3g connected modem how to strengthen. How to strengthen the cellular signal on your phone with your own hands

Cellular operators today are actively working on the quality of 3G signal coverage. Using the Internet has become very convenient, within the city the modem signal is very high. All you need is to get a USB modem for your PC or laptop. However, in many settlements it is simply impossible to use this miracle of progress due to a weak signal, there are still many so-called "dead zones" on the map. You should not count on good Internet speed in such places: the speed here is surprisingly low or it is completely impossible to “catch” a connection. A 3G and 4G signal booster will help to cope with this problem. How to build it and use it correctly? Let's try to figure it out!

Some communities are still without internet.

Experienced users went through several options with which you can amplify the modem signal and chose the most effective ones. This is:

  • buying a kit with a 3G or 4G repeater;
  • construction of a special antenna;
  • moving the device outside or closer to a window;
  • using a reflector.

Rearranging the modem

If you put a laptop with a 3G or 4G modem outside or place it on a windowsill, then the signal can be increased by about 15 percent. Making a street modem is not hard, you just need to buy a USB extension cable. The solution is considered not the best, but the least expensive. If we talk about the shortcomings, then this:

  • inability to improve the connection on the phone;
  • the presence of an extension cord leads to a loss of signal power;
  • you need to choose one point, it will be inconvenient to move around the house;
  • speed doesn't change much.


You can even make such a device for a modem with your own hands. The method is considered very popular, because to create a reflector you do not need to spend a lot of money and study the process for a long time.

The modem signal is able to amplify even a colander, which is very convenient if the network is lost, for example, in the country. In addition, you can use a tin can, an optical disc, or a regular saucepan. All you have to do is place the modem in the center of your chosen reflector. A homemade "device" will focus on a 3G or 4G modem signal.

If you decide to use a kitchen pan, the device can be put inside, or you can upgrade the design: solder a wire to the pan, and then place the equipment exactly in the center. Another detail - the laptop must be nearby, otherwise the signal will weaken while it goes through the cable.

The method requires the user to show some ingenuity and ingenuity. By spending a little time developing a reflector, you can increase the signal of a modem on a laptop by 20 percent.

Remembering the cons, we note:

  • some users are not so easy to recreate the design of the reflector;
  • the product may be too bulky;
  • the signal is not amplified as desired;
  • the place where your "base" is located may not be the most convenient.

Making a 3G or 4G antenna

With instructions, you can do almost anything with your own hands. Many have heard about the Kharchenko antenna, which can also be disposed of to improve the Internet. To make it, you will need an understanding of the operation of the microwave, as well as certain skills.

Tools you will need:

  • soldering iron;
  • file;
  • pliers;
  • copper tube;
  • wire (3 mm).

The main role here is played by the dimensional accuracy of all components. If you make a mistake in the calculations, you can forget about the effectiveness of the method.

It is interesting that similar antennas are also found on sale. With their help, the signal can be amplified up to 20 dB.

It is not possible to amplify the signal very much, the implementation is highly complex. In addition to the tools described above, you will need an adapter, coaxial wire, bracket, crimping device. It is possible to make such a design only after a thorough study of the issue and the availability of a detailed drawing.

3G and 4G repeater

This is a really effective signal amplification method. A product of this type reduces the negative effect of radiation, it is compatible with all modems that connect to a computer via USB. In addition, the repeater works perfectly with the products of all mobile operators. You won’t have to disassemble the modem itself, which means that the warranty for this device will remain.

It is possible to amplify the signal with the help of a repeater even if it is not possible to catch 3G at all. Experts recommend trying different locations (you may even need to climb into the attic, but the result is worth it).

The kit includes several components:

  • cable that connects the antenna to the repeater;
  • internal antenna for communication with subscriber devices;
  • signal amplifier;
  • external antenna (needed to communicate with operator stations).

Such a kit allows you to maximize the signal, improve the quality of communication on the phone. In addition, with it, you will be able to provide the whole family with 3G and 4G. Installing the repeater is not difficult and fast enough, the design itself looks very ergonomic.

As you can see, there are several methods that allow you to improve the quality of the 3G and 4G signal with your own hands. However, the most effective is the kit with a repeater, which can be purchased at a specialized store. The specified device will allow you to forget about problems with the Internet!

With the advent of mobile Internet, subscribers began to use the network frequently. To increase consumers, operators have developed proposals that allow access to the World Wide Web through a laptop. The megaphone also took care of it.

The subscriber only needs to buy a 3G or 4G modem. Unfortunately, the signal level is constantly changing, this affects the bandwidth of the channel. There are several ways to improve signal strength. The client only needs to choose the method that suits him.

The device connects to a laptop or desktop PC via a USB port. It should be understood that there are 2 types of 3G and 4G modems. Networks differ in maximum bandwidth:

  • 14.4 Mbit - third generation;
  • 1 Gbps is the fourth generation of networks.

These figures are maximum. In reality, throughput is 50-70% lower. The speed depends on the remoteness of the station distributing the Internet. Network congestion also affects the signal quality.

In urban conditions, the speed reduction is practically not felt. Problems begin during trips to the country or nature. To stabilize the signal level, it is recommended to use amplifiers. The only thing to keep in mind is that 4G modems only work on LTE networks. Therefore, devices may not work outside of Moscow.

How to strengthen the signal of a 4g modem on a Megaphone

Technology does not stand still, as a result of which new devices appear. With the release of the 4G modem, the life of subscribers has changed. With such devices, large files are downloaded in a few minutes.

Sometimes Megafon clients are faced with the fact that the signal deteriorates significantly. This affects throughput. To change the situation, it is recommended to use hardware, such as:

  • External antenna;
  • Repeater.

It is important to note that the software tools offered by some sites do not work. Therefore, you do not need to pay for software that does not help.

External antenna

In communication stores and computer equipment stores, you can find specialized external antennas. You can connect a 4G modem to such devices. As a result, the signal quality will increase.

The antenna is attached to the facade of a building or a pipe. After that, the modem is connected. The antenna is connected to the computer via a high-frequency cable. It is important to note that the wire should not be too long. The longer the cable, the lower the percentage of signal improvement.

Installing a repeater

Another great tool that allows you to increase the signal level is a repeater. This is a device that allows you to amplify and expand the coverage area of ​​​​the radio signal.

The main advantage of the device is that it allows you to speed up the work:

  • modem;
  • phone;
  • Tablet.

Compared to an antenna, a repeater costs 3-5 times more. Despite this, the signal level increases up to 50%.

You do not need to connect a modem or SIM card to the repeater. It is enough to fix it on the wall, and then connect the special antenna that comes with the kit. The signal increases within a radius of 50 meters from the device.

It is important to note that the thick wall of the house will not let radio waves through. Therefore, you need to place the device in such a way that the computer is in direct line of sight.

Change settings

In addition to using external devices, Megafon customers are advised to configure the modem. To change the configuration you need:

  • Open the "Parameters" section;
  • Go to the "Network" tab;
  • In the "Network type" field, set "LTE only".

After saving the settings, you can connect to the Internet. Due to configuration changes, network changes will not occur. It is best to change the settings after the antenna or repeater has been used.

How to strengthen the signal of a 3g modem on a Megaphone

Third generation networks operate even in remote regions of the country, so subscribers choose modems operating in the 3G network. Reception of radio waves in such devices is more stable.

The advantage of using such modems is that they can be strengthened by improvised and easily accessible means. To improve reception, you can use:

  • USB extension cable;
  • Internal antennas;
  • Do-it-yourself amplifiers.

Each of the methods can be used both in an apartment and in a private house or cottage.


A signal is a radio wave whose strength varies with location. If you move the router around the room, you can see how the quality of data reception will change. Radio waves are amplified near windows. Unfortunately, you can install a computer or laptop only in certain places.

You can change the situation with a USB extension cable. The stores sell cable lengths:

  • 1.8 m;
  • 3m.;
  • 5 m;
  • 10 m;
  • 20 m

It is strongly not recommended to use extension cords with a length of 1.8 meters. Such cables will adversely affect the operation of the computer. As a result, USB ports may be damaged. The same applies to too long designs.

The best option is to use 5 meter extension cords. If this distance is not enough, you can connect 2 cables in series. After that, you need to move the modem to the side to determine the maximum level of radio waves.

Thanks to the above method, the quality of communication is increased by 10-20%. It all depends on the distance from the base that distributes the Internet.

Internal antennas

To improve the quality of the Internet, you can use the internal antennas. Similar devices are sold in computer hardware stores. You should not hope that there will be a turbo speed. The quality will change by 20-30%.

The modem is attached to the antenna, which is placed near the window or towards the Megafon tower. The design connects to a laptop using a USB cable. In this case, it is not recommended to use extension cords to increase the distance. Otherwise, the signal quality will deteriorate.

Homemade amplifiers

Going to the country, many subscribers forget to take with them additional devices that allow them to enjoy high-quality Internet. In order not to be left without communication, it is recommended to make the amplifier manually.

An excellent tool is the Kharchenko antenna. For its manufacture, you will need a thick copper wire and a high-frequency television cable. The wire is bent in such a way that an infinity sign is obtained, only the design must have corners (two diamonds intersecting at the corners).

A high-frequency cable is screwed or soldered into the middle of the antenna. The second end of the wire is wrapped around the Megafon modem. Your structure can be installed in any convenient place. In this case, the length of the cable can reach several meters.

Modem setup

In addition to using amplifiers, subscribers are advised to set the modem for signal stability. For this you need:

  • Launch the program "Megafon connect";
  • Go to the "Settings" section;
  • Select the "Networks" tab;
  • Set the value "Only 3G" in the field "Network type".

After saving the configuration, the device will not connect to a more stable but weaker network.



Subscribers who decide to amplify the signal level with outdoor structures should take care of protecting the modem. Otherwise, if precipitation enters the device, it will get wet and burn.

It is best to use special plastic containers. It is important that they are transparent. If there is nothing similar at hand, you can use a plastic bag, but this is only temporary protection.

If you plan to use the structure for a long time, it is recommended to purchase rolled materials to protect the device. Ready-made containers are sold in computer stores.

Subscribers planning to travel outside the city for a long time can buy a 3G modem, as it is cheaper than 4G. In this case, it will work better away from the transmitting station. The methods described for strengthening LTE are suitable for third generation networks.

If none of the methods helps, you need to change the modem. Most likely the problem is in it. In this case, do not forget about coverage areas. In remote areas, even cellular communications may not work. Therefore, before going out into nature, you should familiarize yourself with the capabilities of Megafon.

Today, all mobile communication providers offer to use their Internet traffic within the 3G network. Each mobile operator has its own specific coverage area. It provides a good Internet connection, however, going beyond it, the signal strength decreases, which affects the speed of the mobile Internet. To avoid such unpleasant moments, it becomes necessary to amplify the 3G modem signal. In this article, we will tell you how to amplify the signal of a 3G modem with your own hands effectively and inexpensively.

There are several options for strengthening the modem at home for different situations.

How to strengthen the 3G signal with your own hands using a VEGAtel repeater

A 3G repeater is by far the most effective tool in terms of strengthening the mobile Internet. It is believed that the best manufacturer is VEGATEL (domestic).

Using a repeater is possible only if there is at least some signal. The phone must catch at least a small 3G signal so that it is advisable to use an active cellular signal amplifier and the Internet for giving. This is the most efficient way to amplify the signal. It gives maximum results. The user will receive the maximum speed provided by the provider. The repeater combines the properties of a mobile network signal strength amplifier for communication and the Internet. It is used in country houses, cottages, apartments.

The repeater does not work by itself, but as part of a kit. It is complemented by an internal and external antenna connected by a cable. You can purchase a complete system that includes all components. For effective amplification, we recommend a ready-made kit VEGATEL VT-3G-kit. The manufacturer has established itself in the market with the best side on the principle of price / quality. This is certified Russian equipment.

How to amplify the signal of a 3g modem using speakers

Everyone has speakers at home, so the cost of this method is zero. Subscribers who use the Internet via a modem noted an improvement in the quality of the connection by 10-20% when approaching the speakers. It seems a little, but with a low level of Internet connection it is noticeable. This will slightly boost the signal of the 3G modem.

When using this method, the reaction of the speakers in the form of clicks and crackles is observed.

He can get rid of these annoying sounds if you reset the volume to zero.

Signal booster for 3g copper wire modem

Another option is to make a do-it-yourself 3G signal amplifier from copper wire. It takes a little effort. The amplifier can be crafted by constructing a structure from copper wire and a tin can. The copper wire must be connected on one side to the SIM card by making several turns around the open modem. Lead the other end into the window. The second end must be connected to a tin acting as an amplifier. Bank is directed towards the nearest station of the cellular network. The quality of the Internet connection will increase to 90%.

Before you start making a cellular amplifier, you can try to solve the issue in another way. You can enhance the reception of the 3g modem signal. The device of a mobile phone provides for the transition from 3g mode to 2g mode with a sufficiently low Internet connection power. To prevent this from happening, you need to turn to the phone settings and select the correct mode of operation of the Internet connection. It is important that the connection is not selected “automatically” in the field, otherwise, at the slightest weakening of the signal, the connection will change the mode and it will become impossible to use the network.

By default, the mode is selected in the manner described above, but you need to remember that each phone model has its own characteristics and may have its own network connection program.

Below is a simple and effective method to improve the signal strength of your modem on your own. The method is based on the principle of operation of a satellite dish. At the same time, there is no need to solve tasks beyond the power of a non-professional and remake the device.
To make this not a tricky device, you will need an object capable of performing the functions of a reflector. This property is inherent in bowls, basins, discs and cans.

Plus, you need to purchase a three-meter long cable with USB connectors of the “mother-dad” type. It is necessary to connect the reflector and the computer. The sequence of work is as follows. A flash drive is attached to the core of the disk. The easiest way is to tie it with tape. One end of the cord will connect to the flash drive, and the other to the cable, for which USB connectors are provided. The disc is mounted on the facade of the house, on the outside of the wall or on a pole. It is important to point the flash drive in the direction of the most powerful reception of the base station signal. This method improves the quality of the 3G connection, but not much due to the length of the cable.

The reflective surface acts as an amplifier. The larger the reflective surface, the better 3G signal you can expect. You can use any flat dishes made of stainless material except enameled.

Special external signal amplifier 3g modem

Mobile operators strive to expand coverage and improve the quality of communication so as not to lose customers. But until the coverage is expanded to the required area, temporary solutions to the issue of Internet connection have been invented. For this, a 3g signal amplifier is produced for the Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2 modem. The acquisition of such a device solves the issue of amplifying signal power and finding a solution on your own.

The device is an antenna connected to a 3G modem.

The model must be selected individually based on the indicators of the radiation pattern and gain. An industrial amplifier antenna is also installed in the direction of the base of the mobile operator, which is located nearby. The amplifier cord is short so as not to damage the signal quality.

How to improve the signal quality of a 3g modem using an internal antenna

Another option for an independent way out of the situation is to use additional devices to connect to the internal antenna. The stumbling block may be the ability to access the connector on the internal antenna. If it is hidden, then not everyone will decide to solder the device on their own. If the connector is open, then you can purchase an amplifier or use a television antenna as an amplifier. If the connector is hidden or not provided, then you can use the services of a wizard to resolve this issue. When remodeling the body of the internal antenna, it is important to understand that it will not be possible to remake it back, just as it will not be possible to operate the modem only with an internal antenna.

Many people decide on an independent solution to the issue of improving the quality of the Internet connection using improvised means. As a rule, the quality of the coating increases by 30-40%, depending on the length of the cable.

It is important to look into the settings to make sure that the phone picks up a signal in 3g mode. You can independently solve the issue of signal strength, the main thing is to make every effort and use all the proposed methods. Then the result will not keep you waiting. Each method of amplification has found its supporters and has a positive result.

A couple of years ago, no one dreamed about the Internet in their country house, but now, thanks to cellular operators and 3G technology, this is already an everyday reality. But, unfortunately, wireless technologies have some drawbacks, such as the difficulty of passing a radio signal through a forest belt, difficult terrain and other obstacles. How to solve this problem?

To begin with, we test the 3G modem and find out at what signal level we get what speed of the Internet. In our example, we will consider the fastest 3G modem at the time of this writing (February 2013) - this is the Huawei E392 model.

At -75 dBm we got the speed:

At -81 dBm:

At -91 dBm:

At - 100 dBm:

And at a signal level of -105, the modem refused to connect to the network at all!

In this experiment, we clearly see that the speed of the Internet clearly depends on the signal level.

You also need to understand that under the same initial conditions - the signal level and the 3G modem model, all subscribers in different places will have different speeds! The speed of the Internet also depends on the bandwidth of the base station of the mobile operator, i.e. how it is connected: via radio channel or optical fiber. The speed also depends on the number of subscribers. For example, the operator's BS outputs 100 Mbps at the output. At some point in time, 20 people use the Internet and, accordingly, the speed will be 100/20 = 5 Mbps per subscriber. In turn, if 50 subscribers in the district use the Internet, then the speed for each will be no more than 2 Mbps. In most cases, many notice that the speed of 3G Internet begins to slowly fall in the afternoon and the peak of the fall is observed in the evening, when the load of Internet traffic on cellular networks is maximum.

3G antenna

Any antenna is a passive signal amplifier!

Consider the most common case - connecting a 3G modem through an antenna, which is placed on the roof of a country house. Further from this antenna, the signal is conducted through a 50 ohm coaxial cable into the room to the modem, which in turn is connected to a computer, laptop or WiFi router.

In general, the scheme looks like this:

It often happens that there is a 3G signal on the roof of the house, but it does not get into the room at all due to the complexity of radio wave propagation.

Consider the usual case - a signal with a level of -97 dBm comes from the base station on the roof of the house. If we install an AL-800/2700-8 antenna with a gain of 8 dB, then a signal with a level of -92 dBm will come to the modem input, because about 3 dB is lost on the cable and adapter to the modem (the loss in the cable depends on its length and on the marking). Based on our previous experience in measuring the speed of the Internet, we get a speed of 1.8 Mbps. And if we put AP-1900/2700-17 as an antenna with a gain of 17 dB!, then the modem input will receive a signal of -83 dBm, which corresponds to a speed of 7.7 Mbps.

If the signal on the roof of the house is from -85 dB and higher, then an antenna with KU = 7 -10 dB will suffice. At the same time, it must be remembered that in case of bad weather conditions it is necessary to have a certain reserve.

Once again I remind you that in each case the speed will be individual. And it may turn out to be much less, due to the low bandwidth of the base station of the mobile operator.

Active 3G Signal Amplifier

Now consider the use of the TAU-2000 active amplifier. The connection diagram looks like this:

Causes of a weak 3G signal

All cases of weak or uncertain 3G signal reception can be divided into two large groups. The first and most obvious is the remoteness of the user from the base station (tower) of the cellular operator. The second case is a decrease in the quality of communication indoors.

Most often, this problem occurs outside of cities: in rural areas, in summer cottages and in other places located on the border of 3G coverage. In addition to the distance to the tower, the landscape also plays a negative role: elevation changes, forests and other obstacles reduce the quality of the signal, so that it reaches the user in a significantly weakened form.

In turn, the direct visibility of the base station or long flat areas of the landscape are factors favorable for the propagation of radio waves. For example, a forest belt reduces the quality of the signal, but the presence of a lake, river or field behind it is much more preferable than a continuous forest that extends all the way to the tower itself.

Reinforced concrete structures and walls, ceilings and even window panes have an extremely negative effect on signal strength. As a result, even in the city center, the connection can easily weaken or disappear completely if you go down to an underground parking or enter an office building. Even if on the street mobile devices catch 3G perfectly and show all five sticks, in buildings and premises the quality of communication may be unsatisfactory.

In all of these cases, additional signal amplification is required to ensure a stable connection and increase Internet speed. It is important to remember only one thing: in order to amplify the signal, it must be present at least at a minimum level at the planned antenna installation site. It is impossible to amplify a signal that does not exist, and you need to start preparing for amplifying communications by finding a place with the most confident reception.

3G frequencies and standards

Before you start amplifying mobile communications, you need to understand what kind of signal you plan to amplify. All radio equipment - from simple antennas to repeaters and boosters - is designed for certain frequency ranges. Some devices support more bands, others less. Usually there is no need to amplify all existing radio frequencies: it is unreasonably expensive and simply not necessary. It is much more efficient to find out exactly which frequency bands you need for work. This will allow you not to buy universal expensive equipment and limit yourself to profile devices that are suitable specifically for your case.

The vast majority of 3G base stations in Russia operate in the 2100 MHz frequency band. The 3G standard corresponding to this band is commonly referred to as UMTS-2100. Both voice communications and mobile Internet are transmitted over 3G networks, so amplifying the 2100 MHz frequency range is most often the best solution.

Since modern smartphones automatically select their preferred communication standard, in situations where 3G reception is uncertain, they often “jump” between 2G and 3G modes. This behavior leads to interruptions in voice communication and unstable Internet operation. You can usually disable switching on your phone by manually selecting one specific standard, but this comes with additional inconvenience. For example, by choosing a well-functioning GSM (2G), you deprive yourself of 3G Internet, and vice versa, by choosing an unstable 3G, you run the risk of interruptions in conversations.

Installing an amplification system solves all these problems at once and ensures reliable operation of both voice communications and 3G Internet.

Ways to amplify the 3G signal

Depending on whether you need to improve the quality of only 3G Internet or also need to strengthen voice communications, different approaches are used.

When a 3G connection is used only for Internet access, the best solution is to install an external antenna connected to a WiFi router or modem. This is the most economical and simple option that does not require the purchase of expensive amplifiers and is ideal for a summer house or a country house.

However, this method has a number of significant limitations. Firstly, the router and modem provide access to the Internet for smartphones, tablets and computers, but do not enhance the voice communication itself. Thus, if your location has problems with voice communication too, installing a router will not solve them in any way.

Secondly, modems and routers require a separate SIM card. Using a modem, you can connect one device with a USB port to the mobile Internet, using a router, you can organize a WiFi network to connect several wireless devices. However, a third-party person coming from the street will not be able to connect from a smartphone to the 3G Internet of his operator: you will first have to give him access to WiFi.

When you need to provide access to 3G Internet directly from mobile devices or improve the quality of voice communication, you cannot avoid installing an amplification system with a repeater and an internal antenna.

We'll take a closer look at both methods below.

Gain with Router/Modem and External Antenna

To boost your 3G internet, just install an external antenna and connect it to a compatible router or modem. The antenna is placed at the point of the most confident reception of the signal, preferably in the line of sight of the base station. For suburban areas, this is the roof of the house or a special mast. In the city, it is enough to take the antenna outside: it can be fixed on a balcony or on the outer wall of a building.

The antenna itself amplifies the signal and transmits it over the wire to the router or modem. Coaxial cables are used to connect devices, for example, or. Also in our online store you can buy with soldered connectors. It is desirable that the cable length does not exceed 5-10 meters. To connect antennas, N-type or SMA connectors are most often used.

3G routers have a slot for a SIM card and, as a rule, do not differ much from ordinary home routers for wired Internet. Most 3G routers on the market today support WiFi and allow you to set up a wireless LAN. For our customers, we recommend a 3G/4G router that has proven itself as a reliable and inexpensive solution for home and office.

Huawei e5172s-515 3G/4G WiFi router with one SIM card slot and one LAN port for Ethernet connection

Astra 3G panel antenna with 17 dB gain

A more budget-friendly option is a set of a regular home router with a USB port and a compatible 3G modem. Setting up the modem after connecting to the router occurs automatically and does not require user intervention. In the GSM-Repeaters.RU store, you can purchase kits that have been tested for compatibility, for example,.

In the case of using a modem, special adapters are added to the circuit -.

Pigtails - adapters for connecting antennas to modems with CRC9 (left) and TS9 (right) connectors

Selecting and installing an external antenna

The cellular signal is vertically polarized, and if the antenna is not positioned correctly, the quality of communication will suffer greatly. As a rule, a polarization indicator (usually an arrow) is placed on the antenna body, according to which it should be positioned in space. In the absence of an arrow, the name of the antenna can serve as an indicator of polarization (the inscription must be readable).

For installation, it is best to use, which will simplify further adjustment and tuning of the antenna. The antenna itself should be directed towards the base station of the cellular operator. To find out which operators work in your location, you can use the help on our website.

You can determine the exact location of the nearest tower by installing the OpenSignal or Netmonitor application on your smartphone. Also, some modems, for example, are able to show the signal level in decibels.

Huawei e3372 web interface allows you to view the current signal level in decibels (dBm)

OpenSignal and Netmonitor Applications

OpenSignal and Netmonitor are smartphone apps that allow you to view your current signal strength in decibels (dB) and quickly locate the nearest base station. Data about the towers of mobile operators are replenished by the users themselves, so that the database is always up to date. OpenSignal is available for Android and iOS operating systems, Netmonitor is for Android only.

Signal strength is measured in decibels: the closer the indicator is to 0, the better the connection. For example, -50 dB means a strong signal, and -110 dB means a very weak signal.

OpenSignal has a friendly interface and automatically shows the direction of a nearby base station using a compass. The Netmonitor application contains more settings and is intended for advanced users. Both OpenSignal and Netmonitor have a mode for displaying base stations on Google Maps.

OpenSignal (left) and Netmonitor (right) applications help determine signal strength and location of the nearest base station

We recommend using OpenSignal and Netmonitor to determine the signal strength and adjust the antenna. Knowing the signal strength in decibels and the location of the tower, it is easier to avoid mistakes when installing and configuring it.

Amplification with a repeater

Often, active signal amplification is required by means of a special device - a repeater. The fact is that the amplification of the 3G Internet described above with the help of a router and an external antenna is convenient, but not universal. In particular, this option is not suitable for people who need to strengthen their voice connection, as well as in cases where it is necessary to provide access to a 3G connection to all nearby users. In addition, the antenna gain may not be sufficient for stable operation with a very weak source signal.

In these cases, it is necessary to install an amplification system with a repeater. The principle of operation of such a system is quite simple: an external antenna picks up the signal and transmits it via cable to a repeater, which amplifies it. The amplified signal is transmitted to an internal antenna, which distributes it throughout the room. The outgoing stream is amplified in a similar way: the signal from the subscriber enters the internal antenna, is amplified by the repeater, transmitted to the external antenna and radiated towards the base station.

The coverage area of ​​the repeater directly depends on its power. For domestic use, in most cases, a 50 mW repeater with a gain of 65 dB is sufficient. An excellent solution in terms of price and quality is a repeater from a well-known domestic manufacturer. To cover a large area of ​​the house and/or with a weak input signal, use more powerful devices such as (75 dB, 200 mW) or (80 dB, 500 mW).

Repeater Baltic Signal BS-3G-65 with a frequency range of 2100 MHz and a gain of 65 dB

Repeaters also differ in the supported frequency ranges. To amplify 3G, you just need to purchase an amplifier with support for the 2100 MHz band, but in some cases it makes sense to buy a multi-band repeater.

For example, using a repeater with the 900 and 2100 MHz frequency bands will improve GSM (2G) and 3G at the same time, while the dual-band model 2100 and 2600 MHz will provide support for 3G and 4G. The most expensive repeaters allow you to amplify all used cellular communication standards at the same time. Consultants of our store will be happy to help you choose the right repeater model for you.

Internal antenna VITA-5

An example of mounting a Nika-3 ceiling antenna

For all their versatility, repeaters also have several limitations. The main one is due to the fact that the external antenna is directed to the tower of a particular mobile operator, and if the towers of other operators are in the opposite direction, their signal will not be amplified. In such a situation, to amplify the signal of several operators, you will have to install several directional antennas connected to the repeater via a splitter.

The second limitation has to do with the "side effects" of analog amplification. The radio signal always contains a certain percentage of interference, which is also amplified by the repeater. With a weak signal, the proportion of interference can be significant, which will lead to a noisy air at the output. The amplification will still occur, but the quality and speed of communication may be lower than originally predicted.


Let's summarize and briefly talk about amplifying the 3G signal once again:

  • You can't amplify a signal that doesn't exist. To amplify any signal, it is required that it be picked up by equipment.
  • The main reasons for a weak cellular signal are the distance from the base station and various obstacles in the path of the radio wave.
  • In Russia, 3G communications in the vast majority of cases operate in the 2100 MHz band. All 3G amplification equipment must support this frequency range.
  • You can strengthen only mobile Internet or mobile Internet together with voice communication. To amplify only the Internet, an external antenna and a 3G router or modem are enough. To also amplify 3G voice communication, you will need an amplification system with a repeater.
  • The external antenna must be directed towards the tower of the cellular operator. To find out the location of the tower, use the OpenSignal and Netmonitor smartphone apps. When installing the antenna, observe its polarization.
  • Antennas are connected to devices using special connectors. To connect to a repeater, an N-type connector is used, to a router - SMA, to modems - CRC9 / TS9. To connect the antenna to the modem, you will also need a special adapter - a pigtail.
  • The 3G repeater performs the function of amplifying the signal coming from the external antenna and transmits the amplified signal to the indoor antenna located in the room.
  • Repeaters are single-band and multi-band. To enhance 3G communication, a single-band repeater with support for the UMTS-2100 standard is sufficient. Multi-band repeaters allow you to strengthen several communication standards at the same time and create a reserve for the future (for example, provide support for 4G).