Indications for taking alcohol tincture of propolis - composition, dosage for children and adults, contraindications. Propolis tincture - the most complete instructions for use for medicinal purposes

Propolis contains more than 100 biologically active substances, which together provide wide range therapeutic effect. It contains flavonoids, almost all essential trace elements, essential amino acids, vitamins, organic and fatty acid, esters, enzymes. The tincture can be used both externally and internally. At internal use immunity is strengthened, inflammatory processes and propolis has an antioxidant effect. When used externally, propolis tincture disinfects the skin and wounds, reduces itching, inflammation, pain, promotes tissue regeneration. This drug is prescribed for pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, gum disease, periodontal disease, skin wounds, for the treatment and prevention of colds, stomach diseases, chicken pox, herpes and for the treatment of cervical erosion.

Propolis tincture: cooking at home

There are several recipes for preparing propolis tincture with alcohol. A tincture that can be used immediately is prepared as follows: 10 g of propolis must be finely grated and poured into 90 ml of 70% warm alcohol in a water bath and stirred until dissolved. Then the mixture must be filtered and placed in a dark glass container. The tincture is ready - it can be used immediately or stored in a dark place for up to 3 years. With the second method, no water baths are needed, but simply pour propolis into a container with alcohol and leave to infuse in a dark place for two weeks, shaking the mixture daily. There is also a recipe for better preparation of propolis tincture. To do this, you need to take raw propolis, put it in the refrigerator for several hours, then grind it to pieces of 2-3 mm and pour cold water. All propolis will remain at the bottom, and unnecessary impurities will float, so after 5 minutes, drain the water, dry the purified propolis well and then prepare the tincture according to the recipe above.

The use of propolis tincture inside

Alcohol tincture is used not only externally and in the form of rinses, but also inside. For colds and flu, to improve the condition, you need to drip 25-30 drops of the drug into the morning tea. For diseases of the intestines, stomach, gallbladder and liver, in the morning and in the evening, along with a cup of warm tea, 20 drops are dripped during the week. Then you need to take a break for 1 week. In case of poisoning emergency assistance it is necessary to dissolve 25 drops of propolis tincture in half a glass of water and take it once. During menopause, 20-25 drops are taken with a small amount of water. For hypertension, take 20% propolis tincture, 20 drops an hour before meals three times a day for a month. To maintain immunity in oncological diseases, it is necessary to take a 20% tincture of 30 drops with water before meals three times a day for 3 months.

Water tincture of propolis

An aqueous solution of propolis is a very popular form of propolis that does not require a long time to prepare it, unlike an alcoholic tincture. To prepare at home, you need to take one part of propolis, pour it with two parts of distilled water and put it in a water bath, stirring occasionally for an hour. The temperature of aqueous propolis should be no higher than 80 ° C. Then the solution should be infused for another day, after which it must be filtered and poured into a dark glass container. This is stored dosage form the drug for no more than a week. An aqueous solution of propolis can be instilled into the nose, slightly diluted with water, can be instilled into the eyes, pregnant women can rinse the mouth twice a day, used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the vagina (gauze turundas moistened with a solution), hemorrhoids (compresses and lotions).

Propolis tincture for children

Children under three years of age should not use propolis in any form. It's connected with possible occurrences allergic reactions. Older children are assigned water solution propolis, which you can make yourself at home or buy ready-made in a pharmacy. For a cold, you can take one part of propolis, five parts of honey, melt in a water bath and give the baby half a teaspoon with warm milk. If the baby is allergic to bee products, then propolis is forbidden to take! Externally, propolis tincture is used in children to treat ulcers, scratches, abrasions, burns and warts.

Without exaggeration, everyone knows about propolis! Someone just heard about its medicinal properties, and someone has long and successfully used them for their own purposes. You can use this beekeeping product in different ways (), but in this article I will talk about alcohol tincture of propolis, about what it helps with and how to take it correctly for the benefit of your health. It is this that is most often used in medicinal purposes, and buying it or cooking it will not be difficult.

Before I start, I'll make a small digression. So what is propolis? (quote from Wikipedia).

Propolis (other names - bee glue, bond) is a resinous substance from brown to dark green in color, produced by bees to cover cracks, regulate the passability of the notch, disinfect honeycomb cells before sowing eggs by the queen, and isolate foreign objects in the hive. In simple words- these are sticky substances that bees collect from the spring buds of trees (poplar, alder, birch, etc.) and modify with their enzymes.

I think it is not necessary to say that this substance has medicinal properties(as, indeed, all bee products). Most often, alcohol tincture is prepared from propolis. Alcohol draws everything out best useful material and keeps them for a long time.

Medicinal properties of propolis tincture and its scope

Alcohol tincture prepared on propolis has the following medicinal properties:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes
  • promotes healing of wounds, cuts, suppuration, etc.
  • has excellent antiviral properties, inhibits herpes, staphylococcus, streptococcus viruses, and also kills pathogens of diphtheria, tuberculosis, fungus, smallpox, hepatitis and influenza
  • has analgesic properties. The anesthetic effect of propolis tincture is approximately 5 times greater than the effect of novocaine
  • has antioxidant properties, protects the body from aging, rejuvenates cells
  • favorably affects the liver, making it more resistant to the effects of any toxic substances and also restores its cells.
  • propolis tincture has a choleretic effect, even hepatitis B is successfully treated with it
  • stimulates and normalizes everything metabolic processes in the body
  • gently relieves spasms of blood vessels
  • reduces blood clotting
  • strengthens the immune system

Chemical composition

Since the tincture consists only of alcohol and propolis itself, then chemical composition its the same as that of bee glue. You can see it clearly in this table.

Antioxidant flavonoids The main purpose is to protect the body from viruses and microbes, destroying them at the cellular level.
Provitamin A Most important vitamin for immunity! It also participates practically in the reactions of the body, has a positive effect on vision.
Vitamins B1-B2, E, C, etc. Their task is to regulate and maintain in normal condition metabolic processes in the body
Essential oils and aliphatic carboxylic acids Fight viruses and pathogenic bacteria
Trace elements: iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, magnesium, nickel, etc. Contribute to the acceleration of regenerative cellular processes, eliminating the lack of nutrition of cells
Tannins Eliminate negative impact on the body during inflammation
Amino acids Promotes the production of protein, which is necessary for the construction of cells
Terpenes Resist the development of fungal infections

What helps propolis tincture

The scope of this remedy includes more than a dozen diseases. In practice, this is a universal remedy for the treatment of most of the most different problems with health. A complete list of indications can be found in this table.

Diseases of the heart vascular system Vegetative-vascular dystonia
Arterial hypertension

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer
Dental diseases periodontal disease
Acute toothache
Diseases genitourinary system in men and women Impotence
uterine fibroids
Cervical erosion
dysfunctional ovarian disorder
Skin diseases Psoriasis
Fungal skin lesions
Alopecia areata
Calluses and corns
Frostbite varying degrees gravity
Colds and diseases of the respiratory system SARS
Bronchial asthma
Diseases of the nervous system Depression
Disorders in the work of the nervous system
Excessive irritability, etc.

How to take propolis tincture correctly - instructions for use

There are two ways to apply:

  1. Outwardly
  2. inside

Let's analyze each option in more detail.

In what cases is the tincture used externally

Outwardly alcohol tincture of propolis is used in the following cases:

  1. For any skin disease
  2. With sciatica
  3. For dental diseases
  4. For sore throat (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.) - in the form of rinses
  5. In gynecology - in the form of douching

Application in the form of compresses, lotions

This option is widely used in various diseases skin (see table above). Usually, either a compress is made, or problem areas of the skin are wiped with a cotton swab moistened with propolis tincture.

The course of treatment is from 3 weeks to complete healing. Multiplicity of application - 2-3 times a day. with the help of such simple compresses, even neglected, festering wounds, boils, etc. can be easily cured.

The use of propolis tincture for sciatica

For the treatment of sciatica, in addition to propolis tincture (30%), additional ingredients will be needed, namely:

  1. honey()
  2. sunflower oil
  3. mustard plaster

A healing mixture is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • take all 3 ingredients 1 tablespoon each (or 2 if necessary large quantity), mix, put on a mustard plaster and apply to the back.
  • Mustard plaster needs to be fixed with something, for example, with a bandage or plaster.

You can use another option.

We are preparing a warming ointment. You will need:

  • tincture of red pepper in the amount of 1 teaspoon (sold in pharmacies)
  • glycerin - 1 teaspoon
  • turpentine based on resin (any - cedar, pine or spruce) - 1 teaspoon
  • propolis tincture 30% - 1 teaspoon
  • clove essential oil - no more than 3-4 drops
  • red pepper (extract) - 0.5 teaspoon


  • We take all the components in the indicated proportions, mix and heat in a water bath until everything is completely dissolved.
  • The resulting ointment is smeared with a sore back, close it cling film or plastic bag and wrapped in a shawl. You need to do such procedures 1 time per day, at night.

Important! This recipe should not be used if you have cuts, abrasions or festering boils on your skin!

For dental disease

Often a situation may arise when there is a severe toothache, and it is not possible to visit the dentist. In this case, alcohol tincture of propolis can serve as an anesthetic.

The best option is rinsing. Proportions - for 0.5 cups of warm boiled water, 0.5 teaspoons of propolis tincture. The frequency of rinsing can be any, until the pain stops completely.

Periodontitis is treated by the usual application of a cotton swab dipped in propolis tincture.

For the treatment of stomatitis, it is better to buy special propolis oil or other products based on bee glue (Geliant Kalinyak, APV Tentorium or analogues) in a pharmacy.

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Application for sore throat (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis)

For sore throats, rinsing with diluted propolis tincture is excellent. Proportions - for 1 tablespoon of tincture 200 ml. boiled warm water. Multiplicity of rinses - 5-6 times a day (more often).

The tool is very effective and tested by me personally on myself and my daughter. It is important not to delay, but to gargle at the first sign of illness.

Use in gynecology

At female diseases(see table above) douching with propolis tincture helps.

Important! AT pure form propolis tincture for douching is not used. This is fraught with the occurrence of a burn of the vaginal mucosa!

But to use it as an addition to medicinal decoction can. The following recipe relieves inflammation very well:

  • We take plantain, chamomile and yarrow in equal parts.
  • We mix, measure out 3 tablespoons of this mixture, pour 0.5 liters. hot water and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes.
  • After that, we insist the broth for another 2 hours, filter and add 30 drops of propolis tincture to it.

Important! To add to the decoction, use a tincture of low concentration, not higher than 20%!

What helps propolis tincture when taken orally and how to take it correctly

Inside this drug is taken:

  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (see table above)
  • to strengthen immunity
  • for colds and flu
  • with atherosclerosis
  • with prostatitis, impotence and other diseases of the genitourinary system
  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system (again, full list listed in the table above)
  • with nervous disorders

As you can see, the list of indications is very large and it is natural that the recipes for using propolis tincture will differ. Therefore, we will analyze the most popular options for its use.

With ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment options for gastrointestinal diseases with propolis tincture involve the use of its different concentrations. So, with a stomach ulcer, 10% alcohol tincture is used, with gastritis and other diseases - 20%.

How to apply for stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers

Important! The described treatment can be used in parallel with the prescribed doctor. Thus, it will be an addition to the main therapy and will speed up the healing process.

Treatment of an ulcer involves a long-term use of the drug (up to six months or more). Treatment includes 2 stages:

  1. Before scarring
  2. After scarring

At the first stage, take 1 tablespoon of 10% tincture 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is approximately 1 month.

At the second stage - 1 tablespoon 2 times a day an hour before meals every other day. The course of treatment is up to 5 months.

Important! Tincture must be diluted in milk before taking, warm water or tea. Taking it undiluted with an ulcer or gastritis is unacceptable!

What does 10% tincture mean and how to get it?

There are 2 options here. The first is to buy ready-made, the right concentration in a pharmacy. The second is to make your own. Preparing elementary. For each gram of propolis, 10 grams of 70% alcohol is taken. Propolis is washed, rubbed on a coarse grater, poured with alcohol and insisted in a dark place for 14 days, occasionally shaking.

Important! If you plan to replace alcohol with ordinary vodka, then to get 10% tincture, stick to the proportions 1/5, for example, propolis - 10 grams, vodka - 50 ml, propolis - 20 grams, vodka - 100 ml. etc.

Do you use propolis tincture for medicinal purposes?

OftenNot using

With weak immunity

Propolis tincture - excellent tool to strengthen immunity. It can be used by both adults and children.

Dosage for adults:

  • 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, diluted in a glass of milk or warm water. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Dosage for children:

  • From 3 to 7 years - 5 drops 30 minutes before meals, spreading them in a small amount warm milk or water
  • From 7 years - starting with 5 drops, adding 1 for each year. The reception scheme is the same. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Option for raising immunity without alcohol

If you are confused by the fact that propolis tincture with alcohol, there is a slightly different option with preparing a propolis decoction with milk. This option is perfect for the little ones. Prepare according to this scheme:

We measure out propolis in the ratio of 1/150 (that is, for each gram of 150 ml of milk), grind, put in milk and bring to a boil. Take in a warm form, 0.5 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

If you settled on this recipe, then you need to consider that milk is not stored for a long time, so cook in small portions so that the child drinks it in 1 to 2 days.

Important! Before starting treatment, you should check the child for allergies! To do this, a few drops of any propolis-based preparation are applied to the wrist (this can be an alcohol tincture, propolis ointment, or ordinary propolis dissolved in water). If there is an allergy, then within 15-20 minutes it will make itself felt by the appearance of redness or itching. In this case, you need to look for Alternative option treatment.

Use for colds and flu

For a cold, you can use one of the following recipes.

  • Dissolve 25 drops of alcohol 20% propolis tincture in a glass of milk and take 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day.

Angina will help cure this recipe:

  • Heat a glass of milk (up to about 40 degrees), add 30 drops of propolis tincture, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of butter to it.
  • Scheme of administration - 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is until complete recovery.

With atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system

You need to watch your vessels! This becomes especially relevant after 40. There are several ways to get rid of cholesterol. People share their cleaning experience with the popular herbal collection Altai key (read the comments to the article).

You can also use propolis tincture. There are several options for its use:

Just for the prevention of atherosclerosis - they drink 20% propolis tincture 1 time per day half an hour before meals, 20-30 drops (depending on the person's weight) by dissolving them in a small amount of water. It is best to drink in the morning, before breakfast.

If the patient has already been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, then simple trick propolis tincture is better not to be limited, but to mix it with alcohol tincture of hawthorn (available in any pharmacy). This is done according to this recipe:

We take an equal number of tinctures (1/1) and mix. Propolis should be 10%. Take this mixture for the treatment of atherosclerosis, as well as heart disease. Dosage - 20-30 drops per 0.5 cup of water. Drink half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Important! This recipe is not suitable for hypotensive patients, that is, those who suffer from reduced pressure! But with hypertension, use it safely!

Use in diseases of the genitourinary system (including impotence, prostatitis)

For the treatment of impotence and prostatitis, you will need 20% propolis tincture. They drink it according to the same scheme in both cases:

  • 30-40 drops in the morning and evening, diluted in a warm boiled water or milk half an hour before a meal. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then after a week break, you can repeat the treatment.

As a rule, one can speak of a noticeable improvement only after a few months. In some cases, it is required to take the tincture within six months. Can be used for treatment pharmacy tincture and cooked at home. Also one of the best means treatment of prostatitis is considered

For diseases of the nervous system

In diseases of the nervous system, depressive states propolis tincture is taken 30 drops 3 times a day diluted in a small amount of warm boiled water.

Some advise adding it to tea, but I am not a supporter of this method. It's best to dilute it in warm water. The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks. Usually the patient himself is able to determine his condition and decide to continue his treatment further or stop.

Propolis has a very beneficial effect on nervous system, and its strength can be compared, perhaps even with the popular afobazole.

Contraindications and possible side effects from taking

So, you have firmly decided to try to be treated with propolis tincture. What do you need to know in this case? First of all, there are contraindications for such treatment. These include:

  1. Allergy to propolis
  2. Acute eczema

Side effects

Side effects from taking the tincture can be manifested by skin rashes and redness, as well as itching of varying severity. In this case, the reception is stopped completely and an alternative treatment is selected.

Is it possible to give a child propolis tincture, because it is on alcohol

This drug is found wide application from parents who were quickly able to verify its healing properties.

Propolis tincture is allowed to be given to children from 3 years of age. The main thing is not to overdo it in this matter, and those minimum doses that are recommended will bring nothing but benefit to your child!

Of course, you can replace the alcohol tincture with an aqueous infusion, but propolis is such a thing that is very reluctant to dissolve in water. Unlike alcohol, where it dissolves very quickly!

So, how to determine the dosage for a child? There is a simple rule that is very easy to remember. It applies only to the use of propolis tincture by children. So the rule is:

For each year of a child's life, you need to take 1 drop alcohol tincture, which is diluted in a small amount of milk or water!

If, for example, a child is 8 years old, then its dosage will be 8 drops (morning and evening) with a two-time intake (16 drops in total) or 8 drops with a single dose.

The course of treatment for children is limited to two weeks! This rule must be remembered and strictly followed, unless of course you want your child to get a kidney complication! 2 weeks is the one safe term which will help strengthen the immune system or help prevent a particular disease.

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Alcohol tincture of propolis: rules for taking and preparing

Everyone probably knows what propolis is. The most famous action of this substance is antibacterial. In Russia, it was used for healing festering wounds, for colds and to eliminate inflammation of the joints. But an alcohol tincture of propolis was prepared back in the days of Galen - then the use of such bee glue made it possible to get rid of skin eczema. An extract prepared with alcohol has several effects - it suppresses the vital activity of viruses and pathological cells, promotes tissue regeneration, removes cholesterol and saturates the body essential vitamins, such as B, C, E, PP, A. In general, it is not surprising that in the first-aid kit many people “live” such bee glue, the price of which is ready-made available to literally everyone. But the most important thing is not just to acquire useful drug, but to know how to take alcohol tincture and in what cases it is worth refusing treatment with just such a folk remedy.

With angina, gastritis, eczema: how to take propolis

So, the instruction will become an assistant in the use of propolis. When treating the amount, the course of admission will depend directly on the disease. It is clear that alcohol tincture of propolis can be taken both internally and externally. And here the main thing is not to use the drug for other purposes. When should bee glue extract not be taken externally? The first one is open wounds and "fresh" burns. The instruction says that alcohol solution in this case, it can harm and cause even more damage to the skin. But with boils, purulent wounds, eczema, compresses can be used. The second is non-inflammatory joint diseases.

It is important! Before taking the tincture internally, it is worth conducting a test for the reaction of the body. The fact is that taking an alcohol drug can cause a malfunction digestive tract, headache, nausea. The first 2-3 days drink 10 drops before breakfast. If a side effects no, you can switch to the dosage you need for treatment. If you have an individual intolerance to any bee products, taking the extract even in minimal doses is not recommended.

Now let's see how to take tincture for various diseases. And let's start with the use of propolis as the most popular remedy for cough and sore throat.

For bronchitis, cough and sore throat

Since alcohol tincture of propolis is considered one of the most effective means from SARS, coughs, colds, there are several ways to take them.

  • With bronchitis, wheezing in the chest, strong cough it is recommended to drink tincture with milk. It is best to choose a standard 20% alcohol solution. The treatment will be as follows: a teaspoon of tincture is added to 200 ml of milk heated to room temperature. You need to drink the drug at night. At acute illness the course will be 2 weeks. Important: this treatment of bronchitis is only suitable for adults.

  • With bronchitis, flu and sore throat in a child, the dosage of the tincture will change, but the drug must be diluted in milk. How to take the remedy for babies? 1/3 teaspoon is added to a glass of milk. At the same time, milk must first be brought to a boil, cooled to room temperature and add a spoonful of honey and a piece of butter to it.

It is important! The use of alcohol tincture is indicated for children from 12 years of age. Crumbs aged 5-7 years for coughing or sore throat should be given pure propolis extract. A small piece of bee glue will help relieve inflammation and minimize pain symptoms.

But you can rub the kids with alcohol infusion. Take a thick sheet of paper, grease it with melted fat (suitable butter) and sprinkle with propolis tincture. Apply this compress to the chest and back of the baby. In addition, wrap the child with a woolen blanket or scarf, leave the compress overnight. It will help get rid of severe wheezing and relieve chest pain.

An alcohol solution and an adult will help out. Especially when you need to urgently relieve the symptoms of flu or bronchitis. Take a tablespoon of butter, melt it, add a spoonful of honey and a tablespoon of tincture. Mix and take warm. The use of such a tool is shown at night. 3-5 doses are enough to eliminate the symptoms of bronchitis.

Features of admission with gastritis

Take propolis for gastritis in the case when acute phase disease has passed. Bee glue has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. At the same time, it is important that the alcohol tincture of propolis is used exclusively 5-10%. Why is it important? The higher the concentration of the substance, the higher the risk of getting side effects, because active ingredients"glue" can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Also, the instruction recommends taking from gastritis not pure tincture, but a drug mixed with milk or tea.

  • The dosage of tincture from gastritis will be as follows: 40 drops three times a day. Take 60 minutes before meals.
  • You need to dilute the alcohol infusion in a glass of chilled milk or tea.
  • The course of treatment for gastritis will be 14 days. In chronic disease, such a course can be repeated once a season.

But taking a remedy for alcohol from a stomach ulcer or with problems with the pancreas is not worth it. In this case, it is recommended to drink the product on the water. What else is important: propolis extract in diseases of the stomach and pancreas will help only when we are talking about the fight against harmful microorganisms and taking antibiotics, which lower the immune system. The use of propolis with milk will enhance protective properties organism.

For eczema and skin diseases

Romanian scientists have proven the effectiveness of propolis against chronic eczema. According to studies, in 11% of cases it was possible to achieve complete elimination of the causes of the disease. You will need to prepare a 10% ointment based on bee glue. Ready-made alcohol tincture of propolis, butter and wax in a ratio of 1:2:1 can be used as ingredients. Wax and oil are slightly melted and mixed with a solution of propolis. Apply to the affected area.

  • You need to use this ointment twice a day. Keep on the skin for at least 30 minutes. The ointment is removed with napkins or a damp towel.
  • The course of treatment for eczema will be 2 weeks.

after one full course application of the ointment can be repeated after 60 days. For the treatment of fungal diseases, dermatitis, you can use a 20% alcohol solution. It is enough to lubricate the affected areas with it twice a day. The price of such a "folk" remedy is low, and you can get rid of itching and flaking in 7-10 days.

It is important! Alcohol tincture of propolis has proven itself well as a remedy for warts and corns. It is best to prepare a bath - add 40 drops of the drug to 500 ml of water and keep your fingers in such a bath for about 30 minutes.

We prepare alcohol tincture in five steps

Preparation of the drug will take about 25 minutes of your time, and you can get a remedy that will relieve gastritis, bronchitis and purulent wounds. So, you will need propolis itself (a piece of 100 grams), 70% alcohol and a bottle or jar of dark glass, where you will pour 500 ml of liquid. Cooking will begin with freezing propolis. This is necessary so that you can quickly rub the "glue".

1. Take a dry jar or bottle.

2. Grate propolis or break it into small pieces.

3. Prepare 500 ml of alcohol.

4. Pour the bee glue into the prepared container and fill it with alcohol.

5. Shake or mix the ingredients with a spoon. Cover with a lid.

Now place the extract in a dark place. Shake the jar as often as possible for the first three days. The preparation of the tincture will end in 12 days - that is how long it should stand in a dark place. Then pass the liquid through cheesecloth and store the finished product in the refrigerator. The propolis that remained in the bank should be thrown away - it is not suitable for use. But alcohol tincture of propolis can be stored for 3 years.

It is important! What is the difference between 5% and 20% propolis infusion? It is clear that in the concentration of the substance itself, which does not depend on the amount of alcohol. The concentration will depend on the amount of propolis. To get 10% of the composition, take 50 grams of propolis and 500 ml of alcohol, and for 20% - 100 g of bee glue and the same 500 ml of liquid. Alcohol infusion does not need to be drunk in its pure form. Especially if it is 20-30% drug. Dilute the product with water or milk.

How to understand that you have obtained the desired alcohol preparation? Look at the color of the tincture. It can have a dark yellow, cognac or chocolate hue. But a drug that is almost black in color will be too strong - maybe you used a large number of propolis. In this case, you need to dilute the product with alcohol. Add another 50-100 ml and let it brew for three days. If the color, on the contrary, turned out to be very light - pale yellow, sand will have to add propolis. Cooking will start again by freezing the piece and cutting it.

If you decide to buy a ready-made infusion, pay attention to its color. The same rules apply here - the tincture should have a honey or brandy shade. Red-brown and dark brown color is allowed. As a rule, the price of the infusion does not depend on the color.

Since ancient times, propolis has been used to prevent and treat many diseases, and if this waste product of bees is mixed with alcohol, healing effect will increase several times. Next, we will look at how to properly make propolis tincture with alcohol at home, so that the remedy is as useful as possible. Separately, we will talk about the use of the resulting medicine in folk medicine.


  • propolis - 80 grams;
  • medical alcohol - 300 ml;
  • dark glass bottle - 1 piece.

You can also prepare propolis tincture on vodka, replacing ethanol 0.5 liters of high-quality store-bought vodka. Sometimes even moonshine is used, but this is not the best solution, since fusel oils and other harmful impurities contained in moonshine can neutralize the healing effect.

Propolis tincture recipe for alcohol

1. Cleaning. Propolis raw (reminiscent of plasticine dark brown) stand for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, grind on a grater, then pour cold water. As a result, all useful propolis will settle to the bottom, while foreign impurities will float to the surface. After 5 minutes, drain the water and dry the purified propolis well. At this stage, useless substances are removed, so I do not recommend skipping cleaning.

Raw propolis for alcohol tincture

2. Mixing. Place dried, crushed propolis in a dark glass container. Add alcohol or vodka there, mix and seal tightly.

3. Infusion. The resulting elixir should be infused in a dark room for 2 weeks at room temperature. Shake the bottle vigorously at least once a day.

4. Filtration. After aging, filter the tincture through gauze and pour into dark glass containers. The tool is ready to use.

Far from straight sun rays the shelf life of homemade propolis tincture is up to 3 years. But stocking up on funds for several years in advance is not worth it, to get maximum effect it is better to cook it every year.

Application of tincture

Attention! Propolis on alcohol is not suitable for people with allergies to bee products. If you experience allergic reactions (itching, redness of the skin, runny nose, swelling, cough), you should stop taking the tincture and seek medical help.

Depending on the situation, alcohol tincture of propolis is used for rubbing or ingestion. When using, remember that you can only dilute the product clean water or milk, other drinks are not suitable.

It is very important to correctly calculate the dosage. An adult is allowed to take no more than 20 drops per day for a month, then be sure to take a break for several weeks.

Dosage for children: for each year of a child's life, add 5% of the norm for an adult. For example, if a child is 10 years old, then he can take no more than 50% per day. usual dose ie 10 drops.

Propolis tincture is contraindicated in people who:

  • individual intolerance to propolis;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

In order to prevent the remedy is used for:

  • increased appetite;
  • sleep improvement;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • general increase in body tone.

In folk medicine, alcohol tincture of propolis is treated:

At chronic diseases and at the time of admission medical preparations it is better to discuss the advisability of using propolis tincture on alcohol with your doctor, since the remedy can neutralize the effect of certain medications or cause side effects.

Pharmacy analogue

P.S. If there is no desire to make the tincture on your own, the drug can be bought at the pharmacy, and there are varieties for water based where alcohol is not used.

Propolis is very useful for the human body. The product contains 8 amino acids, vitamins (A, E, B, C) and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.). It is rarely used in its pure form. Often used tincture of propolis in alcohol.

The tool is widely used in folk medicine. It has proven itself in the fight against various kinds of diseases: from colds to stomach ulcers.

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    Useful properties of alcohol tincture

    Propolis tincture has many useful properties, among which:

    1. 1. Anti-inflammatory.
    2. 2. Immunostimulating. The tool helps to activate the cells that are responsible for immunity; contributes to strengthening defensive forces organism.
    3. 3. Antioxidant and detoxifying. The drug protects cell membranes from destruction by neutralizing free radicals. Accelerates the process of cell regeneration. Helps to neutralize poisons that are released during the breakdown of damaged tissues.
    4. 4. Antibacterial and disinfectant. The use of tincture stops the development of pathogens of viruses and destroys them.

    Indications for use

    Propolis tincture is universal remedy in the treatment of various diseases, such as:

    • flu, otitis media, sinusitis, colds, cough, runny nose, etc.;
    • periodontal disease, stomatitis, caries;
    • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
    • eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis;
    • prostatitis, cystitis, erosion, hemorrhoids;
    • oncological education.


    There are no special contraindications for the drug in the absence of an allergy to honey and other bee products.

    Doctors do not advise the use of tincture for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under 3 years old.

    Be sure to strictly adhere to the required dosages in the treatment of a particular disease. Overuse drug is fraught with side effects. They can manifest as: nausea, headache, shortness of breath, redness and itching. Possible increase in body temperature. It is necessary to stop using the product in case of appearance adverse reactions.

    Instructions for the use of propolis

    The instructions for use of the drug indicate that the dosage depends on the specific disease. Doctors recommend using the minimum concentration (5%) for several days. This is necessary in order to check for allergies in the patient.

    All dosages indicated in the instructions are for adults. Children under 3 years of age are prohibited from using alcohol tincture. Often, an aqueous solution is used instead. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. It is also recommended for children to give honey with propolis. Such a tool helps to prevent stomatitis: you need to take a piece of propolis (half the size of a match head) and give it to the child, dipped in honey.

    The use of tincture in diseases

    For colds, runny nose, sinusitis and bronchitis, inhalations are indicated. To do this, boil a liter of water. Then add one teaspoon of tincture and mix well. Remove the saucepan from the heat and place on the table. Wrap yourself with a blanket with a container and inhale the vapors of the mixture. Continue the procedure for at least 15 minutes. Inhalations help to clear the sinuses, cough and facilitate sputum discharge. This is especially true for bronchitis.

    It is necessary to carry out the procedure 2 times a day for best effect. If there is no desire to do inhalation during a cold, you can drink tea or milk 3 times a day with the addition of 30 drops of tincture.

    The use of the drug for angina

    If lubrication of the tonsils is indicated, the agent is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

    Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract

    The drug is used for various diseases of the liver and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The dosages are different.

    For the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer use a 20% solution. It is necessary to dilute 40 drops of the drug in 50 ml of water and take it orally 2 hours before meals. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months.

    For liver diseases, take 20 drops twice a day. The tincture is diluted in water or tea. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 7 days of admission, 7 days of rest, then start using again. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

    Application in dentistry

    Propolis tincture is widely used in dentistry. In the treatment of periodontal disease, the dentist injects the solution into the inflamed gum pockets. With inflammation of the mucous membranes oral cavity it is recommended to rinse with a solution of 15 ml of tincture and 100 ml of water. Such procedures are also performed for stomatitis and caries.

    Oncology treatment

    Propolis is used to treat a variety of oncological diseases. The drug has a detrimental effect on cancer cells and destroys intercellular bonds.

    The method of application and dosage in oncology therapy is determined by the doctor. He is guided by the diagnosis and severity of the disease. As a general tonic, it is recommended to use a solution of 50% concentration. It is necessary to mix with milk or tea 35 drops. Take 4 times a day before meals.

    Therapy of diseases of the reproductive system

    In the treatment of erosion, the drug must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and insert into the vagina overnight. The course of treatment is 15 days.

    For the treatment of hemorrhoids and prostatitis, a solution is taken orally or rectal suppositories are used:

    1. 1. Ingestion. Maximum dose drug - 60 drops. Treatment should begin at 30, gradually increasing the dose. Drops are mixed with milk or tea. They should be taken once a day. To achieve the desired effect, the course of treatment should be at least 30 days.
    2. 2. Rectal suppositories. You can buy them at the pharmacy or make your own. Recipe: take 50 g of propolis and beeswax, finely chopped. Melt animal fat (any) in a water bath. When it melts, add wax and propolis. Mix well and place in the refrigerator to set. Before use, you need to cut the product into pieces 4-6 cm long. Apply at night for at least 10 days.

    Tincture for diabetes

    In diabetes, a 30% solution is used. It should be taken undiluted, 1 tablespoon per day. The course of treatment is 1 month. During the reception, you should not stop drinking medicines that reduce blood sugar.