From what week and why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs. Proper mood and relaxation

For birth healthy baby the expectant mother needs not only to eat right, to keep healthy lifestyle life, but also sleep well. According to statistics, 90% of pregnant women have sleep problems, mostly due to an unusual posture during sleep. Women are worried about whether pregnant women can sleep on their backs.

How to sleep as a pregnant woman

Expectant mothers often complain about constant drowsiness especially in the last months of pregnancy. does not allow you to relax normally in an unusual position, and in your head - only thoughts about upcoming birth. At night, a woman suffers from insomnia, and during the day she feels tired and sleepy. Many pregnant women are concerned about the question of whether pregnant women can sleep on their backs (6 months). Help simple methods to improve sleep - a walk, aromatherapy or a cup of mint tea.

What position to choose for a pregnant woman to sleep

The expectant mother in the first trimester can sleep at any comfortable posture without fear for the health of the child. But a woman in position, having learned about her pregnancy, should gradually get used to other postures during sleep, which are recommended for subsequent terms.

When the stomach begins to round and becomes noticeable, sleeping on the stomach is not only not possible anymore, but it is also not recommended by doctors.

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs?

All women face the problem of having to change all their habits. One of these is rest and sleep on your back. Many are well aware, but is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs? No doctor will say that it is worth changing this position for all 9 months. In the first trimester, the expectant mother can sleep as she likes, but she should already gradually change her body position in order to get used to it faster. After three months, the baby begins to grow faster and the belly increases accordingly. The uterus increases both in weight and in volume, loading internal organs. The kidneys, intestines and liver are most affected.

The uterus presses on one of the largest veins in the body - the vena cava, through which blood moves from the heart to lower limbs. This affects the health of not only the mother, but also her unborn child. In this condition, he often feels short of breath, palpitations, and sometimes there is fainting. And the child stops receiving nutrients, which leads to his oxygen starvation. If the vein is squeezed for a long time, then there may be problems with the bearing of the fetus and childbirth. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs in the 3rd trimester disappears by itself.

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach

You can sleep on your stomach for up to 3 months, until the uterus with the fetus goes beyond the small pelvis. Until this time, a woman is allowed to sleep in her favorite position, but this is not always possible due to the high sensitivity of the breast. Starting with, you should forget about resting on your stomach for the benefit of the child.

In order for the rest to be complete, a pregnant woman should follow several rules. An unusual posture at first will affect the quality of sleep, you need to make sure that the body rests completely at night.

Proper nutrition plays a huge role during pregnancy, there is no place for overeating. It is recommended to eat often, but in small portions. It is better to limit trips to the kitchen three hours before bedtime, this also applies mineral water and caffeinated drinks. Here is a glass warm milk with honey will calm the expectant mother and have a beneficial effect on night rest.

Don't neglect exercise for pregnant women, which must be performed during the day, so as not to burden the body before bedtime.

Before going to bed, it is better to stop watching TV and reading books. Soothing music is perfect to help you relax and fall asleep.

Every expectant mother should have a daily routine and stick to it, going to bed and waking up at the same time. In order not to suffer from insomnia, you should forget about daytime sleep.

A short walk before going to bed and a ventilated room will make sleep more sound and deep.

Take only a warm shower, excluding hot water.

The clothes of a pregnant woman should be pleasant to the touch, made of natural material that does not hinder movement.

It is strictly forbidden to receive sleeping pills negatively affecting the health of the child. On the question of whether pregnant women can sleep on their backs or not, only the attending physician can answer in more detail.

The ancient Chinese believed that you should sleep only on your side: on the left - to facilitate the process of digestion, on the right - to relax nervous system. So they rolled all night from side to side. Other poses were not welcome. “You can not sleep face down, as if crouching to the ground; you can’t sleep face up like a corpse,” they said in antiquity. But modern scientists do not quite agree with this.

On the back

According to experts, sleeping on your back is very useful: the lower back and neck are not tense, arms and legs are relaxed. Doctors “prescribe” this pose for diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, varicose veins (it is only advisable to put a small pillow or cushion under your feet), as well as digestive problems. In addition, sleeping on your back prolongs youth - the muscles of the face relax, the skin is smoothed, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.

However, all this is true if during sleep the chin does not rest against the chest (this often happens if the pillow is too high). Otherwise vertebral arteries squeezed - and the blood flow is disturbed. This is fraught not only with a headache and a bad complexion after waking up, but even ... with a stroke. Therefore, you need to keep your neck in a level position, and it is best to purchase an orthopedic pillow for this.

However, for some people, sleeping on their back is contraindicated even with the “correct” pillow. These include women in late pregnancy and those who snore and suffer from sleep apnea(stopping breathing during sleep).

Fact after

Sleeping on your back is good for men's health. In this position, the genitals are well supplied with blood, which improves potency.

What to sleep in? Choosing sleepwear made from natural fabrics

on the side

Sleeping on the side best option for lovers of snoring and expectant mothers on long term pregnancy. True, it is better not to press your legs to your stomach too much - this is bad for the spine. Ideally, they should be slightly bent, or one leg straight and the other bent. By the way, there are special foot pillows - they are placed between the knees. It helps to unload hip joint and spine.

However, if you sleep on one side all night, your arm or leg will numb by morning. In addition, "one-sided" sleep can lead to the formation of ... kidney stones. Scientists have found that 75% of people exposed to urolithiasis, the stones appeared on the side on which they spent most night.

Fact after

English psychologists say that almost half of the British sleep on their side, pulling their knees up to their stomachs like embryos - this position helps to calm down and relax. If people sleep on their side, stretched out to attention, this indicates an intractable, domineering character and an inability to relax even in a dream. Sleeping on your side with your arms outstretched forward, according to psychologists, speaks of perfectionism.

Pillows for healthy sleep: what are and how to choose? infographics

On the stomach

But sleep on the stomach, scientists do not really approve. This position is suitable only for those suffering from flatulence (it is no coincidence that small children, when they are tormented by colic, are laid out on their tummy) and women after childbirth - this helps to reduce the uterus.

However, in general, "animal" sleep is not useful. It is impossible to breathe through the pillow, and the head has to be turned to the side. As a result, the muscles of the neck and shoulders tighten, the blood supply to the brain worsens, which leads to headache, lethargy and weakness. And the tissues of the face receive less oxygen, which leads to the appearance of "bags" under the eyes.

Fact after


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Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs?

Many young women, having become pregnant, think about best pose sleep without harming the unborn child. A good dream is a guarantee of the health of the future baby and mother. In the first weeks, it is allowed to sleep comfortably, the fetus is light, the uterus is not enlarged, rest is possible in any position. At intrauterine development child, rest becomes more difficult, the expectant mother chooses for herself cozy place.

Why you can't sleep on your back

Having become pregnant, a woman constantly wants to find a secluded place and lie down to sleep at least a little, every day the fetus develops and grows, it becomes more difficult to rest in any position. Those who like to sleep on their backs have to get used to the unusual state of the body. Favorite position is best used after pregnancy. The first trimester enjoys a fairly good sleep, nothing is disturbed. The second period of pregnancy is less calm, the child begins to move in the womb of a woman, the uterus and placenta begin to grow, increase, the amount of amniotic fluid, sleep is disturbed, and discomfort appears.

Gynecologists do not recommend sleeping on your back after the 20th week. With an increase in the uterus, there is pressure on the main vena cava. There is a poor flow of blood from the pelvis to the heart. Lack of oxygen in the placenta, harms the development of the fetus, develops acute insufficiency oxygen - hypoxia. Leg vein problems can lead to varicose disease. The symptoms of blood stasis are edema and feeling unwell pregnant, unstable blood pressure should sleep on your side.

Clamp is detected urinary canals, from thin tubes urine passes to bladder, lying in this position is prohibited, especially if the child's head is next to bladder. Urine does not pass well and remains in the kidneys, appears inflammatory process. Pregnant women constantly want to sleep, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. Feeling tired, nervous, sharp drop moods. The first stage of fetal development, gradually female body getting used to his condition.

Why do you want to sleep all the time?

  • Complete restructuring of the body
  • Hormonal changes
  • Possible Iron-deficiency anemia
  • Second trimester favorable period for an organism accustomed to its state, filled with energy, sleep fades into the background.
  • The third, last period the most difficult.

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her stomach

The short gestation period allows favorable dozing on the abdomen for about 12 weeks. Later, doctors forbid such a position, it becomes completely dangerous for the unborn baby. This position of the lower (large) vena cava is compressed less, the veins of the placenta are compressed. The position during a woman's nap is harmful to the unborn baby, is more dangerous than lying on her back.

The reason for the refusal of lying on the stomach of a young pregnant woman can cause sensitivity of the mammary glands, they swell with the woman’s pregnancy, it becomes uncomfortable to sleep on the stomach, special discomfort is felt.

Why pregnant women shouldn't sleep on their backs

Every day the fetus grows, the uterus increases. By squeezing prevails poor circulation blood. You can not sleep on your back, breathing becomes more difficult. The uterus with its mass presses on other internal organs. First of all, varicose veins develop in women prone to varicose veins. The main prohibition of lying on the back is found to be a lack of blood, in the vessels of the uterus, delaying its development. Lying on the back, the uterus presses the vena cava, subsequently, loss of consciousness is possible, required amount blood does not enter, blood pressure drops sharply in the heart.

Arise hemorrhoids, the result is blood retention in the legs. During sleep, symptoms can be subtle and dangerous. Internal organs suffer from the pressure of the fetus and uterus: kidneys, liver and others. Organs cease to function fully, there is significant damage to health. Urine is retained in the kidneys, severe pains appear in the lower back, serious inflammation occurs.

Therefore, gynecologists recommend for good night lying on either side. After sleep, back pain is observed, we select a more suitable position for sleeping. A doctor's consultation is required. There are special pillows for pregnant women, making sleep pleasant and reduce the load on the body of a woman.

Undesirable positions for pregnant women

  • It is not suitable for a pregnant woman to sleep on a hard bed. A moderately hard bed is a more suitable option, an orthopedic mattress is not entirely comfortable in the position of a woman.
  • Why you can not sleep on your back (back pain, impaired blood circulation).
  • On the stomach, the last trimester is not relevant in this matter.
  • Long time nap on right side (affects oxygen supply)
  • Crossing legs

Associated factors of sleep disturbance during pregnancy

The second - the third period there is a lack of potassium.

Tip 1. Such symptoms are easy to remove with massages of the leg muscles of the calves. Good help warm compresses, plastic bottle pour warm water and put between your legs. The baby moves intensively, does not let him sleep peacefully with his dots, painful tremors are rarely felt.

Tip 2. You need to change position throughout the night. Brain activity causes nightmares late deadline pregnancy.

Calm nap during pregnancy

Any woman is obliged to think about a full-fledged healthy sleep, which is important in her condition.

  • You can’t drink a lot at night, and even more so overeat, it’s advisable to eat small portions during the day. short interval.
  • Soothing warm baths before bed will help to relax the body.
  • Useful property drink warm milk with honey at night, it has a positive effect on sleep and acts as depressant.
  • Exclude watching TV, before going to bed, a walk in the fresh air will benefit.
  • Sleeping on the left side, this position prevents pressure on the vena cava, the position on the right side reduces the load on the kidneys.
  • You should get a special pillow for pregnant women, it will support the stomach well throughout the night.
  • Place a pillow, fold the blanket in four, the blanket between the legs under the knee.

Nature has endowed the female body with special stability and endurance. try to avoid stressful situations. Constant insomnia, fatigue, sometimes leads to depression, when a woman becomes pregnant, she gradually gets used to stress, loses her favorite things, and most importantly, the opportunity restful sleep. If there are no restrictions health threatening women, you can sleep as comfortably as you can. Having found her position, the woman will sleep peacefully all night.

Is sleeping on your back bad?

The information provided is not intended for self-medication. Its accuracy and applicability in your case is not guaranteed. Contact medical specialists!

We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping. It is very important to be able to sleep properly, so that the spine really rests at night, and is not subjected to additional stress.

There are different opinions about the correct position of the body in bed. Especially often you hear about the dangers of sleeping on your back.

In most cases, this claim appears to be unfounded.

Sleep is a very important natural physiological process for every person. Every day, people spend at least 6 hours of their lives in sleep. Sleep is a special state of the human body. This condition is characterized by a reduced reaction of the human body to the environment, a decrease in almost all activities that occur during the period of wakefulness of a person. During sleep, a person tosses and turns and sleeps on various parts of his body. Each person finds his own sleeping position, which becomes comfortable for him.
Some people prefer to sleep on their side, others on their stomachs, and still others. Each of these methods has its pros and cons. They cannot be called unambiguously harmful to the human body, but under certain circumstances, these methods can carry serious harmful effects for a person. Below are key reasons and circumstances in which people should not resort on their backs, as this may entail great difficulties.

Key Reasons Why You Shouldn't Sleep on Your Back

So, each person may have this question “Why you should not sleep on your back.” The answer is that sleeping on your back carries a lot of unpleasant consequences for a person in certain situations, the key of which include the following:

Absence good rest for the body

Sleep is a means for the human body to relax, recharge with new forces after a hard day, in order to cheerfully start a new day. However, sleeping on your back often interferes with this natural process and does not allow a person to get the full rest that he needs so much. The reason for this is most often hidden in the fact that such a dream leads to increased load and does not give human body relax in the absolute, which leads to the impossibility of getting the necessary rest.

Availability certain diseases or predispositions that may be exacerbated

Sleeping on the back in case of certain predispositions or diseases (especially diseases associated with respiratory system human) carries a great danger, as it can aggravate a person’s condition or serve as a trigger for the onset of the acute phase of the disease. For example, with a predisposition to sleep apnea, sleeping on the back can lead to the fact that a person will have a long cessation of breathing and it will not end in anything positive in the end. If a person begins to snore when he falls asleep on his back, this is a significant indicator that the person has a predisposition to sleep apnea. Therefore, such a person should be extremely careful when he falls asleep.

Snoring is often not evidence of any serious illness, because of which a person should run to medical professionals and seek a remedy. Many people in force genetic predisposition and it does not affect them too negatively. And if snoring does not portend a disease, having a predisposition to it? Everything is simple. The sleep of snoring people is much more difficult, the load on the heart and other organs increases. Being in such a dream, a person does not receive the necessary level of rest and often feels extremely overwhelmed upon awakening. Much best situation will be observed if the person moves into another for sleep. This will allow his body to relax and get the rest it needs.

Infant age

It is strongly not recommended to let very young children sleep on their backs. In this situation, they may experience serious problems with the breath and it will lead to many negative consequences. In the worst case, parents may not keep track of such a moment and may simply suffocate. In order to prevent such a situation, the child should be placed in other positions. For example, in a pose "on the side." This pose is very effective for both the respiratory and digestive systems of the child.

Presence of pregnancy

Why can't a woman sleep on her back during pregnancy? During this period, women become generally more vulnerable. Very often, when a woman sleeps on her back, the pressure on the spine increases, which in turn has an extremely negative effect on both her condition and the condition of the unborn child. This is especially noticeable in the last months of pregnancy. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences and various complications, a woman should rely on own feelings, as they will be able to tell her the correct solution for her, and choose the most comfortable position for themselves.

The presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Whether sleeping on the back is harmful or beneficial in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is determined directly from the specifics of the disease and the person's feelings. In the case of certain diseases, a person is not only allowed, but also necessary to sleep on his back, since this position can bring him a lot of relief. However, often in diseases of the spine, sleeping on the back leads to a greater load on the spine, discomfort and pain, which can be both weak and strong, unbearably painful. In order to avoid all this, a person should choose a different sleeping position.

Above are the key reasons to consider if you want to sleep on your back. They are not the only and true for everyone, but in some cases they can be attributed to the main and affecting many, so it is important to know and take them into account. Sleeping on your back may not be a problem for you, but if you have the problems described above, in order to feel better, you should abandon the idea of ​​​​sleeping on your back and choose a different position for yourself that will allow you to get proper rest and not experience negative feelings.

An important part of a person's life

A life healthy person, sometimes depends on small, but very significant trifles. For example, sleep, food, physical activity. But few people pay attention to them. about food and physical activity Much has been said, but nothing about sleep. Why is there so little written about sleep? Yes, because it is very difficult to conduct experiments, since they involve not one part of the body, but several parts.

7 Reasons You Shouldn't Ignore

So, if you start with sleep, then you might think that which position is comfortable, such and useful. This is a big mistake. In many countries people sleep on their stomachs. Let's break it down. Firstly, everyone believes that sleeping on your stomach is very, harmful, since childhood we are told that this does not allow the lungs to fully expand. Unfortunately, sleeping on your stomach is not allowed only for sick people with intestinal tract, but healthy is a kind of sleep, the only way it is shown. Also, during various illnesses, you can not sleep on your back, because they can provoke respiratory arrest.

Secondly, there is famous name a disease in which it is impossible in any case to fall asleep on your back. The name of this disease is Apnea. Touching on the first, we can say that in people with the possibility of a sudden stoppage of breathing, this is like death. Therefore, doctors make sure that people sleep on their stomach or side.

Thirdly, another type of people who are contraindicated to lie on their backs. Unfortunately, most countries suffer from this. This is snoring, it is also interconnected with breathing. During sleep, snoring sometimes does not allow air to pass into the nasopharynx, throwing it back, roughly speaking. A person receives less oxygen by resting, and thus waking up in the morning, very tired, because the body could not rest calmly. Someone always wonders how to sleep, but at the same time does not think about how to sleep. It doesn't matter if you go to bed at 8 pm or 10 pm. The main thing is how you lie. Therefore, most often doctors have registered visits to people with snoring. And they turned because they didn’t get enough sleep, and nothing helped them.

Fourth, it is an overload of the spine. Why can't you sleep on your back after a workout? Because there are many muscles in the spine, and they all work when you exercise, walk and do anything. Therefore, many will notice that after a hard day's work, a person goes to bed to rest, feels good, but as soon as he wakes up or gets up, his back starts to hurt even more. This is explained by the fact that by overloading the spine, you also add a couple of actions, that is, contractions, to already tired muscles. It seems logical, lay down, everything relaxed, but no. Due to the fact that most people sleep on the wrong mattresses and pillows, it creates a lot of contractions in our muscles. Therefore, lying down on the bed, you strain your back muscles, then lick, they tense up, and when you get up, you strain them even more. So after physical training or heavy work, it is better to lie on your stomach. So the spine relax, and allow all the muscles and bones to stretch.

Fifth, there are many requests for why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs. I think the answer is clear. Pregnant women are like athletes. They carry almost 3 kg weight every day. This is not counting the hormones and the well-being of the woman herself. The main thing is that in a state of constant load, the body tries to contract the muscles more strongly. Because of this, little blood can flow to the fetus, make it difficult to breathe, and the resulting harm to the unborn child. As you know, blood is not only important element in the development of the child, but also oxygen. Therefore, pregnant women rarely sleep on their stomachs, and if they do, then from the fourth example, they wake up not only broken and tired, but also physically unhealthy due to blood pressure.

Sixth, there are faiths that forbid some holidays sleeping on your back. Even at that time, people knew that before the holiday and on the holiday itself, you need to sleep very well. So that the mood and well-being be the best memory of this day.

Seventh, this is probably the most important thing, why you can’t sleep on your back. Because for a long time people were not interested in amenities. They only used what they had. Paul, well, and some kind of log, if not a folded sweatshirt. For the body, it was the best bed in the world. Since the spine needs a straight, hard surface, and a small pillow that resembles a folded sheet. Now people, in pursuit of convenience, and even money, come up with more and more pleasant, delicate mattresses, pillows, but not useful ones. Because of this paradox in the development of the industry, people increasingly began to turn to doctors. And it all started with a regular mattress. When a person is very tired, physically, nothing helps him to rest. No rest salon can replace a normal full sleep. And when a person is physically tired, then mentally he cannot think, he simply does not have the strength. To prevent such fatigue, people were offered to take a tent and go to sleep in the forest. Fresh air, a straight surface, gives the body what people so successfully try to get rid of, health.

Make the choice yourself, or it will be made for you

There are many reasons why you shouldn't sleep on your back. Probably everyone has thought about it. Because sleep is what a person needs. And it’s clear that we can save on food or some gyms, since it’s easy to replace them. But there is no substitute for sleep. He simply has no analogues. This is a trait that is very important for development.

If a person does not get enough sleep, then his strength will simply disappear, there will be no desire to do anything. And then, in general, the person ceases to live. Not literally, the end of life, but the end of awareness. Then when you do not manage your life, interests. Therefore, if you consider this issue, then take it seriously. For example, in India there is a law that you can not sleep on the back of a minor. There are also countries where sleeping on your back is like a sin. There is no such thing in Russia, because there is a right to choose. But, roughly speaking, if you are not interested in your health or sleep, then you have already made a choice in favor of soft, but health-damaging mattresses.

After the onset of pregnancy, natural changes occur in a woman's life. New sensations, eating habits, physiological changes prepare for status future mother. Restrictions also affect lifestyle, alcohol, coffee, fatty, spicy foods are prohibited.

From the moment of conception, a woman should be attentive to the state of her health, avoid physical and emotional stress, stressful situations. The gradual development of the fetus, an increase in the load require the pregnant woman to choose correct postures for sleep.

How to sleep at different stages of pregnancy

The state of the nervous system, which regulates all processes in the body, primarily depends on quality rest. Full sleep provides full recovery, psycho-emotional balance. Depending on the period, a woman will feel the natural changes associated with the gestation process.

How to sleep during pregnancy:

  • in the first trimester, the expectant mother may feel constant fatigue, drowsiness, a natural condition associated with hormonal background, you should not deny yourself rest at any time of the day, because it is during this period that all the systems and organs of the child are laid, and overwork is dangerous by a decrease in natural protective functions body, up to 12 weeks, a pregnant woman can sleep in any position convenient for her;
  • some women in the first weeks feel hypersensitivity mammary glands, therefore, they cannot sleep on their stomachs, preferring a position on their backs or on their sides, with severe toxicosis, resting on their backs can provoke an increase in uncomfortable symptoms;
  • many are interested in why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, this rule applies to the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, is associated with the regularly increasing size of the uterus and fetus, which means increased pressure on the organs, cardiovascular system, besides discomfort, there may be problems with the intestines, digestion of food, the baby will feel a deficit nutrients, incorrect position during sleep sometimes causes exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the greatest risks are associated with pressure on the vena cava, this is one of the large vessels responsible for the blood flow of the entire lower body; in the third trimester, sleeping on the back can lead to preeclampsia, hypoxia, and even the threat of preterm labor;
  • with a transverse presentation of the fetus after 30 weeks, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the baby's head is directed, this will allow the child to take the correct position before the onset of childbirth;
  • in order to partially reduce the load, feel most comfortable, you can use special pillows for pregnant women.

The optimal sleeping position for the expectant mother is the side position. This will provide a good rest, both for a woman and developing child. Doctors recommend switching sides to maintain normal circulation and avoid this unpleasant phenomenon like numbness of the limbs.

How does sleeping position affect pregnancy?

By the second trimester, the expectant mother should develop the habit of sleeping on her side. After 12 weeks, the uterus, together with the amniotic sac, the fetus, enter into active phase growth. By week 16, the formation of the placenta is completed, the child feels comfortable, surrounded by amniotic fluid, protected muscle fibers abdomen, uterine wall. Discomfort, due to increased pressure on the internal organs, the spinal column is felt primarily by a woman.

When the expectant mother takes a position lying on her back, failures in the functioning of systems and organs begin to occur. Impact on digestive system leads to heartburn, flatulence, constipation, which often provoke hemorrhoids. The load in the lumbar region causes regular back pain, they can have both aching and sharp character to become chronic. Impact on excretory system leads to violations of the outflow of fluid, swelling of the legs and arms appears.

What is the danger of sleeping on your back during pregnancy:

  • pressure on the vena cava causes a violation of the integrity of the entire blood flow, a woman may feel a lack of air, weakness, dizziness, excessive sweating, pathological changes affect several systems - cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory;
  • oxygen deficiency also affects the condition of the fetus, an imbalance in gas exchange leads to hypoxia, intoxication, dangerous deviations in the formation of the main systems and organs, damage to the nervous system varying degrees severity, in the future this may affect the cognitive abilities of the child, increased anxiety developmental delay.

If a pregnant woman sleeps on her side, regularly changing position, the risks of developing heartburn, edema, and toxicosis are reduced. Normal blood circulation is maintained, all systems and organs work as an integral mechanism, and the fetus does not exert a load on the musculoskeletal system.

How to get good sleep

It is important for expectant mothers to provide a good rest, not only for wellness but also for the formation and growth of a healthy baby. Majority uncomfortable conditions associated with the gestation period, pass on their own, you just have to have a good rest.

Tips on how to normalize sleep during pregnancy:

  • you should avoid late dinners, tea parties, the last meal should not be later than 2 hours before bedtime, it is better to choose light dishes - fish, vegetables, yogurt;
  • air the room before going to bed, if possible, take walks in the fresh air;
  • at emotional stress helps restore inner balance essential oil lavender, you can put a couple of drops on a scarf and put it near the bed;
  • it is recommended to go to bed at the same time, preferably before 23:00, subject to the regimen, the body will be able to fully recover;
  • before going to bed, you can drink a cup of warm milk with honey, this will help you calm down and fall asleep faster;
  • you need to change bedding more often, when washing, avoid powders and rinses with flavors, they can provoke allergic reaction, act exciting on the central nervous system;
  • it is better to perform any intense loads and main activities before 17 o'clock, in the evening it is recommended to devote time to quiet leisure;
  • pregnant women should not drink strong tea or coffee, the caffeine content interferes with the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, and also excites the nervous system, preventing a healthy good sleep.

Get into a comfortable position to keep normal work all systems and organs, a pillow for pregnant women will help. Exist different sizes and models, you can take with you on a trip, also use for comfortable sleep child after his birth.

The key to a good rest and well-being of the expectant mother is healthy sleep. Not only the condition of the woman, but also the formation of her baby depends on the choice of position. You can only sleep on your back early dates, in the second and third trimester, a woman should choose a position on her side.