Cracks in the big toe. Why does the skin on the big toes crack and burst: causes and treatment


Fungal infections, unfavorable external conditions or pathological processes internal organs cause the skin between the toes to become very dry. If the problem is not eliminated in time, the epidermis begins to crack, causing pain and making it impossible to lead a full life.

If cracks appear between the toes, the causes and treatment will be different. Consider the main manifestations of skin changes and ways to eliminate unpleasant and painful symptoms.

Causes of cracks

Cracks between the toes require immediate treatment, as they will not disappear from the skin on their own, but over time they will become deeper and more painful. The photo demonstrates the ugliness of these skin lesions.

In order for the therapy to be effective, you need to find out the cause that caused the disease.

There are a lot of factors that provoke the appearance of cracks in the toes. Therefore, for the convenience of diagnosis, they were conditionally divided into 2 categories: external and internal.

External factors are caused by the impact on the skin from the outside:

  1. Poor-quality or tight shoes provoke a violation of the blood supply, which leads to increased sweating skin of the legs, and subsequently to cracks. In this case, most often a crack appears on the leg under the little finger.
  2. The fungus of the foot manifests itself as sweating of the feet, accompanied by a specific smell, peeling, diaper rash and itching, the appearance of deep cracks.
  3. Failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene.
  4. Prolonged contact of open areas of the foot with external stimuli.

External causes are most often manifested when elevated temperature air: spring or summer.

Internal factors are due chronic diseases, in which cracks between the fingers are one of the accompanying symptoms:

  • pathological changes in the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • excess weight;
  • circulatory diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • not balanced diet causing deficiency needed by the body vitamins and minerals.

Long or uncontrolled reception Many medications cause dry skin, which can lead to cracking.

To understand how to treat, it is necessary to go through a detailed medical examination. After all effective therapy will be when the cause that caused cracks in the skin between the fingers is eliminated. Particularly dangerous in this respect is the fungus on the legs: it not only brings aesthetic and physiological discomfort, but is also very contagious to others. Moreover, if treatment is not started in time, the fungus will spread to neighboring areas of the skin, affecting the nails and feet.

Danger of fungal infection

Fungus on the legs in most cases appears on the feet.

The lesion begins with the toes, moving into the interdigital space, and then spreading to the entire foot.

The photo shows what changes occur on the skin under the influence of foot fungus:

  • peeling;
  • redness;
  • exfoliation of the skin;
  • cracks.

Infected skin on the toes is sore, itchy, and very unsightly in appearance.

Infection with a fungal infection occurs in the presence of at least one of these factors:

  • reduced immunity;
  • circulatory disorders in the legs;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin of the feet and fingers;
  • increased sweating;
  • excessive dryness of the skin on the legs;
  • prolonged use of uncomfortable shoes made of poor quality materials.

Use of other people's personal hygiene products and frequent visits to places common use with high humidity (pools, baths, saunas) increases the risk of contracting a fungal infection several times.

The initial stage of the disease has mild symptoms, so many patients are in no hurry to apply for medical care, which leads to a deepening of the fungus in the layers of the skin and greatly complicates the treatment. Therefore, as soon as cracks appear under the toes or between them, you need to be examined by a dermatologist to rule out the possibility of developing a fungal infection.

Therapy with medications

Treatment for cracked toes depends on the cause that caused the symptom. So, how to treat a fungus on the legs should be determined by a dermatologist.

Despite the fact that the majority antifungal drugs sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, before buying, you should be examined by a dermatologist. This is because the infection is caused different types causative agent, which are detected in the process of laboratory research.

If the infection is in initial stage development, the doctor will prescribe an antifungal ointment or cream. The most popular of these include the following:

In the event that deep lesions of the skin are diagnosed, local therapy is combined with taking antifungal agents general action in the form of tablets.

If, after the examinations, the presence of a fungus was not detected, and you are sure that the damage to the fingers appeared due to external factors, you can use ointments and creams that are marked “Healing” or “Against cracks” on the package. To effective and proven medicines include the following topical preparations:

  • ointments containing urea;
  • "Dardia";
  • "Betadine".

It helps to get rid of cracks with ordinary Vaseline or Shostakovsky's ointment.

One of the best means that heals cracks in humans is the Zorka cream, which is used to treat the udder of cows. With a very specific smell and greasy texture, this product does not contain any cosmetic additives and fragrances, so it can be used even by allergy sufferers.

cure concomitant symptom chronic diseases, which is manifested by cracks in the legs, is possible only by eliminating the pathologies that caused them.

The preparations are presented in the form of oil for baths and balm. Both tools contain components on plant-based. In addition to healing properties, the drugs have good efficacy in the fight against bacteria and fungi. They can also be used as a prophylactic.

With their help, itching and irritation between the fingers are removed, cracks heal, and the skin receives moisture.

Possibilities of traditional medicine

It is also possible to treat cracks located between the toes using the proven methods offered by traditional medicine.

If the manifestation of symptoms is associated with pathologies of internal organs or a fungus, any treatment with folk remedies should be discussed with your doctor.

At home, it is effective to use the following methods:

  • foot baths;
  • lotions;
  • wrapping with "flat cakes" medicinal herbs;
  • skin treatment between the fingers.

Baths are made with the addition of soda or saline solution, decoction of herbs.

  1. Salt or soda is diluted in hot water in a ratio of 1 tsp. per litre. The procedure is carried out for half an hour at least 1 time per day.
  2. A mixture of dry herbs from chamomile, celandine and plantain is poured with a liter of very hot water. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  3. Grated laundry soap is mixed with soda in proportions of 2 to 1 and dissolved in hot water.
  4. succession and oak bark have excellent disinfecting and healing properties. To prepare the baths, the grass is poured with boiling water and poured into the water.
  5. Boric acid is diluted in boiling water in proportions of 2 tsp. for 2 liters;
  6. Well cope with the fungus baths, the basis of which - lemon juice or vinegar.

After the baths, the steamed skin is carefully cleaned and the damaged areas are lubricated with a nourishing cream.

These methods are also effective for eliminating the fungus. The difference in use is to replace the nourishing cream with hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

People suffering diabetes, you can’t steam your toes in the baths!

You can treat cracks with the help of lotions. They are effective even with deep damage to the skin layers.

  1. 10 tablets acetylsalicylic acid ceiling, mix with 100 ml ethyl alcohol and 25 ml of iodine. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and spread on the affected areas.
  2. Honey in liquid form is smeared in the evening, before going to bed on the affected interdigital septa, put on socks and go to bed. In the morning, wash off the remnants of the lotion with non-hot water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
  3. Oatmeal is boiled in water for 10 minutes, mixed with 3-4 tbsp. l. olive oil. The prepared mixture is laid out in 2 bags, each of which is put on the legs for 2 hours. Then the feet are thoroughly washed and the cream is smeared on them.

Do-it-yourself pine needle oil has an excellent wound-healing effect. Mix needles and boiling water in equal proportions and simmer in a water bath for about half an hour. Add a teaspoon of camphor and a tablespoon of soft butter to the ingredients.

It is necessary to smear the affected skin with oil immediately after using the foot baths.

All procedures are well combined with foot and toe massage. With its help, blood circulation improves, so the cracks heal faster.

Preventive measures

Skin lesions between the toes cause a lot of discomfort to their owners. So that this trouble does not touch you or does not happen again, you need to follow the rules of prevention:

  • provide a complete and balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • in the evenings, cleanse the skin of the feet with peeling products;
  • use a nourishing or moisturizing cream;
  • buy shoes made of quality materials in the appropriate size;
  • use preventive anti-fungal sprays when visiting common areas;
  • do not use other people's personal hygiene items;
  • regularly perform foot massage;
  • follow all the doctor's recommendations in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Compliance with these simple rules will avoid the appearance of damage between the fingers and maintain health and attractive appearance.

Too dry skin of the feet is the cause of cracks. Cracks in the toes or heels are accompanied by pain when walking, and in hot weather they are a favorable environment for the reproduction of foot fungus. The disease develops against the background of excessive dryness of the skin of the foot. Negative factors environment affect the destruction of the upper layer of the skin, as a result, conditions appear for the unhindered penetration of microbes into the inner layer foot skin. This leads to the formation of small cracks at first, which a person often does not pay attention to.

Over time, small cracks become deeper. Deep cracks are a favorable environment for the development of bacterial and fungal diseases, resulting in severe pain when walking and itching. It should be remembered that cracks in the toes and heels are not aesthetic, but physiological problem Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of cracks in time, and start treatment in a timely manner.

The reasons

The reasons for the formation of cracks can be due to various factors, including:

  • improperly selected shoes, too narrow or too wide, the wearing of which leads to impaired blood circulation;
  • beriberi caused by a lack of B vitamins, vitamin A and E;
  • dehydration of the body, including caused by the presence of a disease thyroid gland;
  • foot fungus that causes excessive dryness and itching;
  • insufficient foot hygiene;
  • foot injuries caused by frequent walking barefoot.

If cracks appear on the skin of the legs, you should think about what reasons could cause excessive dryness of the skin. Most often, cracked toes are caused by wearing too much tight shoes made from poor quality materials. When walking, the foot sweats and if closed shoes are made of artificial material, moisture is not absorbed and is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and fungi. In this case, you should always wear socks made from natural fabrics, such as cotton.

Cracked heels are often caused by wearing flip flops. When walking, the sole of such shoes constantly hits the heel, thereby disrupting blood microcirculation, which leads to cracks. Treatment of cracks in the skin, first of all, begins with the identification and elimination of the cause that caused the development of the disease.


Don't expect cracked toes to go away on their own. First, the cause of the cracks should be eliminated. If the reason was uncomfortable shoes, it should be replaced with a more comfortable option. If dry skin is caused by beriberi, it is necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

The most common cause of cracks is a fungal infection. At home, the fungus helps to cure ordinary laundry soap, which should be used daily to wash the feet. If this remedy does not help, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment for the fungus using special medications. The treatment of cracked feet and toes is aimed primarily at softening dry and rough skin of the feet. For this, baths are used that soften and disinfect the skin.

  • Most effective procedures are foot baths with soda. To prepare such a bath, you need only 1 teaspoon. baking soda, a quarter of a tar bar or laundry soap and 2 liters of hot boiled water. Soap must be grated and mix all the ingredients. The prepared soap and soda solution is poured into the basin, where you should lower your legs for 20-40 minutes. After the procedure, the feet must be thoroughly dried and lubricated with a fat nourishing cream or oil.
  • Treatment of especially deep cracks is carried out using medical alcohol, iodine and acetylsalicylic acid.
  • A vial of alcohol (100 g), a vial of iodine and 10 powdered tablets of acetylsalicylic acid must be thoroughly mixed and poured into a darkened closed bottle. This mixture should be thoroughly lubricated cracks 3-4 times a day. Treatment with a similar composition is accompanied by the use of a fat foot cream or petroleum jelly, since the alcohol mixture not only disinfects cracks, but also dries the skin.
  • In order to eliminate dry feet, it is often recommended to use petroleum jelly or lanolin cream. Feet are generously smeared with cream, after which special cotton socks are put on.
  • Also excellent tool for healing cracks in the legs are baths and ointments based on calendula and chamomile.

Particular care should be taken to treat cracked legs in people suffering from thyroid disease or diabetes. In this case, you can’t steam your legs, so experts recommend using special hygiene products for people with diabetes, which include German foot oil SixtuMed. This oil is used both in foot baths and as a nourishing agent.

Usually, treatment takes 2-3 weeks, depending on what causes the development of the disease. If for some reason home treatment does not work, you should consult a specialist. To get rid of shallow cracks on the heels, provoked by wearing uncomfortable shoes, the hardware pedicure procedure, which is offered by all major beauty salons, will help. Also, this procedure is used for prevention, to prevent the appearance of cracks on the heels.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Cracks in the heels and between the toes can bring mass discomfort, so you should follow simple rules hygiene to prevent the development of the disease.

  1. Daily foot hygiene is the key to healthy skin. After a shower, you should always dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes, because a humid environment is favorable condition for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  2. The skin should always "breathe", so you should choose hosiery made exclusively from natural fabrics.
  3. Shoes for the warm season should be made of natural materials that provide good ventilation and prevent the accumulation of moisture. For the cold season, you should choose shoes that do not restrict the movement of the foot.
  4. When visiting a public swimming pool or sauna, you should always use personal hygiene products and wear your own flip-flops. Similar public places are the first place where there is a risk of infection with foot fungus.
  5. Foot massage helps to improve blood microcirculation in the foot and helps to prevent the development of the disease. Massage should be carried out regularly, 1-2 times a week, using a special nourishing oil.
  6. To prevent excessive dryness of the skin of the feet will help the use of a special nourishing cream. You should also use foot baths with the addition of medicinal herbs 1-2 times a week, which are an excellent natural antiseptic.
  7. You should be careful about your diet, provide the body with enough essential vitamins and avoid dehydration.

These simple rules will help to avoid the occurrence of cracks and ensure the beauty and health of the legs.

Almost everyone has been injured at some point in their life. Injuries can occur anywhere - on the street, at work, in own apartment. The main thing in the situation that has arisen is an exact understanding of how to provide emergency care the victim, what symptoms indicate a crack in the bone, what to do to help the victim.

A fracture in the bone of the lower limb is different from a "full" fracture. A crack is a type of fracture, its incomplete version, representing partial damage bone tissue. More often cracks occur when damaged flat bones. In these cases, there is no displacement of bone fragments.

Cracks in the bones of the legs are the result of direct mechanical damage- falls or hard hit. In this case, the strength of the bone is inferior to the force of the acting load. The supporting function of the bone is preserved. Distinctive feature fracture - when it occurs, the displacement of bone fragments occurs, the supporting function of the bone is lost.

According to the amount of damage to one area of ​​the bone tissue, cracks are divided into single and multiple. Relative to the axial line, the bones of the lower limb are oblique, linear or spiral.

The following are the main symptoms of a bone fracture:

  1. First of all, the victim begins to complain of severe pain at the point of damage to the bone tissue. The pain sharply increases when you try to move your leg, touch the affected area, try to palpate the site of injury. Pain at rest is dull, muffled, slight tingling or a feeling of slight pulsation are possible. Doctors explain the appearance of pain by the fact that the process does not include complete structure bones, mostly periosteum. The periosteum has large quantity pain receptors sending impulses to the brain about damage.
  2. The next symptom is fast development swelling of the damaged area. Edema develops rapidly, growing right before our eyes. The subsidence of edema on the finger or other part of the leg begins after a day.
  3. Frequent Clinical signs, indicating the presence of a crack in the leg - hematoma. The size of the hematoma is extensive. The appearance of a bruise is due to mechanical rupture blood vessels feeding the periosteum.
  4. because of severe pain and swelling, the injured limb loses mobility. Often, to alleviate the condition, the victims are forced to take a forced position that promotes the outflow of blood from the injured limb, reducing pain and swelling.

Any damage to the bone tissue of the leg can be extremely serious, even if at first glance there are no pronounced clinical symptoms. Each case of injury becomes a reason for compulsory circulation to the doctor.

Damage diagnostics

A traumatologist or orthopedist conducts a thorough examination of the affected limb, directs the patient for an X-ray examination.

On an x-ray, the type of damage to the bone or soft tissues is assessed, it is found out whether the injury has become a bruise or a crack. The doctor will evaluate the size of the damage on the picture, the condition of the adjacent soft tissues, the presence of a hematoma and the displacement of bone fragments. Correct timely diagnosis serves as a guarantee of further correct tactics of treating the patient and a guarantee of a speedy recovery.

If small bones, foot bones, or ankle joint, X-ray does not always provide comprehensive information about the state of the limb. Appoint additional research- Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is performed. Examinations will help determine the exact location and depth of bone tissue damage.

Emergency care and therapy

Even before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim. Immediately after the injury, it is required to rest the injured limb, apply cold to the sore spot. The first rule is to ensure rest for the injured leg, to exclude stress. Bed rest is desirable. The term of limitation of mobility varies, depending on the size and nature of the crack. The final decision on how much to observe the rest regimen will be made by the attending physician.

After the x-ray examination immobilize the affected limb. A plaster cast or splint is often used. The duration of wearing depends on the age of the victim, the state of health, the nature and depth of damage to the bone tissue. In some cases, it is possible to do without the imposition of gypsum and apply a special bandage - an orthosis, or elastic bandaging. Orthoses for lower extremities made of lightweight plastic and elastic synthetic materials. Wearing an orthosis allows you to stand on your feet in a short time.

In case of severe pain syndrome, treatment with painkillers is prescribed. medicines. Appointed special diet, contributing to the rapid formation of cartilage.

Compared to a fracture, healing of a crack is easier, faster, and does not require radical therapeutic measures. The recovery time for bone integrity depends on age and general condition patient. The older the victim, the more time occupy repair processes in the body, therefore, the more time will be required for treatment and rehabilitation after a crack.

The average duration of the course of treatment is 4 - 6 weeks. Full course rehabilitation lasts a longer time - 4 - 6 months.

Initially, in the place of violation of the integrity of the bone tissue, cartilage tissue begins to grow. At this time, the use of products that increase the synthesis of collagen and other components of cartilage is recommended. Recommended products include fatty varieties sea ​​fish, jelly, dishes containing gelatin.

Education cartilage tissue usually takes 2-3 weeks. Then the diet needs to be changed. Begin to take food, including excess calcium. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that calcium is poorly absorbed by the body. For optimal absorption of the element, it is necessary to take it in combination with vitamin D. Normally, the body produces vitamin D on its own under the influence ultraviolet rays. Sometimes the sun is not enough, especially in the cold season, when there are few sunny days, a person wears warm clothes that do not allow sun rays to the surface of the skin. Then the vitamin is supposed to be taken additionally.

A lot of calcium is found in dairy products, salmon fish bones, sardines. Sufficient quantity contains calcium ions egg yolk, asparagus, cabbage and dec become an indispensable part of the diet for a cracked bone.

Disease prognosis

The prognosis for bone fractures in the finger or leg is favorable, provided timely treatment for medical care and compliance with the recommendations of a traumatologist. Then unpleasant consequences not happening. In the absence of proper treatment, the crack will increase in size, leading to complete break bones, displacement of bone fragments, malunion, deformation of the lower limb and violation of its physiological functions.

The resulting hematoma is able to become infected, leading to the formation of a phlegmonous process or gangrene of the limb.

Given the facts mentioned, you should not delay visiting a doctor and hoping that the injury will heal on its own. Having received even a minor injury at first glance, it is better to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and, if necessary, treat the injured area. Delaying a visit to the doctor, wrong treatment will lead to long-term treatment injury and serious consequences.

Features of childhood trauma

In children, symptoms of fractures in the bones of the limbs are common, especially babies under one year old. Often in children, trauma to the bone tissue is accompanied by damage to blood vessels and the formation of a hematoma.

A feature of childhood is the high elasticity of bone tissue, which causes frequent fractures depressed character. The prognosis for injuries in children is always very serious, requiring immediate medical attention.

Typical for childhood damage is the type of green twig, when the bone is injured, and the periosteum is not damaged.

Healing processes and treatment in childhood occur much faster and more successfully than adults.

Complications after injury and rehabilitation

Complications of a bone fracture of the lower limb are not very common and are associated with the absence proper treatment. For example, deformity of the arch of the foot varying degrees, leading to a violation of functionality and the development of immobility of the foot. Frequent complication sometimes chronic pain syndrome. A distant consequence of the crack will be arthrosis of the joint where the injury occurred. If the crack does not heal for a long time or develops into a fracture with displacement of fragments, angular deformity develops, surgery will be required.

When the crack heals, the doctor gives permission for the patient to step on the injured leg. This happens after 1.5 months of treatment. Loads at this time must be dosed.

The doctor prescribes special complexes physiotherapy exercises, contributing to the restoration of the function of the damaged leg area, massage and physiotherapy.

Nobody is surprised by the problem with excessive dryness and dehydration of the skin of the body, as a result of which the skin on the toes in adults and children cracks. The peak of the problem falls on summer period when hot and dry air hovers around, and makes even the deepest particles of moisture in the skin evaporate. That is why you can understand why the skin between the toes cracks, because it is almost completely devoid of moisture. Although, dryness is one thing, and the fungus is another.

If we are talking specifically about mycosis (skin fungus), then the situation with dryness only contributes to its progression, but is not the cause of its occurrence. There are always bacteria on the skin of the feet, but when the feet are overheated or hypothermic, as well as in the process of wearing narrow stuffy shoes, the foot fungus begins its activation. It is because of epidermophytosis (mycosis) that the skin between the toes and around them cracks, especially under the nails.

Reasons why the skin of the toes and heels cracks

Causes in children:

Particular attention should be paid to the problem if the skin on the toes of a child cracks, because children's body is still being formed, which means that he is not ready to actively resist the fungus of the skin of the feet as an adult. True, often in children the cause of cracks in the feet is not due to a fungus. As a rule, the cause of the aggressor is an allergy: this is a food irritant allergen, and cosmetics or personal hygiene items in the form of soap or shower gel, and up to washing powder, which simply may not be accepted by the skin of the legs. Beyond all given reasons, do not forget about the active development of the child's body and its need for trace elements and vitamins, with a lack of which the skin of the legs will crack, peel and peel off no less actively than from mycosis.

Causes in adults:

In an adult, everything is slightly different, because the body is formed and the balance of all elements has long been established, and what is missing is actively absorbed with food. But the moment of dryness of the skin could easily explain why the skin is cracking on the big toe. This problem is very easily solved, it is necessary to provide proper hydration to the feet. pharmacy cream on the cosmetic oils and with vitamins. And after bath procedures, remove dead skin particles with pumice stone, for faster regeneration of new skin cells.

Often the reasons why the skin on the heels of women cracks lie in their lifestyle and behavior. For example, if a woman is on a diet or limits the completeness of her diet because of her unwillingness to get better, she thereby limits the intake of vitamins A and E, without which the skin begins to crack. In addition, the abundance cosmetics which girls like to use can dry out the skin of the legs and cause dryness and, as a result, cracks in the epithelium.

For approximately the same reasons, the skin on the heels of men cracks, although in addition to the above factors, it is worth adding a higher physical activity while working during the day. As well as promiscuity in nutrition, it forces them to take an additional complex of vitamins for prevention, which men are usually not used to doing, and therefore acquire such a skin problem faster than women.

What to do if the skin on the fingers and heels cracks

It is vital for any organism, regardless of age and gender, to receive all kinds of usefulness and nutrients from fresh healthy diet nutrition. But sometimes even when good nutrition, not everything is absorbed into the body, and even more so, not everything reaches the skin of the legs. The problem arises - what to do if the skin on the heels cracks, how to treat such an ailment with folk home methods? The answer is simple: start eating foods with high content vitamins A, D and E. Your first and main treatment is proper nutrition.

When the skin on the toes cracks and bursts, the causes of what is happening are related to beriberi or hypovitaminosis, you should go through comprehensive course vitamin therapy. And also in the diet to increase portions of such products:

  • fresh red and green apples;
  • if possible, fresh bell pepper (in season);
  • walnuts and almonds;
  • tangerines, oranges, kiwi;
  • olive and sunflower oil;
  • fresh carrots;
  • persimmons (in season) and dried apricots (year-round).

Folk recipes how to treat cracked heels

  • Apple vinegar : mix 1 to 1 water with apple cider vinegar, moisten the feet well with this mixture and wrap it in gauze and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash well with a pumice stone and lubricate with a nourishing moisturizer.
  • Onion ointment : finely chop two medium onions and pour them with a glass of warmed sunflower oil (not refined). Heat this mixture in a frying pan and brown the onion until golden brown. Then add a couple of tablespoons of melted beeswax. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, strain, pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Lubricate her legs before going to bed for 1-2 weeks until the cracks on the feet and toes are eliminated.
  • Herbal baths : per liter of water, a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of herbs of dry nettle, sage and chamomile. After steaming the legs in such a hot tub let them dry and smear with a nourishing moisturizer. An excellent prophylactic.

As for the treatment of foot fungus, it is better to consult a dermatologist and take a smear from the skin to clarify the diagnosis. As a rule, in the usual case, the treatment is with corticosteroid ointment and antibacterial lotions.

Cracks in the toes are the result of exposure to adverse external factors, or internal pathological processes organism. The skin dries intensely, which requires prompt elimination of the problem with the help of appropriate therapy.

Causes of cracked skin

Cracks between the toes are an extremely unpleasant, but treatable ailment. It is accompanied by pain. And the aesthetic side of the problem is shown in the photo. The optimal method of treatment is selected based on the causes of the phenomenon.

How rather a doctor establishes a diagnosis, the sooner therapy can begin, pain will pass, and the legs will regain their original appearance. You can not delay, otherwise it will take longer to recover.

There are many factors that can cause cracks near the toes. But all of them are divided into two relatively conditional categories, namely, external and internal.


These causes of cracking of the skin are of a different nature, depending on the source of exposure to the skin.


  • Tight or poor quality shoes - if the shoes, boots or sneakers are even a size smaller than required, this can slow down the blood flow to the foot. So, the blood supply is disturbed, and this entails an increased separation of sweat from the surface of the skin of the feet. Sweat and the salts it contains cause crackles. If this is the reason, then the skin under the little finger is exposed.
  • - the fungus causes increased sweating. Sweat has an unpleasant specific smell. The fungus between the fingers leads to peeling and severe itching. Skin lesions are very deep, and the process of their appearance is accompanied by diaper rash.
  • neglect of personal hygiene - prolonged contact open leg with any external irritants will not cause such significant damage as a fungus, but they also cause a lot of trouble.
  • prolonged exposure to external stimuli - accompanying conditions for the manifestation of external factors - heat air. Most often, the skin cracks because of them in spring and summer.


When the cause of cracking of the skin around the nails becomes internal factors means that the patient has chronic or acute diseases. In this case cracked skin covering feet is a symptom of one of the diseases.

Internal factors:

  • thyroid pathology;
  • diabetes of different types;
  • overweight;
  • circulatory problems;
  • lack of normal nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins.

Another factor that often becomes a prerequisite for the formation and development of a problem is the long-term use of drugs. Many medicines have this side effect.

More about fungal infections

No treatment should be started on your own without consulting a doctor. In particular, we are talking about fungal infections. The fungus is not only unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view.

It causes serious discomfort. But the main thing is that its carrier often infects others, and not only family members, but also strangers. Running cases lead to the fact that the infection spreads further down the foot.

If there is a crack on the nail thumb feet suspect fungal infection. Defeat starts here, then goes on.

After that, the following effects are observed:

  • exfoliation of the skin;
  • redness of the integument;
  • exfoliation of the epidermis;
  • deepening of cracks.

The development of the disease is accompanied severe itching. Itching and cracks are the main companions of any foot fungus. Additional factors in which a fungus develops between the fingers are reduced immunity, circulatory problems in the lower extremities, excessive sweating, or, conversely, dryness.

In no case should you use other people's personal hygiene products. Visit public areas with caution.

In the initial stage, the fungus is not pronounced, so rarely does anyone immediately go to the doctor. Only when it starts to crack and itch strongly under the toes, then the patient is sent to a medical facility.

Cracks in the legs in children

If the child's legs are cracked, do not be afraid of this. The reasons are similar to those that are typical for adults.

role played like external factors, and violations of the functioning of the child's body:

  • wrong shoes;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • non-compliance with hygiene standards;
  • trauma;
  • infections;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • psoriasis.

If there is a crack on the big toe or, conversely, on the little toe, the reason is most likely in the shoes. The toes rub against the rough and uncomfortable material and their skin changes.

If a child wears socks or tights made of low-quality fabrics containing synthetics, his feet and toes experience constant friction, while at the same time disturbing air circulation.

Excess moisture constantly accumulates, which, with hygienic standards, creates an environment for the reproduction of bacteria. The same applies to plaster bandages, which are superimposed after fractures of the lower extremities.

Children are less likely than adults to suffer from fungal diseases, but such situations do occur. If the foot hurts and itches, it is almost certainly a foot fungus.

Additional symptoms supporting the diagnosis:

  • burning;
  • weeping wounds;
  • delamination of the epithelium.

In the presence of any symptoms, the final diagnosis will be made by the doctor.

Allergic reactions and psoriasis are fairly common. Children react to allergens in different ways, and cracked skin on the lower extremities is one such manifestation.

Psoriasis - hereditary disease, during which neoplasms occur throughout the body, peel and crack. And the legs are no exception.

How to get rid of the problem

When an illness occurs, the natural question of each patient is: how to treat cracks? There is a possibility self-treatment, but it cannot be used.

Only when there is confidence in the cause of the problem, namely after a visit to the doctor. In cases where they look frightening, a visit to the doctor is required.

Which doctor treats cracked skin? Dermatologist or mycologist. But patients come to them after contacting a therapist. The dermatologist or mycologist will decide which therapy is appropriate for specific case. There are several treatment options.

Folk remedies

If the origin of the disease is uncomfortable shoes, they will help folk remedies. In other cases - only medication.

Folk include:

  • foot baths;
  • ointment based on needles;
  • tincture on a mixture of aspirin and iodine.

These options can, if not completely eliminate the problem, then greatly alleviate the patient's condition.

Medical therapy

If the area of ​​cracked areas is small, for example, between the little finger and ring finger, then you can use pharmaceutical preparations:

  • "Nutraderm";
  • "Carmol";
  • "Super Glu".

When a cracked toe and interdigital area is caused by a foot fungus, a dermatologist will prescribe other medications.

This is a group of imidazoles, among which the main ones are:

  • Econazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Miconazole.

Any of medicines applied until complete recovery, as well as for the next three weeks to consolidate the result. During pregnancy, drugs are prescribed with caution.


To avoid the situations described above, it is necessary constant prevention. Just a few simple recommendations: taking vitamins of groups A, E, B, maintaining optimal skin moisture, hygiene, choosing high-quality shoes.