Chinese patch for hypertension. Instructions for the use of a therapeutic patch for hypertension and its effectiveness

The hypertension patch is an innovative way to get rid of the problem of high blood pressure.

According to market research in 2014, this patch was the best-selling alternative treatment for hypertension. And such an indicator is the best evidence that an unconventional method of treatment works.

What is this patch that treats hypertension? What is it made of? How does it work? Who can apply this method of treatment, and who - no? All these questions, and more, we will answer for you in this article.

About the components of the remedy

Plasters that allow you to get rid of pressure problems are made in China. Do not be confused by the fact that the product is Chinese, because it was developed on the basis of ancient recipes of Tibetan sages. This product consists exclusively of natural ingredients that are modified to the state of nanoparticles. This allows the active active ingredients to penetrate the skin.

That is why they say that these patches are transdermal (from the Greek "trans" - through and "derma" - skin). That is, they do not themselves penetrate the skin, but ensure the penetration of drugs through the skin.

Hypertension patches contain the following active ingredients in the form of nanoparticles:

  • gastrodia root;
  • eucommia bark;
  • pepper mountaineer;
  • sage root;
  • mistletoe.

Surely not all of the names that were named above turned out to be familiar to you.

That is why the patch is Chinese, because we simply do not have such plants, and they are well known to the Chinese.

We will tell you about what is valuable in each of these components.

These Chinese plasters are unique, they have no analogues in the world, and they really work! Numerous positive reviews of patients who once suffered from hypertension are the best confirmation of this.

If you decide to purchase such a patch, then you are probably interested in the question of price. The product is sold in packs of 10, 20, 30 and 40 pieces. The price for 1 piece varies, depending on which package you will buy.

Of course, buying a package of 40 pieces is more profitable than buying 10. The cost of 1 package for 10 pieces is on average 1,600 rubles, and for 40 - 5,000 rubles.

But before ordering a patch for hypertension, we advise you to read this article to the end, and pay attention to several important points, which will be discussed below.

Overall effect on the human body

Thus, we have already figured out the composition of the product and we know that it is based on a mixture of plant extracts, presented in the form of nanoparticles. These particles easily penetrate the skin and enter the systemic circulation. With the blood flow, they are carried to all organs of our body and affect those of them that are affected by some pathological process.

Manufacturers claim that the Chinese patch is capable of:

Each of the above items is valuable for those who suffer from hypertension. High blood pressure is the main cause of headaches, insomnia, general weakness and so on. With the normalization of pressure, good health is restored, and painful symptoms disappear.

In addition, the patch for hypertension has a pronounced tonic ability, which provides a good tonic effect.

Pros and cons

Like any other treatment method, band-aid treatment has its pros and cons. Let's take a look at them.

Now you are familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of the method. And it's up to you to decide whether to use a patch for hypertension or continue taking the pills. We draw your attention to the fact that the only contraindication to the use of this method of treatment is individual intolerance to plant components (that is, allergies).

How to use this patch?

First you need to clean the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the patch will be fixed. The manufacturer recommends gluing it to the skin of the umbilical region, since it is richly supplied with blood. Such an arrangement will ensure the fastest possible entry of healing substances into the systemic circulation and, therefore, the fastest possible effect of their effects.

Next, you need to stick a patch for hypertension. Numerous user reviews indicate that after fixing it on the skin, the effect appears within 20 minutes. This figure is impressive! Having pasted the patch once, you need to walk with it for 2-3 days. To achieve the desired effect, it should not be removed, you can even swim and sleep with it.

When you decide to remove the patch (on the 2nd or 3rd day), you can remove it. The effect of 1 instance is enough for 72 hours. Take a break of 5-6 hours (no more!) and fix the next patch on the skin of the umbilical region. The manufacturer claims that to get rid of the problem of hypertension, you need to take a minimum course (7 patches). That is, to cure the disease you need only 21 days! User reviews confirm this figure.

If you are concerned about the possible side effects of this treatment method, then we will answer you, again, referring to the data from the manufacturer. This method of treatment can give side effects in one single case - in the presence of an allergy to plant components.

What do patients who have already tried this method say?

Zinaida, 51 years old: “I pasted the first patch for hypertension exactly 21 days ago. I can’t say that I was completely confident in the effectiveness of such treatment, but I decided to try it. After all, problems with pressure bothered me for a long time, but the pills did not help. Today, I can confidently recommend this method to others. Having measured my pressure on the 21st day, I saw the desired numbers on the tonometer - 120/80! Now I will advise this miracle cure to all my friends who suffer from pressure.

Veronica, 33 years old:“The fact that there are patches for hypertension, I learned relatively recently. At first, this method of treatment did not inspire confidence in me, but a friend persuaded me to try the patch treatment with her. And it's been a month since the two of us got rid of hypertension! Our blood pressure is stable, it stays at 120/80 and this makes us very happy.”

Kirill, 42 years old: “For 5 years now, I have been suffering from hypertension. Doctors say that the pills should be taken for life, but this prospect does not please me at all. I decided to try the patch for hypertension, which has been talked about so much lately. When I wore the first two patches, everything was fine. The pressure decreased slightly, the state of health was normal. But when I stuck the third one, I felt sick all day. I had to remove this patch and stop using it. It is a pity that the method did not suit me, I was hoping for more.

Vasily, 58 years old: “It was very scary to stop drinking pills and rely on some patch. But the children persuaded. They said that this is a new method of treatment that helps many, and really reduces pressure. I want to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Already half an hour after I stuck the first patch, the pressure dropped. I thought that maybe some of the drugs are still working in my body. But with each subsequent patch, my health improves. I look forward to 21 days when I can evaluate the results of the course of treatment.

Vitalina, 36 years old: “When I glued my first patch for hypertension, I didn’t expect much effect. But the method works! I have already completed 2 courses of such treatment and I want to say that these courses had a positive effect not only on my pressure. Headaches have gone, sleep has returned to normal, and in general I began to feel much more cheerful and energetic. I refused to take pills completely, and now I see no reason to take them.

In contact with

Hypertension (arterial hypertension) is a disease in which there is a sustained high blood pressure from 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Signs of this disease may be present in women and men, but arterial hypertension is much more common in the stronger sex.

If earlier hypertension occurred mainly in people over 50 years old, then in recent years the disease is getting younger. In the case when blood pressure is regularly outside the normal range, a fatal pathology of the cardiovascular system can develop. Characteristic jumps are dangerous to health, and in the absence of timely therapy, this can result in a hypertensive crisis or a heart attack. According to statistics, hypertension occurs in every 10th adult.

Now more and more people suffering from hypertension are choosing transdermal hypertension patches. This patch is very simple and easy to use, does not restrict movement and is not noticeable under clothing. The hypertension patch combines ancient recipes of Tibetan folk medicine and modern technology. The transdermal effect of the drug is that through the skin, the medicinal components, crushed to the state of nanoparticles, penetrate into the blood. The use of the patch provides a constant flow of active substances into the blood, reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract. One patch is enough for three days, the patient does not have to worry about forgetting to take the medicine. The constant intake of active substances into the body occurs constantly, in therapeutic doses, which significantly reduces the risk of a hypertensive crisis. Within three weeks, the hypertension patch was tested, the following results were obtained: about 90% of the subjects experienced a significant improvement in well-being; 60% completely stopped jumps in blood pressure (blood pressure); in the later stages of the development of hypertension, there was a significant positive trend.

Indications for use

  • Headaches of various etiologies
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • dizziness
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat)
  • Arrhythmia and other heart rate disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Pain in the cervical spine.
  • Nervous tension.

How does the Chinese patch for hypertension work?

The active ingredients penetrate the skin into the blood throughout the entire period of wearing the patch, due to which there is a constant therapeutic effect:

  1. Stabilizes blood pressure.
  2. Strengthens and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  3. The work of the heart muscle is stabilized.
  4. Improvements in heart rate.
  5. Improves cerebral circulation.
  6. The work of the cardiovascular system is normalized.
  7. Pass the feeling of anxiety.
  8. Reduces headaches and dizziness.
  9. The quality of sleep is greatly improved.
  10. Increases overall well-being.
  11. Increases immunity.


  • The effect of the patch begins in the first hour of application. The drug is certified by Russian and international GMP standards.
  • Thoroughly wash and dry the area near the navel where the patch will be applied.
  • Open the package along the cut line.
  • Remove the protective film from the patch and stick it on the navel area. The effect of one patch lasts 3 days.
  • After 3 days of use, remove the patch and wash the area thoroughly.

The next patch can be used 6-8 hours after the end of the previous patch. The course of treatment is 21 days or 7 patches. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Do not use if you are allergic to any component of the patch. In the presence of irritation, rash or other manifestations of allergic reactions, the use of the patch should be discontinued immediately. Do not use for pregnant and lactating women and persons under 18 years of age.


The composition of antihypertensive patches, according to the official instructions for use, includes extracts of the following plants:

  • pepper mountaineer;
  • gastrodia root;
  • sage root;
  • eucommia bark;
  • mistletoe.

Highlander pepper. As a medicinal plant, the mountaineer was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who used it as a wound healing agent. Its extract increases the elasticity of the vascular walls, which has a positive effect on the intensity of systemic blood flow, and the heart rhythm normalizes. Improving the quality of blood flow, cerebral circulation, increased efficiency, increased fatigue, significantly reduced attacks of migraines and dizziness.

Purified gastrodia root (Nanai ginseng). In Chinese medicine, it is one of the most valuable medicinal plants, used for over 1000 years. It is used as a general tonic for nervous diseases, to improve the mental state, with exhaustion of the nervous system, as a tonic that restores vigor and promotes recovery, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, to improve blood flow in the coronary arteries, has a tonic effect and normalizes blood circulation throughout body, stabilizes the cardiovascular system.

Sage root. Strengthens the immune system, increases the energy reserves of the body, helps with depression, participates in the regulation of nervous processes (insomnia, stress). Sage root helps to relieve tension and improve the overall well-being of the patient.

Eucommia Vyazolistny bark It has a hypotensive, tonic and mild diuretic effect. It normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys, has a positive effect on the central nervous system. These properties are explained by the presence of aucubin and chlorogenic acid in the composition of the plant. Chlorogenic acid normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and aucubin improves the condition and permeability of blood vessels, which positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole, improves the process of oxygen enrichment of tissues and cells of the whole organism.

Mistletoe. It was used in healing even in ancient Greece and was even considered a panacea for many ailments! At that time, cutting the mistletoe was a ritual. The Greeks cut the mistletoe with a special golden sickle. The shoots of this plant are used to treat dizziness and various inflammations. Mistletoe is used as a hemostatic, sedative, analgesic.

you can buy patch for hypertension in our online store. Sending orders is carried out throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and the country of the customs union. We try to offer our customers the best price while maintaining the high quality of the products offered for more than 9 years.


A modern person often experiences sudden changes in pressure, because the way of life is often not what we would like. In most cases, the pressure rises and doctors diagnose hypertension.

In this case, scientists have come up with many different means, but recently the latest development has seen the light of day, which saves a person from this ailment. This is a transdermal patch for hypertension.

You should also understand that with symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, insomnia, sudden nosebleeds, you urgently need to see a doctor. After the examination, he will prescribe an effective treatment.

If you have been diagnosed with hypertension, then start treatment as early as possible, this is the key to a positive result of therapy. In this case, a Chinese patch can come to the rescue.

What pressure is considered normal

There are a lot of blood vessels in the human body. Their size is not the same, but despite this, they are always filled with blood. Blood vessels can be called the "highway" through which blood is sent to every cell in our body. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to our organs.

If a person is healthy, his blood pressure does not exceed 120/80 mm. However, it should be understood that a person is not a robot that can work continuously without interruption. Our body is constantly undergoing some kind of changes, because of them there are pressure surges.

However, this condition must be taken under control, because such changes in the body may indicate a pathology developing in it. In the case when the pressure indicators increase frequently and exceed 140/90 mm, it is necessary to contact the clinic for an examination so that the cause of these changes can be established. If this happens, it may indicate the development of hypertension.

Each person must understand that high blood pressure is dangerous to health and life, and the higher it is, the more serious the patient's situation. If you do not start to reduce it in time, a person may die.

If the treatment was carried out incorrectly or it did not help the patient, then he may experience complications such as atherosclerosis, vision loss, stroke, and heart failure.

However, we are arranged in such a way that when any ailment appears, we try to recover on our own and do not resort to the help of an experienced medical specialist. At this time, the disease progresses. In addition, if you just take a pill to lower the pressure, it will only relieve the symptom, and will not eliminate the problem of the pathology itself.

Important. Any self-treatment can cause a person even greater problems than the disease itself.

The Chinese transdermal patch, for lowering pressure, has a completely different effect on the body, not the same as pills. After all, they are able to eliminate the symptoms, and that’s all, and he also identifies and eliminates the cause due to which it has increased.

This tool has been clinically tested, so you do not need to worry about its action and possible consequences.

How the patch works

The first thing to note in the action of this patch is that almost immediately it begins to reduce pressure. This happens about twenty minutes after gluing. Arterial pressure falls, stabilizes and keeps normal.

Many patients wonder why the patch works and some medicines don't.

This happens because the pressure patch is made in China, where nanotechnologies and the latest developments in the field of medicine are used. All drugs that are used to make the patch are very much crushed. Their size becomes microscopic. Therefore, the active substance is quickly absorbed through the human skin and spreads throughout the body with the help of the bloodstream. The greatest effect can be expected if you stick it in the navel. Because in this place there is a large accumulation of blood vessels that will help the active substance to spread throughout the body.

The application of the patch is much easier than the tablets, because the patch is pasted and forgotten, but it works. But the pills should be taken daily and do not forget about them.

The main feature that unites all Chinese patches and distinguishes them from tablets is that they act on the body through the skin, and not through the mucous membrane. From this we can conclude that such use of drugs is effective and safe.

In the process of wearing a patch, it will not only help reduce pressure, but also:

  • It will relieve general fatigue and bring the body into tone.
  • Restore blood circulation.
  • It will improve the "supply" of oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
  • Stabilizes the nervous system.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Restore the work of the heart.
  • It will tone the blood vessels.
  • Normalizes the patient's sleep.

But if a person has dizziness, this indicates the neglect of the disease, which should be treated in a different way.

All the advantages of the "miraculous" patch

This remedy, which will help reduce pressure, does not pose any danger to human health. But tablets do not have this advantage. Because their action begins in the digestive tract, and this negatively affects the mucous membrane.

The patch bypasses it and acts directly through the skin. It is not addictive and does not adversely affect the liver and kidneys.

The main positive properties of the patch are as follows:

  • Convenient to use.
  • It acts directly on the cause of the disease, and not on the manifested symptom, as tablets do.
  • During the manufacture of the patch, manufacturers comply with all the rules, regulations and requirements that are required by the state.
  • Production takes place on the basis of innovative knowledge in the field of medicine, in parallel with the folk recipes of ancient Tibet and China.
  • All components of the drug are natural, so they practically do not cause side effects.
  • You can use the patch while in the hospital or at home.

One patch should be worn for no more than three days.

Components of the patch

It is believed that Chinese medicine is the most effective in the world, and its knowledge is rooted deep in antiquity. Any Chinese healer knows how to properly lower blood pressure with the help of medicinal plants.

The patch has a medicinal property, because it contains only medicinal plants.

An example composition looks like this:

There are no secrets in its application. Any patient can stick it, but before that, you should carefully read the annotation for use.

The first and most important thing is that it should only be applied externally. If a person's blood pressure is high, he has pain in the head. However, this does not mean that the plaster should be applied to the head.

It is best to do this in the navel, because in this place most of the blood vessels are collected. All medicinal substances that are absorbed into the skin enter the bloodstream, and it already carries them throughout the body.

Then, you need to follow the instructions:

  • Before sticking the patch, you should prepare the skin in the area where it will be glued. Preparation consists in washing the skin, then it should be well wiped.
  • Then remove the protective layer from the patch from the side where it is glued.
  • Attach it to the chosen place on the body and press well. After about fifteen minutes, it will begin to act, you will definitely feel it. It should not be removed for three days.
  • After three days, the patch is peeled off, and the skin is washed with water.
  • Glue a new patch in the same place no earlier than after seven hours.

Important. Not everyone can use this tool, so you should consult a doctor before using it.

Contraindications for use look like this:

  • Individual intolerance to the individual components of the remedy.
  • People with thrombophlebitis.
  • The period of bearing a baby.
  • Diseases of the urogenital area.

It is also strictly forbidden to glue the patch if there are diseases of the skin. Or there is damage to its integrity, for example, wounds.

During the period of therapy with such a patch, the patient should adhere to the diet prescribed to him and limit salt intake.

Such plasters are unique and they have no analogues in the whole world. In addition, after reading numerous reviews, we can conclude that they really help to reduce high blood pressure.

They produce it in packs of 10, 20, 30, 40 pieces, the cost will of course depend on the quantity, so it’s better to buy 40 pieces, so it’s cheaper.

High blood pressure requires constant monitoring. If no measures are taken, the blood vessels suffer and undergo pathological changes. A variety of factors affect the loss of elasticity and deterioration of blood flow: overweight, frequent stress and emotional instability, nutritional errors, diseases of internal organs.

To support health, combat hypertension, and prevent serious disorders, the pharmaceutical industry suggests looking into transdermal pressure patches. Such funds do not have serious contraindications, they operate in a fundamentally new way, 24 hours a day.

How the patch works

Transdermal patches implement the main idea of ​​Chinese medicine - the impact on diseased organs and the normalization of body functions with the help of plant extracts. The effectiveness of the products increases many times over in comparison with traditional dosage forms, due to the long-term effect on the skin area.

For example, the taken pill starts to "work" in about an hour, showing a positive effect no more than 2-4 hours. The nano-patch begins to release active ingredients immediately after application, and lasts up to 3 days.

What is a transdermal patch for hypertension? These are modern dosage forms designed to deliver active substances to the body, bypassing the usual form of drug administration. In the possibilities of transdermal therapy - a constant concentration of active ingredients entering the blood.

Substances isolated from plant materials are reduced to the size of nano particles for fast and deep penetration. This explains the fact that the patch begins to act almost immediately after sticking. The effect of the application can be described as fast, long-lasting, without negative reactions.

The patch itself consists of a base and a concentrated drug layer applied to an adhesive surface, which is usually silicone. Pasted on an area with a close location of blood vessels, the patch ensures the flow of active components into the blood.

And those, in turn, normalize blood circulation, relieve spasms, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, help eliminate toxins and dissolve cholesterol plaques. The pressure is normalized and maintained within healthy limits for the entire period while the patch is pasted.

Chinese patch for hypertension: composition

The patch is impregnated with extractive substances isolated from plants and reduced to the size of nano particles for better penetration through the skin. As vegetable raw materials used:

  • Gastrodia. The rhizome is widely used in Chinese folk medicine for the treatment of nervous diseases, dizziness, epilepsy, and frequent headaches. The extract normalizes the state of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, tones muscles, gives strength;
  • Highlander pepper. Herbaceous perennial common in the temperate climate zone. Contains a lot of essential oils, organic acids, vitamins, microelements, tannins. It improves blood composition, normalizes blood pressure, tones and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and has antibacterial activity. Along the way, it has an analgesic effect on the body;

  • Eucommia. In nature, it lives only in China. Contains a large amount of organic acids and glycosides. The bark of this elmous plant has healing properties. The extract has a stable hypotensive effect, it is especially effective at the initial stage of hypertension. It has a positive effect on the work of the kidneys, liver, has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • Mistletoe. The evergreen shrub is a source of many biologically active substances. Leaf extract is used as a drug against dizziness, hysteria. It has a vasodilating effect, normalizes the condition in angina pectoris. Normalizes high blood pressure, soothes headaches, improves emotional state. It is also useful for rheumatism, asthma, heart disease;

  • Sage. A perennial with a powerful root is a common medicinal plant. The raw material is the root itself, leaves and flowering tops. Contains essential oils, fatty oils, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, mineral components. Sage improves the condition of blood vessels, helps lower blood pressure due to its diuretic effect, and strengthens the nervous system. Useful in inflammatory diseases. Recommended for women during menopause.

All natural components of the Chinese pressure patch act in several directions and have a complex healing effect on the body.

How to apply

Chinese patches for hypertension are recommended to stick to the place where the maximum number of blood vessels is concentrated: near the navel. Thus, the substances that make up the medicinal basis of the patch immediately enter the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body.

The place of application of the patch must be degreased (rinsed with water) and wiped dry. The patch is removed from the package, removed from the protective sticker and firmly applied to the surface of the skin. Validity - from 1 to 3 days (indicated in the annotation to a specific patch). The sticker is firmly attached to the skin, is not afraid of getting wet, does not lose its properties until it is removed.

Plant-based products give a lasting effect only if used for a long time. Therefore, the course application of patches is 21 days (3 weeks). When changing from one patch to another, you need to take a break for several hours.

Positive properties of patches

Transdermal patches can be used at all stages of hypertension, with irregular high blood pressure, anxiety and stress, headaches. And also with diagnosed vegetovascular dystonia, edema, tachycardia, fatigue. The patch is also suitable as a prophylactic.

The patches use the most modern technology for drug delivery to the human body. Bypassing the digestive tract, the active substances immediately enter the bloodstream. Overdose in this case is impossible, since the components are absorbed evenly and in small doses.

The pressure begins to slowly fall a few minutes after the patch is applied to the body, and the effect lasts for 3 days. All this time, blood pressure is kept within optimal limits. Additionally, there is a positive effect on internal organs and systems. Natural ingredients do not affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver. The development of dependence on the drug is excluded.

Every year there are more and more lovers of non-traditional therapy. This has been proven through marketing research and at the same time, the increased interest in patches speaks of their effective action. Pressure patches can be called an innovation in transdermal therapy, and today we will find out the opinion of hypertensive patients about patches, as well as read doctors' reviews and figure out where to stick patches to lower high blood pressure.

The effective composition of Chinese patches

There is no need to worry about the fact that the patch is made in China. After all, the recipe contains only natural ingredients that have undergone various modifications. The positive effect of the use of applications is achieved due to the contact of the active substances with the skin, and their subsequent absorption. The active components are:

  1. Mistletoe - dilates blood vessels and, to some extent, anesthetizes.
  2. Eucommia (bark) - is able to reduce pressure, has a general strengthening effect for the body.
  3. Sage (root) - normalizes sleep, has a sedative, calming effect.
  4. Gastrodia (root) - has the property of reducing migraine headaches, improving blood flow. With its help, a person becomes vigorous, and his working capacity increases.
  5. Highlander pepper - improves the performance of the heart, has a tonic effect.

Anyone can buy, as the cost varies from the number of patches in one package. You can choose adhesive plasters of 10, 20, 30 and 40 pieces in one package.

Important! It is much more profitable to buy large packages, but if you are taking the remedy for the first time and are not sure of its effect, then start with the smallest amount.

The effect of pressure patches

Due to the fact that the patch enters the body through the skin, and not the gastrointestinal tract, hypertensive patients suffering from gastric diseases can be calm. Manufacturers confidently declare that their products are capable of:

  • Restore blood pressure.
  • Bring your heart rate back to normal.
  • By improving blood flow, increase flow to the brain.
  • Fight headaches.
  • Improve and.

All of the above properties are especially important for those people who suffer from high blood pressure. After all, a violation of sleep and performance, a deterioration in the general condition and mood, occurs precisely because of pressure surges. As Dr. A. Myasnikov says: “There are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of hypertension, and most often it affects people over the age of 30 years. There are a lot of ways to deal with high blood pressure, and folk ones in some cases are no worse than medication and, at times, too expensive treatment.

Hypertension patch: instructions for use

The most effective remedy among all kinds of patches can be called. It does not affect the work of the digestive tract and is not addictive. The most important thing in the process of use is the place where the applications should be glued. In the case of this patch, the area to be applied is the navel. Treatment should be started immediately after you notice an increase in your pressure - on average, you will understand the effect of the remedy in 20 minutes, when the indicators begin to recover. The instruction describes in detail how to stick a high pressure band-aid:

  • The place of gluing should be washed with warm water, after which it is dried with a napkin or towel.
  • The application is removed from its packaging and separated from the protective film.
  • Now you should stick the patch on the skin and wait until the pressure decreases.
  • One application can be used for two to three days.
  • Between gluing the next adhesive plaster, it is necessary to maintain a pause of 5-7 hours.
  • If you have a single case, and not hypertension, then it is enough to apply one application. The usual course lasts at least 7 patches, each of which is valid for up to three days.

Before using, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications that the patch for high blood pressure also has. To begin with, it is not recommended to use it for women in position - in some cases, treatment is possible after consulting a doctor.

If you are allergic to at least one component of the above composition, discard the remedy in favor of another. A decrease in pressure in patients suffering from hypertension will be noticeable only if an additional diet is observed, while it is necessary to limit the intake of spicy or salty foods.

The opinion of people and specialists

Of course, people's opinions about any drug can diverge. Someone thinks that it's just a good opportunity to make money on people. However, more reviews are associated only with the positive and good effect of transdermal therapy.

Important! A certain percentage of people have found relief in pressure patches, since the latter do not need to be swallowed, chewed, or injected.

Physicians who actively monitor their patient's health may also suggest trying Chinese medicine. It does not bring harm - but its effectiveness is noticed more than in 90% of cases. The only thing to remember is that if, after fixing the product, your condition worsens or burning and itching begin in the area of ​​gluing, then the application should be removed immediately.

The price of Chinese pressure patches

The Meitan manufacturer also won special trust among buyers. In a series of adhesive plasters, you can find remedies not only for controlling pressure, but also for prostatitis, or for severe pain. Meitan is certified and sold in many pharmacies in the country. Meitan adhesive plasters can also be purchased online and delivered to your home. At the same time, you should beware of too low a cost. About 35 species of herbs and plants are used in the production of adhesive plasters, many of which are not found in our region. It is thanks to this that the funds become so popular and unique in their kind. Adhesive plasters to normalize pressure not only reduce performance, but also normalize sleep, and also remove dizziness. In addition to the main action, Meitan is, that is, it removes toxins and toxins from the body, and also relieves puffiness. These patches are glued to the foot, which must be degreased beforehand. In one package you will find two patches of 7.5 gr. active substance. If you want to use the remedy as a prophylaxis, it is recommended to maintain a ten-day course twice a year.

You can buy transdermal therapy products at a pharmacy or in any region by ordering home delivery:

If you decide to order a patch at a discount via the Internet, then ask the seller for a quality certificate - this will be a guarantee that you will receive original products.