Pulls into sleep reasons. Ways to deal with sleepiness

Most often, such a desire appears in the cold season. In winter, it is discharged, it contains much less oxygen than is necessary for an active one. In addition, in winter, he consumes fewer vegetables and fruits, often developing beriberi. Not enough oxygen and vitamins often causes a slowdown in metabolism and general fatigue of the body.

A lack of oxygen can also manifest itself in rooms heated in winter, when hot radiators and heaters dry out the air, as well as during rain. The brain gets less energy and the person goes to sleep.

Often the cause of a constant desire to sleep is chronic lack of sleep and disturbed sleep and rest. After 14-16 hours of being awake, the body automatically switches to the state. Therefore, a person must necessarily sleep. To maintain health, increase efficiency and reduce drowsiness, it is advisable to fall asleep and wake up at the same set time. No need to sleep off on weekends for all weekdays.

Cravings for sleep may be related to taking any medications (especially sedatives), eating chemicals or preservatives, bad habits (or smoking), or household influences.

If the sleepy state is not due to any of the above reasons, it is recommended to seek the advice of a doctor. Perhaps it is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body, decreased stress, or an oxygen metabolism disorder.

Sometimes increased drowsiness is a sign of asthenic depression, chronic diseases liver, bronchopulmonary problems or heart failure.

Apnea during sleep

Sleep apnea is periodic pauses in breathing during sleep. They can last from 2-3 seconds to 2-3 minutes (in severe cases) and occur several times within an hour. Dangerous pauses break night sleep, it becomes intermittent, restless, as a result, a person does not get enough sleep and nods all day.

food coma

Drowsiness can overcome a person after eating. Especially after a heavy meal. The fact is that it takes food to digest. The mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, intestines are busy with the difficult work of transporting and decomposing food into nutrients and their absorption. But the body did its job, spending energy on a complex digestive process, and ... decided that he could rest. The man nods again. Scientists half-jokingly call this condition a food coma.

There is another reason why after eating. When absorption occurs in the intestine nutrients a spike in blood glucose levels. Brain cells use sugar as an energy source, therefore, if a person is hungry, the brain actively produces orexin, a special substance that prevents a person from falling asleep and directs him in search of food. When the food has entered the body, it has been digested and assimilated, the brain receives a signal about this and immediately stops the production of orexin. Everything is in order, everything is calm - you can sleep.

Hello, dear readers. The problem of constant drowsiness is familiar, probably, to everyone. Some tend to sleep only after a hearty lunch, while others fall asleep right in the middle of the working day. Of course, each organism is individual, therefore, the causes of permanent or temporary drowsiness will be different for everyone. Basically, the problem of drowsiness is attributed to any weather, and this or that weather in its own way affects each person. Someone falls asleep from the excruciating summer heat, but for someone the cold is main reason sleep. As you know, during sleep, the body temperature rises significantly, which means that it is with the help of sleep that our body tries to warm itself. But these are only external factors that affect our condition, so you should not write off all sins only on the weather. After all, the cause of such a problem does not always lie on the surface.

In addition, the problem of constant drowsiness may occur due to any abnormalities in the body.

And this, in turn, can talk about serious diseases that are hidden under such a harmless symptom.

The reason can be anything, but this does not mean that you need to turn a blind eye to the problem of drowsiness.

Of course, if this is a temporary phenomenon that repeats itself depending on the season, then there is no reason to worry.

But if the symptom arose quite unexpectedly, and is permanent, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

In any case, you need to listen to your body, because in this way it tries to signal any malfunctions in the operation of one of its systems.

17 reasons why you constantly want to sleep

There are quite a few reasons for this manifestation, but most of them depend, nevertheless, on individual characteristics organism. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the common causes of such a problem.

We will be able to cope with some of them on our own, but there are also cases in which we simply cannot do without the help of a specialist.

There are two main causes of drowsiness:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Pathological.

Physiological drowsiness manifests itself, most often, after overwork, and it can be both physical and psychological.

And sometimes both overcome a person, and he simply falls down even at the very beginning of the day.

In this state, all the daily duties and goals of a person are dulled against the backdrop of a great desire to just lie down and take a nap.

Naturally, performance is reduced to a minimum, because the body has no strength left at all.

It is known that in a dream the human body is restored, so during an illness we can sleep at least for days. Thus, all energy will be directed only to the fight against the disease.

So, after a hard day's work, we only need rest so that the body has time to recuperate before morning.

Some people, in an effort to have time to redo all the cases, or to earn more money, may not sleep at night and do those things that they did not have time to do during the day.

At the same time, a person feels quite cheerful, especially when a cup of coffee is at hand.

But this state is deceptive, and after a couple of such nights, you will simply fall into a long hibernation, which will destroy all your plans for the near future.

Factors provoking the occurrence of physiological drowsiness

Sleepiness after eating

Probably, at least once in a lifetime, she defeated everyone. Moreover, it usually occurs after a hearty dinner.

The fact is that our stomach gets enough a large number of food after sleep, as we usually do not eat much for breakfast.

So, the digestive organs begin to work in an enhanced mode, and therefore, most of blood rushes to this system.

Thus, the brain receives an insufficient amount of oxygen, which means that sleep will be its natural reaction.

Constant lack of sleep

Of course, it may seem to us that we are already used to sleeping for 5 hours, and everything seems to be fine. And we allegedly do not notice the fatigue that is constantly with us.

But sooner or later, sleep will still overtake us, and we still have to get enough sleep. Even if it seems that such a lifestyle is not so bad, you should not think that it will not affect your health in any way.


Usually accompanied by lack of appetite and insomnia, because of which we lose the main source of energy, in addition, the body does not have time to recover.

In addition to all this, significant damage is done to our nervous system, which must also be restored at least in a dream.

This condition can last from several days to a week, after which the body itself will give a signal that it needs rest.


In the first months, one of the characteristic symptoms is precisely drowsiness, which few people pay attention to, because, probably, everyone suffers from constant lack of sleep.

In the last trimester, hormones slow down the processes in the brain, which is why the woman is constantly in a sleepy state.

Day mode failure

Basically, this problem affects people working at home, because they do not have a clear framework for the working day.

Because of what they can work until late at night, and sometimes all night, as a result, it happens that a person sleeps during the day and works at night.

This may seem convenient at first, but later a slight malaise can develop into malfunctions of some body systems.

Side effects of certain drugs

If, along with the start of taking any medication, you have a symptom in the form of drowsiness, then you should immediately read the instructions for the drug.

If drowsiness reduces your performance, it is best to ask your doctor to change the prescribed drug to another one.

Insufficient sunlight or cold

Usually in winter time years, it is more difficult for us to wake up in the morning, and we go to bed much earlier. This is due to the fact that it starts to get dark quite early, and the morning, due to cloudy weather, seems dark.

Causes of pathological drowsiness

If you at least roughly know what could be the reason constant lack of sleep, then there is nothing to worry about, in general. After all, you can always correct the situation by organizing your daily routine.

But if drowsiness appeared on its own, and you do not see any prerequisites, then this may indicate more serious health problems that no longer appear.

Often people confuse pathological and physiological fatigue, and this happens because of a frivolous attitude to their own health.

Sometimes we just don't want to notice some small problems with health until more severe symptoms appear.

If every day you get enough sleep, but already in the afternoon you again have a desire to lie down to take a nap, then most likely this is how the body tries to tell that some malfunctions have occurred in its work.

So, our body is trying to restore its strength, because apart from this, there are no other ways. There are insidious diseases that do not manifest themselves in the early stages, and if they do, we simply do not notice these symptoms. Thus, the body tries to cope on its own, knowing that no one will help it at this stage.

Each of the diseases is life-threatening, so it's best to take it seriously. You see how simple drowsiness can speak of such terrible diseases.

Why do you always want to sleep. What to do if lethargy

Depending on the cause of drowsiness, you can try to get rid of this symptom yourself.

Of course, if the reason for the constant desire to sleep is any disease, then it is unlikely that you will be helped simple methods struggle with sleep.

How to deal with constant sleepiness?

Here you definitely need to see a doctor who can determine the disease. Thus, you will be prescribed a treatment aimed at a specific disease, and therefore drowsiness, which is its symptom.

But if you are sure that your drowsiness and lethargy arose only due to lack of sleep or stress, then you will have to deal with it yourself.

Therefore, tips will come to your aid that will help stop the constant desire to sleep:

Drink more water, because a fairly common cause of drowsiness is precisely dehydration.

Drop everything and run outside to bask in the sun. Thus, you can recharge your batteries, and the light is unlikely to help you fall asleep.

Physical exercise will also help to cope with drowsiness, because during their implementation, blood pressure rises, which means that we will not be able to sleep. You can do a little warm-up right at the workplace.

Talk more about topics that can grab your attention. Listen to music that will make you tap your foot to the rhythm. The main thing is not to listen to classics or melancholic music, otherwise you will sleep like a baby right at your desk, or rather, on it.

Eat in moderation, because it is during overeating that we tend to sleep. The body cannot cope with such a volume of food, so all its forces are focused on digestion, and the brain at this time gradually sinks into sleep.

The smell of mint and citrus will definitely keep you awake, so you can buy a couple of bubbles essential oils these plants.

Eat more nuts, because they are the main source of energy, besides, such a snack will definitely not interfere with the brain.

Massage your earlobes or stretch your fingers. Even such simple exercises will help to cope with annoying daytime sleep.

Start cracking jokes at work on your lunch break. Colleagues will definitely appreciate your humor, and laughter will help you forget that a minute ago you really fell asleep.

Well, if your sleep is much stronger than all these methods, and you are already tired of fighting, then what remains to be done, how not to succumb to your enemy? Take a nap for 15 minutes and after that, you will definitely feel better.

Drowsiness does not always indicate fatigue or lack of sleep, so do not ignore such a symptom.

Especially if there are no prerequisites for its occurrence. Therefore, it is imperative to figure out why you constantly want to sleep. And what to do if there is constant lethargy, because a serious illness does not appear immediately, so you should not wait until it does happen.

Listen to your body, because even simple drowsiness can save you from the serious consequences of a serious illness.

Most people, having felt such violations, rush to the doctor, psychologist, pharmacy in order to urgently correct the tone of the body and bring the emotional state back to normal. However, before deciding on the advisability of medical intervention, one should understand what is the cause of the disorder.

Violation of natural rhythms

A well-known reason for a decrease in the general tone of the body, in which there is always no strength and one wants to sleep, experts consider a violation in the work of the body's natural rhythms, in accordance with which all physical, mental and behavioral changes occur. Rhythm failures, as a rule, occur against the background of regular work on a complex schedule, when night shifts are interspersed with day shifts. Also, such violations are inherent in people whose life takes place in constant traveling, business trips.

common cause disorders in the work of natural cycles is also considered apnea, or temporary pauses in breathing during sleep. Such forced pauses significantly disrupt the cycle of full sleep, and because of such a disorder, a person does not fully rest, despite the fact that he goes to bed on time and sleeps all night.

CNS disorders

A less common, but rather serious cause of increased drowsiness is considered to be a violation in the work of the central nervous system. Neurologists call this disorder hypersomnia, or increased drowsiness. Despite the fact that a person sleeps peacefully at night, he hardly wakes up in the morning, after some time he wants to sleep again. Another central nervous system disorder called narcolepsy is characterized by the inability of the brain to regulate sleep cycles. During the day, the patient experiences unexpected bouts of loss of strength, he is sleepy, decreases muscle tone, in rare cases, hallucinations appear. Such disorders require the intervention of a neurologist and drug treatment violations.

Physiological consequence of the load on the analyzers

In some cases, the central nervous system, acting for the benefit of the body, forcibly starts the processes of inhibition. This happens during certain overloads of the body. First of all, a person tends to sleep after a long continuous load on visual analyzers. This happens when working with a computer for a long time, watching TV and other continuous loads. To protect the organs of vision and the brain, forced inhibition of activity is activated, which leads to a slowdown in the reaction. No less often, the brain turns on protection in case of auditory overload: strong noise in the office, at work. In these cases, a person may repeatedly fall into short-term drowsiness and apathy during the day, which is considered a natural reaction. healthy body to analyzer overload.

Sleepiness after eating

Sometimes sudden drowsiness catches a person immediately after a hearty meal. At the same time, before lunch, his activity did not cause concern, the person demonstrated cheerfulness of mind and body, but after a hearty dinner in the middle of the day, he suddenly felt very sleepy. The reasons for this state lie in the active energy costs required by the body to digest food. Many organs and their systems are simultaneously included in the process of processing and assimilation of nutrients, which causes a kind of energy hunger against the background of food satiety. In addition, the brain itself at the time of overeating turns off the signaling system aimed at producing special substances. In turn, they do not allow a person to fall asleep when he is hungry, and will stimulate his activity, directing him to search for food. In a well-fed person, these processes are temporarily inactive, which explains why you want to sleep in the middle of a working day.

Reaction to stressful stimuli

Experts also consider the body's reaction to stress factors to be the cause of sudden drowsiness. A modern person experiences stress several times during the day: in a crowded subway, minibus, queues at a clinic and supermarket, at work and in the office. These factors, accumulating, threaten to cross the threshold of stress resistance, and the person himself is threatened by a state of strong nervous breakdown. The natural reaction of the body to emotional overload will be a slowdown in the flow mental processes which experts consider defensive reaction brain and psyche. This explains why you want to sleep at work or at the institute, but at home on a day off there are no such symptoms.

Waiting for a miracle...

Doctors single out pregnancy as a common cause of constant sleepiness in women, especially in the first trimester. In some cases, periods of night sleep are lengthened, a woman begins to sleep not for 7-8 hours, but all 10-12, and only then she feels rested. But more often it happens that during the day characteristic symptoms appear several times: you want to sleep, there is a feeling physical fatigue and emotional exhaustion, bouts of dizziness and apathy. Such a state arises against the backdrop of a stormy hormonal adjustment an organism that needs a break to restore energy balance. Gynecologists after fixing such symptoms in their patients, as a rule, prescribe a course of vitamins to support the body.

physical illness

At the time of illness, infectious or viral infections the body's immune system suffers, and its maximum activation is required to fight the infection. If during an illness, against the background of an elevated temperature, you want to sleep all the time, this is a normal symptom, which is considered a response and help of the body in the fight against viruses. A recovering person may also notice an increase in drowsiness and a breakdown. This condition accompanies the recovery period, as the need for energy costs is significantly reduced during sleep. During sleep, the body of a recovering person directs all its forces to recovery. immune system, normalization of the characteristics of the blood picture, including hemoglobin. It is anemia in recent times becomes a frequent answer to the question of why you want to sleep during the day.

Drowsiness due to intoxication

Sometimes a person does not even realize that his state of pathological drowsiness is directly related to his own bad habits. Sharp and chronic poisoning organisms cause pronounced and prolonged drowsiness not only at night, but also during the daytime. Few people think about the fact that alcohol, nicotine, narcotic, and toxic substances. The most common household poison alcohol is considered, so many may experience a state of drowsiness even after drinking a couple of bottles of beer.

Nicotine, in turn, is an equally common cause of sudden fatigue and the answer to the question of why you want to sleep. Smoking causes vasospasm, which contributes to the deterioration of blood supply and slowing down the supply of oxygen to the brain. That is why about a third of smokers suffer from chronic sleepiness syndrome.

As a result of diseases of the internal organs ...

Sometimes increased fatigue and fatigue are a direct consequence of the pathology of the internal organs that has arisen. First of all, it concerns diseases of cardio-vascular system in which the blood supply to the brain is interrupted. To understand why you want to sleep at the most inopportune time for this, diagnostics will also help renal pathologies. The latter cause a delay in the blood of nitrogen salts, which disrupts the normal functioning of the sleep-wake phase. Liver diseases also have a similar effect on the body, while such pathologies tend to develop into a coma, since a high content of toxic substances accumulates in the blood. Untimely and uncontrolled drowsiness can also cause internal bleeding, cancerous tumors, mental disorders. Timely diagnosis of the state of the body and the correct diagnosis will help the doctor determine what to do. If you want to sleep at an unusual time of day and this condition is repeated more and more often, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Consequence of endocrine disorders

Endocrinologists, for their part, warn that often the cause of severe drowsiness and decreased emotionality is precisely hormonal disorders or pathology at work endocrine glands. For example, such a pathology as a drop in the level of activity thyroid gland, causes severe and constant fatigue, apathy and drowsiness due to severe starvation of the brain. Adrenal insufficiency also leads to hormonal failure, so it can also be the answer to the question of why you want to sleep during the day. This symptom is also one of the signs of a formidable endocrine disruption entitled diabetes. Thus, people experiencing persistent pathological drowsiness should be seriously concerned about such a violation and seek medical help in a timely manner.

Banal lack of sleep?

The fact that a person cannot live without sleep is an axiom known from ancient times. Doctors regularly draw the attention of the population to the fact that you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, so that you don’t want to sleep at the most inopportune time for this. If a person regularly deprives himself of a good night's rest, then during the day the brain will automatically turn off for a few seconds in order to make up for the lack of night sleep. Before starting to look for the cause of pathological drowsiness in physical pathologies and diseases, it is necessary to analyze the organization of the regimen and optimize it if necessary.

Head and brain injuries

A less common cause of an abnormal blackout is considered to be head or brain injuries: concussions, open and closed craniocerebral injuries and hemorrhages. Sharp and unexpected drowsiness in the background severe bruise head should be the reason for the immediate appeal to the hospital for help. Such a symptom is considered quite formidable against the background of an injury, and only a doctor can decide what to do. If you want to sleep after hard hit head, then, most likely, this is due to a disorder of consciousness, and this is already a serious cause for concern, signaling serious violations and threatening no less serious consequences. This condition suggests that without a qualified medical care no longer manageable.

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Why does he sleep during the day

Why can it be very sleepy during the day? It's just impossible. Slept 7 hours at night.



from banal lack of sleep, to sexual insufficiency.

food also plays a role. a lot of carbohydrates - tends to sleep. a few carbohydrates with a predominance: protein, fats - you will be at a neutral level.


Why have I been feeling sleepy all the time lately, I’m constantly falling asleep, like I’m not pregnant!


Man - you are the World, you are Eternity.

Laziness, fatigue, irritability, aggression, depression, lack of energy, good nutrition. The body is acidified, slagged. Disturbed metabolism.

Disease is the result of a malfunction of the body as a whole. And disturbances in the body occur from the poisoning of the body with toxins coming from outside and from the outside from the waste products of microorganisms.

There is an energy product - microhydrin-antioxidant, it has no analogues in the world, silicon, will add energy, protect the body, 100% natural product.

restore acid-base balance the mineral water supplement Alka Mine will help the body to eat fully 100% natural food that gives energy.


Vitamins are not enough

Personal Account Deleted

if you go to a fortuneteller or some other non-traditional species sorcerers, it's even good!


probably the weather is cloudy and lack of vitamin FF 🙂

Personal Account Deleted

I have the same situation. They said either beriberi, or low blood pressure, or sleep disturbance.


Personal Account Deleted

In the spring there is always a lack of vitamins! So eat more vegetables, fruits and drink juice, freshly squeezed is better!

the same and even vitamins do not help much, but still I advise you to drink them and walk more

tatiana konogorova

Most likely beriberi or chronic fatigue.

It's time for you to go on vacation!! To a warm country where the sun shines. Cloudy days all the time and general fatigue after winter - that's all the reasons.


It also makes me sleepy all the time. don't get enough sleep, go too! or just get very tired, nervous

Why does he tend to sleep during the day, how to fight with this (I sleep at night)


Mansur Garalev

Normal occurrence. You just need to lie down and sleep for an hour if it's a day off. And good for health. During work it is more difficult. only strong tasty tea will help here.

Eduard Evdokimov

Don't fight it, use it!

Elena Vidyakina

You probably have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and drink vitamins with microelements.

Natalia Vodnikova

Perhaps vegetative-vascular dystonia or low blood pressure. Chronic fatigue can also be caused by the presence of a virus in the body, which I don’t remember the name of. In general, it is better to consult a doctor, he will definitely determine for you.

. Nice Lady.

I also had this, vitamins, especially with iron! :))))))))))))))))))) And like a cucumber.))))))))))))))) one eye :)))))))))))))))) Sober as glass:))))))))))))

Why does he tend to sleep in the heat?



People are exhausted in the heat, weaken, so they want to sleep.

alexandra alexandrova

Pavel Polyakov

reaction to discomfort.

An alien from the planet Kepler-22b

On the contrary, in such heat you don’t want to sleep, maybe your head is baked?


Because when the heat is exhaustion of the body.


And I'll fall asleep in the heat at night. but during the day the truth tends to drowsiness.



like the blood thickens, life processes slow down ... a state similar to suspended animation ... it's hard to fall asleep... yes, there is only one.

L u i z a.

The sun

green tea helps in the heat, but you shouldn’t drink mineral water, especially cold, it gets into the stomach, the stomach signals to the brain that, they say, it’s cold !! ! the vessels narrow, it gets even worse, and the seagulls are just right

Why does eating meat make me sleepy?


Er Iluvatar

There are really two reasons:

1) As already mentioned, the body expends energy on the digestion of meat, meat food (proteins).

2) Any meat in a split form is amino acids (glycine, alanine, valine, etc.). Amino acids have a calming and analgesic effect. Almost everyone knows these sedative pills like glycine. This is another reason why after meat you want to sleep.

Try to cook a strong meat broth from lamb or beef or pork. This will be a solution of amino acids in boiling water. After a good broth, I also tend to sleep.

Official|Armen Ayrapetyan

Eat less meat fatty product, and there may still be health problems, check the liver, stomach

Larisa Bystrova

It's just that the body spends huge resources on the digestion and assimilation of meat food.


the stomach needs to rest, otherwise it is overtired :)


This is fine! The law of Archimedes operates "after a full meal, you should sleep."

Mouse White

If for hemoglobin, then you should not only want to sleep about meat. When low, always weakness and tends to sleep

Adelaide Vyazemskaya

Eat meat with mushrooms and the devil with a shovel will run after you all night)))

Why do we get sleepy during the day?

The human brain, unlike a TV or a computer, cannot be turned off so that it can have a normal rest. That is why our body is designed in such a way that the brain fully rests only during sleep.

But to be absolutely precise, during sleep, the brain does not rest, but begins to work in a completely different way.

When we sleep, the blood flow through the vessels of our brain is reduced by almost half, which results in a simplified work of the brain, which tries to fall asleep as soon as possible in order to restore physical forces organism. It often happens that a person is tormented by drowsiness even in daytime days.

Constant sleepiness

The causes of drowsiness can be very diverse, but despite this, the desire to sleep is an absolutely natural desire, in which there is nothing wrong, because in this way our body fights various diseases on its own without any intervention.

Many have probably heard that during sleep, all life processes in our body slow down, which makes it possible for our brain to throw all its strength into restoring the body and achieving harmony. All forms of physical fatigue send special signals to the brain, which it perceives as a need for recuperation. In particular, drowsiness takes possession of our body in the following cases:

Right after a meal or when it rains

When a person has a hearty lunch, then literally in five to ten minutes he begins to fall asleep. The thing is that after eating, most of the blood flows to the intestines and stomach, and on the contrary, it drains from the brain.

As a result, the cells of the human brain, for lack of the right amount of blood, begin to work at full capacity. That is why a person begins to sleep. The reverse phenomenon is overexcitation, after which the blood in huge number rushes into the brain, which naturally interferes with normal sleep.

This can happen due to an upcoming event or a nervous breakdown. In this case, our brain cells work more than intensively and do not allow us to fall asleep normally.

When it rains, atmospheric pressure drops, which leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air. As a result, the brain cannot get the right amount of energy and the person is drawn to sleep.

In winter time

At this time of the year, the air is very rarefied, and the oxygen content in it decreases significantly. Thus, in winter, a person receives less oxygen than is required for active image life.

Among other things, in winter people cannot eat enough fruits and vegetables, which in turn leads to beriberi. Together, the lack of vitamins and oxygen greatly affects the performance of the body. As a result, brain activity decreases and a person tends to sleep.

Often a constant desire to sleep occurs in those people who long time stay in an unventilated area. In winter, this problem is more than relevant, since people very rarely ventilate the apartment in order to save money. In addition, the means of heating greatly dry the air, which ultimately leads to a significant lack of oxygen. Thus, we can conclude that for normal life it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room.

Chronic sleep deprivation

Many people, without noticing it, constantly lack sleep, leaving too little time for sleep. In such cases, it is at least silly to be surprised at severe daytime sleepiness.

Probably everyone knows that our brain includes a special "biological clock" that counts the daily cycles. After fifteen to sixteen hours of wakefulness, a person begins to fall asleep, which is completely natural, since the brain switches to recovery mode.

If a person violates his sleep regimen, then he naturally begins to overcome drowsiness in the daytime. To combat drowsiness, first of all, of course, you need to establish a sleep pattern. You need to wake up and fall asleep at a certain time. In this case, brain function will improve, health will increase, and drowsiness will pass.

motion sickness

Any parent tries to rock his child so that he falls asleep as quickly as possible. But according to psychologists, it is absolutely not necessary to rock children, because they already fall asleep perfectly, and this bad habit, instilled by their parents, remains with them for life.

It is for this reason that we tend to sleep in buses, trains and other means of transportation. The program, which the child acquired in childhood, in this case works flawlessly.

In this case, getting rid of drowsiness is almost impossible, especially if you have a long journey ahead. You can try to stock up energy drinks or collect strong coffee in a thermos, but this is not a panacea for drowsiness.

Taking various medications

Often, frequent cravings for sleep are associated with taking medications, and in particular with sedatives. Also, the causes of increased drowsiness include the abuse of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, the effect household chemicals, the use of preservatives and chemicals in food.

All modern medications have side effects, but the most common of them is drowsiness. If such a drug is taken regularly, then constant drowsiness may develop, which can be eliminated by stopping the medication.


This is a rather dangerous disease that manifests itself through a short-term nocturnal cessation of breathing. In this case, the patient's sleep is always accompanied heavy snoring. The snoring that subsides for a few seconds is replaced by respiratory arrest.

Such a dream is not full and does not restore strength, so the brain tries to compensate for lack of sleep during the daytime. The long course of the disease leads to the fact that a person develops constant drowsiness, which can only be overcome by curing the disease that provokes it.

It is impossible to identify such a disease on your own; a relative, spouse or spouse can help with this. You can also consult a doctor, suspecting that you have a similar ailment, the doctor, based on the results of tests and examinations, will be able to say for sure whether there is a disease or not.


If your craving for sleep is not due to any of the above reasons, then it is best to visit a highly qualified doctor for a consultation. Often, persistent drowsiness is a symptom of a more serious illness, such as hormonal imbalance, beriberi, anemia, depression and others.

Do not turn a blind eye to constant drowsiness, because this is a kind of signal (symptom) of the body about chronic fatigue. Be sure to put your life in order, start with sleep and nutrition, rest and follow the rules healthy lifestyle life. In no case do not abuse pills, drugs and alcohol. Drink only purified water whenever possible.

Try to eat only organic food purified from preservatives and chemicals. Get regular exercise. Don't use your sleep time for work or exercise. If you start constant drowsiness, then later it can result in health problems, impaired attention and memory, an inferior perception of life and depression.

Do not try to sleep off on a day off, this is unrealistic. Give up tea, coffee and other tonic drugs that interfere with normal sleep.

Thank you for the article. I have constant drowsiness and fatigue, rummaged through the internet, I realized that I have chronic fatigue syndrome. I also have a headache and flies in my eyes, they write that vazobral helps well, I tried it, it really became easier. Still, it's good that there are people who leave reviews on the internet.

How did you take it? And then I have the same problems as you ((((

I feel good about myself when I follow the regimen. You need to fall asleep before 24 hours of the night, then the quality of sleep improves, you get better sleep. And when I tried to give up tea and coffee, I noticed a clear improvement in well-being. There was an energy nervous state stable, in general, complete peace :)))))))

I am constantly sleepy during the day, even though I get enough sleep at night. I go to bed no later than 24-00, I get up at 7-00. I noticed that if I drink tea with lemon balm at night, I sleep much better and don’t walk like a zombie the next day.

If you constantly feel sleepy, here's what you can do

Lack of energy, heavy eyelids closing, the desire to sleep for a couple of minutes in the middle of the working day, periodically occurs in everyone. Even drunk coffee does not save - irresistibly sleepy. Complete rest at night provides productive work during the day. At constant desire sleep, the quality of life is disturbed, the level of stress increases, neuroses can develop. Drowsiness is a dangerous condition that signals brain hypoxia, insufficient oxygen supply. You can cope with functional failures on your own by restoring the energy potential.

Causes of sleepiness

Violation of night rest is one of the main factors in the occurrence of drowsiness. Unstable breathing during dreams, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems lead to a decrease in the quality of sleep. With a decrease in body temperature to critical levels, the use of certain drugs also has a similar condition. A common cause of increased drowsiness is the lack of a daily routine. With regular daytime siesta, insomnia is observed at night, physiological rhythms and phases of dreams are confused.

Reasons why you constantly want to sleep:

  • with a long stay in one position, blood circulation is disturbed, work in a static position requires large energy resources, fatigue occurs faster than when doing light physical activity;
  • sleep apnea - pauses in breathing occur during sleep, lasting from a couple of seconds to several minutes, oxygen starvation also accompanied by headaches, chronic feeling of fatigue;
  • overwork, stress - the modern rhythm of life requires lightning-fast decisions, it starts to fall asleep, if the body needs a reboot, they turn on defense mechanisms immunity, to prevent the development of pathologies of the nervous system;
  • drowsiness is also observed with depression, a lack of hormones of neurotransmitters leads to an apathetic state, drug treatment is required;
  • taking drugs to normalize blood pressure may cause side effects, the desire to sleep also occurs in the treatment of allergies, mental and neurological disorders;
  • a hidden inflammatory process, in addition to drowsiness, is accompanied frequent shifts mood, pressure surges, headaches, digestive disorders;
  • beriberi, anemia lead to circulatory disorders, there is weakness, irritability, pallor skin, the condition of hair, nails worsens;
  • addictions - the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking, illegal drugs often have sedative properties;
  • diseases of the internal organs daytime sleepiness, these include - ischemia, atherosclerosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, arrhythmia.

The reason may be not only in the disease, but also in the banal stress.

Sleepiness after eating

After eating, relaxation sets in, there is a natural desire to sleep. The forces of the body are aimed at digesting food, the heartbeat slows down, the brain gives a feeling of peace.

Why can sleepiness occur after eating:

  • consumption of simple carbohydrates leads to jumps sugar, energy is enough only for half an hour, after apathy sets in, there is a breakdown, introduction to the diet complex carbohydrates maintains normal state for 3-4 hours;
  • large portions and irregular meals lead to overeating, there is a desire to lie down and sleep until the entire volume is digested, the optimal frequency is to eat after 2-3 hours;
  • the lack of vegetables and fruits causes not only beriberi, but also problems with the absorption of nutrients, there is a deficiency of important elements, which reduces the energy potential, for the restoration of which you want to lie down;
  • violation of the water balance leads to malfunctions of metabolic processes, with dehydration, a decrease in blood pressure occurs, the pulse becomes weak, dizziness is possible, if you feel sleepy, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters daily clean water to keep you energized throughout the day.

What to do

Decreased mental and physical activity occurs when there is insufficient or ineffective rest. If you constantly get sleepy, then the body needs a full vacation. You should reconsider the daily routine, nutrition, habits, working conditions. But first of all, it is better to get enough sleep and only after that, with renewed vigor, proceed to the usual duties.

How to deal with sleepiness:

  1. It is important to establish a routine, get up and go to bed at about the same time. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room. An evening walk down the street helps to restore a good night's sleep.
  2. Worth giving up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol cause oxygen deficiency, the body works in a stressful mode, needs additional rest.
  3. It is necessary to reconsider your diet, be sure to introduce fruits and vegetables as the main sources of vitamins. They increase the energy potential, increase the ability to work. To feel cheerful, easily digestible proteins should be present in the diet. Not fatty varieties meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken), fish, seafood.

Watch your diet and water balance in the body.

4. You should limit the use of simple carbohydrates - sweets, bakery products, sweet carbonated drinks, snacks.

5. Increase the amount of time spent outdoors. Walking on sunny days is especially useful. Vitamin D is synthesized, which is necessary for a feeling of cheerfulness.

6. Sports activities activate the brain, accelerate blood circulation, provide a sufficient amount of oxygen. 15 minutes of physical activity daily is enough to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Rational nutrition plays a decisive role in the formation of immunity, stress resistance, and is also reflected in mood. The physical and psychological state must be maintained by taking vitamins. It is important to know which elements will help restore energy potential, relieving drowsiness.

  • vitamin A - provides protection against viruses and bacteria that can provoke a breakdown, weakness, maintains hemoglobin levels, preventing the development of anemia;
  • B vitamins - affect resistance to stress, are responsible for the balance of the processes of tension and relaxation of the nervous system, normalize the psychological state, eliminate the feeling of fatigue, depression;
  • vitamin D - a deficiency weakens the protective properties of the body, increases susceptibility to the influence of infections, viruses, allergens; sharp drops mood, frequent respiratory illnesses.

Drugs are prescribed after consulting a doctor, you may need to pass additional tests to select the optimal complex.

Essential oils

The world of aromas can soothe, immersing in deep dream, or fill life energy, I activate the resources of the body. You can use ethers different ways. By adding to the spray bottle and spraying in the room, lighting the aroma lamp. Also, to quickly cheer up, you can add 1-2 drops of oil to 5 grams. cream for hands, face, men - aftershave lotion. With a strong attack of drowsiness, it is recommended to open the bottle and inhale the aroma.

You can buy oils in pharmacies or in specialized stores.

  • herbal - rosemary, thyme, mint;
  • citrus fruits - grapefruit, orange oil;
  • spicy - cloves, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon.

Massage or warm-up

If at the height of the working day it is impossible to concentrate because of the desire to sleep, you should use the secrets of acupuncture. By activating special points, it is easy to replenish the energy potential by improving brain activity.

  1. Click on the dot above upper lip, repeat times.
  2. Thoroughly knead the earlobes with your thumb and forefinger.
  3. The middle finger is at the inner corner of the eye, the index finger is at the outer. Easy to press for 3-5 seconds.

It is useful to massage the head, neck, shoulder area. Intensively massage the skin of the hair area, slightly pulling the roots towards you. A good result is kneading the back of the head and ears. When in a static position throughout the working day, you should not give up physical activity. Every half an hour it is recommended to change the position, rotate the head, arms, squats.

If it is not possible to carry out light exercises, gymnastics for the fingers will help get rid of drowsiness. It is necessary to alternately bend all 10 fingers, then unbend. It is useful to massage the nail plates and phalanges. Feel a surge of strength, easily with the help of intense rubbing of the palms, feeling the characteristic warmth, you can begin your work duties.


Traditional green tea is no less effective for drowsiness than strong coffee. You can also use the gifts of nature to cope with fatigue, restore the protective properties of the body. medicinal plants rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, allowing you to restore strength.

  • Baikal skullcap - relieves stress and tension, an effective remedy against loss of strength, brewed and taken with honey;
  • valerian tincture is taken in the morning and in the evening no more than 40 drops each, the reception allows you to normalize night sleep, restore the functioning of the nervous system;
  • borage infusion increases energy potential, increases efficiency, 3 tbsp. spoons of dry grass pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, take between meals;
  • ginseng tincture with honey is a natural energy drink, take a teaspoon one hour after eating;
  • linden tea helps to increase immunity, improves brain activity.

Do not ignore the desire to sleep, it can be a signal of a serious illness. If this is the result of poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, it is necessary to adjust the daily routine. To quickly restore vigor, express methods are also used in the form of aromatherapy, massages, and medicinal herbs.

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Any use of the materials of the site is allowed only with the consent of the editors of the portal and the installation of an active link to the source. The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no case calls for self-diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and taking drugs, it is imperative to consult a qualified doctor. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The editors of the portal are not responsible for its authenticity.

Every person is familiar with this situation: the working day is in full swing, and the eyelids are already getting heavy, and you feel how sweet drowsiness is falling on you quite inopportunely.

The following simple tips will help you overcome the onset of drowsiness:

1. Drink more water. Dehydration is often one of the main causes of drowsiness. Washing with cold water will help relieve eye fatigue after long hours spent at the computer.

2. Get outside into the sunlight. The more your body is exposed to the sun, the more active and focused you become. The sun will energize you, because it contributes to the production of vitamin D in the body.

And if you do not have the opportunity to leave the room, then remember that the same effect has artificial lighting next to the workplace.

3. Physical activity help fight drowsiness. For example, you can do a few push-ups or jumping jacks every 30 minutes.

And if you can’t take a break for a physical minute, then warm up on the spot. Move your feet, stretch your arms and legs, bend your knees, etc.

4. Active mental work will also prevent you from falling asleep. Keep your brain busy, watch other people. A normal conversation with a colleague stimulates brain activity well.

And if there was no one around, then listen to the music. Music genres such as hip-hop, rock or metal will keep you awake. You can also hum a tune.

5. Avoid heavy meals large quantities. Everyone knows that eating hearty meals can thoroughly debilitate a person. Instead, opt for lighter foods like salad.

6. Don't get addicted to caffeine. It helps relieve drowsiness, but is addictive.

Also, be careful with energy drinks. They only help overcome sleep cravings for a short time (similar to coffee), and when their effect wears off, you may feel even more tired and depressed.

7. You can quickly cheer up, thanks to the stimulation of the sense of smell, for example, inhaling the aromas of citrus or mint.

8. Another proven remedy for preventing drowsiness is acupressure. To tone yourself up, you can resort to the following tricks - massage your earlobes clockwise and rub back side palms between thumb and forefinger.

9. However, if you feel like you are still losing the battle with sleep, then take a nap. Even a short 10-15-minute sleep is enough to restore strength.

10. Oddly enough, but hearty laughter stimulates brain activity and helps to maintain vigor.

11. Snacks with high content squirrel and low content sugars (such as cashew nuts or almonds) will give you a quick energy boost.

12. Switch your attention often to keep your brain active. Even a small new impulse, such as changing a pen, has an invigorating effect.

13. Despite the fact that all of the above methods will help you overcome the onset of drowsiness for a while, it is still better to observe the regime of work and rest and establish a good night's sleep.

These measures will relieve you of the need to resist sleep and will allow you to stay alert throughout the day.

Why does lethargy accompany us at the workplace, in transport, and even at home in the evenings? This question is acute for everyone modern man because sometimes you want to do so much, but it turns out so little. Having noticed this state, we cannot understand in any way what is the reason. This is not surprising, because there may be several of them. But first things first.

Artificial extension of daylight hours

If a person cannot understand why there is no strength, for starters, you should take a close look at your own lifestyle. Moreover, in the 21st century, people were able to maximize their daylight hours. Artificial light, as well as radiation from the monitor screens of mobile devices, affect the retina of the eye, which leads to sleep rhythm disturbances. Therefore, if you do not know why you constantly want to sleep, the reasons may lie on the surface. You just do not rest well at night, and your sleep can not be called complete. Remove computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. Form the habit of not using electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed. If this is not possible, by at least, stay up far after midnight.

Chronic sleep deprivation

Some people think that everything in this world is subject to them, they can take on extra work and get very little sleep at night. In this case, the reason also lies on the surface. If a person, asking himself the question of why he constantly wants to sleep during the day, looks at total time of his night's sleep, it will not be so difficult for him to trace the cause of his condition. Our body is very thin, but at the same time a perfectly tuned mechanism. that work in the brain, are responsible for daily cycles.

And if you get, say, only five hours a day for a night's sleep, at first you can fight drowsiness with the help of caffeine and energy drinks. However, very soon the body itself will go into a drowsy state, because it needs to somehow compensate for the lack of rest. We have already dealt with some of the reasons that indicate why you constantly want to sleep. Treatment in this case is not needed. Just stop torturing your body. Take an unscheduled day off and relax from the heart. And even better - add an extra hour and a half to your daily night's sleep.

The influence of food

Some people are accustomed to a plentiful and satisfying lunch, taking first, second, compote and various pastries in the dining room at work. And then colleagues treated homemade cabbage rolls. In this case, you should not be surprised why you constantly want to sleep. The reasons may lie precisely in hearty high-calorie foods. As soon as you take food, you immediately begin to fall asleep.

The fact is that the digestive organs now need an increased blood supply to process food. The blood streams are redistributed and tend to gastrointestinal tract while depriving the brain. That is why the nerve cells of the brain for a certain period, while there is an increased digestion of food, are forced to function in an economical mode. Do an experiment and next time, be content with just soup during your lunch break. Probably habitual drowsiness will never come.

winter period

Of course, people would not be able to become like bears, which lie down for a long hibernation during the whole winter period. However, the causes of winter sleepiness mainly lie in the climatic features of the season. Why do we constantly want to sleep and lethargy accompanies us during cloudy winter days? In fact, the cold winter air is discharged and contains much less oxygen than the body needs for normal life. During this period, daylight hours decrease, and the sun peeps from the sky somehow reluctantly. In apartments, the air becomes dry due to the central heating turned on at full capacity. That is why regular ventilation is necessary, especially at night.

Food in winter also has its own characteristics. We no longer consume as many seasonal vegetables and fruits as in summer, preferring to replace vegetable food meat and baked goods. This trend is especially relevant during periods of critical frosts, when the body needs extra calories so much. However, a certain imbalance in the diet and insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits can cause beriberi. If it’s winter outside, and you have already guessed why you constantly want to sleep, and you don’t have the strength to fight these symptoms, try taking a course of multivitamins. Do not forget how important oxygen is at this time, so try to be in the fresh air more. If the body feels that it is not getting enough oxygen and important nutrients, it begins to slow down the metabolism, which leads to constant fatigue. And, as we already know, a lack of oxygen and vitamins leads to a decrease in brain activity, which means an increase in drowsiness.

Why do you constantly want to sleep and lethargy? rain effect

In addition to the fact that in our country there is a rather long period when winter reigns, all other seasons are often accompanied by prolonged rains. As we already know, activity and wakefulness are promoted by bright light and the sun. However, not only the lack of bright lighting can explain increased drowsiness. In rainy weather, atmospheric pressure drops sharply, as does the concentration of oxygen in the air masses. And we are already aware of what "oxygen starvation" leads to.

Taking medications

We continue to identify the causes associated with increased drowsiness. Are you taking anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, or allergy medications? Then do not be surprised why you constantly want to sleep. What to do, if medicines can't be undone? Unfortunately, potential side effects are written in the instructions. You just have to wait until the end of the course of treatment. You can also talk to your doctor existing problem and try changing the drug to a similar drug that causes less drowsiness.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

The overwhelming number of women who are preparing to become mothers are faced with the problem of severe drowsiness, this is especially true for the first trimester. Why do you always want to sleep during pregnancy? Let's figure it out. Women who bear a child under their hearts constantly complain of ailments. In the first trimester, the body gets used to hormonal changes and rebuilds to new rhythms of work. At the head of the women's hormonal background worth capricious progesterone. It is impossible to avoid this change, because it is the hormones that help in the successful bearing of the fetus. Therefore, you just need to get used to constant drowsiness, it will come to naught as soon as the body is completely rebuilt.

Do not forget about the colossal costs of the internal resources of a pregnant woman. The body sends all its forces to the restructuring of the organs, as well as to ensure the normal functioning of the developing embryo. Getting used to a new state, stress, new emotions, expectations, fears and experiences - all this affects the emotional background and leads to fatigue future mother. That is why a woman constantly wants to sleep. And by the middle of the day, her condition can only be compared with a broken trough. Therefore, during the bearing of the fetus, it is better to adhere to a clear regimen and take an hour or two for a serene daytime sleep. The body will certainly thank you.

Influence of motion sickness

If you notice that you constantly feel sleepy on public transport, even if you had a good night's sleep the night before, this is also not surprising. Scientists say that the reflexes that we were endowed with in infancy are to blame for everything. Our parents constantly rocked us to sleep and develop this amazing habit. According to psychologists, this habit does not disappear even in adulthood and puts us to sleep long trips in cars, trains or buses.

Constant exposure to stress

Do not forget that sleep helps reduce the impact of psychological stress. Therefore, if you do not know why you constantly want to sleep, and weakness has appeared, but at the same time you live under the influence negative emotions, with persistently high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythm, consult a doctor for appropriate advice. You probably just need to prescribe drugs to normalize blood pressure or sedatives. You should not delay this, because sometimes people mistakenly attribute drowsiness to their own laziness. But if a person is physically and emotionally healthy, then the constant craving for a pillow disappears.

Lack of interest in work

Have you noticed how people often yawn at a time when they are unbearably bored? Anything that does not arouse our interest can easily put us to sleep. But if work is uninteresting, then there is simply nowhere to go. You will want to sleep all the time. At an unloved job, a person does not feel motivated to develop and improve skills. In addition, not seeing any gap in life, people often seek solace in the evenings at the bottom of a glass, thereby relieving tension and dissatisfaction. This is a very common misconception. Better than alcohol, you can cheer up from walking, playing sports, meeting friends and listening to good music. In the event that interest disappears in existence itself, it is difficult to confine oneself to the doctor's recommendations. It requires a complete restructuring of the way of life and a deep analysis of what is happening.

Why do you constantly want to sleep, and lethargy appeared? Causes of a pathological nature

Actually pathological character carry many diseases. Vitamin deficiency, anemia, insomnia, hormonal changes and even depression go hand in hand with serious ailments. In case you notice chronic sleepiness and tried all the familiar methods to eliminate it, but it still does not disappear, consult a doctor for full examination. Many of us rarely diagnose, and the presence of serious diseases is attributed to banal fatigue. Serious pathologies significantly deplete the internal resources of the body. Cancer tumors, autoimmune lesions, allergic processes, neurological diseases - all this requires modern and high-quality therapy under the supervision of competent specialists.

Lack of permanent mode

Irregular mode, sleep from time to time lead to a violation of the internal balance in the body. This is not surprising, because the body never knows how much time it will be given. Such interruptions are especially sinned by people of creative professions who have free schedule work, as well as people overburdened with responsibilities. Jokingly, workaholics say that they are immensely sorry that there are only 24 hours in a day. People who work in shifts also have to put up with inconsistent rest. All this is wrong for the body, and if you take care of own health, you will have to think over the daily routine in any case.

How to influence the increased drowsiness?

We found out quite a lot of reasons that can cause a regular desire to sleep. If you are a person who is concerned about the question of why you constantly want to sleep and lethargy, we will now tell you what to do. Before eliminating the cause, it is necessary to determine its source. But there are some general recommendations that absolutely all our readers can use.

So, to business! To get started, set a clear sleep schedule and remove all extraneous devices from the bedroom. You must ration the regimen and sleep enough time. Understand that in your desire to do as much as possible in a day, pushing work to a later time, lies the downside. You simply reduce your own productivity, from constant lack of sleep, experiencing lethargy during the day. In addition, sooner or later the body will rebel, and this condition will result in something more serious. If your busy work schedule can't get you the 8-hour sleep you need, you can use a short 20-minute nap to compensate. Do not forget also about the right balanced diet and regular oxygen supply to the brain, so be outdoors more often.

Vacationers in rest houses and sanatoriums are happy to saturate their body with oxygen with the help of special health-improving oxygen cocktails. You can learn from their experience, especially since now it is not a problem to buy such a cocktail within the city. Now you have learned everything on the topic: "Why you constantly want to sleep and lethargy", the reasons have been identified, and you are aware of countermeasures. Do not forget to follow our advice, and if you are unable to overcome drowsiness, contact your doctor for help.


Cheerfulness during the day can be “provoked” by a 10-minute morning exercise. Choose for yourself the optimal and simple set of exercises, in which be sure to include aerobic and breathing exercises. Try to be active during the day. If you have sedentary work, spend half your lunch break walking around the surrounding area. In this case, ideally, it is good to get to work on foot or by bicycle.

However, if this is not possible, go for a jog in your free time. Physical inactivity is the scourge of the modern intellectual. It provokes slowed blood circulation, as a result of which everyone suffers. internal organs, including the brain. Get out with a group of friends for the weekend in the park and play mobile sports. This will improve your mood and provide invaluable benefits to the body.