Variants, signs and complications of an additional chord in the heart. Causes of an additional chord in the heart What does an extra chord in the heart mean

From this article, you will learn about such a developmental anomaly as an additional chord in the heart of a child, and whether it happens in adults. How serious it is, how the disease can manifest itself. Possible causes. In what cases it is necessary to be treated and how to fix the problem.

  • The essence of pathology
  • Why does pathology occur?
  • Characteristic symptoms (they may or may not be present)
  • Diagnostic methods
  • Forecast

Additional chords (or additional chords) are an anomaly in the development of the heart, in which there are extra constrictions (bridges) stretched between the wall of the myocardium and the heart valves in the cavities of the ventricles.

Options for the location of additional chords in the heart

This anomaly is included in the group of small cardiac anomalies, as it is more an individual anatomical feature of the structure of the heart than a pathological condition. In 90-95% of cases, it has no symptoms and does not threaten anything.

Additional chords of the heart occur in the fetus in the prenatal period and persist in humans throughout life (congenital condition). They are diagnosed only with an ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography). In 5-10%, this anomaly can disrupt normal blood circulation, leading to arrhythmias and heart failure.

Issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of an additional chord of the heart are dealt with by cardiologists (adults and children), cardiac surgeons, as well as ultrasound diagnostics doctors. Treatment may not be required at all, it may be a gentle regimen and medication, or even surgery may be required. In any case, the disease is curable.

The essence of pathology

The structure of a healthy heart

The human heart consists of two atria (right and left) and their corresponding two ventricles. The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle. The left atrium is separated from the left ventricle by a mitral (bicuspid) valve. These valves are needed in order to pass blood from the atria into the ventricles in portions, but not to allow it to be thrown back from the ventricles into the atria.

The valves are semilunar bands of connective tissue. At one end they are attached to the wall of the heart, and the other end hangs freely into the cavity of the ventricles. Between the free end of the valve and the inner surface of the wall of the myocardium, thin, but very strong jumpers in the form of threads are stretched. These jumpers are called chords.

At one end, several chords, combined into bundles, are attached along the perimeter of the free edge of the valve, and at the other end they are fused with muscle protrusions on the myocardium - trabeculae or papillary muscles. 2-3 bundles with chords in the longitudinal direction with respect to the axis of the heart approach each valve leaflet. Their purpose is to restrain the valve, to give its free edge a fixed position and not to allow it to move into the atria.

Scheme of blood flow in the heart

When the atria contract, blood is expelled from them into the ventricles, and the valves open freely (lower).

When the ventricles contract, the cusps of the valves begin to rise with blood flow until they are in full contact with each other. Thus, an obstacle is created due to which blood does not enter back into the atria, but is thrown into the vessels. But if there were no chords, the valve flaps would not be able to lock in the desired position at the moment of their contact. The chords pull the valve like a sail or a parachute, preventing it from wrapping into the atrial cavity.

Additional chords in the heart are the presence of excess filaments between the valve leaflets and the myocardium, which should not be normal. Given the useful value of chords for normal cardiac activity, there is nothing wrong with an additional chord. This is true, but only if the additional chord is stretched in the same way as the rest of the threads - longitudinally with respect to the axis of the heart, and has the same thin diameter. In this case, it does not carry any danger and can be considered a variant of the norm or an individual feature of a particular person.

If the additional chord is transverse to the cavity of the heart or is too thick, it may:

In this case, both the child and the adult may experience signs of circulatory failure.

It is important to remember in the presence of an additional chord in the heart that this is such an anomaly that may be one of the signs of congenital systemic underdevelopment of the connective tissue. In such children, in addition to this anomaly, fragility and flabbiness of ligaments, tendons and bones, excessive joint mobility, curvature and weakness of the spine, and prolapse of internal organs are determined.

Causes of pathology

The cause of additional chords is a violation of the intrauterine development of the fetal cardiovascular system. Such a failure can be caused by:

The baby is born with extra chords. They persist throughout life.

Symptoms (may not be)

There are no specific symptoms specific to additional chords in the heart. Moreover, this cardiac anomaly can cause complaints and manifestations only in 5-10%. The remaining 90-95% of adults and children do not make any complaints and learn about the anomaly only after an ultrasound examination of the heart.

If an additional chord is located transversely in the cavity of the ventricle, interferes with blood circulation or disrupts the valves, then the child or adult has:

  • Pain in the region of the heart (mainly during exertion, but may be at rest).
  • Rapid heartbeat (feeling of interruptions).
  • Rapid fatigue and shortness of breath on exertion.
  • Vertigo.
  • Heart rhythm disorders (paroxysmal tachycardia and extrasystole).
  • Murmurs on auscultation of the heart.

Even if the additional chord is accompanied by the listed symptoms, they only slightly disrupt the general condition and motor activity of the patient (it can be difficult to perform heavy physical work). Children with this cardiac anomaly grow and develop without abnormalities. Most often, manifestations occur and intensify during periods of active growth and puberty.

If a child or an adult has severe symptoms of heart damage (severe pain, shortness of breath with light exertion, severe arrhythmias, swelling) and an additional chord is found during the examination, you should not think that it causes them. Such a patient should be comprehensively examined in order to exclude other cardiac pathologies. An additional chord cannot cause such serious manifestations, but can be combined with any diseases and anomalies.

Diagnostic methods

It is impossible to detect additional chords in the heart according to complaints and during a routine medical examination. There is only one reliable method of diagnosis - ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography or ultrasound of the heart).

According to existing standards, this study should be performed on all newborns in the first month of life. The method is safe and reliable. Therefore, all children and adults with an abnormal chord in the heart should undergo an ultrasound of the heart at least once a year. Advanced diagnostics includes electrocardiography (ECG), blood pressure measurement, Holter monitoring, stress testing.

A special device removes and records ECG during the day

All these diagnostic tests cannot detect additional chords of the heart, but determine the functional abilities of this organ.

Treatment (not always necessary)

If additional chords do not appear, no treatment is required. It may be indicated if a child or adult has symptoms of cardiac dysfunction. Seek help from a cardiologist.

Treatment can take place at home (outpatient), and with severe symptoms - in a cardiological hospital. The treatment program includes the following:


About 90% of children and adults with an additional chord in the heart lead a normal life, since this anomaly does not affect either its quality or duration. The remaining 10% require mild or moderate physical activity restrictions and undergo periodic (1-2 times a year) courses of treatment. Complications and life-threatening conditions occur in no more than 1% of patients.

An additional chord in the heart is a pathology that is quite common and is not dangerous. The usual chord is a muscle that connects opposite sides of the left ventricle of the heart, and the additional chord is superfluous and has an atypical structure. Most often it is located in the left ventricle, very rarely - in the right.

Doctors have been studying this anomaly for a long time and eventually came to the conclusion that it does not affect the functioning of the heart and does not pose any danger to life.

Most often, a chord in the heart is found in a child, less often in adults. This is because in a small child's heart, its noises are easier to hear.

There are no symptoms in the chord in the heart. Most often, she discovers by accident, because when listening to the heart, noises come from her. A cardiologist who has heard such heart murmurs is obliged to give a direction to an ECG, on which the presence of a chord is revealed. But it can also turn out to be the so-called false chord in a child, that is, the murmurs in the heart, which most often appear precisely because of it, have another reason.

Additional chord in the heart - causes

The cause of an additional chord in a child is exclusively maternal heredity. Perhaps the mother also has this anomaly, or just some kind of heart disease.

Additional chord in the heart - treatment

Since there is no danger in the chord, it does not need special treatment, but it is still necessary to observe a sparing regimen.

An abnormal chorda in children should not be a problem and should not be considered some kind of terrible disease. A child with an extra chord can be completely healthy and live to old age without even knowing what heart problems are. The main thing is not to panic, but follow the regimen and regularly see a doctor. And remember that an additional chord is not considered a disease and many doctors even recognized it, so to speak, as a normal deviation from the norm.


An additional chord of the left ventricle is diagnosed by the results of an ultrasound of the heart. This pathology is an autosomal disease associated with the dominant nature of the course. An anomaly of this type belongs to the category of small ones. According to doctors, it does not require treatment and may even be the norm to some extent. The danger is an additional chord in the right ventricle of the heart. In the case of such a pathology, treatment and constant monitoring by a specialist is required.

Additional chord in a child - what is it?

The specificity of the formation of this pathology is associated with a failure in the formation and development of the connective tissue of the heart muscle during pregnancy. So the embryonic period of the development of the heart in a child, the muscle is pierced by several threads.

In the normal state, the notochord in children is a muscle connecting the sides of the left ventricle of the heart. With abnormal development, additional chords with an atypical structure appear.
The older the child becomes, the less impact additional chords have on his lifestyle. Gradually, the heart grows, and abnormal formations are displaced.

Identified additional chords of the left ventricle in newborns require constant patronage during the first six months of a child's life, then up to a year and a half the child is registered with a cardiologist. Then the heart is subjected to follow-up examinations at the age of 3 and 7 years, when it becomes necessary to determine the health group before entering kindergarten and school, respectively.

Reasons for education

The vast majority of cases of the appearance of an additional chord of the left ventricle is a hereditary predisposition. The pathology is transmitted through the maternal line. For this reason, if a woman is aware of her anomaly in the development of the heart cavity, then after the birth of a child, she needs to worry about an additional examination of the child in order to study the work of the heart.

Many experts agree that there are a number of factors that can provoke the formation of such an anomaly during pregnancy:

  • bad habits, especially smoking;
  • difficult environmental situation;
  • stress;
  • unbalanced or insufficient nutrition;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • weak immune system of the mother.

The action of these factors can lead to pathological changes in the formation of not only the fetal heart, but also other organs and systems, so the expectant mother must take care of their maximum exclusion in advance.


Directly at the reception, the doctor conducts a conversation, a visual examination and listens to the heart. Some experts argue that in the presence of an additional chord of the left ventricle, specific noises can be heard. However, only ultrasound can give a true picture. Even an experienced doctor must first give a referral for an ultrasound examination, and only based on its results make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Carrying out ultrasound in children has a number of its own characteristics. Only starting from the age of 6 can one count on an adequate perception of the examination situation by the child. Therefore, one of the parents or close people accompanies the child during the ultrasound. The office must be equipped with toys and take into account the age characteristics of patients. Young children, and even more so newborns, should not take off all their clothes, it is enough to expose the chest to access the necessary area.

Modern ultrasound examination includes 2 procedures. The first is called echocardiography. With its help, it is possible to examine the structure of the heart with maximum accuracy and characterize hemodynamics. In addition, echocardiography allows you to calculate most of the functions of the heart. The second cardiac ultrasound procedure is represented by a Doppler study of intracardiac hemodynamics.

To date, ultrasound of the heart is performed in two-dimensional space, which makes it possible to assess dynamic changes in real time. Ideally, the study is carried out with the patient lying on his back. However, in the case of small children, this is difficult to achieve, so you can put the child on the right side, stand up or sit down. The main thing is to achieve a calm position, but do not forget about the subsequent correction of the results depending on the examination posture.

The study is carried out through the anterior wall of the chest, on the left side of the sternum. In this area, the heart is as open as possible. The installation of the sensor depends on the age of the child, the smaller it is, the higher the device is installed. In the case of newborns, the sensor can be placed directly on the sternum. To identify an additional chord of the left ventricle, a four-chamber position is usually connected, in which the abnormal areas look like linear formations.

The examination procedure, as well as the interpretation of the results, takes about 40 minutes. Ultrasound of the heart allows you to assess the condition of the chambers, the size, as well as the integrity of the organ and its structures, the characteristics of blood circulation, the specifics of the pericardial sac and the characteristics of the fluid. All indicators are significant. They may indicate not only the presence of an abnormal appearance of an additional chord, but also concomitant heart diseases.


The symptoms of the disease are rather poor. For many years, a person may not know about the presence of such a pathology. As a rule, signs of an additional chord of the left ventricle appear if its location interferes with the work of the heart or the pathology is multiple. So the main symptoms of the anomaly are reduced to the following manifestations:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • bouts of dizziness up to fainting;
  • pain sensations of varying intensity in the region of the heart;
  • tachycardia;
  • heart rhythm failures;
  • frequent mood swings.

Particular attention should be paid to arrhythmia. If it occurs, additional examinations will be required. If the heart rhythm failures are associated only with an additional chord, then the diagnosis may sound like "hemodynamically insignificant", but the causes may be more serious and require treatment at a different level. In general, the prognosis of the disease is favorable and, with well-designed treatment, it can minimize harm to health.

Prevention and treatment

An additional pathological chord of the left ventricle, as a rule, does not require medical treatment in the traditional view. In such a situation, the doctor can only prescribe a regular visit to a specialist, and an ultrasound of the heart in order to track the dynamics of possible changes.

In the event that the patient is concerned about unpleasant symptoms from the cardiovascular system, then the following can be prescribed:

  • vitamin therapy, mainly with B vitamins;
  • preparations of magnesium and potassium;
  • antioxidants;
  • nootropics.

Preparations are dosed according to an individual scheme and only by a specialist!

A number of rules should be noted as the main measures of prevention and life activity when making a diagnosis. With their observance, you can maintain well-being at the proper level and avoid possible complications:

  • carry out regular hardening procedures depending on the degree of preparedness of the body;
  • eat rationally, including as many vitamins and microelements as possible in your diet;
  • allocate enough time daily for walks in the fresh air (at least an hour);
  • observe sleep / wakefulness, rest / work;
  • include in the regime of the day feasible physical activity.

Modern scientists in the field of medical science have brought out several useful activities for people with the described pathology:

  • engage in dances in which the rhythm is quite slow;
  • learn and put into practice combat exercises;
  • install the Swedish wall and do some exercises on it;
  • jump rope;
  • run short distances
  • regularly undergo massage courses;
  • take care of your psycho-emotional state.

All these procedures have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, as well as normalize the functions of the nervous system, improve mood and generally tone the body. Each person is able to take preventive measures independently, but under the supervision of the attending physician. It is he who can set the quantity and quality of physical activity and adjust the patient's daily regimen. The main recommendation is regular examination by a doctor.


Already in the early stages of pregnancy with the help of ultrasound, you can hear how the heart beats in the fetus. This vital organ is laid down one of the first. In the prenatal state, the child is extremely susceptible to many negative factors, and it is during this period that the pathological development of the heart cavity is possible, including the formation of a pathological chord in the left ventricle.

To date, experts classify this disease as a minor anomaly and urge not to panic when making such a diagnosis. Such an abnormal formation does not have a special effect on the function of the heart and does not require specific drug treatment. However, you should constantly monitor your health, undergo an ultrasound examination and visit a specialist.

Heart in a child and an adult: structural features

This organ has 4 chambers - the left and right atrium and, accordingly, the left and right ventricles.

Normally, blood circulates from the atria to the ventricles. The movement of blood in one direction is regulated by the heart valves, which close/open according to heart contractions.

The mobility and flexibility of the valves are provided by peculiar springs - tendon threads - chords. The latter alternately contract, pulling the valve and passing blood to the ventricle, and then relax, their valves close and the blood is not thrown back.

However, it increasingly happens that during the period of intrauterine development, one or several additional (false) chords are formed in the organ at once.

They are a connective tissue formation. It is worth noting that more often the false chord is localized in the left ventricle of the heart in a child. In the vast majority of cases, these formations do not lead to an increase in hemodynamic load, that is, they do not impair the function of the heart. In medicine, such a disease is referred to as minor anomalies of the organ.

Chords are classified into longitudinal, transverse and diagonal, depending on their location. Diagonal and longitudinal ones do not disrupt the blood flow in the organ, however, transverse ones can impede this process, creating obstacles, which, accordingly, affects the work of the myocardium - the heart muscle. In some cases, transverse filaments can provoke heart rhythm disturbances in adulthood (short PQ syndrome, SVC syndrome).

Causes of the appearance of a chord in the heart of a child

The main provoking factors include hereditary predisposition. If
one of the parents has pathologies of the cardiovascular system, there is a high probability of developing one or more anomalies in the offspring, for example, false chords, mitral valve prolapse, an open oval window. In addition, external negative effects, mutagenic causes (drugs, alcohol, smoking during pregnancy), especially when laying connective tissues, that is, at 5-6 weeks after conception, are not excluded.

Additional (false) chord of the heart in a child: symptoms

If there is only one pathology, then there is a high probability that it will not manifest itself in any way throughout life. The first suspicions arise from doctors in the presence of systolic murmurs in the heart during listening. It should be noted that in the vast majority of cases, pathology is diagnosed in the period from newborn to 3 years of age. It is to this that this pathology is also called the disease of the newborn.

The incidence rate is due to the fact that now all children who have reached the first month of life need to undergo a planned ECHO-KG - an ultrasound examination of the heart in order to exclude congenital malformations.

When children get older, during the period of intensive growth of the musculoskeletal system, there is a delay in the development of internal organs. As a result, the load on the heart increases, which is manifested by pain, fatigue, palpitations, weakness, dizziness, psycho-emotional instability. Rhythm disturbances are less common. Most often, these symptoms occur in adolescence and can accompany a person throughout life.

If the false chord located in the child's heart is not alone, then the doctor must remember that there are connective tissues in other internal organs.

Accordingly, the symptoms can also be expressed through a violation of the function of those. In such a situation, connective tissue dysplasia occurs.

Pathology is manifested by changes in the skeleton (deformity of the limbs, dysfunction of the muscles, scoliosis), the framework of the tracheobronchial tree, the digestive organs (hernia of the diaphragm, gastroesophageal reflux, deformation / bending of the gallbladder), urinary organs (omission of the kidney, expansion of the ureter or renal pelvis), etc. e. When there are multiple chords not only in the left ventricle, but also abnormalities are found in other organs, we can say that the connective tissue is poorly developed throughout the body.

It can be said that only a pediatrician, a cardiologist and a number of other highly specialized specialists will be able to decide whether it is an independent disease or a general lesion of the body. If the chord is an independent pathology, then the symptoms are usually absent. Otherwise, when the whole organism is affected, this manifests itself in violations of other organs and systems. Such children need to be examined very carefully and comprehensively.

How is an extra chord diagnosed?

Identification of the disease involves several procedures:

  1. Clinical examination, including auscultation (listening) of the child. In the presence of pathology
    systolic murmurs are heard;
  2. ECHO-KG - ultrasound examination of the heart - the most effective method of examination;
  3. If necessary, an ECG is prescribed, which can be performed with or without exercise in order to exclude cardiac arrhythmias;
  4. Daily ECG monitoring;
  5. Bicycle ergometry - stress tests.

How is a false chord treated?

If the child is not worried about anything, there is no need for drug therapy. It is only necessary to periodically visit a cardiologist and undergo an echographic examination and an ECG at least once a year.

Otherwise, when unpleasant symptoms occur, it is necessary to prescribe the appropriate drugs:

  1. To improve the nutrition of the heart muscle, vitamins B1, B2 (riboflavin), PP (nicotinic acid), lipoic acid are required. Vitamin therapy is carried out in courses that last at least a month. In addition, the intake of such drugs should be carried out at least 2 times a year;
  2. To improve the processes of conducting an electrical impulse in the myocardium, magnesium and
    potassium. For example, "Magne B6" (a combination of magnesium citrate and vitamin B6) is drunk in a course of one month, but the drug is contraindicated until the age of 6. After reaching the age of 18, they can prescribe Magnerot (magnesium orotate), which they drink for 3-4 weeks. Potassium orotate is taken according to the age dosage for 3-5 weeks. "Panangin" is prescribed for a whole month, but its safety for children has not been proven;
  3. To improve metabolic processes in cells, antioxidants are required: Cytochrome C, L-carnitine preparations and the like;
  4. If there are signs of neurocirculatory dystonia, nootropic agents are required, for example, Nootropil, Piracetam.

Necessarily in the complex of treatment, as well as for the purpose of prevention, it is required to strengthen the body.
Parents of newborns with such an anomaly should make efforts so that the pathology does not make itself felt. To do this, it is necessary to harden, eat rationally and balanced, often be in the fresh air, observe a regimen of activity and rest, play sports (gymnastics, dancing).

If, with multiple lesions or a transverse chord, any disorders develop in the ventricle (for example, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, extrasystole, various syndromes, etc.), which can be life-threatening, hospitalization is required. In the hospital, a more thorough and comprehensive examination is carried out and, based on its results, treatment can begin.

Newborn heart threshold

  • Why do additional chords appear?
  • What are the symptoms of this defect?
  • How to treat cardiac anomalies?
  • What are the ways to prevent this heart disease?

An accessory chorda of the left ventricle is a diagnosis that can only be made with ultrasound (ultrasound). Neither on the ECG nor when listening to detect it is impossible. Sometimes it is discovered by chance during the examination. But if the cardiologist hears a heart murmur, then it can be assumed that the reason for this is an additional chord in the cavity.

There are several chords in the human body. Their function is to prevent the valve from flexing during the contraction of the heart and to keep the blood at this time. Chords are a kind of springs with different muscle structures. In some people, in addition to the required number of chords, an additional chord may be observed.

During the examination, doctors establish the classification of such a pathology. This is to determine if a person needs special treatment. And if it concerns a child, then what should parents do to provide him with the necessary living conditions with such violations in the heart.

Do not think that such a pathology limits the lives of people. Thousands of patients live with such a diagnosis, while their possibilities are almost the same as those of the healthy part of the world's population.

Why do additional chords appear?

Cardiovascular disease can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathology refers to diseases that begin to form even in the womb. Prerequisites for this may be such phenomena as:

  • bad ecology;
  • stress during pregnancy;
  • heredity;
  • lack of proper nutrition;
  • infection of the fetus;
  • weak immunity of the expectant mother;
  • smoking during pregnancy.

Cardiac pathologies most often develop in children whose mothers suffer from various infectious diseases.

Acquired diseases include those diseases that develop through late diagnosis, improper treatment, alcohol abuse, drugs, obesity. It can be of various etiologies. The danger of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the symptoms may not appear at first. This applies, for example, to additional chords.

The reasons for the appearance of such chords are a hereditary factor. Usually, the child inherits the disease from the mother, who may not be aware that she has a heart defect. The disease is rarely transmitted from the father. False chords of the left ventricle are found in newborns. But they do not affect the work of the heart in any way, and no special treatment is required. With the age and development of the baby, the notochord can stretch and nestle against the wall of the ventricle.

This disease is not dangerous, it is like small threads in the heart. Physicians attribute such a defect to the group of small anomalies of the heart, and in some cases this is considered the norm. But such a formation in the right ventricle threatens with negative consequences without proper treatment.

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What are the symptoms of this defect?

An abnormal chorda of the left ventricle may not be detected for many years, because there are no special symptoms. Babies may have a heart murmur when listening. In this case, the heart works naturally without any serious disturbances. But the clinical picture largely depends on the number and location of the chords.

In the presence of a chord of the left ventricle of the heart, a systolic murmur is heard in the left side of the sternum between the 3rd-4th rib. If there are many such formations, the heart rhythm may be disturbed. The patient may experience extrasystole or rapid heart rate (paroxysmal tachycardia). Violated hemodynamics and diastolic function of the heart. In a child, many chords can manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • fast fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • heart palpitations;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • psycho-emotional instability.

With arrhythmia caused by this pathology, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination. Ultrasound, ECG, daily monitoring are prescribed. When fibrous strands, called chords, are found, the diagnosis may sound like "hemodynamically insignificant", which means the anomaly is safe. Therefore, you can not worry and listen to your heart. There are no symptoms.

If the doctor talks about a hemodynamically significant diagnosis, then this implies disorders that need to be monitored by a cardiologist. If necessary, treatment is prescribed.

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How to treat cardiac anomalies?

Defects in the heart associated with the presence of one chord, have 70% of patients, and 30% of patients have several of them. They may be:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • diagonal.

With age, the chords tend to change their direction. Therefore, the supervision of a cardiologist and regular examinations are required.

With an additional chord in the left ventricle, no treatment is required, much less surgical intervention. If this cardiac anomaly is found in a child, this does not mean that he is disabled and should be protected from everything. Children with this diagnosis can continue to lead a normal life.

The presence of a chord in the left ventricle requires a balanced diet and a proper daily routine. The diet of the child should include foods rich in potassium, calcium and especially magnesium. It is not recommended to overload the child. Sleep should be at least 8 hours. It would be good to avoid nervous strains.

If a patient with LVH (extra chord of the left ventricle) has the complaints and symptoms described above, medications are prescribed: B vitamins, antioxidants and nootropic drugs for neurocicular dystonia.

Such treatment is prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. The time of such complex therapy takes at least a month.

The prognosis for chords in the left ventricle is favorable, especially if patients follow the recommendations of doctors.

Surgical intervention is necessary only if the abnormally located chord includes bundles of the myocardial system. In this case, it is excised.

Periodic stabbing pains in the region of the heart, sensations of interruptions in its work. Who hasn't experienced these symptoms? Few people do not understand what is at stake. When addressing the listed complaints to the doctor, most often a person receives a recommendation, in addition to the ECG, to undergo echocardiography.

Of course, the study may reveal a gross pathology, for example, a decrease in wall contractility or heart defects. But often, especially in children and young people, in conclusion they make a diagnosis: an additional chord (EC). Many questions immediately arise, since the term is little known. The article will tell you what an additional chord means, about the reasons for its development, about symptoms, treatment and methods of diagnosis and prevention.

A bit of anatomy

The heart is divided into 4 chambers: 2 ventricles, 2 atria. The right chambers are separated by the tricuspid valve, the left by the mitral valve. Their work is controlled by papillary (papillary) muscles. True chords originate from them. At the other end, they are attached to the flaps of the valves mentioned above.

Normally, blood flows through the veins into the atria, then into the ventricles. During the contraction of the latter, blood must flow into the aorta and pulmonary trunk. The valves block her way back to the atria. True chords prevent the cusps from bending into the atrial cavity, keeping them closed.


Chords are connective tissue threads attached at one end to the papillary muscle, and at the other to the valve leaflet. And what does "additional chords of the ventricle" mean? The false notochord also originates from the papillary muscle, but can be attached to all structures except the valve.

Throughout the world, an additional chord of the ventricle refers to minor developmental anomalies. Recently, however, many experts agree on the need to revise the classification. This is mainly due to the high prevalence of the diagnosis among the population.

Falshhordas are most often detected by chance during medical examinations and are most often found in children. If the doctor does not like the results of the ECG, or he listened to the heart murmur, then the patient is sent for an echocardiographic study to determine their causes. Noises and ECG changes can be caused by dozens of different heart pathologies. And the additional chord is the most insignificant among them.

Causes of occurrence.

In the medical community, it is generally accepted that genetic predisposition is the main reason for the appearance of additional chords. This feature of development is inherited from the mother. But external factors affecting the fetus through the body of a pregnant woman should not be discounted:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • taking drugs;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • stressful situations;
  • uncontrolled medication.

It must be remembered that all of the above leads not only to the formation of additional chords, but also to much more serious consequences. These are fetal malformations that are incompatible with life or seriously impair its quality.


False chords are divided into several categories:

  • tissue structure: fibrous, muscular, fibromuscular;
  • location in the heart: in the right or left ventricle;
  • fiber direction: transverse, longitudinal, diagonal;
  • number of false chords: single and multiple;
  • attachment site: basal, median, apical.

Falshchords are also classified in relation to other structures into 3 types:


An additional chord in the ventricular cavity often does not manifest itself clinically. A person does not complain about anything and does not even think about his health. The only thing that a false chord can give itself away is systolic (in the phase of muscle contraction) heart murmur. The absence of symptoms is typical for relatively calm periods of development of the child or for adults.

However, during the rapid growth of the body, especially during adolescence, as well as with multiple additional chords, it can cause more significant changes in hemodynamics. The heart murmur will be louder. Symptoms can include:

  • general weakness;
  • fast fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • stitching pains in the region of the heart;
  • feeling interruptions in his work;
  • increased heart rate.

The body needs to rebuild, so there are some hemodynamic disturbances. After overcoming the described stage of development, the symptoms may disappear, rarely remain for life.

It is extremely rare for a false chord to contain pathological pathways that conduct impulses. This is how life-threatening arrhythmias develop (paroxysmal tachycardia, SVC and Morgagni-Adam-Stokes syndromes).


When a person is diagnosed with a severe diagnosis, false chords can aggravate the patient's condition. For example, if infectious myocarditis initially develops on the valves, then colonies may develop on the DC. In this case, the risks of detachment of vegetations (bacterial growths) increase with subsequent entry into the general circulation and blockage of the arteries.

Similar processes occur in myocardial infarction. Due to the reduced work of the heart, the rate of blood flow in the cavities slows down. Due to the presence of false chords, especially multiple ones, the risk of blood clots increases.


The examination of the patient always begins with an examination. Often, the diagnosis of CD is made together with connective tissue dysplasia. In this case, the patient reveals too high growth, lean physique, frequent dislocations of the joints, their increased mobility.

An important step in the diagnosis is listening to heart tones and identifying. If such an important sign is detected, the patient is sent for electrocardiography.

The method shows the electrical activity of the heart. Recording an ECG in the presence of DH can reveal various cardiac arrhythmias: from extrasystoles to paroxysmal tachycardia. If the results are doubtful, the doctor may prescribe a long-term ECG recording (Holter monitoring) or an ECG with physical activity (bicycle ergometry, treadmill test).

Without fail, the patient with a heart murmur is sent for echocardiography. allows you to examine the structure of the heart, evaluate its work, detect and describe false chords. The speed of blood flow through each valve, the presence of turbulence in the cavities, how the heart muscle relaxes and contracts - all this helps the doctor to judge the function of the heart, the possibility of the effect of CD on hemodynamics.

Used last. This is the most reliable way to identify the mechanisms of rhythm disturbances. It can be invasive (from inside the heart) or non-invasive (through the esophagus). In both cases, an ECG is recorded at rest and during diagnostic stimulation.

Thus, additional conduction pathways are revealed, which may also be in the HH. All methods together give the doctor a complete picture of the disease, on the basis of which he decides on the further management of the patient.


Let's say the doctor diagnosed the patient with "additional chord of the left ventricle." This means that she is alone and you should not be afraid of her. Especially if the person is not experiencing any symptoms. In addition, most of the medical community considers a hemodynamically insignificant false chord to be a variant of the norm, and it does not require treatment. However, it is still worth watching her and undergoing an ECG and ECHO-KG once a year, not more often.

If the symptoms bother the patient, then drug therapy is prescribed. It is mainly restorative and calming in nature:

  • Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 improve the processes of nervous regulation.
  • Preparations with magnesium and potassium in the composition contribute to the stabilization of vascular tone and neuromuscular transmission.
  • Nootropics increase the body's resistance to physical stress, accelerate cognitive, that is, mental processes in the brain. Antioxidants improve metabolism in the heart.

In the presence of severe arrhythmias and hemodynamics, the doctor prescribes more serious drugs that restore the correct sinus rhythm.

With the development of life-threatening arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, premature ventricular contraction syndromes), urgent hospitalization is necessary. If such conditions recur, and according to the results of examinations (EPS), it turns out that the false chord is the cause of everything, then it is necessary to consider surgical treatment options: cryodestruction (cold destruction) or dissection of an additional chord.

An auxiliary method of therapy is to maintain the most healthy lifestyle. In order not to think about the disease, it is enough to follow the following recommendations daily:

  • walk outdoors in the park, outside the city for at least an hour;
  • exercise regularly;
  • eating vegetables and fruits;
  • reduce the amount of "fast carbohydrates" eaten: sweets, bakery products;
  • cessation of smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • go to bed before 22:00, because it is until midnight that the body rests as efficiently as possible;
  • sleep duration 7-8 hours and more;
  • keep a positive attitude and smile more.

These measures are not only a method of treatment, but also contribute to the prevention of the development of other diseases. By following simple tips, you can seriously improve your well-being and forget about all the sores.


Once diagnosed, people wonder if an extra chord is dangerous. The prognosis of the disease in the vast majority of cases is favorable, but under one important condition. A person should not feel symptoms that worsen his well-being. If the patient has a clinic of severe arrhythmias, the prognosis is somewhat worse. But even in this case, the pathology is treated. The main thing is to identify it in time.

After identifying an additional chord (false) in their baby, parents can hardly keep calm. They begin to read various literature, look for medical institutions and consult with pediatric cardiologists. In this situation, the child also has a difficult time. Previously, he lived quietly and explored the world around him, but now he has to visit doctors often and take many tests.

Chordae are thin muscles that connect opposite sides of the ventricle of the heart. During the next pulsation, the valve in the heart bends a little and, without opening, holds back the blood until a certain point. It is the chords that hold the heart in this position. Chords can form during pregnancy, when the baby's heart is not yet fully formed and continues to develop. This happens in 35% of cases. An additional chord is a special connecting formation, which is superfluous and has a non-standard structure. In most cases, the notochord is found in the left ventricle of the heart. Although rare, it is also found in the right ventricle. Experts studied this unusual phenomenon for a long time and came to the conclusion that the chord does not interfere with the work of the heart, does not declare itself, and its presence is not life-threatening. The chord is found quite by accident.

Doctors consider an additional chord to be a genetic disease inherited by the fetus through the mother. Although another chord is considered an anomaly, it does not adversely affect other important organs. The help of medicine in this case consists in constant monitoring and consultations of specialists.

Previously, there were few cases of this anomaly. Apparently, the reason for this was the inability of the equipment to provide accurate survey results. In recent years, the quality of equipment has improved significantly, so the anomaly in newborns began to be recorded much more often.

The work of a child's heart

Very often, the cause of the abnormal appearance of a chord in the ventricle is heredity. If the mother has diseases of the cardiac system, there is a high probability of the fetus getting one or more pathologies. In addition to another chord, other pathologies of the heart often develop. In addition, abnormal formation can occur for a number of other reasons. The latter include the environmental situation, pregnant women taking tobacco, alcohol and drugs, constant stress, etc.


In a child, the notochord can exist for years, and no one will know about it. She has no functional load, the pathology is not accompanied by certain symptoms, so the children's heart works in a normal rhythm. Are there ways to suspect it in a newborn? The main method of determination is by systolic murmur, determined between the third and fourth ribs. Even with her, the child will develop completely normally.

In the case of a false chord, the child experiences dizziness

However, in case of too intensive development, the development of the musculoskeletal system faster than the internal organs, the cardiac load will increase. Now the chord often makes itself known for the first time. Signs of pathology are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • increased causeless fatigue;
  • frequent changes in mental and emotional state;
  • pain in the heart;
  • frequent change in heart rate.

Diagnosis in case of suspected anomaly

In the case of certain suspicions of an anomaly in the heart, the diagnosis is as follows:

  • listening to the child by a pediatrician using a simple stethoscope, using the device it is possible to hear systolic murmurs;

Also, the doctor usually prescribes to the child:

  • electrocardiogram (ECG without load and with load);
  • daily monitoring of the electrocardiogram (continuous ECG recording for 24 hours or more);
  • bicycle ergometry.

Diagnosis of cardiac anomalies in a child is carried out using an ECG

The doctor decides on the need for a specific examination during the examination.

Methods of treatment

If the child does not show signs of a problem, heart medication is not required. It is enough to constantly be observed by a doctor and conduct an echographic examination along with an ECG.

Treatment of an anomaly with the use of medications is advisable if its symptoms appear.

The doctor prescribes vitamins to further enrich the heart with nutrients, and products containing magnesium and potassium (Magne B6, Magnerot, Panangin and others) to normalize the repolarization process.

Vitamins and medicines are taken only on prescription.

Certain treatment prescribed by a doctor to a child should be carried out together with health and preventive measures. Parents need to ensure that he eats properly, tempers, spends more time in the fresh air, rests after an active time, goes in for sports with physical activity corresponding to his state of health.

Quite rarely, the structure of the chord is combined with the nervousness of the heart, such a pathology negatively affects its work. The only treatment in this case is surgery (destruction by cold or cutting off).

Not a sentence

Having found this chord in a child’s heart, you should not consider it a very terrible disease. He can be healthy and live long enough without even knowing about it. No need to panic for no reason, but just see a doctor and follow simple preventive measures:

  • compliance with the regime of activity and rest;
  • proper nutrition;
  • Healing Fitness;
  • hardening;
  • being outdoors;
  • ensuring proper sleep;
  • prevention of frequent and severe stress;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • taking medications only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • playing sports only after consulting a doctor.

Parents do not need to protect the child from everything, do not treat him as if he is disabled, otherwise they will aggravate the process of socialization. If he, like all normal children, attends a kindergarten, communicates with peers, engages in sports that are appropriate for his health, he will be able to adapt to society more easily and feel healthy in it.

The heart is an organ whose functional purpose is to pump blood and ensure its circulation throughout the body. The main trigger mechanism for transporting blood through the vessels is the heart muscle, which, in turn, activates the valves that allow the inlet and outlet of blood.

Carefully examining the structure of the heart, one can notice fairly strong tendon threads that hold the valves, not allowing them to sag. These "threads" in medicine are called chords.

If the doctor visualizes one chord attached to the valve leaflet, no anomalies are involved. If there is an additional chord in the heart valve, cardiologists declare the anatomical features of the structure of the heart. At the same time, doctors do not sound the alarm, since the extra chord is not considered from the perspective of a pathological anomaly.

Additional chord - what is it

The human heart is characterized by a four-chamber structure, in which two ventricles are symmetrically located relative to the two atria. The chords pull the valves towards themselves, allowing the blood to move. As soon as the chords weaken, the valve closes, preventing the blood from returning back.

However, in some cases, additional chords can be determined in the heart, which do not participate at all in the process of pumping blood. It is for this reason that they are called not only additional, but also false chords in the heart. What it is - most modern people misunderstand, respectively, they panic, only after hearing such a diagnosis, without understanding the specific situation. Parents are especially anxious when pediatricians and cardiologists confidently declare an abnormal chord in the baby's heart. Parents strive to get the maximum amount of useful information, based on which it would be possible to figure out whether an additional chord is dangerous, what treatment should be carried out.

By the way, even four decades ago, false chords were determined during an autopsy. Throughout their lives, such people did not complain at all about their health, did not experience any unpleasant symptoms from the cardiovascular system.

At present, due to the rapid development of the diagnostic branch of medicine, the emergence of new unique diagnostic equipment, doctors can easily identify a false chord, assess the possible risk that may accompany it, and also determine how much treatment is necessary.

Patients who are "pleased" with such a diagnosis should by no means fall into despair. First of all, they should visit a cardiologist, who will not only tell how many chords are in a person’s heart, but also tell where the abnormal chord is located, what problems it can provoke under certain circumstances later.

Quite often, cardiologists inform patients that such abnormal chords are not capable of causing functional failures, which means that a person can live with them all his life without experiencing any problems. In such cases, no treatment is carried out, patients are only recommended to undergo periodic preventive examinations.

Causes of pathological formation

At the moment, an additional chord is determined more often in the heart of a child. Often pediatricians, listening to the heartbeat, notice. To establish what provokes such noises, the baby is sent for diagnostics, during which it is possible to visualize the abnormal chord.

An additional chord is formed during fetal development. The main reasons considered are:

  • hereditary factor (if either mom or dad also has such a chord);
  • an unfavorable factor (if during pregnancy the mother abused alcohol, smoked, used toxic substances, was exposed to chronic or infectious diseases);
  • genetic factor (when chromosomes and genes have undergone a pathological mutation).

The following can also affect the occurrence of an abnormal chord:

  • malnutrition (when foods with an excessive content of animal fat are eaten);
  • heavy loads (when a pregnant woman has to carry heavy objects);
  • living in an area characterized by an increased level of pollution;
  • frequent stay of a pregnant woman in stressful situations;
  • decrease in immunity.

Doctors, having carefully studied the history and diagnostic results, will be able to inform patients why an extra chord has formed, what are the main reasons for such an abnormal feature.

Symptoms of the pathological phenomenon

It is possible to suspect the presence of an abnormal chord in the heart only if some external signs begin to appear. In other cases, the abnormal structure is determined not only in a child, but also in an adult during an ultrasound examination.

If the child began to complain about the rapid onset of fatigue, the parents began to notice that the child's endurance level had decreased excessively, it is important not to speculate theoretically what caused such changes, but to go to the hospital for medical help.

Adult patients often complain of pain that occurs in the region of the heart. They also experience headaches, observe their heart palpitations. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a cardiologist.

Diagnosis and treatment

Unfortunately, in the age of information technology, free access to various Internet resources can play a “cruel” joke when, by identifying certain symptoms, a person rejects the need to visit a clinic, and develops a self-treatment scheme for himself. This is an addiction that can provoke extremely undesirable consequences. Unfortunately, too late seeking medical help reduces the level of effectiveness of both drug therapy and surgical treatment.

Examination for suspected additional chord

To identify an extra chord in the child's heart, the doctor carefully listens to heart rhythms with a stethoscope. If such an abnormal structure is observed, the doctor will definitely hear extraneous noises.

In this case, the pediatrician collects information regarding the general well-being of the baby, his level of mobility, endurance. If the suspicion is confirmed by the listed symptoms, the patient is referred for instrumental diagnostics:

  • (not only the presence of an anomalous chord is determined, but also its location is visualized, it is specified to which category it belongs);
  • blood pressure tracking;
  • conducting an ECG after exercise;
  • Holter monitoring.

As a result of a comprehensive diagnostic examination, it is possible not only to identify extra chords of the heart, but also to establish the level of functioning of the heart.

Treatment of the disease

The cardiologist can offer parents only to bring the child for preventive examinations, while no special treatment is prescribed. Indeed, such an approach is possible if the second (extra) chord does not adversely affect the functioning of the heart.

If the cardiologist observes even the slightest negative effect of the abnormal chord on the performance of the heart muscle, he prescribes medication that involves taking:

  • vitamins;
  • metabolic drugs;
  • beta-blockers for palpitations;
  • with increased swelling;
  • nootropic drugs for the normalization of the nervous system.

In dangerous situations, a decision may be made to perform a surgical operation involving the removal of an abnormal chord. Such surgery is performed when the chord provokes a dangerous failure in the normal distribution of blood or severe heart rhythm disturbances.

Cardiologists may recommend using alternative therapy. In particular, it is quite useful to take a handful of raisins on an empty stomach. This "breakfast" helps to strengthen the heart. Valerian, peppermint, calendula flowers normalize the heart rate. Only alternative treatment should also be agreed with the attending physician, manifestations of amateur performance are not allowed.

Possible Complications

If the patient refuses to visit the clinic, resorts to self-treatment, his general well-being will definitely not improve, but, on the contrary, his health may be seriously shaken.

Fortunately, such complications are not common, doctors confirm that only 1% of patients have to experience additional problems due to lack of treatment or its incorrect implementation.

So, if therapy is not carried out when diagnosing a false chord, the failure of the heart rhythm is aggravated, followed by:

  • pulmonary embolism;
  • ischemia;

In the most dangerous situations, death can follow, especially if ventricular fibrillation is observed. It is for this reason that it is necessary to proceed to high-quality treatment, which is carried out by a cardiologist.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis of the patient's condition when a chord of the left ventricle of the heart is detected in him is favorable in most cases. In particular, 90% of patients with such an anomaly lead a normal life.

It is possible to prevent the occurrence of any complications, troubles, if you follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • observe proper nutrition;
  • carry out hardening procedures;
  • plan and strictly observe the daily routine;
  • make ;
  • take walks in the fresh air;
  • give up bad habits;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • allow only physical activity with the recommended level of intensity;
  • perform therapeutic massages.

So, an extra chord is not considered a dangerous disease if the patient follows the recommendations of doctors. In such cases, a person throughout his life may not encounter unpleasant symptoms, allow himself to lead a normal life, without limiting himself in various activities.