Where to make a mantoux reaction for a child. How much does it cost to make a manta for a child

The tuberculin test (Mantoux test) is a subcutaneous injection aimed at detecting an immune response to tuberculin.

Having studied the reaction, you can find out how much the body of a child or an adult is "familiar" with an external pathogen, as well as test for the presence of an infection.

Before giving an injection, it is also important to determine the ideal time for vaccination.

Later 72 hours after the injection, the medical worker determines the size of the papule ("button"). For measurement, a special scale is used, after which the final decision is made on further diagnostics. The procedure is absolutely identical for both children and adults, only the dosages change. The reactions associated with the perception of tuberculin may also differ.

Where is the Mantoux test done for adults and children?

The Mantoux reaction is carried out as planned, once a year. In all kindergartens, schools, as well as educational institutions, there are special schedules that every parent can get acquainted with. Thus, you do not have to take your child to the clinic - the doctor visits the school on his own.

Where can I make a Mantoux reaction for a child

According to Art. 7, part 3 of the Law "On the Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation", parents can independently determine the need for an injection. However, prejudices and myths associated with negative experiences can not only harm the child, but also affect his health.

The process of conducting a Mantoux test for a child.

In kindergartens and schools, the procedure for conducting a Mantoux test is as follows:

  1. Every 12 months(from the moment of birth) the doctor must warn parents about the test. This says Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1995 No. 324.
  2. After receiving the information, the parent must give agreement for a tuberculin test.
  3. Before the injection, the nurse should to measure the temperature body of the child, learn about recent viral infections.

Reference. The parents are solely responsible for the result, so it depends on your decision whether or not the diagnosis will be carried out.

Tuberculin test for adults for a fee and free of charge

If you care about your own health and wish to detect danger in time, it is recommended to inject Every year.

You can contact the nearest clinic for help. If you don't want to have a test at a public institution, you may prefer one of the many private clinics. The cost will vary, but you can be sure of the quality of the vaccine. For example, in St. Petersburg, the price of the production "starts" from 500 rubles.

Features of the test in children and adults

In adulthood, after graduation, the responsibility for conducting Mantoux falls on the shoulders of each person. You should independently observe the schedule, as well as contact an immunologist.

Usually in Russia the introduction is considered the norm 2TE, USA - 4TE. The dosage depends not only on age, but also on the individual characteristics of the organism. In an adult, the fluctuation can be within 0.5 - 2 mm.

Self-vaccination is not recommended. This can lead to complications, as well as unforeseen reactions of the body.

In addition, the vaccine cannot be freely available, but is provided to medical institutions for further use among the population.

Worried parents should not panic if the "button" is enlarged. Various external factors can affect its size; only an immunologist can establish the presence of a virus in the body. The size of the papule is considered normal. 0 - 1 mm.

Despite all the nuances, vaccination can only be trusted by professionals. It is recommended that diagnostics be carried out only in clinic or public medical institution to which you are assigned at the place of residence.

Don't spend a lot of money on an injection. Regardless of the cost, the composition of the injection remains the same. Also a must mark the date conducting a test so as not to forget about it and inform the doctor next year.

To the question In the hospital, they told me "if you don’t make a manta, they won’t take it to the garden" and I had a question ... asked by the author Elena Filatova the best answer is Federal Law No. 157-FZ of September 17, 1998 “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” provides for preventive vaccinations against: hepatitis B, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, rubella, poliomyelitis, tetanus, tuberculosis, mumps
and influenza included in the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and preventive vaccinations according to epidemic indications. The national calendar establishes the timing and procedure for carrying out preventive vaccinations for citizens. However, everyone has the right to refuse vaccination, which must be confirmed in writing. At the same time, the medical worker must fulfill his duties. What are they? – In a warning about the possible consequences of not immunizing. This is evidenced by Article 5 of the Federal Law. A decision was made - a healthy lifestyle without vaccinations. Despite the fact that by law you have every right to do so, not all medical authorities will approve and accept your position. In order to avoid fatal mistakes and unnecessary hassle, it is necessary to foresee everything in advance. Doctors say a lot of things, one is worse than the other. Is it worth arguing? Persuade, prove? It is unlikely that doctors from the clinic, the maternity hospital will listen. They don't need it - they have a "reach" plan. If it is underfulfilled, doctors receive a “cap”, and they receive money from our taxes for each vaccination. So they will scare them with anything and everything, just to drive them into the vaccination room. The first thing to remember is that there is no oral literature, everything must be documented. Second, do not succumb to provocations and do not enter into useless disputes. Make it clear that the decision is made by the people who are really responsible for YOUR child, namely YOUR family. Everyone else is allowed to give advice if they are asked to. Kindergarten. When registering a child in a kindergarten, you will need a medical card, which is filled in at the clinic, and which will reflect the state of health of your child. Ideally, you go through the age-appropriate specialists, take tests. The results are recorded in the card, a photocopy of your refusal to be vaccinated is also pasted there, an appropriate conclusion is made and certified by the signature of the head of the children's school or the head physician. In practice, there are a number of additional procedures, the number of which is limited only by the imagination of the leading staff of the polyclinic and which in most cases are unreasonable. Here it is necessary to take into account an important point. The medical card must be filled out on the spot, at the clinic, all additional certificates (tube dispensary and others) are required only if there are serious health prerequisites. Let them first prove to you that your child, for example, is presumably ill with tuberculosis and needs to visit a phthisiatrician. But not vice versa, when you are obliged to run to the TB dispensary and, with a certificate in hand, prove to the clinic that he is healthy. Kindergarten should have enough completed medical cards in the clinic. Everything else has no basis and, as a rule, is a personal initiative of the head of the kindergarten or a nurse, who often receives “relevant” instructions from the clinic. With a stubborn refusal to accept an unvaccinated child into the team, you make a claim addressed to the head. School. The situation with the school is similar to the situation with the kindergarten. You draw up a medical card in the clinic and forward to knowledge! Everyone dissatisfied with your appearance (principal, nurse, class teacher), one copy of the claim. So this is a simple intimidation, because we are sure that many parents do not know their rights. Good luck!

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: In the hospital they told me "if you don't make manta they won't take them to the garden" and I had a question...

Answer from Yoasha Vorobyov[guru]
You must make a manta!

Answer from lil joy mama[active]
yes, they won’t take it because it is very important to be vaccinated for manta!

Answer from Larusia[guru]
Buy a vaccination card.

Answer from echidna[guru]
they can, but they don't have the right to do so

Answer from Anna Livanova[guru]
Mantoux is not a vaccination, it is a test for a reaction to a tubercle bacillus ... if it is in the body, then the child may be infected

Answer from ice-cream[guru]
Mantoux is not a vaccine! It's a tuberculosis test! It’s just that you can see from the mantle whether it is in the body or not, and this does not apply to vaccinations, this is an analysis

Answer from Natasha[guru]
One girl went to the garden in our group, whose parents wrote a statement that they were against vaccinations. She was not vaccinated.

Answer from Olvira Khusainova[guru]
I worked as a head of a garden. Believe me, from experience, if you don’t make a manta, the child will not be taken to kindergarten. One young mother even sued me. But she didn't achieve anything. It's just that it's mandatory.

Answer from AA[guru]
Yes. procedure is required. if you want to abandon social foundations, then the child will have to be raised separately from society, that is, not in kindergarten.

Answer from Radiant[guru]
I know that the lack of vaccination cannot serve as a denial of admission to kindergarten ... . It's in the law somewhere, look it up.
But what I want to tell you... not vaccinating in our society is a bold move 🙂 it is the right thing to do, I am also against vaccinations, but you need to be prepared for the consequences of such a step. Everything that is not done within the framework of society, is not limited by the narrow thinking of society - it encounters obstacles in its path.
Now there is a lot of good literature, where the authors write that a child can perfectly do without a kindergarten. Contrary to popular belief, in this case he gains more than he loses.

Answer from on Poplavskaya[guru]
Some seek through lawyers, courts, but in ours, I know for sure, they don’t take it. Categorically. And right!

Answer from Selyageka[guru]
I myself work in the garden .... they take us to the garden without vaccinations (half a garden of these) ... But mantoux .... this is not a vaccination .... but a reaction to the detection of tuberculosis ...

Answer from Irina Zvereva[guru]
according to the new law, feel free to send everyone to ... let's say to the bathhouse and go to kindergarten. vaccinations are now a purely voluntary matter, as for the mantoux, this test will also already cause great controversy in the medical community. if the medicine of your city still lives in the old fashioned way, then they have no right not to take the child to the kindergarten, but they can pat the nerves decently.

Answer from Big girls don't cry[guru]
we have no vaccinations and no problems with the garden (visiting safely for the third year).

Answer from Marusya[expert]
We are against vaccinations in general, we put everything for bribes. Of course, it’s a personal matter for everyone, but the whole yard doesn’t work with us, and they go to the kindergarten in the same way. Now this is the price of the issue. And it is not a fact that a vaccinated child will not get sick. I know plenty of cases.

Answer from Marina[newbie]
Well, if they want the child to grow up healthy, I think it's better to do it. After all, we grew up and went through all these procedures. We live now and enjoy life.

Answer from Nadia[guru]
You must have all the required vaccinations and all doctors are specialists. Without this (Abmennaya card - all vaccinations are entered in it and all specialists sign, and then your therapist and the head of the department sign it and your children's clinics stamp it) the child will NOT be accepted into the kindergarten. This is a decree and, if you like, a law.

Answer from Natalya k[guru]
Until the age of 3, I also did all the vaccinations for my son, until we got a severe reaction ... now I don’t do anything (even manta), we go to the garden, we’re already going to school. They took it everywhere without any problems, and the nurse in the garden even praised (between us) for refusing to vaccinate. Go to your doctor with a statement, then sign it at the heads. doctor and all! carry to the garden, school ... And nobody says anything! Many of my friends have already done this way .. They have no right to refuse. Go to the site "no vaccinations", there are even laws and articles on what to do if you are denied.

Answer from Anna[active]
Paradox: in every answer of the Mantu supporters there are such stupid spelling mistakes, it's disgusting to read. It feels like it's written by children. And after all, they write, without hesitation, experts-advisers!

The portal contains information on where to make Manta for adults and children in Moscow: addresses and phone numbers of private clinics, medical centers and hospitals in the city. For the convenience of visitors, we have collected prices for Mantoux vaccination and displayed them in visual tables that allow you to quickly compare between several offers. To make it even easier to find a suitable medical facility, we have made a filter by metro stations and districts, displaying options based on their location.

The Mantoux test involves the introduction of a special preparation of tuberculin under the skin, which contains tuberculosis microbacteria. After some time, the doctor evaluates the condition of the skin at the injection site and concludes that there are dangerous bacteria in the patient's body. A striking reaction is the appearance of edema or excessive redness in the injection area.

Where and how to make a Mantoux reaction in Moscow?

The Mantoux test is placed intradermally with a special tuberculin syringe on the inner surface of the forearm. On average, the volume of the administered dose of the drug is 0.1 ml. After the introduction of tuberculin, a specific tubercle appears on the upper skin layer at the injection site, known as a "button".

The first time Mantoux is done a year - before this time, it does not make sense to carry out an injection, since the results obtained cannot be trusted. When the child reaches the age of two, the procedure should be repeated annually, regardless of previous results.

It should be noted that the Mantoux test should not be carried out on the same day as other vaccinations aimed at developing immunity. In this case, the test will give a false positive reaction. Therefore, doctors recommend doing other vaccinations after receiving the test results.

Results and norm of Mantoux in children and adults

After vaccination for two days, a round, raised above the skin seal may appear at the injection site. It is formed due to the saturation of the skin with lymphocyte cells. When you press it, a slightly whitish tint appears. The doctor evaluates the dimensions of Mantoux 2-3 days after taking the sample with high-quality lighting. To do this, he sets up a ruler for measuring direct compaction. At the same time, redness located around is not considered a sign of the presence of tuberculosis, although in the absence of compaction this fact is recorded.

Depending on the size of the seal, one or another type of reaction can be determined:

  • 0 - 1 mm: negative.
  • 2 - 4 mm: doubtful.
  • 5 - 9 millimeters: weakly positive.
  • 10 - 14 mm: medium intensity.
  • 15 - 16 millimeters: pronounced.
  • More than 17 millimeters: hyperergic.

In addition, the doctor also evaluates the surrounding areas, admits the possibility of a false-negative and false-positive reaction.

  • False-negative reaction - most often caused in patients whose immunity cannot respond to tuberculin.
  • False-positive reaction - appears in non-infected patients as a result of the presence of non-tuberculous microbacteria, allergic disorders, recent vaccinations or past diseases.
  • Vesiculo-necrotic - the formation of pustules and areas of necrosis occurs, the lymph nodes increase.

In some cases, the reaction to the Mantoux vaccination makes a turn, in which the diameter of the seal may increase by 5 or more millimeters compared to the previous year. In this case, when analyzing the problem, the doctor will have to exclude all possible influencing factors, in particular infections, allergies, and similar causes.

This is a diagnostic test that detects antibodies in the human body to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In a tense epidemiological situation for tuberculosis, Mantoux vaccination for children is carried out for early diagnosis of the earliest stages of tuberculosis in children.

Where to make Manta

Starting from the age of 12 months, almost all healthy children and adolescents are subject to an annual examination, regardless of the results of the previous test for 14 years. It is very important to entrust the tuberculin test to competent specialists. Therefore, the SANMEDEKSPERT clinic offers you to make Mantoux for a fee in our center.

A fragment of mycobacterium tuberculosis (antigen) is injected into the child intradermally (not subcutaneously, but where there are no capillaries, into the skin) - part of the mycobacterium cannot cause disease. If the child has previously been in contact with a patient with tuberculosis, then antibodies are formed in him. A positive Mantoux reaction indicates that there are antibodies in the child's body (antigen - an antibody causes inflammation).

Result interpretation

It is important that only the “button” itself is measured, namely the induration, but the redness itself is not the result of a positive reaction, infection with tuberculosis, or a sign of immunity to tuberculosis. Redness at the site of vaccination is recorded only in the absence of papule. The more immune cells that know about the tubercle bacillus in the body, the larger the size of the seal will be. The result of the Mantoux test is evaluated after 72 hours.

Depending on the diameter of the papule (and not just the redness on the arm), the result is:

  • Normal reaction: if after the injection (for 2-3 days) no redness occurs and the seal does not exceed 1 mm, you can breathe easy. The result is negative.
  • If the papule (“button”) does not exceed 4 mm or only redness appears, then this result is considered to be doubtful.
  • Positive - this is the formation of a seal above the norm (5-16 mm). A positive reaction is still hyperergic.
  • A hyperpositive test looks like a seal over 17 mm or when pustules and sores form at the injection site. This result indicates the ingestion of a large number of bacteria and the possible infection with tuberculosis.
  • A false positive reaction in children has a great external resemblance to a positive reaction. The reason for a false positive result may be improper care of the sample: combing, strong friction with a washcloth, getting wet, sticking with a plaster, etc.

A positive Mantoux reaction "turn" may indicate that:

  1. The child was in contact with a patient with tuberculosis and he developed antibodies.
  2. The child is allergic, a cross-allergic reaction has occurred.
  3. And other reasons

Therefore, the child is referred for a consultation with a phthisiatrician. A phthisiatrician, he necessarily conducts a FLG examination of the whole family (often, according to the "turn" in children, tuberculosis is detected in relatives in the family). Next, the child is examined for tuberculosis and Diaskintest is performed.

Diaskintest- this is a diagnostic test, more specific, it contains proteins that are synthesized by the active mycobacterium (which is in the stage of reproduction), i.e. this test shows that in the body there is a mycobacterium in the stage of reproduction (active tuberculosis).

  • If a child has a positive Mantoux reaction, but negative Diaskintest, the child probably does not have active tuberculosis.
  • But if both results are positive, then you need to look for tuberculosis (lymph nodes, lungs, bones, internal organs, etc.)
  • These are the most common cases of diagnosis, but there are also complex cases, so only a phthisiatrician will help to figure out whether a child is infected.

If a child has a negative Mantoux reaction, this means that there are no antibodies in the body, and upon contact with a patient with tuberculosis, he not protected! Therefore, BCG is vaccinated in order for the weakened mycobacteria to be introduced into the body to synthesize its own antibodies. And in contact with a patient with tuberculosis - a child will be protected!

Previously, when children were not vaccinated with BCG, upon contact with a patient with tuberculosis, children died from disseminated tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis, etc. Mycobacterium is not restrained by anything, there is no immunity, it enters the bloodstream and causes widespread tuberculosis. And if a child is vaccinated and comes into contact with a patient with tuberculosis, then mycobacterium, entering the body, meets the resistance of the immune system - antibodies. Thus, vaccination saves children from deadly tuberculosis, even if the child gets sick, then in small forms that are easily treated.

A phthisiatrician gives an opinion for children and adults, only on the basis of:

  • Mantoux reactions,
  • Diaskintest reactions,
  • x-ray,
  • fluorography,
  • T-Spot.

Tuberculin test - proper care

The most popular question: "Is it possible to wet Mantoux?" At school, children are usually told: “Do not wet or scratch for three days!”. But that’s not all, you can’t stick it with a plaster, pinch it with clothes, rub it hard with a washcloth, or in some other way cause irritation on the skin. Otherwise, the result may be false positive, which will lead to an additional examination.

What not to eat after vaccination

During this period, it is better to exclude citrus fruits and chocolate from the diet, that is, foods that can cause allergies. If, nevertheless, the child accidentally wet Mantoux, then you do not need to take any drugs. Just gently wipe with a soft towel (do not rub!) And when examined by a phthisiatrician, be sure to warn him about this.


The most common and important contraindications are:

  1. skin diseases;
  2. Various acute or chronic infectious and somatic diseases (especially those that are in the acute stage);
  3. Allergic condition to something;
  4. Epilepsy;
  5. Colds and runny nose.
  6. It is not allowed to conduct a test in those groups where there is a quarantine for childhood infections - the Mantoux test is placed 1 month after the disappearance of all clinical symptoms or immediately after the quarantine is lifted.
  • Keeping in mind that with any vaccination, immunity tends to weaken and must be additionally developed for the injected injection, the Mantoux test should not be carried out together with any other vaccinations. Otherwise, there is a possibility of a false positive result.

Refusal of the sample

In accordance with the law, each parent may refuse to do the Mantoux reaction, since it is anti-tuberculosis care, that is, voluntary. How to refuse? Each clinic has a sample according to which an application is made. If only you are sure that your baby has never been in contact with TB patients anywhere, then you can safely refuse.

Withdrawal has no consequences other than that the unvaccinated child is still at greater risk of contracting TB. Therefore, whether your child needs a vaccine is up to you to decide.

Mantoux price

tuberculin test

Probably everyone remembers how we tested the Mantoux reaction in childhood, let's figure out what this Mantoux reaction is and why it is given to children.

What is the Mantoux reaction?

The Mantoux reaction is the main method of preventive examination of children for tuberculosis.

If there is a tuberculosis infection in the body, then such an immunological test will show this. Many people think that the presence of a tuberculosis infection in the body means that a person is sick, but this is not so. The fact is that sometimes a positive Mantoux reaction can also be the result of BCG vaccination (anti-tuberculosis vaccination), which was given to the child in the hospital.

What affects the Mantoux reaction?

Do not worry if the Mantoux reaction turned out to be positive, because the following factors can affect the result of the test:

  • food or drug allergies, and allergic dermatitis;
  • recent infection;
  • age;
  • skin sensitivity;
  • worms.

If your child was given a Mantoux reaction, then you should remember:

  • you can not smear the injection site with brilliant green, peroxide, iodine;
  • the sample must not be wetted with water or other liquids;
  • stick with adhesive tape;
  • do not allow the child to scratch the injection site.

How is the Mantoux test done?

Most often, the Mantoux test for children is done once a year in schools, kindergartens, etc. To do this, I use a special small tuberculin syringe, the sample is injected intradermally.
Most importantly, parents should not be afraid that without their knowledge the child will be tested, because the Mantoux reaction does not contain a tubercle bacillus, but only products of its vital activity, so you can not be afraid that your child may get sick because of this test TB is not real.

How are the results of the Mantoux reaction evaluated?

On the 2-3rd day after the introduction of tuberculin, a specific induration of the skin is formed. Perhaps a slightly reddened and rounded area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Such a seal looks like a small button, which is why people often call the Mantoux reaction a “button”. It is logical that the more the immune system in the body knows about the tubercle bacillus, the greater its response will be, and hence the size of the seal of our “button”.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

  • If there was temporary contact with a patient with an open form of tuberculosis;
  • If after a year the size of the “button” has grown and become, for example, 16mm;
  • If there are people who are sick or infected with tuberculosis in the family.

In such cases, the child is referred for an appointment with a pediatric phthisiatrician. To make a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes additional tests and sends the child for an x-ray. Of course, in some cases, the child is prescribed prophylactic treatment - a course of anti-tuberculosis drug (about 3 months).

Do you need a Mantoux reaction at all?

On this score, the World Health Organization answers in the affirmative - yes, it is simply necessary, since this is the fastest and easiest way to detect such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis at an early stage.