Triple cough cologne. Triple cologne - application for joints, recipes for mixtures and medicinal properties of a folk remedy

Knees hurt, treatment with folk remedies: If your knees hurt, you need to take a sheet of horseradish, dip in boiling water, apply to your knees for 2-3 hours. Horseradish leaves are good at extracting salts and the pain goes away. The course of treatment is 7 days. If the joints on the legs are injured: make compresses from the solution at night laundry soap. Take denatured alcohol and kerosene in equal proportions, pour into glass jar, put there 3-4 pods of fresh hot pepper. Close the jar tightly, put it in a warm dark place for a month. In the morning, at night, or even once a day, lubricate the joints with a prepared folk remedy. The medicine is collected in a handful, rubbed carefully into the joint. Then the second handful is rubbed in the same way, in the same place. After that, the joint is completely wrapped in a woolen cloth until the next lubrication. Continue treatment until the pain disappears completely, shake the remedy before use. If your knees hurt, prepare this mixture: 50 grams of camphor, 100 grams of alcohol, 50 grams of mustard, 100 grams of raw egg white. You must first dilute camphor in alcohol, then add mustard. The protein is beaten separately and added last, stirring. Wipe the joints with this mixture before going to bed. Next folk recipe. Gather 130 dandelion flowers in the spring, fill with a bubble of triple cologne, close tightly, put in a dark place for 40 days. Lubricate sore spots with liquid. Checked - helps. Fat compresses help well. At night, tie fresh lard. Remove the bandage in the morning, apply a fresh piece in the evening. Salo draws out salts through the pores of the skin. The pain goes through 5 treatments. During the flowering of potatoes, pick flowers in dry weather and dry them in the shade. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over a tablespoon of flowers, keep in a thermos for 3 hours, strain. Take half a glass a day 30 minutes before meals 3 times. Continue treatment for 21 days. You can pour dry potato flowers into a bottle and pour triple cologne. Keep in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Rub the tincture into inflamed places with arthritis, osteochondrosis, sciatica. It helps a lot if your knees hurt. When pain occurs, make a compress: mix 12 tablespoons of ammonia, 3 tablespoons of water, a teaspoon of honey, add rye flour (if there is no rye - wheat), mix, make a cake, apply to the joint, wrap it with a woolen scarf. If your knees hurt a lot, you need to take 2 fresh chicken eggs and 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar, beat well. Wet a cloth in this mixture and apply a compress to problem areas. Top with a red woolen cloth. Do the procedures for 10-12 days in a row and you will be able to sit down. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★* Lots of home tricks

The benefits and properties of barley groats

Dishes from barley groats are often prescribed for peptic ulcer stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer, hypertension, kidney and vascular diseases. The use of barley groats not only prevents the excessive accumulation of fats in the body, but also eliminates their deposits. At the same time, toxins will be removed from the body, and in parallel, you can get rid of allergies - even the great Avicenna considered barley excellent remedy to cleanse the body.

Barley also contains natural substances that act as antibiotics, but without their inherent side effects. From the water in which barley was soaked, scientists isolated the substance hordecin, which has a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect. The spectrum of action of Gordecin against pathogens skin diseases very wide: it is recommended for candidiasis and other diseases caused by bacteria and fungi.

A decoction of barley has a diuretic effect, relieves inflammation and spasms, softens and envelops the mucous membranes. AT folk medicine they were treated for constipation, obesity, diseases of the mammary glands, colds and coughs, arthritis, hemorrhoids, diabetes. Compresses were made from hot, half-cooked barley. To soften the cough, you need to drink a decoction of barley groats - 1 tbsp. before eating. Groats (20 g) are poured hot water(1 glass), insist about 5 hours, then boil for 15 minutes, cool and filter. The same decoction can be taken for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis.

AT postoperative period dishes from barley groats are recommended as a general health food: because of the gluten it contains, which is rich in protein.

Barley groats rejuvenate and prevent the development oncological diseases thanks to the content it contains minerals and B vitamins.

Herbal compresses.

Also for treatment a large number milia, you can use herbal compresses. 1 teaspoon of chamomile and 1 teaspoon of calendula pour 300 ml of boiling mineral water. Cover the dish with a lid, wrap with a towel. Infuse for about 2 hours, then strain the broth. Soak a washcloth in it and apply to your face.

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Honey drops will remove the inflammatory process. Dilute honey with water 1: 1 and drip a few drops into the nasal passages.

Instead of honey drops, you can use 5-6 drops fresh juice aloe, onion or beets. Of course, the sensations are not pleasant, especially beets and onions cause tearing and burning, but they help effectively. Just do not bury your children's noses with these funds. We adults can endure, but a child can experience stress.

A warm compress at the bridge of the nose will warm the sinuses, and a runny nose will go faster. Do not use if sinusitis has begun. Making a warming compress is very simple. Fill the bag with heated salt, rice, or a hard-boiled egg. Keep this compress until the heat disappears.

If you have a cough, put it on your throat and upper part sternum mustard plasters. This is necessary for warming up. The throat should be gargled with the mixture onion juice and honey.

We wipe 2 bananas and pour 1 glass of sweet water. Mix, warm and drink.

You can try inhalation, which will also heal the throat by removing inflammation. Dissolve 10 tablets of validol in hot water and begin to inhale the vapors. We continue the procedure for several minutes.

Eucalyptus oil should be used for inhalation. It will relieve and be suitable for the treatment of dry and wet coughs.

Black radish has antitussive properties. Rinse the radish, cut out the middle and fill it with honey, leaving for a day. Honey with the resulting radish juice should be taken 1 teaspoon or tablespoon three times a day.

Well, what about without garlic? When coughing, you need to rub garlic on your feet. In parallel, use the following remedy: boil 5 cloves of garlic in 300 ml of milk and take 50 ml each. during the day

How to treat SARS

The most important thing for a cold - plentiful drink. For example, fruit teas, juices, fruit drinks, compotes. Drink at least 3-4 liters of fluid, so you compensate for the dehydration that occurs as a result of temperature. If you have raspberry leaves, brew them with boiling water, add honey or sugar and take them throughout the day. You can also make fruit drinks from raspberry jam.

Treatment should be symptomatic. If you rise heat reduce it with aspirin or paracetamol. Paracetamol also has a mild antimicrobial action so recovery is much faster. Giving aspirin to young children is contraindicated, since the liver is not yet sufficiently developed and acute fatty degeneration which is fatal in most cases.

Take vitamin C 250-500 mg per day. It will increase the body's resistance. If you have a stomach ache, then buy soluble vitamin C, it has less irritating effect on the mucous membrane. But be careful, vitamins can provoke allergies.

To avoid complications in the form of a cough, drink herbal preparations, which provide therapeutic effect to the lungs. If you always have a cold turns into a long and painful cough, start taking the "chest" collection as soon as you feel a slight malaise. This will save you from dry cough.

Helps to cope with colds and anti-flu drugs. They include antipyretics and antiviral agents, as well as vitamin C. The funds are sold in the form of soluble tablets and powders, which must be filled with hot water. If you are taking flu medication, do not use other medications, as overdose and poisoning are possible.

ARVI usually goes away after 5-7 days, but various complications can occur, for example, bronchitis or tonsillitis. In this case, see a therapist, since the treatment of these diseases should be accompanied by antibiotics.

SARS is a common diagnosis that can be seen in medical records children and adults. Mostly they get sick with a cold during a period of variable weather (autumn and spring), when viruses are activated in conditions favorable for this. The main symptoms of SARS: runny nose, general malaise, headache, tearing and coughing, the temperature is above 37.7 degrees. The treatment of a cold consists in taking the main and auxiliary means. - Plentiful drink;
- antipyretics;
- herbs for coughing;
- vitamin C.

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What should be the composition home first aid kit. Your life is in your hands.

A home first aid kit should contain all the necessary medicines, because, without any exaggeration, health and life depend on it. Usually, a home first aid kit consists of chaotically collected medicines, many of which are completely unnecessary. So what should be in a first aid kit?

Properly collected medicines in a home medicine cabinet should be in every home in order to be able to provide quality assistance in emergency before the arrival of the ambulance. In addition to medicines in the home first aid kit, you must have a set of sanitary products - these are various bandages, gauze bandages, cotton wool. Here detailed list necessary sanitary products for a home first aid kit:

Bandage non-sterile for fixing dressings.
- Wide sterile bandage for dressing.
- Sterile cotton wool for compresses on wounds.
- Gauze bandages sterile.
- Adhesive plaster (bactericidal and regular).
- Rubber tourniquet hemostatic.
Also in home pharmacy it makes sense to have blunt scissors, tweezers, an eye dropper, a thermometer (thermometer) and a tonometer. Now let's move on to the medicines that should be part of the home first aid kit.

Necessary medicines in the home first aid kit:

Analgin (tablets, 10pcs, 0.5g each). Painkiller.
- Acetylsalicylic acid (tablets, 10 pieces of 0.25 g and 0.5 g each), a common name is aspirin. Antipyretic and pain reliever.
- Nitroglycerin (tablets or capsules, 20 pieces of 0.0005g each). Helps with pain in the heart.
- Valocordin or Corvalol (liquid, 20-25 ml.). Depressant.
- Suprastin (tablets, 20 pcs., 0.025 g each). Antiallergic agent.
- Activated carbon(tablets, 10 pcs., 0.5g each). Helps with food poisoning. Take from 3 tablets at the same time.

Also among the medicines of the home first aid kit there should be preparations for external use, which include:
- Iodine for the treatment and disinfection of wounds.
- Zelenka (brilliant green solution) for the treatment of wounds.
- Hydrogen peroxide for washing wounds and stopping bleeding in places of minor wounds (scratches, abrasions)
- Ammonia necessary to bring to life a fainted person.
- Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for washing wounds and stomach in case of poisoning. Burns can be treated.
- Sulfacyl sodium for eye treatment in case of injury or infection.

This is a mandatory composition - the most necessary medicines in a home first aid kit that may be required for first aid. The content of a home first aid kit can be increased with anti-flu medicines, cough medicines, and a cold. Also, it is worth adding all the regularly taken drugs prescribed by the doctor and vitamins to the composition of the home first aid kit.

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Compresses for dry and problematic skin

If you are facing the problem of dry skin, then here are a few summer recipes to solve this little trouble. You can and should do compresses!

From birch.
The pharmacy sells wonderful birch bark, usually it is already crushed enough to make it convenient to brew, but if you come across a “coarsely ground” bark, then scroll it several times in a coffee grinder to get fine crumbs. Then boil 1 tablespoon of chopped birch bark for 10 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. With this decoction it is very useful to wipe and rinse the skin of the face and make compresses from it.

From elecampane.
You only need 10 g of elecampane root. It must be poured into 100 ml of water and boiled for half an hour, then strained and used as a compress or just a tonic.

From linden.
If you constantly find excuses and avoid it in every possible way pleasant procedures care for YOURSELF, then this can eventually lead to disastrous results.
And then it is already necessary to act radically.
In emergency cases, for dry, aging and pale skin, it is recommended to make moisturizing compresses from linden infusion (1 tablespoon per 1 cup hot water(but not boiling water!), leave for 15-20 minutes. Before the compress, cleanse the skin of the face with any means convenient for you, lubricate with a nourishing cream, and then moisten a gauze napkin in a warm infusion of linden and apply it on the face, leave for 2-3 minutes. The procedure must be repeated 4-6 times in a row per session (when the infusion cools, it can be slightly warmed up in the microwave). After such a compress, the face must be rinsed cool water with addition lemon juice(1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water)

It happens that from the hot sun, dry wind and urban dirt, the skin begins to peel off, and in some places inflammation appears. To get rid of this misfortune, try to prepare this ointment:

1 teaspoon fresh milk

1 teaspoon of glycerin (available at pharmacies)

Rice starch (amount of discretion: it is necessary to bring the previous components to the state of a thin ointment)

Apply the ointment to the affected area of ​​the skin and leave overnight.

Wash in the morning warm water or even better infusion of lime blossom.

Calendula has exactly the same anti-inflammatory effect.
In pharmacies, by the way, a wonderful ointment from calendula flowers is sold, it is very cheap and for some reason undeservedly forgotten by beauties, but this is true excellent tool against acne, inflammation and irritation on the face, besides it is ideal for dry skin.
If your pharmacy did not have this wonderful ointment, then you can easily make it yourself, just grind dry calendula inflorescences into powder (inflorescences are definitely sold!) And rub them with petroleum jelly (at the rate of 2 tablespoons of powder per 25 grams of petroleum jelly)

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Class: aromatic adaptogen
Aromatic compliment - petite grain.
The brightest and unsurpassed quality of Anise:

Cosmetic - care for flaccid skin
Healing - elimination of unproductive cough

It has an antidepressant and anti-stress effect. Eliminates children's tearfulness and hyperexcitability.

It awakens the "asleep" immediacy of nature, colors thoughts in cozy and lovely tones. Kills the seeds of envy and anger in the soul. A fragrance of detached goodwill and delicacy.

An excellent remedy for the care of lethargic, loose skin. Returns youthfulness to the skin of the elderly, increases its turgor, elasticity, normalizes the water-fat balance of the epidermis. Has an antiseptic effect.

With colds and inflammatory diseases affecting the respiratory system, it has an expectorant, softening effect, eliminates unproductive cough. Included in all breast elixirs. Febrifuge.

Optimizes digestion, eliminates intestinal atony, constipation and flatulence.

Has an anti-inflammatory effect on the kidney tissue and urinary organs; dissolves stones in the kidneys and bladder; relieves colic.

Is sedative for the heart muscle, eliminates tachycardia.

For women: analgesic menstruation; Helps increase milk supply in breastfeeding mothers.

1. Aroma burners: 4-6 drops.
2. Hot inhalations: 1-2 drops, procedure duration 5-7 minutes.
3. Cold inhalations: duration 5-7 minutes.
4. Baths: 4-7 drops.
5. Massage 6 drops per 10 g of transport oil.
6. Warm compresses on the chest, abdomen, lower back: 7 drops.
7. Cold compresses on the calf muscles in case of heat: 7-8 drops.
8. Enrichment cosmetics: 5 drops per 15 g base.
9. Aroma medallions: 1-3 drops.
10. internal use: 1 drop with honey or jam 1-3 times a day.

Contraindications. Do not take more than 3 drops per day, do not take on an empty stomach, mix with oil, drink large quantity acidified water to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa. Check the aroma for individual tolerance.

Feel. When applied to the skin - within 1-2 minutes, a feeling of warmth and a slight tingling. The reaction is natural.

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1. garlic oil- eliminates shortness of breath, headache, cardiac spasms, dilates blood vessels, prevention of sclerosis.
Pour a crushed head of garlic with a glass of unrefined sunflower oil. Put it in the lower compartment of the refrigerator (in the compartment farthest from the freezer).
Apply 1 tsp mixed with 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 3 times a day half an hour before meals for one to 3 months. Take the course 2 times with a break of 1 month.
2. Lily oil - used for burns (compresses).
Lily petals should be placed in a dark container and pour boiled vegetable oil. Let it brew for 2 weeks, removing the oil in a dark place.
Promotes rapid healing affected places.
3. St. John's wort oil - the spectrum of action is very wide: burns, animal bites, abscesses, abscesses, ulcers, cracks in the corners of the lips, colds on the lips (compresses).
Pour one glass of vegetable oil (sunflower, linseed, olive)? cups finely chopped fresh leaves and St. John's wort flowers. Let the oil brew for 3 weeks, then strain, squeeze. Store in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator.
4. Calendula oil - against scarring during wound healing.
Pour half a glass of olive oil 1 tsp. calendula flowers. Infuse for 3 weeks.
Apply compresses to the affected area.
6. Laurel oil
30-50 g of dry crushed leaves, not damaged and not yellowed, insist for 3-10 days in 200 g of vegetable (sunflower, cottonseed or other) oil, then strain. Rub the oil into sore spots with paralysis, arthritis, neuralgia and myositis. Used to soften the skin of the face.
7. Sesame oil
Oil is recommended to be taken for diseases of the heart, liver, pancreas (in particular, diabetes), with gastrointestinal colic, pyelonephritis. It is also used for anemia, internal bleeding. It neutralizes acidity gastric juice compensates for the general depletion of the body. Sesame oil is very effective for various lung diseases, shortness of breath, dry cough. Drinking at least 1 tablespoon of sesame oil a day makes it easier to breathe in bronchial asthma. Sesame oil, in which the myrtle is boiled, preserves and strengthens the hair. Combined with a small amount rose oil it helps with headaches. Mixture of sesame oil with linseed oil used for skin itching and burns.
8. Corn oil

AT corn oil a lot of useful biologically active substances that lower blood cholesterol levels, as well as vitamin E, which controls the work of cells in our body and prevents aging. Vitamin E in corn oil is 10 times more than in olive oil. Mainly used internally clinical nutrition 2 times a day - at breakfast and dinner - 1 tablespoon for a month for diseases of the liver, biliary tract, kidney stones, cardiac edema, internal bleeding, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

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how to quickly cure a cold?
To eliminate the common cold, it is sometimes necessary to do inhalations or steam baths. You can cook them according to this recipe: pour half a liter of boiling water over a handful of dried chamomile flowers and let the mixture brew. Then, add boiling water to make a liter of infusion, and inhale the fragrant steam over the container with your nose (you can cover your head from above with a towel).

If you have started severe runny nose, eat every three hours a spoonful of grated onion with honey. This mixture is an excellent natural antibiotic.

If your illness manifests itself as a hysterical cough, then inhalations with the addition of peppermint and eucalyptus leaf are a good folk method of treatment. An old cough is treated with warm milk, which must be brought to a boil with fennel. It is necessary to consume such milk before going to bed in small sips. Another folk method of treating cough is rubbing the back and chest with ointments with essential oils. After such rubbing, the patient must be wrapped in a warm blanket.

At elevated temperatures, compresses with vinegar on the calves of the legs will help you. We take two thirds of water and one third of table vinegar. Soak socks or stockings in this solution, put them on your feet and wrap them in a blanket. After the first procedure, the temperature drops by one degree.

With colds it is very useful to drink herbal teas. Here is one of the best anti-cold teas: mix ten grams of rose hips and coltsfoot, twenty grams of plantain, five grams of chamomile, twenty-five grams of linden flowers. We take 4 tablespoons of the finished herbal mixture and pour boiling water over them. We insist 10 minutes, and put a little honey. Use the infusion three times a day.

Homemade cough medicine.

Sometimes the disease is complicated by a cough that does not go away for a long time.

At home, cough is treated with home-made medicine.

We take 500 g chopped onion, 50 g of honey and 400 g of sugar, pour 1 liter of water and simmer for 3 hours. Pour the cooled liquid into a bottle and cork tightly.
We take this mixture for 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times in 1 day.

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What diseases will tell a cough?

Coughing may be a symptom various diseases, but each disease has its own characteristics. In order to understand the cause of a cough, you need to understand its features.

1. Cough lasts less than a month

The main cause of an acute cough that lasts less than a month is a cold. As a rule, we have a cold for 7-10 days, but a cough can persist for up to 4 weeks due to inflammation of the airways and their increased sensitivity.

2. Cough lasts more than 2 months

A cough that lasts 1-2 months is called subacute, and a cough that lasts more than 2 months is called chronic. The main causes of chronic cough are: bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease.

3. Cough occurs at certain times of the year

If from year to year a cough occurs in spring or summer and is accompanied by other symptoms - nasal congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, redness of the eyes - then most likely it is a manifestation of seasonal allergies.

4. Cough appeared after taking the drug

Dry cough develops in 10-20% of patients who take angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. It may appear immediately after the start of the drug or after a few months. Some time after discontinuation of the drug, the cough disappears.

5. Dry cough

Dry cough is not accompanied by sputum production and may be a manifestation colds, bronchial asthma or a consequence of a long history of smoking (smoker's cough).

6. Cough with light sputum

Cough, which is accompanied by sputum production, is called wet. An acute cough with light sputum may be a manifestation of the flu or a cold, a chronic cough with light sputum may be a manifestation of chronic bronchitis.

7. Cough with yellow-green sputum

Cough with yellow-green sputum may be a manifestation acute bronchitis or exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, as well as a more serious illness - pneumonia. In order to exclude pneumonia, it is necessary to undergo an X-ray examination.

8. Blood in the sputum

The main causes of blood in the sputum are: pneumonia, tuberculosis and lung cancer. Blood in the sputum is a formidable symptom, the appearance of which should immediately consult a doctor.

9. Cough and shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is one of the main symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The disease should be suspected when a chronic cough occurs in combination with shortness of breath, which can only occur with physical activity or be permanent.

10. Cough and heartburn

Chronic cough combined with sore throat and heartburn is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown up into the esophagus. The symptoms are aggravated in the horizontal position.

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How to cure coughing?

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How to cure a severe cough?

Despite the fact that coughing is a natural reflex of our body, designed to clear the airways of liquid or mucus, a strong cough can poison the life of any person during the winter cold. Get rid of the most short time from a strong cough will help a unique natural remedy.

Healing recipe for severe cough

It is necessary to grate a few medium-sized carrot roots and squeeze the juice out of them in gauze, dilute the juice with water in a 1 to 1 consistency, add a couple of teaspoons of honey.

Accept healing agent followed by a tablespoon five times a day, half an hour before meals

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Lost traditions from the USSR
Nobody cleans carpets with the first snow or juice from sauerkraut.
No one rubs triple cologne on the pickup head in a cassette recorder anymore. As well as they do not glue the chewed film in cassettes with varnish.
No one cuts TV programs out of the Saturday newspaper any more and emphasizes interesting programs in it that you need to be in time for.
No one sews up nylon tights anymore. In emergency cases, you can drop a drop of glue.
And no one gives tights a second life, making sponges for washing dishes and rugs in the hallway from them.
No one gives a piece of "cheerful calico" for birthdays anymore.
No one sends serverat in parcels any more.
No one keeps corals in a sideboard anymore (so no one)
No one hangs devils and scalar fish from a dropper in a car anymore.
Nobody wears combinations under a dress any more.
No one boasts of the ability to light a match by striking it on a window pane or on a pant leg.
Nobody thinks anymore the best remedy for cough - these are cans or a honey compress for the night.
No one hangs a strainer on the spout of a teapot anymore.
No one tucks a blanket into a duvet cover through the hole in the middle anymore.
Nobody washes plastic bags anymore.
Nobody sets the clock and the alarm every night anymore.

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How to get rid of bags under the eyes.

Vitamins for beautiful eyes
To make them look like this, first of all, you need to eat right, provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins.
Swelling of the eyelids after sleep may indicate a lack of vitamin A, in this case, I recommend eating more parsley, spinach, carrots. These vegetables will not only provide enough vitamin A, but also improve vision.
To get rid of the blue under the eyes, it is very useful to eat a green salad (leaf, head).
The presence of vitamin B2 determines the liveliness of the look and sparkle in the eyes. The sources of vitamin B2 are dry brewer's yeast, which can be bought at the pharmacy, and wheat germ.
Thanks to vitamin C, it is lemon, orange, currant, etc. - maintain mobility eye muscles. But one of the reasons may be an excess of toxins in the body.

Compresses for bags under the eyes
At the first symptoms of fatigue, swelling, make compresses from natural products at night.
When your eyes look tired and blue circles have formed under them, apply soothing compresses. Moisten cotton swabs with chilled decoction of chamomile or cornflowers, apply them to your closed eyes.
With the appearance of bags under the eyes, grated potato compresses help, which must be wrapped in gauze and applied for 15 minutes.
If the eyelids swell in the morning, it is necessary to dissolve in tepid water, preferably mineral, 1 tbsp. large spoon sea ​​salt, moisten cotton swabs with a solution and put on eyes for 20 minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Professional cosmetics from bruises under the eyes
The right eye cream will help get rid of under eye circles.
It is desirable that it be of a gel-like consistency, not too moisturizing, not too oily, so that excess moisture does not accumulate even more.
Look at the ingredients in your cream, they positively fight swelling and bruising under the eyes - caffeine, gikno-biloba extract, extract horse chestnut, vitamin K, butcher's broom extract, horsetail extract.

#Folk_recipe #prosto_o_z
How to make cough ointment.

It's easy to prepare. Smells delicious. ()

#Folk_recipe #prosto_o_z
How to make cough ointment.

It's easy to prepare. Smells delicious. Effective.

50 gr propolis
- 50 ml sunflower oil.

1. Put propolis in oil.

2. Melt in a water bath. Heat until the propolis becomes soft. This happens quite quickly.

3. Strain, drain into a jar. Cool down.

4. As a result, it turns out like an ointment with a very tasty smell!

5. Rub the chest, back, legs 2 times a day for coughing.

Recipe for the elimination of influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia and acute respiratory viral infections.

So, if you feel that you are starting to get sick, but there is still no temperature or it has already returned to normal, if you have a dry cough, etc., immediately dip the cabbage leaves in boiling water for a few seconds, cool them quickly and apply warm on the chest and back. Cover with cellophane, wrap yourself warmly and immediately lie down under a wadded blanket. Hold the compress for about three hours, but if you do the procedure at night, you can leave it until the morning, it will not get worse.

After such a compress, sputum immediately begins to depart and it becomes easier to breathe. Do it daily until you feel better. This compress is not harmful and is available to everyone. By the way, with the help of cabbage, you can even make a diagnosis for yourself: if, after applying the compress, it starts to pinch and burn your chest, then you have bronchitis, but if the same sensations are present on the back on the right or left side, then you have pneumonia, respectively. (pneumonia). Unfortunately, the doctor cannot always listen to him, and the cabbage determines very accurately. I myself have checked this many times and verified the authenticity of such a diagnosis.

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Super effective cough suppressant.

Go to the pharmacy, buy Icelandic moss.

There will be no cough!

Easy to brew:

1 st. l per 1 glass of water, bring to a boil
and leave on a hot plate for an hour, strain.

Drink during the day.

The taste is bitter, the result is excellent!

Take note!

loosestrife grass -
Botanical description
A perennial plant with a creeping stem that reaches a length of 10-50 cm and often takes root at the nodes. The tetrahedral stem is usually simple, slightly branched, with opposite short-petiolate leaves, round to elliptical in shape, entire. Relatively large flowers located on pedicels have a golden yellow color and glands in the form of dark pink dots. Blooms in June-July. Verbeinik needs moisture. Therefore, it grows only in wet meadows, along coastal slopes and ditches filled with water, in thickets of shrubs in wet places.
Collection and preparation
The loosestrife is harvested with roots during flowering. The roots are freed from adhering earth and the plants are dried in a ventilated shaded place.
Healing action and application
Scientific medicine does not use loosestrife, and few tea mixtures for coughs and colds contain it. medicinal plant, although it, thanks to tannins and saponins, exhibits a rather pronounced healing effect.

Application in traditional medicine
In folk medicine loosestrife is used for rheumatism and gout, diarrhea and internal bleeding. In addition, one constantly hears that a decoction (tea) from this plant as a compress promotes the healing of wounds, especially those that fester and do not heal for a long time. The skin is also treated with this remedy for eczema. Used to treat gynecological diseases.
Loosestrife is a very useful herb for fresh wounds, chest and lung pains. Leaves and flowers, applied rubbed, dry and repel all boils. Drunk in wine, loosestrife is useful against bleeding. Aged in wine and drunk with honey, it heals all ailments of the lungs and chest, relieves coughs and dyspnea, especially in children - but do not take it for dry coughs. You can also strain with water and sugar. This. the herb soaked in wine cleanses wounds, and the applied leaves heal them superbly. Wounded snakes are treated with this herb." side effects there is no reason to fear.
2 Monetary loosestrife cures uterine prolapse and inflammation of the appendages. My mother recovered completely. Already scheduled for an operation to hem the uterus. But she remembered that her relative treated people with this herb. Many more people were cured of this disease.

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Folk remedies for colds, bronchitis, cough!

Colds resulting from wet feet, drafts, infections, and weakened immune systems bring a lot of discomfort with which to fight. Certainly, you need to think about preventive measures. Avoid hypothermia, take vitamins and use traditional medicine.

Place the grated horseradish in a 0.5 liter jar and fill it to the top with whey (you can buy it in a store or get it as a result of souring homemade milk). Let it brew in a warm place for 3 days. Take "hellish" but useful mixture half an hour before meals, 2 tbsp. l. 3 p. in a day. You will definitely recover! Since horseradish has antibacterial and antiviral properties, and whey enhances the healing effect!

Dry herb thyme (thyme), infused with homemade milk, also has an expectorant and diaphoretic effect and is useful for colds and bronchitis. Take half an hour before meals.

With bronchitis, a mixture prepared from melted and strained butter and buckwheat honey, taken in equal proportions, is useful. Add the mixture to warm milk. Drink after meals and before bed.

Melted butter, mixed with honey in equal proportions, can be used for compresses for coughs and colds. When warm, spread the mixture on the chest and back, but do not rub. From above - a cotton-gauze bandage and cellophane. Do the procedure at night until recovery.

Finely chop 5 large onions and a head of garlic and boil in milk. Add honey and take 1 tbsp. l. every hour. Well disinfects and pacifies cough, removes sputum from the bronchi, warms up from the inside.

Pine buds infused with milk - super remedy against cough, bronchitis and even pneumonia! Bring to a boil 0.5 liters of milk, add 1 tbsp. l. pine buds (sold in a pharmacy) and let it brew. Drink the decoction warm throughout the day. Make a new one the next day.

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About eggshells and triple cologne.

Hello, friends! For healthy lifestyle life needs inspiration and a clear goal in life. As long as we live in despondency, lead a beggarly life, the prevention of disease will not become paramount. In the first place will be all the same treatment. I want to make my contribution to the collection of Zozhev recipes about tinctures on a triple cologne, writes Raisa Illarionovna Chernikova from the village of Zelenogorsky Kemerovo region. A few years ago, during menopause, I started having heart problems - pain, arrhythmia, tachycardia. Vanga's recipe helped me, from fluttering of the heart. Here he is.

Take half a kilogram of ripe, yellow lemons, remove the seeds and scroll in a meat grinder along with the peel. Add half a kilo of honey and 20 crushed apricot pits. It's good to mix everything. Get a liter jar. Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach.

I use this mixture to get medicinal calcium. I take about 2/3 teaspoon eggshell, I put it in a jam socket and pour it with a honey-lemon mixture. I put a tablespoon in jelly, cereals, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes and so on. I use a ready-made mixture of lemon and honey from a jar. So I treat my heart, and enrich myself with vitamins and calcium.

Sometimes I feel pain in the submandibular lymph node. I used to lubricate the problem area camphor alcohol, helped a lot. There is another one too good method. It is necessary to insist on a triple cologne of pollen from a sunflower and lubricate submandibular lymph nodes. The smell of cologne pollen ennobles somewhat, so you can lubricate the skin on the road. I do this: I take a small container, pour sunflower pollen and pour the same amount of cologne. Shake and put in a dark place. I shake frequently for three weeks. A dark oily liquid is obtained.

Pollen is what we shake off the sunflower head. It can be used fresh, but I dried it. The effect for me personally was good before, when a friend gave me a ready-made tincture, and now, when I prepared the drug myself.

During my life I was convinced that triple cologne sometimes helps better than alcohol and vodka. No wonder our grandmothers rubbed their temples and forehead if they had a headache, they used it for pain in the joints, with convulsions.

I wish you all health and happiness.


How to cure follicular sore throat.

We remove the cold with spring herbs.

This recipe helped me to cure and raise a healthy child who, due to a medical error, from 1 year 6 months to 2 years 6 months had 10 pneumonias. After the third time, the doctors said that he could not bear another pneumonia. I had to take care of myself at home. In parallel with antibiotics, she gave him honey to drink at night, put honey cakes and gave him a wonderful mixture. She did it like this: in the spring on fir, pine trees grow on the branches of the top. When they are 10-20 cm long without needles (nothing if the needles have already appeared), they must be collected, remove the resin scales with a soft cloth (if any hold tight, you can leave them), rinse, dry, scroll through a meat grinder. Then wipe the meat grinder with vegetable oil, which will remove the resin. Mix the resulting mass with sugar or honey in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:0.8, arrange in sterile jars, pour a 0.5 cm layer of sugar on top to protect against mold, close the lid tightly, store in the refrigerator.

With a cold, cough, we prepare tea from this mixture. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a top of 300 ml of boiling water, stir, cover with a lid, insist until the boiling water cools to a pleasant warm state. For children, we divide this amount of drink into two or three doses, adults can drink it right away. The effect comes amazingly quickly, the cough becomes soft, without scratching pain, it disappears in a few days. This composition cleans blood vessels well and relieves the smoker's cough.

Source Healthy lifestyle bulletin 2010.

Cough is a sign of many diseases, so it definitely requires a thorough diagnosis. In severe inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.), treatment should have an integrated approach using drug therapy and carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Cough on the background of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections can be effectively cured by using folk remedies that have been proven for centuries, especially on early stages disease development.

Under folk remedies for the treatment of cough often means the use of compresses, herbal medicine, rubbing.

Treatment of cough in children with folk remedies

Oat decoction.

Whole grain oats (not flaked) - 1 cup
Pure water - 5 glasses.

Rinse the oats well, add cold water, put them on the fire, as soon as the liquid boils, make the fire quieter and cook for one hour. Remove the finished broth, let it cool, strain. Give your child instead of water or tea. If the taste is unpleasant for the child, you can add a little favorite jam or honey to the broth, you can sugar. This method is effective for coughing not only in children, but also in adults. Simultaneously with taking the decoction, the child needs to rub his back and chest with infusion of marigolds at night. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of plant flowers with triple cologne (100 ml) and insist for seven days.

Honey compress.

Honey has long been considered a cure for all diseases. And he copes with cough effectively. To do this, natural undiluted honey must be laid out on a linen napkin and applied to the child's back. From above it is desirable to fix the parchment paper with a warm scarf or handkerchief. The procedure is especially effective if carried out at night. The compress is good for coughs and adults.

Honey-carrot healing juice.

Carrot juice - 2/3 cup.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Natural honey in liquid form - 1/3 cup.

Mix the ingredients. Children give two teaspoons four times a day fifteen minutes before meals and always at night.

If a child is allergic to honey, it is good to use this folk method cough treatment. Peel a small radish, cut into cubes, transfer to a shallow form, sprinkle sugar on top and put in a preheated oven for two hours. Later specified time, remove the vegetable pieces, strain the existing liquid and pour into a bottle with a cork. Give children two teaspoons three times a day before meals and at night.

Milk with sage.

Milk - 150 ml.
Sage - 1 tbsp. l.
Interior pork fat(or butter) - 1 tsp. Honey in liquid form - 1 tsp.

Boil milk, add sage, bring to a boil again, remove from heat, add lard and insist under a lid and a towel for fifteen minutes. Strain the finished product, mix with honey. Give the cough remedy to the child before bed at night (in the absence of an allergy to honey). The composition perfectly softens the cough. In combination with compresses, the disease quickly recedes.

Cough medicine for babies.

Flower honey in liquid form - 1 tbsp. l.
Anise (spice or oil) - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1 pinch.
Water - 200 ml.

Dissolve honey, anise and salt in a glass of water. Put the mixture on fire and, as soon as it boils, remove, filter and cool. Give the remedy to the child a teaspoon four times a day.

Honey, lemon and glycerin for severe cough.

Lemon - 1 pc.
Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.
Honey - 150 gr.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon well, pour it into a faceted glass, add glycerin there. The resulting composition is mixed with honey, the result should be 200 gr. Means to give the child when coughing without wheezing (tracheal) one teaspoon five to eight times a day. When coughing against the background of bronchitis, the remedy is ineffective.

Onion syrup for dry cough.

Medium bulb - 1 pc.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Grind the onion in a glass bowl and cover with sugar overnight. In the morning, filter the liquid and take one tablespoon five times a day. It is impossible to drink anything (and this is not required, the taste is quite decent), it is also not recommended to eat within half an hour after taking it. The recipe is equally effective for both children and adults.

Cough compress.

Vodka or alcohol - 2 tbsp. l.
Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Interior pork fat - 2 tbsp. l.

Combine the components into a homogeneous mass, which is rubbed into the feet, chest and back, and then lie down under a thick blanket, the child must wear socks. Do the procedure at night.

Radish with cough honey.

Black radish - 1 pc.
Honey - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Cut off the top of the radish, making a decent depression in which to place natural honey. Leave for eight to ten hours. The isolated radish juice in combination with honey has a healing effect. Drain the resulting liquid from the radish and give the children a teaspoon four times a day.

Herbal collection for cough.

Althea root dry - 8 tbsp. l.
Dry licorice root - 3 tbsp. l.
Mother and stepmother - 4 tbsp. l.
Fennel fruits - 2 tbsp. l.
Steep boiling water - 1 cup.

Mix all dry ingredients. Take a tablespoon of the collection and brew with boiling water, put the mixture in a water bath. After twenty minutes, remove the mixture, leave for thirty minutes, filter and bring the volume to 200 ml. Take a warm cough decoction, two tablespoons every two hours until the disease is completely eliminated. Quickly helps to eliminate cough at the first symptoms of the disease.

Herbal tea for the beginning of a cough.

Dry berries of black elderberry - 2 tbsp. l.
Fenugreek hay - 1 tbsp. l.
Violet tricolor - 4 tbsp. l.
Linden blossom - 4 tbsp. l.
Licorice root - 3 tbsp. l.
Fennel fruits - 1 tbsp. l.
Steep boiling water - 1 cup.

Combine all dry ingredients, take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water. Infuse for an hour and filter. Children give one teaspoon four times a day, adults - one tablespoon five times a day. Tea has a laxative effect, quickly eliminates cough.

Dates for dry cough.

Date fruits - 10 pcs.
Water - 500 ml.

Pour the dates with water, cook for half an hour over low heat. If the child has a strong cough, drink hot compote.

Aloe with honey for coughs and colds.

Washed and dried aloe leaf medium size- 1 PC.
Natural liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Get juice from aloe and mix it with honey. Children give one teaspoon three times a day, adults - one tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is ten days. If the juice is over, make a new one. The tool perfectly fights cough and removes phlegm.

Other ways of traditional medicine for the treatment of cough in children.

Mustard plasters. If there are no contraindications, they are effective for children up to a year. When applying mustard plasters, it is important to take into account the structural features of the child's skin, so it is best to put them through a thin fabric.

Compresses - increase blood flow and reduce inflammation in the overlay areas. They can be oil, dry, hot, cold, alcohol, water. To increase efficiency, you can add essential oils (eucalyptus, menthol).

Folk remedies for cough in adults

Decoction of pine buds.

Milk - 500 ml.
Pine buds - 1 tbsp. l.

Bring milk to a boil, add pine buds, let it boil again and remove. Let the broth brew under a thick towel for an hour, strain. Divide the resulting amount of broth into three doses and drink throughout the day. If you overcome a strong cough, drink such a decoction until complete recovery.

Herbal decoction for dry cough.

Fennel fruits - 1 tbsp. l.
Peppermint - 3 tbsp. l.
Chamomile flowers - 3 tbsp. l.
Sage - 3 tbsp. l.
Boiling water - 500 ml.

Combine all herbs, take a tablespoon of the resulting boron and brew with boiling water. Wrap well and insist for half an hour, strain. Gargle with warm infusion several times a day. Usually five procedures during the day eliminate sore throats and alleviate coughs.

Violet and licorice root for cough.

Dry violet - 50 g.
Mother and stepmother - 50 g.
Licorice root - 50 g.
Boiling water - 200 ml.

Mix the herbs, take a tablespoon and pour boiling water over it, wrap well and let it brew for forty minutes. Ready infusion strain and drink during the day in four divided doses. The cough goes away in about five to seven days.

Raspberry tea.

Hot tea - 200 ml.
Alcohol - 1 tbsp. l.
Raspberries (fresh or frozen, can be replaced with jam) - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix everything, drink in small sips. Drink this tea three times a day. Relief comes already the field of one day of admission.

Eucalyptus tincture for cough.

In 100 ml of warm water, add 30 drops of the finished alcohol tincture eucalyptus. Take this mixture three times a day.

Tincture of birch buds for a strong cough.

Birch buds - 15 g.
Alcohol - 500 ml.

Pour the grass with alcohol and leave in a warm, cool place for two weeks. Take the finished tincture three times a day, dissolving 30 drops in 100 ml of warm water.

Honey with onion for cough.

Onion juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey in liquid form - 1 tbsp. l.
Sunflower oil unrefined - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients, use one tablespoon five times a day until the cough is completely gone.

Pine buds for coughs with difficult expectoration and dyspnea.

Pine buds - 50 g.
Sage - 50 g.
Licorice root - 50 g.
Boiling water - 400 ml.

Mix herbs, take a tablespoon of the resulting collection and pour boiling water, let the mixture brew for three hours. Ready infusion carefully filter, take two tablespoons every three hours. The course of treatment is carried out until complete elimination unpleasant symptoms. Simultaneously with taking the infusion, it is desirable to carry out five-minute inhalations with a decoction of these herbs.

Thyme for cough.

Thyme - 1 tbsp. l.
Steep boiling water - 200 ml.

Brew the grass with boiling water, put on a quiet fire, remove it after fifteen minutes, let it cool and strain. After that, add warm water to the resulting liquid. boiled water, bringing the volume to the original (up to 200 ml). Drink one tablespoon five times a day. The main condition is not to go out into the cold during treatment, it is advisable to be at home all this time.

Coltsfoot and plantain for cough.

Plantain - 1 tbsp. l.
Mother and stepmother - 1 tbsp. l.
Boiling water - 500 ml.

Mix herbs, pour into a thermos and pour boiling water. Infuse for two hours, then strain and drink in three divided doses thirty minutes before meals. Herbs can be taken for coughs and separately, only for a tablespoon of herbs you need to take a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, drink two doses before meals.

A warming drink for coughs and colds in general.

Boiling water - 250 ml.
Raspberry jam - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey in liquid form - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Aspirin - 1 tablet.
Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.

Add all ingredients to boiling water and stir and drink. You can do three such tricks during the day.

Herbal collection for cough.

Eucalyptus - 1 tbsp. l.
Linden blossom - 1 tbsp. l.
Chamomile - 1 tbsp. l.
Mother and stepmother - 1 tbsp. l.
Thyme - 1 tbsp. l.
Sage - 1 tbsp. l.
Boiling water - 500 ml.

Mix herbs, brew with boiling water, put on fire for three minutes, remove, strain, drink during the day in five doses. Add a liter of boiling water to the herb remaining after the infusion and literally at the tip of a match of the Asterisk balm, inhale for ten minutes.

Cough balm.

Aloe - 250 g.
Cahors - 0.5 l.
Liquid honey - 350 g.

Aloe before cutting the leaves do not water for fourteen days. Then cut the leaves, rinse thoroughly, chop and place in a glass jar. Add honey and Cahors, close tightly and insist in a dark and cool place for two weeks. Strain the finished tincture, squeeze the mixture. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

Blackcurrant for cough.

Black currant berries 1 tbsp. l.
Boiling water - 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the berries, let it brew for about two hours, filter. Take 200 ml four times a day.

Blackcurrant juice with honey for wheezing cough.

Currant juice - 80 ml.
Honey - 120 ml.

Mix the ingredients, take one tablespoon three times a day.

Nettle infusion for wet cough.

Nettle flowers - 1 tsp
Boiling water - 500 ml.

Brew the grass with boiling water, insist, well wrapped in a towel, for forty minutes. Filter the finished infusion through several layers of gauze. drink like regular tea up to 5-7 times a day.

Tangerine peels for dry cough.

Powdered dry tangerine peels - 1 tbsp. l.
Steep boiling water - 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the powder, leave for forty minutes. Use the infusion of three tablespoons three times a day twenty minutes before meals.

Dill seed for chronic cough.

Chopped dill seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
Boiling water - 200 ml.

Seeds pour boiling water, let it brew for an hour. Take instead of water without restrictions until complete recovery. In addition to getting rid of cough, the infusion will improve sleep, heal nervous system, normalizes digestion and relieves attacks of hypertension.

Olive oil with honey for cough.

Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Honey in liquid form - 2 tbsp. l.

Connect the components. Take one teaspoon four times a day.

Kalina with honey when coughing against the background of bronchitis and tracheitis.

Viburnum berries - 100 g.
Liquid honey - 1 cup.

Grind honey with berries until completely dissolved. Means to take two tablespoons five times a day, be sure to drink boiled water.

Viburnum decoction as an expectorant.

Viburnum flowers - 1 tbsp. l. Boiling water - 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the grass, insist under a towel for half an hour, filter, take half a glass three to four times a day.

Cold cough remedy.

Compound: Milk - 50 ml.
Butter - 1 tsp.
Mineral water - 50 ml.
Soda - ¼ tsp

Mix the ingredients, drink hot, relief comes immediately. You can use up to three times a day until the cough is completely eliminated.

Elecampane root tincture for cough alcohol.

Chopped elecampane root - 1 tbsp. l.
Alcohol (vodka, moonshine is better) - 500 ml.

Pour elecampane root powder with moonshine and leave in a dark, cool place to infuse for a week. Then filter the tincture and drink a tablespoon before the main meal (three times a day).

A decoction of the roots of elecampane as a strong expectorant for bronchitis.

Elecampane root - 2 tsp
Boiling water - 200 ml.

Brew Elecampane with boiling water, insist forty minutes, drink 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals.

Excellent remedy for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis.

Milk - 200 ml.
Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
Liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Soda - ¼ tsp

Boil milk, add honey and butter, gradually introduce the yolk and soda. Drink in one go. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Compresses for old coughs.

Dry mustard powder - 1 tbsp. l.
Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Vodka - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Combine the components into one mass, put it in a water bath and heat it up. Spread the resulting mixture on a piece of gauze, folded in four layers, and put on the chest or throat area, cover with polyethylene on top and secure with a warm scarf. The procedure is carried out before going to bed.

Folk remedies to improve sputum when coughing.

A decoction of strawberry leaves.

Strawberry leaves - 2 tbsp. l.
Boiling water - 200 ml.

Brew the leaves of the plant with boiling water and leave for forty minutes, filter, drink like tea.

Blueberry juice with honey.

Cowberry juice - 100 ml.
Honey - 100 ml.

Mix the ingredients. Take a tablespoon, drink everything during the day.

Nut-honey cough remedy.

Chopped walnuts (through a meat grinder) - 500 g.
Natural liquid honey - 300 g.
Fresh aloe juice - 100 g.
Lemon juice from 4 lemons.

Combine the components into a homogeneous mixture. Take a tablespoon three times a day thirty minutes before meals. The mixture is recommended to be given to children only in a smaller dosage, one teaspoon three times a day.

A decoction of cabbage with honey as an expectorant.

Shredded cabbage - 1 cup.
Water - 5 glasses.
Liquid honey - 200 g.

Pour the cabbage with water, put for half an hour in a water bath. After that, filter and bring the resulting liquid to its original volume, adding boiled water. Then add honey. Take the remedy five times a day, 100 ml.

Infusion of wild rosemary.

Ledum herb - 30 g.
Boiling water - 200 ml.

Grass pour boiling water, insist forty minutes, filter. Take two tablespoons three times a day.

Mother-and-stepmother from wet cough.

Dried raspberries - 100 g.
Leaves of coltsfoot - 100 g.
Oregano - 100 g.
Boiling water - 200 ml.

Mix herbs, add berries. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and brew with boiling water, leave for twenty minutes, filter. Consume one teaspoon three times a day.

Food for cough

During a cough, it is recommended to include in the diet herculean or oatmeal on milk mashed potatoes with milk, since these dishes have the ability to relieve bronchospasm. The use of grapes during a cough has an expectorant effect, positively affecting the treatment of cough. Grape juice with the addition of honey, taken throughout the day instead of tea will also help relieve cough conditions. It is necessary to avoid sweet, spicy food and sweet drinks.

Previously, triple cologne was used as remedy, relieving muscle, head and joint pain. Today it is no longer so relevant and many have forgotten about this remedy. Is it worth it to replenish your collection or is it a relic of the past?

Triple cologne: what is it, composition

The tool began to be made several centuries ago, but in those days it was called not cologne, but medicinal tincture from all ailments. It is impossible to determine when the tincture was first produced. Everything changed thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte. He asked manufacturers to add several essential oils, thanks to which the tincture became perfumed. Thus, the remedy began to be used not only as a tincture for the treatment of ailments, but also as a perfume. In Europe, cologne was also called Cologne water.

What is in a triple cologne? The composition may be different, depending on the manufacturer and type of cologne. The main component on the basis of which the product is made is alcohol. The common thing is that the composition contains several essential oils - geranium and lavender, mint, coriander, lemon, bergamot (you can find information about the ingredients on the label). You can recognize it by its pronounced lemon aroma.

Never take it internally, it is for external use only!

Triple cologne: application, benefits

It really does have medicinal properties. correct use you will get rid of many problems. It warms and destroys pathogenic bacteria, soothes and relaxes, promotes regeneration and healing of wounds.

Since the cologne has wide range applications, in folk medicine it is used in different situations- for rashes and wounds on the skin, for bruises and bruises, for pain in the joints and muscles, for stress or headaches.

Particularly popular Triple Acne Cologne . Not surprising, because it has antiseptic and healing properties, relieves inflammation. Grind 6 erythromycin tablets to a powder consistency, pour into a bottle of perfume and shake. After a week, the product is ready for use (do not forget to shake the bottle 1-2 times a day). Soak a cotton pad in cologne and wipe problem areas, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Triple Joint Cologne . The tool copes with pain in the joints, muscle pain, as it has warming and anti-inflammatory properties. Contraindications include fever body, age up to 12 years, delicate sensitive skin.

To enhance the effect, you can add an additional component to the cologne (depending on the problem). You can add camphor alcohol, analgin, iodine. For 200 ml of cologne, you need to take 45 ml of iodine and 5 tablets of analgin (crushed). Let the mixture sit for a week.

Lubricate the affected area with the product and rub it with your hands, repeat the procedure in the morning and evening. The duration of such a course is from 10 to 21 days. After 10 days, you can repeat the course.

From a cold . Speed ​​up recovery muscle pain. Rub your shoulders, the back of your neck with cologne, drink hot tea and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

Burns, wounds, scratches, bruises. Soak a cotton pad in cologne and apply to the affected area, hold for 2-3 minutes. Repeat every 2-3 hours.

From mosquitoes: rub the exposed areas of the body, the aroma of essential oils will repel insects. You can also use cologne if you have already been bitten by mosquitoes, it will eliminate itching and redness.

Lichen treatment : lubricate the affected area with cologne, repeat the procedure twice a day. Continue treatment until the ringworm disappears. In combination with perfume, you can use other remedies for lichen.

Headache, fatigue and stress. Apply a small amount of cologne to the temples, rub with your fingers. Aroma has a positive effect on the nervous system, relaxes, eliminates migraines.

Fungus on the feet. To treat the fungus, you need to mix cologne, iodine and acetylsalicylic acid. Combine 200 ml of perfume, 28 crushed tablets and 40 ml of iodine in a glass container. Apply twice a day on cleansed skin of the legs, on the nail plates.

Where to buy Triple Cologne?

You will hardly find this remedy in perfumery stores. But it can be bought without any problems in online stores, it is also available in some pharmacies. He will surprise you affordable price and bright aroma.