List of sleeping pills without prescriptions. Recommendations for use

Insomnia can stop ruining your life if you can find the best over-the-counter or over-the-counter sleeping pills for you. To this end, we have compiled this rating, which contains the most powerful, effective, fast and safe pills and drops to treat sleep disorders. Their reception will allow you to stop feeling depressed in the morning and thereby return the joy of life.

Tablets and drops from American, French, Czech and Russian manufacturers are considered very good. Here is more detailed information about each company whose products are presented today in the ranking:

  • Farmak is a Ukrainian pharmaceutical company that occupies a fairly high position in the market of medicines. This was facilitated, in particular, by the release of drops to improve sleep "Barboval". The company uses safe, hypoallergenic ingredients in its formulations. Before going on sale, the manufacturer tests them more than once.
  • Teva, Czech Republic is a Czech company that produces biologically active food supplements and medicines, among which there are also drugs for the treatment of insomnia. The most popular in her line is the Novo-Passit solution, which has a mild effect.
  • Pharmamed- Russian manufacturer medicines, including to combat chronic sleep deprivation. In its range, one of the most successful products was Valemidin. All medicines contain many useful components, in some cases several active substances are included in their composition at once.
  • Crevel Meuselbach is a German company that owns the right to manufacture one of the best over-the-counter sleeping pills, Valocordin. For the release of her medicines, she uses selected, proven raw materials and always checks them before entering the market to exclude allergies and other side effects at buyers.
  • Unipharm- one of the leading suppliers of pharmaceutical products, the main office and production of which are located in the USA. In the Russian market, he became famous largely thanks to Melaksen, designed just to improve the quality of sleep. The company offers affordable prices for its medicines and at the same time good quality.
  • Evalar- a well-known Russian manufacturer of dietary supplements, which can be bought both in pharmacies and online stores. Their cost is adequate, and the effect exceeds all expectations. The company's drugs are easily tolerated by the body and, according to reviews, help in a short time.
  • Sandoz is an international company specializing in the production of drugs for the treatment of dermatological, neurological and other diseases. Her line also includes drugs to eliminate insomnia, which have an optimal ratio of quality and price. The Persen series in tablets and capsules deserves special attention.
  • UPSA SAS- French manufacturer of drugs, among which a special place is occupied by sedatives and sleeping pills. They are distinguished by instant action, cumulative effect and safety for health. After taking them, there are almost never side effects. The most famous in the assortment of the company is Donormil.

Rating of the best sleeping pills without a prescription

First of all, we took into account customer reviews and the opinions of doctors. The rating was divided into several categories, taking into account the form of release of the drug - tablets and drops.

When selecting the best sleeping pills in the TOP, we also paid attention to the following characteristics:

  • Taste and smell;
  • Tablet sizes;
  • The naturalness of the composition, the amount of active substances and the safety of additional;
  • Daily dosage and rules for taking medication for sleep;
  • Number of contraindications;
  • The presence of side effects;
  • performance;
  • Versatility, what else does the medicine help with, except for the treatment of insomnia;
  • Issue volume;
  • Price;
  • Manufacturer country;
  • Availability of the drug.

The best sleeping pills in drops without a prescription

For a person, especially a child, this is the most convenient form of release. Drops, unlike tablets, do not need to be swallowed, it is enough to drink them with water or dissolve in it. In the list of the best sleeping pills of this type, you can add those offered in this rating category.

Barboval - sleeping pills in drops

This sleep medicine is the best value for money and gives results almost immediately after the start of use. The reviews indicate the absence of drowsiness in the morning and heavy head syndrome. Drops can be safely taken without a doctor's prescription, they do not harm health, as they do not contain dangerous synthetic components. They have a large list of indications, ranging from insomnia to neurosis. Problems go away due to the content of validol. The product is available in 25 ml.


  • Have an antispasmodic effect;
  • Help in the fight against neurosis;
  • Have few contraindications
  • Easily tolerated by the body;
  • Quickly digested;
  • Virtually no side effects.


  • You need to drink 2-3 times a day;
  • After the end of the course, you need to take a break for 2 weeks.

Having completed a course of a fairly strong over-the-counter sleeping pill for sound sleep, Barboval, I want to say that it is not addictive and does not irritate the stomach.

Novo-Passit - sedative

This sleeping pill is included in the rating of the best for its mild effect, it calms and relaxes, which is why cravings for sleep appear. The reviews say that it becomes strong. In the morning, those who take it do not have a headache and cheerfulness appears. All this is possible thanks to the production of the drug from natural ingredients. plant origin. They can be prescribed to almost everyone, with the exception of pregnant women, nursing mothers, and except for cases of individual intolerance. The volume of the bottle is 200 ml.


  • Enough for a long time;
  • Not nasty in taste;
  • Help with migraine;
  • Quickly eliminate insomnia;
  • Have a cumulative effect;
  • Contain many active ingredients;
  • Cases of overdose are rare;
  • Can be used within two years from the date of issue.


  • Requires admission 2-3 times a day;
  • Must be stored under special conditions.

Novo-Passit is a powerful enough sleeping pill for sound sleep, which doctors themselves often prescribe to their patients. It is universal, as it helps with both insomnia and neurosis.

Valemidin plus - sleeping pills in syrup

The drug is produced by the company "Pharmamed" and belongs to the category of sedatives. But it is often used as a sleeping pill because of its ability to improve sleep, make it stronger and calmer. Changes occur approximately 3-5 days after the start of the course, which, by the way, is not very long - 10-15 days. The consumption of the solution is economical - 8 ml per day, 100 ml is enough for almost full course treatment. The drug does not cause daytime sleepiness and does not reduce performance, which other drugs often do.


  • Natural ingredients in the composition;
  • Do not cause allergies;
  • Side effects are almost completely excluded;
  • Contain magnesium, useful for heart function;
  • Contribute to the reduction blood pressure;
  • Tolerable taste;
  • Fast results.


  • In rare cases, a laxative effect is possible;
  • It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

Valemidin contains a sweetener and is therefore not suitable for people with diabetes.

Valocordin - sleeping pills in drops

... I used Valocordin with a number of other drugs, including sedative tablets, and this did not affect the results of treatment, they interact well ...

Expert opinion

Drops to improve sleep are produced in Germany and are recognized as very effective. They are relevant for problems with falling asleep, for neurosis and a state of excitement. The drug contains two active ingredients at once, phenobarbital and ethyl bromisovalerianate, which enhances the effect. Additional substances here are of natural origin. The drug is well tolerated by the body and can be taken for a long time. The dosage depends on the degree of insomnia, the stronger it is, the more drops are required.


  • Not very high concentration of ethanol;
  • Improve the state of disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • Have a mild effect;
  • Sold in two volumes - 20 and 50 ml;
  • Safe for health;
  • Do not require constant medical supervision during treatment;
  • Shelf life up to 5 years.


  • Not suitable for continuous use;
  • In the absence of interruptions in treatment, bromine intoxication may develop;
  • After taking it, it is not recommended to drive a car.

Best Sleeping Pills Without Prescriptions

This is the most popular release formula; most of all, sleeping pills are sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets. They have a positive effect on the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, biological rhythms and the nervous system, which is key point in the treatment of insomnia. 3 drugs for the treatment of sleep disorders are recognized as the best.

Melaxen for sleep

These sleep improvement pills are produced by the American company Unipharm. They are the best because of their fast action and ability to regular intake, not courses. In fact, they contain nothing but the main hormone melatonin, which eliminates insomnia. The drug allows you to quickly adapt to changing time zones and normalize biological rhythms. Half a tablet is enough for a trouble-free falling asleep for an adult. Side effects on the background of the use of the drug are rare, but still happen. Sleeping pills sold in pharmacies without prescriptions, freely.


  • They help immediately after taking, after 20-30 minutes you already want to sleep;
  • They can be taken not in courses, but periodically;
  • Easily chewed, you can not drink water and do not crumble;
  • Small tablet size;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Rejuvenate the body and positively affect the appearance.


  • Waking up in the morning is not always easy;
  • If taken for a long time, they can be addictive.

A significant drawback is the large list of contraindications for Melaxen - it cannot be taken with diabetes, epilepsy, lymphoma and a number of other diseases.

Sleep formula from "Evalar"

This is the fastest acting sleeping pill in the ranking after Melaxen. Its plus lies in the naturalness of the composition and, according to customer reviews, the absence negative reactions body to receive the drug. Such easy tolerability of the drug is provided by the plant components contained in it - motherwort and hops. With these over-the-counter sleep pills, emotional stress, the onset of sleep is facilitated, it becomes more calm, long and deep.


  • Normal in taste;
  • Contain vitamin B12, B6 and B1;
  • May be prescribed to children over 14 years of age;
  • Suitable for course admission 3-4 times a year;
  • 40 pcs. packaged;
  • Small size;
  • Sold not only in pharmacies;
  • Quality raw materials.


  • Must be taken for at least 20 consecutive days.

Persen - a sedative of plant origin

Persen tablets have good reviews due to their naturalness and effectiveness. They quickly eliminate insomnia and in the future do not allow sleep to be upset again. Also, the drug is excellent for nervous excitability, calming a person in a short time. Most of The components in the composition are of natural origin, which is why the medicine does not harm the liver. They can be taken by both adults and children over 12 years of age. It is convenient that this should be done only before going to bed, 30 minutes before bed.


  • Low chance of overdose;
  • Can be stored for 3 years;
  • Normal taste;
  • Easily swallowed;
  • Enhance the action of others sleeping pills;
  • Do not have a negative impact on performance;
  • After taking the tablets, you can drive vehicles.


  • A rather large list of contraindications.

The best prescription sleeping pills

A prescription usually requires strong sleeping pills, which must be taken as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. It's connected with possible development body habituation and negative impact to the nervous system. The best drug for sleep in this category of rating can be called only one medicine for sleep.

Donormil tablets

With sleep disorders, Donormil manifests itself very clearly, as it has a strong sedative and atropine-like effect. It is a pure sleeping pill, therefore, it reduces the time to fall asleep, improves the quality and increases the duration of sleep. Its reception, even for a long time, does not lead to disruption of biological rhythms. After stopping the treatment, the body quickly weaned from it and insomnia no longer bothers due to the cumulative effect. Made in the USA and sold in packs of 30.


  • 30 tab. packaged;
  • High concentration of the active substance;
  • Small daily dose - half or whole tablet;
  • Can be dissolved in water, not swallowed;
  • You need to drink only before going to bed;
  • Shelf life of 3 years.


  • Need a prescription to buy;
  • After prolonged use, dry mouth may occur.
  • Should not be taken concomitantly with antidepressants.

What is the best sleeping pill to buy without a prescription

If sleep is disturbed in children, then drops will be the best choice, since they do not need to be swallowed. Adults are suitable for this option, and tablets. In the presence of neurosis, they should contain calming components - lemon balm, motherwort and other natural ingredients.

Here are the drugs and for which cases they are suitable:

  • With stress and chronic insomnia, Barboval helps well.
  • In the case of neurosis and mild sleep disorders, Novo-Passit will be useful.
  • For those who suffer from emotional and physical fatigue, which is why they cannot fall asleep normally, Valemidin and Valocordin are relevant.
  • If you need to fall asleep quickly, but it doesn’t work, then it’s best to choose Melaxen.
  • From dietary supplements to improve sleep, the Evalar Sleep Formula is ideal.
  • Children over 12 years of age with sleep problems can be given Persen.
  • If it is possible to get a prescription from a doctor, then it is better to choose Donormil, which is one of the most powerful sleeping pills in the ranking.

The best sleeping pills that really help may well be dispensed without a doctor's prescription, you just need to familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages in advance, and decide whether this or that option suits you.

A person spends almost a third of his life on sleep, which is an integral part of it. And violation of biorhythms, constant lack of sleep lead to various health disorders, mood deteriorates, apathy overcomes, constant fatigue, irritation and other problems that interfere with a full life. Therefore, many are convinced that healthy sleep is one of the many ways to treat many diseases.

To adjust the biological rhythm of the body, according to HowBuySell, you can resort to pharmaceuticals - use sleeping pills.

All medicines are divided according to the method of dispensing into two sections:

  • Available on prescription;
  • Can be bought without a prescription.

The first group includes strong drugs- barbiturates: barbamil, phenobarbital, etc.

The second group of drugs includes drugs with a weak effect, which are conditionally safe: small side effects, a low chance of overdose. But this does not mean at all that they can be taken lightly, notes howbuysellRu. Even they, too, can bring a lot of serious problems if you do not follow the instructions for admission. But at the same time, such sleeping pills may well cope with insomnia.

List of effective over-the-counter sleeping pills

In this article, we have collected popular means, which help to normalize sleep by small means and in a short time. So, Howbaisell presents a list of the most effective sleeping pills, in our opinion, and let's move on to it.

A combined hypnotic drug that has the following actions:

  • Sedative;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • Hypotensive.

In its composition it has the main components: validol, phenobarbital. Available in the form of drops in vials and capsules.


Most of the Howbaisells surveyed noted the following: positive points when taking medication:

  • Calms the central nervous system;
  • Improves thought processes in the brain;
  • It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, reduces spasms, colic;
  • Expands blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.
  • Helps to fall asleep quickly;
  • Has a mild effect.


There are also cons:

  • With prolonged use of sleeping pills, daytime fatigue, lethargy and dependence appear;
  • Some note bad smell medicines;
  • Available allergic reactions on some components;
  • It is forbidden to use during pregnancy, nursing mother and children;
  • Contains ethanol, which means it will be impossible to drive vehicles.

The price of Barboval for 25 ml starts from 76 rubles.

This drug is used for sleep disorders, for example, when changing time zones. It is based on melatonin.

Produced in a round form of white tablets of 12 pieces in a blister.

Each tablet contains 3 mg of melatonin, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and calcium hydrogen phosphate. Taken just before bed.

When taking this sleeping pill, there is no feeling of lethargy, fatigue during morning awakenings, and there are no nighttime awakenings.

It has its own contraindications for admission in the presence of such diseases as: lymphogranulomatosis, myeloma, epilepsy, pregnancy and others. In case of an overdose, pronounced symptoms of side effects appear.

Also, notes, Melaksen has antioxidant and immunostimulating effects.


According to the reviews of some patients who took the drug, howbuysell highlights the following positive properties of the drug:

  • There is no fatigue on waking in the morning;
  • Dreams are more vivid and emotional;
  • Rest, recuperation and more complete rash;
  • Not addictive;
  • Absorbed quickly;
  • No sleepiness during the day;
  • You can drive a car.


  • It is worth noting the disadvantage of its high cost;
  • Allergic reactions to some components are possible;
  • There are side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, and so on;
  • There are restrictions on admission when breastfeeding and for pregnant women;
  • You can not take such sleeping pills for kidney problems, leukemia, myeloma, diabetes and lymphoma.

The price of the drug starts from 550 rubles.

Donormil (Sonmil)

sleeping pills ( sedative) in tablets, which speeds up the process of falling asleep, and the duration of sleep makes it more uniform, of high quality and longer.

It has such contraindications as hypersensitivity to components, glaucoma, problems with urine outflow (prostatitis, kidney disease), lactase deficiency and a small age up to 15 years.

The course of treatment is from 2 to 5 days. Take before bedtime ½ - 1 tablet.


Most people taking sleeping pills Donormil note the following advantages:

  • Fast falling asleep for 2-3 days (there is a normalization of the sleep pattern);
  • In the form of effervescent tablets, it is convenient to take, quickly absorbed;
  • Sleep duration increases;
  • Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Does not change the structure and cycle of sleep;
  • The effect is observed after the 1st tablet.


Along with the positive properties of sleeping pills, HowByCellRu notes, there are negative points- there are symptoms characteristic of conventional antihistamines:

  • Sleepiness during the day;
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning;
  • May exacerbate sleep apnea;
  • There are side effects, for example, dry mouth, "weakness", lethargy during the day.

The price is from 340 rubles, which is almost two times cheaper than the first remedy in the howbuysell list.

This drug is a blocker of histamine H1 receptors, which means it is an antihistamine, as described above (Donormil). At the same time, it has a hypnotic effect. It is often prescribed for violation of sleep rhythms and for problems falling asleep, both for adults and children. Take before bed for half an hour.

A sleeping pill is produced in tablets of 10 and 30 pieces in blisters. The action lasts up to 8 hours.


The following advantages can be distinguished from the Howbaycell surveys:

  • Has severe drowsiness 30-60 minutes after taking the drug;
  • The duration of sleep from pills increases, and the number of awakenings decreases;
  • Does not affect the change in sleep cycles;
  • It has an additional effect - reduces anxiety.


  • Sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Should not be taken by those with glaucoma, problems with urine output;
  • Should not be taken by drivers or where an increased concentration of attention is needed;
  • Some note, according to Haubisell, drowsiness during the day;
  • In Russia, the drug is unlikely to be found.

Corvalol (Valocordin)

This sleeping pill contains the barbiturate phenobarbital and is available without a doctor's prescription. Well known to the older generation, primarily due to its low price.

Excellent, according to NewBuySell, calms the central nervous system, dilates blood vessels and has a hypnotic effect. Recognizable by the smell of valerian and mint.

Produced in the form of drops of 15 ml in dark glass bottles. There is also in the form of tablets.

Corvalol is considered a drug combined action, because has a sedative (hypnotic) and antispasmodic effect.


The most common pluses include the following:

  • The dosage can be adjusted individually;
  • It has wide range actions: cardiovascular problems, intestinal colic, high blood pressure, fear, anxiety, insomnia, etc.;
  • Low price;
  • Can be taken by children
  • Quick effect;


  • It has a pronounced smell, which is well eaten into everything that is around;
  • It is forbidden to take during lactation;
  • May be addictive;
  • Contains alcohol.

The price of the drug is from 15 rubles.

Herbal sedative preparation based on herbal extract (valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort and others). Available in both syrup and tablet form.

Taken with anxiety, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as insomnia. It perfectly helps to relax, notes Howbaisell, as well as to establish a sleep rhythm.

It has contraindications: children under 12 years of age, myasthenia gravis, sensitivity to the components of the drug.


Many of the benefits include:

  • Quick noticeable effect after taking;
  • It is not necessary to drink a long course;
  • Has a pronounced hypnotic effect;
  • The dosage can be adjusted.


But there are also disadvantages of the drug:

  • There may be weakness during the day;
  • In the morning there is depression, drowsiness;
  • Should not be taken by children
  • Contains alcohol;
  • Very rare, but there may be allergic reactions to some herbs.

The price of 10 pieces of tablets - from 200 rubles, and 100 ml of syrup - from 210 rubles.

Another sleeping pill based on herbs: valerian, mint, lemon balm.

It has a calming, tonic effect, including antispasmodic, similar to the drugs described above. It is recommended by the manufacturer as a sleeping pill for problems with falling asleep, as well as for increased excitability and anxiety.

It has some contraindications: sensitivity to the components of sleeping pills, arterial hypotension, lactase deficiency and others.

Take 1-2 tablets before bed.

The result, according to xaybaycell, appears after a few days. Therefore, it is necessary to take the course. But also you can not take it for a long time - 1.5-2 months.


Hosts note the following advantages:

  • Low price;
  • The effectiveness of the drug;
  • Sleep normalization.


  • The presence of contraindications;
  • Allergic reactions to components are possible;
  • There are cases, according to Howbaisell, when the drug did not help.

Price for 10 capsules from 200 rubles.

Collection of several types of herbs that have a hypnotic and sedative effect. The drug will be classified as dietary supplements. Available in two types - sedative fees No. 2 and No. 3, which are slightly different in composition. They mainly consist of the following herbs: motherwort, thyme, oregano, sweet clover and valerian.

Sachets with the composition are brewed, insisted and taken at bedtime.


The positive properties include the following:

  • Low price;
  • Helps to calm down and fall asleep;
  • It has an antispasmodic effect, helps to tone the gastrointestinal tract.


There are also disadvantages of the drug:

  • It is inconvenient, according to the site, to take compared to other drugs, because. it is necessary to brew and insist in advance, and the remains will have to be poured;
  • Not to be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers.

The cost of 20 bags from 50 rubles.

Basically, this drug is classified as one that improves the metabolism of the brain and its blood circulation. Additionally, it has such effects as: mental capacity, vasodilation and their tone, including problems with sleep disturbance.

This is a common amino acid, according to, which helps in the regulation of inhibitory processes occurring in the brain.

Take it, dissolving under the tongue.


  • It is very difficult to overdose;
  • It has several advantages at once: anti-anxiety agent, improves memory and thinking.


  • Many patients, and even doctors, do not consider this drug an effective medicine, including sleeping pills;
  • Often there is no effect.

The price of a package of 50 tablets is from 40 rubles.


Each of the presented drugs has its pros and cons, different shape release and composition. For some, one of them will seem ineffective sleeping pills, but for someone the best. Therefore, according to Howbaisell, it is worth trying and choosing the best remedy for insomnia just for yourself.

Our list does not include analogues that have the same composition, but different trade names.

It is also worth noting that the over-the-counter sleeping pills listed above are classified as weak-acting drugs that cannot cause serious harm to health if used incorrectly. They are excellent, according to havbacell, help with initial stages development of problems with sleep, its duration or rhythm. If none of them help, then you should consult a doctor already for a prescription and stronger remedy.

That is why, in order to combat the characteristic manifestations similar condition and use strong sleeping pills.

But even such a remedy has consequences, and therefore it is important to coordinate the reception with the doctor. The main consequence after consumption is death. In view of this, it is worth doing everything possible to help avoid side effects.

Mechanism of action of sleeping pills

The drug for instant sleep is an additional measure by which deep sleep occurs. However, they cannot be used to cure any disease. Also, the drug can cause a number of undesirable consequences.

Important! It is not recommended to use sleeping pills for a long time. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, but it is permissible - no more than 15 days. They affect the consciousness of a person, after which the latter plunges into the land of dreams.

For the entire medical practice, the most dangerous complications: injuries and asphyxia, which manifested itself immediately after use. This is easy to explain - external factors were inactive before the medicine. In a dream, a person fell asleep without the possibility of awakening, received bruises, got tangled in bedding.

Most of these sleeping pills are addictive. Subsequently, you can’t fall asleep on your own, because sleeping pills are required. As a result, it is necessary to resort to additional drugs. There are groups of people for whom they are more effective: the elderly, middle-aged, certain categories with a severe form of the disease. For young people, the use is not necessary, because the body is able to cope without outside help.

Features of the choice of sleeping pills

All drugs are classified: as fast-acting and slow-acting. If you use the first ones, relaxation will come, then rest, which will not be long. But the latter cannot be recommended to older people.

Important! All tranquilizers are divided into strong, medium and light. Funds are assigned taking into account the most important criteria. However, it is best to seek the help of a specialist, since there is a possibility of harm to health.

Individual approach to drug selection

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, it is worth moving in the selection process. Varieties of sleeping pills allow you to purchase almost everyone. Means in ampoules and tablets have proven themselves well.

Also an important factor is the price and principle of operation. For different categories there are cheaper and more people expensive analogues. Sold in a pharmacy, but if necessary, make a purchase via the Internet.

For high efficiency, it is important to ask about this on sites about medicine and forums. From the reviews it is easy to find out all the aspects of receiving funds that are of interest. However correct dosage only a doctor can prescribe, so there is no need to further aggravate the situation with self-medication.

Review of effective means

Therapeutic measures to eliminate insomnia involve non-drug effects and the use of drugs. The latter method includes certain sleeping pills and over-the-counter drugs.

There are 5 strongest sleeping pills that are used to eliminate the characteristic signs of the disease:

All of them are effective in their own way. But you should be careful when taking it, because side effects are often encountered. To prevent complications, it is important to coordinate the use of sleeping pills with the doctor, as well as follow the prescribed recommendations. In addition, they are used when urgently needed.


Tranquilizers of this group cannot radically affect receptors. That is why the effect is most pronounced. The rest that comes after taking sleeping pills is similar to the effect of narcotic drugs. A popular representative of the group is called Phenobarbital. The properties of the drug are as follows:

  • The substance has no smell, the taste is weakly pronounced: a little bitter.
  • It differs in the duration of action, because as a result the patient will sleep for about 8 hours.
  • Helps to cope with serious problems: convulsions, anxiety.
  • The main disadvantage is observed after waking up. It consists in a decrease in activity, the manifestation of apathy, drowsiness, malaise, low concentration.
  • With daily intake for a long time, dependence and addiction to the drug is possible.

The use of barbiturates is a cause for serious health problems. A frequently used drug of this group leads to dizziness, headache, hypertension, nausea and gag reflex. Taking more is deplorable. After all, it can affect the respiratory and vascular systems.


The effective result of sleeping pills depends on the dosage. In moderation, benzodiazepines have a beneficial effect: they reduce anxiety. For manifestation narcotic effect it must be consumed in greater concentration.

Almost all sleeping pills in this group affect the quality of sleep, changing the 2-4 stages of slow falling asleep. At the same time, serious complications are sometimes observed. Although rare, it does happen:

  1. A potent benzodiazepine adversely affects the respiratory system. That is why, if a patient has signs of an extensive lung disease, they are not used.
  2. It is not desirable to use them for other pathologies accompanied by respiratory failure.

Excessive or prolonged use of sleeping pills leads to side effects. In severe cases, intoxication occurs in conjunction with problems in the respiratory and vascular systems. For this reason, death occurs. However, such manifestations are isolated cases.


A similar group is third-generation hypnotics. Allocate Zolpidem, Zopiclone and Zaleplon. With their appearance, the use of the previous ones became infrequent. After all main feature of such medicines lies in the rapid action, after which the expected result is observed.

List of contraindications:

  • intolerance by the body of some components that are in the composition;
  • during the period of bearing a child;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • the presence of problems with the respiratory system;
  • age restrictions: the ban applies to young children.

The fast-acting bottom line is based on a reduction in the risk of possible CNS disturbances. They are purchased at the nearest pharmacy, and there is also a wide variety of drugs in this group. In this regard, it is likely to pick up the majority of people with sleep disorders.

  1. Zopiclone is only able to act on certain receptors in the human body.
  2. Zolpidem and Zaleplon are characterized by an effect only on the subtype of a specific structure - the receptor.

Taking sleeping pills Z-drugs is characterized by an instant effect on the phases of sleep, and therefore the quality of rest. At the same time, no special violations were detected, which indicates the safety of use. Sound sleep under tranquilizers of this group does not differ significantly from physiological sleep, i. without taking medication.

Such sleeping pills are potent drugs. The duration of their withdrawal from the body is minimal, it takes no more than 60 minutes or 6 hours for this process. The main differences depend on the classification of the used means. Therefore, they are recommended by doctors in the presence of problems with falling asleep. In addition, if it is quickly excreted, this may mean that there are no symptoms in the morning.

The appearance of dependence with the use of Z-drugs is practically not observed, but it can still occur. That is why sleeping pills should not be taken for a long time. At the same time, side effects are weak, which implies their safety.

The possibility of intoxication leading to death is due to the high degree of dosage. Third-generation drugs have no tangible drawbacks. That's just excessive intake for a long time can adversely affect a person's well-being.


A potent hypnotic, antihistamine group, designed to eliminate the symptoms of allergic reactions. Complications take place, so it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body before drinking a course.

Among the brightest representatives of antihistamine hypnotics, donormil is distinguished, which has a wide range of action:

  1. Complications: you may feel dryness in oral cavity, incontinence or urinary retention, obstruction of the stool, enlarged pupils, the likelihood of visual impairment.
  2. Principle of action: able to put to sleep for 8 hours. In this case, the person will sleep soundly without sudden awakenings in the middle of the night. However, it is not recommended for children with serious illnesses. But the age population - only in special cases.
  3. A powerful drug can adversely affect the respiratory system, which is why it is prohibited for such pathologies. Sometimes used when carrying a child.

Antihistamine sleeping pills appear to be the strongest of this group. Their effectiveness is even exceeded over Z-drugs. But according to the identified side effects, they are generally recognized as the best. However, cases of excessive use are known, which leads to consequences: coma, convulsions. As a result, death is possible, but in rare cases.


The strongest sleeping pills you can buy without a prescription. Well proven - Melaksen. It is somewhat similar to melatonin, therefore it has a similar effect - it normalizes rhythms. Immediate results, with no change in the duration of rest. The peculiarity of the remedy is in its effect on the body and improving sleep.

  1. There were no complaints from patients.
  2. The list of possible complications is minimal: allergies, digestive problems, severe headaches, fatigue (which causes sleepiness).
  3. It is almost impossible to use more. However, if this does happen, then the harm to the body is insignificant. Intoxication proceeds with characteristic features heavy form.
  4. The drug is considered to be the most powerful of the possible. The sedative effect when taken is not as dangerous as most sedatives.
  5. Approved for use by many people. Does not cause complications in serious violations respiratory system does not contribute to the development severe forms existing illness.
  6. The main advantage of sleeping pills is the lack of addiction and dependence.

Powerful hypnotics will help get rid of the symptoms and causes of insomnia. However, precautions must be taken when choosing an effective hypnotic. After all, most of them are fatal. Considering individual characteristics organism, it will be possible to prevent a number of complications. That is why it is only the doctor who can correctly prescribe the treatment and dosage of sleeping pills.

Instant response drugs

An effective drug is sometimes dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Among them there are groups of sleeping pills: in the form of drops, tablets. Any of them are able to have the proper effect in order to normalize sleep. So, among the drops, Corvalol, Valerian, Motherwort or Hawthorn are distinguished. But from the tablets, an effective effect is observed in Donormil and Sonmil.

Important! Most sleeping pills are determined by an instant result. Therefore, there is no need for outside help. In addition to eliminating the signs of insomnia, they can save a person from stressful conditions and excessive anxiety.

The use of such drugs is allowed enough a long period time is about 21 days. In the presence of severe forms of the disease, an elderly or adult can use them, but the amount should be limited - do not exceed 30 drops at a time.

In addition, it is permissible to combine several sleeping pills at once. So, for example, Balerian and Barboval. In order to exclude side effects it is advisable to follow the instructions. Soluble substances do not require drinking.

Also, a fast-acting sleeping pill can cause an allegory, and therefore, at the slightest manifestation of the disease, appropriate measures should be taken immediately. First, call a doctor at home or visit a medical facility on your own. After the examination, based on the results, treatment is prescribed.

Prolonged use of sleeping pills

It is not advisable to take strong sleeping pills for a long time, because the risk of addiction is high. As a result, the patient cannot live normally without a dose and the effect of the drug on the body.

Also, drugs often lead to psychological dependence. In this case, the stage of reception is formed in the mind, as a result of which a restful sleep occurs. Falling asleep without taking a pill is no longer possible.

To prevent adverse effects, it is worth resorting to the help of doctors. After all, such a disease occurs due to experienced stress, psychological disorders. If you do not take action, then progression, and sometimes the development of new diseases, is possible.

Side effects

After excessive consumption of sleeping pills relax muscle tissues, consciousness is clouded, so sleep comes instantly. In rare cases, convulsions are possible. But more often appear serious problems with breathing, it gradually stops.

In addition, the pressure drops, the heart rate slows down. Over time, conditioned reflexes disappear. In rare cases, an overdose of drugs leads to coma, but more often - death occurs. Due to the characteristics of sleeping pills and first aid, there are possible consequences. All this leads to the development of such diseases:

  • depression and stressful situations;
  • respiratory failure, pulmonary edema;
  • changes related to the functioning of the kidneys;
  • heart failure;
  • mental and neurological abnormalities.

Some medications can help prevent the symptoms of insomnia. However, they are not only able to make sleep better, but also become harbingers of complications. The main danger represents an overdose - death is possible. To prevent such manifestations, it is recommended to call an ambulance as soon as characteristic signs begin to be expressed.

The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no case calls for self-diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions on treatment and use of drugs, consultation with a qualified doctor is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The editors of the portal are not responsible for its authenticity.

Anesthesia and sleeping pills

Bromisoval (Bromisovalum)


Synonyms: Bromural, Abroval, Albroman (B), Alluval (G), Alural, Bro-modorm, Bromuralum, Bromuresan, Dormigene, Isobromyl, Isoneurin, Isoval, Leunerval, Sedural, Somnibrom, Somnurol, Valurea, Verobroman, etc.

White crystalline powder of bitter taste with a slight odor. Very slightly soluble in water (1:450), soluble in alcohol (1:17).

CARBROMAL (Carbromalum)

N- (a-Bromo-a-ethylbutyryl) -urea:

Synonyms: Adalin, Adabrom, Adalin, Adormin, Brevisomnol, Bromadal, Carbadal, Isobroval, Nyctal, Planadalin, Somben (B), Somnalin (B), UFadai.

White crystalline powder with a very slight odor. Very slightly soluble in water, slightly soluble in hot water, soluble in alcohol.

It has a calming and moderate hypnotic effect. Sleeping doses do not cause disturbances general condition, respiration and circulation. It is excreted from the body quickly. No accumulation phenomena are observed.

CHLOROBUTANOLHYDRATE (ChlorobutanoJi hydras)

Synonyms: Chloreton, Acetonchloroform, Anaesthosal, Chlorbutolum, ChlorobutanoSum, Chlorobutanolum hydratum, Clortran, Methaform, Sedaform.

Colorless crystals with a camphor odour. Slightly soluble in water (1:250), easily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, fatty oils.

It has a general sedative and mild narcotic effect. It also has local anesthetic and antiseptic properties.

CHLORALHYDRATE (Chlorali hydras)

Synonym: Chloralum hydratum.

Colorless transparent crystals or finely crystalline powder with a characteristic pungent odor and a slightly bitter peculiar taste. Very easily soluble in water and alcohol. In air, it slowly evaporates. Hygroscopic.

METAKBALOH (Methaqualonum)

Synonyms: Ortonal, Motolon (B), Aqualon, Bendor, Citexal, Dormilone, Dormised, Dorsedine, Holodorm, Ipnolan, Ipnosed, Mekvalon, Melsomin, Me-qualon, Mezulon, Motolon (B), Mynal, Nobadorm, Noctilene, Normorest, Optinoxan, Orthonal, Revonal, Ronqualone, Somberol, fSoffinidon, Somnomed, Somnotropon, Tolinon, Toquilone, Toraflon, Torinal, etc.

White crystalline powder. Slightly soluble in water and alcohol.

NOXIRON (Noxyronum)

Synonyms: Aifimid (Yu), Doriden, Elrodorm (G), Glimid (P), Glutethi-midum, Garodormin, Sarodormin.

Colorless crystalline powder. Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol.

A sedative and hypnotic. Less active than barbiturates. At strong arousal and pain is inactive. Used mainly for neurotic states. Sleep occurs 15-30 minutes after taking the drug and lasts 6-8 hours. The drug is low toxic

TETRIDINE (Tetridinum)

Synonyms: Benedorm, Persedon, Presidon, Pyridion, Pyrithyldione.

White crystalline powder. Easily soluble in hot water and alcohol. According to the chemical structure, it has some similarities with barbiturates, however, the difference in the heterocyclic systems underlying these compounds affects the strength of the hypnotic effect and tolerability.

Tetridin has a sedative and hypnotic effect; low toxicity in hypnotic doses does not significantly affect respiration and blood circulation. Sleep caused by tetridine is less deep than with application

HEXOBARBITAL (Hexobarbitalum)

Synonyms: Barbidorm, Citodon, Citodorm, Citopan, Cyclopan, Cyclural, Enhexymal, Enimalum, Evipal, Evipan, Hexobarbital, Hexobarbitone, Hexo-barbitural, Hexobarsol, Litarin, Methexenyl, Narcangyl, Narcodorm, Narco-san, Noctivan, Noctopan, Somnopan and others

White crystalline powder, odorless and tasteless. Practically insoluble in water, hardly soluble in alcohol. Soluble in alkali solutions.

CYCLOBARBITAL (Cyclobarbitalum)

Synonyms (acid or calcium salt): Fanodorm, Athylhexabital, Csvcnyi, Cyclobarbitone, Cyclohexal, Cyclonal, Cyclosedal, Dormiphan, Dormiphene (H), Fanodormo, Hexemal, Hypnoval, Normanox, Palinum, Per.odorm, Phanoctal, Phanodorm, Philodorm, Prodorm , Somnokalan, etc.

ETAMINAL-SODIUM (Aethaminalum-natrium)

Synonyms: Nembutal, Embutal, Isobarb, Mebubarbital, Narcoren, Nembutal sodium, Nembutaf natrium, Pental, Pentobarbitalum Natricum, Pentobarbital sodium, Pentobarbital soluble, Pentone, Prodormol, Somnopentyl, Sopen-tal, etc.

White fine-crystalline powder, odorless, bitter taste. Hygroscopic. Soluble in water and alcohol. Aqueous solutions have an alkaline reaction; decompose during storage and boiling.

Ethaminal sodium can be considered as an isomer of barbamyl; both drugs have the same empirical formula (ScH170s^b1a) and

The 7 best sleeping pills you can buy without a prescription

In a dream, a person should spend a third of his life - a lot. After a full sleep, a charge of vivacity and efficiency is enough for a long time. At the same time, intermittent, superficial sleep, poor falling asleep can become a real torment, especially on the eve of a responsible day.

The most powerful sleep aids are limited-edition drugs and require a prescription to purchase. Such drugs, for example, include old and well-known barbiturates: etaminal - sodium, barbamil, phenobarbital. You also need a prescription to buy modern, mild drugs like Imovan (zopiclone) and zolpidem.

At the same time, there is large group over-the-counter drugs that have a hypnotic effect. They are commercially available because their psychoactive inhibitory effect on the central nervous system is much lower, and overdose does not cause serious side effects. However, they can provide sleep in most cases of mild sleep disorders.

We present these drugs in descending order of hypnotic effect.


The cost is 650 rubles (0.003 g No. 24)

In humans, melatonin regulates sleep-wake cycles and is the "sleep hormone". Its task is to cause the effect of drowsiness, which increases the chances of falling asleep. In addition, melatonin has a moderate sedative (sedative) effect.

Advantages: it is impossible to overdose the drug, due to its very rapid decay. Good sleep continues after the drug has been eliminated from the body, so sleep can be considered physiological. Melaksen works on the principle of "done - gone." The drug does not change the course of the natural cycle and structure of sleep, does not cause nightmares, does not affect awakening. After using the drug, there is no feeling of drowsiness, you can drive a car.

  • possible manifestations of allergic reactions, the occurrence of peripheral edema;
  • relatively high cost.

Conclusions: The drug can be recommended for mild and moderate forms of insomnia, in the complex therapy of functional disorders accompanied by sleep disorders, and also as a means for faster adaptation to rapid change of time zones.

From reviews of Melaxen: "I had absolutely no side effects, I was healthy and strong, normal sleep, in the morning there was not a drop of drowsiness, and at night I saw beautiful colored dreams. I used one tablet for 30 minutes. before sleep. After I drank the whole package, addiction did not develop. One of the best remedies for insomnia, I recommend!"


(doxylamine succinate, 15 mg effervescent and regular tablets). Also available under the name Sonmil.

The cost is 350 rubles (30 tablets).

It is a blocker of H 1 histamine receptors, and, in essence, an antihistamine. But it is not intended for the treatment of allergic diseases, but is used only for sleep disorders and insomnia. It is one of the best sleeping pills for relieving insomnia attacks in young, healthy people who do not need to drive a car the next day.

Benefits: The effervescent tablet has a quick effect, the drug reduces the time to fall asleep, increases the time of sleep.

Disadvantages: the drug has side effects characteristic of antihistamines: dry mouth, difficulty waking up, possible drowsiness during the day. In addition, the drug is not indicated for patients with impaired renal function of urine outflow, as well as with respiratory failure during sleep.

From the reviews about Donormil: “The medicine turned out to be wonderful. I did not read the instructions and took two tablets at once on the first day. Ten minutes later I was already asleep. After sleeping all night, I felt sleepy in the first half of the day. The next night I took one tablet, according to the instructions. I fell asleep half an hour later, the dream was calm, the awakening was vigorous.

Corvalol (Valocordin)

Contains phenobarbital (as part of a tablet - 7.5 mg, 1.826 g in 100 ml).

Cost of drops (50 ml) - 40 tablets (No. 20) - 150

Corvalol (valocordin) - the only over-the-counter drug containing the barbiturate phenobarbital. This immediately puts this drug on a par with more serious competitors, and its low cost makes it very attractive to the general population. It is recommended to take from 10 to 40 drops per reception.

Benefits: the drug has a characteristic odor, valerian and mint potentiate the action of phenobarbital. It can be used as a distraction for pain in the heart area instead of validol, drops can be used in different, individual dosages. The drug has a mild antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs, is indicated for tachycardia (palpitations) and psychomotor agitation.

  • The characteristic smell of the drug is able to saturate the whole apartment with frequent use.
  • Many people have a prejudice that Corvalol is a “medicine for the poor” - this is completely untrue.
  • Not recommended for breastfeeding.

From the reviews: “Corvalol is the best sleeping pill. I have been taking it all my life. Both my mother and grandmother. In addition to helping with insomnia and palpitations, I apply it on my face in the summer - the medicine repels mosquitoes remarkably, and does not contain terrible chemistry. A solid five! "


Herbal preparation (valerian, lemon balm, elderberry, passion flower, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, guaifensin). Available in the form of tablets and syrup.

The cost of tablets No. 30 is 600 rubles, syrup (200 ml) is 330 rubles.

Combined herbal preparation with a pronounced sedative effect. Guaifenzin has an additional anti-anxiety effect, which in total allows the use of the drug for the treatment of sleep disorders.

Advantages: has a quick effect. For insomnia disorders, it is recommended to use a syrup that acts even faster. The drug can be used without a course of administration: the effect of the first dose is quite pronounced.

  • Daytime sleepiness and a feeling of depression may develop, especially with an overdose.
  • Contraindicated in children.
  • Not recommended for use in patients with chronic alcoholism.

From reviews of Novo-Passit: "It is very good that the drug natural origin. A pleasant surprise was that in addition to improving sleep, Novo-Passit helped eliminate anxiety, some kind of nervousness, and alleviated headaches caused by sitting at the computer.

Persen - Forte

Combined preparation (melissa, mint, valerian).

The cost of packing in 20 capsules is 350 rubles.

The drug has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, insomnia is mentioned in the indications. It has a mild antispasmodic effect. Unlike Novo-Passita, it does not contain guaifensin, and unlike Corvalol, it does not have an obsessive odor.

Advantages: The "night" variety of Persena is specially designed for night use. It helps to fall asleep well if insomnia is caused by nervous excitability, that is, an altered mood background.

Disadvantages: there is no liquid dosage form. Usually the liquid form has the desired effect faster. The drug is not recommended for people with diseases of the biliary tract, as well as children under 12 years of age. Prolonged use may cause constipation.

From reviews of Persen: "It seems to me that only a course intake has a good effect, and a one-time intake does not improve sleep. But if you drink at least for a week, then your mood becomes even, and it becomes easier to fall asleep."


(herbal preparations for brewing in the form of filter bags)

The cost of packaging (20 filter bags) - 50 rubles.

Phytosedan is available in several varieties of fees (No. 2, No. 3), which are distinguished by a slight change in the formulation. The composition is based on herbs: motherwort, thyme, oregano, sweet clover and valerian. One package is poured with boiling water, kept for 15 minutes, then drunk at night.

Benefits: has a mild, natural effect, facilitates falling asleep, is able to eliminate spasms of smooth muscles of organs gastrointestinal tract, used in the complex therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • Not indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The infusion is prepared immediately before use, it can be stored for no more than a day, it is better to use it warm, which, unlike tablets, is more difficult.

From reviews of Fitosedan: “Herbs for 50 rubles turned out to be much more effective than many expensive products. I bought it at a pharmacy, brewed it. It is a little bitter, but it has a pleasant, calm smell. Already on the second day of use, I realized that it does its job perfectly: not causes weakness during the day, and sleep comes softly and easily.


Cost No. rub.

Glycine is a simple amino acid, its role is to regulate inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. The action of glycine is complex and complex: it should be used not only for violations of falling asleep. To improve sleep, it is absorbed under the tongue, since absorption into the sublingual vessels avoids passing through the portal system of the liver, which accelerates the effect.

Benefits: since glycine (aminoacetic acid) in enough is in the human body, then an overdose of glycine is hardly possible until serious complications are achieved. In addition, the drug has an anti-anxiety effect, along the way improves memory and memorization processes. Used in therapy, neurology, widely prescribed for school-age children.

Disadvantages: The specific hypnotic effect of glycine has not been studied separately. The effect of the drug is to restore the imbalance between the mediators of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.

From the reviews about Glycine: “I started using glycine on the advice of friends during the session, as I used to abuse coffee in order to remember a large amount of information. Breakdowns, memory impairment, irritability and poor sleep appeared. A week after starting to take glycine, I managed to get rid of all discomfort. Improved sleep and memory."

What you need to know:

This list of the best insomnia remedies you can buy without a prescription is far from complete. Everyone can add new drugs, or swap them, since the effectiveness of the drug is largely due to the individual reaction.

Many "twins" are not listed. So, the drug "Dormiplant" just like the described "Persen" contains lemon balm, mint and valerian. Homeopathic preparations are not described, since they do not have a determined effective dose, and cannot be considered from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.

In conclusion, you need to pay attention to situations in which insomnia becomes a symptom dangerous diseases. So, insomnia may indicate the following health disorders:

  • hyperthyroidism. Subfebrile temperature, weight loss, irascibility and irritability occur;
  • stress, depression. Such insomnia may be persistent and chronic;
  • sleep apnea;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • vascular diseases of the brain, consequences of strokes, dementia.

If it was not possible to stop the unpleasant symptoms of a sleep disorder within a few days, then you should not look for more potent drugs, but you should definitely consult a doctor.

In our time, when all urban residents are in an endless hurry somewhere, many of them begin to complain about the deterioration in their health associated with the rhythm of life and increased psychological and emotional stress. Of course, problems with the cardiovascular system come first, but nervous diseases cause no less concern. One such disorder is insomnia. You can fight her. Some strong sleeping pills without a prescription are easy to get in regular pharmacies or order online.

If a person could not get enough sleep the day before, then his working capacity is significantly reduced, he is sometimes unable to make adequate decisions, solve production problems, perform work associated with significant physical exertion, and drive transport. The problem of insomnia is one of the most acute in modern society. Fighting it on your own is not always possible. Drink in the evening overdose alcohol is not an option, it won't even be considered. In the pharmacy, you can buy completely harmless sleeping pills without prescriptions for sound sleep.


The causes of insomnia are many and for each person they are individual, although not unique. The majority notes emotional and mental overstrain, stress, overwork, lack of rest, circulatory disorders, neurological diseases, constant pain syndrome in patients with chronic diseases, for example, in cancer patients.

Other reasons include excessive consumption of coffee and strong tea, energy drinks, overstrain, which can be associated with everyday problems, as well as scandals in the family, watching horror films, reading interesting book before going to bed and many other phenomena and actions.

In most cases, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. But the methods of dealing with insomnia are almost always the same. Not everyone wants to practice evening walks or make it a rule to drink a mug before going to bed. warm milk with honey. Faith in the power of pharmacology wins over common sense! And most of the next day in a hurry to the pharmacy for sleeping pills.

Classification of sleeping pills

All sleeping pills can be divided into strong and weak. Strong drugs for sound sleep cause a significant change in the psychological and emotional state, cause euphoria, disturbances in the structure of sleep. According to the effect of exposure, they can be equated to weak drugs. Just like drugs, they are highly addictive, form addiction, and in case of an overdose, they are deadly (especially when simultaneous reception with alcohol). Therefore, they are released strictly according to the recipe.

List of over-the-counter sleeping pills

Over-the-counter sleeping pills include very common and commonly available drugs - Corvalol and Valocordin.

They include phenobarbital dissolved in alcohol. It is phenobarbital that has a sedative and hypnotic effect. The disadvantages include the fact that in the event of an accidental or deliberate overdose, it causes a strong inhibitory effect on the psyche, which cannot recover for a long time. But this is a rarity and more often people who suffer from chronic alcoholism, who tried during the period of abstinence, come to this state ( severe hangover) use any pharmacological preparations containing alcohol.

The main use of Corvalol and Valocordin is the relief of acute or subacute heart attack, which is achieved due to the sedative effect, constant irritability, chronic insomnia. Do you want to know which is better Corvalol or Valocordin?

Herbal sleeping pills

Natural-based preparations are the most harmless, affordable and inexpensive:

Valerian and motherwort, tinctures. Sedative action;

Persen - a whole complex of herbs that cause a sedative effect;

Dormiplant - tablets based on extracts of valerian and lemon balm. Sedative action;

Novo-Passit. Pills. sedative action.

All these drugs are freely available and are available in almost any pharmacy. Another plus is that medicines are quite inexpensive and available to any pensioner. Disadvantage - weak sedative action and as a result - a low hypnotic effect. Many complain that it is not always possible to overcome insomnia and achieve sound sleep with their help.

homeopathic remedies

This category includes tablets "Calm down" and "Nevoheel". The drugs are generally available, do not cause lethargy, are harmless, but there is no clear sedative effect. Some people get help, some don't.

Strong over-the-counter insomnia drugs for sound sleep


It belongs to the group of histamine receptor blockers. It helps both at the stage of falling asleep and during the night sleep. Despite the good effect, side effects should also be taken into account: daytime sleepiness, impaired attention, lethargy, dry mouth, feeling of "brokenness". It is not recommended for admission to people who, on duty, are subject to increased requirements, if possible, to make quick decisions, to maintain attention - transport drivers, military personnel, doctors, dispatchers of potentially hazardous industrial facilities, etc.

Very carefully it is necessary to prescribe the medicine to elderly patients, especially those suffering from kidney and liver diseases, men with prostate adenoma.

Officially, non-prescription sale of donormil is prohibited, but for some reason it was not included in the list of quantitative records. Many pharmacy workers take advantage of this and release donormil without a prescription. In reality, given these oversights, donormil can be attributed to publicly available drugs. It is also not recommended to take donormil with alcohol.


The situation is similar to the state of affairs in relation to donormil: on the one hand, over-the-counter dispensing is prohibited, on the other hand, it is not included in the federal list of quantitative records. Given that this drug is very dangerous, many local Regional Health Departments, on their own initiative, have made appropriate additions to federal list, adding phenazepam (donormil less often) there. According to reviews - phenazepam has an excellent hypnotic effect and allows you to sleep soundly all night.

Melaxen (Melatonin)

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland. It regulates the sleep pattern well, does not cause practically any side effects (no daytime sleepiness, lethargy and impaired attention are not observed). This is due to the fact that despite chemical structure drugs, it is an analogue of a completely natural hormone, which is produced by the pineal gland of any healthy person. Sleeping pills Melaxen is not addictive, overdose does not occur even when the therapeutic dose is exceeded. It is recommended to use melatonin according to the instructions.

Melatonin facilitates the process of falling asleep, after which it is quickly completely metabolized and the stage of natural full sleep begins. A person wakes up well rested without feeling side effects.

There is pure melatonin, it comes from the world of sports and is not as expensive as melaxen.

Successes and prognosis of the treatment of sleep disorders

At the first stages, you should try taking herbal medicines (valerian, motherwort, persen). If there is no effect, you can switch to melaxen, which will surely produce best action than herbal or homeopathic medicines. In order to start using donormil or phenazepam, you must first consult with a therapist or neurologist.

Children under 12 years of age who are characterized by increased excitability, anxiety, sleep disturbances can safely prescribe herbal preparations.

Now let's move on to the most powerful sleeping pills.

What is the most powerful sleeping pill?

Over-the-counter sleeping pills usually do not have serious side effects and can be used by people of all age groups.

There are several groups of sleeping pills:

  1. Barbiturates (Barbamil, Chloral Hydrate, Phenobarbital) - derivatives of barbituric acid

The representative of this group is Chloral Hydrate.

Chloral hydrate

It has a good hypnotic and sedative effect, and also has analgesic and anticonvulsant effects. As a strong sleeping pill, Chloral Hydrate is used due to its rapid absorption and effective sedative and hypnotic effect. At the same time, sleep in its cycle and duration (from 5 to 7 hours) is close to physiological, and comes in minutes.

Chloral hydrate is prescribed to adult patients in the form of enemas or orally in a large dilution together with enveloping preparations.

It should be borne in mind that Chloral Hydrate can cause vomiting or a decrease in blood pressure, and with its long-term use, addiction (chloralomania) may develop.

It is not used for inflammatory diseases digestive tract(esophagitis, gastritis, colitis, proctitis), ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, alcohol addiction. Chloral hydrate is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in chronic fatigue syndrome.

  1. Benzodiazepine derivatives (Nizatrepam, Triazolam, Flunitrazepam)


Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) is considered an effective sleeping pill. It also has a sedative, relaxing, anti-spasmodic effect, reduces the excitability of the nervous system and anxiety.

After taking the drug, sleep occurs within a minute and lasts 5-8 hours.

It is dangerous to combine the use of this sleeping pill with the use of alcohol or alcohol-containing drugs, psychotropic drugs and other sleeping pills, due to the risk of developing adverse reactions, severe hypotension, headache and dizziness.

Rohypnol is not prescribed for children under ten years of age, patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency, pathology of the cardiovascular system, drug addiction and individual intolerance.

Sleeping pills based on melatonin

  1. Melatonin is a synthetic analogue of the natural sleep hormone (Melaxen, melatonin and Circadin)

Effective sleeping pills medicines that do not affect the patient's well-being during the day and do not have a negative effect on the structure of sleep. We have already talked about one of the representatives of these drugs - melaxen above, so we will not paint again. As for Circadin and its cheaper analogues, you can see them in the article circadin analogues.

How to get "special" sleeping pills?

And now a few words about sleeping pills, which you definitely will not be sold without a prescription. In fact, getting them is not so difficult. You just need to make a little effort and it will take a little of your time. In fact, all this is done quite easily. You can read about how to do this here.

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Anesthesia and sleeping pills

Bromisoval (Bromisovalum)


Synonyms: Bromural, Abroval, Albroman (B), Alluval (G), Alural, Bro-modorm, Bromuralum, Bromuresan, Dormigene, Isobromyl, Isoneurin, Isoval, Leunerval, Sedural, Somnibrom, Somnurol, Valurea, Verobroman, etc.

White crystalline powder of bitter taste with a slight odor. Very slightly soluble in water (1:450), soluble in alcohol (1:17).

CARBROMAL (Carbromalum)

N- (a-Bromo-a-ethylbutyryl) -urea:

Synonyms: Adalin, Adabrom, Adalin, Adormin, Brevisomnol, Bromadal, Carbadal, Isobroval, Nyctal, Planadalin, Somben (B), Somnalin (B), UFadai.

White crystalline powder with a very slight odor. Very slightly soluble in water, slightly soluble in hot water, soluble in alcohol.

It has a calming and moderate hypnotic effect. Sleeping doses do not cause disturbances in the general condition, respiration and blood circulation. It is excreted from the body quickly. No accumulation phenomena are observed.

CHLOROBUTANOLHYDRATE (ChlorobutanoJi hydras)

Synonyms: Chloreton, Acetonchloroform, Anaesthosal, Chlorbutolum, ChlorobutanoSum, Chlorobutanolum hydratum, Clortran, Methaform, Sedaform.

Colorless crystals with a camphor odour. Slightly soluble in water (1:250), easily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, fatty oils.

It has a general sedative and mild narcotic effect. It also has local anesthetic and antiseptic properties.

CHLORALHYDRATE (Chlorali hydras)

Synonym: Chloralum hydratum.

Colorless transparent crystals or finely crystalline powder with a characteristic pungent odor and a slightly bitter peculiar taste. Very easily soluble in water and alcohol. In air, it slowly evaporates. Hygroscopic.

METAKBALOH (Methaqualonum)

Synonyms: Ortonal, Motolon (B), Aqualon, Bendor, Citexal, Dormilone, Dormised, Dorsedine, Holodorm, Ipnolan, Ipnosed, Mekvalon, Melsomin, Me-qualon, Mezulon, Motolon (B), Mynal, Nobadorm, Noctilene, Normorest, Optinoxan, Orthonal, Revonal, Ronqualone, Somberol, fSoffinidon, Somnomed, Somnotropon, Tolinon, Toquilone, Toraflon, Torinal, etc.

White crystalline powder. Slightly soluble in water and alcohol.

NOXIRON (Noxyronum)

Synonyms: Aifimid (Yu), Doriden, Elrodorm (G), Glimid (P), Glutethi-midum, Garodormin, Sarodormin.

Colorless crystalline powder. Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol.

A sedative and hypnotic. Less active than barbiturates. With strong excitement and pain, it is inactive. Used mainly in neurotic conditions. Sleep occurs 15-30 minutes after taking the drug and lasts 6-8 hours. The drug is low toxic

TETRIDINE (Tetridinum)

Synonyms: Benedorm, Persedon, Presidon, Pyridion, Pyrithyldione.

White crystalline powder. Easily soluble in hot water and alcohol. According to the chemical structure, it has some similarities with barbiturates, however, the difference in the heterocyclic systems underlying these compounds affects the strength of the hypnotic effect and tolerability.

Tetridin has a sedative and hypnotic effect; low toxicity in hypnotic doses does not significantly affect respiration and blood circulation. Sleep caused by tetridine is less deep than with application

HEXOBARBITAL (Hexobarbitalum)

Synonyms: Barbidorm, Citodon, Citodorm, Citopan, Cyclopan, Cyclural, Enhexymal, Enimalum, Evipal, Evipan, Hexobarbital, Hexobarbitone, Hexo-barbitural, Hexobarsol, Litarin, Methexenyl, Narcangyl, Narcodorm, Narco-san, Noctivan, Noctopan, Somnopan and others

White crystalline powder, odorless and tasteless. Practically insoluble in water, hardly soluble in alcohol. Soluble in alkali solutions.

CYCLOBARBITAL (Cyclobarbitalum)

Synonyms (acid or calcium salt): Fanodorm, Athylhexabital, Csvcnyi, Cyclobarbitone, Cyclohexal, Cyclonal, Cyclosedal, Dormiphan, Dormiphene (H), Fanodormo, Hexemal, Hypnoval, Normanox, Palinum, Per.odorm, Phanoctal, Phanodorm, Philodorm, Prodorm , Somnokalan, etc.

ETAMINAL-SODIUM (Aethaminalum-natrium)

Synonyms: Nembutal, Embutal, Isobarb, Mebubarbital, Narcoren, Nembutal sodium, Nembutaf natrium, Pental, Pentobarbitalum Natricum, Pentobarbital sodium, Pentobarbital soluble, Pentone, Prodormol, Somnopentyl, Sopen-tal, etc.

White fine-crystalline powder, odorless, bitter taste. Hygroscopic. Soluble in water and alcohol. Aqueous solutions are alkaline; decompose during storage and boiling.

Ethaminal sodium can be considered as an isomer of barbamyl; both drugs have the same empirical formula (ScH170s^b1a) and

The 7 best sleeping pills you can buy without a prescription

In a dream, a person should spend a third of his life - a lot. After a full sleep, a charge of vivacity and efficiency is enough for a long time. At the same time, intermittent, superficial sleep, poor falling asleep can become a real torment, especially on the eve of a responsible day.

The most powerful sleep aids are limited-edition drugs and require a prescription to purchase. Such drugs, for example, include old and well-known barbiturates: etaminal - sodium, barbamil, phenobarbital. You also need a prescription to buy modern, mild drugs like Imovan (zopiclone) and zolpidem.

At the same time, there is a large group of over-the-counter drugs that have a hypnotic effect. They are commercially available because their psychoactive inhibitory effect on the central nervous system is much lower, and overdose does not cause serious side effects. However, they can provide sleep in most cases of mild sleep disorders.

We present these drugs in descending order of hypnotic effect.


The cost is 650 rubles (0.003 g No. 24)

In humans, melatonin regulates sleep-wake cycles and is the "sleep hormone". Its task is to cause the effect of drowsiness, which increases the chances of falling asleep. In addition, melatonin has a moderate sedative (sedative) effect.

Advantages: it is impossible to overdose the drug, due to its very rapid decay. Good sleep continues after the drug has been eliminated from the body, so sleep can be considered physiological. Melaksen works on the principle of "done - gone." The drug does not change the course of the natural cycle and structure of sleep, does not cause nightmares, does not affect awakening. After using the drug, there is no feeling of drowsiness, you can drive a car.

  • possible manifestations of allergic reactions, the occurrence of peripheral edema;
  • relatively high cost.

Conclusions: The drug can be recommended for mild and moderate forms of insomnia, in the complex therapy of functional disorders accompanied by sleep disorders, and also as a means for faster adaptation to rapid change of time zones.

From reviews of Melaxen: “I had absolutely no side effects, I had a healthy and strong, normal sleep, there was not a drop of drowsiness in the morning, and at night I saw beautiful colored dreams. I used it on a tablet 30 minutes before bedtime. After after drinking the whole package, addiction did not develop.One of the best remedies for insomnia, I recommend it!"


(doxylamine succinate, 15 mg effervescent and regular tablets). Also available under the name Sonmil.

The cost is 350 rubles (30 tablets).

It is a blocker of H 1 histamine receptors, and, in essence, an antihistamine. But it is not intended for the treatment of allergic diseases, but is used only for sleep disorders and insomnia. It is one of the best sleeping pills for relieving insomnia attacks in young, healthy people who do not need to drive a car the next day.

Benefits: The effervescent tablet has a quick effect, the drug reduces the time to fall asleep, increases the time of sleep.

Disadvantages: the drug has side effects characteristic of antihistamines: dry mouth, difficulty waking up, possible drowsiness during the day. In addition, the drug is not indicated for patients with impaired renal function of urine outflow, as well as with respiratory failure during sleep.

From the reviews about Donormil: “The medicine turned out to be wonderful. I did not read the instructions and took two tablets at once on the first day. Ten minutes later I was already asleep. After sleeping all night, I felt sleepy in the first half of the day. The next night I took one tablet, according to the instructions. I fell asleep half an hour later, the dream was calm, the awakening was vigorous.

Corvalol (Valocordin)

Contains phenobarbital (as part of a tablet - 7.5 mg, 1.826 g in 100 ml).

Cost of drops (50 ml) - 40 tablets (No. 20) - 150

Corvalol (Valocordin) is the only over-the-counter drug containing the barbiturate phenobarbital. This immediately puts this drug on a par with more serious competitors, and its low cost makes it very attractive to the general population. It is recommended to take from 10 to 40 drops per reception.

Benefits: the drug has a characteristic odor, valerian and mint potentiate the action of phenobarbital. It can be used as a distraction for pain in the heart area instead of validol, drops can be used in different, individual dosages. The drug has a mild antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs, is indicated for tachycardia (palpitations) and psychomotor agitation.

  • The characteristic smell of the drug is able to saturate the whole apartment with frequent use.
  • Many people have a prejudice that Corvalol is a “medicine for the poor” - this is completely untrue.
  • Not recommended for breastfeeding.

From the reviews: “Corvalol is the best sleeping pill. I have been taking it all my life. Both my mother and grandmother. In addition to helping with insomnia and palpitations, I apply it on my face in the summer - the medicine repels mosquitoes remarkably, and does not contain terrible chemistry. A solid five! "


Herbal preparation (valerian, lemon balm, elderberry, passion flower, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, guaifensin). Available in the form of tablets and syrup.

The cost of tablets No. 30 is 600 rubles, syrup (200 ml) is 330 rubles.

Combined herbal preparation with a pronounced sedative effect. Guaifenzin has an additional anti-anxiety effect, which in total allows the use of the drug for the treatment of sleep disorders.

Advantages: has a quick effect. For insomnia disorders, it is recommended to use a syrup that acts even faster. The drug can be used without a course of administration: the effect of the first dose is quite pronounced.

  • Daytime sleepiness and a feeling of depression may develop, especially with an overdose.
  • Contraindicated in children.
  • Not recommended for use in patients with chronic alcoholism.

From reviews of Novo-Passit: "It is very good that the drug is of natural origin. A pleasant surprise was that in addition to improving sleep, Novo-Passit helped eliminate anxiety, some kind of nervousness, and alleviated headaches caused by sitting at the computer."

Persen - Forte

Combined preparation (melissa, mint, valerian).

The cost of packing in 20 capsules is 350 rubles.

The drug has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, insomnia is mentioned in the indications. It has a mild antispasmodic effect. Unlike Novo-Passita, it does not contain guaifensin, and unlike Corvalol, it does not have an obsessive odor.

Advantages: The "night" variety of Persena is specially designed for night use. It helps to fall asleep well if insomnia is caused by nervous excitability, that is, an altered mood background.

Disadvantages: there is no liquid dosage form. Usually the liquid form has the desired effect faster. The drug is not recommended for people with diseases of the biliary tract, as well as children under 12 years of age. Prolonged use may cause constipation.

From reviews of Persen: "It seems to me that only a course intake has a good effect, and a one-time intake does not improve sleep. But if you drink at least for a week, then your mood becomes even, and it becomes easier to fall asleep."


(herbal preparations for brewing in the form of filter bags)

The cost of packaging (20 filter bags) - 50 rubles.

Phytosedan is available in several varieties of fees (No. 2, No. 3), which are distinguished by a slight change in the formulation. The composition is based on herbs: motherwort, thyme, oregano, sweet clover and valerian. One package is poured with boiling water, kept for 15 minutes, then drunk at night.

Benefits: has a mild, natural effect, facilitates falling asleep, is able to eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, is used in the complex therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • Not indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The infusion is prepared immediately before use, it can be stored for no more than a day, it is better to use it warm, which, unlike tablets, is more difficult.

From reviews of Fitosedan: “Herbs for 50 rubles turned out to be much more effective than many expensive products. I bought it at a pharmacy, brewed it. It is a little bitter, but it has a pleasant, calm smell. Already on the second day of use, I realized that it does its job perfectly: not causes weakness during the day, and sleep comes softly and easily.


Cost No. rub.

Glycine is a simple amino acid, its role is to regulate inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. The action of glycine is complex and complex: it should be used not only for violations of falling asleep. To improve sleep, it is absorbed under the tongue, since absorption into the sublingual vessels avoids passing through the portal system of the liver, which accelerates the effect.

Benefits: Since glycine (aminoacetic acid) is found in sufficient quantities in the human body, an overdose of glycine is hardly possible until serious complications are achieved. In addition, the drug has an anti-anxiety effect, along the way improves memory and memorization processes. Used in therapy, neurology, widely prescribed for school-age children.

Disadvantages: The specific hypnotic effect of glycine has not been studied separately. The effect of the drug is to restore the imbalance between the mediators of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.

From the reviews about Glycine: “I started using glycine on the advice of friends during the session, as I used to abuse coffee in order to remember a large amount of information. Breakdowns, memory impairment, irritability and poor sleep appeared. A week after starting to take glycine, I managed to get rid of all discomfort. Improved sleep and memory."

What you need to know:

This list of the best insomnia remedies you can buy without a prescription is far from complete. Everyone can add new drugs, or swap them, since the effectiveness of the drug is largely due to the individual reaction.

Many "twins" are not listed. So, the drug "Dormiplant" just like the described "Persen" contains lemon balm, mint and valerian. Homeopathic preparations are not described, since they do not have a determined effective dose, and cannot be considered from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.

In conclusion, you need to pay attention to situations in which insomnia becomes a symptom of dangerous diseases. So, insomnia may indicate the following health disorders:

  • hyperthyroidism. Subfebrile temperature, weight loss, irascibility and irritability occur;
  • stress, depression. Such insomnia may be persistent and chronic;
  • sleep apnea;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • vascular diseases of the brain, consequences of strokes, dementia.

If it was not possible to stop the unpleasant symptoms of a sleep disorder within a few days, then you should not look for more potent drugs, but you should definitely consult a doctor.

What sleeping pills in drops without taste and smell are better?

Sleeping pills in fast-acting drops help fight insomnia and resist a frantic rhythm modern life associated with an abundance of information and daily stressful situations. All sleeping pills affect the central nervous system, providing a sedative effect and blocking the production of neurotransmitters that are responsible for the transmission of impulses between nerve cells. As a result, the process of falling asleep is facilitated, sleep comes faster, and its depth and duration are at a sufficient level, which allows a person to have a good rest.

Benefits of sleeping pills in the form of drops

The main goal of any drug with a hypnotic effect is to start the processes of inhibition in the nervous system while suppressing excitatory factors. Medications cope with this task in different ways. Some of them provide short action and affect only the processes of excitation, without affecting the inhibitory functions. Such medicines are necessary for those who fall asleep with great difficulty, but sleep soundly and do not complain about the quality of sleep.

Other drugs help if a person does not sleep well, wakes up several times a night and gets up completely “broken” in the morning. In this case, long-acting hypnotics will help, which not only eliminate the excitation of the nervous system, but also enhance the processes of inhibition, providing a healthy and deep sleep.

Medicines for insomnia are available in a variety of dosage forms(tablets, capsules, tinctures, drops). Today we will talk about preparations in the form of drops, since, compared with other means, they have significant advantages:

  • They have a high degree of bioavailability. This means that after ingestion, the active substances are very quickly absorbed and enter the bloodstream, providing the necessary therapeutic effect.
  • The bottle with drops is very convenient to use, you can take it with you without fear that the medicine will spill, even if the bottle is upside down.
  • Liquid forms of sleeping pills are convenient in dosing, since each vial with the drug is equipped with a special dispenser cap that allows you to count required amount drops.

Sleeping pills without a prescription

But there is also an extensive group of drugs with a mild hypnotic effect that can be purchased without prescriptions. They facilitate falling asleep with simple sleep disorders, have a calming effect on the nervous system and do not cause dangerous side reactions. The best and most safe remedy to combat insomnia in drops, the attending physician or pharmacy pharmacist may advise. Over-the-counter sleeping pills do not have a strong effect, therefore they are allowed for free sale. The most popular drops for insomnia are:

Strong sleeping pills for sleeping in drops, which are only available by prescription, are Phenobarbital, Oniria, Grandim.

When are sleeping pills prescribed?

Indications for the use of sleeping pills are conditions such as:

  • increased excitability, irritability, neurosis-like states;
  • sleep disorders associated with difficulty falling asleep or disturbed sleep phases and nocturnal awakenings;
  • functional disorders of the autonomic and nervous systems;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

When prescribing sleeping pills, be sure to consider possible contraindications. For most drugs, these are conditions such as pregnancy, lactation, alcohol or drug addiction, myasthenia gravis, liver and kidney diseases, individual intolerance to drug components. Side effects develop mainly with the use of sleeping pills based on a potent substance - phenobarbital and they are expressed in allergic reactions, pressure drop, heart rhythm disturbances.

The best sleeping pills in drops

Valocordin (Corvalol)

Combined drug based on phenobarbital, providing a sedative and mild hypnotic effect. Taking drops helps to reduce the excitation of the nervous system, speeds up falling asleep, relieves pain in the heart caused by nervous tension.

In addition to phenobarbital, the composition of the drops includes peppermint oil, which has an antispasmodic effect, as well as the substance ethyl bromisovalerianate, which enhances the hypnotic and sedative effect of the drug. Many do not like the characteristic smell of drugs based on phenobarbital, which, with frequent use, remains in the room for a long time.

Valocordin should be used as a sleeping pill half an hour before bedtime in a volume of 30 drops, after dissolving them in a small amount of liquid. You should not take drops as a sleeping pill constantly, as well as exceed the indicated dosage. Long-term use of Valocordin causes constant drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, depressive mood, contributes to the onset of symptoms of rhinitis and conjunctivitis, as well as impaired coordination of movements.

To this drug, as well as to its analogue Corvalol, addiction occurs with prolonged use. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired hypnotic effect, the dosage has to be increased, and this threatens the development of side effects. Another disadvantage is that when you try to stop taking phenobarbital-based drugs, a withdrawal syndrome is observed.

Drops with phenobarbital are contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with liver and kidney diseases and individual intolerance to the components. Valocordin can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, its cost is from 110 rubles.

Valocordin - Doxylamine

The main active substance of the drug is doxylamine succinate, the auxiliary is mint oil. The components of the drug are dissolved in an ethanol base. Drops are used for sleep disorders in adults (difficulty falling asleep, frequent nocturnal awakenings).

The medicine is taken 30 minutes before bedtime in a volume of 25 ml. This medication has quite a few contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, childhood, glaucoma, prostate and lung diseases. Taking drops can cause side effects such as dry mouth, apathy, urination disorders, and constipation. Sleeping pills should not be used concomitantly with antidepressants, tranquilizers, barbiturates, or opioid analgesics. The cost of drops - from 200 rubles.


This drug is recommended for use with increased irritability and nervousness, accompanied by pain in the heart and sleep disturbances. The composition of the drops is almost identical to the previous preparations, only in addition to phenobarbital and bromisovaleric acid ester, validol is also added to it.

The combined agent provides a sedative, hypnotic and antispasmodic effect. Compared with Corvalol, this remedy has a milder effect, reduces the excitability of the nervous system and enhances the processes of inhibition in the neurons of the subcortical structures and the cerebral cortex.

In addition to sleeping pills, taking the drug will help reduce blood pressure in hypertension and prevent vasospasm. Validol in the composition of the drug has a vasodilating effect and normalizes the digestive tract, eliminates intestinal cramps and flatulence.

To combat insomnia, drops should be taken before going to bed (25 drops), dissolving them in a small amount of water or dropping onto a sugar cube and placing it under the tongue. Among the side effects are possible - increased drowsiness, dizziness, allergic reactions.

Overdosing poses a risk sharp drop blood pressure and depression of the nervous system. Long-term use the drug causes dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, apathy and depression. In addition, drug dependence on Barboval may occur, which, after stopping the intake, is manifested by a withdrawal syndrome. average price drug - from 80 rubles.


These are drops for insomnia based on a synthetic analogue of the sleep hormone - melatonin. Sleeping pills in tasteless and odorless drops have the best reviews from consumers, since they have few contraindications and no toxic effects on the body. The absence of adverse reactions, as well as the effect of addiction, contribute to its popularity among the population.

Drops that supply the body with a sleep hormone substitute are different high efficiency and are effective within 30 minutes after administration. The drug improves the quality of sleep, relieves insomnia and helps to adjust the body's biorhythms the right way, providing a healthy and deep sleep for up to 8 hours. Taking Melatonin helps to cope with strong psycho-emotional arousal and start the processes of inhibition of the nervous system.

There are few contraindications for this remedy. These are pregnancy, lactation, childhood, diabetes mellitus and individual intolerance to the components. Side effects on taking drops are rare, among them are allergic reactions, difficulty waking up in the morning, daytime sleepiness, headache or a feeling of discomfort in the stomach. Drops are taken at bedtime (20 minutes before) at the dosage indicated in the instructions for the drug. It should be borne in mind that melatonin is not combined with smoking and drinking alcohol.

Sleeping pills in Nott's drops

This homeopathic remedy in drops, used for sleep disorders. Appears as a clear yellowish odorless liquid. The preparation is based on extracts from oats, coffee tree, chamomile, supplemented with zinc and phosphorus. This is a completely safe remedy that can be used even in children.

The indication for its reception is increased nervous excitability, irritability, unreasonable anxiety, accompanied by autonomic disorders and insomnia. In children, Nott's drops are recommended for use with restlessness, attention disorder, increased fatigue and psycho-emotional excitability.

The drug has no contraindications, except hypersensitivity to the components. Children under 12 years of age are usually prescribed a three-time intake of Notta in a volume of 5 drops, for adults this dose is doubled (10 drops). The question of the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is decided by the doctor in individually. This is an over-the-counter drug that can be bought at a pharmacy at a price of 150 rubles.

Zelenin drops

This is another inexpensive and completely safe combined herbal remedy with a sedative and mild hypnotic effect. It includes only natural ingredients- extract of valerian, belladonna, tincture of lily of the valley and menthol.

The drug helps well with irritability, emotional overexcitation and insomnia, has a sedative effect, reduces excitability, helps to cope with the manifestations of bradycardia and cardioneurosis.

But this remedy has quite a few contraindications. Drops can not be taken with certain cardiac pathologies, glaucoma, atherosclerotic changes in the vessels, hypersensitivity. Side effects may include allergic reactions, heartburn, stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation), nausea, heartburn, headaches or arrhythmias.

In case of an overdose, dilated pupils, dry mouth, tachycardia attacks, dizziness are noted. Therefore, it is better to take this remedy on the recommendation of a doctor and in strict accordance with the instructions. The cost of drops - from 75 rubles.

Sleeping pills Bayu-bay

This is a sleeping pill for children, which is used in violation of the process of falling asleep and sleep disorders associated with a period of adaptation in a new team, neurological and autonomic abnormalities. The drug was created on the basis of natural plant components - extract of motherwort and hawthorn. That is why it is safe for child's body and can be used for toddlers aged 5 years and older.

The action of the drops is aimed at normalizing the phases of sleep, eliminating irritability, excitability, and facilitating the process of falling asleep. The drug is often prescribed for dermatitis, when the child is worried about the constant pruritus. Its reception has a sedative and relaxing effect and helps the child fall asleep quickly.

To achieve a prolonged sedative effect, it is enough to give the baby 10 to 15 drops of "Bai Bye" before going to bed. Before use, the bottle must be shaken and the recommended dosage should be strictly observed, since the drug is alcohol-based. The price of children's drops is from 140 rubles.


Drops from insomnia based on a strong component - zolpidem. They are used for disorders such as difficulty falling asleep or nighttime and too early awakenings. Sleeping pill looks like a transparent light yellow solution. It has a powerful sedative, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effect.

Significantly reduces the period required to fall asleep and normalizes sleep phases, improving its quality, depth and duration. This drug has enough contraindications and side effects, so it is dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription.

Drops should not be used for liver and respiratory failure, sleep apnea syndrome, during pregnancy and lactation, in persons suffering from alcoholism or mental illness. It is allowed to take no more than 25 drops of the drug per day. This should be done immediately before going to bed, after dissolving the required dose in water. The course of treatment averages from 5 days to two weeks, sometimes the doctor can extend it up to 4 weeks.

The drug should be taken strictly according to the instructions, otherwise there may be adverse reactions from the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory and vision systems. In case of accidental overdose, seek immediate medical attention medical care otherwise, dangerous complications associated with depression of the nervous system are possible.

Therapy of sleep disorders is not an easy task, it requires close attention from physicians. The fact is that insomnia can be caused not only by stress or nervous strain, but also indicate the development of serious diseases.

Therefore, before you start taking sleeping pills, you need to undergo an examination and find out the cause of this condition. And only after that, take drugs that will help restore healthy sleep and put the nervous system in order.

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