Natural helpers in the treatment of infertility are honey, apilak, bee bread and other bee products. Bee products

Everyone knows about great benefit honey and other products produced by bees. Particularly noteworthy is bee pollen, or plant pollen collected by a bee and glued together with its secretions. Bee pollen has more beneficial properties than honey, so it is actively used in treatment various diseases. This is due to the fact that pollen contains a large amount useful substances. There is a wide range of vitamins; pollen contains about 30 micro and macroelements, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc. Bee pollen also contains a large amount of rutin, a substance that has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Bee pollen is used to make bee bread, which bees feed on in winter, and an equally popular product, royal jelly, is used to feed the queen. Speaking about each of these products, it is difficult to say which bee bread or royal jelly is healthier, but what is certain is that their benefits for the human body are obvious.

Composition, beneficial properties and harm of bee bread

Bee bread, known among professionals as bee bread, is a product created by bees based on bee pollen. The main purpose of the product is to feed bees in winter period. To prepare bee bread, the smell of which when broken resembles freshly baked bread, bees collect pollen, bring it to honeycombs, compact it, seal it with a mixture consisting of salivary glands, honey and nectar, and then seal it hermetically. Beekeepers should make considerable efforts to obtain this incredible useful product, for which they equip special areas in the hives.

A special method of processing the product underlies its diverse composition, and beneficial features of this substance is significantly higher than that of honey. Compared to the same bee pollen, it contains a larger amount of carbon, a wider variety of vitamins is presented, including vitamins A, E and B, and it is not inferior in the amount of vitamin C it contains. It also contains at least a dozen useful amino acids that the human body cannot produce on its own, bee bread contains about 50 enzymes, a large number of macro and microelements and other useful substances, including heteroauxin, which is responsible for tissue regeneration.

The unique composition of bee bread underlies its widespread use as a drug for the treatment and prevention of numerous diseases. Bee bread contains a large amount of potassium, which is responsible for the functioning of the heart, so it is able to normalize the functioning of the heart, and is indicated for patients with coronary artery disease and people with other disorders of the cardiovascular system. It also helps people who have problems with blood pressure - hypertensive patients should take it before meals, and with low blood pressure, bee bread will help if taken after meals.

Due to the presence of a large amount of iron, the substance is useful for anemia; it is also recommended to consume it if you find a loss of strength. The substance is capable of normalizing the functioning of the pancreas, liver and intestines, and it also restores the normal functioning of the digestive organs. Perga does not raise blood sugar, it is able to restore intestinal microflora, it also affects metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and is used as an anti-obesity remedy.

Its effect on reproductive functions men and women. It is recommended to be taken by men who have problems with potency or suffer from prostatitis; it is also indicated for infertile women and pregnant women if there is a threat of miscarriage. She influences in a positive way on the eyes and can even affect the composition of the blood. As for the harm of bee bread, it’s worth saying a few words about possible emergence allergic reactions, otherwise, beebread is safe and has no contraindications, and if you consume more of it than you should, it only leads to unnecessary expenses, but does not affect your health in any way.

What is royal jelly: composition, beneficial properties and contraindications for use

In a bee hive, everyone is engaged in specific tasks, and one of the main tasks is performed by nurse bees, which produce bee milk necessary to nourish the queen and the larvae of newly born worker bees. About medicinal properties royal jelly was known back in ancient times, when it was considered almost a panacea for all diseases, and it was even called “royal jelly.” Although collecting royal jelly is difficult, beekeepers have developed many options to do so. As a result, a person has at his disposal a very effective medicinal drug used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

The medicinal properties of royal jelly are based on its diverse composition, and the substance contains a large amount healthy proteins and carbohydrates present in it minerals, including calcium, which is responsible for the strength of bones, nails and teeth, potassium, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, iron, zinc, sodium and many others. Royal jelly also contains folic acid and B vitamins. For therapeutic purposes, royal jelly is used to normalize metabolic processes in the body, like bee bread, it can reduce cholesterol levels, which helps prevent the appearance of such dangerous disease like atherosclerosis.

Royal jelly is also useful for people with low blood pressure, it regulates cell nutrition, is a good antioxidant and immunomodulator. Like bee bread, royal jelly can influence the composition of blood in tissues internal organs, increases a person’s resistance to nervous disorders and mental stress. Royal jelly can restore cerebral vascular tone and is used in the treatment of angina pectoris. A positive effect on the eyes was also noted, which is especially important in the treatment of cataracts; royal jelly can restore the human gonads and pancreas.

Royal jelly, unlike beebread, has a number of contraindications: it is not advisable to take it for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, it is also contraindicated in case of cancerous tumors, in the presence of problems with the adrenal glands and blood clotting, it is harmful in case of arterial hypertension and individual tolerance.

Bee bread or royal jelly – what to choose

Considering the presence of a huge number positive properties, it is often very difficult to determine which is healthier than beebread or royal jelly. It may be worth paying attention to the fact that beebread has no contraindications, and royal jelly is not indicated for everyone, but in any case, even taking into account the presence of contraindications, it is worth noting that the benefits of royal jelly are much higher than the harm that it can cause to the body person. In any case, you should not abuse and consume products produced by bees constantly - you need to give your body a rest. It is also worth paying great attention to the choice of products, which should be purchased from trusted people; you should also not neglect the advice of specialists.

If you ask any person the question: “What beekeeping products can you name?”, then in response, most likely, you will hear only three or four names - honey, pollen, wax, propolis. In fact, this list of beekeeping is much wider, since almost everything that a bee produces, including the bee itself, is a valuable source of microelements. This fact is recognized by the people and evidence-based medicine. The benefits of bee products in unique composition, which Mother Nature herself gave us.

Bee products are everything that a bee produces:

  • pollen (or bee pollen)
  • beebread
  • lining
  • propolis
  • bee venom
  • royal jelly
  • drone jelly
  • Merva

Many of the names on this list are familiar only to beekeepers. For each beekeeping product, people have found their own way of using it, observing and analyzing how this or that product acts. If you look at medical books from two hundred years ago, honey, judging by them, is a panacea for all diseases - they and other beekeeping products were used to treat everything from a runny nose to a fracture.

Beekeeping products are good for both the prevention and treatment of diseases; they are also widely used in cosmetology and perfumery.

We offer a detailed look at each product and how it can be useful.


If you have ever been able to visit a honey fair, which is held every year in almost all cities and villages of Russia, then you know that there are simply countless varieties of honey; they are distinguished:

  • by place of origin. For example, Altai honey is valued because it is collected in ecologically clean regions, and Bashkir honey has also been a patented trademark since 2005.
  • by botanical origin. Floral - depending on which flowers the nectar was collected from, honey and other beekeeping products will be filled with aromatic notes of these plants (acacia, linden, raspberry, sea buckthorn, buckwheat, etc.). Honeydew - in Russia, such a beekeeping product is considered second-class, since bees collect honeydew of animal origin. Honeydew is the sweet liquid found on plant leaves from insect secretions. Bees feed on honeydew only if there are no flowering plants.
  • according to consistency. Liquid - this is the consistency honey has immediately after being taken from the honeycomb. Crystallized - the next stage of honey, occurs after some time. How long it takes for crystallization depends on the source plant and the temperature environment. Crystallization does not affect the properties of the product in any way.

Honey can be dark or light. The color also depends on the honey plant.

The accepted shelf life is 1 year; after a year, the beekeeping product can, in principle, also be consumed, but the amount of nutrients in it begins to decrease. The presence of sourness in honey is a direct sign of beginning fermentation.

Many beekeepers claim that honey can be stored for years. This statement is true only if the honey was in the hive, in closed honeycombs; such conditions are favorable for the preservation of honey nutrients. But as soon as pumping has occurred, factors such as temperature, light, and humidity intervene, which may not have the best effect on the product.

Honey is known for its amazing effect in the treatment of many diseases - acute respiratory infections, cough, inflammation, nervous disorders, but beekeeping products are an active biological additive, and they have their own contraindications. It is not recommended for children under 1 year of age, as it is believed that their digestive tract there are no enzymes that facilitate the absorption of honey, which can lead to such a terrible disease as botulism. Also, do not use if you are allergic to any bee products.

Pollen and beebread

Bee pollen is flower pollen processed by the saliva of bees. Bees collect it in the hive to feed the larvae, and it is also the main diet of bees in winter.

The name “pollen” itself comes from the method of pollen delivery - on the legs, that is, on the legs.

IN pure form Bees do not consume pollen, they crush it, put it in honeycombs and pour it with honey, moistening the whole thing with saliva - this beekeeping product is already called bee bread, or colloquially “bee bread”. Perga even more rich in vitamins and microelements of the product, and besides, it has a longer shelf life than pollen.

Both bee product used for boost immunity, but beebread has undergone natural processing, and is characterized by better digestibility, higher nutritional value and richness of vitamins, and a long shelf life.

Pollen is used 1 teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. Bee bread is mixed with honey. This nourishment of the body will allow you to increase hemoglobin levels, resist viruses and stress, improve appetite, and reduce cholesterol.


This is a natural insulation and antiseptic that bees produce for their home construction. The antiseptic properties of propolis among other beekeeping products are surprising. It is known that when large insects or animals enter the hive, which the bees cannot pull out of their home, they begin to actively cover up unexpected guest propolis, thereby preventing decomposition.

This product can easily withstand high temperatures, it can be boiled and the healing properties will not disappear, it dissolves well in alcohol.

Propolis is a leader among other bee products used to improve immunity , and all thanks to the content full composition microelements and amino acids that are necessary for humans.


This is the main component for the construction of honeycombs. Are valuable to humans bactericidal properties beeswax. The product is poorly soluble in water and is mainly used as ointments, creams and patches. Wax regenerates well skin covering, therefore indispensable in the treatment of wounds, burns, ulcers and inflammations.

Beeswax has an unlimited shelf life, but storage conditions should still be observed - it should be dry, cool and dark.

Why is merva needed?

Merva is what remains after melting down old honeycombs; in it you can find fragments of all parts of the life of bees (larvae, propolis, and small debris). But even this seemingly useless substance has found its use in beekeeping.

For medicine, merva is not of particular interest; the only thing it can be used for is applications for joints and the preparation of compresses.

The main use of merva is as a vitamin supplement for farm animals. This beekeeping product is used to fortify the feed of broiler chickens, increasing their resistance to various diseases.

Merva is also used as a natural fertilizer for plants - fruit trees and bushes. Strawberries respond especially well to this feeding.

Royal jelly

First of all, this is the food of the queen bee; it is royal jelly that she feeds on throughout her life, and it also serves as food for the royal larvae in the first 7 days.

Royal jelly is amazing in its own way healing composition, which adapts to the age of the larvae - young larvae receive more rich in protein product.

It has been used in medicine since time immemorial. Currently, there is an active study of the effect of royal jelly on cancer cells if the disease is detected at an early stage.

This beekeeping product has healing properties for women's health; it is often prescribed to women planning a pregnancy.

The drug is prescribed 2-3 times a day, 20-30 mg sublingually. Should be taken half an hour before meals. Royal jelly can be used in tablet or liquid form.

It tastes like a sourish jelly-like mass, which is where the second name “royal jelly” comes from.


When taking it, you should take into account that the substance has a stimulating property, so it is better not to use it in the evening, otherwise you will suffer from insomnia.

The value of a substance is that it triggers protective functions body, provoking it independent struggle with illnesses.

Royal jelly improves memory well, so it is in demand among students and the elderly.

All young mothers are familiar with the drug Apilak; everyone, from doctors to neighbors, advises taking it after the birth of a baby to improve milk production. So this is royal jelly, vacuum-dried at a low temperature.

This beekeeping product is indispensable for recovery after a stroke and heart attack, as it has a positive effect on the human cardiovascular and nervous system. Helps improve blood flow in the spinal cord and brain.

Pediatricians also prescribe it to children in cases of eating disorders and lack of appetite (this is one of the beekeeping products that is not contraindicated for children infancy). It not only helps to increase the baby’s appetite, but also significantly strengthens the immune system.

The product is also widely used in cosmetology. The healing cream can be easily made at home; all you need to do is add 30 g of milk to the cream and mix well. Now you can use the cream as usual, and within a week you will see the result - wrinkles around the eyes will become less noticeable, and the skin will become more elastic.

Using the same principle, you can prepare a hair mask. For better penetration of the substance, you need to keep the mask on for 15 to 30 minutes.

Royal jelly has few contraindications:

  • allergy to bee products
  • adrenal diseases
  • diabetes

It should be used with caution if the patient has sleep disturbances, since royal jelly provokes strong excitement. If you still need to use the drug, then it makes sense to reschedule the dose in the morning or reduce the dosage.

Drone jelly

In fact, it's not really milk, but... official name— drone homogenate.

It is obtained in the apiary by collecting week-old drone larvae (male bees, they participate only in fertilization), which are then sent to a special press. Under the pressure, a liquid is formed, which is what is called drone jelly.

The shelf life of drone milk is short, so it is preserved by mixing with honey (such a product will be stored for up to six months), the vacuum drying method is also widely used, and ordinary tablets are obtained.

This beekeeping product is actively used in the treatment of all kinds of disorders - stress, chronic fatigue, postpartum depression, nervousness, consequences of menopause.

Homogenate is not something delicacy, despite the fact that few people know about it. There are always a lot of drones in nature, so the price of milk is quite acceptable for any wallet.

The dosage depends on the form of release; if you take it in tablets, follow the instructions on the package. For a dry product, it is enough to dissolve half a teaspoon half an hour before meals. For the honey mixture, the dosage is 1-2 teaspoons per day. It is better to take it in the morning, then you can use the charge of vigor and strength for good.


Another little-known beekeeping product. Zabrus is a cut top part honeycomb, bees seal honeycombs with honey this way to preserve it. Zabrus mainly consists of the secretion of the salivary glands of bees, propolis, wax, beebread and pollen.

It is from the strand that high quality wax is obtained.

The beekeeping product is used as natural chewing gum, which perfectly disinfects the oral cavity, cleanses the gums, and normalizes metabolism.

This chewing gum is prescribed for stomatitis, sore throat, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. With regular use, you can even defeat tartar.


When the average person finds out what deadheading is, the first reaction is a slight shock. There is simply no waste in beekeeping.

Podmor is just dead insects, which, having collected, can be used to make a tincture using alcohol or vodka.

The collected insects are sorted, cleared of debris and dried at a temperature of +50°C. Now you can prepare an alcohol tincture.

Podmora tincture is indicated for the prevention of viral and infectious diseases, strengthening men's health, for the treatment of disease genitourinary system, prostatitis, adenoma, joint diseases.

Bee venom

Everyone knows about this waste product of bees; at least once in their life they have experienced a bee sting, and the experience is most likely unpleasant.

Bee venom is widely used in pharmaceuticals and medicine. Based on it, it is produced great amount ointments aimed at treating arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, various manifestations allergic reactions on the skin.

Collection bee venom occurs in late spring - early summer.

also in medical practice“stinging” by live bees is used. A bee applies its sting to certain points, inserts its sting, it injects poison, after which the bee is removed, and the sting remains in the skin for another 1 hour.

This is a fairly serious substance, and therapeutic manipulations can only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

Despite the highly effective healing properties of beekeeping products, you should not refuse full-fledged medical treatment in case of serious illnesses, apitherapy can only have an auxiliary effect on the path to a healthy life.

29-03-2012, 10:35


Recently, one product produced by the honey bee has begun to attract the attention of scientists - beebread, which bees prepare from pollen.

Pollen flowering plants consists of many pollen grains (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Pollen grains. various plants(enlarged): 1 - zucchini; 2 - rhododendron; 3 - daisies; 4 - dandelion; 5 - mallows; 6 -- pine trees; 7 - lilies; 8-nasturtium

The size of pollen grains varies from different plants from 0.01 to 0.25 mm. The grain has a double shell of fiber and contains protoplasm and two nuclei inside. Each plant's pollen grains have their own color, shape and size. By looking at the pollen in the honeycombs, you can determine which plants the bees collected nectar from. The surface of pollen grains is uneven and often sticky, so pollen easily sticks to the bee's body.

Bees collect pollen using mouthparts, legs and hairs covering the bee's body. When collecting pollen, bees moisten it with nectar, mix it with saliva and in special recesses. hind legs(baskets) they transfer it to the hive, place it in honeycomb cells and compact it. The chemical composition of pollen from different plants is different. The pollen of many plants contains water (5-35%), silicon, sulfur, copper, cobalt, sodium, iron, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, barium, silver, zinc, chromium, strontium, etc. Pollen contains various proteins and free amino acids, many vitamins, especially A, B1, B2, C, B6, nicotinic acid, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, etc.

Bees collect pollen mostly in the morning, when dust particles burst in flowers and therefore pollen collection is easier. At one time, a bee transfers up to 20 mg of pollen to the hive. The bees fill each cell with pollen about 2/3, and pour honey on top. Deprived of access to air, pollen undergoes fermentation due to enzymes in the saliva of bees and honey and turns into the so-called bee bread - pergu (“bread”). During fermentation, the amount of proteins and fats in bee bread decreases, but the amount of lactic acid and carbohydrates increases. The changes occurring in beebread are similar to the ensiling of plant feed. The resulting lactic acid and a large amount of sugar prevent the development of bacteria and molds in the bee bread, as a result of which it can remain unchanged in the hive long time. Thus, although bees prepare bee bread from pollen, their qualitative and quantitative composition is not uniform, the main difference between bee bread and pollen is that the constituent parts of bee bread are more easily absorbed by living organisms (for example, bees). Comparative chemical composition pollen and beebread are given in table. 5.

Pollen and beebread are essential protein, mineral and vitamin food for larvae and adult bees. When eating bee bread, nurse bees produce in their pharyngeal glands royal jelly, which is fed to young larvae and the queen. To raise one worker bee, up to 120 mg of pollen and beebread is needed. Bees collect pollen most intensively in spring and early summer, when the family is raising greatest number brood.

The richness of nutrients, vitamins and microelements in bee bread and pollen prompted researchers to test bee bread and pollen as medicinal agents.

Pollen (1-2 tablespoons) in pure form or mixed with beebread and honey was given to anemic children. At the same time, they very quickly noted increase in red blood cell count, hemoglobin, improved general state. A positive effect has been obtained from taking pollen and beebread by patients recovering from severe infectious diseases. In such patients, appetite and weight were restored more quickly, and blood returned to normal.

When taken orally, bee bread mixed with honey (1:1 ratio) improves intestinal function and the general condition of the body.

In the German Democratic Republic children in need enhanced nutrition , give honey along with butter, pollen and beebread. Bee bread and pollen contain a lot of vitamin A (20 times more than carrots). It is not for nothing that bee bread is used in the GDR as a raw material for the industrial production of vitamin A.

Produced in Yugoslavia Vitaflor drug, which is a suspension pollen in honey. The drug is recommended as a rich source of various vitamins.

There are attempts to treat patients with the initial stages hypertension a combination of pollen and honey, taken in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2.

Under experimental conditions it was found that alcohol extract of bee bread has a pronounced bactericidal effect against a wide variety of microorganisms. The latter gave rise to work to study the possible use of ointments containing bee bread in the treatment of various wounds. Such work is carried out, for example, at the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute.

Purified bee bread can be obtained as follows: cut off the cells with beebread to the base of the honeycomb. Fill the bee bread along with the waxy walls of the cells with water. glass jar and stir. The wax floats, but the beebread remains at the bottom. Then the water is drained, the bee bread is dried and filled with honey. In this form it lasts for a very long time. Since beebread has a bitter taste, it is better to administer it with honey.

Currently, effective methods have been developed for collecting pollen from flowering plants, as well as a method for collecting pollen from bees. From one bee colony you can get per day 100 g flower pollen.

The beneficial effect of pollen and bee bread on certain diseases, as well as the comparative ease of obtaining them, indicate that these products honey bee are promising in the sense using them as medicinal products.

Royal jelly

Working bees produce special highly nutritious substances with their pharyngeal glands, which they feed the larva of the future queen (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Diagram of the location of glands in the head and chest of a worker bee: 1 - pharyngeal gland; 2- mandibular gland; 3 - maxillary gland; 4 - pharynx; 5 - esophagus; 6 - proboscis

This substance and called royal jelly. Royal jelly of bees is prepared from bee bread.

Bees place an egg intended for breeding a queen in a special wax cell of an acorn shape - queen cell, which is filled with royal jelly (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. General view of the queen cell

The larva of the future queen literally floats in the royal jelly of the queen cell. Royal jelly is also present in ordinary cells in which worker bees and drones are hatched, but in much smaller quantities (100 times less than in the queen cell). The larvae of worker bees also receive royal jelly, but only in the first three days of their life, while the larvae of the queen are intensively fed with milk during the first five days of life and then in the spring and summer, when intensive egg laying occurs.

The milk with which the larvae of worker bees are fed is somewhat different in chemical composition from the milk of queen bees. That's why worker bee jelly sometimes simply called bee jelly, and milk intended for feeding the uterus is royal jelly.

For medical purposes, royal jelly is obtained from unsealed queen cells, laid by bees in the summer, when selecting queens from them. Recently, special apiaries have begun to be created to obtain royal jelly in large quantities. From one bee colony you can get 40-80 queen cells. Most often, royal jelly is collected from four-day-old larvae. From each queen cell you can get about 0.3-0.4 g of milk. To get 200 g of royal jelly, you need to have at least half a million queen cells.

The amount of royal jelly depends on plenty of food bees protein food, i.e. pollen and beebread, as well as the number of young nurse bees. Professor T.V. Vinogradova recommends that in order to increase the amount of royal jelly in the queen cells, a month before receiving royal jelly, start feeding the bees with sugar syrup with baker's yeast (5%), which is rich in protein and vitamins.

Obtaining royal jelly from large quantities ah presents certain difficulties, since bees lay new queen cells in a colony with an old queen or in an orphaned one. Therefore, to get a lot of queen cells, it is necessary to remove the uterus from the family. Currently, beekeepers have developed several methods that can be used to force bees to lay more queen cells. These methods are described in special literature on beekeeping.

The Adler Fruit and Vegetable State Farm has developed a method for raising queen bees in artificial queen cells. In 1962, the state farm collected more than 10 kg of royal jelly.

Collecting royal jelly with a special spoon into clean test tubes, doused inside with molten wax (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Collector and spoon for collecting royal jelly from queen cells

At the end of collection, the tubes are hermetically sealed with wax, since when large amounts of air are exposed, milk relatively quickly loses its valuable properties.

Chemical composition of royal jelly

Fresh royal jelly(“royal jelly”) is a yellowish-brown liquid with a creamy consistency and sour taste. At room temperature and in the light, royal jelly turns yellow and dries out, so it is snored at temperatures close to zero degrees. Under these conditions, it does not lose its properties for three months. Thus, royal jelly is less persistent than other honey bee products.

The chemical composition of royal jelly is very complex.. It contains 65% water, 14-18% proteins, 9-19% carbohydrates (sugars), 1.7-5.7% fats, growth factors, sex hormones, mineral salts, trace elements, many vitamins (B1, B2 , B6, B12, B3, C, H, PP, folic acid). Of the microelements in royal jelly, the most interesting are iron, manganese, zinc and cobalt, since these substances are necessary for normal hematopoiesis. The presence of zinc in royal jelly determines its stimulating effect on the reproductive glands of queen bees.

Found in royal jelly series biologically active substances , for example, acetylcholine and the enzyme that destroys it is cholinesterase.

In terms of nutritional value, royal jelly of bees significantly superior cow's milk . Royal jelly of bees is 5 times more than cow's milk, contains proteins, 4-6 times more carbohydrates, 2-3 times more fat. Royal jelly also contains significantly more vitamins than cow's milk.

Comparative data on the composition of royal jelly and cow's milk are given in table. 6.

For normal height Both the development of the human body and animals require so-called essential amino acids, i.e. those that the body cannot synthesize itself and must receive in finished form. It has been found that royal jelly contains all essential amino acids(arginine, histidine, valine, methionine, tryptophan, etc.). Royal jelly also contains proteins such as globulins (68%) and albumins (40%), which are extremely important normal components of blood. Royal jelly proteins are considered to be highly digestible. Thus, meat proteins are absorbed by the human body only by 69-74%, and royal jelly by 81%,

Although royal jelly is prepared from bee bread, it is much richer in vitamins than the original product. Thus, royal jelly contains 12-16 times more pantothenic acid and biotin than beebread. The daily human need for pantothenic acid is 10 mg, and 100 g of royal jelly contains 18-20 mg. Pantothenic acid is currently recommended for hair loss, seborrhea, as well as for the treatment of burns, long-term wounds and ulcers. Therefore, it is no coincidence that royal jelly preparations are used in the form of creams in the treatment of certain skin diseases. 100 g of royal jelly contains 0.16-0.4 mg of biotype, which is necessary for normal exchange fat

The quantitative content of vitamins in royal jelly, according to various authors, is given in table. 7.

The enrichment of royal jelly with vitamins in comparison with the original product - bee bread, obviously occurs due to the pharyngeal glands of worker bees.

Some authors explain high biological activity Royal jelly, compared to bees, has a higher content of vitamins, especially pantothenic acid, and the presence of essential amino acids. There is 1.3 more pantothenic acid in royal jelly than in bee jelly. According to some reports, royal jelly has radioactive properties.

Royal jelly has bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects, i.e. the ability to stop the reproduction and growth of many bacteria and even kill them. Strength antimicrobial action Royal jelly can be shown with the following example: when diluted tenfold, royal jelly has a stronger effect on microbes than carbolic acid. The antimicrobial effect of royal jelly extends to staphylococci, streptococci, tubercle bacilli, etc. The effect of royal jelly on microbes depends on its concentration: in a dilution of 1:1000, royal jelly inhibits the growth of many bacteria, and in a dilution of 1:10,000, on the contrary, it accelerates the growth of microorganisms.

It has been established that the antimicrobial effect of royal jelly is due to the presence in it decahydroxy-?2-decenoic acid, which enters the royal jelly with the juice of the maxillary glands of worker bees.

Due to its antimicrobial properties, royal jelly withstands long-term storage, without being subjected to putrefactive and fermentation processes.

Recently, royal jelly has been found to contain nucleic acids: ribonucleic acid(RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). RNA is contained in relatively large quantities not only in fresh royal jelly, but is also preserved in it during long-term storage. DNA is found only in native royal jelly. Enzymes that take part in the metabolism have also been isolated from royal jelly. nucleic acids. The authors (A. N. Melnichenko, Yu. D. Vavilov, 1969) believe that RNA and DNA of royal jelly play a major role in the mechanisms of various morphogenesis when feeding bees with royal jelly.

Pollen grains, pieces of wax, scraps of larval skin, etc. can be found as impurities in royal jelly. The presence of these impurities indicates on the naturalness of royal jelly.

The truth of royal jelly can also be installed in the following way: Place 32 mg of fresh royal jelly in a 25 ml beaker, add 10 ml of cooled boiled water and stir with a glass rod for 5-7 minutes. Pipette 2 ml of the resulting aqueous solution royal jelly, pour it into a test tube and add 1 ml of 20% sulfuric acid. Mix the contents of the test tube and add one drop of 1/10 to the mixture normal solution potassium permanganate having pink color. If the milk is natural, then after 2-4 seconds. Potassium permanganate will become discolored due to decahydroxy-?2-decenoic acid.

A study of the biology of the bee colony has revealed a certain relationship between royal jelly and the growth of the royal larva. It turned out that under the influence of royal jelly the larva of the uterus grows and develops very quickly (in 6 days it increases in weight 2700 times). In addition, the uterus is very fertile if it is intensively fed with royal jelly (the queen bee lays 1500 eggs per day, i.e., an amount that is twice the weight of the uterus). The queen's lifespan is 3-5 years, while worker bees that do not receive royal jelly live 1-8 months.

From this it was concluded that the increased fertility of the queen bee, her fast development And long duration life associated with royal jelly, which the future uterus intensively feeds.

The effect of royal jelly on the body and its use for medicinal purposes

The amazing properties of royal jelly have attracted the attention of many researchers, including medical workers. The thought arose whether it would be possible to use stimulating effect of royal jelly bees on the metabolism of other animals and humans.

The medicinal properties of royal jelly were first noticed by the French agronomist Kailash. In 1953, he published the book “Bees - the source of youth and life.” It contains the author’s own observations, who writes that the use of royal jelly creates feeling of youth and vigor.

From this time on, experimental and clinical work began to elucidate the mechanism of action of royal jelly on the body of animals and humans and to use it as a medicinal drug.

Experiments on animals have shown that under the influence of royal jelly the amount of hemoglobin in the blood increases and red blood cells, the fur becomes thicker and shiny, the life expectancy of animals and their fertility increases. In young chickens, egg production increases, and in old chickens, egg production is restored.

The beneficial effect of royal jelly on the blood obviously depends on the presence of vitamin B12. The increase in animal fertility under the influence of royal jelly is explained by the stimulating effect of hormonal substances contained in royal jelly on the gonads.

Since 1955, testing of royal jelly in France and Italy began. medicinal purposes in public. Milk was prescribed in dried form (20-100 mg) in lozenges under the tongue or as intramuscular injections of 5-20 mg per injection.

Royal jelly has been found to be very beneficial as general tonic exhausted and weakened patients after suffering serious illnesses, as well as when the body is weakened due to aging. Such patients developed an appetite, increased weight, and became cheerful and cheerful.

In the USSR, royal jelly preparations have now been obtained and tested for administration under the tongue in the form of tablets and in the form of suppositories for administration into the rectum.

Good results were obtained by Dr. Z.I. Lebedeva (2nd Moscow Medical Institute) when prescribing royal jelly to children with low nutrition (hypotrophy). These children differed from normal ones in their small height and weight, poor appetite, pale skin, bad sleep, lethargy, apathy. Royal jelly literally transformed children in a few days. They became cheerful, mobile, appetite appeared, and weight increased. The blood returned to normal and the skin acquired normal elasticity. Similar results were obtained in the clinics of the Ryazan Medical Institute and others. Currently, the experience of these clinics has become very widespread.

Royal jelly prescribed to children in the form of suppositories 3 times a day for 7 - 15 days. The dose of the drug depends on the age of the child: for premature and newborns - 2.5 mg, for children older than a month - 5 mg.

Royal jelly normalizes blood pressure, therefore, can be used in some cases to increase or, conversely, decrease blood pressure in adults.

Soviet doctors observed good healing effect of royal jelly with angina pectoris (angina pectoris) and after suffered a heart attack heart muscle. Patients received 1 tablet (10-15 mg of royal jelly) 2-4 times a day for 2-4 weeks. Under the influence of royal jelly, patients not only experienced fewer attacks, but sometimes disappeared, their general condition improved, and interruptions in heart activity disappeared. Treatment results were generally durable.

Currently, there is information that royal jelly causes improvement in the condition of patients with malignant tumors(eg cancer). This one is very interesting side The effects of royal jelly are now being studied in detail. It is assumed that anticancer effect royal jelly is due to its radioactive properties.

It has been established that royal jelly has a beneficial effect on certain mental illness accompanied by phenomena of oppression. Good effect noted when royal jelly is prescribed to women with mental disorders during the period of suppression of the activity of the gonads (menopause).

Most researchers note the beneficial effect of royal jelly on older people. Under the influence of royal jelly, they will experience general vitality, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases, memory and vision improve, metabolism increases, etc. The mechanism of action of royal jelly in this case is obviously associated with tonic effect of royal jelly on the glands internal secretion , including the gonads. Considering the tonic effect of royal jelly on the sex glands, it can be assumed that it will find application in the treatment of certain types of infertility. Work in this direction is already underway.

It is noteworthy that the majority of healthy people (60% of those examined) do not react at all to royal jelly (doses of 15-20 mg); 40% of subjects experience a state of excitement (euphoria), and sometimes insomnia.

Royal jelly has the most permanent effect on fatigue, leading to increased physical and mental performance.

According to some authors (O. S. Radobil, A. P. Kalinina), royal jelly contains a small amount bee venom(up to 3%), which gave reason to test it in the treatment of patients with rheumatism, stomach ulcers, etc. Encouraging results were obtained.

Therapeutic effect royal jelly is based on it nonspecific action. Due to the rich content of a wide variety of substances in royal jelly (protein substances, microelements, as well as a whole complex of vitamins, especially the B complex), it has a general tonic effect on the body, increases metabolism, improves hematopoiesis, digestion, activity of the heart, endocrine glands, etc. .

Research by Czech scientists has established that royal jelly has tonic effect on some centers of the hypothalamus, as a result of which the production of arenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) increases in the pituitary gland. Under the influence of ACTH, the adrenal glands synthesize more hormones of the glucocorticoid group, which have a versatile effect on the human body.

Abroad, royal jelly is widely used in the perfume industry for the production of so-called “anti-aging” creams, elixirs, emulsions and ointments.

In the USSR, a cream containing 0.6% royal jelly was produced at the Institute of Medical Cosmetics. Testing the cream on people with increased oily facial skin, loose and dull skin, etc. showed that most of them as a result of using royal jelly cream The elasticity of the skin increased, oiliness decreased and fine wrinkles disappeared. At the same time, it was discovered that some people cannot tolerate royal jelly - this was expressed in the appearance of long-lasting red spots on the skin.

The domestic perfume industry currently produces a number of face creams with royal jelly. For example, Nectar cream, which is recommended as the best skin tonic. It must be remembered that effect of cosmetic creams depends largely on their correct use. Before applying the cream to the skin, it is better to make a hot compress. To do this, moisten a clean napkin in hot water, squeeze and apply to face for 2-3 minutes. Hot compress dilates the blood vessels and pores of the skin, which promotes better absorption and, consequently, the effect of the cream.

Royal jelly as a remedy is currently used in the following form:

1. Native (fresh) royal jelly 10-100 ml under the tongue or orally on an empty stomach for 30 minutes. or an hour before meals.

2. Native royal jelly with honey syrup: for 250 mg of royal jelly, 100-120 g of honey syrup, 1 teaspoon is prescribed on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.

3. Native royal jelly with 40% alcohol (vodka) in a ratio of 1:2 is prescribed 5-10 drops 3-4 times a day 1.5 hours before meals,

4. Mixture: 0.5 g of glucose, 1-2 drops of honey and 20 mg of fresh royal jelly in the form of soft tablets 2-3 times a day under the tongue.

5. Ready-made domestic preparation of masterbatch milk-apilak(in the form of tablets for lozenges under the tongue and powder for making suppositories). The drug is stored in a dry place, protected from light, in jars with ground stoppers, at a temperature not exceeding 8°.

The following are issued abroad royal jelly preparations: 1) apiserum (bee serum) -< ампульный препарат, содержащий в каждой ампуле по 5 мл раствора маточного молочка; 2) апифортиль - препарат маточного молочка в капсулах по 200 мг; 3) апинтовил; 4) апиоик.

Manufactured in some countries medicinal preparations, containing not only royal jelly, but also other honey bee products. For example, in Yugoslavia the following preparations are produced: vitamel (500 g of honey and 1 g of royal jelly), royalvit (suspension of 0.4% royal jelly with the addition of 4% pollen and honey).

In the listed combinations of royal jelly with other substances, a mutually reinforcing effect of their action is observed, which gives grounds to expand the indications for their use.

It should be noted that the question of medicinal use royal jelly has not been completely resolved. Existing materials are not yet sufficient for its widespread use.

When prescribing royal jelly preparations, it should be taken into account that it cannot be used for diseases of the adrenal glands and acute infectious diseases.

Among the patients there are faces with hypersensitivity to royal jelly. Such people experience sleep disturbance when taking royal jelly, which requires immediate discontinuation of the drug.

All of the above once again indicates that the prescription of royal jelly requires a preliminary thorough examination of the patient by a doctor and in no case can be done by the patient on their own.

Further study of the chemical composition and biological action Royal jelly promises interesting prospects in the field of its use as a remedy.

The difference between bee pollen and royal jelly lies in the definition of what each substance is.

Bee pollen- This is natural pollen collected by bees as they feed on nectar. Pollen sticks to the bee's legs and other parts of the bee's body.

Royal jelly- is a liquid produced and secreted by the pharyngeal glands of bees. It consists of water, nectar, honey, saliva, vitamins and hormones.

Both bee pollen and royal jelly are found in the beehive, but since they have different compositions, they are used by bees for different purposes. Royal jelly is food that is stored to feed the larvae during the first few days of their life, as well as to feed the queen throughout her life. Due to their nutritional value, both substances are attributed amazing properties, and many of these properties are shared by the two substances.

It is often said that bee pollen contains the highest amounts of certain nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, hormones, amino acids, fats and enzymes, compared to other foods or dietary supplements.

Bee pollen and royal jelly are characterized not only by their high nutritional value, but also by their ideal proportions of nutrients. The fact that the queen bee grows much larger, is more fertile, and lives longer than all other bees in the hive also supports the belief that bee waste products are magic remedies from numerous health problems. They are also believed to increase a person's physical and mental endurance. This statement sparked interest in these substances among athletes.

People who believe in efficient use The nutritional value of bee pollen and royal jelly in alternative medicine states that these completely natural substances can eliminate any deficiency of vitamins and minerals. They believe that these waste products of bees have rejuvenating powers and are able to slow down the aging process and strengthen immune system, And are natural antibiotics And universal means from all diseases. However, nutritionists, scientists and skeptics remind us that the nutrients found in bee pollen and royal jelly are abundant in ideal proportions in organically grown foods. They also highlight the fact that even the most ideal food for bees is not necessarily the ideal food for other life forms.

Humans do not have the same nutritional needs as bees. There is also a risk of allergic reactions, which can be very severe in some people when consuming bee products. Therefore, people with pollen allergies should generally consult their doctor before consuming bee products.

How familiar these words are to us from childhood - honey, propolis, beebread, royal jelly, the healing properties of which were praised by our grandmothers. Having grown up, today we give these unique products to our children if they are sick. Honey is truly unique. Natural honey comes in different varieties. Honey from an apiary, in an area with plantings of one type of plant, is called monofloral; for example, linden, acacia, buckwheat honey. From pollen collected by bees from forbs, honey is obtained, called polyfloral honey, which differs depending on the place of collection - mountain, meadow, field, forest or fruit. And each variety has different healing properties, which is why it is actively used in medicine.

Types of honeyand its use in diseases

Acacia honey has a subtle aroma and delicate taste. It is recommended to be used for insomnia, kidney, gastrointestinal, biliary diseases. It relieves heartburn and is used in dietary nutrition.

The taste has a barely noticeable bitterness and an aromatic hint of vanilla. sweet clover honey. Useful for colds, has a laxative effect.

Aroma spring flowers is different May honey It has an antibacterial and restorative effect. Helps with colds and viral infections.

One of the best varieties counts buckwheat honey, having a pleasant specific taste and unusual aroma. It contains twice as many essential and microelements. It is used in the treatment of anemia and anemia, hypertension, vitamin deficiency, vascular disease, and in the treatment of rheumatism.

Hawthorn honey, which has a slightly bitter taste, is recommended to be taken when cardiovascular diseases, helps with heart arrhythmia, is good auxiliary after a heart attack.

Considered first-class meadow honey, having a pleasant taste and aromatic bouquet of herbs. Its medicinal properties are determined by honey plants: thyme has an astringent, diaphoretic and diuretic effect. Thyme is useful for colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and indigestion. At inflammatory lesions Sage is indispensable for skin.

One of the best preventive and therapeutic remedies for the respiratory system and colds considered aromatic linden honey . Used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Has a pleasant taste forest honey. Its high healing and nutritional qualities are used in the treatment of inflammatory and allergic nature respiratory tract diseases.

Products of bees such as propolis, beebread, and royal jelly have no less unique healing properties.


Bee propolis for the content of a whole complex of biologically active substances is called natural antibiotic. By collecting resin from tree buds, bees produce a dark resinous substance that has a bitter taste, heterogeneous structure and sticky consistency. Propolis has the strongest antiseptic effect. It has long been used in medicine to make ointments for wound healing, treatment and other skin diseases. In the treatment of inflammation and diseases of the throat and mouth, chewing gum, tablets and lozenges with propolis are useful. It improves immunity and regulates blood sugar and lipids.

Propolis is especially widely used in such areas as pediatrics, dentistry, surgery and urology. Propolis has a huge impact on a number of heart diseases, lung diseases, and skin diseases. Possessing an antioxidant effect, propolis received wide application in oncology. Propolis has the ability to suppress the growth of cancer cells, it does not have carcinogenic properties and is not toxic. It is worth noting the general psychophysiological and tonic effect of propolis. With the use of propolis, the patient’s mood and mental health improve, and the feeling of anxiety and fear is significantly reduced. Propolis should be taken with caution, adjusting the consumed dose as necessary to achieve the maximum for the corresponding disease and obtain an optimal result.


Perga or bee bread is a honey-beebread mixture. It is called bee bread because during the winter it is food for bees and has the smell of fresh bread when broken. The pollen collected in a wax cell is compacted, the top layer is held together with saliva and filled with honey. Beebread has high biological activity and is significantly enriched with vitamin E. This product contains trace elements such as potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, as well as vitamins of groups A, C, E and P. Beebread is widely used in the treatment of heart failure, hepatitis, disorders potency and infertility, anemia and allergies.

Royal jelly

From a biological point of view, royal jelly is especially valuable product. Nutrient, used to feed queen bees, has a complex chemical composition. It contains many different balanced minerals and compounds, due to which it has exceptional healing properties. The deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA contained in royal jelly carries hereditary information for the overall recovery of the human body and, having a regenerative effect, affects the aging cells of the body and tissues, thus rejuvenating the body. Royal jelly is successfully used for physical fatigue and nervous tension, improves immunity, helps the body cope with infections, improves vitality and overall well-being. When nursing mothers consume royal jelly, the lactation process improves, strength and metabolism are restored.

Royal jelly is widely used in the treatment nervous system, neurasthenia, hysteria. Significantly lowers blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. Relieves vascular spasms and significantly reduces cholesterol levels. Excellent results were noted in the treatment of coronary heart disease and angina pectoris.

All bee products are unique in their composition and healing properties. As the bee processes each product, it adds components, most of which are no longer found in nature.