Thyroid puncture. Effects

Disorders of the functioning of the thyroid gland occupy a leading position in diseases of the organs of internal secretion. The main feature of the states is that most of them do not have clear, independent manifestations. An exception is goiter or an increase in the size of the thyroid gland. The most accurate and common method for diagnosing neoplasms is puncture.

If neoplasms are detected during an ultrasound examination, the endocrinologist decides to refer the patient for additional diagnostics. To examine the node for the development of the oncological process, a biopsy is used. This method consists in taking a small amount of organ tissue. To obtain the material, a puncture of the thyroid gland is performed.

Where can I get tested and how much does it cost?

For testing, you should contact a specialized clinic. Here the patient is examined by an oncologist, the neck is especially carefully examined. Only after this is the selection of cells for examination. The final cost is determined by a whole range of components:

  • the number of medical consultations, their complexity;
  • the use of ultrasound guidance in order to make a puncture in the required place;
  • getting advice.

The qualifications of the specialists of the medical institution, as well as the technical equipment of the clinic, are also important. On average, a thyroid puncture can be done for 2000-3000 rubles.

A few words about preparation

Puncture of the thyroid gland is a procedure that does not require special preparation on the part of the patient. It is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene, and during the manipulation strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

Before starting the procedure, the patient is placed on his back. To maintain the position of the head, a roller is used, which lies under the shoulders. The head is thrown back. One of the difficult and unpleasant moments of the procedure is that the patient is forbidden to swallow - this eliminates the possibility that the needle will slip out. Anesthesia of the punctured area is not performed, since there are no nerve endings in the area of ​​the procedure.

Features of the procedure

How is a puncture done? The procedure involves a sequence of such actions:

  • The doctor, using an ultrasound sensor, determines the exact location of the node.
  • With the help of a thin needle, a puncture is made through which a small amount of the contents of the neoplasm is drawn into the syringe.

The absence of an item on anesthesia in the list of manipulations performed by the doctor is the best answer to the question of whether it hurts when the analysis is done.

About the results

After the puncture of the thyroid gland node is completed, the cytologist begins to study the material taken. The contents of the syringe are carefully applied to a glass slide and stained with a special composition. The slide is then placed under the microscope.

The results of a thyroid puncture are most often recorded as follows:

  • Benign result. Such a record may mean that the patient is diagnosed with colloid goiter, subacute thyroiditis, autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • Malignant result.
  • Intermediate result.
  • Uninformative result. This means that the results of the study are erroneous, contradict other complaints of the patient. As a rule, this is observed when the fence technology is violated. To get real results, it is recommended to do the puncture again.

When is the procedure required?

Puncture of the thyroid gland is a method that is widely used to make an accurate diagnosis when large neoplasms are found in the organ.

Medical practice distinguishes strict indications for which a puncture is taken:

  • Detection of nodes on palpation of the neck, the size of which exceeds one centimeter.
  • Detection of neoplasms during ultrasound examination.
  • Simultaneous fixation of small nodes and symptoms of thyroid cancer.

The procedure is generally safe. However, there is a certain range of contraindications, in which it is not recommended to take a puncture:

  • Violations of the blood coagulation system.
  • Diseases in which the permeability of the walls of blood vessels is impaired.
  • Exacerbation of mental illness.

Regarding the puncture in children: if other diagnostic methods cannot be used or they do not allow you to get a complete picture, then doctors resort to a biopsy. Only in this case, the sampling is carried out using anesthesia, which is administered intravenously.

The use of anesthesia is also practiced in cases where a puncture is required for a patient with a history of mental illness.

The choice of drug for anesthesia is dictated by the general health of the patient. Particular caution should be exercised if there are cardiovascular diseases. The decision to use anesthesia is made only after consultation with a cardiologist.

About possible consequences

Does thyroid puncture have consequences? In general, the manipulation does not give any complications. In some patients, minor bleeding is recorded at the site where the puncture was made. With diagnosed osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, dizziness may occur.

Due to the insufficient qualification of the doctor or ignoring the requirement to use the ultrasound machine after the puncture, injury to the vessel or nerve of the trachea may occur if the needle penetrates too deep. Often there are consequences such as laryngospasm, a violation of the integrity of the nerve of the larynx. To avoid such consequences is possible only in the case of contacting an experienced doctor.

The puncture is not dangerous in itself. But in some cases, by the evening of the day when the procedure was performed, the patient's temperature rises to 37 ° C. Such situations do not pose a danger to humans. The condition usually resolves within a day.

Cough also refers to the consequences of manipulation. The phenomenon is observed when the neoplasm is located close to the trachea. The condition does not require any medication.

When you can not do without the help of a doctor

The sampling of material at the site of the formation of the knot is generally a safe procedure. Some unpleasant consequences of puncturing the thyroid gland are temporary and disappear on their own.

However, in medical practice, cases have been recorded that require mandatory consultation with the attending physician:

  • Bleeding that persists on the second day after the manipulation.
  • The patient has difficulty swallowing.
  • At the puncture site, swelling is felt, which, moreover, can hurt.
  • Enlarged cervical lymph nodes.
  • The patient notes chills and fever at the same time.

Each of these violations cannot be ignored. The conditions will not go away on their own and can threaten health.


  1. Pinsky, S.B. Diagnosis of thyroid diseases / S.B. Pinsky, A.P. Kalinin, V.A. Beloborodov. - L .: Medicine, 2005. - 192 p.
  2. Rudnitsky, Leonid Diseases of the thyroid gland. Pocket guide / Leonid Rudnitsky. – M.: Piter, 2015. – 256 p.
  3. Sinelnikova, A. 225 recipes for thyroid health / A. Sinelnikova. – M.: Vector, 2013. – 128 p.
  4. Sinelnikova, A. A. 225 recipes for thyroid health: monograph. / A.A. Sinelnikov. – M.: Vector, 2012. – 128 p.
  5. Uzhegov, G.N. Diseases of the thyroid gland: Varieties of diseases; Treatment with traditional medicine; Medical / G.N. Uzhegov. - Moscow: RGGU, 2014. - 144 p.
  6. Khavin, I.B. Diseases of the thyroid gland / I.B. Khavin, O.V. Nikolaev. - M.: State publishing house of medical literature, 2007. - 252 p.

⚕️ Olga Alexandrovna Melikhova - endocrinologist, 2 years of experience.

Deals with issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, sex glands, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, etc.

Good day, dear readers! Since you are reading this post now, you will have to puncture of the thyroid gland, moreover, I am sure that you want to go through this procedure successfully the first time. If this is true, then you have come to the right place. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about thyroid puncture, which will give you more confidence and courage.

In my old article, I talked about the most common reasons for refusing this procedure. The article is written on conclusions based on my own experience. I recommend reading it, you might find yourself in it.

I agree with you that the procedure is not pleasant, but it is not so difficult and dangerous as to be so worried. And when you know in advance what you have to do, then you worry less. And when you think less about the bad, then the procedure itself is more successful. Remember the universal law “Like attracts like!”, So stop thinking about it, but it’s better to start reading the post and learn something new about thyroid puncture.

Puncture of the thyroid gland has become a fairly commonly used method of examination today. But what needs to be done to make the result of the puncture as effective as possible?

First, this procedure has clear indications. Recently, a girl with autoimmune thyroiditis came to me and was scheduled for a thyroid gland puncture. What her doctor wants to know is not clear, because this diagnosis is perfectly made even without this study. Of course, the appointment was not made according to indications.

The main indication of a puncture of the thyroid gland is the presence of nodular, volumetric formations in the tissue of the gland. I recommend that you read the article "" to understand why nodes are formed, what they are and what to expect from them?

The purpose of the procedure is to exclude or confirm thyroid cancer. During the procedure, individual gland cells are removed, which are then examined under a microscope. Such a study is called cytological (from the Latin word “cytos” - “cell”), in contrast to histological, where the material under study is a tissue, that is, an accumulation of cells in a certain order, which is possible only with surgical intervention.

Thyroid node puncture is not performed for all patients with nodes. Puncture is indicated for patients with nodules in the thyroid gland with a diameter of 1 cm or more. Exceptions are smaller nodules with signs of malignancy, persons with a history of head and neck irradiation, persons with thyroid cancer in relatives.

In order for the result of the punctured material to be informative, you need to choose clinics where this procedure is performed under the control of an ultrasound machine. Since it is in this case that there is a high probability of the needle getting into the area of ​​​​the wall of the node, and not into the center, which can be with the blind method of carrying out this procedure, i.e. without using an ultrasound machine. In some cases, doctors intentionally refuse to control the device, for example, if the knot is large enough to be grasped by hand.

Personally, I think that this is wrong, since the purpose of the method is not only to get to the node, but also to get to the right place. In most cases, such large nodes have a heterogeneous structure, calcifications, parietal tissue elements, etc., and it is these characteristics that are more likely to mask thyroid cancer. And in this case, the purpose of the puncture is not only to get into the node, but also to get into the parietal element of the thyroid node, and this is almost impossible without an ultrasound machine.

In addition, with such node dimensions, the material must be taken from at least 5 points of the node, with each sample being applied to a separate glass slide. I rarely met this condition in my practice.

If there are several nodes, then the puncture is carried out depending on the nature of these nodes. If the ultrasound reveals signs suspicious of oncology, then all thyroid nodules with these signs are punctured. What is really happening? Only the largest thyroid node is punctured and they calm down, and the cancer may be located in the adjacent hypoechoic node of small size.

It is after such a puncture that the opinion arises in people that the procedure affected the formation of cancer in the neighboring node, but it simply was not investigated.

Complications after puncture of the nodes, as a rule, do not happen. And if it does, it is most often the formation of a hematoma, which does not carry any risk and resolves on average after 2 weeks.

The conclusion of the puncture of the thyroid gland

The results of the puncture of the nodes can have the following formulations:

  • benign result (colloidal goiter in varying degrees of proliferation, AIT, subacute thyroiditis)
  • malignant outcome (different variants of thyroid cancer)
  • intermediate result (follicular neoplasia)
  • uninformative result

In case of obtaining a non-informative result, a repeated puncture of the thyroid node is required.

Upon receipt of an informative result, there is no need for a second puncture. The conclusion of the puncture biopsy provides information for the choice of subsequent treatment tactics.

When a benign result is obtained, further tactics will only be observation. If the node is colloidal, which happens in 85-90% of cases, then it will remain so and there will be no degeneration into cancer. Then what is this observation for? It is necessary in order to detect false-negative results of thyroid puncture, remember, I talked about this above.

Fortunately, there are few such false negative results - only 5% of all punctures.

In the case of a malignant or intermediate result, surgical treatment is performed, the extent of the operation depends on the type of tumor. After surgery, as a rule, postoperative hypothyroidism develops, which requires the appointment of thyroxine replacement therapy. Doses are slightly different from those for primary hypothyroidism.

Fortunately, there are also few such results of thyroid puncture - about 5-15%.

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva

There are many diseases of the thyroid gland. Very often, neoplasms can occur in it. And in order to determine whether it is benign or not, doctors prescribe a thyroid biopsy. Otherwise, this procedure is also called a puncture.

This examination is carried out if if a large number of incomprehensible nodes form in the organ, or if the size of one node begins to exceed 1 centimeter. Currently, this is the only procedure that allows you to make the diagnosis most accurately.

The biopsy itself is not particularly pleasant, and its consequences may also not be joyful. But, if a specialist appoints it, then it is impossible to refuse in any case, because a person’s life may depend on it. After all, the sooner the causes of the tumor are discovered, the more likely it is to be cured.

This operation is performed once. The doctor may prescribe a second examination if benign formations begin to increase in size, there is an increase in lymph nodes.

Examination process

The puncture process is as follows:

  • a syringe needle is inserted into the nodes of the thyroid gland, through which their contents are drawn;
  • the patient should be in the supine position;
  • All research is done using ultrasound. The fact is that the nodules are often small in size, but the doctor’s mistake in this case threatens the patient with death;
  • the material that is taken with the help of a biopsy is given for microscopic examination;
  • after the needle is removed, a cotton swab is applied to the puncture site. The patient should not get up for another 10-15 minutes;
  • the puncture procedure lasts about 15-20 minutes in general, the material sampling takes about three minutes.

Patients usually endure the process calmly, pain is not strong. The most important thing is that the doctor turned out to be an experienced person, then the puncture procedure will be quite successful. If you still experience discomfort, then, as a rule, they disappear within a couple of hours.

Consequences of a thyroid biopsy

Currently, the puncture is carried out with a thin needle, which does not cause much discomfort to a person.

However, a thyroid biopsy is not such a simple procedure, therefore, as after any other intervention, unpleasant consequences can occur.

  • Hematoma. Often a doctor, when doing a procedure, can hook and injure small capillaries, vessels, muscles that cover the organ itself. In order not to damage larger arteries, specialists use ultrasound of the esophagus, but it is more difficult with small ones. To prevent bruising after the puncture, immediately after the needle is removed, a cotton swab is pressed tightly against this place. It will prevent a hematoma from appearing and reduce pain in the future.
  • Sometimes it happens that after a biopsy in a patient in the evening temperature may rise up to about 37 degrees. This should not be scary, this happens infrequently.
  • Cough. This consequence of the puncture may appear if the neoplasm that was examined is in close proximity to the trachea. Usually, the cough goes away quickly enough and does not cause any concern.
  • Very often, after this procedure, a person may experience dizziness. It is not uncommon for those who are overly impressionable. In addition, this consequence often appears in patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Therefore, after the study, you need to get up very slowly and carefully so as not to lose consciousness.
  • May often appear thyrotoxicosis syndromes. It occurs as a result of excessive excitement. Palms may begin to sweat, nervousness may appear, and the heartbeat may increase. To prevent this from happening, it is best to talk to the doctor before the procedure, find out exactly all the necessary information, and then relax and let the specialist take a biopsy in a calm state.

These complications and consequences are not considered severe and do not require intervention by doctors. However, sometimes it also happens that you cannot do without the help of specialists.

  • Bleeding. If a person has poor blood clotting or takes medications that thin the blood, then before the procedure it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.
  • Fever symptoms and very high temperature is also a serious complication.
  • In a good way, no traces should remain at the puncture site after a while. If this place begins to swell, then you should consult a doctor.
  • If the specialist does not have much experience, then during the procedure large arteries, the trachea may be affected.
  • If a patient has difficulty swallowing after a biopsy, this also indicates possible complications.
  • It also happens that the medical staff simply processed their instrument poorly before performing a puncture. As a result, a person may be infected with any infection. If there are pains in the neck, and sometimes they are so strong that it is difficult to even turn your head, the lymph nodes are enlarged, then you need to urgently consult a doctor to avoid even more serious problems.

In any case, if you experience any unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. There are rumors that after such an operation, malignant tumor cells begin to grow faster. However, this fact has not been scientifically confirmed. Therefore, do not be afraid.

If the doctor prescribes this procedure, then, first of all, it is worth deciding on the choice of a specialist. You can talk with friends, look for reviews about clinics on the Internet. No need to run to the first doctor you see. Indeed, in addition to the fact that he can do a biopsy of poor quality, unpleasant consequences may appear. And the future life will depend on the results. In addition, do not be afraid of this procedure. All severe complications can appear mainly as a result of the unprofessionalism of doctors. In general, this procedure is quite tolerable. And it is completely safe for the human body. It cannot accelerate any other diseases. Therefore, you do not need to refuse if the doctor still decides to take the analysis in this way.

A fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) is commonly referred to as a puncture or puncture. This is a valuable diagnostic procedure that allows obtaining biomaterial. Without it, it is impossible to study the structural composition of thyroid tissue. The thyroid gland is punctured under ultrasound guidance.

Only a puncture makes it possible to assess the quality of the process in neoplasms, as well as to establish the need for an operation. The study of the biological material taken during the puncture often becomes the key to the final diagnosis, and hence to the effective treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Thyroid nodules are not uncommon, especially in patients over 40 years of age. But the node is not always potentially dangerous. Malignant degeneration of nodes occurs infrequently - according to statistics, in only 4-7 cases out of 100. A small nodule or even a few asymptomatic nodules usually do not pose any health hazard.

One of the most common pathologies of the thyroid gland, determined by ultrasound, is precisely nodular formations, but, despite the frequency of their detection, aspiration biopsy is done only according to strict indications, for example:

  • on palpation, the doctor detects nodes larger than 1 cm;
  • cystic formations;
  • a rapid increase in education in size, that is, it quickly grew by 2-3 mm or more;
  • detection on ultrasound of nodes larger than 1 cm;
  • discrepancy between the data obtained during the examination and the symptoms of the disease;
  • when any tumors are detected in the thickness of the thyroid tissue, if the accompanying symptoms and tests indicate a high risk of developing cancer.

In addition to the obvious symptoms that indicate the need for a puncture, there are some factors that provoke possible malignant processes. So, increased attention to the thyroid gland will be required if:

  1. The patient has a burdened heredity (that is, the next of kin suffered from oncological diseases).
  2. Received exposure from radioactive radiation.
  3. Elderly age.
  4. The formation of a dubious etiology in the isthmus.

If, during an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, the doctor suspects the presence of a malignant process, then the biopsy will become a source of updated information. It is they who will confirm or refute preliminary fears.

Along with medical advice, when checking the health of an organ, an analysis to determine the level of hormones is important.

Important! If ultrasound fixes an increase in nodes for 6-12 months by 8-12 mm, then a biopsy is required!

Study preparation

Puncture of the thyroid gland does not require any preliminary preparation from the patient. Therefore, the patient may not limit himself in food or drink. However, you will need to limit physical activity, but only if it is high enough. For example, for those who exercise regularly, you can skip one workout the day before the biopsy.

If the patient is unnecessarily anxious before the procedure, the endocrinologist will prescribe herbal sedatives, for example, Persena, Novo-Passita, or valerian root extract.

How do they do

The survey includes two stages:

  • Stage 1 - puncture of the selected area and cell sampling;
  • Stage 2 - microscopic examination of the obtained biomaterial.

The biopsy is quite well tolerated by most patients due to the small trauma. You don't have to go to the hospital for this. cell sampling is carried out on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia. Manipulations are controlled by ultrasound, in total, a puncture biopsy takes no more than 20 minutes.

The course of the procedure: the patient is placed on the couch, a pillow is offered under the head. After palpation, the patient should swallow saliva several times - this will help determine the place of puncture. With the help of visualization on the screen of the ultrasound monitor, the node is punctured with a thin puncture needle, the diameter of which does not exceed 23G.

Using a syringe, the test material is carefully collected for subsequent transfer to the laboratory. The use of a needle with a minimum diameter prevents blood from entering the tissue cells which will improve the quality of the analysis.

In some cases, from 2 to 4 punctures are performed in different parts of the gland - this will make the study more accurate and meaningful.

Having received the laboratory material, it is smeared on a glass slide for further cytological examination in the laboratory of the clinic.

If the analysis reveals a cystic component, active aspiration will be performed to completely remove fluid from the formation. A sample of this fluid is subjected to centrifugation, the resulting precipitate is then examined.

A sterile dressing is applied to the puncture site and left for a couple of hours. Patient can go home within 10 minutes. The restriction is imposed only on water procedures - it is better to take a shower a few hours after the manipulation.


The video clip below demonstrates how a fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of thyroid nodules is performed.

Deciphering the results

Despite the fact that the results of a puncture can be varied, one thing is important for the patient and the doctor: the quality of education. Analyzing the contents of the node before, the laboratory assistant will conclude: the tissue structure corresponds to benign or degenerate (that is, malignant).

Reference! It happens that the result is intermediate, that is, not informative. Of course, in this case, the biopsy will have to be redone.

A benign tumor usually indicates the development of endocrine diseases, such as nodular goiter and various forms of thyroiditis. The main tactic in this case is the responsibility of the endocrinologist (usually we are talking about hormonal therapy), and nodular formations need to be monitored.

If it is established that the node is colloidal, then the risk of its malignant degeneration is low. However, regular testing and visits to the endocrinologist should become a good habit for the patient and be performed at least once a year.

Follicular neoplasia may also be an intermediate result. which can be either benign or malignant. If the doctor's worst fears are confirmed, the gland has to be removed, and the material is sent for histology. The patient will need to take carefully selected hormones to avoid hypothyroidism.

A malignant process indicates the development of thyroid cancer. In the future, the attending physician will raise the question of removing part of the gland or complete resection of the organ. This difficult decision depends on many factors, including the results of tests and the type of neoplasm.

In any case, surgical intervention is indispensable here. And after the operation, the patient will need hormone replacement therapy so that the quality of life remains at the same level.

Important! Even if it is proved that the tumor in the gland is benign, regular consultations with the endocrinologist are necessary. Along with them, tests for the content of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (T3 and T4), as well as ultrasound of the thyroid gland are mandatory.


There are no contraindications for a biopsy with aspiration puncture, but this does not mean that the procedure can be performed always and for everyone without exception. In fact, manipulation is abandoned if:

  • the patient has impaired blood clotting;
  • the patient is categorically against puncture;
  • the patient has reached a considerable age;
  • there are tumors in the mammary glands;
  • a history of numerous operations;
  • knot size more than 3.5 cm;
  • impaired permeability of the vascular wall;
  • problems with the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • psychical deviations;
  • women during menstruation or preparing for it;
  • in the acute course of any infectious diseases, SARS.

The limitations of the study associated with blood clotting are justified by the fact that any intervention in the patient's body can cause bleeding.

For young children, a puncture is taken under anesthesia which is also not always possible.

Patients registered with a cardiologist will need permission from the attending physician on the day of the puncture to exclude exacerbation of arrhythmia, tachycardia or hypertension.


Unfortunately, during the manipulation, such unpleasant consequences are possible as:

  • dizziness;
  • hematoma formation;
  • temperature 37;
  • signs of thyrotoxicosis or its exacerbation;
  • cough;
  • laryngospasm (accompanied by a spasmodic cough and a feeling of suffocation);
  • damage to the laryngeal nerve;
  • puncture of the trachea;
  • node infection;
  • significant bleeding;
  • swelling and swelling at the puncture site;
  • fever;
  • swallowing difficulties.

The control of ultrasound equipment, of course, makes it possible to avoid touching large vessels during a biopsy, however, small vessels and capillaries cannot be left untouched. Therefore, in order to avoid a hematoma, it is recommended to immediately firmly press a swab or a piece of bandage to the puncture site. Even if a hematoma has arisen, it passes quite quickly.

If a patient is diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis, dizziness may occur. To avoid it, you should not jump up immediately after the procedure, but stay in a supine position for 5-10 minutes. Then gently sit down, and then, assessing your condition, stand up.

An increase in body temperature is recorded infrequently and usually occurs in the evening on the day of the manipulation. Subfebrile temperature can rise to 37 degrees or slightly higher and such an increase does not pose any danger to the patient. However if the temperature rises significantly or persists the next day, it is better to visit a specialist.

An increase in the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, such as sweaty palms, increased heart rate and severe anxiety, is observed due to a strong fear of a puncture and can be corrected with sedatives.

Cough after a biopsy occurs in cases where the material is taken near the trachea. Usually the cough goes away on its own and fairly quickly.

Laryngeal laryngospasm or nerve damage is extremely rare and requires immediate medical attention.

How much does the procedure cost and where to do it?

Puncture of the thyroid gland is performed in specialized diagnostic centers. The price of the procedure can vary significantly, because it consists of several components:

  • cost of preliminary consultation;
  • biopsy prices;
  • ultrasonic testing prices;
  • the cost of analyzing the material taken;
  • cytological research.

On average, an aspiration biopsy of the thyroid gland in a private clinic will cost the patient 2000-4500 rubles. The cost of the procedure in a well-known and prestigious institution will be significantly higher than in a newly opened one. In addition, the price is affected by the qualifications of the doctor and the general equipment of the medical institution.


A biopsy is considered a simple diagnostic manipulation, but it should only be entrusted to an experienced and highly qualified specialist. The fact is that the slightest inaccuracy or violation of the algorithm is fraught with serious complications. Besides the reliability of the result largely depends on the correctness of the procedure.

When referring to a biopsy, it is imperative to conduct it and clearly follow the further instructions of the specialist. Timely and high-quality procedure is the key to maintaining health.

To diagnose any problems of various organs, a thorough examination is necessary. In some cases, a superficial examination cannot give a clear picture of the disease.

For example, in the presence of general laboratory tests, hormone analysis, even with ultrasound diagnostics, it is not always possible to make an accurate diagnosis. A large number of thyroid diseases require more advanced diagnostics, and in this case, a thyroid gland puncture is prescribed.

A fine-needle biopsy - this is another name for a thyroid puncture is needed in order to obtain the most accurate and extended data on the state of the gland and what pathological processes it has. If the doctor has prescribed a puncture of the thyroid gland, there is no point in refusing this. To cope with the problem, you need the right treatment, but is there any reason to try various therapy options on yourself, when you can make a puncture, and after receiving the results of the study, start the right treatment?

Fine-needle biopsy is performed only for the diagnosis of diseases of the mammary glands and thyroid gland. The fact is that these two organs have some peculiarities in the circulatory system, and if a puncture is made with an ordinary needle, the result may be unreliable.

All formations that can occur in the thyroid gland are divided into benign or oncological. Depending on what nature of the formations the puncture of the thyroid gland shows, treatment will be prescribed. That's why the puncture is done. Thus, for this study, the indications may be as follows - the presence of nodes in the gland. If a node larger than 1 cm is detected during examination or during hardware diagnostics, then the patient is sent for a biopsy. If the size of the nodes is less than 1 cm, then a biopsy is rarely taken, only in cases where:

  • the location of the nodes is the isthmus;
  • the absence of a clear capsule in the node;
  • the presence of calcifications in the nodes;
  • the patient has a sore neck due to an increase in regional lymph nodes;
  • the patient hurts education itself;
  • the patient has ever been in an area with a high radioactive background;
  • in the patient's history there is a predisposition to oncology of the thyroid gland or another organ.

Of course, all these indications are quite relative and many doctors are against puncture analysis with nodes less than 1 cm, so the attending physician makes the decision on the indication for thyroid gland puncture for each patient individually.

What else is a puncture for? Puncture of the thyroid gland is also necessary to monitor the dynamics of dew nodes, if the nodes grow rapidly, then the patient may be assigned several such studies with an interval of six months.

It happens that there are no nodules in the thyroid tissue, but a biopsy is still prescribed. Why is this being done? In this case, the analysis is taken to diagnose diffuse and toxic goiter, subacute thyroiditis, autoimmune thyroiditis and other ailments.

Puncturing the thyroid gland is contraindicated in people with low blood clotting, mental disorders, those who have had several operations, and also if the size of the formation is more than 3.5 cm.

How to prepare

No special preparation is required for the biopsy procedure. The day before the puncture, the patient takes a blood test (general and for hormones), if there is a problem with coagulation, then a coagulogram is recommended. Preparation of men consists in a thorough shave two hours before the procedure.

The specialist must mentally prepare the patient, answer all his questions. Patients often ask if it hurts to do a puncture - the answer to it is this: thyroid puncture is not painful, because it is performed under local anesthesia. The maximum that can be felt is a puncture of the skin.

How to prepare for the procedure if fear does not leave you? Many patients are very afraid of this procedure, they are sure that the puncture of the thyroid gland is very dangerous, and after it they will fall ill with some more terrible diseases. These are unfounded fears, the procedure is not dangerous, and does not lead to any diseases. But if you are very nervous, it is recommended that you start taking sedatives before the biopsy (a few days in advance). If there are indications for a puncture, it is certainly worth doing, since this analysis provides all the necessary information on which the correctness of the therapy chosen by the doctor depends.

How is the procedure carried out

What is a thyroid puncture and how is it performed? This question worries a lot of patients, so below it will be described in detail how a thyroid puncture is taken:

  • The patient should lie down on a medical couch with a cushion or pillow under their head. The specialist examines the patient's neck, palpates it and finds the knot. Next, he asks the patient to swallow several times to remove saliva.
  • A special needle is inserted into the node, a puncture of the thyroid gland is made under ultrasound control, so there is no need to worry - the doctor does not do everything blindly. The needle is inserted into an empty syringe, and the material is sucked into it for further research.
  • After removing the needle, the resulting material is placed on laboratory glasses. Do not worry if you feel that the specialist is making another puncture - this is a standard procedure, several punctures are necessary in order to obtain objective results. How many times do they pierce? 2-3 times to take different biological material.
  • After all the necessary material has been obtained, a sterile dressing is applied to the puncture area. After a few minutes, the patient can go home. However, you can do physical labor, go to training, wash the puncture site and return to an active life after a thyroid gland puncture after two hours.

The whole procedure, including preparation and rest after the study, will take no more than 20 minutes, as for the puncture itself, the doctor will do the puncture of the thyroid gland for about 5 minutes.

If you are doing a puncture in cold weather, then it is better to cover your neck with a scarf when going outside. Now you can imagine how a thyroid puncture is done, and you understand that this is not such a terrible procedure.

Procedure results

The results of a puncture of the thyroid gland are a clarification of the nature of the node - benign or oncological. In addition, an uninformative result, that is, an intermediate one, is possible. In this case, a second puncture is assigned. How often can such an analysis be carried out? Only the attending physician can answer this question. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, but, as a rule, if a repeated puncture is necessary, it is carried out after a few days.

Decryption is carried out only by an experienced specialist. If the decoding showed the presence of a benign formation, then most likely it is an ordinary nodular goiter, in which case it must be constantly monitored.

If it turned out that this is a colloidal node, then in this case the tracking tactics are also chosen, since such nodes are not often reborn into oncology. If the decoding showed a malignant process in the gland, then in this case the doctor must decide on the surgical removal of part of the gland or the entire thyroid gland. After a thyroid gland puncture, the results are issued in a few days.

Can there be complications

Serious complications after thyroid puncture are rare. So, thyroid puncture - consequences:

  1. Hematoma in the puncture area. It is clear that it is impossible to carry out a puncture without injuring small vessels. Naturally, all control over the procedure is carried out by an ultrasound machine, but a complication after a puncture in the form of a hematoma still occurs. To reduce the risk of developing a hematoma, it is necessary to firmly press a cotton swab to the puncture site after the procedure.
  2. It is not often possible to observe an increase in temperature, as a rule, it falls by itself, and should not cause any serious concerns.
  3. Cough. If the node under study is located close to the trachea, then a short cough may occur, which disappears without any treatment.
  4. Sometimes after a puncture there is a slight dizziness. This symptom indicates the presence of osteochondrosis of the neck. In addition, dizziness may appear in susceptible and nervous people. That is, we can say that such symptoms mainly arise under the influence of the patient's fear.
  5. Palms may sweat, heart rate increase, psychological discomfort can be felt - all these manifestations are also the result of fear of the procedure. Taking sedatives will help to cope with this, which you can even take with you and take immediately before the procedure.

Such complications do not require medical intervention, but if the following symptoms occur after the procedure, it is necessary to consult a doctor:

  • violation of swallowing function;
  • bleeding;
  • swelling at the puncture site;
  • temperature above 37.5 degrees;
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • feverish state.

Instead of a conclusion

Many female patients ask if it is possible to do a puncture during menstruation? Menstruation is not an obstacle to the procedure, but it is better to inform the doctor about them when he appoints the day of the study.

Another frequently asked question - is it possible to eat before a puncture? It is possible, only some laboratory tests are carried out on an empty stomach, as well as studies of the digestive system.

How many times can you do a puncture? This question is individual, and it is better to discuss it with your doctor.

How many days decipher the received analysis? It depends on the clinic in which the puncture is performed and on the availability of an appropriate laboratory in it. On average, the study of the analysis takes 2-3 days.

Almost all patients tolerate the puncture calmly, and the fear that a biopsy can provoke a malignancy of the process is absolutely unfounded, such facts are not known to medicine. Of course, there is some discomfort during the procedure, but it completely disappears after a couple of hours, you can compare it with taking blood from a vein. This study should be carried out in specialized centers where qualified specialists work who have been performing biopsies for many years.