White coating on large lips. White plaque at the entrance and walls of the vagina

It often happens that women have white coating on the labia, but there is no need to panic. Such manifestations do not always indicate the presence of pathologies; sometimes plaque indicates the body’s reaction to external or internal stimuli, while the woman is completely healthy. Despite this, if you detect white discharge in an intimate area, you should consult a gynecologist.

The reason for the appearance of white plaque on the labia

Doctors note that white plaque on the labia appears due to the following factors:

  • Candidiasis is also thrush. A disease caused by a fungus.
  • Violation of the vaginal microflora. May be due to hormonal imbalance mental disorders or long-term use of antibacterial agents.
  • Violation hormonal levels in girls, which is observed before the first menstruation.
  • Vaginitis. Inflammation of the genital organs in women.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.
  • Genital herpes.
  • Unhealthy and unbalanced diet.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Wearing tight clothing and underwear made from non-natural fabrics.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  • Wearing pads during periods longer than 4 hours.
  • Using soap for washing that contains alkali, which has a detrimental effect on the microflora in the vagina.

Other symptoms of thrush

Damage to the mucous membrane causes a burning sensation when urinating.

White plaque in the vagina is not the only symptom that is characteristic of thrush. Has candidiasis and other symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain and burning when urinating;
  • fever;
  • change in the smell of discharge;
  • redness in the intimate area;
  • white curdled pellets between the labia majora or minora.

Diagnostic measures

Since white plaque on the genitals provokes more than one infectious and inflammatory disease, before starting therapy it is important to undergo the required diagnostics and pass all tests. If a white coating appears inside the vagina, it is important to immediately visit a doctor who will prescribe the following examinations:

  • ultrasound examination of the genital organs;
  • vaginal smear;
  • examination of the cervix under a special microscope;
  • General analysis of urine and blood.

Pathology therapy

Drug treatment

Plaque on the genitals can occur as a result of an inflammatory process.

If plaque is found on the labia, you should not immediately panic; sometimes it indicates that the female body is working correctly and completely protects the genitals from the penetration of pathogenic microbes. However, in order to protect yourself from inflammation and other pathologies, you still need to get rid of plaque. If it appears accidentally and there is no itching, you can remove the plaque with a stream of water under the shower. If this method does not help, you can resort to using a regular cotton swab moistened with water. With its help, it will be possible to remove plaque from both the labia minora and labia majora. Doctors do not recommend using it for these purposes. regular soap, which contains alkali. Such a remedy for intimate hygiene often causes allergic reactions, which will only worsen the formation of plaque in the perineum.

If the patient experiences itching and a white coating in the vagina, and is also bothered by other symptoms, self-therapy may not only be ineffective, but also cause harm to her health. Considering that pellets on the labia may indicate the development of inflammatory processes, they should be treated quickly and efficiently so as not to aggravate the situation. Therefore, you should not delay visiting the gynecologist.

The treatment method for white plaque on the labia depends on what exactly caused its appearance. Often, health care providers prescribe combination therapy, which includes the use of medications for internal and local use. For internal use Medications that fight fungal infections are suitable. For local use, ointments, suppositories, and creams are used.

White plaque on the labia is a fairly common phenomenon, the manifestation of which is associated with the complex structure of the body of the fair sex. It can represent either a variant of the norm or be an alarm bell indicating the development of a pathological or inflammatory process. How to distinguish one situation from another?

When is a raid not dangerous?

In this case, a cheesy coating on the genitals (in medical terminology– smegma) will either not have any strong, distinct odor at all, or will smell a little sour. This parameter depends solely on the individual vaginal microflora. At the same time, in different periods cycle, the density, structure and smell of the discharge may change.


If whitish discharge do not cause noticeable discomfort and are not accompanied by additional unpleasant and painful signs, getting rid of them by medical intervention may not be needed at all. The thing is that white plaque on the labia in women can be the result of the activity of healthy vaginal microflora and perform protective function, in particular, prevent the penetration of pathogenic microbes inside.

How to suspect a deviation from the norm?

If, in addition to white plaque on the labia, you notice other warning signs, this may indicate gynecological disease varying degrees gravity. It's about about symptoms such as:

  • Burning;
  • Heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • Swelling;
  • Hyperemia, or severe redness of tissues;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Unpleasant odor emanating from the genitals and the discharge itself;
  • Sharp pain when urinating;
  • Dry dermis;

To a patient who observes all or some the above signs, you need to contact a specialist who will make one of the following main diagnoses:

  1. Genital herpes;
  2. Thrush (candidiasis), provoked by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida;
  3. Violation of the vaginal microflora, which is associated with neuropsychic disorders, failure of hormonal system, long-term use of antibiotics or penetration of bacteria from foreign microflora of a sexual partner into the body;
  4. Inflammatory and infectious diseases genitourinary system;
  5. Changes in the background and composition of hormones in girls during the first menstrual bleeding;
  6. Vaginitis or vulvovaginitis;

In addition to the appointment complex treatment, the doctor will recommend that the patient eat foods rich in vitamins, wear comfortable things, especially comfortable underwear (synthetics will need to be excluded from everyday use), and wisely select products for the care of intimate areas, because soaps, gels, bath foams and creams may contain components , causing individual intolerance. You will also need to pay attention to the mode of changing pads during menstruation.


About 70% of women suffer from genital candidiasis at least once in their lives. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can transform into acute, and then into chronic form. Thrush manifests itself mainly in the following 3 cases:

  • When the vaginal microflora changes during the period of the beginning of sexual activity.
  • During unprotected sexual intercourse.
  • When a girl reaches puberty during adolescence. The key factor is hormonal fluctuations.

IN running forms Discharge with an unpleasant odor may also appear.


Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. With vulvovaginitis, the external genitalia also become inflamed in a similar way. The third type, vulvitis, affects the clitoris and labia. All 3 diseases are common in gynecological practice and are usually provoked by one of 10 reasons:

  1. STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, the above vaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis and others).
  2. Weakened immunity as a result of an infection.
  3. Obesity, diabetes, menopause, various diseases ovaries. In each case there is a decrease endocrine function secretory glands.
  4. Prolapse of the vaginal walls or gaping of the genital slit.
  5. Irritation of the vaginal mucosa or carrying out actions that injure the area of ​​the vagina and uterus.
  6. Vascular disorders and senile atrophy.
  7. Allergy to condoms or medications inserted into the vagina.
  8. Long-term use of antibiotics.
  9. Lack of personal hygiene.
  10. Ignoring hygiene rules when engaging in sexual activity.


Genital herpes is recurrent viral disease, which affects the mucous membranes of the vagina. White plaque on the labia is accompanied by the appearance of blisters, ulcers and erosions. The patient's inguinal lymph nodes, intoxication phenomena are observed, as well as swelling, burning sensation and redness. In the vast majority of cases, herpes is transmitted from the carrier of the infection to healthy person during oral-genital, genital and anal-genital contacts.

However, it is also possible to become infected by airborne droplets or rare by everyday means(through wet hygiene items), self-infection (transfer of pathogens from the face to the genitals) and transmission of the disease from mother to child during pregnancy.

The appearance of white plaque on the labia is quite common, but you just have to figure out whether this is a pathology or a variant of the norm. If the white coating does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor, then it can be considered a normal variant. The presence of a slight sour odor may be the result of the work of bacteria that normally live in the genital tract. However, pay attention not only to the plaque itself on (or between) the labia, but also to possible accompanying symptoms: itching, burning,...

Why does white plaque appear between the labia?

Now let's look at what pathological conditions can lead to the formation of plaque on the labia, which is called (thrush).

  1. With this pathology, a white cheesy coating forms on the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, which has bad smell. A woman receives the fungal infection that causes this disease from her partner, and if left untreated, re-infection occurs with each subsequent contact.
  2. The second reason for the appearance of white plaque on the labia is hormonal changes associated with puberty in girls.
  3. Another reason for the appearance of white plaque is a change in the microflora of the external genitalia associated with the onset of sexual activity.

How to get rid of white plaque between the labia?

First, you need to decide on the cause of the plaque: if it does not cause discomfort and is a manifestation of the norm, then you do not need to do anything about it. If the white plaque is the result of candidiasis and bothers the patient, then you should get rid of it. Modern medicine offers various anti-candidiasis drugs in the form of oral and vaginal tablets, ointments, creams and suppositories. The most common tablets are Fluconazole, Difluzol, Micogal. Clotrimazole and Miconazole ointments are prescribed locally. It is recommended to wash yourself with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, yarrow, calendula) and special gels for intimate hygiene, which can be bought in pharmacies (Citeal, Lactocid).

It will help to understand the cause of white plaque between the labia experienced doctor a gynecologist who will listen carefully to complaints, collect anamnesis and take necessary tests. And to avoid infection with candidiasis, you should use a condom when having sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner.

White plaque on the labia often indicates the presence of pathological process. It all depends on accompanying symptoms diseases. Moreover, a whitish coating can be observed at any age and even in newborn girls. This condition is dangerous during pregnancy, as it often indicates the presence of a disease. A white coating between the labia that does not cause an unpleasant odor, itching or burning will be considered normal.

White plaque on the labia - causes

White plaque on the labia often appears as a result of the presence of genital candidiasis or thrush, as it is colloquially called. This fungal infection, which causes a cheesy coating on the woman’s genitals.

The main reasons for the development of this disease The following circumstances may occur:

  1. Sexual contact with a sick person.
  2. Hormonal imbalance, often associated with age-related changes in teenage girls.
  3. Disturbance of the microflora of the external genitalia in connection with the onset of sexual relations.

Where does plaque come from between the labia?

As stated above, white education on the labia can appear as a result of the physiology of the female body or as a result of illness.

Physiological reasons

Vaginal microflora can react to internal or external changes. During the period of hormonal changes in the body, girls aged 12 to 14 years may develop plaque on the genitals. Similar cases can be recorded during the period of bearing a child.

Start sexual relations can also affect the condition of a woman’s genital organs. For example, in some cases, in this way, a woman’s organs are protected from foreign microflora of the sexual partner.

Other non-pathological factors can also cause white formations:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • tight underwear;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • Low quality body cosmetics.

If such factors are eliminated, the plaque will disappear on its own, without additional treatment. Such a plaque in infants is called a sexual crisis and is considered normal. Because this is how the body cleanses itself after childbirth. After 7-9 days, this condition usually goes away.

Plaque caused natural causes should not be eliminated. He protects normal microflora vagina and also fights pathogenic microorganisms. Smegma (the so-called white formations between the labia) is associated with the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Remove it with a cotton swab vegetable oil. You can also moisten it with water. But you should not use various aromatic soaps and gels, so as not to irritate the delicate skin of the labia.

Pathogenic factors

If along with the plaque there appeared additional signs– burning, itching, redness, pain, etc., this may indicate the onset of a disease.

These include the following pathologies:

  • infections associated with human genitalia;
  • sexual diseases;
  • fungus.

Among these pathologies, the following diseases are the most common:

  1. Thrush (candidiasis) and other fungal infections.
  2. Vulvovaginitis and vaginitis.
  3. Genital herpes.
  4. STDs such as syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.

There is no need to guess where the plaque on the genitals came from; it is better to immediately visit a gynecologist. By inspection and additional tests he will figure out the reasons himself this state. To avoid catching candidiasis, you should use a condom if you are not sure about your sexual partner.

At different periods of life, a woman encounters such a phenomenon as a white coating on the labia. In the first weeks of life, newborn babies develop plaque; during puberty, teenage girls 11-14 years old experience light discharge; pregnant women experience this stage during hormonal changes in the body. Sex life also leaves its mark on changes in a woman’s body: such a reaction occurs as a response to the foreign flora of the sexual partner. Ability to distinguish between normal physiological processes from pathological ones will help to avoid many problems.

Types of white plaque

White plaque on the labia can be like: normal occurrence, and pathology.

  • Normal physiological secretions do not have a pronounced odor. A slight sour odor is allowed, caused by the vaginal microflora. The appearance of mucus is associated with the physiology of the female body. Cycle in female body implies constant changes in the structure, characteristic odor, and consistency of discharge.

Physiological plaque between the labia majora and labia minora light color called smegma. Smegma is a composition of dead epithelium, secretion sebaceous glands, water. The female labia minora and labia majora contain many sebaceous glands. They develop a secret that gives rise to light discharge. The secret accumulates in the folds intimate organs, appears in the form of whitish discharge.

  • heat;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • burning sensation accompanied by itching;
  • pain when urinating.

Such symptoms require the help of a specialist.

Factors contributing to the formation of white discharge between the labia are presented in the table:

CauseShort description
Thrush (candidiasis)Sexual infection caused by Candida fungus. Characterized by burning, itching in the genital area. The discharge is cheesy. Sexual intercourse and urination are accompanied by a burning sensation
Vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis)Changes occur due to hormonal changes in the body, long-term use of antibiotics, imbalance in neuropsychic state. There is a gray-white discharge with the smell of rotten fish
Changes in hormonal levelsThis phenomenon is typical for girls before menstruation and for pregnant women.
Nonspecific vaginitis or vulvovaginitisA gynecological disease accompanied by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. The appearance of yellow and green discharge is noted
Genital herpesThe causative agent of the disease is a herpes virus, transmitted sexually. There is an appearance small rash on the genitals
Lack of intimate hygiene during menstruationProlonged contact of used gaskets with intimate area leads to increased natural secretions
Synthetic underwearSuch clothing comes into close contact with the genitals, irritates them, and leads to inflammation.
Incorrectly selected intimate hygiene productsIncorrectly selected gels for intimate hygiene violate acid-base balance vagina or lead to the development of allergies

A competent approach to the treatment of white plaque

Physiological secretions perform a protective function. They create a barrier to pathogenic bacteria and support healthy microflora vagina. To prevent unwanted inflammatory processes, it is necessary to periodically cleanse the intimate area of ​​secretions. You can do this yourself using a small stream of water while hygiene procedures. If this procedure is not enough, then you can additionally use a cotton swab: moisten it with water and remove the white plaque between the labia. You should not use regular soap for this procedure - this will cause dryness and discomfort. It is best to use a solution from pharmaceutical chamomile, gels from natural ingredients for hygiene of the intimate area.

Infectious white plaque on the labia requires professional examination and adequate treatment. Self-medication can make the situation worse, and inflammatory process will take on more severe forms.

The diagnosis can be made after a qualified examination. The gynecologist will prescribe standard procedures, which boil down to taking smears, general analyzes. Treatment involves the use of drugs of various nature: tablets administered vaginally and for oral administration, medicinal suppositories, ointments, creams. good additional therapy means can serve traditional medicine: compresses, douching, but it is important to consult a gynecologist.

Discharge in newborn girls

In the first eight weeks of life, a newborn baby develops various discharges of light, pink and Brown. This is a variant of the norm. Children's body cleans itself and adapts to its new environment. Discharge should not be cleaned out cotton swabs or use it for this cosmetical tools. It is enough to wash the baby in a timely manner, take air baths, and give the baby’s skin a break from diapers.

Refined feminine nature

The female body is a sophisticated and unpredictable mechanism. Every period of life has its own characteristics. Careful diagnostics qualified assistance specialist, timely treatment will help you do the right thing and not harm your own body.