Work with one hand. Earning with one hand, really? Make your left hand stronger

Most people during their lives train and develop only the right hand, and the left is given only a supporting role. But if our hands are the same, why not try to learn how to perform the same actions with your left hand, and why is this necessary?

The answer to this question lies in the way the human brain works. The left hemisphere controls logical thinking, speech, writing and is responsible for the work of the right half of the body, while the right hemisphere is the focus of intuition, creative perception, and coordinates the left half.

According to the observations of art therapists, the drawings made by the left hand are distinguished by extraordinary figurativeness, emotionality and realism. This is typical for artists, and those who have never been involved in drawing. In addition, people who have managed to develop the left hand along with the right, note how their life has changed with the inclusion of intuition in it and the activation of creative perception of reality.

According to one of the theories of classical psychology, the human personality is a set of subpersonalities - different internal images: Parent, Adult, Child. The first two are critical, reasonable and rational. They live in the left hemisphere. And the third, the Inner Child, spontaneous, irrational, creative - in the right.

Therefore, the development of the left hand is the establishment of contact with the creative essence of oneself.

By developing the left hand, a person makes the brain work more productively, connecting intuitive, creative channels to logic and rationalism.

There are several effective ways to develop the left hand, and regular training will definitely lead you to achieve.

Learn to write with your left hand

This is an exciting, albeit difficult, activity. To be successful in this endeavor, For a person striving for self-development, the goal will be to enrich logical thinking with creative potential.

To make training enjoyable, you need to comfortably equip your workplace. The table lamp is now on the right, while the left side of the table is left free, as there is now a hand and a writing pad.

A stylish pen and a bright notepad with a notebook will create the appropriate emotional mood so that when looking at them there is a desire to work. You will need lined paper for writing, as you will have to learn to write again. The main thing is that the process of writing with the left hand brings joy, otherwise the training will soon get bored and become ineffective.

How to arrange the notebook? To make your hands less tired during work, the upper left corner should be placed slightly higher than the right, and the left elbow should be conveniently placed on the table.

For writing with the left hand, you will need writing utensils longer than usual, since the left-hander holds the pencil a little higher than the right-hander, the distance from the sheet of paper to the grip of the pen is 3-4 cm.

For the development of writing technique, left-handed copybooks will be needed in order to display letters first, and then phrases, as first-graders do. So the technique of writing will develop and develop. If such activities are not to your liking, then you can write down your thoughts or write out your favorite quotes from books, catch phrases.

In the early stages of training, it is better to write in block letters, then switch to capital letters. You need to start by writing the alphabet. You can also use the technique of tracing text written in pencil with a pen. For fun, the method of mirror writing is suitable. The letter on the contrary, with a turn of letters by 1800, will help to achieve the desired result. So did Leonardo da Vinci, in whom both hands were equally developed. In addition, writing from right to left is natural for left-handed people with a dominant right hemisphere.

To achieve success, you need to practice regularly for several minutes. This will bring more benefits than infrequent but long workouts.

Training is not limited to a specially allotted time for this. The left hand should be loaded at every opportunity. For example, write down phone numbers, prescriptions and other useful information.

Training the left hand requires a lot of patience, time and effort.

And it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately achieve visible quick results, so on the way to self-development you will have to stock up on patience and endurance. You should not expect a good writing speed at the first stages of training, the quality of writing, that is, a practiced skill, control of a previously naughty left hand, will be more important. The speed of writing will develop in the next stage of work.

Draw with your left hand

The most successful way to train. After all, the right hemisphere of the brain develops, where the creative potential is laid. Drawing allows you to better develop the motor skills of the left hand. First you need to put dots on paper, then connect them, make a schematic drawing. It is useful to start synchronous drawing by using both hands, gradually leaving the left hand in the work.

Use your left hand in daily work

Constantly use the left rather than the right hand in everyday situations: brush your teeth, comb your hair, use a fork, spoon and other cutlery. When the skills have not yet been worked out, you can not use sharp objects: a knife, a needle, a straight razor, so as not to injure yourself.

The left hand must be constantly used, bringing the movements to automatism. Do not forget about the goals of developing the left hand, reinforce the work with positive motivation so that the classes do not get bored and bring benefits.

The following tips will help you remember to exercise. For example, write on the palms: "Right", "Left". Performing this or that action, use not the right, but the left hand. Visual memory will definitely work. It is useful to wear a watch not on the left, but on the right hand. An unusual sensation will remind you that everything is now done by the left hand. You can stick stickers with the inscription: "Left" on various household items (door handles, telephone, refrigerator, electric kettle).

Make your left hand stronger

In addition to writing, physical exercises are necessary to train the left hand.

  1. Ball exercises. Throw a tennis ball up and catch it with your left hand. After hitting the ball against the wall, catch it with your left hand. It is advisable to use rackets and, as the skill improves, change large ones to small ones. Classes in the gym with a basketball court will help improve the actions of the left hand. Stand to the right of the basketball basket and throw the ball into it with your left hand. Make 10 - 20 throws. In addition, it is useful to learn to dribble as easily with the left hand as with the right. To achieve the result, keep your right hand behind your back.
  2. Playing badminton with your left hand will bring tangible results.
  3. Weight lifting. It is necessary to shift the power loads from the right hand to the left. For this, manual expanders, dumbbells are suitable. Weight should be increased gradually.
  4. Juggling. This is a useful, exciting and spectacular activity that develops dexterity and coordination of movements. You need to juggle three to four balls.
  5. . The construction of most musical instruments requires the use of both hands equally. Yes, you can learn how to play the guitar. Guitarists pay great attention to the development of the fingers of the left hand. For this, a whole system of exercises has been developed. It will be useful to learn how to beat out a drum roll.
  6. Swimming lessons. Perfectly develops coordination and, accordingly, the brain. In all types of swimming, both hands are equally involved.
  7. Spinning eating. Another good way to develop the left hand. For the lesson you will need balls on the ropes. Holding the ends of the ropes with your hands, perform rotational movements.

The list of exercises can be supplemented by anyone who wants to engage in self-development, in accordance with their own imagination and hobbies.

The development of motor skills has a positive effect on the work of the brain, makes the reaction faster, thinking becomes flexible. However, at first, you should not expect a quick result. The opposite effect is possible. Due to the increased load on the brain, the speed of thinking and concentration slow down significantly, but as soon as the brain adapts, it will begin to work much more efficiently than before.

Skeptics are wondering: is this not a myth? And is it worth the effort? However, scientists have long proven the connection between manual development and brain function. When exposed to reflex points located on the hands, impulses are sent to the central nervous system. Acupressure affects the internal organs. For example, when massaging the thumb, an increase in brain activity is achieved.

The development of the left hand improves not only brain activity, forcing the “gray cells” to work more actively, but also encourages sports, makes you move more, improve the body. And as a result - the achievement of the next step on the path to self-improvement.

Acquiring the skill of using both hands to the same extent is the development of new thinking, the transition to a qualitatively new level of life, the enrichment of the logical, rational principle with creativity and intuition.

    Bodyweight exercises are just as effective for achieving a strong muscular body as weights. Push-ups on one arm are one of the classic and most difficult movements. Perfect technique requires a lot of strength - having achieved a clear trajectory, you will definitely get one more reason to be proud.

    What muscles are working?

    To understand the mechanism for the correct execution of the exercise, first you need to figure out which muscles work with push-ups on one arm? In general, the same muscle groups that are involved in the usual ones are included in the work:

    • large pectoral muscles;
    • triceps;
    • deltoid muscles;
    • biceps;
    • rectus and oblique abdominal muscles;
    • serratus anterior muscles;
    • gluteus maximus;
    • hamstrings;
    • quadriceps;
    • calf muscles;
    • latissimus dorsi muscles.

    The difference between the options is in the accentuated load on certain muscle groups. In the "one-handed" version, the calves, hamstrings and quadriceps play a less important role. This significantly increases the load on the broadest. Since one of the key anchor points is lost, the body needs stabilizers to balance. In this context, the lats are just the stabilizing muscles.

    The role of certain muscles increases or decreases depending on the position of the body, arms, pelvis and legs. The closer the execution technique is to the ideal, the greater the load on the triceps, deltas, abs and stabilizers. The ideal technique is the technique that requires the most effort. More about this in the relevant section.

    The benefits and benefits of exercise

    Push-ups on one arm - an exercise that will make you much stronger and more resilient. Thanks in part to Paul Wade, author of The Training Zone, these movements have become known as prison push-ups. Paul spent many years in the dungeons, where he developed tremendous strength almost exclusively through bodyweight training. And push-ups played one of the main roles in the development of the power of Wade's body.

    Although the prisoner did not practice weight lifting, one day he became embroiled in a curious argument. The author of a motivating book was offered to speak at one of the championships. In an effort to prove the advantage of the inventoryless system, Paul accepted the bet. Without much experience with the barbell, he managed to take third place. This is the effect of powerful exercises designed for natural load.

    Growth in strength

    Regular push-ups quickly become a simple exercise, the intensity of which can be increased, mainly by increasing the number of repetitions. Eliminate one hand, and the load increases by an order of magnitude. Try to make the movement perfect, and from above the “physics” will throw another order. People who can do push-ups on one hand, no one can ever call weak. At least their feet never crossed the threshold of the gym.

    © takoburito -

    Stamina increase

    Over time, with the growth of physical capabilities, the same situation occurs as with the "classics". The body adapts to the load and responds to training with increased endurance. Athletes capable of multiple single push-ups have excellent body control and are much less tired under normal conditions than mere mortals.

    Ability to practice anywhere

    If a prisoner in solitary confinement managed to become a titan of "physical education", then complaints about the lack of suitable conditions look ridiculous and pathetic. The benefit of one-arm push-ups is that they can turn an untrained person into a role model in a matter of months.

    Paul Wade ended up in prison at 23. With a height of 183 cm, he weighed only 68 kg. With such parameters in the dungeons is not easy. But, starting to train hard, a year later he was one of the strongest prisoners. Wade is not alone - often his "colleagues" surprise with physical abilities. His example and others like him are illustrative - they demonstrate the potential of bodyweight training. By the way, on our website in the section you can find many exercises for working with your own weight.


    Advanced push-ups require coordinated muscle work. Along with strength, the ability to control your body also grows. The body "learns" to work in monolith mode - some groups are closely related to others. An excellent example of a person who subjugated “physics” to consciousness is Bruce Lee. Little Dragon also did a lot and often push-ups.

    Bruce Lee push-up record on one hand (on two fingers) - 50 times. Partly because of this, he became a "spring man", ready and able to move like a cat to another position at any moment.

    weight loss

    Push-ups are an energy-intensive exercise. By regularly testing the body for strength, you can make rapid progress in losing weight. Now the bar has become fashionable - an effective exercise for the press. But push-ups, you are actually doing the same plank in motion. Without relying on the second hand, it is more difficult to do the exercise, therefore, the return from it is higher.

    Health Improvement

    Regular push-ups on one arm help to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Thanks to them, the heart is strengthened and the potential of the respiratory system is increased. They have a beneficial effect on bones and ligaments - they become stronger.

    Positive psychological impact

    Few people know how to do push-ups on one hand technically. Agree, it's nice to be part of a small group of athletes. Perhaps you are indifferent to the envy and admiration of others, but in any case, you will get the right to be proud of yourself.

    But it's not even about pride or bragging. The transformation of the body's capabilities leads to an increase in self-esteem. The transition from one state to another is invariably accompanied by a positive psychological effect. Even seasoned weightlifters or powerlifters are not able to perform this exercise. A tiny percentage of people can train with perfect technique. Isn't it nice to be in such company?

    © undrey -

    Execution technique

    There are many variations of this exercise. Some of them are designed for beginners, others are only for advanced athletes. Consider the technique of the classic, most complex version. Starting from it, you can reduce the load - this allows you to master the movement gradually, regardless of the starting capabilities.

    The reference option resembles regular push-ups. The visual difference is only in the "disconnection" of one hand. No one will succeed right away, no matter what physical strength the athlete possesses. Here you need special skills and “sharpening” of muscles and ligaments for this exercise.

    Classic push up

    Push-up technique on one hand:

    • starting position - the body is one line, legs shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, the working hand is under the shoulder, the other hand is on the hip or behind the back; three reference points: palm and toes;
    • while inhaling, keeping the starting line of the body and legs, lower yourself to the level of touching the floor with your forehead; strive for minimal twisting of the body and tilt of the shoulder - both help in mastering the exercise, but reduce the load;
    • as you exhale, return to the starting position.

    reference variant

    Signs of a reference performance:

    • shoulders are parallel to the floor;
    • case twisting is minimal;
    • legs no wider than shoulders;
    • chest and head as close to the floor as possible;
    • the pelvis is in line with the body.

    Most people who are supposedly capable of such push-ups are misleading others and themselves. By sacrificing a little perfect technique, you can make it much easier to perform. Bend your pelvis slightly, help yourself with the shoulder of a passive hand, set your legs wide - it will be much easier to do push-ups. Such push-ups may delight the uninitiated, but why deceive yourself?

    Nevertheless, technical flaws can only be considered as such in the context of an ideal performance. Until you have fully mastered the exercise, you can and should sin. Yes, it won't work otherwise. To get the ability you want, you'll need variations on the classic variant.

    Types of exercise

    The described types of push-ups on one hand are designed to help you get to the reference performance. From a technical point of view, it is not necessary to use all of them. It is enough to choose the right one and smoothly go to the goal. But practice shows that variety in training leads to faster progress.

    Push-ups with partial support on the second hand

    You will need some kind of support - anything that is higher than the floor and is convenient to use will do. Execution scheme:

    • IP is similar to the classic one - with the difference that the free hand is laid aside and rests on a bar, ball or something else; in such a position, full reliance on the passive hand is impossible, but partial support is enough to provide a noticeable reduction in the load;
    • work, concentrating on the efforts of the working hand.

    As you progress, focus more attention on the working side of the body, less and less using the opposite.

    Push-ups using the second hand

    To facilitate the exercise, you can do push-ups on two hands, but put one of them on the back (the so-called L7 variant). This will create an additional point of support, but in such a position it is impossible to fully rely on the second hand. Discomfort contributes to the automatic shift of emphasis to the work area. The execution scheme is similar.

    Push-ups with arms above legs

    We've known since high school that it's easier to do push-ups in a position where your arms are higher than your legs. This scheme also works with single movements. Place your working hand on a bench, bed, or any other platform. Try to complete the exercise following the reference technique. Choose suitable angles of inclination, regularly reducing them. Nuances

    Contraindications and precautions

    One-arm push-ups are not for beginners. The exercise requires a solid physical base and an understanding of the technical nuances. There are few contraindications, but they exist. Push-ups without relying on the second hand are not recommended for people who:

    • have problems with the elbow, wrist and shoulder joints;
    • suffer from heart disease; a large load on the “engine” of the body can lead to big problems, if there are prerequisites for this, a doctor’s consultation is necessary;
    • received muscle and/or ligament sprains.
    • move on to prison push-ups only after you are able to do push-ups on two hands at least 50 times; this preparation is enough for a safe entry into the reduced movement;
    • do not move on to trying to master the ideal technique of a full-fledged exercise until you have mastered the preparatory types at the proper level;
    • strive for a variety of workouts - this will allow you to use various small muscles that do not work in another version; as a result, you will progress faster;
    • in parallel, strengthen the involved muscles with other exercises; special emphasis is recommended on the press and triceps;
    • remember that the reference version is just one of the types of push-ups; it is necessary to strive for it, but other varieties can be considered both preparatory and independent; "Minor" options can be easily complicated, for example, by using weights; in addition, less complex variations can (or should) be performed “at times” - if in a full movement you are only capable of 1-2 repetitions, then the truncated ones will allow you to work on endurance;
    • monitor the state of the body; with severe fatigue or pain, you do not need to do push-ups.

    Common Mistakes

    Unless we are talking about a purposeful departure from doing perfect push-ups, mistakes can be considered:

    • elevation of the pelvis; it is worth raising it a little, breaking the straight line of the body and legs, and a significant part of the load will go away;
    • the desire for the complete absence of twisting of the body; minimal deviations from the axis are not just acceptable - without this, it is impossible to do push-ups on one arm; at least so far there has not been a single recorded case;
    • the starting position of the working hand, in which the balance of the body is impossible at this stage of physical capabilities or in general; it is fraught with a fall;
    • trying to work to the limit - this can also lead to loss of control and falling face down on the floor.

These exercises can be performed by both adults and children, they invigorate, tone up, relieve fatigue, heaviness in the head, help to cope with drowsiness that is undesirable at the moment, sharpen attention and memory, and also significantly increase the ability to concentrate on the work being done.

Kinesiology is the science of developing mental abilities and achieving physical health through movement exercises. It includes a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge from naturopathy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, oriental medicine, homeopathy, etc. With the help of kinesiology techniques, health is strengthened, basic mental processes are optimized (memory, attention, thinking, speech, hearing, imagination , perception), mental performance increases, psycho-emotional state improves. A lot of kinesiology exercises have been developed - I selected only those that are convenient to perform in a sitting position, including while working on a computer. And I don’t have a drop of doubt that they really help, otherwise I would have abandoned them a long time ago, and for a long time I have been resorting to them daily, since they are simple and do not require time.

Top 9 Kinesiology Exercises

Exercise "Hooks"

To relieve tension, calm the nervous system, concentrate and quickly restore psycho-emotional balance - you need to sit on a chair, cross your legs, putting the ankle of your left foot on the ankle of your right foot.

Then cross your arms, placing the wrist of the right hand on the wrist of the left hand, then join the fingers in the lock, so that the thumb of the right hand is on top of the thumb of the left hand.

Turn the interlocked hands in front of the chest “inside out” so that the clasped fingers point upwards. Look straight ahead, look up, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper palate (you can press the tip of the tongue against the hard palate while inhaling, relaxing it as you exhale).

Sit in this position for 1-5 minutes until a yawn appears or until you feel enough.

This technique (it can also be performed standing or lying down) only at first glance seems simple and uncomplicated. Kinesiologists say that with such a crossing of arms, legs and fingers, complex processes occur, leading to a balanced work of the motor and sensory centers of both each hemisphere of the brain, and midbrain which is directly above the hard palate. At the same time, the unification of emotions and thought processes (strengthening of interhemispheric integration) is achieved, leading to the most effective work (learning) and response to what is happening.

Exercise "Mirror Drawing"

Put a blank sheet of paper on the table. Take a pencil or felt-tip pen in both hands. Start drawing mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters, numbers with both hands at the same time. This exercise relaxes the eyes and hands. When the activity of both hemispheres of the brain is synchronized, the efficiency of the entire brain will increase markedly.

By the way, in kinesiology there is such a curious technique, not only useful, but also fascinating. Most of us perform routine daily physical activities with our right hand (left-handers with our left). But what if you experiment, trying to brush your teeth, comb your hair, pick up certain objects, and so on, with the other hand? Research shows that performing a normal action with your “uncomfortable” hand activates new areas of the brain and helps develop new connections between brain cells. Such exercises children like it very much.

Exercise "Ear - nose"

Grab the tip of your nose with your left hand and your left ear with your right hand. Simultaneously release the ear and nose, clap your hands, then change the position of the hands "exactly the opposite."

Exercise "Poker"

Turn the raised foot inward and swing it back and forth 8 times. The same with the other leg.

Exercise "Saint"

This pose is perfect for relaxing after work. Sitting (you can stand or lie down), keep your legs parallel, without crossing. Connect the fingertips of both hands in pairs, as if clasping a small ball, and place the hands in front of the chest. The gaze is directed downward, the tip of the tongue is clamped between the teeth. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes, until a yawn appears or until you feel enough.
Exercise calms, relieves neuromuscular tension, harmonizes mental processes. Kinesiologists claim that it improves the separate work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Exercise "Fronto-occipital correction"

When a feeling of anxiety, insecurity, excitement (or even stress) arises, the so-called fronto-occipital coverage helps. Place one hand on the forehead, the other on the back of the head. To focus on. After taking a few deep even breaths, calmly state your problem. If you can't speak out loud, just think about it. Sit like this for a couple of minutes. If a yawn occurs, it means that the body is already getting rid of tension.

When the hand touches the forehead, there is an influx of blood, it begins to circulate better through the frontal lobes of the brain. In this part of the brain, analysis, awareness and evaluation of the problem take place, and ways out of such a situation are determined. On the back of the head is a zone that visually perceives those images that are then stored in our memory. Applying the palm to this area stimulates blood circulation. A person, as it were, erases problems, images, negative situations in this way. Thanks to deep breathing, oxygen enters the blood, the air is ventilated - and the negative disappears from the body. The exercise gives the desired result.

Exercise "Energizer"

Place crossed arms on the table in front of you. Press your chin to your chest. Feel the stretch in the back muscles and the relaxation of the shoulder girdle. With a deep breath, tilt your head back, arch your back and open your chest. Then, as you exhale, relax your back again and lower your chin to your chest.

As a result of these actions, the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle relax, the level of oxygen in the blood rises, the vestibular apparatus is activated, and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system increases.
This is a simple but effective exercise that I mostly use while working at the computer. If you perform it for 5-10 minutes, then the feeling of fatigue decreases, or even completely disappears, the “head works” noticeably better, concentration of attention increases.

Exercise "Brain Buttons"

This is a mini-series of three exercises, as if turning on the "electrical system" of the body. As a result, the blood supply to the brain and the work of both its hemispheres are activated, the concentration of attention increases, and the perception of sensory information improves.

Exercise relieves mental fatigue, helps you focus on remembering new information, and even improves coordination. In addition, they promote relaxation, relieve nervous tension(and very useful, by the way, for hyperactive, excitable people, both adults and children).

Perform each exercise with each hand for 20-30 seconds.

    With the index and middle fingers of one hand, massage the points above the upper lip (middle of the nasolabial fold) and in the middle under the lower lip. The palm of the other hand at this time lies on the navel. At the same time, you need to look in different directions: left-up and right-down, etc. Then change the position of the hands and repeat the exercise.

    Place the index and middle fingers of one hand, slightly pressing, under the lower lip. At the same time, massage the coccyx area with the fingers of the other hand. Repeat the exercise by changing the position of the hands

    Place the palm of one hand on the navel. Massage the coccyx area with the fingers of the other hand. After 20-30 seconds, change the position of the hands.

Exercise "Elephant"

This is one of the most integrating exercises in Paul Dennison's Brain Gym. It activates and balances the entire body system "intellect-body", improves concentration.

So, press the ear tightly to the shoulder. At the same time, extend one arm, like an elephant's trunk, and begin to draw a horizontal figure eight with it, starting from the center of the visual field and going up counterclockwise. The eyes follow the movements of the fingertips. Then change hands. Perform the exercise slowly, 3-5 times with each hand.

I really enjoy this exercise and do it quite often throughout the day. Particularly intriguing is the assertion of experts that "Elephant" allows you to reveal hidden abilities and expand the boundaries of the capabilities of the brain. published

Bobruisk resident Valery Alekseev had his arm torn off at the age of 25 - an accident at work. At first, he was afraid to scare people with the fact that he did not have an arm. Now the inhabitants of the city would rather be surprised if they see him with a prosthesis. In the past, the foreman of a tire factory, today he glorifies his native city in plays, produces musical groups, travels a lot and does not get tired of proving that even now one can live no less actively.

“The feeling that there is a hand is always with me. She is compressed, I don’t feel my elbow, here is a fist ... and as if someone is pulling her biceps. It hurts all the time and now it hurts. But you can live with it, I have no time to think about it, ”- says Valery and smoothly moves on to another topic.

For many years in a row, he combines several jobs at once - he was a journalist, editor-in-chief, camp counselor, physical education teacher, screenwriter, producer. With his plays, he tours around Russia and Europe, the play "Silver Wings" in his native theater has become one of the most successful commercial projects. With wards from the rock band "Land of the Fashion Queen" Valery visited many famous music festivals. And in the gym, the interlocutor shows the class: with one hand he lifts a weight of 120 kg. It seems that it will not be possible to list all Valery's hobbies: with every minute of the conversation, something new opens up.

If you briefly describe the story of a famous Bobruisk resident, it may seem fictional. He graduated from a motor transport college, served in the Marine Corps, went to work in the dirtiest workshop of Belshina, where he dealt with rubber, sulfur and fuel oil. He could not even dream of a creative profession, he did not even suspect that he had the ability for this. After the accident, the path to the plant was closed for him, for obvious reasons, he had to look for what to do next in life. Found.

About how his life would have turned out if this terrible tragedy had not happened, Valery prefers not to talk: “You can’t say that it’s so wonderful that my arm was torn off”. But having survived the tragedy, the interlocutor says, he began to relate to time in a completely different way, and this helps him today. “You can refuse something, refer to employment, to disability, to anything, but time does not wait ...”.

About life before the accident

Why did I go to the factory? It was "pseudo-originality". I misunderstood my mother, she told me: study, son, the tire will not leave you. And I thought that it was some kind of shameful profession - to work at a tire shop, and deliberately went to the dirtiest shop. And you know, I was happy there.

At the plant, if there is some kind of trouble, you don’t need to ask anyone and explain anything. People just run and help. These are other people, let them be some kind of rude, and sometimes it is not interesting with them, but they are different ... I always felt like an ordinary person, no better than them and no worse. I didn’t think about development then, I thought about how to make more rubber. My sister lived with me with a child and a husband who did not earn much. I went to donate blood, it was the 90s. I worked in such a way that the ingredients were hidden from me, they were brought away by a loader so that I had something to work with for the next shift.

How did it happen?

I remember that day, I finished my work and sat and rested for half an hour. There was an accident, the granules stuck together, and we, violating safety precautions, pushed and pushed these granules. There was a person behind the remote control, either he pressed something wrong, or I did something wrong, but most likely - all together, and the hand failed. It didn’t hurt at all, on the contrary, it was interesting: the hand went at an angle - perpendicular. And then I saw that my head had already gone - and managed to come off (I tore off my arm. - Approx. TUT.BY). I stand calmly, and the feeling is like running away from a dog. And then, in horror, I realized everything and thought that I would no longer tie my shoelaces ... And then I reconciled that now there would be a different life. Began to argue. Laces? So you can buy Velcro shoes. I bought a new coat, will the sleeve hang out? Well, you have to give it to a friend and not think about it.

And then I realized that I need to go to the people. I came, two people immediately fainted, one ran away, and then they searched for him for two hours. And only one thin woman, thin, held my vein until the ambulance arrived. I was driving in an ambulance and thinking about the people I worked with, that I embarrassed them, this is a scandal! When they put me on the operating table and put my hand next to me, I asked if it could be sewn on. It turned out that no, there are 47 fractures, she is simply crushed. Then he regretted for a long time that he had not touched his hand: how so? I’m here, and she’s there, somehow we didn’t agree initially ... But now I understand that she was cold, and I don’t regret it.

Why me?

I knew what it was for me. Because there was a time that I felt offended, crippled. It seemed to me that I had many trials: a nephew with cerebral palsy, hard physical work, in three shifts. I weighed 46 kg with a height of 1 m 80 cm. Although, in principle, then everyone lived poorly, I received an even larger salary - $ 15, and everyone received 10. I wanted to suffer and look like a martyr - and here you are. This is all business for me. I say so without anger, indeed, I think so.

First days in the hospital

In fact, I was dying for three days. I slept, and there urgently called doctors, cleaned and injected new drugs. I woke up and remembered that my friend was getting married in a day, and I was supposed to be a witness. The wedding then came to me. Everyone was allowed into the intensive care unit to say goodbye to me. There were 36 people, they all looked miserable, I made great efforts to calm them down. He said it was great that we all gathered. To get together like that, one must either die or get married. I was motionless, twisted, lying on one side.

When you survive...

And then - well, just happiness. When you survive, you don't care what you buy, what you save for, what you wear. The only thing that matters is that you're alive. My brigade came to me, which collected money for my funeral. Where were they to go? They brought them to me, it was a huge amount, I had a whole nightstand of money. A partisan lay with me alone, he was shabby, for some reason he always walked in winter boots and smoked Astra. I say: you are a hero, we will smoke Marlboro. Here are your sneakers, suit - you're a hero! And we really became friends with him. Then new ones came, “jaw-breakers” – those that break their jaws, mostly alcoholics. I also became friends with them. Organized a choir of grannies there. I say: why are you just sitting with crutches, but let's sing? After 5 days I say: start walking, why don't you go? He took the crutches in his armful and left. He arranged cockroach races in the hospital, there were a lot of cockroaches. All these "jaws" brought their cockroaches, and whoever came first, I gave him "Marlboro", money.

Never been so happy again

There was no scandal at work, no one was imprisoned, I am alive, the whole city comes to me - this is happiness! There was a fight in line for the right to give me blood. I think how not to love such people? And plus a girl that I never even dreamed of, the most beautiful girl in school, came and said that she loved me. More precisely, at the moment when we said goodbye, I told her that I love, because I thought I would die. And I was so lucky, just incredible! Everyone was surprised: he was running so twisted (they even called me Hook in the hospital), and the most beautiful girl comes to him, he tries to pinch her somewhere, to retire.

Then I bought myself a sports uniform, like football players. In the hospital they ask: “Are you a football player?”. I say - yes, the club, the national team, so they tore off my arm - I joked a lot. And with the burial of the hand, you know what an adventure it was? They sent a nurse to a cemetery on the outskirts of the city, she was supposed to bury her hand during the day, but she arrived at dusk. And then someone passed by and thought that they were grave robbers, called the police. The nurse had to dig out his hand, then bury it again. When I found out about this, I said: “Did you bury your gloved hand? I had a ring there, didn’t you take it? She was frightened again, I immediately rushed to reassure - just kidding. It was fun.

Another life

Then, when a surgeon came in six months later and said to be discharged, my first reaction was: why? I felt intense fear. In the hospital, everyone was the same, I didn’t have a hand, that one had a tooth, that one had a broken leg, everyone was disabled, everyone felt sorry for each other and communicated on an equal footing, wonderful. You don’t feel the time, you don’t rush anywhere.

Artificial world: I have a lot of money, but it doesn’t happen like that, you have to earn it! And then they just gave me them, fed me and regularly visited me, if they were late, they apologized. And I thought that they would all be infinitely glad that I was alive. But that ends. People have their own business. You just have to live. And for me it was a shock that it was all over. I went to a new life, one-armed - to the family of "two-armed".

How I used to live with one hand

He lived for a week with his parents and went to his house on the outskirts of the city. He said that they would not come to me for two weeks so that I could adapt. They won't take care of me for the rest of my life, will they? Immediately it was necessary to melt the stove, I collect firewood in an armful, I come, but the door must be opened! I throw off firewood, open the door, take firewood, and there is a second door, and I started crying. And then how he laughed at himself: yes, take a basket on a string, drag it and that's it! He melted the stove, it became so good, it was warm, it was necessary to cook food. I decided to cook the simplest - scrambled eggs. I beat an egg with my left hand, but it does not fall into the pan, the second, the third. I'm crying. Then I thought, why is it necessary to drive eggs into boiling oil? I smashed it into a bowl and everything. Ate, crunched. Then I realized that I needed to wash. How? I'm crying. He climbed into the bath, stepped on his clothes, shook his head and laughed. Well, why did I cry - what a fool ....

Shame and embarrassment

I lived in the house, and my mother said: come back. I took a pillow in my hand and went to the city. And I didn’t think that it was still necessary to hold on to public transport. Didn't count. I was standing in this bus, I fell, and I felt so ashamed ... They began to give up my seat. So uncomfortable was this attention at the time. Now I would behave differently, I would say: well, I fell, Plushenko will not come out of me. Everything through humor. And then I was so ashamed of it, I was sweating all over, got off at the bus stop, put a pillow on the bench and went back. And a woman says to me: “Why did you throw her, it’s veshch!” I returned with this pillow, and it was in such absurd and large daisies ... Well, I still suffered a few stops, got out on my own, and there was a crowd of people near the stop. I went to find out, I look: and there a woman is giving birth. I thought that's why I carried a pillow with me! And some Bobruisk resident, probably, was born on daisies.

Learn everything again

Almost immediately learned to swim in the pool. I had a charger. But then I no longer thought about myself, but about others. I stood up on the pedestal so that people could see that I have one arm, otherwise the child might see me by accident and get scared. And I swam, I had a "Chapaev" style.

And then he learned to skate and ride a bike. It seems, where does the hand? And the coordination has changed, it turned out that with one hand I run somehow differently. I used to play football for Belshina, I played well. And then you go out - and surprisingly, your legs are in place, they give you a pass - it would seem, one-time, you took the ball, but then it was very difficult for me, the body did not obey. There is no hand, but the legs do not obey. I cried. And then my friend was a watchman at school, and I went to study at night. And I learned.

He also could not write with his left hand - he took a copybook and studied from scratch. It's not that hard, you just have to sit and practice. How do I tie my shoelaces? Yes, I don’t tie anything, I just put them inside and went.

How did you become a journalist...

The girl said to me: who will you be now? I thought about it ... and accidentally became a journalist, and then accidentally rose to the chief editor. A friend got a job as a photographer in a Bobruisk newspaper, they lacked a sports columnist there. The editor said - go to football and write, but I still couldn’t even write properly with my left hand. Dictated to mom, gave. And when the newspaper came out, I simply laughed: who are these crazy people who published an article and signed my name? Well, how? People finished something, studied, and this random one… Then I was ashamed, I began to educate myself. And then - responsibility and work as the chief editor, slept for 3 hours. There were moments of happiness when the newspaper was already made, you read the news that you yourself wrote, and you read it first, and the city is still sleeping.


Then a friend went to the Mechta camp near Bobruisk and told me what happiness and what responsibility there is. I arrived there, and there - the children are just amazing! To be honest, a few friends and I turned the whole camp upside down. There was such a friendship with the guys that they refused trips to Germany. You can think of everything with love to make it interesting. I no longer had any thoughts that I would scare the children, by that time I was relatively famous in the city. Well, of course, if a person appears at all mass events without a hand!

We made a boxing championship in the camp. Two friend-educators - two fools, decided: let's arrange entertainment for the children! And he has two hands, and I have one. We stood on the stage, the whole camp was standing, 600 people were watching. He tells me: for real or not? I tell him: if you give in, I will kill you. And we messed around so much, he knocked out my eye, I gave him a nose. I won on points, we stand beaten and say: we were fine then, and now, why did we do it?


I am a music lover, I went to concerts, I was always interested in music. Organized rock festivals and concerts in Bobruisk. I once interviewed the Fashion Queen Land group, listened to them, and this is amazing music! But they had no money, and I had savings. I paid their expenses as far as possible. They released 5 clips, some more successful, some not. But Belarus, unfortunately, is a small country, and it is still unprofitable for us.


Once I organized a concert in the theater, at first they agreed on some proportions of payment, and then I saw others. I ask: why? They answer me: the theater needs to be fed. Then I brought a pot of borscht there and said, let me feed you. And then I decided to write them some popular musical play, a musical. Silver Wings was one of the most popular early plays and paid off in the first year. The whole troupe is busy there - about 30 people. And then I started working on others, in which I perform alone.

One girl came up to me after the performance and said: “I am so guilty before you, my mother is a ticket attendant, and I went like this ... But I don’t have any money with me, take a pear and a waffle.” Can you imagine?

I don't know what depression is

You know, there are more requirements for me now than for a healthy person before. Because I take on everything, and everything works out for me. I can write one article, and then they say: can you write five? I say I can. I'll do it, I won't sleep, but I'll do it.

In general, I consider myself an idler, because I don’t do something that can go into the budget. You see, art, performances - it's not so important. We spent a wonderful evening, rejoiced for each other - and well. People work at the tire shop and deduct money for me every month. But I didn’t do some kind of heroic deed, I didn’t save someone. They just pay me money. Therefore, I do not have depression and resentment. People pay you all your life, and you are still offended by them? Go - work again in three shifts!

Personal life

Unfortunately, I have such a busy personal life that it's time to go to the monastery and atone for sins. I have a tongue and eyes and a heart - where does the hand come from? It’s a sin to complain, many women devoted a lot of time to me, but I didn’t pay enough attention to them, disappointed ...

I have no children, now I take the child from the orphanage for weekends and holidays. We met him about two years ago. I organized the distribution of fruit at football, that is, I wrote in the newspaper - bring one banana each, I will bring them to the orphanage. And he made it a tradition - now they do it without me already. There, in the orphanage, I saw this boy, learned that he was taken to the family, and several times, and given back the next day ... I felt so ashamed of all mankind. How can you take it and give it back the next day?

I also train with my nephew with cerebral palsy, a master of sports in running. He could not normally go to the store before, he could neither write nor read properly. At first I arranged him in my entrance as an elevator operator, and somehow a few days later the estimator came and shouted at him why he did not turn off the engine, he could have been stolen. He says: I have no strength. I said: let's go swing. A year later, he became the bronze medalist of the European Bodybuilding Championship, the sixth in the world. And then we started running, playing football, he is now in the football team, he entered the university. We traveled with him to different countries, Prague, Paris, Athens, Rome, we know these cities.

With two hands - it will no longer be me

I wanted to put a prosthesis earlier, the shoulder blade was rearranged in Moscow, the tire specialist paid for the operation, which was expensive at that time. And then they said that there was no money for a prosthesis, it is not clear why they tortured me. I went several times, asked, but then the prosthesis was expensive. I couldn't raise that amount. Now it costs 3 thousand dollars, and I can afford it, but now the situation is different. I'll scare the city if I go with both hands. Now I no longer need a prosthesis.

Phantom pains are always there. It was as if you put your hand into a jar of boiling water, it swelled up, and you tore off these bubbles. I sometimes talk with my hand (imaginary - approx. TUT.BY), I feel it, that's how you live all your life. Especially in the spring and autumn, the pain is exacerbated very much. But you can live with it, it's not a problem.

Other disabled people

I am the least affected disabled person. I have a friend who is a director, he has no brushes at all. Vova is a DJ, he is paralyzed, one head works, and he cannot breathe. We chat with him, laugh, he found me a year and a half ago. He called, he said, I have music in my head, and I saw you on TV, help me, I have no arms, no legs. I told him: I will not lisp with you. We found a composer for him, he grabbed everything so easily and began to compose for real. We have already recorded 6 or 7 songs with him. He feels great, I go to him not to console him, I go to warm myself. He offended me once, I say: you will now get in the face. He says: nobody beat me for 9 years, hit me. We are offended, quarrel, put up with him, this is an absolutely normal person.

So I met a week ago with a girl in a wheelchair, the legs do not work and one weak handle hangs down. She was on the Silver Wings and wrote: how could she live without this performance? I found her, met her, she paints pictures. We will also develop somehow with it.

Inequality symbol

I am always not for equality, but for inequality. The inequality of stupid and smart, talented and not very talented, red-haired and bald, we cannot be equal from the very beginning, we are all different. I was absolutely not an excellent student at school, but somehow I got on the Board of Honor. I asked to leave the class, I see: children are being photographed, and I also went. And when the photographer brought the photo and asked the head teacher who was in this photo, she told him. And then, after all, the Hall of Fame was not made the way it is now, in removable files. There was thick plexiglass, the welder welded it on and went to the factory. And I hung there next to the son of the director of the school, by the way, he received several educations, in my opinion, he even worked in astronautics. And I was there, just a good guy. Everyone was serious, smart, and only I was smiling and was in a tracksuit. This Board of Honor hung for a long time, until the welder was found, after 5 years.

This is how I am - a symbol of inequality.

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Hello everyone, Andrey Kosenko is with you.

Do familiar things in a new way

Today we continue to talk about self-development. This time I will tell you about a rather interesting exercise, which I myself practice from time to time, and which I also recommend to you. This exercise will require very little time from you, just a few minutes a day, in addition, you can combine it with your daily activities, but it will have a very, very strong and positive effect on your brain development.

So, the meaning of the exercise is as follows: to start doing your daily activities and habitual procedures in a new way. For example, if you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, then start brushing them with your left hand. Or change it periodically: one day hold the toothbrush in your right hand, and the next day in your left. Or, for example, you work at a computer, hold the mouse with your right hand, then right now take it and shift it to your left hand and try to work like this for a while.

Stimulation of brain development

It is clear that the first moments your brain will resist, you will feel some extra movement of thought, you will scroll through all your actions, additionally control them. But after a while, you will begin to develop new connections, and it will already be easier for you, for example, to control the mouse with your left hand. Then, after a while, you will shift the mouse back to your right hand, and then back to your left, and so you can change the hand you work with during the day.

What is it for? It is necessary for the development of your brain. With this exercise, new neural connections are developed in your brain, new parts of your brain are activated, it begins to use more of its resources, to use more of its potential. Plus, your concentration increases. Try eating with the other hand, that is, holding a fork, knife or other cutlery in a different hand than usual, try to perform any familiar actions with the other hand. For example, you can also start writing with the other hand, this also stimulates the brain very much, activates it very much.

Using both hands

Plus, for example, if we continue the subject of the letter with the other hand, then I recommend the following exercise: take one pen in one hand, another one in the other hand and start drawing some figure in parallel. To begin with, you can simply draw crosses with both hands, then complicate the exercise and draw a cross with one hand and a zero with the other. Then you complicate it even more and draw a square with one hand and a triangle with the other. Then you can generally start writing different words with different hands, that is, write one word with one hand and another one with the other.

It turns out that in the process of this activity your brain will switch very, very quickly between one action and another, it will “creak” very much, strain very much, but such an explosive training is very, very good for your brain. Therefore, try, practice this, and you don’t have to do it for a particularly long time, you don’t have to sit for half an hour and write. Literally, draw with two hands for a maximum of five minutes, write with both hands. You can generally include the rest of the exercises throughout the day, just replace them with your usual actions. That is, brush your teeth with the other hand, shift the mouse to the other hand, or use cutlery with the other hand.

Following the example of the great

Believe me, this has a very, very strong effect on the development of your brain. For example, the same Gaius Julius Caesar and, say, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, they could write with both hands. We will not consider the contribution to the history of these people, but the fact that they were geniuses, that their brain worked above the average level, is undeniable.

In fact, everyone can master it, only practice is important. Just give yourself five minutes every day and you will succeed. Therefore, start right from the current moment, shift the mouse to the other hand and forward to the development of your brain. I'm sure you will succeed!

Thank you all, Andrey Kosenko was with you. See you in the next casts, bye everyone!