What kind of discharge occurs during medical termination of pregnancy? Causes of bleeding

Which discharge after termination of pregnancy should cause concern, and which is normal? What should you do if you suffer from bleeding after an abortion? When do you get your period after an abortion?

What should the discharge be like after a medical termination of pregnancy? These and many other questions often cause panic in women, whereas a simple consultation with a gynecologist would help relieve unnecessary anxiety. If you cannot see a doctor immediately, read this article.

After the abortion procedure, the female body weakens to one degree or another. Decreased immunity and injuries to the internal genital organs create a favorable environment for infections. To prevent complications due to infections, a woman should monitor vaginal discharge as closely as possible during the post-abortion period. They usually appear on the third day after the procedure. It is necessary to immediately sound the alarm if yellow discharge with a strong smell of rot appears. Such discharge indicates a sexually transmitted infection. You need to see a doctor immediately. Timely initiation of treatment increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome and prevention of complications.

Brown and yellow discharge after abortion

Often, brown discharge continues up to 10 days after termination of pregnancy. This is the blood that leaves the uterine cavity, having time to coagulate on the way out. This is a normal condition after an abortion. The consequences of surgical abortion are often light brown discharge. However, sometimes discharge of this nature may indicate the formation of a polyp. Therefore, if you experience pain in the lower abdomen, you must make an appointment with a doctor.

Also similar discharge may indicate serious illness, for example, about endometriosis, which is often a complication after an abortion. Such discharge occurs before and after menstruation. They have a very unpleasant and pungent odor. May be accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Endometritis does not bring much discomfort to the woman herself, but if it is not treated, there is a high probability of miscarriage during a subsequent pregnancy.

Yellow discharge after an abortion indicates the process of reproduction of bacteria such as streptococcus, E. coli, staphylococcus, proteus. These microbes disrupt the microflora and contribute to the development of infectious diseases. Such secretions are typical for trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and these are sexually transmitted diseases that can lead to very serious consequences. If yellow discharge is detected, it is necessary to immediately take a smear for the presence of genital infections.

Bleeding after a miscarriage - is it normal?

Intense bleeding after an abortion, when a woman literally does not have time to change pads, poses a danger to life. Such a case requires urgent hospitalization. The cause of bleeding can be the remains of the fetus in the uterine cavity after an abortion, which interfere with the contraction of blood vessels.

Bloody discharge after medical termination of pregnancy- This is a completely natural process during which the fetus is removed from the uterine cavity. Bleeding after a pharmaceutical abortion can last up to two weeks. If, after two weeks, clots continue to come out, this may indicate that the fetus has not fully come out.

In the case of a surgical abortion, discharge is a necessary condition. They can last up to 10 days after surgery. If there is no bleeding, it means that blood has accumulated in the uterus, and this is extremely dangerous. It is also necessary to go to the hospital if after an abortion the clots are large and come out in parts. In the case of a successful outcome, smearing brown discharge is observed.

Discharge after medical and vacuum abortion

The amount of bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy depends on the duration of pregnancy. The lower it is, the less discharge after an abortion. In the short term, hormonal changes are not yet so strong, so the discharge ends quickly. Heavy bleeding continues for up to 2 days, after which the discharge should become more scanty. This is quite normal, but if this does not happen, consult a doctor!

Bleeding after mini-abortion often accepted by women as menstruation. In fact, these are all the same vessels that are in the process of contraction. The amount of discharge should decrease every day. The opposite situation indicates that something has gone wrong. If the discharge is abundant, then there may be fetal parts left in the uterine cavity. If a few weeks after an abortion, a woman notices yellow or brown discharge, she should consult a doctor. This may indicate the development of endometritis.

When do you get your period after an abortion?

The day of the abortion procedure is the first day of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy is always heavy and this is normal. The next full menstruation after any type of abortion occurs 28-35 days after the procedure. If 35 days have passed and your period has not arrived, you should take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist. Remember that pregnancy can occur within a couple of weeks after an abortion, therefore, in order to normalize hormonal levels and to prevent unwanted pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe the patient to take oral contraceptives.

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Questions and answers on: there is little discharge after a medical abortion

2014-08-14 17:55:48

Dana asks:

I am 28 years old. I had my first medical abortion. Duration 4.5-5 weeks. I took the pills as prescribed and everything was done correctly at the appointed time. But there was no heavy bleeding. There were terrible pains and only after 6 o’clock the bleeding began, even a little less than my usual menstruation. More than a day has passed and the fruit has not come out. I actually don’t know how I’m supposed to understand that it came out, but there were no large clots or anything like that. Is this normal? What should I do? I do not want surgical intervention, and I want to understand whether it will be necessary? Is it possible to do an “underabortion” in this way and what to do in this case.
Thank you

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

You need to immediately contact the doctor who performed the medical abortion. An examination and ultrasound are needed, after which this issue can be resolved taking into account your wishes.

2013-08-09 10:43:01

Daria asks:

Hello! Yesterday I had a medical abortion. Reasons: one year and 2 months. I had a caesarean section back, there was a threat of miscarriage (an ultrasound showed a very soft uterus, surgical abortion can cause uterine perforation., gestational age 3-4 weeks, fertilized egg 12 mm.)
6.08.- at 18.00 I took 3 tablets. Mefiprex in the presence of a doctor at the medical center. For almost two days everything was calm, on August 8 at 11.00 a pinkish discharge began, I called the doctor - she said at 15.00 3 tablets under the tongue. misoprostol, after two hours 2 more. I did everything, after the first tablets I started bleeding with clots, but not profusely (my stomach was tight as during menstruation). After the second tablets, it didn’t change much, but diarrhea started, I drank Linex, everything went away, at 18.30 the temperature rose to 38, I called the doctor, she told me to drink Baralgin and wait. The temperature gradually subsided after two hours. The discharge continued, but not heavy, but like during menstruation. Nothing bothered me at night. In the morning I got up, half-filled the pad, went to the toilet - a little blood with clots came out. And today all day a little comes out, the stomach is just a little bit tight. From today the doctor prescribed Unidox Solutab 1 t. 2 times, Nastatin 1 t. 3 times. Something like this. I’m due for a follow-up ultrasound only on the 19th. I’m afraid that what’s wrong, why is there little discharge? (The doctor said that I just had a short period of time) I thought about going for an ultrasound today, but she said no. What What should I do? Why did my temperature rise yesterday? And is it normal that I was prescribed antibiotics? Thanks in advance!

2011-12-06 08:05:59

Elizabeth asks:

Hello. Help me please. I am 20 years old. I had a medical abortion a month and a half ago (3.5 weeks). It seemed like the fetus came out, everything was fine. My period started right after 2 days. Then they started again two weeks later. After them, 5 days passed, there was interrupted sexual intercourse, almost immediately after it a brown, odorless, painless discharge began. There are very few of them, they are already on the 3rd day. Two or three times a day, not much, but there. Permanent partner. Please tell me. Does this have something to do with abortion, or with sexual intercourse? Could it be that during an abortion, some part of the fetus or tissue remained and is now coming out in this way? Is it dangerous? I am very worried because I want to have a child in a couple of years. Could this lead to infertility?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Hello. After medication interruption, it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity. The pre-seminal fluid may contain 10-21 million. spermatozoa. There may be another unplanned pregnancy. Bloody discharge may last for a long time. You need to wait until your first period. After drug interruption, ultrasound monitoring is required a week later. If you haven't done this, then do it. At the moment you can take tranexate or tranexam 1t. 3 times a day for 3-7 days and be sure to see a doctor. From your period, you need to think about the optimal option for contraception, a medical abortion is a gentle termination of pregnancy, but do not forget that this is an termination of pregnancy and there may also be complications and serious ones and this is not a method of contraception.

2010-04-22 09:34:54

Lina asks:

Hello, I am 20 years old, on February 24 I had a medical abortion, after that I continued to have discharge for 40 days, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little! The doctor prescribed the drug Marvelon, I took it instead of 21 days, 19, after I finished drinking, bleeding resumed again. Please help me, tell me what this might be related to.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Lina! Prolonged bleeding after a medical examination in the vast majority of cases is associated with the development of an inflammatory process in the uterus and appendages - as a complication of abortion. Therefore, the doctor should not just prescribe a hormonal contraceptive, but conduct an examination aimed at identifying the location of the inflammation and its causative agent, after which she should prescribe appropriate treatment. Seek advice from a more experienced physician. Take care of your health!

2010-02-14 18:17:57

Tatiana asks:

Hello! Please help, I have the same problem. I have a child (4 years old). In July 2009, I had a medical abortion, everything went without complications. I took Novinet for 3 months, then I protected myself with Pharmatex suppositories, because due to varicose veins I can’t take pills all the time. In January I became pregnant again, they decided to keep it, but I got the flu and the doctor advised make honey again. abortion. Please tell me how harmful it is to take mifepristone a second time within a year. Now 2 weeks have passed after the abortion, my mammary glands still hurt. It is not possible to do an ultrasound, since I live in a small town. The discharge was only a few days. Tell me, can pain in the mammary glands be an indicator of an incomplete abortion? My stomach does not hurt .

Answers Vengarenko Victoria Anatolevna:

Tatyana, of course, 2 abortions are not good, but this is how it happened, and my breasts hurt and become engorged due to hormonal attacks. It will take time for everything to recover.

2008-08-02 15:18:54

Lena asks:

I am 23 years old. A couple of days ago I turned to the gynecologist, because two weeks after my monthly period I started having bloody discharge again. The doctor prescribed hemostatic drugs and an ultrasound and warned me about a possible pregnancy. she said that the period is less than 4 weeks, so it will be possible to say for sure only after an ultrasound. How can this be? I did not have a delay, but quite the opposite and I always use condoms.
What does abortion mean for me? Is it possible for me to have a medical abortion and how much will it cost? I have blood group 1 Rhesus negative, my partner has 3rd positive.

Answers Zhegulovich Yuri Vladimirovich:

Good afternoon, Lena! In your situation, pregnancy is unlikely (more like dysfunctional uterine bleeding), but still possible (especially if the condom was put on before the onset of intercourse, that is, there were partially unprotected intercourse). Before talking about the possibility of an abortion, it is necessary to confirm the presence of pregnancy: pregnancy test, blood and / or urine test for hCG, ultrasound of the pelvic organs. If the pregnancy is confirmed, its localization will be uterine, you can be examined for an abortion and choose the method of its implementation. By the way, why abortion? Is pregnancy so undesirable? The fact is that you and your partner have a mismatch in Rh and blood type. And if the first pregnancy has every chance of ending safely (since you previously had no contact with other people's group and Rhesus), then in subsequent pregnancies there is a high probability of developing both Rhesus and group conflict. Especially if anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is not administered after an abortion. But it is, of course, up to you to decide.

Abortion is a serious health stress, which is accompanied by a number of associated disruptions in the body. The most indicative of them is discharge. This physiological process allows us to understand how well a woman recovers after an artificial termination of pregnancy, and, accordingly, it is very important to know which discharge is a normal reaction of the body, and which is a pathology that requires urgent medical attention.

What determines the nature of discharge after an abortion?

Artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion), regardless of the technique used, involves the removal of the fertilized egg from the uterus. This process is accompanied by damage to the blood vessels of its walls, which means bleeding.
Abortion is severe stress for a woman’s physiological health and serious psychological trauma.

The duration and nature of the discharge depend on:

  • term of termination of pregnancy (the longer the term, the heavier the bleeding);
  • blood clotting indicators;
  • age and psychophysiological state of the woman;
  • a history of gynecological diseases (especially benign formations - polyps, fibroids);
  • the number of abortions suffered (if artificial termination of pregnancy was done more than once, the bleeding may be stronger, especially after surgery);
  • the professional skill of the gynecologist and the conditions of the operation (if we are talking about a vacuum or surgical abortion).

And yet the most significant thing is the method by which the pregnancy is terminated.

Medical abortion

The essence of this method of removing the fertilized egg is that for a period of up to 7 weeks (ideally up to 4 weeks), by taking hormonal pills, a malnutrition of the fetus is provoked, causing its rejection from the uterine cavity. With such an abortion, bleeding is an artificially induced menstruation. And the shorter the period for which pharmabortion is carried out, the more the discharge will resemble normal menstruation, since changes in hormonal levels will be small.
Medical abortion is considered the most gentle way to terminate a pregnancy, but is also accompanied by discharge

This is interesting. A pharmaceutical abortion is carried out in two stages: first, the woman takes a drug containing mifepristone, which provokes detachment of the fertilized egg from the uterus, and then tablets with synthetic substances - prostaglandins, which promote contraction of the uterus to remove the embryo. In 60% of cases, a dose of mifepristone is sufficient to cause a miscarriage.

Norm for discharge

Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy usually begins on the 1st–2nd day (sometimes within 3 hours) after taking mifepristone and is considered the start of a new monthly cycle. That is, the next menstruation is expected in 21–40 days, depending on the general health of the woman. In this case, the allocations:

  • the first 1–2 days are red-scarlet;
  • on the 2nd–4th day, a light pink clot 2–4 mm in size comes out - the fertilized egg;
  • on the 5th–6th day, the discharge changes color to a darker, browner color and decreases;
  • The “daub” continues from 10 to 30 days (sometimes until the start of the next menstruation).

It is important that after a pharmacist abortion the fertilized egg is released with secretions

This is interesting. Already 14 days after an abortion, a woman is able to conceive.

Mini abortion

The essence of this method of abortion is that the fetus is removed from the uterus using a special vacuum suction. The procedure is carried out for a period of 6 to 10 weeks. Since the embryo is not yet firmly attached to the uterus during this period, the damage to its walls as a result of the procedure is minimal. This means that the discharge is not too abundant.

Mini-abortion is performed using a special vacuum suction

What should the discharge be like?

Bleeding occurs immediately after the abortion procedure, lasts 2-3 days and is considered the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. In this case, the allocations:

  • usually occur in the form of small red spots, sometimes with white clots - remnants of the fetus that are not absorbed;
  • after 4–5 days, brown discharge begins, which indicates hormonal changes in the body;
  • “spotting” can be observed until the next menstruation.

Brown discharge indicates hormonal changes after an abortion

This is interesting. It is difficult to determine the date of the next menstruation after a mini-abortion, since the timing depends not only on the woman’s hormonal background, but also on how the procedure went and whether there were any complications. However, normally it is 28–40 days.

Surgical abortion

The instrumental (surgical) method of termination of pregnancy consists in the fact that, through the expansion of the cervical canal, the fetus is removed in parts, and the walls of the uterus are scraped out along with the adjacent layers of the endometrium. Such an abortion is performed up to 12 weeks at the insistence of the woman and up to 22 weeks for medical reasons.
During surgical abortion there is a risk of mechanical damage to the uterus

Discharge after surgery

Based on the nature of the procedure, curettage should always be accompanied by bleeding, which indicates the success of the operation. In addition, the allocations should:

  • be abundant and have a scarlet color until the evening of the first day after the abortion;
  • turn brown on the 2nd day after surgery, which indicates healing of the wound surface;
  • “smear” without bloody inclusions until the next menstruation.

This is interesting. If clots are observed on the 10th day after a surgical abortion, then, most likely, repeated curettage is required, since the fetus was not completely removed.

On the first day after an abortion, the discharge is very abundant and bright scarlet in color.

Signs of pathology

In addition to hormonal imbalance, after any type of abortion, the protective functions of the woman’s body are reduced. In this regard, pathological conditions may occur that require contacting a gynecologist and urgent ultrasound. They usually appear on the 3rd–4th day after termination of pregnancy. Most often this is:

  1. Heavy bleeding. If the super-maxi pad is completely filled within half an hour, then perhaps there are particles of the fertilized egg left in the uterus, or the fetus has not been completely rejected. In the case of a surgical abortion, heavy bleeding may be caused by cuts to the uterus, which is life-threatening for the woman, so removal of the reproductive organ is often the only possible treatment.
  2. No blood. This indicates a spasm of the cervix, that is, it has closed and the discharge cannot come out, provoking an inflammatory process. This complication requires surgical opening of the cervix and curettage. Otherwise, due to stagnation of blood, pus is formed, which can enter the bloodstream and accumulate in the peritoneum, and in these cases, the most common solution is to remove the infected organ - the uterus.
  3. Changing the color of the selections:
    • a yellow tint indicates the presence of an infection caused by streptococci, staphylococci or E. coli;
    • yellow foamy discharge may be a sign of trichomoniasis or chlamydia;
    • green color indicates the presence of bacterial vaginosis caused by taking antibiotics or poor genital hygiene;
    • if the discharge is pink, then the woman may have cervical erosion, fibroids, polyps or a tumor, which can be caused by the use of hormonal drugs;
    • white discharge indicates thrush caused by antibiotics or stress.
  4. Temperature increase. On days 1–2 after an abortion, a temperature of 37.2–37.3 is considered normal. But if it rises above 37.5 and lasts 2-3 days, then this is a sign of the development of complications.
  5. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen. It is possible that particles of placental tissue remain in the uterine cavity. Aching pain combined with high fever may be a sign of an inflammatory process, which is triggered by a latent sexually transmitted infection.
  6. An unpleasant smell of secretions (sour, rotten) is an indicator of the development of an infection.
  7. Itching, discomfort or burning in the vagina indicates inflammation.

Regardless of the method by which the abortion was performed, the woman should be seen by the obstetrician-gynecologist in charge of her 14 days after the procedure for examination and ultrasound. In case of complications, it is necessary to seek help at the first manifestations of pathological symptoms.
Ultrasound is a mandatory procedure two weeks after any type of abortion

Video: bleeding during medical abortion

Prevention of complications

To minimize the consequences of an abortion, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of gynecologists:

  • observe personal hygiene so that after opening the cervical canal during a vacuum or surgical abortion, an infection from the outside does not enter the uterine cavity;
  • take prescribed medications;
  • exclude sexual intercourse for a month after the procedure until the body is fully restored;
  • do not take a bath, do not lift heavy objects and do not get too cold for 30 days after termination of pregnancy;
  • eat a diet rich in iron to restore blood loss.

After an abortion, the need to regularly visit a gynecologist becomes even more urgent.

Discharge after an abortion is a normal physiological process. By the nature of the bleeding, color and consistency, one can judge how well the woman’s body is recovering. Normal indicators depend on a number of factors, of which the method of termination of pregnancy is fundamental. Moreover, pathological conditions, especially those associated with the development of inflammation or infection, are the same for any type of abortion.

Discharge after an abortion occurs after surgery, since it is quite aggressive and carries with it a large number of negative complications. It is worth saying that surgical abortion is an abdominal operation. If a woman still needs such an operation, then it is necessary to be fully aware of the consequences during the rehabilitation period. The uterine cavity after an abortion acts as a source of inflammation, so an important point is to know the changes that are occurring, the beginning of the next menstruation and the prevention of possible complications in order to improve the quality of life. Some women underestimate the seriousness of such a procedure, and then they pay for the lack of control over their own health.

What types of abortions exist?

There are several types:

  1. The safest and most painless operation in early pregnancy is a mini-abortion. It is done before 5 weeks. It is carried out by vacuum suction from the uterine cavity of an unformed fetus. The risk of damage to the uterine walls is minimized, so bleeding is very rare. Discharge after non-medical termination of pregnancy appears in the form of small bloody spots, later white, and in some cases there are clots. This is due to the fact that during the suction process, some particles of the fetus move away from the main mass and later begin to be released separately. There is discharge after a mini-abortion for approximately 2-3 days.
  2. Surgical abortion. This procedure is an instrumental curettage of the fetus, and it can be performed for a period of more than 5 weeks. The amount and characteristics of discharge after a surgical abortion will depend on several factors: medical experience and qualifications, compliance with medical instructions before and after the intervention, general health, and gestational age. Thus, the patient’s behavior should be prudent, and the more careful the medical actions are, the more successful the abortion will be, which means that brown discharge after an abortion will not bother the woman. Do not neglect hygiene rules and medical recommendations, for example, abstinence from sexual intercourse, minimal physical activity. Most often, after an abortion, they are similar to menstruation in both nature and duration. There is only one feature about the type of discharge that comes after an abortion: first it is red, then it is brown.
  3. Medical abortion. This type of termination of pregnancy is carried out using hormonal drugs. Discharge after a medical abortion is not just normal, but also a necessary condition, since the contents of the egg are released with it.

What is considered normal discharge?

To find out what kind of discharge will begin after an abortion, it is worth remembering about abortion procedures. The methodology is different, and, accordingly, the discharge will also differ from each other. A common question asked by doctors is: how long will the discharge last? Their flow time will depend not only on the chosen method of abortion, but also on the individual characteristics of the organism.

If a surgical technique was used, the discharge will be very painful and characterized by significant blood loss. The volume of discharge will also depend on the duration of the terminated pregnancy. Mostly the volume is greater than during menstruation. The duration is about 10 days. In the first few days after termination of pregnancy, the discharge is bloody, after which it decreases and becomes blacker.

Discharge after medical termination of pregnancy is characterized by heavy bleeding, as the fetus will be expelled from the uterus. If a woman monitors the nature of the discharge, she will be able to notice the release of dense pink neoplasms, that is, a fertilized egg. The discharge after an abortion is abundant for several days, and then scanty and begins to smear, continuing until the onset of menstruation.

Vacuum abortion does not involve a large amount of discharge, which does not last long. This is due to the fact that the technique is used in the early stages of pregnancy, and the fetus has not yet had time to properly mature and implant into the uterine mucosa.

Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude: after an abortion, discharge continues and should occur, and this is considered normal. But their course must be kept under strict control in order to prevent possible complications.

Associated symptoms

Women often voice complaints that their breasts begin to hurt after an abortion. This is quite understandable. Immediately after the female body has been fertilized, it begins to rebuild and prepare for motherhood. The mammary glands begin to change. The breasts increase in volume and become denser. When a pregnancy is terminated, the process is reversed and the breasts return to their normal state, causing hormonal changes. This process is quite natural.

Another common complaint is abdominal pain. This is also easy to explain. If an abortion was performed surgically, then the uterine cavity is a continuous wound, a source of inflammation, which is why pain appears. In the case of medical abortion, the pain is cramping, pulling and moderately severe, which is explained by the rejection of the fertilized egg. With a vacuum abortion, the pain is lingering, just like during menstruation.

After an abortion, a woman needs to be especially careful about her health. If the discharge changes its color, acquires an unpleasant odor, the general temperature begins to steadily increase, and the pain has become unbearable, then these are already deviations from the norm. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to constantly consult with a gynecologist and mammologist. A low-quality abortion is considered a frequent occurrence, which results in a large number of complications. In this case, it is difficult to predict something and sometimes it is simply impossible to reverse them.

What to do if there is no discharge

It seems that you should be glad that there is no discharge after an abortion - there is no discomfort of any kind. However, if there is no release of bloody fluid after an abortion, this indicates stagnation inside the body. This may be accompanied by additional factors, such as fever, nausea or vomiting. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

A woman should do the same if the discharge stopped very abruptly: in the morning they were quite plentiful, and by the evening they had completely disappeared. This is due to the fact that the fallopian tube is clogged, which leads to the development of infection.

In the event that the general condition of the patient after termination of pregnancy is not particularly liked by the attending specialist, then he can leave her in the hospital. Also, the doctor does not prescribe a woman in the presence of copious and abnormal discharge immediately after the end of the abortion procedure. The patient should listen to medical advice and follow them, so you can save yourself from complications.

What to do after an abortion

After an abortion, it is worth visiting the attending physicians in a timely manner and unquestioningly follow all their appointments and recommendations. Do not self-medicate and take painkillers before consulting a doctor. This can lead to an incorrect assessment of the situation and the provision of inadequate assistance. Some advise to observe bed rest for the first 3 days, to walk only around the apartment for the next three days, and only after 7 days is it allowed to actively move. This is ironic, of course, but there is some truth to it.

A woman must refuse sexual relations of any kind, carrying heavy objects and physical labor. She should only tune in to a positive wave and get plenty of rest, and if there are any doubts, then she should immediately go to see a doctor. If you follow these simple rules, a woman will limit herself from the negative consequences of terminating a pregnancy.

Today it is no secret to anyone that most women at least once in their lives undergo a procedure such as termination of pregnancy, either occurring naturally, or performed for medical reasons or due to reluctance to have a child. If you have had an abortion, post-abortion discharge is completely normal. We propose to talk about them in more detail in our article. Indeed, in some cases, they may indicate the penetration of a dangerous infection into the female body or a poorly performed termination of pregnancy.

Why is it accompanied by the appearance of discharge?

Abortion involves the removal of the fertilized egg, which has already become one with the inner walls of the uterus. And since this important female organ contains many blood vessels, any manipulation leads to bloody discharge.

What discharge is normal after the abortion process?

If a woman has had an abortion, discharge after an abortion should not frighten her. However, you should clearly understand which of them are normal and which ones signal infection or other complications. So, after an abortion, they are considered normal. Their color is due to the fact that the blood leaving the female genital organs in small quantities has time to coagulate. However, it should be borne in mind that brown discharge can also signal the presence of hormonal disorders associated with abortion. Polyps are not dangerous, but they negatively affect a woman’s health, and therefore they must be removed in a timely manner.

If you have had an abortion, brown post-abortion discharge may also indicate endometriosis. Most often in this case, the secretion has a very unpleasant and pungent odor. This disease, as a rule, does not cause a woman any inconvenience or discomfort, but it is necessary to treat it, as it can cause a miscarriage in the future.

What kind of discharge is observed after the surgical process of termination of pregnancy?

This method of abortion is the most dangerous, and also characterized by an increased risk of developing various complications. After all, interventions in the female body in this case are more extensive than with other options. carried out in cases where the use of more gentle methods is not possible. For example, there is no necessary equipment for carrying out keritage, or the pregnancy period is quite long.

After a surgical abortion, abortion usually lasts from 5 to 10 days. A very alarming signal is their rapid cessation. This may be a symptom of hematometra, which is the result of spasm of the cervical canal. In this case, the danger is represented by a large amount of blood accumulating in the uterine cavity. If you experience such a symptom, you should immediately seek medical help.

In some cases, the opposite situation is observed, when heavy blood loss occurs, requiring urgent hospitalization. Such manifestations may result from the fact that during an abortion, the uterine cavity was not completely removed, and its remains interfere with the normal contraction of the vascular walls.

What to expect if you have had a medical abortion?

The discharge after an abortion performed this way will most likely be different from that resulting from a surgical termination of pregnancy. This is due to the difference in the methods of removing the fertilized egg from the uterus. If during curettage it is removed in parts, then after taking medications it should come out completely. Thus, discharge after a medical abortion may contain a light pink lump, which is the embryo. With this method of termination of pregnancy, blood loss can last for quite a long time, gradually taking on a spotting character and sometimes turning into menstruation.

What discharge is normal after a mini-abortion?

This method of termination of pregnancy is also called “vacuum inspiration” and is carried out in the early stages using a special device. Such an abortion is gentle, since during its implementation the doctor does not risk damaging it. However, the likelihood that part of the fetal egg will remain is also in this case. Therefore, if normal discharge after an abortion is replaced by heavy bleeding, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Also, in the first few weeks after this procedure, you need to take care of your own health: avoid physical activity, hypothermia and stress, eat well, get enough sleep and monitor your body temperature. If the first signs of illness appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

What to do if there is no discharge after an abortion

If, as a result of termination of pregnancy, you do not observe any bleeding, this does not mean that the procedure was very successful. On the contrary, most likely, blood clots for one reason or another cannot leave the uterine cavity, filling it and thereby providing an excellent breeding ground for the development of dangerous microorganisms. Therefore, if you notice that after an abortion there is no bleeding, as well as increased body temperature, pain or other symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

How long does discharge last after an abortion?

If the termination of pregnancy was performed qualitatively and is not accompanied by any complications, then bleeding in the event of surgical intervention should stop within five to ten days. After an abortion performed by a medical method, bleeding can be observed for a longer period, taking on a smearing character and smoothly turning into menstruation. If, after these periods, you still notice the presence of secretions, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist. Even if this process is not accompanied by any pain.

Discharge after abortion as a sign of infection

After an abortion, especially if this procedure was performed surgically, the immune system of the female body becomes weakened, which makes the body very sensitive to external influences. This condition is extremely favorable for the acquisition of new or the development of existing infectious diseases. The most dangerous period is considered the first month after an abortion. At this time, a woman should take care of her own health and carefully listen to the signals that her body gives.

Most often, complications appear 3-4 days after the abortion procedure. Therefore, if you notice that the discharge has acquired a yellow color or an unpleasant and pungent odor, then most likely an infection was introduced during the operation. In most cases, this condition is also accompanied by an increase in body temperature. If you notice at least one of these symptoms, then in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to wait for visiting hours with your gynecologist. It is best to call an ambulance immediately, as you may need immediate hospitalization.

I would also like to note that infection during an abortion is not always the result of negligence or insufficient qualifications of the medical staff who performed the procedure. In most cases, the infection enters the cervix, which remains open for some time, later.