How to sober up quickly? Simple rules and tips. How to quickly sober up a person at home

To quickly bring a drunk person into normal condition at home, there are a number of simple but effective ways. They come to help folk remedies, drugs, vitamins, alcoholic cocktails, Fresh air, massage and water procedures. All of them are aimed not only at returning clarity of consciousness to a person, but also at eliminating negative consequences intoxication for the body.

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    Ear rubbing and massage

    You can sober up a drunk person with a terry towel. It's wetted cold water and rub them on the earlobes of the tipsy for 10-15 minutes.

    The effectiveness of this measure is based on the fact that it enhances the process of blood circulation, and this leads to a rapid sobering. For greater efficiency rubbing should be very intense.

    Massage of the palms and feet is also used. These parts of the body are replete with nerve endings, a hard impact on which can bring the drinker back to its original position.

    The use of ammonia

    You can give the drunk the original look with the help of ammonia, namely a cotton swab dipped in ammonia and brought to the nose. It is held for a couple of seconds near the person’s face at a distance of 1 cm. The effect can be enhanced by rubbing the temples with the same solution. The powerful specific smell of a colorless liquid can bring a person to life at any stage. alcohol intoxication.

    For a similar purpose, you can give the victim a drink. alcohol solution. To do this, a certain amount of ammonia is diluted in 200 ml of non-carbonated water (no more than 6 drops, so as not to harm the gastrointestinal tract).

    Water procedures

    The classic sobering method is cold or cold and hot shower. After it, it is necessary to give the person a few cups of strong hot coffee without sugar and cream to drink.

    It is also allowed to pour cold water on the back of the head of a drunk. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that it flows down the spine.

    Useful for sobering plentiful drink. When drinking alcohol, dehydration occurs, which is why alcohol enhances its effect. Oral plain water restore balance and sober up.

    Mint and Vitamin C

    A cup of peppermint tea or a glass of water with 15-25 drops of mint extract can help you get drunk. Usually such a measure is used after a short sleep.

    This method is effective only at mild stages of intoxication. Otherwise, it will be useless.

    You can quickly bring a drunk to his senses with the help of various natural helpers. One of them is vitamin C.

    The drinker must be given fruits containing this useful element, - grapefruits, oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits. The vitamin is also available in tablet form. However pharmaceutical preparations do not mix well with aspirin, which is part of various means against a hangover.


    This is the simplest and least expensive way to restore a working state. During a walk, hops disappear from the head, and a person sobers up.

    Walking will work best in cold weather.

    But if you take a drunk person out of a warm room into the street in extreme cold, this will have a bad effect on work. of cardio-vascular system. When the drunk returns to the room, his condition may worsen. In winter, you can rub a person's face, neck and hands with snow. At the same time, one should not let a heavily drunk person go out alone.

    Activated carbon

    The substance refers to sorbents that absorb all the harmful elements in the body. This property is associated with its use for sobering up and combating hangovers.

    8-10 tablets are able to absorb all the alcoholic toxins formed as a result of intoxication. Thanks to this, a person will begin to feel better within an hour.

    When applied activated carbon you must carefully read the instructions. The number of tablets depends on the weight of the person.


    A mixture of strong drinks helps to sober up a person at home.

    There are many recipes that include not only alcohol, but also other ingredients that improve the well-being of a drunk.

    Pepper cocktail

    To prepare it, you will need the following components:

    • a drop of sunflower oil;
    • 2 teaspoons ketchup or sauce;
    • ground red and black pepper;
    • 1 tablespoon of vodka with pepper;
    • 4-5 drops of lemon or lime juice.

A wild feast brings a lot of joy, but only at first. If you go too far with alcohol, there will be two troubles at once: sober up a dead drunk human and take off in the morning monstrous hangover. Of course, you can wait and unpleasant symptoms will go by themselves. However, there are several popular folk remedies that allow you to quickly solve the problem - they are described in the book "Russian folk medicine". And other popular and proven methods, we found on the Internet.

Folk remedies, how to quickly sober up a drunk person:

1. A drink that is prepared simply is quickly able to sober up a drunk: 5-6 drops are added to a glass of cold water ammonia. The drink is given to a drunk person to drink, or they open their mouth and pour it in if the person is very drunk.

2. fast, simple and harmless remedy sober up a drunk person in 5 minutes- physical impact. No, no, you don't need to use brute force. When the drunk lies on his back, take his head so that the palms of his hands cover his ears. Now you need to quickly and strongly rub your ears with your palms. Surprisingly, the flow of blood to the head brings a dead drunk person to consciousness in a couple of minutes.

How to sober up in 5 minutes at home

1. To sober up quickly, in 5 minutes First of all, you need to expel alcohol from the body - drink plenty of water. It will restore the necessary amount of fluid in the brain. How it works? Toxic products of alcohol are excreted by the kidneys, the concentration of alcohol in the body decreases, and a sober mind returns.

2. By the way, activated charcoal does not help to sober up at home - this is a delusion. He is only able to relieve the symptom locally - in the intestines, if after a feast there is a slight disorder.

3. Caffeine stimulates brain activity, so a cup of coffee will sober up the mind. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid - drink more and more water. How to sober up in 5 minutes - drink coffee.

4. Another effective sobering agent: Drink freshly squeezed lemon juice without water and sugar in one gulp.

Relieve a hangover quickly with folk remedies

1. Relieve a hangover quickly simple folk remedy- a drink that is prepared independently. Add 20 drops of mint alcohol to a glass of cold water. You need to drink the remedy immediately. After a couple of minutes, the nausea and headache subside. An alternative is cool mint tea.

2. Acetaldehyde is a decomposition product ethyl alcohol- greatly dilates the arterial vessels. The accumulated products of intoxication begin to poison the body. We feel nauseous and headache. A cold shower and frosty air helps to narrow the blood vessels. Cold stimulates blood flow. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise frostbite may occur.

3. The cause of the headache is dehydration. What should be done? Drink more liquid. The best drinks are rich useful trace elements, vitamins, salts. It can be dried fruit compote and the same cucumber, cabbage pickle, meat broth, sour cabbage soup, watermelon, green tea with freshly squeezed lemon and honey. Dairy products are very effective here, because milk proteins neutralize poisons, including alcohol ones.

And, finally, it is not worth knocking out a wedge with a wedge. Best to shoot hangover syndrome non-alcoholic methods - improvised folk remedies.

In order not to get drunk you need to:

- Always drink alcohol on a full stomach.

— Drink small portions, talk.

- Do not drink strong alcohol with sparkling water. Carbon dioxide enhances the absorption of alcohol into the blood.

- Do not mix different alcoholic beverages.

- Drink 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil or eat a sandwich with butter 30 minutes before the start of the celebration. Oil envelops the walls of the vessel and will not allow alcohol to be quickly absorbed into the blood.

To not get drunk before drinking alcohol necessary drink 20 drops of eleutherococcus tincture (sold in a pharmacy) or take a few tablets of activated charcoal

- If you know that you will come to a company where you will have to drink a lot, it is worth drinking a glass of wine 2 hours beforehand. Why? This will start the production of the enzyme in the body, and when the feast begins, the enzyme will break down alcohol. As a result, intoxication will come later.

Many people dream of quickly sobering up from alcohol by drinking alcohol the day before. This question is relevant if a person is tormented by nausea or he needs to work, or for some other reason a person must be in shape.

A good way to quickly sober up at home is to drink half a liter of warm, slightly salted water. Salt in this recipe will require 1 teaspoon. With this recipe, you can not only get rid of nausea, but also thoroughly clean your stomach and intestines. You can also use black coffee, stirred with a teaspoon of salt.

A person who wants to sober up quickly must remember that he should not be in a smoky room, as tobacco smoke has the ability to aggravate headaches. However, it is not necessary to run out into the street, especially in winter time of the year. Since you can, on the contrary, get drunk more, lose consciousness and even freeze.

You can also sober up with water if you drink a few glasses of warm liquid in the evening. In the morning, the state of a drunk person will be relieved.

Many people sometimes need to urgently sober up for a short period of time. There are many proven ways that can improve the tone of our nervous system. For example:

washing a person's face with snow, swimming in cold water, taking a cold bath or shower, massage auricles or feet, chewing bay leaf, mouthwash and brushing teeth.

It often helps to quickly sober up at home with a simple cup of coffee or strong tea, to which it would be nice to add a slice of lemon. Another good way to sober up is ginger tea with honey. At the same time, it must be remembered that sweets increase the rate of absorption of alcohol into the stomach, so it is advisable to use such tea after inducing vomiting.

Popular ways to sober up for a long time

Help you sober up quickly medical hospital. It will be possible to sober up due to the release of alcohol using a hemodialysis procedure or highly effective intravenous infusion. But at home, you can help get rid of the remnants of alcohol through fresh air or by visiting a sauna or bath. Diuretic drugs, which are now very common on the shelves of pharmacies, can also help.

Instead of a diuretic, it is fashionable to use mineral water. You need to drink it quickly and it will speed up the process of removing alcohol from human body. Instead of water, alcohol drinkers use non-alcoholic beer, watermelons, green tea or strawberries. Physical activity, which causes profuse sweating and a 2-fold increase in heart rate.

Also, if you need to sober up quickly, then you need to eat a large amount of fruit. Pear, bananas, strawberries, apples, peaches, grapes, oranges and other citrus fruits will help to get rid of alcohol in the body.

There are many folk methods sobering up:

  1. A good way is to rub your ears with a terry towel soaked in cold water. Next, you need to rub your ears with your hands. This is done so that the blood instantly enters the ears and the person can quickly sober up.
  2. A good way is to give ammonia a sniff.
  3. Before going to bed, we drink 2 aspirin tablets or Alka-Seltser water and the hangover does not bother me in the morning.
  4. Many scientists advise drinking plenty of water. A large amount of water softens a hangover. Well if you dilute plain water 1 st. l. soda or you can drink some water "Borjomi".
  5. Doctors advise to eat a lot of honey before going to bed. You feel much better in the morning. Honey contains useful material, who try to quickly deal with a drunken state.
  6. Milk has a positive effect on the human body. Hangovers will be lighter and sleep will be sweeter.

To achieve the desired result, you need to put a drunk person to bed and not wake him up until he has had enough sleep. If the room is cold, then you need to put a heating pad at the person’s feet or give a sniff of ammonia.

How to sober up at home?

Most effective method to accelerate sobering is the removal of alcohol from the stomach. This method will help you if alcohol was drunk recently.

If you cannot induce vomiting yourself, you can use hot coffee with salt. But there is a risk of harming the body and leading it to severe dehydration. If, after drinking such a drink, a person becomes ill, then you need to rub his ears. He will be able to quickly recover due to the rush of blood.

If a person is very drunk, then cleaning the stomach with soda will be very helpful. Dilute 1 tbsp. spoon baking soda in 1 liter boiled cool water. Drink as much as you can. After that, we take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg), then 1 tablet of aspirin.

Can cook special remedy. For this we take egg yolk, 1 tsp cognac, 2-3 tsp. tomato paste, 1 tsp sunflower oil, salt and black pepper. Mix and add a little horseradish. We drink the finished drink in one gulp.

You can also make a few cocktails to quickly sober up.

  1. Take 1 drop of sunflower or olive oil, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pepper, 5 drops of lemon or lime juice, 2 tsp. spicy ketchup. Mix and drink in one gulp.
  2. We take an egg yolk, 2 tsp. olive or sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. l. jina black and red ground pepper. Everything is mixed, and the cocktail is drunk.

Sober up in 5 minutes

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Holidays with plentiful feasts are often accompanied by immoderate alcohol consumption. Not all people are able to calculate their strength and observe the measure. A heavily drunk person becomes inadequate, and sometimes even aggressive. In addition, intoxication is fraught severe consequences for good health. By quickly sobering up a person, you can not only alleviate his condition, but also get rid of the consequences. alcohol intoxication.

Before removing a person from a state of intoxication, it is necessary to determine the degree of its severity. It is impossible to do this without special equipment with an accuracy of ppm, but the following external signs will help to roughly assess the condition:

  • I degree. A person is cheerful, lively, relaxed, shows increased sociability, self-confidence, and activity. Coordination of movements and clarity of diction are slightly reduced.
  • II degree. Speech becomes monotonous, less intelligible and expressive. The mood worsens, aggression may appear, a person is inclined to enter into disputes and start conflicts. The gait is uneven, coordination noticeably suffers.
  • III degree. Speech is very slow, illegible, coordination of movements is seriously impaired. Possible epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness, involuntary urination. There is partial amnesia.
  • IV degree. Speech is absent, the person emits inarticulate lowing, cannot stand, does not recognize others.
  • V degree. A person stops responding to other people, does not understand what is happening around or being in fainting, there are violations heart rate. Respiratory or cardiac arrest may occur.

It is impossible to take any independent measures in case of a severe degree of intoxication, it is necessary to call ambulance. If the stage of intoxication is not higher than the third, then a drunk person can be brought to life.

Sobering instructions

Sobering someone against their will is useless, so you have to start with persuasion. If you can convince a person that he needs help, then the following sobering procedures will help to quickly sober up a drunk.

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage is a rather unpleasant procedure, but this is the first thing to do, otherwise alcohol will continue to be absorbed from the stomach into the blood, and sobering up will be delayed.

Washing is done like this:

  • getting ready soda solution at the rate of 1 tsp. per liter of water;
  • a person sits exactly on a chair with a straight back;
  • he is asked to drink as much solution as possible;
  • fingers or the handle of a spoon press on the root of the tongue and cause vomiting.

Vomiting relieves the condition and stops the process of further absorption of alcohol from the stomach. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that the stomach is freed as much as possible from the remnants of food and alcohol.

Important! It is necessary to wash the stomach until the complete cessation of nausea.

Cold shower

When the stomach is clear and there is no nausea, the person should be sent to the shower. Cold water perfectly tones the oppressed nervous system. A contrast shower works even better.

Stimulation of blood circulation

After a shower, you need to perform a vigorous rubbing with a hard towel. Special attention at the same time, it should be given to the feet and palms - there are many biologically active points, the stimulation of which increases the tone. It is also useful to massage the auricles, starting from the top. The rush of blood to this area produces a good sobering effect.


Next, take overdose vitamin C (at least 2.5 g per 70 kg of body weight) and after 15 minutes supplement it with a dose of thiamine (vitamin B1). The latter is produced in ampoules for injection, but it can also be drunk. You need to take 1 ampoule (10 ml). Vitamins help to remove the breakdown products of alcohol.

Some products complement well pharmacy vitamins. These include:

  • citrus juices;
  • fruits, berries;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut can be combined with boiled potatoes. It will have a sorbing effect, cleansing the intestines of toxins.

Tonic drinks

In the process of sobering up, one should not forget about the tonic effect of tea and coffee. These drinks do not remove alcohol, but help bring a drunk person back to normal, neutralizing the depressing effect of ethanol on the nervous system. Coffee may be contraindicated for hypertensive patients, so it would be better to brew a large mug of strong tea with honey and lemon.

Fact! A large amount of liquid allows you to quickly clear the blood of alcohol. They should be drunk after cleansing the stomach.

Final stage

After all the sobering procedures have been carried out and the person feels better, you should feed him with hot soup or meat goulash with potatoes or vegetable stew. After that . You can not let him smoke: nicotine enhances toxic effect alcohol.

As you know, a real gentleman must know exactly what needs to be done in order to meet any vicissitudes of fate fully armed even after a bottle of whiskey.

Now on the Web there are many tips on how to quickly sober up at home. However, not all of them have the desired level of efficiency.

In order to be able to, if necessary, minimum time eliminate the consequences of abundant libations, below we will consider the most effective ways sober up urgently.

It is worth knowing that the period, how much a person needs to sober up, will depend on many factors, namely:

  • own weight;
  • general health;
  • the amount drunk;
  • addiction to alcohol;
  • a list of foods eaten the day before.

As you can see, it is rather difficult to predict how much time is needed to eliminate the consequences of alcohol consumption.

It is also necessary to clarify that there are no ways in nature to sober up in 5 minutes. In any case, it will take some time to partially eliminate the alcohol present in the blood.

In most cases, you can sober up a little in 30 minutes, subject to the use of a number of drugs (for example, ascorbic acid or citric acid, diuretics, etc.). 10-15 minutes to remove from the body most trapped alcohol and its decay products outside the hospital is almost impossible.

In addition, the choice of options for what to do to urgently sober up will depend on whether alcohol continues to flow into the blood. Moreover, this happens not only in the case of further use of strong drinks. Alcohol that has entered the stomach continues to be absorbed into the blood for another one and a half hours after the last glass, therefore, during this time, the level of alcohol in the blood may increase even after stopping its use. A sign of the continued absorption of alcohol into the blood is the presence of the smell of alcohol in the exhaled air, and the fact that the removal of alcohol has begun is indicated by the appearance of a characteristic smell of fumes and frequent urination.

The rate of onset of intoxication and the period of withdrawal of the decay products of the drunk alcohol strongly depend on the type of drink. For example, with the same volume of absolute alcohol, the duration of the withdrawal of beer significantly exceeds the removal of decomposition products of vodka. The intensity of intoxication when drinking carbonated drinks (for example, champagne) is much higher than with other types of alcohol.

Also, the choice of what to do to quickly remove alcohol from the body will depend on the period during which you want to stay in a relatively sober state.

Alcohol affects men and women differently, so when choosing a way to quickly sober up from alcohol, it is advisable to take this factor into account as well. In particular, this will affect the determination of the degree of intoxication by human behavior.

Sober up fast

The difference in the effects of alcohol, due to features hormonal system, will consist in the fact that in women, first of all, violations in motor skills appear, and only then changes occur psycho-emotional state. For men, the opposite is true.

Most simple ways how to sober up at home can be divided according to the severity of the onset of intoxication.

  • In the early stages of intoxication:

- Activated carbon;

- short but intense physical activity, elevating heart rate is at least twice the initial value;

– intensive massage of the auricles;

- a walk in the fresh air (it helps a lot in winter);

- strong coffee or tea

- cold shower or washing with snow;

– massage of the auricles;

- strong coffee or tea;

- a walk in the fresh air;

- lemon or citric acid;

- inhalation of ammonia vapors (ammonia);

- mint drops.

  • For severe intoxication:

- washing the stomach with a solution of soda or simply inducing vomiting;

- taking a saturated solution of citric acid or vitamin C at the rate of 2.5 g per 70 kg of its own weight;

- drinking strong tea or coffee, mint drops (20 drops per glass of water);

- enterosorbents to accelerate the removal of alcohol residues (smecta, enterosgel, activated charcoal);

- plentiful drink;

- fruits with high content liquids;

- diuretics compatible with alcohol (for example - veroshpiron).

Relatively last point it is worth clarifying what to achieve without sleep effective recovery body is virtually impossible. During the rest period, the remaining alcohol and its decay products will be most quickly removed from the body. The duration of rest also plays a role. For example, 7 hours after a good drink will not be enough. There are no specific instructions on how much to sleep to completely remove alcohol from the body, but in the event of a severe stage of intoxication, the duration of rest should be about 12 hours.

The ability to quickly sober up on the street will depend on the time of year and the amount of alcohol consumed.

In the warm season, fresh air will bring guaranteed relief. In cold weather with severe intoxication sharp drop temperature can provoke a sharp deterioration in the condition, which can lead to loss of consciousness and death from hypothermia.

In addition, when looking for ways to sober up for a short time It's good to know what not to do.

First of all, it is undesirable to use any recommended means that allow you to abruptly, in a maximum of 20 minutes, completely eliminate the consequences of drinking alcohol in any quantities. Considering that after 100 g of vodka, it takes about 5 hours to completely remove all decay products, it is impossible in principle to immediately eliminate the consequences of heavy drinking. Thus, similar funds are pure charlatanism.

It is also better to abandon the “right” ways to sober up, associated with the ingestion of various aggressive substances, for example, ammonia.

The result from the combination of ammonia with ethanol metabolites can lead to sharp deterioration conditions, especially if there are problems with the liver.

Therefore, in order not to make things worse, it is better not to use such means.

How to sober up instantly

Basically, the problem of the "I'm drunk, how to sober up" class arises when an individual realizes that ingesting eleven glasses of cognac has suddenly put him into a state of real estate. Especially zealous searches for miracle remedies are carried out on the eve of important events, for example, in case of need to sober up and go to work. It is also urgently required to sober up before the exam. Separately, one can distinguish global problem of all times and peoples: "how to sober up quickly so that parents do not burn."

The best way to solve this problem is not to overdo it with alcohol when planning any business for tomorrow. How long it takes to sober up will depend on many factors, but with a fair amount of drinking, it will be at least 12 hours from the moment you stop drinking alcohol. This is what you need to start from.

An active search for options for what to drink to instantly eliminate the consequences of many hours of libations, with a high probability, will not lead to an improvement in well-being, but to the emergency room of the local toxicology department. Various extreme drugs to sober up, including drugs containing ephedrine (a number of symptomatic antitussive drugs) can put such a strain on the heart that it will take more than one day to eliminate the consequences under the strict guidance of doctors.

It is worth knowing that it is basically impossible to instantly sober up from alcohol upon the onset of severe intoxication.

Therefore, instead of diligently looking for ways to solve the problem, it is easier not to create it.

How to sober up short term

Any fast way to sober up at home does not involve the elimination of intoxication, but a short-term bringing of the nervous system into increased tone. After the end of the effect of the used stimulants, all the symptoms of intoxication will appear in the same volume.

It should be noted that the search for ways to sober up a person who has reduced or no sensitivity to pain is a hopeless exercise. Such manifestations indicate severe alcohol poisoning, the consequences of which cannot be eliminated in a short time.

If it takes a short time to maintain conditional mental clarity (for example, all tasks are planned to be completed in 1 hour), you need to do the following to sober up:

  • use various stimulating drinks (strong tea, coffee, mint drops);
  • take a cold shower or bath, if not possible - just wash with cold water;
  • use different kinds food acid to deactivate alcohol that has entered the bloodstream, for example, take either citric or ascorbic acid, or simply eat a few slices of lemon;
  • as a stimulant, you can also chew a bay leaf;
  • inhale vapors of ammonia.

It is desirable to consider some of these methods in more detail.

  • How to sober up with tea or coffee.

In this case, a very strong drink is prepared. For coffee, a double dose of powder is used, a minimum of four full teaspoons per large 200-gram cup of water. Tea is prepared dark in color and almost opaque (“the bottom is not visible”). Do not forget that such a cocktail can cause a strong rise. blood pressure. Be careful!

  • How can you sober up with ascorbic or citric acid.

Any acid, when reacting with alcohol, causes it to decompose into the simplest compounds. To ensure sufficient concentration ascorbic acid Approximately 2.5 g of this product is used per 70 kg of weight. For a solution of citric acid in a glass of water, you need one teaspoon without the top of this substance.

  • How to sober up with ammonia.

How to sober up for the long haul

To completely remove ethanol and its decay products from the body with the elimination of the consequences of alcohol intoxication, it will be necessary to use an integrated approach.

All actions taken can be divided into several stages.

  • We stop the flow of alcohol into the blood.

To a large extent, the period after which you sober up depends on the moment of the actual end of the intake of alcohol in the blood.

Since the absorption of alcohol continues for about an hour and a half after the end of the alcohol intake, for the fastest sobering up, it is necessary to stop the flow of ethanol into the blood.

From what helps in this situation, we can call vomiting to remove the alcohol in the stomach. If you want to do without vomiting, you can take the above amount of any food acid, which deactivates the remaining alcohol.

Of the extreme methods of accelerated removal of alcohol from the body, it is recommended to carry out an enema with a total volume of at least two liters. warm water. If gastric lavage was performed before, this technique should significantly speed up sobering up due to complete removal from the gastrointestinal tract of the remaining alcohol.

The final action of this stage will be the intake of various adsorbents (activated carbon, enterosgel and other similar drugs), which will absorb and accelerate the withdrawal of alcohol residues.

  • Deactivate the resulting alcohol.

After the flow of alcohol into the blood is completely stopped, the next item on the list of what to do to get in shape can be called the deactivation of the ethanol already in the blood.

This requires a large number of warm drink and also use food acids to accelerate the breakdown of alcohol present in the blood. From what to drink in such a situation, first of all, you can recommend strong tea or coffee.

  • We accelerate the withdrawal of decay products.

Then it is necessary to force the withdrawal of ethanol decay products from the body. To do this, you will need to take any type of diuretic that normally combines with alcohol. Basically, Veroshpiron is recommended for this purpose. The common drug Furosemide, due to incompatibility with ethanol, is not recommended for use in such a situation.

After performing all these actions, it is desirable to take 10 ml of the drug "Thiamin chloride 5%" orally. This remedy produced mainly in injection form, but its ingestion is allowed.

How to sober up so you can drive

Various recommendations on how to sober up faster in order to get behind the wheel pose a danger both to the driver and passengers of his car, and to people nearby. A drunk driver is a threat to everyone involved traffic, since the alcohol contained in the blood in any case leads to a slowdown in reaction, a decrease in coordination of movements, and the manifestation of that very fearlessness, the consequences of which are regularly shown in the news.

On this moment there are no methods that allow the driver to sober up quickly to a state in which he can normally drive a car. With a fair amount of drinking, a person will not be able to understand for himself whether he has sobered up or not.

Even in the absence obvious signs intoxication, the reaction rate of an absolutely sober person with a reaction to a change in the traffic situation in a person who has drunk a significant amount of alcohol cannot be compared.

The period depends on many factors, but in any case, it requires a fairly long time. For example, for a man weighing about 85 kg, the period of complete elimination of 200 g of vodka will be 10 hours. For women, the specified period will be approximately 20% longer.

Accordingly, with severe intoxication caused by taking a large number alcohol - 500 g or more of vodka or cognac - the withdrawal time will increase proportionally. Usage various techniques accelerated sobering will reduce the period for eliminating the consequences of a libation, but the possibility of driving for several hours after the end of the feast is in principle excluded.

Therefore, the only response to the requests of such an extreme driver in the style of "help sober up" should be to call him a taxi home.

How to sober up the next day

If so much alcohol was drunk the day before that intoxication persists even the next day, it is advisable to use the same methods that are used for long-term sobering. There is no need only for gastric lavage, since all the drunk alcohol is already guaranteed to be absorbed into the blood.

In addition to these methods, it is enough effective tool to get rid of a hangover is to visit a bath or sauna. Active sweating and acceleration metabolic processes without physical activity will allow for the minimum time to remove the rest of the alcohol. In the absence of the opportunity to visit such an institution, you can arrange a steam room in the bathroom.

You can also use . It is desirable to give preference to the most famous names of funds that are sold in pharmacies. It is better not to use the highly secret developments offered by sales agents for agents of the KGB, FSB and CIA at the same time. IN best case it will be something like a mixture of glucose and ascorbic acid, and at worst - you can earn serious problems with the heart as a result of taking an incomprehensible stimulant.

Among the proven hangover cures are the famous Alka-Seltzer or Zorex. To alleviate morning symptoms, before going to bed after a stormy feast, it is advisable to take Askofen or Cofitsil-Plus.