Propolis tincture medicinal properties 1996. Healing properties of tincture

But apart from useful properties Propolis also has contraindications for use.

Very often people come to us at the apiary who want to buy various drugs based on propolis. In a more detailed conversation, in many cases, we advise replacing propolis with other, more effective bee products in this particular situation. The reason for the buyer's initial choice seems to me to be the widespread popularity of propolis as a remedy. Such popularity is indeed deserved, but it should be borne in mind that the use of propolis preparations has some features and limitations.

Contraindications to the use of propolis

One of the main contraindications for propolis is that it can not be taken continuously for more than a month. Long-term use, according to scientists, leads to oppression immune system organism. Those. propolis can be considered a means of only symptomatic use (ill - applied).

To prevent diseases and increase the body's immunity, propolis preparations can be replaced with wax moth-based extracts. This is also completely natural remedies beekeeping products, but not having contraindications for the duration of use. In addition, in the tincture of Wax Moth Life Products (PZhVM), one of the main active ingredients is propolis.

The fact is that the main food for growing wax moth is dark land (these are honeycomb frames, which, in the process of being used by bees, were repeatedly covered thin layer propolis for disinfection, after which, over time, from light yellow to almost black). These dark honeycombs are processed by wax moth larvae and used to make a tincture that has the same dark, rich color, and tastes and smells like wax and propolis.

But this propolis, after being processed by a wax moth, already has qualitatively different properties.

  • For example, native propolis (in pure form) when ingested can only be absorbed by 4-6%. And propolis in the composition of PZhVM tincture is absorbed by 85%.
  • Propolis in PZhVM tincture does not have allergenic properties. On the contrary, long-term use of wax moth extracts can relieve you of an already existing allergy to propolis.

    Review of the beekeeper: There was an allergy to propolis (urticaria eruptions and severe itching between fingers inside elbow and knee joints when my fingers come into contact with propolis, so I work with bees and frames only in rubber gloves, by the way, they don’t really save from this) after a course of taking wax moth tincture, I don’t feel the consequences of such contacts, there is no itching and rashes on the skin.

  • Propolis preparations can be used without health risks for no more than a month, and the duration of taking wax moth extracts (subject to the regimen) is not limited. Research scientists have found that long-term use preparations based on wax moth do not replace, inhibit or disrupt body functions (Apitherapy. A guide for doctors)
  • There are known cases of overdose of products containing propolis with symptoms of depression of the nervous and immune systems of the body, while an experimental overdose of wax moth extracts, under the supervision of scientists, did not reveal negative effects on all vital systems of the experimental group.

However, subject to all necessary measures precautions (tolerance test, compliance with the terms and norms of admission) propolis preparations can be very effective (and in some cases even unmatched).

For example, i don't know better local remedy for the treatment of the common cold than water or honey soft extract propolis. I have two small children, and a runny nose is an uninvited guest in the cold season. Previously, the only means for treatment runny nose (and not just vasoconstriction) in my first aid kit was protargol. But its effect is not comparable to that given by natural products based on propolis! When on the first day a child has snot (without exaggeration) - knee-deep, and on the third day - they simply do not exist (!), then (any mother will understand me) for me it was just a miracle!

I pay attention again parents to the fact that only an aqueous solution of propolis or diluted in boiled water honey with soft extract propolis. All pharmaceutical preparations, as well as preparations with propolis of any manufacturer, you must first try it on yourself (taking into account that the burning sensation will be much stronger with damaged mucous membranes) and, if necessary, dilute with water or vegetable oil.

Very good results give propolis preparations in the treatment otitis (aqueous propolis does not cause burning and quickly relieves the first symptoms of inflammation), tubo-otitis (when instilled into the nose of water or honey propolis, you can avoid the use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs), various inflammations oral mucosa - gingivitis, stomatitis, bleeding gums, etc. (rinsing with diluted alcohol tincture), inflammation and disorders of the gastrointestinal mucosa - including ulcers, gastritis and pre-ulcerative conditions (it must be remembered that alcohol propolis in this case, it must be diluted with water and oil to avoid injury to the gastrointestinal mucosa), fungal infections of the feet (lubrication with undiluted alcohol tincture), gargling for infectious ENT diseases (water or diluted alcohol propolis), etc.

But, should be taken into account that in each specific case the use of propolis preparations should be approached individually, taking into account age, health status, diagnosis and possible side effects.

Alcohol tincture of propolis - contraindications

All alcohol tinctures of propolis of any manufacturer in pharmacies in Russia (and many other countries) are sold with the indication: "Only for external use." This suggests that this remedy cannot be considered safe for internal use and should be used in this direction with great care.

Pharmacies sell propolis tincture in bottles, which are contained in cardboard boxes.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine is used as antimicrobial , anti-inflammatory And stimulating regeneration means.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Propolis is a useful natural substance that contains many minerals and organic matter: selenium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, , group B And , calcium , copper , aluminum , silicon , as well as many important for the body . In addition, it contains oils and flavonoids providing antibacterial action.

The use of alcohol tincture of Propolis is possible for the treatment infectious diseases caused by bacteria. It can be used in the treatment respiratory diseases , inflammation of the middle ear, , . Taking this remedy also helps general recovery organism.

The medicine can provide vasodilating effect, making it useful in the treatment of people with high , pain in the heart and local .

Due anti-inflammatory and local painkiller action it is used in therapy , pain in the joints, back, spine, shoulders, arms and legs. Its intake improves blood circulation in the muscles, reduces inflammation and fatigue.

The use of propolis tincture inside has a calming effect on the body. It can be taken with , tinnitus , , etc. This tool is also used for detoxification . It helps with skin problems and is used to treat wounds, acne, infectious diseases hands, nails and feet.

Indications for use

The use of Propolis tincture on alcohol is possible in many cases. It is usually used for microtrauma, otitis media , tonsillitis , diseases periodontal , superficial lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, , .

At home, Propolis tincture for hair is often used. It is used to make face masks hair loss, as well as to strengthen hair bulb. The tool can be bought at pharmacies, in addition, if you have a prescription, you can cook it yourself.

It is very useful to take medicine for the intestines in case of inflammation, as well as gastritis .

Externally used propolis tincture for acne, atherosclerosis , calluses, , wounds, fistulas, bedsores, hemorrhoids , , burns. To enhance the effect, it can also be used internally.

For more information about the cases in which this remedy can be used and what it treats, in each individual case it is better to consult a specialist.


known the following contraindications to the use of the medicine: hypersensitivity And .

Side effects

Treatment with this drug may cause and short-term burning sensation. Before you take Propolis tincture, you need to exclude individual intolerance to the drug. If there were allergic reactions , the reception should be stopped.

Instructions for use of Propolis tincture (Method and dosage)

For those who are shown Propolis tincture, the instructions for use inform that the product can be used internally and externally.

Inside take 20-60 drops with ¼ or ½ machine of water. This should be done 3 times a day for 5-30 days. At peptic ulcer the course of application is designed for 3-4 weeks.

Instructions for the use of Propolis tincture outwardly informs that this can be done with microtraumas and wounds. Then the affected areas are treated with a swab with medicine 1-3 times a day. At chronic pharyngitis And tonsillitis tonsils are lubricated with tincture, which is diluted with water 1 to 2. This should be done 1-2 times a day for 7-14 days. In addition, they can do 1-2 inhalation in which Propolis tincture on water is used (dilute 1 to 20).

The tool is used for rinsing with wounds on the oral mucosa, as well as inflammatory diseases mouth and throat. It is important to know how to gargle correctly. To do this, 15 ml of tincture is diluted with a glass or ½ cup warm water. Rinses are carried out 4-5 times a day for 3-4 days.

When chronic purulent otitis media a tampon soaked in medicine is inserted into the ear for 1-2 minutes. You need to do this 2-3 times a day. In addition, you can instill 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.

Tincture at sinusitis used in conjunction with isotonic saline sodium chloride (1 to 10). It is used 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Used to treat and strengthen hair alcohol tincture applied after shampooing. The agent does not need to be washed off. For maximum effect It is recommended to use it every day or every other day.

Preparation of propolis tincture on alcohol is a fairly simple task. Propolis dissolves in pure medical alcohol (ratio 1 to 10). That is, for 10 g you need 100 ml of alcohol. Before preparing propolis tincture, it is advisable to grind it well, for example, with a grater. The crumbled product is placed in a vial or bottle, and then poured with alcohol and insisted in a dark place for 7-10 days, shaking the vessel every day. If you keep the remedy in a cold place, it can retain its healing properties for three years. By the same principle, you can prepare a tincture of vodka.

The product on the water is more difficult to prepare and has a shorter shelf life - about a week. Before you make a tincture of propolis, you need to grind it well, preferably with a stone mortar and pestle. There are about 30 g of propolis per 100 ml of water. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for about 60 minutes, it must be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon. After that, it is necessary to strain the propolis extract and put it in a cold place.


Data on overdose are not provided.


It is not advisable to combine the drug with others antiseptic preparations and products of beekeeping.

Terms of sale

The tincture is sold without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The product must be stored in a dry, dark and cool place. Keep away from children.

Best before date

The maximum shelf life of the drug is 2 years. You cannot use it after this time.

During pregnancy and lactation

It is undesirable to use tincture when And . Contraindications in this case are not indicated. However special studies on the effect of the drug during pregnancy have not been conducted, so its use is not recommended.

Technological progress is moving forward, today there is great amount synthetic medical preparations, but funds for plant-based do not lose their relevance. One of the most famous, effective are natural products beekeeping, used for the prevention, treatment of various diseases. The following describes what propolis on alcohol is - what it helps with, how it is recommended to use it, what vitamins, useful material contains how to strengthen the immune system with it.

Propolis tincture on alcohol

Propolis is a bee glue that bees collect from trees, modified by the action of enzymes. According to the observations of beekeepers, insects strengthen the hive with them. Bee products contain a huge amount of organic substances, including trace elements (potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, aluminum), vitamins, fatty acid, flavonoids, proteins, ketones, enzymes. Each component plays an important role biological role in the fight against the pathological link of diseases.

Medicinal properties

Due to widespread exploitation among the population, the remedy attracted attention and was carefully studied. For healing properties bee product include:

  • Antioxidant - expressed in the protection of cell membranes from destruction by neutralizing free radicals and preventing lipid peroxidation.
  • Anti-inflammatory - the components of the substance, affect different parts of the inflammatory process, reduce their manifestations.
  • Vasoconstrictor, local hemostatic action - resins, essential oils in the composition of the tincture cause vasoconstriction.

There are other important beneficial actions that will help you understand what propolis tincture treats:

  • Immunostimulating - stimulates the production of cells responsible for the immune response and increases the body's defenses.
  • Antibacterial and disinfectant - inhibits growth pathogenic flora and destroy pathogens.
  • Dermoplastic - catalyzes the processes of regeneration in tissues and organs.
  • Detoxification - rids the body of toxins, waste products of cells, deactivates toxic substances.
  • Affects the protein-synthesizing function of the liver, normalizes the balance of albumins, globulins.


Like all remedies, the tincture has contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, allergies, intolerance, urolithiasis disease, various pathologies of the pancreas, liver, biliary tract. They can be identified only after examination by a specialist, which will warn the body against irreversible consequences. Side effects are rare, but an overdose of the drug is possible, causing a number of health problems.

The use of propolis tincture on alcohol

Homemade propolis on alcohol - what helps: it is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, hypertension, frostbite, burns, diseases gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, gynecological, urological problems, infectious processes in organism, allergic diseases. The following describes what propolis treats for alcohol in certain areas of medicine.

In gynecology and urology

Being a multifunctional agent, it is widely used in gynecology for colpitis, adnexitis, endometritis, salpingitis, erosions, in the presence of fungus, other infectious diseases. inflammatory processes. It is valued most for its antibacterial, antimycotic, local anesthetic characteristics. Alcohol tincture of propolis is taken orally, there are still suppositories, tampons that produce local action.

In urology, alcohol tincture of propolis is included in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, such as prostate adenoma. It leads to a decrease in the size of the prostate, normalizes it secretory function, eliminates the compression of the ducts. Having an antitumor effect, the remedy prevents malignant degeneration, recovery occurs without surgical intervention.

For the treatment of the stomach and intestines

It is recommended to take patients with gastritis, they are also treated for stomach ulcers, the cause of which is often the wrong food in the diet. It relieves all symptoms, including abdominal pain, bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, nausea, and general malaise. Reparative mechanisms accelerate healing ulcer defect. Propolis tincture - useful drug to deal with bowel problems. Wide spectrum applications include the treatment of:


The perfect remedy for the common cold. Not addictive like others vasoconstrictor drugs. Eliminates nasal congestion, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane, protects against bacteria, allergens. Useful for coughing, relieves swelling from the mucosa, anesthetizes, accelerates healing. Thanks to its immunomodulatory properties, it contributes to speedy recovery. Often used to treat angina. Operated in different types, ingestion, inhalation, compress is possible.

Infectious diseases

Very effective treatment with propolis on alcohol infectious diseases. It has a bactericidal effect as an antibiotic, destroys bacteria, exhibits bacteriostatic properties, inhibits their growth. Prevents the reproduction of viruses such as herpes, influenza, hepatitis, chickenpox. Stimulates the phagocytosis system, when combined with antibacterial drugs enhances their effectiveness. Does not suppress normal flora, does not lead to dysbacteriosis. Alien agents have no way to develop resistance to it.

For the skin

Propolis extract has become a popular product in cosmetology, therapy skin diseases. It protects the skin from exposure ultraviolet radiation. Masks help moisturize the skin, slow down the aging process. Lotions with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action produce a deep cleansing of the face. Regular use of creams stimulates the healing of the dermis.

How to take propolis tincture on alcohol

You can buy a pharmacy tincture or make your own infusion. Methods of administration and concentration differ with different pathologies. Gargle is used for sore throats, pharyngitis, colds, a solution of tincture, saline solution is used, they must be diluted 1:10. With a cold, it is instilled into the nose without diluting. For sanitation of the upper respiratory tract produce inhalations by adding a few drops of tincture to the device.

In the case of otitis, put cotton wool soaked in the extract in the child's ear. In case of damage skin apply propolis ointments. The treatment course lasts up to two weeks, prevention - up to two months. The dosage for a child depends on age and is certain part from adult dose: up to a year - 1/20, up to 6 years - 1/10, up to 10 years - 1/5. Before taking it, it is necessary to consult a doctor, whose advice will not harm your health.


When ingested, the substance is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and shows all its strong effects. Supports, tones and normalizes the work of the whole organism and individual organs. Often used in inflammatory processes oral cavity relieves soreness of the gums. In a short period of time, the necessary concentration is achieved, and the result is not long in coming. How to drink propolis on alcohol depends on your goals.

Outdoor use

The agent is externally used as an antiseptic, analgesic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and healing agent. Great for both burns and frostbite. With microtrauma, wounds and trophic ulcers superimposed gauze bandages soaked in liquid. Another indication is alopecia, which helps to restore the structure and accelerate hair growth.

How to prepare propolis tincture

There are other folk recipes with the addition of impurities: a few grams of honey, oil, pure alcohol, a glass warm milk. Components for the preparation of tincture according to the recipe: 80 grams of propolis, 300 milliliters of medical alcohol. There are several stages in total:

  1. Cleaning stage - after aging in the refrigerator, the raw materials are ground on a grater and pieces of propolis are poured.
  2. Next comes the mixing of ingredients - crushed propolis, immersed in a container, should be poured with alcohol. The infusion process takes about two weeks.
  3. After filtration, the aqueous extract is ready, it can be consumed orally.


Propolis is very useful for the human body. The product contains 8 amino acids, vitamins (A, E, B, C) and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.). It is rarely used in its pure form. Often used tincture of propolis in alcohol.

The tool is widely used in traditional medicine. It has proven itself in the fight against various kinds of diseases: from colds to stomach ulcers.

    Show all

    Useful properties of alcohol tincture

    Propolis tincture has many useful properties, including:

    1. 1. Anti-inflammatory.
    2. 2. Immunostimulating. The tool helps to activate the cells that are responsible for immunity; contributes to strengthening defensive forces organism.
    3. 3. Antioxidant and detoxifying. The drug protects cell membranes from destruction by neutralizing free radicals. Accelerates the process of cell regeneration. Helps to neutralize poisons that are released during the breakdown of damaged tissues.
    4. 4. Antibacterial and disinfectant. The use of tincture stops the development of pathogens of viruses and destroys them.

    Indications for use

    Propolis tincture is universal remedy in the treatment of various diseases, such as:

    • flu, otitis media, sinusitis, colds, cough, runny nose, etc.;
    • periodontal disease, stomatitis, caries;
    • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
    • eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis;
    • prostatitis, cystitis, erosion, hemorrhoids;
    • oncological education.


    There are no special contraindications for the drug in the absence of an allergy to honey and other bee products.

    Doctors do not advise the use of tincture for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under 3 years old.

    Be sure to strictly adhere to the required dosages in the treatment of a particular disease. Overuse drug is fraught with side effects. They can manifest as: nausea, headache, shortness of breath, redness and itching. Possible increase in body temperature. It is necessary to stop using the product in case of appearance adverse reactions.

    Instructions for the use of propolis

    The instructions for use of the drug indicate that the dosage depends on the specific disease. Doctors recommend using a minimum concentration (5%) for several days. This is necessary in order to check for allergies in the patient.

    All dosages indicated in the instructions are for adults. Children under 3 years of age are prohibited from using alcohol tincture. Often used instead water solution. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. It is also recommended for children to give honey with propolis. Such a tool helps to prevent stomatitis: you need to take a piece of propolis (half the size of a match head) and give it to the child, dipped in honey.

    The use of tincture in diseases

    For colds, runny nose, sinusitis and bronchitis, inhalations are indicated. To do this, boil a liter of water. Then add one teaspoon of tincture and mix well. Remove the saucepan from the heat and place on the table. Wrap yourself with a blanket with a container and inhale the vapors of the mixture. Continue the procedure for at least 15 minutes. Inhalations help to clear the sinuses, cough and facilitate sputum discharge. This is especially true for bronchitis.

    It is necessary to carry out the procedure 2 times a day for the best effect. If during a cold there is no desire to do inhalations, you can drink tea or milk 3 times a day with the addition of 30 drops of tincture.

    The use of the drug for angina

    If lubrication of the tonsils is indicated, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

    Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract

    The drug is used for various diseases liver and gastrointestinal tract. The dosages are different.

    For the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer, a 20% solution is used. It is necessary to dilute 40 drops of the drug in 50 ml of water and take it orally 2 hours before meals. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months.

    For liver diseases, take 20 drops twice a day. The tincture is diluted in water or tea. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 7 days of admission, 7 days of rest, then start using again. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

    Application in dentistry

    Propolis tincture is widely used in dentistry. In the treatment of periodontal disease, the dentist injects the solution into the inflamed gum pockets. In case of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, rinsing with a solution of 15 ml of tincture and 100 ml of water is recommended. Such procedures are also performed for stomatitis and caries.

    Oncology treatment

    Propolis is used to treat a variety of oncological diseases. The drug has a destructive effect on cancer cells and destroys intercellular bonds.

    The method of application and dosage in oncology therapy is determined by the doctor. He is guided by the diagnosis and severity of the disease. As a general tonic, it is recommended to use a solution of 50% concentration. It is necessary to mix with milk or tea 35 drops. Take 4 times a day before meals.

    Therapy of diseases of the reproductive system

    In the treatment of erosion, the drug must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and insert into the vagina overnight. The course of treatment is 15 days.

    For the treatment of hemorrhoids and prostatitis, a solution is taken orally or rectal suppositories are used:

    1. 1. Ingestion. Maximum dose drug - 60 drops. Treatment should begin at 30, gradually increasing the dose. Drops are mixed with milk or tea. They should be taken once a day. To achieve the desired effect, the course of treatment should be at least 30 days.
    2. 2. Rectal suppositories. You can buy them at the pharmacy or make your own. Recipe: take 50 g of propolis and beeswax, finely chopped. Melt animal fat (any) in a water bath. When it melts, add wax and propolis. Mix well and place in the refrigerator to set. Before use, you need to cut the product into pieces 4-6 cm long. Apply at night for at least 10 days.

    Tincture for diabetes

    In diabetes, a 30% solution is used. It should be taken undiluted, 1 tablespoon per day. The course of treatment is 1 month. During the reception, you should not stop drinking medicines that reduce blood sugar.

good afternoon our dear readers and buyers of our products. Today we want to devote time to such an important topic as the use of propolis tincture inside. But before talking about its properties, I would like to devote time to the bee product itself - propolis.

Humanity has known about the bee product propolis for a very, very long time. In the old days there were no chemical medicines, antibiotics, and the best remedy was "bee glue", which was the best of natural antibiotics. It contains more than 300 most useful components, and some of them can not be obtained anywhere else except in propolis.

Thanks to their pharmacological properties it has analgesic, antibacterial, antipruritic and also antiviral actions. Its antioxidant properties include inhibition of the aging process due to the fact that it counteracts the oxidation of intracellular fats.

You can buy propolis extract 20% from us by calling:


not without reason this product are also attributed effective fight With cancer cells and in the treatment of cancer. It was also noticed by doctors apitherapists that propolis helps very well in lowering blood clotting, well removes vascular spasms. Applying ointments with propolis to bruised places occurs effective recovery fabrics.

And of course, "bee glue" is an excellent immunostimulant that supports the body and nourishes it with many essential enzymes and vitamins.

The only thing possible contraindication to a person - this is a high allergenicity. The fact is that the composition of this bee product includes perga, wax, various esters salicylic acid, as well as caffeic acid ester. But you don’t need to be afraid of this, since only 1-2% of people who take propolis alcohol tincture inside fall under the risk category.

Also here you can find and purchase more such products based on propolis:

- different consistency: 10%, 15, 20, 30 and 40%.
- propolis cream soap self made.

But still, the most common product after native propolis is. This bee product has proven itself for hundreds, thousands of years thanks to its unique properties And widespread use. Exists pharmacy tincture propolis, which should be taken orally according to the instructions attached to it. It is done 1:10 and is considered 10%.
We offer, in turn, 20% propolis tincture and everything that will concern will apply only to this concentration. Since, ideally, each percentage of the product should have its own instructions. Be attentive and careful. It is very important.

The liquid is yellow in color dark brown. When mixed with water, it forms a type of milk in the form of a reaction. And in the mouth there is a slight numbness, as we have said earlier, it has an anesthetic property.

Scheme of application inside propolis tincture

Inside, the alcohol extract is used internally in the treatment of:
- pulmonary tuberculosis, usually in combination with wax moth tincture. Read the article -.
- Very good effect reaches when gargling with tincture for tonsillitis - for this, 30 drops of propolis tincture are diluted in a glass of warm water and rinsed every 2-3 hours)
- during colds and flu. Propolis is like natural antibiotic, killing bacteria in its path and boosts immunity. That is, there is a double therapeutic effect.
- in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis;
- with hypertension;
- diseases of the stomach and duodenumpeptic ulcers stomach, chronic and acute colitis. Already for 5-7 days of admission, the condition is relieved and the person begins to live. new life- a life without pain.

Take propolis tincture inside you need 15-40 drops. 15 drops are drunk prophylactically, in the treatment of diseases, it should be increased to 40 drops. Propolis is diluted in 50-100 grams of water and drunk 30 minutes before meals. During mixing, a milky emulsion is formed - this is a normal reaction of propolis.
You need to drink from 2 to 3 weeks. Then you should take a break for 2 weeks and you can start taking this medicine again.

You can order propolis tincture 20% from us by calling one of the phones (instruction is attached):


The scheme of application is different from the adult.
1 year old child - 1/20 adult dosage. As an example, if a child is 10 years old or more, then you can safely give half the dose of an adult.
Now you can safely apply alcohol tincture of propolis inside and do not be afraid that you will do something wrong.
Sincerely, family apiary "Merry Hornet"