What kind of bump popped up on the left hand. Hygroma on the hand: causes and treatment

A bump on the wrist in a medical environment is called a hygroma. This is a benign tumor, which timely treatment does not cause significant discomfort. If an outwardly unattractive formation grows, strong pain sensations begin to disturb, numbness of the hand occurs, which, of course, negatively affects the usual way of life.

According to its properties, the hygroma is similar to a cyst. Inside the formation, fluid and mucus are collected, fibrin threads, which are a type of protein. A bump on the arm under the skin of the wrist can be formed both in a single instance and in the form of a multi-chamber node with several capsules. The sizes of such seals are quite impressive, reaching 5 cm in diameter.

What is the reason for the appearance of bumps

It is difficult to name the exact cause of the development of the disease, but, according to doctors, several categories of professions are subject to the appearance of cystic structures on the surface of the hands:

  • An activity in which the hands make small and repetitive movements. We are talking about typists, violinists, embroiderers, seamstresses;
  • Professional sports associated with the active work of the hands. This group includes athletes specializing in tennis (especially table tennis), badminton, golf, and volleyball.

The factors provoking a bump on the wrist include the following indirect causes of the disease:

  1. Hand injuries in the form of sprains, hard hit on a hard surface or object, falling on the hand.
  2. Bad heredity. If parents had such formations, their children automatically fall into the risk group.

To accurately diagnose hygroma, you need to know it characteristics, which include not only a noticeable bulge with internal or outside, but also a number of features.

Symptoms of hygrom

A bump localized in the wrist area can be ignored for quite a while. long period up to several years. Symptoms that cause discomfort are completely absent at first, but as the tumor grows, the following negative changes occur:

  • A dense but elastic tubercle is easily felt under the skin;
  • When bright rays of light hit the formation surface, the hygroma is translucent. Upon closer examination, it is possible to see the liquid filling its internal space;
  • Darkening of the skin occurs on top of the bump in the wrist area. Externally skin covering resembles a wart structure;
  • Attempts to move the wrist end with the appearance of strong pain;
  • With an impressive size of the cone, it squeezes the nearby blood vessels, nerves, causing numbness of the hand.

Hygromas localized in the wrist area develop in one of two options:

  1. Wrist joint injury. hard bump in such a situation, it focuses on the outside of the wrist, so its appearance even on early stages does not go unnoticed.
  2. Defeat wrist joint, which serves to connect the hand and forearm. With this localization, the development of hygroma occurs on the inside of the palm. Mostly, the area around the radial artery is involved in the process.

Treatment of cones directly depends on their location. If in the first case the methods of physiotherapy, medicinal and surgical effects are equally effective and safe, then in the second situation surgical intervention is significantly more difficult, therefore, when the tumor reaches an operable size, the risk of impaired blood supply to the hand increases.

Organization of therapy to eliminate cones

Even doctors cannot give a definite answer to the question regarding the need for urgent removal of hygroma on the wrist. According to experts, the absence of pain and the preservation of joint mobility allows you to delay going to the doctor, but even the slightest discomfort becomes a reason for an immediate visit to the hospital. medical institution. As for the choice of therapy technique, it can be both radical surgical intervention, and conservative treatment or the use of traditional medicine techniques.

How to deal with a bump at home

In the absence of negative sensations, if the hygroma makes itself felt only by the appearance of a seal protruding above the skin, you can use the following recipes treatment of benign formations:

  • Alcohol compresses. For the procedures, pharmaceutical alcohol is required, which is slightly diluted with water before use. In the resulting liquid, gauze is moistened, applied to the cone. From above, the hand is wrapped with a dense cloth. The duration of one session is no more than two hours, during which the hand is kept completely motionless. Compresses are done for two days in a row, after which they give the brush a rest for the same period. Treatment is completed when the hygroma completely disappears;
  • Copper coin. It is tightly tied to the bump, leaving the brush in this position for two weeks. Judging by the reviews, after removing the bandage, most people experience the complete disappearance of the hygroma;
  • Sea salt and red clay. Having bought both components at the pharmacy, 125 ml of warm water is added to a glass of dry clay and sea ​​salt in the amount of two teaspoons. When the mixture acquires a viscous consistency, it is applied directly to the bump, after which the brush is wrapped with a bandage. As the dressing dries, moisten it warm water. The duration of one procedure is about a day. The session can be repeated after two hours. Full course treatment is 10 days.

Conservative treatment of hygromas

Such therapy is possible if the lump is diagnosed on initial stage and did not reach a significant size. At the discretion of the doctor, the following methods of physiotherapy are prescribed:

  • UV irradiation;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Applications with application of warm paraffin to the cone;
  • Treatment with heat or mud.

To obtain a quick positive effect, doctors must stipulate important condition- the key to recovery is the refusal for the entire duration of therapy from professional activity, if it was she who became the impetus for the development of hygroma.


This treatment option is used when the hygroma is detected at a late stage. To eliminate the lump, the surgeon has to make a puncture in the formation, after which the internal space of the tumor is forcibly released from the fluid by pumping it out.

When the cavity is empty, hormones are injected inside to prevent subsequent growth of the hygroma. If, as a result of the procedure, purulent inclusions are found in the pumped out contents, in addition to hormones, antibacterial drug stopping the inflammatory process.

As practice shows, even in the case of successful treatment of hygroma, if the process was extended in time, and the formation reached a significant size, the risk of re-growth of the tumor in the same place is quite high. For this reason, one cannot treat the bump that is forming on the wrist carelessly, letting the situation take its course.

Moisov Adonis Alexandrovich

Orthopedic surgeon, doctor the highest category

Moscow, Balaklavsky prospect, 5, Chertanovskaya metro station

Moscow, st. Koktebelskaya 2, bldg. 1, metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard"

Moscow, st. Berzarina 17 bldg. 2, metro station "October field"

Write to us on WhatsApp and Viber

Education and professional activities


In 2009 he graduated from the Yaroslavl State medical academy majoring in medicine.

From 2009 to 2011, he completed clinical residency in traumatology and orthopedics at the clinical hospital ambulance medical care them. N.V. Solovyov in Yaroslavl.

Professional activity:

From 2011 to 2012, he worked as a traumatologist-orthopedist at the emergency hospital No. 2 in Rostov-on-Don.

Currently works in a clinic in Moscow.


May 27 - 28, 2011 - Moscow- III International Conference "Surgery of the Foot and Ankle" .

2012 - training course in foot surgery, Paris (France). Deformity correction anterior section feet, minimally invasive surgery for plantar fasciitis(heel spur).

February 13-14, 2014 Moscow - II Congress of traumatologists and orthopedists. “Traumatology and orthopedics of the capital. Present and Future".

June 26-27, 2014 - took part in V All-Russian Congress of the Society of Hand Surgeons, Kazan .

November 2014 - Advanced training "Application of arthroscopy in traumatology and orthopedics"

May 14-15, 2015 Moscow - Scientific and practical conference with international participation. "Modern Traumatology, Orthopedics and Disaster Surgeons".

2015 Moscow - Annual international conference.

May 23-24, 2016 Moscow - All-Russian Congress with international participation. .

Also at this congress he was a speaker on the topic Minimally invasive treatment of plantar fasciitis (heel spurs) .

June 2-3, 2016 G. Nizhny Novgorod - VI All-Russian Congress of the Society of Hand Surgeons .

June 2016 Assigned . Moscow.

Scientific and practical interests: foot surgery and hand surgery.

Hygroma of the wrist joint

Hygroma is a small hernial sac with synovial fluid, which is most often found in dorsal surface wrist joint.

This guide will help you understand:

  • what structures of the wrist are involved in the process
  • what treatment options are available

Anatomy of the wrist joint

The anatomy of the wrist and wrist bones is extremely complex, probably the most complex of all the joints in the human body. The joints and bones of the wrist allow us to perform a variety of movements in all planes. At the same time, the ligaments of the wrist must provide strength to the joints.

The wrist is made up of eight separate small bones called carpal bones. The bones of the wrist are connected on one side with radius, on the other hand, they are connected to the metacarpal bones.

The ligaments hold all the bones of the wrist together and allow the hand to move in all directions. These ligaments fuse together to form the capsule of the wrist joints. A joint contains a fluid called synovial fluid that lubricates the joint surfaces as they move relative to each other. Almost all movements of the hand are transmitted by the tendons of the flexor and extensor muscles. Hygroma, increasing in size, as a rule, pushing the surrounding tissues, tendons, ligaments. Like a ball, with the contents of the intra-articular fluid (hyaluronic acid).

70 percent of wrist hygromas form on back side wrist.

Hygroma of the palmar surface of the wrist or wrist joint is much less common and is usually localized in the projection of the radial artery - where the pulse is checked.

Causes of hygroma of the wrist joint

The main causes of hygroma:

  • Wrist injury
  • Large loads on the hand and wrist joint;
  • Consequences of operations on the hand.
  • Repetitive injuries such as playing tennis or golf.

Hygromas on the arm are formed when the joint capsule becomes thinner due to damage or degenerative changes. Damaged tissue forms a weak spot in the joint capsule, as weakness on a car tire, which allows the inner layer to herniate. The joint fluid begins to squeeze out the weakened layer of the capsule, pushing the surrounding tissues apart. Over time, it gets bigger. But if you limit the load on the wrist joint, this will lead to a decrease in the production of intra-articular fluid and stop the growth of hygroma. Cases of spontaneous healing of hygroma after reducing the load are described.

Symptoms of the hygroma of the hand

The hygroma may appear suddenly and grow rapidly up to two cm in diameter in a couple of days, or it may develop over time.

Sometimes the patient notices the hygroma of the hand only when it manifests itself as pain in the surrounding tissues. Nevertheless, each patient must understand that the hygroma is an absolutely safe formation. It's not a tumor and it can't turn into cancer.

Diagnosis of hygroma

As a rule, an examination by an orthopedic surgeon is enough to make a diagnosis.

From additional methods diagnosis can be distinguished by ultrasound, MRI.

Treatment of hygroma of the hand

Treatment of hygroma of the wrist can be surgical and conservative. The relative risks and benefits of any given treatment should be carefully considered.

Conservative treatment

Previously, hygromas were treated simply by crushing them. That is, under pressure, “the ball burst”, the contents poured into the surrounding tissues. This is an absolutely harmless procedure. The intra-articular fluid is sterile and cannot inflame the surrounding tissues. But 90% of all crushed hygromas recur, because. the edges of this bursting capsule grow together very quickly and the liquid begins to accumulate again. This type treatment is now used only by the patients themselves out of ignorance.

50% of hygromas can disappear on their own if the load on the hand and wrist joint is reduced.

Hygroma puncture

Enough effective method, but is possible only in the early stages of the disease, when the size of the hygroma does not exceed 1 cm.


Over the hygroma area is performed local anesthesia. Next, the hygroma is pierced and its contents are removed with a syringe. Without removing the needle, the syringe is changed and a sclerosing agent is injected. A pressure bandage and an orthosis are applied to the wrist joint for 5 weeks in order to allow the edges of the devastated hygroma to stick together and grow together.

If the patient does not wear an orthosis after the procedure, then movements in the wrist joint will provoke the release of intra-articular fluid and the fragile internal scar will not be able to withstand pressure. What can cause a recurrence of the formation of hygroma.

Therefore, one of the mandatory conditions and the strictest recommendation is wearing an orthosis.

If the hygroma is more than 1 cm or has a cellular structure (formed by several sacs), then there are indications for surgery, if the hygroma, of course, bothers the patient at all.

Surgical and laser removal of joint hygroma

The operation is performed by a hand surgeon who has excellent knowledge of anatomy. upper limb, respectively, the location of all arteries, nerves, muscles and tendons. This is very important, since the risk of damage to these structures is reduced to zero.

The operation is performed only if the hygroma limits the function of the hand, or disturbs the patient aesthetically. The operation is performed under local or conduction anesthesia.

Removal of the hygroma is a fairly effective method, but in this case, immobilization of the wrist joint in an orthosis for 5 weeks is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the risk of relapse increases several times.

laser removal hygromas little different from surgery. Many patients are mistaken that a hygroma can be removed with a laser without an incision or scar. This is absolutely not true. The laser also cuts the skin and exposes the hygroma. And the outcome of the operation will depend not on the use of the laser, but on the actions of the surgeon, his experience. The frequency of relapses is not related to the use of a particular method. surgical treatment. She is associated with right action doctor, following the recommendations and individual characteristics organism.

Hygroma removal made through a small access. The surrounding tissues are carefully separated and the hygroma is excised. But very important point- this is the flashing of the outlet, so that the intra-articular fluid remains in the joint. The wound is sutured. A sterile dressing is applied. The joint is fixed with an orthosis. Next, daily dressings are made, processing postoperative wound. The stitches are removed after 12-14 days.

Complications (Relapses)

Of course, there is a risk of reappearance of hygroma with any method of treatment. But the strict implementation of the above recommendations reduces this risk to zero.

If you experience pain in the hand, read alsoDupuytren's contracture.

A lump on the wrist most often turns out to be a hygroma. This is a benign tumor or a simple cyst. Inside the capsule is a viscous liquid - a mixture of mucus with fibrin (protein exudate). In general, the contents are similar to jelly. Hygroma is located next to the joint of the hand.

In most cases, it is diagnosed on the back of the hand, sometimes on the inside or on the fingers. The induration is treatable, but with conservative treatment, there is a risk of reappearance of the tumor on the wrist. According to statistics, young women under 35 are susceptible to hygroma.

Why does hygroma appear

The exact cause of the tumor has not yet been determined. But doctors identify a number of factors that affect the development of cysts.

A bump on the arm under the skin on the wrist is formed for the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition as in - if there are representatives in the family genus who are susceptible this disease, then it can be passed on to descendants (children or grandchildren);
  • trauma, blows or bruises of the wrist - if the patient fell on the hand or received a dislocation, then subsequently he may develop a hygroma;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the joints.

Doctors also distinguish two groups of people prone to the appearance of cysts on the arm and fingers.

Among them:

  • athletes - with strong and regular physical exertion, the wrist can be injured, which leads to the formation of bumps;
  • craftsmen who constantly use the joints of the hand and fingers - seamstresses, embroiderers, violinists, guitarists. These are all people who daily make the same monotonous movements with the hand.

You can see what the hygroma of the wrist looks like in the photos that are posted on the network. But refrain from self-diagnosis. This can only be done by a practicing surgeon.

Symptoms of the disease

Hygroma is easy to diagnose. The tumor is usually small sizes, in advanced cases reaches up to five centimeters in diameter. A small cyst does not make it difficult motor function brushes, does not hurt and does not cause inconvenience. The main disadvantage is a cosmetic defect.

A large cyst causes pain if a person clenches his hand into a fist, leans his whole body on his palm. There may be numbness in the fingers. This is due to the fact that the tumor compresses the blood vessels and nerve endings.

The main symptoms include:

  • the structure of the cyst, it can be either dense on palpation or soft. But in any case, the tumor will be elastic. Most often, the bump on the wrist is hard, like a bone, like from. Ordinary patients even confuse it with a bone growth;
  • dense attachment to tissues - despite the structure, the swelling is motionless;
  • the tumor looks like a ball, sometimes it is not noticeable, but if you bend your arm, it clearly sticks out of your wrist;
  • if you point the bump to the light, you can see the liquid structure.

Sometimes a ball appears on the wrist of a child. In this case, you need to seek help from a pediatric surgeon. He will tell you what to do next and whether surgery is worth it.

Types of hygroma

There are several types of neoplasm:

  • hygroma on the wrist joint is a bump on the wrist from the outside;
  • seal on inside palms - hygroma appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm, such a neoplasm is quite rare;
  • a bump on a finger is a seal that forms on the knuckles of the fingers.


Initially, you should seek help from a surgeon. He will examine the tumor, palpate it, and then direct it to necessary examinations. Usually, doctors prescribe an x-ray of the wrist joint.

It may also be necessary ultrasound procedure or magnetic resonance imaging. If there is suspicion of malignant tumor, then doctors prescribe a biopsy and puncture.

After receiving the results of the tests, the doctors make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It can be both conservative and operational in nature.

How is hygroma treated?

On the early stages seal on the wrist on the tendon is treated conservative methods. Doctors resort to drug therapy and physiotherapy procedures. They help fight cancer. But for more late stages conservative treatment does not give the desired results.

Physiotherapy includes:

  • application of applications from warm paraffin;
  • ultraviolet irradiation procedures;
  • electrophoresis - the affected area is affected by electric shocks;
  • application of therapeutic mud applications.

Usually physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out within a calendar month. At this time, doctors recommend to refrain from professional activities ( main reason diseases) and do not strain the injured joint.


This is a radical way to solve the problem. After surgical operation hygromas almost never come back. There are several ways to remove cysts on the wrist.

Among them are the following:

  • Laser exposure - the laser beam destroys the cyst. At the same time, the surrounding tissues remain uninjured. The recovery process is much easier than after abdominal surgery. The procedure takes no more than twenty minutes. After the operation, there is a very small scar.
  • Puncture - in this case, the patient is given local anesthesia (pain injection). Then the hygroma is pierced from above, the liquid is sucked out in the center and through the needle. After the puncture site is treated with an antiseptic and a bandage is applied from an elastic bandage.
  • Complete incision of the cyst and cleaning out the entire exudate. This method is used only in advanced cases. This is a 100% method to permanently remove a bump. Doctors give an anesthetic injection in the hygroma area. Then a tourniquet is applied just above the wrist. The cyst is completely excised, all the contents are cleaned out. Also, doctors remove the shell of the tumor, since the fluid in it will accumulate again. At the last stage, doctors sew up the wound and apply a tight bandage and splint. The stitches are usually removed on the seventh day after the operation, and walking without a bandage is allowed after two weeks.

Non-traditional ways

ethnoscience can take off a little pain symptoms and shrink the bump. Even if the tumor goes away, the shell will not go anywhere, remaining on the joint.

The main methods of treatment include the following:

  • Apply to hygroma gauze bandage dipped in alcohol. Next, you need to fix it and leave it for two hours.
  • A real copper coin is applied to the bump and fixed with a tight bandage. After two hours, the bandage is removed and the coin is removed.
  • Dilute 20 crushed tablets of Analgin in iodine. Apply the mixture to the cyst every day until it disappears. This method is similar to physiotherapy treatment.


Finding a bump on the wrist, many people panic. They do not know what it is, whether the neoplasm is dangerous and how to treat it properly. The surgeon will help answer all these questions. He will send you for an x-ray, after receiving the results of the picture, he will make a diagnosis.

Usually the ball on the wrist turns out to be an ordinary hygroma - benign tumor. The bump is removed surgically, but if it does not cause any discomfort (physiological and psychological), then you can safely live with it all your life.

Hygroma of the wrist (synovial cyst) is a cyst filled with fluid and consisting of tendons and joint sheaths. Pathology can occur without any obvious reasons. Both adults and kids are equally affected by it. Can this disease be cured? Today we will find the answer to this question.

Hygroma on the hand is the lot of knitters, typists, seamstresses, typists, golfers, badminton, as well as those who are engaged in large and table tennis. A cyst of the wrist often also affects professional musicians - keyboardists, violinists, pianists, cellists, etc. The reason for this choice lies in the constant load on the tendons and joints, as well as in the traumatization of their membranes.

Hygroma develops slowly and gradually. First, a rounded bump forms on the wrist - soft, pliable and almost painless. After some time, its circumference reaches 5-6, or even all 10 cm. With such large sizes, even a state of rest can bring unbearable pain. In all other cases, discomfort occurs only under the condition of physical exertion.

Symptoms of the disease

A small and uncomplicated hygroma of the hand goes unnoticed for a long time. But any progress of the disease will immediately make itself felt with the following symptoms:

  • Compaction of the subcutaneous formation;
  • Pain in the area of ​​the tumor - are aching in nature;
  • Changes in the skin located above the tumor;
  • Violation of the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Depending on the number of capsules in the formation, two types of hygromas can be distinguished:

  1. Single chamber - consists of one capsule;
  2. Multichamber - consists of two or more capsules, is diagnosed in advanced cases.

Causes of a synovial cyst

There are many reasons why this disease develops. Here are the most important ones:

  • Repetitive monotonous work performed by hands;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Previous trauma, especially untreated. It could be a sprain bad bruise hands, fall on the arm, dislocation, fracture;
  • The presence of diseases such as bursitis (inflammation of the joint bag) and tendovaginitis (inflammation of the joint membrane).

How to relieve pain in the hand?

As soon as the hygroma of the wrist begins to hurt badly, absolute rest should be provided to the injured hand. Ideally, it is necessary to immobilize the arm with a splint. Can't stand the pain? Take any pain reliever and consult a doctor immediately.

Medical measures

How to treat hygroma medications? To do this, there are several generally accepted methods, the choice of which depends on the cause of the tumor, its size and the overall clinical picture. Let's consider them in more detail.


It is used to treat hygroma of the wrist joint in the early stages of its development. In this case, mud wraps, heating, paraffin therapy, electrophoresis method are used. These options are invalid acute inflammation, which results in the rupture of the capsule and the outpouring of its contents into the surrounding tissues.


It makes sense with non-started forms of hygroma of the brush. The essence of the procedure is to aspirate the contents of the capsule using a syringe with a long needle. In addition, the puncture allows you to determine the presence of cancer cells in the tumor.

AT recent times physicians are less and less resorting to the use of puncture, since fluid suction is fraught with frequent relapses. The fact is that the syringe cannot destroy the capsule shell. It not only does not disappear anywhere, but also begins to secrete a new portion of the pathological fluid.

If you are among those patients on whom the puncture was used, be sure to use bandages or elastic bandages. It will also be necessary to limit the physical load on the affected hand as much as possible.

Surgical intervention

Removal of brush hygroma is carried out in two main ways:

  1. Excision of the tumor - complete excision of the formation and suturing of healthy tissues to the subcutaneous fat. At the end of the operation, which is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes, a tight bandage is applied to the wrist. The stitches can be removed on the seventh or tenth day of the operation.
  2. Laser capsule burning is one of the most modern and popular methods of treating hygromas. The tumor is removed by laser beam. Healthy tissues are not damaged during the procedure. The advantages of the laser include a small percentage of relapses and quick rehabilitation.

Prevention after treatment

In order to avoid the recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to such preventive measures:

  • Massage the brush regularly;
  • Avoid heavy loads on the affected joint;
  • Do physical therapy several times a week;
  • Visit your doctor from time to time for a routine checkup.

What should be feared?

In no case do not crush or pierce the hygroma of the wrist. This is not only very painful, but also extremely dangerous. You can push the fluid into the joint cavity, or you can let it move into the surrounding tissues. It may even seem to you that the tumor has resolved, but in fact it is not. Well, the most undesirable outcome of such self-treatment is the addition of a secondary infection, which will lead to the development of inflammation and suppuration of the capsule.

Grandma's recipes for cysts on the arm

Treatment folk remedies involves the use various compresses, which sometimes include the most unexpected ingredients. Most best recipes in front of you:

  • Attach a copper nickel to the hygroma and wrap it tightly with a bandage or cloth. Leave the bandage on for two or three days. To enhance the effect, you can heat a coin on fire and soak in table vinegar;
  • Soak a piece of gauze or bandage in the infusion of pine needles, attach it to the formation and tightly bandage your hand. Once the dressing is dry, soak it again in the infusion;
  • Relieves inflammation well cabbage leaf smeared with quality honey. Tape it to the affected area and walk around all day. In the evening, replace the dried cabbage with a fresh leaf;
  • And here is another recipe based on cabbage: grind the leaves in a blender and squeeze the gruel through a strainer. You will need cabbage juice, drink half a glass of it in the morning and in the evening. This should be done before meals. The course of treatment should last at least a month;
  • Red clay also helps a lot: mix it with water to the consistency of gruel and apply it on the inflamed area;
  • You can also use bitter wormwood juice: crush the leaves and stems of this plant in a mortar, apply the resulting juice to the hygroma, and wrap a warm scarf on top;
  • You can make lotions from a 70% alcohol solution. They also need to be wound first with polyethylene, and then with a warm scarf;
  • Make compresses from pieces of kombucha;
  • Soak your hand in an infusion of hay dust, and then rub the tumor with petroleum jelly;
  • A compress of ficus leaves gives a good result: cut 6 leaves of the plant, fill them with 0.5 liters of kerosene (purified) and put in a dark place for ten days. At the end of the specified time, strain the tincture and use as compresses. They are made very simply. Moisten a gauze bandage in sunflower oil, attach it to the hygroma, put a linen bandage soaked in ficus tincture on top. Keep the bandage for about half an hour, repeating 3-4 times a day;
  • Spread your hand in hot water(about 20-30 minutes), grease the capsule with honey, and put a piece of parchment paper on top. Wrap everything in a warm scarf and walk like this all day. Repeat daily until complete recovery.

A bump on the wrist is a benign neoplasm that resembles a cyst. In medicine, it is also called. This is a specific capsule, inside of which there is an exudate with fibrin threads and mucus impurities. Such cavity formations there may be several on the wrist. In this case, we will talk about a multi-chamber hygroma. Once the tumor has formed, it may not bother a person at all, but as it grows, discomfort arises both physically and aesthetically. Especially when the lump on the arm increases in size by more than five centimeters. In addition, its increase may be accompanied by severe pain.

A bump on the wrist is not a rare pathology. It can occur in absolutely any person, regardless of his age category and gender. Often, pathology is diagnosed even in children. To date, doctors cannot exactly name the cause of growth on the arm, but they know some predisposing factors. A trend was also noticed that such education is more often formed in the hands of representatives of certain professions. This gives every reason to attribute pathology to occupational diseases.

Etiological factors

As mentioned above, now it is difficult for clinicians to name all the reasons due to which a bump on the wrist may appear. But they distinguish certain groups of people (risk groups) in whom the pathology is diagnosed most often. They are conditionally divided into two groups:

  • the first group includes people who, due to their professional activities, are forced to perform the same brush movements every day. This includes seamstresses, violinists, people who are engaged in embroidery, and so on;
  • the second group includes people who are actively involved in sports and who constantly use their hands (constant strong physical exercise to the joint). These are tennis players, golfers and more.

Possible reasons for the formation of hygroma on the brush:

  • hand injury. It has been observed that quite often a bump on the wrist occurs in a person who has previously suffered an injury. For example, he fell on his arm or sprained his tendons;
  • hereditary predisposition. This theory also exists. If any of the parents has a tendency to form hygromas, then most likely it will be transmitted to their child;
  • inflammatory diseases articular joints.


At first, a bump on the wrist does not bother a person at all. Its growth can be both slow and rapid. As soon as the tumor begins to grow, appear and clinical picture this pathology:

  • a solid bulge forms on the wrist - this is the hygroma;
  • if you direct a strong light at it, then it will begin to shine through, and it will be possible to see the liquid that is localized inside it;
  • the skin over the hygroma may change somewhat. It usually becomes darker than the tissues surrounding the tumor;
  • if a sick person tries to make certain active movements with a brush, then he immediately has a strong pain syndrome.

Another symptom is numbness of the palm, as well as the inability of a person to make any movements with the fingers of the affected hand. Such a clinic is due to the fact that the tumor has already reached a sufficiently large size and begins to put pressure on blood vessels, as well as nerve fibers.


Usually diagnosing a hygroma is not difficult. The standard diagnostic plan for suspected such a tumor:

  • visual inspection and palpation of the neoplasm;
  • radiography of the hand to confirm the preliminary diagnosis;
  • tomography;
  • if there is a suspicion that this tumor may be malignant, then the patient is immediately prescribed a biopsy and puncture of the formed formation. This is necessary in order to laboratory analysis identify abnormal cells.

Therapeutic measures

The doctor determines the tactics of treatment only after the patient has undergone full inspection and diagnostics. The method largely depends on the stage of neglect of this disease. At this time, three methods of treatment are recognized as the most effective:

  • physiotherapy treatment. The most gentle method of therapy. It is prescribed if the tumor is in the embryonic stage. The duration of treatment is one month. No discomfort or pain during the procedure, the patient will not experience;
  • puncture. The formed formation is pierced with a special syringe, with the help of which the exudate is pumped out of the capsule. Next, the articular joint is tightly fixed elastic bandage so that the cavity that remains after the removal of the liquid is fully overgrown;
  • operable intervention. It is used only in the most difficult clinical situations.