Rituals for the fulfillment of desires - how to change life for the better. Strong conspiracies for desire before going to bed for all occasions

In this article:

Today, a conspiracy to fulfill a wish is of interest to many people. Its popularity is explained by the versatility of such magic, because with the help of one rite, you can solve a variety of problems.

Along with the growth of interest in magic, the number of sources from where a person can get more information about the rituals of interest to him is also growing. There are hundreds of thousands of sites on the Internet alone, each of which offers an efficient and effective way to solve any problem with the help of magical practices. But not every resource on the network contains truthful and complete information. In most cases, only the conspiracy itself is provided on the site, without explanations and recommendations, without information on how to read the magic words, where, when, under what conditions. And this is very important, with only one conspiracy, even an effective ritual will not be able to achieve the desired.

What you need to know about conspiracies for desires

First of all, it is important to remember that before conducting any ritual, you need to properly tune in. The performer must spend some time meditating, he needs to concentrate on what he wants to receive as a result of the magical rite, what he must do for this.

There are many ways that will allow you to relax before the ritual, remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head, everything that distracts you and that you do not need in this case.

So, you can just lie down for a while in complete silence and try to hear some frequent sounds coming from the street, it can be the singing of birds, the rumble of cars passing by, a knock from a construction site nearby. Now you need to fully concentrate on the selected sounds, try not to think about anything, just listen. After some time, you will be cleansed of everything that prevents you from concentrating and you can begin to prepare for the ceremony.

Another important point is the visualization of the fulfillment of desire, you must sincerely believe that with the help of magic you will get what you want, that your desires will come true. Moreover, you should feel as if you already got what you wanted, it remains only to wait a little and this something will be in your hands. Only after that you can proceed directly to the choice and execution of the ritual.

Strong conspiracy with a handkerchief

You need to concentrate on your cherished desire, close your eyes and imagine it. Now we pick up a clean handkerchief (it should be yours and not new). We pronounce our desire aloud three times, squeeze the handkerchief in our fist and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, For the Heavenly Father helps those who ask for his help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will grow into reality, it will acquire a path for fulfillment through events. The Holy Spirit will give the servant of God (name) what I ask for. I will tie a handkerchief for my desire, I will ask God for it and I will wait for its fulfillment. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Focusing on the result you want is the most important thing

After pronouncing the last words, you need to tie a scarf in a knot and put it in your pocket or bag. The charmed object must be constantly carried with you until your desire comes true.

six day conspiracy

This is a universal magical rite that can be used both to fulfill one cherished desire, and to ensure that all your desires become a reality over time. In order for all your wishes to come true, you need to read the words of the conspiracy three times daily, for 6 days. The words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Holy Mother of God, I beg you. Help the servant of God (name), let it come true (name what you want). Amen. Amen. Amen".

After each reading, the performer must read the prayer "Our Father" three times.
This is an effective prayer for desires, but neither she nor any other will help you if you yourself do not make any efforts to fulfill what you want.

Prayer for the desired conspiracy to be fulfilled

To perform this magical rite, you will need seven small icons: the Mother of God of Kazan, the Savior, Seraphim of Sarov, your name icon (the icon of a saint with your name), the icon of all saints, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Mother of God "Consolation".


When you have collected all the images, take seven small sheets of paper and write your desire on each of them (you can have one for all, you can have one for each).

After that, you need to attach sheets with desires to the back of the icons with wax from church candles, place them on a table covered with a white tablecloth, light one church candle next to each icon and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Lord God, Holy Mother of God, all the Saints, all the Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, hear about my needs, help me, the servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Immediately after this, you need to read the prayer “Our Father” three times, and then in your own words, sincerely ask God and the Saints for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. You need to speak in a whisper and as long as at least one church candle is burning. When you are done, you need to carefully place all the wish icons between the pages of the bible and leave it there for the next forty days.

Powerful wish fulfillment

This ritual is performed using one large candle. When choosing a candle, remember that you will have to light it for many evenings, so take the largest one.
You need to be very careful when choosing the color of the candle. Each color is associated with one direction, symbolizes any deeds and desires:

  • white color symbolizes cleansing, healing and protection;
  • yellow - travel, trips, negotiations, sociability, creativity, joy and friends;
  • orange - career, self-expression, success and good luck;
  • red - passion, sexual pleasure, conquest, strength, victory;
  • pink - a romantic relationship, love, reconciliation, wedding;
  • blue - health, peace, development;
  • green - a new job, money and nature.

In addition to a new candle, to perform this magical ritual, you will also need a candlestick that has never been used anywhere before, as well as a sheet of white paper, a steel vessel and a simple pencil.
On a piece of paper you need to write your most cherished desire and sign below:

“Let my desire only bring good and not harm.”

At night, you need to put a candle in a candlestick on a sheet of paper and light the wick. Look at the fire and imagine that your wish has already come true, that you have received everything you wanted, concentrate on the positive emotions that the dream will bring to you. Draw pictures as much as you can (if this is not your first experience with magic, you will know when to stop). Now we extinguish the candle and go to bed. These actions must be repeated at least three nights in a row.

After that, you need to set fire to the paper in the flame of a candle, throw it into the prepared steel vessel and let the sheet burn out completely. In the end, we throw all the ashes out the window and try to forget about our desire for a while, not to think about it, not to wait for accomplishment, but to live our ordinary life, and soon everything will come true.

We will analyze in detail strong magical rituals for the fulfillment of a strong desire. In this material, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will present 3 rites for the quick fulfillment of the desired. In order to conduct an independent ritual for the fulfillment of any desires, and for the magical conspiracy to be effective, you must have skills, the so-called personal developments, which give a full understanding of what you are doing and for what purposes.

The question of what kind of tasks it makes sense to solve the Dark Pantheon is very interesting. We will deal with this issue. And, contrary to tradition, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will begin with the most complex rite for the fulfillment of a person’s cherished desires - calling the Mistress of Hell through a mirror using practical black magic.

Effective rituals for the fulfillment of any desire - how it works

Each anthropomorphic figure, personifying the Dark Forces, has its own sacred meaning. Many desires can be fulfilled and many things Dark spirits can give a person. Power, luck, success, money, possession of property, talent or anyone - yes, demons can give all this. And therefore, effective magical rituals for the fulfillment of cherished desires are addressed specifically to black magic. As for the sphere of human relationships, everything is very ambiguous here. People are not always ready to pay the price that is required of them for the love they receive. But, this is a different issue, which we will not discuss in this magical article.

I want to start by looking at a technically simple, but very effective ritual of black magic for the quick fulfillment of a wish with an appeal to Herodiana, the Mistress of Hell. If you are new to black magic, but have some experience with demons, if you feel their help and support, you can make this powerful ritual 100% fulfillment of your desire.

A quick ritual for the fulfillment of desires - 100 percent result

However, I draw your attention to the fact that this witchcraft ritual is for the fulfillment of one's desire for practicing magicians. If you don't have a connection with demons, you shouldn't do it. It's all about moral readiness for such work. Fear binds a person. And only knowledge frees us from fear. The ritual for the fulfillment of a secret desire is energy-intensive, despite the simplicity of execution. Creepy, if not sinister. It will be psychologically difficult for a novice magician.

So, the conclusion: without practice, one should not start working with the Lady of Hell, one of the main figures of the Dark Pantheon. Despite its outward simplicity, this is a very powerful ritual for the fulfillment of a wish. An understanding is required. Sometimes beginners ask the question: why put up protection from the Dark Queen, if we call on her, and ask her for help? I answer: protection is needed not from her, but from hungry entities walking in the mirrors.

It is a big mistake to think that magical defenses are needed only to escape from enemy attacks. Witchcraft protections have many functions. Precautions before a strong ritual for good luck and wish fulfillment are needed, but it depends on what exactly you want to do and what you ask for. If you ask for help with something good for yourself, then no special precautions are needed. But if you try for the enemy, then strengthen your protection from the effects of magic, and remove protection from the enemy.

Magicians who seriously practice black magic have in their piggy bank the most powerful ritual for the fulfillment of three wishes, i.e. conditionally - to fulfill any desires and solve problems. More than once I have heard from sorcerers that it is this rite that they consider the most effective.

A very powerful ritual. My personal impressions of him, the magician Sergei Artgrom, are very good. The same reviews about the ritual for the fulfillment of desires with an appeal to the Chernovladychitsa abound. What can Herodiana give to a practicing magician, or to an apprentice? Wisdom, ease of gaining knowledge in witchcraft practice, a deep understanding of the performed magical rituals for the fulfillment of any desires at home. But, in addition to this, a person can have any dreams. Ask, you will receive an answer in dreams. This is an appeal to the highest hypostasis of the Dark Forces, and if you need to be heard, you will be heard.

A powerful ritual for the fulfillment of innermost desires - Speak the Black Sovereign

What you need to prepare for this ceremony:

  • black natural fabric
  • black wax candle
  • mirror

It is better to have a special mirror, specifically for this effective ritual of black magic to fulfill your desire. This is my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom. Although many practicing sorcerers make a call to the infernal Mistress to the mirror through which the strong make. There are cases when an ordinary household mirror was used, located in the hallway, bathroom or full-length mirror in the closet. After the ceremonies, the mirrors must be cleaned in a special way.

Read a home plot to fulfill your innermost desire at midnight on a black wax candle. Hold the candle in your left hand, stand or sit in front of a mirror. When the Black Lord manifests, you will understand. It will pull you with cold, or throw you into heat, there may be other sensations and experiences.

This is a very effective ritual for the fulfillment of any desire of a person.

The Black Sovereign is a hypostasis of the Dark Female Power, and to her, who has come to your call, voice your innermost desire or problem in which you need help.

“The black Queen, the Mistress of Hell, you become languid with flames, but you glow with fire, then demons are born, but you are inhabited, then everything is full of sins, but it is allowed into the world, then everything is forbidden with a secret speech, it is marked with a coffin creak, then the dead are crying, the crow is chirping with a feather, blackened with blood, the heavens are closed, the churches are torn to the ground, the buildings of the cross are laid, all the whims of Christ are thrown away, then you are black, you unlock the hearts, but you know everything, but you measure everything that is said, then we know what is done, then it is helped, scattered to the grave Yes, the kingdom is heaped up, but fixed by the army of demons, hastened by the devil himself, yes it is hardened, words are heard and my speeches are heard, then they are swept away. If my disposition catches my eye, then your disguise will appear, then you will live with a flame, but you will come to me. Amen".

When you feel the presence, say what you want. If she wishes, the Black Queen will give her help to you. Completing this strong ritual for the fulfillment of desires at home, the called Force must be released. This can be done by extinguishing the candle with your fingers, and mentally saying: "I'm letting go". In general, each practicing black magician does this in his own way, depending on the developments.

Having completed the guaranteed magical ritual for the fulfillment of desires, the mirror should be wrapped in black cloth and removed until the next witchcraft ceremony. Do the same with a candle - extinguish with your fingers and leave until the next case of turning to the Mistress of Hell to fulfill your long-standing desire. Immediately after that, they go to bed. A magical ritual for 100% fulfillment of a secret dream is performed once, without repetitions and fakes. Here the magician does not work on personal strength, but refers to the very essence of the Force.

Reviews of the strongest ritual for the fulfillment of desires through black magic

Now, with regard to redemption. Is it necessary for a home ritual to fulfill one's own desires? Without a doubt. They don’t work with ordinary devils without payoffs, but here the hypostasis of the highest level is called. Take it to the crossroads. Redemption, and immediately. It is not recommended to delay this. However, the standard redemption when performing a ritual for a cherished desire on your own is not suitable here. What exactly will be considered sufficient payment, you will be informed in a dream.

Every mage is different. Templates cannot be. Much depends on what kind of requests for the fulfillment of the most cherished desire to turn to Herodiana. Well, and who has what kind of relationship with this lady. You need to listen to your feelings. Chui will not let you down, and the Black Sovereign herself will tell you. But, at the mercy of, having made a real ritual for good luck and the fulfillment of your own desires, do not skimp. If it is not enough, she will take her own. At the mercy of many is wine, chocolate, liver, jewelry. According to some magicians, cakes and flowers were at the mercy of them.

Some practicing sorcerers believe that in strong magical ritual for the fulfillment of secret desires pay off with blood. However, this is not even advice or a wish, but simply the theory of some real magicians. In any case, ask the Mistress of Hell about redemption through dreams, through divination.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

For what purposes can you make a home ritual for the instant fulfillment of your most cherished desire? What requests can be addressed to the Chernovladychitsa? According to the reviews of those who did the ritual for the fulfillment of desires, this call is universal. If you touch on particulars, a good response and help is coming

  • in money matters
  • to make deals,
  • to work,
  • and career
  • to get rid of debt
  • and enemies
  • But in love affairs Chernovladychitsa helps reluctantly.

Magic ritual for the fulfillment of a cherished desire - For seven black candles

On the full moon, they make this strong ritual for the speedy fulfillment of their own desires. What you need to have for the ceremony:

  • 7 black candles
  • white natural fabric
  • mirror
  • cup
  • milk
  • ritual knife
  • nickel

Black candles are required. Nothing can replace them here. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend making candles on your own specifically for this particular magical ritual for the instant fulfillment of the most cherished dream. To do this, you need wax and charcoal. You can take crushed activated charcoal tablets. Do-it-yourself candles for a strong ritual of fulfilling the most cherished desires of a person give a stronger return during work.

At night, they cover the table with a cloth, put a mirror. Candles are placed above the mirror. A cup of milk and honey is placed on the mirror. Then they light candles and read a home plot, read this strong ritual for the fulfillment of desires at home.

“Light you black candles, but tell me the words of the prayer. It will be read by an old man, but it will break with every lock, but it will be rejected with every seal, and it will open with an inferno door. Yes, if it opens, then a pack of devils will whirl, and in this flame they will spin, but they will be applied to the world with glamor. Yes, it’s good for me to multiply. For every day, it is said, done by the course of creation, repudiated by the Lord's word, revered by the black psalter. It was not given with blood, but with milk and honey, it was strengthened with goodness, with a voice. Taco was requested by my request, it was heard in the very hell, but it was manifested on horseback, it was accepted by the people of the world. It was spoken for seven days, but created for seven days, and helped with seven devils, seen with seven fires, sent in a mirror way. Amen".

Then throw a nickel into the cup and read the words of the conspiracy for the speedy fulfillment of your strong desire:

“I conjure with a cursed flame, I speak for seven candles, then my speech will be heard, but then the devil will pick it up. For seven days it will be accepted, but on the seventh day it will be fulfilled. Amen".

After reading the spell, extinguish 6 candles. The seventh candle, the one in the middle, should burn out completely. When the candle burns out, the rest of the candles must be removed in a safe place. When this effective ritual for the fulfillment of desire shows its result, and what was requested is fulfilled, then only they should be burned.

A magical ritual for the exact fulfillment of one's own desires is effective.

Helps in any matters, including financial ones, almost immediately. As for improving and correcting luck in my personal life, I can definitely say: it does not work. To solve love issues, look for other rituals and love spells. The Forces need a good, generous ransom, then this quick ritual for the fulfillment of desire will work 100%.

A simple ritual for good luck and fulfillment of desires - Ask for a Whirlwind

This is an effective conspiracy for the exact fulfillment of one's own desire. And, like many of his rites, this ritual seems simple. However, the effect of it, if you get along with the devils, can be very effective. I confirm: this quick ritual for the instant fulfillment of any desires is 100 percent working.

In windy weather, as you see that the wind has turned into a whirlwind, the dust is spinning, it means that the devils have played out. Look at the whirlwind, and say a simple plot of the Force:

“Spin, spin, gather like a whirlwind, my word has been said, but the Devil himself has fulfilled it. Amen".

And then read whatever you want. The devil will do it.

A conspiracy to fulfill a desire helps us to formulate an intention more clearly and express it more clearly to the Universe. And since a person is always in close connection with the outside world, his request does not go unanswered - the Universe provides the necessary opportunities for the implementation of the desired. The most important thing is to see these opportunities, use them and be able to trust God so that our own desires do not turn to our detriment.

As for the ritual, this is just a way of conveying information, and therefore you can choose it freely - from those that appeal to you more. But whatever you choose - a conspiracy to desire from Stepanova, a conspiracy from Vanga, a magic spell or a self-invented ritual - wish and act only for the good (both for yourself and for others).

Fundamental rules

Esotericism claims that almost any intention can be realized, but religion believes that God protects us from the realization of desires that can harm. Human consciousness, unfortunately, is limited and short-sighted. While exercising independent freedom of choice, we often cannot predict all the consequences, and therefore suffer from our own thoughts and actions.

The first rule of safety is to keep both of the above opinions in mind and, when expressing your desire, ultimately trust its fulfillment to the will of God.

Of course, for this, God, as such, must have a place in the picture of your world (moreover, it must be such a God who loves his creations and wishes them all the best.)

All other rules are secondary. However, they are also desirable to fulfill, since they create the conditions for the most complete and effective expression of intention. So, it is better to read the plot aloud, translating thought forms into a material state - into words and sounds (although you can first formulate the words of intention on paper). In addition, rituals should be done in solitude, in a calm environment, and without need to tell anyone about them. Also, it is highly desirable to fulfill the requirements prescribed for each individual ritual, since they help to transform the energy of desire into specific actions for the realization of what was conceived.

With water

Water conspiracies are considered one of the fastest and most effective. They are in the arsenal of every magician and healer (including the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, Vanga and many other healers). Water is the best carrier of information, and our body contains a significant amount of it. With the help of H2O, we can "program" our body and psyche, as well as make changes to the world around us.

It is better to read conspiracies for spring water - this is ideal for any ritual to fulfill a wish. In rituals where you do not need to drink water, you can use rain, river, sea, lake water (just take it in places where as few people as possible walk and bathe). If the ceremony provides for drinking water, but it is impossible to get spring water, use melted water. During freezing, it is necessary to discard the first crust of ice that appears, and after the final freezing, the remaining liquid that has not frozen. When the remaining cubes melt, you will receive the purest water and a powerful tool for fulfilling desires.

Glass of water

This ceremony is best done early in the morning, alone and before breakfast. Ideally, you need to walk to the spring and collect water in a glass there, but you can also use the prepared melt water. It is advisable to pre-read a prayer or meditate in order to clear the mind. Say a cherished desire three times over water in a glass, and then three times - the following conspiracy:

“Water-vodichka, mother and sister, you cleanse me, you fill me; May the day you start give me good luck, every clean sip - for a happy outcome.

Sip the water slowly in small sips.

Water and salt

This rite is very effective, because it combines water and salt - substances that can quickly and effectively "remember" information. You will need a glass of clean water and three pinches of salt (ideally Thursday). Write your desire on a piece of paper and put it on a saucer, pour salt there. Then pour the salt into a glass and stir, uttering your desire and conspiracy in turn, until the crystals are completely dissolved

“As salt dissolves, so desires come true.”

When the crystals dissolve, set fire to a piece of paper with a desire and read your favorite prayer, and then add the ashes to a glass, go outside and pour water into the ground.

For the night

Many believe that the strongest conspiracies and rituals are those that are done at night, before going to bed. This effect is associated with the energy of the moon, and besides, going to bed immediately after the ceremony, we kind of let go of our plans, without interfering with the process with doubts and allowing the desire to calmly come true. In this case, you need to remember two basic rules. If at the heart of your dream is the attraction of something (a happy marriage, money, meeting a worthy man, beauty, etc.), you should speak a desire to the growing moon, and if you want to get rid of something (from illness, infidelity husband, excess weight, etc.) - you should work with the conspiracy on the waning moon.

With bread

Very simple and effective rituals before going to bed can be done with ordinary bread. It is better to bake it yourself in the evening, but you can also buy it in the store. You will need the whole loaf or loaf - do not give them to anyone, but pray before going to bed, say your desire and conspiracy:

“As bread gives life to a person, so does my desire; what I need - let it be fulfilled, what is not needed - let it be forgotten; help, Lord, your servant "your name" to fulfill his plans for the good. Amen".

Break off a piece of bread and put it under the pillow, and the rest - just at the head. In the morning, eat a piece yourself, and give the rest to the birds.

With a candle

To fulfill a cherished desire with the help of this ceremony, you will need a thin candle, a pen and paper. In the evening, rub the candle in your hands to warm it up well, and gently twist it seven times to make seven turns. Write your desire on paper, light a candle and put it on top of what was written. While the candle is burning, read your favorite prayer seven times, and then think about those desires that you have ever fulfilled - firmly tell yourself that the current intention will be the same. Think about your dream while the candle burns, and on the last coil, say seven times

"The candle burns out - it fulfills my dream."

For the holidays

According to the reviews of those who tried to fulfill a wish on a holiday, much of what was planned really quickly came true, and in the most incomprehensible way. New Year's holidays are especially popular for making wishes, as well as Angel's Day, Birthday, Palm Sunday and the Annunciation. At Christmas, you can bake special "happy cakes" in holy water. When kneading the dough, you need to say three times:

“The Bright Lord and the Mother of God sent grace to people - whoever eats a cake, happiness is in the palm of his hand.”

The cake must be eaten and treated to the family, while making good wishes.

On the day of the Angel and on your birthday, you can ask your Guardian Angel for the fulfillment of a wish:

"Bright Angel, give a blessing on the wishes of a good fulfillment."

For speedy implementation, read the request-conspiracy for a burning candle twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime, combining it with three favorite prayers. On Palm Sunday, you can make wishes during traditional rituals: when you are whipped with a twig, when you bring a willow into the house and lay it out in the corners. There is a popular belief: if you eat a willow bud on Palm Sunday and drink it with holy water, then your plan will certainly come true. In addition, on Palm Sunday, it was recommended to make wishes “for love” - you just need to think about your loved one so that he comes, calls or sends news about himself (however, this does not mean that in this way you can evoke a response feeling - if the guy came, it means that he already had a feeling, and on Palm Sunday some kind of barrier simply disappeared).

other methods

  1. A quick and easy way to "talk" water is to get caught in the rain and say your wish out loud (for the female half of humanity, this is a particularly powerful tool). If you happen to walk in the rain for a long time, take the opportunity and meditate on your dream, formulate a desire in one phrase and repeat it out loud several times.
  2. An effective and, most importantly, an emergency way of fulfilling a desire can be realized with the help of an ordinary handkerchief. Formulate a wish, say a conspiracy; "I'll tie a knot - everything will be fulfilled on time, God help me." While saying the words, tie a handkerchief in one knot and carry it with you until your plan is fulfilled.
  3. You will need a red woolen thread (twenty centimeters), a candle, white paper and a pen with black ink. Light a candle and write your desire on paper, and then say it out loud three times. Tie nine knots on the thread in turn saying: “The first one starts, the second one knows the truth, the third one allows, the fourth one strengthens, the fifth one unites, the sixth one fixes, the seventh one directs, the eighth one embodies, the ninth one does God’s will.” Burn the paper with desire, hide the thread with knots, and let the candle burn out to the end.
  4. A shadow plot should be carried out in the morning, facing your shadow (to the sun - with your back). Just say: "On a bright sunny day, I ask you, shadow, be with me in the light to fulfill my dream." Some believe that shadow conspiracies are related to dark magic and appeal to dark forces - this is true with respect to some spells. However, the above ritual only involves bringing the light and dark sides of our subconscious into balance in order to achieve a single goal.
  • Any ritual must be approached in absolute harmony. Forgiveness and reconciliation is very important - both with other people and with yourself. Mentally forgive all people their "debts" and think that you are also forgiven. Spend as much time on this as it takes to begin the ritual with a pure heart and a clear mind.
  • Another important skill in magic and life is to be able to accept any result in advance. Whether a wish comes true or not - you should be equally grateful. Such a state of mind will attract good luck to you and, perhaps, after a while, your seemingly “unpromising” desire will suddenly come true.
  • We all want our dreams to come true. What is needed for this? To begin with, you should decide on your desire and really want it to come true. And, of course, to speed things up a bit with a good conspiracy.

    Unfortunately, even if you know what you want, sometimes it still doesn't work out. Yes, it happens and very often. In such cases, two options are possible: either your desire can harm another person, or something is blocking its execution. It is with us that you will find effective conspiracies that will help eliminate all blocks without harming other people, and your desires will begin to come true.

    Universal conspiracy to fulfill any desire

    This conspiracy is good because it does not have a specific connection to the love or money spheres of life. After all, our desires can be different, and they are not always associated with money or solving love issues.

    But since it is universal, the desired must be thought out to the smallest detail: it will come true exactly as you wish. Take half an hour of your time (or more if needed) and write down what you want. You can first just put your thoughts on paper, so that you can read everything and rewrite it clearly and understandably. The main thing is that your words should not have a dual meaning. Everything should be extremely unambiguous: for the Universe there are no tricks and detours, it does everything exactly as you wish.

    After you have decided on the wording of what you want, you need to buy a church candle (size is not important). Place it in a candle holder or just hang it on a plate. Place the piece of paper you wrote on under the plate or candlestick. Next, light a candle and, looking at its flame, imagine how your wish comes true. After that, put your palms together, as in prayer, and say the following: " I, the servant of God ... (your name), call on my helper angels. Please fulfill my request ... (say your desire). I address you with gratitude and confidence that my desire comes from a pure heart and for the benefit of all those affected by it. Amen».

    Then carefully take out a piece of paper with your desire and burn it. You can leave the candle to burn out; if it is too big, just let it burn for ten minutes, and then put it out.

    Conspiracy to attract love, money, health

    This conspiracy can also be used to fulfill various desires. The result will depend on the color of the candle you choose. Whether you want to find your soul mate, rekindle the fire of love in a fading relationship, or simply attract love, you need a red candle. If your desire is directly related to money, green shades will do. And if you need to improve your health, you need to take a white or yellow candle.

    So, you have decided on what you want and have chosen a candle of the desired color. Next, you need to be alone with your desire. Ask that no one interfere with you at this time, and be sure to turn off your phone so as not to be distracted.

    After that, you need to light the wick, join your palms in a prayer gesture and look at the flame until your thoughts come to order. As soon as you calm down, and nothing will distract you from the process, say the phrase: “ As this candle burns and melts, so my wish is fulfilled. Amen».

    The text of the plot must be spoken 7 times. After that, the candle must be allowed to burn out.

    In rituals and conspiracies, not only the process itself is important, but also a clear understanding of what you want. If the desire is not thought out, or you doubt it, there is a high probability that it will not come true. Believe in yourself, clearly formulate your own dreams, and everything will work out. And don't forget to press the buttons and

    14.09.2015 00:40

    Since ancient times, people have illuminated their homes with candles, but the benefits of a simple candle are not limited to this. With candles...

    On December 31, for the New Year, a conceived desire is fulfilled, and if you read a special conspiracy at the moment when you wished something on New Year's Eve, then after the New Year's ritual, the wish will surely come true. Magic for the new year is the most powerful white and black magic that can almost immediately fulfill any dream that you make at the time of reading the conspiracy to desire, the main thing is that what you really want and ask for the new year does not bring any harm to you and another person. A conspiracy so that in the new year the wish will definitely come true is read next to the New Year's live tree. Tear off 7 needles from the Christmas tree and remove the rain, all this is necessary to read the conspiracy that fulfills your plan - a dream.

    New Year's rite - a ritual with reading a conspiracy to fulfill a wish on the night of the new year is as follows:

    Those who know the text of the prayer - the white conspiracy once a year can fulfill their most important desire. You need to read the text of the conspiracy to fulfill a wish on your birthday, you need to go to the church in advance and buy twelve yellow candles there. On your birthday, put and light 12 candles around you and holding a glass of water in your hands, while the candles are burning, read wish fulfillment spell :

    To attract constant good luck in any business, they read a conspiracy for good luck that will help you become more successful. The oldest rite that brings good luck is done on a thing. You can speak any new things or objects, most often it is customary to read the conspiracy on jewelry that you will wear daily, this jewelry becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. It is accepted by magicians speak a ring for good luck and wealth wearing without taking off. The charmed thing becomes the best talisman that makes its owner lucky, about which many say: "he was born in a shirt and that is why he is always lucky in everything." But the secret of constant luck is in the charmed subject - the ring. Now we will tell you how to independently speak any thing or object so that it brings good luck and wealth. Buy any silver ring or pendant and read this plot on it :

    To fulfill any of your desires, you need water, salt and a wish-fulfilling conspiracy . Not a complicated rite, which will be discussed today, is capable of quickly fulfill a conceived (conceived) desire with the help of white magic . Until recently, this strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish was known only to the “chosen ones”, but time runs fast and with the advent of the Internet, magic has become available to everyone. Today everyone can get what you want and for this you only need to take water and salt on your own read a conspiracy that grants any wish . For this ritual, the phase of the moon is not important and you can read the plot both day and night, but always on Sunday. Before read a spell to fulfill a wish you need to prepare for the ritual. On a blank sheet of paper, write down one of your wishes that you need to fulfill. Pour clean water into a transparent glass (it will not work with bleach from the tap). For a magical rite to fulfill a wish, you need coarse salt (3 full pinches), which you measure in advance on a piece of paper with a written desire (directly on the text). When everything is ready, stirring the water in a glass, start slowly pouring salt into the water. read a wish-fulfilling spell :

    To independently make a ritual for the fulfillment of a wish with a bay leaf, you need to read a conspiracy fulfilling a wish on a new moon or on a growing moon and perform simple actions with a leaf of a bay tree. The magical properties of bay leaves have long been known to give strength, success and fulfillment of desires. Bay leaf is used in white and black magic to attract love, luck and money, but today we will talk about how to perform wish fulfillment ritual with the help of a bay leaf, but it's not difficult. If the desire is of a monetary nature, a yellow candle is needed, a ritual for love desires is performed using a red candle, in all other cases a white candle is used. To read a wish-fulfilling conspiracy, we need a dry bay leaf, on which we need to write with a simple pencil what should be fulfilled. It is best to use the softest pencil. After writing a wish on a bay leaf, put it on a saucer and light a candle, when the candle flares up, drip wax on the bay leaf three times tell the plot :

    This is a very strong wish-fulfilling prayer that must come from the heart, only in this case the power of prayer is so strong that the wish comes true very quickly. Among the people there is one ancient prayer for wish fulfillment come down to our days. The words of the prayer are known to many people, for the fulfillment of a desire, people pray to the Most Holy Theotokos or turn in prayer to the Holy Matrona, who has already helped many in getting what they want. The text of the prayer must be memorized and read before the icon of the Holy Matrona and after prayers to ask Matronushka to fulfill your desire :

    The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, like a wish-fulfilling prayer, unites the same thing together. If you read the prayer to St. Nicholas and pass its words through your heart, then very quickly any of your desires will be fulfilled and you yourself can see how strong the power of this prayer is! A prayer for a wish to come true must be read in the church, kneeling in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Only after reading the prayer, you need to state your desire, the help in the implementation of which you want to receive from the Saint. Do not forget to put a candle in front of the icon when you ask for help and after Nikolay helped you! After reading the wish-fulfilling prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, voice your request - desire and "bow to the ground" three times - go to the floor of the Saint in Peace. Very soon you will find out how strong prayer is and what great power Nicholas the Wonderworker has - after all, your wish will come true as soon as possible ! After you will get what you want do not forget to go to church again and, as a token of gratitude, put a candle to Nicholas the Wonderworker and, after reading a prayer, thank him for his help.

    Strong conspiracies, like prayers, can fulfill any desire. . Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos asking the Virgin Mary to quickly fulfill the most important desire has long been popular with people for her quick and accurate execution of what to ask. If you have a cherished desire, there is an opportunity to pray and ask the Saints for the fulfillment of your cherished desire, only for this you need a special prayer, and even better if the prayer for the fulfillment of the desire is very strong. A strong prayer will fulfill your request faster and you will receive what you asked for and desired to receive, although everything has rules and limits - in no case should you read a prayer and wish harm to others in it in advance. Below is very strong prayer for the fulfillment of desire in the near future. I think many of the readers find it difficult to read Orthodox texts and prayers written in Old Slavonic. In any prayer, no matter what language you ask for the fulfillment of this or that desire, it is the feeling that plays the main role in communicating with higher powers, and for them there is no language barrier in the fulfillment of desire. In any prayer, you need to put a feeling of gratitude and love. And these prayers work great and help in the fulfillment of a conceived desire to attract money and good luck in life. Prayer for the fulfillment of a dream requires a clearer construction of your desire .

    White magic of wish fulfillment teaches how to fulfill a wish on a birthday and what conspiracy contributes to the fulfillment of a wish in the shortest possible time. It is about this ritual of magic, which performs everything that you wish, the conspiracies for today will be told. Believe me, in order to make a strong conspiracy on your own that will definitely fulfill your wish, you don’t need any magic items, but only a few rubles for a church candle, memorizing the words of the conspiracy and going to the nearest church. The most important thing in any magical ritual is an unshakable faith in the result and confidence that you will succeed! If there is even the slightest doubt, postpone reading the plot for a while.

    A conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a handkerchief is in third place in terms of its effectiveness and speed of fulfillment.. Even in the old days, a knot was tied on scarves as a keepsake or when guessing an important event that should happen and come true. The old people knew that a knot tied on a handkerchief had a magical effect (the magic of wish fulfillment) and believe me this practice has been around for several centuries! As you may have guessed, a conspiracy to fulfill a wish must be read on a handkerchief, only it must be brand new! Having tied a knot in the center of the raft, say your desire and read the plot:

    Conspiracies will tell you how to quickly attract good luck into your life with the help of magic and what kind of conspiracy will help you catch luck and good luck in all your work. Believe me, this is a fairly simple and at the same time very effective magical rite of white magic that will help you independently catch luck in business, study, work, in the lottery ... by the tail and become the luckiest person.
    A conspiracy for good luck should be read on any Thursday , but for the ceremony you need to prepare any coin, a small remnant of soap, with which you will wash your hands and a live cockroach before the conspiracy. On Thursday, put the listed items in a matchbox and dig a shallow hole near the house where you live so that no one sees and put the boxes in it and bury it while reading a strong conspiracy for eternal good luck in everything :

    If you want your wish to come true and happy days come in your life, perform a magic ritual . At night on Ivan Kupala, go to the forest and find a flowering fern. Do not rush to pick it, you need to perform a simple ceremony and pick a flowering fern by saying the words of a conspiracy to it. After that, you will always be accompanied by luck, happiness, health and wealth. Approaching a flowering plant, draw a circle around it with any stick, closing the line. Throw a stick and taking a fern in your hand and pulling it towards you, say spell for good luck and wish fulfillment :

    To make a wish come true, a conspiracy is read to fulfill a conceived desire . Wish fulfillment technology with the help of white magic simple enough. Any desire will be fulfilled if you read this strong conspiracy three times: once at home before you go to church, the second before entering the church and the third time after returning home from church and then strong ritual for the fulfillment of desire will let you get what you need. After the church read wish fulfillment spell enter the temple and you need to put twelve of any at the price of candles in front of any icons. After that, fast for forty days, and then your plan - the wish you made will surely come true. The words of the conspiracy that you need to read to achieve the desired are as follows :

    It was this method that was used for more than 12 centuries by magicians to punish the enemy and inflict damage on him. A conspiracy to punish the enemy - the offender you need to independently read on the street in windy weather. Pour plain water into a glass and, when you go outside with it, stand so that the wind blows at your back and starting to slowly pour water from the glass, read a spell to punish an enemy or offender :

    It happens that a person is constantly unlucky in all matters. It is most likely that a person was spoiled for bad luck and failure. Conspiracies will not tell a rite to remove the unfortunate bad luck from a person with the help of a conspiracy and a chicken egg. Only a special egg laid by a black hen is suitable for the ceremony. You can buy an egg from a black chicken in the village, and you can always distinguish it by the color of the shell - it is gray. Having brought home a chicken egg exactly at midnight, put the egg to boil, and when the water boils three times in a row, read a conspiracy that can instantly remove damage to bad luck .