Body healing systems. The biological role of sodium and potassium

Man like biological system- is very complex, but ultimately it is a system of tubes and electrical wires that carry out the interaction of all organs. Over time, the tubes (intestines, blood vessels) begin to become clogged, and the wires extending from spinal cord to the organs, due to the deterioration of elasticity intervertebral discs pinched. As a result - numerous diseases.

To eliminate these age-related changes, you need daily stretching of the spine (hanging and flexibility exercises) and mandatory cleansing of the intestines of blood vessels with proper nutrition (mainly vegetable with a decrease in animal fats and proteins).

Cleansing steps on the path to health

Step one: bowel lavage.

It is desirable to start cleansing in the spring, when the movement of nutrient juice in the plants begins.
A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice is poured into two liters of boiled chilled water (or dry citric acid is dissolved - about a teaspoon. (You can add table salt- 2 tbsp. spoons per liter, removing the sediment so that there is no absorption of water from the intestinal walls, but vice versa - it goes reverse process, cleansing the pores of the intestine). And it is better to replace water with 3-5-day urine (urine) in the amount of 1.5 liters, which has an acidic reaction. Then you don’t need to add anything to it, except for salt (1.5 tablespoons per liter) and the procedure is softer. The temperature of the water (urine) is about 30 degrees. The procedure is carried out using Esmarch's mug (heater with a hose and a clamp or a tap). Position - on the elbows and knees. Inhale through the mouth, the stomach is relaxed. After the water flows into the large intestine, turn to the right side, shake the lower abdomen, stand up and jump or shake the stomach.

In the first week - every day, in the second - every other day, in the third - in two days, in the fourth - in three, all further time - once a week.

This procedure eliminates the penetration into the blood and into the body harmful substances contained in stagnant feces (many years of scale on the intestinal walls), actually stops the development of all diseases. It starts the healing process of the body.

Step two: rational combination of products.

Separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates, sugars and starches, tk. when digested, they need different environments and, when used together, they are simply not absorbed, but slagged in the body, and the rejection of dairy products containing casein, which is not digested by the body of an adult, but settles on the walls of blood vessels (sclerosis).

Proteins include: meat, fish, eggs, broths, seeds, nuts, beans, legumes, mushrooms, eggplants. Carbohydrates include: sugar - granulated sugar, sweets, honey and starches: bread, flour products, potatoes, cereals. It is better not to eat meat at all, replacing it vegetable proteins, or increase the amount of fresh plant foods (greens). At the same time, protein deficiency is not observed, since the body switches to nutrition with its own tissues, primarily painfully altered ones, being cleansed of them as during starvation. Then it begins to receive proteins from bacteria rich in them, which in digestive tract recycle vegetable food. Similar to the digestion of a cow that eats grass (fiber) but produces protein (milk). Of the sugars, there are only honey and sweet fruits or vegetables. White bread and sweets, as well as semolina it is better not to use it at all, because. they clog the liver.

Drink only structured water (distilled or snow, as well as contained in fruits or vegetables). If consumed
less salty, then you won’t feel like drinking at all (water enters the body when digesting food and from fresh plant foods, which are 90 percent water). It is better to drink before meals, and after meals not earlier than 1-2 hours, so as not to dilute the gastric juice.

The method of rational nutrition prevents the penetration of undigested products into the intestines, significantly saves strength and
energy, which is now spent not on trying to digest incompatible foods, but on eliminating foci of disease.

Step three: fight with bacteriosis.

In addition, garlic is the only product containing dissolved germanium, which restores and strengthens valves in the body (vessels, stomach, heart, etc.).

Step four: cleaning the joints.

To speed up the cleansing of joint deposits, you need to take 5 grams bay leaf, and boil in 300 milliliters of water for 5 minutes. Then pour everything into a thermos and leave for 3-4 hours. Drain the solution. Drink a teaspoon every 12 minutes for 12 hours. (You can not drink large doses or all at once!). Perform 3 days in a row, then repeat the same in a week.

In the first year, cleaning the joints should be repeated quarterly. Subsequently, for prevention - once a year. A prerequisite is a thoroughly washed intestine and vegetarian food all the days of the procedure. Otherwise - intensive dissolution of deposits fecal stones and pruritus, hives and other forms of allergies.

The described technique will help get rid of salt deposits, weather pain, joint fatigue, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis.
Be prepared for the fact that your doctor, seeing such an effect, will say magic words: "Wrong in the diagonal."

Step Five: Liver cleanse. (most significant)

The procedure requires 300 grams lemon juice(you can dissolve citric acid in water, bringing the solution closer in acidity to lemon juice), 300 grams vegetable oil(preferably olive). All this before taking warm up to body temperature. Wash your intestines in the morning and eat only fresh food all day long. apple juice(you can use sauerkraut or sour vegetable products, and even better - only your urine, eating it with honey and drinking sour juice). If you can, repeat for 2 more days. No, that's fine too. If you take hot baths all day to soften the tissues, it will be absolutely fine. The washing process starts at 16-17 hours of the last day.

Prepare a glass in advance by marking it on the outside with wax, soap or lipstick: pour three tablespoons of water - mark the level, then add three more tablespoons of water and mark its level again. Drain the water - the dishes are marked. Prepare a heating pad with boiling water by wrapping it in a towel so that it does not burn (you can use an electric heating pad).

At 16-17 hours, start the procedure: lie on your right side so that the heating pad is under the liver: at the hypochondrium on the right side. Ask someone (otherwise you will have to get up all the time yourself) to pour three tablespoons of lemon juice into a glass (up to the first mark). Then carefully add three tablespoons of vegetable oil (up to the upper mark). Drink this cocktail and lay on the heating pad, reading a book or something. After 15 minutes, drink the next glass of the cocktail. After 15 minutes - another one, and so on, until the juice and oil run out. If you can't drink it all and you feel like throwing up, limit yourself to this amount for now: anything is better than nothing. But juice and
oil can't do you any harm. After drinking a cocktail, continue to lie down or fall asleep. Your task is completed.

The next morning (everyone is different), when you go to the toilet you will find green bilirubin stones of various sizes (destroyed blood cells that stuck together in your liver and clogged its ducts and gallbladder many years) and cholesterol plugs, similar to the cut cylindrical bodies of worms. Do not be afraid, for you have already got rid of it. Flush your intestines conventional method and have breakfast when your appetite appears, juice, oatmeal or fruit. The procedure is over. Follow a vegetarian diet for a week.

A month later, repeat the procedure (only 4 times according to the number of lobes of the liver). In the future, it is enough to do 1-2 procedures in a row once a year, preferably in the spring.

You will see the result of liver cleansing immediately by your well-being, because your fatigue will disappear and there will be a sharp stimulation of the activity of all organs, because. pure blood now flows through your vessels, washing all the tissues and organs of the body, which, getting rid of accumulated toxins, begin to recover themselves.

Step six: cleansing the kidneys.

We offer several procedures.
The first is watermelon . In the middle of the watermelon season (in September, because early watermelons are grown on chemicals), eat only watermelons with black bread for a week. At the end of the week-long watermelon diet, take a warm bath late at night with a meal of watermelon. Hoping to urinate right in the tub with warm water you are not very shocked. After 2-3 weeks, washing the kidneys with watermelon juice can be repeated.

The second is with the help fir oil . You need fir oil and a collection of herbs: 50 grams of St. John's wort, oregano, sage, lemon balm and knotweed. Grind the grass like a large tea. For a week, put yourself on a vegetarian diet and drink tea from these herbs with honey. And starting from the seventh day, drink an infusion of this collection with fir oil for another five days. The infusion is drunk three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Each time, five drops of fir oil are added to 100-150 grams of infusion, after which the infusion is thoroughly mixed. (Drink through a straw to prevent your teeth from being destroyed by the oil.) After a few days for a month, heavy brown oily drops will fall out when you urinate, smelling of fir. They are easily smeared, often with a creak - from the sand in them.

The third is urine . Reception 1-2 times a day one hour before eating fresh own urine. The result is increased urination and flushing
kidneys. Urine becomes light and almost odorless. This method of cleansing the body can be carried out continuously - daily.

Step seven: cleansing the blood lymph.

Prepare a mixture of 900 gr. orange juice, 900 gr. grapefruit juice, 200 gr. lemon juice and two liters of distilled or melted water (to obtain melted water, you can use an ice "fur coat" from the freezer, but not from the bottom where the products lie).
With bowel lavage and rational nutrition, after spending the whole day without food, come to the steam bath (you can replace it with a warm bath with a shower). Drink a glass of water there, with a tablespoon of Glauber's salt dissolved in it (used on farms to feed livestock). After that you will start heavy sweating. So replenish the loss of moisture in the body by drinking a mixture of juices (100 grams every half hour). And so for three days in a row.

As a result, the blood is cleansed of many toxins. The procedure is carried out for the first year every quarter, and subsequently - once a year.

Step eight: cleaning the vessels.

To clear blood vessels, smeared with all kinds of deposits, when the flow of hormones and antibodies into the blood is disturbed, a special infusion must be made.
Mix a glass of dill seed with two tablespoons of ground valerian root. Pour into a thermos, add two glasses of natural honey and pour boiling water over so that the total volume is equal to two liters. Infuse for a day, and then take a tablespoon half an hour before meals.


The human cell lives for about 9 months. By starting and systematically cleaning the body of everything superfluous, unnecessary and harmful that has accumulated in it over decades of improperly organized life, we create the conditions for each subsequent cell created in us to be healthy. Consequently, approximately 9 months after the main cleansing and 1 year from the start of work on yourself, you will not have a single cell left from a sick person. Now, regardless of age, you can safely take up sports and hardening.

Training your cleansed body from a method of dispersing it and partially shaking out toxins will turn into a way to strengthen all body systems. Do not be afraid of any complications, now nothing threatens you. This technique has been tested by the positive experience of many
and many people who have found the most precious thing a person has - his health.

You will be able to live long without getting sick, getting joy from life!

And if you teach your children, grandchildren and just others how to rejuvenate your body good people, then you will contribute to the preservation and development of your (once the most healthy) people, your nation. So your life has already been lived not in vain.

On a good journey that always starts with the first step. Do it. Life is worth far more than all your efforts!

Poor environment, low-quality food, constant stress and bad habits leave a negative imprint on our health. Therefore, it is very important to be attentive to the body, healing it with the help of various ways. In the modern world, there are a lot of methods that heal the body - from the oldest, originating in the East, to the latest.

Body diagnostics

Computer diagnostics will help to recreate the most complete picture of the internal state of your body. This procedure absolutely safe, painless and optimal. What is it for, what are its advantages and results you will get by passing computer diagnostics You will understand by watching the video.

How to heal the body

The best time to change your habitual way of life is the age of 25-30 years, when the body is fully formed and matured, but has not begun to age. Therefore, you have every chance and freshness.

For this you need:

  • eat right - eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, do not abuse fatty, salty, fried and starchy foods;
  • observe the regime - namely, eat at the same time, have a healthy sleep for at least 8 hours, and also go to bed at the same time;
  • keep busy physical activity- commit hiking on the fresh air, do yoga, dance or go to the gym, choose what will bring joy to you.

Body healing methods

Exist great amount ways to improve your body. However, you should carefully consider the choice of a particular method, because it may have its own contraindications. We have selected for you universal means suitable for anyone:

  1. hardening. One of the most effective ways recovery. You can choose from several hardening options: ice water taking or walking barefoot. All methods are effective to one degree or another. Special attention should be paid to swimming in ice water. This method is considered the best for maintaining immunity and the strongest in physiotherapy, helping to get rid of even very terrible diseases.
  2. Therapeutic baths. Therapeutic baths are prepared with the addition of decoctions of herbs, sea salt, etc. to the water. therapeutic baths also include turpentine baths. They help to relax and open the capillaries and blood vessels, the organs and cells are saturated with oxygen due to the restoration of their blood supply. Immunity is strengthened, the body becomes stronger and gets more opportunities to fight diseases and viruses. Such baths contribute not only to healing, but also to the rejuvenation of your body.
  3. . Breathing plays an important role in life, influencing internal processes occurring in the body. It is not for nothing that in our time there are many sets of breathing exercises that help to cope with a particular task. Such gymnastics helps to strengthen the immune system, improve the work of the heart, blood vessels, digestion, strengthen nervous system to remove toxins from the body.
  4. Medical fasting. Our health is affected by many factors that lead to negative consequences. With the help of fasting, as a method of recovery, you can cope with problems such as: overeating and obesity. This is an effective approach to cleansing the body of environmental pollution and disorders, as well as the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
  5. Russian baths and Finnish saunas. They are quite popular as a way to cleanse and improve the body, reduce biological age, strengthen immunity, and prevent diseases. However, this method requires careful preparation of the body if you want to get the maximum effect.

In the modern world, gaining popularity unconventional ways, such as the:

  1. Art therapy - treatment with art, creativity.
  2. Aromatherapy is a method of treatment using essential oils.
  3. Yoga - relaxation method and activity physical activity.
  4. Apitherapy - treatment with bee venom.
  5. Homeopathy is herbal medicine.

Body healing systems

One of the most popular body cleansing systems is the Serafim Chichagov system. According to Chichagov, each organism is capable of independent regulation and restoration.

How to heal with the help of this system: the whole point is that the stomach should work from 5 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the evening. It has its own food system. AT morning hours it is preferable to eat protein, at lunch - soups, in the evening - vegetables and cereals. by the most important trick food is considered breakfast. And everything that you consume after 6 pm will rot in the stomach until the morning. It is recommended to eat every 2 hours in small portions. If possible, avoid carbonated drinks and sugar, as well as foods high in potassium, and choose those that contain sodium. Drink liquid one hour before meals or one hour after. After 6 p.m., the kidneys begin active work, so to help them work better, drink water with added salt.

It takes about a week to get used to this regimen. Most importantly, follow the rules and avoid stress.

Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins

Our body is susceptible negative influence environment, not proper nutrition, bad habits and lifestyle leaves an imprint both on the appearance and on the condition of all internal systems clogging it with toxins. Thus, the internal organs, as well as external ones, need to be cleansed. The body performs such a function as cleansing from toxins and toxins. The only exception can be that fact, if correct. In this case, the cleansing of the body will be prescribed to you for medical reasons. Everything else depends only on your own desires.

Many experts question the need for cleansing the body in healthy person no signs of intoxication. Metabolic products appear in every person, and they are excreted by the body on their own, without the help of any cleansing. Therefore, without special indications, cleansing the body at home may not be as useful as it seems at first glance. Seek advice from a specialist in order to understand the feasibility of cleansing your body, let the doctor recommend a method of healing that is right for you.

Currently, people are increasingly thinking about how to prolong life, avoid many diseases and maintain health until old age. For this, proven methods or popular novelties are used. But before you carry out the improvement of the body, you should study all existing methods and factors, existing contraindications, consult your doctor.

You need to take care of your body not only when any diseases are detected, but also to prevent ailments, strengthen immunity. It is very important to carry out rehabilitation in a comprehensive manner, paying attention to all vital important bodies and systems.

Traditional healing methods

Well-known hygiene factors are healthy lifestyle life, regular physical activity, the distribution of the daily routine, the rejection of bad habits. At sedentary work, you should take walks, perform simple exercises during the day. It is useful to visit the pool, ride a bike. The main methods of healing the body are cleansing internal organs, proper nutrition, strengthening the immune system.

Proper nutrition

To normalize the work of organs digestive system you should reconsider your daily diet. The menu should be balanced, saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. For this it is useful to use:

  • fresh fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • legume crops.

Fatty, fried, smoked, salty foods, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, sweets are forbidden foods. They help slow down the metabolism cholesterol plaques in the blood, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, increased load on the liver.

Important factors: diet and sleep. Eating should be regular, you need to eat in small portions. Before the end of dinner, there should be a slight feeling of hunger, because saturation occurs in 10-15 minutes. The daily rate of fluid intake is 2 liters, you need to drink only clean, non-carbonated water.

The last meal should take place 3-4 hours before bedtime, because during this period metabolic processes in the body slow down.

Healthy foods:

  • dietary meats;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • fat free dairy products;
  • boiled or baked fish;
  • bran bread.

Used to make salads olive oil. From cereals you can cook buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge. If you adhere to the correct diet, not only the body improves, but also the weight normalizes, the skin condition improves, and the overall tone increases.

Cleansing the body

In the process of life, the body accumulates a large amount of harmful toxins and toxins that cause intoxication. Cleansing the organs helps to eliminate toxic substances.

When starting cleaning, you need to follow the basic steps, if they are performed in the wrong order, positive result fail to achieve. First, the colon is cleansed with therapeutic enemas, this can be done at home or under the supervision of a specialist. Recovery is contraindicated:

  • with ulcerative colitis;
  • with cancer of the rectum, large intestine;
  • with severe forms of hemorrhoids;
  • with Crohn's disease.

The next step is to cleanse the liver. 2-3 days before the procedure, eat only plant foods and natural juices drink plenty of warm liquid. Purification is carried out with the help of vegetable oil or medicinal herbs that have a choleretic effect. Some time after cleaning, stones from the gallbladder, various flakes and threads come out along with feces.

It is contraindicated to do the procedure when malignant formations and exacerbation of cholecystitis.

After the liver, the kidneys are cleansed. Pre-comply therapeutic fasting. The procedure is carried out with the help of a specially prepared remedy from medicinal herbs with a diuretic effect and essential oils. As a result, there is a gradual dissolution and removal of stones. With caution, cleansing is carried out in acute infectious diseases kidneys or with serious pathologies of the organ.

The last step is to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. Help in this natural methods: physical activity that contributes to the oxidation and removal of toxins, preventing their appearance in the future. It is useful to drink natural juices from:

Enterosorbents are used to cleanse the blood of toxins ( Activated carbon). A visit to the bath or sauna helps to eliminate toxins through the steamed open pores of the skin. Thermal procedures are contraindicated in hypertension.

Step-by-step recovery steps help to cleanse organs, blood, systems, and cells from accumulated toxic substances and stone deposits. Their normal functioning is restored, vital processes in the body are activated.

Recovery by hardening

Improving the body with the help of hardening helps to strengthen the immune defense, increase resistance to viruses and infections. Before starting the procedure, you should consult with your doctor. There are several types of hardening:

  • dousing with water;
  • winter swimming - swimming in ice water;
  • walking barefoot;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • aerotherapy - treatment with air;
  • heliotherapy - hardening by the sun.

Rehabilitation begins only when a person is absolutely healthy. The habituation of the organism should occur gradually. For example, when dousing, first use water at room temperature, gradually lower the degree. If a child is tempered, start with contrast shower legs, then to the waist and so on.

The human body develops adaptation to the conditions external environment improves the functioning of all organs and systems. Are activated natural factors protect the body from colds, viral diseases.

Breathing exercises

A.N. Strelnikova in 1972 created a medical breathing exercises. It was founded by short and sharp breaths through the nose and passive exhalations through the mouth. As a result, body tissues are saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes are accelerated, and immunity is increased. Gymnastics is recommended for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

For therapeutic purposes, the procedure is performed 2 times a day, for health promotion - in the morning or in the evening after the procedure. exercise. Improving the body with the help of breathing exercises Strelnikova helps to reduce the amount colds treat diseases of the respiratory organs, genitourinary system. Vision improves with myopia, posture in people suffering from scoliosis, mental capacity, memory.

Therapeutic fasting

Unloading diet therapy or fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food intake for 1-3 days. During this period, excess body fat is burned, a natural cleansing of the body is performed. Fasting can be complete, absolute or combined.

  1. With a complete refusal to eat, fluids are allowed in unlimited quantities.
  2. With absolute - it is forbidden to eat and drink, it lasts no more than 2 days.
  3. Wellness combined method involves the combination of the first two on certain days. In addition, other cleansing procedures and physical activity are performed.

Therapeutic starvation can last from 1 to 40 days. After abstinence, they adhere to a restorative diet: natural juices, raw vegetables and fruits, then fermented milk products. Such a diet is observed as long as the fasting lasted.


  • diseases of the cardiovascular, circulatory system;
  • malignant formations;
  • diabetes;
  • viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • tuberculosis.

If you violate the rules of fasting, you can cause significant harm to the body. There is a failure in the work of many systems and organs, a person's well-being worsens. Therefore, recovery should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.


Natural Healing Factors - Change climatic conditions, rest on the sea. It is useful to take regular spa treatment to strengthen the body's defenses:

  • healing mud;
  • mineral springs;
  • massage;
  • thalassotherapy.

The climate of the mountainous and coastal regions has a tonic, hardening effect. Bathing and swimming are very beneficial physical activities that work all muscle groups.

Non-traditional wellness methods

Some modern methods of healing the body are also very popular:

  • aromatherapy - treatment based on exposure to the aromas of essential oils;
  • apitherapy - treatment with bee stings;
  • phototherapy - healing with light waves of a certain length;
  • homeopathy - the use of weakly concentrated drugs that cause diseases;
  • yoga - the Indian doctrine of controlling the processes of the body;
  • acupuncture - acupuncture.

There are a large number of ways and methods to strengthen and improve the body. Which one to choose depends on the desire and individual capabilities of each person. It is important to complete the complex medical procedures, adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle to promote health and longevity.

Review of the brochure "Improvement of the body according to the method of the holy martyr Seraphim Chichagov"

Ksenia Kravchenko's pamphlet "Improvement of the body according to the method of the Hieromartyr Seraphim Chichagov" was confiscated yesterday from the lovely ladies who serve as a cook in the Novospassky Monastery (Moscow). - M., 2013 (specifically 2013, not 2012).

I offer you a review of this brochure.

1. The brochure is not stamped “Approved by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church”, in connection with which, according to the accepted rules, it cannot be distributed through church bookselling. The edition of the brochure is not specified.

2. The brief annotation at the beginning of the brochure states “permitted for children over 12 years old” (i.e. 12+), but does not say: from whom such permission was specifically obtained. There is absolutely no information about the author, although it is stated (leaflet, cover) that the "practitioner" K.P. Kravchenko has "more than twenty years of positive experience in treating patients using this technique."

3. The pamphlet cites the Holy Martyr himself. Serafim Chichagov, however, there is not a single link to the source of the citation.

4. The brochure is abundantly filled with stylistic, grammatical, punctuation and terminological errors, arbitrary conclusions (who gave this “improving system” the name “Seraphim Chichagov’s system”? Is it K. Kravchenko herself?) Why is there no at least an etymological explanation for the names of diseases of the past: “ gnaw”, “fever”, “kondrashka” (p. 9)?

Typical examples:

“To understand what it is, how it sounds in a modern way, is quite difficult, one can only guess” (p. 10).

“If we were nervous the day before, or during a meal we discuss some problems, watch TV, empathize or worry, our valves are not closed” (p. 33);

“A patient who came to me with a uterine tumor (a comma is missing) says: “Help, my mother died of uterine cancer, I don’t want to follow her path”! In the course of our (correctly our) research, we found out the following point: girls bear the problems of their father and father's family, boys bear the problems of their mother and mother's family” (pp. 69-70).

Indeed, the "outstanding" discovery of the "Orthodox" doctor!

On page 12, the "doctor" Ksenia Kravchenko draws a blasphemous metaphor - a direct parallel between the Eucharistic Chalice, which contains the Body and Blood of Christ, and the medical cup-emblem:

“In an old medical textbook, the symbol of our medicine is a snake over a bowl. It is known that a person gets this or that problem if he has sinned. Next comes the symptom, and after a while, the disease. A person, remembering, goes to confession, confesses, and then goes to the Cup, he takes communion, and the disease goes away. Now a serpent is writhing around this Chalice. It is known who the snake is. We see him on the icon of George the Victorious defeated. The serpent is a prototype of Satan, the father of lies” (p. 12, cited with abbreviations).

Here's how, no more, no less: the serpent-Satan is now writhing around the Eucharistic chalice!

5. The reference apparatus is almost completely absent (at the end of the brochure, there is only a mention of 2 books: “To Conquer the Disease” (published by the Church of the Nine Martyrs of Kiziche, 2012 and Chichagov L.M. “Medical Conversations” (reprint 1891) ; no links to authoritative medical reference books and allowances;

6. At the end of the pamphlet, readers are forced to "read the Psalter of Metropolitan Peter Mohyla." "Chin" is essentially so far from prayers for the dead, including reading the Psalter for the dead, that it is unnecessary to comment on it.

7. It is claimed that the “Chichagov system” has helped many, but these and similar statements are unfounded, the brochure does not contain specific examples of help and positive results, from which diseases cases of healing have been recorded, etc.

8) The history of the drug "Decaris" (p. 66) begins like this:

“Somewhere in 1972 on the basis of the First medical institute Sechenov in Moscow was an interesting young man at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He became interested in this Decaris and wrote his PhD thesis. When he defended her, he was immediately given a doctorate. And immediately in all clinics they began to use this Decaris. A patient arrives and they begin to treat him according to the scheme that we advise everyone. This is the scheme of that young man.”

All this is reminiscent of cheap fiction, a fairy tale "once upon a time" and "once somewhere in the thirtieth kingdom", "one grandmother said." What is an "interesting young man"? What is the name of it scientific work, for which they immediately gave a doctoral degree, which is a rather rare phenomenon at that time?

8a. Ksenia Kravchenko arbitrarily interprets the medical practice of the holy martyr, which, according to her, consists, in particular, in the fact that he, it turns out, was not interested in what disease or disease of which organ a person turned to him for help:

“Vladyka considered diseases regardless of the affected organ and, taking their forms, drew attention to general state: on the course and development, and most importantly - on the end of the disease ”(p. 8.).

This is something unique in medical practice, but not Dr. L. Chichagov, but K. Kravchenko herself, freely interpreting the works of the archpastor. How can you treat a person "in general"?

9. The brochure contains many very controversial points, unsubstantiated generalizations and statements, catchy comparisons, and even extremely absurd statements:

"Practice and very great experience show that there is no disease that would be cured faster than any other than “cancer” ”(p. 13, bold hereinafter highlighted by us, for some reason Ksenia Kravchenko put the name of the disease “cancer” in quotation marks. And what a great experience it is Ksenia Pavlovna refers to a quick cure for cancer?).

“The endocrine system produces hormones. Hormones come out in very small quantities, in hundredths, starting all organs to work. This system, with its pathology, does not hurt: neither the thyroid gland, nor the pituitary gland, nor the adrenal glands. They may not work at all, but they do not hurt. The only one causal factor their failure is an emotional factor. Any emotion is a passion: irritability, anger, envy, resentment. Any passion is a sin. Thus, sin is the germ of all hormonal disorders” (pp. 14-15, op. abbr.).

Here's how: "annoyed" a little - and your endocrine system out of order! Although every passion is a sin, not every emotion is a sin. The Apostle Paul commanded to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice, not for the sake of something in the human body failing.

“Producing a hormone from four iodine atoms, the thyroid gland must somehow receive this iodine. To do this, it is necessary to eat foods containing iodine, which must be digested, get from the intestines into the blood, and then the thyroid gland, producing thyroxine, throws it into the liver. This is normal. But living in an endemic area where there are no seas, oceans, and, consequently, products containing iodine, the thyroid gland does not work for anyone” (pp. 16-17).

You, the reader, understand that no one, neither K.P. Kravchenko, nor you, nor anyone else from your immediate and distant environment, does not have a thyroid gland?! Nobody! This is first. And secondly, Russia is still washed by the seas and oceans, and even buy iodine-containing products in stores. seafood is no longer a significant problem.

Now everyone has very weak hydrochloric acid, since the stomach does not produce it in sufficient quantity and concentration, hence viscous blood and thrombophlebitis (p. 33).

All ulcers (most ulcers) do not depend on nutrition, they depend on emotions and stress (page 33).

Due to the fact that we consume a huge amount of foods rich in potassium, now everyone has an excess concentration in the blood (p. 37).

Another destructive factor affecting thyroid gland, is an emotional factor. The next one is exposure similar to the Chernobyl disaster. To date, this factor is significant role due to the growing number cell phones and towers providing cellular communication. Thus, irradiation is ongoing and affects everyone without exception. Because these radiations are not visible, and we do not feel them, they become even more dangerous (p. 17).

Firstly, only the Chernobyl disaster itself (or, to a certain extent, the radioactive accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant reactors in March 2011 comparable to it) can be similar to the Chernobyl disaster. The lack of logic and common sense is the comparison of the lethal radiation of radioactive fuel nuclear reactors with radiation received by users from mobile phones, laptops, plasma TVs, etc. In this case, all subscribers of cellular operators would die within 2-3 weeks, like courageous firefighters and liquidators, or become severely disabled. Secondly, the danger of electromagnetic radiation is determined by completely different parameters, for example, its intensity, and not at all by the fact that a person does not feel it.

"When herbal product it ferments, and it ferments for two weeks, the fermentation process turns ordinary cabbage into meat” (pp. 41-42).

“Out of ten liters of gastric juice, eight liters are absorbed into the blood daily” (p. 21).

“A person can do without any treatment at all” (p. 48).

“It is useless to treat all things. There is no cure at all. No matter how much you want, never and no one can be cured by any system: neither herbal medicine, nor homeopathy, nor acupuncture, you can only relieve the symptoms ”(pp. 11-12)

Note. Phrase in once more discovers the low educational qualifications of Ksenia Ravchenko. A competent doctor will write “It is useless to treat all diseases”, but not “things”. Such verbal nonsense haunts the author throughout the entire pamphlet.

10. Ksenia Kravchenko's pamphlet contains both practical and theological contradictions, revealing the author's incompetence in Orthodox anthropology. On the one hand, the author is trying to solve the problem of fasting food, on the other hand, he proclaims the slogan “no fasting”:

“There shouldn't be any diet. Everyone has their own blood condition and the need for various trace elements: one needs zinc, the other magnesium, and so on. The body begins to “request” trace elements in the form of certain products containing the necessary element, therefore there are no prohibited or permitted products ”(p. 35).

“People eat a huge amount of food, they take a blessing on dairy products in fasts, but nothing is digested due to lack of of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the state of a person in fasting worsens even more” (p. 40).

And then there's anthropology. Think about what he writes

“The causes of most diseases are the sinful structures of man. When a person “violates something”, he “gets something” (p. 12) is very similar to the doctrine of karma, and it is not clear: what does the author mean by the new terminology of sinful structures, since further this phrase is not revealed by him, and is not found in Orthodox anthropology.

“The Lord created man perfect, the system of our body is capable of self-healing. But the recovery mechanism is often “broken down”, primarily by passions (emotions)” (p. 28).

“It cannot be that God created people dependent on any additives, microelements, so that people artificially support themselves with something. The human body is perfection itself” (pp. 45-46).

“In this case, why does the author crucify, talking about the need to maintain sodium-potassium and iodine balance, advertises “Dekaris” on three pages” (pp. 66-68), if a person is so perfect that he does not need microelements, additives, medicines! Why pass off your prejudices “it cannot be” as real phenomena?

“Children under the age of 7 do not get sick, and if they get sick, then this shows that they bear the problems of their parents” (p. 69).

There are certain requirements for such brochures. Hieromartyr Seraphim Chichagov really developed a method for treating diseases, which, however, is arbitrarily and distortedly interpreted by respected K. Kravchenko and has nothing to do with what she writes about. The brochure has a pronounced pseudo-scientific and pseudo-Orthodox character. If there is at least some benefit to a person from using this scheme or system in practice, then it is minimal.

Attributing her conjectures to the holy martyr Seraphim Chichagov, hiding behind his authority, Ksenia Kravchenko harms the Church, and also bears full responsibility before the memory of the saint for the arbitrary and anti-scientific interpretation of his medical practice.

Procopius Zhamkov, Hierodeacon

Wellness systems are becoming more and more popular every year. Along with the spread of truly healing methods, false practices are gaining momentum, following which can be harmful to health. Therefore, having decided to start improving your body, it is important to thoroughly study the chosen system for controversial principles that can lead to disastrous consequences. Such methods include, for example, a raw food diet - a nutrition system that involves the use of only thermally unprocessed foods. This technique is considered very controversial due to the large number of disadvantages - an excess of fiber is just as harmful as its lack, a large number of contraindications, with pancreatitis, diseases of the pancreas or gallbladder, allergies, ulcers and colitis, a raw food diet is strictly prohibited. This article contains information about the least controversial systems of healing the body.

There are many methods of healing the body - from ancient traditional practices (most often, those that came to us from the East) to modern, sometimes very extreme directions.

Where to start healing the body

The optimal time to change your lifestyle is 20-30 years, it is by this time that the human body is fully mature, but has not yet begun to fade, and there are good chances to extend this period.

  1. Following any wellness practice implies, first of all, healthy eating - minimum (but better complete absence) fried, smoked, salty, a large number of fruits and vegetables, clean water, the rejection of flour in favor of grain products.
  2. Second mandatory item healthy lifestyle in any practice - mode. Sleeping and eating at the same time will quickly drive away insomnia, normalize digestion.
  3. The third thing to keep in mind is regular exercise. Here, perhaps, serious disagreements begin between various systems recovery. All of them are very different both in the ways of performing physical exercises and in the intensity of the loads.

But everyone agrees on one thing - movement, an active lifestyle are extremely important for healing the body. You should not immediately beat sports records, this is fraught with a banal overload, for the first time, regular jogging, cycling, swimming will be enough. Massage is very useful, but it is better to conduct a course after the body has already been sufficiently cleansed so as not to activate toxins. The implementation of only these three points is already able to significantly improve well-being and quality of life.

Methods of healing the body

Of the most common and well-known health practices, one can name yoga and Ayurveda, qigong, wushu, reiki, from modern methods - Strelnikova's breathing exercises, Porfiry Ivanov's system, Norbekov's system.

One can trace the trend of periodic passion for this or that technique - for example, in the 80s there were many adherents of the Porfiry Ivanov system, in the 90s it became fashionable to starve according to Bragg, in the 2000s yoga actively developed.

Traditional Methods

Let us dwell in more detail on several wellness practices common in our time - yoga and qigong.

Yoga came to us from India. It is one of the most versatile health systems, the type of absence of contraindications to classes. Yoga can be practiced even during pregnancy, you just need to choose the asanas that are allowed for this period. Yoga teaching consists of two parts - a healthy lifestyle, which includes proper nutrition and breathing, regular fasting, right attitude to the world and to your health. The second part includes the regular performance of asanas, exercises for relaxation and contemplation. Serious yoga classes can not only tighten muscles, strengthen bones and joints, but also harmonize the inner world.

qigong- Chinese traditional healing practice. In his dogmas, he proceeds from the concept of vital energy qi underlying human body, teaches to control its flow. Has many branches. Used for both general health organism, and for the development of personality, the liberation of consciousness. Qigong includes martial arts, meditative and gymnastic exercises aimed at liberation from bodily clamps and energy blocks by calming the mind, body and emotions. Helps relieve stress, improve immunity, harmonize the body, improve the functioning of internal organs.

Modern techniques

Among them, perhaps, there is not a single one that can be compared in fundamentality with the Eastern teachings.

Exist system Porfiry Ivanov "Baby", created by him in the first half of the twentieth century and based on the commandments that instruct to pour water twice a day cold water, eat right and modestly, fast at least once a week, help others. In the USSR, adherents of this system were considered sectarians.

Norbekov system promises to improve the intuition and psychophysical state of a person, in particular, the improvement of vision, by viewing presentations and auto-trainings.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova was created at the turn of the 30-40s by the opera singer A.N. Strelnikova, who lost her voice and successfully returned it with the help of this gymnastics. The basis of the exercises is a short and strong breath through the nose and free exhalation through the mouth. Breathing is combined with certain movements various parts body. Special breathing saturates the tissues with oxygen, irritates the receptors of the nasal mucosa, which have a connection with all organs human body and thus have a positive effect on them. Gymnastics relieves fatigue and stress, improves tone and memory. There are no contraindications for it - absolutely everyone can do it, starting from childhood.

Here are some more popular non-traditional methods of healing.

It has become widespread art therapy- Art therapy. Most often used when working with children and gives a very good results- shy kids become liberated, overly active ones become calmer, develop Creative skills children. The group of art therapy methods also includes fairy tale therapy, game therapy, sand therapy(sand painting), color therapy. All these methods harmonize the personality of the child, stimulate the development of speech.

Popular among the fairer sex aromatherapy– aromatherapy, the process of breathing aromas, the use of plant extracts in the form of essences or essential oils to treat a wide range of diseases through effective impact on emotions and mood. This method provides a wide scope for creativity, you can not only inhale aromas from the aroma medallion or spray them indoors, but also cook on your own cosmetics or even take oils internally.

Everyone comes to recovery in their own way - someone wants to get rid of chronic illness, someone - to prevent its occurrence. And no matter when you decide to change your lifestyle, you can achieve excellent results.