Competition: a piquant situation or women's revelations. The best wedding competitions

Exists great amount competitions for weddings, but choosing from the whole variety a few that are suitable for your event can be quite difficult. When choosing games for a wedding, you should take into account the age of the newlyweds and their guests, the contingent of those present, their sense of humor, as well as the fact that it should be fun and interesting for everyone, without exception: both those who participate and those who watch what is happening from their own seats at the table. The site brings to your attention a selection of the best wedding competitions for everyone.

Competition - The thorny path to happiness

  • Props: two binoculars, thick rope
  • Participants: bride and groom

This game can rightfully be considered the best wedding competition. The host of the wedding rightly declares that no obstacles or distances can separate the newlyweds in love. Ardent feelings will always lead them to each other. As proof, the presenter invites the newlyweds to take part in a wedding competition: a rope is laid out in a zigzag on the floor, and the newlyweds are given binoculars. The bride and groom, standing at opposite ends, must walk along the rope towards each other, looking only through binoculars.

Competition - Wonderful outfit

  • Props: bag with different things(Panama hats, huge family panties, bras, masks, etc.)
  • Participants: everyone interested

Guests become in big circle, and the presenter gives the bag to one of the participants. The music turns on, and the participants begin to pass a bag of things around in a circle in order to quickly get rid of it. Otherwise, when the music stops, the one who has the bag in his hands must, without ironing, take out any item and, to the Homeric laughter of the others, put it on himself over his clothes. The music starts again and the bag is passed on. Now the next loser must try on the “festive” outfit he chose from the bag.

Competition - Young parents

  • Props: two rolls toilet paper
  • Participants: bride, groom and two people who want to come to their aid

The next one from the selection of the best wedding competitions is also able to test the newlyweds. The host selects two participants from the guests. They will play the role of kids. The bride and groom are each given one roll of toilet paper. To the music, they must “swaddle” their baby using paper. The parent whose baby is dressed warmest wins.

Competition - I won't lose my way

  • Props: not needed
  • Participants: everyone interested

The presenter asks one of those present to show their counting skills to at least thirty (surely all the guests will cope with this task, if not...). The secret is that, counting to thirty, all numbers that contain three or are divisible by three must be replaced with the following words: “I won’t get lost,” for example: One, two, I won’t get lost, four, five, I won’t get lost... We assure you You, that counting to thirty in this way is extremely difficult, but fun. The winner, if any, receives a pre-arranged prize.

Competition - Maternity hospital

  • Props: ready-made cards
  • Participants: 2-3 pairs man-woman

In this competition, women will be mothers, and men, respectively, fathers, and the age and marital status of the player does not play any role. Women stand in one line (supposedly they are all lying in the maternity hospital), and men stand in another at a distance of 5 meters from their “wives” (they are “on the street”). Music begins to play, and the “mothers” with gestures try to explain to the “young fathers” some details about their newborn babies, according to the written text on the cards. For a more interesting and funny version, cards can be prepared with texts like “A black baby was born, weight 5 kg, blond hair, blue eyes” or “Chinese baby was born, all yellow, weight 3 kg, screams loudly and sings songs.” The winner is the pair of participants in which the “father” correctly voices all the information about the child.

Competition - Lazy Dancing

  • Props: five chairs
  • Participants: six men

We also decided to place this competition in the “Best Wedding Competitions” section. For greater effect, it is necessary to invite six men who are not notorious and tipsy. The action begins when rhythmic music is turned on, and the participants need to perform a fiery dance. From all six, the five most active dancers are selected. The presenter invites them to sit on chairs and dance while sitting. Men can wave their arms, kick their legs - whatever they want, as long as it is at least somehow similar to dancing. At the end, winners are chosen again, but there are already four. This time they should under no circumstances use their legs in their dance: the participants, sitting on chairs, dance with their arms, body, head, but their legs remain motionless. One more loser is determined, and three men remain. Now they must dance without the help of both arms and legs. The two most inventive ones advance to the finals. The rest will have to dance to a fiery tune, for example, rock and roll or lezginka, only with the help of their facial expressions. The prize is given to the one who best copes with the difficult task. Fun mood provided to all present.

Competition - Favorite melody

  • Props: not needed
  • Participants: five willing

The host selects five people from among the guests and secretly (in their ear) finds out from everyone what song the participant will sing. Each participant must choose their own non-repetitive song. The game consists of the fact that, at the command of the leader, the players begin to sing their songs “to themselves” (silently). The leader's next command is to continue singing out loud. The main thing is to never get lost or stop singing, despite the fact that another participant is loudly singing his chosen song into your ear. Again the leader clap, and again everyone sings “to themselves” and so on. The winner is the one who sings his song to the end.

For those who are used to not sitting at the table and chewing sandwiches at a party, we offer cool entertainment “Exposure”. This competition-game will not leave anyone indifferent in the company, and everyone will want to become a participant.

We prepare signs in advance for fun. Each one should have the name of the type written on it:

  • Maternity hospital;
  • Therapist's office;
  • Children's party;
  • Drug den;
  • Bath;
  • Train Station;
  • Chief's office;
  • Mountains;
  • Sea liner;
  • Gay club;
  • Sports bar;
  • Gym;
  • Toilet/M/F;
  • Cinema.

The signs can be printed on regular A-4 sheets (landscape) or made into appliqués from cut out letters.

The participant chooses one of the signs. Make sure that the inscription is not visible to the contestant himself. The sign with the inscription is fixed on the player’s back. He turns his back to the guest spectators. And the presenter begins to ask the participant in the game tricky questions. Since the player does not see the sign, he gives random answers. Therefore, the entire game is accompanied by laughter from the audience, who know the outcome of the game very well.

For the “interview” you need to prepare tricky and insidious questions that will be suitable for any category:

  • Do you often visit this place?
  • Who do you usually go there with?
  • What are you taking with you?
  • What are you doing/what are you doing in this place?
  • Do you like going there?
  • How old were you when you first came here?
  • How long do you plan to repeat such excursions?
  • How do you feel after your visit?
  • Would you take your parents/children here with you?
  • What do you usually take with you?
  • What clothes are you wearing?

You can supplement the list of places and questions with your own options, focusing on the age and status of the company. The answers will be the most unpredictable and ridiculous. At the end of the “interview,” to the general laughter of those gathered, the sign is removed from the player’s back. The facial expression at the moment when he sees the name of the place he has visited will be the most unexpected. Therefore, try to capture this moment in a photo. Now invite next player for the "interview". The game continues until all the place signs are gone.

At the end of the game, if possible, you can post a photo of the participants. This gallery of unexpected and funny photos is another great way to amuse the company.

We offer you a rather interesting and funny competition for corporate events. The participants turn away from the rest of the employees, and the presenter broadcasts signs with inscriptions of certain places on their backs. You can’t spy and give hints, otherwise it won’t be funny. After all, no one wants to ruin the fun. The task is very simple in essence. A person, without seeing what is written on his back, should try to describe how he first came to this place. Options for places may be different, let's look at just a few examples. Participants are required to give funny answers.

The first employee says “Sobering-up station”, the second one says “Work”. Next in order of priority are “Maternity Hospital”, “Mental Hospital” and “Sex-Shop”. The first question is: “How did you first end up there?” Some answers are very what are called “on topic”. The first participant from the sobering-up center responds with words from the Caucasian captive “Barbabia Kirgudu.” You can say that he almost guesses the correct answer. And the lady with “Work”, it turns out, just came in by chance. Apparently she is a very qualified worker, because they hired her right away. It further turns out that the young lady visited the Maternity Hospital for the first time because she came there to work. But the man with the “Mental Hospital” was not very lucky with his parents, because it was his mother who brought him there by the hand. Well, the man from “Sex-Shop” flew there by helicopter – very original way transportation.

The next question is: “What attracts you there?” And the first participant mystically again almost guesses that life simply brought him to the Sobering-Up Center. And the lady goes to “Rabota” because everyone dances there, it’s a very interesting group, but some people are lucky. And the young lady from the “Maternity Hospital” is attracted by the fact that she is paid for it. Yes, maternal capital Not issued in every country. And the guy from the “Mental Hospital” was told that he would achieve success there, because everyone has their own career. To which the last contestant replies that a child can be found there. It’s good that he doesn’t see the “Sex-Shop” sign on his back.

This is followed by the question: “How often do you go there?”, “How do your friends and family feel about it?” and “When are you planning to go there next? “The above example illustrates quite well what comical moments can be created when performing this competition.

Do you scour the Internet at night in search of cool competitions for corporate events? Relief in this article.

Like many organizers of all kinds of events, we spend a lot of time writing various competitions for parties, and at the same time monitoring various sites where we can get various jokes. For the most part, everything is offered the same everywhere... One word Toastmaster-Style. Dear reader, brings to your attention a unique TOP-7 competitions that will definitely go well in any company. Something has been observed, something has been invented, the fact is that these things go great in any company.

Competition 1. Shifters.

A great competition to start your New Year's program. The presenter invites everyone to play the game. It is necessary to guess the original names of films from the “upside down” versions. To help participants understand the point better, you can give them an example. You can come up with your own list of changelings, here’s what we offer:

Changelings - movies

1. “Seventy-one eternities of autumn” (“Seventeen moments of spring”).
2. “A ragged man with the last name hippopotamus” (“Crocodile Dundee”).
3. Dynamo (Spartak).
4. “Cap of the French Republic” (“Crown of the Russian Empire”).
5. “Everyone is on the street” (“Home Alone”).
6. “Glass Leg” (“Diamond Arm”).
7. “Vorovskoye Vocational School” (“Police
8. “Cadets, go back!” (“Midshipmen, forward!”).
9. “Black Moon of the Jungle” (“White Sun of the Desert”).
10. “Home Cactus” (“Wild Orchid”).
11. “Cold Feet” (“Hot Heads”).

Changelings - movie titles (second option).

1. “Devil’s Liver” (“Angel’s Heart”).
2. “Sing, sing!” ("Dance Dance!").
3. “Uryupinsk trusts smiles” (“Moscow does not believe in tears”).
4. “We’ll die after Wednesday” (“We’ll live until Monday”).
5. “Vasil the Good” (“Ivan the Terrible”).
6. “It’s all men in rock” (“It’s only girls in jazz”).
7. “Little hike” (“Big walk”).
8. “Cat under the straw” (“Dog in the manger”).
9. “Put Dad on the Plane” (“Throw Mom off the Train”).
10. “Sidorovka, 83″ (“Petrovka, 38″).
11. “Short Lesson” (“Big Break”).

Changelings - lines from songs

1. “Above the floor of his hut” (“Under the roof of my house”).
2. “The painter who smears the snow” (“The artist who paints the rain”).
3. “Wake up, your girl is sick” (“Sleep, my little boy”).
4. “Stupid green sock” (“Stylish orange tie”).
5. “I can live with myself for a hundred years” (“I can’t live a day without you”).
6. “There were locusts lying on the tree” (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”).
7. “The Russian in the house does not wait for the sunset” (“The Chukchi in the tent waits for the dawn”).
8. “I, I, I morning and evening” (“You, you, you night and day”),
9. “That night of defeat does not smell like a bullet” (“This Victory Day smells like gunpowder”).
10. “Black Bat Polonaise” (“White Moth Samba”).
11. “He hates tomatoes on fire” (“She likes strawberries on ice”).

Competition 2. WHERE AM I?

Another conversational competition, which is also good for starting a holiday program.

The game requires four participants. They stand in a row with their backs, and a pre-prepared poster with one of the following notes is hung on everyone’s back: - sobering-up station - public bath- restroom - public transport.

The participants themselves do not know what is written on the posters that hang on their backs. Next, the presenter asks questions, addressing each participant in turn. The questions should be:

Do you go there often?
- When going there, who do you take with you?
- What are you doing there?
- What do you feel after being there?

Do you want to come there at least once more?

The inscriptions on the “signs”, of course, can be changed. Let's say you can make signs:
- Nudist beach,
- Shop "Intimate"
- Pedicure

Competition 3. BOXING MATCH

Before the start of the competition, the presenter calls two real men who are ready to do anything for the sake of the lady of their heart. Ladies of the heart are present right there to provide beneficial psychological impact on your knights. The gentlemen wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The presenter’s task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask for short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The presenter, who is also the judge, reminds the rules, such as: do not hit below the belt, do not leave bruises, fight until first blood, etc. After this, the presenter hands the fighters each the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unwrap, especially when they are stuck together), and asks his lady love to unwrap this candy as soon as possible, without taking off his boxing gloves. Then they are given a can of beer, which they have to open and drink themselves. The one who completes the task before his opponent wins.

PROPS - 2 pairs of boxing gloves, caramel candies, 2 cans of beer

Competition 4. DANCE FLOOR STAR

A super active competition that is perfect before a musical break to warm up. Here a lot depends on the presenter; you need, of course, to tease and joke with the contestants and cheer them up. The competition was held at more than one hundred corporate events, and it was always met with laughter and fun!

Well, now a competition called “Star of the New Year’s Dance Floor” will be held for you. This competition will require the participation of the 5 most active employees of the company. Your task is simply to dance very, very, very actively, because the most inactive dancer is eliminated. Go! (rock and roll plays) (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most inactive one and, to applause, asks him to leave the dance floor).

Now there are only four of you left. Imagine that you danced for an hour and were so tired that your legs gave out, but real stars don’t give up that easily! So, your task is to dance no less actively, but without the help of your legs. (plays “hands up - well, where are the hands”). (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most inactive one and asks him to leave the dance floor to applause).

There are only three of you left, and you are pretty tired, it’s time to sit down. Now dance actively while sitting, you can only move your head and hands. (Caste - Blatnoy number). After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the least active one and, to applause, asks him to leave the dance floor.

And we still have two real superstars of the dance floor! There's one last push left. And, of course, at the end of such a dance battle the whole body goes numb, but the stars are never lost, because the face is still alive! Your task is to dance with facial expressions without moving anything! Let's go! (rock and roll).

After the 30-second “make” a face, the presenter, with the help of applause from the audience, chooses the New Year’s star of the dance floor!

Competition 5. A SIECE OF BREAD


The essence of the competition is that the presenter offers to bet with someone that he cannot eat a piece of bread (a standard half) in 1 minute without drinking. It seems very simple task and this will captivate the participants to try their hand. But in reality it is almost impossible to do this. Do you have any doubts? Try it for yourself at lunch.

Competition 6. ICE, BABY, ICE!

A VERY INTERESTING TEST THAT IS FUN TO DO. True, a little trouble with the props is required.

The presenter calls three daredevils to participate in the competition and says that the task is “easy as pie” - you need to put on a T-shirt, that’s all. After participants are found. The presenter brings out three T-shirts, well rolled and frozen in the freezer. The participant's task is to put on the T-shirt the fastest.

Competition 7. KISS TO KEEP OUT


The presenter calls 8 participants - 4 males and 4 beautiful. We put people in order - m-f-m-f. Then they are told that they need to pass a kiss on the cheek, everyone in order kisses the next one on the cheek. At any moment the music stops and whoever stops is eliminated. The host should subtly command the DJ when the music needs to stop. At first, you can do it so that girls and guys drop out one by one, but by the end you need to adjust it so that three or two guys remain. It becomes very funny when only men remain in the competition.

Well, that's all, dear organizer of noise and fun! We hope you enjoyed our competitions. In this blog we will post a lot of them, so don’t forget to subscribe, and we will do everything to ensure that you mark the most fun one New Year in your life.

Remember Smartyparty is boxed solution to hold a corporate event on your own. if you AND YOUR COLLEAGUES don’t want AND CAN’T waste time and fuss with finding props and preparing the holiday - Give them a box. in it you will find everything you need to organize a super fun PARTY.

Really funny script for New Year's corporate party here!

Funny tasks and games will help you not only have fun, but also get to know each other better, which is especially important in a company where there are many new characters. It is better to select competitions in advance, taking into account the composition of the company and its preferences. And there’s so much to choose from!

In the first part of the article we offer cool funny competitions for fun company at the table. Funny forfeits, questions, games - all this will help break the ice in an unfamiliar environment and have a fun and useful time. Competitions may require additional props, so it is better to resolve this issue in advance.

The competition is held at the beginning of each event. It is necessary to prepare a comic answer to the question “Why did you come to this holiday?” on several pieces of paper. These answers may vary:

  • free food;
  • look at people and show yourself;
  • no place to sleep;
  • the owner of the house owes me money;
  • I was bored at home;
  • I'm afraid to be alone at home.

All the papers with the answers are put into a bag, and each guest in turn takes out a note and asks a question loudly, and then reads the answer.


You must play without leaving the table and already drunk, which will add a special piquancy to the competition. Identical drawings that have unfinished details should be prepared in advance.

You can make the drawings completely identical and not finish drawing the same parts, or you can leave different details unfinished. The main thing is that the idea of ​​the drawing is the same. Reproduce sheets with pictures in advance using a printer or manually.

The guests' task is simple - finish the drawings the way they want, but use only left hand(right if the person is left-handed).

The winner is chosen by the entire company by voting.


This competition is designed to allow people around the table to get to know each other better, especially if many of them are seeing each other for the first time. You will need to prepare a box in advance with pieces of paper on which to write questions in advance.

The box is passed around the circle, and each guest pulls out a question and answers it as truthfully as possible. The questions can be different, the main thing is not to ask too frank so that the person does not feel uncomfortable:

Questions can be created in large quantities, funny and serious, the main thing is to create a relaxed atmosphere in the company.

"Where I am"

Should be prepared in advance blank sheets papers and pens according to the number of guests. On each piece of paper, each guest must describe his appearance in words: thin lips, beautiful eyes, wide smile, birthmark on the cheek, etc.

Then all the leaves are collected and placed in one container. The presenter takes out sheets of paper one by one and reads aloud the description of the person, and the whole company must guess it. But each guest can name only one person, and the one who guesses the most wins and receives a symbolic prize.


The rules of this game are extremely simple: the company sits in a circle so that all participants can clearly see each other’s eyes. The first person says the word “I”, and after him everyone repeats the same word in turn.

Initially it is simple, but the main rule is not to laugh and not to miss your turn. At first, everything is simple and not funny, but you can pronounce the word “I” in different intonations and lines to make the company laugh.

When someone laughs or misses their turn, the whole company chooses a name for this player and then he says not only “I”, but also the word that was assigned to him. Now it will be more difficult not to laugh, because when an adult man sits next to you and says in a squeaky voice: “I am a flower,” it is very difficult not to laugh and gradually all the guests will have funny nicknames.

For laughter and for forgotten word the nickname is assigned again. The funnier the nicknames are, the faster everyone will laugh. The one who finishes the game with the smallest nickname wins.


All guests are in a line next to each other. The first player starts and speaks any word into his neighbor’s ear. His neighbor continues and in his neighbor’s ear he speaks his association with the word he heard. And so all the participants go in a circle.

Example: The first one says “apple”, the neighbor passes on the word association “juice”, then there may be “fruit” - “garden” - “vegetables” - “salad” - “bowl” - “dishes” - “kitchen” and so on . After all participants have said the association and the circle returns to the first player, he says his association out loud.

Now the main task of the guests is to guess the topic and the original word that was at the very beginning.

Each player can express his thoughts only once, but not say his own word. All players must guess every association word; if they fail, the game simply starts over, but with a different participant.


The whole company sits in a circle so that they can clearly see each other's eyes. All players draw lots - these can be matches, coins or notes.

All the tokens for the lot are the same, except for one, which shows who will be the sniper. The lot must be drawn so that the players do not see what falls to whom. There should only be one sniper and he should not give himself away.

Sitting in a circle, the sniper chooses his victim in advance, and then carefully winks at her. The victim, noticing this, loudly shouts “Killed!” and leaves the game, but the victim must not give away the sniper.

The sniper must be extremely careful so that another participant does not notice his wink and call him. The players' goal is to identify and neutralize the killer.

However, this must be done by two players simultaneously pointing at the sniper. This game will require remarkable endurance and speed, as well as quick wits to identify the enemy and not be killed.

"Guess the Prize"

This game will be an excellent option for a birthday celebration, because it can be based on the name of the hero of the occasion. For each letter in the name of the birthday person, a prize is placed in an opaque bag, for example, the name Victor - the bag should contain 6 different small prizes for each letter of the name: a wafer, a toy, candy, a tulip, nuts, a belt.

Guests must guess each prize. The one who guesses and receives a gift. If the prizes are too intricate, then the host should give the guests tips.

This is a very easy competition that requires the preparation of additional props - pens and pieces of paper. First, the whole company is divided into pairs; this can be done randomly, by lot, or at will.

Everyone gets a pen and paper and writes any words. There can be from 10 to 20 words - real nouns, not made-up ones.

All the pieces of paper are collected and placed in a box, and the game begins.

The first pair receives a box and one of the participants pulls out a piece of paper with a word. He tries to explain this word to his partner without mentioning it.

When he guesses the word, they proceed to the next one; the pair has no more than 30 seconds for the entire task. After the time has expired, the box moves on to the next pair.

The one who guesses as many words as possible wins. Thanks to this game, a good time is guaranteed!


You should prepare a couple of buttons in advance - this is all the necessary props. As soon as the leader gives the command, the first participant places the button on the pad index finger and tries to give it to his neighbor.

You cannot use other fingers or drop them, so you must pass them very carefully.

The button must go around a full circle, and the participants who drop it are eliminated. The winner is the one who never drops a button.

Simple comic competitions for a cheerful adult company at the table

At the table, when all the participants have already eaten and drank, it is more fun to play. Moreover, if there are a couple of interesting and unusual competitions that will amuse even the most boring company.

What feast is complete without toast? This is an important attribute of any feast, so you can diversify them a little or help those who don’t like this business or don’t know how to make speeches.

Therefore, the host announces in advance that the toasts will be unusual and must be said while observing the conditions. Conditions written on a piece of paper are placed in the bag in advance: associate the toast with food (let life be all in chocolate), make a speech in a certain style (criminal speech, in the style of “The Hobbit”, stuttering, etc.), associate congratulations with animals ( flutter like a butterfly, be fragile like a moth, love devotedly like swans), say congratulations in verse or foreign language, say a toast where all words begin with the same letter.

The list of tasks can be increased indefinitely, the main thing is that you have enough imagination.

"In my pants"

This spicy game is suitable for a group where everyone knows each other well and is ready to have fun. The presenter cannot reveal the meaning of the game in advance. All guests take their seats, and each guest calls the name of any film in his neighbor's ear.

The player remembers and, in turn, names another movie to his neighbor. All players must receive a title. The presenter, after this, asks the players to say out loud “In my pants...” and add the same name of the film. It's a lot of fun when someone ends up with The Lion King or Resident Evil in their pants!

The main thing is that the company is fun, and no one is offended by jokes!

"Illogical Quiz"

This little quiz is perfect for lovers of intellectual humor. It is good to hold it at the very beginning of the celebration, while the guests can think soberly. It is worth warning everyone in advance to think carefully about the question before giving an answer.

Players can be given pieces of paper and pencils so that they can write down the answers or simply ask questions and immediately out loud, after listening to the answers, name correct option. The questions are:

How many years did the Hundred Years' War last?

What country did Panama hats come from?

  • Brazil;
  • Panama;
  • America;
  • Ecuador.

When is the October Revolution celebrated?

  • in January;
  • in September;
  • in October;
  • In November.

What was the name of George the Sixth?

  • Albert;
  • Charles;
  • Michael.

Which animal Canary Islands owe their name?

  • seal;
  • toad;
  • canary;
  • mouse.

Although some of the answers are logical, the correct answers are:

  • 116 years old;
  • Ecuador;
  • In November.
  • Albert.
  • from a seal.

"What I feel?"

You should prepare pieces of paper in advance on which emotions and feelings will be written: rage, love, anxiety, sympathy, flirting, indifference, fear or disdain. All pieces of paper must be in a bag or box.

All players position themselves so that their hands are touching and their eyes are closed. The first participant in the circle or row opens his eyes and pulls out a piece of paper with the name of the feeling from the bag.

He must convey this feeling to his neighbor by touching his hand in a certain way. You can gently stroke the hand, feigning tenderness, or hit, feigning anger.

Then there are two options: either the neighbor must guess the feeling out loud and draw out the next piece of paper with the feeling, or pass on the received feeling further. During the game, you can discuss emotions or play in complete silence.

"Where I am?"

One participant is selected from the company and seated on a chair in the center of the room so that his back is to everyone. A sign with inscriptions is attached to his back using tape.

They can be different: “Bathroom”, “Shop”, “Sobering-up station”, “Maternity room” and others.

The rest of the players should ask him leading questions: how often do you go there, why do you go there, for how long.

The main player must answer these questions and thereby make the company laugh. The players on the chair can change, as long as the company has fun!

"Ladle bowls"

All players sit in a circle. The presenter prepares in advance a box of forfeits, on which various kitchen utensils and attributes are written: forks, spoons, pots, etc.

Each player in turn must take out one forfeit and read its name. He must not be named to anyone. After all players receive the pieces of paper, they sit down or stand in a circle.

The presenter must ask the players, and the players must give the answer that they read on the piece of paper. For example, the question is “What are you sitting in?” the answer is “In a frying pan.” The questions can be different, the presenter’s task is to make the player laugh and then give him a task.


This competition is good to hold in a women's company on March 8, but it is perfect for other events. Small pleasant prizes are prepared in advance and numbered.

Their numbers are written on pieces of paper and put in a bag. All participants in the event must pull out a piece of paper and take the prize. However, this can be turned into a game and the host must ask funny questions to the player. As a result, each guest will leave with a small nice prize.


A bowl with small coins is placed in the center of the table. Each player has his own saucer. The presenter gives the players teaspoons or Chinese chopsticks.

At the signal, everyone begins to scoop coins out of the bowl and drag them to their plate. The presenter should warn in advance how much time the players will have for this task and give a sound signal after the time has elapsed. Afterwards, the presenter counts the coins on the saucer for each player and chooses the winner.


This game is played in a drinking company, where people are not afraid to get drunk. One volunteer goes out the door and doesn’t peek. The group places 3-4 glasses on the table and fills them so that one contains vodka and all the others contain water.

Volunteers are welcome. He should intuitively choose a glass of vodka and drink it with water. Whether he manages to find the right pile depends on his intuition.


A plate is placed on the table and the random item. The volunteer is blindfolded and given two forks. He is brought to the table and given time so that he can feel the object with forks and identify it.

You can ask questions, but they should only be answered with “Yes” or “No”. Questions can help the player determine whether an item is edible, whether it can be used to wash their hands or brush their teeth, etc.

The presenter should prepare in advance two forks, a blindfold and objects: an orange, candy, toothbrush, a dish sponge, a coin, a hair tie, a jewelry box.

This is a famous game that came from America. You don't need tape or sheets of paper, or a marker.

You can use sticky stickers, but check in advance whether they will stick well to the skin. Each participant writes any person or animal on a piece of paper.

These could be celebrities, movie or book characters, or ordinary people. All the pieces of paper are put into a bag and the presenter mixes them. Then all participants sit in a circle and the leader, passing by each one, sticks a piece of paper with an inscription on his forehead.

Each participant has a piece of paper with an inscription attached to their forehead using tape. The players' task is to find out who they are by asking leading questions in turn: “Am I a celebrity?”, “Am I a man?” Questions should be structured so that they can be answered in monosyllables. The one who guesses the character first wins.

Another fun example table competition- in the next video.