Baby foot massage. Children's foot massage: technique, video, indications

The foot in children has its own characteristics: the muscles are too weak, the bones are not strong. In the first years of a baby's life, it seems flat, which is associated with the presence of a fat pad in the notch of the arch of the foot. How the foot develops can only be determined by a doctor or masseur.

Foot massage for children will help prevent diseases such as flat feet and clubfoot, which are quite common today.

Foot massage helps to strengthen the child's immunity, develops joint mobility and improves metabolism, soothes the baby.

Foot massage for children: indications

In addition to the fact that foot massage for children is a preventive procedure, it has a therapeutic effect in a number of pathologies:

Musculoskeletal disorders;
high arch of the foot;
flat feet;
muscle atrophy;
diseases caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes;
any orthopedic diseases;
hyper- and hypotension of muscles.

Foot massage for children: preparatory activities

First of all, you need to make sure that the baby is in a good mood and everything is in order with his health. If the child experiences any discomfort, or is naughty, it is better to postpone the procedure.

Before starting the massage, you need to wash and warm your hands, remove all bracelets, watches, rings, cut your nails short.

Before the massage, it is necessary to ventilate the room, the recommended room temperature ranges from 22-25 degrees Celsius.

Foot massage for children: technique

For children aged 1.5-2 months, foot massage consists of light stroking. With one hand, the mother holds the baby’s shin, and with the thumb of the second hand she draws a figure eight on the baby’s foot. This helps to relax the muscles.

Babies are given reflex exercises by pressing on the foot at the base of the fingers. The response will be a reflex flexion of the child's fingers. Then press the heel in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon, or pat on the sole. Such techniques cause reflex extension of the foot. It is advisable to do massage on a daily basis a couple of hours before bedtime. It contributes to the normal formation of the arch of the foot. The procedure should not be carried out when the child has just eaten, or on an empty stomach.

For children aged 3-4 months, in addition to stroking, massage involves tapping, kneading and other techniques.

At 4-7 months, children begin to massage with stroking, then proceed to rubbing and tapping. These techniques improve blood circulation and have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The massage ends with a gentle stroking of the feet.

Starting from the age of 8 months, the massage uses the twisting of the fingers, avoiding sudden movements. Each finger is rubbed and kneaded, with light movements the baby's fingers are squeezed on each side. Finish the massage with a light stroke.

After the child's leg has grown, you can massage individual parts of the foot:

Work out the interosseous muscles of the front surface of the foot with the fingertips;
massage of the Achilles tendon is carried out with fingers folded forceps;
massaging the soles of the feet is given the most time, since it is here that there is a large accumulation of nerve endings that are responsible for the normal functioning of the baby's organs and systems. When massaging the feet in children, comb-like movements are also performed;
perform an ankle massage. They start with circular stroking, then do rubbing with a dashed displacement of the skin. Rubbing and stroking alternate. The massage is completed with passive flexion and extension, foot rotations.

Foot massage at 10 months prepares the baby for independent walking. At this age, the child can crawl, turn the body, be in a state of sitting for a long time, stand with support, play with both hands.

The complex of massage techniques includes:

foot stroking;
exercise "bicycle";
foot massage;
straight leg lift. The child is able to perform such an exercise on his own;
squats. In this case, the baby leans on the hands of an adult;
squatting with support on only one arm;
walking hand in hand with an adult;
The massage ends with gentle stroking and foot massage.

At the age of 10 months, such a set of massage activities helps the baby master turns, stepping over and squatting.

Children are recommended to do foot massage daily for 2-7 minutes, depending on the age of the baby, but only if there are no contraindications. Despite the fact that the procedure takes a minimum of time, it is extremely effective - it helps to increase immunity, increases muscle tone, prepares the baby for independent walking and serves as a prevention of many diseases.

The older the child, the more complex and varied the massage techniques.

Sometimes there is a problem with the tone of the child's foot, which does not allow the baby to normally spread the legs. In this case, the massage should be started in the area of ​​the inner surface of the thigh. Light stroking will help relieve muscle tension. Rubbing and kneading cannot be done. The child is placed on the tummy, the legs are raised and the baby's feet are massaged, slightly pressing on them. At the same time, the foot flexes and unbends. Finish the massage with a light stroke.

during the massage of the child, it is necessary to distract with stories, singing, pleasant music;
if the child begins to act up, spin, show dissatisfaction - the massage procedure must be stopped, calm the baby, then continue;
it is undesirable to use special means for massage: they reduce the sensitivity of the mother's hands, clog the pores of the baby's skin, reduce the therapeutic effect;
massage must be performed with clean and warm hands, removing all jewelry from the hands;
pressure on the foot of medium strength relieves muscle tension;
before conducting massage techniques for children, you need to check them on yourself;
foot massage in children should be carried out only with the help of fingers and hands;
during the massage, the child should not feel pain;
start and end the massage with light strokes. They promote muscle relaxation;
rubbing the baby's foot is carried out only after the foot is warmed up in the process of stroking;
compression and stretching is performed by the entire surface of the brush.

Foot massage in children: contraindications

Contraindications to foot massage in children are divided into temporary and absolute. Temporary include:

increased skin sensitivity;
skin diseases;
increased body temperature;
whining mood of the baby, unwillingness to massage;
hypotrophy in severe form;
renal and liver failure;
diseases accompanied by fragility of bones;
diseases of the cardiovascular system;
acute respiratory diseases;
inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes.

Absolute contraindications for foot massage in children:

epidermal lesions: rash, skin inflammation;
injuries: dislocations, severe bruises, fractures, burns, torn ligaments;
malignant neoplasms;
circulatory disorders;
infectious diseases;
diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by increased irritability.

A set of simple measures will help to avoid many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, keep the baby's muscles in good shape and improve the functioning of various organs and body systems.

Foot massage is important, as there are a large number of receptors on the feet.

A massage made by the hands of a loved one will bring not only benefits to the health of the child, but also give the joy of communication and mutual understanding.

The first year of a child's life has come to an end. During this time, he turned from a helpless, screaming lump into a full-fledged person.

The one-year-old prankster gets on all fours, sits, crawls, and in most cases already walks on his own.

Massage of a one-year-old child is done for general development, as well as for violations of the formation of important skills.

In this age the emphasis is on the back and the press, as well as legs: feet, lower legs, thighs.

With the help of exercises, the muscles that are directly involved in upright walking are strengthened, coordination of movements and dexterity of the limbs develop.

After a year, the risk of disruption of the respiratory system increases. Daily massage reduces the likelihood of failure of their functioning.

Another equally important goal is the prevention of curvature of the spine, lower extremities and postural disorders in general.

Even unprofessional massage, which every mother can have, has positive properties. It is important to simply follow a few simple rules and listen carefully to the reaction of the baby during the procedure.

Features of the procedure of this age

  • Before the start of the session, the room is ventilated for 15-20 minutes. The maximum air temperature in the room is 22 degrees.
  • A set of classes with a one-year-old child necessarily consists of massage and gymnastics. It is always better to start with exercises, because massage often relaxes the baby, and he falls asleep.
  • Gymnastics works out all the muscle groups of the child.
  • Any position for an adult baby is acceptable - standing, sitting, lying down. The only condition exists regarding the back massage: it is done lying or sitting.
  • The optimal session time is 40-45 minutes. That's in theory, but in practice it's often different. It is difficult for a child at the age of one year to sit in one place for a long time, so the duration of the procedure can reach one and a half hours.
  • The number of repetitions is five times. You need to introduce the baby to the exercise by repeating it first 2-3 times.
  • All movements used in active form. If the baby is able to do the exercise himself, then the adult allows him to do it. In addition, mom or dad also repeat the exercise, thus showing the baby an example. All children in the family are involved in active activities.
  • After a year, massage begins from the back, tummy, then moves on to the limbs.
  • The order of massage of the handles: shoulder, forearm, hand.
  • The legs are worked out in the following order: thigh, ankle, foot.
  • Each child requires an individual approach.
  • The session takes place in the form of a game.
  • Clothing for classes is selected in accordance with the season: in summer - a T-shirt and shorts, in winter - cotton pants and a blouse. At the time of the massage, the child is undressed to swimming trunks.

Massage technique

Starting position - lying on the stomach, a small roller is placed under the lower leg. Begin the procedure with stroking.

After stroking, they begin to rub the lumbar region with the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers.

The fingers are spread like a rake and rub the intercostal spaces. The following elements are active kneading, patting and pinching.

Rub each buttock separately. Then they knead, using both hands. Next, light percussive movements are made on each of the gluteal muscles.

The legs are massaged alternately. First, the back of the thigh of the left, then the right leg, then the front of the thigh of the left and right legs.

They also continue to use all the familiar elements: stroking, rubbing, sawing, kneading.

In a circular motion, they stroke the abdomen, make counter strokes. Light tingling of the area around the navel perfectly stimulates blood circulation.

Is it necessary? And what effect does it have on the vegetative centers of the child's brain.

This video will tell you about massage techniques and developing gymnastics for a child aged 1 year.


The first year of life is left behind. Parents have done a lot to ensure that their baby develops according to age, and preferably ahead of their peers.

But ahead of the baby are waiting for new achievements, for which he will need strength. To do this, it is important not to stop exercising with the child even after he has crossed the one-year milestone.

Some parents closer to the year begin to worry about why the child has not yet gone on his own. My friends' babies ran after 9-10 months. They start massaging the baby to start walking and expect instant results. Pediatricians and orthopedists are tired of repeating that each baby has its own development program. If the baby took the first steps a few months after the first birthday and there is no developmental delay, this is considered the norm.

However, doctors advise visiting a massage parlor or doing the massage yourself at home. It will help strengthen small legs and increase muscle tone.

There is no need to doubt whether it is worth doing such procedures to a child. They will benefit. After seeing how skillfully a professional does a massage, you will understand how to do it and be able to repeat these actions. The main thing is to remember the sequence and get permission from the doctor.

Simple rules that will help when performing a massage:

  1. Perform manipulations on a hard surface. There will be no benefit from massaging on the bed. Lay a blanket and flannel on the table for softness.
  2. Get down to business only with a good mood in the baby no earlier than an hour after eating. If your child does not walk, then with a full stomach he will want to sleep, but not be active.
  3. Morning is the best time.
  4. Hands should be warm, nails trimmed short. Immediately before the procedure, wash your hands with soap and grease with baby nourishing cream or oil.
  5. All movements are carried out smoothly and gently. Only rubbing is performed dynamically, but this wisdom still needs to be learned.

Please note that massage therapists use not only the leg area. Muscle tone is connected with the entire nervous system, which means that you need to stretch your arms, neck and back too.

Indications for a foot massage

Sessions are prescribed for any orthopedic problems in babies up to a year old. The main goal of massage for a one-year-old patient is to teach small legs to step over and squat.

In addition to the fact that the child did not go at the allotted time, the doctor can diagnose such diseases:

  • amyotrophy;
  • clubfoot;
  • high arch of the foot;
  • flat feet.

If the specialist insists on visiting a massage therapist in a clinic, we recommend that you do not self-medicate. The services of a doctor from a local hospital are usually free of charge. But you can wait a very long time when the time for recording is right. Some practicing massage therapists go home. This pleasure is not cheap, but it is not worth saving on the health of the child.

The most affordable massage option for mom

Not every movement can be performed correctly. You should not think of yourself as a great specialist in massage for children. If the child really has problems, it is important to contact an orthopedist in time and find a qualified massage therapist.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simplified methodology that every caring parent can do:

  1. Lay the baby on the back. Bend your legs at the knees. Press against each other and try to lift to the chest. If the child is ready for the procedures. Try to bend your neck so that your head meets your knees.
  2. Start gently rocking the baby. For a one-year-old baby, this may seem like fun fun.
  3. Raise the child, supporting under the armpits. Swing back and forth left and right like a pendulum. Don't forget to smile at the baby.
  4. Return to the supine position again. Holding the hips of the crumbs, again begin to swing it.
  5. Shake your small wrists, gradually moving up to your shoulders.
  6. Exercise "bicycle" is perfect for massage and the child will like it.
  7. When massaging the foot, pay attention to the balls of the fingers. What pressure is needed, try to determine for yourself.
  8. While supporting the child, invite him to stomp on the diaper.

If the baby began to act up or even cry, stop the procedure immediately. It is better to return to the procedures later. It is worth considering whether you have hurt the baby, whether it is cold in the room, whether nothing hurts him.

Features of baby massage

A mobile child should do a relaxing massage that will help calm him down and relieve tension in the muscles. Normally, one procedure should last no more than half an hour or less.

Be sure to smile and be gentle with the child. He shouldn't be afraid. Massage is a pleasant pastime for mother and baby. Songs, poems, nursery rhymes and included music will defuse the situation.

High-quality massage will save the baby from many orthopedic problems. Take the pediatrician's advice seriously, and soon your child will be pleased with the first timid steps.

How to teach a child to walk?

Developing gymnastics and massage for children 1-3 years old are significantly different from the complexes performed earlier. At this age, kids tend to imitate. In addition to the fact that adults need to voice all their actions, they can be shown, compared with the movements of animals or fairy-tale characters.

For children from 1 to 3 years old, rapid fatigue is characteristic, however, they also restore strength fairly soon. Therefore, classes should take place with short pauses, be quite diverse.

Children's massage after a year: performance features

During the procedure, passive and active movements should alternate. Moreover, the first must always be performed before the second. If a baby of 1-3 years old does not want to do a massage, runs away, is not given, then it is best to transfer the lesson to the second half of the day, when the fidget is already a little tired and will not be so active.

To interest the little one, sessions can be turned into a game, given a new doll, little animal. However, in no case should children be forced to engage in force or screams. It is also forbidden to distract their attention during the sessions with treats - the baby may choke.

Massage for a child from 1 to 3 years old is done in order to strengthen the muscles that have the greatest load during walking:

  • lower limbs.
  • Backs.
  • Tummy.

Manipulations should prepare the still insufficiently developed muscles and ligaments of the little one for increasing physical exertion.

Massage after a year for a child is also aimed at preventing the occurrence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Flat feet.
  • Clubfoot.
  • Curvature of the lower extremities.
  • Violations of gait, posture.

Much attention should be paid to massage of the palms and fingers, as well as stimulation of fine motor skills of children. Scientists have proven an unconditional connection between exposure to these parts of the body and the development of speech in babies.

Massage for a child at 1, 2, 3 years old: a set of exercises

When carrying out the procedure for children of this age, along with stroking, kneading and rubbing, light shock touches are used. The movements are repeated 3 times. It is recommended to use the following complex:

When performing massage for children from 1 to 3 years old, it is necessary to focus on the motor skills of babies. If any active exercise is not available to the little one, you need to postpone its implementation and replace it with a lighter one.

The older the fidget becomes, the more it is recommended to add active and game elements. Preparations should be made for the fact that children's massage from 3 years old will almost entirely consist of them.

In their free time, adults need to stimulate greater physical activity of children. Encourage climbing, crawling, walking, running, organize games with various objects: a ball, a stick, a hoop.

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Many diseases of an adult are from childhood. Small, almost imperceptible deviations, over time, develop into serious chronic problems that prevent an adult from living. This is especially true for the development of the musculoskeletal system. Simple and affordable prevention in childhood will save you from expensive treatment in the future. All this, first of all, refers to the correct formation of the foot and spine in a child.

Today we will consider massage techniques and special ones that contribute to the formation of a healthy foot. The main problem in the formation of a child's foot is the possibility of developing flat feet. Flat feet begin to form at a very early age, and during this period it is very difficult to diagnose. And when, over time, flat feet become noticeable, it can be quite difficult to get rid of this problem. This is the main difficulty of this problem.

Then prevention comes to the fore: massage of the child's foot and special exercises for the correct formation of the foot. This issue is best dealt with by parents - it is easier for them to choose a convenient moment to conduct classes. And the second reason. - Children usually react badly to the presence of a stranger.

Some necessary theory. A healthy foot on the plantar side has two bends - longitudinal and transverse. Bends are formed due to the correct development of the muscles of the foot. If in childhood the muscles of the foot develop poorly, flat feet are formed, which can be both longitudinal and transverse. Over time, if you do not pay attention to this problem, the bones of the foot are formed incorrectly, and then it is much more difficult to influence the situation. There is a need to use special shoes and orthopedic insoles.

Conditions for conducting classes

1. It is best to do this on a hard surface: a table covered with a blanket or blanket is best.

2. The room should be well ventilated, but at the same time drafts should be avoided - thus, the procedures for shaping the foot will be combined with hardening.

3. Exercises and massage should be done 30 minutes before feeding or 45 - 60 minutes after it.

4. Massage is best done with clean hands, without the use of massage oils.

Foot massage. Starting position - the child lies on his back. Hold the child's leg with one hand in the shin area. Place the index and middle fingers of the other hand on the back of the foot (foot lift). With circular movements of the thumb, vigorously stroke the sole, you can “draw” the figure eight. Then massage the other foot, changing hands accordingly. Repeat each movement 8-10 times.

Flexion and extension of the feet- reflex exercise. Starting position - the child lies on his back. Hold the child's leg in the shin area. With the tip of your thumb, quickly press on the sole of the child at the base of the fingers. In response to this irritation, the child bends the foot. Then, with the same finger, slide with pressure along the outer edge of the foot from the little toe to the heel. The child reflexively unbends his fingers. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times for each foot.

Walking- reflex exercise. Starting position - support the child in the armpits in an upright position, facing or back to you. Let the baby touch the hard surface of the table. This irritation causes reflex steps. Guide the child, slightly transferring body weight from one leg to the other. When performing this exercise, it is important to observe 3 conditions: keep the child on weight, try not to squeeze the chest, make sure that the child fully puts his feet on the support (do not let him walk on tiptoe).

These procedures are suitable for children from 1 to 3 months.

At the age of 3 - 6 months, the same exercises are performed, only more vigorously and for a longer time. When performing a foot massage, it is necessary to use the tapping technique. It is performed in the following way: with the back of the straightened fingers (index and middle) of the right hand, we apply light rhythmic blows to the child’s foot.

Independent lifting of straightened legs. Starting position - the child lies on his back. We hold the stick or toy at the height of the child's straightened legs, and invite him to reach the stick with his feet. At first, the performance of this exercise is imperfect: the child's legs are bent at the knees, the foot is flattened, the stomach is not pulled in. In this case, touch the stick to the child's feet, prompting him to hold it with his fingers and raise his legs to a right angle with the body. The exercise becomes active and is repeated 6-8 times.

squat. Starting position - the child is standing on the table. If the child stands well without support, then take him by the hands and encourage him to squat down, spreading his knees apart, and then stand up. Make sure that the child's feet are completely on the table. At the moment of getting up, raise the baby's hands up, let him rise on his toes.

Raising the toes. Starting position - sitting, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, under the heels - a bar or a stack of books 15 - 20 centimeters high. Raise your toes and lower them. Repeat 15 - 20 times, the pace is medium. Breathing is natural.

Raise your heels. The starting position is the same, but the bar is under the toes. Raise your heels and lower. Repeat 10-20 times.

Rolling gymnastic stick. The starting position is the same, but under the feet - a gymnastic or any other stick with a diameter of 5 - 8 centimeters. You should roll the stick with your feet - from socks to heels and back for one minute, the pace is average. When rolling, you must try to keep the stick tightly pressed with the soles of the feet.

Caterpillar. The starting position is the same, feet on the floor, bend your fingers and due to this move the foot forward without lifting it off the floor. For 6 - 8 counts, move forward, and in the same way, bending your fingers, return the feet to their original position. Repeat 10 - 20 times, the pace is medium.

Toe jumping- useful for training and maintaining the "shock-absorbing properties" of the foot in a normal state. The main condition is that the hands should be on the belt. Rope jumping is very useful.

Foot massage.

The starting position of the child is lying on his back or stomach.

Movement 1. Rub the sole and back of the foot in the direction from the toes to the ankle joint (about 30 seconds).

Movement 2. With the fingers of both hands, knead and rub the base of the toes from the plantar side (30 - 60 seconds), then the heel (30 - 60 seconds).

Movement 3. Massage the foot with stroking movements (from the toe to the ankle joint), covering it with both hands from all sides (30 seconds).

Movement 4. Grasp the leg in the ankle area with both hands and perform a deep massaging stroke from the ankle to the knee joint (10-15 times), then knead in the same direction (10-15 times) and again - stroking (10-15 times).

Movement 5. In conclusion, massage with stroking, clasping the leg with both hands, from the ankle to the knee joint (10 times).

To promote healthy foot development, exercise should be done daily.