Diet for cellulite on legs. A simplified version of the anti-cellulite diet

Greetings my dear girlfriends. I have good mood and that's why - I can in once more reveal the secrets of beauty and health to you! Today we are talking about a diet for the thighs and buttocks, which will help you reduce their volume and deal with cellulite.

After doing some research, I hasten to you with a wealth of knowledge. We need to learn all the methods of dealing with flaws on our beloved body, so I was well prepared for our conversation.

Oh, how many ladies I know - these are quite adult women, and young girls, they all tell me: “How annoying this one is on the buttocks! What I just didn’t try as a saving remedy for this, but I lost!

You and I, beauties, intend to win, don't we? So let's take a look at the question that worries you so much and start taking appropriate measures to eliminate cellulite from the buttocks and thighs.

All that I know, I will tell you, and you will only work on yourself a little, and then you will not recognize your body. After applying my recommendations, it will become beautiful, especially the butt!

Now let's get down to business!

What causes bumps in the buttocks

When microcirculation is disturbed and metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat and directly in the skin, then "cellulite" appears.

And then the diet for the hips and buttocks hurries to the rescue, which is focused on solving the components of this big problem:

  • Reducing fat deposits;
  • breeding excess fluid;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, improving lymph flow;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes.

Given these requirements, we decide on a nutrition plan:

  • Reducing the calorie content of food;
  • Refusal of salt and other products, causing delay water;
  • Consumption of a large number of vegetables, fruits, mainly those that strengthen blood vessels.

Any anti-cellulite diet involves the normalization of the intestines, cleansing the body. A good old enema will help you take the first step in this cleansing.

The formation of the hated bumpiness of the skin can also be prevented by eating properly. But, if it is already present, callousing your and other people's eyes, then we will certainly remove it!

Standard procedures are often unsuccessful in the fight against "cellulite" on the pope. This is due to the rather thick skin problem area and its inaccessibility for independent influence.

A special anti-cellulite diet is a special and effective approach to eliminating such an oppressive misunderstanding.

I am sure that your buttocks will soon be unrecognizable after you try my recipes on yourself.

Recommendations for an anti-cellulite diet for thighs and buttocks

There are quite a few different diets, but not all of them are suitable for our case. As a result, you can only aggravate your condition and become more “rumpled” or, in general, undermine your health.

First of all, my friends, remember the most important rule to a diet from cellulite priests: you should eat according to the season.

This means that fruits and vegetables have the best taste and nutritional qualities at the time of their ripening.

  • Dishes that contain starch, namely: rice, pasta, potatoes, are recommended to be consumed together with vegetable salads. This combination is also appropriate for meat and fish.
  • If you would like to sit on effective diet against cellulite on the pope, then you need to get involved in eating meat and dairy products less.
  • Boiled or stewed meat is allowed to be eaten no more than 2 times a week, and then only as an addition to the main dishes.
  • If the lack of meat bothers you, then go to, there are no such restrictions.
  • Cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream and other dairy products should not be fatty. It is advisable to eat cheese no more than 3 times a week, up to a total of 90 g.
  • In addition, salt, sugar and animal fats must be reduced.
  • Never eat sweets after meals.

So, my dears, we are gradually removing from our diet everything that creates a favorable environment for the “blooming” of cellulite.

By going to the protein or page, you will find a list of unacceptable for diet food products. Even for healthy people they are undesirable, and for "orange peel" problem areas of the body, they are even more contraindicated.

Weekly diet against cellulite on the thighs and buttocks:

Days of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday 40 g of salad; 40 g boiled rice; 10 g of vegetable oil; 50 g low-fat cheese; 1 kg of apples. You are allowed to mix everything. 100 g of baked beef; 200 g boiled beets (it can be seasoned lemon juice); cup skimmed milk; 40 g of bread.
Tuesday 100 g mashed potatoes; 100 g of boiled beef; 10 g butter; 40 g pasta; a little pear (about 100 g). Fruit salad of banana, grapefruit, pear (50 g each) and 200 g of stewed carrots.
Wednesday 150 g of baked flounder; 20 g of bread; 100 g carrots; 10 g of vegetable oil; 50 g celery. Soup from a 150 gram mixture of vegetables; 5 g grated cheese; a small beef escalope; bouillon.
Thursday 30 g of buckwheat diet bread; a glass of tea; 1 teaspoon of honey. Soup from 25 grams of rice; 10 g grated cheese; bouillon; parsley; 100 g fried liver; 200 boiled beans as a side dish. Vegetable salad of 30 g radish, 50 g tomato, 30 g dill, 50 g lettuce; 10 g of vegetable oil; boiled egg.
Friday 30 g of rye diet bread; a glass of tea; 1 teaspoon of honey. 40 g pasta; 100 g baked rabbit meat; 200 g spinach; 100 g apples. 300 g bran bread; 150 g tomato; 100 g of orange; low fat cheese.
Saturday 30 g of wheat diet bread; a glass of tea; 2 teaspoons of honey. onion soup; 100 g freshwater fish; 100 g baked potatoes; one grapefruit. 100 g of stewed beef; 100 g green peas; 50 g of tomato; 100 g of apples; 30 g of bread.
Sunday 30 g of rice diet bread; a glass of tea; 2 teaspoons of honey. Vermicelli seasoned with tomato sauce; 100 g of roast beef; 10 g of cheese; 150 g of steamed pumpkin; 100 g pear; a glass of milk. 100 g of apples; 200 g omelet with cheese; 30 g of bread.

In addition to the presented diet for the thighs and buttocks, I can also recommend you against cellulite on the thighs and buttocks. I am sure that it will also help you get rid of the "orange peel".

Proper nutrition from cellulite

An integrated approach to the elimination of cellulite

You already know how to remove cellulite on the pope with the help of a diet, but a 100% result is guaranteed only in the case of comprehensive measures to combat this scourge. These include:

  1. Various wraps: clay, honey, coffee.
  2. Vacuum, hardware and manual massage.
  3. Scrubs and anti-cellulite masks.
  4. Fitness in different directions: yoga, Pilates, running, swimming.

A short story of my fitness trainer friend (not her husband):

Isabella, 33, fitness trainer:

One summer I went on vacation to the sea. For interest, I decided to compile a small statistics of cellulite pop. God, how many trembling, like jelly, fifth points I had to observe! With the naked eye, it was clear how merciless cellulite disfigured the skin of many legs, hips and buttocks! Some had more pronounced deformity, others less. But about 80% of the representatives of the weaker sex I saw were amazed " orange peel».

The buttocks are a favorite place for cellulite deposits, so it is not surprising that they can often be seen in many women, regardless of complexion and age.

Almost any young lady or lady can expel cellulite from her body, if, firstly, she learns to sort the foods she eats. And secondly, to measure their number.

There is a third, perhaps the most important component: “Move your booty!”

Anything, even fitness, even dancing, will work well.

Well, what do you think of Isabella's advice? Let's say a firm "YES" to the fight against cellulite on the hips and buttocks?


That’s all for today, my smarties, otherwise I can’t call you otherwise, because you read everything to the end and unambiguously made the necessary conclusions.

I encourage you to engage in dialogue with your girlfriends from social networks. Thanks to the World Wide Web, you can spread very useful information to everyone who needs it. And one day, maybe someone will help you too. Also on my blog you can find even more information about.

Beauty, Health and Happiness to you and your loved ones.

Hugs, your Anna 🙂

Malnutrition, aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle, is one of the key reasons development of the orange peel. Harmful substances, fats and slags accumulate in the subcutaneous layer, forming unattractive tubercles and depressions. That's why healthy eating- one of the main principles of the fight against cellulite (along with cosmetic procedures and physical activity). In this article, we will talk about foods that cause cellulite, as well as what anti-cellulite foods you need to eat in order to maintain health and beauty.


What foods cause cellulite?

- this is not a specific menu and meals in a clear specified time. And certainly not total starvation. If you think that the main task in the fight against cellulite is to lose weight, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve significant success. Losing weight, of course, does not hurt, but too much weight loss will only aggravate the situation. The fat layer will become smaller, but under the sagging, flabby skin, the orange relief will be even more pronounced.

Balanced and regular nutrition, enough necessary nutrients, limiting or refusing products that are harmful to skin health - this is what it means to eat right.

We hasten to please: you don’t have to completely exclude foods that cause cellulite from the diet. With fast food, sweet soda, salty chips - of course, you should do just that. But most of the products that lead to cellulite can simply be limited, allowing them only occasionally, or replaced with more useful ones.

  1. Flour products. Wheat and its products contain toxic lectins. They are the most common cause allergic reactions. Moreover, flour products contain a myriad of calories that will gladly be deposited on your forms in the form of fat. If you want to keep a beautiful figure, give up snacking on sandwiches, muffins or sweet pastries. It is better to replenish energy with oatmeal, brown flour bread coarse grinding or cereal cookies.
  2. Sugar. Just four tablespoons of sugar can increase the number of free radicals in the body by one and a half times. As a result, weakened walls blood vessels cannot provide full blood circulation, the cells receive less oxygen and nutrients, the process of cellulite formation starts. In addition, sugar disrupts the production of collagen necessary for skin elasticity and often causes skin rashes. Decided not to put sugar in tea or coffee? Alas, this is not enough. Sugar is found in many of the foods we eat every day. To limit your sugar intake and save yourself from cellulite, replace it with honey or brown sugar, and eat dried fruits, dark chocolate and fresh fruits instead of cream cakes. However, you can occasionally treat yourself to your favorite dessert, but only for breakfast.
  3. Salt. Salt deposits under the skin are accompanied by fluid retention in the tissues, in this way the body tries to neutralize the toxic effect of salt. And, as you know, it is the stagnation of fluid that leads to deformation of the subcutaneous tissues and the formation of cellulite. Excess salt disrupts the work of cardio-vascular system. It is not worth completely depriving yourself of salt, but it is necessary to limit its consumption. Avoid products with great content salt, try not to salt the dishes that you cook yourself.
  4. Fast food. Products fast food contain a huge number of calories, saturated fats, preservatives and stabilizers - all this together is a real bomb for our health. Forbid yourself to go to places that offer a quick bite to eat, give up ham, sausages and convenience foods - and you will significantly prolong your youth and health.
  5. Alcohol. Just 50 ml of alcohol increases the concentration of fats in the blood, slows down its circulation and increases the production of estrogen, the excess of which leads to the formation of cellulite. Not to mention the toxic effects of alcohol on all body systems. Give up low-alcohol drinks, champagne, sweet wines and beer, replacing them with a glass of dry wine.
  6. Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauce. Excess salt, preservatives and harmful additives are essential ingredients in these products. Stagnation of fluid, swelling and inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue is an inevitable result of their consumption. If you want to get rid of loose skin, give preference to mustard, mayonnaise home cooking, vegetable oils and natural sour cream.
  7. Macaroni and cereals. They contain refined carbohydrates, which, when ingested, increase the content of glucose and sugar in the blood, and also reduce the effect of insulin. This often leads to an increase in body fat. To save slim figure, replace the side dish of pasta or porridge with vegetables.
  8. Caffeine. Can't imagine a day without a cup of coffee? And it is not necessary, but it is necessary to limit its consumption. Drinking more than 200 ml of coffee a day, you yourself provoke a slowdown in blood circulation. If you really want to, drink no more than a cup of coffee a day, but not instant, but natural. Better yet, switch to green or Herb tea. But for cosmetic procedures - very effective.

What foods will help get rid of cellulite?

The list of products that remove cellulite is quite extensive, so you are not in danger of staying hungry. Naturally, it is unlikely that you will be able to restore the smoothness of the skin just by eating yogurt or an egg and continuing to lead a passive lifestyle. Proper nutrition is effective only in combination with physical activity and cosmetic procedures - and. But by adding foods from the healthy list to your diet, you will significantly improve your well-being and skin condition.

  1. Water. Dehydration leads to the appearance of cellulite. Drink up to 2 liters pure water, natural juices or any unsweetened and non-carbonated drinks to maintain an optimal balance of water and salt. Water is also involved in the formation of lymphatic fluid, which removes decay products and other "garbage" from cells.
  2. Green tea. This drink contains the same amount of vitamin C, necessary for the production of collagen, as a lemon. Green tea also acts as a diuretic, removing excess fluid from fat cells.
  3. Milk products. The widespread information that dairy products contribute to the formation of cellulite is true only for homogenized milk, that is, milk that has undergone mechanical and heat treatment at the factory. In such a product, there are practically no useful substances left, and its digestibility by the body is close to zero. But include unboiled homemade milk in the daily menu and dairy products a must if you want to stay healthy and smooth skin. But choose low-fat or with low content fat products.
  4. Seeds and nuts. Walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds contain vitamins E and B6, as well as selenium and zinc, which maintain skin firmness and elasticity. But you need to eat these foods in small portions no more than twice a week, since nuts and seeds are very high in calories and can easily shake the scale arrow in a big direction.
  5. Sharp spices. Ginger and hot peppers are sources of the alkaloid capsaicin, which suppresses hunger, speeds up metabolism and forces cells to produce heat by burning fat for this. By adding spicy seasonings to dishes, you will not only eat less, but also get rid of extra pounds.
  6. Rosemary. Another seasoning that can fight cellulite. The polyphenol and rosmarinic acid contained in rosemary prolong the youthfulness of the skin, preventing its destruction by free radicals. And ursolic acid slows down aging and helps to lose weight.
  7. Cabbage. Contains calcium, potassium and vitamin C, which are essential for normal operation body and skin health. Especially useful in the fight against cellulite Brussels sprouts. Small cabbages contain substances that block estrogens that disrupt the production of elastic fibers.
  8. Eggs. Zinc, iodine, iron, vitamins B12, D, E and A, easily digestible proteins - all these useful material make eggs one of the most useful products in an anti-cellulite diet. In addition, with a minimum of calories, eggs perfectly saturate. Are you afraid of cholesterol? Do not eat yolks, proteins will be enough. And one more thing: eggs must be boiled, not fried.
  9. Avocado. In small quantities, these high-calorie fruits help reduce appetite and increase satiety. The glutathione found in avocados supports the liver in the difficult task of excretion. toxic substances. But it is their delay that leads to the appearance of cellulite!
  10. Berries. Tasty and healthy treat eliminates excess fluid and toxins, so they are great for those who want to normalize weight and make the skin smooth and supple. Especially useful in this regard are berries with a red color.
  11. Bananas. The potassium contained in bananas prevents the retention of excess fluid and accelerates blood circulation. Use occasionally, due to the high.

As you can see, even a diet can be delicious and enjoyable. However, don't expect immediate results. A balanced, healthy diet will inevitably lead to better general condition body, weight loss and smooth skin, but this takes time. You can speed up success by supplementing the diet and caring procedures: for example, clay wraps and herbal medicine. Believe in yourself and be beautiful!

What products should you lean on, and which ones should you forget about if you are determined to get rid of cellulite?

There are products that help get rid of cellulite. But there are those who only contribute to its occurrence. So, what should you lean on and what should you forget about if you are determined to get rid of cellulite?

Products to fight cellulite

Blueberries and Grapefruit: Antioxidants

Due to the high amount of antioxidants, these fruits easily cope with free radicals. Berries contain another important anti-cellulite component: flavonoids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood circulation and lymph flow throughout the body. Therefore, they contribute to the elimination of toxins from fat cells.

Dark berries (lingonberries, black currants) are a real storehouse of vitamin C, which cleanses the body and promotes collagen production. Thanks to this, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, and cellulite is losing ground.

Avocado and fish: healthy fatty acids

These products contain a large number of omega-3 acids. They improve the condition of the skin, accelerate intracellular metabolism and the process of burning fat, thereby preventing its accumulation.

Similar products are nuts, melon and sunflower seeds, linseed, burdock and olive oil.

Tomato and strawberry: drainage properties

What do these products have in common, besides the red color? High content potassium. This element prevents fluid retention in the body, which means that fat cells are released from toxins much faster.

Potassium is also found in pineapples, bananas and potatoes, dried apricots and prunes, peas and soybeans.

Pineapple - a blow to cellulite

The most famous weapon in the fight against cellulite is pineapple. In addition to potassium, it contains an enzyme called bromelain, which helps to quickly digest even very large amounts of protein.

Seafood, iodine-containing products

It is known that iodine improves blood and lymph circulation, significantly accelerates cellular metabolism. Therefore, be sure to include fish and seafood in your diet.

Like no other fruit, pears contain a lot of iodine.

Fruit, wholemeal pastries: fiber

Fiber - very important element"anti-cellulite" diet, as it contributes to less deposition of fats and sugars (the very first enemies of smooth skin). Let your diet have more fiber contained in fruits and ballast substances, i.е. cereals and wholemeal bread. These substances are absorbed faster, are easily processed in the body and do not linger in it.

Cellulite aggravating products

White rice, flour, sweets: contain sugar

sugar in excess quantities present in rich pastries, processed rice, artificial juices. What's wrong with it? He increases glycemic index food. After eating such foods, the amount of sugar in the blood rises sharply. The body reacts to this with an immediate release of insulin and an increase in blood glucose, the excess of which is converted into fat. As a result, the cells are “clogged” with fat.

Coffee and black tea: contain caffeineProducts fast food: contain artificial components

Preservatives, dyes and flavors can accumulate in skin tissues. In addition, foods containing them contain little fiber and nutrients. But there is plenty of fat and salt, which retains water in the body and contributes to the appearance of cellulite.

Based on materials

It can be said with certainty that most health problems are due to improper balanced diet. And cellulite is no exception. To get rid of it, you need to critically assess the seriousness of the situation. First of all, you need to review your diet. The most acceptable option would be to establish proper nutrition and change the daily routine to get rid of cellulite.

Cellulite is all the toxins, waste products and impurities of the body that come in the form of food and drink. And proper nutrition against cellulite does not mean a complete rejection of food. Also, techniques do not require full time control. If you quickly lose weight, cellulite will still not leave you. The main principle is a balanced fractional nutrition. This should be achieved gradually, step by step refusing to bad habits.

Proper nutrition for cellulite

Before adjusting your diet, you should change your lifestyle. It is important to lead against cellulite active image life. If labor activity connected with sedentary work, you need to conduct regular warm-ups or do some kind of sport. Thus subcutaneous fat will turn into muscle mass thereby eliminating the aesthetic imperfections of the skin.

It is worth noting that experts recommend drinking a small amount of dry red wine. Subject to consumption of no more than one hundred grams per day, toxins and waste products will be gradually removed from the body. With cellulite, you need to eat foods with a maximum content of potassium. It is known that potassium promotes the removal of excess fluid from the tissues. After that, the skin will become more elastic and elastic. Because of this, cellulite will gradually disappear completely.

This microelement is found in such products:

The bulk of your daily diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. They are great for cellulite. Such food will help speed up the metabolism, which contributes to the removal of toxins and the breakdown of fats. Nutritionists advise eating one apple or orange before bed. Thus the body will be cleansed during the night. It is better to eat fruit on an empty stomach. At the same time, the feeling of hunger is dulled, and the body receives required amount fiber.

In order to improve the condition of the skin after cellulite, you need a sufficient amount of vitamin E. This component helps to cleanse, strengthen and firm it. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, or in such products: eggs, olive, linseed, corn oil. And the necessary antioxidants are found in foods such as seaweed, seafood. This will help give the skin a natural glow and elasticity.

Fat deposits can be broken down with freshly squeezed juices. Suitable for both fruits and vegetables. For cellulite, drink at least one glass on an empty stomach or before meals. It is very important to consume enough liquid. To do this, it is better to choose plain purified water or green tea without sugar. Daily rate should be about two liters. Water promotes rapid cleansing.

Improves metabolism and improves performance digestive system oatmeal and. They are rich in fiber and other micro and macro elements. oatmeal useful for breakfast with a variety of fruits and dried fruits: dried apricots, peaches, raisins, prunes, honey and nuts. Only when eating cereals, and not pasta and fried foods, you can get rid of cellulite.

With cellulite, it is very important to adjust and distribute your nutrition in such a way that you no longer have to eat after 18:00. It is evening snacks that are deposited in the body in the form excess weight and cellulite. At the first stages of entering into a healthy diet, it is allowed to drink a cup of green tea without sugar in the evening, eat a couple of muesli porridge or some fruit in the evening.

To overcome cellulite, you will have to give up many familiar foods. At the same time, it is worth looking for new sources of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. So, protein can be found in boiled or steam fish, chicken, beans, buckwheat and nuts. These products will make up for the lack of protein, and will help speed up all metabolic processes. Fats should be looked for in vegetable oil, especially corn. Exactly vegetable oil should be added to fresh vegetable salads, but not sour cream or mayonnaise.

Carbohydrates when eating for cellulite can be found in:

  • Cereal porridge;
  • Boiled potatoes;

What should be given up?

If you decide to finally get rid of cellulite, you must not only give up your usual diet, but also other bad habits. So, smoking and alcohol simply destroy vitamin C, accelerating the aging process of the skin. In the absence of this vitamin, cellulite develops. Therefore, you need to overcome yourself and start leading healthy lifestyle life.

Although water is very useful, it is strictly prohibited immediately before bedtime. Try not to drink water after 19:00. It is very harmful in the fight against cellulite to eat salty and smoked foods. Such nutrition retains fluid in the body, which leads to edema and cellulite. Therefore, the following are prohibited:

  • Canned food;
  • Marinades;
  • Smoked meat and fish;
  • Fast foods;
  • Pickles.

It is worth minimizing the consumption of sweet and fatty foods. The more of this junk food, the more fats are deposited under the skin. It is also worth avoiding the use of black tea and instant coffee in every possible way. Such a liquid provokes stagnation of water in the tissues. As for natural brewed coffee, it can be drunk in the amount of one cup a day, preferably in the morning.

When getting rid of cellulite, it is important that the morning starts with a normal full breakfast, preferably from cereals or fruits. Cellulite disappears only when the metabolic system is running. It works only when food enters the body. Fruits should be consumed separately from the main diet.

All women without exception dream of getting rid of the disgusting orange peel. At the same time, not many people understand that in order to achieve certain results, it is important to work hard on own body. At the same time, one of important points should be a cellulite diet. What should be against cellulite, we propose to find out.

How to eat right with cellulite?

Waste products produced by the body are deposited in subcutaneous tissue and basically this body fat. As a result, bumps form and the body becomes less attractive. Nutrition is one of the most important factors in the fight against orange peel. Anyone who wants to become beautiful woman should know when there is cellulite what foods to exclude:

  • semi-finished products;
  • fast foods;
  • fatty, fried foods;
  • confectionery;
  • canned food;
  • sauces;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • smoked meats.

Ingestion of dyes and food additives can contribute to slagging of the body. To avoid this, it is better to cook food yourself with fresh vegetables and fruits. Artificial sweeteners also negatively affect the body, leading to additional production of insulin, which can cause the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. Proper nutrition from cellulite is the best assistant.

Diet against cellulite

A unique diet for getting rid of cellulite allows you to use the following products:

  • lean meat in boiled form;
  • buckwheat;
  • eggs (no more than three pieces per week);
  • vegetables fruits;
  • cottage cheese;
  • juices;
  • still mineral water.

Among the prohibited products:

  • butter;
  • salt, sugar;
  • mayonnaise;
  • dairy products;
  • smoked products;
  • fried foods;
  • bakery products;
  • sweet and flour;
  • beer;
  • wine.

An example menu might look like this:

  1. Morning: boiled egg(1 pc), or (no more than one hundred grams), a couple of fruits, a glass of tea, or freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Dinner: boiled meat (100 g), corn, or green pea(150 g), fresh vegetables, freshly squeezed juice.
  3. Dinner: rice, or buckwheat, boiled vegetables (no more than 200 g).

Dukan diet for cellulite

This weight loss method consists of four phases:

  1. The first is called "Attack" and protein predominates here.
  2. The second is called "Cruise". By certain days you need to add vegetables.
  3. The third phase is called "Consolidation". It is reinforcing when it is necessary to gradually return to the usual rhythm of life.
  4. The fourth phase is called "Stabilization". It stabilizes the process of digestion and metabolism.

The cellulite diet menu in the first phase offers the following:

  1. Breakfast: scrambled eggs, fish, coffee or tea.
  2. Dinner: baked or boiled meat, juice (except banana and grape).
  3. afternoon tea: cheese (no more than twenty grams), seafood.
  4. Dinner: lean fish, yogurt, or kefir.

Anti-cellulite diet for 10 days

The unique anti-cellulite diet for 10 days has a simple menu. So on odd days - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 it is recommended:

  1. Eat only raw fruits and vegetables.
  2. For breakfast there is only fruit.
  3. At lunch, cook seasoned olive oil. An excellent addition will be cashews, seeds, pumpkin seeds.
  4. For dinner, you can eat vegetable salads and fruits separately.
  5. From fruits it is better to choose pineapples, grapefruits, oranges, kiwi, mangoes, apples.

On the second day, you need to eat only fruits, except for bananas. For 4, 6, 8 and 10 days it is recommended:

  1. Eat boiled vegetables.
  2. Add cereals to your diet.

The menu these days may be as follows:

  1. Breakfast: no more than three hundred grams of fruit and one glass of juice.
  2. Lunch: One serving of fresh vegetables and one serving of boiled vegetables.
  3. Dinner: raw vegetables and a couple of tablespoons of unsalted porridge.