Psychological attitude towards childbirth and lack of fear. As opposed to horror stories or about the mood for childbirth

I would really like for pregnant women who read this article to, if not completely stop being afraid of pain during childbirth, then at least look at it from a different perspective.

So, let me start with the fact that labor pain, by its nature and purpose, is categorically different from any other pain that a person experiences in his life. Normal pain is a signal of distress. The body thus tells a person about trouble in his body, that something needs to be done to correct the situation. A friend of mine, a psychotherapist who works with psychosomatics, once said: “Do you know why fungus that affects nails is difficult to treat? Because it doesn’t hurt.”

Indeed, the feeling of pain is a very strong motivation for treatment. But you and I are interested in another pain – childbirth. It has a completely different meaning...

Pain appears during contractions at the beginning of the first stage of labor, and along with this pain comes the understanding that labor has begun. Then the pain intensifies, the intervals between contractions decrease. And all this suggests that the process labor is underway safely, with positive dynamics.

There are, of course, exceptions: a woman experiences severe pain, but the cervix does not open, but this is already a complicated course of labor, I’m talking about the normal course of the process.

So, pain during contractions is not a signal of distress, but, on the contrary, a sign that everything is going well. The importance of pain in childbirth as information is indicated by the fact that when managing independent childbirth in women with a scar on the uterus (after a previous caesarean section) never use anesthesia. This is the only way a doctor can track complications during childbirth.

My next statement about pain during childbirth may seem generally inhumane to many. But I still believe that pain during childbirth is simply necessary for a woman to safely give birth to her child. I'll try to explain.

Let's look at the physiology of childbirth. The most active part of the body of a woman giving birth is the oldest part of the brain - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. All hormones that regulate the course of labor are secreted by these glands. This means that the birth process depends on their activity. Today it is known that activation of this part of the brain occurs when another part of the brain, the cortex, is inhibited. In other words, a woman’s birth goes more smoothly the sooner her intellect turns off.

The famous French obstetrician-gynecologist Michel Audin calls on all specialists who are near a woman giving birth to avoid stimulating her neocortex, namely, do not ask the woman any questions, leave her with the midwife in a dark, very warm room. In this case, the woman feels safe, she does not feel that she is being watched, she is not embarrassed by anyone, and most importantly, she does not have to think.

It is clear that the creation of such conditions strongly depends on the obstetric care system. And this is where pain comes to the rescue. Severe pain during childbirth, which comes and goes in its own rhythm, the intensity of which cannot be influenced in any way, sooner or later “forces” a woman to stop thinking and go to “another planet.”

Many women, when telling their nulliparous friends about childbirth, say something like this: “Oh! It was so painful that at some point I forgot what my name was, who I was, where I was! I no longer cared who was next to me. It was terrible!" These women needlessly scare their girlfriends to death; they simply do not realize that it was precisely this condition that helped them give birth.

Thus, strong pain inhibits the neocortex, stimulating the oldest parts of the brain responsible for the successful course of childbirth.

And another advantage of pain during childbirth is that in response to it, a woman’s blood receives a large number of own, natural opiates recognized in our body to relieve severe pain.

Remember the stories about painful shock: a person fell, broke his leg, at first experienced severe pain, but after a few seconds he stood up on this leg and walked, while being excited and experiencing a surge of strength. It worked defense mechanism characteristic of any organism. After a severe injury, a person must have enough strength to get to a place where he will get help, or at least to a place where he will be safe.

By analogy, at the peak of labor, when a woman experiences maximum pain, natural opiates enter her bloodstream, which also enter the baby’s bloodstream. As a result, in postpartum period, instead of feeling completely exhausted, a woman who gives birth naturally usually experiences an enormous surge of strength and joy.

The baby, having also gone through a short phase of inhibition, becomes active, does not sleep for an hour and a half to two hours immediately after birth, and actively sucks the breast. So it turns out that by anesthetizing childbirth, we refuse very powerful support, thought out by nature itself.

At the end of this lecture you will find a special birth meditation. All women are different, breathing is suitable for one, another uses sound, a third is embarrassed to moan during childbirth, but meditative images will be useful to her, a fourth will be able to relax as much as possible and thereby minimize pain. Childbirth is a creative process, try to open yourself, find the right position for your body and the only method of pain relief that suits you.

For those women who are actively studying methods during pregnancy non-pharmacological pain relief, I want to offer a special birth meditation. This exercise will be especially useful for those women who are helped in various life situations concentration on any images. So let's try...

Remember that lawn that you loved so much as a child. As has happened many times before, the grass touches your feet, the wind plays with your hair, you walk barefoot, the earth is springy and soft.

You come to the edge of the forest at the foot of the mountain, sit down to rest on that bench that stands not far from the babbling mountain stream, put on good mountain boots, take your backpack, cross the bridge and walk along the stream to the top.

You slowly walk through the shady, cool forest, reaching mountain pastures, where you find soft meadows with lonely spruce trees. You slowly rise higher and higher, past mountain pines, and the day becomes warmer. The road leads you upward, to where there are fragments of rocks and boulders, through the still heat of the pine forest, and then you come to a sheer cliff.

Here you find the entrance, go in, wait for your eyes to adjust, and you realize that you are in the hall that precedes the entrance to the cave, and in the depths you find the next entrance to a huge cave. This is your cave, there is a pleasant coolness in it, and light streams from an unknown source. In the center there is a natural pool.

Look what material it's made of, maybe it's gems or polished rock, or maybe it's made of natural stone or lined with pebbles. Determine its dimensions, make it wider or deeper so that it is comfortable for you to dive. Decide what color it is. Do its edges rise above the ground or are they level with it? See what color the water is, you can change it to suit you exactly. Also, look where the influx of water comes from: perhaps it constantly flows along the rock or is provided by an underground source. Consider the churn and see if they balance each other out. If the outflow is too high and the pool may lose too much water, reduce it. Or increase it if it is too small and the water threatens to overflow.

Now you can set the temperature to your liking, take off your clothes and go into the water. Now dive, dive to the very bottom, dive, gaining health. Every time you hit that bottom, your body changes, becoming completely healthy.

When you reach the bottom, be careful. Feel the change that has occurred in you and let the water itself lift you up along this natural spiral. And know that at the same time you are holding your child in your arms, and at the same time you are a child yourself, and both of you, as one, together enjoy this spiral movement until you rise to the surface.

You can repeat this process many times until you turn this feeling of the spiral into consciousness and until you - you and your child - know exactly what is needed for this dance.

You know that at this very time the father of your child is watching you and everyone physiological processes, which simultaneously automatically occur in you. And then you can get out of the water, wipe yourself dry, relax and, lying on a soft couch, still enjoy this room with a source and rearrange it as you wish. You can come here and dive as often as you want.

“It’s even good that it was earlier,” the anesthesiologist cheerfully convinced me, who found myself in the maternity hospital a month earlier than planned. “Everything has already formed for him, he would only have grown fat. So it’s easier for you.”

And yes, at that very moment these words made me feel better. They helped me, who was terrified, get ready for childbirth. Of course it was extreme situation, and the mood for an easy birth should be there without it. Let's see how this can be achieved.

"Long working day before vacation"

Do you remember how hard the last hours drag on before a long-awaited vacation? Colleagues are annoying, work is not going well, thoughts are somewhere far, far away. But this nasty time ends, and you find yourself on the seashore.

Remember these sensations during the painful labor hours. For some, this approach helps a lot to tune in and survive childbirth.

"Don't read birth stories"

Those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time try to study the process in as much detail as possible by reading and listening to the experiences of other mothers. No need. Firstly, every birth is an individual, unique process. Any obstetrician-gynecologist will confirm this to you. Secondly, people look at and evaluate the same thing differently. What may seem like a nightmare to some may be considered a piece of cake by others.

"Study the theory"

But about childbirth with medical point On the contrary, reading is useful. Of course, we are not talking about a manual for gynecologists, but about such important points how a woman behaves during childbirth. Why can't you scream while pushing? When is it possible and when not to push? Why is it so important to breathe properly? Competent answers to these questions will help you go through childbirth more calmly.

“During childbirth, only a doctor is at the same time your dad, mom, friend and teacher”

Trust in doctors who will help during childbirth is one of the main prerequisites for an easy process. If the doctor does not hold your hand or speak tender words, this does not mean that he is a bad doctor. Believe me, for the doctor your childbirth is also stressful, the doctor must be as collected as possible and control what is happening. Try, for your own peace of mind, to choose the most suitable maternity hospital and doctor for you.

"Panic is evil"

In an excited state, it is extremely difficult to do something well, especially to give life to a new person. If you are an easily excitable and nervous person, then support yourself with the thought that you will be nervous incomparably less time than dealing with the consequences of your panic: childbirth lasts several hours, and what follows lasts for the rest of your life.

"Think positive"

Children are hard: both physically and mentally. But at the same time, children are an incomparable happiness. And yes, the pain of childbirth is forgotten. Some are fast, some are slower. But it is forgotten. Your birth will definitely go well, it shouldn’t be any other way. Repeat this to yourself often.

Women are worried when they are expecting a child because they do not know what awaits them. It is important for a mother to tune in to childbirth and not be afraid of the process; for this there are ways and techniques for a stable psychological state.

Causes of fear and uncertainty

Fear intensifies due to hormonal changes body of the expectant mother. In order to mentally prepare for childbirth, you need to find out the cause of the experience and get rid of it.

Why is a woman afraid of the upcoming birth:

  1. pain;
  2. unknown;
  3. bad experience;
  4. deterioration of the figure.

Painful sensations. It has been scientifically proven that childbirth causes pain that has been compared to breaking twenty bones. In fact, at this moment, the body produces substances that relieve pain and reduce sensitivity.

Uncertainty of the future. The uncertainty of the process makes women anxious. The best solution in this case is to read books written by experienced obstetricians. It is not recommended to visit forums or watch amateur videos of childbirth.

Negative experience. This type of fear is associated with previous births. It is necessary to understand that each birth process is different from the next one. By analyzing the difficulties, it will be possible to avoid repeating bad experiences.

Changing the body and figure. Expectant mothers are afraid that after the birth of the baby, their body will not return to its previous shape. This fear is due to the fact that the skin stretches and the woman gains weight. Nature dictates that the figure will gradually return to its original form.

Each type of fear has a history of occurrence, for example, a story from a friend, previous births, or articles. The expectant mother is advised to think positively, and if she experiences any worries, consult a psychologist. The right attitude will help to avoid negative consequences both during and after the birth of the child.

Tune in

Psychologically, childbirth brings uncertainty and fear. Experiences due to the painful process and changes in figure accompany the pregnant woman for nine months.

Psychologists have developed options for dealing with fears. Each method is aimed at ensuring that a woman goes into childbirth with a positive mood. During pregnancy, it is important to learn to relax and distract yourself from negative situations.

How to psychologically prepare yourself for childbirth:

  • help from loved ones;
  • physical activity;
  • literature and preparatory courses;
  • relaxing music;

Accept help from loved ones. Family support is important in psychological preparation. Discuss the upcoming event with your husband and attend courses together.

Physical readiness. Yoga and swimming for expectant mothers will help you get in the right mood for an easy and successful birth. Exercises aimed at preparing muscles breathing exercises, contribute to a painless birth of a baby.

Reading literature. Don't read it negative reviews women on forums. The solution is to study literature written for pregnant women by experienced obstetricians.

Positive music. Favorite melodies can tune a woman into upcoming process, calm down nervous system, relax. Music distracts from worries.

Courses for young families. There are special courses for future parents that teach not only about childbirth, but how to prepare for it. Young mothers will be taught how to breathe correctly, take comfortable poses during contractions.

Positive childbirth is the key to birth healthy child. The expectant mother needs to take care of preparations in advance so that the process in a hurry does not cause negative emotions.

Causes of pain and ways to reduce it

The psyche is designed in such a way that if future mom is tuned in advance to pain during childbirth, then sensitivity doubles. Proper preparation reduces discomfort, facilitates the process of the birth of a baby.

The main causes of pain during labor:

  • contractions and stretching of the uterus. During contractions, pain appears at regular intervals, dull in sensation, moving from the lower back to the sacrum;
  • pain during pushing is associated with the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. This pain is more localized, sharp.

Having studied in advance painful sensations problems that will arise during childbirth, the woman will be able to cope with them. Breathing will help you relax and relieve nervous tension, gripping and pushing will be easier.

Methods to reduce pain:

  1. natural;
  2. medicinal.

Natural. Saves during labor correct posture and breathing. Walking, light dancing, and massage work effectively. You need to breathe slowly, inhaling for 4 counts and exhaling for 6 counts. While pushing, you need to strain your stomach and pull your head to your chest. During the entire labor process, thoughts should be about the baby.

Medication. Anesthesia for women in labor is prescribed by an obstetrician. The drugs help reduce pain and relax muscles. Anesthesia helps you easily endure the unpleasant sensations that accompany contractions and efforts.
The only main rule is a positive attitude towards childbirth without pain. Confidence and calmness will bring only joyful moments to the birth of a baby.

Preparation methods

During nine months of waiting for a child, a pregnant woman will be able to prepare herself for childbirth, even if it is very scary. This is facilitated by courses for future parents, gymnastics, massage and support from loved ones.

How to get ready for natural childbirth:

  • massage;
  • exercises;
  • breath;
  • medicines;
  • psychological preparation.

Massage. From the 20th week you can start performing perineal massage using oils for pregnant women. The procedure is carried out daily for 2 minutes. The massage is aimed at improving the elasticity of the walls of the cervix.

Exercises. Everything will be fine during childbirth if the woman prepares for the process during pregnancy. Kegel exercises strengthen the vaginal muscles, thereby avoiding ruptures during childbirth.

Breath. Correct breathing will help you endure childbirth without fear and constraint. It is recommended to do the exercises daily for no more than 10 minutes using the economical breathing technique: the duration of exhalation should be twice as long as inhalation.

Medicines. To speed up the dilatation of the cervix, special gels are used. Stimulation improves labor, reduces the likelihood of prolonged labor. In this case, the gels do not affect the fetus. To reduce pain, painkillers are used intravenously, epidural anesthesia and inhalation.

Psychological support. There are courses for mothers to help them prepare for the birth of a child during pregnancy. Most maternity hospitals offer partner births. Not only her husband, but also her mother or close friend can support a woman in labor.

The right attitude and help from family are important when a baby is born. During pregnancy, you need to move a lot, listen to positive music and read literature for expectant mothers.
Preparing for childbirth takes a woman nine months.

At this wonderful time, it is worth learning to breathe correctly, choosing a maternity hospital and preparing psychologically for the process. Pain during the birth of a baby is inherent in nature, but physiologically a woman is able to prepare for it.

It is very important for a pregnant woman that before giving birth she has good mood and there was no feeling of anxiety or fear. Mood changes at 38 weeks of pregnancy are quite common, so it is important to take care of your emotional state in advance.

First of all, you need to make sure in advance that the birth is attended by a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist, whom the expectant mother absolutely trusts. Despite this, the doctor only helps the woman, and she does all the main work during labor herself. Therefore, the mood of a pregnant woman before childbirth should be positive. At this time, she must tune in to the fact that she will successfully overcome this test, which nature itself has laid in a woman. A woman’s attitude is no less important than the attentiveness and competence of doctors.

If the expectant mother is observant, she may notice that after each anxiety state or experiencing negative emotions, the baby behaves restlessly and pushes the mother in the tummy. This is a consequence of stress - catelochamine hormones disturb the baby and do not allow him to calm down. You should not disturb your baby in the last stages of pregnancy and concentrate on negative thoughts.

Changes in mood before childbirth are caused by the following reasons:

Changes in the body hormonal level– rapid growth of estrogen and progesterone;
changes in usual lifestyle;
unwanted pregnancy;
deviations intrauterine development fetus, pregnancy complications, hospitalization of the expectant mother.

Sometimes childbirth does not proceed as doctors predicted, but difficult situations rarely occur. Therefore, you should not bring yourself to depression and tears before childbirth by imagining emergencies. You need to trust the knowledge of obstetricians and rely on your own strength. It is best to imagine that the birth was easy and that everything is fine with mother and baby.

During partner childbirth, when the husband, mother or other close person will be present when the baby is born, have a heart-to-heart talk with this person. Let him know how you want to feel supported and what you expect from him during and after birth.

There is no need to worry about the child’s health in advance. Sometimes Bad mood before birth due to poor test results. The expectant mother needs to convince herself that the problems that have arisen will not become a reason for sadness and will not darken the day when the baby was born. The mother’s task is to help the baby overcome stress. The newborn will immediately feel any excitement of the mother, so she should be calm and balanced.

When your mood changes before giving birth, meditation helps a lot. Two to three weeks before giving birth you need to do simple moves, meditate, conduct auto-training. Thereby psychological condition improve for a pregnant woman before giving birth. She will be filled with strength and energy, so necessary for labor. For a meditation session, it is important to choose the right music that will give confidence and positive emotions. If you listen to songs, they should be positive, not sad. The best option are classics, melodic romances, lullabies and children's songs.

If the expectant mother is attending a class at a school for pregnant women, you can ask the trainer to devote one class to the topic of relaxation. Special exercises will help relieve tension and stress before childbirth, and during labor - to relax and relax in the period between contractions.

The emotional state before childbirth is normalized by regular walks fresh air and light exercise classes for pregnant women. Even before giving birth, it is necessary to walk and lead active image life. this will make the birth easier.

The mood on the day of birth should be positive. A pregnant woman should listen to her every feeling and tune in to the long-awaited meeting with her beloved baby. The expectant mother should pay maximum attention to communicating with the child, because he hears and feels her.

To cope with the various emotions that overcome a pregnant woman at 9 months, experts have developed the following recommendations.
Before giving birth, the expectant mother must part with worries and fears, and tune in to a joyful and happy meeting with her baby!
Top 9 rules for how to cheer up before childbirth

Psychologists have developed basic rules that will help you have a good mood before childbirth.

1. Emotional imbalance is normal phenomenon for pregnant women. It is important to realize that mood swings before childbirth are a temporary phenomenon. After a short period of time, everything will end, and the emotional mood will be stable, and experience positive emotions the newborn baby will force her.

2. Reading the right literature contributes to the correct perception of changes, both physically and emotionally. Therefore, by choosing the right books about pregnancy and caring for a newborn, a woman gets a positive experience and does not worry about trifles.

3. Proper nutrition and the optimal daily routine allows a pregnant woman not only to maintain wellness, but also take care of your health and the health of your baby.

4. Active communication with loved ones and maintaining friendly relations with medical staff will help you get rid of fears and worries.

5. You need to prioritize your work in such a way as to give yourself the opportunity to rest more, because pregnancy can cause greater fatigue and decreased energy.

6. Find yourself a hobby or identify pleasant activities that will help you receive maximum positive emotions.

7. Try to restrain yourself when emotions come up: analyze everything, and only then make an adequate decision.

8. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a doctor or psychologist when the situation begins to get out of control.

9. Communicate with your child, listen to him and his “wishes”, because you are constantly in unbreakable connection and love.
Love yourself and your baby! And then a good mood and healthy child you are guaranteed!

More materials - what a child can do at 3 months

The birth process of a baby is controlled by many hormones, and each of them must strictly perform his “part” on time so that the birth goes smoothly.

Hormones are natural substances that are produced by the body and control everything internal processes at the biochemical level, directly affecting the function of certain organs. In order for the functioning of organs and systems to be correct, a strictly defined amount of hormones is important: a lack or excess of these substances negatively affects normal function. All of the above directly applies to, because this process is also controlled directly by hormones.

Preparation stage

The body of the mother and baby begins to prepare for childbirth in advance, about 2 weeks before. important event. The baby's adrenal glands produce special hormones, with the help of which the mother's body receives a signal that the baby is ready to be born. The placenta begins to produce less and less progesterone, which is the main pregnancy hormone. By the time of birth, the concentration of progesterone in the blood decreases by about 100 times! But the mother’s ovaries synthesize more and more estrogens. It is estrogen that prepares the cervix for childbirth - under their influence it becomes softer, shortens and begins to gradually open. Estrogens also make the muscles of the uterus sensitive to the action of a special hormone oxytocin and tissue prostaglandins, which cause contractile activity of the uterus and directly trigger the process of childbirth. That is why, as labor approaches, a woman increasingly feels slight contractions of the muscles of the uterus and its tension.

The invisible work of hormones

The birth process is extremely complex and regulated not only by the exact amount of hormones, but also by their sequential interaction. Thus, prostaglandins are released under the influence of the hormone oxytocin, and subsequently they lead to an increase in the effect of oxytocin.

The impetus for the onset of labor is directly given by tissue prostaglandins. Their name is derived from “prostate” - the male reproductive gland, in which they were first discovered by scientists. Prostaglandins can cause uterine contractions. Therefore, experienced doctors sometimes recommend that women, when approaching the preliminary date of birth, have sex so that the prostaglandins contained in male sperm helped start the process and thus prevent. Of course, this option is only suitable if normal course pregnancy and correct location placenta.

If prostaglandins are responsible for starting the birth process, then its further development occurs under the influence of oxytocin. Oxytocin is called the main hormone of labor; under its influence, the muscles of the uterus begin to rhythmically contract more often and more actively.

In addition, during the birth process it is very important emotional condition women in labor. At positive attitude“Happy hormones” endorphins help the body release oxytocin. They make mothers cry with happiness at the sight of their newborns. On the contrary, if a woman is nervous and tense, stress hormones (adrenaline) enter the bloodstream, which slow down the birth process.

Difficulties of the process

Childbirth will take place according to a successful scenario only if all hormones are produced in required quantity and in a certain sequence. Any failure in this complex system will disrupt the normal course of the birth process. If there is estrogen deficiency (before pregnancy, this hormonal disbalance may be manifested by an irregular menstrual cycle) the process of preparation for childbirth may be delayed (ripening of the cervix is ​​also delayed). All this will lead to post-term pregnancy. It is known that childbirth after 41 weeks can negatively affect the baby’s condition, since the placenta ages and supplies the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. And the baby can gain weight of more than 4 kg by this time. The seams on its head become dense, which will complicate the advancement of the head through the mother’s pelvic ring during childbirth.

Lack of prostaglandins can directly affect on the duration of the preparatory (prelaminar) stage, as well as on the rate of cervical ripening. Duration preparatory stage usually lasts about 6 hours, during which time the woman feels light, unnoticeable, irregular contractions. However, if there is a lack of hormones, this process can slow down significantly (up to a day), testing the woman’s patience. Sometimes, for better ripening of the cervix, specialists inject into it a gel with prostaglandins or sticks of kelp seaweed, which swell and expand the lumen of the cervix. However, in difficult cases(less than 10%) specialists are forced to complete such births with surgery.

A deficiency of the hormone oxytocin directly affects the course of the birth process. Prolonged dilatation of the cervix and weak contractions of the uterine muscles are signs of weak labor. This situation occurs in approximately 5-9% of cases in women with reduced ovarian function (before pregnancy, this may be indicated by a late onset of menstruation, cycle disorders, inflammatory diseases ovaries). Specialists are forced to begin to intensify labor with the help of therapeutic sleep and opening the amniotic sac (amniotomy). If these measures do not lead to the desired effect, then labor is stimulated by drip administration of oxytocin or prostaglandins. Doctors monitor the baby's condition using a heart monitor. sharp deterioration the baby's well-being, an urgent caesarean section is indicated.

There is also back side the listed problems. When there is an excess of oxytocin, a woman experiences violent labor activity, the so-called “rapid labor”, which lasts only 1-3 hours instead of the required 8-10. Such births are considered quite traumatic, since the woman’s tissues do not have time to stretch and there is a high chance of ruptures, and the baby, in turn, runs the risk of injury. The process can be slowed down by introducing tocolytics or beta-mimetics. Risk of recurrence rapid labor the woman’s birth is quite large, so during subsequent births it is necessary to plan in advance to go to the maternity hospital to monitor the beginning of the birth process.

Hormone levels are also important for final stage childbirth, if there is not enough oxytocin, or the uterus does not perceive it, then the necessary contraction of the uterine muscles does not occur and hypotonic bleeding occurs, the treatment of which requires special measures.

Help and prevention of hormonal disorders during childbirth

Often, the prescription of hormones causes unreasonable panic among expectant mothers. But the administration of substances natural to the body will not harm the baby in any way. Problem hormonal disorders easily solved with the help of special medications in the form of tablets, injections or droppers. In many situations, the only alternative to using hormones is a cesarean section. And here the choice becomes obvious.

To ensure that hormonal failure does not prevent the baby from being born on time and safely, you should undergo an examination by a gynecologist even before pregnancy. First of all, this applies to women with disabilities menstrual cycle and survivors of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. If before conception necessary hormones are added, then the pregnancy will proceed without complications, and the birth will proceed safely.