The main signs of childbirth in a dog and the correct help of the owner. An adult non-pregnant dog passes milk

One of the crucial periods for the owner of a dog is the pregnancy and childbirth of a pet. Knowledge of the intricacies of the physiological process, the ability to provide competent obstetric care to an animal is the key to obtaining healthy offspring and maintaining the reproductive function of the female. In some cases, the dog may need the qualified actions of a veterinarian.

Read in this article

Is it always necessary to call the veterinarian

In most cases, the birth process in pets goes away on its own, human intervention in this action is minimal. If the dog does not have the first birth, the animal was observed by a veterinarian during pregnancy, there are no chronic diseases, the birth process can take place independently. An experienced owner, who has more than one such event, can take delivery without the presence of a doctor.

In the event that the obstetric care of a pet is the first on the owner’s account, there is a lack of self-confidence - it is better to play it safe. You can’t do without the help of a specialist even if the dog had health problems while carrying puppies, the animal is too old and there are concomitant diseases (heart disease, kidney problems, etc.).

To ensure that the birth of newborns is not overshadowed by problems, the owner should enlist the support of a veterinarian, have his contact number at hand and notify the specialist if signs of an impending birth are detected.

Preparing for childbirth in a dog

Preparatory measures for labor activity in a pet begin, as a rule, almost immediately after mating. Rational feeding taking into account physiological characteristics, daily dosed walks, taking vitamin preparations on the recommendation of a veterinarian are the key points that determine the safe and healthy birth of offspring.

The average duration of gestation of puppies is 62 - 64 days. This period depends on the breed, multiplicity and individual characteristics of the animal. In small breeds, the gestation period may be reduced, and in representatives of large breeds, the gestation period in some cases is extended to 72 days.

Starting from the third week after conception, using an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, a veterinarian can not only determine the very fact of a pet's pregnancy, but also the number of fetuses in the womb. The owner can prepare for the adoption of childbirth already at this stage of development of the offspring. For successful childbirth, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Waterproof pad. It is laid on the floor to avoid contamination of the room with bloody secretions. The optimal size of the oilcloth is 1 by 1 meter.
  • Cotton fabric. You will need 3-4 cotton diapers or sheets. It is convenient to use disposable diapers measuring 60 by 90 or 60 by 60 if the dog is small.
  • To wipe down newborn puppies, you will need small pieces of cotton soft cloth. It is better not to use gauze and other mesh materials for these purposes - they will cling to babies and can cause microtrauma. Pieces of fabric should be well washed and ironed with a hot iron.
  • Scissors. This tool will be needed to cut the umbilical cord of newborns. It is advisable to take scissors with round ends, sharp. They are pre-boiled or treated with 70-degree alcohol.
  • Chlorhexidine solution or Miramistin. Preparations will be needed for the treatment of hands during childbirth. The same solutions can be used to disinfect scissors when helping an animal.
  • Brilliant green solution. An antiseptic is used to treat the stump of the umbilical cord in newborn puppies.
  • Syringes with a volume of 1, 5 and 10 ml. Syringes may be needed not only for injections of the drug, but also to cleanse the puppy's nasal cavity of mucus with difficulty inhaling. For resuscitation, it is also convenient to keep a small rubber douche on hand.
  • It will not be superfluous to prepare medicines such as Oxytocin, Valocordin, saline and 40% glucose before childbirth. Drugs should be used only when necessary and on the advice of a doctor. For resuscitation of weak newborn puppies, you will need ammonia and cotton wool.
  • Disposable bags for isolating the placenta and disposing of used wipes.
  • Electric heating pad for puppies.
  • Cardboard box. A basket or a small box will be needed to isolate the puppies from their mother for a while (weighing, sex determination, etc.).

To find out the body weight of newborns, you need an electronic scale and a notepad for recording data.

To prepare for the birth of a dog, see this video:

The first signs and symptoms of incipient labor

The owner of a pregnant female should have an idea of ​​​​what the harbingers of childbirth are, how to determine that labor activity will begin soon. The following signs testify to the approaching process:

  • 2 weeks before a significant event, the dog's belly increases significantly in size, sags.
  • The hair on the abdomen around the mammary glands is thinning. The glands themselves swell. 3 - 5 days before birth, when you press the nipples, colostrum appears.
  • The dog becomes restless, looks for a secluded place, wears rags, clothes, rugs, bedding in a certain place - equips a nest for future offspring. Many pets follow the owner inseparably, require affection and attention.
  • The animal carefully licks the external genitalia, preparing for childbirth. This phenomenon is observed approximately 2 days before whelping.
  • During urination, when getting up after sleep, a whitish secret may be released from the genital slit. The separation of the mucous film is observed 3 to 5 days before labor.
  • 12 - 24 hours before the puppies are born, the amniotic fluid leaves the dog. The animal can lick them. In the same period, frequent urination in small portions is possible.

As a rule, a few hours before the birth, the dog stops eating, settles in a nest equipped in advance. Thermometry shows a decrease in body temperature to 37 C in large breeds and to 36.6 C in small females. Hypothermia is caused by a decrease in the concentration of progesterone, which leads to inhibition of the work of the thermoregulatory center in the brain.

Is there a difference between large and small breeds

The physiological process of the birth of puppies in females of large and small decorative breeds does not have significant differences. However, there are objective difficulties in obstetric care for small pets due to their small mass. The owner of a decorative dog should take into account that the pet has fragile bones, delicate muscle tissue and a narrow pelvic passage compared to the size of the cubs.

Stages of labor in a dog

The process of birth of newborn puppies is determined by a number of hormonal and mechanical factors. Veterinarians-obstetricians distinguish the following stages of labor in dogs:

  • Preparatory stage. Under the action of the hormone cortisol, synthesized by the fetus, prostaglandins are activated. This leads to an increase in the excitability of uterine receptors. There is an increase in the tone of the muscles of the genital organ, the preparation of the birth canal for the promotion of the fetus. At this stage, the owner observes contractions in the dog. The onset of labor is especially well felt if you put a hand on the pet's stomach.
  • Cervical dilatation period. The stage is accompanied by full disclosure of the birth canal and attempts. There is a discharge of amniotic fluid. The animal is pushing, as in the act of emptying the intestines.
  • fruit expulsion stage. At this time, there is a contraction of the striated muscles of the uterus. Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity contributes to the mechanical movement of the fetus out. In this case, the head and pelvic presentation of the puppy is considered normal in obstetric practice.
  • postpartum stage. Uterine contractions lead to the expulsion of the remnants of the placenta. The afterbirth separates after the birth of each puppy. It often happens that in one amniotic sac there can be several newborns at once, but each of them has its own baby place. The dog can eat the afterbirth. This will not bring harm, but many owners clean the children's place on their own, without giving it to the female.

After birth, the mother gnaws the amniotic sac, gnaws the umbilical cord, licks the babies, freeing the airways and stimulating independent breathing.

Symptoms to watch out for

In rare cases, the birth process is pathological and requires the provision of qualified veterinary care. The following signs should alert the owner:

  • The animal's pregnancy has been prolonged and exceeds 67 days from the moment of mating. This phenomenon is most often associated with large-fruitedness and requires professional manipulation.
  • Violent contractions do not end with the birth of a newborn puppy. If more than 2 hours have passed since the start of contractions, or weak labor activity is observed, it is time to call a veterinarian at home.
  • The exit of the next puppy is delayed by more than 2 hours.
  • The puppy appeared in the birth canal, but due to large-fruitedness does not leave the mother's womb.
  • During childbirth from the genital tract of the female, abundant bloody discharge of a bright red color, green or brown liquid are observed.
  • One of the puppies in the litter is stillborn.

You should also call the veterinarian at home when the owner is not sure whether all the puppies were born, when the temperature of the pet rises above 39.5 C, and also when the new mother becomes very weak.

Childbirth in a dog, as a rule, takes place without serious intervention by a specialist. The owner must prepare in advance for this process and know the main stages of labor in the pet. If necessary, you should immediately call a veterinarian at home, without relying on your own strength.

Useful video

About childbirth in dogs, signs and stages of the birth process, see this video:

If your dog is about to become a parent, then, of course, this is very exciting. You may fear for the health of your pet and worry about the birth process. All this is normal.

In order not to get into a mess and be fully equipped, it is better to thoroughly prepare for this process. Extra knowledge on the issue of dog delivery will not hurt.

Already a week before the birth, the dog is preparing physically. Here are the signs by which you can determine that in 5-7 days she will bring you puppies:

  1. At this time, the expectant mother starts to worry, look for a cozy corner, flirt with the owner.
  2. It is necessary during this period to stroke your pet more often, to show with all your appearance that he has protection in your face.
  3. In some animals decreased appetite, at this time you can treat your pet with some kind of treat. Give more dairy products and broths.

Already from 57-58 days it is necessary to measure the dog's body temperature twice a day. If the temperature data decreased by 1-1.5 ºС, then this is a harbinger of an early birth. Babies should be born within 24 hours. Immediately before childbirth, body temperature returns to normal.

Important! But if a low temperature or, on the contrary, elevated to 39 ºС lasts for more than a day, then this is a reason to seek medical help. Perhaps the death of the fetus occurred and intoxication of the body began.

How do you know if a bitch is having a baby today?

How does the pet behave before the start?

Experts distinguish three stages of the onset of labor:

  • First stage- preparatory, when the opening of the birth canal begins.
  • Second phase characterized by contractions.
  • Third stage- the appearance of puppies into the world and the exit of the placenta.

It is during the period of preparation for childbirth that the behavior of the dog changes not only physiologically, but also psychologically. It is expressed as follows:

  1. Explicit anxiety in behavior, the bitch rushes around the house, begins to dig the floor or her bedding, sometimes hides in a secluded place.
  2. It’s hard for her to be in one place, she either lies down, then gets up, then turns around.
  3. Some breeds become too affectionate during this period, they do not leave the owner and look into his eyes in a special way.
  4. Some dogs start begging outside take her out, but soon bring her back home.
  5. Some bitches lose their appetite, while others ask for food, while others begin to vomit. In this case, everything is individual.

Important! Changes in the behavior of the animal require active participation on the part of the owner. He should show more attention and affection than usual. All these signs occur due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure before childbirth. The first contractions of the uterus do not yet bring pain to the dog, but they cause anxiety.

Physiological changes - temperature, water, other

To physiological changes when approaching childbirth include:

All these physiological changes indicate that soon, in about a day, puppies will be born.

The preparation phase can last from several hours to one day. If this time is delayed for more than 24 hours, while the dog does not start contractions, then urgently contact your veterinarian.

Features in small breeds

Smaller breeds such as Dachshunds, Yorkshire Terriers, Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers give birth in the same pattern as large breeds. But the period before birth they may have distinctive features. The nervous system in small breeds is too thin, so their prenatal behavior will be more pronounced than in large dogs.

Yorkies, toy terriers, chihuahuas, standard dachshunds carry offspring on average 60-63 days, dwarf and rabbit dachshunds go pregnant no more than 60 days.

Reference. The smaller the bitch, the fewer days she walks pregnant.



Many are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to call a veterinarian for help if the dog is nulliparous. Experts recommend doing this if you yourself the owner has never encountered the birth of dogs and does not know how to behave in this case. If the owner has previously encountered such a situation and even participated in this process himself, then you should not worry. Although it is advisable to take the doctor's number first.


All prenatal signs of a first-born dog will be much brighter than those animals that already have the experience of giving birth to puppies. They rush around the house, can tear the bedding, start to whine loudly and even make sounds that look like a groan. 1-2 days before the onset of the birth process the animal may refuse food, but many dogs, on the contrary, are not averse to having a good meal. In general, the behavior of the primogenitor is the same as that of all other pregnant dogs.

Primiparous dogs may have not so pronounced external signs that she will give birth soon. If usually in animals, before the appearance of puppies, the stomach sinks into the light and "hungry" pits form, then in first-borns these signs may not be noticeable.

Fast (rapid) childbirth

Rapid or rapid labor in dogs is characterized by the birth of puppies - 2-4 hours in multiparous and 4-6 hours in primiparous bitches. The danger of such births is that the waters are receding quickly, and the puppy has not yet been born. In this case, he may catch some kind of infection.

In addition, during rapid labor, the dog's uterus contracts faster, and this condition can damage the fragile body of newborns, for example injure the cervical region of puppies. Therefore, with a quick birth, you need to seek help from a professional.

Carrying out the process at home

If you are new to this business, then it is best to enlist the support of a veterinarian or take your pet to a clinic. But it happens that there is no way out, as take birth in a dog yourself. Start preparing for this process in advance.

Remember that having puppies is a dirty business, so prepare as many rags as you can. The blanket that you will lay under the bitch will later have to be thrown away, so you do not need to take a new one.

After that, it is selected a place for childbirth, as well as a box for puppies. If the dog is large, then you can prepare an arena, in its absence, fence off more space and build a semblance of a fence, as small children will actively try to get out from behind the fences. Take care to be good heating. After that, prepare all the necessary tools for childbirth.

Attention! The day before the bitch whelps, wash the area of ​​​​the abdomen and genitals of your pet, and remove the hair in this area. Long hair is collected with an elastic band.

You should have the following medicines on hand:

  1. Alcohol or vodka.
  2. Ampoules of glucose 5%.
  3. Synthomycin emulsion 10%.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Traumeel and Zelenka.

Don't forget to also prepare syringes, scissors, silk threads in case of tying the umbilical cord, and be sure to put in a conspicuous place records with all the phone numbers of veterinarians who will come to your aid at any time of the day.

If the dog itself cannot bite off the umbilical cord, for example, due to the anatomical features of the body, then the owner will have to do this. It is not recommended to use scissors for these purposes, as blood will flow. It is better to pull it and tear it off.

After the onset of the birth process and the release of the babies outside be sure to feel the dog's belly for the presence of the remaining cubs. All afterbirths should also come out, if you doubt that the last last one has come out, then you need to contact your veterinarian.

By the way, the dog eats all afterbirth. But if there are more than 2-3 of them, then do not allow her to eat the rest, otherwise a digestive failure will begin. Don't forget to change dirty diapers.

Important! A dog exhausted after childbirth should not be disturbed and pulled, provide it with warmth and peace. In the first weeks, you do not need to often approach the mother with puppies. Excessive attention will disturb the animal.

Useful video

Watch a video with examples of changes in behavior in dogs before giving birth:


The process of childbirth, including dogs, is very exciting and unpredictable. So knowledge on this subject is very important. But even after you have become a successful new owner of small puppies, you need to know how to care for the little ones so that they turn into healthy dogs. Keeping animals in the house is not only joy, but also hard work.

In contact with

Childbirth among representatives of the dog tribe, although it is a natural process, can cause a lot of trouble for both herself and her owner. Therefore, every owner of a pregnant bitch must carefully prepare: find out how everything happens in real life, how a dog can behave before childbirth, what difficulties and complications sometimes arise. You need to take care of acquiring the necessary medicines, equipment and items.

Before giving birth, dogs in the house should be:

  • synthomycin emulsion;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • medical alcohol;
  • white streptocide powder;
  • gauze napkins 6x6 and 15x15 in size (about 20 pieces each);
  • large and small diapers (5-10 pieces each);
  • a shoe box with a heating pad for placing puppies in it (you need to let the air out of the heating pad so that it becomes flat and wrap it in a soft diaper);
  • a large bar of chocolate to reinforce the strength of a dog in labor.

Just in case, the phone number of the veterinarian should also be at hand.

Individual characteristics

Every animal is different. Differences consist not only in breed characteristics, but also in individual character traits and habits. One dog behaves positively, the other, with its nervousness, constantly creates big problems for its owner. But in both cases, the behavior of the dog before birth can change dramatically. The always good-natured pet becomes aggressive, and the impulsive dog becomes slow. But whatever the nature of the dog, before giving birth, she needs affectionate and careful handling.

A dog that has never given birth can be especially excited before giving birth. After all, the sensations that she experiences are new and even frightening for her. This is a serious stress for the body of the dog and its psyche. And the owner should be extremely attentive and caring with her. During this period, it is better for a pregnant pet to take a place where she will not be disturbed by children or strangers who come to visit.

Dog behavior before childbirth

You should not be angry that the dog begins to scratch its bedding or floor with its claws before giving birth. So she arranges a "maternity" place, dragging soft things and even toys there. By the way, it should be noted that toys remind a pregnant bitch of puppies, which she is already ready to patronize and protect.

Therefore, the dog may unexpectedly show aggression towards the owners who are trying to pick up the “calves”. Some dogs are beginning to hide food, which they have never done before, while others are trying to make a nest right on the street, diligently tearing up the ground.

Before giving birth, any pregnant dog becomes very restless. She often sits down to urinate, looks under her tail, whines and moans. Drops of colostrum appear on the nipples, and the stomach begins to sink. The restless behavior of a dog before childbirth can be expressed in a complete refusal of food and even of a favorite treat. The thermometer, when measuring her body temperature, stops at 36.6 o C (38 o C is normal). All this suggests that the birth is about to begin. From this point on, a pregnant dog can no longer be left alone.

The birth of puppies is a joyful, long-awaited event for the owners. Some people have the misconception that dog births at home proceed without complications, problems, and animals do not need help. At this moment, pets especially need care and support of their owners.

In most cases, pregnancy in bitches lasts 59 - 63 days. Based on the date of mating, the owners will be able to calculate the timing of childbirth in dogs in order to have time to prepare ahead of time for a significant event.

Arrangement of a place for bitches, puppies

1.5 weeks before the date of birth, it is advisable to organize the place where the birth of the bitch will take place. The use of a collapsible playpen (spacious box) has proven itself well, in which the animal can lie freely during childbirth. Here the dog will later settle down with puppies.

Experienced cynologists recommend providing for a small space between the bottom of the arena and the floor in order to prevent the dog and babies from freezing. It should be ensured that the arena (box) has one of the walls with a lower height, allowing the bitch to leave the “nest”, but not allowing the puppies to get out of there.

Dog breeders practice accepting dog births on the couch or bed. This decision is quite reasonable, especially when it comes to giving birth to a representative of a large breed. In such cases, you will need to cover the surface of the furniture with oilcloth, clean sheets.

Since the process of childbirth is quite dirty, it is highly desirable to remove carpets and rugs from the room. In addition, for this procedure it is worth using bedding, which will later be thrown away.

List of things, tools, medicines

In preparation for the birth of a dog, it is necessary to acquire an “obstetric kit”. It should include:

The list of medicines includes:

  • medical alcohol or vodka;
  • glucose 5% in ampoules;
  • synthomycin emulsion 10%;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Zelenka (brilliant green solution).

Dog training

The day before the birth, the owner will need to wash the stomach, genitals of the bitch, cut her hair in the abdomen, “loop”, anus.

If the animal has long hair, it is advisable to collect interfering strands with the help of hair ties, papillots. Often, the haircut of the “beard”, “mustache” is performed so that they do not interfere with biting the puppy’s umbilical cord (this procedure is recommended for the same terriers).

Host preparation

The owner, who is interested in: what is needed for the birth of a dog, should also take care of cleanliness, disinfection of his hands, cut his nails short. It is required to put on clean clothes, which it will not be a pity to get rid of after the end of childbirth.

What are the signs of the onset of labor?

Inexperienced owners of four-legged pets ask questions: “How to understand that the dog will give birth soon and that it has ended, what are the symptoms of the birth of puppies?” A harbinger of approaching childbirth is a change in the behavior of a pet. The bitch begins to behave restlessly, begins to scratch the surface of the floor, bedding with her paws, seeks to settle down in a dark corner.

Often the animal rushes about: lies down, gets up, spins, moves from place to place. In many cases, the bitch tries to follow the owner literally on the heels, catches his eye. The pet may refuse to eat, occasionally vomiting is observed.

The changes in the behavior of the pet described above provoke a growing intra-abdominal pressure. The uterus begins to contract, but this process is not yet gaining sufficient strength to determine it visually. At the same time, the animal is anxious because of the painful sensations that have appeared. During this period, the owner will need to affectionately treat the dog, support it.

When the onset of labor in dogs approaches, sagging of the abdomen is noted (4 to 5 days). The owner, who is worried about how the birth of dogs begins and how long it lasts, should pay attention to a slight decrease in the body temperature of the bitch. In the period 8 - 24 hours before childbirth, temperature measurement can give results of 37 - 37.5 ° C (with normal indicators of 38 - 39 ° C).
At the same time, the fading of the puppies in the stomach of the bitch is noted, which before that were moving, pushing.

Wanting to know: how to understand that the birth of a dog has begun, you need to look at the state of the "loop" of the animal. At this time, the “loop” softens, the appearance of sticky thick secretions of a whitish or gray hue is observed. A shiver runs through the body of the animal, the dog is shivering, it breathes frequently, the heartbeat becomes rapid, refuses to eat.

How is childbirth going?

Seeing that the childbirth of the dog begins - the waters have broken, the owner needs to place the pet in a prepared place and not leave it. An inexperienced owner who does not know how water breaks before childbirth in dogs may try to pierce the amniotic sac, which is categorically unacceptable.

Before the birth process, the animal prefers to lie on its right side. During the first stage of labor, there is an increase in contractions, as evidenced by the state of the abdomen (the uterus tenses and relaxes). Uterine contractions move the puppy through the birth canal to the cervix.

Asking questions: how to determine that the birth has begun, how the birth of the dog goes, you should pay attention to the second stage of this process. It is characterized by the appearance of attempts - spasmodic movements that contribute to the simultaneous contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, abdominal cavity. At the time of the expulsion of the fetus, the bitch is able to lie on her side, on her chest, or sit down.

The puppy may emerge from the “loop” with its muzzle or hind legs forward, enclosed in the amniotic sac. In most cases, the bitch will try to crack open the shell herself to free the newborn.

The owner, who has information on how to give birth to a dog and, if necessary, provide first aid, will need to burst the bubble himself if the animal has not done so.

In a baby covered in blood, greenish mucus, you need to clean your nose and mouth in order to release the airways.

It is possible that the owner will have to cut or cut the puppy's umbilical cord. To carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to drive the blood in the umbilical cord in the direction of the newborn. You will need to clamp the umbilical cord with one hand at a distance of 3 cm from the baby's abdomen, and with the other - a little lower by 2-3 cm.

Next, the umbilical cord is cut, performed by the hand located closer to the puppy, which avoids the appearance of blood. You can also use scissors. If blood has come out on the umbilical cord, you need to bandage it with a disinfected silk thread.

Healthy childbirth in dogs is accompanied by the release of the placenta after the birth of each puppy. You will definitely need to count the released afterbirths. Their number should match the number of babies. Otherwise, it is worth contacting a veterinarian to examine the dog in order to prevent serious inflammation of her uterus due to an unexpelled placenta.

Babies born after cleaning from the amniotic sac, rupture of the umbilical cord must be transferred to the bitch. She will begin to lick the newborns, pushing them to stimulate blood circulation, respiratory processes. It is very important to quickly bring the babies to the nipples. The sucking process stimulates more intense uterine contractions.

The first sips of colostrum contribute to the separation of the original feces (meconium) in newborns, which in turn gives impetus to the start of digestion processes.
A weak puppy needs to massage the tummy, anus with a damp cotton swab.

If you are interested in the answer to the question: how many hours does a dog give birth, you need to know that the average duration of this process is 6-8 hours. Also, the duration of labor activity is influenced by the individual characteristics of each animal. Sometimes childbirth can be rapid, and sometimes delayed for a day or more. Since a long birth can exhaust the bitch, you can offer her a piece of chocolate. Such a delicacy will help the animal to strengthen its strength.

Complications during childbirth

Childbirth, proceeding normally, is still a difficult, exciting process for the animal. The occurrence of complications during the birth process can endanger the life of the dog and its litter.

If the bitch is observed: the presence of weak labor activity or its absence, premature withdrawal of amniotic fluid, non-elasticity of the soft tissues of the birth canal, you should immediately call a veterinarian.
In particular, complications during childbirth in dogs can be triggered by the incorrect position of the fetus, its too large size, excessive narrowness of the pelvis, the presence of a dead puppy in the womb, and other factors.

Attempts to alleviate the situation on your own are inappropriate. It would be much more correct to immediately seek emergency help from a specialist. The veterinarian will perform an examination of the animal and the necessary manipulations. This will save the life and health of the dog and its puppies.

Bitch care after childbirth

The body of a bitch that has been relieved of a burden is weakened. During this period, the animal needs rest, peace. Long walks for 2-3 weeks are contraindicated for a dog who has given birth. In addition, the bitch herself will not want to leave her puppies for a long time, she will worry and strive to return to them again.

Within two weeks, the dog may experience spotting after childbirth, the amount of which will be insignificant. The owner should be alerted by the situation when the discharge from the dog after childbirth has a dark green tint, an unpleasant odor.
If the dog breathes frequently after childbirth, its body temperature rises, the color, smell of discharge from the “loop” is not normal, the pet does not eat, you should immediately resort to veterinary care.

Since the animal wants to eat the afterbirth, which contains the necessary nutrients, it feels full. For this reason, it is not recommended to feed the bitch immediately after giving birth. Also, do not take the afterbirth from your pet.
It is important to know that such food can cause diarrhea lasting 2-3 days, which is considered normal.

In order not to develop eclampsia in a dog after childbirth, you will need to carefully monitor the condition of the animal, appetite, and water intake. A bitch who has been relieved of her burden should be offered a plentiful clean drink. After 6 - 8 hours, the issuance of light food is practiced.

Optimal is 5-6 meals a day with small portions of food. It is advisable to entrust the veterinarian with compiling a menu for the bitch who has given birth.
It is forbidden to give the animal cheap low-quality feed. During this period, the bitch's menu should be balanced, rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals.

During childbirth, the dog needs the support, care, affection of its owner. Acting competently, without panicking, any owner will be able to help his pet give birth to healthy puppies as easily as possible. Check out the article about .

Hello. The dog excretes milk, the dog is not pregnant, estrus occurred in December, the dog is 8 years old, nulliparous. What happened? Thanks in advance.


Sometimes a couple of weeks after estrus, a nulliparous adult dog begins to behave strangely. Her psychological mood is changing, external changes are taking place. For example, milk begins to stand out. Signs say the bitch is having a false pregnancy.

Pseudo-pregnancy is a natural phenomenon, in nature it helps the survival of the pack. Four-legged friends belong to the canine family, in which the alpha female gives birth in the pack. The rest of the females are required to help, feed and protect the cubs when the alpha hunts. If the main female disappears, the task of the rest is to feed and raise the puppies.

False pregnancy is not a disease. This physiological condition appears in 60% of non-pregnant bitches. In this case, signs of pregnancy are observed, but fertilization does not occur. The state of pseudo-pregnancy is observed 1-2 months after the end of estrus, it is not associated with childbirth. Mostly, in dogs that are not mated or infertile.


This condition is not a pathology. Associated with hormonal imbalance. In the body of an animal after estrus, yellow bodies begin to be produced. Accordingly, due to the high release of lactogenic substances, signs of pregnancy appear.

If the female does not have fertilization, the yellow bodies gradually disappear, the body returns to normal. The life span of the corpus luteum is equal to the gestation period of dogs - up to 70 days.

Causes of the syndrome: metritis, purulent inflammatory processes (pyometra); lack of regular breeding activities; uneven or increased production of a hormone that occurs only during pregnancy.

Whether fertilization has happened or not, pregnancy hormones are still secreted in the animal. The more hormones, the more pronounced pseudo-pregnancy syndrome.

Signs of false pregnancy

The syndrome appears approximately 5-8 weeks after the last estrus (estrus). It is easy to identify by signs:

  • morning sickness: nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, abdominal cramps. Possible constant hunger, frequent urination, swelling of the mammary glands;
  • change in appetite - the dog either eats a lot, or refuses to eat, or there is a change in food addictions;
  • weight - increases, milk or colostrum appears, the mammary glands swell;
  • coprophagia - sometimes the animal begins to consume feces for food;
  • anxiety - by the time of the false birth of the cubs, the bitch has shortness of breath, the behavior becomes agitated, the animal refuses to go for a walk. If the owner begins to insist on walking, the false mother begins to “cry” and imitate abdominal cramps near the entrance;
  • nesting - the bitch begins to build a nest, expressing affection for toys, slippers and other things that in her imagination play the role of puppies (brings to the nest and protects from others).

Pseudo-pregnancy is characterized by signs that are observed in the process of real pregnancy. Accordingly, if the listed signs are found in the bitch, it is worth contacting a veterinarian for a correct diagnosis.

Treatment of the syndrome

False pregnancy is not treated, it is not a disease. It is enough just to take away from the dog all the toys that in her mind are puppies.

But the prevention of false pregnancy should begin in advance. An important measure is diet. It is necessary to reduce the portions in half and feed less often. For example, instead of twice a day, transfer the bitch to a one-time meal. Remove meat, fat, vegetables from the diet, limit water intake (then milk will not be produced). It is better to refuse dry food, with such nutrition the animal absorbs a lot of water. In the diet you need to introduce cereals - buckwheat or rice, without adding oil and salt. Such nutrition will help to avoid swelling, milk will not be produced, the dog will begin to behave actively, and health will improve.

In the process of prevention, physical activity is necessarily increased. Long walks will help tire the animal more, tighten the stomach (if any), reduce or stop milk production.

Attention! Do not let a falsely pregnant dog lick its stomach or bite its mammary glands. If necessary, it is possible to wrap the stomach with a bandage (elastic), having previously lubricated the nipples with camphor oil. The process of lactation exacerbates the pseudo-pregnancy syndrome.

If prevention did not help and a false pregnancy began, and in an acute form, be sure to consult a doctor so that the doctor prescribes hormone therapy.

Rules of behavior of the owner during false pregnancy:

  1. Don't scold the dog;
  2. Distract with any activities, games, long walks, active running;
  3. Do not ruin the nest - you risk provoking nervousness;
  4. Limit food intake, especially protein, reduce the amount of water;
  5. Remove from visible places things that the dog takes for puppies;
  6. Watch the animal's reaction to lubricating the nipples with camphor to avoid an allergic reaction;
  7. Don't pump or massage.

Pseudo-pregnancy is a normal phenomenon that the owner of a female may encounter. The main thing is not to panic and properly care for the pet in order to alleviate the suffering of the pseudo-mother.