Accounting for the organizational structure of the group and the calculation of full ownership shares.

"1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" is an application solution designed to automate a wide range of tasks related to planning activities and monitoring the effectiveness of companies of various sizes, as well as preparing consolidated reports for various purposes.

The applied solution is available in two versions: "1C: Consolidation 8", "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF".

The Standard option is intended for budgetary management of individual companies and small holdings, as well as for automating tasks related to the preparation and analysis of consolidated management and regulatory reporting.

The PROF option, compared to the Standard option, has a number of additional functionality that is necessary to automate the management of the business performance of large holdings, as well as the preparation of separate and consolidated financial statements submitted in accordance with IFRS.

2017: Termination of sales and support of the product "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF"

The 1C company announced in September that from 04/01/2018 the sale of software products that provide the ability to use the PROF Consolidation configuration will be discontinued:

  • 4601546092007 "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF";
  • 4601546041043 "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF (USB)";
  • 4601546041067 "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF. Remote office license";
  • 4601546041050 "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF. Laptop license";
  • 2900000067455 "1C: Consolidation 8 NFR".

The configuration "Consolidation PROF" was developed on the currently outdated version 8.2 of the "1C: Enterprise" platform. This configuration can be used with the modern version 8.3 of the platform only when version 8.2 compatibility mode is enabled. The configuration does not support integration with modern accounting systems running on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

Currently, the functional development of the configuration "Consolidation PROF" is not carried out and is not planned in the future. Also, it is not planned to transfer the configuration "Consolidation PROF" to the platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3".

The release of configuration updates "Consolidation PROF" is possible until the end of 2019 only to fix critical errors if they are detected. Starting January 1, 2020, support for this product will be discontinued.

To automate budgeting, treasury, and the preparation of consolidated reporting, 1C recommends that users of the PROF Consolidation configuration use a modern application solution for the corporate market - 1C: Holding Management 8. This application solution, in addition to the functions of "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF", offers automation of the following functions:

  • accounting and tax accounting based on "1C: Accounting 8 CORP";
  • corporate taxes;
  • management of investment projects and assets;
  • management of credit, currency, interest risks;
  • management of commercial and financing contracts;
  • IFRS accounting, including smart closing tools;
  • reconciliation portal for intragroup transactions;
  • centralized procurement management.

2014: Removed from sale "1C: Consolidation 8 Standard", replacement for the version "PROF" in the presence of the contract 1C: ITS

Firm "1C" announced in November, 2014 removal from production and sale from 12/20/2014 of software products 4601546091994 "1C: Consolidation 8" and 4601546040152 "1C: Consolidation 8 (USB)".

These products contain the "Consolidation" configuration of the "Standard" version, developed on the now obsolete version 8.1 of the "1C:Enterprise" platform. This configuration does not support integration with modern accounting systems running on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform. Functional development of the "Consolidation" configuration of the "Standard" version has not been carried out since 2011, its transfer to the "1C:Enterprise 8.3" platform is not planned. Release of updates of a configuration "Consolidation" of the version "Standard" is possible till the end of 2014 in case of detection of critical errors. Starting January 1, 2015, support for this product will be discontinued.

The product 4601546040183 "1C: Consolidation 8. Additional license for a laptop" is also removed from sales.

To solve problems related to the preparation and analysis of consolidated management and regulatory reporting, 1C recommends users of the "Consolidation" configuration of the "Standard" version to use the "Consolidation PROF" configuration.

The configuration "Consolidation PROF" has a number of additional functionality that is necessary to automate the management of business performance of large holdings, as well as the preparation of separate and consolidated IFRS statements (). A further development of the configuration "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" is the software product "1C: Holding Management 8", the beta version of which has already been released, see information letter No. 18680 dated 08/11/2014.


Budgeting and management reporting

Budgetary management of the company allows you to formulate business goals in measurable key indicators, plan activities in accordance with them, control resources during the implementation of plans and analyze the results achieved. In general, budgetary management makes it possible to reduce systemic risks during the development of the company and the deterioration of the market situation by rationing resources and increasing the level of financial control in the company.

"1C: Consolidation 8" is a universal solution for automating budget management functions both at the level of a holding and a separate business unit.

  • The application solution has effective means of importing information from various accounting and management systems (including in MS Excel format), which makes it possible to reduce input labor intensity and increase trust in actual data.
  • Implemented methods of remote access, such as a web interface, distributed infobases, allow organizing geographically distributed data processing.
  • This significantly reduces the complexity of entering the initial data and improves the quality of reporting.
  • Seamless integration with application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (including decoding to documents of management and accounting systems on the 1C:Enterprise platform versions 7.7 and 8) allows you to combine various information systems into a single information space and reduce the load on the IT service.
  • The end business user has the opportunity to independently determine the list of necessary classifiers, analysts, indicators, develop budget models and reporting sets for various purposes.
  • Both planning paradigms, "multidimensional tables" and "planning from business transactions", are supported.
  • During planning, the user has the ability to predict the dynamics of indicators using various options for calculating, consolidating and distributing indicators, as well as the functions of "rolling planning" and "planning from achieved", quickly form the necessary budgets. At the same time, it is possible to combine bottom-up and top-down planning methodologies and use the mechanism of automatic elimination of intra-group turnovers.
  • Support for multicurrency and multilingualism provides the necessary form of presentation of budgets and corporate reporting.
  • Developed functions for managing the organizational and financial structure of the group provide a convenient formation of a hierarchy of various (including intersecting) consolidation perimeters, which makes it possible to maintain the necessary principles for the allocation of financial responsibility centers.
  • Process management tools allow you to regulate the budget process and distribute responsibility between its participants.
  • To harmonize budgets, the system allows using customizable routes of any complexity.
  • Automatic notification of interested employees about the progress of the approval process, commenting and budget versioning functions ensure effective interaction in the planning process.
  • It is possible from "1C: Consolidation 8" after the completion of planning to automatically set limits on cash flow items in "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8". This allows you to control operations on budget expenditure items created in the 1C: Consolidation 8 solution when coordinating treasury requests in 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.
  • Thanks to the ability to use a web client, the system allows you to reduce time, improve the quality of planning and operational analysis of budget execution by including remote business units in the budget process.

Business analysis

  • The business analysis subsystem allows you to receive the necessary information at the right time (including automatically by e-mail) in a form convenient for analysis, regardless of the sources of initial data and the management and accounting systems used in the company.
  • Analysis functions include the ability to conduct "What if?", plan-fact, ABC, factor analysis, as well as data mining, which allows you to identify non-obvious patterns in large amounts of information.
  • With the help of an appropriate reference model, which includes 50 financial indicators, the system allows for financial analysis of statements with the issuance of a textual opinion on the current and projected financial position of business units and the group as a whole.
  • "1C: Consolidation" provides the ability to analyze the performance of the holding and its individual business units from anywhere in the world using the "Key Indicators Monitor", "Analytical Reports", "Analytical Panels" tools that are available in web client mode. Aggregated or calculated indicators can be sequentially deciphered up to the document of an external accounting system.

Centralized Treasury

The subsystem of the centralized treasury is designed to automate the centralized control over payments of a group of companies.

The subsystem allows you to increase the efficiency of cash management of a group of companies due to the following features:

  • centralized control over payments of organizational units;
  • operational inventory of settlement accounts and the status of mutual settlements;
  • compensation of cash gaps and reduction of the level of unused cash on settlement accounts with the help of intra-group cash transfers;
  • improving the feasibility of the cash flow budget, speeding up the procedures for coordinating payments.

The subsystem provides:

  • consolidation of planned and actual payment flows;
  • organizational units of the group of companies;
  • cash flow planning;
  • limiting cash flows and balances;
  • management of the planned cash flows of the group of companies.

Thanks to the functionality for entering and placing applications for spending funds via the Internet, the subsystem makes it possible to increase the efficiency of centralized control and management of funds of a geographically distributed holding.

Preparation of separate and consolidated IFRS financial statements

In addition to the described features focused on budget management automation, the PROF version of the 1C: Consolidation 8 application solution has the necessary set of tools for preparing separate and consolidated financial statements submitted in accordance with IFRS.

  • Any number of plans of indicators is supported, setting up procedures for translating financial information from plans of accounts of accounting decisions.
  • Manual and automated transformational adjustments were implemented, leveling differences in the accounting policies of RAS and IFRS.
  • Functions for registering organizational changes in a group of companies allow servicing complex schemes of mutual investments between holding companies.
  • Developed functions for importing and incoming control of reporting make it possible to ensure high quality of initial information and reduce the complexity of routine operations.
  • Process management features, combined with automatic transformational adjustment templates, potentially allow one-click consolidated IFRS statements.
  • In the applied solution, serious attention is paid to the auditability of information. Various types of decryption are supported, including transformational and consolidation tables, as well as decryption to an accounting document of an external infobase. A graphical representation of the dependencies between various reporting indicators in the form of a tree facilitates the decomposition of calculated indicators and verification of the correctness of algorithms.

The complex of the considered tools allows analyzing, modeling, monitoring key indicators and planning the development of a geographically distributed business in a single environment. In addition, the system allows you to automate the full cycle of preparation of consolidated financial statements of RAS and IFRS.

The application solution "1C: Consolidation 8" was developed in close cooperation with KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Management of regulatory and reference information of the holding

In order to ensure comparability and consistency of analytical information imported from external information bases on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, the configuration supports the following functions for managing regulatory reference information (RDI) of the holding:

  • import and storage of information about the structure of directories of management and accounting systems;
  • synchronization of internal directories "1C: Consolidation 8" and directories of external systems;
  • import of master data both during the reporting import session and on demand;
  • removal of duplicates in NSI from various external sources;
  • centralized maintenance and approval of changes made to reference corporate classifiers;
  • transfer of the standardized reference data to consumer systems on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.


The application solution "1C Consolidation" is designed to automate a wide range of tasks. "Consolidation 8" plans and controls the performance of companies of various sizes (groups of companies, branch structures, individual companies). Also, with the help of "1C Consolidation" the preparation of reports for various purposes is effectively formed.

Program features

With the help of 1C Consolidation, company employees, ranging from financiers and specialists from the IFRS department to leading top managers, can solve their tasks based on complete and reliable data throughout the company.

For top managers of the company, consolidation in the program allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • work with management reporting in a form convenient for interpretation;
  • conducting an analysis of the enterprise's activities, including the identification of general structural dependencies, changes in indicators, the determination of the components of certain dependencies and deviations;
  • ensure a rational balance between centralization and delegation of planning and control functions in the management company and dependent organizations;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of the companies included in the group;
  • analysis of financial flows within the company;
  • formation of a common budget process within the group of companies.

The following functions will be useful to the financial service in the 1C Consolidation software solution:

  • the ability to decipher any summary indicators to the primary document. This function is possible due to the interaction of the 1C Consolidation PROF solution with other accounting systems on the 1C platform;
  • implementation of intra-company requirements for financial reporting;
  • automatic reconciliation and elimination of intragroup transactions through the use of built-in tools.

Specialists of the IFRS service in the 1C Consolidation program receive the following opportunities:

  • use of multicurrency. Converting indicators in accordance with IAS 21;
  • consolidation of data taking into account the main provisions of IAS 24, 27, 28, 31, IFRS 3;
  • various data aggregation methods, including single-stage and multi-stage;
  • analysis of investors and dependent parties;
  • calculation of total group ownership and minority interest for groups with complex mutual investments. Implemented the formation of a visual report (unlike similar programs).
  • calculation of goodwill and accounting for the acquisition (or loss) of control over companies during the period of the combination;
  • reconciliation and interpretation of information.

Additional Information

Applied Solution « 1C Consolidation is available in two versions:

  • "1C: Consolidation 8"
  • "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF"

The standard version of Consolidation 8 is designed for budgetary management of individual companies and small holdings, as well as automating tasks related to the preparation and analysis of consolidated management and regulatory reporting in 1C.

Information analysis is possible, including through graphical presentation of information, multi-layer analysis, comparative factorial analysis of information using a visual report.

A full-text search mechanism has been introduced, which provides a quick search for information, by keywords, in the entire infobase (including saved files).

Version 8 of the PROF version, compared to the Standard version, has a number of additional features that are necessary to automate the management of business performance of large holdings, as well as the preparation of separate and consolidated financial statements submitted in accordance with IFRS.

Consolidation in the program "1C" version 8 generates reports in full compliance with the internal requirements of the organization, as well as the requirements of the law.

At the reporting import stage, various options for setting up, collecting and incoming information control are provided, which significantly reduces the complexity of work and minimizes the number of errors in the received data.

Consolidation of the PROF version provides for the possibility of selecting information without uploading and importing information through files directly from external information bases, which significantly reduces the time for working with source data and improves the quality of information.

The advanced organizational change management mechanism in the PROF Consolidation program allows you to take into account mergers and acquisitions of companies even in the middle of the reporting period.

Thus, the program "Consolidation 8" "1C" provides automation of the entire cycle of preparing reports for arbitrary purposes and corporate reporting.

This solution is for:

Consolidation of accounting and management reporting of business units using various 1C configurations (TiS, Bukh 7.7, Bukh 8, UT 8, etc.)
- budgetary management of companies
- transformation of reporting into other standards (RAS, IFRS, GAAP, etc.)

The application solution provides not only planning and execution reporting processing rules as a set of interrelated stages, but also the definition of participants in this process and their roles. The program supports multicurrency.

Support multi-scenario when processing reports and the ability to operate with different versions of regulatory and reference information provide the possibility of plan-fact and "What if?" analysis of reporting indicators.

The applied solution includes methodological models (cases) .
Each methodical model contains:

Plan of indicators for reporting and analytical measurements;
- a set of report forms and rules for their processing;
- template of the reporting processing process;
- analytical reports and panels.

Methodological models can be used directly or modified during the implementation of 1C Consolidation 8.

Methodological model "Budgeting of a trading company"

The methodological model "Budgeting of a trading company" contains a basic set of elements of the budget process, typical for wholesale trading companies and is focused on supporting the functions of planning, limiting and controlling the operating activities of companies of the specified profile in the short and medium term horizons and the following perspectives:

- external financing;
- movement of goods and materials;

- aggregated representation of income and expenses of the company;
- flow of funds; structure of current assets and liabilities;
- integral operational and financial indicators (key performance indicators).

Methodological model "Budgeting of a group of companies"

The methodological model "Budgeting of a group of companies" contains a basic set of elements of the budget process inherent in diversified groups of companies and is focused on supporting planning, limiting and controlling the operating, investment and financial activities of both individual companies and the group of companies as a whole on short and medium-term planning horizons .

The methodological model covers the following management objects:

Sales, mutual settlements with contractors;
- movement of goods and materials;
- the structure of commercial and management costs and expenses;
- income and expenses of the company;
- flow of funds;
- the structure of current assets and liabilities;
- attraction and placement of credits and loans;
- investment and return on investment.

The model also includes a set of integrated operational and financial indicators (key performance indicators).

Methodological model "Transformation and consolidation under IFRS"

This methodological model is included in the delivery of the variant of the applied solution "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF".

Methodological model "Transformation and consolidation according to IFRS" contains a set of initial, transformational and final forms that provide reporting in accordance with IFRS. The model includes more than 60 transformational adjustments reflecting typical differences between RAS and IFRS accounting policies.

Particular attention is paid to automating the preparation of notes to the consolidated financial statements, which, as a rule, is one of the most labor-intensive stages in the preparation of IFRS financial statements. In total, the product contains more than 80 typical notes that ensure proper disclosure of financial information in accordance with IFRS.

PricewaterhouseCoopers audited the set of final financial statements for compliance with the requirements of IFRS on disclosure and presentation of information, as well as the established practice of information disclosure. As a result of the audit, a positive conclusion was issued.

Methodical model "Consolidation of RAS"

The methodological model has been prepared on the basis of Russian requirements for consolidated financial statements, and only in cases where the Methodological recommendations for the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1996 No. 112 (with amendments and additions) do not certain issues are settled, the example provides their own solution (as a rule, based on International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS).

The reporting set includes:

The main forms of financial statements, in accordance with the samples given in the annexes to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 22, 1996 No. 67n (with the addition of indicators required in the consolidated financial statements);
- specially designed forms for reconciliation of indicators of the main forms of a set of financial statements;
- specially developed reporting forms for subsidiaries of the group on intra-group transactions;
- a specially designed subsidiary report of the subsidiary organization "Report on the movement of resources for the period";
- specially designed reports required already in the process of consolidation.

Consolidated financial statements are presented both for the group as a whole and for two industry segments.

Reporting preparation

1C: Consolidation "contains convenient tools and instructions for developing the structure of reporting forms. During the development process, the following are determined:

Structure of report indicators;
- analytical measurements of reports and individual indicators;
- options for visualization of report indicators (various layouts of reporting forms);
- rules for calculating report indicators or automatic adjustments;
- rules for checking the correctness of filling in individual reporting forms, as well as their sets.

Report cell formulas can use data from external infobases.

A business user can independently configure the extraction of almost any data from external infobases.

Thanks to the ability of 1C: Consolidation 8 to connect to external information bases, the reports of the business units of the group can be filled out directly in the management company by business users responsible for the preparation of consolidated reporting.

Definition of the perimeter and methods of consolidation

1C: Consolidation provides a definition of the consolidation perimeter - that is, a set of business units (organizations, branches, financial responsibility centers) included in the group for consolidated reporting.

At the same time, different versions of the same consolidation perimeter can be defined, which ensures not only the registration of organizational changes, but also their planning, scenario analysis, and the preservation of historical information.

The system supports standard consolidation methods:

Full consolidation;
- proportionate consolidation;
- share.


One of the initial working steps of the consolidation process is the data entry of subordinate business units. This stage significantly affects the overall complexity of the consolidation, as well as the reliability of the resulting reports.

1C: Consolidation 8 provides data entry from various external systems (including those built not on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform) and has a number of service functions that significantly reduce the complexity of importing, incoming control and classification of source data.

The following methods of remote data entry into the "1C: Consolidation 8" infobase have been implemented:

Extracting data from external information bases "1C: Enterprise";
- import files;
- distributed information bases ( only "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF");
- web interface ( only "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF").

Preparation of corporate reporting

Preparation of corporate reporting is a rather time-consuming process with a large number of routine operations. The product "1C: Consolidation 8" contains tools for automating the specified process at all stages of reporting processing.

Individual processing of reports
Automatic check
Correction of indicators of completed reports
Workflow management
Group processing of reports
Automated reconciliation and elimination

Business analysis

The efficiency and quality of decisions made by managers, and, consequently, the effectiveness of management, largely depends on how conveniently information is presented on various aspects of the activities of a group of companies. Formation of a set of reports is not always the ultimate goal of the consolidation procedure.

Internal users often need a variety of interactive analytical reports that are built on the basis of financial or operational data of individual companies or groups of companies and allow you to view and compare financial and operational indicators from different angles.

The configuration contains tools for comprehensive analysis of the data accumulated in the infobase.

- Comparative factor analysis
- Analytical dashboards and reports
- Transcripts
- Multilayer analysis of management information
- Indicators
- Forecasts

You can get more detailed information in the product documentation and user manual, as well as from our managers.
You can always take 1C 8 Consolidation training courses at one of our seminars or use methodological literature when working with a software product.

"1C: Consolidation 8" allows:

  • Strengthen financial control.
  • Ensure transparency of business units.
  • Promptly receive reliable reports for various purposes.
  • Reduce the cost of preparing corporate reports.
  • Adequately assess risks and plan activities.
  • Rationally ration resources and limit costs.
  • Quickly include new business units in the budget process.

Opportunities "1C: Consolidation 8":

  • Multidimensional reporting and business monitoring.
  • Forecasting and modeling of activity.
  • Regulation and management of the budgeting process.
  • Centralized Treasury.
  • Plan-fact, "What if?", Factorial analyses.
  • Financial analysis according to accounting data.
  • Consolidated reporting under IFRS and RAS.
  • Flexible integration with various management and accounting systems.
  • Decryption to the accounting document "1C".

"1C: Consolidation 8" is an application solution designed to automate a wide range of tasks related to planning activities and monitoring the effectiveness of companies of various sizes, as well as preparing consolidated reports for various purposes.

Differences 1C: Consolidation 8 PROF

Although reliable, informative and timely reporting is necessary for the leaders and owners of any company, the needs of large and small businesses certainly have their own characteristics. We tried to take them into account by releasing two versions of "1C: Consolidation 8": Standard and PROF.

Designed to automate tasks related to the preparation and analysis of management and regulatory reporting of individual organizations and groups of companies, as well as for budgetary management of individual companies.

PROF version has a number of functionalities that are necessary to automate the management of business performance of large holdings, preparation and analysis of separate and consolidated financial statements presented in accordance with IFRS, the main of which are presented below.

"1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" contains subsystem of the centralized treasury, which is designed for centralized payment management at the holding level.

Automated Elimination Mechanism

Implemented in "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" automated elimination mechanism, which simplifies the elimination of the consequences of intragroup transactions.

The PROF version implements direct data loading from remote (located outside the local network) external infobases on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform using web services. For this method of integration, by analogy with local external infobases, decryption to the document of the accounting solution is supported.

Advanced management of the budgeting and reporting process

If few employees are involved in the reporting process and most of the operations are formalized, then the entire reporting process from the first stage to the current one can be performed with "one click". It is also possible to generate "trial" reporting, which is convenient for evaluative analysis of consolidated reporting indicators in a situation where the original reporting has not yet been fully collected.

Reporting can be generated according to a schedule and sent to the list of recipients at the required frequency, if necessary, almost online.

When reconciling budgets, there is a need for reconciliation of a separate budget by various employees in accordance with the reconciliation route. This feature is implemented in the PRO version.

To speed up communication between process participants, they are notified by e-mail about changes in the status of reports and process stages.

The following additional options for importing report files have been implemented:

  • automatic import from mail attachment files;
  • import of RAS reporting (Russian Accounting Standards) in the format of the Federal Tax Service.

In case of detection of erroneous data when checking the control ratios of the report, a verification protocol is generated. It can be sent via email to the organization that submitted the erroneous report. The verification protocol can be sent interactively or automatically.

The PROF version has a specialized tool "Authority Matrix", which provides a convenient indication of direct executors and coordinating employees for organizational units involved in the reporting process. Both a normal user and a negotiation route can act as a matcher. In addition, the replacement of process participants is provided, which simplifies the distribution of tasks in the conditions of temporary absence of employees.

PivotTable Tool

For visual editing of the array of indicators, the "Pivot Table" tool is included in the PROF version, which allows you to process data from several instances of reports of the same type in one multidimensional table, having different key details (period, scenario, organizational unit, analytics at the report level).

First of all, the tool is convenient for budgeting and analysis of management reporting. Most of the operations available in a report instance are supported:

  • all types of calculation of indicators;
  • verification of copies of reports;
  • commenting on indicators;
  • approval of reports;
  • inverse distribution of indicators;
  • "planning from achieved";
  • plan-fact and comparative analysis with color design of the materiality of deviations.

The tool has a convenient navigator that greatly simplifies positioning and navigation through the reporting data array formed by a large number of reports.


The PROF version has extended versioning of reports. The user can view different versions of the report, compare versions with each other, delete intermediate versions, or roll back to the desired one.

Sensitivity analysis, What-if modeling, baseline back-calculation, target optimization

Sensitivity analysis allows you to determine the degree of influence of baseline indicators on the target indicator. The results of the analysis are displayed in a tree similar to comparative factor analysis. At the same time, the degree of influence is highlighted graphically (by the thickness of the communication lines and the shade of the initial indicators). The filtering of the initial indicators by the level of influence has been implemented, which makes it possible to exclude indicators that are insignificant for analysis and modeling from consideration.

Simulation "What if?" allows you to consider various options for the development of events and evaluate the consequences of management decisions. Technically, the procedure is reduced to assessing the values ​​of the target indicator when the initial indicators change within the specified boundaries.

The function of the reverse calculation of the initial indicators has been implemented, which allows, having set the value of the target indicator, to automatically calculate the values ​​of the initial indicators.

In addition, it is possible to search for the maximum/minimum of the target indicator for given boundaries of change in the initial indicators.

reverse distribution

To ensure top-down planning, the possibility of reverse distribution of consolidated values ​​of reporting indicators according to the specified distribution base or arbitrary profiles along the hierarchy of consolidation perimeters and periods, both in manual and automatic modes, is implemented.

Setting limits on cash flow items in the solutions "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8" and "1C: Integrated Automation 8"

The possibility is implemented directly from "1C Consolidation 8 PROF" to set limits on cash flow items in the solutions "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" and "1C: Integrated Automation 8". This allows you to control operations on expenditure items of budgets created in the 1C Consolidation 8 solution when approving requests for spending funds in other solutions.

Extended description of business units

"1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" allows you to register and take into account in business rules additional information about business units: net assets, goodwill, percentage of preferred shares, acquisition and sale of ownership interests in the current period, etc. This allows, for example, to take into account the receipt / loss of control in the reporting period.

Organizational and financial structure constructor

When automating the budget process, as well as consolidating the reporting of large holdings, convenient support for multi-level organizational and financial structures is necessary.

The PROF version has a tool that allows you to visualize and form a tree of the organizational and financial structure.

Total Ownership Calculation for Complex Groups

For the consolidation of financial statements of holdings with a complex organizational and financial structure, the presence of counter investments presents a certain difficulty. "1C Consolidation 8 PROF" includes a mechanism for calculating the total share of ownership and minority shareholders, taking into account indirect (ownership of one company through an intermediary company) and mutual (counter investments of companies) schemes for exercising control.


The system implements the ability to display report instances, elements of an arbitrary classifier, key details of reports (period, scenario, organizational unit) in addition to the main one in 2 additional languages.

More analytical measurements of indicators

"1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" allows you to provide more detailed analytics than the "Standard" version.

The variant of the applied solution "1C: Consolidation" provides only 3 arbitrary analytical measurements for the report indicator (in addition to the standard analytical measurements set for all reports - indicator, business unit, scenario, period), while the variant "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" provides 5 analytical measurements.

Note. For the implementation of some sections of IFRS (fixed assets, financial instruments), three analytical measurements are not enough.

Manual Operation Templates

"1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" provides an opportunity to template the most common ways to adjust indicators. Using Templates manual operations ensures their batch formation. When preparing the template, you can specify the key figures to change and the formula for calculating the amount of the adjustment. This can be used to automate transformational adjustments when preparing IFRS statements, allocating costs when calculating prime costs, and automatically eliminating intragroup transactions. This function can also be required when budgeting "from a business transaction".

Enhanced information security

In the application solution "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" implemented restricting user access to data. Access can be restricted at two levels:

  • through the assignment to the user of functional roles that determine access to various objects of the system;
  • through access restriction at the level of individual records in the context of "Organizational units" and "Types of reports".

1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" includes the subsystem "Management of regulatory and reference information", designed to manage the NSI of a group of companies.

Distributed infobases

The application solution "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" allows you to organize work in distributed information bases. In this case, data can be entered in infobase nodes remote from each other. Distributed infobase nodes periodically exchange files containing information about the changes made since the last exchange.

Contact Manager

The application solution "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" includes a contact manager (contact information management, mail client, user event management), which simplifies user communications.

Extended set of methodological models

The option "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" has an extended set of methodological models. If the option "1C: Consolidation 8" contains the models "Consolidation RBSU", "Budgeting of a trading company" and "Analysis and forecast of the financial condition of individual enterprises and holdings", then the option "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" contains 3 specified models and additionally models " Group Budgeting" and "Transformation and Consolidation under IFRS".

Methodological models can be used as supplied or modified.

Functionality of the program "1C: Consolidation 8"

Budgeting and management reporting

Budgetary management of the company allows you to formulate business goals in measurable key indicators, plan activities in accordance with them, control resources during the implementation of plans and analyze the results achieved. In general, budgetary management makes it possible to reduce systemic risks during the development of the company and the deterioration of the market situation by rationing resources and increasing the level of financial control in the company.

"1C: Consolidation 8" is a universal solution for automating budget management functions both at the level of a holding and a separate business unit.

  • The application solution has effective means of importing information from various accounting and management systems (including in MS Excel format), which makes it possible to reduce input labor intensity and increase trust in actual data.
  • Implemented methods of remote access, such as a web interface, distributed infobases, allow organizing geographically distributed data processing.

    This significantly reduces the complexity of entering the initial data and improves the quality of reporting.

  • Seamless integration with application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (including decoding to documents of management and accounting systems on the 1C:Enterprise platform versions 7.7 and 8) allows you to combine various information systems into a single information space and reduce the load on the IT service.
  • The end business user has the opportunity to independently determine the list of necessary classifiers, analysts, indicators, develop budget models and reporting sets for various purposes.
  • Both planning paradigms, "multidimensional tables" and "planning from business transactions", are supported.
  • During planning, the user has the ability to predict the dynamics of indicators using various options for calculating, consolidating and distributing indicators, as well as the functions of "rolling planning" and "planning from achieved", quickly form the necessary budgets. At the same time, it is possible to combine bottom-up and top-down planning methodologies and use the mechanism of automatic elimination of intra-group turnovers.
  • Support for multicurrency and multilingualism provides the necessary form of presentation of budgets and corporate reporting.
  • Developed functions for managing the organizational and financial structure of the group provide a convenient formation of a hierarchy of various (including intersecting) consolidation perimeters, which makes it possible to maintain the necessary principles for the allocation of financial responsibility centers.
  • Process management tools allow you to regulate the budget process and distribute responsibility between its participants.
  • To harmonize budgets, the system allows using customizable routes of any complexity.
  • Automatic notification of interested employees about the progress of the approval process, commenting and budget versioning functions ensure effective interaction in the planning process.
  • It is possible from "1C: Consolidation 8" after the completion of planning to automatically set limits on cash flow items in "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8". This allows you to control operations on budget expenditure items created in the 1C: Consolidation 8 solution when coordinating treasury requests in 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.
  • Thanks to the ability to use a web client, the system allows you to reduce time, improve the quality of planning and operational analysis of budget execution by including remote business units in the budget process.

Business analysis

  • The business analysis subsystem allows you to receive the necessary information at the right time (including automatically by e-mail) in a form convenient for analysis, regardless of the sources of initial data and the management and accounting systems used in the company.
  • Analysis functions include the ability to conduct "What if?", plan-fact, ABC, factor analysis, as well as data mining, which allows you to identify non-obvious patterns in large amounts of information.
  • With the help of an appropriate reference model, which includes 50 financial indicators, the system allows for financial analysis of statements with the issuance of a textual opinion on the current and projected financial position of business units and the group as a whole.
  • "1C: Consolidation" provides the ability to analyze the results of the holding and its individual business units from anywhere in the world using the "Key Indicators Monitor", "Analytical Reports", "Analytical Panels" tools that are available in web client mode. Aggregated or calculated indicators can be sequentially deciphered up to the document of an external accounting system.

Balanced Scorecard

"1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" includes a subsystem that allows you to automate the strategic management of a modern holding in accordance with the concept of Balanced Scorecard (Balanced Scorecard, BSC). The functionality allows you to visually model the system of the company's strategic goals and key performance indicators, track the dynamics of their changes, conduct an extended KPI analysis, and record initiatives aimed at achieving these goals.

Centralized Treasury

The subsystem of the centralized treasury is designed to automate the centralized control over payments of a group of companies.

The subsystem allows you to increase the efficiency of cash management of a group of companies due to the following opportunities:

  • centralized control over payments of organizational units;
  • operational inventory of settlement accounts and the status of mutual settlements;
  • compensation of cash gaps and reduction of the level of unused cash on settlement accounts with the help of intra-group cash transfers;
  • improving the feasibility of the cash flow budget, speeding up the procedures for coordinating payments.

The subsystem provides:

  • consolidation of planned and actual payment flows;
  • organizational units of the group of companies;
  • cash flow planning;
  • limiting cash flows and balances;
  • management of the planned cash flows of the group of companies.

Thanks to the functionality for entering and placing applications for spending funds via the Internet, the subsystem makes it possible to increase the efficiency of centralized control and management of funds of a geographically distributed holding.

Preparation of separate and consolidated IFRS financial statements

In addition to the described features focused on budget management automation, the PROF version of the 1C: Consolidation 8 application solution has the necessary set of tools for preparing separate and consolidated financial statements submitted in accordance with IFRS.

  • Any number of plans of indicators is supported, setting up procedures for translating financial information from plans of accounts of accounting decisions.
  • Manual and automated transformational adjustments were implemented, leveling differences in the accounting policies of RAS and IFRS.
  • Functions for registering organizational changes in a group of companies allow servicing complex schemes of mutual investments between holding companies.
  • Developed functions for importing and incoming control of reporting make it possible to ensure high quality of initial information and reduce the complexity of routine operations.
  • Process management features, combined with automatic transformational adjustment templates, potentially allow one-click consolidated IFRS statements.
  • In the applied solution, serious attention is paid to the auditability of information. Various types of decryption are supported, including transformational and consolidation tables, as well as decryption to an accounting document of an external infobase. A graphical representation of the dependencies between various reporting indicators in the form of a tree facilitates the decomposition of calculated indicators and verification of the correctness of algorithms.

The complex of the considered tools allows analyzing, modeling, monitoring key indicators and planning the development of a geographically distributed business in a single environment. In addition, the system allows you to automate the full cycle of preparation of consolidated financial statements of RAS and IFRS.

An important competitive advantage of "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" is the integration in one application solution of tools focused on short-term financial planning (including centralized treasury), medium-term budgeting, business analysis and strategic management (Balanced Scorecard). This allows you to link the process of implementing the strategy at various levels of the company with the processes of budgeting and analysis of management reporting, avoiding a functional gap between the various levels of planning and control of a modern company.

The application solution "1C: Consolidation 8" was developed in close cooperation with KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Management of regulatory and reference information of the holding

In order to ensure comparability and consistency of analytical information imported from external information bases on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, the configuration supports the following functions for managing regulatory reference information (RDI) of the holding:

  • import and storage of information about the structure of directories of management and accounting systems;
  • synchronization of internal directories "1C: Consolidation 8" and directories of external systems;
  • import of master data both during the reporting import session and on demand;
  • removal of duplicates in NSI from various external sources;
  • centralized maintenance and approval of changes made to reference corporate classifiers;
  • transfer of the standardized reference data to consumer systems on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

Reference methodological models

Despite the rich opportunities for developing your own reporting processing models, the delivery of application solutions of the 1C: Consolidation 8 family includes methodological models, the use of which significantly speeds up the implementation of the system when automating typical tasks:

  • "Budgeting of a trading company";
  • "Consolidation of RAS";
  • "Analysis and forecast of the financial condition of individual enterprises and holdings";
  • "Budgeting of a group of companies" (only "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF");
  • "Transformation and consolidation under IFRS" (only "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF").

Methodological model "Budgeting of a trading company"

The methodological model contains a basic set of elements of the budget process, typical for wholesale trading companies. It is focused on supporting the functions of planning, limiting and controlling the operating activities of companies of the specified profile in the short and medium term and in the following perspectives:

  • sales, mutual settlements with contractors;
  • external financing, movement of goods and materials;
  • structure of commercial and administrative costs and expenses;
  • aggregated presentation of the company's income and expenses;
  • cash flow, structure of current assets and liabilities;
  • integrated operational and financial indicators (key performance indicators).

Methodical model "Consolidation of RAS"

The methodological model has been prepared on the basis of Russian requirements for consolidated financial statements given in the Guidelines for the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements approved by Order No. 112 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1996 (with amendments and additions).

In case of their insufficiency, own implementation is given (as a rule, based on International Financial Reporting Standards).

Methodological model "Analysis and forecast of the financial condition of individual enterprises and holdings"

The methodological model makes it possible to analyze the financial condition, liquidity, sustainability, profitability of individual enterprises, business areas and the holding as a whole based on the data of accounting systems and consolidated statements and issue a detailed conclusion based on its results.

The analysis of financial indicators is carried out according to the aggregated balance sheet and income statement, the indicators of which, in turn, are formed on the basis of financial reports of other methodological models of "1C: Consolidation 8" or on the basis of accounting results of standard accounting solutions.

Methodological model "Budgeting of a group of companies"

The methodological model contains a basic set of elements of the budget process, inherent in diversified groups of companies, and is focused on supporting planning, limiting and controlling the operating, investment and financial activities of both individual companies and the group of companies as a whole in the short and medium term planning horizons.

The methodological model covers the following management objects:

  • sales, mutual settlements with counterparties, movement of goods and materials;
  • the structure of commercial and administrative costs and expenses;
  • income and expenses of the company, cash flow;
  • structure of current assets and liabilities;
  • attraction and placement of credits and loans, investments and return on investments.

The model also includes a set of integrated operational and financial indicators (key performance indicators).

Methodological model "Transformation and consolidation under IFRS"

The methodological model contains a set of initial, transformational and final forms that ensure the preparation of reports in accordance with IFRS. The model includes more than 60 transformation and consolidation adjustments reflecting typical differences between RAS and IFRS accounting policies.

Particular attention is paid to automating the preparation of notes to the consolidated financial statements, which, as a rule, is one of the most labor-intensive stages in the preparation of IFRS financial statements. In total, the product contains more than 20 typical notes that ensure proper disclosure of financial information in accordance with IFRS.

PricewaterhouseCoopers audited the final financial statements for compliance with IFRS disclosure and presentation requirements, as well as established disclosure practices. As a result of the audit, a positive conclusion was issued.

What does the applied solution give to various categories of business users?

Top managers

  • Obtaining management reporting in a form convenient for interpretation.
  • If some forms or tables are already in use, the necessary information will be presented in a familiar format for the user.
  • If there is a need to expand and deepen the received data, "1C: Consolidation 8" allows you to implement a wide variety of requirements for the composition and form of management reports.
  • Ample opportunities for a full-fledged analysis of the enterprise:

      • "See the big picture: analytical reports and dashboards allow you to identify common structural dependencies, the most critical deviations, and trends in indicators.
      • Analyze problem areas: the data presented above can also be deciphered by pivot tables, which allows you to highlight the components of certain dependencies and deviations.
      • Determine the source of the problem: if necessary, directly from the summary report, you can go to the primary documents related to the problem area.
  • High-quality support for managing the activities of a group of companies:

      • Ensuring a rational balance between centralization and delegation of planning and control functions in the management company and dependent organizations.
      • Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various companies in the group.
      • Analysis of financial flows within the holding.
      • Making reasoned decisions on transfer pricing.
      • Support for multi-company tax planning and optimization schemes.
  • Organization of a single budget process and treasury within the group of companies.
  • Reducing the cost of preparing and auditing transformed reporting.

financial service

  • Implementation of any financial reporting requirements.
  • Various means of cross-checking reporting sets:

    • at the development stage - analysis of established relationships, data transformation routes;
    • at the stage of formation - reconciliation of the values ​​of indicators of various reports (desk audit) with the formation of a protocol.
  • Various data sources. When generating the same set of reports, you can simultaneously use:

    • information obtained directly from accounting solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
    • data from files - spreadsheet documents;
    • manual entry via a web interface with the ability to save an audit trail and comments on changes.
  • Close interaction with other accounting solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform: if necessary, the user can directly decipher the indicator right from the 1C:Consolidation 8 report instance up to the primary document.
  • The system has built-in tools for automatic reconciliation and elimination of intragroup transactions.
  • The described possibilities allow to significantly reduce the closing time of periods and reduce the influence of the "human factor" on the quality of reporting.

IFRS department

  • Ability to quickly customize transformational models, basic reporting forms and notes.
  • Multicurrency and conversion of indicators in accordance with IAS 21.
  • Consolidation taking into account the main provisions of IAS 24, 27, 28, 31, IFRS 3:

    • various methods of consolidation;
    • single-stage and multi-stage consolidation;
    • automatic reconciliation, settlement, elimination of intragroup transactions;
    • registration of investors and related parties;
    • organizational and financial structure of a group of any complexity, including sub-holdings and segments;
    • calculation of total group ownership and minority interest for groups with complex mutual investments;
    • calculation of goodwill and accounting for the acquisition / loss of control over companies in the consolidation period.
  • Unprecedented reconciliation and deciphering capabilities make it much easier to audit reports and transformational models.
  • A significant reduction in automation time is achieved due to the available in the delivery model "Transformation and consolidation of IFRS".

Table of comparison of versions of the program "1C: Consolidation 8"
.data-table tr td (color: #A2A2A2; font-size: 7.2pt; margin: 0px; padding: 4px 6px 6px; font-weight: 700; font-family: "Verdana", "Geneva", "Arial" , "Helvetica", sans-serif;) .data-table td (border-right: 1px solid rgb(162, 162, 162); border-image: none; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(162, 162, 162 ); border-top: 1px solid rgb(162, 162, 162);) .data-table td:last-child (border-right: none;) .data-table td u(text-decoration: none;) . data-table td a(color:#676767; text-decoration: none;) .data-table td u a:hover(color:#ff6600;) .data-table td u a:active(color:#ff6600;) .data -table td b (color: #FF6600;) .data-table .table_top (font-size:7.2pt; background-color:#ff6600; margin:0; padding:6px; padding-top:4px; border:1px solid #ffffff;color:#ffffff;) .data-table tr:hover (background-color: #ffeed5;) .table_top td b(color:#ffff;) .data-table tr:first-child( background-color: #ff6600 )
1C: Consolidation 8 Basic
A turnkey solution for automating tasks related to the preparation and analysis of management and regulatory reporting of individual organizations and groups of companies, as well as for budgetary management of individual companies.
Centralized Treasury
Automated Elimination Mechanism
Loading data from remote infobases using web services
Advanced management of the budgeting and reporting process
PivotTable Tool, Report Versioning, Sensitivity Analysis, What If Modeling
Setting limits on cash flow items, extended description of business units
More analytical measurements of indicators
Enhanced information security
Distributed infobases
Extended set of methodological models

Russian business is increasingly consolidating, the preparation and analysis of corporate reporting, and the creation of a budget management system are becoming in demand. Recognizing this business need, 1C has released a new product 1C: Consolidation on the modern technological platform 1C: Enterprise 8 to solve a wide range of tasks for preparing and analyzing corporate reporting for groups of companies. The key features of this program are told by I.A. Berko, auditor, DipIFR, methodologist at 1C, and S.V. Mitrokhin, Ph.D., head of corporate financial reporting at 1C.

It is no secret that many modern enterprises currently exist in the form of holdings or groups, which include a parent company and a number of subsidiaries. Moreover, it may turn out that these companies also have a network of branches. To effectively manage such a business, it is necessary to have consolidated financial statements "at hand" that would present data on the entire business as a whole, and it is desirable that such reporting be prepared fairly quickly. But at the same time, such preparation is often non-trivial, since it is necessary to exclude the results of transactions between group organizations (the so-called intra-group transactions or VGO for short), determine the amount of profit of the main owners and minority shareholders, etc. Just for the preparation of consolidated financial statements of any kind - accounting, management, operational or other - the new solution "1C: Consolidation 8" is intended, the final version of which was released in the spring of 2007.

What are the key features of this program?

Flexible Custom Report Builder

The program allows users to quickly design their own reports. In particular, import their form from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and then, specifying the required rows and columns (highlighting the cells of the report form with their name), "attach" them to the corresponding directories in the program and, with one click, automatically generate a set of report indicators.

Further, if necessary, you can set analytical accounting sections for one or more indicators and generate a table to display analytical data. After that, you can determine how the values ​​​​of indicators will be filled in (calculated). In many cases (or, more precisely, in most cases), it is enough to do simple arithmetic with the indicators of the current or other reports. Then you can use the so-called parametric setting, that is, do about the same thing that users of spreadsheets do by setting formulas for calculating values ​​for cells.

In more complex cases, however, you will have to resort to the built-in language. But, unlike other solutions from 1C (the same 1C: Accounting), there is no need to launch a special mode - the Configurator, everything can be done in the normal user mode. This is useful if several users work in the infobase - no one needs to be "kicked out" to save the changes, and the changes themselves immediately become available to other users. In addition, you can use a number of special built-in functions for working with indicators of the current and other reports, including those reflecting the specifics of the consolidation process, which are not in the "normal" built-in language of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. These functions are easy to "drag and drop" to the right place in the module directly from the reference of built-in functions, all that remains is to substitute the parameters. That is, in many cases, a qualified user, and not just a programmer, can handle this.

Consideration of the organizational structure of the group and the calculation of full ownership interests

The organizational structure of a group can be quite "tangled" - if there are mutual ownership among the group companies, as well as indirect ownership (for example, through subsidiaries). Calculating the total share of ownership in such conditions is sometimes very difficult, but in the meantime, such information is needed - both for the owners themselves (hardly anyone does not want to know what they actually own, at least legally!), And for calculation of individual indicators of the consolidated financial statements. A relatively simple example is shown in the figure (the numbers indicate the shares of direct ownership - how many percent of the shares or shares in the authorized capital belong directly to each organization) - see fig. one.

Rice. one

Here it is quite obvious that Alfa OJSC is the key owner of all other companies, but it is no longer easy to calculate the total ownership and minority shares. And if the holding has at least 15-20 subsidiaries, counting is almost impossible without an automated algorithm. But "1C: Consolidation" has such an algorithm, and users can get a fairly detailed report on how the calculation was made. The algorithm is based on the "virtual transfer" of shares and shares in the authorized capital: the report is structured as if an order had been given to all the firms of the group to transfer their shares in the authorized capitals of other members of the group to their owners. The transfer is "carried out" in proportion to the shares of ownership existing at the time of the transfer, as a result of which each real owner receives a "legally" full package of what he previously owned indirectly.

Managing the process of preparing consolidated financial statements

When the number of subsidiaries is more than 10-15, the preparation of the group's consolidated financial statements becomes a voluminous and rather laborious process, which often involves a whole group of people (for example, the consolidated financial reporting department). In addition, the process of consolidation itself is often complicated - it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of actions. Therefore, in order not to miss anything, as well as to distribute tasks to each member of the "team", it is desirable to have the means to manage this process: fix the sequence of procedures itself, set tasks for each performer and set deadlines for their completion, and then monitor the progress of the process, if necessary, making adjustments.

In "1C: Consolidation" such tasks are solved quite simply.

Firstly, there are tools for fixing the sequence of the process itself - the so-called process template and a guide to process steps. For example, for the transformation of reporting into IFRS reporting and subsequent consolidation (according to the methodology proposed in the product "1C: Consolidation PROF", see below), the list "in general" looks like this - see fig. 2.

Rice. 2

The sequence of actions can be presented in the form of a diagram for greater clarity (report "Network diagram of the process template") - see fig. 3.

Rice. 3

The process cannot be launched without preliminary verification of the readiness of the report forms that should be generated during the process, a report on such a reconciliation is displayed on the screen and allows you to conveniently correct those reports that are recognized as not ready for generation. After starting the process, using the "Process Network Diagram" report, you can see the status of each stage (for example, how many reports have already been completed, how many have not, etc.), as well as track the implementation of the planned deadlines for completing the stages. There are also reports on the current tasks of each participant in the process, so that each performer can see what exactly and in what time frame he needs to do.

The availability of such funds appears to be a significant advantage over spreadsheet-based consolidation (as is currently being done in a number of holdings).

Possibility of obtaining data from external information bases

A fairly typical problem in the preparation of consolidated financial statements of Russian holdings is currently the lack of qualified personnel in the field. That is, employees of the accounting services of subsidiaries are not always able to quickly provide all the required information, because they do not fully understand the requirements for compiling consolidated reporting (and / or are heavily loaded with current work).

One of the possible ways to solve this problem (at least partially) is to collect complete information bases of subsidiaries in the parent (head) company, followed by automated selection of the necessary information (according to predetermined criteria). And if necessary, also with a quick clarification of the essence of individual business transactions of these enterprises, based on primary accounting documents.

1C:Consolidation can access such infobases. True, at the moment there are limitations - these are only databases of accounting solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (both versions 8.0 and 8.1). Thanks to this property, the user of "1C: Consolidation" can open, for example, a standard balance sheet of a subsidiary company (based on "1C: Accounting 8" provided by this company), from it get into the card of the desired account, and from there - open an electronic version of the primary accounting document. And this despite the fact that the information (including accounting documents) and the corresponding reports are not contained in the "1C: Consolidation" database! You can also automatically fill in the indicators of the Consolidation reporting forms based on data from external infobases.

This feature can also be useful in the audit of holdings - the auditor can very quickly access the data of the primary documents of each of the holding companies. True, only in the form in which it is entered into the corresponding information base - but the program cannot give more simply physically. However, this usually significantly speeds up the audit procedure (and this, perhaps, leads to its reduction in cost for the audited subject, all other things being equal).

Methodical models

The product, in addition to the actual applied solution (configuration), also includes the following methodological models:

  • consolidation of Russian financial statements;
  • trading company budgeting;
  • budgeting of a group of companies (only for the PROF version - see below);
  • transformation from Russian reporting to IFRS reporting and consolidation of IFRS reporting (only for the PROF version - see below).

It is not possible to describe each model in detail within one article due to the large amount of information (it could take hundreds of pages). Therefore, only a brief overview is given here, focusing on the key points.

Consolidation of Russian financial statements

The initial data are Russian financial statements (forms No. 1-5 according to the samples in accordance with the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 1996 No. 67n) and a number of additional reporting forms that disclose transactions within the group for the reporting period.

After reconciliation of statements and intra-group transactions, they are eliminated (exclusion), including the calculation and exclusion of unrealized profits from these transactions in assets, as well as the determination of the minority interest in subsidiaries not with 100% participation of the group.

Completion of the consolidated financial statements is carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 30, 1996 No. 112, and in cases not specified in this document, approaches from International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are taken as a basis .

Trading company budgeting

The methodological model "Budgeting of a trading company" contains a basic set of elements of the budget process, typical for wholesale trading companies, and is focused on supporting the functions of planning, limiting and controlling the operating activities of companies of the specified profile in the short and medium term horizons and the following perspectives:

  • sales, mutual settlements with contractors;
  • external funding;
  • movement of goods and materials;
  • structure of commercial and administrative costs and expenses;
  • aggregated presentation of the company's income and expenses;
  • flow of funds;
  • structure of current assets and liabilities.

The "Trading company budgeting" model includes a set of related budget forms, which are combined into groups of operational (functional), financial budgets, as well as standards and indicators.

The group of budgets "Operating (functional) budgets" includes budget forms intended for preparation by individual centers of financial responsibility.

The budget group "Operating (functional) budgets" contains the following budgets:

  • sales budget and cash receipts;
  • inventory budget and logistics costs;
  • business expenses budget;
  • management budget.

The group of budgets "Financial budgets" (master budgets) contains budget forms derived from operating budgets. Master budgets aggregate planned or actual information presented in various operating budgets into a form convenient for a holistic analysis of the planned or current financial position of the company and its general development trends. The budgets of this group are formed either at the level of the company as a whole, or at the level of the Central Federal District of the most independent types - centers of investment and profit.

The structure of financial budgets roughly corresponds to the structure and presentation of information in standard financial statements. However, financial group budgets (unlike their direct counterparts in financial statements) are not all synthetic. A number of indicators have analytical measurements that allow you to obtain consolidated indicators for the whole company or a separate CFD with the necessary analytics.

The group of financial budgets contains the following budgets:

  • income and expenditure budget;
  • cash flow budget;
  • balance budget.

The budget model includes forms that contain the most significant operational indicators (KPI) and implement a plan-fact analysis of operational indicators.

When choosing operational indicators, the emphasis is placed on the integral performance indicators most demanded by managers of trading companies. Indicators (financial analytical ratios) used in assessing the investment attractiveness of a company, as well as indicators, the calculation of which would require a large amount of additional information not explicitly contained in typical budgets, were not considered.

Despite the fact that this model is mainly focused on the tactical and operational level of the budget process, its use (of course with appropriate adaptation for the characteristics of a particular company), in our opinion, will solve most of the tasks of planning and controlling a trading company.

Group budgeting

The methodological model "Budgeting of a group of companies" is an extension of the case "Budgeting of a trading company" and contains a basic set of elements of the budgeting process inherent in diversified groups of companies and is focused on supporting planning, limiting and controlling the operating, investment and financial activities of both individual companies and a group companies as a whole on short- and medium-term planning horizons.

The methodological model covers the following management objects: sales, mutual settlements with counterparties; movement of goods and materials; structure of commercial and administrative costs and expenses; income and expenses of the company; flow of funds; structure of current assets and liabilities; attraction and placement of credits and loans; investment and return on investment.

The model also includes a set of integrated operational and financial indicators (key performance indicators).

The model is focused on the tactical and operational level of the budget process and does not affect the strategic layer of company management.

When forming the model, transfer (intra-group) operations between the companies of the group (VGO) were taken into account.

To do this, the indicators in respect of which a high probability of GGO is assumed are split into indicators related to external (relative to the consolidation perimeter) counterparties and intragroup counterparties.

Intra-group indicators marked with the appropriate flag have, among others, analytics that refer to the "Organizational units" directory, which allows you to service intra-group operations. The case contains a pre-configured correspondence of intra-group indicators to ensure automatic reconciliation, settlement and elimination of VGO.

Calculation of unrealized profit in CFD assets is made on the basis of various normative coefficients of marginal income for intragroup and external counterparties.

The assumption of normalization of intra-group profitability greatly simplifies the calculation of unrealized profits.

The grouping of budgets is similar to the "trading company budgeting" case.

The composition of budgets and the structure of indicators have been significantly expanded. The group of functional budgets has been expanded with the following budgets:

  1. investments and financial investments;
  2. attracting borrowed funds;
  3. placement of borrowed funds.

The composition of the indicators of most budgets is supplemented by indicators that ensure the accounting of intra-group (transfer) operations.

Transformation of reporting and consolidation of IFRS reporting

The initial data are the same data as for the consolidation of Russian financial statements, as well as additional disclosures that allow, in some cases, to change the classification and / or assessment of individual financial statements, as well as prepare the necessary disclosures in the notes to the financial statements under IFRS (explanatory notes ).

The general scheme of work incorporated in this model is as follows - see fig. 4.

Rice. 4

At the first stage of the transformation (after reconciliation of the initial reports), they are translated into the "IFRS format" - so far without any adjustments in essence.

At the second stage, transformation adjustments are calculated.

At the third stage, these adjustments are summarized in the context of IFRS reporting indicators.

At the last, fourth stage, IFRS reporting is obtained by summing up the indicators of the "trial" reporting and the corresponding adjustments.

In the course of the first stage of consolidation (the general number of the stage in the scheme is 5), intra-group transactions are reconciled and the identified discrepancies are resolved. This is followed by the calculation of unrealized gains from intercompany transactions in assets, the calculation of the equity method investment adjustment, the adjustment of deferred income taxes and the calculation of minority interest.

At stage 6, sets of consolidation adjustments are formed in the context of reporting indicators.

And, finally, during the final stage (7), the consolidated statements are filled in - by line-by-line summing up the reporting indicators of the companies included in the group, and consolidation adjustments.

"1C: Consolidation 8" or "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF"?

The product exists in two versions: simply "1C: Consolidation 8" and "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF". The main differences between the two versions are listed in the table.


The table shows that the product "1C: Consolidation 8" is more suitable either for individual companies with branches, or for small groups, and "1C: Consolidation 8 PROF" - for larger groups.

Although, of course, this conclusion is very arbitrary, and the final decision is up to the user. After all, it is he, like no one else, who knows the scale and nature of the tasks that he needs to solve.