Treatment of microsporia of the scalp. Skin microsporia: treatment of smooth skin disease

Among the highly contagious dermatological pathologies, one of the leading places is occupied by microsporia, or as ringworm is commonly called. It is caused by pathogenic fungi of the genus Microsporum.

Depending on their type, the disease manifests itself as scaly spots on smooth skin, bald spots in the hair on the head, or dull whitish circles on the nail plates.

What is microsporia?

In the people, microsporia is often called ringworm, since broken hairs in the lesions resemble a “brush” - a short haircut.

Microsporia is a type of ringworm.

Now the term "ringworm" means two diseases at once - actually microsporia and trichophytosis. The first is caused by fungi of the Microsporum species, the second by fungi of the Trichophyton species, but both of them belong to the same genus, have similar pathogenesis and clinical manifestations.

How is microsporia transmitted?

The disease is transmitted exclusively through household contact- either from a sick person or animal, or through household items that have been contaminated with fungal spores.

The specific mechanism of infection depends on the type of pathogen. There are three of them:

  • zoophilic - carriers are domestic and stray animals;
  • anthropophilic - the source of infection - a sick person;
  • geophilic - contact with soil containing the mycelium of the fungus or seeded with its spores.

However, even after getting on the skin, the fungus does not always cause microsporia. It just can be washed off with water during hygiene procedures or destroyed by the immune system.

The provoking moments that contribute to the development of the disease are:

  • the presence of microtraumas, diaper rash, calluses or scuffs on the skin - the “entrance gate” for the fungus;
  • weakened immune system;
  • dry skin and imbalance of its microflora.

The combination of these conditions makes it possible for the fungus to penetrate the skin and begin to actively multiply there.

Microsporia in children

According to statistics, children get ringworm more often than adults. And this is quite understandable. They have more contact with pets. And their sebaceous glands do not yet produce some organic acids that can neutralize the pathogenic fungus. But in all other respects, microsporia in children is no different from a similar pathology in adults.

Types of microsporia

Ringworm is classified according to several criteria at once. Depending on the localization of the pathological process, the lesion is distinguished:

  • smooth skin;
  • scalp;
  • nail plates.

Depending on the source of infection, the following types of fungi are distinguished:

  • zoonotic (infection is transmitted by human contact with animals);
  • antoponous (infection is transmitted from person to person);
  • geophilic (contact with contaminated soil).

By the nature of the pathological process:

  • superficial form (the lesion does not affect the deep layers of the skin);
  • exudative form (liquid protrudes from the spots on the skin - the result of an inflammatory reaction in the tissues);
  • infiltrative-suppurative form (inflammation affects the deep layers of the skin, the affected areas swell and become dense, and pus begins to come out of the focus due to the addition of a secondary bacterial infection).

With weakened immunity, long-term microsporia often becomes chronic.

The main and specific manifestations of microsporia

The incubation period of the disease varies greatly, and this period directly depends on the type of pathogen. When infected with a zoophilic or geophilic variety, it is 5-14 days, and an anthropophilic - 1-1.5 months.

Although microsporia can be caused different types fungi, clinical picture in all forms of the disease is almost the same.

The main symptom is red spots of a round or oval shape, which gradually turn pink and become covered with whitish scales. Each such focus is surrounded by a kind of roller, which, as it were, separates it from healthy areas of the skin. Over time, a new spot may form inside it, and then the affected area becomes like a target.

The spots gradually grow in diameter. If there are several foci nearby, they can merge, forming one large scaly patch. Itching and discomfort most often do not bother patients.

Deterioration of the general condition with microsporia, an increase in body temperature, an increase in regional lymph nodes is characteristic only for the infiltrative-suppurative form of the disease.

Microsporia of smooth skin

The disease proceeds in a superficial form, mainly on the face, neck or shoulders, 1-3 rounded red spots with clear boundaries appear. After a few days, they form a border in the form of a dense roller. The spots may increase in size, and if they are located close to each other, merge.

The rash does not cause subjective sensations, only occasionally patients may complain of mild itching. As the disease progresses, the lesions turn pale, turn pink, their middle is covered with whitish scales. With repeated infection, a new spot may form in the center of the area surrounded by the roller. Then the focus takes the form of a target.

Features of the course of the disease in patients of different categories

  • Small children. Pathology proceeds in an erythematous-edematous form. Red spots swell, become inflamed, but practically do not peel off.
  • Persons suffering. Microsporia spots are heavily infiltrated as a result of an inflammatory reaction. The skin in the lesion thickens, becomes dense. In this place, there may even be a violation of pigmentation.
  • Women prone to hirsutism(excessive hair growth). Pathology can affect the deeper layers of the skin. Externally, the lesions look like dense red nodes 2-3 cm in size.

Microsporia of the scalp

Most often, this form of microsporia occurs in children. This is due to the fact that hair follicles in adults produce acids that can inactivate the fungus.

Clinically, the disease is manifested by bald spots on the head in the hair. They have a clear border, but sometimes small areas of secondary damage can form nearby.

Initially, a small spot forms on the head, which begins to peel off. If you look closely, you can see that all the hairs at the root are wrapped in scales in the form of a cuff. After a few days, the fungus penetrates into every hair in the outbreak, as a result of which they become dull and easily break off. A flaky "brush" is formed in the affected area. The skin underneath is inflamed and covered with gray scales.

In addition to the classic picture of microsporia, sometimes there are more rare forms of the disease, which are quite severe.

  • infiltrative form. As a result of the inflammatory reaction, the spot turns red, swells and rises sharply above healthy skin.
  • Suppurative form. The lesion acquires a bluish-purple hue, small pustules form on its surface - vesicles with purulent contents.
  • exudative form. The spots are hyperemic and edematous. On the surface due to excretion serous fluid(exudate), which literally glues the scales together, a hard thick crust is formed.
  • Trichophytoid form. On the scalp, many small foci of microsporia are formed. They are slightly flaky and do not have clear boundaries.
  • seborrheic form. Its difference is the thinning of hair in the affected area, and not the formation of a short "brush" with clearly defined boundaries. You can see the fragments of hairs only by removing the yellowish crusts in the hearth.

All these forms of microsporia occur with changes in general condition the patient - an increase in body temperature, an increase in lymph nodes, soreness and itching in the lesions.

Microsporia nails

It is a rare type of disease. Lesions affect the nail plates, possible defeat skin of palms and soles. Next to the nail in the growth zone, a spot will lie, which has the shape of a crescent. In this place, the nail plastic becomes soft and brittle, and over time it simply collapses.

Anthroponotic form of microsporia

This is a form of the disease that is transmitted only from infected person. When smooth skin is affected, rounded red spots appear. They are always covered with scales, and are limited along the edge by an inflammatory roller.

Foci of microsporia of the scalp are most often located at the border of hair growth. That is, one half of the spot captures smooth skin, and the other is in the scalp. The affected areas are very small sizes, scaly, with broken hairs. But they are very prone to coalescence and often form a large, irregular patch.

Zoonotic and geophilic forms

A rash on smooth skin appears as multiple small spots with clear boundaries. They are covered with whitish scales. Over time, their diameter increases, and inside the old focus, which has already turned pale, a new one is formed.

The spots take the form of a ring in a ring, which is the main distinguishing feature of microsporia from other lichens.

The lesions in the scalp are large and have clear boundaries. In their center, all the hairs are broken off, and the "brush" is covered with a kind of white "cover" consisting of fungal spores.

How is microsporia diagnosed?

Diagnosis is usually not difficult. Examination of the patient consists of a visual examination of the focus using a Wood's fluorescent lamp and several laboratory tests. In its light, the lesions acquire a bright green hue.

An additional diagnostic method is the scraping of scales from smooth skin and the collection of broken hairs from the lesion located on the head in the hair. Under a microscope, filaments of mycelium will be visible on the scales, and spores of the fungus will be visible on the hairs.

After these two studies, culture is carried out, which helps to clarify the type of fungus and select the most effective drugs. However, this diagnostic method is rarely used, since the growth of a fungal colony takes time, at least several days.

Basic principles of treatment

In the fight against microsporia, preparations can be used, both for external use and for oral administration. Which treatment regimen to give preference depends on the degree of skin damage.

If the hairs are not affected, microsporia spots are simply smeared with ointments, creams or sprays until they disappear. These are mainly preparations with terbinafine (for example, Lamisil, Terbizil), as well as ointments containing sulfur, salicylic acid or tar.

If hairs are involved in the pathological process, experts recommend combining the use of external antifungal agents with oral administration of drugs - Griseofulvin, Terbinafine, Itraconazole or their analogues.

If a secondary infection has joined the pathological process, it is best to use combined preparations, which include not only antifungal, but also hormonal components.

During the course of therapy, the patient must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and use separate household items. His belongings must be stretched in water with a temperature of at least 600C. This is quite enough to destroy the fungus and its spores. All surfaces that the patient has come into contact with should be wiped clean. disinfectant, and boil hygiene items (if possible).

Features of the treatment of microsporia of the scalp

The therapy of this form of microsporia is only complex. At the same time, external and oral antimycotic drugs are used.

For oral administration, experts prescribe Griseofulvin, Tarbinafine, Itraconazole and other tablets. In addition, twice a day, all lesions must be lubricated antifungal agents. If there is inflammation on the skin, then the treatment is carried out hormonal ointment because it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Before you start using an antifungal drug for external use, it is necessary to shave off all broken hairs in the affected area. Subsequently, this should be done at least twice a week until the end of the course of therapy. When washing your hair for the period of treatment, you need to use shampoos with an antifungal component or tar soap.

Features of drug therapy in children

The treatment regimen for microsporia in a child is similar to that in an adult. But the choice of oral drugs due to their rather high toxicity is very limited.

Specialists often opt for Terbinafine and other medicines containing it (Lamisil, Terbizil, etc.). If necessary, they can additionally prescribe hepatoprotectors - drugs that protect the liver from the effects of various toxic substances. External preparations for the fight against ringworm are used the same as in adults.

Basic Prevention Measures

Prevention of microsporia, first of all, consists in regular examination of children, teaching them the rules of personal hygiene and limiting contact with stray animals. Such measures contribute to the timely detection of cases of ringworm and the prevention of further spread of the disease.

All persons who live with a sick family member should be examined using a Wood's lamp, and animals in the house should be vaccinated twice with a vaccine against dermatomycosis.

Microsporia is a pathology, the treatment of which lasts several weeks. Throughout the entire period, strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene is required. Pets are often the culprit. However, do not scold the child for excessive attention to the animal or urgently get rid of the pet. Patience, attention and proper treatment help to overcome the disease.

But sometimes such fun plays a cruel joke with little explorers. After all, in environment there are many pathogens of infectious, fungal skin diseases. The immune system of the crumbs is not yet ready to cope with the abundance of infections. So there is such a disease as microsporia, or ringworm.

It is important for parents to know what microsporia is and how to prevent it. After all, many unpleasant situations may not happen to the baby if moms and dads are vigilant and save their child. You need to understand what the treatment of skin diseases is aimed at, when you can get by with traditional medicine, and when you need to sound the alarm and run to the doctor.

Microsporia or ringworm?

Ringworm is highly contagious fungal disease skin, nails and hair. But it is not entirely correct to call ringworm microsporia, because there are several causative agents of ringworm. If fungi of the genus Trichophyton became the cause of lichen, then the disease is called trichophytosis. When infected with Microsporum fungi, microsporia appears.

In children, microsporia is most common, because the disease is very contagious, and it is transmitted from pets and from sick people. Trichophytosis can only be contracted from a sick person.

Microsporum fungi are among the culprits for the appearance of fungal skin lesions in children. Scientists identify more than 12 species of fungi of this genus, the most common of which is Microsporum canis.

The fungus is highly resistant to external environment and is capable of infecting others for several years. The pathogen is found in hair, animal hair, dust or skin flakes.

Getting on the skin, the fungus takes root and forms its colonies in the hair follicles. This occurs both on the surface of the head and in hair follicles of vellus hair throughout the body. Rarely, microsporia appears on the palms, feet and nails, although there are no hair follicles.

Children of preschool and school age. In adults, the disease is much less common, which is associated with the properties of the immune system of adults.

Although microsporia is a highly contagious disease, not all children become infected with fungi. There are certain risk factors, the combination of which increases the possibility of infection several times.

Risk factors for the development of fungal skin diseases are as follows.

  1. The disease is more common in children with chronic diseases, immunocompromised.
  2. For the development of fungi, sufficient humidity is needed - warm and rainy weather. Therefore, an increase in the incidence of microsporia is noted in spring and summer - in May, June and in autumn - in September, October.
  3. Unfavorable sanitary and hygienic living conditions of the child contribute to the spread of the pathogen.
  4. Increased sweating, moisture in the baby's skin is an excellent environment for the reproduction of the fungus.
  5. Hormonal problems - hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus.

How does microsporia infection occur?

Microsporia - contagious disease, which is most often distributed by sick animals.

Both domestic and wild animals can get sick with a fungal disease. Among domestic animals, cats, dogs, rabbits, large cattle, and among the wild - foxes, arctic foxes, monkeys.

For infection with microsporia, it is not necessary to directly contact the animal. It is enough to get wool or scales from surrounding objects on human skin, for example, when caring for or feeding a pet.

Children most often catch the disease through contact with infected cats, kittens, less often through contact with dogs or through infected care items.

A person who is sick with microsporia and releases the pathogen into the environment also poses a danger. For children, the source of infection is often a sick child, for example, playing in the sandbox or visiting a children's group.

Infection from sick family members is possible, through contact with household items, clothes infected with the fungus. It is dangerous to use one comb or wear a headdress for a patient with microsporia.

By following the rules of hygiene, thorough hand washing, the disease can be prevented. The contact of fungal spores on the surface of human skin does not indicate the inevitability of the disease, although the risk of infection remains high.

The incubation period for microsporia in children

The incubation period may vary. It depends on the type of fungus Microsporum, ranges from 5 days to 6 weeks. But most often the development of the disease occurs after 1 - 2 weeks from the moment the fungus hits the skin.

Classification of microsporia in children

From a type of fungus

Depending on the type of fungus Microsporum, epidemiologists distinguish the following types microsporia.

  1. Zoonotic microsporia. This type of microsporia is caused by fungi, the main host of which is animals. Infection occurs through contact with an animal or while caring for it.
  2. Anthroponotic microsporia. They become infected with anthroponous microsporia from a sick person. This form is typical for children, children's groups, kindergartens, schools. It is enough to touch things that have hair or scales containing fungal spores, and the disease develops.
  3. Geophilic microsporia. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Microsporum, which lives in the soil. A child can become infected by dripping into the ground, seeded with fungal spores.

From localization

Depending on the localization, location of the affected area, the following types of ailment are distinguished.

The first symptom of infection is the appearance on the skin of a small spot of a round or oval shape. The affected area has clear boundaries and rises slightly above the rest of the skin surface. Doctors call this spot a lesion.

Gradually, the area of ​​the lesion increases, the spot becomes larger, dense to the touch. The outer edge of the lesion swells, transforms into a roller, which consists of crusts and vesicles. In the center of the lesion, inflammation, on the contrary, decreases, the skin acquires a pale pink color and becomes covered with scales.

It happens that the fungus re-enters the ring and infects the skin again. Then a new rounded spot appears in the middle of the focus, and then a ring. Re-infections can be repeated, then the shape of the focus resembles a target and consists of several rings, which is very typical for anthroponotic microsporia.

The centers are located on upper limbs, neck, face, at the site of the introduction of the pathogen. The diameter of the spots varies from 5 mm to 3 cm, but sometimes the foci reach 5 cm. The foci located nearby may merge, forming extensive skin lesions.

This infection does not cause severe discomfort in a child and is often painless. There are even abortive forms, when the clinical manifestations of microsporia are not expressed, and the skin remains pale pink, the affected area has no clear boundaries. Severe pain and itching indicate severe inflammatory process at the site of injury.

For children under 3 years of age, an erythematous-edematous form of the disease is characteristic. This form is characterized by the appearance of a red, edematous focus with pronounced signs inflammation. Peeling and the appearance of scales are not typical for microsporia in children, these manifestations are minimal.

Microsporia of the scalp

If fungi get on the child's hair, microsporia of this area develops. This localization is typical for children from 5 to 12 years old and rarely occurs in adults. This is explained by the peculiarity of the hair follicles of adults.

With the onset of puberty, the hair follicles produce an acid that prevents the development of Microsporum fungi. Therefore, cases of spontaneous cure of the disease in children who have reached puberty are known.

Microsporia disease is very rare in children with red hair, the reasons for this are not yet known.

The defeat of the scalp is manifested by the formation of lesions on the crown, crown and temples. On the head, you can see spots of a round or oval shape with clear edges.

After the spores of the fungus get on the skin of the scalp, a small scaly area forms at the site of the lesion. The hair in this place is surrounded by ring-shaped scales. After a week, it is easy to detect hair damage in this area. Hair loses color and elasticity, breaks easily, leaving only fragments about 5 cm long.

The affected area is an island, a group of hair fragments covered with a grayish coating. A large amount of the pathogen is found in plaque and in scales located on the skin of the scalp.

The number of affected areas of the scalp usually does not exceed two. But between the lesions appear small secondary screenings, up to 2 cm in diameter.

The defeat of areas devoid of hair follicles, nails, palms or feet is very rare. With nail microsporia, a gray speck forms on the baby's nail, which grows and increases in size. Over time, the color of the spot changes to white, and the nail plate loses its properties and collapses.

From the depth of defeat

Depending on the depth of skin lesions, the following types of pathology are distinguished.

  • superficial microsporia;

Skin damage in this form is superficial, mainly the upper layers are damaged. Microsporia is manifested by peeling and redness of the skin. When the fungus spreads to the scalp, hair loss and breakage occur. Superficial microsporia is most common in children with anthroponotic infection.

  • infiltrative suppurative microsporia.

In severe suppurative form of microsporia, the inflammation process penetrates deep into the tissues. Focal fragments covered with pustules form on the skin. When pressing on the lesion, a purulent exudate is released. The state of health of the patient with a suppurative form is disturbed.

Diagnosis of microsporia in children

For staging correct diagnosis consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. The specialist examines the affected area of ​​the skin and scalp. Then the doctor conducts a survey and establishes the possibility of contact of the child with a sick microsporia or an infected animal.

The final diagnosis is established after additional research.

  1. Dermoscopy and microscopy. To see the fungus under a microscope, scrapings are taken from the affected skin or hair fragments. When examining the scales of the skin, filaments of mycelium, the bodies of fungi, are found. On damaged hair, a large number of fungal spores are determined.
  2. Cultural research. To more accurately diagnose, prescribe treatment and determine prevention, sowing scales or hair on a nutrient medium will help. After 2-3 days after sowing, colonies of fungi appear in the Petri dish. By appearance colonies, you can determine the type of pathogen and choose a treatment that will definitely affect this species fungus.
  3. Luminescent research. With the help of the Wood's lamp, you can quickly determine the disease in a child. The affected hair begins to glow during a fluorescent examination. in green. A prerequisite for diagnosis is the cleansing of lesions from ointments and crusts, conducting a study in a dark room.

Thus, only experienced doctor can accurately determine the cause of the disease, correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment of microsporia in children. General principles

To quickly cure microsporia in a child, it is necessary to start therapy on time and choose the right antifungal treatment. Long-term ineffective treatment or smoothing of the symptoms of the disease folk remedies leads to suppuration of lesions and frequent relapses of the disease.

How to properly treat microsporia in children can only be determined by a dermatologist.

Therapy various forms microsporia has its own characteristics, but the principles of treatment are similar.

  1. If the fungus affected only the skin, and the vellus hair was intact, then the use of local preparations will be enough.
  2. If the scalp is affected or symptoms of infection are visible on vellus hair, antifungal drugs should be taken by mouth.
  3. Treatment with drugs against a fungal infection continues at the same dose for a week after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease. This measure prevents the recurrence of the disease.

Treatment of microsporia of smooth skin

For local therapy, ointments, creams and solutions are widely used. The most popular use of ointments containing antifungal drugs. For example, Clotrimazole, Itroconazole, Bifonazole. Widely used antifungal cream - Lamisil, which has a pronounced antifungal action. It is recommended to treat the affected area 2-3 times a day.

If the doctor has found a pronounced inflammatory process at the site of the lesion, then combined ointments are prescribed. In addition to the antifungal component, these ointments also contain hormonal agents that reduce swelling and inflammation, and reduce itching. In severe suppurative form of the disease, ointments containing antibacterial drugs, such as Triderm, are often used.

Treatment of microsporia of the scalp

Therapy of this form of the disease should be started when the first symptoms appear in order to prevent the formation of a cosmetic defect on the child's head.

It is necessary to shave the hair from the affected area daily and treat the lesion with antifungal ointments or apply a patch with Griseofulvin. Head until the end of treatment should be washed 1 - 2 times a week.

Comprehensive treatment of the disease must necessarily include the use of antifungal drugs, most often Griseofulvin is prescribed. General course treatment lasts about 1.5 - 2 months.

The duration of treatment for microsporia, the dosage and frequency of taking the drugs is determined by the doctor. Incorrect or prematurely completed treatment often leads to re-emergence illness.

Prevention of microsporia in children

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene. The child should be taught to wash his hands regularly, use an individual towel, comb. Explain to the baby that you should not exchange mittens, hats with other children.
  2. Avoid contact with infected animals. Warn your child that stray animals can carry the disease, do not allow children to play with them. Carefully inspect and treat pets in time.
  3. Medical examinations in preschool institutions. To prevent the disease in children, it is necessary to identify and isolate patients with microsporia in time. A child with a fungal skin infection should be treated in a hospital, and his things must be disinfected.
  4. quarantine measures. In the kindergarten or school that the child attends, quarantine is introduced for 2-3 weeks.


Microsporia in children is a highly contagious, common disease. You can get the disease from both pets, cats, and from a sick person. Therefore, the main method of protecting the baby from microsporia and fungal infections of the skin is personal hygiene and prevention of contact with the source of the disease.

If the disease overtook the baby, you should definitely consult a doctor. Wrong treatment or its delay leads to the spread of the disease and frequent relapses. Preventing the disease is simple, you just need to know the basic rules and be attentive to your child.

Microsporia is a fungal pathology of the skin, hair, and nail plates. Another name for the disease is ringworm. The disease is considered one of the most common mycotic infections. Microsporia in children is found much more often than in the adult population. To in short terms save the sick unpleasant manifestations, you need to know how to treat microsporia.

Description of pathology

Microsporia in humans is characterized by seasonality. The incubation period is from a week to 2 months. Edema spots of red color in the form of rings are visible on the skin. Nail plates are affected less frequently.

Microsporia of the scalp is a less common pathology. Adult hair contains a kind of protection - organic acids that delay fast growth fungus.

According to statistics, there are up to 75 cases of the disease per 100,000 people.

The mycelial threads found in the scraping, the use of the dermatoscopic research method make it possible to correctly diagnose the disease. Therapy of pathology consists in treating the patient with antimycotic drugs, conducting local therapeutic manipulations.

Types of microsporia

Ringworm is divided into groups depending on the pathogen that caused the disease and the place of manifestation. infectious disease.
According to the pathogen, the types of microsporia are distinguished:

According to localization, they distinguish:

  • ringworm of the scalp;
  • smooth microsporia of the skin.

Suppurative microsporia of the skin in humans is a type of the second type of disease.

Causes of an infectious disease

Microsporia is ubiquitous, but the disease is more common in urban areas. Unsatisfactory sanitary conditions, the presence of many stray animals, humid air contribute to the spread of infection.
The causes of infectious pathology are correlated with the anthropotic and zooanthropic forms of the disease.

Anthropic form

It is caused by reproduction on the skin and hair of anthropophilic microsporums. The infection is transmitted from person to person through bodily contact, through hygiene items, personal belongings of the patient, resulting in a rapid spread.

zooanthropotic form

Zooanthropotic microsporia on the head is very common. The causative agents of the disease are zoophilic microsporums that spread to the skin and hair.

The infection is transmitted by pets. According to the rate of spread, the disease is classified as a moderately dangerous disease.

Risk factors

Especially often children become infected with microsporia, knowing the environment by tactile contact, from animals, touching the grass, touching other people's toys.
Factors contributing to the appearance of the disease are:

  1. Decreased body defenses.
  2. Prolonged contact with an unhealthy animal.
  3. The presence of wounds on the skin.
  4. Failure to comply with personal hygiene requirements.

Also, the disease is characterized by a seasonal nature, most often occurring in the autumn months and decreasing with the advent of spring.

ringworm symptoms

For timely delivery medical care the patient should know how microsporia begins.

At the site of infection initial stage microsporia, there is an erythema spot with a clear limitation, prone to enlargement and penetration deep into. Around it rises a small bubble roller, in which nodules and crusts can be seen. In the center of the spot is a focus of inflammation, giving the spot a pale pink tint.

Other signs of microsporia in humans:

  • On the skin, you can notice pityriasis peeling.
  • In the future, bizarre-shaped foci are formed at the site of the lesion.
  • Vellus hair is often also covered by inflammation, which makes therapy difficult.

When infected with a microsporia pathogen, a maximum of 3 foci are formed on smooth skin. Microsporia of the skin is characterized by rashes that affect closed and open areas of the skin. Most often they are observed on the face, neck, shoulders. Sometimes the rashes do not show any sensations, or mild itching may appear.

Pathology often affects infants and children 5-10 years old. The exception is red-haired children. Rarely diagnosed in adults. More often than other parts of the head, the crown, crown, temples are affected. The lesion has a rounded shape.

Suppurative microsporia

There is significant inflammation with soft bluish-red nodules that become covered with pustules. The exudative form of microsporia is characterized by reddening of the skin area, swelling, and the appearance of small bubbles.


After examining and compiling an anamnesis of the disease by a dermatologist, in order to confirm the preliminary diagnosis, studies are prescribed:

  1. Luminescent.
  2. Microscopic.
  3. Cultural.

Luminescent study

P is carried out using a Wood's lamp. The study takes place in a darkened room so that a green glow can be detected if the Microsporum fungus is present on the hair. Before the procedure, the affected areas are removed from crusts, ointments are removed. If the foci of infection are fresh, the lesion is insufficient, there may be no glow. But it will appear in the root part. Even if the fungus has died, the glow in the hair remains.


It is used to confirm the mycotic nature of the pathology. The material for the study are scales from the affected skin lesions, or hairs. With the help of a microscope, the presence of pathogenic spores can be observed.

Cultural study

If the fluorescent and microscopic examination gave positive answers, in order to identify the fungus that caused the disease, cultural diagnosis is carried out. The study makes it possible to establish the type of pathogen. To obtain the result of scales, the hairs are placed in a nutrient medium. After 2 days, growth of colonies of the pathogen is observed.

Ringworm treatment

Treatment of pathology is often long. Treatment of skin and hair microscopy medicines includes the use of oral fungal agents and topical suspensions.

Effective remedies for microsporia:


For many years, medicine has recognized Griseovulfin as the drug of choice for the treatment of the scalp. The medicine contains an antibiotic that produces a mold fungus. The drug is used poronally and in suspension until a negative test result for the fungus appears. Microsporia in adults is well treated by rubbing an antimycotic ointment at the site of the lesion, manual hair removal with a griseofulvin patch applied to the affected area.

To improve the result of treatment, you need to shave your hair once every 10 days, wash your hair after 3 days with Nizoral antimycotic shampoo.


The new generation drug is an alternative to Griseofulvin. Used orally and locally therapeutic effect. The drug is safe, which makes it possible to widely use it in the treatment of patients of various age categories.

  • Immunoglobulin,
  • Pyrogenal,
  • Vitamin complexes.

In severe cases, in the infiltrative form of microsporia, a self-healing process occurs due to the destruction of the mycelium of the fungus. A self-healed disease is not prone to relapse due to the resulting stable immunity.

How to treat microsporia in children

For achievement good results patient treatment childhood complex therapy is used:

  1. Griseovulfin is taken orally, Lamisil is indicated only in rare cases;
  2. The disease is successfully treated with topical antimycotic drugs (sulphur-tar, sulfur-salicylic ointment, cream with Clotrimazole, Mikoseptin);
  3. Lesions should be lubricated with iodine solution.

Parents of the patient should be careful about taking immunomodulators by the child. A complete fortified diet gives a much better result.


In the absence of therapy in a weakened organism, microsporia can turn into chronic course when the fungus, penetrating deep into the skin, affects the skin. Where healing has taken place, scars remain for life. Often the lymph nodes located near the affected area become inflamed.

Prevention of microsporia

Disease prevention includes the following activities:

  1. Exclusion of accidental contact with animals.
  2. Organization of veterinary control of domestic animals.
  3. Compliance with the rules of hygiene, cleanliness of the home.
  4. Regularly conduct medical examinations in kindergartens and educational institutions. Microsporia in kindergarten requires quarantine measures.
  5. Organization of a balanced diet.
  6. Strengthening the immune forces of the body by engaging in a feasible sport, sufficient exposure to fresh air.

At the first suspicion of infection skin, scalp, nail plates, you need to urgently consult a doctor.


Microsporia is a well-studied pathology. Symptoms of the disease are described in detail in the medical literature. Information about diagnosis, treatment in an accessible form is given on special medical websites.

Awareness on this issue makes it possible to suspect infection with mycotic infection at the initial stage. Timely diagnosis of the disease, adequate therapy, the implementation of the recommendations of the attending physician make it possible to completely cure microsporia.

It is caused by the fungus Microsporum. It affects not only places with hairline, but also smooth skin, sometimes nail plates. A better known name among the people is ringworm. Inspired by external manifestations diseases: in places where the mycelium of fungi is located, hair breaking is observed, they seem to be cut short.

Varieties and atypical forms

Several types of microsporia are classified, depending on the location of the lesion:

  • implanted on smooth skin;
  • in the region of the scalp;
  • on nails.

The infection can also be caused by different pathogens, depending on which experts divide the disease into three different forms:

  1. Zoonotic. The "owners" of fungi that have migrated to humans and caused a disease in him are animals.
  2. Anthroponotic. This form is transmitted from person to person.
  3. Geophilic. Its fungal pathogens mainly live in the soil.

Each of all the aforementioned forms of microsporia manifests itself with the same symptoms, has no differences in the course and is treated by the same methods. Classification is important, first of all, for epidemiologists, who need to determine the sources of infection for effective anti-epidemic measures.

Based on clinical criteria that take into account the development of the disease, the degree of tissue damage, this or that reaction immune system, several more types of microsporia should be distinguished:

  1. Surface. Lesions can be seen on smooth skin, right under the hair.
  2. Exudative. Foci are observed in many parts of the body, there is a separation of serous fluid.
  3. Nail. It is located on the nail plates.
  4. Chronic. The same superficial, but existing for quite a long period of time.

Atypical variants of microsporia can occur in asymptomatic forms, inflammation is not pronounced, peeling is weak, which is sometimes mistakenly diagnosed as seborrheic or allergic dermatitis, streptoderma or pink lichen.

Among atypical forms allocate infiltrative-suppurative, abortive or erythematous-edematous.

Atypical localization - area auricle or folds behind it, sometimes axillary areas and also the groin.


Microsporia develops when pathogenic fungi enter the skin from sick animals, people, and also through touching infected objects: bed linen, combs, hats. There are more than two dozen species of Microsporum fungus. In the environment, fungi of this family persist for up to several years. Zoophilic forms can only be transmitted a limited number of times, as their fungal strain on human skin is gradually weakened.

Children aged 7-10 are more susceptible to infection. Now the number of cases has increased both among newborns and adults. In children's institutions, collective outbreaks of the disease usually occur, requiring immediate epidemiological action. This is due to underdeveloped children's immunity and lack of education in matters of personal hygiene. In adults, the pathogen is more likely to be destroyed by healthy immunity and microflora, or simply washed away in the process. hygiene measures.

It is possible to get sick with microsporia if there are factors predisposing to this, in which the fungus quickly takes root and develops. Such factors can be violations of the integrity of the skin (cuts, scratches), poor immunity.

The activity of Microsporum is affected not only by its type (zoophilic or anthropogenic), but also by the number of spores transferred to humans. Here the degree of risk of getting sick will depend on the strength of the stability of the immune system and on the health of the skin.

Factors contributing to the reduction of protective forces and pushing microsporia to development:


One of common features- the appearance of a red spot, close to a rounded, oval shape, of small diameter. Sometimes there is a merger of such spots. Itching or does not happen, or it is mild. May increase The lymph nodes, occasionally there is a headache, the patient is slightly feverish.

The introduction of the fungus in the places of hair growth on the head is first evidenced by a reddish spot around the hair shaft. Within a few days, it turns pale, and the hair itself grows dull and dries out. It subsequently breaks and falls off. The hair seems to be cut short, the epidermis thickens, covered with grayish scales.

Problems on smooth skin are indicated by the appearance of a characteristic increasing spot. A severe form of the disease can cover a large area. On the body gradually develop crusts, bubbles, growing into large blisters.

In rare cases, in men, the place where the beard and mustache grows on the face is affected. Pustules appear in this area.

Kerion. This is the name of the severe form of microsporia. Inflammation goes to the deep layers, where pus is formed. The site of the lesion is strongly hyperemic, edematous, the pores are enlarged. If pressed, a yellowish pus appears. The patient complains of a headache, the temperature may rise, and signs of intoxication appear. Nearby lymph nodes are enlarged.

The form when the nails are affected is rare. This also includes cases when microsporia appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palms or soles. When the fungus is introduced into the nail plate, a dull spot first appears on it. Then it turns white. The nail becomes thin and brittle, subsequently most often destroyed.

Photo of microsporia: what it looks like

Infection of a person occurs through particles of wool and scales of a sick animal directly or indirectly (a bench on the street, a blanket in the apartment).

Ringworm on the face. Spots of different sizes are formed, inside are light, with a dark edging.

deep form diseases. The plaques contain purulent fluid, there is severe swelling. The sources are animals.

Treatment for ringworm in this area is lengthy. Specialist supervision is essential.

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Microsporia is diagnosed, first of all, drawing conclusions from its clinical manifestations. Later, additional microbiological, laboratory research. Look for the presence of fungus in biological material, determine its main characteristics. To identify the type of fungus, a more complex detailed analysis is needed. It is mainly used not for the purpose of understanding each specific case, but for epidemiological control.

First, the sites of the lesion are carefully examined. If microsporia is suspected, examination through a fluorescent lamp is added. This method allows you to accurately determine the nature of the disease. When illuminating the hair affected by the fungus in the dark with a Wood's lamp, they glow with bright greens.

Microscopic examination involves the study of individual fragments of skin and collected hair under a microscope. To do this, the affected area is first wiped with alcohol to remove the remnants of the drugs used. Then the necessary material is collected, which is sent to the laboratory and studied.

After a special treatment of scales and hair under a microscope, mycelium filaments become visible, and the hair will be in numerous spores, due to which its boundaries will not be clearly visible.

To identify the type of pathogen, after obtaining positive microscopic and luminescent analyzes, cultural diagnostics is carried out. The material obtained from the patient is placed in a nutrient medium and a colony of the fungus is grown. This is done to determine a further treatment strategy.

Histological examination refers to one of the types of laboratory diagnostics. It consists in studying the colored fragments of the material taken. Its purpose is not to determine the type of fungus, but to determine the degree of inflammation, the severity of the infection.

Treatment of microsporia

Self-treatment undesirable, because the disease in this case threatens to grow from one focus to a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage by fungal spores. Treatment is necessarily carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, hospitalization usually does not require.

In case of detection of a characteristic swelling on the skin, it must be covered with polyethylene, and glued around the perimeter with strips of adhesive plaster, to exclude water from entering the affected area. Contact a doctor urgently.

Since the causative agent of microsporia is very resistant to different kind medicines, treatment will not be brief. It must be carried out comprehensively, which is guaranteed to make it possible to get rid of the pathogen and will not lead to relapses.

Caused by ringworm cosmetic defects sometimes they persist for a long time and require the involvement of a specialist cosmetologist.

There are several approaches to treatment:

If a fungal infection is found on the scalp, then the vegetation in this area should be shaved off. The affected area should be washed several times during the day, try not to overcool, close from sun rays. Do not overstrain physically, because. the effect of sweat on the skin during this period is unfavorable.


Gels, ointments and all kinds of lotions do not allow pathogenic spores to develop, cleanse the skin, and restore it. Like tablets, they act on fungi, but in these agents, the active substances affect the pathogen in the place where it is concentrated. If applied regularly, this will contribute to a deeper penetration of active substances under the skin. For local treatment, the doctor usually recommends Bifonazole, Clotrimazole or Ketoconazole, Itraconazole.


Systemic treatment disease involves the mandatory intake of tableted antifungal agents. Griseofulvin and Terbinafine are such drugs. The first is recommended to be taken simultaneously with fatty foods, which contributes to better absorption. Taking these drugs is the basis of treatment, because. it is they that produce the main destructive effect on the nature of the pathogen.


In the morning, if suppuration is observed, the affected areas can be treated with 2% iodine. For disinfection, lotions with a solution of potassium permanganate or nitrofural (1:5000) are applied 1-2 times a day for 3 days. Means for external processing in the morning and in the evening it is desirable to change.


Since beriberi is one of the causes of the disease, it is advisable to saturate your diet well with foods with high content vitamins that normalize the microflora, containing a small amount of sugar.

It is desirable to take vitamins A, B, C and mainly E.

Fish, milk, meat are desirable stewed or boiled, low-fat. It is better to replace bread with rice, buckwheat or corn bread. Showing porridge. Greens, leafy vegetables, zucchini, cabbage, dried fruits from unsweetened fruits, compotes from them are useful. Tea is better than weak, mineral water without gas.

Do not use:

  • spicy cheese and with mold;
  • fermented milk;
  • various kinds of soda, sparkling wines;
  • yeast products;
  • pickled vegetables and mushrooms;
  • dressings using vinegar;
  • any sweets and sweet dried fruits;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • all products with the code "E";
  • confectionery and semi-finished products.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Ringworm has long been especially well known in countryside. So folk methods There are many fights against this disease. It is desirable to use them as an adjuvant therapy, because. many of them have proven themselves, contributing to the speedy regeneration of the skin.

  1. Garlic-onion ointment. Take garlic and onion in equal proportions. Juice is squeezed out of them, and the foci are treated with the resulting slurry three times a day.
  2. Tincture of calendula. Used for processing four times a day.
  3. Plantain juice. Break the grass. Lubricate the wounds with the resulting juice 3 times a day.
  4. Grapes kishmish. You can use raisins. Cut the berry in half, rub the cut on the affected areas.

On the advice of a dermatologist pharmaceuticals can be combined using parallel means traditional medicine, which will bring speedy recovery. Treatment is stopped not from the moment the symptoms disappear, but after a microbiological analysis. Its result must be negative.

  • do not use products at least to a small extent affected by mold;
  • eat less raw foods, boil or stew them;
  • peel the skin from fruits and vegetables;
  • keep food in a sealed container and in plastic containers in the refrigerator for no more than a day.


It is much better to prevent the disease than to fight it.

The risk of getting sick is reduced if:

  • follow the rules of hygiene - after going out, be sure to wash your hands, hygiene products should be individual;
  • pets, before bringing into the house, show the veterinarian, make all the necessary vaccinations;
  • maintain a high level of immunity;
  • eat right, start hardening, move more.

Complications and consequences

If ringworm is suspected, an appeal to a dermatologist or mycologist is mandatory; in severe cases, it can take a chronic form or cause severe lesions. The latter occurs if the pathogen penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin.

During the period of illness, an increase in lymph nodes is possible.

With untimely treatment, the disease that affected hair follicles, can leave non-overgrown bald spots.

Is it contagious and how is it transmitted

Ways of transmission of ringworm are contacts with sick people and animals. The disease can be "picked up" in the pool or in nature, through the soil, the fungus also lives on various household surfaces. It can stay there for quite a long time.

In case of forced contact with sick animals, riding in public transport or going to nature, you must thoroughly wash your hands, take a shower, using household or tar soap, wash clothes (the fungus dies already at 60 degrees).

Features in children

If you find signs of ringworm in children, do not panic. If the symptoms are detected on time, then the treatment will take from two weeks to a month, the main thing is to carry it out correctly.

The baby should not be bathed in the bathroom, hearths for a while water procedures sealed with cellophane and treat the skin with a damp sponge.

It is better to change synthetic clothes to cotton, linen should be changed more often and treated with a steam iron after washing. Iron the child’s things separately from everyone else, and wear latex gloves when handling ointments and lotions.

The surfaces of sofas and armchairs in the house need to be treated with a hot iron from time to time, toys should be doused with boiling water or solutions with chlorine, and the floor should be washed more often with disinfectants.

During pregnancy

During this period, it is easier for a woman to get ringworm, since pregnancy affects hormonal background, the state of immunity, makes her more vulnerable psychologically.

Early diagnosis will contribute to a quick cure, the disease will not be able to harm the fetus. The course of treatment is selected individually and depends on the stage of the disease, the duration of pregnancy. The focus should be on immunity.

Underwear and bed linen should be changed twice a day, after washing, be sure to iron on both sides.

Video about lichen

Signs, the most common causes of ringworm, its treatment in children.

The doctor tells in detail about the features of the disease, gives recommendations on the choice of medicines.


Do not self-medicate. If you find incomprehensible spots on the skin, it is better to consult a doctor for early stage disease, in order to reveal its true cause and treat it with little effort. Chronic forms microsporia can be treated with varying success for several years.

Smooth skin microsporia is a type of disease of the same name, in which the fungus of the microsporum subspecies infects the skin, and not hairy part head or nails, as in other types of microsporia. Often this disease is called "ringworm".

How does infection occur?

You can become infected with microsporia in a kindergarten, in a hairdresser's, and even while working in your own garden. Getting into the soil, the fungus retains its viability for another 2-3 months. Accordingly, it can be dangerous, for example, for a child playing in the sandbox. At increased risk are children and adolescents who have not yet reached puberty, as well as young women with fair sensitive skin.

Classification of the disease depending on the route of its transmission


The nature of the rash

With microsporia of smooth skin, pinkish-red spots appear on the body. You can distinguish them from spots that have a different etymology by the following features:

  • spots have clear, sharply defined borders;
  • their shape is oval or round;
  • area - from the size of a pea to the diameter of a five-ruble coin (from 0.5 to 3 cm);
  • as the disease progresses, the spots grow along the periphery, while the central part becomes noticeably lighter, and the spot thus takes on the shape of a ring;
  • in the center of the spot, mild peeling is observed, small bubbles and nodules appear;
  • you can notice swelling of the affected areas of the skin. The spot rises above healthy skin. As the disease progresses, it becomes more dense;
  • the spots may merge, new foci may appear in the brightened centers of the spots;
  • a person is worried about mild itching, there may be an increase in body temperature and an increase in lymph nodes, especially those behind the ears.

Localization of spots with microsporia

The spots are localized on smooth areas of the skin: on the face, on the neck, in the forearm and shoulders, as well as on the legs and arms, on the back and on the abdomen and on other parts of the body. Very rarely appear on the palms and soles.

Microsporia is fungal infection, which ranks second in prevalence, second only to foot fungus


Noticing the appearance of red spots of various etymologies on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor - a local therapist, dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. Only a doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, since red, scaly spots on the skin can be a symptom of a completely various diseases: alopecia areata, lichen planus, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc. Each case requires special treatment.

To date, there are three approaches to the diagnosis of the disease:

  1. Cultural study. The laboratory material (skin flakes) is placed in an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria. If it is a microsporum fungus, its growth will be noticeable on the third day. This method allows not only to diagnose "Microsporia", but to determine which type of fungus has become the causative agent of the disease and to choose the most appropriate treatment.
  2. microscopic examination. Scales of damaged skin are examined under a microscope, as a result of which it is concluded whether microsporia is present or whether the spots are a symptom of another skin disease.
  3. Luminescent study. The affected areas of the skin are observed in a dark room in which a Wood's lamp is installed. When the skin is affected by a microsporum fungus, a bright green glow appears. This method is most often used to study hair, not skin.


Treatment of microsporia of smooth skin is carried out by various antifungal drugs for outdoor use, for example:

  • tincture of iodine 2-5%;
  • chinosol solution 10%;
  • sulfuric ointment 10-20%;
  • sulfur-salicylic ointment 3%;
  • sulfur-tar ointment 10%;
  • "Nitrofungin";
  • 4% epilin patch (applied to the affected areas for 20 days, after 10 it is replaced with a new one);
  • "Sulsen" (paste, soap and shampoo, which are used not only for microsporia of smooth skin, but also for fungal infections of the scalp).

In addition, special creams and ointments are used (as a rule, they are applied to clean skin twice a day):

  • "Bifonazole",
  • "Isoconazole"
  • "Clotrimazole",
  • "Lamisil", "Terbinox", "Terbix" (the main component is terbinafine),
  • "Mikoseptin",
  • "Mycozoral", "Nizoral", "Dermazol" (based on active substance ketoconazole),
  • "Cyclopirox"
  • "Exoderil".

With severe inflammation, prescribe hormonal preparations, for example, "Travocort" and "Mikozolon", as well as antibiotics, for example, "Griseofulvin-forte"

Treatment is carried out according to the scheme determined by the doctor. Every 10 days a control inspection is carried out. Within three months, the patient is registered, removed from him only if there is a persistent negative result for the presence of fungus. As a rule, the treatment of microsporia is carried out for quite a long time. For example, the antibiotic "Griseofulvin-forte" is drunk for about 45 days.

What drugs to treat the child?

Since this disease is most common in children, many are interested in the question of what drugs to treat a child with? Some medicines can not be used to treat young children, so the choice of the drug must be approached carefully. Most often, from microsporia of smooth skin, children are prescribed Lamisil, Terbizil or Terbinafine. The dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the body weight of the baby and other factors. Each drug is accompanied by an instruction where this information is given.

For the treatment of adolescents, there is a wider choice of drugs: Terbinafine, Griseofulvin, Irunin, Itraconazole, Lamisil, Orungal, Terbizil, etc. To determine the dosage, one should take into account body weight, age, localization of the affected areas of the skin, type of pathogen, as well as the stage of development of the disease. There are a lot of factors, so it is advisable to consult your doctor. Only in this case, you can be sure that the drug and its dosage are chosen correctly.


Smooth skin microsporia is a disease that is very easily transmitted from a sick person or animal to a healthy one. That is why it is extremely important to identify its symptoms as early as possible and take measures to protect other people from infection. How to protect yourself and loved ones?

We follow the rules of hygiene when dealing with pets

Since the main vector of the disease is cats and dogs, it is necessary to purchase only those pets that have successfully passed a veterinary examination. Existing pets should be periodically shown to the veterinarian to make sure that they do not have diseases dangerous to humans. In particular, it is recommended to periodically inspect pets in veterinary service or in a veterinary clinic for the presence of trichophytosis. Since cats and dogs can be carriers of not only microsporia, but also other diseases (for example, toxoplasmosis), make sure that children do not kiss animals, if possible avoid contact with a dirty tray, always wash their hands after interacting with pets, etc. d. And of course, it is necessary to completely exclude the contact of the child with homeless animals.

Timely diagnose the disease and isolate the patient

Since ringworm is predominantly childhood disease, and in kindergartens, children are in especially close interaction with each other, under these conditions, the disease is instantly transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one. It is very important to isolate the sick child from other children as quickly as possible, as well as to examine all relatives who are in recent times contacted him. In all children's institutions, it is periodically necessary to conduct medical examinations in order to diagnose fungal infection using a special fluorescent lamp. Keep in mind that the symptoms of the disease may not appear immediately - incubation period can range from several days to a week (depending on what type of fungus caused the disease).

Microsporia is a disease that most often occurs in children aged 4 to 11 years.

Disinfecting the patient's personal belongings

All personal belongings of a sick person must be disinfected. Clothes and bed linen can be washed with ordinary washing powder at a temperature of 60 degrees. This will be enough to kill the fungus. Household items, if possible, it is better to boil in a saucepan or basin for a quarter of an hour. If this is not possible, treat them with an antifungal disinfectant, such as Terralin. Do not forget to disinfect not only the dishes and comb of a sick person, but also toys (if we are talking about the child), as well as furniture, chest of drawers where his things lay, etc. To protect other people from infection, the patient needs to be given separate dishes and a sponge for washing it, towels, a comb and other household and personal hygiene items.

Microsporia of smooth skin is a subspecies of the disease, which is expressed in the appearance of specific spots on those areas of the skin that are not covered with hair. Most often it is observed in children, but adults are not immune from the disease. According to its symptoms, the disease can be confused with other diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis and others, therefore, for staging accurate diagnosis and the appointment of the correct treatment, it is imperative to visit the attending physician.