Medicine to sleep at night. Strong pills for insomnia

Insomnia (insomnia) is a condition in which patients complain of low quality and short duration of sleep over a long period of time. Such a disorder can occur due to unfavorable environmental conditions, poor sleep hygiene, psycho-emotional stress, and the use of certain groups of medications, including narcotic effect etc. Tablets for insomnia (insomnia) without addiction help eliminate the symptom, but do not always affect the root cause of insomnia.

Selection suitable remedy can only be carried out by a doctor after a face-to-face examination and conversation with the patient, taking into account mental condition, individual characteristics of the body, the presence of concomitant disorders.

The described sleeping pills are prescribed to adults, taking into account the cause of the disorder and the characteristics of the patient’s body. According to the ATC classifications, the following main groups of medications with hypnotic effects are distinguished.

Medicines from the barbiturate group can help even with severe sleep disorders, but at the same time they change its structure and cause dependence.

Your doctor may recommend the use of medications based on:

- Amobarbital.

- Hexobarbital.

- Cyclobarbital.

- Phenobarbital.

- Talbutala.

- Sodium thiopental.

Barbiturates with a combined composition

Recommended use:

- Bellataminala.

- Reladorma.

Drugs from the group of diazepine derivatives

Considering using:

- Flunitrazepam.

- Cinolazepam.

- Quazepama.

- Midazolam.

- Oxazepam.

- Flurazepam.

- Nitrazepam.

Medicines that exhibit similar efficacy to benzodiazepines Your doctor may recommend using:

- Zopiclone.

— Zolpidem

- Zeleplona.

Use of histamine receptor blockers - Doxylamine.

- Diphenhydramine.

Aldehyde derivatives

Use medications based on:

- Chloral hydrate.

- Paraldehyde.

- Dichloralphenazone.

- Chlororodola.

Orexin receptor antagonists - Suvorexants.

Melatonin (its synthetic derivatives)

Use of funds based on:

- Melatonin.

- Ramelteon.

- taximelteon.

Use of piperidinedione derivatives - Glutatemide.

- Thalidomide.

- Methyprilone.

- Perityldione.

Group of other sleeping pills

- Niaprazine.

- Propiomazina.

- Valnoctamide.

- Triclofos.

- Methylpeptinol.

- Bromized.

According to the duration of action, sleeping pills are:

Classification by duration of action allows the use of medications individually for each category of patients. For problems with falling asleep, medications with a short duration of action are used. For shallow sleep, medications are prescribed average duration actions. If patients wake up early, morning time days, then use medications long acting.

Histamine receptor blockers (antiallergic drugs)

Histamine receptor blockers are among the safest medications, the action of which is based on accelerating the functioning of GABA receptors.

  1. Doxylamine-based drugs can be used in the treatment of patients with apnea.
  2. Medicines with other active ingredients contribute to the suppression of the paradoxical phase of sleep and provoke the development of severe drowsiness, especially in the morning.
  3. Drugs from the group of aldehydes and clomethiazole do not disrupt normal sleep structures.

The main advantage of drugs in this group is the absence of addiction and drug dependence.

Herbal preparations, sedatives with a combined composition

To herbal preparations with sedative effect And combined action include Notta, Persen, Novo-Passit, Fitosed, Motherwort Forte, Barboval, Gopnosed, Notta, Passidorm.

For children

Recommended use for children under one year of age herbal infusions: lemon balm, mint, motherwort, which have a mild relaxing and calming effect. Herbs are added to the bath in which the child is bathed. Infants are well suited for decoctions based on chamomile. In the future, the pediatrician may recommend the use of the following drugs:

When treating children, only non-addictive medications for insomnia are used.

For the elderly

Elderly people are recommended to give preference to herbal preparations, sedative fees, which include valerian, motherwort, chamomile, hawthorn, and also Melaxen. According to reviews, these are the medications that older patients tolerate best. When prescribing the drug, concomitant disorders must be taken into account.

Using pills for insomnia during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women should never try to independently select a drug for sleep disorders. Depending on the cause of the disorder, the doctor may suggest the use of herbal remedies only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the child.

The drugs are used in minimal amounts effective dosages over a short period of time. The use of tranquilizers and chemical drugs is contraindicated, since drugs of these groups have a teratogenic effect.

Insomnia pills without prescriptions

Although over-the-counter drugs presented in the public domain, it is necessary to remember the dangers of self-medication and not exceed the recommended therapeutic dosages. You can consider using the following medications for insomnia without addiction:

In the event that the drugs do not have the desired effect therapeutic effect within 2-3 days you should consult a doctor.

Strong pills for insomnia

Potent, non-addictive drugs for insomnia that can be purchased without a prescription from a doctor include:

  • Melaxen;
  • Valocardine;
  • Dormiplant;

The described drugs have a number of advantages and disadvantages, possible adverse reactions; before starting use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Indications for the use of tablets for insomnia

Insomnia tablets are indicated for patients with sleep disorders various shapes and origin. Lack of sleep provokes the development of weakness, loss of strength, and the development of depression due to lack of sleep. During therapy, medications with a sedative effect, from the group of neuroleptics and tranquilizers, and medications with antipsychotropic effects are used. The use of medications is indicated for:

Such medications should be used with extreme caution due to the risk of developing drug dependence. In most cases, short-term use of herbal medicines is sufficient for patients. If the sleep disorder transforms into a chronic form that is difficult to treat, the doctor will select the appropriate medicine.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics indicators depend on pharmacological group, to which the medicine belongs.

Group of drugs Pharmacodynamic properties Pharmacokinetic properties

Herbal preparations

— Herbal medicines demonstrate sedative properties.

— They differ in their multicomponent composition and may contain extracts of the following plants: lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, hawthorn, elderberry.

- The sedative effect can be supplemented with additional components (for example, guaifenesin).

They have the ability to be quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Drugs from the group of tranquilizers

— Have a sedative, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, anxiolytic effect.

- Stimulate benzodiazepine receptors.

— Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

— Metabolic processes occur in the liver.

— Achieving maximum concentration – 60-120 minutes after using the medicine.

- The half-life takes up to 17-18 hours.

Medicines from the group of chemicals

- Have a sedative effect.

- Able to reduce the duration of falling asleep and the number of night awakenings.

— Helps increase the duration and quality of sleep.

— Reaching maximum concentration after 60-90 minutes.

- Rapid absorption from the stomach.

— High bioavailability.

Contraindications for use

When using medications, you should take into account possible contraindications, the most common of which are:

Before you start using any drug, you must carefully read the instructions for availability. possible contraindications and adverse reactions, consult your doctor.

Side effects of insomnia pills

Most often, drugs for insomnia can provoke the development of the following undesirable reactions:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • attention disorders;
  • drowsiness in daytime days;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • slowdowns in motor and mental reactions;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • decreased libido.

In most cases adverse reactions are transient and go away on their own after stopping the use of medications.

Mode of application

Accept medications follows the recommendations of the manufacturer and the attending physician. Most medications are meant to be taken a few hours before going to bed. Herbal preparations can be used several times a day, and an interval of at least 5 hours must be observed.

The dose, frequency and duration of use of the tablets are selected individually for each patient.

Symptoms of an overdose of insomnia pills

If the dosage is not observed, an increase in unwanted side reactions may occur. If the therapeutic dose is significantly exceeded, conditions that threaten the life of patients may occur: respiratory failure, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, kidneys.

The victim should be taken to hospital as soon as possible for treatment emergency assistance. If the patient is conscious, it is necessary to induce vomiting and use absorbent medications. In the future, the selection of drugs for symptomatic treatment of overdose is carried out by a doctor.

Interactions with other drugs

Medicines, including herbal and non-addictive ones, may interact with other drugs. Exact information can be obtained in the instructions for use in the section Drug interactions. For example, valerian tablets for simultaneous use with medications that inhibit the functioning of the central nervous system can enhance their effect.

Cost of anti-insomnia drugs

The price of medicines is determined depending on the manufacturer, the pharmacy dispensing the goods, and the number of tablets in the package.

  • Melaxen – effective drug from 520 rub.
  • Valerian tablets – inexpensive drug from 15 rub.
  • Motherwort – from 50 rub.
  • Persen – from 230 rub.
  • Novo-Passit – from 200 rubles.

When a person has a sleep disorder, their well-being gradually worsens. But even this in most cases does not prompt you to go to the doctor for advice and a prescription for strong sleeping pills. People prefer to buy something simpler, but without a prescription. And it’s not just a matter of reluctance to run to doctors’ offices and wait in line at the clinic. Potent drugs, as a rule, have many side effects, contraindications and are addictive.

Those who suffer from sleep problems most often choose herbal over-the-counter insomnia pills. They are not inferior in effectiveness to synthetic drugs. However, despite their relative harmlessness, it is permissible to take them if non-drug methods The fight against insomnia was unsuccessful.

The most effective means

There are several drugs that are considered the most effective among over-the-counter ones. Their big advantage is that they are not addictive. But this does not mean at all that you can take them uncontrollably - as and when you want. You must strictly adhere to the instructions supplied with them.

We will dwell on the last two drugs in more detail later in the article. Which of the listed remedies for insomnia to choose, everyone must decide for themselves. Of course, after consulting your doctor first.

Hormone-like drugs

The human body produces a wonderful hormone called melatonin. It is thanks to him that we get the opportunity to sleep soundly. This substance is produced in the pineal gland exclusively at night and in the absence of light. For those who suffer chronic insomnia, the level of this hormone drops sharply. The result is a bad mood, irritability and a constant feeling of weakness.

Nanotechnological progress in medicine has led to the creation of an artificial sleep hormone - an analogue of natural melatonin. It is sold completely freely in the form of tablets or capsules. Trade names drugs - "Melaxen" and "Melatonin".

"Melaxen" puts things in order night rest. It is effective for insomnia caused by shift work schedules, time zone crossings and stressful situations. Successfully treats primary insomnia and sleep quality disorders in people over 55 years of age. Side effects occur extremely rarely (allergic reactions) - in case of individual intolerance.

The advantage of Melaxen is that it does not cause addiction and drowsiness during the day, does not disrupt sleep architecture and memory, and does not lead to aggravation of obstructive apnea syndrome.

The drug is contraindicated for children, as well as for:

  • individual intolerance;
  • disorders of the liver;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • work that requires a person high speed response and concentration;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding breast milk.

Melatonin, as mentioned above, regulates biorhythms, helps you fall asleep on time, and gives you a strong good sleep and provides morning vigor. In addition, the medicine allows you to adapt to time zone changes as painlessly as possible and reduces the severity of your reaction to stressful situations.

The dosage must be calculated depending on the problem that the person has decided to deal with (insomnia or deterioration in sleep quality). Usually, this remedy Take only once a day - before going to bed. You cannot bite the pill. You should drink it big amount water.

The big advantage of Melatonin is the absence of side effects, addiction and the so-called withdrawal syndrome. That is why it is classified as an over-the-counter drug. But the drug still has contraindications.

It should not be taken if:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergies;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • the presence of neoplasms of various origins;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy.

It is forbidden to give Melatonin to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, children under 12 years of age, as well as people who work with equipment or other mechanisms that require extreme care.

Herbal medicines

Many people today have absolutely no time to prepare herbal sleeping pills - multi-component decoctions and infusions. And there is no need to do this. You can freely purchase a ready-made product in tablet form at any pharmacy. I swallowed it, washed it down with water - and that was it. Let's list a few of these drugs:

In addition to the medications mentioned, the list of herbal sleeping pills can be supplemented with the equally popular “Valerian”, “Persen”, “Novo-Passit”, “Motherwort” and “Afobazol”.

"Valerian" tablets contain dry extract of the plant. Let us immediately note that it has a cumulative effect, which manifests itself when regular intake drug for at least 2 weeks. Therefore, the result will have to wait. It is produced in several versions, which differ in different amounts of active ingredient.

For example, the Bulgarian “Valerian” contains 30 mg of dry extract of this plant, and the medicine “Valerian-Belmed” contains as much as 200 mg of its root powder. The drug "Valerian Forte" contains 150 mg of a thick extract. These numbers affect the dosage.

There are practically no side effects during use (with the exception of allergies and individual intolerance). But you cannot use it for months - if taken for too long, undesirable consequences may appear.

Valerian is also a component of some combination drugs, used to combat insomnia, anxiety, agitation and neurotic conditions. The most popular among them are “Persen” and “Sanason”.

Using herbal-based sleeping pills is much more convenient than using homemade herbal tinctures. They help to cope not only with insomnia that occurs during mild form, but also with increased excitability.

The main advantage of such funds is the presence of a pronounced effect of calm and relaxation. However, to achieve the desired result, the duration of treatment should be at least 3 weeks.

Biologically active additives

Fans of dietary supplement treatment can try to get rid of sleep problems with the help of sleeping pills such as “ Healthy sleep"(manufacturer - "Elite-Pharm") and "Sleep Formula" (manufacturer - "Evalar").

The medicine “Healthy sleep” is presented in coated tablets round shape blue color. The active ingredient of the dietary supplement is zolpidem tartrate. Apply this drug possible for short-term, situational and chronic disturbance of night rest.

After reading the instructions, it will become clear that taking this dietary supplement may be accompanied by the following side effects: nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, tremor, skin rash, memory problems and depression. The same symptoms are characteristic of an overdose.

It is prohibited to take “Healthy Sleep” if a person is diagnosed with pulmonary failure, liver diseases, myasthenia gravis, as well as apnea syndrome and individual sensitivity. In addition, the drug is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age, pregnant women (during the first trimester) and mothers feeding breast milk. It should be borne in mind that taking these tablets is incompatible with driving a car or operating any complex mechanism.

The sleep formula dietary supplement is completely natural remedy. It helps improve sleep and has a calming, mild relaxing and strengthening effect on the body. This medicine effectively eliminates tension, promotes falling asleep quickly, gives high-quality and long-lasting sleep.

The “sleep formula” consists of:

  • hops;
  • eschsolzia;
  • motherwort;
  • vitamins B1, B6, B12;
  • magnesium

In addition to directly hypnotic effect, this drug has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle: it enhances its contractility, reduces excitability and eliminates arrhythmia. To experience the desired effect, you must complete the full therapeutic course.

Contraindications to the “Sleep Formula” are typical: individual intolerance, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

What can you take at an advanced age?

The pharmaceutical market offers elderly people a fairly large number of over-the-counter medications for insomnia. Here are some examples:

  • sedatives with phenobarbital (“Corvalol” and “Barboval”);
  • preparations with ginkgo biloba extract that improve cerebral circulation (“Memoplant”, “Tankakan”);
  • adaptogens with melatonin (“Melatonex”, “Melatonin”);
  • plant-based sedatives (“Novo-Passit”, “Persen”);
  • homeopathic remedies (“Nervoheel”, “Notta”);
  • Dietary supplements (“Heron-Vit Restful sleep»).

The dietary supplement "Heron-Vit Calm Sleep" is produced by the company "DanikaPharm". The drug was developed taking into account the changes that usually occur in the body after 50 years. The composition of these tablets is combined - it includes not only plant components, but also vitamins and minerals. The combination of motherwort, lemon balm, cyanosis, St. John's wort, Eleutherococcus, hawthorn, sweet clover, melatonin, biotin, vitamins C and B can restore proper sleep, alleviate the symptoms of menopause, relieve depression, improve attention, memory and even physical strength.

You need to take this remedy in order to support the body with sleep disorders, problems in emotional sphere, accumulated fatigue and stress neuroses.

Combination medicinal plants with vitamins and others useful substances provides beneficial influence on nerve cells and helps to regain vigor after waking up.

In addition, “Heron-Vit Peaceful Sleep” prevents memory deterioration, the development of Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative senile diseases. The dosage and duration of the therapeutic course should be prescribed by a doctor.

Let's sum it up

Somnologists explain that you need to fight insomnia with means that are not capable of harming the body. These include herbal remedies and psychological methods.

You can start taking synthetic medications only after consulting a doctor. After all, before you swallow a pill, you should find out why the sleep disorder occurred. And only then begin to select a suitable product.

Mild insomnia can easily be dealt with with the most harmless drugs . But if the situation is complex and over-the-counter medications do not help, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe competent and, probably, long-term treatment. You need to select a medication and its dosage based on a person’s individual problem and the recommendations of a somnologist.

An overdose of sleeping pills entails consequences of varying severity - from a feeling of drowsiness, which disappears after discontinuation of the drug, to the development of seizures and even comatose state which requires urgent hospitalization. To prevent this from happening, the doctor must professionally and carefully prescribe treatment, and the patient must listen to the doctor’s advice and follow all his instructions.

A person needs adequate sleep to maintain normal level vigor and efficiency throughout the day.

Unfortunately, the problem is quite common.

Pharmacies offer a wide selection to combat it.

Strong medications usually require a prescription. In addition, their disadvantage is that they can be addictive.

But there are also over-the-counter medications that have a less pronounced psychoactive inhibitory effect on nervous system and are much less likely to provoke adverse reactions.

In some cases, they are enough to ensure normal rest. Below is a list of pills for insomnia without addiction.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person has difficulty falling asleep and/or waking up.

IN official medicine this term is rarely used.

The term dyssomnia is usually used to refer to the disorder.

According to the international classification of diseases, insomnia is defined as a deficiency in the quality and quantity of sleep.

According to statistics, almost all people have had difficulty falling asleep at least once. About 30-50% of the population has problems of this nature, of which 10% have chronic dyssomnia.

Quite often this phenomenon is observed in. Disorders also occur among children.

Insomnia can be different, both internal and external character. One of the circumstances that can lead to it is uncomfortable conditions for rest (wrong bed, mattress, pillow).

In 15% of cases, the etiology of the disorders is unknown. People who engage in mental work, as well as residents of megacities, are especially prone to them.

Exist different methods combat this phenomenon. According to statistics, about 15% of patients use medications.

Medicines and remedies without a prescription and strong drugs

There are quite a lot of such drugs.

They rarely provoke adverse reactions and are safe, but before use it is recommended to study as much information as possible, including contraindications.

  1. Melaxen. This drug is complete analogue hormone that will swell good rest. It affects the patient’s nerve centers, which provokes the natural process of falling asleep. An overdose of the drug is impossible, since it is distinguished by a very rapid decay process. Melaxen cannot change natural cycle and the structure of sleep, does not affect awakening and does not provoke decay.

    There is no feeling of drowsiness after taking it, so you can drive a car and other machinery. Among the disadvantages, it is noted that the drug can in some cases provoke adverse reactions and peripheral edema, as well as its rather high cost. It is recommended to take one tablet one hour before bedtime. The course of treatment is up to three weeks. The medication is contraindicated in case of renal impairment and the presence of autoimmune diseases.

  2. Sungmil. Also good drug which is well tolerated different groups patients. It is recommended to take 0.5 tablets before going to bed. You can take no more than two tablets per day. The medicine does not affect sleep phases. But to prevent addiction, it is not recommended to use it for longer than eight weeks. In some cases, side effects are possible. Sonmil should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its components or antihistamines, with closed-angle glaucoma, or under the age of 15 years.
  3. Novo-Passit. The difference between this remedy is that it also affects the patient’s emotional background, which makes it possible to relax and eliminate increased anxiety. Based exclusively on natural ingredients. At medical supervision can be used even during pregnancy. To eliminate insomnia, you need to take two tablets of the medication three times a day with meals. The course of treatment is two weeks. Among the contraindications to the use of the drug are: increased sensitivity to its components, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency.
  4. Persen. This drug has a separate series of tablets aimed at eliminating insomnia. The medication is not addictive and can be used for a course of up to 6-8 weeks, depending on the degree of the disorder. It is recommended to take two tablets an hour before bedtime with water. Persen is contraindicated during pregnancy.
  5. Dormiplant. This sedative, which simultaneously eliminates increased nervousness and excitability in patients with sleep disorders. It can be used from the age of six years. It is recommended to take two tablets 30 minutes before bedtime. Tablets should not be split or chewed as this may destroy their integrity. active component. The duration of the course is determined individually. Contraindications to the use of the medication include individual intolerance to the components and age under 6 years. Caution is needed with diabetes. You should also take into account that during the period of use of the drug it is better to refrain from driving a car or operating other mechanisms.
  6. Valerian. Plant-based ingredients have a calming effect and help with sleep disorders caused by stress factors. The medication has a positive effect on cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates anxiety, reduces the excitability of the nervous system and helps restore healthy holiday. Can be used for long-term and regular use. The dosage is determined individually. You can take no more than two tablets at a time. The frequency of administration is 2-4 times a day after eating. The drug has natural composition, therefore it has almost no contraindications, other than personal intolerance.
  7. Ortho-Taurine. A sleeping pill with adaptogenic properties. Relieves intellectual and physical fatigue, helps speed up the process of falling asleep, and makes night rest healthy and deep. The medication does not affect ability to work during the day and helps increase resistance to stress. The composition also includes taurine, magnesium, rose hips, folic and succinic acids, vitamins E and group B. Take one capsule before going to bed for a month. The medicine has almost no contraindications (other than individual intolerance) and side effects.
These and a number of other drugs can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription. They help to gently eliminate sleep disturbances and normalize the nervous system.

But, despite over-the-counter availability, in some cases they may be contraindicated and provoke negative phenomena, therefore, in case of dyssomnia, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist.

What medications are prescribed for insomnia:

The long process of falling asleep ends bad mood and drowsiness throughout the day. People are forced to resort to sleeping pills to get enough sleep. The pharmaceutical industry produces various drugs against insomnia. Some of them not only normalize sleep, but have many side effects that cause harm to the body - addiction, impaired attention, severe psycho-emotional disorders. Therefore, if you have symptoms of insomnia, do not rush to the pharmacy for a sleeping pill. Consult a specialist who can help you choose a medicine that helps normal sleep in each specific situation. The fight against insomnia will be effective if you establish the causes of its occurrence and select correct therapy.

Medicines for insomnia vary in therapeutic activity, but they work on the same principle - they inhibit brain activity and relieve nervous and muscle tension. The duration of action of drugs depends on the rate of their elimination and the degree of influence on the functions of the central nervous system.

Sleeping pills short acting eliminate difficulties in falling asleep, do not disturb the duration and ratio of sleep phases. Means of medium duration of action relieve excitation and enhance inhibition. The effect lasts longer, which improves falling asleep and sleep quality. Long-acting medications help with difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep, and frequent awakenings at night.

All sleeping pills differ in chemical composition and have different effects on the central nervous system.

Types of medications to treat sleep disorders

Barbiturates (Phenobarbital, Reladorm) are effective for severe insomnia, but cause drowsiness, lethargy, irritation after sleep, headache and muscle pain. With prolonged use, mental and physical dependence develops. Barbiturates shorten REM sleep cycles, which are important for nervous system recovery. Barbituric acid derivatives are available by prescription only.

Anti-insomnia drugs from the group of tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Nitrazepam, Sibazon, Midazolam) are low-toxic, do not give pronounced aftereffects, and are less likely to cause addiction. Particularly effective for insomnia caused by anxiety and emotional stress.

Insomnia medications containing melatonin (Melaxen, Circadin, Melarena) do not disrupt the physiological structure of sleep, speed up falling asleep, and reduce the number of night awakenings. In the morning they do not cause feelings of fatigue and drowsiness, and have a positive effect on the emotional sphere.

Group Z medications for insomnia have virtually no side effects and do not cause post-somnia disorders. After waking up, a person does not feel discomfort. The drugs differ in their duration of action. If you have difficulty falling asleep, Adante is prescribed. Ivadal, Zolpidem works for 5-6 hours. Long-acting sleeping pill Zopiclone supports sleep throughout the night without changing its structure. In patients with nocturnal manifestations of bronchial asthma, the duration of attacks is reduced. After long-term use of group Z drugs, addiction may occur.

First generation antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Diprazine) have a mild sedative effect and are quickly eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract.

A doctor should choose a drug to treat insomnia. Uncontrolled use of sleeping pills can create dependence, increase excitability instead of the expected hypnotic effect, cause muscle weakness, withdrawal syndrome, impair attention and memory.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Depending on the composition, medications are divided into three groups.

  • Plants (Persen, Motherwort Forte).
    Substances contained in plants normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen the psyche, relieve anxiety, and calm the nervous system. Herbal preparations against insomnia are not toxic, act gently, can be taken for a long time, have minimal amount contraindications. Facilities plant origin effective for mild disorders physiological process, for the prevention of insomnia during stress of various types. In cases of severe insomnia, they are used only as additional therapy.
  • Synthetic (Melaxen, Reslip, Phenibut).
    Medicines help improve sleep, are suitable for all age groups, do not affect psychomotor functions, have minor side effects.
  • Combined (Barboval, Corvalol).
    The products contain plant extracts and active medicinal components. All substances enhance each other's actions. Due to this, a quick hypnotic effect is achieved. Medicines in this group are indicated for minor sleep disorders and neurotic disorders, relieve irritability and make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Homeopathic (Hypnosed, Nota, Passidorm).
    Harmless, non-addictive drugs contain a balanced set of components that eliminate fear, anxiety, and problems falling asleep. Homeomedicines do not disrupt biochemical processes in the body, direct reserve forces to combat the causes of insomnia, and are not accompanied by aftereffect symptoms. For a stable and long-lasting effect, long-term use of homeopathic remedies is recommended.

Which sleeping pill to choose

Without a doctor's prescription, you can purchase drugs that have a moderate effect on the nervous system. They normalize sleep heartbeat, reduce nervous excitement. An effective remedy for insomnia does not have to be strong. At correct selection even a mild sleeping pill will give a positive result.

List of the most popular drugs for insomnia.

  • Melaxen.
    Synthesized hormone analogue pineal gland(melatonin) is suitable for self-use for insomnia in people of various age groups. The tablets normalize the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, make it easier to fall asleep, and do not cause a feeling of lethargy upon awakening. The drug helps the body adapt when working at night and. In rare cases, swelling occurs headache, nausea. Melaxen is used to normalize biological rhythm, promotes rapid falling asleep and easy morning awakening.
  • Persen.
    Relieves irritability, anxiety, eliminates depression, promotes concentration. The composition of the sedative for insomnia includes extracts of lemon balm, mint and valerian roots. The components make it easier to fall asleep by enhancing inhibitory processes in the central nervous system. Persen is recommended for prolonged periods of falling asleep and frequent awakenings caused by stressful situations and overwork.
  • Donormil.
    Effervescent tablets have a pronounced sedative effect, make it possible to quickly fall asleep, and increase the duration of night rest. May call palpitations, daytime sleepiness, dry mouth. Donormil does not affect brain activity.
  • Glycine.
    Sublingual tablets reduce central nervous system excitation, improve metabolism in brain tissues, increase mental performance, normalize sleep. Glycine is recommended for people with emotional instability, high excitability.
  • Valoserdin.
    Due to the content of phenobarbital, it reduces the excitation of the central nervous system. Drops for insomnia provide a mild hypnotic effect and are prescribed for difficulty falling asleep, neurosis-like conditions, disorders cerebral circulation. With long-term use, drug dependence and depression may occur.
  • Atarax.
    Relieves anxiety, psychomotor agitation, relaxes smooth muscles, increases the duration and depth of sleep. At the beginning of treatment, drowsiness and general weakness may occur.
  • Phenibut.
    It has a positive effect on brain activity, reduces the severity of complications after traumatic brain injury, and increases the brain’s resistance to high stress. Phenibut relieves anxiety, reduces emotional stress, improves the quality of night's rest. Prescribed for insomnia of neurotic origin.
  • Corvalol.
    It has a calming effect, relieves spasms in the intestines, dilates blood vessels, and makes it easier to fall asleep. It is well tolerated, but with prolonged use or overdose it causes CNS depression. Experts recommend taking drops for irritability and mild insomnia.
  • Valerian.
    Herbal remedy with a sedative effect, used for nervous excitability, difficulties falling asleep caused by overexcitation, stress. In rare cases, it provokes a depressed state.

New items

New generation drugs help cope with stress, improve sleep quality, and eliminate the causes of insomnia. They are quickly eliminated from the body, so there are no aftereffect symptoms in the morning. New medications for insomnia are safer because they only affect the brain receptors responsible for sleep.

  • Sonilyuks.
    The drops contain natural ingredients of plant origin, which quickly enter the bloodstream and improve the psycho-emotional state. The insomnia remedy Sonilux normalizes sleep and eliminates the causes of sleep disturbance, restores heart rhythm and the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Somnol.
    The action of the drug is aimed at improving the quality and duration of night rest. At long-term treatment the risk of addiction cannot be ruled out. Prescribed to patients with situational, transient, chronic forms insomnia.
  • Roserem.
    Recommended for insomnia associated with prolonged falling asleep, helps sleep soundly. The medicine for insomnia Rozerm does not cause side effects or dependence.
  • Sonnat.
    Prescribed for difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, transient persistence, etc. The drug does not change the ratio of fast and slow sleep. Does not affect daytime well-being and performance.

Vitamin complexes for insomnia

When a person gets into stressful situation, the need for B vitamins increases many times over. Deficiency occurs with gastritis, taking certain hormonal drugs, pregnancy, physical activity, poor nutrition. Insomnia can be provoked by a lack of serotonin, the synthesis of which involves pyridoxine (B6).

Fatigue, drowsiness, depression, irritability, and sleep problems appear. Vitamins B, A, E and microelements potassium, magnesium, calcium will help get rid of insomnia.

  • Mega B Complex, consisting of 10 vitamins and 7 minerals;
  • Sleep Optimizer, a complex of amino acids, plant extracts, melatonin, tryptophan;
  • ALPHABET biorhythm containing folic acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C, A, B, extracts of lemon balm, motherwort;
  • Yantifan, which contains L-tryptophan, succinic acid, vitamin B6.

Vitamin preparations reduce the excitability of the nervous system and promote a good night's rest.

The multitude of medicines and vitamins leads to confusion: “How to choose from all the variety? the best remedy from insomnia? For an answer, contact specialists at your local clinics or specialized centers. Uncontrolled use of sleeping pills can complicate the situation. The sleep department will tell you how to get rid of insomnia without medications with the help of,. Special clinics use drug-free methods for eliminating insomnia (electric sleep, relaxation therapy).

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects therapy for insomnia // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

Sleep pills without prescriptions are the safest for health and at the same time effective way combating signs of insomnia. If traditional methods lifestyle changes to improve sleep were powerless (aromatic baths, increased physical activity, dietary changes, and so on), you can seek help from medications available in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. There are few such remedies, but they have helped a large number of people suffering from insomnia.

Healthy sleep is the key to a full day, vitality, endurance and productive intellectual activity.

Insomnia leads to significant consequences for the body. After a long period of sleep deprivation, problems arise with the nervous system, the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and work is disrupted. endocrine glands, and in addition, memory, attention and metabolism deteriorate.

If a person cannot completely relax, his body suffers and does not find time to process information received while awake. As for the growing child’s body, sleep problems are unacceptable. Lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on your baby's growth and development.

Experts prescribe the use of drugs to combat insomnia, if any following symptoms:

  • insomnia is observed for four weeks as a constant phenomenon;
  • sleep disturbance coincides with high emotional stress and stress;
  • observed increased voltage and irritability.

The right medicine helps improve the nervous system and helps a person relax. Nevertheless, the drugs must be used following the instructions. Violation of the dosage or duration of treatment may cause addiction and weakening of the effect. active substances.

Medicines are created to normalize the functioning of body systems, improve its functioning and help a person with everyday duties.

Sleeping pills and sedatives have their own, unique mechanisms:

Each medicine has its own characteristics and may not be suitable in cases of disease symptoms specific to its action.

Sleeping pills available without a prescription differ from stronger options in the following ways:

  1. For many simple applications sedatives there is no need to take a long course of treatment (one-time use is possible).
  2. Do not cause addiction or dependence.
  3. They have a good effect on an overexcited nervous system.
  4. Speed ​​up the process of falling asleep.
  5. Increases sleep time without waking up.
  6. Do not disturb the change and duration of sleep phases.

Except positive properties, like other medications, sedatives have contraindications and are not suitable for everyone. That is why before starting treatment you should consult a specialist.

According to reviews of people who use pills for insomnia without prescriptions, the most effective drugs can be identified:

Drugs of synthetic origin have contraindications and are characterized by individual effects on the human body. It is worth remembering that even safe, over-the-counter medications have strict dosages that must be followed to maintain health.

Infusions and tablets can be considered the most harmless to the body. vegetable herbs. They are not addictive, have a calming effect and in some cases are approved for use by children younger age.

What are the easiest, most effective and harmless medicines?

Herbal remedies fit well together. Thus, the powerful sedative “Morozov Drops” was created. The tincture is sold ready-made, but you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to mix two parts of motherwort and valerian root tinctures, one part of hawthorn tincture and two parts of peony tincture, apply the product as ready solution(20 drops). If desired, you can exclude one or more components.

Sleepy people- are ineffective in their main activities and in their free time. No one wants to waste their last energy during everyday work so that they don’t have a minute to themselves.

Therefore, in addition to synthetic and natural sedatives, combination drugs, the action of which has a good effect on the nervous system, but at the same time does not cause maximum harm to the circulatory or digestive systems.

Such drugs include:

A large number of components has a strong and rapid effect on the human body.

Homeopathic remedies for insomnia have a good reputation among users. As a rule, products of this type are not addictive and do not have side effects that could be harmful to health. However, the mechanism of action of many homeopathic remedies has not been established.

The most popular options:

Homeopathic remedies, just like medications, have their own contraindications and can cause allergic reaction due to individual intolerance.

The most effective solution to problems with sleep and falling asleep is complex therapy, consisting not only of taking medications, but also equalizing the daily routine, normalizing nutrition and increasing the time spent physical activity and on fresh air.

Even the most good medicine They are addictive and need to be alternated, look for a medicine with a different mechanism of action on the body, or take breaks between courses of treatment.