Violation of the flora of gynecology in women. Hygiene measures to restore the balance of the vaginal microflora

Symptoms of the disease - violations of the microflora of the vagina

Violations and their causes by category:

Violations and their causes in alphabetical order:

violation of the microflora of the vagina -

Vaginal dysbiosis is a disorder normal microflora vagina. This disease affects to some extent most of women. Most often, its manifestations are minor, but sometimes vaginal dysbiosis leads to very serious problems.

Immediately say a few words about the different terms that are used to refer to this disease.
Vaginal dysbiosis, or dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis) of the vagina - this is the most accurate term, it just translates as a violation of the microflora of the vagina. However, it is used relatively rarely.

More often, to determine the disease, they resort to the name " bacterial vaginosis", this term means the same thing. However, the term "bacterial vaginosis" is used by many doctors to refer to gardnerellosis - a special case of vaginal dysbiosis. Therefore, when using this term, you can not always be sure what exactly is meant.

Most often, any manifestation of a violation of the microflora of the vagina is called "candidiasis" or "thrush". This is not entirely justified. Candidiasis, or thrush - is the name of only one type of violation of the microflora of the vagina - the predominance of fungi of the genus Candida. And this doesn't happen all that often. However, traditionally women, and many doctors, call any vaginal discharge "thrush" without really understanding their nature.

What diseases cause a violation of the microflora of the vagina:

There are many reasons for the violation of the microflora of the vagina. Almost any effect on a woman's body can lead to a violation of the microflora. Let's just list some of the factors.

1. Hypothermia of the body. Like a one time severe hypothermia and permanent freezing. All this leads to a decrease in general and local immunity, which also affects the vaginal microflora.
2. Changes and disorders of the hormonal background. This includes irregular sexual life, pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, any kind of cycle disorders, puberty, premenopause and menopause, etc.
3. Change of climatic zone. I have heard more than once about exacerbations of vaginal dysbiosis during trips to warm countries.
4. Stress as a one-off severe stress and chronic stressful situations.
Promiscuous sex life, a large number of sexual partners, neglect of contraceptives.
5. Any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
6. Sexually transmitted infections.
7. Treatment with antibiotics, especially prolonged or repeated.
8. Intestinal diseases, chronic stool problems, intestinal dysbacteriosis. The microflora of the vagina is very closely related to the microflora of the intestines, we will talk about this later.
9. Misuse tampons for menstruation. Few women know that tampons should be changed strictly every 2 hours, day and night. This is quite uncomfortable, but otherwise the vagina is created good conditions for the growth of the infection. When using gaskets, such problems do not arise.

Of course, all these factors do not always lead to a violation of the vaginal microflora. The immune system maintains a normal microflora and helps it to recover in case of a minor disturbance. However, there are so many of these factors, they occur so often that in most cases, vaginal dysbacteriosis in a woman still develops.

Symptoms of a violation of the microflora of the vagina

What is the essence of the violation of the microflora of the vagina? Normally, the so-called normal microflora lives in the vagina of a woman. It consists of approximately 90% lactobacilli (the so-called Dederlein sticks), slightly less than 10% bifidobacteria, and less than 1% are the so-called "key cells of the vagina". These include gardnerella, mobilunkus, fungi of the genus Candida, leptothrix and some other bacteria.

The normal microflora of the vagina is in constant balance with each other and with environment. It does not allow the appearance of any other infection, and does not allow a change in the ratio of pathogens living in the vagina normally.

This whole picture is actively supported by the immune system of the vaginal wall. The immune system has no effect on the natural inhabitants of the vagina, but behaves aggressively against any other infection. It is the immune system that contributes to the restoration of the normal microflora of the vagina during its minor violations. But she does not always cope with this task.

If the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, the balance between the bacteria-normal inhabitants of the vagina changes. At the same time, the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria decreases and the amount of some other pathogen increases. This other causative agent may be one of key cells(then develop gardnerellosis, candidiasis, etc.), there may be one of the sexual infections (trichomoniasis, chlamydia), or there may be any saprophytic pathogen (E. coli, Proteus, streptococci, staphylococci, etc.).

If the normal inhabitants of the vagina never behave aggressively towards the walls of the vagina, then any of the bacteria that led to the development of dysbiosis can cause inflammation of the vagina - vaginitis. When this happens depends on the number and pathogenicity of the pathogen on the one hand and the strength of the immune system of the vaginal wall on the other. As a rule, at first, the immune system copes and does not allow either the progression of the disease or the development of its complications. But in the absence of competent treatment, the development of inflammation in such a situation is inevitable.

Pregnancy and violation of the microflora of the vagina

Pregnancy is one of the factors that can exacerbate vaginal dysbiosis. Against the background of pregnancy, discharge, itching or burning in the genitals, pain during intercourse, etc. may appear or intensify. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy a woman's body undergoes a serious hormonal change, which cannot but affect both the state of immunity and the vaginal microflora.

A complete treatment of vaginal dysbiosis during pregnancy is not possible. Even if this treatment is not associated with taking antibiotics, which is highly undesirable during pregnancy, it is always associated with immunocorrection, and this is completely unacceptable during pregnancy. Therefore, the doctor's task during an exacerbation of vaginal dysbiosis in a pregnant woman is only to eliminate the symptoms and prepare the woman for childbirth.

In our clinic, for this purpose, a course of procedures is carried out, which, if not normalize the situation, then make it more tolerable. Local treatment carried out in this case is completely harmless to the fetus. If necessary, this treatment can be carried out repeatedly during pregnancy.

Intestinal diseases and violation of the microflora of the vagina

Many diseases gastrointestinal tract lead to disruption of the normal intestinal microflora and the development of dysbacteriosis. With intestinal dysbacteriosis, the same thing happens as with vaginal dysbacteriosis - a large amount of some bacteria lives in the intestine.

The wall of the rectum is in close contact with the wall of the vagina, bacteria easily pass through it. With severe intestinal dysbacteriosis, a violation of the vaginal microflora is always due to this, and as a rule, one of the intestinal infections- Escherichia coli, enterococci, etc.

Treatment of a violation of the microflora of the vagina of the vagina in such a situation is extremely difficult, the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease is very high. Restoring the normal microflora of the vagina in such a situation is possible only with the simultaneous treatment of intestinal diseases. As a rule, in the treatment of such patients, the most problems arise.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina and sexual partner

Most often, a violation of the microflora of the vagina in a woman does not cause any problems for her sexual partner, even with regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives. In some cases, when there is a pronounced dysbiosis of the vagina, a man may develop the phenomena of balanoposthitis and nonspecific urethritis. But this usually happens only if the man already had a predisposition to these diseases, in full healthy body they won't develop.
No sexual partner disease except sexually transmitted diseases, does not affect the microflora of the vagina in women. Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis in women does not involve mandatory treatment sexual partner, unless at least one of them has a sexual infection.

The development of a violation of the microflora of the vagina

Initially, the violation of the microflora of the vagina is not particularly manifested. As a rule, the nature of vaginal discharge changes slightly, but rarely does anyone pay attention to it.
Normally, a woman should either not have any vaginal discharge, or it may be a small amount. clear secretions without bad smell. In this case, there should be no cramps, burning, itching, pain in the genital area and discomfort and dryness during intercourse.
With the development of vaginal dysbiosis, the amount of discharge usually increases, they become whitish-yellowish in color, and an unpleasant odor appears. There are no more symptoms of vaginal dysbacteriosis in itself, all other symptoms are already associated with its complications.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina of girls

Violation of the vaginal microflora occurs in girls who have not begun sexual activity, with approximately the same frequency as in women who have an active sexual life. This is due to several other factors - the instability of the hormonal background, the formation of the cycle, as well as anatomical features structures of the hymen.

Vaginal dysbiosis in girls is rarely manifested by profuse discharge, since the openings of the hymen usually do not allow them to be removed from the vagina in the amount in which they are formed. Therefore, stagnation of secretions in the vagina develops, and the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases virgins are higher. On the other hand, at the beginning of sexual activity with the first sexual intercourse, a large amount of bacteria is thrown from the vagina into bladder, and this can lead to so-called "honeymoon cystitis".

Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis in virgin girls is somewhat difficult due to the fact that the structure of the hymen does not always allow the vagina to be treated with drugs properly. In some cases, even have to resort to artificial violation of the integrity of the hymen - hymenectomy.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina and genital infections

Sexual infections are always associated with a violation of the microflora of the vagina. On the one hand, the normal microflora will not allow the development of a sexual infection in a woman, and if a sexual infection is detected, the microflora cannot but be disturbed. On the other hand, the appearance of an STD pathogen in the vagina shifts the pH, causes inflammatory response and further contributes to the progression of microflora disorders.

A situation in which only one causative agent of STDs lives in a woman's vagina almost never occurs. sexual infection, one or more, are always in association with opportunistic microflora. And this should always be considered in the treatment of STDs. Otherwise, a situation may arise in which antibiotics completely kill the causative agent of STDs, and the number of opportunistic infections only increases.

Treatment of STDs in women must necessarily end with the restoration of the vaginal microflora. If a we are talking about serious infections (chlamydia, trichomonas) or several STDs, then it first makes sense to conduct antibiotic therapy against them, and then start restoring the vaginal microflora with the next course. In less difficult situations it makes sense to do it first complex diagnostics the entire urogenital microflora, and then its restoration with the simultaneous elimination of sexual infection.

Which doctors should I contact if there is a violation of the vaginal microflora:

Have you noticed a violation of the microflora of the vagina? Do you want to know more detailed information Or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors examine you, study external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide needed help. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Have you disturbed the microflora of the vagina? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent terrible disease but also support healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register for medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date latest news and updates of information on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of disorders or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina happens more than once in a woman's life. Moreover, this trouble can affect not only women who are sexually active, but also virgins. What should be the normal microflora of the vagina, what are the symptoms of its negative changes and how to be treated?

Normally, many microorganisms live in the mucous membrane of the female genital organs, but about 95% of them are lactobacilli. These microorganisms are good, they produce lactic acid, which does not allow harmful microorganisms to multiply. The remaining 5% are just conditionally pathogenic microorganisms - gardnerella, fungi of the genus Candida, etc. Sometimes the number of lactobacilli begins to decrease, and they are replaced harmful microorganisms. Then the violation of the microflora of the vagina gives the following symptoms:

  • copious discharge(gray, green or white), often with pungent odor;
  • redness and itching of the genitals;
  • soreness during intercourse due to vaginal dryness.

If the violation of the microflora of the vagina is not treated, pathogens can affect the urinary system, spread further into the fallopian tubes and ovaries. As a result - problems with the kidneys, infertility, adhesions in the tubes, ectopic pregnancy. Great danger this pathology presents for expectant mothers. After all, they have several times the risk premature birth and postpartum endometritis.

But before we talk about getting rid of this pathology, we will find out what are the reasons for the violation of the vaginal microflora in women, because any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Most often, the change in microflora occurs due to hormones. More precisely, due to hormonal disruptions that often occur in women during menopause, as well as when taking certain medicines. For example, oral contraceptives.

In addition, there may be some influence chronic diseases, For example, diabetes. How to restore the microflora of the vagina will have to think about after prolonged use of antibiotics, frequent use vaginal remedies contraception (spermicides) or douching. By the way, antibiotics are often found in store-bought meat and dairy products, so you can get dysbiosis without taking antibiotics directly.

If there are relevant symptoms, you need to contact a gynecologist. But you are unlikely to be given an effective appointment after the first appointment, since you will need to examine the smear microscopy and the results bacteriological culture. In order to prescribe tablets or suppositories in case of violation of the vaginal microflora, the doctor must know which pathogen has become the culprit of dysbiosis. It would be useful to take an analysis and hidden infections sexually transmitted.

If a Candida fungus is found in the smear, symptoms typical of candidiasis, such as itching and white, will be disturbed. curdled discharge- The doctor will prescribe antifungal agents. Candles for intravaginal use or oral tablets may be prescribed. In mild cases, a single dose of the drug is enough for the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

If gardnerella is found in the smear, then the treatment will be carried out with other drugs, antibacterial and antiseptic. And this disease will be called bacterial vaginosis. After its treatment, gynecologists usually recommend taking a course, 7-10 days, to normalize the microflora. The choice of drugs for local use is very wide: "Laktozhinal", "Acipol", "Acilact", etc. Good results are shown by "Vagilak" when taken orally.

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Violation of the microflora of the vagina at least once in a lifetime worried any woman. Girls who have never had a sexual life also face this disease. The disease is asymptomatic, but can cause the most severe consequences accompanied by an inflammatory process. Gynecologists call pathology dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis.

Dysbiosis is defined as a violation of the microflora of the vaginal environment. If it is not treated, the disease will progress, causing a number of the most negative consequences.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina at the first stage does not manifest itself. They change only to a slight extent. AT normal condition in a woman they are absent, and if they are, then in small quantities. At healthy microflora there is no pain, pain, smell, burning sensation, dryness during intercourse and discomfort.

An unpleasant odor, an increase in the amount of whitish-yellowish discharge indicate the presence of such a pathology as a violation of the vaginal microflora. Why is this happening? This will be discussed further.

The normal microflora consists of 90% lactobacilli and 9% bifidobacteria. The remaining 1% falls on opportunistic pathogens, which rarely provoke any disease. A woman's body easily tolerates minor changes, especially with good immunity. In case of serious disorders, where the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria decreases, and the percentage of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms growing, reproductive system may crash. As a result, such harmful bacteria as fungus, gardnerella, streptococcus, Proteus, E. coli, chlamydia, etc. multiply. Vaginal dysbacteriosis occurs and, as a result, an inflammatory process. The immune system continues to fight pathogenic bacteria, but if left untreated protective functions organisms no longer give the desired effect.

If dysbacteriosis occurs in latent form, severe symptoms are rare. Without tests and examination by a doctor, it can be difficult to recognize a disease in this form. Therefore, women are advised to visit a gynecologist twice a year.

  • Single and constant hypothermia, which reduces immunity and contributes to the development of dysbacteriosis.

  • Change in hormonal background. Unsystematic sexual life, menopause, pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, violation menstrual cycle etc.

  • Change of climatic zones.

  • stressful situations.

  • chaotic sex life. Frequent change sexual partners. Ignoring methods of contraception.

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvis.

  • Infections acquired after sexual intercourse.

  • Prolonged antibiotic treatment.

  • Intestinal diseases.

  • Incorrect insertion and use of menstrual tampons.

They will help in time to recognize the violation of the microflora of the vagina, the symptoms of the disease. Although in many cases, especially at the initial stage of the disease, they are simply absent. If the bacteriosis began to progress, there may be:

  • highlighting white and yellow;

  • bad smell;

  • discomfort in the genital area;

  • dryness during sex;

  • burning, itching and pain in the genital area.

These are the main signs of a violation of the microflora of the vagina. If dysbiosis is not treated, endometritis, inflammation of the appendages, cervix, or vaginal walls may occur. If a infectious process affected urinary organs and urethra, then, as a rule, cystitis or urethritis develops.

Pregnancy, hormonal changes can provoke an acute stage of vaginal dysbiosis. During the period of bearing a child, the symptoms of the disease worsen. There is an abundance of discharge, an unpleasant odor, itching and burning in the genital area, there are pain during sex.

Many drugs are contraindicated for women during pregnancy, therefore complete treatment is not possible here. All actions are directed only to the temporary elimination of symptoms, and necessary treatment with antibiotics is carried out after delivery.

There may be a violation of the microflora of the vagina after childbirth. How to treat the patient in this situation? This question is decided only by the doctor. Often, young mothers are diagnosed with thrush, which is caused by a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. This process is influenced hormonal changes organism, as well as medicines which the woman giving birth was forced to take.

In this case, the therapy is antifungal agents in combination with probiotics, which in a positive way affect the microflora of the vagina and prevent the secondary appearance of the disease.

Often, the imbalance of the microflora of the vagina does not affect the sexual life of a woman and does not cause any special problems for the sexual partner. An exception is the advanced stage of dysbiosis. In this case, a man may develop signs of balanoposthitis or nonspecific urethritis, and then only if the stronger sex has a predisposition to the disease.

As a rule, diseases of the sexual partner do not affect the woman's vaginal environment, of course, we are not talking about sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis is carried out only in women, without involving a partner, unless the pathology is caused by a sexual infection.

If STDs occur, they are accompanied by severe dysbacteriosis. Cause imbalance in the vaginal environment. They provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process and disrupt the microflora of the vagina. However, there are no situations where the causative agent is only a sexually transmitted infection. The disease is always accompanied by negative changes in the opportunistic microflora. This should be taken into account in the fight against the disease. Here, taking antibiotics alone is unlikely to help, since it will not restore normal level microflora.

The course of treatment should always end with probiotics that restore the vaginal environment. Serious problems, caused by chlamydia and trichomonas, are solved by antibiotic therapy, after which it is necessary to restore the microflora. These courses should be separated and run one after the other.

In situations where the disease is light form, it is necessary to carry out urogenital diagnostics. And you can restore the necessary background simultaneously with the elimination of sexual infection.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina occurs even in girls who have never had sexual intercourse. A variety of factors come into play here. This is hormonal changes in the body during puberty, and features of the structure of the hymen, and non-compliance with the rules of hygiene (including improper washing of the genitals), and taking antibiotics and other drugs. The reasons in this case are similar to the factors contributing to the development of dysbacteriosis in women who have an active sex life. But there are also nuances.

Unlike women, girls rarely have copious discharge, since the hymen prevents them from leaving the vagina in in full. A certain part of them accumulates in the small pelvis, which causes an inflammatory process. Also, at the beginning of the development of sexual life in girls, a lot of bacteria enters the urethra from the vagina, which can cause “honeymoon cystitis”.

Therapy of dysbacteriosis in virgins is quite complicated, since the hymen does not allow for a thorough treatment of the vagina. In some cases, even hymenectomy is indicated, in which there is a violation of the hymen.

Often, some diseases of the stomach and intestines lead to a violation of the microflora both in the intestinal walls and in the vagina.

The rectum is in close contact with the vaginal cavity, as a result, bacteria freely pass through the walls of the organs. When intestinal dysbacteriosis develops and progresses, the bacteria (E. coli, enterococci, etc.) that cause this disease easily penetrate the walls of the vagina, where they also disturb the background. What to do in such a situation? Of course, contact a specialist, in no case resorting to "amateur" and the help of folk remedies.

Treatment of a violation of the microflora of the vagina in this case is a complex process, since the likelihood of a new infection is quite high. Here, simultaneous therapy of both the vagina and the intestines should be carried out. This is the most severe form of dysbiosis.

In order for the treatment to give a result, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease. First of all, it is carried out gynecological examination female patients. Then tests are ordered. As a rule, this is:

  • PCR diagnostics, which allows you to verify the absence or presence of genital infections;

  • a smear on the flora, indicating the state of the vaginal microflora;

  • sowing vaginal discharge;

  • the sensitivity of the patient to antibiotics is determined.

Data received laboratory research allow you to determine the cause of the disease and the degree of its complexity.

  • Destruction of pathogenic bacteria that caused this disease.

  • Restoration of the vaginal microflora.

  • Immunity boost.

If dysbacteriosis has arisen due to genital infections, then the causative agent of the disease is first eliminated by prescribing a course of antibiotics. If the violation of the microflora of the vagina is caused by another reason, then antibiotics may not be used. And if such therapy is prescribed, then for a period of no more than five days.

It is very important for dysbiosis to carry out external procedures. These are various baths and tampons. Such activities inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms and restore immunity. Treatment of violations of the microflora of the vagina with antiseptics - in this case they are used topically - much more effective than antibiotics, and their area of ​​influence is much wider. Almost all bacteria are susceptible to their influence. More antiseptics help develop the immunity of the walls of the vagina and normalize its microflora. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The neglected form of dysbacteriosis is difficult to cure only with immunomodulatory therapy; here, in addition, antibiotics are almost always prescribed.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina (drugs are usually prescribed in the form of ointments, suppositories, vaginal tablets and creams) is a rather complex disease, which often requires an integrated approach.

Often, for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, Dalacin cream is used, which is an antibiotic with a wide range actions. The active ingredient is clindamycin phosphate 2%. He

intensively affects the vaginal microflora. Also effectively restore the background with such a pathology as a violation of the microflora of the vagina, suppositories "Dalacin". They contain up to 100 mg of antibiotic.

A good result in vaginal dysbiosis is given by Flagil candles. The drug is used once a day, at night. Also, for the treatment of the disease, doctors recommend using "Hexicon" - these are suppositories with chlorhexidine. They are inserted into the vaginal cavity once a day. The course is 10 days.

For the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis, many today choose Betadine and Terzhinan suppositories. good effect gives the gel "Metronidazole".

If the disease is advanced, and only topical preparations cannot be dispensed with, then tablets are prescribed for oral administration. This is:

  • "Ornidazole".

  • "Naxojin".

  • Meratin.

  • "Tiberal".

  • "Tinidazole".

  • "Trichopol" or "Metronidazole".

  • "Clindamycin".

Medicines are taken throughout the week. It should be remembered that when using oral medications, alcohol is prohibited. This is especially true for Trichopolum.

In combination with other drugs for the normalization of microflora, it is prescribed: "Linex", "Probifor", "Bifidumbacterin", "Bifiform", "Bifidin" or "Bifiliz". To increase the number of lactobacilli in the vaginal environment, "Acilact", "Lactobacterin", "Acepol", etc. are prescribed. It is recommended to drink the medicine in a course, starting from the second day of taking antibacterial agents. They also prescribe means to maintain immunity - "Immunal", "Cycloferon", etc.

If the cause of the violation of the microflora was sexual intercourse, then the sexual partner should also be examined and treated.

Treatment for dysbiosis can take up to four weeks. In some cases, it is difficult to prevent this disease, because real reason, which caused the disease, is difficult to establish. The only thing a woman can do is to strengthen the immune system and follow the necessary rules of hygiene.

After the restoration of the microflora of the vagina, you should visit the gynecologist every three months for a year. This is necessary in order to detect a relapse in time and take appropriate measures. In the future, under normal circumstances, you can see a doctor once a year.

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Violation of the microflora of the vagina at least once in a lifetime worried any woman. Girls who have never had a sexual life also face this disease. The disease is asymptomatic, but can cause the most severe consequences, accompanied by an inflammatory process. Gynecologists call pathology dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis.

What is dysbiosis?

Dysbiosis is defined as a violation of the microflora of the vaginal environment. If it is not treated, the disease will progress, causing a number of the most negative consequences.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina at the first stage does not manifest itself. They change only to a slight extent. In a normal state, a woman does not have them, and if they do, then in small quantities. With a healthy microflora, there is no pain, pain, smell, burning sensation, dryness during intercourse and discomfort.

An unpleasant smell, an increase in the number indicate the presence of such a pathology as a violation of the microflora of the vagina. Why is this happening? This will be discussed further.

The normal microflora consists of 90% lactobacilli and 9% bifidobacteria. The remaining 1% falls on which rarely provoke any disease. A woman's body easily tolerates minor changes, especially with good immunity. With serious violations, where the number decreases, and the percentage of opportunistic microorganisms grows, the reproductive system may fail. As a result, such harmful bacteria as fungus, gardnerella, streptococcus, Proteus, E. coli, chlamydia, etc. multiply. Vaginal dysbacteriosis occurs and, as a result, an inflammatory process. The immune system continues to fight pathogenic bacteria, but in the absence of treatment, the protective functions of the body no longer give the desired effect.

The most common types of diseases include:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • thrush.

If dysbacteriosis occurs in a latent form, then severe symptoms are rarely observed. Without tests and examination by a doctor, it can be difficult to recognize a disease in this form. Therefore, women are advised to visit a gynecologist twice a year.

Causes of violation of the microflora of the vagina

There are many factors that influence the appearance of dysbiosis:

  • Single and constant hypothermia, which reduces immunity and contributes to the development of dysbacteriosis.
  • Change in hormonal background. Unsystematic sex life, menopause, pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, menstrual irregularities, etc.
  • Change of climatic zones.
  • stressful situations.
  • Chaotic sex life. Frequent change of sexual partners. Ignoring methods of contraception.
  • Inflammatory and pelvic.
  • Infections acquired after sexual intercourse.
  • Prolonged antibiotic treatment.
  • Intestinal diseases.
  • Incorrect insertion and use of menstrual tampons.

All these and other reasons cause a violation of the microflora of the vagina.

Symptoms of the disease

They will help in time to recognize the violation of the microflora of the vagina, the symptoms of the disease. Although in many cases, especially at the initial stage of the disease, they are simply absent. If the bacteriosis began to progress, there may be:

  • highlighting white and yellow;
  • bad smell;
  • discomfort in the genital area;
  • dryness during sex;
  • burning, itching and pain in the genital area.

These are the main signs of a violation of the microflora of the vagina. If dysbiosis is not treated, endometritis, inflammation of the appendages, cervix, or vaginal walls may occur. If the infectious process has affected the genitourinary organs and the urethra, then, as a rule, cystitis or urethritis develops.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnancy, hormonal changes can provoke an acute stage of vaginal dysbiosis. During the period of bearing a child, the symptoms of the disease worsen. There is an abundance of discharge, an unpleasant odor, itching and burning in the genital area, and pain during sex.

Many drugs are contraindicated for women during pregnancy, so it is not possible to conduct a full-fledged treatment here. All actions are directed only to the temporary elimination of symptoms, and the necessary treatment with antibiotics is carried out after delivery.

There may be a violation of the microflora. How to treat the patient in this situation? This question is decided only by the doctor. Often, young mothers are diagnosed with thrush, which is caused by a yeast-like infection. This process is influenced by hormonal changes in the body, as well as a number of medications that the woman giving birth was forced to take.

In this case, therapy is carried out with antifungal agents in combination with probiotics, which have a positive effect on the vaginal microflora and prevent the secondary appearance of the disease.

Vaginal dysbacteriosis and sexual partner

Often, the imbalance of the microflora of the vagina does not affect the sexual life of a woman and does not cause any special problems for the sexual partner. An exception is the advanced stage of dysbiosis. In this case, a man may develop signs of balanoposthitis or nonspecific urethritis, and then only if the stronger sex has a predisposition to the disease.

As a rule, diseases of the sexual partner do not affect the woman's vaginal environment, of course, we are not talking about sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis is carried out only in women, without involving a partner, unless the pathology is caused by a sexual infection.

If STDs occur, they are accompanied by severe dysbacteriosis. Cause imbalance in the vaginal environment. They provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process and disrupt the microflora of the vagina. However, there are no situations where the causative agent is only a sexually transmitted infection. Always the disease is accompanied by negative changes in this should be taken into account in the fight against the disease. Here, taking antibiotics alone is unlikely to help, since it will not restore the normal level of microflora.

The course of treatment should always end with probiotics that restore the vaginal environment. Serious problems caused by chlamydia and Trichomonas are solved by antibiotic therapy, after which the restoration of microflora is necessary. These courses should be separated and run one after the other.

In situations where the disease has a mild form, it is necessary to carry out urogenital diagnostics. And you can restore the necessary background simultaneously with the elimination of sexual infection.

Dysbacteriosis in girls

Violation of the microflora of the vagina occurs even in girls who have never had sexual intercourse. A variety of factors come into play here. This is hormonal changes in the body during puberty, and features of the structure of the hymen, and non-compliance with the rules of hygiene (including improper washing of the genitals), and taking antibiotics and other drugs. The reasons in this case are similar to the factors contributing to the development of dysbacteriosis in women who have an active sex life. But there are also nuances.

Unlike women, girls rarely experience heavy discharge, since the hymen does not allow them to leave the vagina in full. A certain part of them accumulates in the small pelvis, which causes an inflammatory process. Also, at the beginning of the development of sexual life in girls, a lot of bacteria enters the urethra from the vagina, which can cause “honeymoon cystitis”.

Therapy of dysbacteriosis in virgins is quite complicated, since the hymen does not allow for a thorough treatment of the vagina. In some cases, even hymenectomy is indicated, in which there is a violation of the hymen.

Development of dysbiosis and the intestinal environment

Often, some diseases of the stomach and intestines lead to a violation of the microflora both in the intestinal walls and in the vagina.

The rectum is in close contact with the vaginal cavity, as a result, bacteria freely pass through the walls of the organs. When intestinal dysbacteriosis develops and progresses, the bacteria (E. coli, enterococci, etc.) that cause this disease easily penetrate the walls of the vagina, where they also disturb the background. What to do in such a situation? Of course, contact a specialist, in no case resorting to "amateur" and the help of folk remedies.

Treatment of a violation of the microflora of the vagina in this case is a complex process, since the likelihood of a new infection is quite high. Here, simultaneous therapy of both the vagina and the intestines should be carried out. This is the most severe form of dysbiosis.

Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis

In order for the treatment to give a result, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease. First of all, a gynecological examination of the patient is performed. Then tests are ordered. As a rule, this is:

  • PCR diagnostics, which allows you to verify the absence or presence of genital infections;
  • a smear on the flora, indicating the state of the vaginal microflora;
  • sowing vaginal discharge;
  • the sensitivity of the patient to antibiotics is determined.

The obtained data of laboratory studies allow us to establish the cause of the disease and the degree of its complexity.

Treatment of dysbiosis

Therapeutic measures to restore the vaginal microflora are divided into several stages:

  • Destruction of pathogenic bacteria that caused this disease.
  • Restoration of the vaginal microflora.
  • Immunity boost.

If dysbacteriosis has arisen due to genital infections, then the causative agent of the disease is first eliminated by prescribing a course of antibiotics. If the violation of the microflora of the vagina is caused by another reason, then antibiotics may not be used. And if such therapy is prescribed, then for a period of no more than five days.

It is very important for dysbiosis to carry out external procedures. These are various baths and tampons. Such activities inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms and restore immunity. Treatment of violations of the microflora of the vagina with antiseptics - in this case they are used topically - is much more effective than antibiotics, and their area of ​​​​effect is much wider. Almost all bacteria are susceptible to their influence. Antiseptics also help develop the immunity of the walls of the vagina and normalize its microflora. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The neglected form of dysbacteriosis is difficult to cure only with immunomodulatory therapy; here, in addition, antibiotics are almost always prescribed.

Drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis

Violation of the microflora of the vagina (drugs are usually prescribed in the form of ointments, suppositories, vaginal tablets and creams) is a rather complex disease, which often requires an integrated approach.

Often, Dalacin cream, which is an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action, is used to treat dysbacteriosis. The active ingredient is clindamycin phosphate 2%. It intensively affects the vaginal microflora. Also effectively restore the background with such a pathology as a violation of the microflora of the vagina, suppositories "Dalacin". They contain up to 100 mg of antibiotic.

A good result in vaginal dysbiosis is given by Flagil candles. The drug is used once a day, at night. Also, for the treatment of the disease, doctors recommend using "Hexicon" - these are suppositories with chlorhexidine. They are inserted into the vaginal cavity once a day. The course is 10 days.

For the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis, many today choose Betadine and Terzhinan suppositories. Metronidazole gel also gives a good effect.

If the disease is advanced, and only topical preparations cannot be dispensed with, then tablets are prescribed for oral administration. This is:

  • "Ornidazole".
  • "Naxojin".
  • Meratin.
  • "Tiberal".
  • "Tinidazole".
  • "Trichopol" or "Metronidazole".
  • "Clindamycin".

Medicines are taken throughout the week. It should be remembered that when using oral medications, alcohol is prohibited. This is especially true for Trichopolum.

In combination with other drugs for the normalization of microflora, it is prescribed: "Linex", "Probifor", "Bifidumbacterin", "Bifiform", "Bifidin" or "Bifiliz". To increase the number of lactobacilli in the vaginal environment, "Acilact", "Lactobacterin", "Acepol", etc. are prescribed. It is recommended to drink the medicine in a course, starting from the second day of taking antibacterial agents. They also prescribe means to maintain immunity - "Immunal", "Cycloferon", etc.

If the cause of the violation of the microflora was sexual intercourse, then the sexual partner should also be examined and treated.

About preventive measures

Treatment for dysbiosis can take up to four weeks. In some cases, it is difficult to prevent this disease, since it is difficult to establish the real cause that caused the disease. The only thing a woman can do is to strengthen the immune system and follow the necessary rules of hygiene.

After the restoration of the microflora of the vagina, you should visit the gynecologist every three months for a year. This is necessary in order to detect a relapse in time and take appropriate measures. In the future, under normal circumstances, you can see a doctor once a year.

What is the intestinal microflora, the causes of its violation, the symptoms of dysbacteriosis in adults and children, the features of the treatment of bacterial balance disorders using various means.

Features of the intestinal microflora

The intestinal microflora is a collection of beneficial bacteria that are in it. It should be noted that bacteria are not present in the entire human body, in internal organs and there is no blood. But in the organs and systems that interact with external environment, they are - this is the skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system. Thus, in human body many work at the same time biological systems inhabited by beneficial bacteria.

Microflora is a sensitive and very complex system. Most microorganisms are found in the large intestine, but not all of its departments have the same number of bacteria. AT small intestine, for example, their small number, due to the high percentage of hydrochloric acid in the department they die. The largest number bacteria found in the microflora lower divisions intestines, they consist of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Bifidobacteria are very important components of the microflora, which are mainly found in the large intestine. It is thanks to these beneficial microorganisms that our immunity is strong enough to fight pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Bifidobacteria, in addition to serving as a protective barrier against pathogenic microbes, help to activate digestive organs. Also, with their help, vitamins and microelements are absorbed faster, amino acids and proteins are synthesized.

Lactobacilli that "live" in the intestines are natural antibiotics for the body. The main function of lactobacilli is to protect and strengthen the immune system. In order to fully activate the work of these beneficial microorganisms, doctors advise consuming various dairy and sour-milk products as often as possible.

The beneficial bacteria that inhabit a healthy gut produce vitamin B and nicotinic acid, due to which calcium and iron from food begin to actively enter the cells of the body. Violation of the normal intestinal microflora can occur due to different reasons. As a result of failures, beneficial bacteria die, while pathogenic ones, on the contrary, begin to multiply faster.

Causes of violation of the intestinal microflora

Very often it is the person who is the cause of such violations. This may be due to taking any medications, frequent overeating, improperly balanced meals, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical activity.

Consider the most common causes of dysbacteriosis:

  • One of the most common causes of the disorder is antibiotic treatment. They affect not only pathogenic bacteria, but also lead to the death of beneficial microorganisms.
  • Reasons that are at the top of the list of risk factors: smoking, frequent drinking, snacking on spicy and fatty foods and sweets. There may be a violation of the microflora due to the fact that your diet does not contain products containing vegetable fiber. After all, it is she who is the main means for feeding beneficial microorganisms.
  • Another reason for the violation: when the intestines are cleansed too often and actively. Along with this, both pathogenic and beneficial organisms. This happens with the uncontrolled use of laxatives.
  • When a person is too clean, he begins to overuse hygiene products. Overuse of antibacterial products kills beneficial bacteria.
  • If the person has recently had infection, the body is exhausted by inflammatory processes, possibly allergic reactions, then this, of course, will affect both the immune system and the intestinal microflora.
  • A common cause of dysbacteriosis is hormonal disbalance.
  • Transferred stresses, diseases nervous system, constant lack of sleep, an unbalanced diet, the use of low-quality water are also on the list of causes of a violation of the normal intestinal microflora.

The main symptoms of violation of microflora in the intestine

The main symptoms of such disorders are diarrhea or constipation, rumbling and increased flatulence. A person may feel unwell, weakness in the body, pain different nature in the abdomen.

Symptoms of a violation of the intestinal microflora in adults

In adults, the symptoms of the disorder directly depend on the stage of the disease.

Doctors distinguish four main ones:

  1. The first is characterized by a slight imbalance between normal and pathogenic bacteria. Such imbalances can often be caused by a course of antibiotic treatment, as well as a sudden change in the quality of food or water. At this stage, the signs do not have a pronounced character, there can only be rumbling in the stomach. The state of the microflora can improve and fully recover after the elimination of the causes of the violation - the end of medication, the body getting used to new nutritional conditions.
  2. Symptoms of dysbacteriosis in the second stage are more noticeable. Appetite may decrease bad taste in the mouth, and you may also experience nausea and vomiting. Patients often complain of bloating and flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. Of course, these symptoms can accompany other diseases, but most often they speak of initial stages dysbacteriosis.
  3. In the third stage, the patient needs serious medical treatment, as the bacteria inside the intestines begin to multiply more actively and cause inflammatory processes. Patients often experience severe pain in the intestines, the stool is disturbed, often with various impurities.
  4. At the fourth stage, all beneficial bacteria are ousted from the microflora. In this state, the intestines cannot cope with the function of absorption. essential substances avitaminosis develops. Patients have a disturbed sleep pattern, a strong feeling of fatigue and apathy is disturbing. If the case is severe, an infection inside the intestines may develop.
Symptoms may be more or less pronounced depending on factors such as general state organism, the level of resistance of immunity, the patient's lifestyle. For example, if one person after a two-week course of antibiotic treatment, the state of the microflora is only slightly disturbed, then another may already have a serious degree of dysbacteriosis.

Signs of violation of the intestinal microflora in children

Most often, dysbacteriosis worries newborns. This is due to the characteristics of their body and the stages of its development. Doctors explain such violations by the fact that the intestines in babies are practically sterile, the balance of microflora is not yet stable. It will be adjusted in the first five days from birth.

Since breast milk over time, the baby will receive all the necessary useful trace elements, as well as bacteria for developing organism. The risk of dysbacteriosis is especially high in children who were born ahead of time, and those who are on artificial feeding.

The newborn may have frequent pain in the tummy, food is not digested properly, thereby causing the formation of gas and colic. You can avoid such violations if you give the baby additional nutrients- probiotics. The bacteria contained in them are very useful for normal operation child's intestines.

Not only newborns, but also the organisms of preschoolers and young children school age tend to be influenced various factors(for example, infections, unbalanced diet), as a result of which the child may be disturbed by painful symptoms - diarrhea or constipation, problems with appetite, abdominal pain. They are direct evidence that the balance of the intestinal microflora of the child is disturbed.

In children, the symptoms of disorders are more pronounced and are often expressed in the following:

  • severe constipation or diarrhea;
  • Periodic pain sensations varying degrees in the lower abdomen;
  • Strong gas formation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • Appearance allergic rash on the skin;
  • Sluggish and apathetic state.
Often parents begin to self-treat their children with various herbal decoctions and candles for constipation, diarrhea and other symptoms. They provide only temporary relief for the child. All stages of treatment can be selected only by a specialist who will prescribe necessary examinations and drugs that can eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the cause of dysbacteriosis.

Consequences of violation of the intestinal microflora

As a result of an imbalance in the microflora in the body, the process of intoxication occurs, which entails a metabolic disorder and the development of inflammation. This process manifests itself in this way:
  • The feeling of hunger comes within a few minutes after eating.
  • The general condition of the body is noticeably worsening: weakness sets in, may disturb frequent dizziness and nausea.
  • In order for all the symptoms to go away, it is necessary to undergo a course of microflora restoration.

    Methods for the treatment of violations of the intestinal microflora

    Starting the recovery process, you must first change your diet. The main goal of the diet is to normalize the functioning of intestinal motility. For good result treatment requires only a strict diet, completely excluding foods that can cause severe gas formation, and the use of foods containing fiber is mandatory. Also every day you need to consume dairy products.

    Medications for disorders of the intestinal microflora

    The most popular drugs against dysbacteriosis, which must be taken for the prevention of newborns, are Bifiform Baby and Bifidumbacterin. They help the baby go through the adaptation process faster and form a balanced microflora in the intestines.

    The procedure for treating dysbacteriosis in adults is more complicated. If the absorption process is disturbed, problems with indigestion are of concern, then there is an excess of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. All this leads to inflammatory processes. In such cases, doctors prescribe strong drugs antibacterial action.

    If the case of violation is more severe, antibiotics are prescribed: with penicillin, fluoroquinol or cephalosporin. Mild disorders can be cured with antimicrobials, which have a bactericidal effect on the intestines. Treatment is the usual course and is a week or two.

    After antibiotic treatment is over, patients are advised to drink sorbents in order to completely cleanse the intestines from the remnants of dead pathogenic microorganisms.

    With the help of enzymes and choleretic drugs, as well as hepatoprotectors, the process of splitting food and absorbing the necessary nutritional components improves. Thus, the conditions for restoring the balance in the microflora are normalized and beneficial bacteria begin to colonize it.

    It is also important to remember that it is necessary to correct immune status organism: for this, immunomodulators and vitamin therapy can be prescribed by a doctor.

    Folk remedies against violation of microflora in the intestine

    The microflora will begin to actively recover if you start making adjustments to your diet. You also need to additionally support the body with vitamins and minerals. In order to increase the number of beneficial lactobacilli, include more carrots in the diet, white cabbage, garlic, celery, beets.

    Here are some recipes for these useful products that help restore the balance of bacteria in the gut:

    • . Large beets are peeled and cut into small cubes. It is poured with a liter of water, three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Sugar (a tablespoon), black pepper (a pinch) and cloves (a couple of pieces) are added. The mixture is infused overnight at room temperature. You need to drink the infusion before eating a tablespoon.
    • garlic oil. Garlic cloves (5-6 pieces) must be ground to a gruel state. Transfer the resulting mass into a glass dish and pour one glass of vegetable oil. Place in refrigerator for 24 hours. The oil is perfect for dressing various salads.

    Proper nutrition to improve the condition of the intestinal microflora

    To combat the violation of the intestinal microflora, it is recommended to use prebiotics. This is natural product which is great for boosting immunity. They help the body cope with colds and dysbacteriosis.

    This is natural remedy known as a common food component that will not be fully absorbed by the intestines, but at the same time it perfectly activates the restoration of microflora. Prebiotics in in large numbers found in chicory, dandelion greens, garlic, onion, fresh asparagus, banana, wheat bran. By including these foods in your diet, you can greatly help restore microflora.

    Doctors recommend consuming fermented milk products daily, because they perfectly replenish the reserves of useful lacto- and bifidobacteria. They will help get rid of dysbacteriosis, strengthen immune system, normalize the active work of the digestive tract.

    Included in fermented milk products beneficial microorganisms they will not allow pathogenic microbes and fungi to develop, they will help to digest carbohydrates more easily, which will later turn into lactic acid, they are involved in the synthesis of vitamins K and B. Also, with their help, it will be better to go through the metabolic process and regulate cholesterol levels.

    If after trying home treatment, improvement does not occur within a day, you should immediately seek professional help.

    How to treat a violation of the intestinal microflora - look at the video:

    Violation of microflora is a negative process in the body, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. There are many reasons for such disorders, especially in newborns and children under 10 years of age. To get rid of dysbacteriosis as soon as possible, seek help from specialists, and then apply preventive measures.