Boris Bolotov, Gleb Pogozhev - Bolotov's folk medicine. Treatment of diabetes according to Bolotov: information about the disease

This technique has been used for many years and is based on a specific algorithm and execution rules. When treating with such a scheme, not a single point can be crossed out. The correction scheme includes all types of metabolism. Bolotov created 5 rules for diabetes: hunger, cold, bitterness, acidic environment, exercise stress.

Etiology and pathogenesis according to Bolotov

According to Bolotov, the cause of diabetes is excessive consumption of carbohydrates, disruption of the blood vessels of the pancreas, genetics, and stress. Listed reasons lead to one consequence - a decrease in insulin synthesis. It is because of this that muscle tissue and liver are not able to modify sugar into glycogen, which leads to an increase in sugar levels to a high concentration. The latter is the cause of the defeat renal tubules and the release of sugar in the urine. These factors lead to increased acidity.

Acidosis is the cause of the main manifestations of diabetes: dry mouth, frequent urination, inflammation of the mucous membranes, severe itching skin.

Directions for treating diabetes mellitus according to Bolotov

Treatment using the Bolotov technique is based on ensuring that the pancreas does not become exhausted in its work, but breaks down sugar in other ways. The technique is also aimed at reducing acidity in other ways, that is, if acidosis is removed, all metabolisms will work in a normal rhythm and in a normal environment. After all, it is high acidity that disrupts normal process breakdown of substances.

Preparing the digestive tract

According to the method, meals should include vegetable cake balls before each meal. One cake should be at least 5 tablespoons. This dish has a specific taste, but has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and improves correct work. The following vegetables should be included in the cake:

  • carrot;
  • radish;
  • cabbage;
  • celery;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • dill.

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To normalize the functioning of the pancreas and restore its cells, cold baths or pools are used, followed by warming. It has been proven that cold water tends to lower glucose concentrations. Before drinking such contrast waters, you need to measure the sugar level in your urine and this will be an indicator of the time spent in the water. Afterwards, you need to determine how much your sugar level has decreased.

The second way to restore pancreatic function is enzyme activation. For this purpose, two remedies are used: bitter tea and a bitter compound. To prepare a glass of tea, you need to heat the water to 75 degrees and add 0.5 tbsp. l. bittersweet, leave for 2 hours and drink after 30 minutes. after the meal. Enzyme stimulation of the pancreas does not have any side effects, but only increases its functioning. Possible components for preparing kvass and enzyme are presented in the table. Taking 1 tsp after meals will help completely break down sugar and reduce the required insulin dosage. “royal vodka” with tea or in its original form.

Special nutrition for diabetes

Nutrition is the most important thing in the treatment of diabetes, because with the help of correction it is possible to refuse sugar-lowering medications for type 2 diabetes. Patients with diabetes must exclude animal fats and carbohydrates from their diet. This is also another way to relieve the pancreas. The products should contain a large amount of fiber and fibre, which will improve the digestion process. TO useful products relate:

Physical activity

Physical exercise not only reduces weight, it also releases endorphins into the blood, which improves mood, but also lowers blood sugar levels. The loads for each patient are selected individually depending on age, type of diabetes, and weight. But there are general rules:

  • Physical work should be no earlier than 30-40 minutes. after the meal.
  • The load level is average.
  • Overwork is not allowed.

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Diaphoretic treatment

Diaphoretic treatment with a sauna is based on the influence of high temperatures and a contrast pool. But this also has its own rules. You need to stay in the steam room for about 10 minutes, after which you immediately plunge into cold water and return to the sauna. During breaks, it is recommended to drink sweetish-sour tea made with wormwood or bean pods. You are allowed to eat some fruits, which will help maintain the sugar level in the urine no more than 1-2%. But you shouldn’t get carried away with the procedure, since a rapid change in temperature is stressful for the body.

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Kvass for diabetes - harm or benefit?

Scientifically proven beneficial effect kvass for diabetes mellitus, which can be drunk for therapeutic and preventive purposes. But it’s better to make kvass yourself, and use honey or fruit instead of sugar. They contain fructose, which is more suitable for diabetics than strictly prohibited sugar.

Useful properties of kvass

During fermentation in kvass, various enzymes, easily broken down carbohydrates, organic acids and minerals. These components have a beneficial effect on the function gastrointestinal tract, and especially the pancreas. This is especially important for the health of diabetics.

  • Suppresses pathogenic microflora pathogens;
  • Improve metabolic function;
  • Improves the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • Strengthens nails, improves skin quality and hair growth;
  • Helps normalize work of cardio-vascular system;
  • Strengthens nervous system;
  • Increases immunity thanks to the vitamins and microelements it contains;
  • Due to the content of lactic acid, waste and dead cells are removed;
  • Treats insomnia and depression, gives strength to chronic fatigue;
  • Helps treat eye diseases thanks to many enzymes: myopia, glaucoma, retinal detachment;
  • Helps in curing bronchitis and lung diseases. For viral infections.

These are the great benefits of the ancient Russian drink, kvass. However, you need to know the limits when using any product. The measure also applies to kvass.

Homemade kvass recipes

1." Beetroot and blueberry.” Grate the beets and crush the blueberries, stir. Put about 3-4 tbsp in a 3-liter jar. spoons of the mixture, squeeze half a lemon, add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of sour cream. Pour 2 liters of cold water into a jar, always boiled. After 1 hour, the kvass is ready for use. Drink 100 g. A jar of this kvass is enough for about a week of use. Store in the refrigerator. Regular use of kvass according to this recipe reduces blood sugar to 5.5 mmol, those. up to normal.

2.Dry the pieces of black bread and place them in a container. Add lemon balm and mint. Pour boiling water, close the container and wrap it, leaving it to infuse in a warm place for about one day. After a day, strain everything. Then add a teaspoon of honey, grated peas, flour and yeast. Leave to ferment for 7 hours. Then strain again, pour into jars or bottles, add a few raisins to each. Cover and refrigerate. Storage for approximately 1 week. You can add any fruit juice before fermenting kvass.

Ingredients: one and a half kg of black bread crackers, 50 g of raisins, 300 g of honey, 50 g of mint and lemon balm, 2 tbsp. spoons of peas and flour, 40 g of brewer's yeast, about 7.5 liters of water. boiling water

You can replace honey with a sweetener.

This kvass is tasty, nutritious and healthy for everyone.

Oatmeal kvass for diabetes

  • Stabilizes sugar levels;
  • Contributes to more fast regeneration body tissues;
  • Strengthens nails, hair and teeth;
  • Lowers cholesterol levels;
  • Improves digestion, promotes weight loss;
  • Treats osteomyelitis, atrophy optic nerve, vitamin deficiency, depression.

This short list gives a clear idea of ​​the wonderful healing qualities of oat kvass for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It contains many vitamins and microelements, fiber, essential oils and carbohydrates.

Restricted for use with increased acidity of gastric juice, gout and urolithiasis.


Pour 200 mg of oats along with the husk into a 3-liter jar. Fill cool water, but not all the way to the neck. Add 3-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar or honey 2 tbsp. spoons, a few pieces of raisins. Cover and store in a dark place for about four days. Afterwards, carefully drain the kvass and put it in the refrigerator. The oats remaining in the jar are again filled with water, the same ingredients are added, and set for fermentation. This way you can make kvass several times.

Oats have always been popular in Russia for their unique properties. It is useful in any form: jelly, kvass, porridge, infusions, facial masks, and many others. other.

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Bolotov's recipes

Bolotov's recipes for the treatment of kidney diseases

In the case of cold kidneys that have lost part of their cellular tissues, it is necessary to do following procedures. An hour before visiting a steam room or Finnish sauna, eat a boiled animal kidney, and before entering the steam room, drink 0.5-1 glass of diaphoretic kvass or tea. If there is insufficient sweating, the skin should be washed with wild rosemary infusion. Sweatshop kvass. For 3 liters of water, take 1-2 cups of raspberries (you can use jam), add a glass of sugar and 1 tsp. sour cream. The contents of the jar ferment in warmth with access to oxygen throughout the day. This kvass also promotes the removal of radionuclides (contains sulfur, and radionuclides tend to combine with sulfur, forming sulfides). It is recommended to drink kvass before swimming. It is more effective to visit the sauna. Sweatshop tea. 1 tbsp. Add wild rosemary roots to a glass of water and boil for 1-3 minutes. You can also brew birch leaves, linden flowers, and black elderberry. Remember that with good sweating of the skin, the kidneys rest and quickly compensate for their cellular volume, since the blood contains a sufficient amount for this nutrients.

You cannot use a shower or cold pool in the steam room, as this stops sweating. The shower can only be used after diaphoretic procedures are completed. When sweating, it is useful to use a birch broom, but you should not cool down quickly, as dirt from the skin may be absorbed.

Bolotov's recipes for the treatment of liver cirrhosis

With liver cirrhosis, there is a great need to increase liver cell masses. Such procedures can be carried out. In a bath or steam room, as well as with the help of diaphoretic teas, severe sweating of the skin is achieved. At the end of sweating, the skin seems to absorb everything that is on its surface. If at this moment you wipe it with whey and honey or fish oil(you can just use peeled herring), then the skin will immediately absorb it all. At the same time, the liver partially rests, the body feeds through the skin. This procedure allows you to increase the cellular mass of the liver, however, treatment for cirrhosis is quite complex and must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The procedures are carried out with the obligatory use of large quantity boiled animal liver to provide the liver with essential microelements. After “feeding” the body through the skin, it should be washed and wiped with vinegar.

Bolotov's recipes for the treatment of heart diseases

In case of heart diseases (shortness of breath and other phenomena), as well as difficulties in carrying out sports activities, the following procedures can be recommended to strengthen the heart. An hour before visiting a steam room or Finnish sauna, eat a boiled animal heart. 15 minutes before entering the steam room, drink “cordial” kvass. To prepare it, fill a three-liter jar with tap water. cold water, add a glass of crushed gray jaundice (or adonis), lily of the valley, foxglove, strophanthus, sage, a glass of sugar and a teaspoon of sour cream. The mixture should ferment for at least 2 weeks. A single dose of kvass is 0.5 cups. After the bath, you should do a body massage to improve blood supply to organs and limbs. During the massage, the heart partially rests, since the massage therapist takes on a greater burden of increasing blood circulation. The presence of microelements supplied with the eaten portion of the animal’s heart helps the rapid restoration of cardiac tissue. Ten to twenty such procedures significantly improve cardiac activity. It is practically possible to achieve full recovery heart function regardless of age. It should be remembered that in this case it is necessary to consume 0.1 g of jaundice herb powder daily. The bitterness of this plant stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas, which, by breaking down complex fats and sugars, provides nutrition to the heart muscle. Vegetable fats should be avoided when frying, since they easily oxidize and turn into drying oil. Drying oil is poisonous to the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. Drying oil is good for dissolving paints, but not for nutrition. You need to fry in melted, well-salted butter or lard.

Bolotov's recipes for the treatment of lung diseases

To restore lung tissue and function, you need to eat boiled lung an hour before the procedure. Then take an oxygen bath combined with an underwater massage. After the bath, drink kvass prepared according to next recipe. A glass of elecampane roots (tricolor violet grass, eucalyptus leaves or pine needles) pour 3 liters of water, adding a glass of sugar and 1 tsp. sour cream. Everything should ferment with oxygen available for at least 2 weeks. Drink a glass a day.

Bolotov's recipes for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines

For diseases of the stomach and intestines, vegetable and fruit pulp obtained during the preparation of juices is used. The cake has a negative potential for several weeks until it absorbs ionized elements from the air. Fresh cake, due to electropotentiality at the electron-volt level, is capable of absorbing metals (including radionuclides and heavy metals) from the walls of the stomach and duodenal bulb. Cake can also absorb carcinogens and free radicals, in addition, residual fluid in the stomach, which prevents the restoration of the gastric mucosa and duodenal bulb. The procedures with cake are simply simple. So, if your feet get cold, you should swallow mainly cabbage pulp (up to 3 tablespoons before meals, once a day) until these phenomena disappear. If you have heartburn, it is better to swallow carrot pulp, high blood pressure– beets, for lung diseases and cholecystitis – black radish cake. If you have diseases of the stomach and duodenum, it is better not to drink juices; in extreme cases, drink them salted only before bed. If the cake is difficult to swallow, you can roll it small balls and swallow, after moistening it in sour cream. Beetroot pulp often reduces appetite: it helps you lose weight quickly. If you don't have an appetite, don't eat anything until you have one.

Bolotov's recipes for removing radionuclides inflammatory diseases the digestive canal, as well as for the removal of radionuclides, celandine enzymes, which are products of fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, are effective. The method for preparing kvass is as follows. For 3 liters of whey (preferably obtained without heating), a glass of sugar and a glass of dry or chopped fresh celandine herb (without roots). Place the grass in a gauze bag and use a sinker (pebble) to lower it to the bottom of the jar. If the whey overheated during curdling (milk sticks died), you need to add a teaspoon of sour cream to it (sour cream contains healthy milk bacteria). The mixture should be stored in a warm, dark place. Cover the jar with several layers of gauze to protect against wine midges. Within 2-3 weeks, strong individuals of lactic acid bacteria will form. The products of their vital activity have the ability to renew and clean all surfaces on which they fall. The name “celandine” stands for “a plant that helps cleanse the body,” not only the surface of the skin, but also all the mucous membranes present in the body.

Celandine enzymes have such a powerful stimulating property that they have long been widely used in folk medicine. If you consume half a glass of the resulting kvass 30 minutes before meals for 1-2 weeks, the epithelial surfaces of both the stomach and intestines are almost completely restored. Insoluble chlorides heavy metals, stuck in the epithelial hairs of the digestive canal, are easily removed from the body with the help of celandine enzymes. Lighter radionuclides (for example, cesium, strontium), thanks to gastric enzymes, are also not absorbed into the body (insoluble complexes of radionuclide salts and gastric enzymes - pepsin) are formed. This feature is very important for victims of accidents at nuclear power plants, in particular after the Chernobyl disaster. It is enough to maintain the concentration of gastric enzymes at normal levels, and the body’s protection in case of ingestion of radionuclides will be ensured, since insoluble complexes of radionuclides will, in the worst case, get stuck in the hairs of the epithelium of the digestive canal. And from here they can be removed using celandine. Celandine growing in an area contaminated with radionuclides can be used for medicinal purposes. Why? The lactic acid bacterium itself is very sensitive to radionuclides. When a radionuclide enters its protoplasm, it quickly dies and settles to the bottom. The fermentative medium is not radioactive, and, as a rule, after drying, the level of its contamination with radionuclides is an order of magnitude lower than the components from which whey is formed. Of course, celandine, which grows in a contaminated area, has a certain level of radiation. But this level is not higher than the level of contamination of food products, in particular bread. It is best to use the stem and leaves of celandine (without roots, since they have a higher level of radiation).

Other enzymes, for example, those formed as a result of lactic acid fermentation of chestnut fruits, have the same properties as celandine enzymes. Previously, chestnut fruits were used to prepare medicinal beers (in royal beer recipes). It should be said that chestnut fruits growing in Ukraine have increased radiation. And yet its background is lower than that of many food products. Moreover, the fermentation product is formed with a very low background (the same as in the case of using celandine). The fermentation product of chestnut fruits is much easier to obtain than celandine enzymes, since chestnut is less toxic. Therefore, it is not necessary to use whey in this case; you can prepare the fermentation product using ordinary water. To do this, peel and cut the fruits in half, add 3 liters of water, add a glass of sugar and, for fermentation, 0.5 cups of whey. Instead of whey, you can use sour cream or yeast, formed from the bacteria in the intestines of an adult wild boar. You should not grind the chestnuts too much, because the drink will be very bitter.

The fermentation process should last at least 2 weeks. The result is a very pleasant-tasting drink. It removes radionuclides from the body, supplies it with calcium, copper, cobalt, which are quickly lost by the body with increased radiation. Helps increase iodine content in the body. It tastes like beer and even foams. You should drink it 0.5 glasses a day one minute before meals for a month, although you can do it without restrictions. Every day you can add water to the jar with the appropriate amount of sugar (1 glass per 3 liters of water). The next day the enzyme has the same healing properties. A three-liter jar of this “beer” can last for several months (add chestnut fruits periodically). In this way, you can get rid of many ailments and, no less important, maintain the body’s self-cleaning mechanism of radionuclides. Not only adults, but also children can drink chestnut enzyme over a year old. For children under one year of age, who, unfortunately, are also exposed to radiation, it is possible to give whey without using it to remove radionuclides. medicinal plants. Although in any case you need to consult a doctor. Even children in one month old B.V. Bolotov recommends giving mother's milk whey. How to get it?

Mother's milk is fermented and filtered. The resulting serum can be given to a child, put in drops in his eyes, nose, because mother's milk has amazing bactericidal property. A nursing mother should not only eat well, but also eat foods that stimulate the production of large amounts of milk. Yarrow has been used for this purpose since ancient times. It also needs to be prepared in the form of kvass: place 1-2 cups of flowers in a gauze bag using a weight (pebble) on the bottom of a three-liter jar of water, add starter in the form of whey or sour cream and a glass of sugar. Fermentation lasts for days. Kvass should be drunk by a pregnant woman or after childbirth. The milk distillation process is stimulated not only by kvass, but also by yarrow tea.

The lungs are best cleaned of radionuclides by the celandine enzyme. Dust particles are removed from the lungs by inhalation with the celandine enzyme. Using a well-nebulized inhaler. You should breathe deeply for 5-10 minutes. If you use an ordinary spray bottle, you need to take deep breaths. After such procedures, in a few days, dust particles containing radionuclides will come out of the lungs with sputum. After the Chernobyl accident in Ukraine and other areas of radiation contamination, hundreds of thousands of people complain about headache, interruptions in the heart, disturbances in sleep, appetite, some kind of disorder in the entire body system. It is not possible to diagnose any specific disease. But the reason for this is the increased background radiation. And such people should be treated. But the radiation level, according to official data, is quite low. There is no need to rush to conclusions. Low level radiation doesn't mean anything yet. It’s like deciding whether it’s better to pour a tank of water on a person all at once or drip drops onto his head. You will say that drops can kill a person much earlier. And you'll be right. So our radiation has a “droplet” character. Consequently, the human body is constantly in under stress and is subjected to slow dropwise hard irradiation.

B.V. Bolotov proposed his own method of treating such people. It lies in the classic formula “like cures like.” Homeopathy began in ancient times. Avicenna once used medicinal plants that caused one or another symptom of the disease. For example, rowan flowers cause a runny nose. Conversely, if the juice of rowan flowers is dripped into the nose, the runny nose disappears. Paracelsus suggested using poisons for poisoning. The principle “like cures like” received a scientifically based interpretation from the German scientist Hahnemann. The science of treating like with like is called homeopathy. Today, many diseases can be eliminated with small doses of drugs. For example, a hangover can be relieved with a small amount of alcohol. If you immediately apply a warm object to the burned area, the pain will initially intensify, and then quickly go away as the warm object is removed. Workers who work in noisy workshops do not feel well at home because the strong auditory stimulation has so affected their central nervous system that they cannot find rest until they listen to jazz music. Indeed, jazz music is a sound irritant, but weak compared to the noise irritation of factory floors. Therefore, weak percussive sounds, according to the principle “like cures like,” relieve the tension of strong percussion sounds factory floors. Melodic and beautiful jazz music is even remedy, filming stress load. The Chekhovian healer, who treated the sick with the sound of a trumpet, was not so far from the truth.

Is it possible to relieve radiation exposure syndrome in a similar way? B.V. Bolotov developed a technique that eliminates the symptoms of diseases caused by the influence of radiation and exposure of the body to a weak gamma background. The Kiev Sea is overgrown with blue-green algae, which emit small doses of gamma rays. But their level of pollution is below the natural background. If a sick person swims in the Kiev Sea for 20 minutes 3-4 times a day and does the following procedures, he will get rid of the described ailments. At the same time, the entire body is healed, because algae has little background radiation. That is, in this case healing effect is achieved by introducing a homeopathic dose of gamma background into the body. It is clear that such methods today are extremely important for the mass improvement of the population exposed to severe gamma radiation.

Bolotov's recipe: How to lose weight?

Using beet pulp, remove gastric juices from the stomach (absorption due to their sorption by the pulp). If the cake helps dull your appetite, try not to eat until it appears. But when appetite appears, it is better to repeat the procedure, trying to reduce your appetite again. If your appetite does not go away again, then you can eat. Although these procedures help to lose weight, it is nevertheless necessary to understand that the issue of losing weight is problematic and requires the supervision of the attending physician. It should also be remembered that this is a pre-diabetic condition.

Bolotov's recipe: Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis

Prepare a vinegar infusion of wild rosemary roots. For 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar, take 0.5 cups of crushed wild rosemary roots and leave for 3-4 days. Rub the infusion onto areas of the body above varicose veins. Since our skin is to bacteria what a fishing net is to water, external protection with vinegar is essential. You should also ingest salted plants such as seaweed, coltsfoot, and calendula. If you take seaweed 1-3 times a day an hour after meals for 3 months, the condition of the blood vessels will improve. At varicose veins Veins also use black radish juice. During the procedures, it is necessary to apply a heating pad to your feet (when using hydrochloric (hydrochloric) acid - 0.3 tablespoons of a 2-5% solution, you cannot use a heating pad an hour before the procedure). You can replace hydrochloric acid with gastric juice.

Bolotov's recipe: Strengthening blood vessels

Enzymes prepared with garlic, calendula and pine needles help strengthen blood vessels. The recipes are standard. You can also drink tea from ground pine needles: 1 tbsp. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water of pine needles powder, leave for an hour and drink randomly, but not less than 0.5 cups.

Bolotov's recipe: Osteochondrosis

Rub the painful areas with wild rosemary infusion and vinegar. You should also use coltsfoot leaves with salt and black radish juice. Cartilage is useful in food (available when preparing jelly).

Bolotov's recipe: Dental diseases

Use tincture of calamus and propolis (in vodka). To prepare the first one, infuse 0.5 cups of calamus roots into 0.5 liters of vodka for 2 weeks. Propolis tincture: add finely grated propolis to 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for a week. 1 tbsp. Take calamus tincture and the same amount of propolis tincture into your mouth and rinse your teeth for 1-3 minutes. The procedures should be carried out either during pain or before bedtime. The duration of treatment is about a month, although everything painful sensations disappear on the first or third day. Tinctures ensure the penetration of propolis and calamus alkaloids into the deep points of the affected teeth. Calamus anesthetizes the roots of teeth, and propolis fills all microcracks. Toothache stops altogether. Even the remaining roots are fixed in the gums and when you press on them while eating, the feeling of any pain disappears, and evenly broken roots stop deteriorating and within a few years grow noticeably and become functional teeth. In this case, to accelerate the growth of teeth, powder prepared from the teeth of, for example, pigs is used internally (0.1 g during meals, once a day).

Bolotov's recipe: Disease of the breast and uterus

If a doctor claims that he is “treating a disease,” then he is not treating anything. In other words, you need to treat either the entire body or not treat it at all. As for the treatment of diseases of the mammary gland and uterus, one should begin with mastering the proposed quintessence. Eliminate existing symptoms (for example, cold feet, nausea, etc.), oxidize the body as a whole, for example, with yarrow, and only then apply compresses to the mammary glands. General recommendations the same for the uterus. But as a preventative measure, you should always use douching products (water infusions of plants such as motherwort - oregano, yarrow, burnet, calendula). Prepare like tea (1 tablespoon of raw material per glass of boiling water, leave for about an hour). Add some salt to the infusion (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of infusion). Duration of douching is 5-10 minutes.

Bolotov's recipe: hernia

Hernia. You should purchase a bandage and use it. Then try to remove salts from the body and oxidize it. Make compresses from baked onions or steamed hernia. To do this, bake an onion head in sand, cut it in half while hot and apply the flat part to the site of rupture of the connecting tendons (i.e. hernia). Place a hot water bottle on top of the onion. Electric heater unsuitable due to different spectral composition. The same is applied in the case of the use of marsh hernia.

Bolotov's recipe: Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, dermatosis

Observe the quintessence. Man, like all living things, came out of the sea, so his skin must periodically come into contact with sea ​​water and receive a number of necessary substances contained only in it. At home, the skin can be nourished with substances contained in the skin and scales of fish. With psoriasis, scales sea ​​fish washed, dried, crushed into flour and applied together with fish oil to the affected areas. Fish oil should be lubricated throughout the body an hour before the bath. You can simply wipe the body with salted herring, clearing it from the skin. After washing with soap, you need to wipe the skin with table (alcohol) vinegar (CH3COOH). Affected skin should be treated alcohol tincture dry celandine grass (preferably its roots). To do this, pour 0.5 liters of alcohol into a glass of crushed celandine roots and leave for about 10 days. After alcohol treatment, the affected skin is lubricated with fish oil or lard taken directly under the skin. The main medicinal element here is salt. Therefore, after an evening shower or bath, you should try to wipe your entire body with salt and not wash it off. After the body dries, the salt will sprinkle on its own. Don't be afraid to wipe your face and hair with salt. It will sting a little, but what bliss the body will feel.

Bolotov's Recipe: Allergies

Allergies usually occur due to a lack of chlorides in the body. Therefore, you should introduce more salt into your body. In case of allergic lung damage, it is good to inhale strong saline solution. If your skin is allergic, you should wipe it with salt after bathing and do not rinse it off. Try to use salt 3-4 times a day after meals and even between meals. It is also necessary to stimulate the function of the kidneys and adrenal glands. If the adrenal cortex does not produce enough hormones, then allergic reactions can worsen and lead to the development bronchial asthma, red systemic lupus, obliterating endarteritis, etc.

Bolotov's Recipe: Paralysis

In case of paralysis, it is necessary to first introduce natural gastric juice into the body to enhance the dissolution of organic blood clots, then solvents such as chicken bile to dissolve salts that could cause blockage of blood vessels. Next, you need to start dissolving the salts with the juices of the leaves of coltsfoot, black radish, and horseradish. After this, stimulation of the secretion of pepsin by the stomach should begin in order to renew the cellular masses of blood vessels, i.e. fulfill the requirements of the quintessence.

Bolotov's recipe: High blood pressure (hypertension)

First of all, you should find out the cause of the increase in blood pressure (vascular disease, kidney disease, etc.), then, if possible, begin treatment. First of all, you need to induce increased sweating of the skin by rubbing it with diaphoretic teas. To do this, take a glass of boiling water, pour it into a tablespoon of crushed wild rosemary roots, leave for a minute and wipe the whole body. Increased sweating of the skin helps lower blood pressure. Sweating can also be caused by drinking diaphoretic teas or kvass, diuretics (B.V. Bolotov in such cases recommends using vasodilators, for example, hemiton, adelfan, etc.). Arterial pressure decreases when consuming beet pulp or, for example, millet tea.

Bolotov's recipe: Diabetes mellitus

If you notice that you are beginning to suffer from severe diabetes, you suddenly feel a bitterness in your throat, your palms and soles are “burning,” your sweating has decreased, your vision is deteriorating, and, as a rule, farsightedness is developing, you need to contact an endocrinologist and have glucose tests done. If there is glucose in the blood (sometimes it is found in the urine), you must urgently begin to follow the instructions of quintessence and only after that - the five main rules: hunger, cold, bitterness, physical activity, acidic environment. In other words, glucose decreases during fasting, cooling the body, for example, in a swimming pool (but after this it is necessary to warm up again in the steam room). Bitterness enhances pancreatic function (insulin production). At physical activity The level of glucose in the blood decreases due to its “burning” by the muscles. An acidic environment has a beneficial effect on the breakdown of glucose and fats by insulin.

Bolotov's recipe: Gout

Previously, patients were treated with camouflage grass (coltsfoot). In Old Russian, “kamchuga” means “stone, cobblestone.” Apply juice or ground leaves of the herb with salt. It is enough to take 1 tbsp. ground salted grass an hour before meals once a day for 2-3 months. At the same time, compresses should be made from ground coltsfoot herb with salt on the gouty nodes, while simultaneously heating the area with a water heating pad.

Bolotov's recipe: How to treat joints?

Treatment should begin with performing the quintessence. However, the pain is often relieved by rubbing with vinegar (9%) and infusion of wild rosemary roots. After oxidation, the body can be warmed up in a bathhouse or sauna. It is advisable to eat more seaweed, salted fish and all other seafood. Don’t be afraid to use salt with all foods, even adding salt to watermelons, apples, etc.

Bolotov's recipe: Myopia

There are a number of plants that stimulate visual acuity. These include hawkweed (makes vision “hawklike”), eyebright, sedum, caustic buttercup, celandine, chicory, galangal, plants of the Araliaceae family - Aralia Manchurian, Eleutherococcus, sedum, lemongrass, leuzea, golden root, ginseng, as well as blueberries ( leaves), maral root, adam's root, etc. Teas are prepared from these plants. Recipes are used individually and always after consultation with a doctor.

Bolotov's recipe: How to treat kidneys?

See the fifth rule of quintessence. But in each individual case the treatment is individual.

Bolotov's recipe: Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids disappear without a trace if you drink 0.5 glasses of water before meals, to which 1-2 tablespoons are added. 3-5% solution of hydrochloric (hydrochloric) acid. Can be rubbed into the mucous membrane anus 20 g old salted lard, mixed with 0.5 tsp. celandine herb powder. After stool, you should wash yourself with mint decoction. It is also recommended to drink salted wormwood tea, and also eat plantain herb with salt (1:1).

Bolotov's recipe: Obesity

For obesity, a diet is usually prescribed. According to B.V. Bolotov, diet is a way to preserve the disease until old age. It is easier for individuals to do excessive gymnastics physical labor, in contrast to mental: it is known that morning gymnastic exercises with increased load lead to fatigue of the body, increased levels of toxic metabolic products in the blood and weakening of mental activity. In addition, neither diet nor gymnastic exercises, while reducing obesity, eliminate the very cause of the disease. What should be done about obesity and is there any effective medicine? If obesity is considered as a disease of the body as a whole, we can say that it begins with dysfunction of the digestive canal. Restoration needed normal function the alimentary canal first. When the pyloric sphincter (or duodenal bulb) is damaged, stomach enzymes begin to come into contact with duodenal enzymes, forming salts: alkaline, acidic, mineral, fatty, soluble and insoluble in water. In other words, when the pyloric sphincter (or duodenal bulb) is damaged, a lot of salts begin to enter the blood instead of nutrients - products of the breakdown of food, as a result of which the body is cluttered with all kinds of salts - toxic wastes. Some of the salts are excreted, some are deposited in blood vessels, joints, etc. Thus, on the one hand, the body is overloaded with salts - waste products, and on the other hand, it is weakened due to insufficient supply of nutrients - products of the breakdown of food.

In this mode of operation of the digestive canal, fat accumulation occurs in the body. The observed gradual obesity itself indicates unsatisfactory functioning of the pyloric sphincter and duodenal bulb. Restoring the normal functioning of the duodenal bulb is the main condition in the fight against obesity. Where do the fats go when salts are formed like this? B.V. Bolotov explains this as follows. Fat that accumulates in cells can formally be classified as both complex alcohols and complex sugars; more precisely, fat is an ester of a compound of glycerol and acids. If what is said is true, then fats can be eliminated from the body by increasing the level of insulin in the blood - a pancreatic enzyme that breaks down fats and complex sugars into molecular structures that are easily absorbed in the body.

But introducing insulin into the body is not easy. Patients with diabetes know this well. So what to do? The answer may be the following observation by B.V. Bolotov, which, unfortunately, is not used in medical practice. B.V. Bolotov drew attention to the fact that insulin secretion by the pancreas increases when duodenum bitterness comes in. If the bitterness of plants enters the duodenum with food and tea (see above), then the level of glucose in the blood decreases significantly and, accordingly, the degree of obesity decreases. As a result of many years of experiments, he found that consuming even small doses of raw jaundice during the flowering stage (0.1 g 3 times a day for a month) reduces body weight by 2-3 kg. At the same time, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is significantly improved, as the elasticity of blood vessels improves, the heart muscle is strengthened, the heart rhythm is normalized and arrhythmia and the consequences of myocardial infarction almost completely disappear. Do not forget to inject the bitterness of gray jaundice into the duodenum at least in a thousandth of a gram. Dry jaundice is also suitable. Use it (check with your doctor first). The bitterness of yarrow is especially valuable. This tea is very useful for women after childbirth.

In many cases, obesity is also relieved in men. Pay attention to such a wonderful plant as mustard. Mustard condiment made from the seeds of this plant should be included in your daily diet. B.V. Bolotov is convinced that mustard, pepper, horseradish, salt, and vinegar on the table protect us from illnesses into old age. However, it should be emphasized that the use of medicinal plants without taking into account individual characteristics of your body can lead to negative consequences. For example, long-term use tea with St. John's wort had a negative effect on the sexual potency of men and a positive effect on the frigidity of women. Consumption of celandine in large doses can lead to poisoning and dysbacteriosis. Excessive consumption of bearberry herb (bear ears) has a harmful effect - it weakens kidney function. Various vinegars help reduce obesity. Even 1 tbsp. ordinary table vinegar 9%, added to liquid food, produces a positive effect. However, it should be repeated about the need to use bitters. For example, the bitterness of elecampane has a very beneficial effect on reducing the degree of obesity, also enhancing the healthy potential of almost all body systems. It is not for nothing that people call this plant “the plant of nine powers”, i.e. this is a plant that heals all nine body systems, or rather, the eight body systems and the soul (ninth system). Elecampane tea should usually be drunk before bed, as it has a weak diaphoretic effect.

An equally wonderful plant is calamus (tartar). Its roots, like the roots of elecampane, contain bitterness, which successfully reduces obesity by stimulating the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. Calamus is added to tea no more than 1 g per glass of boiling water. You can chew pieces of calamus (it is very bitter), drink its tinctures with vodka and vinegar. Remember that the “sweet disease” (diabetes mellitus) is prevented by bitterness. In conclusion, B.V. Bolotov always wishes: “Try to be kind, evil devastates the soul, undermines the body. Don’t get sick and don’t grow old - this life is still interesting, you need to be able to prolong it.”

Treatment according to Bolotov

B.V. Bolotov outlined his views regarding man as a phenomenon of Nature. Man is complex biological system, an integral part of Nature and one with it. Analyzing the relationship between phenomena occurring in the human body, in Nature and society, B.V. Bolotov shows the way to return and achieve their compatibility, harmony, and therefore to health, finding the joy of life and longevity, natural for a person. >>

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Diabetes is characterized, first of all, by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, then failure occurs in other metabolic processes. Treatment of diabetes according to Bolotov is the use alternative therapy in nutrition, exercise to achieve compensation for the disease. This technique has been used for many years and is based on a specific algorithm and execution rules. When treating with such a scheme, not a single point can be crossed out. The correction scheme includes all types of metabolism. Bolotov created 5 rules for diabetes: hunger, cold, bitterness, acidic environment, physical activity.

Etiology and pathogenesis according to Bolotov

According to Bolotov, the cause of diabetes is excessive consumption of carbohydrates, disruption of the blood vessels of the pancreas, genetics, and stress. The listed reasons lead to one consequence - a decrease in insulin synthesis. It is because of this that muscle tissue and liver are not able to modify sugar into glycogen, which leads to an increase in sugar levels to a high concentration. The latter causes damage to the renal tubules and the release of sugar in the urine. These factors lead to increased acidity.

Acidosis is the cause of the main manifestations of diabetes: dry mouth, frequent urination, inflammation of the mucous membranes, severe itching of the skin.

Directions for treating diabetes mellitus according to Bolotov

Treatment using the Bolotov technique is based on ensuring that the pancreas does not become exhausted in its work, but breaks down sugar in other ways. The technique is also aimed at reducing acidity in other ways, that is, if acidosis is removed, all metabolisms will work in a normal rhythm and in a normal environment. After all, it is increased acidity that disrupts the normal process of breakdown of substances.

Preparing the digestive tract

Before meals you need to take 5 tablespoons of fresh vegetables.

According to the method, meals should include vegetable cake balls before each meal. One cake should be at least 5 tablespoons. This dish has a specific taste, but has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and improves proper functioning. The following vegetables should be included in the cake:

  • carrot;
  • radish;
  • cabbage;
  • celery;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • dill.


To normalize the functioning of the pancreas and restore its cells, cold baths or pools are used, followed by warming. It has been proven that cold water tends to lower glucose concentrations. Before drinking such contrast waters, you need to measure the sugar level in your urine and this will be an indicator of the time spent in the water. Afterwards, you need to determine how much your sugar level has decreased.

The second way to restore pancreatic function is enzyme activation. For this purpose, two remedies are used: bitter tea and a bitter compound. To prepare a glass of tea, you need to heat the water to 75 degrees and add 0.5 tbsp. l. bittersweet, leave for 2 hours and drink after 30 minutes. after the meal. Enzyme stimulation of the pancreas does not have any side effects, but only increases its functioning. Possible components for preparing kvass and enzyme are presented in the table. Taking 1 tsp after meals will help completely break down sugar and reduce the required insulin dosage. “royal vodka” with tea or in its original form.

Component composition of kvass and enzymes
IngredientsComposition 1Composition 2
CelandineRhodiola rosea
MuscatBlueberries, arnica
SophoraCinquefoil erecta
Bean podsEyebright
MulleinLily, ginseng
Euphorbia thistleAralia high
EuonymusHare and seaweed
Fruits and berries with zincPear
Bird cherry

Diabetes mellitus is a serious, chronic disease. In the presence of of this disease There is a metabolic disorder, which causes a critical shortage of insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas). The causes of the disease can be several factors, including heredity, abuse of carbohydrate products, mental illness, overweight, severe inflammatory processes, etc. Lack of insulin leads to the fact that the liver cannot fully convert the glucose that enters the body along with food into glycogen.

The method of treating a disease such as diabetes mellitus is based on the principle of reducing the load on the pancreas. It is she who produces insulin. It also takes an active part in the breakdown of glucose from food. According to the treatment of diabetes according to Bolotov’s principles, it is necessary, first of all, to restore the optimal state.

For patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, the introduction of diets does not always have the desired effect. However, Bolotov’s research has proven that proper oxidation of the body, by adding small amounts of acidic foods and salt to the usual diet, as well as taking the drug “,” helps to significantly reduce the patient’s sugar levels.

The composition of the balm is as close as possible to the natural composition of gastric juice in the human body. In addition to comprehensive cleansing of the body, the drug helps to enhance the effect of lowering the current sugar level. This effect The drug was called “Bolotov Phenomenon No26” - a decrease in blood sugar in diabetics dependent on insulin injections.

In addition to the fact that “” helps improve performance digestive system, it also activates processes that process heavy sugars. Effect of regular intake the effect of the drug does not occur immediately. Real improvement in performance often appears after 3-4 weeks of regular use of the drug. At the beginning, an exacerbation of chronic diseases is even possible, which only indicates that “the process has begun.” The body began to cleanse itself, digestion was improving.

It is worth noting that the Balm is not a complete replacement for insulin, but only enhances and complements its effect.

During treatment diabetes mellitus According to Bolotov, patients are recommended to take the drug after meals in the amount of one teaspoon. The balm can be diluted in coffee, tea or plain water. "Bolotov's Balm" helps break down sucrose, as well as efficiently absorb its breakdown products. As Bolotov himself notes, after taking a course of Balm, some diabetics were able to consume sugar and sugar-containing products.

Diabetes mellitus - chronic illness, characterized by a disorder of all types of metabolism due to insufficiency of insulin in the body. Insulin is a hormone of the pancreas. Causes - hereditary factor, injuries, inflammatory processes, sclerosis of pancreatic vessels, infections, intoxication, mental trauma, excessive consumption of carbohydrates. Due to insulin deficiency, the liver and muscles lose the ability to convert sugar entering the body into glycogen, and all tissues lose the ability to oxidize sugar and use it as an energy source; sugar is also formed in the body from proteins and fats. As a result, sugar accumulates in the blood. When the amount of sugar in the blood exceeds normal, some of the sugar in renal tubules is not reabsorbed and is excreted from the body in the urine (glycosuria). In more severe cases, liver function weakens, glycogen ceases to be synthesized and accumulated in it, and the breakdown products of proteins and fats are neutralized.

As a result, a significant amount of acetone bodies appears in the blood and then in the urine, the accumulation of which leads to a violation of the acid-base balance of the body and the development of acidosis. Acidosis can lead to diabetic coma. Patients with diabetes mellitus experience increased appetite and thirst, copious urine discharge with a high specific gravity, skin itching, itching of the external genitalia, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pain along the nerve trunks (polyneuritis), muscle and sexual weakness. In women there is a violation menstrual cycle, during pregnancy - sometimes spontaneous miscarriages or stillbirth. With diabetes, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases, which contributes to the development of early atherosclerosis. TO severe complications Diabetes mellitus includes significant changes in the cardiovascular system, kidneys, visual organs, etc.

To treat this disease, it is necessary to reduce the load on the production of insulin on the pancreas and break down sugar in the blood indirectly.

Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of diabetes begins with restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. Before eating, you need to swallow vegetable pulp balls; you do not need to chew them. The volume of cake is at least 2–4 tablespoons per dose. The cakes are prepared from plants that are most beneficial for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.

Pancreas restoration

After restoration of the gastrointestinal tract, the pancreas is restored. During hours when there is a lot of sugar in the urine, you need to take contrast baths. Swimming in cold water and then warming it lowers the amount of sugar in the blood to such an extent that insulin is practically not required. After such procedures, it is necessary to monitor the sugar content in the urine and set it average value within 24 hours.


Procedures for lowering sugar levels using a sauna are very effective. First, you need to warm up in the sauna, then plunge into cold water for 12-15 minutes, then warm up again. During rest, drink sweet, acidified wormwood tea (on bean pods) and eat a little fruit, but so that after the sauna the sugar content in the urine is no more than 1-2%.

Physical exercise

Sugar levels are lowered by physical work. To do this, half an hour after eating, you need to do some moderate work. You can normalize blood sugar by simply fasting or eating about ten times less than usual.

Stimulation of the pancreas with enzymes

Take enzymes based on mustard plants, as they stimulate the pancreas. In this case, two means are prepared:

a) bitter tea;

b) bitter enzyme.

Tea: Heat the water to 75°C, but do not boil. Add 1 tablespoon of bittersweet plants to 2 cups of heated water. Everyone insists for 1-2 hours. Drink a glass half an hour after eating.

Enzymes and kvass prepared and taken according to the general method. Raw materials for enzymes use the following - celandine, nutmeg, bitterweed, Japanese Sophora, bean pods, mullein, spurge, chicory, sow thistle, euonymus. Raw materials for kvass - golden root, blueberry, lemongrass, galangal, eyebright, arnica, young, eleutherococcus, aralia Manchurian, ginseng, hare cabbage, seaweed, burdock, lily, zinc-containing products (pears, mulberries, apples, bird cherry).

After eating, drink a teaspoon of aqua regia in pure form or with tea, coffee. Only in this case, sugar is completely broken down into useful components for the body. “Royal vodka” breaks down sucrose and promotes the high-quality absorption of its breakdown products. At the same time, you don’t have to be afraid of consuming excess amounts of sugar: neither glucose nor fructose can provoke diabetes.


Nutritional therapy for diabetes is very important component treatment of this disease. Nutrition is selected strictly individually in accordance with the degree and form of diabetes. Much attention is paid to onions, fish, barley, garlic, lentils, sprouts, bran and other products with high content fiber, which lowers blood sugar levels. At mild form diabetes inclusion in the diet of foods with high content Dietary fiber sometimes allows you to stop taking glucose-lowering medications.

If you notice that you are beginning to suffer from severe diabetes, there is a sharp feeling of bitterness in the throat, the palms of your hands and feet are burning, sweating has weakened, your vision is deteriorating, usually towards farsightedness, then this indicates the presence of sugar in the blood.

If you suspect the presence of sugar in the blood, you can first verify this using reagent paper such as "Glucotest", which is used for the semi-quantitative determination of glucose in urine. It is known that Glucotest reagent paper, which is used for express analysis of glucose in urine, is strips of paper approximately 50 mm long, having a light yellow transverse stripe and impregnated with a solution of enzymes and dyes. Using this paper, you can determine the glucose content in urine both qualitatively and semi-quantitatively in the range from 0.1 to 2% and above. The glucose measurement method is based on the specific oxidation of glucose using the enzyme glucose oxidase. The resulting hydrogen peroxide is decomposed by a second enzyme, peroxidase, and oxidizes the added dye. A change in the color of the dye during oxidation will indicate the presence of glucose in the urine.

Therefore, in order to obtain some information about the presence of sugar in the urine, a piece of “Glkzhotest” paper should be immersed in the test urine so that the entire yellow strip is moistened. Immediately remove the piece of paper from the urine and compare the resulting color with the color standard, which is included with the instructions. If the color of the paper remains the same, light yellow, then there is no sugar in the urine. If the color of the paper changes to bright green, then there is more than 2% sugar in the urine. Using the "Glucotest" you can determine sugar in the ranges - 0.1; 0.5; 1 and 2%.