Normal body temperature in cats and how to measure it. How to correctly measure a cat's body temperature at home How to measure a cat's temperature

Diseases are insidious, and sometimes not only people, but also pets are affected by them. In particular, we are talking about cats. Measuring the temperature will help you understand whether your animal is sick or if the oddities in its behavior are explained by something else. By at least, you will decide what to do next: whether to call a veterinarian at home or sound the alarm too early.

Many people avoid measuring their cats’ temperatures on their own because they often either have no idea about it or are afraid of accidentally harming their pet. However, there is nothing complicated in this process, and this article will clearly prove it to you.

How to measure a cat's temperature?

To measure the temperature of meowing patients, a regular medical thermometer is quite suitable. Typically they are divided into the following types. Electronic rectal, electronic universal and mercury. But you should not use new medical products, such as infrared thermometers or indicator strips.

Electronic rectal thermometer (“button”)

This thermometer is considered the most accurate. It is made specifically for babies and is a kind of “button”; a temperature sensor is installed at its base, which will tell you about the temperature changes occurring in the anus. The thermometer is crowned with a display on which the values ​​are displayed. A characteristic sound signal will indicate that the temperature measurement has been completed. As a rule, thermometers are intended for newborns and children under 3 years of age. Its advantage is that when applied it is not affected by external factors. At the same time, in order to find out the temperature of the sick person, it is not necessary to insert the thermometer to its full depth. Among the disadvantages are the high cost (about 300 rubles), short period operation and the inability to replace a used battery with a new one.

Electronic universal thermometer

This thermometer is also suitable for measuring your pet's temperature rectally. When purchasing, avoid thermometers with hard tips. So as not to hurt the cat later. Such thermometers have a liquid crystal display, and the readings are accurate to hundredths. It is generally accepted that they are the safest because they can withstand strong impacts and are waterproof. As a rule, data on temperature changes when using universal electronic thermometers becomes available in within three minutes. More expensive models may have a number of additional functions: Beeper, Timer, Automatic shutdown, etc.

Standard mercury thermometer

Describe what a standard thermometer looks like, which everyone is familiar with early years, I think it will be superfluous. Among its main advantages are its low cost, ease of use and the absence of the need for any maintenance. However, this thermometer also poses a serious danger in the form of mercury contained in it. Since its body is glass, it can easily break from strong blow, causing mercury balls to fly around the room. If this happens, it is strictly forbidden to collect the hazardous substance with bare hands or a damp cloth. It is best to use a copper plate for this, and after this the room must be ventilated. TO obvious disadvantages It can also be attributed to the fact that the exact temperature when using a mercury thermometer will become known only after 10 minutes. It is unlikely that any cat accustomed to independence will agree to stand calmly with a thermometer in the anus for such a long period in their understanding.

Many people are accustomed to thinking that perfect condition The health of a cat can be judged by the moisture of its nose. This is not entirely true. After all, an animal’s nose can become dry during sleep, in older members of the cat family, and in those hours when the animal for some reason is anxious or hot. In addition, cats have a drier nose than their eternal enemies - dogs. In fact, it only seems cool and damp.

How to take a cat's temperature

You can find out the exact temperature of your pets only by immersing the thermometer in anal hole animal. To do this, the tip of the thermometer must first be lubricated with some oil or cream. After this, wrap the cat in a towel and hold her close to you so that she cannot move. Then lift your tail and sharply insert the thermometer into the cat's rectum. If the cat begins to squeeze the anus in an attempt to push out foreign object, then slowly push it forward, as if scrolling a little. Touch the tip of the thermometer to one of the walls of the rectum, but not very hard. After a few minutes, you can look at the readings. It is generally accepted that it is best to measure the temperature standing cat, but you can try to carry out this process when the animal is lying or sitting. If your four-legged patient begins to get nervous, tries to escape, scratch or bite you, then invite one of your family members who are at home at that moment to help you. And most importantly: try not to show the animal that you yourself are worried about whether you can take its temperature. Your excitement can be transmitted to the cat, which will undoubtedly bring with it new problems.

It should be emphasized that normal temperature in cats the average temperature is 38-39 degrees Celsius. An animal can be considered sick if the thermometer scale exceeds this figure. Although some increase is possible in cases where the cat is nervous or aggressive, it differs slightly from the established standards. After the process of changing the temperature is completed, be sure to say a few encouraging phrases to your pet about how well he was and how stoically he withstood all the “torment”. And do not forget to wash the thermometer after use. warm water with soap and then disinfect.

If you were unable to measure the temperature yourself, seek help from a veterinary specialist. Ask him to do this process while you are nearby so that you can remember the sequence of actions. It seems that it is unlikely that any “Doctor Aibolit” will refuse you this request, since wellness a quadruple patient is no less important for him than for you. With visual observation, you will subsequently be able to master this simple science on your own. And yet it is better that cats of any breed and color that are under care loving owners, did not get sick under any circumstances.

You should know how to take your cat's temperature when its condition is causing concern. For these purposes, rectal devices are often used. You can determine the presence of fever in your furry pet without a thermometer, with observation and some knowledge.

To measure the temperature of a furry beauty, you can use mercury thermometer or use a digital thermometer. A digital device is safer and determines temperature faster than its mercury counterpart. A sound signal will indicate the end of the measurement.

The sequence of measuring temperature with a mercury thermometer:

  1. Apply a little Vaseline or rich cream, such as baby cream, to the tip of the thermometer (knock down the mercury first!).
  2. Wrap the “patient” in a sheet or towel to protect yourself from bites and scratches. The area under the ponytail should be open. Firmly, but without excessive zeal, hold the pet's body with one hand - like a grip from the head to the tail.
  3. With your other hand, using slow, smooth, rotating movements, insert the tip of the thermometer - up to 2 cm for an adult cat, about 1 cm for a kitten - into the anus. Evaluate the results in 3-5 minutes.
  4. Don’t forget to calm your pet down and treat him to his favorite food so that he won’t be afraid of such an event in the future.
  5. After the session, the instruments should be treated with alcohol.

Please note that if during the procedure the cat violently breaks out or is too aggressive, then the result may be inaccurate and is often overestimated.

Make sure that no hair gets into the rectum along with the thermometer - this can cause painful sensations in an animal. Doctors recommend measuring the temperature of cats together, or in advanced cases - three together.

Interesting fact: Scientists have found that the calm and balanced state of the owner is emotionally transmitted to the tailed ward. Your confident, careful and accurate actions will simplify thermometry at home.

Determining temperature in other ways

Infrared ear thermometer

To determine the temperature, it is convenient to use an infrared ear thermometer - in this case, there is less inconvenience for both the animal and the owner.

The device, intended for cats, has an elongated tip that allows it to penetrate deeper into the ear canal.

Replaceable disposable caps should be used to ensure accurate measurements and to prevent contamination from entering the device. earwax. The session lasts about 2 minutes.

If your pet's ears hurt, the readings obtained will not be accurate, since the inflammatory process can slightly increase them. The first few times you should measure and rectal temperature, and ear canal temperature to ensure the reliability of the parameters obtained by the second method.

The use of universal electronic thermometers allows you to measure temperature not only rectally, but also in the groin. The procedure takes about 3 minutes. For special sensitive cats, kittens are recommended to choose models with soft and flexible tips.

How to determine temperature without using a thermometer?

Do you know that you can judge the temperature parameters of your four-legged friends without a thermometer?

The following signs will help identify hyperthermia:

  1. The front part of the nose, called the earlobe, is the mirror. A healthy cat's earlobe is cool and slightly moist. As the temperature increases, it becomes dry and hot. The data will be objective only if the furry fidget is awake, but not running or jumping, but, for example, just resting. Indeed, during outdoor games and sleep, the tip of the nose of all cats dries out and becomes warm. Also, being in a stuffy or hot room leads to dryness. Please note that mirror condition is not an indicator for older cats. With age, the production of secretions that moisturize the nose slows down. Therefore, the nose of elderly cats is constantly dry.
  2. Inflammation of the third eyelid. The condition is characterized by the covering of one or both eyes of a sick pet with a whitish film. The appearance of a nictitating membrane—responsible for washing the cornea with tear fluid—is characteristic of various diseases accompanied by hyperthermia. These include inflammatory processes in the hearing organs, gastrointestinal problems, viral, fungal, bacterial infections, etc. Often, the appearance of conjunctival folds is accompanied by purulent discharge.
  3. Trembling of an animal. You can tell that your favorite mustache is feverish if its body is trembling ever so slightly. In these cases, the friend’s behavior also changes - he does not want to play, refuses food (even his favorite one!), and drinks a lot. Often the pet gathers into a ball and sits on tense legs.
  4. Diarrhea and vomiting. An elevated temperature is accompanied by diarrhea, which has bloody issues passing against the background of vomiting. Liquefied feces and vomiting are characteristic of poisoning, infectious diseases, diseases of the digestive system.
  5. Rapid breathing. Most likely, your cat has a slight fever if she is breathing quickly. An increase in the indicator may be caused by simple overheating. Since cats cool themselves using nasal breathing, their breathing speeds up to actively remove heat.

There is a considerable probability of an increase in temperature during the period of estrus, when the purr clearly demonstrates its “needs for the cat.” The onset of estrus can be easily determined by special secretions and the characteristic mating position that the pet often takes: crouches on its front legs, back The body is raised and moved to the side by the tail.

Often the cat meows loudly and rubs against the owner’s legs for a long time. May fall into depressive state. Respectively, increased performance quickly normalize if her desires are satisfied.

The appearance of a temperature in a cat can be suspected after stressful situations– change of owner, fright, when moving in a car, etc.

Hyperthermia is accompanied by changes in the mood of a sensitive cat. He becomes quiet, takes less care of himself, does not respond to food, and strives to retire and hide. The tailed pet returns to normal when it calms down.

  1. Feel your pet's ears. If ears hot is a symptom of fever.
  2. Stroke the cat's belly. If your cat has a fever, this area will also be hotter than usual. Of course, make sure that your pet has not previously basked in the sun or near a heater/radiator.
  3. High temperature often leads to dehydration of the body. Squeeze the skin at the nape of the neck and release. If the skin remains wrinkled, your cat may be dehydrated. Accordingly, there is a high probability that the temperature is above normal.

Increased temperature readings may also be indicated by:

  • runny nose and frequent sneezing;
  • rapid heartbeat or arrhythmia;
  • wheezing and shortness of breath;
  • lethargy, weakness, “silk” state;
  • lacrimation and souring of the eyes;
  • tousled and dull coat;
  • lack (decreased) appetite;
  • yellowish or pale throat.

Determining a cat's individual temperature

Everyone's body fluffy pet has its own characteristics. Therefore, the body temperature of each Murka may differ slightly from normal indicators. They are 37.7-39.4 degrees C in adult animals.

For kittens that have passed the age of 3 weeks and before they reach 4-5 months – 39.5 degrees C. It should be taken into account that in evening time the parameters increase slightly, but not more than 0.3-0.5 degrees.

To know the individual temperature of your purring friend, you should record the measurement results in a special notebook for 10 days. It is important to do this at a certain time, for example, at 10 o’clock in the morning before meals. Such a diary will help the veterinarian quickly determine possible deviations in the animal’s body, and the owner need not worry in vain.

Interesting fact: purring temperature data at various pathologies depend on the state of its immune mechanism. The weaker it is, the higher the temperature.

Causes of elevated temperature, what to do?

The culprits of fever can be:

  • infections;
  • allergies;
  • side effects from pharmaceutical drugs;
  • injuries.

Simple ways to reduce your temperature:

  1. Wrap your sick cat in wet towel, paying special attention to the inguinal folds and abdomen. The effect will become noticeable if the sick mustache is able to endure the inconvenience for 25-30 minutes.
  2. Experienced owners mix crushed ascorbic acid into cottage cheese and yogurt.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, give your cat echinacea tincture. It is dissolved in a small amount boiled water. Dosage – 1 drop per 1 kg of animal weight twice a day.
  4. Provide your pet with an influx fresh air, but make sure there are no drafts.
  5. Buy it at the pharmacy homeopathic medicine arnica and give it to the animal in doses recommended by the veterinarian.

Don't forget that meowing pets are masters at masking their illnesses. It is important to be attentive to them, to promptly identify and eliminate emerging pathologies in the body. Hello to your furry friends!

One of the main indicators of the health of both people and our little brothers is body temperature. A healthy cat is known to have a higher temperature than a human, so an uninformed pet owner may be seriously frightened by thinking that their furry pet is experiencing a fever.

In order not to sound the alarm in vain, you need to carefully study the symptoms of diseases in cats, including those that are accompanied by fever. And, of course, learn how to measure the animal’s temperature, because without this it is difficult to determine whether your cat is sick or not. This procedure can be carried out at home; there is no need to drag a weakened animal to a veterinary clinic and expose it to unnecessary stress. How to measure a cat's temperature? Which methods other than the usual thermometer, allow you to find out about the health problems of your four-legged friend?

What is considered normal temperature in cats?

When it comes to cats, the usual figure of 36.6 is inappropriate here. If an animal has such a temperature, this indicates hypothermia or decline vital energy, since the temperature of cats is normal should be between 37.5 and 39 degrees. The age and condition of the pet is also taken into account. So, a kitten’s temperature may be even higher, especially if it is extremely active, runs and plays a lot. However, a cat's temperature is in no way related to their breed.

There is a common myth that short-haired breeds, in particular Don Sphynxes, have hotter bodies. Yes, tactile contact with the skin of these animals creates illusion of increased temperature, but this is explained by the absence of a fluffy “coat,” whereas, for example, in Persian cats, the temperature difference between their body and the human body is leveled out.

Usually everything healthy cats have approximately the same temperature, the increase in which is associated with certain factors:

  • Heat environment. Cats, being warm-blooded animals, are capable of thermoregulation: when adapting to hot weather, their body will heat up.
  • Late time of day. In the evening, body temperature rises, but only by 0.1–0.3 degrees.
  • Bearing offspring. During pregnancy, cats have a slightly higher temperature. This normal phenomenon, if everything else is fine.
  • Reception of some medications and products that have a direct effect on the brain centers responsible for thermoregulation. A trivial situation: the animal simply overate.
  • Disease. It is diseases that most often cause hyperthermia. Diseases infectious origin often require immediate veterinary care.

How is a cat's body temperature measured?

Thermometry of a cat at home can be carried out using:

How to measure a cat's temperature correctly?

The help of assistants may be required to carry out thermometry. All manipulations must be performed wearing latex gloves. The surface on which the animal is placed must be level and non-slip. The cat is turned sideways. If there is an assistant nearby, he should be instructed to hold the pet in this position.

Using a disinfectant solution (alcohol is preferred), treat the tip of the thermometer. After this, the ego is lubricated with either Vaseline or vegetable oil. The cat's tail is raised and moved to the side.

Before inserting a rectal thermometer into the animal's rectum, it is necessary press the power button. The measurement duration is determined automatically. The end will be indicated by a special signal. The mercury device is gently shaken before use. Using a smooth movement, carefully insert the tip of the measuring device into anus pet.

The depth of insertion is adjusted, taking into account the age of the pet. The thermometer is inserted into a small kitten to a depth of no more than 2 cm, and into an adult animal - up to 3 cm. The device is placed in the rectum so that it is parallel to the cat’s spine and does not deviate to the side.

The correct technique for inserting a thermometer is usually not accompanied by active resistance from the animal, but emotionally unstable individuals may perceive it negatively. this kind interference in intimate space. When using a mercury thermometer, it is important that the animal is motionless for five minutes.

Particularly nervous individuals are wrapped in a towel, then the back of the body is securely fixed with hands. To avoid incorrect results, it is extremely important to wait the required time for measurement.

After hearing the sound alert from the rectal thermometer or after the measurement time with the mercury thermometer has expired, the device is carefully removed from the cat's anus. Having recorded the reading, the thermometer is disinfected with an alcohol solution.

The balanced state of the owner and the absence of fussiness in movements is reflected in the emotional background of the pet, which facilitates the process of thermometry.

How to determine if a cat has a fever if there is no thermometer?

What to do if you find your cat has a high temperature?

IN critical situation when the thermometer shows high temperature, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. No matter how tempting it may be to immediately bring down the temperature, under no circumstances should you give your cat an antipyretic. home first aid kit. If Vet clinic is far from home or there is no way to urgently take the animal there, you can give the cat half an analgin tablet. The drug will help remove swelling. The cat should receive as much fluid as possible to avoid dehydration.

Some tips to help lower your cat’s temperature at home if a visit to the vet is not possible:

A domestic cat that appears lifeless and gloomy may be suffering from a fever. If such suspicions arise, you need to check your pet's temperature at home.

What is the normal temperature for cats?

IN normal conditions, a cat has a body temperature between 38º and 39.2°C. Anything higher than 39.2°C is a sign of fever. Temperatures above 41°C may cause damage internal organs and therefore requires immediate veterinary attention. Temperatures lower than 37°C indicate hypothermia, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold, which can also be fatal.

Cat owners have personal experience how your beloved cat behaves, so they will immediately notice when he feels unwell, confused or disoriented. But cats have proven to be masters at disguising their illnesses and injuries. Therefore, before checking your cat's temperature, you must first understand what is causing the fever. Then check for symptoms of illness before moving on to checking your temperature.

Here are the main causes of fever in cats:

Viral, bacterial or fungal infections


Side effects of certain medications

There may be times when your pet gets a fever without apparent reason; this is called “fever of unknown origin.”

Symptoms of fever in cats:

Loss of appetite

Reduced water consumption


Reducing self-care

Shortness of breath or rapid breathing

Before you get too worried, keep in mind that a fever may be a natural defense - this is the answer immune system to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Checking your cat's temperature at home

There are ear thermometers specifically designed for veterinary use that are suitable for indoor cats. But they are expensive and hard to find. Most safe way Taking your cat's temperature - using a pediatric rectal thermometer. It is recommended to use a digital thermometer instead of a glass mercury thermometer, as the latter may break during use.

Using a rectal thermometer for cats

Here's what you need to prepare before you start:

Pediatric rectal thermometer

Lubricant such as petroleum jelly or vegetable oil

Thick towel or blanket

Your cat's favorite treats

Start by turning on your digital thermometer. Lubricate the tip.

It is advisable that two people (those whom the cat trusts) take part during the procedure; the first will hold the cat in place, the second will insert the thermometer and measure the temperature.

Wrap your cat in a thick towel or blanket to prevent scratching. Try to relax your cat by gently stroking it and speaking in a calm tone.

Slowly lift the tail and insert the tip of the thermometer into the cat's anus. Be very gentle if you use a glass thermometer (I really recommend using a digital one).

The cat will likely squirm and try to escape or scratch. But you should carefully push the thermometer about 2-2.5 cm into the rectum.

Hold the thermometer until the beep sounds for two minutes if you are using a digital one. Now very gently remove it and check the readings.

Remember to clean the thermometer with a disinfectant solution before putting it away.

If your cat wants to, feed her a treat as a reward for putting up with this procedure.

Checking a cat's temperature without a thermometer

Obviously you can't accurately measure temperature without using a thermometer, but you can detect any anomalies using simple methods, such as these:

Feel the nose: If your cat's nose is very dry and hot, it is likely that the cat has a fever. To see if she is dehydrated, grab the skin at the nape of her neck and release. If the skin remains wrinkled, your cat may be dehydrated.

Feel your ears. Remember that their skin is warmer than humans, but look for a significant increase in temperature, this is a sign of a fever.

Touch your stomach. If your cat has a fever, the area will be warmer to the touch than usual. Of course, make sure the cat hasn't spent a lot of time lounging in the sun or near a heater/radiator.

If for some reason you are unable to determine your cat's temperature and suspect that she has a fever, contact your veterinarian without any delay. As mentioned earlier, cats tend to be very effective at masking their illnesses and it may be too late to help the animal if the owner does not immediately seek help. medical care. Therefore, keep an eye on your cat's general behavior to get a better idea of ​​its health.

There are a number of situations when you need to measure your cat's body temperature. In this case, it is important to know how you can correctly and accurately check this indicator at home. While cats are professional at hiding their problems, there are a number of symptoms that can help you guess that the animal is feeling unwell. in the best possible way, for example, he lost his appetite, became lethargic, or vomited. A good knowledge of the cat’s character and its usual behavior will easily allow you to identify suspicious deviations from the norm. At the same time, the only accurate way to check the temperature of a sick pet is to use a thermometer. Once you have taken an accurate temperature, you can discuss your cat's health with your veterinarian.


Measuring temperature with a rectal thermometer

    Buy a rectal thermometer. A cat's temperature can be measured with either a rectal thermometer or an ear thermometer. Rectal thermometers are considered the most accurate. As for their types, you have a choice between digital and mercury rectal thermometers.

    • Digital thermometers allow you to measure temperature in less time, which makes the procedure less unpleasant for the animal.
    • Mercury thermometers are made of glass. You will have to take many precautions to successfully measure the temperature of a struggling cat.
    • Regardless of the type of thermometer you choose, you should be sure to label it as a special cat thermometer so that no one accidentally takes it by mistake to measure their own temperature.
  1. Find a helper. Naturally, the cat will not be happy that some foreign object will be inserted into his anus. Most likely, the cat will start to struggle and try to escape; he may even accidentally scratch you. Therefore, you will have to ask someone to hold the cat to secure it in a stationary position.

    Wrap your cat in a blanket or towel. The easiest way to immobilize your cat is to use a small blanket or towel. A swaddled animal is easier to control and keep still.

    • To swaddle your cat, simply wrap the blanket around him, leaving his tail and butt sticking out.
  2. Wear thick leather gloves to grab the cat's scruff. Many veterinarians prefer to swaddle cats to take their temperature, but if you don't want to wrap your cat in a blanket, you can have an assistant simply hold the animal. This person should wear thick leather gloves to protect themselves from accidental bites and scratches. Then he should grab the cat by the scruff - the area of ​​the neck between the head and shoulder blades. Gently grasping the skin in this area allows for the best control of the cat's head.

    • Since the cat usually carries kittens by the scruff of the neck, this grip also has some calming effect on the animal.
  3. Secure your pet's body. After the assistant grabs the cat by the scruff, he needs to fix the animal’s body, pressing it with his free hand to own body. Make sure your cat's butt is facing outward to make it easier for you to get to her with the thermometer.

    • For ease of explanation the right approach To fix the cat's body, imagine that you are grasping a soccer ball with one hand.
  4. Prepare a thermometer. When using a mercury thermometer, you must first shake it off with sharp flicks of your wrist. The thermometer should be shaken to a mercury reading of 35.5°C. Regardless of the type of rectal thermometer, it also needs to be lubricated so that the temperature measurement procedure is not so unpleasant for your pet.

    • You can use simple Vaseline as a lubricant for these purposes.
  5. Insert the thermometer into the anus. Lift your cat's tail and insert the rectal thermometer about an inch into his rectum. Don't try too hard.

    Wait required amount time. The digital thermometer will beep as soon as the temperature measurement is completed. If using a mercury thermometer, you will need to wait two minutes.

    Remove the thermometer and check the temperature. After two minutes or after the thermometer beeps, it can be removed. A digital thermometer will allow you to easily read the temperature, while a mercury thermometer will have to be rotated at a certain angle to view the mercury column and mark the corresponding value on the thermometer scale. The temperature in a mercury thermometer is determined by highest point mercury column.

    Release the cat. The cat will struggle and try to escape as quickly as possible. Carefully release the animal's scruff or unwrap it so that the cat does not scratch either you or your helper.

    Compare the temperature value with the permissible norm. For temperature measured rectally, values ​​in the range of 37.8-39.2°C are considered normal. As with humans, slight deviations from the specified norm are not necessarily a cause for concern. However, if your cat's temperature is below 37.2°C or above 40°C, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

    • Remember that normal value temperature does not always confirm that your cat is healthy and not injured. If your pet continues to behave in an unusual manner or you have further reason to suspect that your pet has an illness or injury, it is best to contact your veterinarian.
  6. Measuring temperature with an ear thermometer

    1. Buy a digital ear thermometer. There are pros and cons to using an ear thermometer. This device is easier to use for particularly shy cats who strongly resist measuring temperature rectally. However, it is quite difficult to correctly insert such a thermometer into the ear canal, so it is not always possible to obtain accurate results temperature measurements.