How to get rid of depression on your own. Deep depression and a way out of it Is it possible to overcome depression on your own?

But more often, mental illness is just a response of the psyche to some negative, but important events for us, such as dismissal, illness or death of a loved one, divorce, war, loss of housing.

Bring the problem out.

To get out of depression on your own, you need to understand the reasons that cause it and try to get rid of them.

Don’t try to seem strong or push the problem deep, deep. She won’t go anywhere, she will definitely find a loophole and make herself known under the guise of a psychosomatic disorder or. Many such problems (causes of depression) poison our body from the inside. Until you reconsider your view of them, realize them, live them, they will eat you up from the inside.

Cry, speak out, write down on paper what you can’t say. And then, a few days later, when you can, look at the situation from the other side. Maybe all is not lost yet? Life goes on. Your own life.

Yes, we are all mortal, yes, not everything is under our control. But there are so many good things in life!

Step 7. Pamper yourself.

Positive emotions can not only appear out of nowhere, you yourself can bring them into your life. And at the same time, this will be another way to get out of depression on your own. What do we have to do? Treat yourself.

For women, one of the most pleasant antidepressants is shopping. Shopping, looking at clothes, shoes, jewelry, trying on, purchasing. For men, I think shopping is also applicable. Let it not be trinkets, so cute for ladies, but something related to a hobby (for a fisherman - going to a tackle store, for a hunter - a weapons store, for a man who likes to make something, build - purchasing tools, etc. ).

Not only shopping recharges us with positive energy and gives us a good mood. There are so many pleasant and interesting things in life that you can pamper yourself with. And the question is not even about money (and not about its quantity), but about the desire to at least somehow diversify your life. You can go to the theater, cinema, circus, dolphinarium, zoo, cafe, restaurant. Have you already forgotten what it is? Then it’s not surprising that you are interested in how to get out of depression...

Step 8. Travel.

Traveling is one of the easiest ways to relax, unwind and recharge your batteries at the same time. New people, new places, different life. You don’t have to fly across half a continent; you can find an excellent place with beautiful nature 30-50 kilometers from your locality.

Have you ever wanted to visit Paris, Prague, Krakow, Dubai? So why delay? Life is so short! Forward to new horizons!

Step 9. Appreciate what you have, learn to enjoy every moment of life!

And the last and most difficult step that must be taken to overcome depression is to learn to appreciate life, every moment of it.

We very often think about the future, live in hopes, or, conversely, remember how good it was 5, 10 years ago (in childhood, during student years). But life passes by.

You need to learn to experience every day as if it were the last in your life, appreciate loved ones, momentary joys and not focus on problems and failures.

Look at how many beautiful things surround you in life, what good people are nearby, throw minor problems and difficulties out of your head, and enjoy today. And this will definitely help you get out of depression!

All information on the site is posted for informational purposes. It cannot replace qualified medical care! If necessary, consult your doctor personally! The site administration is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the site.

Comments to the article: 183


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    1. Anna Zaikina

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    incomprehensible person

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Beautiful ladies quickly become despondent, even if they had to bravely overcome all obstacles before. Therefore, the question of how to get out of depression becomes extremely relevant. It is difficult for a woman to overcome emotional disturbances on her own, but we will try to help. So, let's begin.

How to get out of depression as a woman: 10 steps

Depression is a disorder of the psycho-emotional background, which is accompanied by despondency, apathy, lack of interest in anything, a pessimistic attitude, and low self-esteem. Before you get rid of depression, you need to prepare yourself. All the psychologist’s advice boils down to the fact that you need to take a fresh look at familiar things.

STEP #1. Move on to other things

1. There is no need to drown headlong in your pessimism. Forget about everything for a while, switch your attention to another direction. You can focus on your career or improving your personal life.

2. Also in this case, the rule “knocks out a wedge with a wedge” applies. For example, if you have fallen into emotional depression due to difficulties at work, abstract yourself and concentrate on your personal life. And, conversely, if there are troubles in the family, get bogged down in work.

3. Become a welcome guest at entertainment events, do not confine yourself within four walls. Direct your energy in the right direction. When the day comes to an end, you should not have any strength left for regret or self-flagellation. It would be better to fall into bed and fall asleep.

4. Find time for what you keep saying no to. Accept friends' invitations to visit a cinema, an exhibition or just sit in a pub. Because it will become much easier to pull yourself out of despondency and depression, but do not act completely on your own. Listen to your loved ones.

5. It is much more difficult in cases where depression in the female half develops due to the death of a relative or close person. There is no need to distance yourself, allow yourself to be sad and scream at the top of your voice, but at the same time seek support from friends. After some time, you will understand that the pain can already be tolerated.

6. There is another category of girls. It includes beautiful ladies who have a habit of worrying with or without reason. This is the most difficult case. You need to switch to a larger-scale project: repairing or rearranging furniture, a new lover, a vacation, a break with friends, etc. Moving from an old “nest” to a new, more comfortable one is also suitable.

STEP #2. Get bogged down in routine

1. Many girls, in search of an answer to the question of how to get out of depression, come to the opposite conclusions. But not every woman can overcome emotional imbalance on her own. However, there is an effective way - focusing on routine tasks.

2. What's wrong with this? The girl devotes herself entirely to little things that should have been brought to fruition long ago. If you're tired of constantly running in a wheel like a squirrel, stop. Calm down, don’t get irritated, ignore those who are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere.

3. Understand that right now you don’t need to rush. Get rid of hyperactivity, stop scheduling your day minutely or hourly. Turn off your phone and be alone for a while. Watch your favorite movies, read a book, lie in the bath. Time used to kill you, now you kill time.

4. If there is an opportunity to go on vacation unscheduled, take advantage of it. Or at least go to your friends in a neighboring city. You can go out into nature with your family. The main thing is not to waste your moral state over trifles. Allow yourself some quiet time.

STEP #3. Get enough sleep

1. Problems with sleep lead to a deterioration in well-being and weaken the nervous system. If you want to say goodbye to depression forever and never return to it, review your work and rest schedule. Stop going to bed at 2am. The period for going to bed is 11-12 pm, no later.

2. If you can’t sleep, drink tincture of valerian or motherwort. Take a hot bath with herbs and ventilate the room. 2 hours before bedtime, do not watch sad or violent films, or sit at the computer.

3. When you start getting enough sleep, everything will return to normal. You no longer have to think about how to get out of depression. Sleep will help a woman cope with the problem on her own. In the morning you will feel rested and full of strength for new achievements.

4. To relax comfortably, create coziness in your “nest”. Hang nice curtains, buy new bedding, turn off the overhead lights and turn on the lamp.

5. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. If necessary, consult a doctor to prescribe a mild sleeping pill. But you don't need to drink alcohol, you will feel depressed in the morning.

6. You need to get ready for bed in advance. No noisy parties the night before, watching horror movies, or hanging out with friends until the morning. You need to fall asleep for 2 weeks between 22.00 and 24.00 hours. Then it will become a habit, depression will recede along with chronic fatigue and lack of sleep.

STEP #4. Don't trigger depression

1. You cannot close your eyes to the fact that your psycho-emotional environment has been shaken. The time has come to find out the true causes of depression. Don’t hush it up, dig into yourself and look for a way out.

2. We can give common reasons: workload, lack of money, health problems, difficulties in interpersonal communication, lack of family life.

3. Try to approach the issue responsibly. Study the causes of your worries and look for a way out. But you should immediately understand that nothing can be changed in the past.

4. Before getting out of depression using this method, analyze the situation yourself. A woman can contact a psychologist, a specialist will find out the reasons in several sessions and offer a solution.

5. You can make a loved one your psychologist. Express all your thoughts to him in a calm atmosphere. Ask to look at the problem from a different point of view. Perhaps depression appeared due to the fact that you are simply “working yourself up”.

6. Don't be in your head all the time. Set aside a certain time for introspection even when you are alone. If bad thoughts make themselves known ahead of schedule, say: “I’ll think about it tomorrow!”

STEP #5. Change your environment (moving, vacation)

1. If depression is caused by a break in personal relationships, dismissal from work and other reasons of this nature, psychologists advise radically changing the situation.

2. Since it is not always possible to get out of depression under ordinary conditions, you need to change everything yourself. A woman can benefit greatly from a vacation, renovation, or rearrangement of her apartment.

3. Move to another city and try to start over. Rent an apartment, pursue a career, meet new people. An analogue of leaving for permanent residence in another place is a long (10 days or more) vacation. Go to the sea or to the mountains and unwind.

4. If there is no desire and money, then rearrange the apartment. Replace the furniture, decorate your home, make it more comfortable. When you are at home, negative thoughts should not appear. Home should be your sanctuary.

5. We still recommend finding funds for the trip. You will take a fresh look at the world, return as a rested person, and learn to fight depression. Sometimes a vacation is all you need to regain your vitality.

STEP #6. Find a hobby

1. Psychologists have repeatedly proven that the psycho-emotional environment depends on the type of activity. If you don't have a hobby, idleness will make itself felt in the shortest possible time. Choose an activity that you couldn’t decide on for a long time. It doesn't have to be grandiose.

2. Beading, knitting and even weight loss are suitable. Join the gym and set a goal, for example, to lose 7 kg. in 3 months. Enlist the support of your loved ones, buy sportswear and start working on yourself.

3. If you start pumping, the results will be visible in a month. Believe me, this will only spur you on. There will be no time left for self-flagellation, and therefore the question of how to get out of depression will disappear on its own. What else does a woman need to be happy? Beautiful body and harmony with yourself!

4. If you don’t want to go to the gym, sign up for oriental dancing, Pilates, or yoga. You can also increase your flexibility by taking a stretching class.

5. The main positive feature of sport is that it does not allow you to lose concentration. As a result, negative thoughts will gradually fade away. If you add to this communication with new people, you will be able to get yourself out of depression quickly.

6. In addition to generally accepted hobby standards, you can take time to invest in yourself. This means learning to drive a car or motorcycle, taking photography or 1C courses. Master the culinary arts or complete a cutting and sewing course (duration about 3 months).

7. The activity you prefer should occupy all your free time. But don't overdo it, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Learn to relax, it is as important as working. Don't forget to take days off and just do your routine (as described above).

STEP #7. Monitor your serotonin levels

1. To understand how to get out of depression on your own, you should know that such a condition implies more than just a psycho-emotional disorder. As a rule, the problem is accompanied by a significant lack of serotonin. A woman is recommended to replenish the happiness hormone on time.

2. To cope with experiences easier, you should learn to have fun and see the positive sides in everything. To understand how to get rid of depression, you should get a good night's sleep. Organize an appropriate environment at home. This way you can quickly get closer to your cherished goal.

3. If you suffer from insomnia during the experience, sleeping pills will help you cope with it. The drug is necessary so that during rest you can fully restore your vitality. If you sleep less than 7 hours, the problem will be very difficult to cope with.

4. Due to lack of sleep, the brain is unable to properly perceive new information. During this process, increased irritability appears. You begin to feel frustrated and sad. Also, the reason for the failure of the normal functioning of the nervous system is improper nutrition.

5. Balance your new daily menu. The diet should include foods containing all B vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium and calcium. Do not forget about the systematic consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits and freshly squeezed drinks.

6. Morning exercises or jogging will help solve the problem. It’s worth forcing yourself at first if you haven’t resorted to something like this before. If you have a partner, regular sex will suppress depression.

STEP #8. Find the meaning of life

1. Often people who are experiencing a psychological disorder think about their meaningless stay on the planet. To understand how to get out of depression on your own, it is important to realize that such thoughts are wrong. A woman needs to find the meaning of life or talk to a psychologist.

2. If you are unable to do anything and constantly think about your insignificance, it is worth asking yourself a question. Think carefully about what you want to wake up for every morning. You don't have to set ambitious goals. All you need to do is get a pet.

3. As a result, you will feel responsible for your new pet. After some time, you definitely won’t want to leave him alone. The pet will also need attention and affection. A new family member will certainly not leave you alone. If you can't get a pet, don't despair.

4. To cope with the problem, think about an alternative to how to get rid of depression. Get comfortable at home and think about what you want to live for. This way you can solve the problem quickly.

5. If we take into account the advice of psychologists, we can conclude that having found a goal, a person begins to look at the world in a new way. Problems fade into the background. The psycho-emotional background is slowly but surely being restored. There is no need for you to engage in self-flagellation.

STEP #9. Take care of yourself

1. To bring positive emotions into life, you need to self-actualize. To understand how to get out of depression, be sure to go shopping with your friends. Choose your own outfit that you like. A woman needs an appropriate image.

2. Buy beautiful underwear, high-heeled shoes, take a closer look at the dresses. Men should always and everywhere please you. If you are in a relationship with your partner, he will see you as a new person. Accept positive compliments.

3. If you are lonely, make new acquaintances. You don't have to be in a relationship, just flirt and have fun. You need to improve your self-esteem. Due to this, self-realization occurs. Also start getting involved in education. Learn a foreign language, improve your skills.

4. Change your look more often, be unpredictable, forget about boredom. Don't be afraid to change jobs. Set high goals spiritually and materially. You are more in society. Visit exhibitions, concerts, theaters and various institutions. Spend time with friends, start communicating with their acquaintances. Finally, start living the life you have long dreamed of. This is not the time to be discouraged!

STEP #10. Plan for the future

1. Stop constantly thinking about what could have happened if you had acted differently. Such thoughts come to everyone. This is the essence of the problem of how to get out of depression on your own. Look forward to the future, such thoughts are important for a woman.

2. It is important to get into your head that you cannot return to the past. Live for the present day, plan for the future. It is on such positive thoughts that your future life depends. You can always fix everything, there is a way out.

3. Start with less, get a pet, give him love and care. If you are married, improve your relationship with your spouse. It is worth understanding that both must meet halfway. Take care of your children and be more involved in their lives.

4. If you are a lonely girl, don’t be upset; on the contrary, everything is much simpler. Find time and money to travel. You can always snag a last minute tour for a small fee. Plunge into your dreams and visit a sunny country with sea and sandy beaches. Chat with vacationers, unwind.

5. If you don’t have enough for a trip abroad, start saving. In the meantime, spend weekends with friends in nearby cities. Change your environment as often as possible; this move is considered the best medicine. If you are single, communicate more with the stronger sex, this will help significantly increase your self-esteem.

To understand how to get out of depression, it is important to eliminate or overcome the root of the problem yourself. Develop, communicate and spend more time for yourself. Every woman needs to learn to live in a new way. Try to start everything from scratch. Don't be afraid to change radically. If necessary, change your job, your circle of friends, and even your city.

Talk about it. This should be one of the most important steps to follow because you can take a burden off your shoulders by sharing your emotions with another person. This can be done through counseling, talking one-on-one with a trusted friend, and writing a journal or blog online. For those who are depressed, this may seem like a difficult task because they will feel embarrassed or ashamed, so the best way to accomplish this is to force yourself to talk to someone. The result can only be good. Not to mention, telling someone you love, like a family member or good friend, that they will miss you dearly should give you strength. You can talk to them about doing an activity together as a way to distract you from any bad thoughts.

Find yourself a hobby. Going to the gym and traveling are great hobby ideas, but instead of a hobby, it can also be an activity or event that regularly gets you out of the house. Most people who are depressed often mope somewhere in their home and block all contact with the outside world. You should get out of the house and make your life more interesting. It will give you a purpose in life and make you feel like you are part of something. Play tennis, make new friends, stay fit and healthy.

Achievements. Achieving your goal in life or accomplishing something you've always wanted to do will bring you great joy. It could be something important to you, such as learning a new language, learning to drive, or bungee jumping from an airplane. When you're depressed, you get a whole bunch of feelings, and feeling worthless is one of them, so to counter this, it's best to achieve something that's important to you. But don't try to accomplish every goal you set in life if you know it's impossible or you don't have the money/courage to do it. It will get you nowhere, but it will contribute to your sadness.

Practice positive thinking. Thinking better about yourself, caring more about your well-being, you will gradually gain confidence in yourself, so continue to believe in yourself when you go to your next interview and that confidence will show itself and shine. Positive thinking comes naturally as you follow the other steps because you are getting closer to rediscovering happiness. When you are depressed, do something out of the ordinary to keep your thoughts away from the issue and eventually you will forget about it, the best thing to do is listen to music and exercise.

Love. This is something worth mentioning, being with the one you love is like a mask that temporarily removes a lot of sadness in your life. But as soon as love leaves, depression returns even worse than before. Make sure you're ready to start a relationship and don't rush into one that looks like the best idea in the world right now, just remember to think about the future. Be happy with yourself and then focus on being happy with someone else, but only when you feel ready. If this doesn't work, don't be upset. This happens all the time. Just think that somewhere near you there is a person who will truly love you and will walk the whole earth just for you while you are struggling with depression.

In this article you will learn how to get out of depression on your own. Advice from a psychologist will help you apply the 7 most effective methods. I will describe the symptoms of depression and give recommendations for further action for those who see their own among these symptoms. I will also give practical advice to those who do not notice signs of a depressive disorder, but for a long time have been experiencing stress, blues, bad mood, sudden emotional swings, and feel a lack of strength and energy.

You can go straight from the content to ways to get out of depression. However, if you want to more clearly identify the causes of your condition, read on first.

So, how to get out of depression on your own, advice from a psychologist:

How to recognize depression - 10 symptoms

Psychological symptoms of depression:

  • Decreased emotional background, bad mood
  • Fatigue, feeling weak, lack of energy
  • Lack of interest in what he used to be interested in
  • Increased anxiety, fears, lack of vision of prospects, pessimistic view of the future
  • Slow thinking, slow behavior

Somatic symptoms of depression:

  • Insomnia or restless sleep
  • Lack of appetite or sudden changes - sometimes you want to eat, sometimes you don’t
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Any diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract

Depression can occur without any physical symptoms at all. Its first and main signs can be considered a bad mood, indifference to everything, lack of energy and general weakness of the whole body. And regardless of the circumstances. If even these signs are observed in a person for more than two weeks, it is necessary to urgently consult a psychotherapist or neurologist. During treatment you will need to undergo tests and take the necessary medications.

Most people do not know what depression is, and therefore tend to devalue those affected by this disease. Because of this attitude in society towards this disease, many are ashamed to go to the doctor and admit that they have a mental disorder. Therefore, according to the World Health Organization, only about 10% of people with depression receive proper treatment. Depression is a disease that must be treated, otherwise it can lead to the most irreversible consequences.

Depression is characterized by a shocking paradox: those who do not have it often complain of depression, while actual depressed people can live with it for years and not even know it.

So, if you have identified signs of depression, be sure to consult a specialist. I am a psychologist and I work with a problem such as depressive disorder. You can contact me for help, and together we will determine what is happening to you, identify the causes of your condition and eliminate them.

The next part of the article is suitable for those who have not identified serious symptoms of depressive disorder, but have been in a bad mood for a long time and feel a lack of energy.

When you are in a bad mood and don’t want to do anything, you have little energy and strength. In other words, a reduced emotional background also reduces the overall performance of the body. Therefore, I will describe several effective ways to preserve and increase energy, and therefore raise the emotional background and improve mood. So, how to get out of depression on your own, advice from a psychologist, how to get rid of stress, blues, apathy, and bad mood right now - 7 ways:

Method #1: Accept your condition

The first step to solving any problem is recognizing and accepting it. Don't try to get rid of stress. Don't try to fight it, but embrace it instead. Protest always has the opposite effect. If, for example, you are struggling with extra pounds, constantly weighing yourself and counting calories, you are unlikely to be able to lose weight for a long time and effectively. Every now and then you will want to eat another piece, you will be nervous and upset all the time. But if you let go of this struggle and accept yourself and your body, then the body will rebuild itself and return you to the form that is most favorable for you.

What you fight with always fights with you. And as long as you continue to fight, it will win. Therefore, accept your condition, whatever it is now and no matter how long it lasts. Allow yourself to be sad or angry. Give yourself time for this. You are not a robot to be positive all the time.

Method #2: Where attention goes, energy comes

When you do something, and at that time your thoughts are in a completely different place, you thereby significantly increase the energy expenditure on what you are currently doing. Among other things, you don’t notice how your business takes several times more time, and the quality of work drops significantly. If you focus all your attention on the present moment, it will greatly increase the amount of your energy, which means you will improve the quality of your work and reduce time.

Eat while you're eating rather than watching TV. This way you will taste the food, chew your food more thoroughly and, accordingly, your body will better absorb nutrients. This applies to any business. Keep your focus on the present moment. Always. Where your attention goes, your energy goes. Stop giving energy to your past or the characters of TV series, pictures in your social network feed. Live here and now, and this will help you conserve energy and direct it in the right direction.

Method #3: Collect your victories

Since childhood, we have been taught to pay attention to mistakes. They highlighted in red what was wrong, instead of highlighting in green what was good. And over time, we become accustomed to noticing only our failures. However, thoughts about one’s own mistakes are accompanied by negative emotions, which means energy consumption. Stop criticizing yourself and scolding yourself for mistakes.

Focus entirely on your small victories. Keep a “Success Diary” where you will write down all your small and big successes every day. For example, “today I prepared a delicious julienne” or “today I finally called my dad.” Write in your success diary what exactly You consider it a victory for yourself. Write down at least five successes a day - this will quickly shift your focus from your failures to your victories. Do something specifically that you can then put in your Diary. This will significantly increase your energy. One fine day you will feel completely confident that everything is working out for you, everything is easy for you. This is how the Success Diary works.

There is safety in numbers

When you have a stomach ache, you probably immediately run to the doctor. But the majority of people in the post-Soviet space try to solve problems of their mental and emotional state on their own, as if they know what to do about it. This is very dangerous and can lead to serious consequences.

I am a psychologist and provide individual consultations via Skype. Together with you during the consultation, we will be able to understand what exactly caused your depression and how you can free yourself from it.

Method #4: Be grateful

Gratitude for something always brings energy for something more. For example, if you give daily, tireless and sincere gratitude for everything you have, much more will come to you. If you are grateful for being healthy, you will be even healthier. If you give thanks for material resources, they will increase. When you are truly grateful for something, you have extra energy to get it. Just try it! It works!

You can thank God, Heaven, the Universe, the Earth, or even simply say: “Thank you...” if you have not yet decided on who gives us these opportunities. This needs to be done systematically and regularly, at best every day, and it is advisable to write it down. In difficult moments, when you feel bad or have no strength, as well as in moments of happiness and joy, do not forget to give thanks, and your energy will increase significantly.

Method #5: Compare yourself to yourself

Leave only one comparison in your life: compare yourself today with yourself yesterday. Make this your daily habit. It will be great if, after five daily victories, in the “Success Diary” you write down what you were better at today than yesterday. If you manage to do this every day, over time you will stop envying and comparing yourself to others. This will increase your energy daily, and over time significantly. And by looking at your daily comparisons with yourself yesterday for a certain period, you will be able to see the scale of your development.

Method #6: Let go of broken promises

We give most of our energy to thoughts about the past. Namely, to people who once offended us, but we never forgave. Unfinished business. Unfulfilled promises. Unachieved goals.

In psychology there is a so-called Zeigarnik effect" is an experiment that proved that people tend to remember unfinished tasks and tasks many times better than completed ones. This suggests that we give a huge amount of our energy to unfulfilled promises and unachieved goals, devote a lot of time and effort to them, although we may never fulfill them.

25% of our energy (as much as 25% of the calories we eat!) goes into thinking. And many of them give most of them to the past. They still communicate in their heads with classmates whom they have not seen for ten years. Mentally they make excuses to their mother for a situation from their childhood. They worry about something they promised someone many years ago and didn’t keep.

Make a list of those people, situations and things from the past that still haunt you. How much energy they have taken from you over all these years! Talk to them mentally one last time. Let them go forever. This is the only way you can free yourself from them. Surrender yourself once and for all to today. And sometimes think a little about the future. But don't allow yourself the luxury of going back in time.

To ensure that you stop giving energy to the past and unfinished business, I wrote a book for you. After reading it, you will learn to change your thoughts: you close all those dialogues in your head and unfinished situations that have long been completed physically, but remained in your thoughts. And also learn to bring everything to the end. This book will help you take a strong, adult position in life. And instead of being in a depressed state of self-pity, you will gain the determination and strength to change everything that does not suit you in life. You can read the description and reviews, and also purchase the book.

Method #7: Free your head

Give yourself time to relax every day. It should be an activity during which your brain almost completely switches off. The head should be empty and thoughts dispersed. If you know how or want to learn how to meditate, then this is an ideal way to relax. Any other activity during which the brain is not involved is also suitable - watching a comedy movie, yoga, physical exercise that brings pleasure... Continue the list yourself. In general, sometimes allow yourself to look down.

Do this regularly, set aside a special time for this, half an hour or an hour a day. Rest for the brain is the best medicine to fill up with energy. The main thing is not to overdo it and the rest of the time, fully devote yourself to the present moment, without being distracted by other thoughts. And only during the specially designated hour of rest, do not think about anything.

Adequate rest is the main condition for effective work.


This article presented to your attention ways on how to get out of depression on your own, advice from a psychologist - for a woman or a man. We also looked at ways to help not waste energy and direct it in the right direction. These methods will return you to a state of emotional stability and energy tone. They will also increase your awareness and inner fullness, you will live each day more intensely. After all, you will be completely in the present moment, that is, live your life more fully.

You will turn off your inner critic and begin to realize who you were yesterday and who you have become today. You will see that you are changing and improving every day, because thanks to these methods you will learn to track changes more clearly.

Why is it so important to keep a “Success Diary”, and to write down in general? This helps to record results, put things in order in your head, and also, looking at your daily changes, see the scale of your own development. This will help you significantly and increase the amount of energy. And this, in turn, is guaranteed to get you out of a stressful state.

Thus, the psychologist’s advice given in the article not only makes it clear how to get rid of stress and get out of depression on your own, but also helps you accept and love yourself, increase your awareness, increase the amount of energy and resources, and also learn to live in the present. Your every day will become rich, and your whole life will become full, and stress will no longer return to you.

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Follow the advice and get out of depression! Don't miss this life!
Your psychologist Lara Litvinova

Hello, dear readers!

How to get out of depression on your own when you have no strength to do anything? How to live on if you have no strength and don’t want anything? What to do if you feel really bad? It turns out that you can overcome this condition very easily and quickly. You will learn how to do this from this article.

It’s just important to give yourself the word right now to start taking action, to stop looking for answers on forums and blogs, while doing nothing. After all, often some people who are stuck in depression begin to like the role of the victim, when everyone feels sorry for you, which means they expect and demand less from you. Therefore, it is important to answer the question, do I really want to get out of depression by putting effort and active action into it?

Answer the questions right now:

  • Do you really want to improve your self-esteem?
  • Do you really want to improve relationships with your loved ones (children or parents, relatives or friends)?
  • Do you really want to get rid of a relationship that is holding you back?
  • Do you really want to get rid of the role of the victim, feel like the master of your own life and finally say goodbye to your beloved depression?

If you answered “Yes!”, here step-by-step plan on how to get out of depression on your own woman or man, it doesn’t matter, the action plan is the same for everyone! And it doesn’t matter how old you are: 20, 40 or 60! And to implement it, you do not need psychologists, doctors or antidepressants; only on your own can you overcome this condition. Just as no one can love you or live your life for you, no one can do this work “on yourself” for you.

Depression - what is it? Illness or state of mind?

Is depression a mental illness or not? A short digression before we move on to the step-by-step plan for solving the problem, it will help us act and move along it faster and more actively. I am a proponent of always acting consciously, so we need to understand the essence of depression.

So, what is it - a disease or not? This is important to understand. Doctors say that depression is a mental illness and even predict that depression will soon be in 2nd place as a cause of death, after cardiovascular diseases. But many philosophers, writers, theologians, psychologists and futurologists do not agree with this position and call depression the scourge of civilization. They believe that calling depression a disease is the same as calling love or other feelings a disease, because people also suffer from them.

Theologians easily explain why depression in the civilized world will soon take 2nd place among the causes of death. Check out the list of 7 deadly sins. In him despondency (depression) ranks 1(!) place, ahead of even such a sin as murder. Why is this so? Yes, because despondency is sadness and despair. And the word “despair” comes from the word “to hope” (to wait), but a despairing person does not expect anything from life, nothing makes him happy. Thus, he seems to send a message to every cell of his, we have lost the goal in life, we have no reason to live, we are dying. Thus, despondent, a person involuntarily becomes suicidal. Every cell of his body becomes susceptible to many diseases.

If you treat depression as a disease, you will take a passive position and ask for pills, of which there are already many produced. But, I assure you, you will not solve the problem this way. Because there are many causes of depression and they are associated with different psychological problems of a person, accordingly, everyone should “treat” their depression themselves, solving “their” problem.

Causes of depression in women, men and even children

  • loss of a loved one;
  • psychological trauma;
  • painful jealousy;
  • burnout at work;
  • end of career, false sense of uselessness;
  • self-doubt, low self-esteem;
  • grievances, damaged relationships with loved ones;
  • anxieties, fears and phobias;
  • hatred, irritability;
  • limiting beliefs;
  • other reasons.

How to get out of depression on your own - a step-by-step plan

Step 1. There is no need to look for the reason, in most cases you know it

You should not force yourself to relive that unpleasant moment or period of life because of which your soul is heavy, as parish analysts advise. You still won’t be able to change anything and understand why this happened. Often people do not remember the reasons for a quarrel or breakup. Therefore, you just need to accept this situation and not get upset about it. To be upset means to be divided into 3 parts. So get your act together (stop freaking out) and think about how to fix everything.

Here's an example. One of my friends did not communicate with her sister for many years and every time she told the priest about it in confession. He told her that she needed to overcome her pride and take the first step by asking for forgiveness, despite the fact that the quarrel was her sister's fault, not her. Then a real miracle happened, there is no other way to say it. This woman decided that no matter what, she would conquer herself and go ask for forgiveness. But it's easy to say, but difficult to do. It seems to me that God himself helped her. She literally came face to face with her sister in the market and literally blurted out her forgiveness to her. The sister happily hugged her and also asked for forgiveness and said how long she had wanted to make peace with her. A mountain has been lifted off my shoulders!

Step #2. Get your self-esteem in order

Often a woman dissolves in her beloved, his interests become the goal of her life. Therefore, when the husband leaves (to another woman or from life), the woman loses the meaning of her life. After all, her whole life was completely in him.

How to get out of depression after breaking up with your loved one? You need to find yourself, increase your self-esteem. I highly recommend this article. You will be amazed at how many interesting things there are in life and how interesting it will be for you to find out how many hidden talents you have.

Step #3. Remove toxic adrenaline from the body using...

I remember what an indelible impression the Stress Management training had on me, which I initially didn’t really want to go to. It turns out that constant stress is a source of adrenaline injection into the blood. Adrenaline causes depression in a person (do not forget that our body works like a chemical factory). Adrenaline is removed from human blood only through physical exercise. Many people are now subject to stress at work due to multitasking, multifunctionality and constant lack of time.

In fact, the function of injecting adrenaline into a person’s blood is aimed at saving a person. You've probably heard that under the influence of unexpected stress (for example, a person saw a snake), adrenaline is injected into the blood, under the influence of which a person can briefly perform powerful physical actions (having seen a snake, a person jumps away from a place of several meters, or seeing danger, runs away). speed exceeding the speed of even world champion runners). This is a scientific fact. That is, everything is designed in such a way that the injection of adrenaline is followed by physical activity, during which it is burned. Otherwise, adrenaline is not removed from the body.

Here is your explanation of why depression is the scourge of civilization. Our ancestors worked physically and even if they were stressed, they burned off their adrenaline by working physically. Modern man is in constant stress, but physically does not work and hardly moves. From work to the car, from the car to the computer.

This is why top managers, subject to constant stress, are forced to constantly go to the gym. There they at least partially burn off their adrenaline and thus fight their depression. I think you have heard about such a mental disorder as manager syndrome. So, the conclusion. To fight depression, we do exercises, don’t take the elevator, but walk up the stairs, go out a couple of stops before work to walk at a brisk pace for at least 3-4 km.

Step #4. Change your attitude towards life

The advice of the American writer Gary Vaynerchuk will help you with this. He said that a phrase of just 3 words, “You are not eternal,” helps him to be optimistic and get a lot done in a day. He starts every day with this phrase. If you want to be happy, you only have one life to do it. Hurry to compliment people, enjoy every moment of life.

You have the power to completely change your life, become more positive, smarter, better, start learning languages, travel, do something useful for others, for example, sometimes walk with a lonely old neighbor, visit an orphanage, feed pigeons...


I think that by following even these few steps, you will feel a new taste for life and understand, as my grandmother said: the main thing is that everyone is alive and well, and other problems can be solved. You will begin to appreciate what you have. You will begin to value your time and spend it on good and interesting things. You will start traveling, understand your purpose, find your hobby. I really hope that this article “How to get out of depression on your own” will be useful to you.

VIDEO. “How to get rid of depression” from the famous anxiety psychologist Pavel Zhavnerov

Watch these two videos. Video 1: “How to get rid of depression” from the famous anxiety psychologist Pavel Zhavnerov. Video 2. “Depression and self-esteem” - from the famous futurologist Jacques Fresco.
How to get rid of depression - famous anxiety psychologist Pavel Zhavnerov

Video Depression and Self-Esteem - Jacque Fresco:

I believe that everything will definitely work out for you!