Lymphatic drainage - what is it? Lymphatic drainage of the face, body, legs at home: reviews. Hardware lymphatic drainage indications and contraindications Why do you need lymphatic drainage body massage

Lymphatic drainage is a procedure that helps well in the fight against cellulite, as well as in reducing the tone of blood vessels (blood and lymph), but, like any cosmetic procedure, it has its own indications and serious contraindications.

Types of lymphatic drainage

There are manual and hardware lymphatic drainage.

Manual lymphatic drainage is performed using manual massage and manual methods.

Hardware - done using various devices. After it, an increase in lymph nodes is possible, which disappears on its own. Also, depending on the degree of exposure, internal, deep and superficial types are distinguished.

Hardware lymphatic drainage is divided into:

  • Vacuum;
  • Microcurrent;
  • Pressotherapy;
  • LPG massage.

Vacuum hardware lymphatic drainage is a manipulation in which areas of the skin are affected by negative pressure. Thanks to this, lymphatic outflow is stimulated, cellular metabolism improves.

During this manipulation, the cosmetologist who does it should be especially careful, because if this procedure is not performed correctly, hematomas may appear on the skin. The duration of this procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Microcurrent hardware lymphatic drainage is used to stimulate not only the lymphatic, but also the circulatory system, as well as to strengthen them. Indications for carrying out - puffiness, sagging skin of the face or body.

Pressotherapy uses compressed air supplied through a special cuff. Due to the fact that it is divided into sections, the force of impact can be selected individually. This makes it possible to effectively reduce body fat and remove puffiness within a short period of time. Indications for this type of lymphatic drainage are obesity, slagging of the body, and edema.

LPG massage is done using a special device. During this manipulation, the skin fold is captured by the rollers inside. The capture area can be changed depending on how thick the skin is. On the skin, the device moves thanks to the rollers that are located outside. In order to make it easy to grab and smooth the skin folds during the procedure, a special suit is put on the person. This massage is suitable for fighting cellulite at any stage.

The effect of lymphatic drainage on the body

Due to regular lymphatic drainage, the following positive changes occur:

  • The skin is tightened;
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Small scars disappear;
  • Edema passes;
  • The kennels of the face and body become more toned;
  • Excess fat deposits melt;

Already after the first session of lymphatic drainage, many people feel a positive effect: swelling subsides, the skin relief begins to level out, volumes decrease. In addition, the work of the whole organism is normalized, since this manipulation produces a general strengthening effect on it, blood flow improves, metabolism stabilizes, body weight decreases, and the vascular lumen increases.

In order to get a tangible effect from lymphatic drainage, you need to go through 8 to 12 procedures. The number of sessions and the type of lymphatic drainage is selected individually, depending on what problems need to be solved.


Indications for this procedure:

  • Obesity;
  • cellulite;
  • Decreased skin elasticity;
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities in remission (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • Violation of cerebral circulation;
  • Serious physical activity;
  • sagging skin;
  • Decreased muscle tone;
  • Skin aging.

Of particular note is the procedure for lymphatic drainage of the lower extremities.

Indications for such a procedure are the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. After a session of such a massage, the pain in the legs disappears, and swelling disappears, the work of venous valves improves. In the treatment or prevention of varicose veins, procedures are carried out approximately 1 time per week.


Hardware or manual lymphatic drainage is not performed if there are such contraindications:

  • Malignant processes in the body;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Chronic kidney disease, as the load on the kidneys increases sharply;
  • Acute respiratory diseases;
  • Heart failure;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

With a malignant process in the body, it is categorically not recommended to carry out the lymphatic drainage procedure, since it can contribute to the spread of malignant cells throughout the body and tumor growth. With thrombophlebitis, this procedure can also lead to sad consequences, since an increase in blood flow can provoke a blood clot to break off.

Chronic kidney diseases, acute respiratory diseases, severe heart failure, infectious diseases are serious contraindications to lymphatic drainage, as severe complications can develop. In case of inflammatory processes on the skin (especially if the integrity of the skin is violated), this procedure is not carried out, since it can provoke the spread of inflammation further to healthy areas.

There are different opinions about restrictions during pregnancy and during lactation. Some experts argue that during pregnancy, you should refrain from carrying out any procedures that are not vital. Others argue that in the first trimester of pregnancy, this procedure can be performed.

If during pregnancy there is a need for lymphatic drainage, then it is worth giving preference to the most sparing option for it - manual. In addition, during pregnancy it is not necessary to carry out the procedure on the whole body, but only on the most problematic areas. Before doing any procedure during pregnancy, it is best to consult with your doctor, who will help you find out exactly if you have any contraindications for this procedure.

Do not do this procedure if a person has mental illness, as well as pain, the nature of which is not clear, and with a tendency to bleeding. For a person who does not have all of the above contraindications, lymphatic drainage sessions can only bring huge health benefits.

Lymphatic drainage massage is one of the most popular and highly effective cosmetic procedures. It activates blood circulation, promotes lymph circulation, improves metabolism, burns fat intensively. All this contributes not only to weight loss, but also has a good effect on the body as a whole.


Lymphatic drainage works in several directions at once:

  • corrects the contours of the body;
  • reduces wrinkles;
  • improves skin tone, its elasticity;
  • enhances regenerative properties;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • reduces excess body fat;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • removes toxins and slags;
  • improves immunity;
  • treats varicose veins.

All these useful properties of the procedure are actively used for cosmetic and health purposes.

Indications for the use of lymphatic drainage

Due to the high benefits of lymphatic drainage massage, it has many indications:

  • excess body fat;
  • cellulite;
  • the need for body shaping;
  • puffiness;
  • varicose veins (with impaired lymph flow);
  • loose skin, loss of elasticity;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • soft tissue injury.

Varieties of drainage massage for weight loss: the pros and cons of techniques

According to the method of performing lymphatic drainage massage, it can be manual and hardware. Both types have their own varieties, performance features, advantages and disadvantages.

Another name for manual lymphatic drainage massage is manual. It can be superficial, deep or internal.

Surface massage stimulates the capillaries of the skin, and therefore normalizes the fluid balance. It is performed in a circular motion, while the specialist easily presses on the tissue. Special massage techniques relieve muscle tension and vasospasm.

Deep massage affects the vessels of the lymphatic system, which ensure the outflow of fluid from the internal organs. This technique normalizes muscle tone, dilates blood vessels, and increases blood flow. With the help of deep massage, you can significantly reduce the volume of the buttocks and thighs.

With the help of internal techniques, they work with the lymph nodes. Internal massage is performed for the thighs, under the knees, in the groin, collarbones, mesentery.

In any case, the procedure begins with stress relief. All massage movements are made along the lines of the lymph flow in order to increase blood flow and tone the muscles.

Only a specialist with the appropriate qualifications should conduct manual massage, since movements must be made along certain lines and in the right direction.

Pros and cons of manual technology

Manual massage has two main disadvantages. If the procedure is carried out by an unqualified specialist, then instead of the expected benefit, the body may be harmed.

The second negative factor is the possibility of injury. After the massage, bruises or smudges may remain, the procedure itself may be accompanied by painful sensations. This is especially true for the first session.

High-quality manual lymphatic drainage massage for weight loss has a lot of advantages:

  1. point impact. The specialist does everything with his own hands, so he feels all the problem areas and effectively influences them.
  2. The volume of subcutaneous fat and cellulite is significantly reduced.
  3. The skin condition is noticeably improved. Various scrubs, oils, creams are used for massage. They nourish the skin, smooth it.
  4. With the help of lymphatic drainage massage, excess fluid is removed, normal blood circulation is restored, and the functioning of the lymphatic system is normalized. This speeds up the process of losing weight, activates many metabolic processes.

There are several options for hardware massage:

  • galvanization;
  • pressotherapy;
  • electroiontophoresis;
  • vacuum;
  • exposure to microcurrents.

The galvanization method involves exposure to a low voltage current. This activates metabolic processes, relieves the body of excess fluid.

Pressotherapy involves the use of a special suit, inside which compressed air is generated. It stimulates the circulation of fluid, its natural excretion from the body. This technique is more effective for reducing the volume of the hips, legs and arms.

Electroiontophoresis involves the introduction of special substances into the skin that stimulate and moisturize. For this, electrodes are used. The procedure is absolutely painless.

Vacuum massage is reminiscent of a procedure familiar to many from childhood with medical banks. A device with special nozzles is used, in which pressure is reduced. This dilates blood vessels, accelerates the movement of lymph and the removal of fluid from the body.

The impact of microcurrents is carried out by electrodes attached to the body. The procedure is absolutely painless.

Pros and cons of hardware techniques

Hardware massage has certain contraindications, which is a significant drawback of this technique.

Another disadvantage is the higher price than manual massage. This pays off by the fact that fewer sessions are needed for the hardware technique.

The advantages of hardware massage are many:

  1. Absence of trauma. This technology effectively removes fluids from the body, but soft tissues do not suffer. There are no bruises or smudges left.
  2. Hardware massage restores skin elasticity, restores its tone. With the help of various nozzles, it is possible to influence even the deep layers of the skin, thereby triggering various metabolic processes.
  3. The procedure is performed according to a special program, compiled individually. The specialist sets the pressure force, session duration and other parameters. Be sure to take into account the condition of the client's skin, the severity of the problem.

During the course of lymphatic drainage massage for weight loss, as well as before and after it, certain recommendations must be followed.

Preparing for a massage

Before each session, it is important to cleanse the skin - for this you definitely need to go to the shower.

During the massage, various aids are used - oils or creams, so you should use a scrub. So the skin will be better cleansed and allow massage agents to better penetrate the epidermis, that is, increase the effect of exposure.

During the massage course, it is necessary to give up bad habits - alcohol and smoking (or at least reduce their intake).

It is necessary to reduce the amount of water and food in the evening. Lymphatic drainage massage is usually performed in order to correct the volume of the figure or its contours, so it is worth combining it with a diet. This means changing your diet, serving size and how many servings per day, not fasting.

For drainage massage to be more effective, it should be done in the evening. It is not recommended to eat food a few hours before the procedure.

After the procedure

At the end of the massage session, it is necessary to observe a state of rest for 10 minutes. It's best to just lie down.

After the massage, you should not eat or drink for at least 2 hours. The next day after the session, it is important to observe the drinking regime - 2 liters of clean water. It is advisable to use it until the evening, and then limit yourself to liquids.

Effective after massage to do. This procedure allows you to prolong the outflow of lymph.

Duration and frequency of therapy

The duration of the course of drainage massage depends on the individual characteristics and performance technique.

The course of manual massage is usually 10-15 procedures, and for the hardware technique 6-12 sessions are enough. At the same time, the duration of one procedure also differs. Manual massage usually lasts at least half an hour, and for hardware exposure, 2 times less time is needed.

Between sessions it is necessary to do intervals. Depending on individual characteristics, they can be 1-3 days.

If lymphatic drainage massage is performed for preventive purposes, then two courses a year are enough.

For the purpose of treatment, courses must be carried out every three months.

For massage resorted to as needed.

Drainage massage to relieve tension is carried out not in courses, but in single sessions.

Do-it-yourself lymphatic drainage massage for weight loss

You can learn the technique of lymphatic drainage massage and perform it yourself.

Performing the procedure with your own hands, you should not forget about a few nuances:

  • Follow the lines of lymph movement (it is better to print a picture for yourself so as not to forget the correct directions - they are different for all parts of the body).
  • The skin should be steamed beforehand.
  • Use moisturizers. You can use special creams or oils for massage. The effect will be more noticeable if the products are selected depending on the problem (anti-cellulite cream, anti-wrinkle cream, etc.).

Massage can be performed for different parts of the body - each case has its own characteristics.


For lymphatic drainage facial massage, you first need to steam the skin, apply a moisturizer, and then follow the scheme:

  1. You have to start from the forehead. Movements should be light and stroking. The fingers should be closed and held with pads from the center of the forehead to the temples and up (to the hair).
  2. In the eye area, massage is performed with the middle and index fingers. First you need to move under the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner and in the opposite direction above the upper eyelid. 5-7 such circular motions are enough.
  3. From the cheekbones and chin, massage is performed with horizontal movements from the wings of the nose along the line of the cheekbones, from the middle of the upper lip to the ears, from the middle of the lower lip along the face line and from the middle of the bottom of the chin also along the face line.


Performing a foot massage on your own is quite problematic, but possible.

The lower part of the legs is best massaged while sitting. In this case, the legs must be raised - best of all on a chair. Behind the movements must be made along a flat vertical line from the heel to the knee cavity. From the front, you need to move vertically from the ankles to the knees, rounding the movements to their inner side.

Massage of the thighs should be performed with movements ending in the groin area. This applies to both the front and back of the thighs. On the sides, massage the hips towards the waist.


Hand massage is performed in the direction from the hands to the shoulders. To do this, grab your wrist and move easily to the elbow, and then from it to the shoulder. For each hand, it is necessary to repeat the movements 5-6 times.


To massage the abdomen, lie on your back. It is necessary to stroke clockwise around the navel, gradually increasing the circumference. Then you need to make movements from the waist line down to the inner thighs.

Lymphatic drainage body massage - video

We offer you to watch a detailed video with a drainage massage of the whole body to combat cellulite and excess body fat:


Drainage massage is undoubtedly very effective for weight loss and not only, but it may not be used in all cases.

Contraindications to such a procedure are:

  • skin inflammation;
  • trophic ulcer, pustules (vesicles, conflicts);
  • chronic diseases (stage of exacerbation);
  • erythema;
  • osteoporosis;
  • any diseases and damage to the skin;
  • severe varicose veins;
  • violation of arterial blood flow in the limbs (diabetes, atherosclerosis);
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • heart or kidney failure.

It is impossible to carry out lymphatic drainage massage if the menstrual cycle is in the active phase, that is, during menstruation.

It is worth refraining from such a procedure during breastfeeding and in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In any case, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of lymphatic drainage massage. Only he can make the right decision, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person.

Lymphatic drainage massage is an effective cosmetic procedure. When performed correctly, it will significantly reduce body fat, correct the figure and improve the general condition of the body. For efficiency, it is important to follow certain recommendations and contact specialists with the appropriate qualifications and experience.

"In advertisements, the word "lymphatic drainage" often flashes. I want to try it, but I don't know if I really need it. What is its use?" Olga Svetlova, Voronezh
Responsible candidate of medical sciences, therapist-aesthetician of the Moscow "VIP-Center" Anna Yaroslavovna GONCHAROVA.

Lymphatic drainage is an effective cleansing procedure and should be carried out regularly. The fact is that our lymphatic system can be compared to a broom in the human body. Yes, yes, it is the lymphatic system that collects and helps to remove toxins, substances used in the metabolic process, waste products.
In a young healthy body, this process is intense, but disease and aging slow it down. In addition, we ourselves often interfere with the lymphatic system to cleanse the body: we move little, stand on our feet for a long time, sit for hours at work in one position, for example, at a computer. Influenza, infectious and inflammatory diseases, unbalanced nutrition, passion for canned food, salty and fatty foods also make it difficult for the body to cleanse itself. Unfavorable factors include hormonal disorders, which lead to a delay in the body of salts and water. In the end, the lymphatic vessels become clogged and they noticeably narrow.
The process is especially obvious in the lymph nodes - these kind of garbage cans are overflowing with toxins and as a result, the lymphatic system simply stops working. On the one hand, this is poor health, fatigue, lack of energy, on the other hand, poor complexion, swelling, excess weight, sagging skin, cellulite.
To restore the patency of the lymphatic vessels, cleanse the lymph nodes and make the entire lymphatic system work normally, the body needs help from the outside. That's what lymphatic drainage is for.
Previously, it was performed manually, but it turned out that fragile capillaries and lymphatic vessels are easily damaged. For safe lymphatic drainage, it is necessary to strictly dosed and uniform pressure no more than 30-33 mm r. Art. It is even more important that the movements of the massage coincide with the heartbeat, are performed synchronously with the release of blood. When the heart contracts, blood rushes from the center to the periphery, and if this blood flow is increased with the help of massage, the metabolism is accelerated and the purification is more noticeable.
Therefore, physiotherapy devices are best suited for lymphatic drainage. One of the most effective is "Lymphodgey". It not only sensitively captures the contraction of the heart muscle, but also takes into account the tone of the tissues of various areas of the face and body. The device can vary the pace and strength of massage depending on age and gender. Under the influence of lymphatic drainage, the metabolism improves and excess fluid is immediately removed from the body, and this is your extra pounds.
Working in a different mode, the device affects the venous system. Varicose veins are released from stagnant blood and swelling of the legs, pain is reduced. Therefore, lymphatic drainage is especially useful for those who stand on their feet for a long time - saleswomen, teachers, surgeons, stewardesses.
If the procedures are carried out regularly, the working capacity increases, sleep normalizes, strength and energy are noticeably increased. Many women claim that they experience the feeling that, along with extra pounds, the body is shedding several years.
The most obvious result of lymphatic drainage is an improvement in skin tone. From lethargic and flabby, it becomes fresh and elastic, the complexion is restored, bags under the eyes disappear, swelling disappears, the “orange peel” of cellulite is smoothed out.
Along the way, lymphatic drainage solves many problems. For example, as the lymphatic system is cleansed, immunity is strengthened. After all, it is known that infectious inflammatory diseases, acne, allergic conditions are manifestations of weakened immunity. They develop because the most active and mobile young forms of lymphocytes, which are responsible for immunity, are washed out of the clogged lymph nodes chaotically and forcibly, simply for lack of space. In clean lymph nodes, they act actively, so the body is cleansed more intensively and better resists diseases.
How often can lymphatic drainage be performed? Even if it's constant, it won't hurt. But even if you do just one procedure lasting 30-40 minutes, you will immediately feel that the recovery program has been launched. If you conduct a course, a rejuvenated body will respond with a consistently excellent condition. In addition, the procedure is comfortable: you can completely relax and even take a nap, and the smart device will work on your body under the supervision of a doctor. He attaches electrodes to problem areas and monitors the progress of lymphatic drainage. You rest, and cellulite, swelling, gray sagging skin cease to be your problem.

Bags under the eyes, swelling and traces of scarring, inflamed areas on the skin, cellulite are problems that are associated with slowing down of the blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as with the retention of excess fluid and toxic substances in the intercellular space of the body.

A special procedure that involves the removal of excess fluid and metabolic products from the intercellular space is called lymphatic drainage. Cosmetologists advise the use of lymphatic drainage techniques to speed up the detoxification process.

Varieties and features of lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is necessary for such indications as:

  • obesity,
  • cellulite,
  • loose skin,
  • rash,
  • acne,
  • scarring,
  • scars,
  • varicose veins,
  • venous insufficiency, etc.

The lymphatic drainage procedure is multifunctional, since, depending on the degree of exposure, it can lead to different results:

  • restoration of water balance in the skin structure;
  • increased elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • weight loss;
  • elimination of edema, traces of scars, rashes and other skin problems;
  • improvement of blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • acceleration of the process of removing toxins and other harmful substances;

Classification of types of lymphatic drainage and their main functions

In cosmetology, lymphatic drainage procedures are usually classified according to their dominant tasks:

  • Superficial lymphatic drainage involves the impact on the upper layers of the skin, due to which the performance of the receptors improves, the skin muscles contract.
  • Deep lymphatic drainage activates regional lymph nodes.
  • Manual lymphatic drainage is a massage technique in which a cosmetologist-masseur influences the functioning of the lymphatic collectors using a special system of hand movements. Massage favorably affects the internal processes of the body and helps to speed up the process of removing toxins.
  • Lymphatic drainage, performed using a special apparatus, is a series of physiotherapy procedures. The main stimulants are ultrasonic waves, microcurrent, vacuum effect and controlled pressure.
  • Lymphatic drainage using microcurrent stimulates nerve and muscle fibers through current impulses. Most often, this procedure is performed for particularly sensitive areas of the skin.
  • Vacuum lymphatic drainage is another massage procedure. For it, drainage tubes are used, with the help of which the massage therapist activates blood flow to the tissues and improves lymph circulation in the patient's body.
  • When conducting lymphatic drainage-myostimulation, electrodes are used, which are sent to the lymph nodes and, with the help of an electric current, cause muscle contraction.
  • Pressotherapy is a type of lymphatic drainage procedure that affects areas of the body through pressure. For pressotherapy, special devices are used through which a stream of air passes. With the help of pressure, blood vessels and subcutaneous fat are stimulated.
  • Endermology is a procedure that improves the condition of the skin structure, helps to reduce the volume of problem areas of the body. In endermological lymphatic drainage, special vacuum-roller devices are used.

How effective are lymphatic drainage treatments?

Of course, no specialist can give exact guarantees. It all depends on the individual characteristics and susceptibility of the patient's body. Sometimes 40 minutes of lymphatic drainage is not enough to achieve the desired effect.

However, in 90% of cases, lymphatic drainage successfully copes with its tasks, since the effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

After the completion of the entire course of lymphatic drainage (the number of sessions is usually limited to 10-12), there is a smoothing of the skin, a noticeable improvement in its condition, the disappearance of manifestations of cellulite and edema.

Can lymphatic drainage be combined with other procedures?

If you care about the beauty and health of your skin, then most likely you will not be limited to one method. Lymphatic drainage procedures can independently eliminate skin defects and problems, restore its health. But also lymphatic drainage can be combined with anti-aging procedures.

For example, various types of body wraps (using a chocolate, honey or algae base) will be a useful addition to lymphatic drainage, helping to prolong and consolidate its results.

Lymphatic drainage - a dangerous procedure?

Lymphatic drainage is not a dangerous procedure, but, like many other cosmetic procedures, it has a number of contraindications that you should be aware of in advance.

The main contraindications for lymphatic drainage include:

  • skin diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • malignant tumors and inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thrombosis;
  • kidney failure;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy.

The lymph nodes are responsible for the outflow of fluid and the elimination of toxins. If the work of the lymph flow is disturbed, then swelling of the face and legs occurs, intoxication is possible. Relieves the problem of massage. Let's talk about the indications and contraindications of lymphatic drainage massage, about the benefits of the procedure.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

Many beauty salons offer a massage procedure that normalizes lymph flow. The service is in demand due to its high performance. The body is cleansed of harmful substances, thereby rejuvenating. Let's figure out what lymphatic drainage massage is, in which cases the procedure is indicated, and also when it is better to refuse to perform sessions.

Problems with lymph flow can occur due to malnutrition, constant stress, and other factors that have a negative effect on the body. A special massage technique is aimed at eliminating excess fluid from the body, removing toxic substances. Thanks to cleansing, lymph flow normalizes, tissues receive the necessary nutrition with the right amount of oxygen.. These are the main reasons why you need lymphatic drainage massage.

The technique for performing the procedure can be manual or hardware. All massage movements are performed along the lines of the lymph flow. The main movements during the procedure are stroking with pressure.

When is the procedure shown?

Indications for lymphatic drainage massage are the following factors:

  • swelling that occurs in the limbs and on the face;
  • overweight;
  • cellulite;
  • bruising, dark circles under the eyes;
  • problems with metabolic processes in the body;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • problems with blood flow;
  • stretch marks on the body left after surgery;
  • muscle tension;
  • headaches caused by nervous disorders;
  • age-related changes in the skin;
  • acne;
  • wrinkles;
  • general fatigue of the body.

In addition to these factors, there is a main reason why lymphatic drainage massage is needed. A variety of massage sessions is indicated in case of a violation of the blood supply to the internal organs. The procedure can be carried out for the purpose of prevention, or as part of complex therapy in the treatment of a disease associated with the lymph nodes.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Despite the obvious benefits of lymphatic drainage massage, sessions are contraindicated in some cases. First of all, the procedure should be performed only in a beauty salon. You can not endanger the body, and perform sessions on your own, without special skills.

The specialist must not only master the technique of performing massage, but also have information about all diseases associated with the lymph nodes.

The main contraindications to lymphatic drainage massage are the following circumstances:

  • thrombophlebitis occurring in an acute form;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • thyroid problems;
  • renal pathologies;
  • disruption of the heart muscle;
  • bearing a child with subsequent breastfeeding;
  • colds, accompanied by fever and fever;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the skin of a different nature;
  • herpes;
  • during menstruation;
  • fragility of blood vessels.

Considering the contraindications of lymphatic drainage massage, it is advisable to get a medical consultation before performing the procedure so as not to harm your well-being. If there are really no contraindications, the doctor will explain why lymphatic drainage massage is useful, and what problems the procedure will help to cope with in a particular case.

If you ignore the prohibiting factors, then the consequences of lymphatic drainage massage can be negative. So, if the massage movements are not performed correctly, pain may occur, and swelling will begin to increase. As a result of discomfort, you can get the opposite effect of the procedure. The specialist should monitor the general well-being of the patient during the session, and in case of a negative reaction, he should immediately stop the massage manipulations.

The effect of massage

Before signing up for a procedure to normalize lymph flow, it is advisable to have an idea of ​​what lymphatic drainage massage provides.

When performed correctly, the procedure gives the following effect:

  • due to the elimination of puffiness, fat deposits go away, which means weight is reduced;
  • headaches go away;
  • the skin becomes elastic, healthy shade, irregularities are eliminated;
  • metabolic processes in tissues are normalized;
  • the feeling of fatigue disappears;
  • good mood returns, general well-being improves;
  • certain areas of the body are corrected.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a benefit for the whole body. Properly conducted sessions stop the structural changes in tissues that occur with age. To get the desired result, you must complete the full course of the procedure. The usual course duration is 10 or 12 sessions.. Greater benefits from manual lymphatic drainage massage can be achieved if the course is performed in combination with other cleansing procedures.

Varieties of lymphatic drainage sessions

Massage to improve lymph flow can be performed on various parts of the body. The classification of the procedure depends on the treated area. Problems with lymph outflow can be on the lower extremities, on the face, especially in the area under the eyes. If necessary, the entire body is treated with special massage movements.

Let us consider in more detail each type of massage that improves lymph flow.

Foot massage

Violation of the lymph flow in the lower extremities may be associated with frequent stressful situations, low mobility. Problems with lymph outflow often occur against the background of bad habits, because of uncomfortable and poor-quality shoes. Foot massage, which improves lymph flow, is recommended for healthy people as a preventive measure.

Like any kind of procedure, lymphatic drainage foot massage has its own indications and contraindications for implementation. Unlike other types of procedures, you can massage your legs yourself. The procedure has the following effect:

  • relieves muscle tension;
  • eliminates puffiness;
  • relieves pain in the lower leg;
  • relieves vascular spasms;
  • eliminates dryness of the skin;
  • removes excess fluid. As a result, fat deposits disappear, the tuberosity of the skin disappears;
  • tightens muscles.

As for the benefits and harms of lymphatic drainage massage of the legs, the procedure normalizes the lymph flow, if there are no contraindications to its implementation. The technique is prohibited for dermatological problems with the skin, tumors of an oncological nature, and diabetes mellitus.

The massage technique for the lower extremities can be deep and superficial. The surface technique is performed using light massage manipulations, and is aimed at restoring the functions of small vessels.

The deep massage technique captures tissues at a deeper level, increasing blood flow. The technique allows you to get rid of excess fat on the thigh with buttocks.

At home, massage is performed as follows:

  1. first, the problem area is warmed up with light massage manipulations;
  2. for the next 20 minutes, massage movements go in the direction from the calf, then to the lower leg and femoral part of each limb.

Important: lymphatic drainage massage begins and ends with stroking, warming movements. Before and after the session, you need to stand under a contrast shower.

In salons, hardware lymphatic drainage of the lower extremities is practiced. This is a vacuum procedure using electrodes or special pants that allow you to target problem areas.

Lymphatic drainage of the face

Consider contraindications and indications for lymphatic drainage facial massage. The procedure is performed to maintain the elasticity of the skin, and is indicated for the following problems:

  • bruising, puffiness in the form of bags under the eyes;
  • sagging facial contour;
  • the presence of a double chin;
  • redness of the skin and acne;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • a pronounced crease between the nose and lips;
  • too dry or, conversely, oily skin.

Contraindications include the following situations:

  • small vessels close to the surface of the skin;
  • dermatological problems of the skin of the face;
  • any damage to the skin;
  • infectious pathologies.

Lymphatic drainage of the face is carried out with fingertips. In the direction of the lymph flow, the face is treated by performing the following movements:

  1. the forehead area is massaged with fingers in a closed position with the help of strokes. It is necessary to move from the center to the temporal region;
  2. starting from the bridge of the nose, you need to move to the lower eyelids, then to the temples;
  3. eyelids are massaged from the inside to the temples;
  4. using the index fingers, the wings of the nose are massaged, with the transition to the sides of the jaw from below;
  5. facial massage ends with strokes, starting from the chin and ending with the neck.

Special attention during lymphatic drainage massage is given to the neck and décolleté area. The following manipulations are performed:

  1. the palms are behind the neck, below the ears. Massage manipulations are performed, starting from the upper region of the neck, and ending with the lower, in the region of the beginning of the vertebrae;
  2. with gentle touches, the areas behind the ears, in the middle of the neck, and at its base are processed.

The duration of the session is 20 minutes. Each massage manipulation should be performed at least 5 times.

Lymphatic drainage body massage

There are contraindications and indications for lymphatic drainage body massage. Massage technique has a general strengthening effect on the body, normalizes blood flow.

Lymphatic drainage technique for the body is indicated in the following cases:

  • digestive problems;
  • failures of metabolic processes;
  • violation of the lymph flow;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • general deterioration of well-being, accompanied by a decrease in working capacity;
  • unhealthy look. These are bruises and swelling of the face, pale skin with a grayish tint, frequent headaches. This condition indicates a possible general intoxication of the body caused by a violation of the outflow of lymph.

You can not perform massage with the following problems:

  • with inflamed lymph nodes;
  • heart pathology;
  • vascular diseases;
  • skin inflammation of a chronic nature;
  • during infectious diseases accompanied by febrile conditions;
  • pathology of the stomach, kidneys and liver.

Lymphatic drainage of the body is performed once a week. The procedure is carried out in stages, and goes as follows:

  1. the chest is treated first with the patient lying on his back. Palm manipulations go from the central part of the chest to the armpits, then in the opposite direction;
  2. the intercostal space is massaged, from bottom to top;
  3. with closed fingers, pass up and down along the chest area.
  1. stroking and rubbing in a circle on the stomach are used;
  2. go from the navel, heading to the side areas in a clockwise direction;
  3. at the end, tapping is performed on the entire surface of the abdomen.

Lymphatic drainage of the abdomen eliminates fat deposits, tightens muscle tissue.

The back is processed like this:

  1. the skin is warmed up with vigorous strokes;
  2. massage cream is applied throughout the spine and on the sides of the body;
  3. palms lead along the lateral parts of the back, heading to the lower back, then back;
  4. from the lumbar region is massaging to the shoulders;
  5. shoulders are massaged in a circle to the sacrum, moving along the vertebrae;
  6. manipulate the ribs of the palms down, at an angle of 45 degrees;
  7. the lymphatic drainage massage ends with stroking manipulations from the shoulders to the cervical zone, reaching the place where the hair grows.

At the end of the massage, you need to stand in the shower, changing the temperature of the water.