What did Homo sapiens eat? Paleolithic diet. Is Primal Nutrition Healthy?

The Paleo diet, which has recently become popular in medical circles, was created back in the 1970s by gastroenterologist Walter Vogtlin. He was the first to suggest that the food that our Paleolithic ancestors consumed could make us healthier modern people. Returning to the diet of our ancestors, according to Dr. Vogtlin and a dozen of his followers, can dramatically reduce the likelihood of developing Crohn's disease. diabetes mellitus, obesity, indigestion and a host of other diseases. But is the modern palo diet really similar to the diet of our ancestors?

Features of the Paleo Diet

At first glance, such a diet has common features with what a Paleolithic man might have eaten. The diet mainly consists of meat and fish, which primitive could be obtained from hunting and fishing, as well as plants that he could collect, including nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to avoid grains and their products, since the prehistoric period preceded the cultivation of agricultural crops. Dairy products are also prohibited - primitive man did not breed animals for milk or meat. Honey is the only sugar that is allowed to be consumed during the diet, because, as we know, refined sugar did not exist at that time. Salt consumption is also limited - our ancestors certainly did not have salt shakers on the table. Processed foods of any kind are prohibited. The meat should be obtained from those animals that were fed exclusively on grass, which is as close as possible to the diet of ruminants of that time.

What did primitive people really eat?

However, critics argue that the paleo diet dramatically simplifies everything that primitive man could eat. Meat or fish are given first place in it, but there is no evidence that it was proteins that formed the basis of the diet of primitive man. Just like modern eating habits, the diet of the Paleolithic era was highly dependent on where people lived. Groups that settled in areas similar to modern deserts were unlikely to be able to obtain fish for themselves, and meat was likely to be infrequent for their lunch. Most likely, nuts, seeds and even insects played a large role in their diet. Groups that lived in cold regions had limited access to fresh vegetables and fruits. Their diet was almost entirely based on meat, and it is possible that they ate all parts of the animal to eliminate the shortage caused by the lack of fresh food. Critics argue that modern paleo diets do not take such details into account.

The main arguments of critics

However, the most controversial aspect of the Paleo diet is its ability to improve health. While most modern people would benefit from eating more fruits and vegetables, it is very difficult to say whether primitive man was healthier than our contemporaries. After all, many children died before the age of 15, and few adults passed the 40-year mark.

In addition, recent research published in The Lancet found alarmingly high rates of atherosclerosis in ancient mummies found. The disease was found in 47 of the 137 mummies discovered. This calls into question the theory that our ancestors were much healthier than we are now.

In ancient times, people were rarely obese. They had their own healthy diet, which has nothing to do with modern diets and other troubles. Just eating natural food, grown with one's own hands, mainly porridge and herbal products, meat, milk. Because they didn’t have hypermarkets filled with sausages and cheeses. As they say, what is grown is what is eaten. That's why they were healthy.

Regardless of nationality and climate conditions, a person will be healthy if he refuses artificially created products: chips, pizzas, cakes, food filled with sugar in abundance.

It turns out that organizing something healthy is very simple. You can borrow some recipes and concepts from the ancients and transfer them to modern life. The basis of the diet should be easy to prepare dishes from vegetables, livestock meat, fish, add fruits, grains and root vegetables.

The traditional cuisine of the Russian people has partially preserved ancient recipes. The Slavs were engaged in growing grain crops: barley, rye, oats, millet and wheat. They prepared ritual porridge from grains with honey - kutya, the rest of the porridges were cooked from flour and crushed grains. Grown garden crops: cabbage, cucumbers, rutabaga, radishes, turnips.

They consumed different types of meat, beef, pork, and there are even some records of horse meat, but this most likely happened during the famine years. Meat was often cooked over coals; this method of baking was also found among other nations and was widespread everywhere. All these mentions date back to the 10th century.

Russian chefs honored and preserved traditions; this can be learned from old books, such as “Painting for the Royal Dishes”, monastic writings, and the dining book of Patriarch Philaret. These writings mention traditional dishes: cabbage soup, fish soup, pancakes, pies, various pies, kvass, jelly and porridge.

Mainly healthy eating ancient Rus' was due to cooking in a large oven, which was in every house.

The Russian stove was located with its mouth towards the door, so that the smoke would be ventilated from the room during cooking. When cooking, the smell of smoke remained on the food, which imparted a special taste to the dishes. Most often, soups were cooked in pots in a Russian oven, vegetables were stewed in cast iron, something was baked, meat and fish were fried in large pieces, all this was dictated by the cooking conditions. And as you know, healthy eating is based on boiled and stewed dishes.

Around the 16th century, the division of nutrition into 3 main branches began:

  • Monastyrskaya (base – vegetables, herbs, fruits);
  • Rural;
  • Tsarskaya.

The most important meal was lunch - 4 dishes were served:

  • Cold appetizer;
  • Second;
  • Pies.

The appetizers were varied, but mainly represented by vegetable salads. Instead of soup in winter, they often ate jelly or pickle soup, and cabbage soup was served with pies and fish. They most often drank fruit and berry juices, herbal infusions; the oldest drink is considered to be bread kvass, which could be made with the addition of mint, berries, and the like.

At holidays there was often a large number of dishes, among villagers it reached 15, among boyars up to 50, and at royal feasts up to 200 types of food were served. Often festive feasts lasted more than 4 hours, reaching up to 8. It was customary to drink honey before and after meals, and during the feast they often drank kvass and beer.

The character of the cuisine has retained traditional features in all 3 directions even in our time. The principles of traditional nutrition are quite consistent with the currently known rules of healthy eating.

The basis of the diet was vegetables, grains and meat; there was no large quantity sweets, there was no pure sugar at all; honey was used instead. Until a certain time, there was no tea and coffee; they drank various juices and brewed herbs.

Salt in the diet of our ancestors was also in very limited quantities due to its cost.

It is also worth noting that both the Slavs and peasants were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, and this is difficult physical work, so they could afford to eat fatty meat and fish. Despite the widespread belief that boiled potatoes with herbs are an original Russian dish, this is not at all true. Potatoes appeared and took root in our diet only in the 18th century.

How did the paleo diet come about?

You can dig deeper and remember that truly healthy eating existed even in the Stone Age. Did ancient people live without sandwiches and donuts? And they were strong and healthy. Nowadays the paleontological diet is gaining popularity. Its essence is to give up dairy products and cereal foods (bread, pasta).

The main argument in favor of this diet is this: the human body adapted to life in the Stone Age and, since our genetic structure has remained practically unchanged, the food of cavemen is the most suitable for us.

Basic principles:

  • Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits can be eaten in any quantity;
  • Salt is excluded from the diet;
  • You will also have to give up beans, cereals, industrial products (cookies, sweets, cakes, chocolate bars) and dairy products.

Menu for the day:

  • Steamed pike perch, melon, together up to 500 grams;
  • Salad of vegetables and walnuts (unlimited), lean beef or pork, baked in the oven, up to 100 grams;
  • Lean beef, steamed, up to 250 grams, salad with avocado, up to 250 grams;
  • Some fruit or a handful of berries;
  • Carrot and apple salad, half an orange.

However, it is worth considering that such a diet is more reminiscent of than healthy, because modern people draw about 70% of their energy from cereals and dairy products.

Your feedback on the article:

What kind of fast food did the Neanderthal go to?
Mammoth meat, let’s say, is a bit harsh and requires a long stewing time,
the ferns, the same ones that petrified and became coal deposits, are rather dry. Then what kind of pickles did you please yourself with?
cavemen and no less cavewomen about twenty thousand years ago

It is about the diet of prehistoric people who lived in the Mediterranean region
long before the Nativity of Christ, Italian naturopaths and
nutritionists. They thought and thought, and announced to the whole world about the re-creation of the “Cave Diet”.
This is the name of the nutritional hit of the last few years on
Apennine Peninsula.

Fundamental principles of the diet of Neanderthals and their fans healthy eating in the 21st century:
nothing modified or synthesized.
All natural, minimally processed industrially. That is:
strictly without dyes, preservatives, flavors, emulsifiers and others
achievements of chemical science.

The Italians found out that seizures increased appetite, cravings for tasty things,
It is often additives that provoke it, all of these: E-000, available
in lemonades, such as Pepsi, in inexpensive sausages, chips. They work like
“installation memory” is a reflex to craving precisely for that product in which
contains a certain E-000. By the way, manufacturers of all kinds of Fanta and Pepsi
Italian biologists were not sued, so draw your own conclusions.

In general, prehistoric food was not so beautiful, spectacular, tasty,
melting in the mouth, hedonistic lure, fetish, was not so memorable in reflexive
parts of our brain. Food served only one purpose - to restore strength.
In general, to hear such a conclusion from the Italians, fans of the cult of delicious food,
eating abundant and beautiful food is a courageous act.

The basis of the “Cave Diet” diet is RAW DIET.
Raw vegetables, including roots, fruits, seeds, nuts.
It is believed that solar energy is concentrated in the raw gifts of nature.
I don’t know how much astrophysicists will agree with this, but the main thing is raw
plant fibers take a very long time to digest and thus create the feeling

Seafood - any kind, but not canned or deep-fed
processing. This means “crab sticks”, “fishburgers”, sprats, at least
Latvian, even from the St. Petersburg “Pishchevik” fans of the “Cave Diet” do not
suitable. Ah, here is a wide variety of sushi - pieces of raw fish, as well as
oysters and so on are very suitable. Fish can be in any quantity, raw
and grilled.

Meat is thrown into the body of a follower of such a diet at a very
unconventional scheme. Once a week you eat chicken or turkey or veal. But only!
From morning to evening - only meat, nonsense for diets, but this diet insists
on fried meat. Since in those days they fried meat over a fire, the “Cave
diet" insists on eating fried chicken, now these days
- Grilled.

No sauces, even vegetable ones, no side dishes. You can drink on this day
vegetable juice, as a last resort, unsweetened fruit juice, for example,

It is necessary to completely give up milk and fermented milk products.
The baby forgot about dairy food immediately after weaning from his mother’s breast -
the cows and goats were wild, we're talking about about those times when the very concept
“pets” did not exist. That is, Italian scientists
replicated for our years that period of time 20 thousand years ago when
people lived by collecting roots and plant foods in general, hunting and
fishing. The Italians seemed to discard everything that had accumulated over many centuries
behavioral reactions of our gastrointestinal tract. Which of these
it worked out - to judge by those brave souls who decided to go on the “Cave Diet”.
But Italian experts actively recommend eating... raw eggs.
At least four a week, six is ​​better. A raw egg excellent protein nutrition plus
"ambrosia" for ligaments. Just be aware of salmonellosis.

No oil - neither butter, nor vegetable, not even olive.
Source of fats – fatty fish– halibut, salmon, walnuts.

We write “sweets” - we only mean natural honey and dried fruits.
We don’t eat bread, only salt-free and yeast-free rice or buckwheat bread.
Every day of the diet we drink two liters of liquid - mineral water without
gas, herbal teas, of course, without sugar.

Those who have tried this diet say that you can lose 8 pounds in a month.
kilograms of yourself beloved. The diet contains a lot of vitamins and plant fiber.
Fish is unsaturated fatty acid, invaluable cancer prevention and
heart attack. The intestines work perfectly.
Headaches go away - there are no products with additives.

But! Feminine element periodic table– calcium. Alas, in this diet it
minimum. A diet rich in raw plant fiber requires a healthy stomach
and intestines, raw vegetables can provoke colitis. Consult with
gastroenterologist. And a whole day of eating meat food will not go unnoticed by the kidney and
Remembering not only the pros, but also the cons of the “Cave Diet”, you will do
the right choice is how deep and for how long to dive into the relict
food memory of our distant ancestors.

Today it is very fashionable to lead a healthy and natural lifestyle. People strive to be closer to nature. And, of course, preference is given to everything natural.

The so-called “ stone age diet" It gained particular popularity in Europe and America. Even many Hollywood stars got hooked on it. One of the founders of this direction is Professor State University Colorado Laurent Cordain.

The main point stone age diets easy to understand from its name. Thus, it implies eating only those foods that were part of the diet of ancient people who lived in the Stone Age. As you know, ancient people obtained food through gathering and hunting. Agriculture and cattle breeding were still in their infancy.

Many scientists believe that such nutrition is very beneficial for the health of modern people. Compliance stone age diets does not require constant calorie counting. Also not limited total food, which is very important for us women, who are accustomed to eating well and often.

You can follow this type of diet for a long time. And this is due to the fact that all offered stone age diet foods are diverse, they contain all the substances that our body needs every day.

Diet of primitive man: stone age diet

As surprising as it may sound, the diet of primitive man was quite varied. The food consumed a lot of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Paleolithic people ate large amounts of vegetables and fruits every day. These foods contain phytonutrients and antioxidants. These substances protect against various diseases, even from cancer and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Beans were also an excellent source of fiber, essential for good digestion. Ancient people hunted wild animals and birds and ate their meat. The amount of protein in their diet was about 35%. Moreover, this meat was drier and contained healthy omega-3 fats.

Eating nuts supplied the body healthy fats and various nutrients. Our distant ancestors also ate a variety of herbs, roots and tubers. Only healthy wild honey was used as a sweetener.

It should be noted that all these products were consumed in unprocessed form. Of course, they also absolutely did not contain any chemical additives.

It is important that then there was a different ratio of plant and animal food. Ancient people received 65% of all energy from animal foods, and 35% from plant foods.

In their diet, the proportion of protein was 37%, fat - 22%, and carbohydrates - 41%. Today we get 15% protein, 34% fat and 49% carbohydrates. We can say that modern people consume one and a half times more fat. It should be noted that most of them are unhealthy saturated fats.

Stone Age people received more than 100 grams of fiber per day. Modern man doesn’t even reach the norm of 25-30 grams. In addition, in ancient times people did not salt their food, did not eat mayonnaise, and did not use sugar. All this had a very beneficial effect on their health.

What you should and shouldn't eat: the Stone Age diet

At the core proper nutrition, according to stone age diet, lies in eating large amounts of fiber. It can be obtained from unpeeled vegetables and fruits, as well as from herbs, legumes, grains and root vegetables. Meat, fish, eggs are allowed only in small quantities.

You need to eat as much as possible natural products, without any dyes, preservatives, flavors or flavoring additives.

First of all, you need to give up sugar and other sweeteners. Vegetable fats and simple carbohydrates should be avoided.

It is impossible to completely give up dairy products, although they were not in the diet of ancient people. The only foods you should avoid are saturated milk fats. You need to eat as low-fat foods as possible.

Sample menu for a day according to the Stone Age diet

For breakfast - oatmeal porridge with water, to which you can add raisins, grated apple or concentrated Apple juice, and also a little cinnamon. Low-fat natural yogurt, fresh berries and nuts are also suitable. You can eat a couple boiled eggs, apple and green salad dressed with olive oil.

Lunch - thick vegetable soup, green vegetable salad, low-fat cottage cheese. You can eat, for example, mushrooms stewed with herbs. Brown bread and some nuts are allowed.

Dinner - baked turkey or chicken with stewed vegetables, vegetable curry with brown rice. A salad is suitable, you can eat fruits or berries.

Health Benefits of the Stone Age Diet

This diet helps in the prevention and treatment of diabetes, obesity and a number of other diseases. improves the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Relieves constipation. also reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases. Has a positive impact on cardiovascular system. Allows you to effectively combat allergic diseases. Increases immunity, makes a person more energetic and active.

The fight against excess weight: the stone age diet

It also helps get rid of obesity. It helps to reset excess weight. At the same time, the person does not experience constant hunger and does not become discouraged because of the need to constantly count the calories eaten. Fiber inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates and regulates insulin levels. All this leads to getting rid of excess fat in the body. Fiber also promotes a feeling of fullness.

Avoiding eating unhealthy fats and sugar also helps effectively combat obesity. Such weight loss does not harm the body at all. Vice versa, stone age diet aimed at general health improvement. Approximate weight loss is 1-2 kg per week. Weight loss is slow but steady.