Pressotherapy on legs. What to do before the session

Pressotherapy is a type of hardware lymphatic drainage massage using compressed air. basis therapeutic effect serves to accelerate lymph and blood flow. This is explained by the fact that air compression imitates muscle contractions and increases the speed of blood flow by 50%. As a result, swelling decreases and tone improves. blood vessels and metabolic processes in tissues.

It is worth noting that despite the pronounced positive effect that pressotherapy provides, there are contraindications for this procedure.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage - technique and effect on the body

The idea of ​​​​creating a device for carrying out this physiotherapeutic procedure belongs to the Dutch scientist Van Der Molen. He found that consistent stimulation of muscles through rhythmic compression restores the flow of lymph in the body and increases blood circulation.

Approximate price for a pressotherapy session

In beauty salons and clinics, the cost of one 30-minute procedure costs an average of 1,000 rubles. A subscription for 10 sessions will cost approximately 7,500 rubles. The price includes a consultation with a professional cosmetologist who will check general state health and will create an individual program.

This method great for those who lead sedentary image life, eats irregularly, undergoes rehabilitation after injury or surgery. According to research, one pressotherapy procedure can replace two classes in a fitness club or several sessions of classic, manual massage.

In pursuit of slimness, the fair sex is constantly trying various know-how. However, pressotherapy can hardly be called a “novelty” in the full sense of the word: for many years it has been used as a faithful assistant in rehabilitation after operations and severe injuries. The “slimming effect” is rather a pleasant bonus that ladies who are losing weight enjoy using.

What is pressotherapy and what are its benefits?

Pressotherapy is special kind massage performed with compressed air

Pressotherapy is essentially very similar to massage, only it is performed not with your hands, but with a special apparatus. Under the pressure of compressed air, lymph begins to circulate more actively in the subcutaneous tissues. The pressing device displaces stagnant water from cells and improves blood circulation.

How the Vacuum Roller Massage procedure is performed:

Mechanical impact of hardware cuffs on various areas body provides high-quality lymphatic drainage. Due to the fact that after the procedure everything improves significantly metabolic processes, problem areas gradually decrease in volume.

IN Lately pneumomassage is increasingly used not as a means of rehabilitation after injuries and operations, but as a effective method fight cellulite and obesity. At the same time, do not forget that at the same time the procedure has a general healing effect, helps remove toxins and remove swelling.


Compressed air therapy is a faithful assistant in the fight against cellulite

Pressotherapy is successfully used to solve many problems. The indications for the procedure are:

  1. Cellulite. The problem orange peel“Your thighs and buttocks often cannot be solved with diet alone, because the reason lies in impaired microcirculation in the subcutaneous tissues. The ill-fated “bumps” can only be broken with the help of an intense massage, for example, a hardware one.
  2. Obesity. One of the main problems of overweight people is a slow metabolism. Compressed air therapy tones the body and has a beneficial effect on any metabolic processes.
  3. Rehabilitation after injuries or operations. Changing the phases of pressure and relaxation stimulates a rush of blood to the desired area of ​​the body. Blood carries with it nutrients, thereby promoting the rapid renewal of damaged tissues.
  4. Swelling. There are many reasons why edema occurs, and this phenomenon cannot be ignored. Hardware compression massage not only copes with fluid stagnation, but also lymph.
  5. Phlebeurysm ( early stage). Pneumomassage has a moderate vasodilating effect, therefore it prevents vascular diseases and helps in combating them at an early stage.
  6. Syndrome chronic fatigue. After hardware lymphatic drainage every cell of the body feels relaxed and rested. Several procedures will help for a long time get rid of chronic fatigue that has accumulated for months.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite general security hardware massage, even it has contraindications. Before you seriously think about taking a full course of lymphatic drainage, you need to make sure that you do not have:

  • thrombosis;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • unhealed fractures;
  • kidney problems;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Also, pressotherapy sessions will have to be abandoned during menstruation and lactation (breastfeeding).


In order not to feel discomfort during pneumomassage, you need to prepare for the procedure in advance.

In order for compression massage to bring the desired results, you need to properly prepare for the procedure. So, how does the whole process work and what do you need to know in advance?

What to do before the session

Two hours before the start of the session, there are a few things to take care of:

  • by the time the procedure starts, the stomach should be empty;
  • It is better to empty the bladder in advance;
  • shortly before the massage, if possible, you need to take a shower.

Even before the cuffs are put on, the cosmetologist will conduct external analysis(inspection) to select the optimal compression level and required amount procedures.

It is also worth discussing everything with your doctor in advance. chronic diseases that you have. For example, if a woman suffers from varicose veins not at an early stage, but at a progressive stage, a cosmetologist may advise purchasing compression stockings and undergo a pneumomassage session in them.

How is pneumomassage performed?

Before starting the procedure, the person puts on a special suit, into which compressed air will be supplied a little later.

The pressotherapy session is calm and painless. The massage has a calming effect and causes pleasant sensations.

The cuffs apply compression pressure alternately to different areas of the body. Such alternation of areas of increased and low blood pressure causes a wave-like effect, as a result of which blood and lymph begin to circulate throughout the body much more actively, and the benefits of this are undoubted. Squeezing releases cells from excess liquid and accumulated toxins. Already after the first procedure appearance skin improves noticeably. On average, a session lasts 30–40 minutes. Quantity necessary procedures depends on the severity of the problems.

Demonstration of the technique (video)

Recovery period: what is possible and what is not

After pressotherapy sessions, you can immediately return to old life. Additional exercise stress will only enhance the effect of therapy

The big advantage of pressotherapy is that after a compression massage session you can safely return to Everyday life: It is not prohibited to sunbathe, exercise in the gym, etc. However, there are also unforeseen difficulties that sometimes arise after hardware pressure.

If configured incorrectly, the device's programs are too thin and weak blood vessels under pressure they are damaged, forming hematomas. The formations disappear from the surface of the skin on their own within 6–7 days.

How to get maximum effect and what to combine with for weight loss

Since pressotherapy is still a “passive” method of losing weight in order to gain maximum effect, patients sometimes have to include additional courses procedures.

So, what other cosmetic procedures will be useful in parallel with pneumomassage?

  1. Warming sessions with infrared thermal energy will help restore the skin to its former elasticity and firmness.
  2. Vacuum massage will help you quickly get rid of the appearance of cellulite.
  3. Cavitation sessions will be useful if overweight too much and one pneumatic massage will not be enough.
  4. will tidy up your facial skin and complete the image of a beautiful and well-groomed woman.

Pressotherapy or myostimulation: which is better?

Along with pressotherapy, cosmetology clinics often offer several courses of myostimulation.

People seeking to lose weight equate the procedures of myostimulation and pressotherapy, but they actually have different tasks and the principle of influencing problem areas is also different.

Pressotherapy Myostimulation
the main objective Stimulation of lymph exchange, metabolism and blood circulationMuscle stimulation, “passive” gymnastics
The essence of the procedure Exposure of large areas of the body to compressed airSpot impact electric shock to specific areas of the body
Duration of the procedure 40–45 minutes
How many sessions are needed? 15–20
Associated sensations Complete relaxation, no painFeels increased muscle tone
Output result Improved metabolism; absence of cellulite and reduction of silhouette volumesRelief muscles, like after long workouts in the gym; fit silhouette

Thus, myostimulation and pressotherapy cannot be considered as identical procedures. Rather, they complement each other: compressed air therapy gets rid of excess volume, and myostimulation helps give the body the necessary relief. This is why cosmetologists prefer to combine pneumomassage and electric stimulation in order to achieve top results.

A question of price and efficiency

The cost of a hardware massage course depends entirely on the number and duration of procedures performed.

The cost of pressotherapy sessions is determined by several factors:

  • geographical location of the clinic;
  • quality of the apparatus and suit for procedures;
  • the vastness of the body area that needs correction;
  • duration and number of sessions.

If we name average prices, then for one session, during which only one problem area will be treated, clinics charge an average of 1200–1500 rubles.

At first glance, it seems that the procedure is accessible even to the average woman. Cosmetologists do not set strict limits and do not require patients to undergo a course of pneumomassage to the maximum. At your discretion, you can choose the duration of the sessions and their number. This approach is convenient for clinics, because they will still receive their fee in the finals. But representatives of the fair sex should think about whether it is necessary to start therapy if you can only allocate 7-10 thousand rubles for it?

In order for a hardware massage course to bring the desired results, you need to complete 20 sessions lasting at least 30–40 minutes. 10 sessions is the bottom line, beyond which there is no point in going down, since there will be practically no effect from the therapy.

Pressotherapy at home: is it real?

Considering the prices that various clinics charge for hardware cosmetology, many women wonder whether it is possible to perform pneumomassage at home? This possibility exists, but you will first have to spend about 30 thousand on purchasing a special suit and apparatus.

If pressotherapy really helps you, then spending on such a device is worthwhile. Moreover, he has wide range actions: with the help of compression massage you can treat back diseases, swelling and others unpleasant phenomena that we encounter in everyday life.

The only caveat: before performing a hardware session yourself, you need to carefully study the instructions issued by the device manufacturer, otherwise you may not see the desired effect.

Doctors' opinion: does the procedure have an effect?

The pressotherapy method has been widely used in rehabilitation medicine for decades. Cosmetologists adopted this procedure relatively recently.

Generally recognized specialists in various fields of medicine widely use pressotherapy as an effective therapeutic method. Rehabilitation medicine has adopted hardware massage even before trendy beauty clinics started using it for weight loss. Basically, compression therapy sessions are prescribed after operations (especially after removal of mammary tumors), since surgical interventions often cause further problems with lymphatic and water drainage. Also, healing with compressed air is useful during rehabilitation after severe sports injuries.

So medicine has a very positive attitude towards compression massage. Another thing is that cosmetology establishments slightly exaggerate the ability of compressed air to fight cellulite. Beneficial effects on the skin and subcutaneous tissue Of course, it provides pneumomassage. But in order to decrease in volume by 5–10 centimeters in 20 sessions (namely, these are the “Before” and “After” photographs that are placed in advertising brochures), a sane person will understand that this is unrealistic.

Do you want your legs to be perfect, without venous network and swelling? Then you should pay attention to a procedure such as pressotherapy. Reviews, contraindications, cost, photos before and after this event - all this will be discussed in the article. We will also look at the process of carrying out the procedure, and you will find out whether it can be performed at home.


Pressotherapy is a type of therapy performed using a special suit, which consists of a belt, sleeves and boots. During the procedure, the human lymphatic system (which performs the function of protecting body cells from foreign substances, toxins) affects any malfunction of this system leading to swelling, extra pounds, cellulite, and unhealthy complexion. Also, a person’s immunity decreases, headaches appear, and performance decreases. And during pressotherapy, the movement of lymph from the center to the peripheral areas is activated, due to which stagnation is removed. As a result, the body is restored, reduced, removed muscle tension, venous blood is cleansed.

Why is the procedure necessary?

Pressotherapy is an event that has a positive effect on the body in the following ways:

  1. Helps get rid of cellulite.
  2. Is effective method figure correction.
  3. This is a great way to restore firmness and elasticity to aging skin.
  4. Helps normalize blood circulation.
  5. This is a kind of massage that helps relax muscles.
  6. After the procedure, swelling disappears.
  7. Skin cells are nourished, tissues are saturated with oxygen.
  8. The mood lifts.
  9. The skin acquires a natural shade.
  10. Liquidated

Carrying out the procedure

Now let's find out how this kind of massage is done. Pressotherapy is an event, before starting which you must undergo an examination by a specialist. The doctor himself determines the degree of a particular illness, and also develops an individual eight-step program.

For this process, a special apparatus is used, consisting of linings divided into parts. Depending on the treatment area, inflatable boots, cuffs, corsets, belts and gloves are used.

Before the procedure begins, a person lies down on a couch, one or more attachments are put on him, and a session called “pressotherapy” begins. Photos before and after such an event are shown below.

How is the session going? The specialist launches the program on the equipment by pressing the appropriate button on the device. During the process of pressotherapy, excess intercellular fluid from the body and excrete it naturally through the human renal system.

During this event, the patient experiences increased sweating, and the rhythmic vibrations of the pads create a massage effect.

Pressotherapy is a painful procedure. After its completion, a person feels lightness, warmth throughout the body, as well as an incredible surge of strength.

The total duration of one session should be no more than 40 minutes.


Pressotherapy is a procedure that is not suitable for all people. At the following features and health problems are prohibited from performing this type lymphatic drainage massage:

  1. If there is thrombosis or thrombophlebitis.
  2. With severe endarteritis.
  3. Patients who have hemophilia, vascular fragility.
  4. For skin inflammation, suppuration.
  5. If there are liver diseases, cardiovascular, renal failure.
  6. For fractures.
  7. Pregnant women.
  8. Girls during menstruation.
  9. If there are malignant formations.

How many sessions are required to achieve results?

Pressotherapy must be done full course, consisting of approximately 10-15 procedures. Sessions should alternate with breaks of 2 or even 3 days. And if a person needs a repeat course, it will be prescribed no earlier than six months later.

Do you know how effective a procedure called “pressotherapy” is (before and after photos can be seen in this article)? It turns out that one session is equivalent to 25 trips to a massage therapist. And, by the way, in addition to their healing properties This procedure also has a relaxing effect.

Event held at home

Today, not a single elite fitness center or beauty salon can do without a pressotherapy device. However, do not rush to believe that healing session can only be performed by specialists - this type of lymphatic drainage massage can also be performed at home.

To carry out such a procedure, it is enough to purchase a special device, which can be purchased at specialized stores medical equipment. Such devices will be discussed briefly below.

Popular equipment

We have already found out that there is not only salon lymphatic drainage, but also home pressotherapy. The devices that people began to purchase to perform these procedures have automatic programs and operate from a control panel. Therefore, after reading the instructions, anyone can master such a unit. The most popular models of pressotherapy devices are:

  • Power-Q1000 Plus. This is a four-chamber lymphatic drainage system with a modern design, an improved hose fastening system and increased level maximum pressure. This is a compact device, weighing only 2 kg. The kit includes one pair of cuffs for legs, arms, waist, massage insoles, connecting hoses.
  • Installing Happy System. This device is even smaller than the Power-Q1000 Plus. Its weight is 1.9 kg. The system configuration is similar to the first one. This device has 2 automatic and 9 individual modes.

Pressotherapy: reviews, photos

People's opinions about this procedure are positive. Most ladies go to the salon first for one reason - to get rid of cellulite problem areas. Everyone achieves results - not a trace remains of the orange peel. True, you should go to the salon not for 1 or 2 days, but for the full course, then the effect will really come.

Also, many reviews regarding the procedure are left on the forums by representatives of the fair sex who love to walk on Naturally, after they spend at least half a day in 10-centimeter stilettos, their feet will begin to hurt. For such girls there is a way out - to come to medical Center for pressotherapy, which will help relieve fatigue from lower limbs, and it will also relieve varicose veins.

Also, those people who had problems with swelling noticed an amazing result after the sessions: their legs took on a normal appearance, because thanks to the procedure, all fluid was quickly removed from the body. True, you should also maintain the correct water regime.

In addition to the fact that pressotherapy is an event that can, without special effort Getting your body in great shape is also a wonderful means of relaxation. Indeed, many people leave reviews dedicated to this positive point. Women, as well as men, note that even if they come to the procedure tired, bad mood, after the end of the session they leave full of strength and energy. And some patients even manage to fall asleep during such an event.

However, after reading positive reviews As for this type of lymphatic drainage massage, you shouldn’t rush to the salon and ask to sign you up for the procedure. First, you should visit a doctor so that he allows you to go to such a session. After all, do not forget that there are contraindications to the procedure, they were discussed above. In order not to harm your health, do everything thoughtfully and correctly.


The price of this type of lymphatic drainage massage is actually not fixed. There are many factors that determine the cost of the procedure. For example, if pressotherapy is performed on the abdomen, then the price is small, but if the session is also performed on the arms and legs, then the prices are completely different. The cost is also affected by the quality of the device itself and the suit, the level of the salon in which the procedure will be performed, the qualifications of the specialist, etc.

For example, pressotherapy in Moscow will cost an average of 1,500 rubles per session, but you need to complete a whole course (20 visits). You can calculate how much money you will have to give in this case - 30 thousand rubles. The result is worth it. Some people, having tried this type of lymphatic drainage massage and experienced its amazing effect, purchase home equipment and do the procedure themselves to save money.

Now you know what pressotherapy is and how it is performed. Remember that before going to a beauty salon for this procedure, you need to visit a doctor who will decide on the need for such a relaxing event. Reviews about pressotherapy are positive, so those who are allowed this type of lymphatic drainage massage should experience all the delights of therapy.

From state lymphatic system The health of the whole body depends. With age, lymph circulation can slow down and become impaired. To treat this pathology, lymphatic drainage is used with the help of hardware massage - pressotherapy, or pneumomassage. The use of this method of physiotherapy requires consultation with a doctor regarding contraindications, composition and type of procedures.

Basic anatomy of the lymphatic system organs

The lymphatic system includes a network of lymphatic vessels draining into the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts, nodes located along the vessels, as well as lymphoid organs.

The lymphatic system - in contrast to the circulatory system - is characterized by a low speed of lymph circulation, the absence of a pump pumping fluid through the vessels, an open circle of lymph circulation and unidirectional movement.

Lymph consists of blood plasma, which leaves the capillaries into the intercellular space. Then some of it is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream, and some into the lymphatic capillaries. All this occurs under the influence of oncotic and hydrostatic pressure.

IN lymphatic vessels there is a valve apparatus that provides one-way lymph flow. This should not be forgotten during lymphatic drainage massage, which should be carried out only in the direction from bottom to top to prevent injury to the valves.

Lymph nodes have a complex structure. With age they become smaller and their function decreases. Lymph nodes act as blood filters (cleanse from bacteria, viruses, altered cells, foreign protein) and enrich it with immune cells that are formed in them.

There are two types of lymphoid organs: in some, immune cells are formed and mature (thymus - T-lymphocytes, red Bone marrow– B-lymphocytes), in others these cells migrate (spleen, tonsils, Peyer’s patches small intestine, appendix).

In total, up to two liters of lymph circulate in the body.

The functions of the lymphatic system are:

  • Outflow of fluid from the intercellular space.
  • Formation of immunity (production of lymphocytes).
  • Transfer of proteins, electrolytes, hormones, destroyed cells.
  • In the presence of a tumor or infectious process With the flow of lymph, metastases and pathogens spread to other organs.

With age and with certain pathologies, the flow of lymph is disrupted, which leads to fluid retention in the intercellular space with the formation of swelling, elephantiasis, etc.

To improve lymph flow, lymphatic drainage therapy is used, which can be carried out in the form of manual massage or hardware procedures.


Pressotherapy is a hardware massage, the effect of which is aimed at improving lymph circulation throughout the body. In other words, such procedures are called lymphatic drainage, pulse barotherapy, pneumomassage, but the active factor - compressed air - is the same everywhere.

Hardware massage is more effective replacement manual massage.

Methodology of the procedure

The patient is put on a special suit, into which, during the treatment session, air is pumped alternately from the distal parts of the limbs (hands, feet) to the proximal ones (hips, shoulders). The air pressure and volume of manipulation are selected individually according to the indications and health status of the patient. The procedure can be performed on the arms, abdomen, thighs and legs.

Treatment is carried out in a course of 10-15 procedures, performed once every 2-3 days. The session lasts up to 40 minutes. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to repeat pressotherapy 2 times a year.

Therapeutic effects

These are:

  • removing excess fluid from tissues;
  • improvement of blood and lymph supply;
  • increased tone of the vascular wall;
  • weight loss;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • increasing the body's resistance to infections;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • improvement of metabolism.

Indications for pressotherapy

The pressotherapy procedure helps improve blood circulation in tissues and lymphatic drainage.

This method of physiotherapy is indicated if the patient has:

  • swelling;
  • lymphedema after removal of the mammary gland;
  • cellulite;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities and its prevention;
  • obesity;
  • the appearance of signs of skin aging;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • chronic venous insufficiency.


In some cases, pressotherapy is not recommended for the patient. As a rule, contraindications are:

  • damage to the purulent cover in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • decompensation of chronic diseases;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • ununited bone fractures.

Today it is possible to perform lymphatic drainage massage in both medical institution or a beauty salon, or at home. Special devices are sold for this purpose. This method of treatment will allow you to not depend on time and perform the procedure in a comfortable, familiar environment at home and at any time. convenient time. However, it is necessary to take care of prior consultation with a doctor. A lymphologist will evaluate everything possible risks, will correctly write down the necessary specific case course of treatment (area of ​​cuff application, strength of air pressure, session time) and will protect against complications and side effects incorrect use of pressotherapy.

Video on the topic “Pressotherapy”

Many ladies who want to lose weight with the help of lymphatic drainage massage are concerned about the pressotherapy protocol. Issues of weight loss occupy the minds of many women who try to use certain means, whole complexes physical exercise, But positive result they do not always manage to achieve it. However, recently, pressotherapy has become increasingly widespread, the effect of which is very impressive.

At the same time, this is not only a figure correction method that differs high efficiency, this massage is perfect for the prevention of a variety of diseases. The meaning is simple - a person puts on a special suit (separate cuffs for each part of the body), and compressed air is pumped into them at certain intervals. One such procedure can replace several sessions of manual massage. In this regard, a natural question arises: how often can pressotherapy be done? As a rule, its average course consists of 10-15 sessions; more correctly, their number is indicated depending on the state of the body.

However, it is known that a certain amount of time should pass between sessions, approximately 2-3 days. And the course cannot be repeated too often - it can be conducted no earlier than six months after the previous one. You can combine the pressotherapy procedure with other types of massage, but here it is strictly individual approach– you need to contact a doctor who will help you draw up a plan of procedures. The duration of one session is usually about half an hour. How many pressotherapy sessions will be needed depends on what the final result should be.
Fortunately, you don’t have to wait long for the first results - after the first session, an improvement in metabolism and blood circulation will begin, stimulating quick cleansing from all unnecessary waste.