What to do if a child has a toothache: how to relieve pain quickly and safely. What painkillers can be given to a child up to one year old and at an older age?

Abdominal pain in a child is a fairly common problem at any age. Modern rhythm of life, unhealthy diet, lack of adequate physical activity contribute to the development of gastrointestinal diseases in children. The main way to help a child in this situation is to use medications prescribed by a doctor.

The main causes of abdominal pain in a child

Among children in each age group, various mechanisms emergence painful sensations in a stomach.

A peculiarity of the digestion of newborn children is the immaturity of enzymes - the main proteins for the breakdown of nutrients. In addition, at this age, the formation of intestinal microflora from beneficial bacteria that help digest food occurs. Due to this common problem, causing pain in the abdomen of infants, is increased gas formation.

At an early age (1–3 years), children need a special diet due to the immaturity of enzymes. The consequence of a poor diet is constipation or loose stool, accompanied by spastic contractions of the intestinal muscles. Spasms of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract wall lead, in turn, to pain in the abdomen.

In school and adolescence diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder are common, which negatively affect digestive process and lead to pain in the abdomen. Infection of the body with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the main factor in the development of the inflammatory and ulcerative process in the stomach, which can also be accompanied by the development of painful sensations. Increased acidity stomach acid is also a cause of abdominal pain.

All children age groups abdominal pain may be due to indigestion associated with death normal microflora intestines after taking antibiotics or eating poor quality products.

Photo gallery of reasons

Spasms of the intestinal muscles are the cause of cramping abdominal pain. Dysbacteriosis is the main cause of abdominal pain in a child after taking antibiotics. Enzyme deficiency is the main cause of abdominal pain in children. early age Flatulence is one of the main causes of abdominal pain in newborns and young children. Increased acidity of gastric juice is the main cause of abdominal pain in older children. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of gastritis and ulcers.

Mechanism of action of drugs used for abdominal pain

Pharmacological drugs used to eliminate painful sensations in the abdomen in children are divided according to the nature of their action into a number of groups.


This group is based on medicines lies their ability to block the transmission of pain signals from the pathological focus along the nerves to the brain. These drugs also have an anti-inflammatory effect due to blocking the chain of biochemical transformations triggered by the influence of a damaging agent.


The muscles of the gastrointestinal tract make up the middle layer of the wall of the stomach, intestines and gallbladder. Special anatomical structure allows them to move food along the digestive canal. Pathological muscle contraction (spasm) occurs under the influence high content they contain calcium. Antispasmodics block the entry of calcium into cells muscle fibers, relieving the spasm.


The main component that determines the acidity of gastric juice is hydrochloric acid. Normally, it is produced by specific cells of the stomach wall (lining cells) in quantities sufficient to create an acidity level of one and a half to two units. With an increase in acidity, gastric juice corrodes the gastric mucosa, leading to the appearance of its defects - erosions and ulcers. Antacid medications block production of hydrochloric acid in the parietal cells, thereby eliminating its pathological effect on the stomach wall.


Helicobacter pylori is a microbe that lives in the stomach and calmly tolerates its extremely acidic environment. Currently, this bacterium is a proven cause of inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) and peptic ulcer. Anti-Helicobacter drugs disrupt the life processes of the microbe and lead to its death.

Enzyme preparations

Food enters the digestive tract, as a rule, in the form of complex chemical compounds: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In order to nutrients absorbed from the lumen of the stomach or intestines into the blood, the body needs to break down complex compounds into simpler components. This process occurs under the influence of digestive juices: gastric, pancreatic and bile. Each of them contains specific protein substances - enzymes. These chemical compounds are necessary to accelerate the processes of breakdown and absorption. Lack of enzymes leads to digestive disorders. Enzyme preparations contain these chemical compounds in the required quantity.


Often food poisoning low quality products lead to flooding of the digestive tract harmful substances- toxins that cause vomiting, loose stools (diarrhea) and increased gas formation (flatulence). Sorbents are special substances that capture all harmful chemical compounds on their surface and remove them from the body.


The process of digesting food requires the active participation of beneficial bacteria found in the intestines. Most of microflora of the digestive tract belongs to the genus of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Probiotics contain live beneficial microorganisms.


For check-in beneficial bacteria the gastrointestinal tract must be created for microflora comfortable conditions. To solve this problem, there are prebiotics - special substances designed to become a “home” for beneficial bacteria.

Video: Basic clinical aspects of abdominal pain in a child

Forms of release of medicinal products

The active medicinal substance can be produced by the manufacturer in various forms. For ease of use, the following forms of drug release are available:

  1. Tablets are a solid dosage form. The drug, as a rule, additionally contains excipients necessary to obtain a single structure convenient for oral use. These include the following chemical compounds: talc, corn starch, xylitol, sorbitol and many others.
  2. Capsules also belong to solid forms of release. In addition to the excipients described above, these drugs contain a coating shell, due to which the active substance is released in a certain area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Injection solutions in ampoules are liquid dosage forms. In addition to the active substance, the drug usually contains Sodium Chloride or distilled water as a solvent.
  4. A suspension is a suspension of small solid particles of the active substance in a liquid. As the latter, distilled water is present in dosage forms, ethanol, glycerin, vegetable oils. Suspensions are usually used orally, less often intramuscularly.
  5. Gel refers to soft forms release of drugs. The combination of active substance and solvent in a minimal amount provides a viscous, elastic consistency. Used as a formative substance Vaseline oil, lanolin, ethyl alcohol, glycerin.
  6. Syrup refers to liquid dosage forms. As a rule, it is added to the active agent excipient in the form of a sugar solution and vegetable oils.
  7. Powder refers to solid dosage forms. The active and excipients are free-flowing in nature. Magnesium carbonate and sodium alginate are used as auxiliary powder.
  8. Suppositories are a dosage form intended for administration inside an organ. Used to treat constipation rectal suppositories. The dosage form is administered through anus into the lumen of the rectum. Rectal suppositories contain cocoa butter and medical glycerin as a formative substance.
  9. Microenema is a liquid dosage form with which the active substance is delivered directly into the lumen of the rectum in a certain dosage. As an auxiliary component, the drug contains medical glycerin and purified water.
  10. Drops are a liquid dosage form. It is based on the above-mentioned suspension. Distinctive feature for these medications - drip dosing method.
  11. Emulsion is a dosage form, the main component of which is plant essential oil, distributed in the form of individual particles in purified water.

Photo gallery of types of drugs

Tablets - the easiest dosage form to use Powder - a form of release of probiotics and prebiotics The medicinal substance from the capsules is released and acts in the intestines Injectable solution is suitable for severe nausea and vomiting Suspension - effective form release of antacid preparations Gel - modern form release of sorbents Syrup - a convenient dosage form for use in children

Indications for use

Medicines are prescribed by a pediatric gastroenterologist for the following diseases digestive tract, causing pain in the abdomen:

  • inflammatory process in the stomach (gastritis);
  • inflammatory process in the intestines (enteritis, colitis);
  • inflammatory process in the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • inflammatory process in gallbladder(cholecystitis);
  • erosive and ulcerative damage to the wall of the stomach and intestines;
  • digestive disorders (dyspepsia);
  • food poisoning;
  • colonization of the intestines with pathological microflora (dysbacteriosis);
  • insufficient amount of enzymes in digestive juices (gastric, intestinal, pancreatic, bile).

Contraindications to taking medications and undesirable effects

There are quite a few contraindications to the prescription of certain medications to eliminate painful sensations in the abdomen in children:

  1. For all medications without exception, a contraindication is individual intolerance to its various components.
  2. Antispasmodic drugs should not be used at low levels blood pressure(hypotension). These substances relax not only the muscles of the stomach and intestines, but also the walls of blood vessels;
  3. Painkillers should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. The effect of these drugs significantly changes symptoms serious illnesses stomach and intestines requiring immediate medical attention: appendicitis, perforation of a stomach ulcer and duodenum, intestinal obstruction, internal bleeding.
  4. Painkillers in tablet form cannot be used for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, since they Negative influence on the mucous membrane can aggravate the course of the pathological process.
  5. Drugs that promote the separation of bile are not used in cases of proven presence of stones in the gall bladder and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

In addition to the above undesirable effects, each drug has side effects that are not directly related to the mechanism of its effect on the body. TO similar effects relate:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • skin itching.

Side effects from taking medications are very rare and are caused by the individual reaction of the body.

Many medications are prescribed only upon reaching a certain age.

Methods of application

Most medications for abdominal pain in children are used exclusively orally: sorbents, antacids, enzymes, anti-Helicobacter drugs, probiotics, prebiotics. Painkillers and antispasmodics can be used orally or by injection, depending on the form of release.

After eating, painkillers, enzymes, and antispasmodics are usually taken. Antacids applied before meals for fifteen to twenty minutes, which are necessary to create a medicinal film that protects the mucous membrane. Anti-Helicobacter drugs and sorbents are also used before meals.

Liquid antacids and any other medications should not be taken orally at the same time, since the absorption of the latter into the bloodstream from the lumen of the stomach or intestines is significantly reduced.

Combinations of drugs for the treatment of abdominal pain in a child

To treat abdominal pain in children, depending on the cause of its occurrence, combinations of several pharmacological drugs are usually used.

Pharmacological treatment of abdominal pain caused by inflammation in the stomach

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Price
Magnesium hydroxide

Alzheimer's disease
Renal dysfunction
12 yearsFrom 142 rubles
Magnesium hydroxide
Chewable tabletsPeptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
Alzheimer's disease
Renal dysfunction
15 yearsFrom 238 rubles
Peptic ulcer
Individual intolerance12 yearsFrom 8 rubles

Photo gallery of drugs for the treatment of abdominal pain in children with gastritis

Almagel - antacid drug for children Maalox - modern drug to protect the stomach wall from the damaging effects of gastric juice Gaviscon is an effective antacid drug

Pharmacological treatment of abdominal pain in children with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum

Treatment of peptic ulcer is carried out according to standard schemes, including several drugs. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which damages the wall of the stomach and duodenum. Currently, drug combinations are constantly being improved to minimize side effects.

Pharmacological treatment of abdominal pain in a child caused by cholecystitis

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Activated carbon
Stinging nettle leaves
Garlic bulbs
PillsChronic hepatitis
Obstructive jaundice
Acute hepatitis
Peptic ulcer
7 yearsFrom 11 rubles
Peptic ulcer
Glaucoma2 yearsFrom 14 rubles
Metamizole sodium
Pitophenone hydrochloride
Phenpiverinium bromide

Kidney failure
5 yearsFrom 91 rubles
Papaverine hydrochlorideInjection
Rectal suppositories
Heart block
Renal dysfunction
6 monthsFrom 29 rubles

Photo gallery of drugs for the treatment of painful sensations in the abdomen in children caused by cholecystitis

The drug Allohol is used for choleretic purposes. Drotaverine has a pronounced antispasmodic effect. The drug Spazgan is an effective analgesic. The drug papaverine is an effective antispasmodic.

Pharmacological treatment of abdominal pain in children caused by pancreatitis


Rectal suppositories

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Metamizole sodiumInjection
Rectal suppositories
Pain syndrome of various typesBronchial asthma
Blood diseases
Kidney failure
Liver failure
0 monthsFrom 10 rubles
Metamizole sodiumInjection
Pain syndrome of various typesBronchial asthma
Blood diseases
Kidney failure
Liver failure
0 monthsFrom 196 rubles
DiclofenacDiclofenac sodiumPills
Solution for injection Rectal suppositories
Pain syndrome of various typesBronchial asthma
Peptic ulcer
Blood diseases
6 yearsFrom 14 rubles
IbuprofenIbuprofenPain syndrome of various typesBronchial asthma
Peptic ulcer
Blood diseases
6 yearsFrom 17 rubles
Peptic ulcer
Glaucoma6 yearsFrom 52 rubles
effervescent tablets
Pain syndrome of various typesBronchial asthma
Peptic ulcer
Blood diseases
6 yearsFrom 83 rubles


Chronic pancreatitis
Cystic fibrosis
Acute pancreatitis0 monthsFrom 16 rubles
SpasmalgonMetamizole sodium
Pitophenone hydrochloride
Phenpiverinium bromide
Pain syndrome of various typesPeptic ulcer Crohn's disease
Kidney failure
0 months for solution
5 years for tablets
From 102 rubles

Photo gallery of drugs for eliminating painful sensations in the abdomen in children with pancreatitis

The drug Analgin is the most popular pain reliever The drug Baralgin effectively relieves pain The drug No-shpa is the main remedy for the treatment of pancreatitis

Medicines to relieve abdominal pain caused by overeating

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Magnesium hydroxide
Peptic ulcer
Kidney failure
Alzheimer's disease
6 yearsFrom 134 rubles
PillsChronic pancreatitis
Cystic fibrosis
Acute pancreatitis
Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis
3 yearsFrom 72 rubles
DrageeChronic pancreatitis
Cystic fibrosis
Acute pancreatitis
Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis
3 yearsFrom 125 rubles

Photo gallery of enzyme aids for child digestion

The drug Pancreatin contains all the main digestive enzymes
The drug Gastal is a modern enzyme remedy. The drug Mezim contains the main digestive enzymes in optimal quantities. The drug Festal is a powerful aid to digestion.

Pharmacological treatment of abdominal pain in a child caused by food poisoning

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Activated carbonActivated carbonDyspepsia

Acute poisoning

Peptic ulcer0 monthsFrom 4 rubles
Rectal suppositories
Pain syndrome of various typesPeptic ulcer Crohn's disease
Kidney failure
0 monthsFrom 3 rubles
PolysorbSilicon dioxide colloidalAcute intestinal infections
Acute poisoning
Peptic ulcer0 monthsFrom 9 rubles
SmectaDioctahedral smectiteAcute intestinal infections
Acute poisoning
Intestinal obstruction0 monthsFrom 140 rubles
EnterosgelPolymethylsiloxane polyhydrateAcute intestinal infections
Acute poisoning
Intestinal atony0 monthsFrom 352 rubles
EspumisanSimethiconeIntestinal obstruction0 monthsFrom 236 rubles
DyspepsiaIntestinal obstruction5 years for tabletsFrom 367 rubles
EnterofurilNifuroxazideDyspepsiaIntestinal obstruction1 month for suspension, 3 years for capsulesFrom 269 rubles

Photo gallery of modern sorbents for the treatment of painful sensations in the abdomen in children

Drugs to eliminate abdominal pain in children caused by dysbacteriosis

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
AcipolLactobacillus acidophilus
Kefir fungi
Acute intestinal infections
3 monthsFrom 325 rubles
BifidumbacterinBifidobacterium bifidumAcute intestinal infections
Long-term antibacterial therapy
Intolerance to the drug components0 monthsFrom 137 rubles
Streptococcus thermophilus
Oil solutionAcute intestinal infections
Long-term antibacterial therapy
Intolerance to the drug components0 monthsFrom 496 rubles
YogulactLactobacillus acidophilusConstipation
Long-term antibiotic therapy
Intolerance to the drug components3 monthsFrom 201 rubles
LactobacterinLactobacillus acidophilusPillsIntolerance to the drug components0 monthsFrom 178 rubles
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Streptococcus thermophilus
SetIntolerance to the drug components0 monthsFrom 300 rubles
LinuxAcidophilus bacteria
Intolerance to the drug components0 monthsFrom 245 rubles
Hilak forteLactobacillus acidophilusDrops for oral administrationIntolerance to the drug components0 monthsFrom 240 rubles
EnterogerminaBacillus clausii sporesIntolerance to the drug components6 years for capsules
28 days for suspension
From 635 rubles
lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardiiIntolerance to the drug components1 yearFrom 259 rubles
NormobaktAcidophilus bacteria
Intolerance to the drug components0 monthsFrom 412 rubles

Photo gallery of drugs for the treatment of painful sensations in the abdomen in a child caused by dysbiosis

The drug Bifiform baby is used from the first days of life
The drug Liveo Baby is available in a convenient drop form. The drug Rela Life is used from the first days of life. The drug Enterol effectively restores the beneficial intestinal microflora.

Folk remedies

For treatment pathological processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the development of pain in the abdomen in a child, various folk remedies. With the permission of a gastroenterologist, use the following means from the arsenal of traditional medicine:

  1. Burdock. Used as raw material fresh root plants. The raw materials must be crushed and half a liter of boiling water added to it. The infusion process continues for twelve hours. Use the product in the amount of half a glass four times a day.
  2. St. John's wort. Dry raw materials (grass) in the amount of 15 grams are poured into one glass of boiling water and infused for eight hours. Then the infusion must be strained, boiled water Bring the volume to a glass. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
  3. Mumiyo. Two grams of dry raw materials must be crushed and mixed with half a glass boiled water. The resulting product is used 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals. Duration of treatment is 10 days.

Toothache causes a lot of suffering at any age. It is difficult for babies and older children to endure discomfort, especially when acute nature phenomena.

Parents should know how to relieve toothache in children using folk remedies and effective medicines. It is important to understand that preventing tooth pain is easier than treating advanced caries or pulpitis. The material provides answers to the question: “How to relieve toothache in children at home?”


Teeth hurt under the influence of many negative factors: during development dental diseases, penetration of infection into the deep tissues of the periodontium and periodontium. Children often suffer from toothache, especially with frequent consumption of sweets and poor oral hygiene.

Main reasons:

  • advanced caries;
  • periodontitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • chips, cracks on the tooth surface;
  • excessive sensitivity of dental units;
  • exposure of dentin/tooth neck;
  • inflammatory process in the gums;
  • jaw injury/bruise;
  • tooth cyst/granuloma;
  • eruption of milk/permanent units.

Sometimes the problem occurs suddenly, but more often the pain intensifies over a certain period. In the absence of treatment or refusal to visit the dentist, one day such severe pain syndrome that you will have to urgently call " ambulance». Don't start the problem: Not every man can endure toothache, let alone children.

First aid

If you complain of toothache, take your little patient to pediatric dentist. There are situations when it is impossible to immediately go to the dentist: at night, a child has a toothache in kindergarten, when the parents are at work. Sometimes the weather is so bad that it is not advisable to go outside with your baby.

The following actions will help relieve pain:

  • use of folk remedies;
  • taking painkillers, syrups;
  • applying dental gel;
  • acupressure of the notch between the index finger and thumb.

Take note:

  • Are painkillers not helping? Does your child's cheek quickly swell and his temperature rise? An immediate visit to the dentist is required to remove purulent masses from the inflamed area. Surely gumboil is developing (inflammation of the periosteum);
  • if assistance is not provided in a timely manner, pus fills the soft tissues, penetrates into nearby areas, and affects the brain. A condition that threatens the baby’s life develops;
  • timely assistance will prevent serious problems with health, will relieve the young patient from excruciating pain.

Toothache in a child: how to relieve it

How to get rid of toothache at home? Parents should know how to relieve acute pain in a tooth or area inside the gum. Use only proven methods, refuse questionable recipes, Consider the tendency to allergies in a young patient.

Do not use toothache tablets that are not age appropriate. After home activities, contact your pediatric dentist for qualified help as soon as possible.

Folk remedies and recipes

Many recipes have been known for a long time, tested by more than one generation. Simple, available funds They relieve the pain of problematic units quite well.

  • sage decoction. For a glass of boiling water you will need a teaspoon of dry herbs. Steam the leaves, wait half an hour, filter. Children should rinse their mouth every 30-40 minutes 5 times a day. There is no need to swallow the healing liquid;
  • unsalted lard. Ancient way fight against toothache. Cut a small piece and place it on the problem area. Gradually the pain will go away;
  • propolis for tooth pain in children. Useful product relieves discomfort well, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. One limitation is an allergy to bee products. Place a soft piece of propolis on the sore area and hold until the pain subsides;
  • decoction of chamomile and oak bark. The two-component collection not only reduces the pain of dental units, but also reduces gum inflammation. Pour a tablespoon of oak bark and chamomile flowers into a bowl, pour in 500 ml of hot water, and boil. Keep the mixture on low heat for 15 minutes, set aside and let it brew. After half an hour, the composition is ready for use. Let the child rinse his mouth for 10 minutes (of course, spit out the liquid every minute or two);
  • aloe juice for sore teeth and gums. Pick the fleshy leaf, wash it, remove the spines, cut it in half or peel a piece. Apply the pulp to the painful area, change as needed. You can squeeze out the juice, lubricate the problem area, but the pulp helps better;
  • water tincture of thyme herb. The proportions are the same as for preparing a decoction of medicinal sage. Children are allowed to rinse 4 to 6 times a day;
  • soda solution. Simple, effective remedy to relieve pain. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of hot boiled water and wait until the liquid cools slightly. You need to rinse your mouth with a warm solution. Let the child tilt his head to the side where the tooth hurts. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, after an hour - a new approach. Don’t be too overzealous; let the little patient rinse his mouth no more than 4 times a day. Next, use a decoction of chamomile or sage.

Safe drugs

Always keep painkillers approved for use in children in your first aid kit. Does your child have an acute toothache? Give age-appropriate anesthetic.

Painkillers for toothache for children:

  • Paracetamol.
  • Nurofen.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Efferalgan (weak effect).

Many doctors speak positively about the drug Nurofen for relieving toothache in children. pay attention to daily dosage: from 6 to 12 months no more than 2.5 ml of product is allowed, from one year to three years– up to 5 ml. For older children (10–11 years old), give 15 ml of the drug.

Important! Under no circumstances should children be given adult painkillers. Popular potent pills Ketanov perfectly relieves tooth pain in adults, but has many side effects. Use in children causes complications with the liver, kidneys, and negatively affects other organs. It is strictly forbidden to use Aspirin for pain relief if the child is under 12 years of age. Breaking the rules causes negative consequences.

What is prohibited to do

The tips will be useful for parents who don’t know how to relieve tooth pain in their son or daughter. Doctors warn: improper use of home remedies increases inflammation and accelerates the spread of pus to new areas.


  • warming the painful area in any way. Hot rinses are harmful dry heat on the outside of the cheek, applying hot compresses to the problematic unit of the dentition;
  • use of “adult” painkillers;
  • ice on painful tooth. Severe cold worsens the condition of the gums and provokes frostbite of delicate tissues;
  • usage alcohol compresses to alleviate the condition in young children. Strong tinctures, vodka, and alcohol irritate the thin mucous membranes, cause gum burns, and harm the delicate stomach and liver;
  • unverified folk recipes, questionable methods of pain relief, treating gums with concentrated essential oils.

Find out about deviations and the normal size of Mantoux in children at the address.

How to reduce teething pain

Babies often suffer when their first teeth appear. The gums itch, hurt, the baby cries, is capricious, rubs the swollen areas in the mouth. What to do?

Applying a dental gel with a cooling effect will help relieve teething pain. Read the instructions carefully, consider the age of the baby, and observe the interval between uses.

Effective drugs:

  • Kalgel.
  • Cholisal-gel.

When purchasing, look for the inscription “for children” or Baby on the packaging. The drug for babies does not cause excessive salivation, in which the baby runs the risk of choking on a large amount of saliva.

Toothache is a painful phenomenon. Damage to hard and soft tissues in most cases does not occur in one day. Monitor the oral health of children and teach older children to take daily care of their teeth and gums. Remember: Poor dental condition in children often develops due to the fault or neglect of parents.

Prevention measures:

  • thorough cleansing of teeth and gums in the morning and evening;
  • rinsing your mouth with clean water/herbal infusions after each meal;
  • regular visits to the pediatric dentist, timely treatment diseases of teeth and gums. If there are no problems, visit your doctor twice a year;
  • eating foods that are good for dental tissue, taking multivitamin complexes for healthy teeth and gums. Refusal of excess sweets, carbonated drinks, baked goods, chocolate, candies;
  • Give your child fresh and boiled vegetables, fruits, herbs from the garden, cottage cheese every day, dairy products, offer fish twice a week;
  • will help strengthen bone tissue fish fat. For children valuable product recommended in a certain dosage taking into account age;
  • At 3–4 years old, visit a pediatric orthodontist. The doctor will examine the baby’s oral cavity, determine if there are any bite defects, and, if necessary, prescribe an orthodontic device;
  • Examine your children’s teeth and gums yourself every week. At the first signs of caries, inflammation of the gum tissue, stomatitis, candidiasis in the mouth, urgently take your son or daughter to the dentist;
  • Do not brush off your child’s complaints about toothache. Do you think your child is pretending just to avoid going to kindergarten or school? Just in case, take your child to the dentist. The doctor will determine whether treatment is really required or whether the young inventor made it all up.

Always complete the treatment of dental diseases, do not follow the child’s lead. This remark applies more to orthodontic treatment: many children refuse plates and violate the rules of therapy when wearing braces. Bite defects often lead to abrasion of the enamel, accelerate the destruction of dental units, and provoke unpleasant sensations in hard and soft tissues. Remember: problem teeth are a source of discomfort.

Any person at least once during his life faces such a problem as sore teeth and gums. Children often suffer from toothache. The task of parents is to be prepared for such a turn of events, to know methods of relieving pain in dental and gingival tissue. Adults' awareness of first aid measures will help alleviate the child's condition.

Below is a video about the causes and methods of treating toothache in a child:

Every person has experienced toothache and almost everyone knows that sometimes it is simply impossible to endure. What to do if the disease overtakes a child? Obviously, it is best to see a dentist, but sometimes there is no opportunity to do this in the next few hours. Then on help will come parenting experience. Mom needs to understand possible reason symptoms and know how to provide first aid to the patient.

No one is immune from toothache, so every parent should know quick ways pain relief

Causes of toothache in children

Toothache is usually called any pain that radiates to the tooth, but in fact, discomfort is caused by many reasons. There are 4 main categories:

  • gum disease;
  • exposure or inflammation of the nerve;
  • pathology of the root part;
  • enamel lesions.

The last point is the most common cause toothache in children. The fact is that enamel protects tooth tissue from external influence. Microbes that enter the body with food affect the enamel, destroying it. A cavity is formed - caries. On initial stage it rarely causes discomfort, but untimely treatment leads to the fact that the destroyed area increases.

Subsequently destroyed bone, microbes reach the root of the tooth. When it is damaged and the nerve is damaged, the patient experiences severe pain. More is required here serious treatment than filling.

Other reasons for appearance pain symptom relate:

  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • cracks and chips of tooth enamel;
  • exposure of the neck of the tooth;
  • teething (we recommend reading:);
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • pain after filling;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth.

How to relieve a child's suffering?

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Acute pain occurs suddenly or worsens over a long period of time. You can’t do without a visit to the dentist, but any mother needs to know how to relieve pain aching tooth and provide first aid.

Before you start giving your child medications, it is necessary to understand the nature of the symptom. In children 1 and 2 years of age, milk teeth can be cut; in children 5-7 years old, we can talk about teething permanent teeth. Children are also susceptible to inflammation of the mucous membranes and otitis media. With such diseases, the pain radiates to the jaw.

First aid at home

When providing first aid at home, parents need to take into account the age of the child and his individual characteristics.

Inspect first oral cavity baby - perhaps the tooth hurts due to mechanical injury, a stuck piece of food or due to the teething process. If none of the above is identified, then use the following tips:

  1. Let the patient rinse his mouth warm water. If inflammation of the gums is visible, then prepare it for rinsing. brine(for 1 glass of water there is 1 teaspoon of salt).
  2. Eliminate foods from the menu that may aggravate the condition. This includes acute and sour food, too cold, hot or hard foods.
  3. If you are sure that the pain is caused by caries, apply cotton wool with Novocaine to the affected area or give the baby painkillers in accordance with age (we recommend reading:).

The tooth hurts very much

If a tooth hurts badly, you cannot do without painkillers. After rinsing and cleaning your teeth from food particles, find the location of the caries. Apply a cotton swab soaked in a solution of Lidocaine or Novocaine to the affected area. These drugs are sold in finished form in pharmacies. They act very quickly, but their effect is short-lived. It is better not to waste time and consult a doctor while the symptoms are relieving.

The pain appeared at night

Pain at night does not allow you to fully rest, which is why it is so important to relieve the symptom. If your tooth suddenly gets sick, prepare a saline solution and add a few drops of iodine to it. It is necessary for the child to rinse his mouth thoroughly with this mixture. After this, you can apply ¼ Analgin tablet to the sore tooth.

If the child is small and you are not sure that such an analgesic is harmless, use children's painkillers. From the first months of life, Ibuprofen and Paracetamol can be given. It is advisable to see a dentist in the morning. Remember that if night pain is accompanied by fever and fever, you must call an ambulance.

The tooth under the filling hurts

Tooth pain under a filling most often indicates an unsuccessful procedure. Perhaps an infection got into the open area or the doctor did not notice pulpitis, and now the exposed nerve is making itself felt. In any of these cases, you will have to visit the dentist soon. The doctor will check the condition of the tooth under the filling and prescribe treatment. You can alleviate the child’s condition with the help of folk remedies: rinsing with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark, using a saline solution.

Gargling with decoctions effectively relieves toothache. various herbs or saline solution

You can use garlic paste. To do this, mash a few cloves and apply the mixture to the wrist on the side opposite to the toothache. Bandage the paste and leave it for a while.

The baby is cutting a tooth

The first milk teeth appear at 5–7 months. Most often at this time the baby behaves restlessly and is often capricious. The symptoms of teething often resemble the first signs of a cold, so it is important for mom to be able to distinguish between them. The following symptoms indicate that the pain is caused by teething:

  • the gums are red and swollen;
  • there is a white stripe in the place of the potential tooth;
  • the child has profuse salivation;
  • During this period, infants chew on everything because their gums itch;
  • the child's sleep becomes more sensitive;
  • the child reacts painfully to hot food because the gums have become more sensitive.

Optional signs include diarrhea, mucus from the nose, fever, and ear pain. Make it easier unpleasant symptoms special gels. Among them:

  1. Holisal. Has an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation and swelling.
  2. Kalgel. The composition includes lidocaine, which cools the gums and reduces pain. The downside is the short-term action.
  3. Dentinox ointment quickly and effectively relieves pain. Instructions for use do not recommend the drug during breastfeeding.

All gels are best used when absolutely necessary, as lidocaine can cause allergic reactions. Please note that such products must be used several times a day.

Inflammation on the gum near the tooth

When gums become inflamed due to toothache, doctors most often suspect pulpitis. It occurs under a filling or where a tooth is exposed. Other causes are possible, but some of them are rare in children younger age. However, possible factors include:

  • tartar in the subgingival area;
  • flux.

Relieve inflammation by rinsing with herbal decoctions. Use chamomile, oak bark, sage. It is necessary to rinse several times a day.

Remedies effective for toothache

All pain relievers are considered first aid measures, since the cause of toothache cannot be cured at home, and without professional treatment, acute relapses will constantly recur. Medicines are divided according to the method of action and release form: anesthetic ointments and gels, homeopathic remedies, antipyretic and painkillers, folk remedies.


We have already listed gels that alleviate the child’s condition when teething. It is worth noting that there are also homeopathic medicines in this category:

  • Traumeel C ointment relieves pain, relieves inflammation and itching.
  • More wide range Dantinorm Baby drops have actions. The drug is created on the basis of an extract from natural herbs, therefore it is indicated for babies from birth. It has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components. The advantage of the drops is that they not only help relieve pain, but also treat other signs of teething: mucus in the nasopharynx, a slight increase in temperature, upset stool.

If a young child has a toothache and a fever, use an anti-inflammatory drug based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. The substances will lower the temperature, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. Popular medications include Nurofen, Panadol, Ibuprofen, Bofen. They are sold in the form of suspensions, suppositories, tablets (used for children over 6 months).

IN separate category medications are released by dental drops. They act locally, soothing and anesthetizing a specific tooth. Often drops are created on plant based, therefore safe for children. Stomagol, Denta, Dentinox are used. Instructions for use will help you become familiar with age restrictions.


Unlike medical supplies, folk remedies have almost no side effects or contraindications, but when choosing them it is important to base their choice on the age of the child. Not all herbs are suitable for children under 3 years of age, alcohol tinctures children are prohibited. Herbal decoctions are excellent for relieving pain after filling.

To relieve symptoms, use one of the following recipes:

  1. Decoction of lemon balm, chamomile or sage. For 1 glass of boiling water there are tbsp. l. dried flowers. A fresh decoction is made before each rinse, the procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.
  2. At severe inflammation or swelling of the cheek, you can apply cold for a short time. You should be careful not to chill the dental nerve.
  3. Propolis tincture is sold in finished form. Dilute a little product in warm water and rinse the tooth several times a day.
  4. Oak bark will numb the tooth. Prepare the rinse in the same way as other herbs.
  5. Soda solution has an antiseptic effect. To prepare 1 tsp. dissolve soda in 200 ml of water. You can also add 1 tsp. salt.

What not to do?

While waiting to see a doctor, the most important thing is not to make the situation worse. You cannot do the following:

  • warm the sore spot;
  • feed the child spicy, hot, cold, solid foods;
  • Give your baby strong painkillers intended for adults.

Your task is to calm and distract the child. Give him first aid, distract him with educational games or cartoons. Do not create unnecessary emotional stress.

How to prevent the problem?

Acute pain indicates that you did not detect the problem in time. To such emergency situations did not occur, it is necessary to observe preventive measures.

Among them:

  • an already one-year-old baby needs to be taught dental hygiene using a special children’s brush;
  • limit the amount of sweets - they harm not only your teeth, but the entire body;
  • do not buy modern chewing gum and various “toffees” for your children - they include many substances that destroy enamel;
  • limit the amount of seasonings and dyes in children's products;
  • after each meal, give your child plain water, ask older children to rinse their mouth;
  • choose a toothpaste and brush that is appropriate for your age - hard bristles can damage the enamel;
  • Periodically examine your child’s oral cavity and visit the dentist twice a year.

Following preventive measures will help to recognize the carious process in time and begin its treatment. On initial stage the problem will not be difficult. In advanced cases, the child is tormented sharp pain, and the treatment will be long.

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My head hurts, my tooth hurts, my stomach hurts, I hit myself, I don’t know what hurts. Often in a completely inappropriate environment and at the wrong time. When a child is in pain, parents strive to help him, often panicking and not knowing what to do other than dial the emergency number. Grandma's old first aid kit is shaken out, painkillers are given out to the mountain, just to ease the suffering. How to relieve an attack of pain? Which painkiller is best? How to give medicine to a child and when should it not be given at all?

So, educational program. For many diseases important symptom is pain. With ARVI it may be a headache, pain will be in the ear when acute otitis media, a broken knee hurts, the child suffers, screams and cries. Of course, a sick or injured child should be examined by a doctor who will prescribe treatment. But before the doctor arrives, you can give your child pain medication.

It is optimal to have a special children's first aid kit in the house. It may contain analgesics: the most widely used drugs are paracetamol (Panadol, Calpol, etc.); you can give your child ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen, MIG-200); Children over 12 years of age relieve pain with nimesulide (Nimegesic, Nimulid, Nimesil); younger children should not be given them.

As a last resort, if none of these medications are in the house, you can relieve pain with analgin, the dose should be appropriate for your age. It is strictly forbidden to give to children, especially small ones, acetylsalicylic acid(Aspirin, etc.), because this threatens development severe complication– Reye's syndrome (Reye's syndrome). With Reye's syndrome, swelling of the brain occurs, severe liver damage also develops, and even death. By modern ideas Acetylsalicylic acid can only be given to adolescents over 15 years of age.

How to determine which pain reliever is best?

Ibuprofen has proven to be the most effective and safe analgesic for children in several large-scale clinical studies. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, it has both analgesic and antipyretic effects. But it can only be given to children older than six months, separate children's forms - from three months, see the instructions for each specific drug for details. Paracetamol remains a backup drug for children; when using it, it is necessary to carefully monitor the total daily dose and in no case exceed the recommendations specified in the instructions.

This depends on the age of the child. All drugs for children are available in various forms: up to 3-6 months it is more convenient to use an anesthetic medicine in the form rectal suppositories(candles) so as not to injure gastrointestinal tract; for older children you can use liquid forms medicines (suspensions, syrups); Teenage children can take the powder or tablet. Many painkillers are available in tablet and fruit-flavored suspension form.

The dose should always be prescribed by a doctor, because... it is individual and depends strictly on the age and weight of the child. But in emergency cases, when you have to give a painkiller without a doctor’s examination, carefully read the instructions for the medicine and, having determined the dosage in accordance with your age, do not exceed it in any case. Check if you have used ointment at the same time medicinal plaster, syrup with the same active ingredient, so as not to exceed the dosage and not get a serious side effect.

This should not be done if the child complains that his stomach hurts. Painkiller medicine will “lubricate” clinical picture appendicitis, peritonitis, peptic ulcer, and the doctor will not be able to make the correct diagnosis. In case of abdominal pain, examination of the child by a doctor is strictly necessary.

“Any medicines are not safe, but the reasons various pains may be different for a child, says a Saratov pediatrician and pediatric endocrinologist medical center"Endocrine", Ph.D. Nadezhda Raigorodskaya, - the causes of headaches or stomach pain differ from pain due to injury. Painkillers are given only strictly when necessary, as prescribed. After all, if we anesthetize, for example, stomach pain Without knowing its cause, we can greatly harm the child and miss the deterioration of his condition. If we talk about the form in which painkillers are prescribed, then I personally do not like to prescribe syrups and mixtures, since they contain a lot of additional substances, and we can not only complicate the absorption of the active substance into the intestines, but also get side effects, for example, from additional Sahara. A seriously ill body does not perceive the viscous sweet mass well. And if we use pain-relieving suppositories, which necessarily include little coconut, we can get an allergic reaction. So each time we have to make sure that the drug is suitable for a particular child. For children, the route of drug delivery is also important, and the exact dosage is very important. By the way, using the syrups loved by parents, we usually cannot accurately dose the intake of the active substance. The most accurate dosage is the injection form. With the oral route, we cannot control the absorption of the drug, its bioavailability. Powders diluted in water perform well in this sense. I note that it is difficult to perceive combination drugs, although often there is no particular need for them, and in any case it is better to be treated with monotherapy.”

The expert noted that it is important for parents to remember that a number of drugs have been tested in clinical trials only in children of a certain age, and such drugs have age restrictions, say at least 1 year, 6 or 12 years. Adult drugs are often not allowed at all in children (except in exceptional, life-threatening cases). Only from a certain age are NSAID drugs allowed, not to mention Tramal or Keporone - only from 12 years of age. Combinations of drugs with certain foods are still a little-studied area. But, say, cranberry juice is not compatible with a number of drugs, for example, acetylsalicylic acid.

“Much depends on whether we are dealing with a single use or a long course,” says Nadezhda Raigorodskaya, “you cannot give a child painkillers on your own for more than 3 days, the prescription must be checked by a doctor. General provisions such: only a doctor should prescribe medications, and the instructions for the medicine, especially the part that talks about side effects and age restrictions, should be read very carefully.”

If a child's fracture is accompanied by severe pain, then the first thing to do is give painkillers. You need to focus on general state child. In children, fractures are often accompanied by mild pain, like a bruise. A clavicle fracture hardly hurts, and intra-articular fractures do not bother me without movement.

Pain relievers should appear in the medicine cabinet from the moment the child begins to walk. Kids are extremely curious, and no one can avoid injury.

Choice dosage form pain reliever depends on the age of the child. For children under 8 years of age, it is better to give syrups or soluble powders for fractures; older children can easily swallow the tablet.

It is advisable to have rectal suppositories in stock, because the rectal mucosa is well supplied with blood, medications from there enter the general bloodstream at high speed, and the analgesic effect occurs very quickly.

It is better to keep medicines for children in a separate drawer or home medicine cabinet, so that in the hustle and bustle and when the child is crying, they are not confused with adults. The medication packaging can be hand-labeled or a simple label such as “painkillers” or “for fractures” can be attached.

After purchasing the drug, carefully read the instructions, underline important places, calculate the dose based on age and weight. Such simple measures will allow you not to get confused and quickly help your child with fractures at a critical moment.

For fractures, it is best to give medications containing one of the following substances:


– an analgesic of central action, included in the list of vital necessary medications by order of the Government of the Russian Federation. He doesn't have side effects, characteristic of this group of drugs. The World Health Organization recommends the use of paracetamol in children. This drug is recommended for short-term use; it is not suitable for long-term use.

Single dose – up to 15 mg per kilogram of weight, can be given again after 4 hours. Children under 6 years of age with fractures can be given continuously for 3 days, for older children - no more than 5 days.

Commercial names of paracetamol: Adol, Aminadol, Beresh Febrilin, Volpan, Grippostad, Daleron, Calpol, Tylenol, and others.


– a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, included in the WHO list of essential medicines. In addition to pain relief, it increases the body's resistance by enhancing the synthesis of interferon. The effectiveness of ibuprofen is inferior to paracetamol; according to WHO recommendations, it is the second choice drug for pain and fever. The medicine should be given strictly after meals so as not to irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Ibuprofen should not be given to children if they have digestive problems.

The daily dose for fractures is no more than 10 mg per kilogram of weight, divided into 3-4 doses. For a drug in the form of a suspension, a single dose is 1 dosage spoon, for drops – 2 full pipettes.

Trade names of the substance: MIG-200, Ibufen, Bolinet and others.


  • Read also:

Nimesulide is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that blocks pain, swelling and inflammation, slows down and reduces the conduction of pain impulses in spinal cord. Protects against fracture cartilage tissue from destruction, inhibits the formation of toxins at the site of inflammation. It has virtually no side effects, which is why we love it among pediatricians. You can only give syrup or suspension. Do not give if you have digestive disorders or diseases.

Give strictly after meals, maximum daily dose– 3 mg per 1 kilogram of weight. Less is possible, more is not. The entire dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. The instructions indicate how many milligrams 1 ml of suspension contains, and this is what you need to proceed from. In practice, the daily dose is often exceeded, but side effects don't develop anyway.

Trade names: Nice, Nimesil and others.


In the most extreme case, for fractures, you can give analgin, but in no case should you give aspirin.

Analgin or metamizole sodium is prohibited in some countries, but now these bans are being prepared for revision; the risk of complications turned out to be exaggerated. The action of analgin develops only after 20 minutes, which is a long time for a fracture. Analgin should not be given to children with diseases of the kidneys and hematopoietic system.

The daily dose is no more than 10 mg per 1 kg of weight, the entire dose is divided into 3-4 doses, it is best to use suppositories.

If the skin over the fracture is not damaged, you can briefly apply a moistened cold water tissue to reduce pain. You should definitely contact a traumatologist, even if the child feels well after pain relief. The relief may be temporary. It is optimal to give painkillers only once - in order to safely get to the hospital or emergency room. All further appointments must be made by a doctor.

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When choosing a medicine, you need to take into account the child’s character and preferences. There are many suspensions available in strawberry, orange or other flavors - choose what your child likes. You need to be sure that in a difficult situation you won’t have to persuade someone to drink something tasteless.

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