What technique does the massage procedure begin with? Rules and techniques for classical massage

Sports are an integral part of the lives of many people. Gymnastics, swimming, running, fitness, strength and playing sports - this list can be continued endlessly: everyone is looking for a favorite activity to their liking and according to their capabilities. The only important thing is that proper physical activity can bring enormous benefits to the body, get rid of some diseases, tighten the body and improve overall health.

Sports massage is an essential component of any workout.

Sports massage: description and main types

This term means special kind effects on the muscles, joints, bones and skin of a person who intensively and regularly engages in sports.

Sports massage does not treat any diseases and does not relieve pain! Prepare the body for heavy physical activity, relieve spasms, give vigor and strength - these are the main goals of this useful procedure.

As a result of this procedure, the athlete’s blood circulation improves, the cells are more quickly supplied with oxygen, metabolism accelerates, the load on the joints and excess tension is removed, the muscles stretch and tone up faster, endurance and overall performance increase. Those who are aimed at the highest results do not neglect this technique.

You can sign up for a session with a professional specialist or learn this type of massage at home. Self-massage is also often practiced.

During a session, a single area or the entire body (private and general) can be massaged.

It is divided into the following types.

  • Preliminary.

This massage is done before training or competing. The goal is to warm up and prepare the body for heavy loads. It is done both on dry skin and using strong ointments, creams and gels. Additional funds can greatly enhance the effect of actions.

Warm-up massage usually lasts from 5 to 20-30 minutes. As a rule, the movements are energetic and strong. It can be used both in conjunction with a warm-up and without it.

Equipment includes.

  • Rubbing. Using your fingers, the edge or the base of your palm, massage the skin in different directions. Please pay attention Special attention joints.
  • Squeezes. This technique is similar to stroking, however, stronger pressure is applied, the skin is, as it were, squeezed under the hands.
  • Kneading. They should take time most procedures. At this stage, the muscles are well worked out: stretched, abducted and pressed.

In no case are sore muscles worked out! Wait full recovery, only then have a massage session!

Warming massage is used during a break between approaches, races or swims. The goal is to prevent the body from cooling down. This happens if the competition is held outdoors or there is a fairly long break. The procedure does not last long - 3-10 minutes is enough to warm up the muscles and increase blood circulation. The movements are the same as during a warm-up massage, however, they are performed even more energetically and intensely.

Massaging begins from the back, then moves to the limbs. This massage is carried out immediately before the performance. It is recommended to do it lying down, but if this is not possible, then do it in a sitting or standing position. Often, to maintain body temperature before the start, the athlete is covered with a blanket or blanket.

A toning massage is also done before the start. The goal is to calm, relieve tension, irritability, anxiety and excessive excitement. The procedure is a kind of support for the athlete, so that he is confident in his abilities, tuned in to victory and shows good result. In addition to standard movements, light shaking is performed, large areas of the body, for example, the back and legs, are massaged more thoroughly.

If, on the contrary, the athlete has pre-race apathy, then he should be invigorated with a tonic massage. Use strong and fast movements, starting from the back and ending with the legs. In addition to standard stroking, rubbing and kneading, shaking and tapping are used. This helps to “awaken” the nervous system, resulting in a surge of strength.

  • Training.

It is an important component of the training process. This massage increases endurance, significantly improves results and performance, and helps relieve symptoms of fatigue and overwork. As a rule, it is done a few hours after training.

The results of this procedure depend on the goals of the athlete: for example, range of motion is very important for a swimmer, while stretching is a priority for a gymnast.

Duration ranges from half an hour to an hour. Movements and intensity are selected depending on the type of sport the person is involved in. More emphasis is placed on those parts of the body that are subject to more intense stress. Athletes' legs are especially thoroughly massaged; swimmers' shoulders, back and arms are massaged.

If the person being massaged falls asleep during the session, you should not wake him up. During sleep, recovery processes occur in the body.

Training massage can be general (whole body) or private (a specific area). These varieties can be alternated with each other.

  • Restorative (rehabilitation).

Used after heavy physical exertion, competitions and training, to quickly restore the body. This helps to avoid various types of injuries, relieve unnecessary tension in the muscles, increase results and endurance, and prepare for subsequent ones. It can be done after training or competition. However, you should wait until your pulse and breathing return to normal!

Tapping and blows are not used with this type of massage.

If the procedure takes place during breaks between competitions, then its duration is 5-10 minutes, if during the rest period - up to 60 minutes.

The areas that receive the most stress are massaged for the longest time. It is useful to combine restorative massage sessions with a hot shower or sauna.

Sports massage is also very useful in rehabilitation after injuries received during exercise. This procedure should be carried out by a specialist. It will help the body quickly cope with negative consequences and restore the former elasticity of the muscles. Essentially, the massage technique remains the same. The massage therapist selects and combines techniques depending on the nature of the injury. Special ointments and medicinal creams are also used to help relieve pain faster.

The session is not scheduled immediately, but several days after the injury, in order to prevent stronger tissue rupture and worsening of the condition. Can be performed several times a day, duration is up to 10-15 minutes. If the person being massaged experiences severe pain, then sessions should be stopped until an accurate diagnosis is made and the reasons for this reaction are clarified.

Features of sports massage

Let's look at the technique step by step.

To properly perform a sports massage and bring only benefits to the body, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Movements are carried out along the flow of lymph and blood. Feet are massaged only from bottom to top!
  2. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible.
  3. It is not recommended to massage the areas under the knees and inner side thighs, as they are close to the lymph nodes.
  4. There shouldn't be much pain!
  5. The person being massaged should be comfortable. Make sure the room temperature is comfortable.
  6. More attention is always paid to the part of the body that bears the most stress.
  7. Can be used after every workout.
  8. The session begins with the largest areas of the body (back), then moves on to smaller ones.
  9. After the massage, the athlete should rest for several hours, you can even sleep - this will restore as much energy as possible.

The procedure is usually carried out by a professional, however, self-massage is also possible, but it is not as effective, since it is very difficult to work out all the muscles and zones on your own.

As with any other massage, during a sports massage you can use various essential oils during the session. Thanks to active actions vitamins will penetrate deep into the tissues and bring even more benefits. For massage, neutral base oils are usually used (peach, apricot, olive, grape seed, avocado, jojoba, coconut, almond), to which other ingredients are added. For example, lemon balm, rosemary and lavender have a calming effect. Orange, grapefruit, basil, pine and fir invigorate and lift the mood. A pleasant smell will transform useful procedure in a pleasant and relaxing way.

The benefits of sports massage

With regular sessions, you will experience the following positive results:

Sports massage: technique and rules of execution

The main techniques used in sports massage include:

  • Stroking.

Any session usually begins with it: the body warms up, prepares for further procedures, the effect of light scrubbing occurs, that is, exfoliation of dead skin particles, and the flow of blood to the tissues increases. Stroking is performed with both one and two hands, using the entire surface of the palm. The intensity and frequency of exposure vary depending on the purpose of the procedure, which gives a good warming effect.

  • Squeezes.

This technique is similar to the previous one, but is performed more intensively - with more pressure on the affected area. The body receives a boost of energy and a surge of vigor. This involves not only the superficial layers of the skin, but also deeper tissues. You can perform the movements with additional weighting; for this, a second one is placed on one main hand. Compared to other techniques, it is done measuredly, without rushing. Remember the rule: the larger the muscle, the more pressure, and vice versa.

  • Rubbing.

Use the base or edge of the palm and fingers. The movements are very strong, energetic, active, and the impact is not only on the skin, but also on the muscles, joints, and tendons. As a result, tissues are enriched with oxygen, excess fluid is removed, metabolism improves, and swelling goes away. When rubbed, body temperature rises. Movements can go straight, in a circle or in a spiral. You can also use the superficial layers of the skin and deeper tissues.

  • Kneading.

This is a technique in which an area of ​​skin is grabbed, pulled back, and pressed against the bones. With its help, you can work out all the muscles very well, stretch them, restore elasticity, tone them and relieve tension. When kneading, the muscles should be as relaxed as possible. The massage therapist's actions are very careful and smooth. They knead not only with their fingers, but also with their knuckles gathered into a fist. It is important that the athlete does not hold his breath, but breathes calmly and deeply.

  • Shaking.

Thanks to it, excess fluid is removed from the tissues very quickly and blood flow improves. Often used on the muscles of the arms and legs, but can also be used on the back, chest, etc. Usually it is done after kneading.

  • Percussion (effleurage, patting, chopping).

Such actions have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, invigorate the athlete, and restore strength and energy. Effleurage consists of rhythmic blows with a fist or fingertips with one or two hands alternately. When patting, the fingers fit tightly to the base of the palm or the palm is shaped like a ladle. Using this technique, the back and hips are massaged. Chopping is a strike with the edge of the palm, which is most often performed with two hands alternately.

When using percussive massage techniques, it is not recommended to influence the area where the kidneys are located. All movements should be strong enough, but not sharp. Under no circumstances should the massage therapist’s hands be tense or excessively fixed. The blows are delivered quickly and alternately with both hands, but not simultaneously.

Sports self-massage

Athletes often resort to self-massage. This technique is easy to learn on your own and can be done at home. The procedure is not as effective as if the session was performed by a professional specialist, however, it allows you to work the core muscles and relieve tension.

To do this, you should know the basic rules that cannot be broken:

This massage can also be performed through clothing if you are at a competition or in the gym.

To obtain the best results, sports massage can be combined with other types: lymphatic drainage, vibration massage, hydromassage. In some cases, this allows you to better prepare your body for competitions. For a powerlifter, or, as they are popularly called, “pitching,” it is important to get yourself in perfect condition before a performance. physical fitness and get rid of unnecessary fluid in the body as much as possible, which creates additional volume. Such procedures help with this without damaging the muscles.

Contraindications to sports massage

This type of procedure, like any other, has a number of contraindications:


Sports massage is a pleasant and very useful procedure. It is necessary for professional athletes, as it greatly increases their performance and recovery after heavy physical exertion.

This massage is also suitable for amateurs who actively engage in sports several times a week, not professionally, but for themselves. It will support the body during exercise and help get your figure in order faster.

It is important to remember that massage is part of the training complex, along with proper nutrition, training regimen and good rest. For better results, you should do it not periodically, but regularly, then it will bring a noticeable positive effect!

The main “tool” of influence is the hand, and there are 2 areas on it used for massage: the base of the palm and the palmar surface of the fingers

tsev. When performing individual techniques, not only the palmar surface, but also the back surface of the hand is used. Massage technique consists of many individual techniques and rules.

1. Massage is best done in a room at an air temperature of 22 C.

2. The procedure should be carried out in complete silence, it is not recommended bright lighting.

3. Hair must be hidden under a scarf; the use of perfume, cologne and other odorous substances is not allowed. You must not smoke while working.

4. You should only massage clean skin, so before the session it is advisable to take a shower, remove makeup, and wash off the cream.

5. You cannot massage if there are unhealed wounds on the body, since if there are abrasions and scratches, they may become infected. Signs of infectious or other skin diseases are unacceptable.

6. Massage - general or local - should be carried out no earlier than half an hour after eating.

7. Local massage can be performed daily or every other day, and general massage - no more than 2 times a week.

8. The duration and intensity of exposure should be increased gradually.

9. Massage can be combined with warming, relaxing or medicinal ointments, creams, liquids, especially if the massage is hampered by abundant vegetation on the body. To improve gliding, oil-based liquids and lubricants are used, and if there are contraindications for their use, cosmetic talc is used.

10. A massage session should consist of an introductory, main and final part. First, a diagnostic examination of the massaged areas is carried out for 3-5 minutes and the patient is prepared using gentle techniques (stroking and rubbing), and with self-massage, they prepare themselves for the main part of the session. The techniques can be performed at a faster pace to create a pleasant feeling of warmth. In the main part, differentiated massage is carried out in accordance with the assigned tasks. At the end of the massage, reduce the intensity of the techniques for 1-3 minutes, ending the session by stroking the entire massaged area.

Lubricants should be applied to the hands of the massage therapist, and talc (in a small amount) should be applied to the skin of the person being massaged.

11. It is advisable to start a general massage with a back massage, and then move on to the appropriate reflexogenic zones.

12. All deep stroking movements are performed along the flow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes.

14. If your health worsens and any unpleasant sensations occur, the massage time should be reduced, and if they recur, temporarily cancel the sessions and consult a doctor.

There are five main massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, percussion techniques and vibration.

Stroking- one of the simplest and most frequently used techniques that begins (if there is no specific indications) and the massage ends. In order to apply this technique, you need to place the hand, relaxing it, on any massaged area and make movements in a certain direction: longitudinal, transverse, spiral and circular. One hand or both may be involved. It is important that your fingers remain straight and relaxed while performing the stroking technique.

It is advisable to stroke with broad strokes, lightly, gently, slowly (the frequency should not exceed 24-26 movements per minute) and rhythmically: the palm should slide over the skin without making skin folds on the massaged area. Hasty, irregular stroking causes an unpleasant sensation. Sliding movements can also be grasping. Beginners often make the same mistakes: firstly, they put too much pressure on the area being massaged; secondly, they work with their fingers spread out; thirdly, they perform the technique abruptly, which leads to displacement of the skin.

Depending on the time of stroking and the degree of pressure, the technique can have a dual effect:

superficial - helps calm the nervous system;

deeper - excites nervous processes. This increases the flow of blood to the skin and muscles, transmitting irritation not only to the terminal nerves, but also to those located more deeply. This increases the reflex effect.

When finishing stroking, you should also not randomly slide your hands; it is enough to easily raise your hands and move them to the next point.

Trituration- the second most popular massage technique, which has a stronger effect than stroking, causing a significant dilation of blood vessels, affecting the deeper layers of the skin, having a more energetic reflex effect, even promoting the resorption of small seals. Unlike stroking, rubbing can be performed with the pads of the fingers (one separate finger - index, middle or ring finger, or all together, including the little finger), the base of the palm, back surface fingers folded into a fist, the elbow edge of the hand. The technique of reception is quite diverse. When rubbing, the skin on the massaged area should not slip, it should move and move in the right directions. In this case, the fingers make straight, circular, and spiral movements.

There is a special type of rubbing, which has a special name - “sawing”. Its essence is that the palmar surfaces of the hands move along the rubbed area in the opposite direction. This method is used to quickly heat the skin and underlying tissues. Rubbing and sawing can also be done using zigzag movements.

Kneading- a commonly used technique that acts more deeply than the previous two and improves blood and lymph circulation. It can be considered passive gymnastics for the muscles. Kneading is used effectively for preventive purposes to eliminate atrophy muscular system.

The technique is performed with both hands, starting with light superficial movements, and only after a few sessions can you move on to more energetic actions. You need to do the massage slowly: the slower the kneading, the better the therapeutic effect. The essence of the technique is to grab, lift, squeeze and displace tissue from the massaged area. There are transverse and longitudinal kneading. There are auxiliary techniques: felting, rolling, sliding, stretching, pressing, squeezing, twitching and tong-like kneading.

The advantages of stroking are that it cleanses the skin, enhances the movement of blood and lymph, strengthens muscles, and has an effect on nerve endings and the nervous system as a whole.

Kneading using auxiliary techniques improves tissue nutrition, circulation of blood, lymph and tissue fluid, and activates redox processes.

Vibration- a technique consisting of rapid oscillatory movements of the hands in a limited area or on the entire massaged surface. The intake has an analgesic effect, so it is used for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Vibration is a fairly energetic stimulus; its duration is measured in seconds. A mild concussion has a calming effect on the nervous system, while an intense one has a stimulating effect. Vibration can be intermittent or continuous. Auxiliary vibration techniques include shaking, shaking, shaking and nudging.

Impact techniques have a pronounced effect on the peripheral and central nervous system. All striking techniques can be carried out with one or two hands: the palms of the hands, the fist, the fingertips. There are several types of massage strokes: effleurage, puncturing (“finger shower”), patting, chopping, quilting.

Effleurage- a fairly common technique. The massage technique is that jerky blows are applied with the fingers (I-IV, except the thumb) of both hands, their tips, and a fist. The movement is carried out due to the free swing of the hands in the wrist joint. Tapping can also be done with the back of the fingers, straightening them at the moment of impact. Tapping with all fingers at the same time is used in obese individuals with large fat deposits. The intake causes tissue heating, dilation of deep-lying blood vessels, actively affects the nervous system and reflexively increases muscle tone.

Puncturing- a technique in which, when tapping, the ends of the bent fingers fall onto the massaged areas not all at once, but sequentially - one after the other. This technique is also called “finger shower”.

Patting is done with the palmar surface with the fingers barely bent, which ensures the formation of an air cushion between the body and the palm at the moment of impact. Strikes can be applied simultaneously with both hands or alternately.

Chopping performed with both hands, using the ulnar edges of the hand, with the palms facing each other. Work should be carried out rhythmically, at a speed of 250-300 beats per minute. Chopping has a deep effect on tissues and muscles, causing an abundant flow of blood. At the same time, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the massaged area increases, the outflow of lymph and metabolism improves, and the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases.

Quilting- a technique in which tangential blows are applied with the edge of the palm of one or both hands. This massage is useful for obesity, scarring of the skin, and in cosmetic procedures. Quilting improves skin tone, elasticity, and strengthens metabolic processes and activates the excretory function.

In classic manual massage, all basic techniques are used. As a rule, all massage techniques are combined. 30-40% of the total time is allocated for rubbing, 50-60% for kneading, and 10% for all other techniques. Shock techniques and vibration should be used in the last stages of the massage, since they are especially active on the tissue.

The massage should be carried out in a specially equipped room with an area of ​​at least 10 m2. The air temperature in this room should not fall below 20-22° C, otherwise the patient will feel uncomfortable.

The massage room should be dry, warm, with good lighting (if there is not enough light, the massage therapist will get tired quickly) and ventilation. It is advisable that the room has windows through which sunlight can enter. It is also necessary to equip the room with fluorescent lamps, but install them in such a way that the flow of light does not irritate the eyes of the massage therapist, but falls on the patient at an angle.

The massage room must have a supply and exhaust device that provides multiple exchanges of air, or a special transom through which the flow fresh air will penetrate into the room, and the saturated carbon dioxide go away.

The room intended for massage must contain the following equipment:

– a special couch (preferably two) or a table 185-210 cm long, 50-65 cm wide; the height depends on the height of the massage therapist and the part of the body to be massaged. There are massage couches of various designs: with adjustable height levels, with raised head and foot ends, with attached headrests and armrests (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

It is desirable that the couch be sufficiently rigid, with a good synthetic covering, easily treated with water and detergents; During the procedure, the couch is covered with a sheet;

– 2 rollers: one with a diameter of 25-35 cm for placing under the head or feet, the second with a diameter of 15-20 cm, used exclusively for massage lower limbs. Rollers can be foam rubber, upholstered in leatherette, cotton or inflatable rubber;

– 2-3 chairs and 1 screw stool on wheels;

– desk and portable screen;

– a cabinet for storing clean linen (robes, sheets, towels), soap and lubricants;

– first aid kit medical care, in which cotton wool, sterile bandages, gauze, adhesive plaster, iodine, alcohol solution of brilliant green, BF-6 glue, ammonia and denatured alcohol, valerian tincture, talc, must be stored. baby cream, scissors, tweezers, thermometer for measuring body temperature, beaker, hourglass for 3, 5, 10 and 25 minutes;

– faucet with hot and cold water, decanter and glasses for drinking water, mirror, clothes hanger;

– a registration journal in which a professional massage therapist records information about the procedure performed on each patient.

It is advisable that the massage room have a quartz lamp, vibration and pneumatic massagers, a device for measuring blood pressure, a hand dynamometer, and a stopwatch.

There should be a toilet and shower room not far from the massage room. It is undesirable to have unnecessary things in the office itself, strangers and noise, nothing should distract the massage therapist and his patient from the procedure. When conducting receptions, you can use relaxing, soothing music.

Requirements for a massage therapist

The professionalism and general culture of the massage therapist play an important role in the patients’ attitude towards the procedure. In this regard, two aspects can be distinguished in the relationship between the massage therapist and the massaged person - psychological and technical.

The first refers to the massage therapist’s ability to win over the patient, show patience, friendliness, and demonstrate confidence in the correct execution of massage techniques; the second is the necessary professional skills.

A massage therapist must have such qualities as attentiveness, balance, and tact. By making the patient believe in the beneficial effect of massage on the body, the massage therapist will be able to obtain reliable information about the physical and mental state of the person being massaged, which is very important for drawing up a plan for one massage session and the entire course as a whole.

The technical aspect involves strict adherence to the methodology developed in accordance with the diagnosis. However, a professional massage therapist must be able not only to choose the most effective techniques, but also use any type of massage in your practice, for example therapeutic in recovery period after an injury or calming for insomnia. The work of a massage therapist involves close contact with the patient's attending physician.

In order to choose the right massage technique for each patient, the massage therapist must, before starting the course, determine the functional state of the person being massaged, for which purpose conduct a general and special examination.

During a general examination, it is recommended to pay attention primarily to the type of constitution and reaction of a person and his general physical state, with special – for response skin and tissues to mechanical irritations. You can also interview the patient and use the method of palpation (feeling) of the massaged tissues.

As you know, the skin always gives signals about the onset of a disease. In a healthy person, the color of the skin depends on the thickness, amount of pigment and the depth of the blood vessels. Pale skin indicates a lack of hemoglobin in the blood and the development of any infectious diseases. Excessive redness of the skin in certain areas of the body can be caused by dermatitis, phlegmon and other skin diseases. Yellowish skin is characteristic of people with hepatitis and cholecystitis.

When examining a patient, you should also pay attention to the moisture of the skin. Excessive sweating in a healthy person can occur when high temperature environment, intense physical activity, as well as with neuroses and some infectious diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Excessive dryness of the skin is typical for older people, as well as for patients with suppressed function of the sweat glands.

Healthy skin is dense and quite elastic, it does not separate from the subcutaneous fat and quickly straightens out after squeezing with fingers, in this case the skin is said to have good turgor. In some diseases, as well as as the body ages, turgor is reduced.

When fluid accumulates in the tissues, swelling occurs. When pressure is applied to the swollen area, a dimple is formed, which expands very slowly. Swelling may be local or general. In the first case, the cause is a disorder of blood and lymph flow, as well as inflammatory processes in tissues and injuries; in the second – diseases of the heart, kidneys and some internal organs.

Skin rashes often appear due to allergic reaction to take any medications or food products. In this case, massage cannot be performed. The use of massage techniques is also not recommended if there are skin hemorrhages caused by bruises or diseases accompanied by poor blood clotting (hemophilia, etc.).

If there are small scratches and abrasions on the patient’s body, massage is not prohibited, but if the wounds are extensive and bleeding, the procedure should be postponed for a while.

As a rule, lymph nodes on the body of a healthy person are not visible or palpable. The development of the inflammatory process caused by injuries, suppuration and other causes leads to an increase in cervical, inguinal, elbow and supraclavicular lymph nodes.

When examining a patient, you should also pay attention to the blood vessels. Detected lumps and pain in the massaged area prevent the massage procedure. You should not actively massage the popliteal fossa, the inner surface of the thigh and shoulder, as well as the neck area in older people.

By palpation it is necessary to determine muscle tone, their relief, strength, density, elasticity. Healthy muscles are soft, firm, and elastic. Some diseases (myositis, osteochondrosis, etc.), as well as excessive physical activity that causes fatigue skeletal muscles, are the causes of muscle soreness, impaired contractility and the appearance of compactions.

Inspection and palpation of the joints reveals the presence of injuries and inflammatory processes in the joint capsule. In this case, there is swelling in the joint area, pain, impaired mobility and a local increase in temperature, causing tension and redness of the skin. Massage should not be performed if such deviations are detected.

By feeling individual areas of the body along the nerve trunks, the massage therapist can create an idea of ​​the state of the patient’s nervous system. Soreness in some points, as well as radiating pain are clear evidence of one or another nervous disease. In order not to make a mistake in choosing rational methods of influence, the massage therapist must have a good knowledge of the anatomy, the location of the main nerve trunks and the exit points of individual nerves.

Only after the patient has been examined and interviewed can the massage therapist begin performing the massage procedure. He must record data about the patient’s condition before and after the massage in a special journal.

Since large amounts of energy are consumed during the procedure, the massage therapist needs to properly organize his work. You cannot make a single unnecessary movement: your hands should move softly, smoothly and at the same time rhythmically. You should work alternately with your right and then with your left hand. If a massage technique involves applying some force, it is necessary to use the weight of the arm and torso, but not to use an “extra” muscle group. The massage therapist’s hands are the main working tool; the effectiveness of the procedure depends on their condition. Hands must be strong, flexible and resilient; to develop these qualities, you must regularly perform the following exercises:

1. Starting position: sitting, arms down along the body. Alternately clench and unclench your right and left hands. Repeat several times.

2. Starting position: sitting, with the base of your hands resting on the table. Make movements with your fingers, as when playing the piano. Repeat several times.

3. Starting position: sitting, hands lying on the table, palms down. Without lifting your palms from the table, slowly raise and lower your finger, trying to keep the others on the table. Repeat the exercise for each finger 5-6 times.

4. Starting position: sitting, hands lying on the table, palms down. Without lifting the base of your palms from the horizontal surface, raise your straightened fingers and sharply lower them down, hitting the table hard with your fingertips. Repeat 5-6 times.

5. Starting position: sitting, elbows on the table. Perform several rotational movements with each hand, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

6. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells (weighing up to 3 kg) lowered down.

Perform body turns left and right. Repeat the exercise in each direction 6-8 times.

7. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells spread to the sides. Perform flexion and extension in the wrist joints. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

8. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells extended forward. Turn your body left and right, while simultaneously bending and straightening your arms at the wrist joints. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

During the session, the massage therapist's hands should be dry, clean, soft and warm. Before starting the procedure, you should wash them warm water with soap, dry with a clean towel and treat with diluted alcohol lemon juice, fatty cream or emollient liquid consisting of glycerin (25 g), 3% ammonia aqueous solution (25 ml) and 96% ethyl alcohol(5 ml). At excessive sweating hands should be wiped with a 1% formaldehyde solution, rinsed with cool water and sprinkled with talcum powder.

The presence of calluses and fungal diseases on the palms of the massage therapist is unacceptable. To avoid their occurrence, it is recommended to carry out all housework with rubber or cotton gloves and use emollient and medicinal creams.

If the skin on your hands is very dirty, you can do the following: dilute 5 g of tea soda, 30 g of glycerin and 2.5 g of ammonia in warm water, dip your hands in the prepared solution and hold them in it for 5-10 minutes. Then dry your hands thoroughly with a clean napkin and apply nourishing cream to the skin. A salt bath (50 g of salt per 500 ml of water) and a weak aqueous solution of acetic acid have a cleansing effect.

Several times a week, before going to bed, it is advisable to make softening hand baths: potato broth(potatoes are mixed with the water in which they were boiled, and hands are kept in the resulting mass for 10-15 minutes), from the decoction oatmeal, linden color(with vegetable oil).

The massage therapist should trim his nails regularly, preventing them from growing longer than the optimal length (nails should not protrude beyond the fingertips).

To avoid injury to the patient’s skin, before each session, it is necessary to remove existing rings, bracelets, wristwatches and put on a clean short-sleeved robe and comfortable shoes.

The massage therapist should plan his work in such a way that the longest and most difficult sessions occur in the first half of the day, and try to alternate them with easy, short-term ones.

During the working day, you should take several 5-10-minute rest breaks, during which you should perform exercises to strengthen your posture and activate blood circulation. Failure to comply with these recommendations can provoke the development of flat feet and varicose veins in the massage therapist, slowing down venous circulation in abdominal cavity, prolapse of internal organs. In order to prevent these diseases, the massage therapist should periodically change his working position; the best option is to alternate working while sitting and standing.

It is necessary to choose a starting position that during the session would not cause excessive tension in the muscles and ligaments, holding the breath, and at the same time allow unhindered massage of a certain area of ​​the body.

You should not talk during a massage session, as this causes breathing problems for the massage therapist and increased muscle tone at the person being massaged. However, the patient’s complaints about the negative impact of the procedure on his physical condition should not be ignored.

Requirements for the massaged

Before starting the procedure, the patient must first take a warm shower or wipe the body with a damp towel, and then wipe dry.

During local massage, the contaminated area of ​​the body is treated with denatured alcohol or cologne.

It is necessary to expose the part of the body being massaged; The patient is allowed to wear underwear during the procedure, but clothing should not interfere with the massage therapist. If the patient's body is densely covered with hair, massage can be carried out through a thin sheet or using special emulsions, this will prevent irritation hair follicles.

If there are any damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts, scratches, scratches), before starting the procedure they should be treated with iodine, brilliant green or xeroform ointment and covered with an adhesive plaster. You can use BF-6 glue for the same purpose. During the massage, damaged areas should not be touched. For skin diseases such as eczema and lichen, you should refuse the services of a massage therapist until complete recovery.

Approximately 2 hours before the procedure, the person being massaged should not eat in large quantities; the intestines and bladder should be emptied during the session.

Position of the person being massaged and the massage therapist during the procedure

For the massage procedure to be effective, the person being massaged must completely relax all skeletal muscles. To do this, he should take the most comfortable position (it is called the average physiological position) (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6

As a rule, complete muscle relaxation is achieved if there is a strong support for the massaged area of ​​the body, otherwise an uncomfortable position will not allow achieving the desired effect and will lead to rapid fatigue of the patient (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7

Optimal postures for the person being massaged and the massage therapist when massaging the upper limbs will be the following:

– massaged – sitting, placing the forearm and hand on the massage table or on the massage therapist’s thigh, fingers bent; massage therapist - sitting opposite or to the side of the patient, and when massaging the deltoid muscle - standing behind;

– massaged – lying on your back or stomach, stretching your arms slightly bent at the elbow joints along the body; massage therapist - sitting on the side or slightly outward from the limb being massaged.

Achieve complete relaxation lower limbs massaged during the procedure can be in the following positions:

– lying on your back, legs extended, a cushion placed under the knee joint; position of the massage therapist - sitting or standing, on the side of the massaged limb, when massaging the feet - opposite them;

– lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees; The massage therapist is located on the side of the massaged limb;

– lying on your stomach, with a cushion placed under the ankle joint; massage therapist’s posture – sitting or standing on the side of the massaged limb;

– sitting, the leg is bent at the knee joint, the foot rests on a stand (sometimes the thigh may be slightly abducted outward); The position of the massage therapist is crouching on one knee.

At massaging the head and face And neck The optimal postures for the patient and the massage therapist will be:

– massaged – sitting, head tilted back slightly; massage therapist - standing behind the patient;

– massaged – sitting, resting the back of the head against the massage therapist’s chest; the latter stands behind the person being massaged;

– massaged – lying on your stomach, with your arms extended along your body or bent and placed under your forehead (a similar position can be taken while sitting on a chair); massage therapist - standing to the side of the patient (with the patient sitting behind him).

Back and chest massage And belly provides for the patient and massage therapist to engage in the following starting positions:

– massaged – lying on the stomach, arms extended along the body, a cushion placed under the ankle joints; massage therapist – sitting or standing at the side of the patient;

– massaged – lying on your back with your arms extended along your body and your legs slightly bent at the knee joints; massage therapist – sitting or standing next to the patient;

– massaged – sitting, arms bent at the elbows and lying on the knees; massage therapist - standing to the left or right of the patient.


To ensure better gliding of hands over the patient’s body, professional massage therapists use all kinds of lubricants in their practice - talc, rice powder, baby powder, special massage creams, gels, ointments, aromatic oils. In recent years, massage therapists have almost completely abandoned the use of Vaseline during sessions. The fact is that it not only stains the skin, but also clogs the ducts of the skin glands, causing metabolic disorders.

One of the most commonly used products is talc. It absorbs fat and sweat from the surface of the skin well, ensures normal gliding and almost never causes irritation; In addition, talc does not stain the skin and is easily washed off. It is recommended to use this product when massaging patients with oily and sensitive skin.

If the person being massaged has dry and loose skin, it is recommended to carry out the procedure using vegetable oils (olive, peach, etc.) and glycerin. During a session baby massage It is best to completely abandon the use of lubricants, especially medicinal ointments and creams.

Many experts advise doing massage on dry skin. The undeniable advantages of this procedure are the rapid flow of blood to the massaged part of the body, the opening of skin pores and their rapid cleansing of sweat and fat. However, you should not massage without lubricants for a long time; this is especially contraindicated if the person being massaged and the massage therapist have wet skin (one on the body, the other on the hands).

On dry skin, you can perform techniques such as kneading, tapping, chopping; squeezing and rubbing involve the use of lubricants.

Typically, during preventive and therapeutic massage sessions, various ointments, creams and gels are used. The effect of these products on the massaged areas is determined by the properties of their ingredients.

Thus, some ointments and creams have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect (they contain heparin, aromatic and essential oils, hyaluronidase, horse chestnut, arnica), others - hyperemic, causing activation of blood circulation in the massaged tissues (they contain camphor, nicotinic acid, methyl salicylate, capsicin, snake and bee poisons and etc.). Some active components contained in medicinal ointments (essential oils, etc.) have a calming and relaxing effect on the massaged areas and the entire body as a whole.

Unlike medicinal ointments, gels that have an analgesic effect have a cooling effect on the skin, they do not irritate it and are well absorbed by the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. When using gels, a dense film is formed on the skin, which must be removed with a cotton swab before applying a layer of ointment or reusing the gel.

To avoid negative influence lubricants on the patient’s body, the massage therapist should use them only in certain cases. So, in the first days after receiving a serious injury, it is necessary to use gels, and on the 4-7th day move on to hyperemic (also called warming) and anti-inflammatory ointments.

Before using warming ointments, it is necessary to check whether they cause an allergic reaction in people. of this patient. To do this, you should apply a large number of ointments on the skin around the wrist or elbow joint and leave for 15-20 minutes.

The first massage session using warming ointment is usually carried out in the evening, before bed. If, after such a procedure, excessive redness, irritation and other symptoms of an allergic reaction do not appear on the patient’s skin, then the next day the ointment is used to massage the affected tissues 3 times – in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. On the third day, the amount of ointment is slightly increased, and the number of sessions is reduced to 2 - morning and evening.

However, it should be remembered that in case of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the absorption process proceeds slowly (except for those cases when hyperemic ointments are used in advance), so you should not apply a large amount of anti-inflammatory ointment to the massaged area.

Better absorption of ointments is ensured by a combination of massage procedures with thermal compresses: apply to the massaged area soaked in hot water or alcohol bandage, cover with cellophane or wax paper and secure everything with a soft, warm bandage (for example, a woolen scarf).

The massage technique using lubricants involves preliminary warming techniques, after which it becomes possible to use warming ointments and influence the patient’s body with various massage techniques, from light to deep.

Among the means used during therapeutic massage sessions, the following should be highlighted.

"Apisatron"– ointment containing bee venom, methyl salicylate and mustard oil. Used for radiculitis, neuralgia, myositis; Apply in an amount of 2-3 g to the damaged area and rub into the skin after 1-2 minutes. The number of massage sessions using this ointment is 1-3 times a day.

"Sanitas"– a balm effective for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It contains turpentine, camphor, methyl salicylate, lemon balm or eucalyptus oil, pork fat.

"Viprosal"– ointment containing viper poison, camphor, salicylic acid, paraffin, glycerin, fir oil and Vaseline. Used for radiculitis, sciatica, spinal diseases, myositis, etc. Massage is carried out 2-3 minutes after applying this product to the skin.

"Virapin"- an ointment containing bee venom. Used for bruises, radiculitis, arthritis, spinal diseases, etc. A massage procedure with a small amount of “Virapin” is carried out for 5-10 minutes.

"Gimnastogal"– a remedy used for bruises, sprains, lumbago, radiculitis, bronchitis, etc. The ointment has a strong hyperemic effect on the tissues being massaged; after using it, you must wash your hands thoroughly hot water.

"Dolpik"– a remedy used for diseases of the spine, radiculitis, sprains, bruises, as well as for some childhood diseases. You should avoid getting this product on the mucous membranes; after completing the massage session, you should wash your hands with hot water and soap.

"Capsoderm"– an ointment containing capsacin, camphor and other substances. It has a strong warming effect and is used for sciatica, lumbago, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. Massage is performed using a small amount of this product.

Tiger ointment– a remedy used for radiculitis, sciatica, neuralgia, migraine and other diseases. This ointment contains clove and eucalyptus oils, camphor, paraffin, menthol and petroleum jelly.

"Vesima"– massage oil, depending on its constituent components medicinal herbs, is divided into several types with different letter designations - E, M, K, H, U, I. Massage using these oils, which have an analgesic effect, is carried out for various diseases and injuries.

"Mellivenon"– an ointment containing chloroform, bee venom and other substances. Used for muscle pain, osteochondrosis, arthritis, bursitis and some other diseases. The ointment has a strong hyperemic effect, so it should be applied to the skin in small quantities. It is necessary to avoid contact of this product with mucous membranes, open wounds and abrasions; after a massage session, you should wash your hands with hot water and soap.

"Myoton"- cream containing medicinal plants, aromatic oils and other ingredients. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hyperemic effects. There are several varieties of this cream: “Myoton-A” warms up and relaxes muscles, “Myoton-B” is used during restorative massage sessions, “Myoton-C” helps relieve pain from injuries and various inflammatory processes. Avoid contact of this cream with mucous membranes and open wounds.

"Methyl salicylate"– a remedy that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used for massage, both in pure form and in a mixture with fatty oils and chloroform, and is effective in the treatment of radiculitis, myositis, lumbago and other diseases.

"Neo-capsiderm"– an ointment containing camphor, various oils and active ingredients. Used as a pain reliever for bruises, sprains, radiculitis and other diseases.

"Picaril-liniment"– ointment containing methyl salicylate, chloroform, benzyl nicotine. It is used during massage sessions for radiculitis, damage to the musculoskeletal system, myositis, lumbago, etc. Avoid contact of this ointment with mucous membranes, open wounds and abrasions.

"Raymon-gel"- a drug that has an analgesic effect. It is used for sciatica, radiculitis, rheumatic muscle pain, sprains and bruises.

"Reonevrol"– an ointment containing camphor, methyl salicylate and other substances. It is used to relieve pain from sciatica, radiculitis, neuritis, myositis and other diseases.

"Finalgon"- an ointment that has an analgesic and strong hyperemic effect. Contains 2.5% nicotinic acid butoxyethyl ester, 0.4% nonylic acid vanioioamide. It is used in small quantities during massage sessions for sprained ligaments and tendons, radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia, lumbago and other diseases. When rubbing the ointment, a thick film forms on the skin; it must be washed off each time before using the product again. You should avoid getting the ointment on mucous membranes, scratches and abrasions; after a massage session, you should thoroughly wash your hands with warm water and soap.

"Efkamon"– an ointment that has an analgesic effect and is used for radiculitis, some diseases of the spine, myositis, bruises, etc. This product contains camphor, eucalyptus and clove oils, methyl salicylate, menthol and other ingredients. The ointment is applied in small quantities and completely rubbed into the skin during massage techniques.

In addition to the mentioned ointments, gels and creams, during treatment sessions folk remedies are used for massage. For example, to relieve pain from lumbosacral radiculitis and bruises, a paste prepared from horseradish roots is used. The roots are grated on a coarse grater and the resulting mass is spread on gauze in a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm. Since such a compress can burn the patient’s sensitive skin, the gauze with the pulp is lowered for 30 seconds. into boiling water, then quickly remove and place hot compress to the affected area. The duration of this procedure is 20-30 minutes.

Indications and contraindications for the use of massage

Massage sessions can be performed for all healthy people, and how is it indicated? remedy for many diseases. However, one should take into account the age, body constitution of each patient and the peculiarities of the response of his nervous system to mechanical irritations of the skin. Massage for children, the elderly and people weakened by illness should be gentle.

The first massage sessions should be short in duration; it is advisable to use less intense techniques during them than in the future. This will allow the patient's body to gradually get used to the procedure.


Respiratory diseases: bronchitis, bronchial asthma without exacerbation, chronic pneumonia, pleurisy.

Diseases of cardio-vascular system: hypertonic disease, heart defects, ischemic disease heart, diseases of veins and arteries.

Diseases of the nervous system: neuralgia, radiculitis beyond the acute stage, cerebral palsy, consequences of disorders cerebral circulation.

Diseases of the digestive system outside the acute phase: gastritis, peptic ulcer (if there is no tendency to bleeding), liver and gallbladder diseases.

Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine, scoliosis, poor posture, rheumatoid arthritis, flat feet, dislocations, bruises, sprains.

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat: sore throat, laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis.

Diseases of the visual organs: conjunctivitis, optic neuritis, glaucoma.

Inflammatory diseases of the male and female genital organs: chronic urethritis, prostatitis, bends of the uterus and vagina, pain in the sacrum and coccyx, in the uterus and ovaries during the period between menstruation.

Skin diseases: seborrhea, hair loss, neurodermatitis, acne(without severe suppuration), lichen, psoriasis.

Metabolic disorders: diabetes, gout, excess weight.

In addition, massage can be effective for headaches and toothaches, sleep disturbances, sexual weakness and increased irritability.


Massage is contraindicated when the following diseases And functional states body:

– fungal and pustular lesions of the skin, its great irritability;

– acute respiratory diseases (acute respiratory infections, influenza) with elevated body temperature (more than 37.5° C);

– infectious diseases (sore throat, etc.), accompanied by sharp increase body temperature;

– arthritis in the acute stage;

– thrombophlebitis and vascular thrombosis;

– inflammation of the lymph nodes;

– malignant and benign tumors;

- urticaria, Quincke's edema;

– tuberculosis;

– rheumatism in active phase;

peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;

– colitis and cholecystitis;

– hematomas, bleeding and blood diseases;

– acute gynecological diseases (colpitis, adnexitis, etc.);

– acute and causalgic (paroxysmal) pain;

– abdominal hernia;

– gallstones and bladder.

In addition, massage should not be done during pregnancy, some injuries, or the presence of a large number of birthmarks and moles on the body. The massage procedure should be stopped if the patient does not tolerate it well, as well as if the disease has entered the acute stage.

Massage has always been famous healing effects on the body, positively affecting muscles, tissues, joints and all internal organs. If you remember a little - in ancient China, Rome, Greece, doctors and healers used massage in medicinal purposes, for the treatment of various diseases. Back massage took special place in the art of “healing”, since everyone felt its healing effects. The art was passed on from generation to generation, improving the technique and methodology over time, but not forgetting the ancient secrets.

This type of massage has been known since ancient times.

Medicine does not stand still. Together with it, the art of massage develops harmoniously. Currently the fashion is healthy image life is becoming increasingly popular. Wellness and wellness are also growing in popularity. Without any doubt, a full body massage will always win the position over the local one. Today we will look at one of the local massage techniques, which is used both in traditional medicine, so and .

Execution technique

Sometimes we don’t pay enough attention to the condition of our back, thinking that it can endure a lot. But we are deeply mistaken: we may not notice the first signs of back problems, but they can arise long before obvious symptoms appear. Muscle strain can occur due to stressful situations, a sedentary lifestyle, with any injuries or bruises.

The therapeutic effects of massage will help to greatly alleviate the deplorable condition, relieve tension and pain, thereby giving freedom of movement.

Our lives are often hectic and dynamic. The crazy pace of life is not always the best way affects our health, and in particular our back. Thanks to massage, we can give freedom to our body, relieving it of painful tension.

Directions of basic movements in the back and lower back. neck and pelvis

Back massage technique

Today there are a large number of back massage options. Medical practice showed that the most effective technology is one in which a preliminary massage of the entire back is first applied, lasting 5-6 minutes, and then a detailed study of individual parts: the lower thoracic region and the lumbar region.

Direction of massage movements

Let's move on to the preliminary massage: the patient should lie on his stomach.

  1. The figure shows 3-4 symmetrical lines along which you need to make massage movements. First, longitudinal strokes are performed for one minute. Then stroking across the back.
  2. Next, squeezing techniques are performed. Their duration is 1-3 minutes. Squeezing is performed with more pressure, but less intensity than stroking. It should be noted that pressure on the spinous processes of the spine must be avoided, as in any other techniques.
  3. After squeezing, you can perform several rubbing techniques with moderate pressure on the tissue. If the application is carried out correctly, the patient should feel a sensation of warmth.

After the preliminary massage, you should proceed to the main massage.

Massage of this area means the area from the seventh to the twelfth thoracic vertebra. The figure shows the lines along which massage movements must be made.

Direction of massage movements of the lower thoracic region

  1. First, strokes are performed along the indicated lines.
  2. Stroking is followed by squeezing along the lines.
  3. Next, rubbing is performed.
  4. After rubbing, kneading must be done.
  5. Let's move on to striking and concussive techniques. Their implementation should be used according to indications. It is advisable to consult a doctor.

In total, it is recommended to spend 4-5 minutes massaging this area, with therapeutic technique- up to 15 minutes. It should be noted that the 11th and 12th ribs are located close to the kidneys. approximately 5 cm. Inadequate and too intense implementation of techniques can lead to pain.

Massage under the shoulder blade

Often, during diseases such as osteochondrosis, glenohumeral periortritis, so-called trigger points are formed under the scapula, which are characterized by increased pain. In this case, massage of these points contributes to faster rehabilitation.

The technique for this zone is as follows:

The patient lies on his stomach with his arms along his body. The massage therapist carefully places his palm under the patient’s shoulder and slowly lifts it a few centimeters. It is important to note that the patient must be completely relaxed at this point, otherwise the scapula will not rise. With the second hand, the massage therapist performs circular massage movements under the shoulder blade, as shown in the figure. On the second hand everything is similar.

Then rubbing is performed at the angle of the shoulder blade. The thumb should be as far apart from the index finger as possible. Such rubbing is often carried out for hygienic and preventive purposes.

Neck massage is a massage at the level of the cervical and 1-6 thoracic vertebrae. In this case, the pressure on the tissue should be lower than when massaging the lower thoracic and lumbar regions. The patient can take a sitting or lying position. If there are no contraindications, it is better to perform it in a lying position. In this position, maximum muscle relaxation is achieved.

  1. First, strokes are performed in the directions shown in the figure. Stroking is performed within 1 minute.
  2. This is followed by squeezing along the same lines. Performed within 2-3 minutes.
  3. Next is rubbing. It can be combined with kneading. The duration of kneading is 7-12 minutes.
  4. These are followed by vibration techniques. Vibration is performed with the fingers, no higher than the 6th cervical vertebra.
  5. Finish the massage of the collar area by shaking with your fingertips and lightly stroking.

In general, the entire massage of this area takes 10-15 minutes.

The massage is performed on the lumbar region, located from 1-5 lumbar vertebrae, as well as on the sacral region. The lines shown in the figure are directed laterally from the spine towards the inguinal lymph nodes.

The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. First, strokes are performed.
  2. They are followed by push-ups.
  3. Next, rubbing is performed.
  4. Then kneading.
  5. Afterwards, shocking techniques are performed: vibration and shock techniques.

In the general structure, it takes 5-6 minutes to massage this area, in therapeutic form- 20 minutes. The strength of the impact will vary: for example, along lines 4 and 5 you can apply more intensive form movements, and along lines 1 and 2 you need to dose the force of influence, since the internal organs are located in this area.

How to do a back massage correctly: features

Each type of occupation has its own subtleties and characteristics. Let's reveal a few important points that will help you figure out the question: how to do a back massage.

  • The massage should start from the sacrum area, smoothly moving upward.
  • The massage therapist's hands should be relaxed and warm during the procedure.
  • The technique is to alternate stroking and rubbing movements.
  • The first session should take no more than 15 minutes.

Now let's move on to the massage techniques with which a massage session is performed.

This technique is the right start to a massage. Warm your hands and begin rhythmically stroking the entire surface of your back. In the lumbar and neck areas, more gentle and gentle movements should be performed. performed in an intensive manner.

The massage procedure should begin with stroking

This technique is performed in the same way as stroking, but a little more intensely and with the greatest pressure. As a rule, rubbing begins from the lower back, no more than 10 minutes.

Rubbing is a more intense technique

The kneading technique is performed with a deeper effect on the tissue. If you need to increase pressure on the massaged area, place one hand on the other. These technical exercises should begin with the forearm area. It is recommended to perform no more than 10 minutes.

Kneading affects deeper areas

Basically, vibration or light tapping should be used to complete the procedure. Vibration should be done with your fingertips over the entire surface of your back, with minimal contact.

The final stage of the massage

Undeniable benefits

Many famous scientists have proven that massage procedures bring great benefits to our body as a whole. With the help of massage techniques on the body, normalization of blood circulation in the body, as well as muscle relaxation after physical activity, has been noticed. This also applies to emotional stress - after a well-conducted session emotional stress and stress disappear, and endorphins come in their place, the level of which also increases due to massage.

Professional, massotherapy back helps to get rid of problems with incorrect posture and other diseases of the spine. Therefore, you should not neglect massage procedure, which has the power to “heal” all problems and diseases.

Massage - healing procedures, which help to relax and recover, and put even a seriously ill patient back on his feet. Yes and in for cosmetic purposes- This is an excellent way to keep your body in good shape. In practice, massage is practiced by experienced health workers, specialists who have undergone special training, although mastering the basic methods and techniques of therapeutic and cosmetic massage You can do it yourself.

In practice, there are many different schools that practice certain massage practices - they may differ in the theory and practice of performing massage techniques. But as doctors note, the massage technique itself, in any case, includes a number of basic techniques that massage therapists practice in their work.

Basic massage techniques - rules and techniques.

1. Stroking– the most common technique in massage techniques and affects exclusively the skin. This technique is light, superficial, performed on the surface of the palm with the hand relaxed. The main thing is to perform it with your palm, when 4 fingers are closed together, and thumb answered as far as possible.

It is performed at the very beginning of the massage session, which will allow you to relax and establish contact, preparing the code for subsequent manipulations. This technique is also practiced after hard massage movements, at the end of the massage session, and its main varieties are:

Straight or zigzag.

Movements performed in the form of a spiral or transverse.

Alternating or combined, longitudinal, performed with both hands or one.

Concentric, carried out on large joints and circular - it is carried out on small joints.

The rules for performing such a technique as stroking the massage technique provide the following:

  1. When sliding over the skin, your hands should not gather it into folds, and all movements should be smooth and slow, rhythmic in their execution, at the rate of 24-25 movements per minute.
  2. When moving to the nearest lymph node, the intensity and pressure of the movement is reduced, and in relation to massaging the surface of the skin at the point of flexion, it is directed deeper.

2. Squeezing– also widely applicable in the practice of massage, both hygienic and cosmetic, its therapeutic type. This technique is performed more intensively than stroking, affecting both the skin and the subcutaneous layers, the surface layer muscle fibers.

This technique of the massage therapist allows you to increase the flow through the veins of blood and lymph, improving metabolic processes, eliminating stagnation and relieving swelling. In addition, squeezing will allow you to significantly increase the nutrition of muscle fibers and skin, helping to restore tissues and organs to cellular level, providing an analgesic effect and a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, toning the entire body.

The methods of performing this massage movement in the practice of a massage therapist are as follows:

Its transverse view and work with the edge of one or both palms.

Performing a squeeze with one or both bases of the open palm of the hands.

Regarding the rules for its implementation:

This massage technique is performed with slow movements, without causing pain, and only in the direction of blood flow and lymph flow in the blood vessels and lymph nodes.

The massage therapist performs this technique before the kneading itself or alternating it with it.

If swelling is diagnosed in a patient, squeezing is carried out extremely carefully, in a slow rhythm, so as not to provoke rupture of blood vessels or damage to the lymph nodes.

Regarding the direction of squeezing, it is carried out in the direction of the anatomical course of muscle fibers, and in places where fatty deposits accumulate, it is intensified, and when approaching bony prominences– reduce.

3. Kneading– the main and most main reception in the practice of a massage therapist, and this is where half the time in the practice of a massage session is spent. This massage technique allows you to improve blood flow and lymph flow through vascular system patient, activates the nutrition of tissues, organs and systems at the cellular level, positively affecting the process of gas exchange, increasing muscle strength.

Regarding the existing rules for conducting this massage technique, they are as follows:

Just before it is carried out, it is worth warming up and relaxing all the muscles, and the position of the body itself should be comfortable and with good fixation, preferably on a flat and fairly hard surface.

Each kneading is carried out rhythmically and smoothly, without sudden movements that cause pain, when the transition to a more rigid and powerful massage is carried out after several superficial procedures.

Movements are exclusively in an upward direction, and, as necessary, adding it to lateral or downward types of massage movements.

Any performance of this massage movement should not cause pain, and during the back massage, avoid pressure on all sharp processes protruding from the spinal column.

During the kneading process, it must be alternated with such techniques as stroking and shaking.

4. Trituration– this massage technique is widely used by massage therapists in every session, regardless of type and practice. Its essence consists in displacing and rubbing the skin in a variety of directions, including its subcutaneous layers. It is distinguished from stroking by the fact that the massage therapist’s hand does not slide over the skin, but rather moves it, forming a fold of sorts.

Rubbing happens:

Straightforward, carried out along the lines of an improvised zigzag, in a spiral, performed on the principle of pinching with one or both hands at once, with the edge of the palm or with the pads of the fingers.

Massaging movements in a spiral or circular motion, carried out with fingers bent at the joints, either with one or both hands at the same time.

Rules for rubbing.

  1. The rubbing technique itself during massage is carried out much more slowly and at the same time more intense in its pressure than stroking.
  2. When performing rubbing, the massage technique does not limit it to movement along certain lymph nodes - it is performed in any arbitrary direction, since it is most often carried out on a limited area of ​​the body surface.
  3. If you massage a sedentary type of tissue, for example scars, which is deeply fused with moving, upper tissues, the massage therapist’s hand must maintain close tactile contact with the skin. This result can be achieved if you do not use lubricant during the massage process.
  4. According to the strength of its influence, rubbing can be superficial and deep - it is determined by one or another inclination of the hand.
  5. Rubbing is usually combined with stroking - the latter helps relieve pain in the problem area, relaxing tissues and fibers, enhancing the beneficial effect of massage on the entire body.

Every patient and novice massage therapist should remember that rubbing as a massage technique is quite intense in its strength and influence. Therefore, it should be carried out with extreme caution so as not to injure the skin and subcutaneous layers.

5. Vibration– the essence of its implementation is that when performing this massage technique, vibrations of a certain intensity are transmitted to the massaged area of ​​the body with the help of hands. This technique can be performed by any part of the palm - its surface or the edge of the hand, fingertips, fingers clenched into a fist, and even using a vibrating massager.

In the process of performing this massage technique, it is worth making sure that all movements, despite their intensity, do not affect or strain those muscles that are not involved in the movement itself. The vibrational influence itself should be directed inward, but not to the sides. This exercise– vibration, conditionally divided into:

Intermittent - this can be light and more intense tapping, patting, in the form of puncturing or lashing in the treated area of ​​the body.

Continuous is shaking and light or more intense shaking, shaking or pushing.

Regarding the rules for performing this massage technique, the technique of therapeutic or cosmetic massage provides for the following points:

Any exercise is performed with relaxed muscles, having previously warmed them up and stretched them.

Techniques such as chopping or tapping, as well as rhythmic patting, are used in massage techniques on large muscle groups. True, in this case there is one exception - they are not used for muscles inner surface hips.

When performing this massage technique, the hands should be positioned on the body in such a way that the distance between them is a maximum of 5 cm. In this case, all pats and blows should be rhythmic and not cause pain, and if unpleasant sensations or discomfort appear, alternate them with stroking.

When performing massage movements that are light in intensity, only the hands are used, more intense ones - the hand itself and, intensifying the movement due to the work of the forearm, for strong ones - the whole hand is used.

The tapping itself should last no more than 1.5 minutes, and all movements should be combined with stroking that is softer in its effect.

To summarize, we can summarize the following - you can independently master the basics of massage techniques, the main thing is not only to set a goal by studying volumes of literature, but also, if possible, to undergo an internship with an experienced massage therapist. Massage is not only beneficial for the whole body, an effective medical method of rehabilitation and recovery, but if carried out incorrectly, it can cause harm, ultimately making a person disabled.