Why is a bicornuate uterus dangerous? Is spontaneous childbirth possible with a bicornuate uterus? Why does the anomaly occur?

Diagnosis bicornuate uterus"in medicine is not uncommon. It is often associated with female infertility or problems when bearing a child. Malformations of the reproductive system are formed even before the birth of a girl.

Developmental defects

Congenital anomalies of the reproductive system average about four percent of all developmental defects. IN reproductive age 3–3.5% of women have this pathology.

Among girls with different gynecological diseases Malformations of the uterus and vagina can be found in 6.5%. They seriously complicate the child’s life and pose a threat to the child’s life in the future. reproductive function. IN last years There is an increase in the frequency of genital anomalies in women by more than 10 times.

Most often, doctors observe atresia of the hymen, underdevelopment of the vagina or uterus, as well as their duplication. The latter also includes a bicornuate uterus.

Developmental anomalies reproductive system often associated with urinary and musculoskeletal systems. Such combined pathologies are often combined into syndromes.

Bicornuate uterus

The internal genital organs of a girl are formed on early stages pregnancy from symmetrical reproductive canals - Müllerian ducts, or ducts.

The Latin name for a bicornuate uterus is uterus bicornis. Most often, it is formed in a situation where the body of the organ is separated by a septum, but there is a tight connection in the cervical area.

Depending on the level at which the fusion of the Müllerian tracts occurred, various options bicornuate uterus. So, it can have one neck or two (and in this case it is called uterus bicornis biccollis).

In addition, sometimes developmental disorders affect the vagina - a partial septum may be found in it. This pathology is called vagina subsepta.

A variant of the bicornuate uterus is the saddle uterus, when a woman has only a depression in the fundus, and the “horns” are expressed to a slight extent. The saddle-shaped organ in gynecology is designated uterus arcuatus.

Sometimes the uterine septum may be incomplete - only in the cervical or fundic area, and the patient develops a uterus subseptus. If the cavity is completely divided, then medical diagnosis sounds like uterus arcuatus septus.

The presence of an incomplete septum and the saddle shape, as a rule, do not interfere too much with the normal functioning of the organ, and its surface looks normal.

If one of the paramesonephric ducts lags behind in development, then the uterus bicornis is formed with an additional rudimentary horn.


Modern medicine still cannot explain all the causes of birth defects reproductive system. Most often, their formation is associated with the following factors:

  • Heredity.
  • Influence of physical agents.
  • Infectious lesions.
  • Taking medications, especially in the early stages.
  • Biological inferiority of the cells from which the genital organs are formed.

The main mechanism for the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the reproductive system is a violation of the fusion of the embryonic genital canals. These structures are paired and are better known as “Müllerian canals.” They may remain completely separate, in which case the girl will have double genitals.

With partial fusion, a bicornuate uterus is formed. The reason for its appearance may be various processes and condition.

The genetic theory associates the appearance of the defect with the translocation (movement) of the gene, which activates the formation of the müllerinhibiting substance, to the X chromosome. In addition, there is a significant impact gene mutations sporadic in nature, as well as the effect of teratogenic factors.

Doctors also put forward another theory linking the incorrect formation of the internal genital organs with perforation of the wall of the so-called urogenital sinus.

Such perforation leads to a pronounced decrease in pressure in the lumen of the vagina and genital ducts. Because of this, the cells of the septum do not die, but retain their vital functions, and blood vessels begin to grow into the area. The result pathological process the formation of a bicornuate or double uterus begins.


Most often, this defect does not manifest itself with any symptoms. At a certain age (11–15 years), the girl begins menstruation, which subsequently occurs every month.

Sometimes there are disturbances in the female reproductive cycle that force the patient to consult a gynecologist. Usually this is dysmenorrhea, but it can also be recurring uterine bleeding. In this situation, the diagnosis is made in a timely manner.

But more often a woman learns about a bicornuate uterus during an examination for infertility or recurrent miscarriages. With this defect, miscarriage is more common, since it is characterized by disruption of the formation of the placenta. Problems with conception are more typical of combined anomalies of the reproductive system.

Diagnosis of this defect is based on the following data:

  1. Gynecological examination. However, it is not always highly informative.
  2. Ultrasound examination.
  3. Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. This method is one of the most accurate and reliable, as it allows you to consider all the structural features of the organ.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging.

Malformation and pregnancy

A bicornuate uterus does not always manifest itself as problems with conception. However, infertility occurs with this malformation, which any doctor should remember.

The likelihood of impaired conception depends on the degree of bicornuity. The more pronounced the cleavage, the more likely problems are when trying to get pregnant. The saddle uterus is considered the most favorable option in this regard.

But even if pregnancy has occurred, with a bicornuate uterus the risk of miscarriage in the early stages increases. In addition, this defect is often accompanied by the following complications:

  1. Placenta previa.
  2. Violation of the position and presentation of the fetus.
  3. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  4. Pathological uteroplacental blood flow.
  5. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

How to get pregnant with a bicornuate uterus? Today, gynecologists agree that every effort should be made to conceive naturally. And only if prolonged attempts are ineffective to seek help from surgeons. However, most often a bicornuate uterus and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Malformations of the genital organs can also affect labor.


Childbirth with a bicornuate uterus may be accompanied by certain problems. With pronounced splitting of the organ, the fetus is located in one of its halves. This means that the uterine muscles are overstretched and the risk of labor weakness and incoordination increases.

Also, with this defect, premature rupture of amniotic fluid is often observed.

The likelihood of trauma to the child and mother during childbirth in the case of a bicornuate uterus increases. That is why many obstetricians offer women planned C-section. However, in some situations it is also possible natural childbirth without serious complications.


Treatment for such a defect as uterus bicornatis is currently only surgical. Indications for surgery are usually various reproductive dysfunctions. The most common among them are:

  • infertility;
  • miscarriage.

The surgical technique for this anomaly depends on its variant.

Most often, the surgeon dissects uterine walls along the inner (medial) rib on both sides longitudinally. In some cases, it is even necessary to excise part of the wall. Then the edges of the horns obtained during dissection are sewn together. As a rule, several rows of stitches (2–3) are used. Eventually surgical intervention One, full-fledged uterus is formed.

Today, a bicornuate uterus is not a death sentence. Sometimes a woman can become pregnant on her own and carry the baby to term without the intervention of surgeons. However, careful medical supervision during this period is necessary.

Pregnancy and a bicornuate uterus are often determined together using the first ultrasound, at the end of the first trimester. Such congenital pathology is caused by the fact that the cavity is divided into two parts and threatens ectopic pregnancy. But the most common manifestation of the anomaly is the inability to conceive a child or infertility.

What is a bicornuate uterus?

With a bicornuate uterus, the reproductive organ does not always cope with its direct purpose - bearing a fetus. The causes are often congenital anomalies, when still inside the womb, during the formation of the embryo in the first trimester, the uterine cavity is divided into two sections with a septum in the middle.

Depending on the degree of separation, several types are distinguished:

  • the bicornuate saddle-shaped uterus looks like a heart and is caused by the presence of a small depression, which does not prevent conception;
  • complete bicornuity - accompanied by an almost absolute division of the cavity into two parts, in each of which fertilization of the egg is possible;
  • incomplete separation is characterized by the development of a slight septum in the upper part.
Development is often influenced infectious processes in the urinary system, bad habits or taking strong medicines.

Features of the pathology

A diagnosed defect often raises many questions: what does it mean? How can the fetus be threatened? Gestation and labor activity with such an anomaly are carried out under the constant supervision of doctors, as there are many reasons for concern. With saddle-shaped development, complications associated with the structural features of the organ practically do not occur.

In the case of complete bicornuity of the organ, the division may form unevenly. If, for example, conception occurs in the right horn, which is smaller in size, then the development of the embryo becomes impossible. The pathology is characterized by an ectopic pregnancy, a rupture will occur and bleeding will begin. And vice versa, if it is in the left horn, which is sufficiently formed, then pregnancy will occur without significant deviations.

A structural defect can be accompanied by various difficulties at different times:

  • placenta previa is caused by the overlap of the cervical pharynx, thus, this location prevents the natural birth of the child;
  • premature aging placenta poses a danger to the formation of the baby, hypoxia develops and a deficiency occurs nutrients;
  • oblique or transverse presentation of the child, caused by a reduced cavity size.
The main danger is the development of premature birth, the risk of hypertension or cervical insufficiency, when the pharynx begins to open prematurely, which often leads to the use of a cesarean section.

Why is a bicornuate uterus dangerous during pregnancy?

Pregnancy with twins in a separated cavity is accompanied by a high risk factor, both for the life of the expectant mother and for the babies inside the womb. Female body experiences a double load, so constant monitoring is required throughout the entire 9-month period.

An anomaly in the formation of several embryos is dangerous due to incorrect presentation of children, which indicates high probability use of caesarean section as alternative remedy for the emergence of new life.

The main feature of this pathology is labor ahead of schedule, up to 37 weeks. Childbirth is preceded by the rupture of amniotic fluid, and the immaturity of the cervix provokes additional stimulation. By this stage, babies are already fully formed and ready for independent life, but regardless of this, the supervision of specialists should remain unchanged during the first weeks.

Childbirth with a bicornuate uterus

A bicornuate uterus and pregnancy combine the risks of pregnancy and premature birth, but according to statistics most of cases have a successful outcome. Depending on the type of pathology and concomitant diseases the answer to the question: “Who walked and how during pregnancy with a bicornuate uterus” depends, since a natural fear of the unknown arises.

The anomaly must be detected early, during ultrasound examination. At the same time, doctors understand that it is necessary to take into account all possible factors that determine the entire nine-month period.

The main features of a bicornuate uterus are fetal presentation and premature birth, so you need to carefully prepare for this outcome. Specialists, several weeks in advance, place the woman in confinement in order to respond in time to the symptoms of early labor and provide the baby with proper care.

The postpartum stage is also dangerous for the mother in labor; there is a risk bad contraction And decreased tone uterus. When there is too little bleeding, the outflow from the cavity is disrupted, and there is a risk of infectious and inflammatory processes.

Deformed cavity reproductive organ may become an obstacle to conception. Therefore, the best solution would be a planned pregnancy, in which all defects and diseases will be cured. But the onset of conception due to an abnormal structure of the reproductive organ should not cause fear and anxiety. After the 30th week, doctors will strongly recommend that you go to the hospital for conservation in order to avoid complications during the onset of contractions or use a caesarean section in a timely manner.

A bicornuate uterus is a congenital anatomical deviation, which is a splitting of the organ into two cavities with a single entrance. The pathology is not characteristic clinical symptoms. The signs are painful menstruation, uterine bleeding, frequent termination of pregnancy, inability to conceive.

What it is

Bicornuate uterus is a defect intrauterine development. The cause is incomplete fusion of the Müllerian canals, which leads to the division of the cavity into two niches. It is rarely diagnosed - no more than 0.5% of patients. In most cases, bicornus is accompanied by the presence of one cervix and a vaginal tube. Doubling is less common cervical canal and incomplete vaginal septum.

Varieties of bicornuate uterus

There are several variants of the anomalous structure:

  1. Saddle-shaped (arched) uterus. Characterized minimally pronounced changes buildings. There is no deformation of the body, the bottom has a slight depression.
  2. Incomplete septum - the organ is divided into two parts.
  3. Complete septum - the body of the uterus is represented by two isolated halves.
  4. A double uterus with a common cervix has two separate parts united by a single cervical canal.
  5. A bicornuate uterus with an atrophied horn is an underdevelopment of one of the niches.

Attention! Bicornus in some cases is accompanied by doubling of the cervical canal. There is an isolated bifurcation or opening in the upper third part of the vaginal tube.


The true reasons for the formation of a bicornuate uterus are not known to doctors. The main one is considered to be a violation of the process of early organogenesis - the intrauterine formation of organs and systems of the embryo.

Provoking factors are:


The clinical picture of the pathology is poorly expressed. Symptoms of a bicornuate uterus are nonspecific and may accompany other gynecological diseases. Potential signs of the condition are:

  • bleeding;
  • heavy, painful menstruation;
  • spontaneous miscarriages;
  • inability to conceive (sometimes).

Bicornus, as a rule, is detected after pregnancy. Its signs will be:

  • low location of the placenta;
  • bleeding due to detachment of the “child’s place”;
  • early onset of labor;
  • breech presentation;
  • weakening of the contractile function of the uterus.

Bicornuate uterus and pregnancy

Is it possible to get pregnant with a bicornuate uterus? The abnormal structure of the organ does not affect the fetus negative influence, but the course of gestation is complicated. Although pregnancy cannot be ruled out in this case, the risk associated complications high The most common include:

  1. Spontaneous interruption. Miscarriages occur in both early and late gestation. The risk increases as a result of improper attachment of the fertilized egg due to the elongated shape of the organ. The thickness of the endometrial layer is insufficient, which also affects the strength of embryo attachment. Factor provoking premature birth, there is insufficient extensibility of the walls of the uterus.
  2. Low embryo implantation. Leads to the development of placental presentation.
  3. Leakage of amniotic fluid.
  4. Malposition. Small size organ does not allow the child to take the “buttocks up” position. Most often, transverse, oblique or pelvic presentation occurs.
  5. Poor placental nutrition is a violation of blood circulation in the mother-child ligament.
  6. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Accompanied by a weakening of the muscle ring, dilatation of the cervix and an inability to hold the developing fetus. Causes miscarriage at any time.
  7. Attachment of the embryonic egg in the underdeveloped horn. Gestation is considered abnormal and requires termination.
  8. Premature detachment of the “child’s place” due to poor circulation.

Important! Many gynecologists believe that a bicornuate uterus and pregnancy are incompatible, but this theory is today refuted, since women with such a deviation successfully give birth.


Pathological discharge can accompany the entire period of pregnancy. During the first two trimesters, a “daub” of red or Brown. In this case, the patient must be urgently admitted to a hospital and ensure complete rest.

The occurrence of minor bleeding in the later stages (after 30 weeks) indicates placental presentation. Its danger lies in the onset of early labor.


Diagnostic measures include:

  1. Gynecological examination. Helps detect abnormalities in the structure of the vagina (the presence of septa), doubling of the cervix, and deformation of the uterine fundus.
  2. Intravaginal ultrasound examination. Evaluates the structure of the reproductive system. This method is not always effective because it does not detect minor deformations.
  3. Radiography. It is prescribed to determine the appearance of the uterus. The type of anomaly is not recognized.
  4. Hysterosalpingography. Used to define cavity contours. Carried out using contrast agent. Identifies vestigial, atretic and completely detached horns.
  5. Hysteroscopy – examination of the uterus using an endoscope. Used to assess the shape of the septum, the condition of the endometrial layer, and the patency of the orifices of the fallopian tubes.
  6. Laparoscopy. It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Used to determine the current state.
  7. MRI and CT. The most informative diagnostic methods. They make it possible to obtain a visual image of anatomical formations.

A medical examination not only confirms the preliminary diagnosis, but also determines the condition of the uterus, as well as the prospects of therapy aimed at restoring reproductive activity.


Treatment of a bicornuate uterus involves surgical intervention to stabilize its functionality.

The main indications for surgical procedures are:

  • infertility;
  • frequent miscarriages;
  • stillbirth.

Most often, metroplasty is practiced, which helps to create a single space. During the procedure, resection of the rudimentary cavity or excision of the existing septum is performed. Sometimes done partial removal walls in the bifurcation zone and recreating the “correct” bottom.

Preference is given to low-traumatic methods - hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Modern techniques reduce the risk of occurrence postoperative complications, traumatization, increase the chances of pregnancy and a successful outcome.

Reference! Surgical therapy for bicornus helps eliminate infertility.

To increase the likelihood successful conception in patients who have undergone surgery and patients with minimal changes in the structure of the organ, modern reproductive technologies. The indications are:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • lack of ovulation.

If it is impossible to conceive naturally IVF is recommended. In vitro fertilization is the only method in the presence of combined pathologies.

Why is a bicornuate uterus dangerous for a woman?

Bicornus is not included in the group of diseases that negatively affect the quality of life. The pathology does not affect the viability of the fetus and further development baby.

Important! A weakly expressed anomaly does not make itself felt in any way. The patient is not aware of the existing deviation, especially if reproductive function is not impaired.

The danger of deviation is as follows:

  1. Fusion (partial or complete) of the entrance to a separate uterine cavity.
  2. Hematometra. May result from obstruction of outflow menstrual blood due to physiological incorrect position horns. Infection of the contents causes the formation of pyometra (suppuration followed by the development of peritonitis and septic blood poisoning).
  3. Bleeding. Provoke anemia.

A bicornuate uterus is not a death sentence. With sufficient capacity, bearing a child takes place without problems. With severe bifurcation, the likelihood of spontaneous abortion or premature birth increases. Having such a pathology, future mommy should be observed by a specialist throughout pregnancy.

Bicornuate uterus and pregnancy - current problem obstetrics and gynecology, because it is this pathology causes a third of cases of miscarriage in women with uterine malformations.

A bicornuate uterus is congenital anomaly. The uterus begins to form from the Müllerian ducts of the embryo around the 6th week of pregnancy. Due to genetic or teratogenic reasons, the fusion of these ducts does not occur, which leads to a bifurcation of the upper part of the uterus, and then the girl is born with an uterus bicornuate - a bicornuate uterus. And for adult women, a bicornuate uterus, pregnancy and childbirth represent a chain of problems with the birth of children.

ICD-10 code

Q51.3 Bicornuate uterus

Bleeding with a bicornuate uterus during pregnancy

The main cause of bleeding in a bicornuate uterus during pregnancy is considered to be placenta previa, which is a consequence of implantation of the fertilized egg not in the area of ​​the posterior and lateral walls of the body or the fundus of the uterus, but in the endometrium of its lower part.

After implantation - from the 3rd week of pregnancy - the formation of the placenta begins, and inside the tissues of the uterine wall there is a process of vascularization, that is, the formation of additional blood vessels. If the embryo settles too low in the uterus, then the placenta (the formation of which is completed by the 13th week of pregnancy) may cover its internal os. As a result, the pregnant woman develops bloody issues or bleeding (with pain in the lower abdomen). And this is the main harbinger of termination of pregnancy.

Bleeding with a bicornuate uterus during pregnancy most often occurs after 6-8 weeks of gestation and is observed in almost 35% of pregnant women. And partial placenta previa is observed on average in 40-45% of pregnancies with a bicornuate uterus.

If bleeding with a bicornuate uterus during pregnancy occurs in the later stages (after 30-32 weeks), then its etiology is due to the fact that the presenting part of the placenta cannot stretch as the size of the uterus increases and begins to exfoliate.

Bicornuate uterus and frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy - that is, the cessation of fetal development and its death - if the pregnant woman has a complete or incomplete bicornuate uterus, is a natural unfavorable outcome if the egg is attached not to the walls of the uterus, but to the septum.

The fact is that the tissues of these partitions do not have blood vessels, which means that the embryo cannot develop normally and dies

In addition, the septum in a bicornuate uterus - when the embryo is located near it - may simply interfere with the natural process of fetal growth due to insufficient volume of free space in the uterine cavity.

Bicornuate saddle uterus and pregnancy

A bicornuate saddle uterus and pregnancy are the most favorable of the considered options for this pathology. However, it can also lead to complications.

Obstetricians note that this type of bicornuate uterus can also lead to miscarriage (although much less frequently than with a complete or incomplete bicornuate uterus), fetal freezing, and premature birth. Thus, in 15-25% of pregnant women with a bicornuate saddle uterus, labor begins much earlier than the due date. And this increases not only the overall perinatal morbidity of newborns, but also the risk of death of premature infants.

Also, this congenital pathology of the uterus affects the position of the fetus, and most often doctors note a transverse or oblique presentation, which requires a cesarean section. And after natural delivery, such a uterus contracts very poorly and bleeds for a long time.

Bicornuate uterus and twin pregnancy

Pregnancy with twins anatomical structure uterus, in the case under consideration - in the presence of a bicornuate uterus, does not have a direct cause-and-effect relationship. After all, conceiving twins is the result of fertilization of two follicles that matured at the same time.

However, according to some data, pregnancy with twins (identical or fraternal) more often develops in women with anatomical pathologies of the uterine structure. In this case, the leading pathology is complete bifurcation of the uterus - that is, when the septum of the bicornuate uterus reaches the internal pharynx or cervical canal with the formation of two separate cavities.

Bicornuate uterus and twin pregnancy are considered by obstetricians to be very high degree risk of miscarriage. Even uterine ruptures occur. And delivery after 32-34 weeks of pregnancy with twins is 90%.

As a result of many years of clinical observations, it has been established that the probability of fertilization of two eggs with a bicornuate uterus or its complete bifurcation is only one case in a million.

In cases where a bicornuate uterus and pregnancy - in terms of the ability to bear and give birth to a child - are mutually exclusive concepts, the woman can undergo surgery to restore the uterine cavity. This is an open (with dissection) abdominal cavity) or hysteroscopic metroplasty. During this surgical procedure, the septum is cut and the uterus is “reconstructed” into a single cavity. Almost 63% clinical cases the reproductive capabilities of the uterus were completely restored.

Bicornuate uterus and pregnancy: features and complications

Among the pathologies that arise during intrauterine development, bicornuate uterus is quite common: it is detected in approximately 0.5% of women childbearing age. Does this pathology affect the ability to conceive? Most experts argue that a bicornuate uterus and pregnancy - in the sense of the ability to get pregnant - are not mutually exclusive concepts. Many women, having such an anatomical defect of the reproductive organ, both become pregnant and give birth. The whole point here is how deformed the uterine cavity is.

With a complete bicornuate uterus, there is a septum in its cavity (sometimes two-thirds of the depth of the cavity), which divides the uterus into two parts, and the fetus can develop in one of them. With an incomplete bicornuate uterus, a slight separation of the cavity is observed in its upper third. And the so-called saddle-shaped (or arcuate) bicornuate uterus has only a slight depression at the bottom of the cavity.

It should be noted that pregnancy with any of the three types of bicornuate uterus is associated with complications and requires additional medical monitoring. The risks include such unfavorable outcomes as recurrent miscarriages (miscarriage reaches 45-50% of cases) and frozen pregnancies (about 5%).

A bicornuate uterus and pregnancy have other complications. This is incorrect presentation of the fetus and premature birth. Breech presentation of the fetus is recorded in 50% of pregnancies with a partial bicornuate uterus. And in 40% there is a foot presentation, which complicates the course of labor and threatens the newborn with asphyxia.

The number of premature births in the presence of a bicornuate uterus ranges from 25% to 35%. Doctors explain this by increased overextension of the uterus, which has an irregular shape. Because of this, labor begins prematurely. Another factor that provokes premature birth is the inability of the isthmus and cervix to withstand internal pressure and hold the growing fetus until the due date (this is called isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the uterus). So, in 65-70% of cases, a caesarean section becomes the only way out.

Only in this case does a woman have a better chance of bearing and giving birth to a completely healthy and strong baby.

Most often, the fact that a woman has some kind of abnormality or disease can be found out when a decision is made to register her pregnancy. In this case, many are concerned about the diagnosis of a bicornuate uterus.

Bicornuate uterus and pregnancy

Congenital anomalies in the structure of the main reproductive organ in a woman, the uterus, occur quite rarely. The most common structural pathology is bicornus. Almost half of the total is diagnosed with this diagnosis female population planet, while many do not even suspect it. Women become pregnant and give birth to children, and the pregnancy most often occurs without complications. Miscarriage is also possible, since a bicornuate uterus can be of different shapes.

The classic definition of diagnosis is when a woman has only one cervix, and the uterine cavities themselves are divided into two separate parts. Externally, such a uterus is presented in the shape of a heart. The upper cavity of the organ (about the third part) is divided into two parts or into two branches. It is common among people to call each cavity a horn, hence the name bicornuate deviation.

If we follow this, we can conclude that the organ is divided into several parts and in each of them a separate life can develop. The fertilized egg can be attached either in the center or in the right or left part of the uterus.

There are such forms of a bicornuate uterus:

  • Full. This organ has a septum, and the horns themselves are located far from each other. On appearance it may seem that a woman has two whole uteruses. This diagnosis does not affect the conception and bearing of a baby. The fruit will form in one of the branches. There can be either one neck or a bifurcated one.
  • Incomplete uterus. The organ is divided only in the upper part, the horns are located close to each other.
  • The saddle-type uterus has a small depression on top. Conception can occur with such a diagnosis; the gynecologist himself can advise on delivery options. A woman can give birth to a baby on her own through a caesarean section.

As already noted formerly uterus in the form of a saddle develops incorrectly. This occurs when the lower part (its bottom) splits into two parts. Such a deviation may not manifest itself at all and may not even bother the woman. Most often, she does not even imagine that she has problems in the structure of the organ, and she learns the whole truth only during the first ultrasound (most often it is performed during pregnancy).

The genital organs of a female child develop at 11–13 weeks of pregnancy. The reasons for the abnormal formation of the reproductive organ can be completely different: bad feeling pregnant, frequent stress and anxiety, abuse alcoholic products, smoking, drug use, chemical poisoning.

According to statistics, about 23 percent of women are considered to have a saddle uterus. This deviation does not in any way worsen the course of pregnancy, only in special cases will have to be carried out surgery. For example, in the case when a woman cannot get pregnant for any reason, and also if the shape of the other saddle uterus is incorrect and can negatively affect the process of formation of the baby.

Sometimes it happens that abnormalities in the development of the reproductive organ are directly related to other vital organs. important departments body. For example, very often women are susceptible to violations in bladder and kidneys, they also experience malfunctions endocrine system. They are at risk, since an irregularly shaped uterus can negatively affect the normal course of pregnancy. Ultimately, after the process of conception, there may be various pathologies, birth trauma is also possible fetal death fetus

Expectant mothers are afraid about how it might affect irregular shape organ on normal course pregnancy. In this case, there is no need to worry, since in such a uterus the baby develops, as a rule, normally and is born without any difficulties.

If the pregnancy is carried to term, then already at 7-8 months the woman must determine the method of delivery. The gynecologist may advise in this case to have a natural birth if the pregnancy itself was stable, without any difficulties. And also, if a woman does not have any indications for surgical intervention, then you need to try to give birth to the baby yourself. During labor, the attending specialist can radically change his decision if there is a direct threat to the life of the child and mother.

Reasons for development

Until this time, doctors cannot give a definite answer, which can negatively affect the development of the uterus. There are suggestions that during the formation of the fetal genital organs, the mother’s body does not receive the required amount of nutritional components.

Main reasons:

  • Stress.
  • Use of medications. In the 70s of the last century, doctors regularly prescribed women, including pregnant women, to use drugs of the tetracycline group. According to scientists, this is the reason for the improper formation of organs in the fetus. But this is only one of many assumptions, exact proof up to today never presented.
  • developing in the body infection, as well as recently transferred flu, rubella or toxoplasmosis.

If there are no reasons for concern or complications, then a woman can only find out about the pathology during an ultrasound scan. Most often, during the first examination, when pregnancy has already occurred, a woman finds out her diagnosis.

Also, suspicion of a bicornuate uterus arises when a woman cannot get pregnant or constantly has miscarriages: a child with this anomaly can be difficult to bear. If we add to this severe uterine bleeding, then the likelihood that a woman has this pathology increases. Dysmenorrhea can also be a sign of a bicornuate uterus.

If pregnancy has already occurred, then there is no need to worry in advance; maybe in your case everything will go well without unnecessary problems. It will be very important to go to the doctor for examination on time and be observed by him throughout the pregnancy. The doctor will advise you on how to behave correctly in order to maintain the pregnancy and give birth to a healthy and strong child. Even if labor occurs ahead of schedule, there is still a certain chance of a positive outcome.

If complications prevent you from conceiving and carrying a baby, then you can solve this problem with surgery. Positive reviews women with such a uterus who underwent a laparoscopy procedure talk about imminent arrival pregnancy proceeding without complications.

Progress of pregnancy

In another form, it is very rare to encounter any anomalies in the development of the fetus, but the course of pregnancy can vary markedly and directly depend on the degree of bifurcation of such an important organ.

As many gynecologists note, the shape of the uterus and pregnancy may simply not be compatible with each other. This arises in different ways: first, it is an incorrect shape, which can cause defective development of the child; in addition, as soon as the fetus becomes larger, the organ simply cannot stretch.

Ultimately, early termination of pregnancy may occur. To prevent this from happening, you need to plan conception as early as possible. Modern gynecology helps solve the problem of the uterus surgically: the septum is eliminated, as a result of which the overall integrity of the organ returns to its original state.

Complications during pregnancy

The main complications of pregnancy with a bicornuate uterus include:

  • termination of pregnancy at different stages;
  • placenta previa;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • abnormal position of the fetus;
  • poor blood supply to the fetus and placenta;
  • weak cervix;
  • attachment of the embryo in a poorly developed “horn”;
  • placental abruption during pregnancy;
  • premature loss of water.

The discharge that occurs during pregnancy with a bicornuate uterus bothers the woman throughout the nine months of bearing a child. In the 1st and 2nd trimester, bleeding of a bright red or brown hue may occur. The moment a woman realizes that something is wrong, she should immediately go for an examination with a treating specialist. In this case, most often the doctor prescribes hospitalization and complete rest.

A common cause of bleeding during pregnancy is considered to be the attachment of a fertile egg to the fundus of the uterus or to the side wall. After the lapse of three weeks after implantation (if the embryo attaches too low), the placenta itself will close the internal uterine os, ultimately the woman will experience pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding. This may indicate termination of pregnancy.

At 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, bleeding occurs in 35 percent of women with this diagnosis, and 45 percent of expectant mothers have partial placenta previa.

If bleeding occurs during later when carrying a child, in the 3rd trimester after approximately the thirtieth week, this indicates that the placenta at the place of presentation cannot stretch along with the enlarging uterus and it exfoliates over time. This is very dangerous, as labor may begin before the scheduled time.

Bicornuate uterus and pregnancy in the right horn

There is no special meaning to the place to which it is attached ovum, the main thing is that such an area is well supplied with food and contains the required number of capillaries and vessels. Gynecologists say that the greater the underdevelopment of the organ, the more difficulties may arise during pregnancy.

If the fertilized egg is attached to the right or left horn, then the load on such ligaments of the reproductive organ increases several times.

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