What to do if the nose is red all the time. Red nose: folk treatment

The skin in the nose area is very delicate, so it reacts sharply to any external changes or disturbances in the body by redness. Red nose is not just cosmetic defect, which gives its owner discomfort.

If left untreated, the skin may become bluish and swollen. However, before starting the treatment of the disease, it is important to identify its cause.

What diseases cause redness of the nose?

1. ARI, allergies

If you have a severe runny nose, you should often use a handkerchief, medicinal drops and sprays. As a result, the skin in the nose area is very flaky, cracked and reddened. After recovery, the color of the nose is quickly restored.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis

This disease is caused by a yeast-like fungus that is constantly present on the skin of the face and contributes to its normal functioning. Under the influence of certain factors (hormonal imbalance, stress, decreased immunity), the body ceases to control the development of the fungus, as a result of which its functioning becomes hyperactive. In the upper layers of the epidermis, inflammatory processes develop, ulcers form, the nose becomes red. Owners are more prone to this disease oily skin.

3. Demodicosis

This skin disease is caused by acne gland or mite. In this case, the nose and the area around it swells, itches and turns very red. For treatment, external agents are prescribed that prevent the activity of the tick, vitamins and immunostimulants. However, even with a competent approach, redness disappears for a long time.

4. Problems with blood pressure

With hypotension, the nose becomes blue-red. Hypertension also leads to intense redness of the nose and the appearance of streaks of blood vessels on it.

Other Causes of a Red Nose

The presence of very thin and weak vessels may cause redness of the nose.

The disease is aggravated under the influence of a sharp change in temperature.

A person who abuses alcohol, also becomes the owner of a red nose. Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, the body undergoes many negative changes: pressure rises excessively, blood vessels dilate, and the function of circulatory system. This leads to a change in skin tone especially on the nose.

A red nose may be the result of the body's reaction to certain products. Redness usually occurs when regular use smoked meats, sweets, spicy, fatty foods, fast food, coffee, when blood vessels expand and capillaries break. If you refuse these harmful products, skin tone will return to normal in 10-12 days.

With frequent and strong nervous tension and excitement, blood rushes to the head, so the person's ears, cheeks, and nose turn red. To deal with emotional state, you can do special breathing exercises. You also need to visit a psychologist.

Often, redness of the nose is caused by improper cosmetics.. funds, not suitable for the type skin, cause its peeling, itching, change in shade. It is enough to change the washing gel, tonic or cream, and the shade of the nose will be restored.

The most effective folk remedies

Chamomile decoction

Brew 40 g of flowers with boiling water and place the container with the broth in a water bath. After 15 minutes, strain the product, cool. Wipe the decoction around the nose. A certain amount of the product can be frozen to treat the problem area with a piece of ice.

Potato mask

Boil a potato in its skin, cool and mash in a puree. Wrap the resulting composition in a bandage and apply to the red nose for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with lemon juice, and then with a nourishing cream.

cucumber mass

Grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater, add the juice of the bottom leaf of aloe. Apply the gruel on the nose area, and rinse after 15 minutes. Cucumber juice can be used to wipe the problem area daily.

Cranberry juice

Pound fresh cranberries with a pusher, and then squeeze through cheesecloth. Soak a cotton pad with the juice and place it on your nose. Moisten a cotton pad with juice several times within an hour.

Aloe juice

Cut off the lower leaves of the plant and run them through a meat grinder. Squeeze out the green slurry and dilute it in half boiled water. Moisten the cheesecloth folded in 4 layers with juice and apply to the nose for 20 minutes. Don't wash yourself.

To get rid of the redness of the nose, one treatment is not enough. Follow simple advice, and then you can completely defeat the disease:

  • give up coffee, chocolate desserts, strong tea (black), smoked, fatty, spicy, hot foods;
  • when in the sun, cover your face with a hat with a brim or a visor, use a face cream with UV protection;
  • do not visit the sauna, bath, solarium, do not take hot showers and baths;
  • do not rub your face with a washcloth, towel, do not use scrub, soap, irritating cosmetics;
  • periodically wash your face with cold water;
  • take deep breaths more often to eliminate stress.

In case of reddening of the nose, in any case, contact a dermatologist. Only a doctor will prescribe a competent examination, and then treatment. Remember that traditional medicine is not always effective.

If the change in the shade of the nose is caused by serious reasons, treatment with medications, cryotherapy, laser therapy and other procedures.

The skin on the nose is especially prone to redness and irritation due to sunburn, colds, allergies, and easily clogged pores. It is necessary to protect the nose from common irritants, and if the skin is red, treat it. In this article, you will learn how to relieve irritation sensitive skin nose.


How to get rid of blackheads and irritation on the nose

    Use soft detergent for face. When washing your face, use a mild facial soap to clean and open the skin pores on your nose. After washing your face, pat your face dry with a clean towel instead of rubbing it, as rubbing can lead to reddening of the skin.

    Moisturize your skin properly with lotion or oil. Use a moisturizer suitable for your skin or a pure oil to moisturize the skin on your nose and prevent it from becoming irritated. Try using a cream specifically designed to relieve redness, or a simple natural oil of your choice.

    Try using natural anti-inflammatory remedies like cucumber and tea. Apply anti-inflammatories directly to the skin of the nose to soothe it and relieve redness. Try applying a grated cucumber mask to your face. Can also be brewed green tea, chamomile tea or peppermint moisten a soft washcloth with it and apply it to your nose.

    Reduce skin redness through diet. Pay attention to foods and drinks that can increase redness and irritation of the skin on the nose and face. Avoid known allergens and intolerant foods and favor calming, anti-inflammatory foods and drinks.

    Use a greenish makeup base or concealer. If you are unable to completely remove redness and irritation in other ways, try to mask the redness with makeup. Try using makeup with a slight greenish tint to help cover up the redness.

    How to prevent cracking of the skin on the nose with an illness

    1. Use petroleum jelly, colorless lip balm, or skin moisturizer. Apply a thick moisturizer to your nose long-acting or other moisturizer to prevent redness and irritation during the season colds or allergies. If you blow your nose frequently, apply a thick skin moisturizer to your nose as needed and allow Special attention wings of the nose.

      Use a soft handkerchief when blowing your nose. Try to use a soft cotton handkerchief rather than disposable tissues. In this way, you will prevent skin irritation that may result from prolonged use hard paper napkins.

      Protect your nose and face when you leave the house. Cover your face to keep your nose warm and protected from wind and dry air. Try wrapping a scarf around your head to cover your nose, or even put on a ski mask to keep the cold out of your face.

      Turn on a humidifier at night. Use a humidifier in the room where you often spend time during the cold and dry winter months, as well as in the bedroom. The extra moisture in the air will help reduce irritation of the nose and prevent dryness.

    How to prevent and treat sunburn

    1. Use sunscreen with a high SPF on your nose. Apply the cream 15 minutes before going outside and pay special attention to your nose, as the most prominent part of the face that is prone to sunburn. Choose your sunscreen a wide range with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply every two hours and after swimming or sweating a lot.

      • If you forget to put on sunscreen before going out, use a skin moisturizer with sunscreen regularly. Many makeup bases, cosmetic balms and powders also have some sun protection.
      • If you have very oily skin on your nose or acne often forms, use sunscreen for the face, as the composition of such creams usually does not include oil.
    2. Drink more water. Be sure to drink water before, during, and especially after sun exposure. Thus, you will prevent dehydration of the body and skin, as well as reduce irritation and dryness of the skin in the area. sunburn on the nose or elsewhere on the body.

      • If you forget to drink water, bring big bottle with water and drink it by the end of the day. If you are going to be away for a long time, take a 4-liter bottle of water with you.
      • If necessary or desired, you can add fresh lemon slices, a few drops of flavoring and electrolytes to the water. However, refrain from drinks with high content sugar and if you are thirsty do not replace the water with carbonated or alcoholic drinks, since they dehydrate the body even more, which can adversely affect the skin.


    • The above suggestions may be helpful in soothing nasal irritation, but should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Contact your doctor if you experience severe or persistent problems with skin that doesn't go away or gets worse.

The skin in the nose area is quite delicate, so it reacts strongly to external stimuli and any changes inside the body. Not always a red nose is just a cosmetic defect. If not taken in time necessary measures, the nose may become blue, swollen and permanent.

Redness of the nose can persist for a long time and the reasons for this can be very diverse. But there are a number of the most common factors that answer the question: “Why does the redness of the nose occur?”

What causes an unpleasant symptom?

Many, having discovered that their nose has turned red, begin to actively look for the causes of this symptom. However, this must determine qualified specialist, which has a certain knowledge base.

I want to say right away that a red nose is a medical and cosmetic problem, which is accompanied by the appearance of other unpleasant symptoms:

  • the nose may swell;
  • hurts;
  • peeling near the wings of the nose;
  • itchy;
  • feeling of tightness.

The doctor will help you find real reasons red nose

Acute respiratory disease

Often a red nose is a consequence viral infection. The reasons for this are quite obvious: the disease is accompanied by severe runny nose, due to which the mucous membrane swells, a person constantly rubs the skin around the nose, often uses drops and sprays. This leads to the fact that the skin becomes dry, thinner, flaky and cracks appear on it.

In this situation, many women begin to use powder, foundation, and others. cosmetics but usually they only make things worse. In addition, there high risk bring infection. It is also important to understand the fact that cosmetics do not remove redness, they can only mask the problem and, in fact, the use of these products lengthens the healing process.

Treatment in this situation includes the use of external medications, which contain dexpanthenol in its composition. Also helpful for the face active ingredient which is aloe vera. All this will speed up the healing process. Vasoconstrictors are used to reduce mucosal edema.


Another common cause is an allergic reaction, but unlike acute respiratory infections, it does not occur here. pain. But at the same time, the skin also dries and flakes. Quite often there is a picture when the problem goes to the cheeks and forehead.

In this situation, you can not do without consulting a doctor. If you have not had any prior allergic reactions, then you should find out what is an allergen for your body. The doctor must be informed about contacts with animals, taking medications, eating food, etc. In fact, allergens can be anything.

If the allergy caused redness, then contact with the allergen should be excluded.

Doctors prescribe antihistamines. Histamine is one of the substances immune system which stimulates the development clinical picture, and these drugs will suppress the release of biologically active substances mediators of the inflammatory process.

Seborrheic dermatitis

In general, yeast-like lipophilic microflora is normally present on the skin of the face and even contributes to its normal functioning. But in some cases, an imbalance occurs and the body can no longer control the level of these microorganisms.

Developing inflammatory process causes the nose to turn red. In addition, ulcers form, and when pressed, this place hurts.

Weakened immune system, persistent stressful situations, physical exhaustion - all this can lead to the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis. Also, the development of this disease is associated with hormonal background, so it often appears in adolescence when the body is being restructured.

It is also worth noting that the yeast-like lipophilic fungus feeds on fatty acids Therefore, people with oily skin are at risk. This explains why the nose turns red, because it is in this place that a large number of sebaceous glands.

If the cause was seborrheic dermatitis need to see a dermatologist immediately

Treatment in this case includes cleansing the face, taking antifungal agents. If the problem is complicated by the development of a fungal infection, phototherapy is often recommended. Along with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, the patient is recommended to follow a diet. Fatty, fried, etc. are excluded from the diet.


The causative agent of demodicosis is a tick, which provokes the appearance of redness and papules. Such rashes can swell and itch severely. In order to get rid of the problem, doctors prescribe drugs that slow down the activity of the tick and have a detrimental effect on it.

In parallel with the main treatment, multivitamins and immunomodulating agents are prescribed, because the state of the immune system plays an important role in the formation of the disease. You should not reassure yourself and hope for a quick recovery, as a rule, changes begin to be noticeable after the end of the course of treatment.

Other reasons

Other reasons can also provoke the appearance of a defect, namely:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • weak walls of blood vessels. Usually such people have a problem when they have been in the cold. Smokers and people with disabilities are at risk thyroid gland. Red vessels are effectively removed with a laser, but this procedure does not strengthen the condition of the vessels and does not insure against the appearance of redness on other parts of the body;
  • a red nose is a common occurrence in alcoholics. Alcohol abuse leads to expansion blood vessels, rises blood pressure, violated functional activity circulatory system. All these changes cannot but be reflected in the shade of the nose;
  • improper nutrition. Fried, salted, smoked, fast food - all this and much more can provoke a change in skin tone;
  • nervous strain and excitement. Psycho-emotional stress leads to the fact that the blood rushes to the brain and the ears, nose, cheeks may turn red. Breathing exercises, as well as a consultation with a psychologist can normalize the emotional state;
  • cosmetics. Incorrectly selected or cheap, low-quality cosmetic products can cause itching, peeling and redness;
  • chronic diseases digestive system;
  • overweight.


Start treating the problem with strengthening immunity

To get rid of unpleasant symptom happens not so easy. The first thing to do when the healing process begins is to strengthen the condition of the blood vessels, improving microcirculation and pressure in them. Can not use aggressive methods because the capillaries are quite fragile and brittle. good effect has an enzyme peel that deeply cleanses the skin, and at its core it has herbal ingredients.

How to remove redness from the nose with folk remedies?


You can cure redness with the help of recipes alternative medicine. Nevertheless, their use should be discussed with a doctor, because illiterate use can be harmful. Let's talk about proven and effective methods.

Folk remedies will help to effectively eliminate the defect


Chamomile flowers must be poured with boiling water, then the broth is placed in a water bath for fifteen minutes. The broth must be filtered, as soon as it has cooled, it can be used as a rub. Also, a small amount of decoction can be used in the form of frozen cubes to treat problem areas of the skin.


To prepare a potato mask, you need to boil a vegetable with a skin, then mash it to a puree state. The mass is placed in a bandage and applied for twenty minutes to the nose. After that, the nose is lubricated lemon juice, and later - a nourishing cream.


Cucumber juice can be used to wipe the skin of the face daily. You can also prepare a mask for which you need to rub fresh cucumber. Then aloe leaf juice is added to it and mixed thoroughly. Healing mixture applied to the problem area for twenty minutes.


Cranberries must be thoroughly crushed, and then also filtered through cheesecloth. Next, moisten a cotton pad with cranberry juice and apply it to your nose. Within an hour, periodically remove the cotton pad and moisten again in the juice.

Aloe juice will speed up the healing process


For cooking next recipe it is necessary to cut off exactly the lower leaves of the plant and pass them through a meat grinder. You will get a green gruel, which should be squeezed out and diluted with plain water. Then we take gauze, twisted in several layers, and moisten it in aloe juice. For about half an hour, you need to attach the product to the nose. After the procedure, the remaining juice does not need to be washed off.

In order to get rid of the disease, one treatment will not be enough, follow simple but effective recommendations:

  • periodically wash your face with cold water;
  • do not rub your face with a washcloth, hard towel and use scrubs very often;
  • for prolonged exposure to the sun, use protective creams and hats;
  • give up bad habits;
  • watch your diet, in particular, give up fatty, smoked, strong coffee and tea.

The red nose is serious reason see a doctor. Do not waste time on self-medication, which can harm you.

Our nose is a kind of indicator for cold, heat and certain malfunctions in the body. This is due to the fact that the skin on it is very thin and delicate. Redness of the nose as a reaction to weather referred to as a temporary cosmetic defect. But if the red nose becomes for reasons unknown to you, do not delay and consult a specialist, otherwise it can turn from red to blue and swollen.

Why does the nose turn red?

Under influence various factors the nose may remain red for quite a long period of time. Today we will analyze the most common of them. And so the red nose causes:

  • Abrupt temperature change. The nose can turn red not only in winter from frost, but also in summer from heat and even in a steam room from too hot air;
  • Weak blood vessels. This problem is common in people with nicotine addiction and people with thyroid problems. You can get rid of vessels with weak walls (but not strengthen them) in the cosmetologist's office using a laser;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption. Under the influence of strong drinks, malfunctions of the circulatory system occur, the vessels expand and pressure rises, to which the nose reacts with redness;
  • Unbalanced diet. All salty and spicy, smoked and fried foods, as well as fast food popular in our time, can affect skin tone;
  • Excessive shyness and stress. In this case, psychological exercises and auto-training will help get rid of the problem;
  • Cosmetics of poor quality or not suitable for your skin type can also provoke redness of the nose;
  • Advanced diseases of the digestive system, which have developed into a chronic form;
  • Excess weight;
  • Acute respiratory diseases(ORZ);
  • Allergy;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Demodicosis;

Redness of the nose may be associated pain, swelling, peeling, itching and tightness.

Red nose: treatment methods

As you know, it is easier to get rid of the problem knowing what exactly contributed to its occurrence. We have identified the most common reasons that answer the question why a red nose. Now we will find out what needs to be done in order to remove the redness on the nose.

First, start eating right. Completely refuse or at least reduce as much as possible the use of alcoholic beverages, coffee and strong tea. In addition, you will have to exclude milk chocolate from your diet and, oddly enough, milk itself. The fact is that milk, like all of the above, can cause vasodilation. Also, do not visit the sauna and solarium.


is a completely natural phenomenon. Because of the strong, and sometimes lingering runny nose we have to constantly rub our nose. As a result, we get redness, dryness and small cracks on the skin.

How to get rid of a red nose with a viral infection? Try applying an ointment or cream containing dexpanthenol to irritated skin. This tool will help eliminate burning, dryness and accelerate the healing of cracks. Also, aloe vera-based creams will help bring recovery closer.


With allergies, not only the nose can blush, but also the cheeks and even the forehead. When redness on the nose is caused by an allergy, then in order to get rid of it, it is enough to eliminate the allergen and take antihistamine. If this is your first, you need to see a doctor to identify the irritant. It can be plant pollen, animal hair, food and much more.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Weak immunity, stress and overwork can cause the appearance. This is a type of fungus that most often appears in people with oily skin, as it feeds on fatty acids. Due to the fact that there are many sebaceous glands on the nose, and this is a favorable environment for seborrheic dermatitis, it turns red. If you find yourself with such a disease, immediately consult a dermatologist. After a thorough examination, first of all, you will be assigned a facial cleansing procedure and an appointment. antifungal drugs. Further treatment The doctor prescribes individually, depending on the type and condition of your skin.


Home Recipes for Red Nose Treatment

A decoction of chamomile will help get rid of a red nose if you wipe your face with it 2-3 times a week. In order to cook it, you need 2 tbsp. crushed flowers of the plant and 1 glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the chamomile and send it to the steam bath for 15 minutes, then strain.

A good helper will be the infusion of hoofed hoof. Pour a glass of boiling water 5 tbsp. leaves of grass and leave for 5 minutes, then strain and wipe the skin. Do not wipe your face, wait until the product is absorbed into the skin on its own.

Aloe juice will also help to cope with a cosmetic defect. It is necessary to wipe the problem area of ​​​​the skin with it 2-3 times a week. Turn boiled potatoes in their skins into gruel and apply on the nose for several minutes. Then wipe your nose with lemon juice and use a nourishing cream.

You can use a grated fresh apple, add an infusion of linden flowers and a little lemon juice to it. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the nose for 10 minutes.

Grind a fresh cucumber, apply to the nose and leave for 10-15 minutes. You can use not only the vegetable itself, but also its juice, they wipe their face every morning until the redness disappears. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 tablespoon of parsley decoction or freshly squeezed aloe juice to cucumber gruel or juice.

You can also use a decoction of burdock, red clover and horse sorrel. But remember that self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences, and before turning to folk medicine, consult your doctor.

Despite its beautiful name, "rosacea" has nothing to do with roses. It's just that in patients with this disease, the nose and cheeks become rich red or even purple, like Santa Claus. But do not confuse a healthy blush with a disease in which the work of blood vessels is disrupted!

Physicians became interested in rosacea relatively recently, only two centuries ago. In the memorable year 1812, when the army of Napoleon Bonaparte moved to Russia, the English physician Thomas Bateman published a sensational article in the scientific press. It talked about a mysterious skin disease that turns people red and then pimples on their noses and cheeks. Why it appears and how to treat it is unknown.

Before Bateman, no one took rosacea seriously. It was believed that a painful blush is just an unpleasant cosmetic defect - the result of immoderate drunkenness. The straightforward French called it "wine pimples", the more diplomatic inhabitants of foggy Albion preferred the term - "the curse of the Celts".

In those distant times, there were only two remedies for rosacea: cold lotions and bloodletting. Unfortunate patients sat for hours with ice packs on their faces, put hungry leeches to their noses and allowed themselves to be cut, but to no avail. Their faces continued to be pimpled and red.

Only to late XIX centuries, dermatologists have figured out the symptoms of rosacea and abandoned the idea that alcohol is to blame. Well, by the end of the 20th century, they finally figured out the mechanisms of the disease and figured out how to improve the appearance of patients.

Unfortunately, scientists still do not know the causes of rosacea. The only thing they could prove was that the predisposition to this disease can be inherited.

Winter and summer one color

Rosacea is a disease of those over thirty, especially fair-skinned and blue-eyed. According to statistics, women get sick more often than men.

The disease sneaks up on its victims imperceptibly. First, the vessels of the skin begin to react too violently to seemingly insignificant influences. It is worth drinking hot tea, eating spicy, going to the bath or getting nervous, as the nose and cheeks immediately become crimson. And the further rosacea goes, the longer the redness lasts. At this stage, only an experienced dermatologist can suspect something is wrong, while the patients themselves most often consider the problems that have arisen with the face to be an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Time goes by and rosacea progresses. Normal skin color is no longer restored, the affected areas are covered rosacea and bluish streaks - dilated vessels shine through. Neither patented acne remedies nor whitening masks help to put your face in order. You have to cover up skin imperfections daily foundation. It is at this stage of rosacea that patients begin to seriously worry about their health and go to cosmetologists or dermatologists.

If even now the disease is not treated, the following happens to the face: the skin on the nose and cheeks becomes rough, becomes uneven; pores expand; numerous pimples begin to inflame and even fester. Fortunately, today such complications are extremely rare, doctors have time to stop the disease in the early stages.

Rosacea is easy to diagnose. If, apart from reddened cheeks and nose, nothing bothers a person, most likely it is she. The main thing is not to confuse it with common acne, which appears in more early age, and perioral dermatitis, a skin reaction to cosmetics. More serious illness that resemble rosacea in their symptoms: systemic lupus erythematosus and carcinoid syndrome. Such patients need an urgent consultation of a rheumatologist and an oncologist.

Why does it get hot?

As you know, the skin turns red when superficial blood vessels dilate. With rosacea, the same thing happens, with one exception - those that are located on the face cannot narrow in time. Since the same nerve (trigeminal) is responsible for the nose and cheeks in humans, the scientists came to the conclusion that it was his wrong job and causes disease. The vessels left without control begin to behave inadequately. But why does the nerve "naughty"? This question still remains unanswered. But the so-called predisposing factors are precisely known, which over time can lead to rosacea or, if it already exists, accelerate the development of the disease. These include:

  • regular consumption of coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks (such as Coca-Cola):
  • very hot, spicy, smoked and spicy food (lovers of Georgian, Indian and Chinese cuisine, beware!);
  • permanent ultraviolet irradiation(sun or solarium);
  • stress (rosacea, as a result of divorce or dismissal);
  • alcohol abuse (after all, alcohol does not lead to good);
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • prolonged stay in "hot (or cold) spots" - stuffy and hot rooms or in the cold.

In addition, doctors have found that rosacea is usually preceded by: disorders nervous system(neurosis, depression); immunity disorders; as well as vascular (capillary defects), gastrointestinal (gastritis with low acidity) or endocrine ( diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands) malfunctions in the body. However, there is still no clear connection with the disease, just as there is no connection with a bacterial or viral infection.

Beauty requires sacrifice

The target of rosacea is the face. No other organs and parts of the body suffer from it, but it does not make it easier for patients. folk wisdom“Do not drink water from your face” can only console deep elders, for everyone else problem skin often causes depression and serious complexes. So do not take the disease to the extreme, when its first symptoms appear, immediately run to the doctor.

Before you fight rosacea, do not forget to check with an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and neurologist. After all accompanying illnesses can slow down and complicate the process of treatment. If everything is in order, you can proceed ...

First of all, review your diet. With rosacea, everything that dilates blood vessels is contraindicated, forget about hot, smoked and spicy foods. For a while, you will have to lead a sober lifestyle and give up caffeinated drinks.

Secondly, damaged skin will require special care. No cosmetics containing alcohol, oil, acetone and hormonal supplements. Honey and bodyaga are also useless, but vegetable and fruit masks with egg white for oily skin and with yolk for dry skin are very useful. Washing water should be slightly warm, cleansing foams should be marked "for sensitive skin." Rub your face with a towel, steam and do cosmetic massage undesirable. Men are advised to get rid of stubble with an electric razor. Before going out in the sun, be sure to use products with a sun protection factor of 15 or higher, before going out into the cold - a cream that protects against the cold.

Thirdly, take a course of vitamin therapy. Improve appearance help K, PP, B2, B6 and ascorutin - a combination of R and C. Derivatives of vitamin A, for example, isotretinoin, help against rosacea and excessive greasiness of the skin.

Fourth, need special handling damaged areas skin. On the initial stage rosacea it is useful to wipe the face with a 1-2% solution boric acid, 1-2% solution of resorcinol and decoction medicinal plants(string, sage, chamomile). If acne has already appeared, you can’t do without a cream with azelaic acid. Ointments with sulfur and tar will help to cope with the demodex mite. For full recovery physiotherapeutic procedures are useful for the skin:

  • cryomassage - deep exfoliation of the skin with liquid nitrogen, carried out every other day, the course of treatment is 15-20 procedures;
  • dermabrasion - skin resurfacing with special cutters, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia;
  • electrocoagulation - cauterization of dilated vessels with current, in order to completely get rid of telangiectasias, on average, about 20 sessions are required;
  • laser coagulation of blood vessels - similar to electrocoagulation, but instead of electrodes, a long-wave (577 and 585 nm) laser is used.

And finally, the last - reception antibacterial drugs . As practice shows, they still give an effect. For rosacea, tetracycline antibiotics and metronidazole are recommended. The medicine will have to be taken for a long time - 5-8 weeks.

Natalya Klim, magazine "Be Healthy"

According to the magazine "Health from nature"