Dental care during pregnancy. How does it affect the woman and the fetus? Suitable strings of pregnancy for dental treatment

Pregnancy is often overshadowed by health and well-being problems. In particular, many women are forced to think about how to keep their teeth during pregnancy and after childbirth. This is far from an idle question: according to the results of a number of studies, with normal flow pregnancy, the incidence of caries reaches 91%, diseases - 90%, destruction of previously healthy dental units - 38%.

Of course, the expectant mother wants nothing to overshadow her joy from the upcoming meeting with her baby, and she does not always pay attention to such a “trifle” as her teeth. However, oral health is an important component wellness and the absence of complications during childbearing.

What happens to teeth during pregnancy?

According to many women, the child "sucks" all kinds of nutrient substrates from the mother, including calcium from the dental tissue, causing its rapid destruction. This is not entirely true. Calcium in dental and bone tissue stays in place. The baby has enough calcium contained in the mother's blood, but it may be in short supply to meet the needs of her own body.

The main causes of dental diseases in pregnant women:

The most common dental problems that a pregnant woman may encounter are:
  • caries, first appeared (on healthy dental units) or secondary (previously treated);
  • (inflammation of the gums) of pregnant women, caused by increased formation of tartar under the influence of estrogens and progesterone;
  • (pregnant supragingival) - benign neoplasm unidentified nature in the gum area, which spontaneously resolves after delivery;
  • under influence hyperacidity, the anterior upper incisors in the cervical region are more often affected;
  • diffuse toothache pain, not having a clear localization, not associated with a load on dental tissues, spontaneously appears and disappears; presumably associated with increased blood flow and stimulation of nerve endings in the pulp;
  • that goes away after childbirth.

Is there an effect on the baby?

Maintaining dental health during pregnancy is important not only directly for future mother but also for the child. Any infectious foci in the body of a pregnant woman are potential danger for the fetus. Microbes and the toxic substances they release are able to be absorbed into the bloodstream and, together with the blood, enter the placenta, causing infection of the child.

The risks are especially high in the first trimester of gestation due to the processes of laying internal organs and systems. If infection occurs at this stage, there is a risk of fetal malformations. With later infection, premature birth, hypoxia and fetal hypotrophy are possible. In addition, some microorganisms can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, disclosure cervical canal and damage to the membranes of the fetus, which at times increases the likelihood of miscarriage.

Do I need to visit a dentist?

Many women ignore the need for dental treatment, believing that dental procedures can harm the child. This is not entirely true. There are procedures that do not pose any danger to the mother and baby, you just need to choose the right time for a visit to the doctor.

The optimal period for treatment by a dentist during the period of bearing a child is the II trimester: 14–26 weeks. At this stage, almost all therapeutic procedures are allowed, it is only desirable to limit the use of medications and x-rays.

If this is not possible, then the dentist will choose the most suitable anesthesia for anesthesia. safe remedy(, ubistezin, septanest), and you can take pictures of the jaws on the dental computed tomography: this is the safest (due to the low dose of radiation) and informative option.

Manipulations allowed in the II trimester:

  • caries treatment;
  • treatment of periodontal diseases;
  • therapy of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • non-surgical extraction of teeth;

In the I and III trimesters, only emergency procedures are usually performed (treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis), trying as much as possible to do without anesthesia.

Dental procedures contraindicated for pregnant women:

How to take care of your teeth?

  • Twice daily followed by fluoride toothpaste. In case of inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to use pastes with herbal ingredients (chamomile, sage). In case of increased tooth sensitivity, it is advisable to use special pastes of the “sensitive” category.
  • Don't forget to use mouthwash between meals.
  • After episodes of vomiting, you can chew sugar-free xylitol gum or rinse your mouth. soda solution to neutralize the acid - 1 teaspoon of soda dissolved in a glass of water.
  • It is advisable to limit the consumption of sweets, carbonated drinks, fruit juices as much as possible.

Video: dental health during pregnancy.

10 steps to healthy teeth

  1. Preventive visit to the dentist. When planning a pregnancy, this must be done, even if there are no subjective discomfort no: on initial stages Many diseases of the oral cavity are asymptomatic. If the doctor does not find any pathology, then perhaps he will simply conduct it.
  2. Balanced diet. Food should be primarily balanced in terms of the content of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. For dental tissue, vitamin D, fluorine and calcium are especially important, which are contained in fermented milk products, eggs, fish, fruits and vegetables. You should limit the intake of acidic and carbohydrate foods.
  3. Eating healthy food. It is not recommended to eat too cold and hot food, especially at the same time or in alternation. Try to avoid chewing hard food products: nuts, lollipops, clam shells. Give up the bad habit of chewing on pens, pencils, cutlery, etc. During pregnancy, the risk is especially mechanical injury teeth.
  4. Reception of special vitamin complexes. Not always everything essential vitamins and trace elements can be obtained from food in sufficient volume, especially with an increased need for them. In the winter-spring season, special multivitamin preparations. In addition, calcium preparations are prescribed from the 16th week of pregnancy and canceled only a month before the expected birth. And it is recommended to resume taking after the birth of a child, after 3-4 months.
  5. Rejection strict diets. This advice is especially relevant for women who, from the first weeks after giving birth, go on strict diets in order to quickly get in shape. At this time, the body is very vulnerable to lack nutrients especially when breastfeeding. Nutrition should be balanced, but complete, you can not limit calories.
  6. Proper oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day, using flosses, and mouth rinses will help you fight bacteria and plaque as effectively as possible.
  7. Rejection bad habits. For pregnant women, this is a must in any case, even without taking into account the negative effects of smoking and drinking alcohol on dental health.
  8. Emotional peace. Research shows that prolonged emotional stress has a negative influence on the teeth of not only a pregnant woman, but also her unborn baby. Therefore, it is important to learn how to remain calm in unpleasant situations and not get upset over trifles. You need to be able to maintain a positive attitude.
  9. Timely application for dental care. Even if problems with teeth appeared directly during pregnancy,. No prohibited and dangerous procedures he will not appoint. It is much more risky to courageously endure discomfort and pain and wait for complications to develop.
  10. Timely treatment of gingivitis of pregnant women. Untreated gingivitis often leads to tooth loss. With the initial manifestations of inflammation of the gums, you can cope with it with specialized toothpastes and rinsing the mouth with decoctions, chamomile, oak bark. When the process aggravates, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Teeth during pregnancy need special care, no wonder people say that giving birth to a child for his mother means the loss of one tooth.

pregnancy and teeth

bad teeth and pregnancy concepts are not compatible, and there are a number of reasons for this.

Caries during childbearing is actively progressing
- Decreased maternal immunity leads to mild complications deep caries
- a decaying tooth is a source of infection in the mother's body, which can cause obstetric complications, child infection

Therefore, the teeth must be brought into full order even before pregnancy, at the planning stage, and repeatedly visit the dentist during the bearing of the baby. If you were not preparing for pregnancy, a visit to the dentist will be offered to you by your observing gynecologist even at the time of the first appearance at the antenatal clinic, along with all other tests and examinations.

But even if you did everything on time, you may have dental problems while you are carrying a child. The teeth deteriorate, crumble in many pregnant women, regardless of whether they were preparing for conception or not, why does this happen? How does pregnancy affect teeth?

Starting from the second trimester, the need for calcium increases several times, because the child's skeletal system begins to form. To build bone tissue, he needs great amount calcium, but sometimes there is nowhere to take it, especially if the expectant mother does not really like dairy products, fish and refused to drink vitamins for pregnant women. Calcium begins to leach out of the mother's bones, and, of course, her teeth too. Pain in the bones, back, are often associated with this process, and the teeth respond to the loss of calcium by demineralization of enamel, a thin, very durable surface layer of dental tissue. That is why the sensitivity of the teeth during pregnancy increases in almost all women.

But thin enamel becomes vulnerable to destruction. Old fillings sway and fall out, because it is now easier for microbes to penetrate under them, teeth crumble, fresh foci of caries appear in the folds of crowns. Toothache during pregnancy can overtake you unexpectedly and at any time, but more often it happens in the second half of pregnancy, when calcium deficiency is obvious, and the disease has had enough time to shake even your strongest fillings. Based on this sad picture, the question arises, how to save teeth during pregnancy and is it even possible?

Yes, it is possible:

Preventive visits to the dentist
- Fully healed teeth before pregnancy
- Proper Care
- Complete nutrition and taking vitamins

Usually these simple measures are enough to save a white-toothed smile.

Brushing your teeth during pregnancy is a different story. The fact is that not only does your enamel become thin, your gums often become sensitive and even bleed.

Teeth brushing and pregnancy

Choose a medium-hard toothbrush, change it at least every 2 months for a new one
- do not use pastes with high content fluorine, its excess will harm the baby. It is better not to spare money and buy a specialized paste for pregnant women in a pharmacy. Yes, it will be a little more expensive than regular pastes, but these pastes have increased content calcium and created specifically for the vulnerable teeth of pregnant women. We recommend such pastes as 9 months-pregnadent, splat-biocalcium, splat-organic, paradontax and many others. All these pastes are therapeutic and before using, you should consult a dentist, you will still go to him at the earliest possible date.
- brush your teeth 2 times a day, after breakfast and after dinner, rinse your mouth with water or at least tea after each meal.

If you notice that your teeth are deteriorating, remember that during pregnancy they are destroyed many times faster, which means that you should contact your dentist as soon as you notice that something is wrong.

Dental treatment during pregnancy

Dental treatment during pregnancy is even associated with some myths that have been established among pregnant women. For example, many people think that it is impossible to take pictures, pain relief, it is impossible to pull out a tooth, etc., and they are afraid to go to an appointment if a tooth hurts, and what if the child is harmed?

Believe me, if you have a toothache during pregnancy, delaying time will only harm yourself (it will collapse) and the baby (risk of infections). Or maybe you don’t have any problems at all, and it’s just an increased sensitivity of the enamel, or a wisdom tooth grows (and this happens).

Today, dental treatment during pregnancy is carried out in almost in full, as in non-pregnant women, only some things are not done, for example, teeth whitening and prosthetics, and everything else is possible, necessary and safe.

Yes, once they were afraid to take an extra picture, because the devices were antediluvian and created a huge radiation load. They could, like a child, put arsenic and send it home for a week, suffer from pain until the nerve dies. But not now.

X-ray of a tooth during pregnancy is performed on equipment that irradiates literally 3 cm of your body, specifically above the tooth, while your baby is completely safe. This means that even the most complex dental problems.

A sick tooth during pregnancy is not a reason to remove it or treat it in wild ways. Anesthesia for dental treatment during pregnancy is carried out with minimal doses of potent modern non-toxic anesthetics that do not affect the fetus in any way. If necessary, at any time, safe anesthesia is possible. It certainly won't hurt you.

Thanks to modern equipment, the removal of dead tissues from the carious cavity, the cleaning of the canals and their further filling are carried out as sparingly as possible, moreover, even a pregnant woman tries to keep her tooth alive for as long as possible. So treating teeth during pregnancy is not painful, not scary and not dangerous.

Regarding tooth extraction. There are situations when a tooth is easier to remove than to treat, for example, if it is a destroyed wisdom tooth. There is no need to be afraid either, you can remove teeth during pregnancy, and if necessary, then under anesthesia too. And best of all, of course, just try to prevent tooth decay.

Optimal timing dental checkup for preventive purposes:

Registration in antenatal clinic
- 20-24 weeks
- 32-34 weeks

teeth after pregnancy

Your baby was born, you are happy and it seems that everything is over. No matter how. For six months after pregnancy, teeth can continue to be vulnerable and weak, especially if you are breastfeeding. This means that all preventive measures must be followed. Take care of yourself.

Treating pregnant teeth is not just possible, but necessary. Can't endure toothache, this is a huge stress for both the woman’s body and the baby. In addition, hidden foci of infection in the mouth can lead to infection of the fetus. Therefore, do not put off a visit to the dentist.

Features of dental treatment for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not absolute contraindication for any dental procedures. However, the patient must warn the doctor about her position, and also name the exact gestational age.

The main nuances of therapy:

  • during the bearing of a child, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis and inflammatory diseases gums (gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis);
  • both chemically curing materials and light-curing composites can be used for tooth filling; photopolymer lamps are safe for the fetus;
  • enamel whitening is prohibited;
  • dental treatment is carried out local anesthesia(injection of Ultracaine, Articaine), the expectant mother should not be allowed to suffer terrible pain in the dentist's office;
  • general anesthesia strictly contraindicated.

Early and late dental treatment

The entire period of pregnancy is conditionally divided into 3 periods (trimesters).

First trimester (up to 12 weeks)

In the 1st trimester (the earliest date), all vital important organs child. The placenta is just beginning to form, it cannot yet protect the fetus from negative impact. Therefore, during this period it is undesirable to carry out any medical intervention. However, the dentist may prescribe local drugs to relieve inflammation (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Holisal).

Second trimester (approximately 13 to 24 weeks)

In the second trimester, the risk of hazards is significantly reduced. The placenta serves as a reliable protective barrier for the baby. This is the optimal period for dental treatment and other dental procedures.

Third trimester (25 weeks to delivery)

In the 3rd trimester, there is an increased sensitivity of the uterus to drug exposure. In addition, during this period, the woman's body is quite weakened. Therefore, "extra" stress in the dentist's office is highly undesirable. If possible, it is better to postpone dental treatment for lactation. However, this does not apply to emergency cases, such as acute toothache.

Diagnosis of teeth during pregnancy

Without diagnostics, the treatment of pulpitis and the extraction of teeth during pregnancy is not complete. Conventional radiography (sighted x-ray) is not the most the best way for patients "in position". Fetal cells are in the process of dividing, so they are particularly sensitive to radiation.

But if there is a need for such a diagnosis, it is better to carry it out in the second trimester. Be sure to cover the abdomen and pelvic area with a protective lead apron.

Most safe option for women during pregnancy, it is digital radiovisiography. This method is characterized by minimal radiation exposure - 90% less compared to film x-rays.

Anesthetics are used local action that do not cross the placental barrier. Another requirement for painkillers is a low degree of effect on blood vessels.

Lidocaine is not suitable for expectant mothers, as such a drug can cause muscle weakness, convulsions and sharp decline pressure.

The best option is anticaine-based anesthetics:

These drugs do not harm the baby because they act locally. They also have a reduced concentration of vasoconstrictor components (adrenaline, etc.), which is safe for the mother.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

Tooth extraction is surgery, which is always accompanied by psycho-emotional stress. Of course, it is undesirable for women during childbearing.

Therefore, tooth extraction is carried out only in extreme cases:

  • fracture of the crown or root;
  • deep carious focus, which causes purulent inflammation;
  • the formation of a cyst, the diameter of which exceeds 1 cm;
  • incessant sharp pain that cannot be eliminated with conservative therapy.

Removal of wisdom teeth during pregnancy is generally not carried out. Such an operation often ends with alveolitis (inflammation of the hole) and other complications that require antibiotics.

Implantation and prosthetics of teeth during childbearing

During pregnancy, you can put any type of prosthesis, including crowns and bridges. The exception is dental implants.

Dental implant placement is often expensive vitality. But during pregnancy, all resources are directed to the development of a healthy baby.

In addition, after implantation, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are required, which are contraindicated for the expectant mother.

Dental treatment during the period of bearing a child can be done absolutely free of charge if you use compulsory medical insurance policy. List of all public institutions, as well as private dentistry you will find on our website.

The attitude of a pregnant woman to her own teeth affects. It is advisable to put your teeth in order even before the onset of pregnancy, so as not only to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy, but also not to harm your child.

A particular threat to pregnant women and the fetus is dental caries - This pathological process, which consists in the gradual destruction of bone tissue or tooth. With pulpitis, toxins enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, which can also affect the condition of the fetus. The presence of a chronic focus of infection in the oral cavity can cause intrauterine infection, cause a delay in the development of the fetus, provoke a miscarriage, premature birth and the birth of a child with a small body weight.

Causes of dental deterioration during pregnancy

  • Hormonal changes in the body. Pregnancy hormones cause a change in the qualitative composition of saliva and a decrease in its protective properties - this is not only increased salivation but also swelling and sensitivity of the gums, which can be easily damaged during brushing or flossing.
  • Violation of oral hygiene and accumulation of plaque.
  • Early toxicosis, as well as food addictions to sour, salty, sweet.
  • Hypovitaminosis.

Fundamental rules

Be sure to brush your teeth in the morning and evening. Optimal Toothbrush during pregnancy should be of medium hardness, with the designation "medium". If the gums bleed heavily (which is most often associated with a change in hormonal background body), use a soft (marked "soft") toothbrush. At hypersensitivity teeth, it is not recommended to use electric toothbrushes.

Toothpaste can be used both regular and special for pregnant women., for example "Pregnant". To prevent gum disease, you can use special pastes with an anti-inflammatory effect based on mint, sage or chamomile. Do not use whitening toothpaste during pregnancy, as it can destroy the top layer of tooth enamel.

Rinse your mouth with plain boiled water after every meal or sugary drink. This replaces the daily brushing recommended by experts, ridding the mouth of decaying food debris.

Proper balanced nutrition. You can and should limit yourself to sweets (caramel and viscous toffee especially destroy your teeth) and sweet drinks, because this is an extra carbohydrate load on your teeth during pregnancy. It is necessary that vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C are present in your diet daily. Foods with great content calcium and fluorine, which are more than others necessary for the formation of healthy teeth in an unborn baby. Take daily vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women.

Dental treatment during pregnancy

Every pregnant woman should be examined by a dentist at least twice. Sick teeth must be cured even during pregnancy, as they can be a source of infection for the mother and fetus. The dentist will select for you special anesthetics that do not penetrate the placental barrier and offer the most gentle diagnostic methods that can significantly reduce the number of x-rays. If you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, be sure to inform the dentist, and when x-raying the tooth, you will definitely be given a protective apron covering your stomach.

During pregnancy can remove teeth, treat caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis, bleeding gums, inflammatory processes teeth, as well as the installation of braces.

During pregnancy it is forbidden whiten, implant teeth and remove tartar.

Pain relief for toothache and anesthesia in dentistry

At home, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen (in the first and second trimesters) can be used to relieve toothache for pregnant women.

It is quite possible to use anesthesia during dental treatment at the dentist, but you should definitely notify the doctor about your pregnancy. In dentistry, drugs such as Lidocaine and Mepivacaine are used.

When is the best time to treat your teeth during pregnancy?

The period from the fourth to the sixth month of pregnancy (from 14 to 24 weeks) is considered the most optimal for the treatment and extraction of teeth. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the laying of all organs and systems of the baby takes place, so any medical interventions considered undesirable. The second trimester is the safest, including for dental treatment.

There are few restrictions on dental treatment and other dental problems: dental implantation is absolutely excluded, and an experienced doctor’s consultation is needed regarding prosthetics. A dental x-ray of the tooth is not done in the first half of pregnancy, but after 20 weeks, sightings are allowed, preferably on a visiograph - a computer x-ray machine. Modern anesthetic and filling materials are safe and effective.

Take care of your teeth not only during pregnancy, but also after the birth of your baby, while breastfeeding, and you will be able to delight others with your dazzling smile.

One of the most contentious issues that many women experience is dental treatment during pregnancy, about which there are a huge number of myths and rumors. Which of them are worth listening to, and which ones are better not to pay attention to?

Medical advice and recommendations will help to understand this problem situation and take correct solution- go or not to the dentist during the period of bearing a baby. After all, the health of both the future mother herself and her unborn child depends on this.

Depending on the heredity and health of the woman, during pregnancy, the teeth can suffer very much, and can remain completely healthy for all 9 months.

The latter is possible if the parents planned the birth of a child and the oral cavity of the expectant mother was sanitized (i.e., treated) even before conception. Why does the fetus growing inside a woman have such a powerful and in most cases destructive effect on the teeth of a pregnant woman? Doctors cite several reasons:

  1. The change in the hormonal background is even reflected in the composition and properties of saliva, which during this period contributes to the development of caries.
  2. The gums during pregnancy are supplied with in large numbers blood, which makes them loose and accessible to pathogenic bacteria. The result is inflammation in the oral cavity. The result is gingivitis. Untreated, it develops into periodontitis, the main symptom of which is bleeding. All this ends in caries.
  3. Due to women, nausea and vomiting cannot be avoided. The vomit has low level acidity due to abundance of hydrochloric acid. They lead to erosion, thinning of tooth enamel.
  4. For the intrauterine formation of the child's skeleton, a lot of calcium is consumed. His child receives from the mother skeletal system which includes teeth. If a woman lacks calcium during pregnancy, her teeth begin to break down.

Pregnancy is a stress for the female body, which in its own way and in different ways affects all its systems and organs. The oral cavity is no exception. If there is no sanitation, appropriate treatment, proper care for it during this period, the teeth will begin to crumble, crumble and fall out, and the gums will bleed.

And this is where the question arises: is treatment necessary or not? To answer it, it is useful to first find out how the fetus is affected dental diseases.

Helpful advice. So that during pregnancy there is no lack of calcium, which leads to tooth decay, it is necessary to drink Calcium D-3 Nycomed (with the permission of the doctor) and include in the diet as many legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, cereals, vegetables, herbs, berries, eggs, fish and dairy products.

Impact of dental health on pregnancy

In fact, a lot of women doubt: is it necessary to treat teeth during pregnancy - is it possible to wait for the baby to be born and visit the dentist after that? If you understand how closely related dental diseases are with the intrauterine development of the baby and his health, this question will not arise. Here are just a few facts about this, proven laboratory.

  1. According to recent studies, the bacterium that causes tooth decay often leads to premature birth or the birth of a fetus with a small body weight. She stimulates the female body production of cytokines - substances that cause uterine contractions.
  2. Pulpitis and periodontitis (complications of caries) cause the absorption of pathogenic bacteria and toxins into the blood, which can reach the fetus and infect it.
  3. Toothache is a traumatic factor for a pregnant woman, which leads to the release of hormones into the body. All this negatively affects intrauterine development child.
  4. Infection from rotten tooth can enter the gastrointestinal tract and cause preeclampsia - late toxicosis.

These factors are quite enough to understand why it is necessary to treat teeth during pregnancy with an exacerbation of dental diseases. At stake is the health of the unborn baby, which must be protected by any means.

But where did the myth come from that oral therapy during this period is dangerous? He has supporters and opponents: it is worth listening to both sides.

Stubborn statistics. Caries is diagnosed in 91.4% of women with a favorable pregnancy. And in 94%, if it is complicated by toxicosis.

To treat or not to treat: pros and cons

Are you wondering if it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy and is it dangerous for a child? Weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.


The doctors themselves (gynecologists and dentists) claim that it is possible and simply necessary to treat teeth during pregnancy if there are any problems with them. Arguments:

  1. A sick tooth is a source of many bacteria and infections that, after the birth of a baby, can attack his small and defenseless body, as he will be in constant contact with his mother.
  2. A woman herself, without taking care of her teeth, can become a victim of these same infections, which will require antibiotic treatment, which is highly undesirable during pregnancy.
  3. After the birth of the child, the mother will have no time to run to the doctors, so it would be better to treat her teeth during pregnancy.
  4. The impact of untreated teeth on the intrauterine development of the fetus is the most negative: it can be infected, suffer from mom's worries about toothache, and its body weight and duration may depend on this.
  5. In the arsenal of the dentist there are medications for dental treatment that are completely harmless to the fetus, so there is no need to be afraid of their dangerous effects on the child.


But where did the opponents come from, who claim that going to the dentist will harm the unborn baby? Here's how they explain why you shouldn't get dental treatment during pregnancy.

  1. Dental treatment for early dates pregnancy with the use of anesthesia can lead to impaired tissue formation in the fetus.
  2. Due to reduced immunity, there is a risk of developing complications after tooth treatment.
  3. The pain threshold during this period decreases, so dental treatment during pregnancy is a much more unpleasant procedure.

A woman must understand and imagine the dangers of dental treatment during pregnancy in order to warn the dentist about her situation in time. In this regard, he will choose the most safe drug for anesthesia and advise if the tooth requires immediate treatment, or may wait until the postpartum period.

You need to know! As anesthetics for pregnant women in dentistry, Lidocaine is allowed, but Mepivacaine is undesirable. As analgesics, you can drink Paracetamol and Ibuprofen to eliminate toothache, but the latter is strictly prohibited on later dates. Safe antibiotics for the treatment of inflammation that has begun are penicillin, cephalosporin, clindamycin, metronidazole.

Treatment by trimester

For each period of pregnancy, doctors advise different approaches to dental treatment, which all women who are expecting a child need to know about. The health and development of the baby may depend on how long even the most harmless anesthesia was used.

I trimester

  1. During the "mitotic" period of the first trimester (from the moment of conception to the 17th day), the embryo has a high sensitivity to toxins. Despite the fact that the fertilized egg is protected by a dense membrane, dental treatment is not recommended at this time.
  2. The “organoleptic” period in the 1st trimester is even more dangerous. Organs and tissues are formed in the embryo. Treating your teeth with pain medication at this stage can disrupt this important process, which will lead to deviations in further development fetus.
  3. Dental treatment in early pregnancy is not recommended for caries and chronic pulpitis and periodontitis.
  4. An exception is urgent interventions: exacerbation of pulpitis and periodontitis, which occur with a pronounced pain syndrome and are fraught with purulent inflammation.

II trimester

  1. The risk of a negative impact of dental treatment on a child in the 2nd trimester is reduced.
  2. In each individual case, the doctor must take into account the toxic effect of drugs used in dentistry: anesthesia, antibacterial and other drugs.
  3. At this stage, it is advisable to carry out the prevention of dental diseases - professional hygiene.
  4. First of all, those teeth are treated, the condition of which can deteriorate sharply in the third trimester.
  5. If there is no risk, then dental treatment is transferred to the postpartum period.
  6. Any decision on dental treatment at this stage is made exclusively by the doctor.

III trimester

  1. The last weeks of pregnancy are characterized for a woman by increasing anxiety, fatigue, heart palpitations. If we add to this suffering from toothache, an unfavorable picture may emerge: it is possible to give birth before the time of birth (about the consequences early birth can be read). Therefore, treatment is essential.
  2. On the other hand, in the 3rd trimester, the uterus becomes especially sensitive to any external influences which can also lead to preterm labor. This applies to the treatment or extraction of teeth with anesthesia.

Now you know when you can treat your teeth during pregnancy: The second trimester is the best time to go to the dentist. Depending on the disease, the doctor will decide what kind of therapy to carry out: preventive or surgical, nerve removal or conventional filling, with or without anesthesia.

Helpful information. I trimester covers the period from conception to week 12 inclusive, II - from 13 to 28 weeks, III - from 29 to 41.

Treatment of diseases

There are not so many dental diseases, but they determine the therapeutic course during pregnancy - how exactly dental treatment is carried out, depending on the damage.


  1. Treatment of dental caries is carried out without anesthesia.
  2. There are no restrictions for fillings: the choice is made by the pregnant woman herself.


  1. Treatment of pulpitis is carried out only with an injection of an anesthetic.
  2. Modern anesthetics such as "Ubistezin" and "Ultrakain" are used, which do not penetrate the placental barrier and are completely safe for the fetus.
  3. They have the lowest concentration. vasoconstrictors, in some they are completely absent.
  4. An X-ray of the tooth may be required, which should not be feared. From one shot, the fetus will not suffer. Moreover, in modern devices, the radiation dose is very low.


  1. Does not always require anesthesia.
  2. But in most cases, x-rays will need to be done.


  1. Surgical treatment of teeth during pregnancy with anesthesia is a must.
  2. Requires strict implementation of all doctor's recommendations in postoperative period: do not rinse oral cavity do not heat it up.
  3. The exception is "wisdom teeth". Their removal requires additional manipulations and postoperative antibiotics for treatment. So that this procedure it is better to postpone it for the postpartum period.


  1. There are no contraindications to prosthetics during pregnancy. Orthopedic dentist procedures are safe and painless.
  2. Another thing is implantation, which will require high costs from an already weakened organism. Engraftment of implants also occurs under the action of medications, which do not affect the fetus in the most favorable way.


  1. The most common dental disease during pregnancy, which requires mandatory treatment.
  2. Treatment light form gingivitis comes down to antiseptic treatment gums, rinses, professional cleaning teeth, applications of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Postpartum symptoms of mild gingivitis with appropriate and timely treatment pass without a trace.
  4. At severe forms surgical intervention is performed.

If problems with teeth are found during pregnancy, it is by no means recommended to delay treatment. Even if it's I or III trimesters, you must definitely visit a dentist for professional advice and follow all his recommendations. And especially for the application folk remedies to relieve toothache.

Medical educational program. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums without damage to the teeth. If untreated, it develops into periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth.

Folk remedies

Indeed, not everyone is able to endure a toothache. And if you also take into account the decrease in the pain threshold during pregnancy, it is almost impossible to endure these torments. And then what if you have to wait before visiting the dentist? Harmless rinses and lotions from medicinal herbs. Since they do not get inside (into the blood and in the gastrointestinal tract), their effect on the development of the fetus is minimal, and dental treatment folk medicine can be a real salvation for a pregnant woman.

  • Sage

1 tablespoon brew dry or fresh sage with boiling water (200 ml), leave for about an hour. Treatment consists in rinsing.

  • Salt and soda

In equal amounts (1 teaspoon each), dissolve the table or sea ​​salt with baking soda in glass warm water. For rinsing.

  • Carnation

Warm clove powder applied to the gums is good for bleeding gums.

  • Garlic, onion, salt

Grind the garlic and onion into a puree. Mix 1 teaspoon. both, sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Put in the hollow of the diseased tooth for 15 minutes, cover with cotton wool.

  • Aloe, Kalanchoe

Squeeze the juice from the fleshy leaves of aloe or Kalanchoe. For treatment, moisten the affected tooth or gums with it several times a day.

For successful application All these folk remedies for toothache need to consider two factors. First, there should not be an allergy to their components. Secondly, it will not be superfluous to consult a gynecologist or dentist about their use in such interesting position as additional treatment teeth. Well, in order to never face the problem of toothache, you need to be able to properly care for the oral cavity.

There is an opinion. Some doctors believe that sage, like essential oils, provoke uterine cramps, so they can not be used for dental treatment during pregnancy. On the other hand, rinsing with these infusions is so negligible in the amount of active substances that fear a miscarriage or premature birth from such therapy is hardly worth it.

We have already found out how much pregnancy affects the oral cavity. Therefore, it is so important to keep it clean for all 9 months. Proper dental care the best prevention dental diseases, excluding painful treatment and dangerous anesthesia.

  1. It is better to purchase a 5th generation brush with a multi-level arrangement of micro-textured, artificial bristles. The protrusions allow you to penetrate into hard-to-reach interdental spaces, where plaque accumulates, contributing to the demineralization of teeth. The brush should be medium hard or soft.
  2. The toothbrush is changed every 2-3 months, i.e. 3-5 times during pregnancy.
  3. It should be kept in perfect cleanliness: each time after cleaning, rinse under running water and store in a glass with the bristles up to dry completely.
  4. To remove plaque, it is recommended to use flosses - special threads.
  5. There are special toothpastes for pregnant women - it is better to use them (for example, Pregnadent). Have not found such - look for those whose composition is safe for the body: they should not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, fluorine, abrasive substances. It’s good if the tube says “hypoallergenic”.
  6. You can not brush your teeth immediately after vomiting, which is a frequent companion of pregnant women during the period of toxicosis. Enamel, which at such moments is exposed to hydrochloric acid, quickly wears out.
  7. After each meal, it is advisable to use mouthwash.
  8. Women need to think about dental health even before pregnancy. It will be necessary to treat all diseased teeth, you need to start taking a complex of vitamins with a mandatory calcium content. Try to eat right, add more cheese, cottage cheese, nuts to the diet.
  9. During the bearing of a child, it is necessary to visit the dentist, even if the teeth do not bother, at the beginning and in the middle of pregnancy, and then immediately before childbirth.
  10. The future father also needs oral health before the baby is born.

Good oral hygiene significantly reduces the risk of caries and other dental diseases. And then there will be no question whether to go for treatment or refuse, whether it is harmful or not. But anyway about possible complications after dental problems during pregnancy you need to know.

Innovative developments. Why is it better to use fifth generation toothbrushes during pregnancy? The bristles on it are removed from the surface of the teeth 3.5 times more flight time and bacteria than ordinary brushes. And then dental treatment will not be needed - only prevention will be needed.

Complications and consequences

Complications are fraught with refusal of dental treatment during pregnancy. Unwanted Consequences can also occur if the rules were violated dental therapy. For example, she was prescribed in the early stages with appropriate contraindications, or drugs were prescribed that adversely affect the fetus.

During pregnancy

  1. The immune system becomes vulnerable during pregnancy, so that an infection from a diseased tooth, which was previously limited to the oral cavity, runs the risk of becoming generalized and turning into sepsis.
  2. Intrauterine infection of the fetus due to untreated caries.
  3. If dental treatment was performed during pregnancy with anesthesia in the first trimester, this is fraught with deviations in the intrauterine development of the fetus (read also:).
  4. Preeclampsia - late toxicosis.
  5. premature birth.

After the birth of a child

  1. Small body weight of the newborn.
  2. A child can be born nervous and capricious, because during pregnancy his mother suffered such a traumatic factor as pain, which, if left untreated, will only intensify.
  3. If you do not treat your teeth during pregnancy, after the birth of the baby, you can inadvertently infect him. Its source is bad teeth. The method of infection is your kiss, the pacifier you licked for him. These bacteria can even get into breast milk. Result - serious illnesses baby.

Dental treatment during pregnancy is not only necessary, but also a necessary event. However, it is carried out competently, with the involvement of specialists. Dangerous and harmful for the child and for the mother are dental diseases, and not the therapy itself. Doctors will never prescribe drugs or procedures that will adversely affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. Trust them - and no infections can overcome you and your baby.