To clearly indicate the effect of treatment own blood, it is advisable to carry out various immunological studies before and after autohemotherapy.

Carrying out the procedure - what is possible and what is not

It is undesirable to inject more than 1 ml of blood under the skin, but the basis of classical autohemotherapy is a progressive increase in the amount of injected own biological fluid to 10 ml, and then the same dose reduction. This is probably why subcutaneous blood injections for traditional method not very suitable. They can cause not only local inflammation, but also general disorder health: fever and accompanying symptoms - chills and muscle pain.

According to the long-established classic version scheme, autohemotherapy begins with 2 ml of blood taken from the patient’s vein, which is immediately injected into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle of the same patient without any delay.

The next procedure is carried out after 1-2 days, but in an increased dose - 4 ml, in the 3rd injection (also after 1-2 days) a dose of 6 ml is provided, the 4th - 8 ml, the 5th - 10 ml , 6th - 10 ml, and then move downwards in the same order.

The second one is very important pointmaintaining sterility. Autohemotherapy requires it, perhaps more than other manipulations, because in this case two methods are combined: both intravenous and intramuscular injections. Particular attention should be paid to carrying out such activities at home, which, in principle, is not recommended. But if you really want it and the patient can be trusted in this regard (future treatment has been agreed upon with the doctor), and among the acquaintances or neighbors there is a medical worker with the necessary qualifications (not a nurse), treatment can be carried out at home, but then all responsibility falls on the participants in these events.

New methods of old treatment

Of course, using the best achievements in medicine of our near ancestors, it is naive to hope that the current doctors will leave everything as it is. It’s the same with autohemotherapy: although the classic method is still in use, new options were not long in coming, joining the ranks homeopathic remedies aimed at correcting the protection system. The basis for more modern species treatment, of course, was the “good old” autohemotherapy.

ozone therapy

Now many medical centers offer their own methods, it should be noted that among them you can also find their own versions:

  • Hemopuncture (biopuncture) is the injection of small amounts of the patient's blood, taken from his vein, into reflexogenic or pain points located on his body. Blood for the procedure can be used both in pure form and as part of homeopathic remedies. The method owes its appearance to the Belgian homeopathic doctor, who was constantly engaged in the search for truth, Jan Kersschot;
  • Stepped autohemotherapy involves the introduction of blood diluted with a set of homeopathic remedies. This method is not so new; something similar happened during the widespread use of this therapy in traditional medicine, when antibiotics were added to the syringe with blood, which is no longer practiced. The authorship of stepwise autohemotherapy belongs to Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, who, having taken over his father’s work, was actively interested in homeopathy. He managed to meet the founder of autohemotherapy, August Bier, get advice and combine both methods of treatment together.
  • Treatment with autologous blood based on changes in some blood characteristics under chemical and physical influences (ozonation, X-ray and ultraviolet rays, freezing, etc.). However, it is obvious - in order to “conjure” over biological fluids, you need to have not only special knowledge, but also special equipment (the latter is not available to everyone).
  • Autohemotherapy + ozone- the method is similar to the classical one, but differs in that ozone (triatomic oxygen - O 3) is added to the blood prepared for administration, which enhances the effect of its own biological environment - this is minor ozone autohemotherapy. Besides this, there is also major autohemotherapy with ozone, where blood from a vein is drawn into large quantities(up to 150 ml) and it is injected, enriched with ozone, intravenously. They say this method helps fight.
  • Combination of autohemotherapy with hirudotherapy(or, conversely: in the first place, after all, which in the process is supplemented by the participation of the patient’s blood).

Such techniques, of course, are not suitable for home treatment. In addition, using new technologies, they expand the range of indications and contraindications, the lists of which may vary in different sources, because official medicine did not deal with these issues. In this regard, it should be recalled once again that autohemotherapy is an alternative method to traditional medicine and is not recommended for self-prescription, therefore treatment by a homeopath should involve a preliminary long conversation with the doctor.

How much is it?

The price for classic or updated autohemotherapy, as always, will depend on the place (status of the institution) and the region (Moscow is different from Bryansk) where it is carried out. "Cool" medical centers may request up to 28,000 thousand for 10 procedures, “more modest” ones will stop at 6-7 thousand rubles for everything, Well, those who are just starting to “unwind” will perform the same manipulations for 4 thousand.

The price for one procedure in Moscow and St. Petersburg starts from 400 rubles and reaches 1000 or more rubles. In general, everything is very individual; there is no single price for all procedures, institutions, places of residence and, probably, patients. Some people are treated only in very expensive clinics, as they say, to each his own.

Video: autohemotherapy – program “About the most important things”

Video: autohemotherapy with ozone - an example of implementation

Autohemotherapy is a fairly popular therapeutic and cosmetic procedure, the essence of which is the intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of venous blood to the patient. The method under consideration is based on “treating like with like.” According to the most popular assumption, blood, the largest part of which is represented by water, is capable of “saving” information about various disorders in the body, and with repeated injections can find them and eliminate them.

The autohemotherapy regimen is prescribed by the doctor separately. With this treatment, the patient is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly with fresh deoxygenated blood, in most cases not mixed with any medications and not subject to any changes. In some situations, the doctor may prescribe autohemotherapy with an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory drug.

The amount of blood administered per procedure, the procedure for changing the volume during treatment, the frequency of procedures and their total, the place of blood collection and its further administration - all these indicators can change and are set by the doctor separately, taking into account the characteristics of the particular patient’s condition.

Autohemotherapy is practiced by doctors of various specialties. At the same time, all experts note approximately similar clinical results autohemotherapy for acne and other diseases.

In general, the introduction of blood during autohemotherapy promotes the activation of rehabilitation and protective functions. Among the positive effects, the following points should be highlighted:

1. Faster healing various kinds injuries and wounds.

2. Accelerated Recovery after surgical interventions.

3. Effective resolution of skin problems.

4. Accelerated recovery from inflammatory diseases.

5. Increased performance.

6. Improvement of psychological state.

Autohemotherapy: indications, contraindications and side effects

Autohemotherapy for acne has many stable positive properties, minimal amount contraindications and almost complete absence side effects.

The technique is most often used in dermatology and cosmetology to combat acne and other skin problems. Blood transfusions also help improve effective treatment the following diseases:

  • chronic cytomegalovirus infection;
  • genital herpes;
  • inflammation in the uterus and appendages;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • papilomatosis;
  • condylomatosis;
  • infertility.

Despite a number of indications for blood transfusion, the method under consideration has several serious limitations. Among the contraindications to autohemotherapy for acne and other ailments, the following should be noted:

  • arrhythmia;
  • heart attack;
  • epilepsy;
  • cancer diseases;
  • psychosis of any origin and course;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Important! Only a doctor can prescribe the frequency of autohemotherapy procedures for acne. Blood transfusions in large quantities lead to side effects, so treatment should be supervised by a specialist.

Among the side effects of autohemotherapy for acne, the following manifestations are most common:

  • muscle pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • inflammatory reactions;
  • chills.

Features of the autohemotherapy treatment regimen

When treating acne with autohemotherapy according to the standard regimen, the patient is first injected with 2 ml of his venous blood, and after that, with an interval of 1-3 days (the specific frequency is set by the doctor), the blood volume increases by 2 ml. The increase in volume continues up to 10 ml, and after that it begins to be reduced by 2 ml each procedure. During one course of autohemotherapy for acne, the patient usually receives about 10-15 injections of blood, however, the number of injections and the volume of each injection may vary depending on the specific situation.

In addition to classical autohemotherapy for acne, there are several other treatment options, namely:

1. Step-by-step autohemotherapy for acne. In accordance with this technique, venous blood is diluted in prescribed by a specialist homeopathic medicines. Specific drugs are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the patient’s disease and the general condition of his body.

2. Autohemotherapy using ozonation. During this technique, blood is mixed with ozone, due to which its therapeutic qualities are further enhanced. Typically, this method of autohemotherapy is used in the treatment of acne and various gynecological diseases.

3. Biopuncture. In this case, small doses of blood are injected into special acupuncture, pain and reflexogenic points. There is a significant reduction in the duration of treatment.

4. Autologous blood therapy. The patient's blood is first exposed to various methods, for example, irradiated with ultraviolet light, x-rays, laser processed, frozen, etc. After such treatment, there is an increase in the effectiveness of autohemotherapy in the fight against rashes and other diseases.

Is it possible to carry out autohemotherapy at home?

Autohemotherapy for acne is a simple procedure. If there are recommendations for such treatment, it can be carried out at home. For acne treatment with autohemotherapy to go well, you need to:

  • have minimal medical skills - be able to take blood from a vein and inject it into a muscle (under the skin);
  • strictly adhere to the dosage and frequency of procedures prescribed by the doctor;
  • observe appropriate sterility measures.

It is enough to take from a vein required amount blood (usually it is more convenient to take it from a vein in the left arm, in the area of ​​the back elbow) and inject it under the skin or into a muscle (most often it is injected into the gluteal muscle).

Advice! If you have the slightest doubt about the correctness of performing autohemotherapy procedures for acne, the occurrence of the previously described side effects and a general deterioration in your health, refuse blood transfusions at home and contact a medical facility.

Remember: the absence of the previously mentioned contraindications to autohemotherapy is far from a reason to prescribe the procedure yourself. Under any circumstances, you must first consult with your doctor and undergo necessary examinations if recommended by a doctor.

The effectiveness of blood transfusions for acne

Autohemotherapy is actively used in cosmetology and dermatology to treat acne and a number of other skin problems. Among the numerous indications for autohemotherapy, premature aging of the skin is also highlighted. As a result of the procedures, restoration of normal hormonal levels and endocrine gland function is noted.

Autohemotherapy is an excellent alternative to antibiotics in the presence of skin problems that cannot be treated with a variety of external preparations - masks, creams, etc.

When using autohemotherapy against acne, along with the patient’s blood, his own waste, toxins and other “waste” enter his body, under the influence of which his family protective functions people are stimulated. As a result, the immune system becomes much stronger and the body has the strength to fight pustular infections.

Despite the effectiveness of autohemotherapy for acne, the patient should remember the importance of regular hygiene care for the skin. According to average statistical data, the effectiveness of autohemotherapy for acne is about 85%.