Electronic cards for issuing flushing and neutralizing agents. Occupational safety standard "Providing workers with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents"

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
"On approval of standard standards for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees and the labor safety standard "Providing employees with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents"

with changes and additions, included in the text,

according to orders of the Ministry of Labor of Russia: dated 02/07/2013 No. 48n,

dated February 20, 2014 No. 103n, dated November 23, 2017 No. 805n)

In accordance with paragraphs 5.2.70 and 5.2.74 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 321 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 28, Art. 2898; 2005 , No. 2, Art. 162; 2006, No. 19, Art. 2080; 2008, No. 11 (part 1), Art. 1036; No. 15, Art. 1555; No. 23, Art. 2713; No. 42, Art. 4825; No. 46, Art. 5337; No. 48, Art. 5618; 2009, No. 2, Art. 244; No. 3, Art. 378; No. 6, Art. 738; No. 12, Art. 1427, 1434; No. 33 , Art. 4083, 4088; No. 43, Art. 5064; No. 45, Art. 5350; 2010, No. 4, Art. 394; No. 11, Art. 1225; No. 25, Art. 3167; No. 26, Art. 3350 ; No. 31, Art. 4251; No. 35, Art. 4574), I order:

1. Approve:

standard standards for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees in accordance with Appendix No.;

labor safety standard “Providing workers with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents” in accordance with Appendix No.

2. Recognize as invalid the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2003 No. 45 “On approval of standards for free issuance workers of flushing and neutralizing agents, the procedure and conditions for their issuance" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 15, 2003 No. 4901).

Appendix No. 1
and social development of the Russian Federation
dated December 17, 2010 No. 1122n

Standard standards for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees


Types of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents

Name of work and production factors

Issue rate per 1 employee per month

I. Protective means

Hydrophilic agents

(moisture-absorbing, skin moisturizing)

Work with organic solvents, technical oils, lubricants, soot, varnishes and paints, resins, oil and petroleum products, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, metal, glass, paper and others), fuel oil, fiberglass, lubricants oil-based liquids (hereinafter referred to as coolants) and other water-insoluble materials and substances

100 ml

Hydrophobic agents

(repellent moisture, drying skin)

Work with aqueous solutions, water (provided for by the technology), water-based coolants, disinfectants, solutions of cement, lime, acids, alkalis, salts, alkali-oil emulsions and other water-soluble materials and substances; work performed in rubber gloves or gloves made of polymer materials (without natural lining), closed safety shoes

100 ml

Combined action agents

Work under alternating exposure to water-soluble and water-insoluble materials and substances specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of these Standards

100 ml

Products to protect the skin from negative environmental influences (from irritation and skin damage)

External, welding and other work associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation in ranges A, B, C or exposure to low temperatures and wind

100 ml

Means for protection against bacteriological harmful factors (disinfectants)

Work with bacterially hazardous environments; when the workplace is located remotely from stationary sanitary facilities; work performed in closed special shoes; with increased requirements for hand sterility in production

100 ml

Means for protection against biological harmful factors (from arthropod bites)

External work (seasonal, at temperatures above 0° Celsius) during the period of activity of blood-sucking and stinging insects and arachnids

200 ml

II. Cleansers

Soap or liquid detergents including:

Work related to easily washed off contaminants

for washing hands

200 g (toilet soap) or 250 ml (liquid detergents in dispensing devices)

for body wash

Solid toilet soap or liquid detergents

300 g (toilet soap) or 500 ml (liquid detergents in dispensing devices)

Work in coal (shale) mines, in open-cast mines, in processing and briquette factories, in mine construction and mine installation organizations in the coal industry

800 g (toilet soap) or 750 ml (liquid detergents in dispensing devices)

Cleansing creams, gels and pastes

Work involving hard-to-remove, persistent contaminants: oils, lubricants, petroleum products, varnishes, paints, resins, adhesives, bitumen, fuel oil, silicone, soot, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, metal)

200 ml

III. Regenerating, restorative agents

Regenerating, restorative creams, emulsions

Work with organic solvents, technical oils, lubricants, soot, varnishes and paints, resins, petroleum and petroleum products, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, glass and others), fuel oil, water- and oil-based coolants, with water and aqueous solutions (provided for by the technology), disinfectants, solutions of cement, lime, acids, alkalis, salts, alkali-oil emulsions and other working materials; work performed in rubber gloves or gloves made of polymer materials (without natural lining); negative impact of the environment

100 ml

Appendix No. 2
to the order of the Ministry of Health
and social development of the Russian Federation
dated December 17, 2010 No. 1122n

Occupational safety standard "Providing workers with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents"

1. The labor safety standard “Providing workers with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents” (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) establishes the rules for the acquisition, issuance, use and organization of storage of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents.

2. The standard applies to employers - legal entities and individuals, regardless of their legal forms and forms of ownership.

3. The purchase of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is carried out at the expense of the employer.

4. Washing and (or) neutralizing agents are divided into protective agents, cleansing agents and means of restorative, regenerating action.

5. Flushing and (or) neutralizing agents are provided to employees in accordance with the standard standards for the free provision of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees in accordance with Appendix No. to this order (hereinafter referred to as the Standard Standards).

6. Flushing and (or) neutralizing agents that remain unused after the expiration of the reporting period (one month) can be used the next month if their expiration date is observed.

7. The employer has the right, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers and its financial and economic situation, to establish standards for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees, which improve, in comparison with the Standard Standards, the protection of workers from harmful substances present in the workplace. and (or) hazardous production factors, special temperature conditions, as well as contamination.

8. The issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents, including foreign-made ones, to employees is permitted only if their compliance with state regulatory requirements is confirmed by a declaration of conformity and (or) a certificate of conformity, issued in the manner established by current legislation.

The purchase of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents that do not have a declaration of conformity and (or) a certificate of conformity or that have a declaration of conformity and (or) a certificate of conformity that has expired is not permitted.

9. The standards for the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents that correspond to the working conditions at the employee’s workplace are specified in the employee’s employment contract or in the local regulatory act of the employer, and are brought to the attention of the employee in writing or electronically in a way that allows confirming the employee’s familiarity with these standards .

10. When issuing flushing and (or) neutralizing agents, the employer is obliged to inform employees about the rules for their use.

11. The employee is obliged to use flushing and (or) neutralizing agents issued to him in the prescribed manner as intended and in accordance with the Standard.

12. The selection and distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is carried out taking into account the results of a special assessment of working conditions.

13. The list of workplaces and the list of employees for whom the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is necessary is compiled by the labor protection service (labor safety specialist) or other authorized structural unit (official) of the employer and approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body authorized by employees.

The specified list of jobs and the list of workers are formed on the basis of the Standard Standards and in accordance with the results of a special assessment of working conditions, taking into account the features of the existing technological process and labor organization, the raw materials used.

Before the employer receives the results of a special assessment of working conditions, or if the employer does not have them, a list of workplaces and a list of employees for whom the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is necessary is formed taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another representative body authorized by employees based on the Model Standards.

14. The issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees in accordance with the Model Standards is carried out by an authorized structural unit (official) of the employer.

15. Protective agents of hydrophilic, hydrophobic, as well as combined action (creams, emulsions, gels, sprays and others) are issued to workers when working with aggressive water-soluble, water-insoluble working materials, or their alternating exposure.

16. Products to protect the skin from negative environmental influences (creams, gels, emulsions and others) are issued to workers engaged in outdoor and other work associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation in ranges A, B, C, high and low temperatures, wind and others. .

17. Means for protection against bacteriological harmful factors with an antibacterial effect are issued to workers employed in industries with increased requirements for the sterility of workers’ hands, when working with bacterially hazardous environments, as well as when the workplace is located remotely from stationary sanitary facilities.

18. Means for protection against biological harmful factors (insects, arachnids) are issued to employees when working in areas where there is a seasonal mass of blood-sucking and stinging insects (mosquitoes, midges, horse flies, gadflies and others), as well as the spread and activity of blood-sucking arachnids ( ixodid ticks and others), taking into account the seasonal specifics of the region.

19. The use of protective equipment specified in paragraphs 14 - 18 of the Standard is carried out by applying them to open areas of the body before starting work.

20. At work involving easily washed away contaminants, for use in showers or in washrooms, workers are provided with cleaning products in the form of solid toilet soap or liquid detergents (hand gel, body and hair gel, liquid toilet soap and others).

In work involving easily washed-off contaminants, the employer has the right not to provide flushing agents directly to the employee, but ensures the constant availability of soap or dispensers with liquid flushing agent in the sanitary premises.

To cleanse facial skin from contamination, workers are given only weakly alkaline soaps (toilet soap).

It is not allowed to replace soap or liquid detergents with products that are aggressive to the skin (organic solvents, abrasive substances (sand, cleaning powders, etc.), caustic soda, etc.).

21. At work involving stubborn, persistent contaminants (oils, greases, soot, petroleum products, varnishes, paints, including printing paints, resins, adhesives, bitumen, silicone, graphite, various types of industrial dust, including coal, metal etc.), in addition to solid toilet soap or liquid detergents, employees are provided with cleansing creams, gels and pastes.

Replacing these cleaning products with solid toilet soap or liquid detergents is not permitted.

22. When working with aggressive water-soluble, water-insoluble and combined substances and the negative influence of the environment (external and other work associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the A, B, C ranges, exposure to high or low temperatures, wind), workers are provided with regenerating (restoring) products (creams, emulsions and others) according to the Standard Standards. The use of these products is carried out by applying them to open, clean areas of the body after work.

23. The distribution to employees of liquid flushing and (or) neutralizing agents packaged in packages with a capacity of more than 250 ml can be carried out through the use of dosing systems that are located in sanitary premises. Replenishment or replacement of containers containing flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is carried out as these funds are consumed.

24. The employer is obliged to organize proper accounting and control over the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees within the established time frame.

The terms of use of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents are calculated from the date of their actual distribution to employees and should not exceed the expiration dates specified by the manufacturer.

The issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees, with the exception of the products specified in paragraph 7 of the Model Standards, must be recorded against signature in a personal record card for the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents, a sample of which is provided in the appendix to the Standard.

25. The employer carries out storage of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents issued to employees in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

26. Responsibility for the timely and full issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees in accordance with the Model Standards, for organizing control over the correct use of them by employees, as well as for storing flushing and (or) neutralizing agents rests with the employer (his representative) .

27. State supervision and control over the employer’s compliance with the Standard is carried out by the federal executive body exercising the functions of supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, and its territorial bodies (state labor inspectorates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

28. Control over compliance by employers (legal entities and individuals) with the Standard in subordinate organizations is carried out in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


to the labor safety standard
"Providing workers with flushing
and (or) neutralizing agents"




Last name ______________________________ First name ______________________________

Middle name (if available) _________________________ Personnel number ___________

Structural subdivision _________________________________________________

Profession (position) ___________________ Date of employment ________

Date of change in the name of the profession (position) or transfer to another structural unit _________________________________________________

Provided by standard standards for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees:

Clause of the Model Standards

Unit (g/ml)

Quantity per year

Reverse side of personal card

Type of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents

Certificate of state registration, certificate of conformity



quantity (g/ml)

method of dispensing (individually; via dosing system)


Head of structural unit _________________________________

2. Recognize as invalid the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2003 No. 45 “On approval of the standards for the free issuance of flushing and neutralizing agents to employees, the procedure and conditions for their issuance” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 15, 2003 N 4901).

Types of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents

Name of work and production factors

Issue rate per 1 employee per month

Hydrophilic agents (moisture-absorbing, skin moisturizing)

Work with organic solvents, technical oils, lubricants, soot, varnishes and paints, resins, oil and petroleum products, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, metal, glass, paper and others), fuel oil, fiberglass, lubricants oil-based liquids (hereinafter referred to as coolants) and other water-insoluble materials and substances

Hydrophobic agents (moisture repellent, drying skin)

Work with aqueous solutions, water (provided for by the technology), water-based coolants, disinfectants, solutions of cement, lime, acids, alkalis, salts, alkali-oil emulsions and other water-soluble materials and substances; work performed in rubber gloves or gloves made of polymer materials (without natural lining), closed safety shoes

Combined action agents

Work under alternating exposure to water-soluble and water-insoluble materials and substances specified in paragraphs 1 and these Standard Standards

Products to protect the skin from negative environmental influences (from irritation and skin damage)

External, welding and other work associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation in ranges A, B, C or exposure to low temperatures and wind

Means for protection against bacteriological harmful factors (disinfectants)

Work with bacterially hazardous environments; when the workplace is located remotely from stationary sanitary facilities; work performed in closed special shoes; with increased requirements for hand sterility in production

Means for protection against biological harmful factors (from arthropod bites)

External work (seasonal, at temperatures above 0° Celsius) during the period of activity of blood-sucking and stinging insects and arachnids

Soap or liquid detergents including:

Work related to easily washed off contaminants

for washing hands

200 g (toilet soap) or 250 ml (liquid detergents in dispensing devices)

for body wash

Solid toilet soap or liquid detergents

300 g (toilet soap) or 500 ml (liquid detergents in dispensing devices)

Cleansing creams, gels and pastes

Work involving hard-to-remove, persistent contaminants: oils, lubricants, petroleum products, varnishes, paints, resins, adhesives, bitumen, fuel oil, silicone, soot, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, metal)

Regenerating, restorative creams, emulsions

Work with organic solvents, technical oils, lubricants, soot, varnishes and paints, resins, petroleum and petroleum products, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, glass and others), fuel oil, water- and oil-based coolants, with water and aqueous solutions (provided for by the technology), disinfectants, solutions of cement, lime, acids, alkalis, salts, alkali-oil emulsions and other working materials; work performed in rubber gloves or gloves made of polymer materials (without natural lining); negative impact of the environment

PERSONAL CARD N ____ ACCOUNTING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF WASHING AND (OR) DISCONTINUING PRODUCTS Last name _____________________________ First name _________________________________ Middle name (if available) ______________________ Personnel number _____________ Structural unit _________________________________________________ Profession (position) __________________ Date of employment _______ Date of change in the name of the profession (position) or transfer to another structural unit _________________________________________________ Provided by standard standards for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees:

Judicial practice and legislation - Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010 N 1122n (as amended on November 23, 2017) On approval of standard standards for the free issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to workers and the labor safety standard “Providing workers with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents

Workers engaged in work associated with pollution are provided with flushing and neutralizing agents in accordance with the Standard Standards for the free provision of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to workers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010 N 1122n, and Methodological Recommendations for the selection and use of flushing and neutralizing agents funds for employees of JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 17, 2012 N 2587r.


| Author Flaaim

I present to your attention a sample and procedure for filling out a personal registration card for cleaning agents and disinfectants.

  • Distribution of cleaning and neutralizing agents by profession
  • Washing and disinfecting agents - order of distribution

First of all, it is best to familiarize yourself with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1122n

The form of a personal registration card for flushing and disinfecting agents is an appendix to the labor safety standard “Providing workers with flushing and (or) disinfecting agents” approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1122n

It is also necessary to develop a list of cleaning agents and disinfectants issued to employees and approve it with the head of the organization.

Front side of the flushing agent card

Personal card No.____________ for accounting for the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents

Last name Ishchenko First name Vladimir Patronymic (if available) Sergeevich

Personnel Number

Structural unit "Malmyzh" site

Profession (position) Skidder operator

Enrollment Date

Date of change in the name of the profession (position) or transfer to another structural unit

Provided by standard standards for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees:

Head of the structural unit Ponomarev E.B.

Procedure for filling out the front side of the flushing agent card

  • Fill in the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, the structural unit in which the employee works, profession and date of entry to work.
  • Next, we indicate what is provided for issuance to this employee. The data is taken from a developed list of flushing and disinfecting agents and approved by the head of the organization.
  • We indicate the point of standard norms on the basis on which funds are issued
  • Type of rinsing or disinfecting agents
  • Unit
  • Quantity issued per year

Reference materials on labor protection

Reverse side of the flushing agent card

Reverse side of personal card

Head of the structural unit Ponomarev E.B.

At work involving pollution, workers should be provided with free soap or liquid detergents for both hand and body washing; at work involving stubborn, persistent stains, oils, greases, petroleum products, adhesives, bitumen, and irritating chemicals. etc., additional protective, regenerating and restoring creams, cleansing creams, gels and hand pastes should be provided.

All rinsing and (or) neutralizing agents must pass mandatory certification . Purchasing of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is carried out at the expense of the employer.

Free issuance standards workers of flushing and neutralizing agents are approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1122n.

Rules for acquisition, issuance, use and storage organization flushing and (or) neutralizing agents are established by the standard “Providing workers with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents,” which is approved by the same document.

Types of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents:

  • Protective means
  • Cleansers
  • Means of restorative (regenerating) action

Providing workers with cleaning and disinfecting agents

For hand washing, 200 g of toilet soap or 250 ml of liquid detergent should be provided per person monthly in dispensing devices. To wash the body, 300 g of toilet soap or 500 ml of liquid detergent in dispensing devices should be provided per person monthly.

In work involving easily washed-off contaminants, the employer has the right not to provide flushing agents directly to the employee, but ensures the constant availability of soap or dispensers with liquid flushing agent in the sanitary premises.

Protective hand cream with hydrophilic action (absorbs moisture, moisturizes the skin) is issued monthly in the amount of 100 ml per person for work involving the use of organic solvents, technical oils, petroleum products, varnishes and paints.

Protective hand cream with hydrophobic action (repels moisture, dries the skin) is issued monthly in the amount of 100 ml per person for work involving the use of aqueous solutions of acids, alkalis and salts.

Combined-action hand products (work with alternating exposure to water-soluble and water-insoluble materials and substances) are issued monthly in the amount of 100 ml per person.

Products to protect the skin from negative environmental influences (from irritation and damage to the skin) are issued monthly in the amount of 100 ml per person for outdoor, welding and other work associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation or exposure to low temperatures, winds, etc. Protective creams should be applied to clean hands before starting work.

Hand cleansing paste is provided monthly in the amount of 200 ml per person for work involving the use of difficult-to-wash off contaminants - oils, greases, petroleum products, glue, bitumen.

Regenerating restorative cream (emulsion) for hands is issued monthly in the amount of 100 ml per person for work involving the use of irritating chemicals.

The employer has the right, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers and its financial and economic situation, to establish standards for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees, which, compared to the Standard Standards, improve the protection of employees from harmful and ( or) hazardous production factors, special temperature conditions, and contamination.

The selection and distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is carried out according to working conditions and in accordance with the Standard Standards. The issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees is, as a rule, carried out by the head of the structural unit. The employer is obliged to organize proper accounting and control over the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees within the established time frame.

The terms of use of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents are calculated from the date of their actual distribution to employees and should not exceed the expiration dates specified by the manufacturer.

The issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees must be recorded against signature on a personal record card for the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents.

Responsibility for the timely and full distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees, for organizing control over the correct use of them by employees, as well as for storing flushing and (or) neutralizing agents rests with the employer.

The Electronic System “Occupational Safety and Health” and the magazine “Handbook of Labor Safety Specialists” held a webinar on March 21, 2018 on the topic “How not to make mistakes with the issuance of PPE, flushing and neutralizing agents”

Speaker from the Armakon company Natalya Ivanova prepared answers to questions about flushing and neutralizing agents.

  1. How to issue flushing agents to employees who combine different positions? Workers who combine professions or constantly perform combined jobs, including as part of complex teams, in addition to the PPE issued to them for their main profession, are additionally issued, depending on the work performed, other types of PPE provided for by the relevant standard standards for the combined profession (combined type of work) with entering a note about the issued PPE in the personal card for recording the issuance of PPE.
  2. Are there any office professions that require PPE and flushing agents? Is soap in restrooms specified in employment contracts? Standard norms for the free issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010 N 1122n, are “other conditions in cases provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms” (Model norms). In turn, in addition to these Standard Standards, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia N 1122n approved the Occupational Safety Standard “Providing workers with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents.” The standards for issuing funds must be specified in the employment contract with the employee (clause 9 of the Safety Standard). This applies not only to production workers: according to clause 7 of the Model Standards, soap is required even if the work involves light contamination - this includes, for example, working with computers and office equipment. In this case, the employee is entitled to 200 g of solid soap (toilet soap) or 250 g of liquid soap. Accordingly, the employment contract must indicate specific figures that determine the standards for issuing flushing and (or) neutralizing agents that correspond to the working conditions at the employee’s workplace.
  3. Are nurses required to be provided with special clothing and personal soap?The list of workplaces and the list of employees for whom the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is required is compiled by the labor protection service (labor safety specialist) or other authorized structural unit
  4. Is it necessary to issue flushing agents with a personal signature?The issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to employees must be recorded against signature in a personal record card for the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents, a sample of which is provided in the appendix to the Standard.
  5. Is it necessary to reflect the issuance of personal protective equipment in an employment contract? (soap, for example)?In accordance with Order 1122, paragraph 9. Standards for issuing flushing and (or) neutralizing agents that correspond to the working conditions at the employee’s workplace are specified in the employee’s employment contract.
  6. How to issue detergents, where to record and norms of issuance for different categories of employees?The list of workplaces and the list of employees for whom the issuance of flushing and neutralizing agents is required is compiled by the labor protection service (labor safety specialist) or another authorized structural unit (official). These documents are approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body authorized by the employees. This list is formed on the basis of the Standard Standards and in accordance with the results of a special assessment of working conditions.Before receiving its results or in the event of their absence, the specified documents are formed taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another representative body authorized by the employees on the basis of the Model Standards (clause 13 of the Safety Standard). The issuance of funds must be recorded against a signature on a personal record card for the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents.
  7. What are the standards for issuing soap for office workers?During the period when employees perform their labor duties, the employer is obliged to create for them favorable sanitary and living conditions in terms of maintaining personal hygiene - this is specified in Art. 212 of the Labor Code. For these purposes, it is necessary to place dispensers with liquid soap, toilet paper, and disinfectants in common areas. At the same time, soap is not required to be indicated either in employment contracts or in cards for issuing flushing and (or) neutralizing agents. The Russian Ministry of Labor adheres to the same position (see letter dated August 30, 2016 No. 15-2/OOG-3095). As for the receipt on the registration card, according to paragraph 23 of Order No. 1122n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010, the issuance to employees of liquid flushing and (or) neutralizing agents packaged in packages with a capacity of more than 250 ml can be carried out through the use of dosing systems that are located in sanitary premises. Replenishment or replacement of containers containing flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is carried out as these funds are consumed. An employee may refuse to sign only if the funds are not actually placed in the dispenser.
  8. Is it possible to issue toilet soap that has a declaration of conformity with the TR CU for the perfume and cosmetics industry?
  9. In what cases is it necessary to provide both a protective cream and a cleaning paste when working with gloves?The list of workplaces and the list of employees for whom the issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is necessary is compiled by the labor protection service (labor safety specialist) or another authorized structural unit (official) of the employer and approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body authorized by employees.
  10. Is it necessary to personally provide each employee with soap, etc. according to the standards? and so on. Or is it enough to place means for cleaning from easily washed off and difficult to wash off contaminants in dispensers in a sanitary station in a structural unit? Does enterprise size matter? For a small enterprise, issuing according to the standards is a big expense, and it is obvious that not everyone will use 300 g of soap per month. If the work involves easily washed-off contaminants, the employer may not provide detergents directly to the employee, but ensure the availability of soap or dispensers with liquid detergent in the sanitary premises.
  11. Is it possible not to issue flushing agents, but to provide public areas and register all this in the organization’s LNA?
  12. Cleaners use 1 tube of cream for 3 months, the expiration date has not expired. How to reflect this on the PPE issuance card?For work involving water-soluble substances, in accordance with Order 1122N, the issuance of hydrophobic agents in the amount of 100 ml per month is required. The employer does not have the right to reduce the standard for issuing cream, unless the worker has contact with pollutants full time - i.e., does not work full time.
  13. In our production, we cannot use hydrophobic creams due to the fact that fingerprints remain on the parts, which subsequently affects the quality of our products. We do not include this product in the Dispensing Standards. Is this a violation or not? The selection and distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is carried out on the basis of the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions, carried out in accordance with the Procedure for certification of workplaces for working conditions. In accordance with order 290 clause 77. The employer has the right, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another representative body authorized by employees, to replace one type of personal protective equipment provided for by the standard standards with a similar one that provides equivalent protection from dangerous and harmful production factors.
  14. Do I need to keep cards for flushing agents?The issuance and handing over of PPE to employees is recorded by an entry in the personal record card for the issuance of PPE, the form of which is given in the appendix to these Rules.
  15. When will there be no need to issue flushing agents against signature?, (clause 20 of the Security Standard), reflecting this information in the local act of the organization.
  16. How to register the dispensing of rinsing agents if they are in public use?If the work involves easily washable contaminants,the employer may not provide detergents directly to the employee, and ensure the availability of soap or liquid detergent dispensers in sanitary premises(clause 20 of the Security Standard), reflecting this information in the local act of the organization.
  17. At the enterprise, work involves easily washable contaminants, so flushing agents are not provided directly to the employee, but a constant availability is ensured in sanitary facilities (liquid soap in dispensers). But the workers ask for toilet soap. We purchase soap from a store with a certificate of conformity. What other documents must be requested for toilet soap? Thank you! Factories can produce soap that has a certificate of conformity according to TR CU 019/2011 “On the safety of personal protective equipment.” Soap that has a declaration of conformity with TR CU 009/2011 “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products” is intended only for household use and is not intended for use in production.
  18. How to apply UV cream if the welder is already wearing a mask???All welding work is carried out only using personal protective equipment, which also includes personal protective equipment. Before work, the cream is applied in a thin layer to exposed skin areas (face, neck, hands). The monthly dispensing rate for this cream is 100 ml. The issuance of personal protective equipment is recorded in personal cards.